obat anti anemia

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Post on 16-Oct-2015




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  • Antianemia agentsIronVit B12Folic acidCopperPyridoxine,riboflavine

  • IronIron-porphyrin ring hemeEssential and non essential ironAbsorbed in duodenum,prox jejenum(ferrous iron)Normal indiv:0,5-1mg dailyAbsorption : vit c,HCl,co,inosin,etioninAbsorption: phosphate,antacid, presence of chelator or complexing agents

  • Transported in the plasma bound to transferrin(specific for ferric iron) developing erythroid cells in bone marrowStorage: ferritin , hemosiderin RE cellsElimination: skin epithelial cells,exfoliation of intestinal mucosal cells, bile, urine,nail, hairSide effect(intolerance to oral prep): nausea, epigastric discomf, abd cramps, constipation, diarrhea

  • Indication : treatment/prevent of iron deficiency anemia.Def infants, rapid growth child, pregnancy, lactating, post gastrectomy, severe small bowel disease(malabsorpt), blood loss(adult)Treatment: - oral iron preparations - parenteral iron preparationsOral iron corrects the def just as rapidly and completely as paranteral iron

  • Oral prep:- ferrous sulfate - ferrous gluconate - ferrous fumarate200-400 mg daily for 3-6 monthsParanteral prep: Iron Dextran 50 mg elemental iron/ml solution

    Note: Normal range of iron serum: 60-160 mcgr/dl

  • Vit B12 and Folic acidVit B12+ folic acid intracellular metabA def of either vit B12 or folic acid defective synthesis of DNA in any cell megaloblastic anemiaVit B12 cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin(therapeutic use)Active forms in human: methylcobalamin and deoxyadenosilcobalamin enzymatic reactions

  • Absorption (oral) of B12 intrinsic factor of castle IF histamine, cholinergic, corticosteroid, ACTH, thyroid hormoneDef B12 neurological disordersFA carrier of single carbon unit purine, pirimidine,amino acids interconversionFA def: chronic alcoholism, oral contraceptives, anti convulsants, malnutrition, malabsorption, cytotoxic drug

  • R/ vit B12 def: - initial dose: 100 mcgr IM/5-10 days, then 100-200 mcgr IM/ monthR/ FA def: - initial dose: 0,5-1mg/day 10 days, 0,1-0,5mg/day (inj 5mg/ml)

    Note: Vit B12: 0,3-1ngr/ml, FA: 4-25ngr/ml

  • ErythropoietinFirst human hematopoietic growth factorStimulates erythroid prolif and different interacting w/ specific epo receptorProduced using recombinant DNA technologyInd: CRF w/ severe anemiaDose: 50-150 IU, 3x /week

  • Obat anti anemiaBesiVitamin B12Asam folat

  • Besi(Fe)Esensial dan non esensial(cadangan)Absorpsi bentuk fero Absorpsi :Co, inosin, etionin,Hcl, dan senyawa asamAbsorpsi : fosfat, antasida

  • Cadangan: feritin(60%) dan hemosiderin(40%) sel sel REEkskresi desquamasi sel-sel epitel, kerigat, kuku, rambut,urin, fecesEfek samping intoleransi sediaan oral: - mual dan nyeri lambung - konstipasi - diare dan kolik intestinal

  • Sediaan dan posologiOral Fe-sulfat, Fe-fumarat,Fe glukonat)Parenteral Iron dextran(imferon)----- 50mg/mlDosis R/ berat anemia

  • Vitamin B12Cianokobalamin dan hidroksokobalaminBentuk aktif: metilkobalamin dan 5-deoksi adenosilkobalaminFungsi :metabolisme intra selAbsorpsi memerlukan FIC(Faktor Intrinsik Castle)Defisiensi gangguan metabolisme intra sel asam folat & neurologic disorders

  • Dosis terapi tergantung berat anemiaAwal 100 mic/hr selama 5-10 hr (IM) penunjang 100-200 mic/bln sampai remisi lengkap

  • Asam folatCarrier single carbon unitBentuk aktif: folinic acid = asam tetrahidrofolatFungsi sbg carrier carbon utk sintesis purin-pirimidin dan interkonversi asam2 aminoDefisiensi folat transfer carbonunit terganggusisntesis protein terganggusintesis purin-pirimidin DNA mitosis anemia megaloblastik

  • Defisiensi folat tidak disertai ggn neurologikSediaan: tablet dan injeksi(sk,im)Dosis R/ awal 0,5-1mg/hr selama 10 hr penunjang 0,1-0,5 mg/hr

  • ErythropoietinFirst human hematopoietic growth factorStimulates erythroid prolif and different interacting w/ specific epo receptorProduced using recombinant DNA technologyInd: CRF w/ severe anemiaDose: 50-150 IU, 3x a week