soal dan pembahasan tryout bahasa inggris kelas 9 / xi smp malang

TRY OUT UJIAN NASIONAL SMP NEGERI / SWASTA KABUPATEN MALANG MATA PELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS TAHUN PELAJARAN 2010/2011 Petunjuk : 1. Tulis Nama Peserta, Nomor Peserta, dan asal Sekolah 2. Pilih satu jawaban yang paling anda anggap benar dengan mengarsir pada lembar jawaban 3. Gunakan pensil 2B dan karet penghapus yang sesuai 4. Jumlah soal 50 butir harus di jawab semua CHOOSE EITHER A,B,C OR D FOR THE CORRECT ANSWER Read the text and answer question number 1. Read the text to answer number 2. Dear Rinda, I am feeling so blue for missing your birthday. Happy Birthday Hope you have great life Yours, Widi 2. Widi felt … because she could not come to the birthday party. A. unhappy B. surprised C. delighted D. amazed Read the following text and answer questions 3 to 5. 3. Where did the writer and his family set up their tent? A. Near the river. C. At the back of the river. 1. What does the above text suppose you to do? A. To play games around the place with children. B. Not play around the area with children. C. To watch children play around here. The weather was very clear. I and my family decided to go camping last holiday. Father prepared the tent and other equipment. Mother prepared the cooking and eating utensils. I took my fishing rod and my brother brought his sport equipment. When everything was ready, we left for the camping site in countryside. . There were many campers when we arrived at the camping site. Unfortunately, the good location near the river had been occupied by other campers so we had to look for another place. Finally,, we found a good place little bit further. It was near the big tree. After setting up the tent, my father and I went fishing. We joined other people sitting on the rock near the river. A

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Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang


Page 1: Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang



Petunjuk :

1. Tulis Nama Peserta, Nomor Peserta, dan asal Sekolah2. Pilih satu jawaban yang paling anda anggap benar dengan mengarsir pada lembar jawaban3. Gunakan pensil 2B dan karet penghapus yang sesuai4. Jumlah soal 50 butir harus di jawab semua


Read the text and answer question number 1.

Read the text to answer number 2. Dear Rinda,

I am feeling so blue for missing your birthday.Happy Birthday

Hope you have great life

Yours, Widi

2. Widi felt … because she could not come to the birthday party.A. unhappy B. surprised C. delighted D. amazed

Read the following text and answer questions 3 to 5.

3. Where did the writer and his family set up their tent?A. Near the river. C. At the back of the river.B. Near the big tree. D. Far away from other campers.

4. What is the purpose of the text above?A. To describe a camping site.B. To give instruction how to set up the tent.C. To retell the writer’s past camping experience .D. To inform people the new camping site.

5. “…the river had been occupied by…” The underlined word is similar in meaning to…A. inhabited B. authorized C. bought D. grabbed


1. What does the above text suppose you to do?A. To play games around the place with children.B. Not play around the area with children.C. To watch children play around here.D. To be careful because children are playing there.

The weather was very clear. I and my family decided to go camping last holiday. Father prepared the tent and other equipment. Mother prepared the cooking and eating utensils. I took my fishing rod and my brother brought his sport equipment. When everything was ready, we left for the camping site in countryside. . There were many campers when we arrived at the camping site. Unfortunately, the good location near the river had been occupied by other campers so we had to look for another place. Finally,, we found a good place little bit further. It was near the big tree. After setting up the tent, my father and I went fishing. We joined other people sitting on the rock near the river. In the evening, father made a fire. Mother cooked the fish we caught. I could say that it was the best fish I had ever tasted. Sleeping in the tent was a very wonderful experience. I woke up early in the morning. I felt fresh. Then I accompanied my brother playing ball. In the afternoon, we came back home.


Page 2: Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang

The following text is for number 6 to 8.Dear Lia, I Have a boyfriend. He is my senior at school. He is religious, smart and wise. Most girls at school like him very much. I feel so lucky that I have him. The problem is that my Mom doesn’t like him because he has a dark complexion. I think religion is more important than anything else. I’m so confuse. As a good daughter I must obey my mother. But I don’t want to loose a good boy like him. What should I do to convince my mother?


6. The Writer has a problem with ......A. Lia B. Her friend C. Her boyfriend D. Her mother

7. Why does the writer’s mother dislike her boyfriend? Because.........A. he is a religious boy C. he is a good boyB. he has a dark complexion D. most girls like him very much

8. The word “I” in the text above refers to.....A. Inge B. Lia C. Mother D. Daughter

Read the following text to answer question number 9 and 10.MILK CALCIUMDietary Supplement600 mg 100 Soft gelsSupplement FactsServing size : 1 soft gelAmount per 1 soft gel % Daily Value*Vitamin D 200 IU 50Calcium (from milk) 600 mg 60Zinc 15 mg **Daily value has not been establishedOther ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified WaterDirections: As a dietary supplement, take one soft gel for adults daily.Manufactured for: EXP 04 27 10NU-HEALTH PRODUCTS CO. LOT 27 05 61Walnut, CA 91789Made in U.S.A.

9. When would it be best to consume the product?A. Before April 27th , 2010. C. During April 4th, 2010.B. After April 4th, 2010. D. On April 4th, 2010.

10. “Daily value has not been established.” (Line 10) What is the meaning of the word “established”?

A. Ordered. B. Determined. C. Carried D. Helped

The text below for question 11 to 13!

11. What is the social function of the text above? A. To inform an old town, kota Baru C. To describe Kota Baru town B. To retell Kota baru town D. To amuse the readers

12. Which one is not stated on the text? A. Kota Baru town is an old town C. There are many buildings in Kota Baru

B. Kota Baru is quite town D. Many people are in the park on Saturday

13. It is near a bank. The underlined word refers to….A. A supermarket C. A big post officeB. A park D. A restaurant

Read the text below and answer question 14 and 15.

This is Kota Baru town. However, it does not mean that it is a new town. In fact, it belongs to the category of old towns. Kota Baru itself is really a big town.

In this town, there are many buildings. There is a big post office. It is near a bank. The bank itself is next to a supermarket, and behind the bank is a restaurant. In front of the bank there is a park. This park is pretty crowded especially on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

To: DonaPlease forward to others, there is no scout meeting this week since Mr Brown hasn’t come yet from Egypt. It’s cancelled until he is back.


Page 3: Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang

14. The scout meeting is cancelled because of Mr Brown’s…. A. absence B. meeting C. coming D. information

15. ‘’Please forward to others…”The underlined word refers to …A. Dona and Riri C. Mr. Brown and DonaB. Riry and Mr Brown D. scout members

Read the text to answer questions 16 and 17.

16. Where should you go if you want to get some meals?A. At Sun loungers and pavilion terrace. C. At a tropical oasis.B. At the Laguna Pool Terrace. D. At poolside.

17. “… and pavilion areas create ample space for …”The underlined word has same meaning with ….A. big B. wide C. large D. plenty

The following text is for question number 18 to 21.Once upon a time, there were a king and his queen who lived in the kingdom of Belinyu.They

didn’t have any child.Until one night, the queen had a dream of a turtle. It said that the queen would have a baby, and she had to give a komala necklace to her baby. The queen woke up and she was holding a komala necklace in her hand. She told the dream to the king, and he was very happy.

Shortly, the queen ’s dream become reality, she delivered a beautiful baby girl. The king named her Komala. She grew up as a pretty girl, however, she had a bad attitude because her parents always spoiled her too much.

One day, komala heard her parents were talking about the turtle in her mother’s dream. She thought that the turtle was very interesting animal, so she wanted it as her pet. She insisted to find, and the king allowed her to look for the animal.

Accompanied by the king’s guards, Komala searched the turtle, and finally, she found it in a beach. She shouted to it. ”Penyu busuk wait for me,” in several times, but the turtle kept swimming. Komala ran after it into the sea, she tried to catch it. Until then she finally drowned and disappeared, and all of her guards could not save her. Now, people call the beach, Penyusuk.

18. What does the story tell us about?A. A bad attitude girl.B. A kingdom in Belinyu.C. The legend of Penyu BusukD. The legend of Penyusuk beach.

19. Komala had a bad attitude because ....A. She was a princessB. Her father was a king.C. She was a beautiful girl.D. Her parents spoiled her very much.

20. Why did she insist to find the turtle?A. It was very interesting.B. It kept swimming.C. It was very boring

Page 4: Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang

D. It was amazing.21. Until then she finally drowned.... (last paragraph). The synonym of the underlined word is....

A. DissapearedB. FloatedC. SwamD. Sank

Read the following text to answer questions 22 and 23.

22. Who is in charge of the program? A. Student. B. Teacher. C. Ms. Retno D. Student organization.

23. The text is about ….A. Programs to celebrate the National Education DayB. explaining special programs in JanuaryC. inviting students to come to school in JanuaryD. informing some programs on Jan 4th, 2011

Read the text below to answer questions 24 to 27.

24. Where can we find cacti mostly?A. In the jungle. C. On the mountain.B. On the beach. D. In the arid and hot region.

25. Why do Cacti mostly bloom at night?A. Because their flowers are large.B. Since Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants.C. Since Cacti are pollinated by nocturnal insects.D. As the afternoon period is used for photosynthetic process.

26. The text is written to ….A. give information about American Cacti C. describe Cacti in generalB. explain physical feature of Cacti D. tell Cacti ‘s life

27. “Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which …”The synonym of the word “distinctive” is …A. typical B. antique C. unique D. different

ANNOUNCEMENTTo: All students of Junior High School 1 Kalipare.

To celebrate the National Education Day the students Board Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest, English Story Telling contest and Wall Magazine Competition. The programs will be held on January, 4th , 2011, 8 am – 1 p.m.All classes must take part in the programs and should report their participation to their own teachers.

For detailed information, please contact Ms. Retno, the coordinator of this program.

A cactus (plural: cacti) is any member of the plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas. They are often used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants. Cacti are grown for protection of property from wild animals, as well as many other uses.

Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales, which also include members like beets, gypsophila, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb, buckwheat, plumbago, bougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass.

Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments, showing a wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve water. Their stems have adapted to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have become the spines for which cacti are well known.

Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height of 19.2 m, and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm in diameter at maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and like the spines and branches arise from areoles. Many cactus species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by nocturnal insects or small animals, principally moths and bats. Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and columnar.

Page 5: Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang

Read the following text to answer questions 28 to 31.

28. What’s the text about?A. The instructions to prepare crisp roast duck. C. The steps to make a delicious food.B. What’s needed to make some food. D. How to make crisp roast duck.

29. What do we need to prick the skin of the duck?A. Salt. B. Black pepper. C. A sharp fork. D. Boiling-hot water.

30. What do we do to tighten the skin of the duck?A. Rinse duck inside and outside. C. Pour boiling-hot water over duck.B. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork. D. Cool the duck.

31.“Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.”

What is the meaning of the underlined word?A. Make a small hole in something. C. Put something on the body.B. Brush something on the surface. D. Cut something into small pieces.

Read the following text to answer questions 32 and 33.

32. Where will the graduation party be held?A. At Osis room. C. At Kalpataru school.B. On Sudirman street. D. Gardu Pandang.

33. How long is the graduation party carried out?A. 2 hours. B. 3 hours. C. 9 hours. D. 11 hours

For questions 34 to 37 choose the best words to complete the letter.

34. A. will have B. am having C. had D. have35. A. tame B. fierce C. big D. nice

36. A. while B. when C. before D. After

37. A. me B. I C. we D. he

Crisp Roast Duck

Ingredients:1 long island duck2 cups boiling-hot water1 tablespoon salt1 teaspoon black pepper

Steps:Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200° C.

Rinse duck inside and out. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.

Pour boiling-hot water over duck (to tighten skin). Cool duck.

Rub duck inside and out with salt and pepper.

Roast duck, breast side up, until skin is brown and crisp, then remove from the oven.

Crisp Roast Duck

Ingredients:1 long island duck2 cups boiling-hot water1 tablespoon salt1 teaspoon black pepper

Steps:Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200° C.

Rinse duck inside and out. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.

Pour boiling-hot water over duck (to tighten skin). Cool duck.

Rub duck inside and out with salt and pepper.

Roast duck, breast side up, until skin is brown and crisp, then remove from the oven.

All Students of Grade-IXYou are invited to:GRADUATION PARTY 2011SMP KALPATARUDay/Date : Saturday, the fifteenth of Julytwo thousand and elevenTime : 10 a.m. – 01 p.m. Venue : Gardu PandangJl. Sudirman kav. 9 – 11 MALANG

*Invitation card available at OSIS room.

Dear Aunty,I … (34) a two-year-old male cat. He is a stray we allow into the house but he loves the outdoors. There is the other big cat in the neighborhood who is rather…(35) . My problem is … (36) a fight with the big cat, my cat returns home with bleeding scars. Sometimes I‘d wake up in the middle of the night to rescue him from a fight. Please tell … (37) how to end this problem. I don’t want to give him away.


Page 6: Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang

38. Arrange the following words into a good meaningful sentence. but – she – must – soon – is – Melly – here – leave

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A. 6- 7- 4- 1- 2- 5- 3- 8 C. 2- 5- 7- 1- 6- 3- 4- 8B. 8- 6- 4- 1- 2- 7- 3- 5 D. 6- 5- 7- 1- 2- 3- 8- 4

39. 1. First, they are difficult to find.2. They are only found in a few places in the world. 3. Diamonds are very expensive for several reasons. 4. And finally, they are very beautiful.5. People use diamonds to cut other stones.6. Second, they are useful. 7. They stay the same for millions of years.8. Third, diamonds do not change.

The best arrangement to make a good paragraph is … .A. 5- 3- 6- 2- 1- 4- 8- 7 C. 3- 1- 2- 6- 5- 8- 7- 4B. 5- 3- 1- 2- 4- 6- 8- 7 D. 3- 2- 1- 5- 6- 8- 7- 4

Read The following text for questions 40 to 43.

40. What is the e-mail above from?A. [email protected] C. [email protected]. [email protected] D. [email protected]

41. Why does Wright require the brochures today?A. She needs to fly to Canada.B. The career fair has already startedC. Her colleagues need the brochures for the next day.D. Her colleagues are leaving at 12:00 a.m. tomorrow.

42. “…and they need the package that contains … .” (paragraph 2). The word ‘they ‘ refers to … .A. my colleagues C. Wright’s colleaguesB. your colleagues D. customer’s colleagues

43.“Can you please investigate and …” (paragraph 3). The underlined word can be replaced by … A. ask B. find C. examine D. look for

Read the text to answer questions 44 to 46.

44. What is the purpose of the text? It is to … .A. Entertain the reader C. tell someone’s experienceB. Inform on a successful person D. describe a particular person

45. Anne is one of the … of George VI.

To : [email protected]: [email protected] : Delivery status

Date: January 6, 2011On January 4, I sent a package from the U.S. to Canada. Your firm promises overnight delivery but the package sent on January 5 in the morning has still not arrived.

Our trade fair takes place tomorrow morning at 9:10 a.m. My colleagues are setting up our booth this afternoon, and they need the package that contains our brochures and pricing information.

Can you please investigate and get us our package on time (within 24-hours) as your advertisements promise?

Thank you,

Candy Wright

Elizabeth II, born on 21st April 1926, is the eldest daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She married Philip Mountbatten, a distant cousin, in 1947. The pair has four children: Charles, Prince of Wales, Anne, Andrew and Edward. She is the first monarch to send her children to boarding schools in order to remove them from the ever-probing media. She has a strong sense of duty and diligence. Her knowledge of current situation and trends is up to date. She possesses a sense of humorous rarely exhibited in public where a dignified presence is her goal.

Page 7: Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang

A. Sisters B. Nieces C. daughters D. granddaughters

46. “She possesses a sense of humorous rarely exhibited….”The underlined word means….A. hidden B. found C. shown D. given

Read the letter below to answer questions 47 to 50.

47. What is the letter about?A. Samuel’s holiday. B. The Gold Coast. C. The Movie World. D. The Rain.

48. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A. The weather in Gold Coast. C. Samuel’s activities in the Movie World.B. Academy Show. D. A great holiday in the Movie World.

49. Where did Sam spend his holiday with his family?A. In the Gold Coast. C. In Lethal Weapon

B. In the Movie World. D. At the Police Academy.

50. The word queued in paragraph 3 means ……A. went on B. lined up C. sat down D. waited for

Dear Nanda,

We are having a great a holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to the Movie World.

When we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. After a while the cloud disappeared. And it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to the Movie World.

The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy show. After that I had lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for the Batman ride.About one o’clock we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. We then went on all the other rides.

It was a top day. See you when you get back.

Love, Samuel

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Petunjuk :

1. Tulis Nama Peserta, Nomor Peserta, dan asal Sekolah2. Pilih satu jawaban yang paling anda anggap benar dengan mengarsir pada lembar jawaban3. Gunakan pensil 2B dan karet penghapus yang sesuai4. Jumlah soal 50 butir harus di jawab semua

CHOOSE EITHER A,B,C, OR D FOR THE CORRECT ANSWERRead the text to answer number 1.

Dear Rinda,I am feeling so blue for missing your birthday.

Happy BirthdayHope you have great life

Yours, Widi

1. Widi felt very … because she could not come to the bifthday party.A. unhappy B. surprised C. delighted D. Amazed

The text below for question 2 to 4!

2. What is the social function of the text above? A. To inform an old town, kota Baru C. To describe Kota Baru town B. To retell Kota baru town D. To amuse the readersk

3. Which one is not stated on the text? A. Kota Baru town is an old town C. There are many buildings in Kota Baru

B. Kota Baru is quite town D. Many people are in the park on Saturday

4. . It is near a bank. The underlined word refers to….A. A supermarket C. A big post officeB. A park D. A restaurant

Read the following text and answer questions 5 to 7.

5. Where did the writer and his family set up their tent?A. Near the river. C. At the back of the river.B. Near the big tree. D. Far away from other campers.

6. What is the purpose of the text above?A. To describe a camping site.B. To give instruction how to set up the tent.C. To retell the writer’s past camping experience .D. To inform people the new camping site.

7. “…the river had been occupied by…” The underlined word is similar in meaning to…

The weather was very clear. I and my family decided to go camping last holiday. Father prepared the tent and other equipment. Mother prepared the cooking and eating utensils. I took my fishing rod and my brother brought his sport equipment. When everything was ready, we left for the camping site in countryside. . There were many campers when we arrived at the camping site. Unfortunately, the good location near the river had been occupied by other campers so we had to look for another place. Finally,, we found a good place little bit further. It was near the big tree. After setting up the tent, my father and I went fishing. We joined other people sitting on the rock near the river. In the evening, father made a fire. Mother cooked the fish we caught. I could say that it was the best fish I had ever tasted. Sleeping in the tent was a very wonderful experience. I woke up early in the morning. I felt fresh. Then I accompanied my brother playing ball. In the afternoon, we came back home.

This is Kota Baru town. However, it does not mean that it is a new town. In fact, it belongs to the category of old towns. Kota Baru itself is really a big town.

In this town, there are many buildings. There is a big post office. It is near a bank. The bank itself is next to a supermarket, and behind the bank is a restaurant. In front of the bank there is a park. This park is pretty crowded especially on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.


Page 9: Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang

A. inhabited B. authorized C. bought D. grabbed

The following text is for number 8 to 10.Dear Lia, I Have a boyfriend. He is my senior at school. He is religious, smart and wise. Most girls at school like him very much. I feel so lucky that I have him. The problem is that my Mom doesn’t like him because he has a dark complexion. I think religion is more important than anything else. I’m so confuse. As a good daughter I must obey my mother. But I don’t want to loose a good boy like him. What should I do to convince my mother?


8. The Writer has a problem with ......A. Lia B. Her friend C. Her boyfriend D. Her mother

9. Why does the writer’s moher dislike her boyfriend? Because.........A. he is a religious boy C. he is a good boyB. he has a dark complexion D. most girls like him very much

10. The word “I” in the text above refer to.....A. Inge B. Lia C. Mother D. Daughter

Read the text and answer question number 11.

Read the following text to answer question number 12 and 13.

MILK CALCIUMDietary Supplement600 mg 100 Soft gelsSupplement FactsServing size : 1 soft gelAmount per 1 soft gel % Daily Value*Vitamin D 200 IU 50Calcium (from milk) 600 mg 60Zinc 15 mg **Daily value has not been establishedOther ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified WaterDirections: As a dietary supplement, take one soft gel for adults daily.Manufactured for: EXP 04 27 10NU-HEALTH PRODUCTS CO. LOT 27 05 61Walnut, CA 91789Made in U.S.A.

12. When would it be best to consume the product?A. Before April 27th , 2010. C. During April 4th, 2010.B. After April 4th, 2010. D. On April 4th, 2010.

13. “Daily value has not been established.” (Line 10) What is the meaning of the word “established”?

A. Ordered. B. Determined. C. Carried D. Helped

11. What does the above text suppose you to do?A. To play games around the place with children.B. Not to play around the area with children.C. To watch children play around here.D. To be careful because children are playing there.

Page 10: Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang

Read the text to answer questions 14 and 15.

14. Where should you go if you want to get some meals?A. At Sun loungers and pavilion terrace. C. At a tropical oasis.B. At the Laguna Pool Terrace. D. At poolside.

15. “… and pavilion areas create ample space for …”The underlined word has same meaning with ….A. big B. wide C. large D. plenty

Read the following text to answer questions 16 and 17.

16. Who is in charge of the program? A. Student. B. Teacher. C. Ms. Retno D. Student organization.

17. The text is about ….A. programs to celebrate the National Education DayB. explaining special programs in JanuaryC. inviting students to come to school in JanuaryD. informing some programs on Jan 4th, 2011

Read The following text for questions 18 to 21.

To : [email protected]: [email protected] : Delivery status

Date: January 6, 2010On January 4, I sent a package from the U.S. to Canada. Your firm promises overnight delivery but the package sent on January 5 in the morning has still not arrived.

Our trade fair takes place tomorrow morning at 9:10 a.m. My colleagues are setting up our booth this afternoon, and they need the package that contains our brochures and pricing information.

Can you please investigate and get us our package on time (within 24-hours) as your advertisements promise?

Thank you,

Candy Wright

ANNOUNCEMENTTo: All students of Junior High School 1 Kalipare.

To celebrate the National Education Day the students Board Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest, English Story Telling contest and Wall Magazine Competition. The programs will be held on January, 4th , 2011, 8 am – 1 p.m.All classes must take part in the programs and should report their participation to their own teachers.

For detailed information, please contact Ms. Retno, the coordinator of this program.

Page 11: Soal dan Pembahasan Tryout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 / XI SMP Malang

18. What is the e-mail above from?A. [email protected] C. [email protected]. [email protected] D. [email protected]

19. Why does Wright require the brochures today?A. She needs to fly to Canada.B. The career fair has already startedC. Her colleagues need the brochures for the next day.D. Her colleagues are leaving at 12:00 a.m. tomorrow.

20. “…and they need the package that contains … .” (paragraph 2). The word ‘they ‘ refers to … .A. my colleagues C. Wright’s colleaguesB. your colleagues D.customer’scolleagues

21.“Can you please investigate and …” (paragraph 3). The underlined word can be replaced by … A. ask B. find C. examine D. look for

The following text is for question number 22 to 25.Once upon a time, there were a king and his queen who lived in the kingdom of Belinyu.They

didn’t have any child.Until one night, the queen had a dream of a turtle. It said that the queen would have a baby, and she had to give a komala necklace to her baby. The queen woke up and she was holding a komala necklace in her hand. She told the dream to the king, and he was very happy.

Shortly, the queen ’s dream become reality, she delivered a beautiful baby girl. The king named her Komala. She grew up as a pretty girl, however, she had a bad attitude because her parents always spoiled her too much.

One day, komala heard her parents were talking about the turtle in her mother’s dream. She thought that the turtle was very interesting animal, so she wanted it as her pet. She insisted to find, and the king allowed her to look for the animal.

Accompanied by th king’s guards, Komala searched the turtle, and finally, she found it in a beach. She shouted to it. ”Penyu busuk wait for me,” in several times, but the turtle kept swimming. Komala ran after it into the sea, she tried to catch it. Until then she finally drowned and disappeared, and all of her guards could not save her. Now, people call the beach, Penyusuk.

22. What does the story tell us about?A. A bad attitude girl.B. A kingdom in Belinyu.C. The legend of Penyu BusukD. The legend of Penyusuk beach.

23. Komala had a bad attitude because ....A. She was a princessB. Her father was a king.C. She was a beautiful girl.D. Her parents spoiled her very much.

24. Why did she insist to find the turtle?A. It was very interesting.B. It kept swimming.C. It was very boringD. It was amazing.

25. Until then she finally drowned.... (last paragraph). The synonym of the underlined word is....

A. DissapearedB. FloatedC. SwamD. Sank

Read the text below and answer question 26 and 27.

26. The scout meeting is cancelled because of Mr Brown’s…. B. absence B. meeting C. coming D. information

To: DonaPlease forward to others, there is no scout meeting this week since Mr Brown hasn’t come yet from Egypt. It’s cancelled until he is back.


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27. ‘’Please forward to others…”The underlined word refers to …

A. Dona and Riri C. Mr. Brown and DonaB. Riry and Mr Brown D. scout members

Read the text below to answer questions 28 to 31.

28. Where can we find Cacti mostly?A. In the jungle. C. On the mountain.B. On the beach. D. In the arid and hot region.

29. Why do cacti mostly bloom at night?A. Because their flowers are large.B. Since cacti are unusual and distinctive plants.C. Since cacti are pollinated by nocturnal insects.D. As the afternoon period is used for photosynthetic process.

30. The text is written to ….A. give information about American cacti C. describe cacti in generalB. explain physical feature of cacti D. tell cacti ‘s life

31. “Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which …”The synonym of the word “distinctive” is …A. typical B. antique C. unique D. different

Read the following text to answer questions 32 to 35.

32. What’s the text about?A. The instructions to prepare crisp roast duck. C. The steps to make a delicious food.B. What’s needed to make some food. D. How to make crisp roast duck.

33. What do we need to prick the skin of the duck?A. Salt. B. Black pepper. C. A sharp fork. D. Boiling-hot water.

34. What do we do to tighten the skin of the duck?A. Rinse duck inside and outside. C. Pour boiling-hot water over duck.B. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork. D. Cool the duck.

35.“Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.” What is the meaning of the underlined word?

A cactus (plural: cacti) is any member of the plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas. They are often used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants. Cacti are grown for protection of property from wild animals, as well as many other uses.

Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales, which also include members like beets, gypsophila, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb, buckwheat, plumbago, bougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass.

Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments, showing a wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve water. Their stems have adapted to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have become the spines for which cacti are well known.

Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height of 19.2 m, and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm in diameter at maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and like the spines and branches arise from areoles. Many cactus species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by nocturnal insects or small animals, principally moths and bats. Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and columnar.

Crisp Roast Duck

Ingredients:1 long island duck2 cups boiling-hot water1 tablespoon salt1 teaspoon black pepper

Steps:Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200° C.

Rinse duck inside and out. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.

Pour boiling-hot water over duck (to tighten skin). Cool duck.

Rub duck inside and out with salt and pepper.

Roast duck, breast side up, until skin is brown and crisp, then remove from the oven.

Crisp Roast Duck

Ingredients:1 long island duck2 cups boiling-hot water1 tablespoon salt1 teaspoon black pepper

Steps:Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200° C.

Rinse duck inside and out. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.

Pour boiling-hot water over duck (to tighten skin). Cool duck.

Rub duck inside and out with salt and pepper.

Roast duck, breast side up, until skin is brown and crisp, then remove from the oven.

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A. Make a small hole in something. C. Put something on the body.B. Brush something on the surface. D. Cut something into small pieces.

Read the following text to answer questions 36 and 37.

36. Where will the graduation party be held?A. At Osis room. C. At Kalpataru school.B. On Sudirman street. D. Gardu Pandang.

37. How long is the graduation party carried out?A. 2 hours. B. 3 hours. C. 9 hours. D. 11 hours

Read the text to answer questions 38 to 40.

38. What is the purpose of the text? It is to … .A. Entertain the reader C. tell someone’s experienceB. Inform on a successful person D. describe a particular person

39. Anne is one of the … of George VI.A. Sisters B. Nieces C. daughters D. granddaughters

40. “She possesses a sense of humorous rarely exhibited….”The underlined word means….A. hidden B. found C. shown D. given

Read the letter below to answer questions 41 to 44.

41. What is the letter about?A. Samuel’s holiday. B. The Gold Coast. C. The Movie World. D. The Rain.

42. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A. The weather in Gold Coast. C. Samuel’s activities in the Movie World.B. Academy Show. D. A great holiday in the Movie World.

42. Where did Sam spend his holiday with his family?

All Students of Grade 9You are invited to:GRADUATION PARTY 2011SMP KALPATARUDay/Date : Saturday, the fifteenth of Julytwo thousand and elevenTime : 10 a.m. – 01 p.m. Venue : Gardu PandangJl. Sudirman kav. 9 – 11 MALANG

*Invitation card available at OSIS room.

Elizabeth II, born on 21st April 1926, is the eldest daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She married Philip Mountbatten, a distant cousin, in 1947. The pair has four children: Charles, Prince of Wales, Anne, Andrew and Edward. She is the first monarch to send her children to boarding schools in order to remove them from the ever-probing media. She has a strong sense of duty and diligence. Her knowledge of current situation and trends is up to date. She possesses a sense of humorous rarely exhibited in public where a dignified presence is her goal.

Dear Nanda,

We are having a great a holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to the Movie World.When we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. After a while the cloud disappeared. And it

became a sunny day. We then decided to go to the Movie World.The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy show. After that I had

lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for the Batman ride.About one o’clock we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. We then went on all the other rides.

It was a top day. See you when you get back.

Love, Samuel

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A. In the Gold Coast. C. In Lethal Weapon B. In the Movie World. D. At the Police Academy.

44. The word queued in paragraph 3 means ……A. went on B. lined up C. sat down D. waited for

For questions 45 to 48 choose the best words to complete the letter.

45. A. will have B. am having C. had D. have46. A. tame B. fierce C. big D. nice

47. A. while B. when C. before D. After

48. A. me B. I C. we D. he

49. Arrange thefollowing word into a good meaningful sentence. But – she – must – soon – is – Melly – here – leave

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A. 6- 7- 4- 1- 2- 5- 3- 8 C. 2- 5- 7- 1- 6- 3- 4- 8B. 8- 6- 4- 1- 2- 7- 3- 5 D. 6- 5- 7- 1- 2- 3- 8- 4

50. 1. First, they are difficult to find.2. They are only found in a few places in the world. 3. Diamonds are very expensive for several reasons. 4. And finally, they are very beautiful.5. People use diamonds to cut other stones.6. Second, they are useful. 7. They stay the same for millions of years.8. Third, diamonds do not change.

The best arrangement to make a good paragraph is … .A. 5- 3- 6- 2- 1- 4- 8- 7 C. 3- 1- 2- 6- 5- 8- 7- 4B. 5- 3- 1- 2- 4- 6- 4- 7 D. 3- 2- 1- 5- 6- 4- 7- 4

Dear Aunty,I … (45) a two-year-old male cat. He is a stray we allow into the house but he loves the outdoors. There is the other big cat in the neighborhood who is rather…(46) . My problem is … (47) a fight with the big cat, my cat returns home with bleeding scars. Sometimes I‘d wake up in the middle of the night to rescue him from a fight. Please tell … (48) how to end this problem. I don’t want to give him away.


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Key to Answer

Paket A1 D 11 C 21 D 31 A 41 C2 A 12 B 22 C 32 D 42 C3 B 13 C 23 A 33 B 43 C4 C 14 A 24 D 34 D 44 D5 B 15 D 25 C 35 B 45 D6 D 16 B 26 C 36 D 46 C7 B 17 D 27 D 37 A 47 A8 A 18 D 28 D 38 D 48 C9 A 19 D 29 C 39 C 49 A10 B 20 A 30 C 40 B 50 B

Paket B1 A 11 D 21 C 31 D 41 A2 C 12 A 22 D 32 D 42 C3 B 13 B 23 D 33 C 43 A4 C 14 B 24 A 34 B 44 B5 B 15 D 25 D 35 A 45 D6 C 16 C 26 A 36 D 46 B7 B 17 A 27 D 37 B 47 D8 D 18 B 28 D 38 D 48 A9 B 19 C 29 C 39 D 49 D10 A 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C