merck pricelist 2013 low resolution.pdf

Daftar Harga 2013 Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi Bahan Kimia Laboratorium Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan (Staining Kit) Produk Kromatografi Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring Bahan Kimia Produksi Harga berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2013, harga sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan

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Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf


Page 1: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Daftar Harga 2013 Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan (Staining Kit)

Produk Kromatogra"

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis

Air dan Makanan

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan


Bahan Kimia Produksi

Harga berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2013,harga sewaktu-waktu dapat berubahtanpa pemberitahuan

Page 2: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

The power to createbetter outcomes

Bekerja dengan Merck Millipore berarti lebih dari sekedar membeli produk dan layanan - kami membantu Anda mencapai hasil yang lebih baik. Apapun tantangan saintifik Anda, bermitra dengan kami

untuk menghasilkan solusi kreatif dan menemukan lebih banyak, meminimalkan risiko, meningkatkan kecepatan atau mengurangi kompleksitas. Merck Millipore

menawarkan portofolio luas dari instrumen dan teknologi yang telah terujii serta dikombinasikan dengan inovasi termutakhir dan

keahlian multi-disiplin. Jadi, apa pun “big picture” yang ingin Anda hasilkan, Merck Millipore adalah mitra yang

tepat untuk Anda.

Page 3: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Selamat datang di Merck Millipore!

Daftar Isi

Pelanggan yang Terhormat,

Pertama-tama, kami dari Merck Millipore mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2013. Semoga di tahun ini Anda mendapatkan kebahagiaan, kesehatan, ketenangan dan kesuksesan yang lebih dari sebelumnya.

Anda dapat tenang sepenuhnya bekerja bersama Merck Millipore karena kami tidak hanya sekedar menyediakan produk dan layanan saja. Kami membantu Anda mencapai hasil yang lebih baik. Kami menawarkan portofolio luas beragam produk yang telah terbukti kualitasnya yang dikombinasikan dengan inovasi terbaru dan dukungan para ahli dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. Jadi, apapun target yang ingin Anda capai, Merck Millipore merupakan rekan yang tepat untuk Anda.

Untuk memudahkan Anda dalam memilih dari beragam produk yang kami sediakan, kami dengan bangga memberikan kepada Anda Daftar Harga 2013. Daftar Harga 2013 ini mencakup data komprehensif mengenai produk dan layanan pendukung kami. Dengan format yang teratur Anda akan memperoleh informasi mengenai ragam produk kami serta informasi terbaru yang diantaranya terkait beberapa prosedur baru terkait proses pembelian item-item kami.

Kami yakin Daftar Harga 2013 ini akan menjadi panduan yang berguna bagi Anda. Kami akan terus mendukung Anda untuk mencapai kesuksesan dalam bisnis Anda di tahun 2013 dan seterusnya.


Martin Feulner

Director of ChemicalsPT Merck Tbk – Indonesia

Silakan kunjungi situs kami di

Pengantar 1

Daftar Isi 1

Sejarah Merck Millipore 2

Informasi Situs Merck Millipore 4

Informasi Pembelian item PPI 5

Mekanisme Pembelian Prekursor 6

Single Point of Contact 7

Aturan dan Ketentuan Pembelian 8

Daftar Istilah 16

Daftar Singkatan 18

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Teknologi 19

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium 41

Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan (Staining Kit) 117

Produk Kromatografi 127

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan 149

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring 175

Bahan Kimia Produksi 197

Daftar item B2 209

Daftar Item Diskontinu 213

Daftar Kontak, Telepon dan Email 219

Daftar Dealer PT Merck Tbk 221


Page 4: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Kini Kami Merck Millipore Sejarah Merck Millipore

Di Merck Millipore, kami turut mendukung Anda dalam mencapai sasaran Anda. Selama hampir 350 tahun, kami telah menjadi rekan terpercaya bagi perusahaan bio/farmasi, institusi riset, laboratorium, dan fasilitas produksi di seluruh dunia. Tidak ada perusahaan lain yang dapat menyedi akan produk dan solusi layanan yang mendalam dan lengkap untuk setiap tahapan proses produksi – mulai dari riset dasar dan penemuan hingga pengembangan produk dan proses serta tahapan produksi dan kontrol.

Sejak Millipore bergabung dengan Merck pada tahun 2010, kami membawa lebih banyak keahlian, untuk memberikan dukungan mutu, inovasi, dan kerja sama yang Anda cari. Di Merck Millipore, sumber kami berfokus pada visi kami untuk memaksimalkan potensi ilmiah.

Merck Millipore Division

Merck Millipore

Bioscience SolutionsBusiness Unit

Life ScienceBusiness Field

Lab EssentialsBusiness Field

BiomonitoringBusiness Field

Lab WaterBusiness Field

Biopharm Process Solutions(BPS)

Business Field

Pharm Chemical Solutions(PCS)

Business Field

Discovery & Development Solutions

Business Field

Lab SolutionsBusiness Unit

Process SolutionsBusiness Unit


Page 5: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Dengan lebih dari 60.000 produk dan layanan untuk life science, dari

produk yang telah terbukti hingga inovasi teknologi terkini, solusi

kami memperluas rantai nilai dari aktivitas pelanggan kami – riset,

pengembangan dan produksi.

Merck Millipore merupakan rekan terpercaya yang

menyediakan beragam produk untuk:

Bioscience Solutions mencakup produk dan layanan

untuk riset Life Sciences di sector akademik dan

farmasi. Berfokus pada analisis genomik, proteomik

dan seluler didukung dengan instrumen, perangkat

consumable, reagen dan layanan untuk membantu

para pelanggan kami memahami penyakit dan

fungsi biologis.

Lab Solutions mencakup bahan kimia, produk Lab

Water yang terkemuka, dan produk penjaminan

mutu – semua didesain untuk membantu Anda

menghemat biaya, meningkatkan efisiensi, dan

memberikan hasil yang konsisten, lebih aman dan

lebih cepat.

Process Solutions yang memungkinkan produksi

bio/farmasi yang bermutu tinggi serta hemat biaya

melalui aplikasi produk kultur sel, pemisahan,

pemurnian dan formulasi serta teknologi single-

use. Percayakan kami sebagai rekan Anda dalam

membantu dalam perilisan produk Anda.

Drug Discovery & Development

Lab Filtration

Lab Water

Biomonitoring & Microbiology

Chemicals & Reagents for Analytics

Drug Discovery Compounds

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Upstream Processing

Downstream Processing



Page 6: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Struktur Baru, Tampilan

Struktur situs kami yang baru

Di Merck Millipore, kami sangat memahami bagaimana kebiasaan lama sulit sekali dihilangkan – bahkan pada laboratorium dengan teknologi termutakhir. Jadi, jika Anda masih menggunakan URL kami yang lama (merck-chemicals atau untuk menampilkan situs kami, jangan kuatir: Anda akan secara otomatis diarahkan untuk menampilkan situs kami yang baru.

Situs kami menarik semua sumber kami dalam satu tempat, mempermudah dan mempercepat pencarian Anda. Didesain untuk memberikan informasi yang jelas dan mudah digunakan, situs kami menawarkan apapun yang Anda butuhkan hanya dengan satu klik.


Page 7: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Item-item B2 akan diorderkan kembali oleh PT Merck Tbk ke PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (PT PPI)(Rencana Order: Akhir Januari 2013)

Bahan Berbahaya atau B2 adalah zat, bahan kimia dan biologi, baik dalam bentuk tunggal maupun campuran yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan dan lingkungan hidup secara langsung atau tidak langsung, yang mempunyai sifat racun (toksisitas), karsinogenik, teratogenik, mutagenik, korosif, dan iritasi. Pengadaan, distribusi, dan pengawasan Bahan Berbahaya diatur berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan R.I. No. 44/M-Dag/Per/9/2009 tentang Pengadaan, Distribusi dan Pengawasan Bahan Berbahaya serta Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan R.I. No. 23/M-DAG/PER/9/2011 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 44/M-DAG/PER/9/2009.

Produsen B2 (P-B2) yang akan melakukan impor B2, wajib mendapatkan pengakuan sebagai Importir Produsen Bahan Berbahaya (IP-B2), oleh Dirjen Daglu dan disetujui untuk melakukan impor sendiri B2 yang hanya diperuntukkan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan proses produksi perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Sedangkan Importir Terdaftar Bahan Berbahaya yang selanjutnya disingkat IT-B2 adalah Importir bukan produsen, pemilik Angka Pengenal Importir Umum (API-U), yang mendapat persetujuan dan tugas khusus dari Dirjen Daglu untuk melakukan impor B2. Perusahaan yang ditetapkan sebagai IT-B2 untuk jenis B2 sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan RI, Nomor: 44/MDAG/PER/9/2009, adalah PT (Persero) PerusahaanPerdagangan Indonesia ( PT PPI).

PT Merck Tbk merupakan perwakilan dari Merck KgaA Jerman, yaitu perusahaan penyedia instrumen, produk, dan layanan dibidang laboratorium dan ilmu analitik, yang diantaranya menyediakan ragam bahan kimia yang termasuk ke dalam kategori Bahan Berbahaya (B2). Seperti yang telah

disebutkan sebelumnya, item-item B2 (terlampir) hanya dapat diimpor oleh PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (PT PPI) sebagai Importir Terdaftar Bahan Berbahaya (IT-B2).PT Merck Tbk sendiri saat ini telah terdaftar sebagai Distributor Terdaftar Bahan Berbahaya ( DT-B2) yang ditunjuk oleh PPI. Dengan demikian, PT Merck Tbk mendapatkan izin usaha perdagangan khusus untuk menyalurkan B2 kepada Pengecer Terdaftar Bahan Berbahaya (PT-B2) yang ditunjuk oleh PT Merck Tbk.

Pada akhir Januari 2013, PT Merck Tbk akan mendatangkan kembali item-item B2 ini melalui PT PPI, dimana prosesnya hanya dilakukan dua kali setahun ( pada bulan Januari dan Juli), dengan estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam waktu 4 bulan (item yang didatangkan melalui udara) dan 6 bulan (item yang didatangkan melalui laut). Lamanya order ini dikarenakan adanya beberapa tahapan proses yang perlu dilakukan baik oleh eksportir maupun importir (contoh: verifikasi order pada setiap kali pengiriman).

Untuk menjamin ketersediaan stok item B2 di tempat Bapak-Ibu tahun depan, kami mohon Bapak-Ibu dapat menempatkan PO ( Purchase Order) segera ke dealerdealer yang memiliki PT-B2 atau memberikan forecastnya ke PT Merck Tbk. Kami akan menempatkan order ke PT PPI di akhir Januari 2013 untuk diimporkan segera.

Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya. Untuk informasi lebih detail, mohon dapat menghubungi: Tjatur Sukma Setiawan Donny (Telp: 021- 28565600 ext:900 atau Fitriah (ext: 760)).

Informasi Produk


Page 8: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Informasi Produk

Mekanisme pembelianitem-item Prekursor dari PT Merck Tbk


PT Merck Tbk sebagai perwakilan Merck KGaA Jerman menyediakan beragam instrumen

dan bahan kimia yang diantaranya item-item Prekursor. Prekursor adalah bahan kimia

yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan Narkotika dan Psikotropika. Didunia industri

dan riset, item-item Prekursor ini digunakan diantaranya untuk analisis laboratorium.

Penyalahgunaan item-item Prekursor dalam pembuatan narkotika dan psikotropika

telah semakin meluas. Untuk melindungi masyarakat dari penyalahgunaan Prekursor

diterbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No. 44 tahun 2010. Berdasarkan

peraturan tersebut terdapat 23 zat yang termasuk kedalam kategori Prekursor.

Prekursor hanya dapat digunakan untuk tujuan industri farmasi, industri non farmasi,

dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Hal ini juga diatur dalam UU

No. 35 tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika, PerMenDag No. 647 tahun 2004 tentang Import

Prekursor, PerMenKes No. 168 tahun 2005 tentang Prekursor untuk industri farmasi.

Sesuai undang-undang dan peraturan tersebut, maka pengguna akhir diharuskan

membeli langsung item-item perkursor ke pemilik IT (Importir Terdaftar) Prekursor

dalam hal ini PT Merck Tbk.

Untuk Anda yang yang akan membeli item-item perkursor ke PT Merck Tbk, berikut ini mekanisme pembeliannya.

1. Mengajukan permintaan penawaran harga untuk item prekursor yang ingin dipesan (disertai no. katalog) dengan mengirimkan contoh

Surat Pemesanan (Purchase Order, PO) pembelian sebelumnya melalui faks(021-28565603) atau email ([email protected]).

2. Mengisi Form Isian Pelanggan Baru jika perusahaan/instansi Anda belum terdaftar sebagai pelanggan kami, dan melampirkan

fotokopi kartu NPWP (Nomor Pokok Pengusaha Kena Pajak) dan SPPKP (Surat Pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak)

3. Mengisi Surat Pernyataan Pengguna Akhir. Surat diisi dengan diketik (tidak tulisan tangan), dicetak di atas kop surat perusahaan/

instansi, dibubuhi materai 6000 serta ditanda tangani oleh penanggung jawab laboratorium dan stempel perusahaan. Surat Pernyataan

Pengguna Akhir yang asli kemudian dikirimkan ke PT Merck Tbk untuk diverfikasi oleh tim Regulatory. Surat Pernyataan Pengguna

Akhir berlaku hanya untuk satu kali transaksi pemesanan. Untuk pemesanan berikutnya harus kembali mengisi surat tersebut.

4. Mengirimkan Surat Pemesanan (Purchase Order, PO) item Prekursor ke kami melalui faks atau email agar pemesanan dapat segera


5. Form Isian Pelanggan Baru dan Surat Pernyataan Pengguna Akhir bisa diunduh di situs kami di

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan menghubungi kami di layanan Bebas Pulsa 0800 140 1253 atau Telp. 021-28565602, faks.: 021-

28565603 atau email: [email protected]

Berikut ini daftar item-item prekursor yang dikelompokkan kedalam 2 tabel (Tabel I dan Tabel II). Item-item yang terdapat dalam Tabel I akan

diawasi lebih ketat dibandingkan item-item yang terdapat dalam Tabel II.


1. Acetic Anhydride 8. 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-Propanone

2. N-Acetylanthranilic Acid 9. Norephedrine

3. Ephedrine 10. 1-Phenyl-2-Propanone

4. Ergometrine 11. Piperonal

5. Ergotamine 12. Potassium Permanganat

6. Isosafrole 13. Pseudoephedrine

7. Lysergic Acid 14. Safrole.


1. Acetone 8. Sulphuric Acid

2. Anthranilic Acid 9. Toluene

3. Ethyl Ether

4. Hydrochloric Acid

5. Methyl Ethyl Ketone

6. Phenylacetic Acid

7. Piperidine

Page 9: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf


"Single Point of Contact"memudahkan pelanggan menghubungi Customer Care Center dan

mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan lebih cepat.

Seiring perkembangan bisnis perusahaan, kebutuhan informasi menjadi

hal yang sangat penting bagi pelanggan. Untuk mengimbangi kebutuhan

pelanggan akan informasi yang cepat, maka Customer Care Center-

Divisi Kimia PT Merck Tbk menyediakan sarana “Single Point Of Contact”

untuk memudahkan pelanggan menghubungi Customer Care Center

dan mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan lebih cepat. Single

Point of Contact disediakan baik melalui media telepon dengan Hotline

number 0800 140 1253 dan media email [email protected] untuk

pemesanan dan respon serta [email protected] untuk

layanan informasi.

Aktivitas ini dilakukan oleh kami pada hari kerja dari Senin sampai Jumat

mulai jam 08:00 - 17:00. Sebagai Single Point of Contact, Customer Care

center juga menerima dan memproses order serta keluhan dari pelanggan

kemudian memberikan umpan balik (response) sesuai data dan tindak

lanjut yang didapatkan dari penanggungjawab di bagian terkait.

Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan, Customer Care Center melakukan

pengembangan baik di sisi teknologi, operasional maupun sumber

daya manusia secara berkelanjutan. Customer Care Center akan

mengimplementasikan Call Management System yang berperan mengukur

service level dan produktivitas Customer Care Center Officer. Kami juga

melakukan evaluasi terhadap Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) yang

sudah ada untuk disesuaikan sistem baru dan bisnis proses yang diterapkan.

Selain itu, kami juga berusaha untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuan dan

pengetahuan Customer Care Of!cer yang dilakukan secara periodik dengan

training untuk memenuhi kebutuhan serta harapan dari pelanggan.

“Kepuasan pelanggan adalah fokus kami” inilah moto Customer Care

Center Merck Chemicals tahun ini. Besar harapan kami untuk melakukan

perubahan kearah layanan yang lebih baik. Kritik, masukan dan saran

akan membantu kami untuk melakukan percepatan pengembangan dan

perubahan positif, hal ini dapat disampaikan ke nomor hotline (0800 140

1253) atau email ke [email protected].

Page 10: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Aturan dan ketentuan Pembelian

1. Lingkup Acuan a. Aturan dan ketentuan ini dikeluarkan oleh Divisi Kimia –

Merck Millipore, PT Merck Tbk (selanjutnya disebut sebagai

“Merck Millipore”).

b. Amandemen dan tambahan aturan dan ketentuan pembelian

yang tidak tertulis disini akan ditambahkan dan diinformasikan

kepada para pembeli secara tertulis.

2. Harga a. Pembayaran yang wajib dibayarkan oleh pembeli untuk

pembelian produk-produk Merck Millipore menggunakan

mata uang Rupiah ditambah dengan pajak yang ketentuan

besarnya diatur oleh aturan yang berlaku di Indonesia.

b. Harga yang ditampilkan dalam buku Daftar Harga 2012 ini

merupakan harga standar dan belum termasuk pajak dan

tambahan lainnya.

3. Order a. Pemesanan dapat di kirimkan melalui email ke ccc@ atau faks ke (021) 28565603

b. Pemesanan terakhir setiap harinya adalah jam 15.00

c. Order Con"rmation (OC) akan dikirimkan maksimal dalam 2

hari setelah order diterima

d. Barang yang harus di-order melalui CARGO, dikenakan biaya

tambahan (di tambah PPN 10%) yang akan diinformasikan

saat pengiriman Order Con"rmation.

e. Apabila ada pengalihan pengiriman untuk order yang diimpor

dari melalui laut ke udara (courier dan air freight biasa)

dikenakan biaya tambahan Rp. 75.000,-/ kg + PPN 10%,

apabila barang yang di-order dalam bentuk cairan (liter), maka

akan dikonversikan ke dalam kilogram (konversi berdasarkan

massa jenis barang yang sudah ditetapkan.)

f. Pemesanan barang-barang prekursor, BBO Api, phosphorus

red (No. Kat. 867270) dan iodine (No. Kat. 104761),

pelanggan diwajibkan untuk mengisi aplikasi “End User

Declaration (EUD)” seperti terlampir dan disertakan dengan

surat pesanan.

g. Pelanggan baru, yang belum melakukan transaksi dengan

PT Merck Tbk, diwajibkan untuk mengisi formulir “New

Customer” seperti terlampir.

4. Pengiriman a. Untuk barang yang ready stock, akan dikirimkan dari gudang

paling lambat 2 hari dari order diterima (mengacu pada

penerimaan order terakhir setiap harinya).

b. Order yang harus diimpor melalui udara jangka waktu

pengiriman ± 4 minggu (1 bulan).

c. Order yang harus diimpor melalui laut jangka waktu

pengiriman ± 12 minggu (3 bulan).

5. Pengembalian Barang a. Batas waktu pengembalian barang adalah 2 minggu dari

barang di terima.

b. Pengembalian barang yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan

pelanggan dikenakan charge 5 % khusus untuk barang ready


c. Untuk barang indent (impor) tidak dapat dikembalikan.

d. Untuk barang karena kondisi tertentu:

- Shelf life pendek

- Expired date pendek

Sesuai kesepakatan tertulis yang telah di setujui bersama

dengan kondisi tersebut, maka barang tidak dapat di


6. Pembayaran a. Pembayaran atas tagihan harus melalui transfer ke rekening


Deutsche Bank, AG Cabang Jakarta

Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 80, Jakarta

A/C: 0006809.00.0 ( Rupiah)

A/C: 0006809.05.0 (USD)

A/C: 0006809.01.0 (EURO)

b. Mengacu pada ketentuan diatas (a), pembayaran kontan, cek

dan GIRO akan ditolak.

7. Respon a. Setiap permasalahan yang pelanggan hadapi berkaitan

dengan pengiriman barang ataupun tagihan, silahkan untuk

mengisi “Response Form” terlampir dan dikirimkan ke PT

Merck Tbk melalui faks di nomor: (021) 28565603 atau email

ke : ccc@

b. Pengembalian barang, baru dapat dilakukan setelah menerima

kon#rmasi dari PT MerckTbk dan barang dikirim bersamaan

dengan Response Form ke gudang PT Merck Tbk dengan


Warehouse Chemicals

Marunda Centre Estate Blok F - 7, 8, 9

Jakarta 14140


Page 11: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

PT. Merck Tbk. Jl. TB. Simatupang no. 8Pasar Rebo – Jakarta Timur 13760Telp. (021) 28565600


Dengan hormat,Bersama ini kami sampaikan data perusahaan kami untuk kelengkapan pembuatan invoice dan faktur pajak, yang menjadi syarat utama calon pelanggan PT. Merck Tbk.

Nama perusahaan : ..............................................................................................................................................

Alamat Kantor : ..............................................................................................................................................

Kab./Kodya .....................................................................Provinsi : ....................................

Telephone : (.......) ..............................................................................Fax: (......) ...................................

Email : ..............................................................................................................................................

Alamat Faktur Pajak : ..............................................................................................................................................

Bidang Usaha : ..............................................................................................................................................

NPWP : ..............................................................................................................................................

NPPKP : ......................................................................................................... (Lampirkan SPPKN)

Kode Transaksi Faktur Pajak : 01 / 02 / 03 / 07 (*lingkari salah satu, detail mohon lihat keterangan dibawah)

Alamat Pengiriman : .............................................................................................................................................

(apabila terpisah)

Kab./Kodya................................................. Provinsi :

Telephone : (.......) .......................................................... Fax: (......)

Email :

Contact Person:

User/Lab : ..................................................................... Ext :

Purchasing : ..................................................................... Ext :

Finance : ..................................................................... Ext :

Demikian formulir ini kami isi untuk digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Hormat Kami,

……………….., ….. - …........... - 2013

( ………………………………. )

Jabatan: ……………………….

*Mohon isian ini di di kirimkan ke Customer Care Center, melalui Fax No. 021-28565603 atau email : [email protected]


Kode Transaksi Faktur Pajak

01 Standard Tax Invoice02 Government Corp. as VAT collector03 VAT Collector, Non Government Corp.04 Sample/Bonus07 Bonded Zone


Page 12: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf


<<Letter head>>



Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama Perusahaan:Alamat : .....................................................................................................................................................................................Bidang Usaha : .....................................................................................................................................................................................NPWP : .....................................................................................................................................................................................SIUP : .....................................................................................................................................................................................Nama Penanggung jawab teknis : .....................................................................................................................................................................................No Telepon Kantor/Ext : .....................................................................................................................................................................................Alamat email resmi kantor : ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................No HP : .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Telah memesan/membeli senyawa kimia dari

PT Merck TbkJl. TB Simatupang No 8, Pasar ReboJakarta 13760

Dengan Perincian sebagai berikut :

Nomor PO : ……………………………………..

No Nama Produk Nomor katalog Kemasan Jumlah

Senyawa tersebut semata-mata hanya digunakan untuk (……………….harap di isi……………………….)

Kami dengan ini menyatakan bahwa senyawa kimia yang dimaksud diatas tidak akan diperdagangkan atau dipindahtangankan kepada pihak lain dan dipergunakan sesuai dengan pernyataan di atas dan tidak digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan

narkotika dan psikotropika.

[Tempat, Tanggal]


(Materai 6000)

(Stempel Perusahaan)

_________________Pimpinan Perusahaan (Penanggung Jawab) Jabatan

Page 13: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf




Kami, Nama Perusahaan : ............................................................................................................................................................................No. NPWP : ............................................................................................................................................................................Nama Penanggung Jawab : ............................................................................................................................................................................Alamat : ............................................................................................................................................................................No. Telepon/Fax : ............................................................................................................................................................................No. HP : ............................................................................................................................................................................

Telah memesan dari

Nama : ............................................................................................................................................................................Nama Dealer : ............................................................................................................................................................................Alamat : ............................................................................................................................................................................Alamat Dealer : ............................................................................................................................................................................

memesan produk sebagai berikut :PO. No : .....................................

No No. Katalog Nama Produk Jumlah

Tujuan Penggunaan : Produk tersebut diatas digunakan untuk keperluan ........................................................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................................................

Kami dengan ini menyatakan bahwa senyawa yang dimaksud diatas benar digunakan sesuai pernyataan diatas tidak akan diperdagangkan atau dipindahtangankan kepada pihak lain dan tidak digunakan untuk bahan pembuat peledak/ senjata kimia.

[Tempat, Tanggal]

(Stempel perusahaan)

(Nama penanggung jawab perusahaan)Jabatan

Page 14: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf


Aplikasi End User Declaration (EUD) untuk pembelian produk Bahan Baku Obat



Kami, Nama Perusahaan : ...................................................................................


Alamat : ...................................................................................


memesan produk sebagai berikut : Deskripsi Barang : NAMA PRODUK (NO KATALOG DAN KEMASAN) Kuantitas/ Berat : ...................................................................................

Tujuan Penggunaan : produk tersebut diatas digunakan untuk keperluan ...................................................................................

Barang tersebut betul-betul digunakan untuk tujuan diatas dan tidak untuk dijual kembali atau dipindahtangankan kepada pihak lain.

……………………… , …………………….. 2012

Materai 6000

Stempel Perusahaan

(Penanggung Jawab) Jabatan


Page 15: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf


Aplikasi End User Declaration (EUD) untuk pembelian produk khusus



Kami, Nama Perusahaan : ...................................................................................


Alamat : ...................................................................................


memesan produk sebagai berikut : Deskripsi Barang : NAMA PRODUK (NO KATALOG DAN KEMASAN) Kuantitas/ Berat : ...................................................................................

Tujuan Penggunaan : produk tersebut diatas digunakan untuk keperluan ...................................................................................

Barang tersebut betul-betul digunakan untuk tujuan diatas dan tidak untuk dijual kembali atau dipindahtangankan kepada pihak lain.

……………………… , …………………….. 2012

Materai 6000

Stempel Perusahaan

(Penanggung Jawab) Jabatan


Page 16: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf


F1-CS/PR/002 25.11.10



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Please Attached picture (If product related) / Mohon dilampirkan gambar (foto)(Jika berkaitan dengan produk) PT Merck Tbk., Jl. TB Simatupang No. 8, Pasar Rebo, Jakarta 13760, Tlp. 021-28565600, Fax. 021-28565603 Hotline: 0800-140-1253, email: [email protected]


Page 17: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

The power to createsustainable solutions.

Strong teams make strong labs. With our

comprehensive portfolio of high-quality products

and services, Merck Millipore can help you achieve

dependable, reproducible analytical testing. Learn

more at And start

empowering each member of your lab team to

deliver excellent, sustainable outcomes across your

process chain.


Page 18: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Daftar Istilah

Air Cargo

Pengiriman dilakukan melalui udara dengan menggunakan pesawat angkut khusus barang.

Bahan Berbahaya (B2)

Adalah zat, bahan kimia dan biologi, baik dalam bentuk tunggal maupun campuran yang dapat membahayakan

kesehatan dan lingkungan hidup secara langsung atau tidak langsung yang mempunyai sifat racun, karsinogenik,

teratogenik, mutagenik, korosif dan iritasi.

Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3)

Adalah bahan yang karena sifat atau konsentrasinya dan atau jumlahnya, baik secara langsung maupun tidak

langsung, dapat mencemarkan dan atau merusak lingkungan hidup, dan atau dapat membahayakan lingkungan

hidup, kesehatan, kelangsungan hidup manusia serta makhluk hidup lainnya.

Bahan Perusak Lapisan Ozon (BPO)

Adalah senyawa kimia yang berpotensi dapat bereaksi dengan molekul ozon dilapisan stratosfir.

Bahan Kimia Produksi

Merupakan material kimia yang didesain khusus untuk keperluan proses produksi terutama industri dengan

regulasi ketat seperti industri farmasi, pangan dan minuman. Ragam produk bahan baku Merck meliputi garam-

garam mineral, vitamin, pelarut, vitamin antioksidan, surfaktan, zat aktif farmasi maupun kosmetik, serta bahan-

bahan pembantu dalam formulasi obat.

Bahan Kimia Sintesis

Merupakan bahan kimia yang diperuntukkan untuk keperluan reaksi sintesis secara kimiawi.

Item BBO (Bahan Baku Obat)

Bahan baku obat merupakan material yang ditujukan untuk keperluan bahan baku industri farmasi. Pembelian

BBO oleh industri farmasi sesuai SK MenKes RI No. 287 Tahun 1976 tentang Pengimporan, Penyaluran dan

Penyimpanan Bahan Baku Obat harus melewati Pedagang Besar Bahan Baku Farmasi (PBBBF).

Item BBO API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)

Bahan baku obat yang memiliki efek farmakologis/terapeutik, sehingga perlu pengawasan ketat dalam distribusinya

untuk menghindari penyalahgunaan.

Item Difficult to Ship

Item yang sangat sulit dalam proses pengirimannya. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh karakteristik bahaya dari item

tersebut. Cara yang kemungkinan dapat dilakukan untuk pengiriman item yang tergolong difficult to ship adalah

dengan kargo udara (dimana ada tambahan biaya yang akan dibebankan ke pelanggan) dan dengan LCL (Less

Container Load) shipment via laut, namun hanya memungkinkan pengorderan untuk menutupi kebutuhan ½

tahun atau 1 tahun kedepan. Adapun kondisi difficult to ship item dapat berubah sewaktuwaktu, tergantung dari

regulasi yang berlaku di negara eksportir.


Page 19: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Item PPI

Bahan kimia yang tergolong B2 dimana diatur tata niaga impornya. Saat ini pemerintah hanya menunjuk PT Perusahaan

Perdagangan Indonesia (PPI) sebagai Importir Terdaftar (IT) untuk mengimport bahan kimia B2 ini.

Item Prekursor I dan II

Zat atau bahan pemula atau bahan kimia yang dapat digunakan untuk pembuatan narkotika (psikotropika).

Produk Kromatografi

Produk kromatografi Merck meliputi semua proses dalam analisis kromatografi mulai dari sampel preparasi, plate

TLC, sorben kromatografi, kolom HPLC hingga larutan standar untuk validasi mesin HPLC.

Reagen Kimia untuk Analisis

Bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk analisis di laboratorium, dan tidak digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk


Reagen Pewarnaan Sel dan Jaringan (Microscopy)

Reagen yang digunakan untuk pewarnaan sel mikroorganisme, sel tubuh dan sel darah mahluk hidup untuk dapat

diamati dibawah mikroskop. Reagen Microscopy Merck adalah pemimpin di pasaran untuk produk sejenis. Diantaranya

yang paling populer adalah Giemsa, Ziehl Niessen dan Gram Color.

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

Perangkat uji siap pakai dalam sebuah paket (kit) untuk analisis kation, anion, logam berat, organik di dalam suatu

larutan sampel. Aplikasi: air baku, air limbah, air proses, air produksi, air minum, tanah, udara, makanan, pupuk,

tekstil, dll.


Page 20: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Daftar Singkatan

API : Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

AQM : Aquamerck®

AQQ : Aquaquant®

BAM : US Food & Drug Administration Bacteriology Analytical Manual (FDA)

BBO : Bahan Baku Obat

BP : British Pharmacopoeia

BPC : British Pharmaceutical Codex

CE : European Certification of In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (Directive 98/79EC, October 27, 1998);

effective date: December 7, 2003

DIN : Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization)

DNA : Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DAB : Deutsches Arzneibuch

DAB 10 : Deutscher Arzneimittelbuch

DAC : Deutscher Arzneimittel – Codex

EP : European Pharmacopoeia

EPA : Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) § 35 LMBG Lebensmittelgesetzbuch (German Food Law)

F Bras : Farmacopeia dos Estados Unidos do Brasil

GUSA : Gold Labelled Immuno Sorbent Assay

GMO : Genetically Modified Organism

GR : Guaranteed Reagent

FCC : Food Chemicals Codex

FU : Farmacopoeia Ufficiale della Republica Italiana

ISO : International Standardization Organization

JP : The Pharmacopoeia of Japan

NF : The National Formulary

NIST : National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA

MNR : New and Nonofficial Remidies

MEQ : Merckoquant®

PCR : Polymerase Chain Reaction

Ph Belg : Pharmacopoeia Belge

Ph Eur : Pharmacopoeia European

Ph Franc : Pharmacopoeia Française

PPI : Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia, PT

PQ & RQ+ : Reflectoquant®

SMD : Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products (APHA)

SMWW : Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA)

SPQ : Spectroquant®

USDA : US Department of Agriculture; Microbiology Laboratory Guidebook (USDA-FSIS)

USP : United States Pharmacopoeia

E-Number : The Substance has been designated as foodstuff additive by EU Directive; appropriate purity

guidelines are completely fulfilled


Page 21: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosainsdan


Page 22: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Fitur Produk

D-Tube™ DialyzersD-Tube™ Dialyzers merupakan alat dialisis yang mudah digunakan

dengan format tabung sentrifugasi bertutup dengan membran dialisis

untuk penggantian bufer dan penghilangan zat terlarut seperti urea atau

detergen sementara menghasilkan perolehan kembali sampel > 97%.

Tabung sekali pakai yang tidak membutuhkan syringe (alat suntik), alat

sentrifugasi atau langkah-langkah di laboratorium untuk membuat

volum sampel menjadi kecil. Sampel ditambahkan dan dihilangkan

menggunakan pipet laboratorium standar.

D-Tube™ Dialyzers tersedia dengan bobot molekul dari 3,5 hingga 14

kDa dan didesain dengan kapasitas enam volum: mini (10–250 µL),

midi (50–800 µL), maxi (100–3.000 µL), and mega (10, 15, dan 20 mL).

Membran harus sangat bersih, bebas dari EDTA-treated regenerated

cellulose, belerang dan logam berat.

Setiap kit mengandung 10 D-Tube™ Dialyzers (Mega kit tersedia dalam

10 and 50 pk) dan satu floating rack yang dapat menahan perangkat alat

dalam satu bufer pengganti.

Electroelution Kit (No. Kat. 71511-3)Pemisahan biomolekul berikut dengan elektroforesis agarosa atau poliakrilamida, elektroelusi

dengan D-Tube™ Dialyzers menawarkan suatu arti untuk mengekstrak sampel yang diinginkan

dengan memberikan arus listrik pada gel band yang dipotong.

Ekstrasi Menghilangkan protein, kompleks protein-protein, kompleks

protein-DNA, oligonukleotida, RNA dan DNA dari gel poliakrilamida

atau agarosa

Rekoveri(perolehan kembali)

90% rekoveri asam nukleat dari agarosa atau poliakrilamida, dan

60% rekoveri protein dari poliakrilamida

Kompabilitas Sampel yang direkoveri dapat digunakan pada pengukuran MALDI-

MS, KCKT, pemetaan peptida, dan imunisasi hewan untuk produksi


Komponen Tiga baki yang pas untuk perangkat elektroforesis melintang dan

reagen presipitasi yang dioptimasi untuk asam nukelat dan protein

mengikuti elusi

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi20

Page 23: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:*1 Item prekusor*2 BBO API*3 Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.15226.9010 N-(2-Acetamido)-2-aminoethanosulfonic acid buffer substances ACES 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.15227.9010 N-(2-Acetamido)-iminodiacetic acid, buffer substance, ADA 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.15226.0025 N-(2-Acetamido)-S-aminoethanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, ACES 25 g Biosc. 1.253.000

1.15226.0250 N-(2-Acetamido)-S-aminoethanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, ACES 250 g Biosc. 9.566.000

1.12422.9010 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.12422.0025 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 641.000

1.12422.0100 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.177.000

1.12422.1000 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.10784.0100 Acrylamide for electrophoresis 100 g Biosc. 950.000

1.10784.1000 Acrylamide for electrophoresis 1 kg Biosc. 4.814.000

1.00209.1000 Acrylamide for electrophoresis special quality for molecular biology 1 kg Biosc. 7.921.000

1.00633.1000 Acrylamide Ready to use solution 40% for electrophoresis 1 L Biosc. 2.731.000

1.00638.1000 Acrylamide-Bis Ready to use solution 40% (37.5:1) for electrophoresis 1 L Biosc. 2.363.000

1.00639.1000 Acrylamide-Bis Ready-to-use sol. 30%(37.5:1) for electrophoresis 1 L Biosc. 2.363.000

1.00641.1000 Acrylamide-Bis Ready-to-use sol. 40%(19.1:0.9) for electrophoresis 1 L Biosc. 2.758.000

1.00640.1000 Acrylamide-Bis Ready-to-use sol. 40%(19:1) for electrophoresis 1 L Biosc. 2.178.000

1.24839.0100 AEBSF for biochemistry 100 mg Biosc. 1.477.000

1.24839.0500 AEBSF for biochemistry 500 mg Biosc. 4.924.000

1.16802.0025 Agarose (low electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis 25 g Biosc. 1.469.000

1.16802.0250 Agarose (low electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis 250 g Biosc. 16.100.000

1.16801.0025 Agarose (medium electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis 25 g Biosc. 1.454.000

1.16801.0250 Agarose (medium electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis 250 g Biosc. 10.831.000

1.01236.0100 Agarose for Analytical Nucleic Acid electrophoresis 100 g Biosc. 5.061.000

1.01236.0500 Agarose for Analytical Nucleic Acid electrophoresis 500 g Biosc. 17.631.000

1.12239.0025 Agarose for nucleic acid electrophoresis (range of mw < 1 kbp) 25 g Biosc. 4.376.000

1.12239.0100 Agarose for nucleic acid electrophoresis (range of mw < 1 kbp) 100 g Biosc. 13.785.000

1.01008.0250 -Alanine for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 560.000

1.01008.1000 -Alanine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 1.987.000

1.00963.0100 DL-Alanine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 583.000

1.00963.1000 DL-Alanine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 3.310.000

1.01007.0025 L-Alanine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 592.000

1.01007.0100 L-Alanine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.768.000

1.01007.1000 L-Alanine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 12.304.000

1.01007.9010 L-Alanine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.12018.0025 Albumin fraction V (from bovine serum) for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 2.898.000

1.12018.0100 Albumin fraction V (from bovine serum) for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 5.334.000

1.15640.0001 Aldehyde dehydrogenase for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 1.750.000

1.24802.0500 5-Aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride for biochemistry 500 mg Biosc. 1.482.000

1.24802.2500 5-Aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride for biochemistry 2.5 g Biosc. 6.198.000

1.01211.0250 Ammonium sulfate for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 1.116.000

1.01211.1000 Ammonium sulfate for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 1.072.000

1.01211.5000 Ammonium sulfate for biochemistry 5 kg Biosc. 4.616.000

1.01211.9050 Ammonium sulfate for biochemistry 50 kg Biosc. 13.828.000

1.01542.0100 L-Arginine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.065.000


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catatan kaki:*1 Item prekusor*2 BBO API*3 Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.01542.1000 L-Arginine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 6.588.000

1.01542.9010 L-Arginine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.01543.0050 L-Arginine Monochloride for biochemistry 50 g Biosc. 698.000

1.01543.0250 L-Arginine Monochloride for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 2.524.000

1.01543.1000 L-Arginine Monochloride for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 7.422.000

1.01543.9010 L-Arginine Monochloride for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.01566.0100 L-Asparagine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.313.000

1.01566.1000 L-Asparagine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 9.158.000

1.01566.9010 L-Asparagine Monohydrate for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.00126.0100 L-Aspartic acid for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 444.000

1.00126.1000 L-Aspartic acid for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 3.409.000

1.01701.0005 N6-Benzyladenine for biochemistry 5 g Biosc. 2.351.000

1.01701.0025 N6-Benzyladenine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 7.460.000

1.03252.0025 2,2-Bis(hydroxyethyl)-(iminotris)-(hydroxymethyl)-methane BIS TRIS 25 g Biosc. 901.000

1.03252.0250 2,2-Bis(hydroxyethyl)-(iminotris)-(hydroxymethyl)-methane BIS TRIS 250 g Biosc. 7.140.000

1.15228.0025 N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethansulfonic acid, buffer substance, BES 25 g Biosc. 891.000

1.15228.0250 N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethansulfonic acid, buffer substance, BES 250 g Biosc. 7.205.000

1.15228.9010 N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethansulfonic acid, buffer substance, BES 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.01910.0025 N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl) glycine 25 g Biosc. 1.809.000

1.01910.0250 N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl) glycine 250 g Biosc. 3.866.000

1.01894.0100 Brij 35 for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 514.000

1.01894.1000 Brij 35 for biochemistry 1 L Biosc. 2.965.000

1.01651.0025 Bromelain (from pinapples) 2mansion U/mg for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 589.000

1.01651.1000 Bromelain (from pinapples) 2mansion U/mg for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 15.258.000

1.03256.0010 Cacodylic acid sodium salt trihydrate, buffer substance for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 973.000

1.03256.0100 Cacodylic acid sodium salt trihydrate, buffer substance for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 4.078.000

1.02352.0025 Cellobiose for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 4.667.000

1.11662.0001 CHAPS for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 1.095.000

1.11662.0010 CHAPS for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 6.004.000

1.02606.0001 Cholinesterase (horse serum) for biochemistry 1 ST Biosc. 4.307.000

1.02307.0001 -Chymotrypsin (bovine pancreas) for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 2.183.000

1.02307.0005 -Chymotrypsin (bovine pancreas) for biochemistry 5 g Biosc. 7.582.000

1.12117.0050 L-Citrullin for biochemistry 50 g Biosc. 2.463.000

1.12117.0250 L-Citrullin for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 9.354.000

1.15444.0025 Coomassie Brilliant blue g 250 for electrophoresis 25 g Biosc. 1.624.000

1.12553.0025 Coomassie Brilliant blue R 250 for electrophoresis 25 g Biosc. 1.118.000

1.05206.0050 Creatinine for biochemistry 50 g Biosc. 1.303.000

1.05206.0500 Creatinine for biochemistry 500 g Biosc. 10.033.000

1.02126.0050 -Cyclodextrine for biochemistry 50 g Biosc. 5.830.000

1.15229.0025 2-(Cyclohexylamino)ethanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, CHES 25 g Biosc. 1.419.000

1.15229.0250 2-(Cyclohexylamino)ethanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, CHES 250 g Biosc. 9.191.000

1.02838.0025 L-Cysteine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 730.000

1.02838.0100 L-Cysteine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.198.000

1.02838.1000 L-Cysteine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 14.377.000


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catatan kaki:*1 Item prekusor*2 BBO API*3 Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.02838.9010 L-Cysteine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.02839.9010 L-Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.02839.0025 L-Cysteinium chloride for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 571.000

1.02839.0100 L-Cysteinium chloride for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.182.000

1.02839.1000 L-Cysteinium chloride for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 9.656.000

1.02837.0025 L-Cystine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 515.000

1.02837.0100 L-Cystine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.213.000

1.02837.1000 L-Cystine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 10.003.000

1.02837.9010 L-Cystine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.03604.0050 Diastase (from Fungi) for biochemistry 50 g Biosc. 2.063.000

1.24644.0001 Dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide disodium salt for biochemistry, NADH_Na2

1 g Biosc. 2.709.000

1.24644.0005 Dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide disodium salt for biochemistry, NADH_Na2

5 g Biosc. 10.338.000

1.03094.0001 5-Dimethylaminoaphthalene-1-sylfonyl chloride for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 1.024.000

1.03094.0010 5-Dimethylaminoaphthalene-1-sylfonyl chloride for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 6.154.000

1.11714.0001 3-(4,5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolim bromide for biochem-istry

1 g Biosc. 1.550.000

1.11714.0010 3-(4,5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolim bromide for biochem-istry

10 g Biosc. 10.502.000

1.03291.0001 2,2-Dinitro-5,5-dithiodibenzoic acid for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 928.000

1.03291.0005 2,2-Dinitro-5,5-dithiodibenzoic acid for biochemistry 5 g Biosc. 2.566.000

1.03291.0025 2,2-Dinitro-5,5-dithiodibenzoic acid for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 9.744.000

1.24511.0005 2,2-Dithioerythritol for biochemistry 5 g Biosc. 1.731.000

1.24511.0025 2,2-Dithioerythritol for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 7.249.000

1.11474.0001 1,4-Dithiothreitol for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 2.181.000

1.11474.0005 1,4-Dithiothreitol for biochemistry 5 g Biosc. 2.072.000

1.11474.0025 1,4-Dithiothreitol for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 8.751.000

1.12533.0050 Dodecyl sulfate sodium for biochemistry 50 g Biosc. 906.000

1.12533.0250 Dodecyl sulfate sodium for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 2.994.000

1.12533.1000 Dodecyl sulfate sodium for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 10.831.000

1.13760.0100 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt (LAB) 100 g Biosc. 1.135.000

1.13760.1000 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt (LAB) 1 kg Biosc. 6.299.000

1.13760.2500 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt (LAB) 2.5 kg Biosc. 14.390.000

1.06022.1000 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt for biochemistry 10% in H2O 1 L Biosc. 1.344.000

1.11608.0030 Ethidium bromide (1% solution in water) for electrophoresis 30 mL Biosc. 1.176.000

1.11615.0001 Ethidium bromide for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 833.000

1.11615.0010 Ethidium bromide for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 4.713.000

1.15118.1000 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether for amino acid 1 L Biosc. 891.000

1.15118.2500 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether for amino acid 2.5 L Biosc. 1.761.000

1.04007.0250 D-(-)-Fructose for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 584.000

1.04007.1000 D-(-)-Fructose for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 1.340.000

1.24807.0001 6-Furfurylaminopurine for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 1.777.000

1.24807.0250 6-Furfurylaminopurine 250 mg Biosc. 914.000

1.04058.0025 D-(+)-Galactose for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 1.051.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.04058.0100 D-(+)-Galactose for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 3.179.000

1.04074.0500 D-(+)-Glucose 1-hydrate for biochemistry 500 g Biosc. 347.000

1.04074.1000 D-(+)-Glucose 1-hydrate for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 675.000

1.04074.5000 D-(+)-Glucose 1-hydrate for biochemistry 5 kg Biosc. 1.963.000

1.08337.0250 D-(+)-Glucose anhydrous for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 426.000

1.08337.1000 D-(+)-Glucose anhydrous for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 787.000

1.08337.5000 D-(+)-Glucose anhydrous for biochemistry 5 kg Biosc. 2.441.000

1.04074.9050 D-(+)-Glucose monohydrate for biochemistry 50 kg Biosc. 13.002.000

1.08337.9050 D-(+)-Glucose anhydrous for biochemistry 50 kg Biosc. OAP

1.04114.0002 -Glucuronidase/aryl sulfatase for biochemistry 2 mL Biosc. 1.976.000

1.00291.0250 L-Glutamic acid for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 1.135.000

1.00291.1000 L-Glutamic acid for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 4.461.000

1.00291.9010 L-Glutamic acid for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.00289.9010 L-Glutamine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.00289.0025 L-Glutamine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 482.000

1.00289.0100 L-Glutamine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.335.000

1.00289.1000 L-Glutamine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.08238.0500 Glycerol triacetate for biochemistry 500 mL Biosc. 1.782.000

1.04201.0100 Glycine GR 100 g Biosc. 310.000

1.04201.0250 Glycine GR 250 g Biosc. 653.000

1.04201.1000 Glycine GR 1 kg Biosc. 2.037.000

1.04201.5000 Glycine GR 5 kg Biosc. 7.385.000

1.04201.9025 Glycine GR 25 kg Biosc. OAP

1.04169.1000 Glycine, buffer substance for electrophoresis 1 kg Biosc. 2.158.000

1.04233.0010 Glycylglycine Buffer substance 10 g Biosc. 713.000

1.04233.0100 Glycylglycine Buffer substance 100 g Biosc. 3.670.000

1.04233.1000 Glycylglycine Buffer substance 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.04219.0025 Guanidium Chloride 25 g Biosc. 1.425.000

1.04219.0100 Guanidium Chloride 100 g Biosc. 2.590.000

1.04219.0500 Guanidium Chloride 500 g Biosc. 11.085.000

1.04220.0100 Guanidium Chloride LAB 100 g Biosc. 844.000

1.04220.1000 Guanidium Chloride LAB 1 kg Biosc. 4.158.000

1.04220.5000 Guanidium Chloride LAB 5 kg Biosc. 17.835.000

1.04220.9025 Guanidium Chloride LAB 25 kg Biosc. OAP

1.04167.0250 Guanidium Thiocyanate 250 g Biosc. 3.314.000

1.04351.9010 L-Histidine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.04351.0025 L-Histidine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 776.000

1.04351.0100 L-Histidine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.112.000

1.04351.1000 L-Histidine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.04350.9010 L-Histidine monohydrochloride for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.04350.0025 L-Histidine monohydrochloride for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 597.000

1.04350.0100 L-Histidine monohydrochloride for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.463.000

1.04350.0500 L-Histidine monohydrochloride for biochemistry 500 GR Biosc. 6.765.000

1.15231.0250 2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]-ethanesulfonic acid sodium salt, buffer substance, HEPES-Na

250 g Biosc. 6.377.000


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catatan kaki:*1 Item prekusor*2 BBO API*3 Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.15231.0025 2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]-ethanesulfonic acid sodium salt, buffer substance, HEPES-Na

25 g Biosc. 986.000

1.15230.9010 3-[4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]-propanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, HEPPS

10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.15230.0025 3-[4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]-propanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, HEPPS

25 g Biosc. 1.100.000

1.15230.0250 3-[4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]-propanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, HEPPS

250 g Biosc. 6.127.000

1.04506.0010 L-Hydroxyproline for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 1.001.000

1.04506.0100 L-Hydroxyproline for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 7.567.000

1.03740.0002 Hygromycin B solution for biochemistry 2 mL Biosc. 8.273.000

1.04716.0050 Imidazole buffer substance 50 g Biosc. 720.000

1.04716.0250 Imidazole buffer substance 250 g Biosc. 2.250.000

1.04716.1000 Imidazole buffer substance 1 kg Biosc. 7.439.000

1.00353.0010 Indole-3 acetic acid (LAB) 10 g Biosc. 740.000

1.00353.0100 Indole-3 acetic acid (LAB) 100 g Biosc. 5.746.000

1.00354.0005 Indole-3 butyric acid (LAB) 5 g Biosc. 893.000

1.00354.0025 Indole-3 butyric acid (LAB) 25 g Biosc. 3.649.000

1.00354.0100 Indole-3 butyric acid (LAB) 100 g Biosc. 9.155.000

1.00354.0500 Indole-3 butyric acid (LAB) 500 g Biosc. 41.136.000

1.04507.0050 myo-Inositol for biochemistry 50 g Biosc. 587.000

1.04507.0250 myo-Inositol for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 1.981.000

1.05362.9010 L-Isoleucine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.05362.0025 L-Isoleucine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 1.489.000

1.05362.0100 L-Isoleucine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 4.178.000

1.05362.0500 L-Isoleucine for biochemistry 500 g Biosc. OAP

1.07660.0250 Lactose monohydrate for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 459.000

1.07660.1000 Lactose monohydrate for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 1.596.000

1.05360.0025 L-Leucine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 512.000

1.05360.0250 L-Leucine for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 3.070.000

1.05360.9010 L-Leucine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.12233.0100 L-Lysine monohydrate for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.492.000

1.12233.1000 L-Lysine monohydrate for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.05700.0100 L-Lysine monohydrochloride for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 416.000

1.05700.1000 L-Lysine monohydrochloride for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 2.725.000

1.05700.9010 L-Lysine monohydrochloride for biochemisty 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.01193.0001 Magprep® Silica Particles 1 mL Biosc. 1.327.000

1.00382.0250 DL-Malic acid for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 536.000

1.00382.1000 DL-Malic acid for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 1.611.000

1.05912.0100 Maltose 1-hydrate for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 4.629.000

1.05388.0025 D(-)-Mannose for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 934.000

1.05388.0100 D(-)-Mannose for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 3.301.000

1.12240.0005 Melibiose 1-hydrate for biochemistry 5 g Biosc. 1.266.000

1.12240.0025 Melibiose 1-hydrate for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 4.062.000

1.05707.9010 L-Methionine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.05707.0025 L-Methionine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 690.000

1.05707.0100 L-Methionine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.889.000

1.05707.1000 L-Methionine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 8.708.000

1.01546.0100 N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide for electrophoresis,special Grade for molecular biology

100 g Biosc. 2.897.000

1.06062.1000 N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide Ready-to-use sol. "BIS" 2% for electrophoresis 1 L Biosc. 1.770.000

1.10897.0050 N,N'-Methylenediacrylamide for electrophoresis 50 g Biosc. 946.000

1.10897.0100 N,N'-Methylenediacrylamide for electrophoresis 100 g Biosc. 1.674.000

1.06129.0025 3-Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid 25 g Biosc. 789.000

1.06129.0250 3-Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid 250 g Biosc. 5.151.000

1.06129.9010 3-Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.06126.0025 2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid monohydrate buffer substance MES 25 g Biosc. 734.000

1.06126.0250 2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid monohydrate buffer substance MES 250 g Biosc. 4.678.000

1.06126.9010 2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid monohydrate buffer substance MES 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.06254.0100 Neomycin sulfate for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.451.000

1.24541.0001 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate disodium salt for biochemistry NADP-NA2

1 g Biosc. 9.426.000

1.24542.0025 Nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide free acid for biochemistry NAD 25 g Biosc. 15.848.000

1.24542.0005 Nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide free acid for biochemistry NAD 5 g Biosc. 4.146.000

1.24542.0001 Nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide free acid for biochemistry NAD 1 g Biosc. 1.064.000

1.06906.0025 L-Ornithine monohydrochloride for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 521.000

1.06906.0100 L-Ornithine monohydrochloride for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.073.000

1.06906.1000 L-Ornithine monohydrochloride for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.06906.9010 L-Ornithine monohydrochloride for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.05194.0025 2-Oxoglutaric acid for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 502.000

1.05194.0100 2-Oxoglutaric acid for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.365.000

1.05194.1000 2-Oxoglutaric acid for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 10.004.000

1.07144.0025 Papain water-soluble for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 660.000

1.07185.0100 Pepsin (porcine gastric mucosa) for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.226.000

1.07192.0001 Pepsin (porcine gastric mucosa) lyophylized for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 4.548.000

1.16216.0001 Peroxidase (horse radish) for biochemistry 1 ST Biosc. 1.264.000

1.07257.0025 DL-Phenylalanine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 1.852.000

1.07257.0100 DL-Phenylalanine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 3.371.000

1.07256.9010 L-Phenylalanine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.07256.0025 L-Phenylalanine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 590.000

1.07256.0100 L-Phenylalanine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.168.000

1.07256.1000 L-Phenylalanine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.11452.0005 Phthaldialdehyde for fluorometry 5 g Biosc. 2.100.000

1.11452.0050 Phthaldialdehyde for fluorometry 50 g Biosc. 15.928.000

1.10220.0025 Piperazine Buffer substance PIPES 25 g Biosc. 769.000

1.10220.0250 Piperazine Buffer substance PIPES 250 g Biosc. 4.944.000

1.10220.1000 Piperazine Buffer substance PIPES 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.10220.9010 Piperazine-1,4-bis-(2-ethanesulfonic acid) buffer substance PIPES 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.14275.0010 Ponceau S for electrophoresis 10 g Biosc. 806.000

1.07434.0010 L-Proline for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 576.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.07434.0100 L-Proline for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.517.000

1.07434.0500 L-Proline for biochemistry 500 g Biosc. 11.815.000

1.07434.9010 L-Proline for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.07433.0001 Pronase E (Streptomyces GRiseus) for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 2.483.000

1.07433.0005 Pronase E (Streptomyces GRiseus) for biochemistry 5 g Biosc. 10.166.000

1.10123.0025 Protamine sulfate for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 5.416.000

1.10123.0005 Protamine sulfate for biochemistry 5 g Biosc. 1.664.000

1.07393.0010 Proteinase K (from Tritirachium album) solution 10 mL Biosc. 3.313.000

1.08543.0250 Proteinase K (from Tritirachium album) solution *3 250 mL Biosc. 749.000

1.06619.0050 Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry 50 g Biosc. 1.195.000

1.06619.0250 Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 4.343.000

1.06619.1000 Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.07419.0050 Raffinose for biochemistry 50 g Biosc. 3.292.000

1.07361.0010 L-(+)-Rhamnose for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 1.062.000

1.07361.0025 L-(+)-Rhamnose for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 3.131.000

1.07605.0050 D-(-)-Ribose for biochemistry 50 g Biosc. 4.140.000

1.07769.0010 L-Serine for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 563.000

1.07769.0100 L-Serine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.332.000

1.07769.1000 L-Serine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.07769.9010 L-Serine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.07759.0100 D-(-)-Sorbitol for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 951.000

1.07759.0500 D-(-)-Sorbitol for biochemistry 500 g Biosc. 3.644.000

1.11685.0250 Starch (from wheat) for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 539.000

1.11685.1000 Starch (from wheat) for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 963.000

1.01257.0050 Starch soluble Zulkowsky GR 50 g Biosc. 1.442.000

1.01257.0250 Starch soluble Zulkowsky GR 250 g Biosc. 6.099.000

1.01257.1000 Starch soluble Zulkowsky GR 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.01252.1000 Starch soluble GR 1 kg Biosc. 2.897.000

1.01252.9025 Starch soluble GR 25 kg Biosc. OAP

1.01252.0100 Starch soluble GR 100 g Biosc. 652.000

1.01252.0250 Starch soluble GR 250 g Biosc. 1.002.000

1.06174.1000 TAE Buffer 50x pH 8.3 TRIS-Acetate-EDTA Buffer 1 L Biosc. 2.002.000

1.06177.2500 TBE Buffer 10xpH 8.3 TRIS-Borate-EDTA Buffer 2.5 L Biosc. 2.566.000

1.10732.0100 N,N,N',N'- Tetramethylethylenediamine ( Temmed ) GR 100 mL Biosc. 788.000

1.08181.0025 Thiamine chloride hydrochloride for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 676.000

1.08181.0250 Thiamine chloride hydrochloride for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 4.749.000

1.08411.0010 L-Threonine for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 527.000

1.08411.0100 L-Threonine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 2.481.000

1.08411.1000 L-Threonine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. OAP

1.08411.9010 L-Threonine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.12374.0001 Thrombin (bovine plasma) for biochemistry 1 g Biosc. 3.557.000

1.10789.0001 Titanium (III) chloride solution abt. 15% for amino acids analysis 1 pack Biosc. 1.913.000

1.02243.0001 tri-Calcium Phosphate Dried E.P. Ph. Eur.,BP,E341 1 St Biosc. 1.611.000

1.08379.0250 Triethanolamine GR for Analysis 250 g Biosc. -


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.08379.1000 Triethanolamine GR for Analysis 1 kg Biosc. -

1.08357.0100 Triethanolamine hydrochloride GR 100 g Biosc. 659.000

1.08357.1000 Triethanolamine hydrochloride GR 1 kg Biosc. 4.916.000

1.08382.0100 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane GR 100 g Biosc. 538.000

1.08382.0500 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane GR 500 g Biosc. 1.897.000

1.08382.1000 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane GR 1 kg Biosc. 3.387.000

1.08382.2500 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane GR 2.5 kg Biosc. 7.384.000

1.08382.9025 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane GR 25 kg Biosc. OAP

1.08387.0500 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane TRIS, LAB 500 g Biosc. 1.138.000

1.08387.2500 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane TRIS, LAB 2.5 kg Biosc. 5.170.000

1.08602.0025 N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]glycine buffer substance Tricin 25 g Biosc. 776.000

1.08602.0250 N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]glycine buffer substance Tricin 250 g Biosc. 3.649.000

1.08602.9010 N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]glycine buffer substance Tricin 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.10695.0025 N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid buffer substance TES 25 g Biosc. 1.380.000

1.10695.0250 N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid buffer substance TES 250 g Biosc. 9.105.000

1.10695.9010 N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid buffer substance TES 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.08320.0025 N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]-3-aminopropanesulfonic acid buffer substance TAPS

25 g Biosc. 1.002.000

1.08320.0250 N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]-3-aminopropanesulfonic acid buffer substance TAPS

250 g Biosc. 4.109.000

1.08444.0001 Trypsin (porcine pancreas) lyophylized for protein sequence analysis 1 g Biosc. 4.924.000

1.08374.0010 L-Tryptophan for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 566.000

1.08374.0100 L-Tryptophan for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 5.525.000

1.08374.0500 L-Tryptophan for biochemistry 500 g Biosc. OAP

1.08374.9010 L-Tryptophan for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.08371.0025 L-Tyrosine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 600.000

1.08371.0100 L-Tyrosine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.144.000

1.08371.1000 L-Tyrosine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 8.862.000

1.08371.9010 L-Tyrosine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.08488.0250 Urea for biochemistry 250 g Biosc. 466.000

1.08488.1000 Urea for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 1.289.000

1.08488.5000 Urea for biochemistry 5 kg Biosc. 4.238.000

1.08488.9010 Urea for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. 9.069.000

1.08489.0005 Urease (from Jack beans) lyophilized 5U/mg 5 g Biosc. 3.187.000

1.08489.0025 Urease (from Jack beans) lyophilized 5U/mg 25 g Biosc. 15.316.000

1.16493.0010 Urease (from Jack beans) solution for biochemistry 10 g Biosc. 2.408.000

1.08495.0025 L-Valine for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 690.000

1.08495.0100 L-Valine for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.313.000

1.08495.1000 L-Valine for biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 11.324.000

1.08495.9010 L-Valine for biochemistry 10 kg Biosc. OAP

1.24592.0100 Vitamin B12 for Biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 650.000

1.24592.1000 Vitamin B12 for Biochemistry 1 kg Biosc. 1.584.000

1.10590.0005 Xylene cyanol for electrophoresis 5 g Biosc. 963.000

1.08689.0025 D(+)-Xylose for biochemistry 25 g Biosc. 486.000

1.08689.0100 D(+)-Xylose for biochemistry 100 g Biosc. 1.017.000


Page 31: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Beragam perangkat yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengkloning DNA target dan memurnikan protein rekombinan.

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

Perangkat Kit Biologi Molekular yang LengkapSolusi para ahli dari cloning DNA hingga ekspresi protein.

Fitur Produk

Percepat riset Anda dengan menggunakan perangkat DNA

rekombinan termutakhir yang secara spesifik didesain untuk

memenuhi target penelitian dan teknis Anda.

Baik Anda melakukan penelitian yang berkaitan dengan ekspresi

dan pemurnian protein rekombinan untuk menemukan hubungan

antara klon dan mengekspresikan gen yang berubah secara genetic

untuk memeriksa pengaruhnya dalam proses biologis, Anda

membutuhkan set lengkap perangkat biologi molecular yang dapat

bekerja secara bersamaan.

Merck Millipore menyediakan reagen, kit, sel dan perangkat untuk

setiap langkah dalam biologi molekuler dan pekerjaan berkaitan

dengan protein. Bekerja samalah dengan para peneliti terkemuka

di tim dukungan teknis dan riset kami, dan saksikan riset Anda



Page 32: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Amplifikasi gen dengan ketelitian tinggiPerangkat PCR untuk gene discovery yang efisien dan akurat

Menangkan kompetisi dengan Enzim PCR dan Kit PCR Novagen®

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) yang sukses sangat penting

dalam mengamplifikasi sekuens DNA dalam rangka untuk

mempelajari fungsinya, baik dengan melakukan sequencing,

mutasi, transkripsi, atau ekspresi gen.

Dengan menggabungkan keahlian dan keandalan dari

Novagen®, Merck Millipore menyediakan perangkat yang

dapat digunakan pada setiap langkah kerja gene discovery,

termasuk enzim dan reagen PCR bermutu tinggi, kit yang

mudah digunakan, dan sel yang kompeten untuk mengatasi

tantangan spesifik dalam propagasi DNA dan ekspresi protein.

Untuk melihat dan mengunduh informasi dan protokol yang spesifik untuk setiap produk, silakan kunjungi

sciences dan carilah berdasarkan nomor katalog produk kami.

Fitur Produk

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi30

Page 33: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

Calbiochem®- Novagen®

113000-1GMCN Acridine Orange 1 g Biosc. 2.809.000

CP01-1EACN Actin (AB-1) Kit 1 ea Biosc. 9.154.000

1152-100GMCN Adenine 100 g Biosc. 9.177.000

1171-1GMCN Adenosine 5'-Diphosphate, Monosodium Salt 1 g Biosc. 2.016.000

118110-5GMCN Adenosine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Salt 5 g Biosc. 3.223.000

1191-1GMCN Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate, Disodium Salt 1 g Biosc. 1.194.000

1191-25GMCN Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate, Disodium Salt 25 g Biosc. 6.883.000

121739-25GMCN Adonitol (1.00852) 25 g Biosc. 2.578.000

101500-50MGCN AEBSF, HCL 50 g Biosc. 2.218.000

2100-OPCN 6X Agarose Loading Buffer, Omnipur® 5 mL Biosc. 953.000

121853-100GMCN Agarose, Type I, Molecular Biology Grade 100 g Biosc. 5.100.000

121853-500GMCN Agarose, Type I, Molecular Biology Grade 500 g Biosc. 9.180.000

124005-1MGCN AKT Inhibitor 1 mg Biosc. 4.443.000

12657-5GMCN Albumin, Bovine Serum, Fraction V, Crystalline 5 g Biosc. 4.619.000

126593-10GMCN Albumin, Bovine Serum, Fraction V, RIA and ELISA Grade 10 g Biosc. 1.943.000

126593-25GMCN Albumin, Bovine Serum, Fraction, RIA and ELISA Grade 25 g Biosc. 2.244.000

12659-25GMCN Albumin, Bovine Serum, Low Heavy Metals 25 g Biosc. 1.697.000

12659-250GMCN Albumin, Bovine Serum, Low Heavy Metals 250 g Biosc. 9.967.000

12659-500GMCN Albumin, Bovine Serum, Low Heavy Metals 500 g Biosc. 15.731.000

149101-250MGCN 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid 250 mg Biosc. 2.273.000

149101-1GMCN 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid 1 g Biosc. 8.730.000

168320-1KGCN Ammonium Chloride, Molecular Biology Grade 1 kg Biosc. 1.756.000

171375-100MGCN Amphotericin B, Streptomyces sp. 100 mg Biosc. 1.567.000

171254-5GMCN Ampicilin, Sodium Salt (1.00278) 5 g Biosc. 1.587.000

171254-25GMCN Ampicilin, Sodium Salt 25 g Biosc. 3.692.000

172060-50MGCN Andrographolide 50 mg Biosc. 2.146.000

CBA059-1KITCN Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit 1 kit Biosc. 6.646.000

217575-100UGCN Anti-CD4 Mouse MAB (QS4120) 100 µg Biosc. 6.578.000

227040-100ULCN Anti-Cholera Toxin,B-Subunit(GOACR) 100 µL Biosc. 2.104.000

407290-500UGCN Anti- -Interferon, Human (mouse) 500 µg Biosc. 11.630.000

178251-1MGCN 1-Antitrypsin, Human plasma 1 mg Biosc. 2.918.000

CBA040-1KITCN Apo-Brdu Kit 1 kit Biosc. 15.194.000

17851-1KGCN Aquacide II 1 kg Biosc. 2.136.000

178670-25GMCN D-(-)-Arabinose 25 g Biosc. 1.424.000

178680-25GMCN L-(+)-Arabinose 25 g Biosc. 1.256.000

1820-100GMCN L-Arginine, Free base 100 g Biosc. 2.688.000

181003-50GMCN L-Arginine, HCl (1.01543) 50 g Biosc. 1.590.000

181003-250GMCN L-Arginine, HCl (1.01543) 250 g Biosc. 2.747.000

1831-1KGCN L-Ascorbic Acid, Free Acid 1 kg Biosc. 3.666.000

1951-250KUCN Bacitracin (+4°C) 250 ku Biosc. 1.189.000

71545-3CN BacMagic™ DNA Kit 5 rxn Biosc. 10.795.000

71546-3CN BacMagic™ Transfection Kit 5 rxn Biosc. 15.686.000

70034-3CN BacPlaque™ Agarose 30 g Biosc. 2.136.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

70057-3CN BacVector® 1000 DNA Kit 12 ea Biosc. 7.452.000

70059-3CN BacVector® 1000 Transfection Kit 12 rxn Biosc. 13.457.000

70590-3CN BacVector® Insect Cell Medium 1 L Biosc. 1.983.000

196418-250MGCN BAPTA, Tetrasodium Salt 250 mg Biosc. 1.561.000

71285-3CN BCA Protein Assay Kit 500 assay Biosc. 1.866.000

203790-100MLCN BCIP/NBT 100 mL Biosc. 1.404.000

198901-250MLCN Benzalkonium Chloride 250 mL Biosc. 6.882.000

70746-4CN Benzonase Nuclease HC, Purity > 90% 2.5 ku Biosc. 980.000

71205-3CN Benzonase Nuclease HC, Purity > 90% 25 ku Biosc. 4.392.000

2031-1GMCN D-(+)-Biotin (+4°C) 1 g Biosc. 2.215.000

70232-3CN BL21 Competent Cell Set* 1.2 mL Biosc. 9.967.000

69450-3CN BL21(DE3) Competent Cells* 0.4 mL Biosc. 2.332.000

69451-3CN BL21(DE3) Plyss CC* 0.4 mL Biosc. 2.708.000

69451-4CN BL21(DE3) Plyss CC* 1 mL Biosc. 1.913.000

70235-3CN BL21(DE3) Singles* 11 rxn Biosc. 3.541.000

203667-500GMCN Boric Acid, MB Grade (1.12015) 500 g Biosc. 1.189.000

203667-1KGCN Boric Acid, MB Grade 1 kg Biosc. 1.866.000

HTS01-200TESTCN BRDU Cell Proliferation Assay, HTS 200 test Biosc. 7.754.000

126609-5GMCN BSA, Fraction V, Fatty Acid-Free, Nuclease and Protease Free 5 g Biosc. 2.797.000

70584-3CN BugBuster® Protein Extraction Reagent 100 mL Biosc. 1.658.000

208291-250GMCN Calcium Chloride, Dihydrate, MB Grade 250 g Biosc. 1.001.000

211274-100MGCN (E)-Capsaicin 100 mg Biosc. 2.308.000

217274-250GMCN Carboxymethylcellulose, Sodium Salt, high viscosity 150 g Biosc. 1.161.000

217277-250GMCN Carboxymethylcellulose, Sodium Salt, low viscosity 250 g Biosc. 1.456.000

217277-1KGCN Carboxymethylcellulose, Sodium Salt, low viscosity 1 kg Biosc. 5.218.000

217538-1GMCN -Carotene (1.02236) 1 g Biosc. 1.838.000

218717-50MGCN Casein Kinase II Inhibitor V, Suinalizar 50 mg Biosc. 3.650.000

218680-25GMCN Casein, Bovine Milk (1.02244) 25 g Biosc. 1.239.000

218680-100GMCN Casein, Bovine Milk (1.02244) 100 g Biosc. 3.116.000

218682-100GMCN Casein, Bovine Milk (1.02242) 100 g Biosc. 3.528.000

218682-500GMCN Casein, Bovine Milk (1.02242) 500 g Biosc. 6.400.000

218825-1SETCN Caspase Inhibitor Set IV 1 set Biosc. 12.713.000

218824-1KITCN Caspase-9 Assay Kit 1 kit Biosc. 17.391.000

219265-1KITCN Catalase Assay Kit 1 kit Biosc. 14.849.000

219261-100KUCN Catalase, Aspergillus niger 100 ku Biosc. 1.697.000

219001-5MUCN Catalase, Bovine liver 5 mu Biosc. 2.035.000

219380-2GMCN Cefotaxime, Sodium Salt 2 g Biosc. 4.831.000

QIA129-1KITCN Cell Invation Assay Kit (24-well) 1 kit Biosc. 11.372.000

219650-100GMCN Cesium Chloride, Molecular Biology Grade (1.01548) 100 g Biosc. 3.280.000

219650-500GMCN Cesium Chloride, Molecular Biology Grade (1.01548) 500 g Biosc. 12.243.000

71412-3CN Chicken Egg White Lysozyme Solution 10 mL Biosc. 1.900.000

220551-25GMCN Chloramphenicol (1.02366) 25 g Biosc. 2.190.000

220551-100GMCN Chloramphenicol (1.02366) 100 g Biosc. 7.076.000

228111-5GMCN Cholesterol, Highly Purified 5 g Biosc. 1.794.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

229101-50GMCN Cholic Acid, Sodium Salt (1.12448) 50 g Biosc. 2.308.000

233153-1GMCN Cleland's Reagent, Ultrol® Grade 1 g Biosc. 1.830.000

70573-3CN Clonables™ 2X Ligation Premix 55 µL Biosc. 1.275.000

70526-3CN Clonables™ Kit 11 rxn Biosc. 2.550.000

234115-1GMCN Colchicine, Colchicum autumnale 1 g Biosc. 2.869.000

234115-5GMCN Colchicine, Colchicum autumnale 5 g Biosc. 9.324.000

234149-250UGCN Collagen, Type I, Human Placenta 250 µg Biosc. 10.307.000

234138-1MGCN Collagen, Type I, Human Skin 1 mg Biosc. 9.764.000

234400-5MLCN Complement, Rabbit Serum 5 mL Biosc. 7.628.000

219374-100GMCN CTAB, Molecular Biology Grade (1.08130) 100 g Biosc. 1.773.000

239760-25GMCN -Cyclodextrine (1.02127) 25 g Biosc. 1.526.000

239763-1GMCN Cycloheximide 1 g Biosc. 2.940.000

239763-5GMCN Cycloheximide 5 g Biosc. 7.692.000

239831-1GMCN D-Cycloserine (-20 °C) 1 g Biosc. 2.036.000

239831-5GMCN D-Cycloserine (-20 °C) 5 g Biosc. 7.369.000

243005-25GMCN L-Cysteine, Free Base (1.02838) 25 g Biosc. 712.000

2430-100GMCN L-Cysteine, Hydrochloride 100 g Biosc. 1.933.000

2430-1KGCN L-Cysteine, Hydrochloride 1 kg Biosc. 8.002.000

2470-25GMCN L-Cystine 25 g Biosc. 1.087.000

71009-3CN CytoBuster™ Protein Extraction Reagent 50 mL Biosc. 1.718.000

268298-10MGCN DAPI, Dihydrochloride 10 mg Biosc. 4.272.000

259580-1GMCN 2-Deoxy-D-Galactose 1 g Biosc. 3.243.000

265005-100MGCN Dexamethasone 100 mg Biosc. 3.193.000

265152-50GMCN Dextran Sulfate, Sodium Salt, Molecular Biology Grade 50 g Biosc. 5.289.000

317275-100MLCN Dimethyl sulfoxide 100 mL Biosc. 863.000

317275-500MLCN Dimethyl sulfoxide 500 mL Biosc. 1.729.000

AM41-1EACN DNA Ladder Kit (Suicide Track) 1 ea Biosc. 6.375.000

69838-3CN DNA Ligation Kit 1 kit Biosc. 3.825.000

324101-100MGCN DNP Albumin Conjugate, Bovine 100 mg Biosc. 2.960.000

71004-3CN DNTP Mix 10MM 0.2 mL Biosc. 1.541.000

300267-50MGCN DPPH, Free Radical 50 mg Biosc. 2.149.000

71509-3CN D-TUBE™ Dialyzer Maxi, MWCO 6-8 kDa 10 dtu Biosc. 2.731.000

71511-3CN D-TUBE™ Electroelution Accessory Kit 1 kit Biosc. 1.455.000

324506-100MLCN EDTA, 0.5 M, pH 8.0,Molecular Biology Grade 100 mL Biosc. 1.611.000

324504-500MLCN EDTA, 500 MM Solution, pH 8.0, Ultrol® GR 500 mL Biosc. 2.273.000

324503-100GMCN EDTA, Disodium Salt, Dihydrate, Molecular Biology Grade 100 g Biosc. 1.654.000

324503-1KGCN EDTA, Disodium Salt, Dihydrate, Molecular Biology Grade 1 kg Biosc. 4.443.000

34103-500GMCN EDTA, Tetrasodium Salt 500 g Biosc. 2.035.000

324626-25GMCN EGTA, Molecular Biology Grade 25 g Biosc. 3.712.000

324880-10MGCN (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate 10 mg Biosc. 1.526.000

329815-5GMCN Erythromycin, Streptomyces erythreus 5 g Biosc. 1.494.000

329871-50UGCN Erythropoietin, Human, Recombinant, CHO Cells 50 µg Biosc. 3.833.000

70850-3CN 1FastPlax™ Titer Kit 5 ea Biosc. 4.376.000

341506-1GMCN Fetuin, Fetal Bovine Serum 1 g Biosc. 4.612.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

341691-25GMCN Ficoll 400, Molecular Biology Grade (1.00498) 25 g Biosc. 2.226.000

69001-3CN First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 40 rxn Biosc. 3.825.000

QIA39-1EACN Fluorescein Fragel DNA Fragmentation 1 ea Biosc. 10.781.000

344205-500MLCN Formamide 500 mL Biosc. 2.189.000

344206-100MLCN Formamide, Molecular Biology Grade (1.12027) 100 mL Biosc. 951.000

344289-1SETCN Freund's Complete Adjuvant, modified 1 set Biosc. 3.822.000

344291-10MLCN Freund's Incomplete Adjuvant, modified 10 mL Biosc. 951.000

345810-250MGCN G 418 Sulfate, Cell Culture Tested 250 mg Biosc. 1.234.000

345810-500MGCN G 418 Sulfate, Cell Culture Tested 500 mg Biosc. 1.604.000

345810-1GMCN G 418 Sulfate, Cell Culture Tested 1 g Biosc. 2.066.000

345810-5GMCN G 418 Sulfate, Cell Culture Tested 5 g Biosc. 6.781.000

345810-25GMCN G 418 Sulfate, Cell Culture Tested 25 g Biosc. 28.878.000

345812-10MLCN G 418 Sulfate, Sterile-filtered aqueous 10 mL Biosc. 1.789.000

345812-20MLCN G 418 Sulfate, Sterile-filtered aqueous 20 mL Biosc. 3.206.000

345812-50MLCN G 418 Sulfate, Sterile-filtered aqueous 50 mL Biosc. 5.703.000

345788-5MGCN -Galactosidase, E.coli (1.04115) 5 mg Biosc. 4.372.000

345806-50MIUCN -1,4-Galactosidase, S. pneumoniae, recombinant, E.coli 50 miu Biosc. 9.324.000

345814-1GMCN Gentamycin Sulfate 1 g Biosc. 2.238.000

345868-5MGCN [6]-Gingerol, Zingiber officinale 5 mg Biosc. 4.170.000

347425-500GMCN Gluconolactone 500 g Biosc. 2.035.000

346351-250GMCN D-(+)-Glucose, anhydrous 250 g Biosc. 1.337.000

346351-1KGCN D-(+)-Glucose, anhydrous 1 kg Biosc. 2.987.000

345386-10KUCN Glucose oxidase, Aspergillus niger, recombinant 10 ku Biosc. 2.355.000

346764-1GMCN -D-Glucose-7-Phosphate (1.04108) 1 g Biosc. 1.404.000

354400-500MLCN Glutaraldehyde, 25% aqueous solution 500 mL Biosc. 4.307.000

3541-1GMCN Glutathione, oxidized, free acid 1 g Biosc. 611.000

3542-1GMCN Glutathione, oxidized, free acid 1 g Biosc. 1.451.000

3541-5GMCN Glutathione, oxidized, free acid 5 g Biosc. 959.000

356350-500MLCN Glycerol 500 mL Biosc. 1.404.000

356352-100MLCN Glycerol, Molecular Biology Grade (1.12011) 100 mL Biosc. 1.396.000

356352-1LCN Glycerol, Molecular Biology Grade (1.12011) 1 L Biosc. 2.816.000

357002-100GMCN Glycine, Molecular Biology Grade (1.12008) 100 g Biosc. 831.000

361507-1MLCN Glycogen, molecular biology grade, mussel 1 mL Biosc. 6.036.000

364205-1MGCN GM 6001 1 mg Biosc. 2.409.000

401432-500ULCN Goat anti-human IGG, H & L Chain (Goat) 500 µL Biosc. 3.980.000

71045-3CN Goat Anti-mouse HRP Conjugate 40 µL Biosc. 1.530.000

234373-5UGCN Granulocyte macrophage colony 50 µg Biosc. 9.790.000

369075-500GMCN Guanidine hydrochloride, Ultrol® Grade 500 g Biosc. 4.527.000

371701-50MGCN Guanosine 5'-Triphosphate, Disodium Salt 50 mg Biosc. 1.526.000

370656-50MGCN Guanosine-3',5'-Cyclic Monophosphate, Sodium Salt 50 mg Biosc. 2.073.000

391340-250GMCN HEPES, Free acid, Molecular Biology Grade 250 g Biosc. 3.376.000

391340-25GMCN HEPES, Free acid, Molecular Biology Grade (1.12041) 25 g Biosc. 985.000

70239-3CN HIS*BIND Purification Kit 1 kit Biosc. 3.188.000

69670-3CN HIS*BIND Resin 10 mL Biosc. 3.188.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

3779-1GMCN Histamine, Free Base 1 g Biosc. 2.775.000

3779-5GMCN Histamine, Free Base 5 g Biosc. 8.442.000

3810-100GMCN L-Histidine, Free Base 100 g Biosc. 2.054.000

385931-25KUCN Hyaluronidase, bovine testes 25 ku Biosc. 9.967.000

400050-500MGCN Hygromycin B, Streptomyces sp., cell culture-tested 500 mg Biosc. 5.257.000

400050-1GMCN Hygromycin B, Streptomyces sp., cell culture-tested 1 g Biosc. 8.273.000

401474-1MGCN IKK Inhibitor II, Wedelolactone 1 mg Biosc. 3.308.000

CBA017-1KITCN InnoCyte™ Cell Migration Assay, 24-well plate 1 kit Biosc. 10.680.000

CBA010-1KITCN InnoCyte™ Cell Migration Assay, 96-well plate 1 kit Biosc. 10.326.000

CBA043-1KITCN InnoCyte™ Laminin-based 96-well cell invassion assay 1 kit Biosc. 13.469.000

4071-100GMCN myo-Inositol 100 g Biosc. 2.206.000

71259-4CN Insect GeneJuice® Transfection Reagent 1 mL Biosc. 2.911.000

71187-3CN Insect PopCulture® Reagent 50 mL Biosc. 2.519.000

407320-20UGCN -Interferon, Mouse, Recombinant 20 µg Biosc. 4.039.000

407303-20UGCN -Interferon, Mouse, Recombinant, E. coli 20 µg Biosc. 9.061.000

407294-5MUCN A-Interferon, Human, Recomb., E.coli 5 mu Biosc. 6.103.000

70597-3CN Intro pETBlue-1 Acceptor Vector Kit 10 rxn Biosc. 3.188.000

70633-3CN Intro pETBlue-1 Blunt Cloning Kit 10 rxn Biosc. 3.188.000

70635-3CN Intro pETBlue-2 Blunt Cloning Kit 10 rxn Biosc. 4.284.000

70183-3CN Introductory pT7Blue Blunt Kit 10 rxn Biosc. 3.188.000

407950-1MGCN Ionomycin, Free Acid, Streptomyces conglobatus 1 mg Biosc. 3.206.000

420291-1GMCN IPTG, Animal Free, high purity 1 g Biosc. 1.764.000

420322-1GMCN IPTG, Dioxane Free, high purity 1 g Biosc. 923.000

420322-5GMCN IPTG, Dioxane Free, high purity 5 g Biosc. 2.226.000

70527-3CN IPTG Solution, 100 mM 15 mL Biosc. 1.347.000

420355-100MGCN Isoproterenol, HCl 100 mg Biosc. 999.000

420119-5MGCN JNK Inhibitor II 5 mg Biosc. 2.511.000

420411-5GMCN Kanamycin Sulfate, Streptomyces kanamyceticus 5 g Biosc. 2.308.000

420311-5GMCN Kanamycin Sulfate, Streptomyces kanamyceticus 5 g Biosc. 1.863.000

71085-3CN KOD DNA Polymerase 250 u Biosc. 3.188.000

71086-5CN KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase 20 u Biosc. 663.000

71086-3CN KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase 200 u Biosc. 3.825.000

71086-4CN KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase 1000 u Biosc. 9.731.400

71842-3CN KOD Hot Start Master Mix (-20°C) 100 rxn Biosc. 2.550.000

71975-3CN KOD Xtreme™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase 200 u Biosc. 6.334.000

426205-500UCN -Lactamase, Bacillus cereus 569/H9 500 u Biosc. 2.905.000

427217-25KUCN Lactate dehydrogenase, rabbit muscle 25 ku Biosc. 2.947.000

427584-10GMCN Lactulose (1.05283) 10 g Biosc. 951.000

427584-50GMCN Lactulose (1.05283) 50 g Biosc. 2.835.000

71752-5CN LB Agar, Miller 500 g Biosc. 2.404.000

71753-5CN LB Broth, Miller 500 g Biosc. 1.455.000

429415-100GMCN L- -Lecithin, Soybean 100 g Biosc. 7.248.000

437707-100KUCN Lipase, Chromobacterium viscosum 100 ku Biosc. 4.577.000

437692-5GMCN -Lipoic Acid 5 g Biosc. 2.096.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

437620-5MGCN Lipopolysaccharide, E.coli J5 5 mg Biosc. 5.201.000

69180-3CN 6X Loading Buffer 5 mL Biosc. 612.000

4400-100GMCN L-Lysine, Hydrochloride 100 g Biosc. 884.000

4403-5GMCN Lysozyme, Chicken Egg White 5 g Biosc. 5.084.000

4403-1GMCN Lysozyme, Chicken Egg White 1 g Biosc. 1.445.000

71110-3CN R-Lysozyme™ Solution 300 ku Biosc. 951.000

71110-4CN R-Lysozyme™ Solution (-20 °C) 1200 ku Biosc. 951.000

442615-500GMCN Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate 500 g Biosc. 1.388.000

442611-100GMCN Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate, Molecular Biology Grade 100 g Biosc. 1.069.000

70690-3CN MagPrep® Blood Genomic DNA Kit 1 kit Biosc. 3.383.000

4440-100GMCN D-Mannose 100 g Biosc. 2.985.000

444939-1MGCN MEK1/2 Inhibitor 1 mg Biosc. 3.153.000

444300-1GMCN Melatonin 1 g Biosc. 1.885.000

444203-250MLCN -Mercaptoethanol, Molecular Biology Grade 250 mL Biosc. 2.880.000

474427-100MGCN 4-Methylumbelliferyl- -D-glucuronide 100 mg Biosc. 1.628.000

475922-100GMCN MOPS, Free Acid, Molecular Biology Grade (1.01545) 100 g Biosc. 2.835.000

475989-1GMCN MTT (1.11714) 1 g Biosc. 1.643.000

1079-25GMCN N-Acetyl- -D-Glucosamine 25 g Biosc. 1.357.000

481911-5GMCN NAD Free Acid 5 g Biosc. 5.326.000

481971-100MGCN NADP, Monosodium Salt 100 mg Biosc. 1.904.000

481971-500MGCN NADP, Monosodium salt 500 mg Biosc. 4.266.000

481973-25MGCN NADPH, Tetrasodium Salt 25 mg Biosc. 2.221.000

4801-25GMCN Neomycin Sulfate 25 g Biosc. 1.221.000

480100-20MLCN Neomycin Sulfate, -irradiated 20 mL Biosc. 2.665.000

481907-100GMCN Nicotinamide (1.06818) 100 g Biosc. 1.449.000

481918-100GMCN Nicotinic Acid 100 g Biosc. 1.018.000

481981-250MGCN Nifedipine 250 mg Biosc. 1.933.000

70666-4CN NI-NTA HIS*BIND Resin 25 ml Biosc. 7.013.000

484400-5MGCN Nitrocefin 5 mg Biosc. 2.946.000

48712-1GMCN o-Nitrophenyl- -D-Galactopyranoside 1 g Biosc. 1.328.000

48712-5GMCN o-Nitrophenyl- -D-Galactopyranoside 5 g Biosc. 4.170.000

487052-1GMCN p-Nitrophenyl-N-Acetyl- -D-Glucosaminide 1 g Biosc. 4.307.000

487506-5GMCN p-Nitrophenyl- -D-Glucopyranoside 5 g Biosc. 3.935.000

69825-3CN NovaBlue Comp Cells 0,4 mL Biosc. 1.832.000

70181-3CN NovaBlue Singles™ Competent Cells 11 rxn Biosc. 1.403.000

71003-3CN NovaTaq™ DNA Polymerase 100 u Biosc. 893.000

71003-4CN NovaTaq™ DNA Polymerase 500 u Biosc. 3.188.000

71091-3CN NovaTaq™ HOT START DNA Polymerase 250 u Biosc. 2.933.000

71676-3CN NovaTaq™ HOT START MASTER Mix Kit 200 rxn Biosc. 3.188.000

71007-3CN NovaTaq™ PCR MASTER Mix (-20°c) 200 rxn Biosc. 2.035.000

491207-1GMCN Novobiocin, Sodium Salt (1.06255) 1 g Biosc. 1.535.000

492016-100MLCN NP-40 100 mL Biosc. 1.468.000

475914-1GMCN Nystatin, Streptomyces noursei 1 g Biosc. 1.674.000

71978-3CN One Step RT-PCR Master mix kit 50 rxn Biosc. 4.284.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

71300-3CN Overnight Express™ Autoinduction system 1 kit Biosc. 2.216.000

71491-3CN Overnight Express™ Instant TB Medium 1 ea Biosc. 1.289.000

500105-10GMCN Oxytetracycline, Hydrochloride 10 g Biosc. 934.000

512731-5GMCN Paromycin Sulfate 5 g Biosc. 2.934.000

70045-3CN PBAC4X-1 Transfer plasmid 10 µg Biosc. 3.922.000

70060-3CN pBACgus4x-1 DNA 10 µg Biosc. 5.439.000

71234-3CN pBiEx-1 DNA * 20 µg Biosc. 5.842.000

524650-1EACN PBS Tablets 1 ea Biosc. 1.256.000

6500CN PBS Tablets 100/PK 100 pcs Biosc. 754.000

524653-1EACN PBS-Tween tablets 10 tablets Biosc. 1.404.000

69049-3CN Pellet Paint® Co-Precipitant 125 rxn Biosc. 1.530.000

70748-3CN Pellet Paint® NF Co-Precipitant 125 rxn Biosc. 2.816.000

5161-25MUCN Penicillin G, Potassium Salt (1.06993) 25 mu Biosc. 1.119.000

5161-100MUCN Penicillin G, Potassium Salt (1.06993) 100 mu Biosc. 3.503.000

70537-3CN Perfect DNA™ 1 kbp ladder 100 lane Biosc. 1.069.000

70539-3CN Perfect DNA™ 100 bp ladder 100 lane Biosc. 1.403.000

70538-3CN Perfect DNA™ 50 bp ladder 100 lane Biosc. 2.985.000

70540-3CN Perfect DNA™ MKR, 0.05-10 kbp 100 lane Biosc. 1.530.000

69002-3CN Perfect DNA™ MKR, 0.5-12 kbp 100 lane Biosc. 1.530.000

69965-3CN Perfect Protein™ AP Western Blot Kit 25 blots Biosc. 3.837.000

69924-3CN Perfect RNA™ MKRS, 0.1-1 kb 25 lane Biosc. 1.530.000

69946-3CN Perfect RNA™ MKRS, 0.2-10 kb 25 lane Biosc. 1.530.000

69660-3CN pET 14B DNA* 10 µg Biosc. 5.176.000

69662-3CN pET 16B DNA* 10 µg Biosc. 1.830.000

69663-3CN pET 17B DNA* (-70°C) 10 µg Biosc. 1.590.000

69739-3CN pET 20B(+) DNA* 10 µg Biosc. 5.176.000

69741-3CN pET 21B(+) DNA* 10 µg Biosc. 4.717.000

69744-3CN pET 22B(+) DNA* (-70°C) 10 µg Biosc. 5.176.000

69745-3CN pET 23A(+) DNA* 1 µg Biosc. 5.176.000

69746-3CN pET 23B(+) DNA* 10 µg Biosc. 5.280.000

69864-3CN pET 28A(+) DNA* 10 µg Biosc. 2.220.000

69872-3CN pET 29B(+) DNA* 10 µg Biosc. 6.158.000

69016-3CN pET 32B(+) DNA* 10 µg Biosc. 2.571.000

69418-3CN pET 3A DNA* 10 µg Biosc. 3.620.000

70939-3CN pET 43.1A(+) DNA * 10 µg Biosc. 2.346.000

70763-3CN pET Expression System 21* 1 ea Biosc. 5.830.000

70764-3CN pET System 21 + CC* 1 ea Biosc. 7.650.000

70766-3CN pET System 22B + CC* 1 ea Biosc. 7.650.000

70772-3CN pET System 25B + CC* 1 ea Biosc. 7.650.000

70771-3CN pET System 25B* 1 ea Biosc. 4.463.000

70785-3CN pET System 32* 1 ea Biosc. 4.463.000

70634-3CN pETBlue-1 Blunt Cloning Kit 20 rxn Biosc. 6.120.000

70636-4CN pETBlue-2 Blunt Cloning Kit 40 rxn Biosc. 7.013.000

70636-3CN pETBlue-2 Blunt Cloning Kit 20 rxn Biosc. 6.120.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

71146-3CN pETDUET™-1 DNA * 10 µg Biosc. 1.396.000

516724-500GMCN Phenol, Molecular Biology Grade (1.07632) 500 g Biosc. 3.839.000

516726-1SETCN Phenol/Chloroform/Isoamyl alcohol, 25:24 1 set Biosc. 4.850.000

52332-5GMCN Phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride 5 g Biosc. 989.000

524625-1SETCN Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail Set II 1 set Biosc. 5.875.000

524572-1KUCN Phosphatase, Alkaline, Calf intestine 1 ku Biosc. 1.256.000

70171-3CN pIE1-Neo DNA 10 µg Biosc. 3.922.000

71242-3CN pIEx™-5 DNA 20 µg Biosc. 8.182.000

528131-100GMCN PIPES, Free Acid, Ultrol® Grade 100 g Biosc. 3.314.000

260913-10MUCN Plase I, Bovine Pancreas (1.16326) 10 mu Biosc. 4.720.000

527621-10UCN Plasmin, human plasma 10 u Biosc. 8.630.000

528175-120UCN Plasminogen, human plasma 120 u Biosc. 8.205.000

5291-5GMCN Polymyxin B Sulfate (1.06994) 5 g Biosc. 10.934.000

5291-1GMCN Polymyxin B Sulfate (1.06994) 1 g Biosc. 2.571.000

5291-500MGCN Polymyxin B Sulfate (1.06994) 500 mg Biosc. 1.189.000

5295-100GMCN Polyvinylpyrrolidone 100 g Biosc. 922.000

529552-250GMCN Potassium chloride, molecular biology grade 250 g Biosc. 857.000

529552-1KGCN Potassium chloride, molecular biology grade 1 kg Biosc. 1.831.000

529567-250GMCN Potassium phosphate, dibasic, trihydrate, molecular biology grade 250 g Biosc. 1.947.000

529568-250GMCN Potassium phosphate, monobasic, molecular biology grade 250 g Biosc. 1.447.000

529568-1KGCN Potassium phosphate, monobasic, molecular biology grade 1 kg Biosc. 3.019.000

530050-10MGCN PRIMA-1 (*1) 10 mg Biosc. 3.630.000

5341-25GMCN Progesterone (1.24614) 25 g Biosc. 2.206.000

53702-50KUCN Pronase® Protease, Streptomyces griseus 50 ku Biosc. 3.764.000

537088-10KUCN Pronase® Protease, Streptomyces griseus 10 ku Biosc. 2.613.000

537059-50MGCN Propidium iodide 50 mg Biosc. 3.417.000

539131-1VLCN Protease inhibitor cocktail set I 1 vl Biosc. 1.337.000

539480-100MGCN Proteinase K, Tritirachium album 100 mg Biosc. 2.308.000

70174-3CN pT7Blue Blunt Vector 20 rxn Biosc. 1.913.000

70174-4CN pT7Blue Blunt Vector 40 rxn Biosc. 3.825.000

69967-3CN pT7Blue DNA 20 µg Biosc. 5.281.000

70189-3CN pT7Blue Perfectly Blunt® Cloning Kit 20 rxn Biosc. 7.013.000

70189-4CN pT7Blue Perfectly Blunt® Cloning Kit 40 rxn Biosc. 12.113.000

70933-3CN pTriEx™-4 Neo DNA 20 µg Biosc. 8.182.000

545060-25GMCN Pyridoxal, hydrochloride 25 g Biosc. 7.022.000

555682-10GMCN Riboflavin (1.07609) 10 g Biosc. 1.178.000

55674-10KUCN Ribonuclease A, Bovine Pancrease (1.24686) 10 g Biosc. 1.866.000

557303-1GMCN Rifampicin 1 g Biosc. 2.273.000

70856-3CN RNAse A 1 mL Biosc. 735.000

69182-3CN RNAse-free DNAse I 1000 u Biosc. 1.224.000

71352-3CN Rosetta-gami™ 2(DE3) PLYSS Competent Cells 0.4 mL Biosc. 1.715.000

71136-3CN Rosetta-gami™ B(DE3) COMPETENT CELLS * 0.4 mL Biosc. 2.857.000

70956-3CN Rosetta™ (DE3)PLYSS Competent Cells * 0.4 mL Biosc. 1.234.000

71403-3CN Rosetta™ 2(DE3)PLYSS Competent Cells * 0.4 mL Biosc. 1.275.000


Page 41: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

558255-100GMCN Saponin 100 g Biosc. 1.857.000

428018-200MLCN SDS, 20% Solution (W/V) 200 mL Biosc. 2.069.000

428023-500GMCN SDS, Molecular Biology Grade (1.12012) 500 g Biosc. 7.408.000

70607-3CN 4X SDS Sample buffer 2 mL Biosc. 831.000

QIA117-1KITCN Senescence Detection Kit 1 kit Biosc. 9.766.000

407207-1KITCN SignalBoost™ Immunoreaction Enhancer Kit 1 kit Biosc. 6.611.000

567020-50MGCN Simvastatin 50 mg Biosc. 6.408.000

567021-5MGCN Simvastatin, Sodium Salt 5 mg Biosc. 5.493.000

567422-100MLCN Sodium acetate, 3 M, pH 5.2 100 mL Biosc. 1.697.000

567418-500GMCN Sodium acetate, anhydrous, molecular biology grade 500 g Biosc. 1.424.000

567446-100GMCN Sodium citrate, dihydrate, molecular biology grade 100 g Biosc. 734.000

428015-1KGCN Sodium n-Dodecyl Sulfate 1 kg Biosc. 2.273.000

428016-25GMCN Sodium n-Dodecyl Sulfate, high purity 25 g Biosc. 2.220.000

428023-50GMCN Sodium n-Dodecyl Sulfate, molecular biology grade 50 g Biosc. 1.420.000

567550-500GMCN Sodium phosphate, dibasic 500 g Biosc. 2.103.000

567550-1KGCN Sodium phosphate, dibasic 1 kg Biosc. 2.548.000

567547-1KGCN Sodium phosphate, dibasic, molecular biology grade 1 kg Biosc. 3.630.000

567547-250GMCN Sodium phosphate, dibasic, molecular biology grade 250 g Biosc. 1.764.000

567545-500GMCN Sodium phosphate, monobasic 500 g Biosc. 2.573.000

567545-1KGCN Sodium phosphate, monobasic 1 kg Biosc. 2.548.000

567549-250GMCN Sodium phosphate, monobasic, monohydrate, molecular biology grade 250 g Biosc. 1.567.000

56755-1KGCN Sorbitol 1 kg Biosc. 1.729.000

567692-250GMCN L-(-)-Sorbose (1.07760) 250 g Biosc. 2.308.000

70852-3CN SpinPrep™ Gel DNA Kit 100 rxn Biosc. 2.550.000

70976-3CN SpinPrep™ PCR clean-up Kit 100 rxn Biosc. 2.550.000

69047-3CN S-Protein HRP Conjugate 50 µL Biosc. 3.778.000

567780-2PACKCN SSC Buffer, 20X Powder pack, Ultrol® 2 pack Biosc. 3.520.000

569398-25GMCN Stearic Acid (1.00674) 25 g Biosc. 3.153.000

189733-1MLCN Streptavidin, peroxidase conjugate 1 mL Biosc. 5.120.000

5711-100GMCN Streptomycin Sulfate, Streptomyces sp. 100 g Biosc. 2.290.000

572201-250MGCN Streptozotocin 250 mg Biosc. 1.901.000

572201-1GMCN Streptozotocin 1 g Biosc. 7.120.000

69248-3CN T4 Polynucleotide kinase 250 u Biosc. 3.825.000

574797-1LCN TAE Buffer, 10X, Molecular Biology Grade 1 L Biosc. 1.323.000

580218-1GMCN Taurocholic Acid, sodium salt, Ultrol® 1 g Biosc. 2.136.000

8820-OPCN TBE Buffer, 10X, Liquid Concentrate 4 L Biosc. 1.299.000

574795-1LCN TBE Buffer, 10X, Molecular Biology Grade 1 L Biosc. 1.357.000

71754-3CN Terrific Broth 500 g Biosc. 2.083.000

58346-10GMCN Tetracycline, hydrochloride (1.08189) 10 g Biosc. 1.119.000

58346-25GMCN Tetracycline, hydrochloride (1.08189) 25 g Biosc. 1.567.000

586005-1MGCN Thapsigargin 1 mg Biosc. 3.206.000

5871-100GMCN Thiamine, hydrochloride (1.08181) 100 g Biosc. 1.794.000

605157-1KUCN Thrombin, Bovine 1 ku Biosc. 1.424.000

605190-100UCN Thrombin, Human plasma 100 u Biosc. 1.764.000


Page 42: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Riset Biosains dan Bioteknologi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

613424-1SETCN Tocopherol set (1.15496) 1 set Biosc. 18.748.000

616374-100UGCN Trail, human, recombinant, E.coli 100 µg Biosc. 13.087.000

625625-50GMCN D-(+)-Trehalose 50 g Biosc. 2.136.000

39468-100GMCN Tricine, Ultrol® Grade 100 g Biosc. 1.752.000

625718-1LCN Triethylammonium acetate, 1 M solution 1 L Biosc. 7.120.000

648310-2.5KGCN Tris Base, Molecular Biology Grade 2,5 kg Biosc. 8.692.000

648310-500GMCN Tris Base, Molecular Biology Grade 500 g Biosc. 3.618.000

648311-1KGCN Tris Base, Ultrol® Grade 1 kg Biosc. 3.612.000

648314-100MLCN Tris Buffer, 1 M, pH 8.0, Molecular Biology Grade 100 mL Biosc. 1.526.000

648315-100MLCN Tris Buffer, 100 MM, pH 7.4, Molecular Biology Grade 100 mL Biosc. 1.526.000

648317-1KGCN Tris, HCl, Molecular Biology Grade 1 kg Biosc. 6.815.000

648317-100GMCN Tris, HCl, Molecular Biology Grade 100 g Biosc. 1.567.000

648313-250GMCN Tris, HCl, Ultrol® Grade 250 g Biosc. 2.035.000

648462-1KGCN TRITON® X-100 1 kg Biosc. 2.715.000

648466-50MLCN TRITON® X-100, Molecular Biology Grade (1.08605) 50 mL Biosc. 743.000

6502-2.5MUCN Trypsin, Bovine Pancreas 2.5 mu Biosc. 1.764.000

6540-100GMCN L-Tryptophan 100 g Biosc. 2.985.000

6570-100GMCN L-Tyrosine, Free Base 100 g Biosc. 2.374.000

655204-100MLCN Tween® 20, Molecular Biology Grade (1.09280) 100 mL Biosc. 1.154.000

666122-500GMCN Urea, Molecular Biology Grade 500 g Biosc. 1.446.000

666122-2.5KGCN Urea, Molecular Biology Grade 2.5 kg Biosc. 4.136.000

666133-10KUCN Urease, Canavalia ensiformis-10KU 10 ku Biosc. 1.424.000

672112-10KUCN Urokinase, Human Urine 10 ku Biosc. 6.103.000

627850-250MGCN Vancomycin, HCl, Streptomyces orientalis 250 mg Biosc. 1.980.000

71280-3CN Veggie™ Peptone 500 g Biosc. 3.333.000

71279-3CN Veggie™ Yeast Extract 500 g Biosc. 2.860.000

679101-50UGCN 50 µg Biosc. 7.954.000

679130-100MGCN Vitamin E Succinate 100 mg Biosc. 1.323.000

693520-1LCN Water, DEPC-Treated, Molecular Biology Grade 1 L Biosc. 1.764.000

71077-3CN X-GAL Solution 3 mls Biosc. 1.526.000

70036-3CN X-Gluc Solution 500 µL Biosc. 2.377.000

693017-25GMCN Zwittergent® 3-14 Detergent 25 g Biosc. 11.019.000


Page 43: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Bahan Kimia


Page 44: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Reagen Anorganik untukanalisis anorganik klasik

Garam Garam dibawah nama dagang EMSURE® ditujukan untuk penggunaan di bidang analisis yang

diproduksi di bawah kondisi dengan kontrol yang ketat di situs produksi Merck Millipore di Darmstadt,

Jerman. Fitur kunci dari garam ini adalah kemurnian yang sangat baik. Ragam produk mencakup

rangkaian luas garam anorganik yang digunakan untuk analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif.

AsamAsam dibawah nama dagang EMSURE® | EMPARTA® dari Merck Millipore ditujukan untuk

penggunaan di bidang analisis yang memberikan mutu terbaik, keamanan produk dan kemasan

yang optimum. Ragam produk kami telah lolos uji yang sangat ketat dengan menggunakan

instrument dan metode analisis yang sangat sensitive. Itulah mengapa Anda dapat mengandalkan

larutan asam untuk analisis dari Merck Millipore untuk beragam aplikasi.

Alkali dan basa kaustikAlkali dan basa kaustik dibawah nama dagang EMSURE® bermutu tinggi kami diproduksi

menggunakan bahan baku terpilih. Ragam produk kami mencakup sodium dan potassium

hydroxide bentuk pellet dan larutan, serta larutan ammonia dalam berbagai konsentrasi dan

tingkat kemurnian. Silakan temukan kaustik dan basa yang tepat sesuai kebutuhan Anda

Logam dan oksida logamGaram logam, logam dan logam mulia dari Merck Millipore yang terkenal dengan mutu dan

kemurnian yang tinggi digunakan dalam beragam aplikasi di laboratorium Riset dan Pengembangan,

bagian produksi dan pengendalian mutu. Ragam produk ini tersedia dalam grade “extra pure” atau

“EMSURE® for analysis”.

Fitur Produk

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di


Page 45: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

Reagen anorganikanalisis anorganik instrumental

Larutan volumetrikLarutan volumetrik dengan brand TitriPUR® - standar untuk ketepatan hasil titrasi. Dengan

TitriPUR®, kami memastikan bahwa analisis yang Anda lakukan selalu memenuhi standar yang


Reagen dan standar Karl FischeraPURa® - Reagen dan larutan standar untuk penentuan air yang mutakhir, tepat dan konsisten.

Mutu yang sempurna menjadikan ragam produk aPURa® kami tak tertandingi.

Standard reference material dan bufferStandard reference material dibawah CertiPUR® untuk kalibrasi dan kualifikasi dalam analisis yang

menggunakan instrument memastikan hasil analisis Anda terpercaya. Material acuan standar kami

dilengkapi dengan Sertifikat Analisis yang komprehensif.

Flux untuk XRFSpectromelt® untuk digesti flux atau pemrosesan tablet serbuk merupakan bantuan yang sempurna

untuk analisis fluoresens sinar X. Kemurnian borat Spectromelt® memberikan tingkat presisi yang

dibutuhkan dan material untuk penggerusan dikembangkan secara khusus untuk preparasi sampel

secara otomatis.

Asam dan basa dengan kemurnian tinggiSuprapur® | Ultrapur menawarkan kemurnian yang sesuai untuk material destruksi basah. Asam

dengan kemurnian tinggi dari Merck Millipore memiliki kemurnian yang rendah selama masa

simpan minimum

Garam dengan kemurnian tinggiSuprapur® untuk preparasi sampel dalam analisis instrument. Pastikan Anda menggunakan bahan

dengan kemurnian tinggi untuk melakukan preparasi sampel!

Fitur Produk

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium43

Page 46: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Produk untuk keselamatan kerja dan aplikasi umum

Fitur Produk

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

Absorpsi dan filtrasi Di antara aplikasi yang paling penting dalam praktik laboratorium adalah absorpsi, adsorpsi,dan

filtrasi. Untuk membantu meringankan pekerjaan sehari-hari Anda, kami menawarkan beberapa

reagen serta bahan filter dan klarifikasi. Produk kami dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan,

misalnya untuk mengeringkan, mengabsorpsi atau mengikat zat tetapi juga untuk dekolorisasi,

klarifikasi atau mendukung proses filtrasi.

Adsorben untuk tumpahan cairanKetika terjadi kecelakaan Chemizorb ® hadir untuk membantu Anda. Rangkaian produk ini termasuk

penyerap khusus untuk zat berbeda-beda yang secara efisien menyerap tumpahan cairan agresif di

laboratorium untuk memastikan penanganan yang cepat dan aman.

Drying agentDrying agent dari Merck Millipore adalah pilihan ideal jika pengeringan gas, cairan atau bahan padat

diperlukan. Beragam produk kami membantu melindungi bahan kimia Anda terhadap kelembapan

dan pembentukan jamur selama transportasi, penyimpanan, dan di laboratorium.

Produk untuk preparasi sampel dan purifikasiPekerjaan laboratorium rutin melibatkan pemurnian, pengayaan, dan pemisahan sampel untuk

keperluan analisis. Produk Merck Millipore mencakup berbagai metode kimia dan fisika serta

berbagai aplikasi lainnya, seperti menghilangkan residu dari gas, dekalsifikasi, sealing, lubrication,

pemisahan, stabilisasi termasuk juga reaksi dan alat bantu pengisian.

IndikatorIndikator digunakan di laboratorium untuk mengamati reaksi kimia. Baik untuk memantau status

kimia, perubahan reaksi atau titik akhir titrasi, Anda dapat mengandalkan portofolio luas beragam

indikator dari Merck Millipore untuk hasil yang akurat.

Aplikasi pembersihanPembersih bebas residu sangat penting untuk keandalan proses di laboratorium. Tidak peduli apa

yang Anda butuhkan untuk membersihkan atau kontaminan apa yang Anda hadapi, pembersih

Extran® dari Merck Millipore memiliki solusi yang ideal untuk kebersihan peralatan Anda .

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di


Page 47: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:*1 Dif#cult To Ship*2 BBO API*3 Item prekusor

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

Standar Kalibrasi UV-Vis CertiPUR®

1.08160.0001 UV-VIS Standard 1: Potassium dichromate solution for

the absorbance (UV)

2 x 10 ml K2Cr


7 60.06 mg/l in H


4 0.01 N and

6 x 10 ml H2SO

4 0.01 N


1.04660.0001 UV-VIS Standard 1A: Potassium dichromate solution for

the absorbance at 430 nm (VIS)

2 x 10 ml K2Cr


7 60.06 mg/l in H


4 0.01 N and

6 x 10 ml H2SO

4 0.01 N


1.08161.0001 UV-VIS Standard 2: Sodium nitrite solution for straylight


3 x 10 ml NaNO2 50 g/l in H

2O 4.260.000

1.08163.0001 UV-VIS Standard 3: Sodium iodide solution for straylight


3 x 10 ml NaI 10 g/l in H2O 4.260.000

1.08164.0001 UV-VIS Standard 4: Potassium chloride solution for


3 x 10 ml KCl 12 g/l in H2O 3.886.000

1.08165.0001 UV-VIS Standard 5: Toluene solution in hexane for

testing the spectral resolution power

2 x 10 ml 0.02 % (v/v) Toluol in n-Hexane and 6 x

10 ml n-Hexane


1.08166.0001 UV-VIS Standard 6: Holmium oxide solution Reference

material for the wavelength

3 x 10 ml Mo2O

3 40 g/l in HClO

4 (10 % v/v) 5.544.000

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga 2013 (Rp.)


Page 48: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:*1 Dif#cult To Ship*2 BBO API*3 Item prekusor

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

Apura Produk (Reagent untuk Titrasi Karl Fisher)

APURA® - One Component Reagent

1.88005.0500 apura® - CombiTitrant 5 ca. 5 mg H2O/mL 500 mL 1.561.000

1.88005.1000 apura® - CombiTitrant 5 ca. 5 mg H2O/mL 1000 mL 1.913.000

1.88005.2500 apura® - CombiTitrant 5 ca. 5 mg H2O/mL 2500 mL 4.294.000

1.88002.1000 apura® - CombiTitrant 2 ca. 2 mg H2O/mL 1000 mL 1.952.000

1.88001.1000 apura® - CombiTitrant 1 ca. 1 mg H2O/mL 1000 mL 1.952.000

1.88008.1000 apura® - CombiSolvent methanol-free solvent 1000 mL 1.852.000

1.88008.2500 apura® - CombiSolvent methanol-free solvent 2500 mL 4.077.000

1.88009.1000 apura® - CombiMethanol dried methanol for Karl

Fischer titration max. 0.01% water

1000 mL 453.000

1.88009.2500 apura® - CombiMethanol dried methanol for Karl

Fischer titration max. 0.01% water

2500 mL 996.000

APURA® - Two Component Reagent

1.88010.0500 apura® - Titrant 5 about 5 mg H2O/mL 500 mL 1.019.000

1.88010.1000 apura® - Titrant 5 about 5 mg H2O/mL 1000 mL 1.499.000

1.88010.2500 apura® - Titrant 5 about 5 mg H2O/mL 2500 mL 3.331.000

1.88011.1000 apura® - Titrant 2 about 2 mg H2O/mL 1000 mL 1.514.000

1.88015.1000 apura® - Solvent solvent for the two component


1000 mL 1.455.000

1.88015.2500 apura® - Solvent solvent for the two component


2500 mL 3.233.000

APURA® - Coulometric Reagents

1.09255.0500 apura® - CombiCoulomat frit for cells with diaphragm 500 mL 1.160.000

1.09257.0500 apura® - CombiCoulomat fritless for cells with and

without diaphragm

500 mL 1.869.000

APURA® - Solvents for Oils and Fats

1.88016.1000 apura® - Solvent oils & fats for long-chain substances 1000 mL 1.823.000

1.88020.1000 apura® - CombiSolvent oils for mineral oils 1000 mL 1.453.000

1.88021.1000 apura® - CombiSolvent fats for fats in foodstuffs 1000 mL 1.453.000

APURA® - Reagents for Aldehydes and Ketones

1.88006.1000 apura® - CombiTitrant 5 Keto ca. 5 mg H2O/mL for

aldehydes and ketones

1000 mL 1.913.000

1.88007.1000 apura® - CombiSolvent methanol free solvent for

aldehydes and ketones

1000 mL 1.586.000

APURA® - Water Standards

1.88050.0010 apura® - Water Standard 0.01% 1g contains 0.10 mg


10 ampoules à 8 mL / package 1.333.000

1.88051.0010 apura® - Water Standard 0.1% 1 g contains 1.0 mg H2O 10 ampoules à 8 mL / package 1.386.000

1.88052.0010 apura® - Water Standard 1% 1 g contains 10 mg H2O 10 ampoules à 8 mL / package 1.386.000


Page 49: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:*1 Dif#cult To Ship*2 BBO API*3 Item prekusor

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.06664.0100 apura® - Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate volumetric

standard for water determination acc. to Karl Fischer

contains 15.66% H2O

10 g pro bottle 1.112.000

1.09259.0250 apura® - Water Standard 5 mg/ mL 1 mL contains 5

mg water

250 mL pro bottle 1.208.000

APURA® - Buffer Solutions. TestKit

1.88025.0001 apura® - testkit for water determination 2 x 500 mL Solvent 1x100 mL Titrant

Syringes, vessels


1.88035.0500 apura® - buffer solutions for strong acids 500 mL 862.000

1.88036.0500 apura® - buffer solutions for strong bases 500 mL 837.000


Page 50: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:*1 Dif#cult To Ship*2 BBO API*3 Item prekusor

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga 2013 (Rp)

1.01562.0003 Absorption tube for CO2 (sodium hydroxide on support) 3 UNITS AR 2.879.000

1.06107.0003 Absorption tube for H2O (molecular sieve 0.3 nm with indicator) 3 UNITS AR 2.484.000

8.14312.0100 Acenaphthene for synthesis 100 g LSS 914.000

8.22343.1000 Acetamide for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.579.000

8.22344.0500 Acetanilide for synthesis 500 g LSS 889.000

1.00011.0005 Acetanilide test substance for elementary analysis 5 g AR 1.016.000

1.00063.1000 Acetic acid (glacial) 100% anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 388.000

1.00063.2500 Acetic acid (glacial) 100% anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 490.000

1.00063.2511 Acetic acid (glacial) 100% anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 448.000

1.00063.9026 Acetic acid (glacial) 100% anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 25 L AR 6.137.000

1.01830.2500 Acetic acid (glacial) 100% for analysis EMPARTA® ACS 2.5 L AR 456.000

1.00066.0250 Acetic acid (glacial) 100% Suprapur® 250 ML AR 2.888.000

1.00066.1000 Acetic acid (glacial) 100% Suprapur® 1 L AR 6.400.000

1.59166.0500 Acetic acid 30% for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 500 mL AR 467.000

1.00062.1000 Acetic acid 96% for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 417.000

1.00062.2500 Acetic acid 96% for analysis EMSURE® 2.5 L AR 512.000

8.18755.2500 Acetic acid 99-100% for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 1.319.000

1.09944.0001 Acetic acid for 1000 ml, c(CH3COOH) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 508.000

1.00299.0500 Acetone dried (max. 0.0075% H2O) SeccoSolv®*3 500 ML AR 545.000

1.00014.9025 Acetone for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*3 25 L AR 7.417.000

1.00020.4000 Acetone for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv®*3 4 L AR 3.068.000

1.00020.5000 Acetone for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv®*3 5 L AR 3.141.000

1.00003.1000 Acetonitrile for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.246.000

1.00003.2500 Acetonitrile for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 2.317.000

1.00017.1000 Acetonitrile for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 1 L AR 1.198.000

1.00017.2500 Acetonitrile for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 2.5 L AR 2.413.000

1.00017.4000 Acetonitrile for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 4 L AR 5.866.000

1.13358.2500 Acetonitrile for preparative chromatography Prepsolv® 2.5 L AR 2.405.000

1.00016.0500 Acetonitrile for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 ML AR 2.687.000

1.00016.1000 Acetonitrile for spectroscopy Uvasol® 1 L AR 4.630.000

1.00016.2500 Acetonitrile for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2.5 L AR 9.583.000

1.00030.1000 Acetonitrile gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.200.000

1.00030.2500 Acetonitrile gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 2.493.000

1.00030.4004 Acetonitrile gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® Reag. Ph Eur 4 X 4 L AR 10.876.000

1.00030.5000 Acetonitrile gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® Reag. Ph Eur 5 L AR 2.623.000

1.00029.1000 Acetonitrile hypergrade for LC-MS LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 4.241.000

1.00029.2500 Acetonitrile hypergrade for LC-MS LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 8.957.000

1.14291.1000 Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 1.273.000

1.14291.2500 Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 2.327.000

1.14291.4004 Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 4 X 4 L AR 9.969.000

1.14291.5000 Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 5 L AR 2.728.000

4.80448.2500 Acetonitrile w 0.1% Trifluoroacetic Acid 2,5 L AR 3.079.000

8.00028.0100 Acetophenone for synthesis 100 mL LSS 396.000

8.00028.1000 Acetophenone for synthesis 1 L LSS 645.000

8.22252.0100 Acetyl chloride for synthesis 100 mL LSS 418.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09600.0100 Acetylacetone for analysis EMSURE® 100 mL AR 590.000

1.09600.0500 Acetylacetone for analysis EMSURE® 500 mL AR 1.544.000

8.00830.0500 Acrylamide for synthesis 500 g LSS 446.000

8.00830.1000 Acrylamide for synthesis 1 kg LSS 763.000

8.18667.0500 2-Acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.032.000

8.00181.0500 Acrylic acid (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis 500 mL LSS 660.000

8.00181.1000 Acrylic acid (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis 1 L LSS 935.000

8.00834.0100 Acrylonitrile (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis*1 100 mL LSS 404.000

8.00834.1000 Acrylonitrile (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis*1 1 L LSS 742.000

1.01010.0005 Alizarin-3-methylamine-N,N-diacetic acid dihydrate for the spectrophotometric determination of fluoride

5 g Non Kit 5.583.000

1.09196.0025 Alkali blue (C.I. 42765) indicator 25 g AR 1.003.000

1.09198.1000 Alkali blue solution indicator 1 L AR 1.395.000

8.14858.1000 Alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride (50% solution in water) for synthesis 1 L LSS 929.000

8.21944.0100 Alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride for synthesis 100 g LSS 521.000

8.21944.0500 Alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.537.000

1.06001.1000 Alloy acc. to Wood melting point about 73°C bar diameter about 1 cm 1 KG AR 8.748.000

8.00974.1000 Allyl alcohol for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.125.000

8.08158.0050 N-Allylthiourea for synthesis 50 g LSS 1.209.000

8.08158.0250 N-Allylthiourea for synthesis 250 g LSS 4.436.000

1.01057.0250 Aluminium (foil) for analysis 0.3 mm thickness, 30 mm width EMSURE® 250 kg AR 2.163.000

8.20051.0100 Aluminium (granulated) for synthesis 100 mL LSS 362.000

8.20051.1000 Aluminium (granulated) for synthesis 1 kg LSS 2.409.000

1.01031.0500 Aluminium ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 500 g AR 1.258.000

8.01081.0100 Aluminium chloride anhydrous powder sublimed for synthesis 100 g LSS 460.000

8.01081.0500 Aluminium chloride anhydrous powder sublimed for synthesis 500 mL LSS 608.000

8.01081.1000 Aluminium chloride anhydrous powder sublimed for synthesis 1 kg LSS 768.000

1.01056.0250 Aluminium fine powder, stabilized about 2% fat 250 g AR 1.368.000

1.01056.1000 Aluminium fine powder, stabilized about 2% fat 1 KG AR 3.638.000

1.01091.1000 Aluminium hydroxide powder pure, hydrargillite 1 KG AR 860.000

1.70301.0100 Aluminium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Al(NO3)3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Al CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.388.000

1.70371.0100 Aluminium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Al(NO3)3 in HNO

3 2-3%

10000 mg/l Al CertiPUR®100 ML AR 4.718.000

1.01086.1000 Aluminium nitrate nonahydrate extra pure 1 KG AR 1.486.000

1.01063.0500 Aluminium nitrate nonahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 1.220.000

1.15754.0100 Aluminium oxide fibers for gooch crucibles 100 g AR 1.411.000

1.01047.1000 Aluminium potassium sulfate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 946.000

1.09967.0001 Aluminium standard 1000 mg Al, (AlCl3 in H2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 690.000

1.19770.0100 Aluminium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Al(NO3)3 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Al CertiPUR®100 mL AR 531.000

1.19770.0500 Aluminium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Al(NO3)3 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Al CertiPUR®500 mL AR 914.000

1.00219.2500 Amidosulfuric acid extra pure 2,5 KG AR 963.000

1.00103.0100 Amidosulfuric acid for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 880.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.00103.0250 Amidosulfuric acid for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 1.645.000

8.14483.1000 Amidosulfuric acid for synthesis 1 kg LSS 453.000

8.00273.0050 4'-Aminoacetophenone for synthesis 50 g LSS 833.000

8.01410.0100 2-Amino-1-butanol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 632.000

1.07293.0010 4-Amino-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one GR for analysis 10 g Non Kit 786.000

1.07293.0100 4-Amino-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 2.348.000

8.20948.0250 4,4'-Diaminodiphenyl ether for synthesis 250 g LSS 2.234.000

8.20065.0100 2-Aminobenzamide for synthesis 100 mL LSS 551.000

8.22312.0250 4-Aminobenzoic acid for synthesis 250 mL LSS 629.000

8.00390.0100 2-Aminobenzotrifluoride for synthesis 100 mL LSS 790.000

1.00099.0025 1-Amino-2-hydroxy-4-naphthalenesulfonic acid for determination of phosphate 25 g Non Kit 1.052.000

1.00099.0100 1-Amino-2-hydroxy-4-naphthalenesulfonic acid for determination of phosphate 100 g Non Kit 3.290.000

8.01465.0250 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol for synthesis 250 mL LSS 600.000

8.41670.0010 6-Aminopenicillanic acid for synthesis 10 g LSS 1.237.000

8.00421.0005 4-Aminophenol for synthesis 5 g LSS 396.000

8.00421.0250 4-Aminophenol for synthesis 250 g LSS 452.000

8.07020.1000 Aminopropanol (mixture of isomers) for synthesis 1 kg LSS 713.000

1.05428.0250 Ammonia solution 25 % Suprapur® 250 ML AR 1.335.000

1.05428.1000 Ammonia solution 25 % Suprapur® 1 L AR 2.464.000

1.05432.1000 Ammonia solution 25% for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 440.000

1.05432.2500 Ammonia solution 25% for analysis EMSURE® 2.5 L AR 460.000

1.05423.2500 Ammonia solution 28-30% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2,5 L AR 916.000

1.05426.1000 Ammonia solution 32% extra pure 1 L AR 479.000

1.05426.2500 Ammonia solution 32% extra pure 2.5 L AR 906.000

1.01116.0500 Ammonium acetate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 768.000

1.01116.1000 Ammonium acetate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 795.000

1.01220.0100 Ammonium amidosulfonate for analysis (for detection of sulfonamide in blood) EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

100 g AR 1.016.000

1.09478.1000 Ammonium buffer solution for complexometry (ammonium chloride/ammonia) pH = 10-11 TitriPUR®

1 L AR 1.214.000

1.01134.0500 Ammonium carbamate for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 2.493.000

1.59504.0250 Ammonium carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 556.000

1.59504.1000 Ammonium carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.731.000

1.02276.0100 Ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 1.676.000

1.02273.0100 Ammonium cerium(IV) sulfate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 100 g AR 2.502.000

1.01143.0050 Ammonium chloride 99.995 Suprapur® 50 G AR 2.098.000

1.01145.0500 Ammonium chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 681.000

1.01145.1000 Ammonium chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 698.000

1.01145.5000 Ammonium chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 3.669.000

1.01440.0050 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 99.99 Suprapur® 50 g AR 2.197.000

1.01126.0500 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 662.000

1.01164.0250 Ammonium fluoride for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 1.038.000

1.01164.1000 Ammonium fluoride for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 kg AR 3.930.000

1.01180.0250 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate (ammonium molybdate) cryst. extra pure

250 g Non Kit 1.700.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.01180.1000 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate (ammonium molybdate) cryst. extra pure

1 kg Non Kit 5.706.000

1.01181.0250 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate (ammonium molybdate) powder extra pure

250 g Non Kit 1.700.000

1.01181.1000 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate (ammonium molybdate) powder extra pure

1 kg Non Kit 5.706.000

1.01182.0250 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 1.899.000

1.01182.1000 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 6.200.000

1.01182.5000 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg Non Kit 24.173.000

1.03792.0500 Ammonium iron(II) sulfate hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ISO 500 g AR 1.165.000

1.03792.1000 Ammonium iron(II) sulfate hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ISO 1 kg AR 1.301.000

1.09864.0001 Ammonium iron(II) sulfate solution for 250 ml, c[(NH4)2Fe(SO

4)2] = 0.1 mol/l (0.1

N) Titrisol®1 ampul AR 1.415.000

1.03776.0500 Ammonium iron(III) sulfate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

500 g AR 839.000

1.03776.1000 Ammonium iron(III) sulfate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 1.269.000

1.01226.0100 Ammonium monovanadate GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 1.282.000

1.01226.0250 Ammonium monovanadate GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 2.547.000

1.01226.1000 Ammonium monovanadate GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 8.474.000

1.01188.0500 Ammonium nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 500 GRAM AR 560.000

1.01188.1000 Ammonium nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 KG AR 862.000

1.02596.2500 Ammonium nitrate solution 1 mol/l acc. to DIN 19730 2.5 L Non Kit 2.727.000

1.01200.1000 Ammonium peroxodisulfate extra pure 1 KG AR 478.000

1.01201.0500 Ammonium peroxodisulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 768.000

1.01201.1000 Ammonium peroxodisulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.182.000

1.01201.5000 Ammonium peroxodisulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 KG AR 4.135.000

1.19812.0500 Ammonium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NH4Cl in H

2O 1000

mg/l NH4 CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 750.000

1.01209.0050 Ammonium sulfate 99.9999 Suprapur® 50 G AR 1.482.000

1.01209.0500 Ammonium sulfate 99.9999 Suprapur® 500 G AR 5.967.000

1.01217.0100 Ammonium sulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 566.000

1.01217.1000 Ammonium sulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 687.000

1.01217.5000 Ammonium sulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 1.879.000

1.05442.9025 Ammonium sulfide solution GR for analysis 25 L Non Kit 41.426.000

1.05442.1000 Ammonium sulfide solution GR for analysis*5 1 L Non Kit 2.157.000

8.01221.1000 Ammonium sulfite (35% solution in water) for synthesis 1 kg LSS 459.000

8.01221.2500 Ammonium sulfite (35% solution in water) for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 990.000

1.01213.0500 Ammonium thiocyanate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 1.307.000

1.09900.0001 Ammonium thiocyanate solution for 1000 ml, c(NH4SCN) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N)

Titrisol®1 ampul AR 467.000

1.01208.1000 Ammonium thiosulfate 98%+ 1 kg AR 1.152.000

1.00975.1000 n-Amyl alcohol (Pentan-1-ol) for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 1.376.000

1.00975.2500 n-Amyl alcohol (Pentan-1-ol) for analysis EMSURE® 2.5 L AR 2.866.000

8.06193.1000 tert-Amyl alcohol EMPLURA® 1 L AR 1.183.000

8.00429.0100 trans-Anethole for synthesis 100 g LSS 809.000

1.01261.1000 Aniline for analysis EMSURE®*1 1 L AR 2.682.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.00461.0500 o-Anisidine for synthesis 500 mL LSS 721.000

8.00458.0100 p-Anisidine for synthesis 100 g LSS 478.000

8.01452.0100 Anisole for synthesis 100 mL LSS 447.000

8.01452.0500 Anisole for synthesis 500 mL LSS 672.000

8.01452.1000 Anisole for synthesis 1 L LSS 998.000

8.20109.0100 Anthracene for synthesis 100 g LSS 694.000

8.20112.0100 Anthranilic acid for synthesis*3 100 g LSS 463.000

8.00465.0500 Anthraquinone for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.010.000

8.01461.0025 Anthrone for synthesis 25 g LSS 1.104.000

1.01468.0010 Anthrone GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 10 g Non Kit 1.396.000

1.70302.0100 Antimony ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Sb2O

3 in HCl 7% 1000 mg/l

Sb CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.451.000

1.07832.0025 Antimony powder for analysis particle size < 150 µm EMSURE® 25 g AR 2.276.000

1.70204.0500 Antimony standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Sb2O

3 in HCl 2 mol/l

1000 mg/l Sb CertiPUR®500 mL AR 762.000

1.07838.0250 Antimony(III) chloride for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 2.986.000

8.14656.0250 Antimony(III) chloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 924.000

1.07836.0100 Antimony(III) oxide for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 976.000

8.07837.0100 Antimony(V) chloride for synthesis 100 mL LSS 770.000

8.16001.0100 (S)-(+)-Arginine hydrochloride for synthesis 100 g LSS 883.000

1.70303.0100 Arsenic ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST H3AsO

4 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l As CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.336.000

1.00115.0025 Arsenic lumps for analysis (protective gas: nitrogen) EMSURE® 25 g AR 9.211.000

1.09939.0001 Arsenic standard 1000 mg As, (As2O

5 in H

2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 675.000

1.19773.0100 Arsenic standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST H3AsO

4 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l As CertiPUR®100 mL AR 519.000

1.19773.0500 Arsenic standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST H3AsO

4 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l As CertiPUR®500 mL AR 727.000

8.16003.0100 (S)-(+)-Aspartic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 455.000

8.20116.0100 Azelaic acid, technical grade for synthesis 100 g LSS 582.000

1.11962.0010 Azomethine H GR for analysis (reagent for the determination of boron) 10 g Non Kit 1.400.000

1.00132.0025 Barbituric acid for analysis EMSURE® 25 g AR 927.000

1.00132.0100 Barbituric acid for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 2.418.000

1.01704.0500 Barium acetate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 500 g AR 2.968.000

1.01714.0250 Barium carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 1.363.000

1.01714.1000 Barium carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 3.372.000

1.01716.0050 Barium chloride 99.995 Suprapur® 50 g AR 1.720.000

1.01716.0500 Barium chloride 99.995 Suprapur® 500 g AR 8.942.000

1.01717.1000 Barium chloride dihydrate extra pure 1 KG AR 714.000

1.01719.0500 Barium chloride dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 580.000

1.01719.1000 Barium chloride dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 893.000

1.01737.0500 Barium hydroxide octahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 1.216.000

1.70304.0100 Barium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Ba(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Ba CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.336.000

1.01729.0500 Barium nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 500 g AR 1.418.000

1.01738.0250 Barium perchlorate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® 250 G AR 3.081.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09968.0001 Barium standard 1000 mg Ba, (BaCl2 in 7% HCl) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 675.000

1.19774.0100 Barium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Ba(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Ba CertiPUR®100 mL AR 519.000

1.19774.0500 Barium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Ba(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Ba CertiPUR®500 mL AR 727.000

1.01748.0250 Barium sulfate for white standard DIN 5033 250 g AR 8.873.000

8.01756.0100 Benzaldehyde for synthesis 100 mL LSS 420.000

8.01756.0500 Benzaldehyde for synthesis 500 mL LSS 543.000

8.01756.1000 Benzaldehyde for synthesis 1 L LSS 690.000

1.01782.1000 Benzene EMPLURA® 1 L AR 1.487.000

1.01782.2500 Benzene EMPLURA® 2,5 L AR 2.109.000

1.01783.1000 Benzene for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.682.000

1.01783.2500 Benzene for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 3.186.000

1.09646.0005 Benzene reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.727.000

1.01789.0010 Benzene-D6 deuteration degree min. 99.6% for NMR spectroscopy MagniSolv™ 10 mL AR 1.192.000

1.01766.0010 Benzene-D6 deuteration degree min. 99.96% for NMR spectroscopy MagniSolv™ 10 mL AR 1.812.000

8.21959.0500 Benzenesulfonamide for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.402.000

8.00468.0250 Benzenesulfonic acid for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.274.000

8.00470.0500 Benzenesulfonyl chloride for synthesis 500 mL LSS 655.000

8.01299.0025 1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylic acid for synthesis 25 g LSS 577.000

8.21956.0100 Benzimidazole for synthesis 100 g LSS 759.000

1.02401.0060 Benzoic acid volumetric standard, secondary reference material for alkalimetry, traceable to NIST Standard Reference Material (SMR) CertiPUR®

60 g AR 1.021.000

1.00136.0100 Benzoic acid for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 100 G AR 887.000

1.00136.0250 Benzoic acid for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 1.044.000

1.00136.1000 Benzoic acid for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 2.578.000

1.00134.0005 Benzoic acid standard for elemental analysis 5 G AR 868.000

8.41378.0025 -Benzoin oxime for synthesis 25 g LSS 1.049.000

8.01800.1000 Benzonitrile for synthesis*1 1 L LSS 1.024.000

8.01801.0005 Benzophenone for synthesis 5 g LSS 382.000

8.01801.0250 Benzophenone for synthesis 250 g LSS 488.000

8.02410.0100 p-Benzoquinone for synthesis 100 g LSS 395.000

8.02410.1000 p-Benzoquinone for synthesis 1 kg LSS 2.549.000

8.22315.0100 1H-Benzotriazole for synthesis 100 g LSS 693.000

8.01804.1000 Benzoyl chloride for synthesis*5 1 L LSS 671.000

8.01641.0100 Benzoyl peroxide (with 25% H2O) for synthesis 100 g LSS 401.000

8.01641.1000 Benzoyl peroxide (with 25% H2O) for synthesis*1 1 kg LSS 2.181.000

8.03181.0100 Benzyl acetate for synthesis 100 mL LSS 501.000

1.09626.1000 Benzyl alcohol for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 2.017.000

1.09626.2500 Benzyl alcohol for analysis EMSURE® 2.5 L AR 3.698.000

8.14831.0050 2-(Benzylamino) pyridine for synthesis 50 mL LSS 2.145.000

8.18701.0100 Benzyl benzoate for synthesis 100 mL LSS 433.000

8.21030.0100 Benzyl butyl phthalate for synthesis 100 mL LSS 434.000

8.21030.1000 Benzyl butyl phthalate for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.361.000

8.01809.1000 Benzyl chloride for synthesis 1 L LSS 511.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.00239.0250 Benzyl cinnamate for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.378.000

8.14231.0100 Benzyltrimethylammonium bromide for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.534.000

8.21961.0250 Benzyltrimethylammonium chloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 877.000

1.70305.0100 Beryllium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Be4O(C



2)6 in HNO

3 2-3%

1000 mg/l Be CertiPUR®100 ML AR 2.760.000

1.70207.0500 Beryllium standard solution Be4O(C



2)6 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l 1000 mg/l Be

CertiPUR®500 mL AR 1.840.000

8.03090.0100 Biphenyl for synthesis 100 mL LSS 346.000

8.03090.1000 Biphenyl for synthesis 1 kg LSS 844.000

8.01959.0100 Biphenyl-4-ol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 509.000

1.03098.0005 2,2'-Bipyridine GR for analysis (reagent for iron(II) and molybdenum) ACS 5 g Non Kit 657.000

1.03098.0025 2,2'-Bipyridine GR for analysis (reagent for iron(II) and molybdenum) ACS 25 g Non Kit 2.612.000

1.02955.0005 2,2'-Biquinoline GR for analysis 5 g Non Kit 5.675.000

8.21874.1000 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate for synthesis 1 L LSS 489.000

8.21874.2500 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 1.061.000

8.14283.0025 Bis(trichloromethyl) carbonate for synthesis 25 g LSS 2.543.000

1.10255.0005 Bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 1.116.000

1.10255.0025 Bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide for gas chromatography 25 mL Chrom 5.015.000

1.70306.0100 Bismuth ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Bi(NO3)3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Bi CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.409.000

1.19804.0500 Bismuth standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Bi(NO3)3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Bi CertiPUR®500 mL AR 749.000

1.01878.0100 Bismuth(III) nitrate alkaline for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 1.522.000

1.01862.9025 Bismuth(III) oxide extra pure 25 KG AR 86.493.000

1.09649.0010 N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide for gas chromatography 10 mL Chrom 1.079.000

1.09649.0025 N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide for gas chromatography 25 mL Chrom 2.282.000

1.07912.0250 Boiling chips granules ~ 1-2 mm 250 g AR 926.000

1.07913.0100 Boiling chips granules ~ 2-8 mm 100 g AR 821.000

1.00765.0500 Boric acid 99.9999 Suprapur® 500 g AR 10.568.000

1.00165.0100 Boric acid for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 483.000

1.00165.0500 Boric acid for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 575.000

1.00165.1000 Boric acid for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 586.000

1.00165.5000 Boric acid for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 5.710.000

1.70307.0100 Boron ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST, H3BO

3 in H

2O 1000 mg/l B

CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.400.000

1.19500.0100 Boron standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST H3BO

3 in H

2O 1000 mg/l B

CertiPUR®100 mL AR 540.000

1.19500.0500 Boron standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST H3BO

3 in H

2O 1000 mg/l B

CertiPUR®500 mL AR 756.000

8.01647.1000 Boron trifluoride-diethyl ether complex for synthesis 1 L LSS 2.031.000

8.01663.0500 Boron trifluoride-methanol complex (20% solution in methanol) for synthesis 500 mL LSS 1.289.000

1.08801.0001 Bottle key for opening and closing bottles with S 40 and S 28 screw caps 5 UNITS AR 157.000

8.01962.1000 Brij® 35 for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.319.000

1.09905.0001 Bromide bromate solution for 1000 ml, c(Br2) = 0,05 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 845.000

1.19896.0500 Bromide standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NaBr in H2O 1000 mg/l Br

CertiPUR®500 ML AR 604.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.14472.0250 (1S)-(-)-Borneol for synthesis 250 mL LSS 2.626.000

1.01599.0025 4-Bromoaniline GR for analysis 25 g Non Kit 8.277.000

1.01599.0100 4-Bromoaniline GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 37.828.000

8.01786.0250 Bromobenzene for synthesis 250 mL LSS 616.000

8.20185.0025 4-Bromobenzoyl chloride for synthesis 25 g LSS 1.815.000

8.40155.0025 4-Bromobiphenyl for synthesis 25 mL LSS 1.864.000

1.08121.0001 Bromocresol green indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 g AR 1.719.000

1.08121.0005 Bromocresol green indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 1.996.000

1.08121.0025 Bromocresol green indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 9.029.000

1.01541.0010 Bromocresol green sodium salt indicator water-soluble ACS 10 g AR 2.583.000

1.03025.0005 Bromocresol purple indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 943.000

1.03025.0025 Bromocresol purple indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 2.619.000

8.41242.0025 6-Bromohexanoic acid for synthesis 25 mL LSS 1.749.000

8.06210.0100 1-Bromonaphthalene for synthesis 100 mL LSS 742.000

8.06210.0500 1-Bromonaphthalene for synthesis 500 mL LSS 3.127.000

8.06210.2500 1-Bromonaphthalene for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 13.125.000

1.08122.0005 Bromophenol blue indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 808.000

1.08122.0025 Bromophenol blue indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 2.522.000

1.11746.0005 Bromophenol blue sodium salt water-soluble indicator ACS 5 g AR 779.000

1.03023.0005 Bromophenol red indicator 5 g AR 2.803.000

1.03026.0005 Bromothymol blue indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 967.000

1.03026.0025 Bromothymol blue indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 3.597.000

1.01895.0010 Bromothymol blue sodium salt indicator water-soluble ACS 10 g AR 1.657.000

8.18308.0050 (-)-Brucine for resolution of racemates for synthesis 50 g LSS 2.007.000

1.01952.0050 Brucine GR for analysis 50 g Non Kit 3.606.000

1.04182.1000 BTS catalyst (about 5 x 3 mm) for gas purification 1 KG AR 7.286.000

1.09888.0001 Buffer concentrate (borate/hydrochloric acid), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 8.00 ± 0.02 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.09890.0001 Buffer concentrate (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 10.00 ± 0.05 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.09880.0001 Buffer concentrate (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 11.00 ± 0.05 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.09889.0001 Buffer concentrate (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 9.00 ± 0.02 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.09882.0001 Buffer concentrate (citrate/hydrochloric acid), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 2.00 ± 0.02 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.09883.0001 Buffer concentrate (citrate/hydrochloric acid), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 3.00 ± 0.02 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 562.000

1.09884.0001 Buffer concentrate (citrate/hydrochloric acid), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 4.00 ± 0.02 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.09885.0001 Buffer concentrate (citrate/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 5.00 ± 0.02 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.09886.0001 Buffer concentrate (citrate/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 6.00 ± 0.02 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09881.0001 Buffer concentrate (glycine/hydrochloric acid), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 1.00 ± 0.02 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.09892.0001 Buffer concentrate (phosphate/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 12.00 ± 0.05 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.09893.0001 Buffer concentrate (potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 13.00 ± 0.05 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.99003.0001 Buffer solution (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide solution), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 9.00 (25°C) CertiPUR®

30 sachet AR 1.265.000

1.09400.0500 Buffer Solution (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide) colour coded: yellow, tracable to NIST and PTB pH 10.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

0,5 L AR 738.000

1.09476.0500 Buffer solution (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide), coloured: blue, traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 9.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 738.000

1.09475.0500 Buffer solution (citric acid/Sodium hydroxide/Hydrogen chloride) colour: red, traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 4.00 (20 °C) CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 738.000

1.09477.0500 Buffer solution (di-sodium hydrogen phosphate/Potassium dihydrogen phosphate), colour: green, traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 7.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 738.000

1.09439.1000 Buffer solution (di-sodium hydrogen phosphate/potassium dihydrogen phosphate), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 7.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 335.000

1.07294.1000 Buffer solution (di-sodium hydrogen phosphate/potassium hydrogen phosphate), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 6.88 (20° C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.203.000

1.09407.1000 Buffer solution (potassium dihydrogen phosphate/di-sodium hydrogen phosphate), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 7.00 (25°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.048.000

1.99002.0001 Buffer solution (potassium dihydrogen phosphate/di-sodium hydrogen phosphate), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 7.00 (25°C) CertiPUR®

30 sachet AR 1.240.000

1.09409.1000 Buffer solution pH 10.00 (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 10.00 (25°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.048.000

1.09408.1000 Buffer solution pH 9.00 (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 9.00 (25°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.048.000

1.99005.0001 Buffer solutions traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB 10 x pH 4.01 (phthalate) 10 x pH 7.00 (phosphate) 10 x pH 9.00 (borate) pH 4.01/pH 7.00/pH 9.00 (25°C) CertiPUR®

30 sachet AR 1.240.000

1.09887.0001 Buffer concentrate (phosphate), traceable to SRM of NIST and PTB for 500 ml buffer solution, pH 7.00 ± 0.02 (20°C) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 572.000

1.09879.0001 Buffer concentrate for buffer solution acc. to WEISE for 1000 ml of solution (phosphate), pH 7.20 Titrisol®

1 AMP AR 572.000

1.07827.1000 Buffer solution (acetic acid/sodium acetate) traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 4.66 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.203.000

1.09438.1000 Buffer solution (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 10.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.039.000

1.09462.1000 Buffer solution (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 11.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.048.000

1.09461.1000 Buffer solution (boric acid/potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 9.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.038.000

1.09460.1000 Buffer solution (boric acid/sodium hydroxide/hydrogen chloride), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 8.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.048.000

1.09436.1000 Buffer solution (citric acid/sodium hydroxide) traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 5.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.048.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09437.1000 Buffer solution (citric acid/sodium hydroxide), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 6.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.048.000

1.09433.1000 Buffer solution (citric acid/sodium hydroxide/hydrogen chloride), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 2.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.038.000

1.09434.1000 Buffer solution (citric acid/sodium hydroxide/hydrogen chloride), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 3.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.048.000

1.09435.1000 Buffer solution (citric acid/sodium hydroxide/hydrogen chloride), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 4.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 339.000

1.09432.1000 Buffer solution (glycine/sodium chloride/hydrogen chloride), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 1.00 (20°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.048.000

1.99001.0001 Buffer solution (potassium hydrogen phthalate), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 4.01 (25°C) CertiPUR®

30 sachet AR 1.240.000

1.09406.1000 Buffer solution pH 4.01 (Potassium hydrogen phthalate), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 4.01 (25°C) CertiPUR®

1 L AR 1.053.000

8.01964.1000 1,3-Butanediol for synthesis 1 L LSS 748.000

8.01532.1000 1,4-Butanediol for synthesis 1 L LSS 789.000

1.18303.0025 Butane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chromatography LiChropur® 25 g Chrom 4.589.000

1.01990.1000 1-Butanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.172.000

1.01990.2500 1-Butanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 2.441.000

1.01988.1000 1-Butanol for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 1.641.000

1.01988.2500 1-Butanol for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 3.418.000

1.01989.0500 1-Butanol for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 mL AR 1.230.000

1.09630.1000 2-Butanol for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 952.000

1.09630.2500 2-Butanol for analysis EMSURE® 2.5 L AR 1.983.000

8.22264.1000 tert-Butanol EMPLURA® 1 L AR 798.000

8.22264.5000 tert-Butanol EMPLURA® 5 L AR 2.543.000

1.09629.0500 tert-Butanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 mL AR 657.000

8.01395.1000 2-Butoxyethyl acetate for synthesis 1 L LSS 748.000

8.21014.1000 [2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethyl] acetate for synthesis 1 kg LSS 667.000

8.02189.0250 tert-Butyl acetate for synthesis 250 mL LSS 866.000

8.01546.1000 tert-Butylamine for synthesis*1 1 kg LSS 770.000

8.20240.0100 tert-Butylbenzene for synthesis 100 mL LSS 619.000

1.01843.2500 tert-Butyl methyl ether EMPLURA® 2,5 L AR 1.345.000

1.01849.1000 tert-Butyl methyl ether for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 L AR 974.000

1.01849.2500 tert-Butyl methyl ether for analysis EMSURE® ACS 2.5 L AR 2.029.000

1.01995.1000 tert-Butyl methyl ether for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 1 L AR 1.071.000

1.01995.2500 tert-Butyl methyl ether for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 2.5 L AR 2.232.000

1.01845.1000 tert-Butyl methyl ether for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 1.625.000

1.01845.2500 tert-Butyl methyl ether for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 3.386.000

1.01984.1000 tert-Butyl methyl ether for spectroscopy Uvasol® 1 L AR 2.090.000

8.18109.2500 tert-Butyl methyl ether for synthesis 2,5 L AR 2.029.000

8.18109.1000 tert-Butyl methyl ether for synthesis 1 L AR 974.000

1.01974.2500 n-Butyl acetate EMPLURA® 2,5 L AR 1.258.000

1.09652.1000 n-Butyl acetate for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 959.000

1.09652.2500 n-Butyl acetate for analysis EMSURE® 2.5 L AR 1.898.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.00832.0100 Butyl acrylate (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis 100 mL LSS 344.000

8.01539.1000 Butylamine for synthesis 1L LSS 611.000

8.00585.0100 Butyl methacrylate (stabilised) for synthesis 100 mL LSS 418.000

8.20239.0100 Butylbenzene for synthesis 100 mL LSS 1.182.000

8.20238.0100 4-tert-Butylbenzoic acid for synthesis 100 mL LSS 448.000

8.20246.0100 2-tert-Butyl-4-methoxyphenol for synthesis 100 g LSS 841.000

8.20249.0250 2-tert-Butylphenol for synthesis 250 mL LSS 423.000

8.20250.0100 4-tert-Butylphenol for synthesis 100 g LSS 358.000

8.01987.0250 4-tert-Butylpyrocatechol for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.023.000

8.01555.0100 Butyraldehyde for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

8.00457.0100 Butyric acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 401.000

8.01661.1000 -Butyrolactone for synthesis 1 kg LSS 723.000

8.41778.0025 Butyrophenone for synthesis 25 g LSS 525.000

1.02003.0500 Cadmium acetate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 3.104.000

1.02001.0250 Cadmium coarse powder, for analysis and for filling reductors particle size about 0.3-1.6 mm EMSURE®

250 g AR 3.171.000

1.02004.0250 Cadmium granular, for analysis particle size about 3-6 mm EMSURE® 250 g AR 3.084.000

1.70309.0100 Cadmium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Cd(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Cd CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.907.000

1.09960.0001 Cadmium standard 1000 mg Cd, (CdCl2 in H

2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 840.000

1.19777.0100 Cadmium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Cd(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Cd CertiPUR®100 mL AR 646.000

1.19777.0500 Cadmium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Cd(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Cd CertiPUR®500 mL AR 880.000

1.02027.0100 Cadmium sulfate hydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 100 g AR 1.419.000

1.02315.0005 Calcein indicator for metal determination 5 g AR 2.748.000

1.02410.0050 Calcium carbonate volumetric standard, secondary reference material for complexometry, traceable to NIST Standard Reference Material (SRM) CertiPUR®

50 g AR 1.230.000

1.09325.0500 Calcium acetate hydrate [about 94% Ca(CH3COO)

2] for soil testing 500 g Non Kit 588.000

1.09325.9025 Calcium acetate hydrate [about 94% Ca(CH3COO)

2] for soil testing 25kg Non Kit 10.368.000

1.02059.0050 Calcium carbonate 99.95 Suprapur® 50 g AR 3.380.000

1.02066.0250 Calcium carbonate precipitated for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 640.000

1.02066.1000 Calcium carbonate precipitated for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.939.000

1.02067.0500 Calcium carbonate precipitated for analysis of silicates EMSURE® 500 g AR 2.080.000

1.02378.0500 Calcium chloride anhydrous powder Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 738.000

1.02379.1000 Calcium chloride anhydrous, granular ~ 1-2 mm 1 kg AR 2.996.000

1.02391.1000 Calcium chloride anhydrous, granular ~ 2 - 6 mm 1 kg AR 2.397.000

1.02392.1000 Calcium chloride anhydrous, granular ~ 6 - 14 mm 1 kg AR 2.097.000

1.02382.0250 Calcium chloride dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 539.000

1.02382.0500 Calcium chloride dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 730.000

1.02382.1000 Calcium chloride dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 780.000

1.02083.0250 Calcium chloride fused, granular about 0.5-2.0 mm for elementary analysis 250 g AR 7.111.000

1.02083.1000 Calcium chloride fused, granular about 0.5-2.0 mm for elementary analysis 1 kg AR 24.127.000

1.02384.0100 Calcium chloride tetrahydrate 99.995 Suprapur® 100 g AR 4.295.000

1.02053.0100 Calcium granular 100 g AR 1.072.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.02053.0500 Calcium granular 500 g AR 3.573.000

1.02047.0500 Calcium hydroxide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 815.000

1.02047.1000 Calcium hydroxide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.254.000

1.02111.0025 Calcium hydroxide for the preparation of DIN 19266 pH standard buffer solutions 25 g AR 1.723.000

8.41799.0100 Calcium hypochlorite for synthesis 100 g LSS 488.000

8.41799.0500 Calcium hypochlorite for synthesis 500 mL LSS 734.000

1.70308.0100 Calcium ICP Standard traceable to SRM from NIST Ca(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Ca CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.461.000

1.70373.0100 Calcium ICP Standard traceable to SRM from NIST Ca(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 10000

mg/l Ca CertiPUR®100 mL AR 5.806.000

1.02103.0250 Calcium lactate for soil tests 250 g Non Kit 887.000

1.02103.9025 Calcium lactate for soil tests 25 kg Non Kit 12.979.000

1.02103.1000 Calcium lactate for soil tests 1 kg Non Kit 2.475.000

1.02123.0100 Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate 99.95 Suprapur® 100 g AR 3.611.000

1.02121.0500 Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 500 g AR 619.000

1.02109.1000 Calcium oxide from marble small lumps ~3-20 mm 1 kg AR 1.036.000

1.09943.0001 Calcium standard 1000 mg Ca, (CaCl2 in 6.5% HCl) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 720.000

1.15053.0100 Calcium standard dissolved in oil 1 g/kg Ca CertiPUR® 100 mL AR 4.898.000

1.19778.0100 Calcium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Ca(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Ca CertiPUR®100 mL AR 554.000

1.19778.0500 Calcium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Ca(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Ca CertiPUR®500 mL AR 914.000

1.01987.1000 Calcium sulfate anhydrous, granular 1 - 5 mm 1 kg AR 1.969.000

1.02161.0500 Calcium sulfate dihydrate precipitated for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 813.000

1.04594.0050 Calcon (C.I.15705) metal indicator 50 g AR 899.000

1.04595.0005 Calconcarboxylic acid metal indicator 5 g AR 1.095.000

1.04595.0025 Calconcarboxylic acid metal indicator 25 g AR 3.203.000

1.09656.0005 D-Camphor reference substance for gas chromatography 5 g Chrom 3.076.000

8.41456.0250 DL-Camphor for synthesis 250 g LSS 382.000

8.40094.0100 (1R)-(-)-Camphor-10-sulfonic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 2.539.000

8.22311.0100 (1S)-(+)-Camphor-10-sulfonic acid for resolution of racemates for synthesis 100 g LSS 835.000

1.00193.0250 Caprylic acid (Octanoic acid) suitable for biopharmaceutical production Ph Eur 250 mL LSS 1.278.000

8.20255.0005 Carbazole for synthesis 5 g LSS 396.000

8.20255.0250 Carbazole for synthesis 250 g LSS 673.000

1.10537.0001 Carrez Clarification Kit reagent kit for sample preparation in food analysis, 5-fold concentrate

1 ST Non Kit 1.040.000

1.70311.0100 Cerium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Ce(NO3)3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Ce CertiPUR®100 ML AR 2.800.000

1.09092.1000 Cerium(IV) sulfate solution c(Ce(SO4)2.4 H

2O) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 1.818.000

1.02274.0025 Cerium(IV) sulfate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 25 g AR 1.098.000

1.02274.0100 Cerium(IV) sulfate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 2.330.000

1.02274.0250 Cerium(IV) sulfate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 3.884.000

1.07202.0105 Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution potassium dihydrogen phosphate/di-sodium hydrogen phosphate, directly traceable to primary SRM from NIST/PTB pH (S) = 6.863 (25°C) CertiPUR®

5 x 100 mL AR 2.096.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.07205.0105 Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution potassium hydrogen phosphate/di-sodium hydrogen phosphate, directly traceable to primary SRM from NIST/PTB pH(S) = 7.416 (25°C) CertiPUR®

5 x 100 mL AR 2.096.000

1.07200.0105 Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution potassium hydrogen phthalate, directly traceable to primary SRM from NIST/PTB pH(S) = 4.005 (25°C) CertiPUR®

5 x 100 mL AR 2.096.000

1.07204.0105 Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution potassium tetraoxalate dihydrate, directly traceable to primary SRM from NIST/PTB pH(S) = 1.681 (25°C) CertiPUR®

5 X 100 ML

AR 2.096.000

1.02039.0050 Cesium chloride 99.995 Suprapur® 50 g AR 4.873.000

1.02039.0250 Cesium chloride 99.995 Suprapur® 250 g AR 13.785.000

1.02038.0025 Cesium chloride for analysis EMSURE® 25 g AR 1.450.000

1.02038.0100 Cesium chloride for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 4.264.000

1.70310.0100 Cesium ICP Standard traceable to SRM from NIST CsNO3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000 mg/l

Cs CertiPUR®100 ML AR 2.118.000

1.02856.0025 Cesium nitrate 99+ 25 g AR 1.428.000

1.70212.0100 Cesium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST CsNO3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Cs CertiPUR®100 ML AR 563.000

8.18704.0100 Cetyl alcohol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 396.000

8.18704.1000 Cetyl alcohol for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.086.000

8.40008.0100 1-Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate for synthesis 100 mL LSS 615.000

8.40008.0025 1-Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate for synthesis*1 25 g LSS 636.000

1.18313.0025 Cetyl trimethylammonium hydrogen sulfate for ion pair chromatography LiChropur®

25 g Chrom 7.789.000

1.02342.0100 N-Cetyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide GR for analysis 100 g AR 1.524.000

1.02342.1000 N-Cetyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide GR for analysis 1 kg AR 4.483.000

1.02186.0250 Charcoal activated for analysis*1 250 g AR 1.169.000

1.02186.1000 Charcoal activated for analysis*1 1 kg AR 2.242.000

1.09631.0500 Charcoal activated for gas chromatography 0.3-0.5 mm (35-50 mesh ASTM) 500 g Chrom 9.005.000

1.09624.0100 Charcoal activated for gas chromatography 0.5-1 mm (18-35 mesh ASTM) 100 g Chrom 2.778.000

1.02216.0010 Charcoal activated for the determination of AOX 10 g Non Kit 5.149.000

1.02005.0010 Charcoal activated for the determination of AOX (shaking method) 10 g Non Kit 1.497.000

1.02514.1000 Charcoal activated granular about 1.5 mm extra pure food grade*1 1 KG AR 2.074.000

1.02184.1000 Charcoal activated powder extra pure food grade 1 KG AR 1.653.000

1.02183.1000 Charcoal activated pure*1 1 kg AR 1.488.000

1.01568.1000 Chemizorb® Granules Absorbent for spilled liquids 1 kg AR 837.000

1.01568.5000 Chemizorb® Granules Absorbent for spilled liquids 5 KG AR 2.930.000

1.01595.2000 Chemizorb® H+ Absorbent and neutralizer for spilled acids, with indicator 2 KG AR 4.931.000

1.01591.1000 Chemizorb® HF Absorbent and neutralizer for spilled hydrofluoric acid, with indicator

1 KG AR 2.448.000

1.12576.0001 Chemizorb® Hg Reagents and accessories for absorption of mercury 1 set AR 5.364.000

1.01569.0001 Chemizorb® Hg Reagents refill pack for Cat. No. 1.12576.0001 1 SET AR 3.980.000

1.01596.1000 Chemizorb® OH¯ Absorbent and neutralizer for spilled alkalis, with indicator 1 kg AR 1.667.000

1.02051.0500 Chemizorb® Powder Absorbent for spilled liquids 500 g AR 777.000

1.02051.9025 Chemizorb® Powder Absorbent for spilled liquids 25 kg AR 10.681.000

1.02424.1000 Chloramine T trihydrate extra pure Ph Eur,BP 1 KG AR 1.414.000

1.02426.0250 Chloramine T trihydrate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 623.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.02426.1000 Chloramine T trihydrate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 1.395.000

1.09871.0001 Chloride standard 1000 mg Cl¯ (HCl in H2O) Titrisol® *3 1 ampul AR 635.000

1.19897.0500 Chloride standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NaCl in H2O 1000 mg/l Cl

CertiPUR®500 mL AR 711.000

8.00412.0100 Chloroacetic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 560.000

8.00412.1000 Chloroacetic acid for synthesis 1 kg LSS 697.000

8.01791.0100 Chlorobenzene for synthesis 100 mL LSS 396.000

8.01791.1000 Chlorobenzene for synthesis 1 L LSS 545.000

8.01791.2500 Chlorobenzene for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 1.073.000

1.01692.1000 1-Chlorobutane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 2.778.000

8.01640.0100 1-Chlorobutane for synthesis 100 mL LSS 450.000

8.01640.1000 1-Chlorobutane for synthesis 1 L LSS 648.000

8.01640.2500 1-Chlorobutane for synthesis 2.5 kg LSS 1.363.000

8.05340.0100 1-Chlorododecane for synthesis 100 g LSS 501.000

8.02295.1000 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.299.000

8.41480.0050 4-Chloroacetanilide for synthesis 50 g LSS 795.000

8.41480.0250 4-Chloroacetanilide for synthesis 250 g LSS 2.695.000

8.41822.0010 4-Chloro-alpha-methylstyrene for synthesis 10 mL LSS 1.303.000

8.02613.0100 4-Chloroaniline for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

8.18186.0050 4-Chlorobenzyl alcohol for synthesis 50 g LSS 1.368.000

8.14104.0050 Chlorodimethylsilane for synthesis 50 mL LSS 1.476.000

1.07024.2500 Chloroform for analysis EMPARTA® ACS 2.5 L AR 478.000

1.02445.1000 Chloroform for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 433.000

1.02445.2500 Chloroform for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 492.000

1.02432.1000 Chloroform for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 1 L AR 702.000

1.02432.2500 Chloroform for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 2.5 L AR 1.462.000

1.02444.1000 Chloroform for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 1.768.000

1.02444.2500 Chloroform for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 3.684.000

1.02447.0500 Chloroform for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 mL AR 1.326.000

1.02442.1000 Chloroform GR for analysis (for determinations with dithizone) 1 L AR 464.000

1.03024.0010 Chlorophenol red indicator 10 G AR 2.701.000

8.02253.0500 2-Chlorophenol for synthesis 500 mL LSS 568.000

8.02254.0100 4-Chlorophenol for synthesis 100 g LSS 344.000

1.03085.0100 4-Chlorophenol solution 725 mg/l for AOX determination acc. to DIN 38409-H 14 100 mL Non Kit 949.000

8.02458.0010 4-Chlorostyrene (stabilised with 4-tert-butylpyrocatechol) for synthesis 10 mL LSS 1.045.000

8.02811.0250 N-Chlorosuccinimide for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.086.000

8.00220.1000 Chlorosulfonic acid for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.291.000

1.02333.0100 Chlorotrimethylsilane for gas chromatography 100 mL Chrom 626.000

1.02333.0250 Chlorotrimethylsilane for gas chromatography 250 mL Chrom 1.253.000

8.18737.0100 Chlorotrimethylsilane for synthesis 100 g LSS 436.000

1.19780.0500 Chromate standard solution traceable to SRM of NIST K2CrO

4 in H

2O 1000 mg/l

CrO4 CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 705.000

1.70312.0100 Chromium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Cr(NO3)3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Cr CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.492.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.70374.0100 Chromium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Cr(NO3)3 in HNO

3 2-3%

10000 mg/l Cr CertiPUR®100 ML AR 4.923.000

1.09948.0001 Chromium standard 1000 mg Cr, (CrCl3 in 4.2% HCl) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 720.000

1.19779.0100 Chromium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Cr(NO3)3 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Cr CertiPUR®100 mL AR 554.000

1.19779.0500 Chromium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Cr(NO3)3 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Cr CertiPUR®500 mL AR 775.000

8.18090.0025 Chromium(III) chloride anhydrous for synthesis 25 g LSS 1.289.000

1.02481.0250 Chromium(III) nitrate nonahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 3.093.000

1.01036.0250 Chromium(III) potassium sulfate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

250 G AR 1.006.000

1.00227.2500 Chromium(VI) oxide extra pure*1 2,5 KG AR 8.646.000

1.00229.0250 Chromium(VI) oxide for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 1.729.000

1.02499.1000 Chromosulfuric acid for cleaning glass vessels*1 1 L AR 639.000

1.02498.0025 Chromotropic acid disodium salt dihydrate for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 G AR 1.108.000

8.02506.0025 (+)-Cinchonine for resolution of racemates for synthesis 25 g LSS 949.000

8.02505.0250 trans-Cinnamaldehyde for synthesis 250 mL LSS 421.000

8.00235.0250 Cinnamic acid for synthesis 250 g LSS 841.000

8.20923.2500 cis-9-Octadecen-1-ol for synthesis 2.5 kg LSS 1.937.000

1.00244.0500 Citric acid monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 696.000

1.00244.1000 Citric acid monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 KG AR 1.175.000

1.00244.5000 Citric acid monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 4.398.000

8.14575.0100 Citronellal for synthesis 100 mL LSS 380.000

8.18554.0005 Citronellol for synthesis 5 mL LSS 459.000

1.70313.0100 Cobalt ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Co(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Co CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.388.000

1.12211.0100 Cobalt powder 99+ 100 g LSS 2.914.000

1.09986.0001 Cobalt standard 1000 mg Co, (CoCl2 in H

2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 690.000

1.15061.0100 Cobalt standard dissolved in oil 1 g/kg Co CertiPUR® 100 ML AR 3.980.000

1.19785.0100 Cobalt standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Co(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Co CertiPUR®100 ML AR 531.000

1.19785.0500 Cobalt standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Co(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Co CertiPUR®500 mL AR 743.000

1.02529.0100 Cobalt(II) acetate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 100 g AR 3.988.000

1.02539.0100 Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 3.957.000

1.02539.0250 Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 6.595.000

1.02554.0050 Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate for analysis (max. 0.001% Ni) EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

50 g AR 2.536.000

1.02536.0100 Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 1.734.000

1.02536.0250 Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 2.891.000

1.02556.0100 Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 1.734.000

1.02556.0250 Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 3.043.000

1.00265.0001 Colour Reference Solutions B for testing the colour intensity acc. to Ph. Eur. B1-B9 CertiPUR®

1 set AR 8.267.000

1.00266.0001 Colour Reference Solutions BY for testing the colour intensity acc. to Ph. Eur. BY1-BY7 CertiPUR®

1 set AR 8.183.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.00268.0001 Colour Reference Solutions GY for testing the colour intensity acc. to Ph. Eur. GY1-GY7 CertiPUR®

1 set AR 8.183.000

1.00269.0001 Colour Reference Solutions R for testing the colour intensity acc. to Ph. Eur. R1-R7 CertiPUR®

1 set AR 8.267.000

1.00267.0001 Colour Reference Solutions Y for testing the colour intensity acc. to Ph. Eur. Y1-Y7 CertiPUR®

1 set AR 8.267.000

1.09255.0500 CombiCoulomat frit Karl Fischer reagent for the coulometric water determination for cells with diaphragm apura®

500 mL AR 1.160.000

1.09257.0500 CombiCoulomat fritless Karl Fischer reagent for coulometric water determination for cells with and without diaphragm apura®

500 mL AR 1.869.000

1.88021.1000 CombiSolvent Fats Solvent for volumetric Karl Fischer titration with one component reagents for fats apura®

1 L AR 1.453.000

1.88007.1000 CombiSolvent Keto Solvent for volumetric Karl Fischer Titration with one component reagents for aldehyds and ketones apura®

1 L AR 1.586.000

1.88008.1000 CombiSolvent methanol-free solvent for volumetric Karl Fischer titration with one component reagents apura®

1 L AR 1.852.000

1.88001.1000 CombiTitrant 1 one component reagent for volumetric Karl Fischer titration 1 ml «» ca. 1 mg H2

O apura®1 L AR 1.952.000

1.88002.1000 CombiTitrant 2 one component reagent for volumetric Karl Fischer titration 1 ml «» ca. 2 mg H

2O Apura®

1 L AR 1.952.000

1.88006.1000 CombiTitrant 5 Keto one component reagent for volumetric Karl Fischer titration for aldehydes and ketones 1 ml «» ca. 5 mg H

2O apura®

1 L AR 1.913.000

1.88005.1000 CombiTitrant 5 one-component reagent for volumetric Karl Fischer titration 1 ml «» ca. 5 mg H

2O apura®

1 L AR 1.913.000

1.88005.2500 CombiTitrant 5 one-component reagent for volumetric Karl Fischer titration 1 ml «» ca. 5 mg H

2O apura®

2.5 L AR 4.294.000

1.01810.0105 Conductivity water (nominal 0 mS/cm) Test solution for Measurement of electrolytic Conductivity, traceable to PTB and NIST CertiPUR®

5 x 100 mL AR 5.478.000

1.01340.0025 Congo red (C.I. 22120) indicator Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 937.000

1.05217.0500 Copper di-ammonium Titriplex® solution Cu(NH4)2-EDTA 0.1 mol/l 500 mL AR 3.292.000

1.02703.0250 Copper fine powder particle size < 63 µm (> 230 mesh ASTM) EMSURE® 250 g AR 926.000

1.02700.0250 Copper foil about 0.1 mm thickness 250 G AR 1.400.000

1.70314.0100 Copper ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Cu(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Cu CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.492.000

1.70378.0100 Copper ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Cu(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 10000

mg/l Cu CertiPUR®100 mL AR 4.984.000

1.02765.1000 Copper oxide wire fine about 0.65 x 3 mm for elementary analysis (surface: CuO, core: Cu


1 kg AR 5.315.000

1.09987.0001 Copper standard 1000 mg Cu, (CuCl2 in H

2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 720.000

1.19786.0100 Copper standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Cu(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Cu CertiPUR®100 mL AR 554.000

1.19786.0500 Copper standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Cu(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Cu CertiPUR®500 mL AR 814.000

1.02784.1000 Copper sulfate solution c(CuSO4)=0.1 mol/l TitriPUR® 1 L AR 754.000

1.02739.0250 Copper(I) chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 2.027.000

8.18311.0100 Copper(I) iodide for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.021.000

1.02710.0500 Copper(II) acetate monohydrate cryst. extra pure 500 G AR 483.000

1.02711.0250 Copper(II) acetate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 1.128.000

1.02733.0250 Copper(II) chloride dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 928.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.18247.0500 Copper(II) chloride for synthesis 500 g LSS 745.000

1.09288.1000 Copper(II) ethylenediamine solution DIN 54270, for measuring the viscosity of cellulose

1 L Non Kit 4.634.000

1.02722.1000 Copper(II) hydroxide carbonate extra pure 1 KG AR 3.345.000

1.02753.0250 Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 884.000

1.02753.1000 Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 2.210.000

1.02764.0250 Copper(II) oxide granular for elementary analysis 250 G AR 4.724.000

1.02761.0500 Copper(II) oxide powder extra pure 500 G AR 6.328.000

1.02766.0100 Copper(II) oxide powder for analysis EMSURE® ACS 100 g AR 2.203.000

1.02791.0250 Copper(II) sulfate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 930.000

1.02791.1000 Copper(II) sulfate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 2.324.000

1.02790.0250 Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 564.000

1.02790.1000 Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.079.000

8.41470.0050 Creatine monohydrate for synthesis 50 g LSS 842.000

1.05225.0005 Cresol red indicator Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 1.256.000

8.09691.0500 m-Cresol for synthesis 500 mL LSS 778.000

1.05228.0005 m-Cresol purple indicator 5 G AR 1.888.000

8.09692.0500 o-Cresol for synthesis 500 mL LSS 440.000

8.09692.1000 o-Cresol for synthesis 1 L LSS 801.000

8.11684.0005 Crown ether/18-Crown-6 for synthesis 5 g LSS 498.000

1.01408.0025 Crystal violet (C.I. 42555) indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 778.000

1.01408.0100 Crystal violet (C.I. 42555) indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 1.883.000

8.02681.0100 Cumene for synthesis 100 mL LSS 439.000

8.02681.1000 Cumene for synthesis 1 L LSS 734.000

1.05227.0025 Cupferron GR for analysis ACS 25 g Non Kit 1.217.000

1.05227.0100 Cupferron GR for analysis ACS 100 g Non Kit 3.895.000

8.20354.0010 Curcumin for synthesis 10 g LSS 966.000

8.00252.0250 Cyanoacetic acid for synthesis 250 g LSS 767.000

8.02491.0100 1-Cyanoguanidine for synthesis 100 g LSS 410.000

8.02815.0100 Cyanuric chloride for synthesis 100 g LSS 344.000

1.09666.1000 Cyclohexane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 693.000

1.09666.2500 Cyclohexane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 1.401.000

1.02817.1000 Cyclohexane for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 1 L AR 1.605.000

1.02817.2500 Cyclohexane for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 2.5 L AR 2.856.000

1.02817.4004 Cyclohexane for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 4X4L AR 10.164.000

1.02827.1000 Cyclohexane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 1.745.000

1.02822.0500 Cyclohexane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 ML AR 1.309.000

8.22328.0100 Cyclohexanol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 396.000

8.22328.1000 Cyclohexanol for synthesis 1 L LSS 578.000

8.22328.2500 Cyclohexanol for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 1.182.000

1.09667.0005 Cyclohexanol reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.727.000

1.02888.2500 Cyclohexanone EMPLURA® 2.5 L AR 2.516.000

8.02824.0500 Cyclohexene (stabilized) for synthesis 500 mL LSS 571.000

8.02824.1000 Cyclohexene (stabilized) for synthesis 1 kg LSS 989.000

8.22052.1000 Cyclohexyl acetate for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.320.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.02885.1000 Cyclohexylamine for synthesis 1 L LSS 509.000

8.02885.2500 Cyclohexylamine for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 1.076.000

8.41620.0050 Cyclohexylmethanol for synthesis 50 mL LSS 1.230.000

8.02669.0100 Cyclopentanol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 973.000

8.02670.0250 Cyclopentanone for synthesis 250 mL LSS 515.000

8.02670.1000 Cyclopentanone for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.443.000

8.03405.0100 n-Decane for synthesis 100 g LSS 589.000

8.03405.0250 n-Decane for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.189.000

8.20383.0250 n-Decane for synthesis 250 mL LSS 498.000

8.20383.1000 n-Decane for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.552.000

1.09603.0005 n-Decane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.673.000

8.02169.0100 Decanoic acid for synthesis 100 mL LSS 498.000

8.03463.0100 1-Decanol for synthesis 100 g LSS 443.000

8.03463.1000 1-Decanol for synthesis 1 L LSS 693.000

1.03805.0001 Desiccant sachet 100 g silica gel with humidity indicator (orangegel) sachet: 15 x 14 cm

10 UNITS AR 1.716.000

1.03803.0001 Desiccant sachet 3 g silica gel with humidity indicator (orange gel) sachet: 4 x 7 cm

100 UNITS AR 1.552.000

1.05341.0250 Devarda's alloy for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 1.806.000

8.03528.0250 Diacetyl for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.285.000

1.02918.0025 Diacetyl monoxime GR for analysis 25 g Non Kit 995.000

1.02918.0100 Diacetyl monoxime GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 2.714.000

8.03289.0500 Diallyl phthalate for synthesis 500 mL LSS 734.000

8.20050.0050 Diallyl sulfide for synthesis 50 mL LSS 1.100.000

8.20405.0250 3,5-Diaminobenzoic acid for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.716.000

8.41032.0025 trans-1,2-Diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N',N'-tetracetic acid monohydrate for synthesis

25 g LSS 924.000

8.21041.0250 1,2-Diaminopropane for synthesis 250 mL LSS 525.000

1.01154.0500 di-Ammonium hydrogen citrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 1.046.000

1.01207.0500 di-Ammonium hydrogen phosphate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 883.000

1.01192.0250 di-Ammonium oxalate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 835.000

1.01192.1000 di-Ammonium oxalate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 2.086.000

1.03133.0025 Diantipyrylmethane GR for analysis (reagent for titanium) 25 g Non Kit 1.450.000

1.00169.0250 di-Boron trioxide 99.9995 Suprapur® 250 G AR 8.195.000

1.00163.1000 di-Boron trioxide for silicate analysis 1 KG AR 3.175.000

8.22019.0025 2,4'-Dibromoacetophenone for synthesis 25 g LSS 1.519.000

8.00919.0100 Dibutyl phthalate for synthesis 100 mL LSS 347.000

8.00919.1000 Dibutyl phthalate for synthesis 1 L LSS 469.000

8.00919.2500 Dibutyl phthalate for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 1.164.000

8.03222.0100 Dibutylamine for synthesis 100 g LSS 396.000

8.03222.1000 Dibutylamine for synthesis 1 kg LSS 514.000

8.03541.0250 Dichloroacetic acid for synthesis 250 mL LSS 715.000

8.03541.1000 Dichloroacetic acid for synthesis 1 L LSS 2.111.000

8.40037.0100 2,4-Dichlorobenzonitrile for synthesis 100 mL LSS 2.557.000

1.09676.0005 2',7'-Dichlorofluorescein indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 2.196.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.20431.0100 3,4-Dichloroaniline for synthesis 100 g LSS 478.000

1.02930.1000 1,2-Dichlorobenzene for extraction analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 781.000

8.03238.1000 1,2-Dichlorobenzene for synthesis 1 L LSS 618.000

8.03226.1000 1,4-Dichlorobenzene for synthesis 1 L LSS 685.000

8.03452.1000 Dichlorodimethylsilane for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.897.000

1.00955.1000 1,2-Dichloroethane EMPLURA® 1 L AR 948.000

1.00955.2500 1,2-Dichloroethane EMPLURA® 2.5 L AR 1.974.000

1.13713.1000 1,2-Dichloroethane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 3.204.000

1.00953.0500 1,2-Dichloroethane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 mL AR 2.403.000

1.10888.0100 Dichloroisocyanuric acid sodium salt dihydrate GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 4.028.000

1.06051.0500 Dichloromethane dried (max. 0.004% H2O) SeccoSolv® 500 mL AR 312.000

8.22271.1000 Dichloromethane EMPLURA® 1 L AR 724.000

8.22271.2500 Dichloromethane EMPLURA® 2.5 L AR 752.000

1.06050.1000 Dichloromethane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 783.000

1.06050.2500 Dichloromethane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 1.019.000

1.06050.9025 Dichloromethane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 25 L AR 5.341.000

1.06054.1000 Dichloromethane for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 1 L AR 1.076.000

1.06054.2500 Dichloromethane for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 2.5 L AR 2.331.000

1.06054.4004 Dichloromethane for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 4 X 4 L AR 14.922.000

1.06044.1000 Dichloromethane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 1.096.000

1.06044.2500 Dichloromethane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 2.431.000

1.06044.4000 Dichloromethane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 4 L AR 3.890.000

1.06048.0500 Dichloromethane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 ML AR 1.068.000

1.06048.2500 Dichloromethane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2,5 L AR 3.815.000

8.03774.0500 2,4-Dichlorophenol for synthesis 500 g LSS 897.000

8.20451.0250 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid for synthesis 250 g LSS 603.000

8.20448.0250 2,5-Dichlorophenol for synthesis 250 g LSS 2.392.000

1.03028.0005 2,6-Dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium salt dihydrate GR for analysis for the determination of ascorbic acid

5 g Non Kit 1.562.000

1.03028.0025 2,6-Dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium salt dihydrate GR for analysis for the determination of ascorbic acid

25 g Non Kit 7.710.000

8.19100.0250 2,2-Dichloropropionic acid sodium salt for synthesis 250 g LSS 891.000

8.02948.0100 Dicyclohexylamine for synthesis 100 g LSS 501.000

8.02954.0250 N,N'-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.076.000

1.16205.1000 Diethanolamine for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 1.549.000

8.03116.1000 Diethanolamine for synthesis 1 L LSS 624.000

8.03273.1000 2-(Diethylamino)-ethanol for synthesis 1 L LSS 725.000

8.02898.1000 Diethyl carbonate for synthesis 1 L LSS 772.000

1.00929.0500 Diethyl ether dried (max. 0.005 % H2O) SeccoSolv®*3 500 ML AR 436.000

1.00921.1000 Diethyl ether for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*3 1 L AR 688.000

1.00921.2500 Diethyl ether for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*3 2.5 LITER AR 719.000

1.00930.0500 Diethyl ether for spectroscopy Uvasol® *3 500 ML AR 722.000

8.22323.1000 Diethyl phthalate for synthesis 1 L LSS 781.000

1.03121.0100 N,N-Diethyl-1,4-phenylenediammonium sulfate GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 1.614.000

8.03010.0100 Diethylamine for synthesis 100 g LSS 427.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.03010.0500 Diethylamine for synthesis 500 mL LSS 510.000

8.03010.1000 Diethylamine for synthesis 1 L LSS 555.000

8.03010.2500 Diethylamine for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 882.000

8.20393.0250 Diethylammonium chloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 587.000

8.20395.1000 N,N-Diethylaniline for synthesis 1 L LSS 844.000

8.02934.0250 Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (stabilised) for synthesis 250 mL LSS 574.000

8.03131.1000 Diethylene glycol for synthesis 1 L LSS 433.000

8.03129.1000 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether for synthesis 1 L LSS 524.000

8.03127.1000 Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether for synthesis 1 L LSS 469.000

1.08390.0250 Diethylenetriaminepentaaceticacid 250 g AR 2.396.000

8.00737.0100 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 832.000

8.20933.0005 3,5-Dihydroxytoluene for synthesis 5 g LSS 488.000

8.20933.0025 3,5-Dihydroxytoluene for synthesis 25 g LSS 1.526.000

1.07998.0025 1,8-Dihydroxy-2-(4-sulfophenylazo)naphthalene-3,6-disulfonic acid trisodium salt GR for analysis (reagent for fluoride, zirconium, thorium)

25 g Non Kit 2.211.000

1.00358.0100 di-Iodine pentoxide for analysis granular 0.5-2.5 mm EMSURE® 100 g AR 5.613.000

8.00866.1000 Diisopropyl ether (stabilized with 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT)) for synthesis

1 L LSS 466.000

1.00867.1000 Diisopropyl ether for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 818.000

1.00867.2500 Diisopropyl ether for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 1.703.000

8.03646.0100 Diisopropylamine for synthesis 100 g LSS 396.000

8.03646.1000 Diisopropylamine for synthesis 1 kg LSS 782.000

1.06013.0025 Dimedone GR for analysis (reagent for aldehydes) 25 g Non Kit 941.000

1.03409.0025 2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanol for complexometric determination 25 ML AR 6.349.000

8.08525.0100 3,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde for synthesis 100 g LSS 657.000

8.03235.1000 N,N-Dimethylacetamide for synthesis 1 L LSS 742.000

1.03058.0025 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 25 g Non Kit 1.030.000

1.03058.0100 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 1.534.000

1.03058.1000 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 11.831.000

1.03059.0005 5-(4-Dimethylaminobenzylidene)-rhodanine GR for analysis (reagent for silver) 5 g Non Kit 706.000

8.22034.0010 4-(Dimethylamino)-cinnamaldehyde for synthesis 10 mL LSS 2.066.000

8.03237.1000 2-(Dimethylamino)-ethanol for synthesis 1 kg LSS 715.000

8.40083.0025 (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) methacrylate (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis

25 mL LSS 396.000

8.20499.0025 4-(Dimethylamino)pyridine for synthesis 25 mL LSS 641.000

8.03060.0100 N,N-Dimethylaniline for synthesis 100 g LSS 396.000

8.03060.0500 N,N-Dimethylaniline for synthesis 500 g LSS 558.000

8.03060.1000 N,N-Dimethylaniline for synthesis 1 kg LSS 532.000

8.03525.2500 Dimethyl carbonate for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 2.060.000

8.40018.0100 N,N-Dimethylethylamine for synthesis 100 mL LSS 396.000

8.03068.0025 N,N-Dimethylformamide dimethyl acetal for synthesis 25 g LSS 819.000

1.03034.1000 N,N-Dimethylformamide EMPARTA® 1 L AR 1.060.000

1.03034.2500 N,N-Dimethylformamide EMPARTA® 2.5 L AR 2.202.000

8.22275.1000 N,N-Dimethylformamide EMPLURA® 1 L AR 928.000

8.22275.2500 N,N-Dimethylformamide EMPLURA® 2,5 L AR 1.579.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.03053.1000 N,N-Dimethylformamide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.398.000

1.03053.2500 N,N-Dimethylformamide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 2.622.000

1.10983.1000 N,N-Dimethylformamide for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 1 L AR 2.066.000

1.02937.0500 N,N-Dimethylformamide for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 mL AR 1.321.000

8.00899.0100 Dimethyl malonate for synthesis 100 mL LSS 425.000

8.00918.1000 Dimethyl phthalate for synthesis 1 L LSS 807.000

8.03071.0100 Dimethyl sulfate for synthesis 100 mL LSS 498.000

8.03071.1000 Dimethyl sulfate for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.307.000

8.20833.0250 Dimethyl sulfide for synthesis 250 g LSS 373.000

8.03639.0100 Dimethyl sulfite for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.189.000

1.02931.0500 Dimethyl sulfoxide dried (max. 0.025% H2O) SeccoSolv® 500 ML AR 1.051.000

1.02931.1000 Dimethyl sulfoxide dried (max. 0.025% H2O) SeccoSolv® 1 L AR 1.802.000

1.02931.2500 Dimethyl sulfoxide dried (max. 0.025% H2O) SeccoSolv® 2,5 L AR 3.338.000

1.16743.1000 Dimethyl sulfoxide EMPLURA® 1 L AR 1.123.000

1.02952.1000 Dimethyl sulfoxide for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 L AR 1.439.000

1.02952.2500 Dimethyl sulfoxide for analysis EMSURE® ACS 2.5 L AR 2.999.000

1.09678.0100 Dimethyl sulfoxide for gas chromatography 100 mL Chrom 1.327.000

1.02950.0500 Dimethyl sulfoxide for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 mL AR 1.511.000

1.02950.2500 Dimethyl sulfoxide for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2.5 L AR 5.398.000

8.02912.2500 Dimethyl sulfoxide for synthesis 2.5 L AR 2.695.000

8.02912.1000 Dimethyl sulfoxide for synthesis 1 L AR 1.310.000

8.22033.1000 Dimethylamine (40% aqueous solution) for synthesis 1 L LSS 398.000

8.03052.0250 Dimethylammonium chloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 475.000

1.03061.0100 Dimethylglyoxime disodium salt octahydrate GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 2.118.000

1.03061.0500 Dimethylglyoxime disodium salt octahydrate GR for analysis 500 g Non Kit 8.325.000

1.03062.1000 Dimethylglyoxime GR 1 kg Non Kit 15.043.000

1.03062.0100 Dimethylglyoxime GR for analysis (reagent for nickel) ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 1.997.000

8.22038.0100 N,N-Dimethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.189.000

8.22038.0250 N,N-Dimethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine for synthesis 250 g LSS 2.543.000

1.03067.0025 N,N-Dimethyl-1,4-phenylenediammonium dichloride GR for analysis 25 g Non Kit 1.548.000

8.41863.0025 N,N-Dimethyloctylamine for synthesis 25 g LSS 769.000

1.12130.0001 Dimidium bromide for surfactant tests 1 g AR 6.598.000

8.03772.0005 2,6-Dimethylphenol for synthesis 5 g LSS 382.000

1.03768.0100 2,6-Dimethylphenol GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 4.186.000

8.05650.0250 2,6-Dimethylpyridine for synthesis 250 g LSS 991.000

8.21221.0005 3,5-Dimethylphenol for synthesis 5 g LSS 425.000

1.03055.0010 Dimethylyellow (C.I. 11020) indicator *2 10 g AR 983.000

8.03075.0100 3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl chloride for synthesis 100 g LSS 994.000

1.09669.0100 Dinonyl phthalate for gas chromatography 100 mL Chrom 2.952.000

1.03110.0500 1.4-Dioxane dried SeccoSolv® 500 ML AR 1.608.000

1.09671.0250 1,4-Dioxane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO 250 mL AR 992.000

1.09671.1000 1,4-Dioxane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO 1 L AR 2.363.000

1.09671.2500 1,4-Dioxane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO 2.5 L AR 5.470.000

1.03132.1000 1,4-Dioxane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 6.012.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.03132.2500 1,4-Dioxane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 12.560.000

1.03091.0025 1,5-Diphenylcarbazide GR for analysis and redox indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g Non Kit 1.645.000

1.03091.0100 1,5-Diphenylcarbazide GR for analysis and redox indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 3.854.000

1.03087.0005 1,5-Diphenylcarbazone (cont. 50 % Diphenylcarbazid) ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g Non Kit 1.127.000

1.03087.0025 1,5-Diphenylcarbazone (cont. 50 % Diphenylcarbazid) ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*5 25 g Non Kit 5.175.000

8.20978.1000 Diphenyl ether for synthesis 1 L LSS 701.000

1.00255.0005 Diphenylamine-4-sulfonic acid barium salt redox indicator 5 g AR 2.066.000

1.03590.0010 Diphenylamine-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt redox indicator ACS 10 g AR 5.766.000

8.20797.0500 Diphenylmethane 4,4'-diisocyanate (mixture of di-and triisocyanates) for synthesis

500 mL LSS 993.000

8.03581.0100 N,N'-Diphenylthiourea for synthesis 100 g LSS 501.000

8.21024.1000 di-Phosphorus pentasulfide for synthesis *5 1 kg LSS 1.062.000

1.00540.1000 di-Phosphorus pentoxide extra pure 1 kg AR 1.975.000

1.00570.0100 di-Phosphorus pentoxide for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 1.155.000

1.00570.0500 di-Phosphorus pentoxide for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 1.728.000

1.05109.0100 di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous 99.99 Suprapur® 100 g AR 4.576.000

1.05104.1000 di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 1.326.000

1.19754.0250 di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate buffer substance for chromatography LiChropur®

250 g AR 1.139.000

1.05099.0250 di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 787.000

1.05099.1000 di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 1.582.000

1.05073.0250 di-Potassium oxalate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 683.000

1.05073.1000 di-Potassium oxalate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 kg AR 2.555.000

8.22080.0100 di-Potassium phthalate for synthesis 100 g LSS 804.000

8.03265.1000 Dipropylene glycol (mixture of isomers) for synthesis 1 L LSS 737.000

1.02407.0060 di-Sodium oxalate volumetric standard, secondary reference material for redox titration, traceable to NIST Standard Reference Material (SRM) CertiPUR®

60 g AR 1.273.000

1.06566.0100 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous 99.99 Suprapur® 100 G AR 3.794.000

1.06586.0500 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

500 g AR 727.000

1.06559.0500 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous for analysis particle size about 0.2-1 mm (~18-80 mesh ASTM) EMSURE®

500 G AR 969.000

1.19753.0250 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate buffer substance for chromatography LiChropur®

250g AR 1.331.000

1.06580.0500 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 740.000

1.06580.1000 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 1.015.000

1.06579.0500 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

500 g AR 642.000

1.06579.1000 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 987.000

1.06579.5000 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

5 kg AR 3.454.000

1.06575.1000 di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 kg AR 1.334.000

1.06557.0250 di-Sodium oxalate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 1.200.000

1.06557.1000 di-Sodium oxalate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 2.999.000

8.18601.0100 di-Sodium succinate anhydrous for synthesis 100 g LSS 544.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.18601.0500 di-Sodium succinate anhydrous for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.553.000

8.20151.0500 di-Sodium succinate hexahydrate for synthesis 500 g LSS 861.000

1.06663.0250 di-Sodium tartrate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 990.000

1.12144.0025 Disulfine blue VN 150 (C.I.42045) for surfactant tests 25 g AR 1.924.000

8.22021.0100 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol for synthesis 100 g LSS 396.000

8.22021.0500 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol for synthesis 500 g LSS 719.000

1.03092.0005 Dithizone for analysis (1,5-diphenylthiocarbazone) Reag. Ph Eur 5 G AR 1.070.000

8.03598.0250 Divinylbenzene (stabilised with 4-tert-butylpyrocatechol) for synthesis 250 mL LSS 667.000

8.20543.0100 n-Dodecane for synthesis 100 mL LSS 453.000

8.20543.0250 n-Dodecane for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.136.000

8.20543.1000 n-Dodecane for synthesis 1 L LSS 3.180.000

1.09658.0005 n-Dodecane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

1.18308.0025 Dodecane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chromatography LiChropur® 25 g Chrom 6.425.000

1.12146.0005 Dodecane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for tenside tests 5 g LSS 4.543.000

8.03462.0100 1-Dodecanol for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

8.03462.1000 1-Dodecanol for synthesis 1 L LSS 815.000

8.22048.0500 1-Dodecene for synthesis 500 mL LSS 1.303.000

1.18309.0025 Dodecyl hydrogen sulfate sodium salt for ion pair chromatography LiChropur® 25 g Chrom 6.954.000

8.22050.0100 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt for synthesis 100 g LSS 419.000

8.22050.1000 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.253.000

1.02035.0100 Dragendorff's reagent spray solution for thin-layer chromatography 100 mL Chrom 578.000

1.08803.0001 Drum key for opening and closing containers with 2" and 3/4" screw caps 1 UNIT AR 968.000

8.20547.0050 n-Eicosane for synthesis 50 g LSS 919.000

8.22051.0100 1-Eicosanol for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.377.000

1.03170.0025 Eriochrome black T (C.I. 14645) indicator for complexometry ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 1.003.000

1.03170.0100 Eriochrome black T (C.I. 14645) indicator for complexometry ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 2.426.000

1.03168.0025 Eriochrome blue-black B (C.I. 14640) metal indicator 25 g AR 883.000

1.03164.0025 Eriochrome cyanine R (C.I. 43820) for analysis (reagent for aluminium) 25 G AR 796.000

1.03162.0250 Eschka's mixture GR for analysis (for determination of sulfur in coal) 250 g Non Kit 2.077.000

1.03162.1000 Eschka's mixture GR for analysis (for determination of sulfur in coal) 1 kg Non Kit 6.489.000

8.20016.0005 Ethanesulfonic acid for synthesis 5 mL LSS 630.000

8.18760.1000 Ethanol absolute EMPLURA® 1 L AR 340.000

1.07017.2511 Ethanol absolute for analysis EMPARTA® ACS 2.5 L AR 452.000

1.00983.1000 Ethanol absolute for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 456.000

1.00983.2500 Ethanol absolute for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 557.000

1.00983.2511 Ethanol absolute for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2,5 L AR 514.000

1.00983.9025 Ethanol absolute for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 25 L AR 5.614.000

1.00974.1011 Ethanol denatured with about 1% methyl ethyl ketone for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 380.000

1.00974.2511 Ethanol denatured with about 1% methyl ethyl ketone for analysis EMSURE® 2,5 L AR 472.000

1.00974.9025 Ethanol denatured with about 1% methyl ethyl ketone for analysis EMSURE® 25 L AR 5.164.000

1.00990.0500 Ethanol dried (max. 0.01 % H2O) SeccoSolv® 500 mL AR 1.384.000

1.00980.0500 Ethanol for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 mL AR 922.000

1.00980.2500 Ethanol for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2.5 L AR 3.284.000

1.11727.1000 Ethanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 715.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.11727.2500 Ethanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 1.485.000

1.11727.4004 Ethanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 4 X 4 L AR 9.492.000

1.00845.1000 Ethanolamine for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 780.000

8.00849.1000 Ethanolamine for synthesis 1 L LSS 507.000

8.20597.0100 Ethyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate for synthesis 100 g LSS 954.000

1.09623.1000 Ethyl acetate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 764.000

1.09623.2500 Ethyl acetate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 1.597.000

1.10972.2500 Ethyl acetate for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 2.5 L AR 2.404.000

1.00868.1000 Ethyl acetate for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 1.099.000

1.00868.2500 Ethyl acetate for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 2.472.000

1.00863.0500 Ethyl acetate for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 ML AR 853.000

1.00863.2500 Ethyl acetate for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2,5 L AR 3.118.000

8.09622.1000 Ethyl acetoacetate for synthesis 1 L LSS 648.000

8.00836.0100 Ethyl acrylate (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis 100 g LSS 501.000

8.00836.1000 Ethyl acrylate (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis 1 L LSS 653.000

8.00500.0500 Ethyl butyrate for synthesis 500 mL LSS 459.000

8.00894.0100 N-Ethyldiisopropylamine for synthesis 100 g LSS 562.000

8.00894.0250 N-Ethyldiisopropylamine for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.046.000

8.08541.0250 Ethyl isopentanoate for synthesis 250 mL LSS 997.000

1.06014.1000 Ethyl methyl ketone (2-butanone) EMPLURA®*3 1 L AR 804.000

1.06014.2500 Ethyl methyl ketone (2-butanone) EMPLURA®*3 2.5 L AR 1.415.000

1.09708.1000 Ethyl methyl ketone for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*3 1 L AR 957.000

1.09708.2500 Ethyl methyl ketone for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*3 2.5 L AR 1.995.000

8.22253.1000 Ethyl methyl ketone for synthesis*3 1 L AR 820.000

1.09709.0005 Ethyl methyl ketone reference substance for gas chromatography*3 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

8.00606.0100 Ethyl propionate for synthesis 100 mL LSS 439.000

8.01372.0100 Ethylbenzene for synthesis 100 mL LSS 396.000

8.01372.1000 Ethylbenzene for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.179.000

1.09635.0005 Ethylbenzene reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.908.000

1.08407.0250 Ethylendiamintetraacetic acid calcium disodium salt dihydrate 250 G AR 1.448.000

1.08407.1000 Ethylendiamintetraacetic acid calcium disodium salt dihydrate 1 KG AR 4.828.000

1.08409.0100 Ethylendiamintetraacetic acid magnesium dipotassium salt GR for analysis 100 g AR 1.458.000

1.08409.0250 Ethylendiamintetraacetic acid magnesium dipotassium salt GR for analysis 250 g AR 2.915.000

8.00950.0100 Ethylene glycol diacetate for synthesis 100 mL LSS 501.000

8.20390.0050 Ethylene glycol diethyl ether for synthesis 50 mL LSS 432.000

8.18847.0250 Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis

250 mL LSS 828.000

8.00856.1000 Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.563.000

1.00949.1000 Ethylene glycol EMPLURA® 1 L AR 616.000

1.09621.1000 Ethylene glycol for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1 L AR 639.000

1.09621.2500 Ethylene glycol for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 2.5 L AR 779.000

8.01554.1000 Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether for synthesis 1 L LSS 510.000

8.01554.2500 Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 1.050.000

1.00859.1000 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.060.000

8.07291.1000 Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether for synthesis 1 L LSS 889.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.00947.0500 Ethylenediamine for synthesis 500 mL LSS 459.000

8.00947.1000 Ethylenediamine for synthesis 1 L LSS 715.000

8.20030.1000 Ethylenediamine monohydrate for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.440.000

8.19040.0100 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dipotassium salt dihydrate for synthesis 100 g LSS 580.000

8.20031.0250 Ethylenediammonium sulfate for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.691.000

1.04819.0100 Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid dipotassium salt dihydrate GR for analysis 100 g AR 1.017.000

1.08454.0250 Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid disodium salt dihydrate 250 g AR 1.471.000

8.00857.1000 2-Ethoxyethanol (stabilised) for synthesis 1 L LSS 437.000

8.00857.2500 2-Ethoxyethanol (stabilised) for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 723.000

8.00187.1000 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate for synthesis 1 L LSS 492.000

8.00990.1000 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol for synthesis 1 L LSS 465.000

8.21943.1000 2-Ethylhexyl phosphate (mixture of esters) for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.141.000

8.00223.0250 2-Ethylhexylamine for synthesis 250 mL LSS 515.000

8.18455.0100 Eugenol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 624.000

1.07558.2000 Extran® AP 11 mildly alkaline 2 kg AR 1.424.000

1.07563.2000 Extran® AP 12 alkaline 2 KG AR 1.064.000

1.07565.2000 Extran® AP 13 alkaline with detergents 2 KG AR 1.064.000

1.07573.2500 Extran® AP 14 liquid mildly alkaline 2,5 L AR 1.083.000

1.07575.2500 Extran® AP 15 liquid alkaline 2,5 L AR 776.000

1.07559.2500 Extran® AP 21 acidic with phosphoric acid 2.5 L AR 1.220.000

1.07561.2500 Extran® AP 22 acidic with citric acid 2,5 L AR 736.000

1.07570.2000 Extran® AP 41 enzymatic 2 KG AR 1.204.000

1.40007.2500 Extran® AP33 liquid, anti-foaming agent 2,5 L AR 2.369.000

1.07555.2500 Extran® MA 01 alkaline 2.5 L AR 982.000

1.07555.9025 Extran® MA 01 alkaline 25 L AR 5.498.000

1.07553.2500 Extran® MA 02 neutral 2.5 L AR 742.000

1.07553.9025 Extran® MA 02 neutral 25 L AR 5.991.000

1.07550.2500 Extran® MA 03 phosphate-free 2.5 L AR 1.075.000

8.03978.0050 Ferrocene for synthesis 50 g LSS 619.000

1.09161.0100 Ferroin indicator solution for waste water analysis 100 mL AR 760.000

1.09193.0100 Ferroin solution (1,10-phenanthroline iron(II) sulfate) 1/40 mol/l redox indicator 100 mL AR 948.000

1.09193.0500 Ferroin solution (1,10-phenanthroline iron(II) sulfate) 1/40 mol/l redox indicator 500 mL AR 3.908.000

1.11613.0001 Ferrospectral® GR for analysis (reagent for iron) 1 g Non Kit 1.254.000

1.12518.0100 Florisil® (0.150-0.250 mm) for column chromatography 100 g LSS 811.000

1.12518.1000 Florisil® (0.150-0.250 mm) for column chromatography 1 kg LSS 5.987.000

1.12994.0100 Florisil® (0.150-0.250 mm) for residue analysis 100 g LSS 1.072.000

1.12994.1001 Florisil® (0.150-0.250 mm) for residue analysis 1 kg LSS 8.250.000

8.18203.0005 (9-Fluorenylmethyl) chloroformate for synthesis 5 g LSS 1.212.000

1.03990.0025 Fluorescein (C.I.45350) Reag. Ph Eur 25 G AR 778.000

1.03887.0250 Fluorescein sodium (C.I. 45350) indicator Reag. Ph Eur 250 G AR 1.794.000

1.09182.0050 Fluorescent indicator F25450 g AR 1.295.000

1.09869.0001 Fluoride standard 1000 mg F (KF in H2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 616.000

1.19814.0500 Fluoride standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NaF in H2O 1000 mg/l F

CertiPUR®500 mL AR 711.000

1.10539.0010 4-Fluorophenol GR for analysis 10 g Non Kit 1.351.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09001.0100 Folin-Ciocalteu's phenol reagent 100 mL Non Kit 400.000

1.09001.0500 Folin-Ciocalteu's phenol reagent 500 mL Non Kit 782.000

1.04008.1000 Formamide EMPLURA® 1 L AR 655.000

1.09684.1000 Formamide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 943.000

1.09684.2500 Formamide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2,5 L AR 2.068.000

1.00253.1000 Formic acid 89-91% for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 L AR 818.000

1.10854.2500 Formic acid 90 % for determination of viscosity acc. to DIN EN ISO 307 2,5 L AR 1.518.000

1.00264.0100 Formic acid 98-100% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 ML AR 555.000

1.00264.1000 Formic acid 98-100% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 850.000

1.00264.2500 Formic acid 98-100% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 1.687.000

1.11670.1000 Formic acid 98-100% Suprapur® 1 L AR 11.865.000

8.22254.1000 Formic acid for synthesis 1 L LSS 554.000

8.00269.0100 Fumaric acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 350.000

8.01924.0100 2-Furancarboxylic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 612.000

1.04013.0020 Furfural GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 20 mL Non Kit 698.000

1.04013.0100 Furfural GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 mL Non Kit 1.328.000

8.04015.0100 Furfuryl alcohol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 445.000

1.09500.0100 GF AAS Multi element standard XVIII (16 elements in diluted nitric acid) CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 5.954.000

8.14464.0001 Gibberellic acid for synthesis 1 g LSS 501.000

8.14464.0005 Gibberellic acid for synthesis 5 g LSS 1.568.000

1.04014.0500 Glass beads 2 mm 500 G AR 1.100.000

1.04086.0250 Glass wool 250 g AR 795.000

1.04086.1000 Glass wool 1 kg AR 1.681.000

8.22058.1000 Gluconic acid sodium salt for synthesis 1 kg LSS 603.000

8.22058.0100 Gluconic acid sodium salt for synthesis *5 100 g LSS 342.000

8.14723.0010 D(+)-Glucuronic acid sodium salt monohydrate for synthesis 10 g LSS 817.000

8.16004.0100 (S)-(+)-Glutamic acid for synthesis 100 mL LSS 490.000

8.20603.1000 Glutardialdehyde (25% solution in water) for synthesis 1 L LSS 942.000

8.14393.1000 Glutardialdehyde (50% solution in water) for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.149.000

8.00295.0250 Glutaric acid for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.683.000

8.20604.0250 Glutaric anhydride for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.848.000

1.04094.0500 Glycerol 85% for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 500 mL AR 1.181.000

1.04094.1000 Glycerol 85% for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.810.000

1.04094.2500 Glycerol 85% for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 3.659.000

8.18709.1000 Glycerol anhydrous for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.201.000

1.04092.1000 Glycerol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.885.000

1.04092.2500 Glycerol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 3.928.000

8.14662.1000 Glycolic acid (70% solution in water) special quality 1 L LSS 2.659.000

1.04106.0100 Glycolic acid for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 3.314.000

8.04104.0100 Glycolic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 995.000

1.04191.0025 Glyoxalbis(2-hydroxyanil) GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 25 g Non Kit 1.741.000

8.04107.0100 Glyoxylic acid monohydrate for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.470.000

1.09868.0001 Gold standard for 1000 mg Au, [H(AuCl4) 3H

2O in 12.7% HCl] Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 5.610.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.70216.0100 Gold standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST H(AuCl4) in HCl 2 mol/l 1000

mg/l Au CertiPUR®100 mL AR 1.714.000

1.70216.0500 Gold standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST H(AuCl4) in HCl 2 mol/l 1000

mg/l Au CertiPUR®500 mL AR 4.078.000

1.04206.2500 Graphite fine powder extra pure 2.5 kg AR 1.674.000

1.09164.1000 Hanus solution for determination of iodine number c(IBr) = 0.1 mol/l TitriPUR® 1 L AR 2.109.000

8.20616.0050 n-Heptadecane for synthesis 50 g LSS 975.000

1.09604.0005 n-Heptadecane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 2.927.000

8.04523.0005 Heptafluorobutyryl chloride for synthesis 5 mL LSS 1.460.000

8.06918.0100 Heptanal (stabilised) for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

1.04365.2500 n-Heptane EMPLURA® 2.5 L AR 2.387.000

1.04379.1000 n-Heptane for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.409.000

1.04379.2500 n-Heptane for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 2.669.000

1.04390.1000 n-Heptane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 2.417.000

1.04390.2500 n-Heptane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 5.035.000

1.04366.2500 n-Heptane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2,5 L AR 6.473.000

1.09686.0005 n-Heptane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

1.18306.0025 Heptane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chromatography LiChropur® 25 g Chrom 6.501.000

8.20619.0100 2-Heptanol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 1.039.000

8.03505.0250 4-Heptanone for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.574.000

8.07340.0001 Hexachloroplatinic(IV) acid hexahydrate (~40% Pt) for synthesis 1 g LSS 2.894.000

8.07340.0005 Hexachloroplatinic(IV) acid hexahydrate (~40% Pt) for synthesis 5 g LSS 10.871.000

1.07341.0005 Hexachloroplatinic(IV) acid solution about 10% (3.8% Pt) GR for analysis 5 mL AR 3.098.000

1.07341.0025 Hexachloroplatinic(IV) acid solution about 10% (3.8% Pt) GR for analysis 25 mL AR 12.393.000

8.20633.0005 n-Hexadecane for synthesis 5 mL LSS 379.000

8.20633.0250 n-Hexadecane for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.466.000

8.20633.1000 n-Hexadecane for synthesis 1 L LSS 4.596.000

1.09605.0005 n-Hexadecane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

8.22203.0500 Hexadecylamine for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.254.000

8.14119.0100 Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide for synthesis 100 g LSS 412.000

8.14119.0500 Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.401.000

8.14087.0100 Hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride (50% solution in 2-propanol/water 3:2) for synthesis

100 g LSS 443.000

8.18889.0050 Hexamethyldisilane for synthesis 50 mL LSS 2.886.000

1.12186.0025 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane for gas chromatography 25 mL Chrom 1.278.000

1.12186.0100 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane for gas chromatography 100 mL Chrom 4.192.000

8.04324.0250 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.084.000

8.18712.0100 Hexamethylenetetramine for synthesis *5 100 g LSS 430.000

1.07023.2511 n-Hexane absolute for analysis EMPARTA® ACS 2.5 L AR 899.000

1.04373.0500 n-Hexane dried (max. 0.004% H2O) SeccoSolv® 500 mL AR 781.000

1.04368.1000 n-Hexane EMPLURA® 1 L AR 380.000

1.04368.2500 n-Hexane EMPLURA® 2.5 L AR 792.000

1.04367.1000 n-Hexane for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 L AR 517.000

1.04367.2500 n-Hexane for analysis EMSURE® ACS 2.5 L AR 1.047.000

1.04374.2500 n-Hexane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 2.931.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.04371.1000 n-Hexane for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 1 L AR 1.547.000

1.04371.2500 n-Hexane for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 2.5 L AR 3.224.000

1.04391.1000 n-Hexane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 2.106.000

1.04391.2500 n-Hexane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 4.108.000

1.04391.4004 n-Hexane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 4 X 4 L AR 26.288.000

1.04391.5000 n-Hexane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 5 L AR 6.728.000

1.04369.1000 n-Hexane for organic trace analysis UniSolv® 1 L AR 1.688.000

1.04372.0500 n-Hexane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 mL AR 1.339.000

1.04372.2500 n-Hexane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2.5 L AR 4.782.000

1.09687.0005 n-Hexane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.329.000

1.18305.0025 Hexane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chromatography LiChropur® 25 g Chrom 6.550.000

8.00198.0005 Hexanoic acid for synthesis 5 mL LSS 382.000

8.00198.1000 Hexanoic acid for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.114.000

8.04393.1000 1-Hexanol for synthesis 1 L LSS 648.000

8.20639.0250 1-Hexene for synthesis 250 mL LSS 384.000

8.20639.1000 1-Hexene for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.234.000

8.04326.0100 Hexylamine for synthesis*5 100 g LSS 373.000

8.04326.0500 Hexylamine for synthesis*5 500 g LSS 745.000

8.20648.0100 Hippuric acid sodium salt for synthesis 100 g LSS 2.418.000

1.09014.1000 Hoechst wax C micropowder tabletting aid for X-ray fluorescence analysis 1 kg AR 1.410.000

1.08159.0100 Holmium perchlorate standard solution for the calibration of spectrophotometers*1

100 mL AR 7.726.000

1.12058.0250 Hyamine® 1622 for surfactant tests 250 g LSS 3.883.000

1.15480.1000 Hyamine® 1622-solution for the determination of anionic tensides 0.004 mol/l TitriPUR®

1 L AR 629.000

8.04604.0250 Hydrazin hydrate (80% in water) for synthesis 250 g LSS 426.000

8.04604.1000 Hydrazin hydrate (80% in water) for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.243.000

8.04608.1000 Hydrazinium hydroxide (about 100% N2H

5OH) for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.550.000

1.04603.0100 Hydrazinium sulfate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 460.000

1.04603.0500 Hydrazinium sulfate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g Non Kit 1.239.000

1.00304.0500 Hydrobromic acid 47% extra pure 500 ML AR 1.747.000

1.00307.0500 Hydrobromic acid 47% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO 500 mL AR 1.755.000

1.00307.1000 Hydrobromic acid 47% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO 1 L AR 3.067.000

1.00306.0250 Hydrobromic acid 47% Suprapur® 250 ML AR 6.280.000

1.00316.1000 Hydrochloric acid 25% for analysis EMSURE®*3 1 L AR 513.000

1.00316.2500 Hydrochloric acid 25% for analysis EMSURE®*3 2.5 L AR 1.005.000

1.00318.0250 Hydrochloric acid 30% Suprapur®*3 250 ML AR 1.743.000

1.00318.1000 Hydrochloric acid 30% Suprapur®*3 1 L AR 3.067.000

1.01514.0250 Hydrochloric acid 30% Ultrapur*3 250 ML AR 11.062.000

1.01514.0500 Hydrochloric acid 30% Ultrapur*3 500 mL AR 14.504.000

1.00313.2500 Hydrochloric acid 32% extra pure*3 2,5 L AR 889.000

1.00319.1000 Hydrochloric acid 32% for analysis EMSURE®*3 1 L AR 457.000

1.00319.2500 Hydrochloric acid 32% for analysis EMSURE®*3 2.5 L AR 904.000

1.00319.9025 Hydrochloric acid 32% for analysis EMSURE®*3 25 L AR 4.774.000

1.09060.1000 Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR®*3 1 L AR 689.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09058.1000 Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) TitriPUR®*3 1 L AR 751.000

1.09057.1000 Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 1 mol/l (1 N) TitriPUR®*3 1 L AR 766.000

1.09057.2500 Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 1 mol/l (1 N) TitriPUR®*3 2.5 L AR 1.532.000

1.09063.1000 Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 2 mol/l (2 N) TitriPUR®*3 1 L AR 919.000

1.09974.0001 Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml, c(HCl) = 0.01 mol/l (0.01 N) Titrisol®*3 1 ampul AR 386.000

1.09973.0001 Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml, c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol®*3 1 ampul AR 406.000

1.09971.0001 Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml, c(HCl) = 0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 445.000

1.09970.0001 Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml, c(HCl) = 1 mol/l (1 N) Titrisol®*3 1 ampul AR 454.000

1.01834.2500 Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% for analysis EMPARTA® ACS*3 2,5 L AR 818.000

1.00317.1000 Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*3 1 L AR 332.000

1.00317.2500 Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*3 2.5 L AR 465.000

1.00317.9026 Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*3 25 L AR 4.774.000

1.13386.2500 Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% for analysis max. 0.001 ppm Hg EMSURE®*3 2.5 L AR 1.428.000

1.00326.1000 Hydrochloric acid in 2-propanol acc. to DIN 51558 part 1 c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/l (0,1 N) TitriPUR®

1 L AR 1.358.000

1.00329.1000 Hydrofluoric acid 38-40% 1 L AR 684.000

1.00329.2500 Hydrofluoric acid 38-40% 2.5 L AR 1.313.000

1.00337.1000 Hydrofluoric acid 38-40% extra pure 1 L AR 737.000

1.00337.2500 Hydrofluoric acid 38-40% extra pure 2,5 L AR 1.445.000

1.00338.0500 Hydrofluoric acid 40% for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 mL AR 621.000

1.00338.1000 Hydrofluoric acid 40% for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 877.000

1.00338.2500 Hydrofluoric acid 40% for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 1.638.000

1.00335.0500 Hydrofluoric acid 40% Suprapur® 500 ML AR 2.001.000

1.00335.2500 Hydrofluoric acid 40% Suprapur® 2,5 L AR 6.658.000

1.00334.0500 Hydrofluoric acid 48% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 mL AR 752.000

1.00334.1000 Hydrofluoric acid 48% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.275.000

1.00334.5000 Hydrofluoric acid 48% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 L AR 4.651.000

1.01513.1001 Hydrofluoric acid 48% Ultrapur 1 kg AR 11.782.000

8.18856.1000 Hydrogen bromide (32% solution in acetic acid) for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.978.000

1.07210.0250 Hydrogen peroxide 30% (Perhydrol®) (stabilized for higher storage temperature) for analysis EMSURE® ISO

250 ML AR 543.000

1.07210.1000 Hydrogen peroxide 30% (Perhydrol®) (stabilized for higher storage temperature) for analysis EMSURE® ISO *5

1 L AR 1.490.000

1.07209.0250 Hydrogen peroxide 30% (Perhydrol®) for analysis EMSURE® ISO 250 mL AR 543.000

1.07209.0500 Hydrogen peroxide 30% (Perhydrol®) for analysis EMSURE® ISO 500 ML AR 712.000

1.07209.2500 Hydrogen peroxide 30% (Perhydrol®) for analysis EMSURE® ISO *1 2,5 L AR 2.365.000

1.07209.1000 Hydrogen peroxide 30% (Perhydrol®) for analysis EMSURE® ISO *5 1 L AR 1.490.000

8.22287.1000 Hydrogen peroxide 30% (stabilized) for synthesis *1 1 L LSS 486.000

1.07298.0250 Hydrogen peroxide 30% Suprapur® 250 ML AR 3.265.000

1.07298.1000 Hydrogen peroxide 30% Suprapur® 1 L AR 7.450.000

1.06097.1001 Hydrogen peroxide solution 31% Ultrapur 1 KG AR 9.842.000

8.18356.0100 Hydrogen peroxide urea for synthesis 100 g LSS 375.000

8.18356.0500 Hydrogen peroxide urea for synthesis 100 g LSS 805.000

1.00341.0250 Hydroiodic acid 57% extra pure 250 ML AR 2.522.000

1.00344.0050 Hydroiodic acid 57% for analysis EMSURE® 50 mL AR 1.193.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.00344.0250 Hydroiodic acid 57% for analysis EMSURE® 250 mL AR 3.002.000

1.00344.1000 Hydroiodic acid 57% for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 7.849.000

1.00345.0250 Hydroiodic acid 67% for analysis EMSURE® 250 ML AR 4.203.000

8.22333.0250 Hydroquinone for synthesis 250 g LSS 426.000

8.22333.1000 Hydroquinone for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.243.000

8.22333.2501 Hydroquinone for synthesis 2.5 kg LSS 2.485.000

8.22068.0100 Hydroxyethylcellulose for synthesis 100 g LSS 375.000

8.14441.0100 Hydroxylamine (50% solution in water) for synthesis 100 g LSS 465.000

8.14441.0500 Hydroxylamine (50% solution in water) for synthesis 500 mL LSS 1.390.000

1.04619.0250 Hydroxylammonium chloride for analysis ( 0.000001% Hg) ACS,ISO 250 g AR 3.159.000

1.04616.0250 Hydroxylammonium chloride GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 1.314.000

1.04616.1000 Hydroxylammonium chloride GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 4.304.000

1.04617.0500 Hydroxylammonium sulfate GR for analysis 500 g Non Kit 1.850.000

8.04536.0100 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde for synthesis 100 g LSS 818.000

8.41410.0025 4-Hydroxybenzhydrazide for synthesis 25 g LSS 965.000

8.21814.0005 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid for synthesis 5 g LSS 396.000

8.21814.0250 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid for synthesis 250 g LSS 515.000

8.00640.0250 2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde for synthesis 250 mL LSS 628.000

8.00640.1000 2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde for synthesis 1 L LSS 2.111.000

8.20678.0001 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furancarbaldehyde for synthesis 1 g LSS 1.336.000

8.20678.0005 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furancarbaldehyde for synthesis 5 g LSS 5.452.000

8.04512.0100 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone for synthesis 100 mL LSS 430.000

8.04512.1000 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone for synthesis 1 kg LSS 544.000

1.04593.0025 Hydroxynaphthol blue metal (pM) indicator 25 g Non Kit 4.054.000

8.22331.0100 4-Hydroxy-1,3-phenylenediammonium dichloride for synthesis 100 g LSS 3.134.000

1.07098.0050 8-Hydroxyquinoline GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 50 g Non Kit 629.000

1.07098.0250 8-Hydroxyquinoline GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 2.225.000

1.04633.0100 Hypophosphorous acid 50% for analysis EMSURE® 100 mL AR 1.205.000

1.70398.0500 IC Multi-element standard I F¯ = 100 mg/l, Cl¯ = 250 mg/l, NO3¯, SO

4²¯ = 500

mg/l, PO4³¯ = 1000 mg/l in H

2O CertiPUR®

500 ML AR 1.751.000

1.10322.0100 IC Multi-element standard VII 100 mg/l: NH4, Ba, Ca, K, Li, Na, Mg, Mn, Sr in

0.001 mol/l HNO3 CertiPUR®

100 ML AR 2.367.000

1.11355.0100 ICP multi-element standard solution IV (23 elements in diluted nitric acid) 1000 mg/l: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, In , K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr, Tl, Zn CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 3.220.000

1.09492.0100 ICP multi-element standard solution VIII (24 elements in dilute nitric acid) 100 mg/l: Al, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Te, Tl, Zn CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 5.078.000

1.09481.0500 ICP multi-element standard solution XIV (11 elements in dilute hydrochloric acid) 100 mg/l: P, S, K; 20 mg/l: As, La, Li, Mo, Mn, Ni, Sc, Na CertiPUR®

500 ML AR 4.142.000

1.09487.0100 ICP multi-element standard solution XVI (21 elements in diluted nitric acid) 100 mg/l:Sb, As, Be, Cd, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Li, Mg, Mn,Mo, Ni, Se, Sr, Tl, Ti, V, Zn CertiPUR®

100 ML AR 6.554.000

1.09497.1000 ICP multi-element standard solution XX for MS Plasma setup solution (11 elements in diluted nitric acid) 10 µg/l: Mg, Cu, Cd, Pb, Sc, Rh, Tl, Ce, Ge, Tb, Ba CertiPUR®

1 L AR 3.016.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09498.0001 ICP multi-element standard solution XXI for MS (30 elements in diluted nitric acid, Hg seperately) 10 mg/l: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, In, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, T

1 set AR 12.675.000

1.09411.0500 ICP Multi element standard solution XXIV tuning solution 700 ES CertiPUR® 500 ML AR 4.192.000

1.15474.0100 ICP multi-element standard solution I (19 elements in dilute nitric acid) CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 3.576.000

1.09494.0100 ICP multi-element standard solution IX (9 elements in dilute nitric acid) 100 mg/l: As, Be, Cd, Cr(VI), Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Tl CertiPUR®

100 ML AR 2.367.000

1.10580.0100 ICP multi-element standard solution VI for ICP-MS (30 elements in dilute nitric acid) CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 9.737.000

1.09493.0100 ICP multi-element standard solution X for surface water testing (23 elements in dilute nitric acid) CertiPUR®

100 ML AR 4.856.000

1.09491.0100 ICP multi-element standard solution XI for sludge testing (7 elements in dilute nitric acid) CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 2.793.000

1.09480.0100 ICP multi-element standard solution XIII (15 elements in diluted nitric acid) CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 7.011.000

1.09495.0100 ICP multi-element standard solution XVII (7 elements in hydrochloric acid 15%) 100 mg/l: Hf, Ir, Sb, Sn, Ta, Ti, Zr CertiPUR®

100 ML AR 2.546.000

1.10714.0500 ICP multielement standard V for wavelength calibration CertiPUR® 500 mL AR 11.076.000

8.14223.0005 Imidazole for synthesis 5 g LSS 382.000

8.04789.0500 2-Imidazolidinone hemihydrate for synthesis 500 g LSS 685.000

8.03264.1000 1,1-Iminodi-2-propanol for synthesis 1 L LSS 782.000

8.20701.0250 Indene for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.039.000

1.08430.0500 Indicator buffer tablets for the determination of water hardness with Titriplex® solutions

500 tabs AR 800.000

1.08430.1000 Indicator buffer tablets for the determination of water hardness with Titriplex® solutions

500 tabs AR 1.576.000

1.04724.0025 Indigo carmine (C.I. 73015) for analysis 25 G AR 1.315.000

1.19504.0100 Indium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST In (NO3)3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l In CertiPUR®100 mL AR 1.285.000

1.04730.0010 Indole GR 10 g Non Kit 589.000

1.04730.0100 Indole GR 100 g Non Kit 3.179.000

8.20706.0001 3-Indolyl acetate for synthesis 1 g LSS 565.000

8.20706.0005 3-Indolyl acetate for synthesis 5 mL LSS 2.563.000

8.00148.0010 3-Indolyl methyl ketone for synthesis 10 g LSS 1.512.000

1.04763.0050 Iodine 99.999 Suprapur® 50 g AR 4.825.000

1.04763.0500 Iodine 99.999 Suprapur® 500 g AR 28.938.000

1.04764.0100 Iodine indicator 100 g AR 999.000

8.20738.0100 Iodine monobromide for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.168.000

8.04771.0100 Iodine monochloride for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.109.000

8.04771.0250 Iodine monochloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 2.227.000

1.09099.1000 Iodine solution c(I2) = 0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 780.000

1.09098.1000 Iodine solution c(I2) = 0.5 mol/l (1 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 3.044.000

1.09910.0001 Iodine solution for 1000 ml, c(I2) = 0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 624.000

1.04761.0100 Iodine sublimated for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 1.508.000

1.04761.0500 Iodine sublimated for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 5.026.000

8.04772.0025 Iodine trichloride for synthesis 25 g LSS 729.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.04772.0100 Iodine trichloride for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.319.000

8.20729.0100 2-Iodobenzoic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 2.048.000

8.20736.0010 o-Iodohippuric acid for synthesis 10 g LSS 1.402.000

8.20737.0010 o-Iodohippuric acid sodium salt dihydrate for synthesis 10 g LSS 1.968.000

1.03819.0100 Iron for analysis reduced, particle size 10 µm EMSURE® 100 g AR 756.000

1.03819.0500 Iron for analysis reduced, particle size 10 µm EMSURE® 500 g AR 1.728.000

1.70326.0100 Iron ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Fe(NO3)3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000 mg/l

Fe CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.256.000

1.70376.0100 Iron ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST, Fe(NO3)3 in HNO

3 10% 10000 mg/l

Fe CertiPUR®100 mL AR 4.569.000

1.09972.0001 Iron standard 1000 mg Fe, (FeCl3 in 15% HCl) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 660.000

1.19781.0100 Iron standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Fe(NO3)3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Fe CertiPUR®100 mL AR 508.000

1.19781.0500 Iron standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Fe(NO3)3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Fe CertiPUR®500 mL AR 825.000

1.02402.0080 Iron(II) ethylenediammonium sulfate Volumetric standard, secondary reference material for redox titration, traceable to NIST Standard Reference Material (SRM) CertiPUR®

80 G AR 2.106.000

1.03861.0250 Iron(II) chloride tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 874.000

1.03861.1000 Iron(II) chloride tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 2.121.000

1.03965.0100 Iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 298.000

1.03965.0500 Iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 646.000

1.03965.1000 Iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 835.000

1.03956.1000 Iron(II) sulfide sticks Ø ~ 1 cm 1 kg AR 981.000

8.03945.0500 Iron(III) chloride anhydrous for synthesis 500 g LSS 634.000

8.03945.1000 Iron(III) chloride anhydrous for synthesis 1 kg LSS 775.000

1.03943.0250 Iron(III) chloride hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 713.000

1.03943.1000 Iron(III) chloride hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 2.561.000

1.05512.0250 Iron(III) chloride solution (10% Fe) for analysis EMSURE® 250 mL AR 1.122.000

1.03883.0250 Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 826.000

1.03883.1000 Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 2.066.000

8.20709.0250 Isatin for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.854.000

1.01231.1000 Isoamyl acetate EMPLURA® 1 L AR 1.326.000

1.00979.1000 Isoamyl alcohol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.587.000

1.00979.2500 Isoamyl alcohol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 3.393.000

1.00978.1000 Isoamyl alcohol for determination of fat Gerber, SupraSolv® 1 L AR 1.170.000

1.00984.1000 Isobutanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.216.000

1.00984.2500 Isobutanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 2.533.000

8.14987.0250 Isobutyl isovalerate for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.512.000

8.20820.2500 Isobutyl methyl ketone EMPLURA® 2.5 L AR 1.881.000

1.06146.1000 Isobutyl methyl ketone for extraction analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.366.000

1.06146.2500 Isobutyl methyl ketone for extraction analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 2.846.000

8.20712.0250 Isobutylbenzene for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.045.000

8.00472.0500 Isobutyric acid for synthesis 500 mL LSS 518.000

1.04333.2500 Isohexane for analysis EMSURE® 2,5 L AR 1.878.000

1.04715.0500 Isooctane dried (max. 0.003% H2O) SeccoSolv® 500 ML AR 822.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.04727.1000 Isooctane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 908.000

1.04727.2500 Isooctane for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 1.026.000

1.15440.1000 Isooctane for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 1 L AR 1.618.000

1.04717.1000 Isooctane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 1.880.000

1.04717.2500 Isooctane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 3.797.000

1.04718.0500 Isooctane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 mL AR 1.745.000

1.04718.2500 Isooctane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2.5 L AR 5.514.000

8.21627.1000 Isooctane for synthesis 1 L LSS 891.000

8.00607.0100 Isophthalic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 344.000

8.04808.0100 Isophthaloyl dichloride for synthesis 100 g LSS 584.000

8.20560.1000 Isopropyl acetate for synthesis 1 kg LSS 681.000

8.22102.0100 Isopropyl myristate for synthesis 100 g LSS 396.000

8.22102.1000 Isopropyl myristate for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.407.000

8.07476.0100 Isopropylamine for synthesis 100 mL LSS 418.000

8.07476.1000 Isopropylamine for synthesis 1 L LSS 565.000

1.04440.2500 Kaolin powder 2,5 KG AR 1.252.000

1.09248.1000 Karl Fischer reagent 5 single component reagent, with pyridine 1 ml «» 5 mg H2O 1 L AR 1.986.000

1.09248.2500 Karl Fischer reagent 5 single component reagent, with pyridine 1 ml «» 5 mg H2O 2.5 L AR 4.322.000

1.09246.1000 Karl Fischer reagent A with pyridine 1 ml A + B «» 3 mg H2O 1 L AR 2.017.000

1.09247.1000 Karl Fischer reagent B pyridine-free 1 ml B + A «» 3 mg H2O 1 L AR 2.321.000

1.18348.0250 Kjeldahl tablets (free of mercury and selenium) 3.5g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 2.204.000

1.15348.0250 Kjeldahl tablets (free of mercury and selenium) 5 g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 2.100.000

1.15348.1000 Kjeldahl tablets (free of mercury and selenium) 5 g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 8.454.000

1.18469.0250 Kjeldahl tablets (Missouri catalyst) 3.5g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 2.003.000

1.16469.0250 Kjeldahl tablets (Missouri catalyst) 5g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 2.204.000

1.16469.1000 Kjeldahl tablets (Missouri catalyst) 5g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 8.454.000

1.10958.0250 Kjeldahl tablets for Wieninger method 5g/tablet 250 tb Non Kit 2.050.000

1.10958.1000 Kjeldahl tablets for Wieninger method 5g/tablet 1000 tb Non Kit 8.354.000

1.00801.0001 Label set acc. GHS with 20 blank adhesive labels 80 x 110 mm, 168 adhesive hazard pictograms, 40 adhesive signal words, package insert with H- and P-statements

1 ST AR 560.000

1.12939.0010 Lactose Standard 5 % solid water standard for coulometric/volumetric Karl Fischer Titration and Karl Fischer oven method apura®

10 g AR 1.190.000

1.70327.0100 Lanthanum ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST La(NO3)3 in HNO

3 2-3%

1000 mg/l La CertiPUR®100 mL AR 3.051.000

1.05326.0100 Lanthanum nitrate hexahydrate for analysis 100 g AR 2.110.000

1.12219.0100 Lanthanum(III) chloride heptahydrate 98% for analysis 100 g AR 1.286.000

1.12219.0250 Lanthanum(III) chloride heptahydrate 98% for analysis 250 g AR 2.976.000

1.12220.0100 Lanthanum(III) oxide 100 g AR 1.831.000

1.10982.0025 Lanthanum(III) oxide for atomic absorption spectroscopy 26 g AR 1.973.000

8.18677.0100 Lauraldehyde for synthesis 100 mL LSS 715.000

8.05333.0100 Lauric acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

8.05333.1000 Lauric acid for synthesis 1 kg LSS 921.000

8.14715.0100 N-Lauryl sarcosine sodium salt (stabilised) for synthesis 100 g LSS 479.000

1.07397.1000 Lead (II) nitrate extra pure 1 KG AR 1.590.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.07362.1000 Lead coarse powder GR for analysis 1 kg Non Kit 4.665.000

1.07365.0500 Lead foil for analysis about 0.25 mm thick EMSURE® 500 g AR 1.899.000

1.70328.0100 Lead ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Pb(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000 mg/l

Pb CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.437.000

1.70372.0100 Lead ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Pb(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 10000

mg/l Pb CertiPUR®100 ML AR 4.923.000

1.09969.0001 Lead standard 1000 mg Pb, (Pb(NO3)2 in H

2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 720.000

1.19776.0100 Lead standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Pb(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Pb CertiPUR®100 mL AR 554.000

1.19776.0500 Lead standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Pb(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Pb CertiPUR®500 mL AR 835.000

1.07375.0250 Lead(II) acetate trihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 669.000

1.07375.1000 Lead(II) acetate trihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 2.096.000

1.07381.0250 Lead(II) carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 1.384.000

8.07383.0100 Lead(II) chloride anhydrous for synthesis 100 g LSS 385.000

8.07383.0500 Lead(II) chloride anhydrous for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.249.000

1.07414.1000 Lead(II) hydroxide acetate anhydrous, for the analysis of sugar acc. to Horne EMSURE® ACS

1 kg AR 1.284.000

1.07398.0100 Lead(II) nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 596.000

1.07398.1000 Lead(II) nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.987.000

1.05658.1000 Lead(II) oxide extra pure 1 KG AR 2.653.000

1.07401.0250 Lead(II) oxide for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 2.762.000

1.09511.0003 Lead(II)acetate paper roll length 4.8 m 1 ST Non Kit 730.000

1.07407.0250 Lead(IV) oxide for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 2.863.000

8.14254.0500 Levulinic acid for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.364.000

1.13905.1000 LiChroprep® Si 60 (40-63 µm) for liquid chromatography 1 kg LSS 7.545.000

1.19143.0001 Lichrotest caffeine kit 100mg/l for HPLC OQ/PQ LiChroTest® 1 ST AR 1.411.000

1.19156.0001 LiChrotest® PQ Performance Qualification 1 SET AR 22.431.000

8.14546.1000 DL-Limonene (mixture of D- and L-form ~1:1) for synthesis 1 L LSS 929.000

8.18407.0100 (R)-(+)-Limonene for synthesis 100 mL LSS 418.000

8.14988.0250 Linalyl acetate for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.416.000

1.05668.0050 Lithium bromide hydrate 99.95 Suprapur® 50 G AR 3.577.000

1.05680.0250 Lithium carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 1.656.000

1.05670.1000 Lithium carbonate pure 1 KG AR 1.656.000

1.05679.0100 Lithium chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 1.005.000

1.05679.0250 Lithium chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 1.534.000

1.05686.0050 Lithium fluoride 99.99 Suprapur® 50 G AR 3.724.000

1.05691.0100 Lithium hydroxide 98%+ 100 g AR 791.000

1.05691.1000 Lithium hydroxide 98%+ 1 kg AR 5.274.000

1.70329.0100 Lithium ICP Standard traceable to SRM from NIST LiNO3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000 mg/l

Li CertiPUR®100 ML AR 2.308.000

1.05653.0100 Lithium nitrate 99.995 Suprapur® 100 G AR 3.894.000

1.70223.0500 Lithium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST LiNO3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Li CertiPUR®500 mL AR 727.000

1.05694.0250 Lithium sulfate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 841.000

1.05312.0025 Litmus extra pure indicator Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 781.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.05312.0100 Litmus extra pure indicator Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 2.643.000

1.09518.0003 Litmus paper neutral 1 ST Non Kit 856.000

1.05809.0100 Magnesia rods for the phosphorus salt pearls 100 units AR 2.063.000

1.05819.0250 Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 1.125.000

1.05819.1000 Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 2.813.000

8.14733.0100 Magnesium chloride anhydrous for synthesis 100 g LSS 494.000

8.14733.0500 Magnesium chloride anhydrous for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.482.000

1.05833.0250 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 626.000

1.05833.1000 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur *5 1 kg AR 1.361.000

1.05833.5000 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 KG AR 4.764.000

1.05812.0001 Magnesium foil 0.15-0.30 mm thickness, 3 mm wide *5 1 pack AR 1.159.000

1.05827.0250 Magnesium hydroxide carbonate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 1.416.000

1.70331.0100 Magnesium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Mg(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3%

1000 mg/l Mg CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.700.000

1.70379.0100 Magnesium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Mg(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3%

10000 mg/l Mg CertiPUR®100 ML AR 5.399.000

1.05813.0050 Magnesium matrix modifier for graphite furnace AAS c(Mg) = 10.0 ± 0.2 g/l (Mg(NO

3)2 *6 H

2O in HNO

3 ca. 17%)

50 mL AR 1.944.000

1.05855.0050 Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate 99,99 Suprapur® 50 g AR 1.947.000

1.05853.0500 Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 950.000

1.05866.0500 Magnesium oxide for analysis (max.0.001% SO4) EMSURE® ACS 500 g AR 8.221.000

1.05865.0100 Magnesium oxide for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 2.204.000

1.05865.0500 Magnesium oxide for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 7.399.000

1.05874.0100 Magnesium perchlorate hydrate [about 83% Mg(ClO4)2] for analysis EMSURE® *5 100 g AR 1.723.000

1.05874.0500 Magnesium perchlorate hydrate [about 83% Mg(ClO4)2] for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 4.815.000

1.05873.0500 Magnesium perchlorate hydrate [about 83% Mg(ClO4)2], desiccant, about 1-4 mm 500 G AR 3.852.000

8.18506.0100 Magnesium powder (particle size < 0.1 mm) for synthesis *5 100 g LSS 639.000

1.05815.1000 Magnesium powder particle size about 0.06-0.3mm *5 1 kg AR 3.028.000

1.08712.0005 Magnesium reagent acc. to Mann and Yoe (reagent for magnesium) 5 g Non Kit 1.656.000

1.09949.0001 Magnesium standard 1000 mg Mg, (MgCl2 in 6% HCl) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 780.000

1.19788.0100 Magnesium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Mg(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Mg CertiPUR®100 mL AR 600.000

1.19788.0500 Magnesium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Mg(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Mg CertiPUR®500 mL AR 840.000

1.06067.1000 Magnesium sulfate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 4.610.000

1.05886.0500 Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 603.000

1.05886.1000 Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 920.000

1.05886.5000 Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 KG AR 3.248.000

8.05817.0250 Magnesium turnings acc. to Grignard for synthesis 250 g LSS 657.000

8.00380.0500 Maleic acid for synthesis 500 g LSS 537.000

8.00408.0500 Maleic anhydride for synthesis 500 g LSS 424.000

8.00408.1000 Maleic anhydride for synthesis 1 kg LSS 450.000

8.20756.0250 Malondialdehyde bis(dimethyl acetal) for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.086.000

8.00387.0100 Malonic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 396.000

8.06913.0250 DL-Mandelic acid for synthesis 250 g LSS 680.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.70332.0100 Manganese ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Mn(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3%

1000 mg/l Mn CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.388.000

1.70380.0100 Manganese ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Mn(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3%

10000 mg/l Mn CertiPUR®100 ML AR 4.718.000

1.09988.0001 Manganese standard 1000 mg Mn, (MnCl2 in H

2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 690.000

1.19789.0100 Manganese standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Mn(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Mn CertiPUR®100 mL AR 600.000

1.19789.0500 Manganese standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Mn(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Mn CertiPUR®500 mL AR 825.000

1.05934.0100 Manganese(II) chloride dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 788.000

8.05930.0100 Manganese(II) chloride for synthesis 100 g LSS 603.000

1.05927.0100 Manganese(II) chloride tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 100 g AR 614.000

1.05927.1000 Manganese(II) chloride tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 kg AR 2.545.000

1.05940.0500 Manganese(II) nitrate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 1.443.000

1.05941.0250 Manganese(II) sulfate monohydrate spray-dried for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

250 g AR 589.000

1.02786.1000 Manganese(II) sulfate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 1.424.000

8.05958.0100 Manganese(IV) oxide (precipitated active) for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

8.05958.1000 Manganese(IV) oxide (precipitated active) for synthesis 1 kg LSS 866.000

1.05957.1000 Manganese(IV) oxide powder 1 kg AR 1.396.000

1.05983.0250 D(-)-Mannitol for the determination of boric acid 250 g Non Kit 562.000

1.05983.1000 D(-)-Mannitol for the determination of boric acid 1 kg Non Kit 1.887.000

1.05986.1000 Marble granular for producing CO21 kg AR 669.000

1.05986.5000 Marble granular for producing CO2

5 kg AR 1.605.000

8.14113.0100 (-)-Menthol for synthesis 100 g LSS 819.000

1.05996.0025 2- Mercaptobenzothiazole 25 g Non Kit 1.088.000

8.05740.0250 2-Mercaptoethanol for synthesis 250 mL LSS 494.000

8.41705.0250 3-Mercapto-1,2-propanediol for synthesis 250 mL LSS 3.006.000

1.70333.0100 Mercury ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Hg(NO3)2 in HNO

3 10% 1000

mg/l Hg CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.907.000

1.70384.0100 Mercury ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Hg(NO3)2 in HNO

3 10% 10000

mg/l Hg CertiPUR®100 ML AR 5.744.000

1.08623.0100 Mercury ICP/MS standard suppl. to multi-element standard XXI (1.09498) 10 mg/l Hg CertiPUR® *1

100 mL AR 3.634.000

1.70226.0100 Mercury standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Hg(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2 mol/l

1000 mg/l Hg CertiPUR®100 mL AR 646.000

1.70226.0500 Mercury standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Hg(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2 mol/l

1000 mg/l Hg CertiPUR®500 mL AR 905.000

1.04425.0050 Mercury(I) chloride for analysis EMSURE® 50 g AR 2.652.000

1.04425.0250 Mercury(I) chloride for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 9.843.000

1.04437.0050 Mercury(I) nitrate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 50 g AR 1.373.000

1.04437.0250 Mercury(I) nitrate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 2.745.000

1.04413.1000 Mercury(II) sulfate solution 200 g/l in diluted sulfuric acid for determination of COD acc. to DIN 38409-H 43-1 (short-term experience)

1 L Non Kit 2.204.000

1.04410.0050 Mercury(II) acetate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 50 g AR 1.602.000

1.04410.0250 Mercury(II) acetate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 3.044.000

1.04421.0050 Mercury(II) bromide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 50 g AR 2.495.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.04421.0250 Mercury(II) bromide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 4.990.000

1.04417.0100 Mercury(II) chloride extra pure fine cryst. 100 g AR 1.874.000

1.04417.1000 Mercury(II) chloride extra pure fine cryst. 1 kg AR 9.804.000

1.04419.0050 Mercury(II) chloride for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur,ACS 50 g AR 1.388.000

1.04419.0250 Mercury(II) chloride for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur,ACS 250 g AR 3.297.000

1.04419.1000 Mercury(II) chloride for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur,ACS 1 kg AR 10.411.000

1.04420.0100 Mercury(II) iodide red, extra pure 100 G AR 1.622.000

1.04428.0050 Mercury(II) iodide red, for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 50 g AR 1.490.000

1.04428.0250 Mercury(II) iodide red, for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 3.489.000

1.04439.0050 Mercury(II) nitrate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 50 g AR 1.176.000

1.04439.0250 Mercury(II) nitrate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 3.410.000

1.09143.1000 Mercury(II) nitrate solution c(Hg(NO3)2) = 0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 1.118.000

1.04465.0100 Mercury(II) oxide red extra pure 100 G AR 1.988.000

1.04466.0050 Mercury(II) oxide red, for analysis EMSURE® 50 g AR 1.775.000

1.04466.0250 Mercury(II) oxide red, for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 4.791.000

1.04476.1000 Mercury(II) sulfate 80 g/l in potassium dichromate solution c(K2Cr


7)=0.02 mol/l

acidified with sulfuric acid for COD determination1 L Non Kit 1.262.000

1.04476.2500 Mercury(II) sulfate 80 g/l in potassium dichromate solution c(K2Cr


7)=0.02 mol/l

acidified with sulfuric acid for COD determination2.5 L Non Kit 2.189.000

1.04481.0100 Mercury(II) sulfate extra pure 100 g AR 2.408.000

1.04481.0250 Mercury(II) sulfate extra pure 250 G AR 2.626.000

1.04480.0050 Mercury(II) sulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 50 g AR 1.386.000

1.04480.0250 Mercury(II) sulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 2.772.000

1.04484.0025 Mercury(II) thiocyanate for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 1.779.000

1.04484.0100 Mercury(II) thiocyanate for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 3.379.000

8.05791.0100 Mesityl oxide for synthesis 100 mL LSS 396.000

8.00578.0100 Methacrylic acid (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis 100 mL LSS 501.000

8.00578.0500 Methacrylic acid (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis 500 mL LSS 665.000

8.06022.0250 Methanesulfonic acid for synthesis 250 mL LSS 809.000

1.06012.0500 Methanol dried (max. 0.003% H2O) SeccoSolv® 500 ML AR 373.000

1.06012.1000 Methanol dried (max. 0.003% H2O) SeccoSolv® 1 L AR 588.000

1.06012.2500 Methanol dried (max. 0.003% H2O) SeccoSolv® 2.5 L AR 1.204.000

1.07018.2511 Methanol for analysis EMPARTA® ACS 2.5 L AR 293.000

1.06009.1000 Methanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 310.000

1.06009.2500 Methanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 350.000

1.06009.2511 Methanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 319.000

1.06009.5000 Methanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 L AR 574.000

1.06009.6025 Methanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 25 L AR 3.510.000

1.06009.9025 Methanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 25 L AR 3.168.000

1.06011.1000 Methanol for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 1 L AR 335.000

1.06011.2500 Methanol for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 2.5 L AR 605.000

1.06018.1000 Methanol for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 356.000

1.06018.2500 Methanol for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 654.000

1.06018.4004 Methanol for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 4X4L AR 2.041.000

1.06018.5000 Methanol for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 5 L AR 969.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.13351.2500 Methanol for preparative chromatography Prepsolv® 2.5 L AR 634.000

1.06002.0500 Methanol for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 mL AR 723.000

1.06002.2500 Methanol for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2.5 L AR 2.591.000

1.06007.2500 Methanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 656.000

1.06007.4004 Methanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® Reag. Ph Eur 4 X 4 L AR 2.072.000

1.06007.5000 Methanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® Reag. Ph Eur 5 L AR 1.266.000

1.06035.1000 Methanol hypergrade for LC-MS LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 956.000

1.06035.2500 Methanol hypergrade for LC-MS LiChrosolv® 2,5 L AR 1.929.000

1.04343.0100 Methenamine GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 770.000

1.04343.0500 Methenamine GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 500 g Non Kit 668.000

8.20102.0100 2-Methoxybenzaldehyde for synthesis 100 g LSS 832.000

8.22314.0250 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde for synthesis 250 mL LSS 848.000

8.22314.1000 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde for synthesis 1 kg LSS 2.659.000

8.05971.0250 4-Methoxybenzoic acid for synthesis 250 g LSS 777.000

8.18277.0025 4-Methoxybenzophenone for synthesis 25 g LSS 770.000

8.06225.0005 4-Methoxy-2-nitroaniline for synthesis 5 g LSS 434.000

8.05804.0100 4-Methyl-2-pentanol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 423.000

8.21233.1000 4-Methoxyphenol for synthesis 1 kg LSS 2.699.000

8.41039.0010 3-Methoxyphenylacetic acid for synthesis 10 g LSS 1.089.000

1.16738.1000 1-Methoxy-2-propanol EMPLURA® 1 L AR 721.000

8.09711.1000 Methyl acetate for synthesis 1 L LSS 421.000

8.09711.2500 Methyl acetate for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 1.042.000

8.00841.0100 Methyl acrylate (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis 100 mL LSS 373.000

8.00841.1000 Methyl acrylate (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis 1 kg LSS 725.000

8.22091.1000 Methylamine (40% solution in water) for synthesis 1L LSS 481.000

8.06020.0250 Methylammonium chloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 660.000

8.06096.0100 N-Methylaniline for synthesis 100 g LSS 465.000

8.06179.0250 4-Methylbenzaldehyde for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.107.000

1.06059.1000 Methyl benzoate EMPLURA® 1 L AR 1.551.000

8.22330.0100 Methyl benzoate for synthesis 100 mL LSS 342.000

1.04527.0010 3-Methyl-2-benzothiazolinone-hydrazonehydrochloride GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur

10 g Non Kit 2.444.000

8.21902.1000 3-Methylbenzoic acid for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.313.000

8.21258.0100 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene (stabilised) for synthesis 100 mL LSS 388.000

8.06031.0100 2-Methyl-1-butanol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 426.000

1.06056.1000 2-Methylbutane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 1 L AR 2.486.000

1.09643.0005 2-Methylbutane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

8.06147.1000 Methylcyclohexane for synthesis 1 L LSS 548.000

8.20789.0250 Methylcyclopentane for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.347.000

8.10504.0010 2-Methyl-1,3-cyclopentanedione for synthesis 10 mL LSS 866.000

1.09637.0005 Methyl decanoate reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

1.09699.0005 3-Methylheptane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

8.05852.0100 1-Methylimidazole for synthesis 100 mL LSS 577.000

1.09693.0005 Methyl laurate reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

1.09754.0005 Methyl margarate reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 2.927.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.00590.0100 Methyl methacrylate (stabilised) for synthesis 100 mL LSS 418.000

8.00590.1000 Methyl methacrylate (stabilised) for synthesis 1 L LSS 621.000

8.00590.2500 Methyl methacrylate (stabilised) for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 1.782.000

1.09736.0005 Methyl myristate reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 2.780.000

8.20809.0250 1-Methylnaphthalene for synthesis 250 g LSS 887.000

8.06074.0100 2-Methylnaphthalene for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

8.17071.1000 Methyl nicotinate Ph Eur *2 1 kg LSS 6.541.000

1.09633.0005 Methyl octanoate reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

1.09743.0005 Methyl oleate reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.671.000

1.01322.0025 Methyl orange (C.I. 13025) indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 845.000

1.01322.0100 Methyl orange (C.I. 13025) indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 2.992.000

1.01322.1000 Methyl orange (C.I. 13025) indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 KG AR 16.293.000

8.20818.0100 2-Methylpentane for synthesis 100 mL LSS 1.010.000

8.20819.1000 2-Methyl-2,4-pentanediol for synthesis 1 L LSS 584.000

8.07080.0500 3-Methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one for synthesis 500 g LSS 880.000

8.21837.0100 2-Methyl-2-propanethiol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 418.000

8.21047.0250 Methyl propionate for synthesis 250 mL LSS 957.000

8.05965.0100 Methyl propyl ketone for synthesis 100 mL LSS 571.000

8.06072.1000 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone EMPLURA® 1 L AR 750.000

8.06072.2500 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone EMPLURA® 2.5 L AR 1.563.000

1.06076.0025 Methyl red (C.I. 13020) indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 846.000

1.06076.0100 Methyl red (C.I. 13020) indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 2.931.000

1.06078.0025 Methyl red sodium salt (C.I. 13020) water-soluble ACS 25 g AR 1.737.000

1.06078.0100 Methyl red sodium salt (C.I. 13020) water-soluble ACS 100 g AR 6.095.000

1.09602.0005 Methyl stearate reference substance for gas-chromatography 5 g Chrom 3.168.000

1.06084.0001 Methyl thymol blue sodium salt metal indicator 1 G AR 3.213.000

1.06084.0005 Methyl thymol blue sodium salt metal indicator 5 g AR 3.727.000

8.41102.0005 N-Methyl-N-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide for synthesis 5 g LSS 1.189.000

1.59270.0010 Methylene blue (C.I. 52015) Reag. Ph Eur 10 g AR 660.000

1.59270.0100 Methylene blue (C.I. 52015) Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 2.334.000

8.05968.0250 N,N'-Methylenediacrylamide for synthesis 250 g LSS 925.000

8.41124.0001 Methylenediphosphonic acid for synthesis 1 g LSS 1.749.000

1.06130.0250 Mixed indicator 5 for ammonia titrations 250 mL AR 908.000

1.05704.0250 Molecular sieve 0.3 nm beads ~ 2 mm 250 g AR 1.120.000

1.05704.1000 Molecular sieve 0.3 nm beads ~ 2 mm 1 KG AR 2.429.000

1.00532.0025 Molybdatophosphoric acid hydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 1.197.000

1.00532.0100 Molybdatophosphoric acid hydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 3.217.000

1.00480.0100 Molybdatophosphoric acid spray solution for thin-layer chromatography 100 mL Chrom 1.011.000

1.70334.0100 Molybdenum ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST (NH4)6Mo


24 in H

2O 1000

mg/l Mo CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.181.000

1.09926.0001 Molybdenum standard 1000 mg Mo, [(NH4)6Mo


24 4H

2O in 0.7% NH

4OH] Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 630.000

1.70227.0500 Molybdenum standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST (NH4)6Mo


24 in H


1000 mg/I Mo CertiPUR®500 mL AR 678.000

1.00401.0250 Molybdenum(VI) oxide extra pure 250 G AR 3.660.000

1.00403.0100 Molybdenum(VI) oxide for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 2.681.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.00400.1000 Molybdic acid about 85% MoO3 (containing ammonium molybdate) 1 kg AR 8.362.000

8.06127.0100 Morpholine for synthesis 100 mL LSS 385.000

8.06127.0500 Morpholine for synthesis 500 mL LSS 450.000

1.09469.0100 Multi-element standard II dissolved in oil 100 ppm: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 4.677.000

1.09479.0100 Multi-element standard III dissolved in oil 900 ppm: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn CertiPUR®

100 ML AR 11.834.000

1.15075.0100 Multi-element standard I dissolved in oil c(Ba) = 8 g/kg; c(Ca) = 4 g/kg; c(Mg) = 1 g/kg; c(Zn) = 1.6 g/kg CertiPUR®

100 ML AR 5.290.000

1.06161.0005 Murexide (ammonium purpurate) metal indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 829.000

1.06161.0025 Murexide (ammonium purpurate) metal indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 2.966.000

1.09797.0005 m-Xylene reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.474.000

8.00399.0100 Myristic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 501.000

8.00399.1000 Myristic acid for synthesis 1 kg LSS 790.000

8.20846.0100 Naphthalene for synthesis 100 g LSS 353.000

8.06206.0100 1,8-Naphthalenediamine for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.327.000

8.20848.0250 1,5-Naphthalenediol for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.303.000

8.20851.0100 2,7-Naphthalenediol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 809.000

8.22289.1000 1-Naphthol for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.897.000

1.06223.0050 1-Naphthol GR for analysis 50 g Non Kit 802.000

1.06223.0250 1-Naphthol GR for analysis 250 g Non Kit 1.717.000

1.01306.0025 Naphthol green B (C.I. 10020) indicator 25 g AR 1.238.000

1.06202.0005 1-Naphtholbenzein indicator Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 942.000

1.06246.0001 1-Naphtholphthalein indicator 1 g AR 1.583.000

1.06531.0005 1,2-Naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt GR for analysis 5 g Non Kit 1.287.000

1.06531.0025 1,2-Naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt GR for analysis 25 g Non Kit 5.063.000

8.06862.0100 1-Naphthylacetic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 789.000

8.22291.0100 1-Naphthylamine for synthesis 100 g LSS 373.000

8.20866.0100 1-Naphthylammonium chloride for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.937.000

1.06237.0005 N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride GR for analysis ACS 5 g Non Kit 796.000

1.06237.0025 N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride GR for analysis ACS 25 g Non Kit 2.709.000

1.02968.0005 Neocuproine GR for analysis 5 g Non Kit 2.392.000

1.02964.0001 Neocuproine hydrochloride monohydrate GR for analysis 1 g Non Kit 1.022.000

1.09011.0500 Nessler's reagent A for determination of nitrogen Solution A : potassium tetraiodomercurate(II) solution

500 mL Non Kit 1.452.000

1.09012.0500 Nessler's reagent B for determination of nitrogen solution B: Sodium hydroxide solution

500 mL Non Kit 742.000

1.09028.0100 Nessler's reagent for ammonium salts 100 mL Non Kit 270.000

1.09028.0500 Nessler's reagent for ammonium salts 500 mL Non Kit 934.000

1.01369.0025 Neutral red (C.I. 50040) indicator and for microbiology 25 g AR 2.062.000

8.20877.0100 (-)-Nicotine for synthesis 100 mL LSS 1.399.000

1.70336.0100 Nickel ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Ni(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Ni CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.710.000

1.70382.0100 Nickel ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Ni(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 10000

mg/l Ni CertiPUR®100 ML AR 5.353.000

1.09989.0001 Nickel standard 1000 mg Ni, (NiCl2 in H

2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 660.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.19792.0100 Nickel standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Ni(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Ni CertiPUR®100 mL AR 508.000

1.19792.0500 Nickel standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Ni(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Ni CertiPUR®500 mL AR 711.000

1.06717.0250 Nickel(II) chloride hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 1.052.000

1.06721.0250 Nickel(II) nitrate hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 1.272.000

1.06727.0250 Nickel(II) sulfate hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 1.451.000

8.06749.0005 Nickel-aluminium alloy (powder) for the production of Raney nickel for synthesis 5 g LSS 418.000

8.06749.0250 Nickel-aluminium alloy (powder) for the production of Raney nickel for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.425.000

1.06828.0005 Nicotinamide test substance for elemental analysis 5 G AR 868.000

8.18714.0100 Nicotinic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 487.000

1.06762.0010 Ninhydrin GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 10 g Non Kit 774.000

1.06762.0100 Ninhydrin GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 3.207.000

1.06762.1000 Ninhydrin GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 24.415.000

1.06705.0100 Ninhydrin spray solution for thin-layer chromatography 100 mL Chrom 890.000

1.70337.0100 Niobium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST NH4NbF

6 in H

2O 1000 mg/l Nb

CertiPUR®100 mL AR 4.230.000

1.06868.0100 Niobium(V) oxide 99+ 100 G AR 2.824.000

1.19811.0500 Nitrate standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NaNO3 in H

2O 1000 mg/l

NO3 CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 732.000

1.00630.1000 Nitric acid 10 mol/l TitriPUR® 1 L AR 840.000

1.01518.0250 Nitric acid 60% Ultrapur *1 250 mL AR 10.210.000

1.01518.0500 Nitric acid 60% Ultrapur *1 500 mL AR 13.387.000

1.00443.2500 Nitric acid 65% extra pure*1 2,5 L AR 812.000

1.00452.2500 Nitric acid 65% for analysis (max. 0.005ppm Hg) EMSURE® ISO*1 2.5 L AR 2.618.000

1.00456.1000 Nitric acid 65% for analysis EMSURE® ISO 1 L AR 719.000

1.00456.2500 Nitric acid 65% for analysis EMSURE® ISO*1 2.5 L AR 967.000

1.00441.0250 Nitric acid 65% Suprapur® 250 ML AR 1.979.000

1.00441.1000 Nitric acid 65% Suprapur® 1 L AR 4.517.000

1.01799.2500 Nitric acid 69% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur *1 2,5 L AR 1.015.000

1.09964.0001 Nitric acid for 1 l measure solution, c(HNO3) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 504.000

1.09966.0001 Nitric acid for 1000 ml, c(HNO3) = 1 mol/l (1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 420.000

1.00455.1000 Nitric acid fuming 100% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*1 1 L AR 7.187.000

8.08236.1000 1,1',1"-Nitrilotri-2-propanol for synthesis 1 kg LSS 540.000

1.09866.0001 Nitrite standard 1000 mg NO2(NaNO

2 in H

2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 616.000

1.19899.0500 Nitrite standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NaNO2 in H

2O 1000 mg/l

NO2 CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 711.000

8.06209.0250 3-Nitroaniline for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.394.000

1.06760.0050 4-Nitroaniline for the determination of phenol 50 g Non Kit 1.000.000

8.06765.0005 3-Nitrobenzaldehyde for synthesis 5 g LSS 382.000

8.22293.0025 2-Nitrobenzaldehyde for synthesis 25 g LSS 810.000

8.06766.0025 4-Nitrobenzaldehyde for synthesis 25 g LSS 488.000

8.06770.1000 Nitrobenzene for synthesis 1 L LSS 648.000

8.06770.2500 Nitrobenzene for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 1.182.000

8.06548.1000 3-Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.149.000

8.00646.0500 4-Nitrobenzoic acid for synthesis 500 mL LSS 701.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.06772.0250 4-Nitrobenzoyl chloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 852.000

8.20212.0025 4-Nitrobenzyl bromide for synthesis 25 mL LSS 687.000

8.06843.0500 Nitroethane for synthesis 500 mL LSS 1.018.000

8.20894.0250 Nitromethane for synthesis 250 mL LSS 561.000

8.20894.1000 Nitromethane for synthesis 1 L LSS 2.405.000

1.06798.0025 4-Nitrophenol indicator 25 g AR 1.127.000

1.06798.0100 4-Nitrophenol indicator 100 g AR 3.722.000

8.06790.0100 2-Nitrophenol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 462.000

8.20895.0025 3-Nitrophenol for synthesis 25 g LSS 1.443.000

8.20895.0100 3-Nitrophenol for synthesis 100 g LSS 5.086.000

1.06794.0025 3-Nitrophenol indicator 25 G AR 2.508.000

8.06806.0100 2-Nitrotoluene for synthesis 100 mL LSS 443.000

8.06806.1000 2-Nitrotoluene for synthesis 1 L LSS 770.000

8.06807.1000 4-Nitrotoluene for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.107.000

8.06866.0250 1-Nonanol for synthesis 250 mL LSS 856.000

8.06838.0250 n-Nonane for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.703.000

8.06838.1000 n-Nonane for synthesis 1 L LSS 5.143.000

8.41354.0005 Octacosane for synthesis 5 g LSS 587.000

8.20920.0100 n-Octadecane for synthesis 100 g LSS 998.000

1.09606.0005 n-Octadecane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.438.000

8.41029.0250 Octadecylamine for synthesis 250 g LSS 725.000

8.06910.1000 n-Octane for synthesis 1 L LSS 2.958.000

1.09716.0005 n-Octane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

1.18307.0025 Octane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chromatography LiChropur® 25 g Chrom 6.992.000

1.00991.1000 1-Octanol EMPLURA® 1 L AR 1.398.000

8.20931.0100 1-Octanol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 354.000

8.20931.1000 1-Octanol for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.208.000

8.20928.0250 1-Octene for synthesis 250 g LSS 505.000

8.20928.1000 1-Octene for synthesis 1 L LSS 949.000

1.06900.1000 Oil bath filling for oil baths up to about 250°C 1 L AR 1.103.000

8.22114.0250 Oleoyl chloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 770.000

1.01487.0005 Oracet blue 2R (C.I. 61110) indicator for titration in non-aqueous solvents Reag. Ph Eur

5 g AR 746.000

1.01841.0025 Oxalic acid bis (cyclohexylidene hydrazide) GR for analysis (reagent for copper) 25 g Non Kit 1.444.000

1.00492.1000 Oxalic acid dihydrate extra pure 1 kg AR 1.244.000

1.00495.0100 Oxalic acid dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 637.000

1.00495.0500 Oxalic acid dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 873.000

1.00495.1000 Oxalic acid dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.456.000

8.18242.0100 Oxalic acid dihydrate for synthesis 100 g LSS 363.000

1.09965.0001 Oxalic acid solution for 1000 ml, c(C2H


4) = 0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 537.000

1.12936.0030 Oxidizing decomposition reagent for compounds containing P and N Oxisolv® 30 g Non Kit 1.022.000

1.07289.0050 Palladium matrix modifier for graphite furnace AAS c(Pd) = 10.0 ± 0.2 g/l (Pd(NO

3)2 / HNO

3 ca. 15%)

50 mL AR 2.965.000

1.19225.0001 Palladium powdered 99+ 1 g AR 3.261.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.14282.0100 Palladium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Pd(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Pd CertiPUR®100 ML AR 915.000

1.14282.0500 Palladium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Pd(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Pd CertiPUR®500 mL AR 1.602.000

8.07110.0001 Palladium(II) chloride (59% Pd) anhydrous, for synthesis 1 g LSS 1.991.000

8.07110.0010 Palladium(II) chloride (59% Pd) anhydrous, for synthesis 10 g LSS 12.587.000

8.07107.0001 Palladium(II) oxide (85% Pd) hydrogenation catalyst for synthesis 1 g LSS 2.942.000

8.07104.0010 Palladium/charcoal activated (10% Pd) hydrogenation catalyst (oxidic form) for synthesis

10 g LSS 3.180.000

8.00508.0100 Palmitic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 432.000

8.00508.1000 Palmitic acid for synthesis 1 kg LSS 675.000

8.00510.0250 Palmitoyl chloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 887.000

1.07150.1000 Paraffin 42-44, in block form 1 kg AR 1.677.000

1.07151.1000 Paraffin 46-48, in block form 1 kg AR 1.677.000

1.07337.1000 Paraffin 56-58, in pastille form Ph Eur,BP,NF 1 kg AR 1.162.000

1.07158.1000 Paraffin 57-60, in pastille form Ph Eur,BP,NF 1 kg AR 1.611.000

1.07162.1000 Paraffin liquid Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.100.000

1.07160.1000 Paraffin viscous Ph Eur,BP,USP 1 L AR 1.022.000

8.20953.0050 n-Pentadecane for synthesis 50 mL LSS 922.000

1.09607.0005 n-Pentadecane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

1.07176.1000 n-Pentane about 95% EMPLURA® 1 L AR 1.121.000

1.07176.5000 n-Pentane about 95% EMPLURA® 5 L AR 3.819.000

8.20957.1000 n-Pentane EMPLURA® 1 L AR 1.244.000

1.07177.1000 n-Pentane for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 1.889.000

1.07177.2500 n-Pentane for analysis EMSURE® 2.5 L AR 3.935.000

1.07288.1000 n-Pentane for organic trace analysis UniSolv® 1 L AR 2.190.000

1.07288.2500 n-Pentane for organic trace analysis UniSolv® 2,5 L AR 4.722.000

1.07179.1000 n-Pentane for spectroscopy Uvasol® 1 L AR 3.400.000

1.09719.0005 n-Pentane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

1.18304.0025 Pentane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chromatography LiChropur® 25 g Chrom 6.463.000

8.18555.0100 2,3-Pentanedione for synthesis 100 mL LSS 1.955.000

8.00821.0100 Pentanoic acid for synthesis 100 mL LSS 418.000

8.07501.0100 2-Pentanol for synthesis 100 g LSS 373.000

1.00518.1016 Perchloric acid 60% for analysis EMSURE® ACS*1 6 x 1 L AR 14.532.000

1.00518.2514 Perchloric acid 60% for analysis EMSURE® ACS*1 4 x 2.5 L AR 18.977.000

1.00514.1000 Perchloric acid 70% for analysis (max. 0.0000005% Hg) EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*1

1 L AR 6.015.000

1.00517.0250 Perchloric acid 70% Suprapur®*1 250 ML AR 7.040.000

1.00517.1000 Perchloric acid 70% Suprapur®*1 1 L AR 18.746.000

1.00519.1016 Perchloric acid 70-72% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*1 6 x 1 L AR 16.146.000

1.00519.2514 Perchloric acid 70-72% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*1 4 x 2.5 L AR 19.061.000

1.09065.1000 Perchloric acid in anhydrous acetic acid, for titrations in non-aqueous media c(HClO

4) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR® *5

1 L AR 2.525.000

1.07201.0100 Perhydrit® tablets 1 g (Hydrogen peroxide - Urea) 100 G AR 720.000

1.00524.0025 Periodic acid for analysis EMSURE®*5 25 g AR 1.844.000

1.00524.0100 Periodic acid for analysis EMSURE®*5 100 g AR 4.955.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.01781.1000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 100-120°C for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.197.000

1.01770.1000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 100-140°C (naphtha benzine) EMPLURA® 1 L AR 912.000

1.01786.2500 Petroleum benzine boiling range 30-50°C for analysis EMSURE® 2.5 L AR 2.263.000

1.01772.2500 Petroleum benzine boiling range 40-60°C for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv®

2.5 L AR 1.886.000

1.01773.5000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 40-80°C EMPLURA® 5 L AR 3.020.000

1.59542.0500 Petroleum benzine boiling range 50-70°C EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 500 mL AR 791.000

1.01774.1000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 60-80°C for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 1.207.000

1.01774.5000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 60-80°C for analysis EMSURE® 5 L AR 4.120.000

1.01777.1000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 80-100°C for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 729.000

1.01775.1000 Petroleum benzine for analysis boiling range 40-60°C EMSURE® ACS,ISO 1 L AR 277.000

1.01775.2500 Petroleum benzine for analysis boiling range 40-60°C EMSURE® ACS,ISO 2.5 L AR 581.000

1.01775.5000 Petroleum benzine for analysis boiling range 40-60°C EMSURE® ACS,ISO 5 L AR 951.000

1.01775.9025 Petroleum benzine for analysis boiling range 40-60°C EMSURE® ACS,ISO 25 L AR 9.286.000

1.01769.1000 Petroleum ether for denaturation 1 L AR 1.259.000

1.01769.5000 Petroleum ether for denaturation 5 L AR 4.297.000

1.09718.2500 Petroleum for analysis EMSURE® 2,5 L AR 2.623.000

1.09565.0001 pH Box pH-indicator paper pH 0.5 - 13.0 with Acilit® (pH 0.5-5.0), Neutralit® (pH 5.5-9.0), Alkalit® (9.5-13.0), 3 rolls (of 4.8 m) and colour scale

1 pack Non Kit 837.000

1.09555.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 3.8 - 5.4 Special indicator Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH <3.8 - 4.1 - 4.4 - 4.6 - 4.8 - 5.1 - 5.4

1 ST Non Kit 746.000

1.09570.0001 pH-indicator paper pH 9.5 - 13.0 6 replacement rolls (of 4.8 m) for 109562, 109565 Alkalit®

1 ST Non Kit 926.000

1.09562.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 9.5 - 13.0 Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH 9.5 - 10.0 - 10.5 - 11.0 - 11.5 - 12.0 - 12.5 - 13.0 Alkalit®

1 ST Non Kit 755.000

1.09556.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 5.4 - 7.0 Special indicator Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH <5.4 - 5.4 - 5.8 - 6.2 - 6.4 - 6.7 - 7.0 - >7.0

1 ST Non Kit 755.000

1.09176.0100 pH-indicator solution pH 9.0 - 13.0 with colour card pH 9.0 - 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 - 13.0

100 ML AR 732.000

1.09175.0100 pH-indicator solution pH 4.0 - 10.0 Universal Indicator with colour card pH 4.0 - 4.5 - 5.0 - 5.5 - 6.0 - 6.5 - 7.0 - 7.5 - 8.0 - 8.5 - 9.0 - 9.5 - 10.0

100 mL AR 760.000

1.09175.1000 pH-indicator solution pH 4.0 - 10.0 Universal Indicator with colour card pH 4.0 - 4.5 - 5.0 - 5.5 - 6.0 - 6.5 - 7.0 - 7.5 - 8.0 - 8.5 - 9.0 - 9.5 - 10.0

1 L AR 2.267.000

1.09502.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 2.0 - 9.0 for pH measurements in turbid solutions (suspensions) non-bleeding pH 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 234.000

1.09535.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 0 - 14 Universal indicator non-bleeding pH 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 199.000

1.09584.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 2.0 - 9.0 non-bleeding 2.0 - 2.5 - 3.0 - 3.5 - 4.0 - 4.5 - 5.0 - 5.5 - 6.0 - 6.5 - 7.0 - 7.5 - 8.0 - 8.5 - 9.0 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09514.0003 pH-indicator paper Congo red paper Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale Reag. Ph Eur 1 ST Non Kit 786.000

1.09486.0003 pH-indicator paper Litmus paper blue Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale Reag. Ph Eur 1 ST Non Kit 730.000

1.09489.0003 pH-indicator paper Litmus paper red Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale Reag. Ph Eur 1 ST Non Kit 730.000

1.09568.0001 pH-indicator paper pH 0.5 - 5.0 6 replacement rolls (of 4.8 m) for 109560, 109565 Acilit®

1 ST Non Kit 926.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09527.0001 pH-indicator paper pH 1 - 10 Universal indicator 6 replacement rolls (of 4.8 m) for 109526

1 pack Non Kit 915.000

1.09525.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 1 - 10 Universal indicator pH 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

1 ST Non Kit 770.000

1.09526.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 1 - 10 Universal indicator Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

1 ST Non Kit 746.000

1.10232.0001 pH-indicator paper pH 1 - 14 Universal indicator 6 replacement rolls (of 4.8 m) for 110962

1 ST Non Kit 926.000

1.09569.0001 pH-indicator paper pH 5.5 - 9.0 6 replacement rolls (of 4.8 m) for 109564, 109565 Neutralit®

1 ST Non Kit 926.000

1.09564.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 5.5 - 9.0 Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH 5.5 - 6.0 - 6.5 - 7.0 - 7.5 - 8.0 - 8.5 - 9.0 Neutralit®

1 ST Non Kit 746.000

1.09557.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 6.4 - 8.0 Special indicator Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH 6.4 - 6.7 - 7.0 - 7.2 - 7.5 - 7.7 - 8.0 - >8.0

1 ST Non Kit 746.000

1.09558.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 8.2 - 10.0 Special indicator Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH <8.2 - 8.2 - 8.5 - 8.8 - 9.0 - 9.3 - 9.6 - 10.0

1 ST Non Kit 755.000

1.09521.0003 pH-indicator paper Phenolphthalein paper Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale 1 ST Non Kit 731.000

1.09177.0100 pH-indicator solution pH 0 - 5 with colour card pH 0 - 0.5 - 1 - 1.5 - 2 - 2.5 - 3 - 3.5 - 4 - 4.5 - 5

100 mL AR 882.000

1.09540.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 0 - 2.5 non-bleeding pH 0 - 0.5 - 1.0 - 1.3 - 1.6 - 1.9 - 2.2 - 2.5 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09531.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 0 - 6.0 non-bleeding pH 0 - 6.0 MColorpHast™ 1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09545.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 11.0 - 13.0 non-bleeding pH 11.0 - 11.5 - 11.8 - 12.1 - 12.3 - 12.5 - 12.8 - 13.0 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09541.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 2.5 - 4.5 non-bleeding pH 2.5 - 3.0 - 3.3 - 3.6 - 3.9 - 4.2 - 4.5 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09542.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 4.0 - 7.0 non-bleeding pH 4.0 - 4.4 - 4.7 - 5.0 - 5.3 - 5.5 - 5.8 - 6.1 - 6.5 - 7.0 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09533.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 5.0 - 10.0 non-bleeding pH 5.0 - 5.5 - 6.0 - 6.5 - 7.0 - 7.5 - 8.0 - 8.5 - 9.0 - 9.5 - 10 0 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09543.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 6.5 - 10.0 non-bleeding 9.5 - 10.0 MColorpHast™ 1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09532.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 7.5 - 14 non-bleeding 12.5 - 13.0 - 13.5 - 14.0 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

8.22122.0100 Phenanthrene for synthesis 100 g LSS 2.215.000

8.41491.0005 1,10-Phenanthroline (anhydrous) for synthesis 5 mL LSS 492.000

1.07223.0010 1,10-Phenanthroline chloride monohydrate GR for analysis and redox indicator [reagent for iron(II)] Reag. Ph Eur

10 g Non Kit 1.182.000

1.07223.0100 1,10-Phenanthroline chloride monohydrate GR for analysis and redox indicator [reagent for iron(II)] Reag. Ph Eur

100 g Non Kit 8.982.000

1.07225.0005 1,10-Phenanthroline monohydrate GR ACS 5 g Non Kit 741.000

1.07225.0010 1,10-Phenanthroline monohydrate GR ACS 10 g Non Kit 1.258.000

1.07225.0100 1,10-Phenanthroline monohydrate GR ACS 100 g Non Kit 9.811.000

1.00206.0250 Phenol GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 700.000

1.00206.1000 Phenol GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 1.783.000

1.00206.9025 Phenol GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 22.679.000

1.59375.0001 Phenol red (phenolsulfonphthalein) Reag. Ph Eur 1 g AR 1.909.000

1.07241.0005 Phenol red indicator ACS 5 g AR 865.000

1.07241.0025 Phenol red indicator ACS 25 g AR 2.176.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.07241.0100 Phenol red indicator ACS 100 g AR 7.667.000

1.11748.0005 Phenol red sodium salt indicator ACS 5 G AR 852.000

1.07242.0100 Phenol red solution indicator 100 mL AR 891.000

1.07233.0025 Phenolphthalein indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 716.000

1.07233.0100 Phenolphthalein indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 1.016.000

1.07227.0250 Phenolphthalein solution 1% in ethanol indicator pH 8.2 - 9.8 250 mL AR 720.000

1.07227.1000 Phenolphthalein solution 1% in ethanol indicator pH 8.2 - 9.8 1 L AR 1.670.000

8.20993.0250 Phenylacetic acid for synthesis *3 250 g LSS 476.000

8.20993.1000 Phenylacetic acid for synthesis *3 1 kg LSS 1.523.000

8.20979.0100 N-Phenylanthranilic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 2.004.000

8.18121.0100 Phenyl benzoate for synthesis 100 g LSS 653.000

8.14538.0005 1,2-Phenylenediamine for synthesis 5 g LSS 396.000

8.14538.0250 1,2-Phenylenediamine for synthesis 250 g LSS 675.000

1.07243.0050 1,2-Phenylenediamine GR for analysis 50 g Non Kit 1.369.000

8.07006.0250 2-Phenylethanol for synthesis 250 mL LSS 436.000

8.07006.1000 2-Phenylethanol for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.470.000

1.07251.0100 Phenylhydrazine GR for analysis 100 mL Non Kit 1.030.000

1.07253.0100 Phenylhydrazinium chloride for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 2.041.000

1.07255.0100 Phenyl isocyanate GR for analysis 100 mL Non Kit 1.156.000

8.07028.0250 Phenyl isothiocyanate for synthesis 250 mL LSS 2.488.000

8.20878.0050 Phenylmercury nitrate (basic) for synthesis 50 g LSS 2.058.000

8.21003.0250 N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.237.000

1.07069.0025 Phloroglucinol (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene) for analysis 25 g Non Kit 802.000

1.07069.0100 Phloroglucinol (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene) for analysis 100 g Non Kit 2.324.000

1.07290.0050 Phosphate modifier for graphite furnace AAS NH4H


4 100 ± 2 g/l in H

2O 50 mL AR 1.721.000

1.09870.0001 Phosphate standard 1000 mg PO4 (H


4 in H

2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 691.000

1.19898.0500 Phosphate standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST KH2PO

4 in H

2O 1000

mg/l PO4 CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 744.000

8.15058.0010 Phosphoric acid-D3 85% solution in D2O deuteration degree min. 99% for NMR

spectroscopy MagniSolv™10 mL AR 3.554.000

1.00546.0100 meta-Phosphoric acid pieces for analysis (stabilized with sodium metaphosphate) EMSURE®

100 g AR 1.199.000

1.00546.0500 meta-Phosphoric acid pieces for analysis (stabilized with sodium metaphosphate) EMSURE®

500 g AR 3.028.000

1.00573.1000 ortho-Phosphoric acid 85% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.220.000

1.00573.2500 ortho-Phosphoric acid 85% for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 1.912.000

1.00552.0250 ortho-Phosphoric acid 85% Suprapur® 250 ML AR 6.659.000

1.00565.0500 ortho-Phosphoric acid 99% cryst. for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 1.151.000

8.07270.0500 Phosphorus (red) (stabilised) for synthesis 500 g LSS 1.217.000

8.07270.2500 Phosphorus (red) (stabilised) for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 3.446.000

1.70340.0100 Phosphorus ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST H3PO

4 in H

2O 1000 mg/l P

CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.352.000

1.70383.0100 Phosphorus ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST H3PO

4 in H

2O 10000 mg/l P

CertiPUR®100 ML AR 4.797.000

1.15072.0100 Phosphorus standard dissolved in oil 1 g/kg P CertiPUR® 100 ML AR 3.998.000

8.21027.0010 Phthaldialdehyde for synthesis 10 g LSS 1.040.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.07297.0001 Phthalein purple metal indicator Reag. Ph Eur 1 g AR 1.610.000

1.07297.0010 Phthalein purple metal indicator Reag. Ph Eur 10 G AR 4.552.000

8.00592.0100 Phthalic anhydride for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

8.00592.1000 Phthalic anhydride for synthesis 1 kg LSS 446.000

8.00593.0500 Phthalonitrile for synthesis 500 g LSS 938.000

8.00668.0050 Pimelic acid for synthesis 50 g LSS 1.041.000

8.18632.0100 (1R)-(+)- -Pinene for synthesis 100 mL LSS 1.229.000

8.41132.0100 (1S)-(-)-ß-Pinene for synthesis 100 g LSS 693.000

8.07325.0005 Piperazine anhydrous for synthesis 5 g LSS 382.000

8.07325.0250 Piperazine anhydrous for synthesis 250 g LSS 486.000

8.04312.0100 2-(1-Piperazinyl)ethanol for synthesis 100 g LSS 598.000

8.21879.0010 4-Piperidinol for synthesis 10 g LSS 1.251.000

8.21036.0010 Piperine for synthesis 10 g LSS 1.512.000

1.70341.0100 Platinum ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST H2PtCl

6 in HCl 7% 1000 mg/l

Pt CertiPUR®100 ML AR 7.601.000

1.70219.0100 Platinum standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST H2PtCl

6 in HCl 2 mol/l

1000mg/l Pt CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.419.000

1.70219.0500 Platinum standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST H2PtCl

6 in HCl 2 mol/l

1000mg/l Pt CertiPUR®500 mL AR 4.218.000

8.24566.0500 Platinum(II) chloride (73% Pt) for synthesis 500 mg LSS 2.432.000

8.07347.0001 Platinum(IV) chloride (57.5% Pt) anhydrous, for synthesis 1 g LSS 2.784.000

1.09729.0100 Polyethylene glycol 1000 for gas chromatography 100 g Chrom 2.183.000

8.07488.1000 Polyethylene glycol 1000 for synthesis 1 kg LSS 743.000

8.07489.1000 Polyethylene glycol 1500 for synthesis 1 L LSS 715.000

8.07484.1000 Polyethylene glycol 300 for synthesis 1 L LSS 708.000

1.09726.0100 Polyethylene glycol 400 for gas chromatography 100 mL Chrom 2.406.000

8.07485.1000 Polyethylene glycol 400 for synthesis 1 L LSS 742.000

1.09727.0100 Polyethylene glycol 4000 for gas chromatography 100 g Chrom 2.096.000

8.07490.1000 Polyethylene glycol 4000 for synthesis 1 kg LSS 779.000

8.07486.1000 Polyethylene glycol 600 for synthesis 1 L LSS 708.000

8.07491.1000 Polyethylene glycol 6000 for synthesis 1 kg LSS 782.000

1.07443.0100 Polyvidone 25 Ph Eur,BP 100 kg AR 1.017.000

1.07443.1000 Polyvidone 25 Ph Eur,BP 1 kg AR 5.692.000

1.14266.0100 Polyvinyl alcohol protective colloid for argentometric titration 100 g AR 1.112.000

1.01811.0105 Potassium chloride solution (nominal 0.015 mS/cm) certified reference material for the measurement of electrolytic conductivity, traceable to PTB and NIST (c=0.0001 mol/l) CertiPUR®

5 X 100 ML

AR 5.020.000

1.01557.0500 Potassium chloride solution (nominal 0.147 mS/cm) certified reference material for the measurement of electrolytic conductivity (c=0.001 mol/l) CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 4.563.000

1.01586.0001 Potassium chloride solution (nominal 0.147 mS/cm) certified reference material for the measurement of electrolytic conductivity, traceable to PTB and NIST (c = 0.001 mol/l) CertiPUR®

30 X 30 ML

AR 1.361.000

1.01203.0500 Potassium chloride solution (nominal 1.41 mS/cm) certified reference material for the measurement of electrolytic conductivity (c=0.01 mol/l) CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 4.386.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.01553.0001 Potassium chloride solution (nominal 1.41 mS/cm) certified reference material for the measurement of electrolytic conductivity, traceable to PTB and NIST (c=0.01 mol/l) CertiPUR®

30 SACHET AR 1.265.000

1.01255.0500 Potassium chloride solution (nominal 111 mS/cm) certified reference material for the measurement of electrolytic conductivity (c=1.0 mol/l) CertiPUR®

500 ML AR 4.386.000

1.01254.0500 Potassium chloride solution (nominal 12.8 mS/cm) certified reference material for the measurement of electrolytic conductivity (c=0.1 mol/l) CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 4.518.000

1.01554.0001 Potassium chloride solution (nominal 12.8 mS/cm) certified reference material for the measurement of electrolytic conductivity, traceable to PTB and NIST (c=0.1 mol/l) CertiPUR®

30 SACHET AR 1.734.000

1.01960.0001 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate certified secondary standard reference material for pH measurement; directly traceable to primary SRM from NIST/PTB pH(S)=6.863/pH(S)=7.416 (25°C) (DIN 19266) CertiPUR®

2 X 25 G AR 5.190.000

1.01965.0025 Potassium hydrogen phthalate certified secondary standard reference material for pH measurement; directly traceable to primary SRM from NIST/PTB pH(S) = 4.005 (25°C) (DIN 19266) CertiPUR®

25 g AR 2.595.000

1.02400.0080 Potassium hydrogen phthalate Volumetric standard, secondary reference material for alkalimetry, traceable to NIST Standard Reference Material (SRM) CertiPUR®

80 g AR 1.411.000

1.01963.0025 Potassium hydrogen tartrate certified secondary standard reference material for pH measurement; directly traceable to primary SRM from NIST/PTB pH(S)= 3.639 (25°C) (DIN 19266) CertiPUR®

25 g AR 2.595.000

1.01961.0025 Potassium tetraoxalate dihydrate certified secondary standard reference material for pH measurement; directly traceable to primary reference material from NIST/PTB pH(S)=1.681 (25°C) (DIN 19266) CertiPUR®

25 g AR 2.595.000

8.04815.0100 Potassium (cubes) under protective liquid for synthesis*1 100 g LSS 3.396.000

1.08092.1000 Potassium antimony(III) oxide tartrate trihydrate extra pure 1 KG AR 2.859.040

1.04912.0100 Potassium bromate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 1.209.000

1.04912.0250 Potassium bromate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 1.612.000

1.04904.0100 Potassium bromide 99.999 Suprapur® 100 g AR 4.043.000

1.04905.0500 Potassium bromide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 818.000

1.04907.0100 Potassium bromide for IR spectroscopy Uvasol® 100 g AR 1.736.000

1.04907.0500 Potassium bromide for IR spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 g AR 3.761.000

1.04928.0500 Potassium carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 1.043.000

1.04928.1000 Potassium carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 2.044.000

1.06683.0500 Potassium carbonate/sodium carbonate GR for analysis 500 g Non Kit 650.000

1.06683.2500 Potassium carbonate/sodium carbonate GR for analysis 2.5 kg Non Kit 2.384.000

1.04926.0050 Potassium carbonate-1.5-hydrate 99.995 Suprapur® 50 G AR 2.002.000

1.04944.0500 Potassium chlorate for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 1.855.000

1.04938.0050 Potassium chloride 99.999 Suprapur®*1 50 G AR 1.959.000

1.04938.0500 Potassium chloride 99.999 Suprapur®*1 500 g AR 8.735.000

1.04933.0500 Potassium chloride for analysis ( 0.005% Br) EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*1 500 g AR 1.850.000

1.04936.0250 Potassium chloride for analysis EMSURE®*1 250 g AR 380.000

1.04936.0500 Potassium chloride for analysis EMSURE®*1 500 g AR 426.000

1.04936.1000 Potassium chloride for analysis EMSURE®*1 1 kg AR 427.000

1.04936.5000 Potassium chloride for analysis EMSURE®*1 5 KG AR 3.321.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.04936.9050 Potassium chloride for analysis EMSURE®*1 50 kg AR 24.671.000

1.04817.0250 Potassium chloride solution 3 mol/l 250 mL AR 590.000

1.04818.0100 Potassium chloride solution saturated with silver chloride 3 mol/l*1 100 mL AR 786.000

1.04952.0250 Potassium chromate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 2.022.000

1.04952.1000 Potassium chromate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 5.054.000

1.04865.0500 Potassium dichromate for analysis (max. 0.000001% Hg) EMSURE® ACS,ISO 500 g AR 3.100.000

1.04864.0500 Potassium dichromate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 2.066.000

1.04864.1000 Potassium dichromate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 3.289.000

1.09928.0001 Potassium dichromate solution for 1000 ml, c(K2Cr2O7) = 1/60 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol®

1 ampul AR 438.000

1.08158.0001 Potassium dichromate standard solutions in sulfuric acid (0.01N) Test set for calibrating the absorbance of spectrophotometers

1 set AR 8.216.000

1.04858.0001 Potassium dichromate tablets for preserving milk investigation samples 1 pack Non Kit 2.204.000

1.02403.0080 Potassium dichromate volumetric standard, secondary reference material for redox titration, traceable to NIST SRM CertiPUR®

80 g AR 1.193.000

1.05108.0050 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous 99.995 Suprapur® 50 g AR 1.835.000

1.05108.0500 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous 99.995 Suprapur® 500 g AR 10.879.000

1.04877.1000 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate for analysis ( 0.005% Na) EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 1.591.000

1.04873.0250 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate for analysis EMSURE® ISO 250 g AR 490.000

1.04873.1000 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate for analysis EMSURE® ISO 1 kg AR 662.000

1.04873.5000 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate for analysis EMSURE® ISO 5 kg AR 4.284.000

1.04875.1000 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution (buffer stock solution) 1/15 mol/l 1 L AR 905.000

1.05107.1000 Potassium disulfate (Potassium pyrosulfate) for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 kg AR 2.392.000

1.05057.0500 Potassium disulfite for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 789.000

1.05057.1000 Potassium disulfite for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 1.214.000

1.04994.1000 Potassium fluoride for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 kg AR 2.693.000

1.04994.0250 Potassium fluoride for analysis EMSURE® ACS*5 250 g AR 975.000

1.19238.0001 Potassium hexachloroplatinate(IV) 99+ 1 g AR 2.043.000

1.05110.0100 Potassium hexahydroxoantimonate(V) cryst. for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 825.000

1.04854.0500 Potassium hydrogen carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 500 g AR 1.048.000

1.04867.0050 Potassium hydrogen diiodate for analysis EMSURE® 50 g AR 1.703.000

8.18401.0500 Potassium hydrogen monopersulfate for synthesis 500 g LSS 770.000

1.04874.0250 Potassium hydrogen phthalate for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 823.000

1.04885.0500 Potassium hydrogen sulfate for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 984.000

1.05021.0250 Potassium hydroxide pellets for analysis (max. 0.002% Na) EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

250 g AR 1.419.000

1.05021.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets for analysis (max. 0.002% Na) EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 3.154.000

1.05029.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets for analysis (max. 0.05% Na) EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 1.850.000

1.05033.0500 Potassium hydroxide pellets for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 355.000

1.05033.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 364.000

1.05033.5000 Potassium hydroxide pellets for analysis EMSURE®*1 5 kg AR 1.317.000

1.05012.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets pure I kg AR 340.000

1.05012.5000 Potassium hydroxide pellets pure 5 KG AR 1.230.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.05012.9050 Potassium hydroxide pellets pure 50 kg AR 8.491.000

1.05545.1000 Potassium hydroxide solution 47% for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 469.000

1.09921.0001 Potassium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml, c(KOH) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 557.000

1.09919.0001 Potassium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml, c(KOH) = 0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 546.000

1.09918.0001 Potassium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml, c(KOH) = 1 mol/l (1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 724.000

1.09115.1000 Potassium hydroxide solution in ethanol c(KOH) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 1.436.000

1.09114.1000 Potassium hydroxide solution in ethanol c(KOH) = 0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 1.665.000

1.05544.1000 Potassium hydroxide solution in isopropanol acc. to DIN 51558 part 1 c(KOH)=0.1 mol/l (0,1 N) TitriPUR®

1 L AR 1.587.000

1.09351.1000 Potassium hydroxide solution in methanol c(KOH) = 0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 1.059.000

1.70342.0100 Potassium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST KNO3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l K CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.918.000

1.70377.0100 Potassium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST KNO3 in HNO

3 2-3% 10000

mg/l K CertiPUR®100 ML AR 5.764.000

1.05051.0100 Potassium iodate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 1.291.000

1.05051.0500 Potassium iodate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 3.290.000

1.09917.0001 Potassium iodate solution for 1000 ml, c(KIO3) = 1/60 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 823.000

1.02404.0100 Potassium iodate volumetric standard, secondary reference material for iodometry, traceable to NIST SRM CertiPUR®

100 g AR 2.033.000

1.05044.0050 Potassium iodide 99.995 Suprapur® 50 G AR 1.341.000

1.05043.0250 Potassium iodide for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 1.161.000

1.05043.0500 Potassium iodide for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 1.412.000

1.05043.1000 Potassium iodide for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.771.000

1.05043.2500 Potassium iodide for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 kg AR 6.497.000

1.09512.0003 Potassium iodide-starch paper Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale Reag. Ph Eur 1 ST Non Kit 730.000

1.05065.0050 Potassium nitrate 99.995 Suprapur® 50 g AR 1.932.000

1.05063.0500 Potassium nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 607.000

1.05063.1000 Potassium nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 664.000

1.05067.0250 Potassium nitrite cryst. for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 1.343.000

1.05076.0250 Potassium perchlorate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 1.671.000

1.05076.1000 Potassium perchlorate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 kg AR 4.174.000

1.05080.1000 Potassium permanganate cryst. extra pure*3 1 KG AR 1.765.000

1.05080.5000 Potassium permanganate cryst. extra pure*3 5 KG AR 3.467.000

1.09930.0001 Potassium permanganate solution for 1000 ml, c(KMnO4) = 0,002 mol/l (0.01 N)

Titrisol®1 AMP AR 704.000

1.05092.0250 Potassium peroxodisulfate for analysis ( 0.001% N) EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 1.678.000

1.05091.0250 Potassium peroxodisulfate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 553.000

1.05091.1000 Potassium peroxodisulfate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 1.614.000

1.08087.0500 Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

500 g AR 1.218.000

1.08087.1000 Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 1.513.000

1.08087.5000 Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

5 kg AR 5.296.000

1.09924.0001 Potassium standard 1000 mg K, (KCl in H2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 705.000

1.15054.0100 Potassium standard dissolved in oil 1 g/kg K CertiPUR® 100 ML AR 4.863.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.70230.0100 Potassium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST KNO3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l K CertiPUR®100 mL AR 542.000

1.70230.0500 Potassium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST KNO3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l K CertiPUR®500 mL AR 900.000

1.05152.0100 Potassium sulfate 99.999 Suprapur® 100 G AR 4.732.000

1.05153.0500 Potassium sulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 713.000

1.05153.5000 Potassium sulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 3.840.000

1.05153.1000 Potassium sulfate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*5 1 kg AR 927.000

1.05134.0250 Potassium sulfide small lumps for analysis EMSURE®*5 250 g AR 1.120.000

1.05125.0250 Potassium thiocyanate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 749.000

1.05125.1000 Potassium thiocyanate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 2.238.000

1.05124.1000 Potassium thiocyanate pure 1 KG AR 1.074.000

8.16019.0025 (S)-(-)-Proline for synthesis 25 mL LSS 784.000

8.07481.1000 1,3-Propanediol for synthesis 1 L LSS 3.688.000

8.22324.1000 1,2-Propanediol EMPLURA® 1 L AR 852.000

1.00996.1000 1-Propanol EMPLURA® 1 L AR 972.000

1.00996.2500 1-Propanol EMPLURA® 2.5 L AR 2.017.000

1.00997.1000 1-Propanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.467.000

1.00997.2500 1-Propanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 3.057.000

1.01024.1000 1-Propanol for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 2.054.000

1.01024.2500 1-Propanol for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2,5 L AR 5.241.000

1.00994.0500 2-Propanol dried (max. 0.005% H2O) SeccoSolv® 500 ML AR 633.000

1.07022.2511 2-Propanol for analysis EMPARTA® ACS 2.5 L AR 404.000

1.09634.1000 2-Propanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 406.000

1.09634.2500 2-Propanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 405.000

1.09634.9025 2-Propanol for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 25 L AR 7.554.000

1.00998.1000 2-Propanol for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 1 L AR 733.000

1.00998.2500 2-Propanol for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv® 2.5 L AR 1.527.000

1.00993.1000 2-Propanol for spectroscopy Uvasol® 1 L AR 1.200.000

1.00993.2500 2-Propanol for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2,5 L AR 2.499.000

1.01040.1000 2-Propanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 1.066.000

1.01040.2500 2-Propanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 2.200.000

1.00272.2500 2-Propanol standard for the analysis of tobacco 2,5 L AR 2.058.000

8.22133.0100 Propionaldehyde for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

8.22133.1000 Propionaldehyde for synthesis 1 L LSS 818.000

8.00605.0500 Propionic acid for synthesis 500 mL LSS 369.000

8.00605.1000 Propionic acid for synthesis 1 L LSS 476.000

8.00608.0100 Propionic anhydride for synthesis 100 mL LSS 418.000

8.20599.0100 Propyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate for synthesis 100 g LSS 929.000

8.07521.0250 Propylbenzene for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.575.000

1.10307.0500 Protein Kit (Biuret Method) reagent solution for approx. 250 determinations 500 mL Non Kit 1.501.000

1.10306.0500 Protein Kit (Bradford Method) reagent solution for approx. 200 determinations 500 mL Non Kit 1.501.000

8.07064.0010 Pyrazine for synthesis 10 g LSS 668.000

8.21051.0050 Pyrene for synthesis 50 g LSS 808.000

8.21050.0025 2-Pyrazinecarboxamide for synthesis 25 mL LSS 766.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.00736.0005 4-Pyridinecarboxylic acid for synthesis 5 g LSS 392.000

8.06753.0100 4-Pyridinecarboxylic acid hydrazide for synthesis 100 g LSS 817.000

1.07463.0500 Pyridine dried (max. 0.0075 % H2O) SeccoSolv® 500 mL AR 2.301.000

1.07462.1000 Pyridine EMPLURA® 1 L AR 3.196.000

1.09728.0500 Pyridine for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 mL AR 2.150.000

1.09728.1000 Pyridine for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 3.327.000

1.09728.2500 Pyridine for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 6.726.000

8.00614.0100 Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.069.000

1.07475.0010 Pyridine-D5 deuteration degree min 99.8% for NMR spectroscopy MagniSolv™ 10 mL AR 2.008.000

8.22261.0250 Pyrocatechol for synthesis 250 g LSS 809.000

1.01922.0100 3,5-Pyrocatecholdisulfonic acid disodium salt monohydrate (Tiron) metal indicator 100 g AR 8.025.000

8.20471.0500 3,6-Pyridazinediol for synthesis 500 g LSS 4.729.000

1.07531.0005 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN) metal indicator Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 2.543.000

1.07533.0005 4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinol monosodium salt monohydrate metal indicator Reag. Ph Eur

5 g AR 2.128.000

1.00612.0050 Pyrogallol GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 50 g Non Kit 1.511.000

1.00612.0250 Pyrogallol GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 6.044.000

1.07534.0001 Pyrogallol red metal indicator 1 G AR 1.662.000

8.07492.0100 Pyrrole for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.390.000

8.07041.0005 2-Pyrrolidone for synthesis 5 mL LSS 382.000

8.07041.0250 2-Pyrrolidone for synthesis 250 mL LSS 396.000

8.21100.0025 Pyrrolidine-1-dithiocarboxylic acid ammonium salt for synthesis 25 g LSS 514.000

1.07495.0010 Pyrrolidine-1-dithiocarboxylic acid ammonium salt GR for analysis 10 g Non Kit 678.000

8.20170.0100 Pyruvic acid for synthesis 100 g LSS 629.000

8.20170.0500 Pyruvic acid for synthesis 500 mL LSS 2.897.000

1.07536.0250 Quartz fine granular, washed and calcined for analysis 250 g AR 672.000

8.05805.0100 Quinaldine for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.189.000

8.05805.0250 Quinaldine for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.476.000

1.02282.0005 Quinaldine red indicator Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 2.726.000

1.02284.0100 Quinhydrone GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 2.060.000

8.22194.0025 (-)-Quinine hydrochloride dihydrate for synthesis 25 g LSS 866.000

8.02407.0250 Quinoline for synthesis 250 mL LSS 680.000

8.02407.1000 Quinoline for synthesis 1 L LSS 2.271.000

1.01111.0001 Reducer (stainless steel) from 2" to S40 thread 1 UNIT AR 1.956.000

1.08962.0001 Refractive index standard kit 1 2,2,4-Trimethyl-pentane/water, traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB n (20°C)=1,3915 CertiPUR®

1 SET AR 3.348.000

1.08961.0001 Refractive index standard kit 2 Toluene/water, traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB n (20°C)=1,4969 CertiPUR®

1 SET AR 3.348.000

1.08963.0001 Refractive index standard kit 3 1-Methyl-naphthalene/water, traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB n (20°C)=1,6160 CertiPUR®

1 SET AR 3.348.000

1.07593.0100 Resorcinol GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 837.000

1.07593.0250 Resorcinol GR for analysis 250 g Non Kit 1.700.000

1.08525.0100 Rhodium standard 10 mg/l (Rhodium(III) nitrate in nitric acid 0.5 mol/l) internal standard for ICP-MS

100 ML AR 3.469.000

8.07632.0001 Rhodium(III) chloride trihydrate (38% Rh) for synthesis 1 g LSS 5.746.000

1.06595.0005 Rhodizonic acid disodium salt indicator for sulfate titration 5 g Non Kit 1.753.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.00629.0010 Rubeanic acid GR for analysis 10 g Non Kit 2.106.000

1.00629.0100 Rubeanic acid GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 16.221.000

1.07615.0025 Rubidium chloride for analysis EMSURE® 25 g AR 3.774.000

1.70346.0100 Rubidium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST RbNO3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Rb CertiPUR®100 mL AR 4.004.000

1.20080.0001 Safety carrier for Merck 4 L glass bottles 1 UNIT AR 851.000

8.18731.0100 Salicylic acid for synthesis 100 mL LSS 371.000

1.12321.0010 Samarium(III) oxide 99+ 10 g LSS 1.419.000

1.70349.0100 Scandium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Sc2O

3 in HNO

3 7% 1000 mg/l

Sc CertiPUR®100 mL AR 6.075.000

1.19513.0500 Scandium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Sc2O

3 in HNO

3 1 mol/l

1000 mg/l Sc CertiPUR®500 mL AR 2.577.000

1.09034.0250 Schiff's reagent for detection of aldehydes 250 mL Non Kit 294.000

1.09034.1000 Schiff's reagent for detection of aldehydes 250 mL Non Kit 546.000

1.07711.1000 Sea sand extra pure 1 kg AR 1.267.000

1.07711.5000 Sea sand extra pure 5 kg AR 4.042.000

1.07712.1000 Sea sand purified by acid and calcined for analysis 1 KG AR 1.809.000

8.21717.0100 sec-Butylbenzene for synthesis 100 mL LSS 807.000

1.07714.0050 Selenium black 99+ 50 g AR 2.203.000

1.07714.0250 Selenium black 99+ 250 g AR 10.138.000

8.00653.0050 Selenium dioxide (sublimed) for synthesis 50 g LSS 584.000

8.00653.0250 Selenium dioxide (sublimed) for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.983.000

1.70350.0100 Selenium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST SeO2 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000 mg/l

Se CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.544.000

1.08030.1000 Selenium reagent mixture GR (for the determination of nitrogen acc. to Wieninger)

1 kg Non Kit 1.010.000

1.08030.5000 Selenium reagent mixture GR (for the determination of nitrogen acc. to Wieninger)

5 kg Non Kit 4.783.000

1.09915.0001 Selenium standard 1000 mg Se, (SeO2 in HNO

3) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 660.000

1.19796.0100 Selenium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST SeO2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Se CertiPUR®100 ML AR 508.000

1.19796.0500 Selenium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST SeO2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Se CertiPUR®500 mL AR 711.000

1.07722.0100 Semicarbazide hydrochloride GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 1.448.000

8.24476.0250 (-)-Shikimic acid for synthesis 250 mg LSS 1.212.000

1.00719.0500 SICACIDE with indicator sulfuric acid drying agent for desiccators on inert carrier material

500 ML AR 815.000

1.00543.0500 SICAPENT® with indicator (phosphorus pentoxide drying agent for desiccators) on inert carrier material

500 mL AR 1.607.000

1.00543.2800 SICAPENT® with indicator (phosphorus pentoxide drying agent for desiccators) on inert carrier material

2.8 L AR 4.361.000

1.10180.1000 Silica gel 40 particle size 0.063-0.200 mm 1 kg LSS 2.556.000

1.09385.1000 Silica gel 60 (0.040-0.063 mm) for column chromatography (230-400 mesh ASTM)

1 kg LSS 2.894.000

1.09385.2500 Silica gel 60 (0.040-0.063 mm) for column chromatography (230-400 mesh ASTM)

2.5 kg LSS 6.921.000

1.15101.1000 Silica gel 60 (0.063-0.100 mm) for column chromatography 1 kg LSS 2.769.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.07734.1000 Silica gel 60 (0.063-0.200 mm) for column chromatography (70-230 mesh ASTM) 1 kg LSS 1.419.000

1.07733.0500 Silica gel 60 (0.2-0.5 mm) for column chromatography 500 g LSS 898.000

1.07733.1000 Silica gel 60 (0.2-0.5 mm) for column chromatography 1 kg LSS 1.693.000

1.07729.1000 Silica gel 60 (less than 0.063 mm) for column chromatography 1 kg LSS 1.646.000

1.07754.1000 Silica gel 60 extra pure for column chromatography 0.063 - 0.200 mm (70 - 230 mesh ASTM)

1 kg LSS 8.256.000

1.10757.1000 Silica gel 60 F254 (0.063-0.200 mm) adjusted to 40% relative humidity, suitable

for dry-column chromatography1 kg LSS 2.008.000

1.07735.1000 Silica gel beads, desiccant ~ 2 - 5 mm 1 kg AR 1.416.000

1.01905.1000 Silica gel granules, desiccant ~ 0.2 - 1 mm 1 KG AR 2.005.000

1.01907.1000 Silica gel granules, desiccant ~ 2 - 5 mm 1 kg AR 2.187.000

1.01969.1000 Silica gel with indicator (orange gel), granulate ~ 1 - 3 mm 1 kg AR 1.755.000

1.01969.5000 Silica gel with indicator (orange gel), granulate ~ 1 - 3 mm 5 KG AR 10.633.000

1.00657.1000 Silicic acid precipitated extra pure light DAB 1 kg AR 1.917.000

1.07743.0100 Silicon anti-foaming agent 100 g AR 1.908.000

1.70386.0100 Silicon ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST (SiO2 in NaOH 4 %) 10000 mg/l

Si CertiPUR®100 ML AR 5.020.000

1.70365.0100 Silicon ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST (SiO2 in NaOH 2 %) 1000 mg/l Si

CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.073.000

1.09762.0100 Silicon oil 550 for gas chromatography 100 mL Chrom 2.803.000

1.09947.0001 Silicon standard 1000 mg Si, (SiCl4 in 14% NaOH) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 725.000

1.12310.0100 Silicon standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST acidic, (NH4)2SiF

6 in H


1000 mg/l Si CertiPUR®100 ML AR 558.000

1.12310.0500 Silicon standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST acidic, (NH4)2SiF

6 in H


1000 mg/l Si CertiPUR®500 mL AR 781.000

1.70236.0100 Silicon standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST SiO2 in NaOH 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Si CertiPUR®100 mL AR 558.000

1.70236.0500 Silicon standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST SiO2 in NaOH 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Si CertiPUR®500 mL AR 781.000

1.07746.0100 Silicone grease 100 g AR 1.660.000

1.07921.0100 Silicone high vacuum grease heavy 100 g AR 1.582.000

1.07742.0100 Silicone oil for oil baths up to 250°C 100 mL AR 1.201.000

8.01504.0025 Silver acetate for synthesis 25 g LSS 5.807.000

1.19203.0025 Silver chloride 99+ 25 g AR 2.636.000

1.01515.0005 Silver diethyldithiocarbamate for analysis (reagent for arsenic and antimony) EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

5 g AR 1.693.000

1.70352.0100 Silver ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST AgNO3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000 mg/l

Ag CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.700.000

1.01512.0025 Silver nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 1.281.000

1.01512.0100 Silver nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 3.074.000

1.01512.0250 Silver nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 7.378.000

1.01512.1000 Silver nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 KG AR 52.821.000

1.09081.1000 Silver nitrate solution c(AgNO3) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 2.455.000

1.09990.0001 Silver nitrate solution for 1000 ml, c(AgNO3) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 1.942.000

1.19208.0025 Silver oxide 99+ 25 g AR 1.481.000

1.09906.0001 Silver standard 1000 mg Ag, (AgNO3 in HNO

3 5%) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 975.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.19797.0500 Silver standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST AgNO3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Ag CertiPUR®500 mL AR 840.000

1.01534.0050 Silver sulfate extra pure 50 g Non Kit 3.524.000

1.01534.0250 Silver sulfate extra pure 250 g Non Kit 14.423.000

1.01509.0025 Silver sulfate GR for analysis ACS 25 g Non Kit 2.264.000

1.01509.0100 Silver sulfate GR for analysis ACS 100 g Non Kit 6.960.000

1.01517.1000 Silver sulfate solution 10 g/l in sulfuric acid (D = 1.84 g/ml) for COD determination

1 L Non Kit 1.141.000

1.01517.2500 Silver sulfate solution 10 g/l in sulfuric acid (D = 1.84 g/ml) for COD determination

2.5 L Non Kit 2.757.000

1.01574.1000 Silver sulfate solution 80 g/l in sulfuric acid (D = 1.84 g/ml) for COD determination acc. to DIN 38409-H 43-1

1 L Non Kit 4.802.000

1.06839.1000 Sodalime pellets with indicator for analysis 1 L AR 1.389.000

1.06839.5000 Sodalime pellets with indicator for analysis 5 L AR 4.127.000

1.06733.0501 Sodalime with indicator, granules ~ 1 - 2.5 mm 500 g AR 1.384.000

1.01962.0001 Sodium hydrogen carbonate/sodium carbonate certified secondary standard reference material for pH measurement; directly traceable to primary SRM from NIST/PTB pH(S)=10.014 (25°C) (DIN 19266) CertiPUR®

2 X 25 G AR 5.190.000

1.12292.0005 Sodium 1-octanesulfonate for surfactant tests 5 g LSS 4.414.000

1.06264.0050 Sodium acetate anhydrous 99.99 Suprapur® 50 g AR 3.185.000

1.06268.0250 Sodium acetate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 591.000

1.06268.1000 Sodium acetate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.297.000

1.06267.0500 Sodium acetate trihydrate for analysis indifferent to potassium permanganate EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

500 g AR 604.000

1.06267.1000 Sodium acetate trihydrate for analysis indifferent to potassium permanganate EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 929.000

1.06682.1000 Sodium ammonium hydrogen phosphate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 2.951.000

1.06277.1000 Sodium arsenite solution c(NaAsO2) = 0.05 mol/l (0,1 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 855.000

8.22335.0100 Sodium azide for synthesis 100 g LSS 755.000

8.22335.0250 Sodium azide for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.450.000

1.06687.0001 Sodium azide tablets for the preservation of milk samples for testing one tablet 0.1 g (1 tablet contains about 8 mg sodium azide)

1 pack Non Kit 2.157.000

8.20233.0100 Sodium barbiturate for synthesis*5 100 g LSS 1.206.000

1.06348.0050 Sodium bismuthate for analysis EMSURE® 50 g AR 1.649.000

1.06371.0100 Sodium borohydride for analysis *1, *5 100 g AR 5.211.000

8.14368.0250 Sodium bromate for synthesis 250 g LSS 539.000

1.06363.0100 Sodium bromide 99.995 Suprapur® 100 G AR 4.747.000

8.20236.0250 Sodium butyrate for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.280.000

1.06395.0050 Sodium carbonate anhydrous 99.999 Suprapur® 50 g AR 1.812.000

1.06392.0500 Sodium carbonate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ISO 500 g AR 863.000

1.06392.1000 Sodium carbonate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ISO 1 kg AR 1.021.000

1.06392.5000 Sodium carbonate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ISO 5 kg AR 2.858.000

1.06391.1000 Sodium carbonate decahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 857.000

1.02405.0080 Sodium carbonate volumetric standard, secondary reference material for acidimetry, traceable to NIST SRM CertiPUR®

80 g AR 1.086.000

1.06406.0050 Sodium chloride 99.99 Suprapur® 50 g AR 2.168.000

1.06406.0500 Sodium chloride 99.99 Suprapur® 500 g AR 7.531.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.06404.0500 Sodium chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 490.000

1.06404.1000 Sodium chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 685.000

1.06404.5000 Sodium chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 1.912.000

1.09945.0001 Sodium chloride solution for 1000 ml, c(NaCl) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 518.000

1.02406.0080 Sodium chloride volumetric standard, secondary reference material for argentometry, traceable to NIST SRM CertiPUR®

80 g AR 1.093.000

8.14815.1000 Sodium chlorite (25% solution in water) for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.022.000

8.20293.0500 Sodium chloroacetate for synthesis 500 g LSS 488.000

1.06448.0500 tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 867.000

1.06448.1000 tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 865.000

1.06448.5000 tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 5.475.000

1.06336.0250 Sodium dichromate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 1.218.000

1.06689.0025 Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate (reagent for copper) GR for analysis ACS

25 g Non Kit 400.000

1.06689.0100 Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate (reagent for copper) GR for analysis ACS

100 g Non Kit 917.000

1.06370.0050 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous 99.99 Suprapur® 50 g AR 2.444.000

1.06342.0250 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 802.000

1.06342.1000 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 1 KG AR 1.337.000

1.06346.0500 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

500 g AR 691.000

1.06346.1000 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 1.063.000

1.06591.0500 tetra-Sodium diphosphate decahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 1.268.000

1.06591.2500 tetra-Sodium diphosphate decahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 kg AR 2.721.000

1.06528.0100 Sodium disulfite (sodium metabisulfite) for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 555.000

1.06528.0500 Sodium disulfite (sodium metabisulfite) for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 601.000

1.06528.1000 Sodium disulfite (sodium metabisulfite) for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*5 1 kg AR 792.000

1.06528.5000 Sodium disulfite (sodium metabisulfite) for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*5 5 kg AR 2.773.000

1.06507.2500 Sodium dithionite for analysis*1 2.5 kg AR 2.732.000

1.06507.0500 Sodium dithionite for analysis*5 500 g AR 888.000

8.18199.1000 Sodium ethoxide (20% solution in ethanol) for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.376.000

1.06450.0025 Sodium fluoride 99.99 Suprapur® 25 g AR 2.741.000

1.06449.0250 Sodium fluoride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 874.000

1.06449.1000 Sodium fluoride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 2.186.000

8.06455.1000 Sodium formaldehydesulfoxylate hydrate (stabilised with sodium carbonate) for synthesis

1 kg LSS 703.000

8.06455.5000 Sodium formaldehydesulfoxylate hydrate (stabilised with sodium carbonate) for synthesis

5 kg LSS 2.886.000

8.06455.9050 Sodium formaldehydesulfoxylate hydrate (stabilised with sodium carbonate) for synthesis

50 kg LSS 19.142.000

1.06443.0500 Sodium formate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 1.127.000

1.02521.0025 Sodium hexanitrocobaltate(III) [sodium cobalt(III)nitrite] for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

25 g AR 1.788.000

1.02521.0100 Sodium hexanitrocobaltate(III) [sodium cobalt(III)nitrite] for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

100 g AR 3.540.000

1.06329.0500 Sodium hydrogen carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag.Ph Eur 500 g AR 412.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.06329.1000 Sodium hydrogen carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag.Ph Eur 1 kg AR 633.000

1.06329.5000 Sodium hydrogen carbonate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag.Ph Eur 5 kg AR 2.216.000

1.06352.0500 Sodium hydrogen sulfate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 886.000

8.06356.1000 Sodium hydrogen sulfite (39% solution in water) for synthesis 1 L LSS 383.000

8.06356.2500 Sodium hydrogen sulfite (39% solution in water) for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 755.000

1.06466.0050 Sodium hydroxide monohydrate 99.99 Suprapur® 50 G AR 2.526.000

1.01567.0250 Sodium hydroxide on support granulated about 0.8-1.6 mm for elementary analysis

250 g AR 1.386.000

1.01564.1000 Sodium hydroxide on support granulated about 1.6-3 mm, for elementary analysis 1 kg AR 4.067.000

1.06495.0250 Sodium hydroxide pellets for analysis (max. 0.0002% K) EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

250 g AR 949.000

1.06495.1000 Sodium hydroxide pellets for analysis (max. 0.0002% K) EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 2.109.000

1.06469.1000 Sodium hydroxide pellets for analysis (max. 0.02% K) EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 650.000

1.06498.0500 Sodium hydroxide pellets for analysis EMSURE® ISO 500 g AR 345.000

1.06498.1000 Sodium hydroxide pellets for analysis EMSURE® ISO 1 kg AR 464.000

1.06498.5000 Sodium hydroxide pellets for analysis EMSURE® ISO*1 5 kg AR 950.000

1.06462.1000 Sodium hydroxide pellets pure 1 kg AR 252.000

1.06462.5000 Sodium hydroxide pellets pure 5 kg AR 912.000

1.06462.9050 Sodium hydroxide pellets pure 50 kg AR 4.410.000

1.58793.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution 50% for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 1.023.000

1.05590.2500 Sodium hydroxide solution about 32% (for the determination of nitrogen) for analysis EMSURE®*1

2.5 L AR 1.691.000

1.05590.9025 Sodium hydroxide solution about 32% (for the determination of nitrogen) for analysis EMSURE®*1

25 L AR 7.787.000

1.09142.0500 Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 0.02 mol/l (0.02 N) TitriPUR® 500 ML AR 533.000

1.09141.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 667.000

1.09138.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 695.000

1.09137.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 1 mol/l (1 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 709.000

1.09137.2500 Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 1 mol/l (1 N) TitriPUR®*1 2.5 L AR 1.418.000

1.09136.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 2 mol/l (2 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 851.000

1.11584.5000 Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 4 mol/l (4 N) TitriPUR®*1 5 L AR 3.971.000

1.09961.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml, c(NaOH) = 0.01 mol/l (0.01 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 270.000

1.09959.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml, c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 296.000

1.09958.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml, c(NaOH) = 0.25 mol/l (0.25 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 540.000

1.09957.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml, c(NaOH) = 0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 550.000

1.09956.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml, c(NaOH) = 1 mol/l (1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 560.000

1.11360.2500 Sodium hydroxide solution min. 45% for analysis EMSURE® 2,5 L AR 1.776.000

1.70353.0100 Sodium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST NaNO3 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Na CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.336.000

1.70381.0100 Sodium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST NaNO3 in HNO

3 2-3% 10000

mg/l Na CertiPUR®100 ML AR 4.616.000

1.06525.0100 Sodium iodate for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 1.797.000

1.06519.0100 Sodium iodide 99.99 Suprapur® 100 G AR 6.155.000

1.06523.0100 Sodium iodide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 1.249.000

1.06523.0250 Sodium iodide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 2.379.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.06597.0050 Sodium metaperiodate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*5 50 g AR 478.000

1.06597.0250 Sodium metaperiodate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*5 250 g AR 1.531.000

1.06597.1000 Sodium metaperiodate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*5 1 kg AR 4.660.000

8.18194.2500 Sodium methylate (30% solution in methanol) for synthesis*5 2.5 L LSS 890.000

8.06538.0250 Sodium methylate for synthesis*5 250 g LSS 607.000

8.06538.0500 Sodium methylate for synthesis*5 500 g LSS 823.000

1.06521.0250 Sodium molybdate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 2.608.000

1.06521.1000 Sodium molybdate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 8.498.000

1.06521.0100 Sodium molybdate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE®*5 100 g AR 1.565.000

1.06546.0050 Sodium nitrate 99.99 Suprapur® 50 G AR 2.079.000

1.06537.0500 Sodium nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 627.000

1.06537.1000 Sodium nitrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 964.000

1.06549.0100 Sodium nitrite for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 495.000

1.06549.0500 Sodium nitrite for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 665.000

1.06560.1000 Sodium perborate tetrahydrate pure 1 KG AR 568.000

1.06564.0100 Sodium perchlorate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE®*5 100 g AR 1.036.000

1.06564.0500 Sodium perchlorate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE®*5 500 g AR 2.244.000

1.06563.0100 Sodium peroxide granular for analysis ACS,ISO*1 100 g AR 1.506.000

1.06563.0500 Sodium peroxide granular for analysis ACS,ISO*1 500 g AR 6.023.000

1.06563.1000 Sodium peroxide granular for analysis ACS,ISO*1 1 kg AR 10.019.000

1.06609.0500 Sodium peroxidisulfate for analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 620.000

1.06609.1000 Sodium peroxidisulfate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 954.000

1.06572.1000 tri-Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 861.000

1.06578.1000 tri-Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 890.000

1.06578.5000 tri-Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 3.093.000

1.06529.1000 Sodium polyphosphate extra pure (Graham's salt) 1 KG AR 766.000

1.06260.0250 Sodium rod diameter 2.5 cm (protective liquid: paraffin oil)*5 250 g AR 2.994.000

8.22284.0250 Sodium rods (protective liquid: paraffin oil) for synthesis*1 250 g LSS 1.948.000

1.06601.0250 Sodium salicylate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 1.091.000

1.05621.2500 Sodium silicate solution extra pure 2.5 L Non Kit 675.000

1.05621.9040 Sodium silicate solution extra pure 40 kg Non Kit 3.777.000

1.05621.9250 Sodium silicate solution extra pure 250 kg Non Kit 16.256.000

1.09927.0001 Sodium standard 1000 mg Na, (NaCl in H2O) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 675.000

1.15058.0100 Sodium standard dissolved in oil 1 g/kg Na CertiPUR® 100 ML AR 3.894.000

1.19507.0500 Sodium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NaNO3 in H

2O 1000 mg/l

Na CertiPUR®500 mL AR 850.000

1.70238.0500 Sodium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NaNO3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Na CertiPUR®500 mL AR 727.000

1.70238.0100 Sodium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NaNO3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Na CertiPUR®*5

100 mL AR 519.000

8.22145.0250 Sodium sulfanilate dihydrate for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.375.000

1.06647.0050 Sodium sulfate anhydrous 99.99 Suprapur® 50 g AR 2.072.000

1.06649.0500 Sodium sulfate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 411.000

1.06649.1000 Sodium sulfate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 422.000

1.06649.5000 Sodium sulfate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 2.522.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.06649.9025 Sodium sulfate anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 25 kg AR 10.088.000

1.06639.0500 Sodium sulfate anhydrous granulated for organic trace analysis EMSURE® 500 g AR 1.048.000

1.06637.0500 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, coarse granules for analysis 0.63 - 2.0 mm EMSURE® ACS

500 g AR 978.000

1.06648.1000 Sodium sulfate decahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.060.000

1.06657.0500 Sodium sulfite anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 615.000

1.06657.1000 Sodium sulfite anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 670.000

1.06657.5000 Sodium sulfite anhydrous for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 3.310.000

1.06664.0100 Sodium tartrate dihydrate Water standard for volumetric Karl Fischer Titration (volumetric standard) apura®

100 g AR 1.112.000

1.06669.0010 Sodium tetraphenyl borate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 10 g Non Kit 1.604.000

1.06669.0025 Sodium tetraphenyl borate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g Non Kit 2.750.000

1.06669.0100 Sodium tetraphenyl borate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 9.638.000

1.06509.0100 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate 99.999 Suprapur® 100 G AR 4.520.000

1.06516.0500 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 394.000

1.06516.1000 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 606.000

1.06516.5000 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg AR 2.120.000

1.09147.1000 Sodium thiosulfate solution c(Na2S


3 5 H

2O) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR® 1 L AR 681.000

1.09909.0001 Sodium thiosulfate solution for 1000 ml, c(Na2S


3) = 0,01 mol/l (0.01 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 466.000

1.09950.0001 Sodium thiosulfate solution for 1000 ml, c(Na2S


3) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 403.000

1.06999.1000 penta-Sodium triphosphate for BOD determination acc. to DIN 38409-H-51 1 kg Non Kit 650.000

1.06999.9025 Penta-sodium triphosphate for BOD determination acc. to DIN 38409-H-51 25 kg Non Kit 5.454.000

1.06673.0250 Sodium tungstate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 2.129.000

1.06673.1000 Sodium tungstate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 5.322.000

1.14602.0001 Soil Laboratory 3 x N/pH Nitrogen and pH (lime requirement) Agroquant® 1 ST Non Kit 12.077.000

1.88015.2500 Solvent solvent for volumetric Karl Fischer titration with two component reagents apura®

2.5 L AR 3.233.000

8.40123.0100 Span® 80 for synthesis 100 g LSS 531.000

1.13175.1000 Spectromelt® A 1000 Li2B4O

7 + 0.07% LiBr 1 kg AR 4.834.000

1.11802.1000 Spectromelt® A 12 66% di-lithium tetraborate/34% lithium metaborate 1 KG AR 10.110.000

1.11724.1000 Spectromelt® A 14 51% di-lithium tetraborate/ 27% lanthane(III) oxide/ 12% lithium metaborate/ 10% lithium fluoride

1 KG AR 13.842.000

1.13934.5000 Spectromelt® C 20 grinding and tabletting aid for X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

5 KG AR 11.274.000

1.13898.2500 Standard oil for atomic absorption spectroscopy 2,5 L AR 3.421.000

1.19157.0001 Standard samples for HPLC system qualification Set 1 A: Precision and Linearity; Parabens in methanol/water (50:50) LiChroTest®

5 UNITS AR 2.671.000

1.19165.0001 Standard samples for HPLC system qualification Set 1: precision and linearity; Parabens in methanol / water (50:50) LiChroTest®

1 UNIT AR 2.671.000

1.19158.0001 Standard samples for HPLC system qualification Set 2: Precision; 100 mg/l Methyl paraben in methanol / water (50:50) LiChroTest®

5 UNITS AR 2.671.000

1.19159.0001 Standard samples for HPLC system qualification Set 3: Separation; Parabens in methanol / water (50:50) LiChroTest®

5 UNITS AR 2.671.000

1.19162.0001 Standard samples for HPLC system qualification Set 8: Linearity; Methyl parabens in methanol LiChroTest®

1 UNIT AR 2.671.000

8.00673.1000 Stearic acid for synthesis 1 kg LSS 537.000

8.07680.0100 Stearyl alcohol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 373.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.07680.1000 Stearyl alcohol for synthesis 1 kg LSS 582.000

1.04318.0250 Stopcock grease melting point 45-53°C 250 g AR 724.000

1.07865.0250 Strontium chloride hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 1.281.000

1.07865.1000 Strontium chloride hexahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 kg AR 3.203.000

1.07857.0025 Strontium chloride hexahydrate for atomic absorption spectroscopy (max. 0.0005% Ca)

25 g AR 1.985.000

1.70354.0100 Strontium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Sr(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000

mg/l Sr CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.482.000

1.07871.0050 Strontium nitrate anhydrous 99.99 Suprapur® 50 G AR 2.453.000

1.07872.0250 Strontium nitrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 1.213.000

1.09993.0001 Strontium standard 1000 mg Sr, (SrCl2 in 7% HCl) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 717.000

1.19799.0500 Strontium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Sr(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l Sr CertiPUR®500 mL AR 772.000

8.07679.0100 Styrene (stabilised) for synthesis 100 mL LSS 418.000

8.07679.1000 Styrene (stabilised) for synthesis 1 L LSS 473.000

8.07679.2500 Styrene (stabilised) for synthesis 2.5 L LSS 909.000

1.00682.0250 Succinic acid for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 852.000

8.00683.0100 Succinic anhydride for synthesis 100 g LSS 375.000

8.00683.0500 Succinic anhydride for synthesis 500 g LSS 676.000

1.07654.1000 Sucrose (saccharose) for density gradient ultracentrifugation suitable for biopharmaceutical production EMPROVE® bio Ph.Eur.,BP,NF,JP*3

1 kg LSS -

1.11747.0025 Sudan III, C.I. 26100 25 g AR 1.570.000

1.11799.0100 Sulfanilamide GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 1.729.000

1.00686.0100 Sulfanilic acid GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 657.000

1.00686.0250 Sulfanilic acid GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 1.342.000

1.00684.0005 Sulfanilic acid standard for elemental analysis for analysis 5 g AR 868.000

1.09872.0001 Sulfate standard 1000 mg SO4 (H


4 in H

2O) Titrisol®*3 1 ampul AR 693.000

1.19813.0500 Sulfate standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Na2SO

4 in H

2O 1000 mg/l

SO4 CertiPUR®

500 mL AR 711.000

8.07993.1000 Sulfolane for synthesis 1 L LSS 2.518.000

8.00691.0100 5-Sulfosalicylic acid dihydrate for synthesis 100 g LSS 445.000

8.00691.0250 5-Sulfosalicylic acid dihydrate for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.922.000

8.00691.1000 5-Sulfosalicylic acid dihydrate for synthesis 1 kg LSS 5.121.000

1.70355.0100 Sulfur ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST H2SO

4 in H

2O 1000 mg/l S


100 mL AR 2.199.000

1.12223.1000 Sulfuric acid 100% for conductivity measurements*3 1 L AR 3.393.000

1.00716.1000 Sulfuric acid 25% for analysis EMSURE®*3 1 L AR 209.000

1.00729.0500 Sulfuric acid 90-91% for Gerber fat determination and determination of nitrates in milk*3

500 mL AR 756.000

1.00729.2500 Sulfuric acid 90-91% for Gerber fat determination and determination of nitrates in milk*3

2,5 L AR 2.343.000

1.00729.9025 Sulfuric acid 90-91% for Gerber fat determination and determination of nitrates in milk*3

25 L AR 8.166.000

1.00732.2500 Sulfuric acid 95-97% for analysis (max. 0.005 ppm Hg) EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*3

2.5 L AR 2.624.000

1.00731.1000 Sulfuric acid 95-97% for analysis EMSURE® ISO*3 1 L AR 222.000

1.00731.2500 Sulfuric acid 95-97% for analysis EMSURE® ISO*3 2.5 L AR 440.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.08131.2500 Sulfuric acid 96% for the determination of viscosity acc. to DIN EN ISO 307 *3 2,5 L AR 2.414.000

1.00714.0250 Sulfuric acid 96% Suprapur®*3 250 ML AR 3.076.000

1.00714.1000 Sulfuric acid 96% Suprapur®*3 1 L AR 6.837.000

1.01516.0250 Sulfuric acid 96% Ultrapur®*3 250 ML AR 10.094.000

1.12080.2500 Sulfuric acid 98% for analysis EMSURE® 2,5 L AR 448.000

1.12080.1000 Sulfuric acid 98% for analysis EMSURE® *3 1 L AR 256.000

1.00748.0500 Sulfuric acid 98% for the determination of nitrogen*3 500 mL AR 903.000

1.00748.2500 Sulfuric acid 98% for the determination of nitrogen*3 2.5 L AR 2.999.000

1.09074.1000 Sulfuric acid c(H2SO

4) = 0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR® *3 1 L AR 728.000

1.09073.1000 Sulfuric acid c(H2SO

4) = 0.25 mol/l (0.5 N) TitriPUR® *3 1 L AR 768.000

1.09072.1000 Sulfuric acid c(H2SO

4) = 0.5 mol/l (1 N) TitriPUR® *3 1 L AR 808.000

1.09072.5000 Sulfuric acid c(H2SO

4) = 0.5 mol/l (1 N) TitriPUR® *3 5 L AR 3.233.000

1.09984.0001 Sulfuric acid for 1000 ml, c(H2SO

4) = 0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol® *3 1 ampul AR 582.000

1.09981.0001 Sulfuric acid for 1000 ml, c(H2SO

4) = 0.5 mol/l (1 N) Titrisol® *3 1 ampul AR 647.000

1.00761.1000 Sulfurous acid 5-6% SO2 for analysis EMSURE® 1 L AR 1.010.000

1.70356.0100 Tantalum ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST (NH4)2TaF

7 in H

2O 1000 mg/l

Ta CertiPUR®100 mL AR 3.230.000

8.18531.0500 (2R,3R)-(+)-Tartaric acid for resolution of racemates for synthesis 500 g LSS 595.000

1.00804.0250 L(+)-Tartaric acid for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 765.000

1.00804.1000 L(+)-Tartaric acid for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.922.000

1.00804.5000 L(+)-Tartaric acid for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 KG AR 7.925.000

8.08616.0250 Taurine for synthesis 250 g LSS 949.000

1.19514.0100 Tellurium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST H6TeO

6 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Te CertiPUR®100 mL AR 876.000

8.21075.0010 Terephthalaldehydic acid for synthesis 10 g LSS 859.000

8.21078.0005 (S)-(-)- -Terpineol for synthesis 5 mL LSS 396.000

1.09162.0500 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide solution in 2-propanol/methanol for titrations in nonaqueous media c[(C


9)4NOH] = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR®

500 mL AR 3.485.000

1.09162.1000 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide solution in 2-propanol/methanol for titrations in nonaqueous media c[(C


9)4NOH] = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR®

1 L AR 5.136.000

8.18839.0050 Tetra-n-butylammonium bromide for synthesis 50 g LSS 667.000

1.18312.0025 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen sulfate for ion pair chromatography LiChropur®

25 g Chrom 6.727.000

8.18858.0100 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen sulfate for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.245.000

8.18215.0250 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide (12.5% solution in methanol) for synthesis 250 mL LSS 1.239.000

8.18759.0100 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide (20% solution in water) for synthesis 100 mL LSS 752.000

8.18759.0500 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide (20% solution in water) for synthesis 500 mL LSS 2.549.000

8.22152.0250 Tetra-n-butylammonium iodide for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.670.000

1.01582.0001 Tetrachloroauric(III) acid trihydrate 99.5% for analysis EMSURE® 1 G AR 5.589.000

1.00964.1000 Tetrachloroethylene EMPLURA® 1 L AR 905.000

1.00964.2500 Tetrachloroethylene EMPLURA® 2.5 L AR 1.885.000

1.00965.0500 Tetrachloroethylene for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 mL AR 930.000

1.00965.2500 Tetrachloroethylene for spectroscopy Uvasol® 2,5 L AR 3.383.000

8.18973.0005 7,7,8,8-Tetracyanoquinonedimethane for synthesis 5 g LSS 1.883.000

8.08146.0100 1-Tetradecanol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 402.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.14767.0050 n-Tetradecane for synthesis 50 mL LSS 433.000

8.14767.0250 n-Tetradecane for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.540.000

1.09608.0005 n-Tetradecane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.272.000

8.00658.0250 Tetraethyl orthosilicate for synthesis 250 g LSS 360.000

8.22147.0250 Tetraethylammonium bromide for synthesis 250 g LSS 761.000

8.08619.1000 Tetraethylene glycol for synthesis 1 L LSS 730.000

1.08107.1000 Tetrahydrofuran dried (max. 0.005 % H2O) SeccoSolv® 1 L AR 1.487.000

1.08114.2500 Tetrahydrofuran EMPLURA® 2,5 L AR 1.632.000

1.09731.1000 Tetrahydrofuran for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.416.000

1.09731.2500 Tetrahydrofuran for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 2.458.000

1.08101.1000 Tetrahydrofuran for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 3.238.000

1.08101.2500 Tetrahydrofuran for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 6.293.000

1.08110.0500 Tetrahydrofuran for spectroscopy Uvasol® 500 ML AR 2.266.000

8.21895.1000 Tetraisopropyl orthotitanate for synthesis 1 kg LSS 1.953.000

8.14651.0100 Tetramethyl orthosilicate for synthesis 100 g LSS 762.000

1.08124.0250 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution in 2-propanol/methanol for titrations in non-aqueous media c(C4


NO)=0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) TitriPUR®250 mL AR 1.963.000

8.22156.0250 Tetramethylammonium chloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 762.000

1.18310.0025 Tetramethylammonium hydrogen sulfate for ion pair chromatography LiChropur® 25 g Chrom 7.823.000

8.14748.0250 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (25% solution in water) for synthesis 250 mL LSS 795.000

8.14748.1000 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (25% solution in water) for synthesis 1 L LSS 2.552.000

1.08123.0050 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution 10% for polarography and for examination of steroids Reag. Ph Eur

50 mL Non Kit 724.000

1.08123.0250 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution 10% for polarography and for examination of steroids Reag. Ph Eur

250 mL Non Kit 2.882.000

1.08475.1000 Tetramethylbenzidine solution for the detection of chlorine 1 L Non Kit 730.000

1.08622.0001 3,3',5,5'-Tetramethylbenzidine GR for analysis 1 g Non Kit 1.156.000

8.06904.0100 4-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl)phenol for synthesis 100 g LSS 476.000

8.08742.0250 N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl ethylenediamine for synthesis 250 mL LSS 656.000

8.08742.1000 N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl ethylenediamine for synthesis 1 L LSS 2.271.000

8.21101.0025 N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine for synthesis 25 g LSS 2.726.000

8.21102.0010 N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-1,4-phenylenediammonium dichloride for synthesis 10 g LSS 1.470.000

8.18735.0250 Tetrapropylammonium bromide for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.904.000

8.14002.0010 Tetra-n-octylammonium bromide for synthesis 10 g LSS 997.000

1.19801.0500 Thallium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST TlNO3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Tl CertiPUR®500 mL AR 934.000

1.08201.0100 1-(2-Theonyl)-3,3,3-trifluoroacetone GR 100 g Non Kit 6.769.000

1.08170.0050 Thioacetamide GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 50 g Non Kit 1.017.000

1.08170.0250 Thioacetamide GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 4.119.000

1.08170.1000 Thioacetamide GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 22.495.000

1.08180.0025 2-Thiobarbituric acid reagent for sorbic acid 25 g Non Kit 844.000

1.00700.1000 Thioglycolic acid GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 1 L Non Kit 3.842.000

8.08157.0250 Thiophene for synthesis 250 mL LSS 878.000

1.07979.0250 Thiourea GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*2 250 g Non Kit 678.000

1.07979.1000 Thiourea GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur*2 1 kg Non Kit 1.991.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.21063.0050 2-Thioxo-4-thiazolidinone for synthesis 50 g LSS 1.501.000

1.08294.0005 Thorin indicator for sulfate titration 5 G AR 1.337.000

1.08176.0005 Thymol blue indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 846.000

1.08176.0025 Thymol blue indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 2.665.000

1.08175.0005 Thymolphthalein indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 762.000

1.08175.0025 Thymolphthalein indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 1.905.000

1.07807.0250 Tin fine powder pure (particle size < 71 µm) 250 g AR 1.785.000

1.07826.0001 Tin foil about 0.04 mm thick 200 strips AR 776.000

1.07806.0250 Tin granulated for analysis (particle size about 4 mm) EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 2.381.000

1.70362.0100 Tin ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST SnCl4 in HCl 7% 1000 mg/l Sn CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 2.866.000

1.70242.0100 Tin standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST SnCl4 in HCl 2 mol/l 1000 mg/l Sn CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 531.000

1.70242.0500 Tin standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST SnCl4 in HCl 2 mol/l 1000 mg/l

Sn CertiPUR®500 mL AR 743.000

8.18150.0100 Tin(II) chloride anhydrous for synthesis 100 g LSS 782.000

1.07814.0250 Tin(II) chloride dihydrate for analysis (max. 0.000001% Hg) EMSURE® 250 g AR 1.817.000

1.07815.0100 Tin(II) chloride dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 857.000

1.07815.0250 Tin(II) chloride dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 1.425.000

1.07815.1000 Tin(II) chloride dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 4.905.000

1.07823.0250 Tin(II) sulfate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 3.730.000

1.07818.1000 Tin(IV) oxide extra pure 1 kg AR 3.064.000

1.15368.0500 TISAB solution for fluoride determination 500 mL AR 1.548.000

1.16770.0500 TISAB-III solution for fluoride determination 500 mL AR 3.869.000

1.01307.0025 Titan yellow (C.I. 19540) indicator Reag. Ph Eur 25 g AR 1.130.000

1.70363.0100 Titanium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST (NH4)2TiF

6 in H

2O 1000 mg/l Ti

CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.606.000

1.09829.0001 Titanium standard 1000 mg Ti, (NH4)2TiF

6 in H

2O Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 1.506.000

1.70243.0500 Titanium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST (NH4)2TiF

6 in H

2O 1000

mg/l Ti CertiPUR®500 mL AR 811.000

8.08307.0100 Titanium(III) chloride solution about 15% (in about 10% hydrochloric acid) for synthesis

100 mL LSS 452.000

8.08307.0500 Titanium(III) chloride solution about 15% (in about 10% hydrochloric acid) for synthesis

500 mL LSS 911.000

8.12382.1000 Titanium(IV) chloride for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.104.000

1.00808.1000 Titanium(IV) oxide for analysis EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.127.000

1.88011.1000 Titrant 2 titrant for volumetric Karl Fischer titration with two component reagents 1 ml «» ca. 2 mg H2

O apura®1 L AR 1.514.000

1.88010.1000 Titrant 5 titrant for volumetric Karl Fischer titration with two component reagents 1 ml «» ca. 5 mg H

2O apura®

1 L AR 1.499.000

1.88010.2500 Titrant 5 titrant for volumetric Karl Fischer titration with two component reagents 1 ml «» ca. 5 mg H

2O apura®

2.5 L AR 3.331.000

1.09894.0001 Titriplex® solution A for the determination of alkaline earth in water (hardness), 1 ml = 56 mg CaO/l («» 5.6 German degrees of hardness) using 100 ml of water for 1000 ml, Titrisol®

1 AMP AR 597.000

1.09895.0001 Titriplex® solution B for the determination of alkaline earth in water (hardness), 1 ml = 10 mg CaO/l («» 1 German degrees of hardness) using 100 ml of water for 1000 ml Titrisol®

1 AMP AR 708.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.08416.0250 Titriplex® I GR for analysis (nitrilotriacetic acid) 250 g AR 2.164.000

1.08417.0100 Titriplex® II GR for analysis (ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid) ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 671.000

1.08417.0250 Titriplex® II GR for analysis (ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid) ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 1.343.000

1.08417.1000 Titriplex® II GR for analysis (ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid) ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 4.475.000

1.08418.0100 Titriplex® III GR for analysis (ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate) ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

100 g AR 772.000

1.08418.0250 Titriplex® III GR for analysis (ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate) ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

250 g AR 925.000

1.08418.1000 Titriplex® III GR for analysis (ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate) ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 1.614.000

1.08446.0001 Titriplex® III solution for 1000 ml, c(Na2-EDTA 2 H

2O) = 0.01 mol/l Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 650.000

1.09992.0001 Titriplex® III solution for 1000 ml, c(Na2-EDTA 2 H

2O) = 0.1 mol/l Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 720.000

1.08431.1000 Titriplex® III solution for metal titration c(Na2-EDTA · 2 H

2O) = 0.1 mol/l TitriPUR® 1 L AR 1.042.000

1.08424.0100 Titriplex® IV GR for analysis (1,2-cyclohexylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid monohydrate)

100 g AR 6.440.000

1.08420.1000 Titriplex® solution B for the determination of alkaline earth metals in water 1 ml «» 10 mg CaO/l using 100 ml of water apura®

1 L AR 885.000

1.08426.0100 Titriplex® V GR for analysis (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) 100 g AR 2.614.000

1.08435.0025 Titriplex® VI GR for analysis 25 G AR 3.361.000

1.09017.0100 TOC standard solution acc. to EN 1484-H3/DIN 38409-H3 as potassium hydrogen phthalate in water, stabilized 1000 mg/l CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 2.117.000

1.08326.0500 Toluene dried (max. 0.005% H2O) SeccoSolv®*3 500 ML AR 1.245.000

1.08323.2500 Toluene EMPLURA®*3 2,5 L AR 448.000

1.08325.1000 Toluene for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*3 1 L AR 364.000

1.08325.2500 Toluene for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur*3 2.5 L AR 488.000

1.08389.1000 Toluene for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv®*3 1 L AR 1.574.000

1.08389.2500 Toluene for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv®*3 2.5 L AR 3.280.000

1.08389.4004 Toluene for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv®*3 4X4L AR 20.991.000

1.08327.1000 Toluene for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv®*3 1 L AR 1.626.000

1.08327.2500 Toluene for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv®*3 2.5 L AR 3.388.000

1.08327.4000 Toluene for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv®*3 4 L AR 5.421.000

1.08331.1000 Toluene for spectroscopy Uvasol®*3 1 L AR 2.091.000

8.08230.0100 4-Toluenesulfonamide for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

1.09613.0100 Toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 100 g AR 535.000

8.14725.0100 Toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate for synthesis 100 g LSS 385.000

8.08326.0250 4-Toluenesulfonyl chloride for synthesis 250 g LSS 375.000

1.08310.0250 o-Toluidine GR for analysis 250 mL Non Kit 947.000

1.08310.1000 o-Toluidine GR for analysis 1 L Non Kit 2.709.000

1.10841.0050 p-Toluidine GR for analysis 50 g Non Kit 2.483.000

8.08264.0100 Toluylene diisocyanate (mixture of isomers) for synthesis 100 g LSS 475.000

8.08264.0500 Toluylene diisocyanate (mixture of isomers) for synthesis 500 mL LSS 1.162.000

1.12979.0001 Total dietary fiber Kit reagent kit for 100 determinations 1 ST Non Kit 5.769.000

8.08614.0100 2,4,6-Triamino-1,3,5-triazine for synthesis 100 g LSS 418.000

8.08388.0025 1,2,4-Triazole for synthesis 25 g LSS 667.000

8.18604.1000 Tributyl phosphate for synthesis 1 L LSS 832.000

1.00807.0100 Trichloroacetic acid for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g AR 937.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.00807.0250 Trichloroacetic acid for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 943.000

1.00807.1000 Trichloroacetic acid for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 2.725.000

1.00958.1000 Trichloroethylene EMPLURA® 1 L AR 875.000

1.11872.1000 Trichloroethylene for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 L AR 1.321.000

1.11872.2500 Trichloroethylene for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 2.358.000

8.18469.0100 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 488.000

1.09609.0005 n-Tridecane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

8.08352.0100 Triethylamine for synthesis 100 g LSS 360.000

8.08352.0500 Triethylamine for synthesis 500 mL LSS 469.000

8.08352.1000 Triethylamine for synthesis 1 L LSS 505.000

8.08245.1000 Triethylene glycol for synthesis 1 L LSS 577.000

1.08218.0050 Trifluoroacetic acid (25% solution in water) for protein sequenation 50 mL AR 1.928.000

1.08178.0050 Trifluoroacetic acid for protein sequence analysis 50 ML AR 1.304.000

1.08262.0025 Trifluoroacetic acid for spectroscopy Uvasol® 25 ML AR 936.000

1.08262.0100 Trifluoroacetic acid for spectroscopy Uvasol® 100 mL AR 2.925.000

8.08260.0025 Trifluoroacetic acid for synthesis 25 mL LSS 318.000

8.08260.0100 Trifluoroacetic acid for synthesis 100 mL LSS 959.000

1.12513.0010 Trifluoroacetic anhydride for gas chromatography 10 mL Chrom 1.871.000

8.08261.0025 Trifluoroacetic anhydride for synthesis 25 mL LSS 632.000

1.08450.1000 Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid in anhydrous acetic acid c (CF3SO

3H) = 0.1 mol/l

TitriPUR®1 L AR 1.942.000

1.11805.0005 2,2,2-Trifluoro-N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)acetamide for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 2.654.000

8.14505.0500 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene for synthesis 500 mL LSS 832.000

1.09771.0005 N-(Trimethylsilyl)imidazole for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 2.061.000

8.18818.0100 3-(Trimethoxysilyl)-1-propanethiol for synthesis 100 mL LSS 1.100.000

1.08652.0001 3-(Trimethylsilyl)propionic acid-D4 sodium salt deuteration degree min. 98% for NMR spectroscopy MagniSolv™

1 G AR 2.021.000

8.08649.0100 Trioctylamine for synthesis 100 mL LSS 598.000

8.21196.0050 Triphenylmethanol for synthesis 50 g LSS 1.076.000

1.10238.0005 2,4,6-Tri(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine for analysis 5 g Non Kit 2.056.000

1.02408.0080 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane volumetric standard, secondary reference material for acidimetry, traceable to NIST Standard Reference Material (SRM) CertiPUR®

80 g AR 1.778.000

1.08603.1000 Triton® X-100 for analysis 1 L AR 1.559.000

1.12298.0101 Triton® X-100 for gas chromatography 100 mL Chrom 1.281.000

1.12298.1001 Triton® X-100 for gas chromatography 1 l Chrom 5.457.000

8.14378.0005 Tropolone for synthesis 5 g LSS 3.219.000

1.08350.0001 Trypsin (porcine pancreas) lyophylized for biochemistry EC 1 g LSS 2.882.000

1.70244.0500 Tungsten standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST (NH4)2WO

4 in H

2O 1000

mg/l W CertiPUR®500 mL AR 1.568.000

1.00582.0100 Tungstophosphoric acid hydrate cryst. extra pure 100 G AR 1.820.000

1.00583.0100 Tungstophosphoric acid hydrate for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 2.300.000

1.00583.0250 Tungstophosphoric acid hydrate for analysis EMSURE® 250 g AR 4.813.000

1.00659.0100 Tungstosilicic acid hydrate for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 2.140.000

8.22184.0500 Tween® 20 for synthesis 500 mL LSS 828.000

8.22184.1000 Tween® 20 for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.251.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

8.22185.0500 Tween® 40 for synthesis 500 mL LSS 866.000

8.22186.1000 Tween® 60 for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.388.000

8.22187.0500 Tween® 80 for synthesis 500 mL LSS 746.000

8.22187.1000 Tween® 80 for synthesis 1 L LSS 1.668.000

1.09795.0100 n-Undecane for analysis EMSURE® 100 mL AR 2.012.000

1.09794.0005 n-Undecane reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.076.000

1.08462.0100 Uranine AP (C.I. 45350) concentrated for the examination of subterranean waters 100 G AR 779.000

1.08487.0500 Urea GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g Non Kit 678.000

1.08487.1000 Urea GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 1.052.000

1.08487.5000 Urea GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg Non Kit 4.430.000

1.08160.0001 UV-VIS Standard 1: Potassium dichromate solution for absorbance according to Ph Eur

8 x 10 mL ampul

AR 4.260.000

1.08161.0001 UV-VIS Standard 2: Sodium nitrite solution for stray light testing according to Ph Eur

3 x 10 mL ampul

AR 4.260.000

1.08165.0001 UV-VIS Standard 5: Toluene solution in n-hexane for testing of the resolution power acc. to Ph Eur

8 x 10 mL ampul

AR 5.544.000

8.08518.0005 1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (stabilized with N,N'-di-sec-butyl-1,4-phenylenediamine) for synthesis

5 mL LSS 459.000

8.08697.1000 o-Xylene for synthesis 1 kg LSS 895.000

1.09798.0005 o-Xylene reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.474.000

1.08684.1000 p-Xylene for analysis EMSURE® ISO 1 L AR 1.151.000

1.08684.2500 p-Xylene for analysis EMSURE® ISO 2.5 L AR 2.399.000

8.08691.1000 p-Xylene for synthesis 1 L LSS 656.000

1.09799.0005 p-Xylene reference substance for gas chromatography 5 mL Chrom 3.329.000

8.15005.0010 p-Xylene-D10 deuteration degree min. 99.5% for NMR spectroscopy MagniSolv™ 10 mL AR 4.443.000

1.08498.0500 Vanadate-molybdate reagent for determination of phosphate 500 mL Non Kit 468.000

1.70388.0100 Vanadium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST NH4VO

3 in HNO

3 15% 10000

mg/l V CertiPUR®100 ML AR 5.231.000

1.09994.0001 Vanadium standard 1000 mg V, (VOSO4 in 8.6% H


4) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 956.000

1.70245.0100 Vanadium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NH4VO

3 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l V CertiPUR®100 mL AR 588.000

1.70245.0500 Vanadium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NH4VO

3 in HNO

3 0.5

mol/l 1000 mg/l V CertiPUR®500 mL AR 824.000

8.08505.0100 Vanadium(IV) oxide acetylacetonate for synthesis 100 g LSS 1.699.000

1.00824.0250 Vanadium(V) oxide extra pure 250 g AR 4.621.000

8.41025.0050 Vanillic acid for synthesis 50 g LSS 1.575.000

8.18718.0100 Vanillin for synthesis 100 g LSS 536.000

8.03184.0100 Vinyl acetate (stabilised) for synthesis 100 mL LSS 385.000

8.08518.0250 1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (stabilized with N,N'-di-sec-butyl-1,4-phenylenediamine) for synthesis

250 mL LSS 681.000

1.08641.0001 Water detection paste 150 g AR 748.000

1.16754.5000 Water for analysis EMSURE® 5 L AR 764.000

1.15333.1000 Water for chromatography LiChrosolv® 1 L AR 421.000

1.15333.2500 Water for chromatography LiChrosolv® 2.5 L AR 740.000

1.00473.5000 Water for inorganic trace analysis Tracepur® 5 L AR 7.712.000

1.01051.5000 Water for on-line analysis 5 L Non Kit 462.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.88050.0010 Water Standard 0.01 % Standard for coulometric Karl Fischer Titration 1 g «» 0.1 mg H

2O apura®

10 x 8 mL ampul

AR 1.333.000

1.88051.0010 Water standard 0.1% Standard for coulometric Karl Fischer Titration 1 g «» 1 mg H

2O apura®

10 x 8 mL ampul

AR 1.386.000

1.88052.0010 Water standard 1% Standard for volumetric Karl Fischer Titration 1 g «» 10 mg H

2O apura®

10 x 8 mL ampul

AR 1.386.000

1.09259.0250 Water standard 5 mg/ml (1 ml contains 5 mg H2O) apura® 250 mL AR 1.208.000

1.88055.0010 Water standard oil standard for oil samples for coulometric Karl Fischer Titration (15-30 ppm) apura®

10 X 8 MLAMP

AR 2.128.000

1.88054.0005 Water Standard Oven 1% solid standard for KF oven method apura® 5 g AR 1.525.000

1.01262.1000 Water Ultrapur 1 L AR 3.631.000

4.80112.2500 Water with 0.1 (v/v) Trifluoroacetic Acid 2,5 L AR 742.000

1.09163.1000 Wijs solution for determination of the iodine number c(ICl) = 0.1 mol/l TitriPUR® 1 L AR 1.016.000

1.09163.2500 Wijs solution for determination of the iodine number c(ICl) = 0.1 mol/l TitriPUR® 2.5 L AR 1.157.000

1.06710.0001 Withdrawal system for stainless steel barrels and drums with threaded adapter and flexible lines, for gas pressurizing, additionally necessary: dip tube suit the particular type of container

1 SET AR 37.051.000

1.01114.0001 Withdrawal system for solvents with manual pressure build-up for 10 l and 25 l stainless steel drums with 2" connection

1 unit AR 10.047.000

1.08661.1000 Xylene for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag.Ph Eur 1 L AR 844.000

1.08661.2500 Xylene for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag.Ph Eur 2.5 L AR 1.758.000

1.08677.0001 Xylenol orange tetrasodium salt metal indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 g AR 1.560.000

1.08677.0005 Xylenol orange tetrasodium salt metal indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g AR 3.103.000

1.12412.0025 Yttrium oxide 99+ 25 g AR 3.061.000

1.19809.0500 Yttrium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Y(NO3)3 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Y CertiPUR®500 mL AR 824.000

1.08756.0250 Zinc coarse powder for analysis suitable for filling of reductors, particle size about 0.3- 1.5 mm (14-50 mesh ASTM) EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur

250 g AR 2.661.000

1.08756.1000 Zinc coarse powder for analysis suitable for filling of reductors, particle size about 0.3- 1.5 mm (14-50 mesh ASTM) EMSURE® Reag. Ph Eur

1 kg AR 6.713.000

1.08802.0250 Zinc acetate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 250 g AR 670.000

1.08802.1000 Zinc acetate dihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS 1 kg AR 1.674.000

8.18631.0250 Zinc bromide anhydrous for synthesis 250 g LSS 1.133.000

1.08816.0250 Zinc chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g AR 703.000

1.08816.1000 Zinc chloride for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.758.000

1.08755.1000 Zinc granular extra pure particle size about 3-8 mm 1 KG AR 2.101.000

1.08780.0500 Zinc granular for analysis, particle size about 3-8 mm EMSURE® ISO 500 g AR 2.093.000

1.08780.1000 Zinc granular for analysis, particle size about 3-8 mm EMSURE® ISO 1 kg AR 2.826.000

1.70369.0100 Zinc ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Zn(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 1000 mg/l

Zn CertiPUR®100 mL AR 2.783.000

1.70389.0100 Zinc ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST Zn(NO3)2 in HNO

3 2-3% 10000

mg/l Zn CertiPUR®100 ML AR 5.498.000

1.08828.0025 Zinc iodide for analysis EMSURE® 25 G AR 1.317.000

1.05445.0500 Zinc iodide starch solution for analysis 500 ML AR 804.000

1.08833.1000 Zinc nitrate tetrahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 1 kg AR 2.448.000

1.08849.0500 Zinc oxide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 1.139.000

1.08849.1000 Zinc oxide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.426.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.08789.0500 Zinc powder for analysis particle size < 45 µm EMSURE® 500 g AR 1.318.000

1.08789.1000 Zinc powder for analysis particle size < 45 µm EMSURE® 1 kg AR 2.257.000

1.09953.0001 Zinc standard 1000 mg Zn, (ZnCl2 in 0.06% HCl) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 804.000

1.19806.0100 Zinc standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Zn(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Zn CertiPUR®100 mL AR 618.000

1.19806.0500 Zinc standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST Zn(NO3)2 in HNO

3 0.5 mol/l

1000 mg/l Zn CertiPUR®500 mL AR 857.000

1.08883.0500 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g AR 661.000

1.08883.1000 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg AR 1.017.000

1.08883.9050 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 50 kg AR 33.059.000

1.08879.1000 Zinc sulfate solution c(ZnSO4) = 0.1 mol/l TitriPUR® 1 L AR 747.000

1.09991.0001 Zinc sulfate solution for 1000 ml, c(ZnSO4) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 M) Titrisol® 1 ampul AR 598.000

1.02409.0100 Zinc volumetric standard, secondary reference material for complexometry, traceable to NIST SRM CertiPUR®

100 g AR 1.813.000

1.08739.0001 Zincon for the photometric determination of copper and zinc 1 g Non Kit 994.000

1.08739.0005 Zincon for the photometric determination of copper and zinc 5 g Non Kit 3.385.000

1.70234.0100 Zirconium standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST ZrOCl2 in HCl 2 mol/l 1000 mg/l Zr CertiPUR®

100 mL AR 1.343.000

8.08913.0250 Zirconium(IV) chloride anhydrous, for synthesis 250 g LSS 783.000

1.08917.0100 Zirconium(IV) oxide chloride octahydrate for analysis EMSURE® 100 g AR 3.023.000

1* Difficult To Ship2* BBO API3* item Prekursor


Page 118: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Label Produk

Fitur Produk

Bahan Kimia Laboratorium

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

Pelabelan produk yang aman sangat penting.

Itulah mengapa Merck Millipore menggunakan

label khusus yang tahan terhadap sebagian besar

bahan kimia. Label PE juga digunakan dalam

kasus tertentu. Label kami tahan terhadap abrasi

dan pemalsuan. Label diberi lem khusus yang

dikembangkan untuk digunakan di sektor kimia dan

dengan masing-masing kemasan. Semua bahan

kimia kami berlabel GHS. Pada tanggal 1 Juni 2015,

semua campuran juga akan menampilkan label

GHS. Label Merck Millipore mengandung berbagai

informasi yang berguna tentang produk kami.

GHS - harmonisasi sistem pelabelan bahan kimia secara global

GHS merupakan singkatan dari Globally Harmonized

System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (Sistem

Harmonisasi Global dalam Klasifikasi dan Pelabelan Bahan

Kimia) . Tujuan dari GHS adalah untuk mengharmonisasi

beragam klasifikasi sistem pelabelan yang ada di seluruh


GHS menawarkan basis evaluasi sifat senyawa secara global

untuk pertama kalinya. Sistem harmonisasi ini mendefinisikan

kriteria untuk klasifikasi dan pelabelan, termasuk pelabelan

bahan berbahaya, dan persyaratan untuk pembuatan Lembar

Data Keselamatan.

Product speci"cations

Empirical formulas | Density | Molar mass

Hazard pictograms

H (hazard) and P (precautionary)




Trade name

UN number

Lot number

Order number Minimum

shelf life

EC index


Content of

one package

Item name

Grade / Application


EAN 13



Page 119: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan (Staining Kit)


Page 120: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Decalcifier:OSTEOMOLL® and OSTEOSOFT® Dalam prosedur rutin untuk jaringan keras histologi membutuhkan dekalsifikasi

untuk pemeriksaan mikroskopis optik sebelum proses rutin lanjut. Oleh karena semua

larutan transparan, sulit untuk membedakan larutan decalcifier dari larutan yang

digunakan untuk memperbaiki, membilas, dan dehidrasi. Larutan decalcifier dari

Merck Millipore yang berbasis kode-warna memecahkan masalah ini. OSTEOMOLL ®

untuk semua jenis jaringan keras yang secara rutin digunakan dan OSTEOSOFT® untuk

dekalsifikasi lembut jaringan yang mengandung kalsium.

Staining mikrobakteri: Tb-colorTb-color merupakan staining kit untuk analisis mikroskopis mikobakteri. Teknik

pewarnaan Tb-color didasarkan pada metode Ziehl Neelsen-yang dimodifikasi dan

dikarakterisasi oleh fakta bahwa larutan fuchsin carbol tidak perlu dipanaskan.

Dengan demikian, pelepasan uap beracun fenol dihindari.

ISOSLIDE® control slidesISOSLIDE® adalah kelompok produk untuk membantu mengoptimalkan dan

menstandardisasi hasil staining dengan memungkinkan perbandingan langsung dari

bahan kontrol khas dengan spesimen laboratorium-internal. ISOSLIDE® control slides

terdiri dari slide mikroskop dengan bagian parafin yang mengandung struktur khas

metode pengujian yang akan digunakan. Control slide disusun dengan menggunakan

bagian dari bahan hewani yang sesuai. Setiap pak ISOSLIDE® control slides berisi

25 slide. Satu slide ini diwarnai dengan metode referensi dan digunakan untuk


Fitur Produk

Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan (Staining Kit)

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

OSTEOMOLL ® (biru) No. Kat. 101736

OSTEOSOFT® (kuning) No. Kat. 101728

TB-Fluor phenol-free No. Kat. 101597

ISOSLIDE® Reticulin Control Slides Kit

No. Kat. 1.00361.0001

Produk-produk mikroskopi untuk mendukung kesuksesan AndaCytology, Hematology, Histology, Microbiology dyes dan Stain


Page 121: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:*1 Item prekusor*2 BBO API*3 Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Harga (Rp) 2013

1.15931.0025 Acridine orange zinc chloride double salt (C.I.46005) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 5.396.000

1.05234.0010 Alcian blue 8 GX (C.I.74240) for microscopy Certistain® 10 gr Micros. 7.015.000

1.01647.0500 Alcian blue solution for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 1.978.000

1.01167.0025 Amido black 10 B (C.I. 20470) for electrophoresis 25 gr Micros. 1.349.000

1.01167.0100 Amido black 10 B (C.I. 20470) for electrophoresis 100 gr Micros. 2.361.000

1.01167.1000 Amido black 10 B (C.I. 20470) for electrophoresis 1 kg Micros. 20.235.000

1.08562.0050 Aquatex® (aqueous mounting agent) for microscopy 50 mL Micros. 443.880

1.01301.0050 Auramine O (C.I. 41000) for microscopy 50 gr Micros. 809.000

1.15213.0001 Auto-Hemacolor® Staining set for automatic blood smear staining with the HEMA-TEK Slide Stainer

1 pack Micros. 3.651.000

1.09211.0010 Azure II (C.I. 52010/52015) for microscopy 10 gr Micros. 842.000

1.09211.1000 Azure II (C.I. 52010/52015) for microscopy 1 kg Micros. 36.828.000

1.01384.0100 Brilliant cresyl blue solution for the staining of reticulocytes and trichomonads for microscopy

100 mL Micros. 507.600

1.01368.0025 Brilliant cresyl blue zinc chloride double salt for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 5.342.000

1.01374.0025 Brilliant green (hydrogen sulfate) (C.I. 42040) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 931.000

1.11373.0100 Buffer tablets pH 6.4 for preparing buffer solution acc. to WEISE for the staining of blood smears

100 tablet Micros. 2.022.000

1.11374.0100 Buffer tablets pH 6.8 for preparing buffer solution acc. to WEISE for the staining of blood smears

100 tablet Micros. 1.426.680

1.09468.0100 Buffer tablets pH 7.2 for preparing buffer solution acc. to WEISE for staining of blood smears

100 tablet Micros. 1.415.000

1.01691.0025 Canada balsam for microscopy 25 mL Micros. 994.680

1.01691.0100 Canada balsam for microscopy 100 mL Micros. 3.125.000

1.15933.0005 Carmine (C.I. 75470) (calcium-aluminium lacquer of carminic acid) for microscopy Certistain®

5 gr Micros. 1.216.080

1.15933.0025 Carmine (C.I. 75470) (calcium-aluminium lacquer of carminic acid) for microscopy Certistain®

25 gr Micros. 5.342.000

1.00211.0005 Carminic acid (C.I. 75470) GR for analysis and for microscopy 5 gr Micros. 5.828.000

1.01641.0001 Congo Red staining kit Kit for detection of amyloid acc. to Highman 1 pack Micros. 2.901.000

1.05235.0025 Cresyl violet (acetate) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 7.555.000

1.15940.0025 Crystal violet (C.I. 42555) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 712.000

1.15940.0100 Crystal violet (C.I. 42555) for microscopy Certistain® 100 gr Micros. 1.246.000

1.15940.1000 Crystal violet (C.I. 42555) for microscopy Certistain® 1 kg Micros. 18.697.000

1.15355.0001 Cytological standard stain acc. to Szczepanik for microscopy CYTOCOLOR® 1 pack Micros. 4.351.000

1.02924.0001 DAB-buffer tablets for immunohistochemistry 50 tablet Micros. 3.257.000

1.24653.0100 4',6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI) for microscopy 100 gr Micros. 5.396.000

1.07907.0001 DNA staining kit according to Feulgen 1 pack Micros. 3.033.000

1.01979.0500 DPX non-aqueous mounting medium for microscopy Micros. 1.065.000

1.15974.0002 Elastica van Gieson staining kit for connective tissue 1 pack Micros. 6.329.000

1.00869.0500 Entellan® new for cover slipper for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 1.420.000

1.07961.0100 Entellan® new rapid mounting medium for microscopy 100 mL Micros. 464.000

1.07961.0500 Entellan® new rapid mounting medium for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 1.605.000

1.07960.0500 Entellan® rapid mounting medium for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 1.529.280

1.15934.0025 Eosin B (bluish) (C.I.45400) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 1.794.000

1.15934.0100 Eosin B (bluish) (C.I.45400) for microscopy Certistain® 100 gr Micros. 5.244.480


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catatan kaki:*1 Item prekusor*2 BBO API*3 Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Harga (Rp) 2013

1.15935.0025 Eosin Y (yellowish) (C.I. 45380) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 1.180.000

1.15935.0100 Eosin Y (yellowish) (C.I. 45380) for microscopy Certistain® 100 gr Micros. 3.777.000

1.15935.1000 Eosin Y (yellowish) (C.I. 45380) for microscopy Certistain® 1 kg Micros. 19.831.000

1.02439.0500 Eosin Y-solution 0.5% alcoholic for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 814.000

1.02439.2500 Eosin Y-solution 0.5% alcoholic for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 2.442.000

1.09844.1000 Eosin Y-solution 0.5% aqueous for microscopy 1 L Micros. 1.163.000

1.09844.2500 Eosin Y-solution 0.5% aqueous for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 2.442.000

1.15936.0010 Erythrosine B (C.I. 45430) for microscopy Certistain® 10 gr Micros. 809.000

1.15936.0025 Erythrosine B (C.I. 45430) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 989.280

1.15936.1000 Erythrosine B (C.I. 45430) for microscopy Certistain® 1 kg Micros. 48.565.000

1.04022.0025 Fast green FCF (C.I. 42053) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 2.698.000

1.24546.0250 Fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate (FITC) for biochemistry and for fluorescence microscopy

250 gr Micros. 2.968.000

1.00496.5000 Formaldehyde solution 4% buffered (pH 6.9), for histology*2 5 L Micros. OAP

1.00496.9010 Formaldehyde solution 4% buffered (pH 6.9), for histology*2 10 L Micros. OAP

1.00496.9011 Formaldehyde solution 4% buffered (pH 6.9), for histology*2 10 L Micros. OAP

1.03999.1000 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% free from acid stabilized with about 10% methanol and calcium carbonate for histology

1 L Micros. 845.000

1.03999.2500 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% free from acid stabilized with about 10% methanol and calcium carbonate for histology

2,5 L Micros. 1.690.000

1.03999.9025 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% free from acid stabilized with about 10% methanol and calcium carbonate for histology

25 L Micros. 8.449.000

1.04003.1000 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

1 L Micros. 672.000

1.04003.2500 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

2,5 L Micros. 1.278.000

1.04003.5000 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

5 L Micros. 2.354.000

1.04003.9025 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS,Reag. Ph Eur

25 L Micros. 6.725.000

1.15937.0025 Fuchsin (C.I. 42510) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 1.133.000

1.15937.0100 Fuchsin (C.I. 42510) for microscopy Certistain® 100 gr Micros. 2.833.000

1.15937.1000 Fuchsin (C.I. 42510) for microscopy Certistain® 1 kg Micros. 21.045.000

1.05231.0025 Fuchsin acid (C.I. 42685) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 1.435.000

1.09204.0100 Giemsa's azur eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy 100 mL Micros. 427.000

1.09204.0500 Giemsa's azur eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 817.000

1.09204.1000 Giemsa's azur eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy 1 L Micros. 1.278.000

1.09204.2500 Giemsa's azur eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 2.130.000

1.09204.9025 Giemsa's azur eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy 25 L Micros. 28.400.000

1.09204.1022 Giemsa's azur eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy Micros. 21.300.000

1.09203.0025 Giemsa's azur-eosin-methylene blue for microscopy 25 gr Micros. 1.781.000

1.09203.0100 Giemsa's azur-eosin-methylene blue for microscopy 100 gr Micros. 5.828.000

1.09203.1000 Giemsa's azur-eosin-methylene blue for microscopy 1 kg Micros. 19.426.000

1.04239.0250 Glutardialdehyde solution 25% for electron microscopy 250 mL Micros. 1.044.000

1.04239.1000 Glutardialdehyde solution 25% for electron microscopy 1 L Micros. 1.857.000

1.04239.2500 Glutardialdehyde solution 25% for electron microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 5.802.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Harga (Rp) 2013

1.12179.0025 Glutardialdehyde solution 25% for electron microscopy, acc. to P.J. Anderson (purified and filled under nitrogen)

25 mL Micros. 2.321.000

1.12179.0100 Glutardialdehyde solution 25% for electron microscopy, acc. to P.J. Anderson (purified and filled under nitrogen)

100 mL Micros. 5.802.000

1.04095.0250 Glycerol for fluorescence microscopy 250 mL Micros. 1.542.000

1.01603.0001 Gram-Color modified (phenol-free) staining kit for Gram staining method on bacteriological smears

1 pack Micros. 3.338.000

1.11885.0001 Gram-color Stain set for the Gram staining method 1 pack Micros. 2.876.000

1.09218.0500 Gram's crystal violet solution for the Gram staining method 500 mL Micros. 507.600

1.09218.1022 Gram's crystal violet solution for the Gram staining method Micros. 12.139.000

1.09218.2500 Gram's crystal violet solution for the Gram staining method 2,5 L Micros. 1.639.000

1.10218.0500 Gram's decolorizing solution for the Gram staining method 500 mL Micros. 698.000

1.10218.2500 Gram's decolorizing solution for the Gram staining method 2,5 L Micros. 1.884.000

1.09217.0500 Gram's safranine solution for the Gram staining method 500 mL Micros. 656.000

1.09217.2500 Gram's safranine solution for the Gram staining method 2,5 L Micros. 1.770.000

1.11955.2500 Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear Solution 1: fixing solution 2,5 L Micros. 2.069.000

1.11956.2500 Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear Solution 2 colour reagent red 2,5 L Micros. 2.069.000

1.11957.2500 Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear Solution 3 colour reagent blue 2,5 L Micros. 2.069.000

1.11661.0001 Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear staining set for microscopy 1 pack Micros. 1.972.000

1.11674.0001 Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear staining set for microscopy 1 pack Micros. 1.183.000

1.11487.0025 Hematein (C.I. 75290) for microscopy 25 gr Micros. 7.285.000

1.12084.0001 Hematognost Fe® staining kit for the detection of free ionic iron (Fe3+) in cells 1 pack Micros. 2.069.000

1.04302.0025 Hematoxylin cryst. (C.I. 75290) for microscopy 25 gr Micros. 2.293.000

1.04302.0100 Hematoxylin cryst. (C.I. 75290) for microscopy 100 gr Micros. 8.094.000

1.04302.1000 Hematoxylin cryst. (C.I. 75290) for microscopy 1 kg Micros. 64.753.000

1.15938.0025 Hematoxylin monohydrate (C.I.75290) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 2.307.000

1.15938.0100 Hematoxylin monohydrate (C.I.75290) for microscopy Certistain® 100 gr Micros. 8.499.000

1.15938.1000 Hematoxylin monohydrate (C.I.75290) for microscopy Certistain® 1 kg Micros. 58.278.000

1.05175.0500 Hematoxylin solution modified acc. to Gill II for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 747.360

1.05175.2500 Hematoxylin solution modified acc. to Gill II for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 2.769.000

1.05174.0500 Hematoxylin solution modified acc. to Gill III for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 788.400

1.05174.1000 Hematoxylin solution modified acc. to Gill III for microscopy 1 L Micros. 1.569.000

1.05174.2500 Hematoxylin solution modified acc. to Gill III for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 2.769.000

1.15161.2504 Histosec® pastilles (without DMSO) solidification point 56-58°C embedding agent for histology

4 x 2,5 kg Micros. 3.124.000

1.15161.9025 Histosec® pastilles (without DMSO) solidification point 56-58°C embedding agent for histology

25 kg Micros. 6.248.000

1.11609.2504 Histosec® pastilles solidification point 56-58°C embedding agent for histology 4 x 2,5 kg Micros. 3.526.000

1.11609.9025 Histosec® pastilles solidification point 56-58°C embedding agent for histology 25 kg Micros. 6.248.000

1.00327.1000 Hydrochloric acid in ethanol for microscopy 1 L Micros. 2.522.000

1.00327.5000 Hydrochloric acid in ethanol for microscopy 5 L Micros. 2.783.000

1.15577.0100 Immersion oil acc. to ISO 8036 modified for microscopy 100 mL Micros. 937.000

1.04699.0100 Immersion oil for microscopy 100 mL Micros. 430.000

1.04699.0500 Immersion oil for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 1.184.000

1.04699.9023 Immersion oil for microscopy Micros. 25.290.000

1.09242.0100 Kaiser's glycerol gelatine for microscopy 100 gr Micros. 644.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Harga (Rp) 2013

1.13741.0100 Lactophenol blue solution for staining fungi 100 mL Micros. 454.000

1.05387.0500 Leishman's eosin methylene blue solution modified for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 556.200

1.05387.1022 Leishman's eosin methylene blue solution modified for microscopy Micros. 20.286.000

1.01350.0010 Leishman's eosine methylene blue for microscopy 10 gr Micros. 863.000

1.16300.0002 LEUCOGNOST® ALPA Detection of the alkaline leukocyte phosphatase activity in leukocytes

1 pack Micros. 2.568.240

1.16305.0001 LEUCOGNOST® Basis kit for diagnosis of leukemia 1 pack Micros. 4.368.000

1.16301.0002 LEUCOGNOST® EST Detection of the alpha naphthyl acetate esterase reaction in leukocytes

1 pack Micros. 2.636.280

1.12327.0500 LEUCOGNOST® Fixing Mixture for enzyme cytochemistry 500 mL Micros. 680.400

1.16302.0002 LEUCOGNOST® PAS Detection of the periodic acid-Schiff reaction in leukocytes*5 1 pack Micros. 2.691.360

1.16303.0002 LEUCOGNOST® POX Detection of the peroxidase reaction in leukocytes 1 pack Micros. 2.155.680

1.16304.0002 LEUCOGNOST® SP Detection of the acid phosphatase reaction in leukocytes 1 pack Micros. 4.704.000

1.16198.0001 LEUCOGNOST®-NASDCL Detection of naphthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase in granulocytes

1 pack Micros. 9.610.000

1.15941.0025 Light green SF yellowish (C.I. 42095) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 1.754.000

1.15941.0100 Light green SF yellowish (C.I. 42095) for microscopy Certistain® 100 gr Micros. 6.576.000

1.01287.0100 Löffler's methylene blue solution for microscopy 100 mL Micros. 379.000

1.01287.0500 Löffler's methylene blue solution for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 513.000

1.01287.2500 Löffler's methylene blue solution for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 1.897.000

1.09261.1000 Lugol's solution (diluted iodine-potassium iodide solution) for the Gram staining method

1 L Micros. 728.000

1.09261.2500 Lugol's solution (diluted iodine-potassium iodide solution) for the Gram staining method

2,5 L Micros. 1.457.000

1.00567.1000 Lugol's solution stabilized with PVP for the Gram staining 1 L Micros. 1.093.000

1.00567.2500 Lugol's solution stabilized with PVP for the Gram staining 2,5 L Micros. 2.185.000

1.01398.0025 Malachite green oxalate (C.I. 42000) for microscopy and for microbiology 25 gr Micros. 648.000

1.01398.0100 Malachite green oxalate (C.I. 42000) for microscopy and for microbiology 100 gr Micros. 1.554.000

1.01398.1000 Malachite green oxalate (C.I. 42000) for microscopy and for microbiology 1 kg Micros. 11.656.000

1.15942.0025 Malachite green oxalate (C.I. 42000) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 659.880

1.15942.0100 Malachite green oxalate (C.I. 42000) for microscopy Certistain® 100 gr Micros. 1.473.000

1.15942.1000 Malachite green oxalate (C.I. 42000) for microscopy Certistain® 1 kg Micros. 12.627.000

1.00485.0001 Masson-Goldner staining kit for the visualization of connective tissue with trichromic staining

1 pack Micros. 6.857.000

1.09249.0500 Mayer's hemalum solution for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 677.160

1.09249.1000 Mayer's hemalum solution for microscopy 1 L Micros. 1.175.040

1.09249.2500 Mayer's hemalum solution for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 2.769.000

1.09249.1022 Mayer's hemalum solution for microscopy Micros. 13.845.000

1.01352.0025 May-Grünwald's eosin methylene blue for microscopy 25 gr Micros. 1.349.000

1.01352.0100 May-Grünwald's eosin methylene blue for microscopy 100 gr Micros. 3.373.000

1.01352.1000 May-Grünwald's eosin methylene blue for microscopy 1 kg Micros. 24.282.000

1.01424.0100 May-Grünwald's eosine-methylene blue solution modified for microscopy 100 mL Micros. 406.000

1.01424.0500 May-Grünwald's eosine-methylene blue solution modified for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 575.000

1.01424.1000 May-Grünwald's eosine-methylene blue solution modified for microscopy 1 L Micros. 1.217.000

1.01424.2500 May-Grünwald's eosine-methylene blue solution modified for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 2.029.000

1.01424.9025 May-Grünwald's eosine-methylene blue solution modified for microscopy 25 L Micros. 13.524.000


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Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Harga (Rp) 2013

1.03981.1000 Merckofix® spray fixative for cytodiagnosis 1 L Micros. 1.408.000

1.03981.0102 Merckofix® spray fixative for cytodiagnosis 100 mL Micros. 201.000

1.03973.0001 Merckoglas® liquid cover glass for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 1.436.000

1.00820.0001 Methenamine silver plating kit acc. to Gomori for microscopy 1 pack Micros. 4.351.000

1.16316.0050 Methyl blue (C.I. 42780) for microscopy 50 gr Micros. 1.242.000

1.15944.0025 Methyl green zinc chloride double salt (C.I. 42590) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 6.475.000

1.15943.0025 Methylene blue (C.I. 52015) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 992.000

1.15943.0100 Methylene blue (C.I. 52015) for microscopy Certistain® 100gr Micros. 2.172.000

1.06731.1000 Neocarmine MS "Fesago" color reagent for the detection of textile fibres 1 L Micros. 3.845.000

1.06732.1000 Neocarmine W "Fesago" color reagent for the detection of textile fibres 1 L Micros. 4.047.000

1.09843.5000 NEO-CLEAR® (xylene substitute) for microscopy 3,785 L Micros. 1.562.000

1.09016.0500 Neo-Mount® anhydrous mounting medium for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 1.188.000

1.01376.0025 Neutral red (C.I. 50040) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 2.698.000

1.05226.0100 New fuchsin (C.I. 42520) for microscopy Certistain® 100 gr Micros. 4.047.000

1.15924.0025 Nigrosine (C.I. 50420) water-soluble for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 686.880

1.15946.0025 Nile blue (hydrogen sulfate) (C.I. 51180) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 3.777.000

1.24823.0500 Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride (NBT) for microscopy 500 gr Micros. 2.428.000

1.15939.0025 Nuclear fast red (C.I. 60760) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 8.634.000

1.00121.0500 Nuclear fast red-aluminum sulfate solution 0.1% for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 936.000

1.06965.0100 Oil of cedar wood for microscopy 100 mL Micros. 781.000

1.06965.0500 Oil of cedar wood for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 2.343.000

1.05230.0025 Oil red O (C.I. 26125) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 1.079.000

1.15925.0025 Orange G (C.I. 16230) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 693.360

1.07100.0005 Orcein for microscopy Certistain® 5 gr Micros. 1.943.000

1.07100.0025 Orcein for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 7.867.000

1.09266.0005 Osmic acid solution 2% for electron microscopy 5 mL (ampul)

Micros. 1.793.000

1.24505.0100 Osmium(VIII) oxide for microscopy 100 mg Micros. 1.190.160

1.24505.0500 Osmium(VIII) oxide for microscopy 500 mg Micros. 2.690.000

1.24505.0001 Osmium(VIII) oxide for microscopy 1 g Micros. 4.483.000

1.01736.1000 OSTEOMOLL® rapid decalcifier-solution for Histology 1 L Micros. 876.000

1.01728.1000 OSTEOSOFT® mild decalcifier-solution for histology 1 L Micros. 876.000

1.09253.0500 Papanicolaou's solution 1a Harris' hematoxylin solution for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

500 mL Micros. 947.000

1.09253.1000 Papanicolaou's solution 1a Harris' hematoxylin solution for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

1 L Micros. 1.264.680

1.09253.2500 Papanicolaou's solution 1a Harris' hematoxylin solution for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

2,5 L Micros. 3.787.000

1.09254.0500 Papanicolaou's solution 1b Hematoxylin solution S for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

500 mL Micros. 947.000

1.09254.2500 Papanicolaou's solution 1b Hematoxylin solution S for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

2,5 L Micros. 3.787.000

1.06888.0500 Papanicolaou's solution 2a Orange G solution (OG 6) for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

500 mL Micros. 745.200

1.06888.1000 Papanicolaou's solution 2a Orange G solution (OG 6) for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

1 L Micros. 996.840


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Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Harga (Rp) 2013

1.06888.2500 Papanicolaou's solution 2a Orange G solution (OG 6) for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

2,5 L Micros. 2.573.640

1.06888.1022 Papanicolaou's solution 2a Orange G solution (OG 6) for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

Micros. 7.573.000

1.06887.0500 Papanicolaou's solution 2b Orange II solution for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

500 mL Micros. 947.000

1.06887.2500 Papanicolaou's solution 2b Orange II solution for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

2,5 L Micros. 3.787.000

1.09271.0500 Papanicolaou's solution 3a polychromatic solution EA 31 for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

500 mL Micros. 729.000

1.09271.2500 Papanicolaou's solution 3a polychromatic solution EA 31 for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

2,5 L Micros. 3.787.000

1.09272.0500 Papanicolaou's solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50 for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

500 mL Micros. 729.000

1.09272.1000 Papanicolaou's solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50 for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

1 L Micros. 960.120

1.09272.2500 Papanicolaou's solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50 for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

2,5 L Micros. 2.698.000

1.09272.1022 Papanicolaou's solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50 for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

Micros. 7.573.000

1.09270.0100 Papanicolaou's solution 3c Polychromatic solution EA 65 (staining effect: red) for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

100 mL Micros. 473.000

1.09269.0100 Papanicolaou's solution 3d polychromatic solution EA 65 (staining effect: blue-green) for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

100 mL Micros. 473.000

1.09269.2500 Papanicolaou's solution 3d polychromatic solution EA 65 (staining effect: blue-green) for cytological cancer and cycle diagnosis

2,5 L Micros. 3.787.000

1.07164.2504 Paraffin pastilles solidification point about 56-58°C for histology 4 x 2,5 kg Micros. 2.721.600

1.07509.0100 Pararosaniline (chloride) (C.I. 42500) for microscopy Certistain® 100 gr Micros. 5.828.000

1.07509.0025 Pararosaniline (chloride) (C.I. 42500) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 1.630.000

1.01646.0001 PAS staining kit for detection of aldehyde and mucosubstances 1 pack Micros. 2.031.000

1.15926.0025 Phloxin B (C.I. 45410) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 2.833.000

1.00199.0500 Picrofuchsin solution acc. to van Gieson for Microscopy 500 mL Micros. 822.000

1.15927.0025 Ponceau S (C.I. 27195) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 2.266.000

1.07518.0025 Pyronine G (C.I. 45005) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 12.141.000

1.00251.0001 Reticulin silver plating kit acc. to Gordon & Sweets 1 pack Micros. 6.197.000

1.07599.0025 Rhodamine B (C.I. 45170) for microscopy 25 gr Micros. 809.000

1.07599.0100 Rhodamine B (C.I. 45170) for microscopy 100 gr Micros. 2.024.000

1.15948.0025 Safranine O (C.I. 50240) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 2.833.000

1.15332.0001 Sangodiff® G Staining foils for manual staining of blood smears 1 pack Micros. 2.094.000

1.09033.0500 Schiff's reagent for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 609.000

1.09033.2500 Schiff's reagent for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 2.434.000

1.09275.0500 Shorr staining solution for hormonal cytodiagnosis 500 mL Micros. 949.000

1.08000.1000 Sputofluol® for microbiology and microscopy 1 L Micros. 974.000

1.08512.0500 Tb-color carbol fuchsin solution for the microscopic cold staining of mycobacteria

500 mL Micros. 682.000

1.08512.2500 Tb-color carbol fuchsin solution for the microscopic cold staining of mycobacteria

2,5 L Micros. 1.704.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Harga (Rp) 2013

1.10630.0500 Tb-color malachite green (oxalate) solution for the microscopic investigation of mycobacteria (cold staining)

500 mL Micros. 682.000

1.00497.0001 Tb-color modified Staining kit for the detection of mycobacteria (AFB) by hot staining method

1 pack Micros. 2.782.000

1.16450.0001 Tb-color staining kit for the microscopic investigation of mycobacteria (cold staining)

1 pack Micros. 2.603.000

1.01597.0001 TB-Fluor phenol-free Staining kit for the acid-fast smear examination with fluorescence microscopy (Auramin-Rhodamine staining)

1 pack Micros. 4.426.000

1.09093.0001 TB-fluor Staining kit for fluorescence-microscopic detection of acid fast bacteria 1 pack Micros. 3.630.960

1.08103.0005 Tetrazolium blue for microscopy 5 gr Micros. 3.885.000

1.15929.0025 Thionine (acetate) (C.I. 52000) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 6.745.000

1.15930.0025 Toluidine blue O (C.I.52040) for microscopy Certistain® 25 gr Micros. 6.205.000

1.11732.0025 Trypan blue (C.I. 23850) for microscopy 25 gr Micros. 2.833.000

1.09277.0100 Türk's solution for leukocyte counting 100 mL Micros. 548.000

1.09277.0500 Türk's solution for leukocyte counting 500 mL Micros. 842.400

1.02414.0001 Warthin-Starry silver plating kit modified for detection of Helicobacter pylori in paraffin sections

1 pack Micros. 7.648.000

1.15973.0002 Weigert's iron hematoxylin kit for nuclear staining in histology 1 pack Micros. 2.769.000

1.01383.0100 Wright's eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy 100 mL Micros. 408.000

1.01383.0500 Wright's eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 642.000

1.01383.2500 Wright's eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 2.029.000

1.01383.1022 Wright's eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy Micros. 10.143.000

1.09278.0025 Wright's eosine methylene blue for microscopy 25 gr Micros. 1.700.000

1.09278.1000 Wright's eosine methylene blue for microscopy 1 kg Micros. 48.565.000

1.09215.0100 Ziehl-Neelsen carbol-fuchsin solution for microscopy 100 mL Micros. 361.000

1.09215.0500 Ziehl-Neelsen carbol-fuchsin solution for microscopy 500 mL Micros. 760.000

1.09215.2500 Ziehl-Neelsen carbol-fuchsin solution for microscopy 2,5 L Micros. 1.979.640

1.09215.1022 Ziehl-Neelsen carbol-fuchsin solution for microscopy Micros. 6.152.000


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Fitur Produk

Bahan Kimia untuk Pewarnaan (Staining Kit)

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CytologyFokus pada tujuan AndaStaining Papanicolaou dari Merck Millipore untuk semua aplikasi – mudah dan efisien

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Produk Kromatografi

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Fitur Produk

Produk Kromatografi

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

Reagen dan Fase GerakPelarut HPLC LiChrosolv® dan Prepsolv® dari Merck Millipore memastikan hasil pemisahan dengan

kualitas yang sangat baik dan memberikan keamanan terbaik dalam penggunaan pelarut yang

dikombinasikan dengan sistem kemasan dan sistem penarikan pelarut yang dikembangkan secara


Preparasi SampelMerck Millipore menawarkan portofolio produk kualitas terbaik dengan Extrelut ® untuk fase padat

yang didukung ekstraksi cair-cair, LiChrolut ® untuk ekstraksi fase-padat , dan LiChrospher ® ADS

untuk preparasi sampel on-line. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi situs kami di


Thin Layer ChromatographyProduk TLC dan HPTLC dari Merck Millipore: kualitas terbaik, nyaman, mudah digunakan dengan

spektrum luas dari beragam aplikasi. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi situs kami di


HPLC AnalitikMerck Millipore memastikan pemisahan HPLC dan UHPLC yang paling dapat diandalkan dan

reprodusibel dengan menyediakan kolom berdasarkan Chromolith® monolitik, partikulat Purospher®,

Superspher®, LiChrospher®, LiChrosorb®, SeQuant® ZIC-HILIC® zwitterionik dan sorben khusus,

bahkan untuk analisis yang paling menantang. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi situs kami di

www. /analytical-hplc

Gas ChromatographyMerck Millipore menyuplai beragam pelarut GC berkemurnian tinggi (SupraSolv®, UniSolv®),

sorbent untuk GC, reagen derivatisasi dan standar: untuk hasil yang akurat, dapat diandalkan dan

reprodusibel. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi situs kami di

www. /gas-chromatography

Kromatografi dari Merck Millipore


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

Sample Preparation

LiChrolut® Extration Columns, 1 mL Volume Sorbent Mass 100 mg

1.19855.0001 LiChrolut® RP-18 (40 - 63 µm) 100 mg 1 mL Standard PP-Standard 100 Extraction Standard per Package

100 Units 5.493.000

LiChrolut® Extration Columns, 3 mL Volume Sorbent Mass 200 mg

1.19698.0001 LiChrolut® CN 200 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package 50 Units 3.349.000

1.19870.0001 LiChrolut® EN 200 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 30 Extraction Standard per Package 30 Units 2.595.000

1.19693.0001 LiChrolut® EN (40 - 120 µm) 200 mg 3 mL Standard Glass Standard 30 Extraction Standard per Package

30 Units 2.595.000

1.19696.0001 LiChrolut® NH2 (40 - 63 µm) 200 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction

Standard per Package50 Units 5.681.000

1.02014.0001 LiChrolut® RP-18 (40 - 63 µm) 200 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package

50 Units 2.327.000

1.19847.0001 LiChrolut® RP-18 E (40 - 63 µm) 200 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package

50 Units 3.201.000

1.02016.0001 LiChrolut® SCX (40 - 63 µm) 200 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package

50 Units 1.688.000

1.02021.0001 LiChrolut® Si (25 - 40 µm) 200 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package

50 Units 2.629.000

LiChrolut® Extration Columns, 3 mL Volume Sorbent Mass 300 mg

1.19767.0001 LiChrolut® TSC (40 - 63 µm) 300 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package

50 Units 6.085.000

LiChrolut® Extration Columns, 3 mL Volume Sorbent Mass 500 mg

1.19699.0001 LiChrolut® CN 500 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package 50 Units 5.980.000

1.02023.0001 LiChrolut® RP-18 (40 - 63 µm) 500 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package

50 Units 4.321.000

1.19849.0001 LiChrolut® RP-18 E (40 - 63 µm) 500 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package

50 Units 5.232.000

1.02022.0001 LiChrolut® SCX (40 - 63 µm) 500 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package

50 Units 2.968.000

1.02024.0001 LiChrolut® Si (40 - 63 µm) 500 mg 3 mL Standard PP-Standard 50 Extraction Standard per Package

50 Units 4.551.000

LiChrolut® Extration Columns, 6 mL Volume Packaging quantity 1000 mg

1.19912.0001 LiChrolut® EN (40 - 120 µm) 100 mg (Bottom) LiChrolut® RP-18 (40 - 63 µm) 200 mg (Top) 6 mL Standard ...

30 Units 3.492.000

1.19941.0001 LiChrolut® EN (40 - 120 µm) 200 mg 6 mL Standard PP-Standard 30 Extraction Standard per Package

30 Units 4.411.000

1.19691.0001 LiChrolut® EN (40 - 120 µm) 500 mg 6 mL Standard PP-Standard 30 Extraction Standard per Package

30 Units 6.487.000

1.19127.0001 LiChrolut® FloriSil (150 - 250 µm) 1000 mg 6 mL Standard PP-Standard 30 Extraction Columns per Package

30 Units 3.002.000

1.19129.0001 LiChrolut® FloriSil (500 mg / 14 mL-12 cc) 50 Extraction Columns for Sample Preparation

50 Units 5.371.000

1.19687.0001 LiChrolut® RP-18 (40-63 µm) 500 mg 6mL Standard PP-Standard 30 Extraction Standard per Package

30 Units 4.541.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.02122.0001 LiChrolut® RP-18 (40 - 63 µm) 1000 mg 6 mL Standard PP-Standard 30 Extraction Standard per Package

30 Units 5.904.000

1.19686.0001 LiChrolut® RP-18 (40 - 63 µm) 2000 mg 6 mL Standard PP-Standard 30 Extraction Standard per Package

30 Units 9.082.000

LiChrolut® Sorbents

1.19853.0020 LiChrolut® EN (40 - 120 µm) for Solid Phase Extraction In Environmental Analysis 20 g 5.955.000

LiChrolut® Accessories

1.02206.0001 Adapter (PTFE) Luer Inlet for Solvent Reservoir, for LiChrolut® Columns Of Various Sizes 10 Units 3.743.000

1.19874.0001 Disposable Teflon Liner for LiChrolut Vacuum Manifold 100 Units 2.367.000

1.19902.0001 Enrichment Capillaries for Large-Volume Samples 6 Units 1.935.000

1.19891.0001 Frits (PTFE) for 3 mL Glass Columns, PoroSity 10 µm LiChrolut® 100 Units 1.960.000

1.19878.0001 Glass Columns (Empty) 3 mL Compatible with SPE Robot Systems LiChrolut® 54 Units 2.431.000

1.19852.0001 LiChrolut® Drying Unit for Sample Preparation 1 Unit 18.010.000

1.19851.0001 Vacuum Manifold for Sample Preparation LiChrolut® 1 Unit 25.204.000

LiChroCART® Stainless Steel Cartridges ADS

1.50383.0001 LiChroCART® 25-2 LiChrospher® RP-8 ADS HPLC Cartridge, 3 Cartridges 3 Units 19.697.000

1.50380.0001 LiChroCART® 25-2 LiChrospher® RP-4 ADS HPLC Cartridge, 1 Cartridge 1 Unit 7.498.000

1.50382.0001 LiChroCART® 25-2 LiChrospher® RP-8 ADS HPLC Cartridge, 1 Cartridge 1 Unit 7.498.000

1.50385.0001 LiChroCART® 25-2 LiChrospher® RP-18 ADS HPLC Cartridge, 1 Cartridge 1 Unit 7.723.000

1.50381.0001 LiChroCART® 25-2 LiChrospher® RP-4 ADS HPLC Cartridge, 3 Cartridges 3 Units 20.244.000

1.50386.0001 LiChroCART® 25-2 LiChrospher® RP-18 ADS HPLC Cartridge, 3 Cartridges 3 Units 20.851.000

1.50206.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-4 ADS HPLC Cartridge set, contains 1 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-4 ADS 1-manuCART®

1 Set 12.671.000

1.50187.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-18 ADS HPLC Cartridge set, contains 1 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-18 ADS 1-manuCART®

1 Set 13.051.000

1.50207.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-8 ADS HPLC Cartridge set, contains 1 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-8 ADS 1-manuCART®

1 Set 12.671.000

1.50210.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP ADS HPLC Selectivity Kit, Contains 1 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-4 ADS 1 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-8 ADS 1-manuCART® LiChrospher® RP-18 ADS

1 Set 30.215.000

1.50209.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-8 ADS HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 26.317.000

1.50947.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-18 ADS HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 27.106.000

1.50208.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® RP-4 ADS HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 26.317.000

ProteoSpher® Micro-HPLC Column

Extrelut® NT Pre-Packed Columns

1.15094.0001 EXtrelut® NT 1 Pre-Packed Columns for Extraction of Lipophilic Compounds From Aqueous Solutions

100 Units 4.092.000

1.15095.0001 EXtrelut® NT 3 Pre-Packed Columns for Extraction of Lipophilic Compounds From Aqueous Solutions

50 Units 3.457.000

1.15096.0001 EXtrelut® NT 20 Pre-Packed Columns for Extraction of Lipophilic Compounds From Aqueous Solutions

25 Units 6.137.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

Extrelut® NT Packing Material

1.15092.1000 EXtrelut® NT Packing Material for The Production OF Large Extraction Columns 1 kg 5.962.000

1.15093.0001 EXtrelut® NT Refill Pack for Column Fillings EXtrelut® NT 20 50 Units 7.191.000

Extrelut® NT Accessories

1.15373.0001 Exit Cannulasfor EXtrelut® NT 1 and EXtrelut® NT 3 100 Units 732.000

1.15622.0001 EXtrelut® NT Collection Standard with Tapered Bottom and Screw Cap Normal Capacity 15 mL for EXtrelut® NT

30 Units 4.143.000

1.14567.0001 Replacement Filter for EXtrelut® NT 20 HDPE Columns 50 Units 2.381.000

1.14236.0001 Spare Filters for EXtrelut® NT1 Prepacked Glass Columns 100 Units 2.047.000

1.14237.0001 Spare Filters for EXtrelut® NT 3 Prepacked Glass Columns 100 Units 1.861.000


Sorbents LiChrosorb®

1.09335.0100 LiChrosorb® Si 60 (7 µm) 100 g 14.921.000

1.09387.0100 LiChrosorb® Si 60 (10 µm) 100 g 14.484.000

1.09309.0010 LiChrosorb® Si 100 (10 µm) 10 g 1.701.000

1.09309.0100 LiChrosorb® Si 100 (10 µm) 100 g 14.484.000

1.09332.0010 LiChrosorb® RP-8 (5 µm) 10 g 8.438.000

1.09341.0010 LiChrosorb® RP-8 (7 µm) 10 g 7.932.000

1.09318.0010 LiChrosorb® RP-8 (10 µm) 10 g 7.771.000

1.09318.0100 LiChrosorb® RP-8 (10 µm) 100 g 64.558.000

1.09333.0010 LiChrosorb® RP-18 (5 µm) 10 g 8.438.000

1.09334.0010 LiChrosorb® RP-18 (10 µm) 10 g 8.438.000

Sorbents LiChrospher®

1.19640.0010 LiChrospher® Si 60 (5 µm) 10 g 5.104.000

1.19640.0100 LiChrospher® Si 60 (5 µm) 100 g 41.544.000

1.19629.0010 LiChrospher® Si 60 (10 µm) 10 g 5.104.000

1.16129.0010 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (5 µm) 10 g 13.634.000

1.16139.0010 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (10 µm) 10 g 13.634.000

1.19636.0010 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) 10 g 13.657.000

1.19632.0010 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 Endcapped (10 µm) 10 g 13.657.000

1.16177.0010 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) 10 g 13.634.000

1.16105.0010 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (10 µm) 10 g 13.634.000

1.19637.0010 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) 10 g 13.657.000

1.19633.0010 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (10 µm) 10 g 13.657.000

1.16178.0010 LiChrospher® 100 NH2 (5 µm) 10 g 13.634.000

1.19638.0010 LiChrospher® 100 CN (5 µm) 10 g 13.657.000

1.19631.0010 LiChrospher® 100 CN (10 µm) 10 g 12.369.000

1.16152.0010 LiChrospher® 100 Diol (5 µm) 10 g 13.634.000

1.19641.0010 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (5 µm) 10 g 17.473.000

1.19642.0010 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (10 µm) 10 g 15.542.000

1.19642.0100 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (10 µm) 100 g 134.036.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

Sorbents Superspher®

1.19609.0010 Superspher® Si 60 10 g 8.392.000

1.19612.0010 Superspher® 60 RP-8 10 g 15.933.000

1.19617.0010 Superspher® 60 RP-8 Endcapped 10 g 15.933.000

1.19613.0010 Superspher® 100 RP-18 10 g 15.933.000

1.19618.0010 Superspher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped 10 g 15.933.000

1.19643.0010 Superspher® 60 RP-Select B 10 g 20.324.000

Pre-Packed Columns Hibar® RT LiChrosorb®

1.50388.0001 Hibar® 250-4 LiChrosorb® Si 60 (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 9.633.000

1.50432.0001 Hibar® 125-4 LiChrosorb® RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 9.126.000

1.50332.0001 Hibar® 250-4 LiChrosorb® RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 10.140.000

1.50318.0001 Hibar® 250-4 LiChrosorb® RP-8 (10 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 10.140.000

1.50433.0001 Hibar® 125-4 LiChrosorb® RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 9.126.000

1.50333.0001 Hibar® 250-4 LiChrosorb® RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 10.140.000

1.50334.0001 Hibar® 250-4 LiChrosorb® RP-18 (10 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 10.486.000

Pre-Packed Columns Hibar® RT LiChrospher®

1.50316.0001 Hibar® 250-4 LiChrospher® Si 100 (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 8.966.000

1.50329.0001 Hibar® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 9.438.000

1.50477.0001 Hibar® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 8.494.000

1.50377.0001 Hibar® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 9.438.000

1.50546.0001 Hibar® RT 150-4.6 LiChrospher® RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC column 1 Unit 8.494.000

1.50547.0001 Hibar® RT 250-4.6 LiChrospher® RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC column 1 Unit 9.438.000

1.50549.0001 Hibar® RT 150-4.6 Lichrospher® RP-18 endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 8.494.000

1.50550.0001 Hibar® RT 250-4.6 Lichrospher® RP-18 endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 9.438.000

Pre-Packed Columns Hibar® RT Purospher®

1.50033.0001 Hibar® RT 125-4 Purospher® STAR RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 10.376.000

1.50036.0001 Hibar® RT 125-4 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column

1 Unit 10.376.000

1.50035.0001 Hibar® RT 250-4 Purospher® STAR RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 11.529.000

1.50037.0001 Hibar® 250-4 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column 1 Unit 11.529.000

1.51455.0001 Hibar® RT 150-4,6 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column

1 Unit 10.376.000

1.50470.0001 Hibar® RT 150-4.6 Purospher® STAR RP-18 endcapped ( 3 µm ) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column

1 Unit 11.140.000

1.51454.0001 Hibar® RT 250-4.6 Purospher® STAR RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column

1 Unit 11.529.000

1.51456.0001 Hibar® RT 250-4.6 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column

1 Unit 11.529.000

1.56200.0008 Hibar® RT 250-4.6 Purospher® STAR LP RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Ready-to-Use-Column

1 Unit 8.295.000

1.50645.0001 Hibar® HR 30-2.1 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (2 µm) UHPLC column 1 Unit 7.465.000

1.50646.0001 Hibar® HR 50-2.1 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (2 µm) UHPLC column 1 Unit 8.344.000

1.50648.0001 Hibar® HR 100-2.1 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (2 µm) UHPLC column 1 Unit 9.541.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.50649.0001 Hibar® HR 150-2.1 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (2 µm) UHPLC column 1 Unit 12.404.000

1.50651.0001 Hibar® HR 50-2.1 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) UHPLC column 1 Unit 7.705.000

1.50653.0001 Hibar® HR 100-2.1 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) UHPLC column 1 Unit 8.110.000

Pre-Packed Columns MicroCART® Purospher®

1.50374.0001 MicroCART® 150-0.5 Purospher® STAR-18 Endcapped (3 µm) Micro-HPLC-Ready-to-Use-Column

1 Unit 14.264.000

Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® LiChrosorb®

1.51343.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrosorb® Si 60 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 6.140.000

1.51351.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrosorb® Si 60 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.104.000

1.51345.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrosorb® RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 6.597.000

1.51353.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrosorb® RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.611.000

1.51354.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrosorb® RP-8 (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.687.000

1.51349.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrosorb® RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 6.597.000

1.51355.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrosorb® RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.611.000

1.51356.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrosorb® RP-18 (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.611.000

Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® LiChrospher®

1.50148.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® PAH HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.309.000

1.50149.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® PAH HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 11.932.000

1.50156.0001 LiChroCART® 250-3 LiChrospher® PAH HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 12.777.000

1.50955.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® Si 60 (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.160.000

1.50928.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® Si 60 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 5.793.000

1.50820.0001 LiChroCART®125-4 LiChrospher® Si 60 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 6.690.000

1.50830.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® Si 60 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.763.000

1.50840.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® Si 60 (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.763.000

1.50850.0001 LiChroCART® 250-10 LiChrospher® Si 60 (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 21.036.000

1.50158.0001 LiChroCART®125-3 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.964.000

1.50155.0001 LiChroCART® 250-3 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.002.000

1.50963.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.160.000

1.50937.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 6.926.000

1.50993.0001 LiChroCART® 75-4 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 9.158.000

1.50829.0001 LiChroCART®125-4 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.964.000

1.50981.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 14.505.000

1.50839.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.002.000

1.50984.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 17.827.000

1.50742.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.002.000

1.50956.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.160.000

1.50930.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 6.171.000

1.50986.0001 LiChroCART® 75-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 8.200.000

1.50822.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.115.000

1.50942.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 8.864.000

1.50635.0001 LiChroCART® 150-4.6 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 7.115.000

1.50832.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.059.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.50982.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 16.544.000

1.50842.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.059.000

1.50945.0001 LiChroCART® 10-10 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 2 Units 4.763.000

1.50961.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.160.000

1.50827.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.115.000

1.50837.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.246.000

1.50847.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 Endcapped (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.059.000

1.50857.0001 LiChroCART® 250-10 LiChrospher® 100 RP-8 Endcapped (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 21.731.000

1.50957.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.160.000

1.50931.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 6.171.000

1.50987.0001 LiChroCART® 75-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 8.200.000

1.50159.0001 LiChroCART® 125-3 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.115.000

1.50154.0001 LiChroCART® 250-3 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.059.000

1.50823.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.115.000

1.50943.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 9.035.000

1.50833.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.246.000

1.50983.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 16.544.000

1.50843.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.246.000

1.50853.0001 LiChroCART® 250-10 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 22.215.000

1.50962.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.160.000

1.50936.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 6.171.000

1.50828.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.115.000

1.50734.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 9.035.000

1.50604.0001 LiChroCART® 150-4.6 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.115.000

1.50838.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.059.000

1.50995.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 16.544.000

1.50848.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.059.000

1.50605.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4.6LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 8.059.000

1.50858.0001 LiChroCART® 250-10 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 22.215.000

1.50958.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® 100 NH2 (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.160.000

1.50932.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 LiChrospher® 100 NH2 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 6.171.000

1.50824.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 NH2 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.115.000

1.50834.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 NH2 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.246.000

1.50844.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 NH2 (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.059.000

1.50959.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® 100 CN (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.160.000

1.50825.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 CN (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.115.000

1.50892.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 CN (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.246.000

1.50845.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 CN (10 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.059.000

1.50960.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® 100 Diol (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.160.000

1.50826.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 LiChrospher® 100 Diol (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 7.115.000

1.50836.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® 100 Diol (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.059.000

1.50137.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 LiChrospher® WP 300 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.923.000

1.50140.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 LiChrospher® WP 300 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 5.309.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® Superspher®

1.16054.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 Superspher® Si 60 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.707.000

1.16009.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 Superspher® Si 60 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.828.000

1.16052.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 Superspher® 60 RP-8 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.238.000

1.16010.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 Superspher® 60 RP-8 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.418.000

1.16854.0001 LiChroCART®125-4 Superspher® 60 RP-8 Endcapped HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.238.000

1.16857.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 Superspher® 60 RP-8 Endcapped HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.418.000

1.50205.0001 LiChroCART® 10-2 Superspher® 60 RP-Select B HPLC Guard Column 3 Units 2.778.000

1.50197.0001 LiChroCART® 125-2 Superspher® 60 RP-Select B HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.300.000

1.51308.0001 LiChroCART® 250-2 Superspher® 60 RP-Select B HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 11.598.000

1.50791.0001 LiChroCART® 125-3 Superspher® 60 RP-Select B HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.300.000

1.51288.0001 LiChroCART® 250-3 Superspher® 60 RP-Select B HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 11.598.000

1.50974.0001 LiChroCART® 75-4 Superspher® 60 RP-Select B HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 11.792.000

1.50975.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 Superspher® 60 RP-Select B HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.300.000

1.50973.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 Superspher® 60 RP-Select B HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 11.598.000

1.50204.0001 LiChroCART® 10-2 Superspher® RP-18 HPLC Guard Column 3 Units 2.778.000

1.16039.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 Superspher® 100 RP-18 HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 8.059.000

1.50980.0001 LiChroCART® 75-4 Superspher® 100 RP-18 HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 10.595.000

1.50200.0001 LiChroCART® 125-2 Superspher® RP-18 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.238.000

1.50792.0001 LiChroCART® 125-3 Superspher® 100 RP-18 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.238.000

1.16051.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 Superspher® 100 RP-18 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.238.000

1.51299.0001 LiChroCART® 250-3 Superspher® 100 RP-18 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.418.000

1.16056.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 Superspher® 100 RP-18 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.418.000

1.16869.0001 LiChroCART® 25-4 Superspher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 8.059.000

1.50198.0001 LiChroCART® 125-2 Superspher® RP-18 Endcapped HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.238.000

1.50193.0001 LiChroCART® 250-2 Superspher® RP-18 Endcapped HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.418.000

1.16855.0001 LiChroCART® 125-4 Superspher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.238.000

1.16858.0001 LiChroCART® 250-4 Superspher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.418.000

Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® Purospher®

1.50141.0001 LiChroCART®4-4 Purospher® RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 6.018.000

1.50142.0001 LiChroCART®125-4 Purospher® RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50144.0001 LiChroCART®250-4 Purospher® RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50798.0001 LiChroCART®125-3 Purospher® RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50799.0001 LiChroCART®125-3 Purospher® RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 19.852.000

1.51384.0001 LiChroCART®250-3 Purospher® RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50167.0001 LiChroCART® 4-4 Purospher® RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Guard Cartridge 10 Units 6.018.000

1.50168.0001 LiChroCART®125-4 Purospher® RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50169.0001 LiChroCART®250-4 Purospher® RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50237.0001 Cartridge Kit LiChroCART®30-2 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) 1 HPLC-Cartridge and 1 Cartridge Holder

1 Set 6.917.000

1.50238.0001 LiChroCART®30-2 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 12.935.000

1.50240.0001 Cartridge Set LiChroCART®55-2 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) 1 HPLC-Cartridge and 1 Cartridge ...

1 Set 8.301.000

1.50241.0001 LiChroCART®55-2 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 15.702.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.50239.0001 Cartridge Set LiChroCART®30-4 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) 1 HPLC-Cartridge and 1 Cartridge ...

1 Set 6.917.000

1.50225.0001 LiChroCART®30-4 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 12.935.000

1.50242.0001 Cartridge Set LiChroCART®55-4 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) 1 HPLC Cartridge and 1 Cartridge ...

1 Set 8.301.000

1.50231.0001 LiChroCART®55-4 Purospher® STAR RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) HPLC Cartridge 3 Units 15.702.000

1.51460.0001 LiChroCART®75-4 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (3 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.785.000

1.50627.0001 LiChroCART®100-4.6 Purospher® RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.479.000

1.50255.0001 LiChroCART®125-2 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50256.0001 LiChroCART®250-2 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50253.0001 LiChroCART®125-3 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50254.0001 LiChroCART®250-3 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50250.0001 LiChroCART®4-4 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Guard Cartridge 10 Units 6.018.000

1.50251.0001 LiChroCART®125-4 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50252.0001 LiChroCART®250-4 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50358.0001 LiChroCART®150-4,6 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50359.0001 LiChroCART®250-4,6 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50257.0001 LiChroCART®250-10 Purospher® Star RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 33.687.000

1.50274.0001 LiChroCART®125-2 Purospher® Star RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50275.0001 LiChroCART®250-2 Purospher® Star RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50038.0001 LiChroCART®125-3 Purospher® Star RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50273.0001 LiChroCART®250-3 Purospher® Star RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50270.0001 LiChroCART®4-4 Purospher® Star RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 6.018.000

1.50271.0001 LiChroCART®125-4 Purospher® Star RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50272.0001 LiChroCART®250-4 Purospher® Star RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50031.0001 LiChroCART®150-4.6 Purospher® Star RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50032.0001.1047 LiChroCART®250-4.6 Purospher® Star RP-8E (5 µm) Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50276.0001 LiChroCART®250-10 Purospher® Star RP-8 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 33.687.000

1.50267.0001 LiChroCART®4-4 Purospher® Star NH2 (5 µm) HPLC Guard Cartridge 10 Units 6.018.000

1.50244.0001 LiChroCART®125-4 Purospher® Star NH2 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge Purospher 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50245.0001 LiChroCART®250-4 Purospher® Star NH2 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge Purospher 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50247.0001 LiChroCART®150-4,6 Purospher® Star NH2 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.477.000

1.50248.0001 LiChroCART®250-4,6 Purospher® Star NH2 (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.629.000

1.50249.0001 LiChroCART®4-4 Purospher® Star Si (5 µm) HPLC Guard Cartridge 10 Units 5.672.000

1.50268.0001 LiChroCART®125-4 Purospher® Star Si (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 8.958.000

1.50356.0001 LiChroCART® 150-4,6 Purospher® STAR Si (5 µm) HPLC cartridge 1 Unit 8.958.000

1.50269.0001 LiChroCART®250-4 Purospher® Star Si (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.053.000

1.50357.0001 LiChroCART®250-4.6 Purospher® Star Si (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 10.053.000

Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® Aluspher®

1.51311.0001 LiChroCART®4-4 Aluspher® 100 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Guard Cartridge 10 Units 5.259.000

1.51315.0001 LiChroCART®125-4 Aluspher® 100 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 12.900.000

1.51318.0001 LiChroCART®250-4 Aluspher® 100 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 15.231.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® Chiradex®

1.50117.0001 LiChroCART®4-4 Chiradex® HPLC Guard Cartridge 10 Units 5.284.000

1.51333.0001 LiChroCART®250-4 Chiradex® (5 µm) HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 16.943.000

Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® Nucleosil®

1.51402.0003 LiChroCART®125-4 Nucleosil® 5 C 8 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 6.951.000

1.51387.0003 LiChroCART®250-4 Nucleosil® 5 C 8 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.347.000

1.51324.0003 LiChroCART®4-4 Nucleosil® 5 C 18 HPLC Guard Column 10 Units 6.232.000

1.51329.0003 LiChroCART®125-4 Nucleosil® 5 C 18 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 6.951.000

1.51388.0003 LiChroCART®250-4 Nucleosil® 5 C 18 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.347.000

1.51378.0003 LiChroCART®250-4 Nucleosil® 10 C 18 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 9.347.000


1.51451.0001 Chromolith® RP-18 Endcapped Guard Column 5 - 4,6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column

3 Units 4.995.000

1.52009.0001 Chromolith® 5-2 mm guard cartridge RP-18e, 3 guard cartridge 1 Unit 6.237.000

1.51470.0001 Chromolith® 5-4.6 RP-18 Endcapped Guard Column Kit 3 Guard Columns and 1 Guard Column Holder ...

1 Unit 6.699.000

1.51471.0001 Chromolith® RP-18 Endcapped 10-4.6 Guard Column Kit 3 Guard Columns and 1 Guard Column Holder ...

1 Unit 7.389.000

1.52008.0001 Chromolith® 5-2 mm RP-18 Endcapped Guard Column Kit 3 Guard Columns and 1 Guard Column Holder

1 Unit 7.941.000

1.52004.0001 Chromolith® 5-3 mm RP-18 Endcapped Guard Column Kit 3 Guard Columns and 1 Guard Column Holder

1 Unit 7.320.000

1.51452.0001 Chromolith® RP-18 Endcapped Guard Column 10 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column

3 Units 5.685.000

1.52013.0001 Chromolith® 5-4.6 mm guard cartridge RP-8e, 3 guard cartridge 1 Unit 4.995.000

1.52012.0001 Chromolith® 5-4.6 RP-8 Endcapped Guard Column Kit 3 Guard Columns and 1 Guard Column Holder

1 Unit 6.699.000

1.51463.0001 Chromolith® FLASH RP-18 Endcapped 25 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column

1 Unit 6.902.000

1.52001.0001 Chromolith® Performance RP-18e 100-3 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column 1 Unit 17.559.000

1.51468.0001 Chromolith® Performance RP-8 Endcapped 100 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column

1 Unit 15.950.000

1.02129.0001 Chromolith® Performance RP-18 Endcapped 100 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column

1 Unit 15.950.000

1.52006.0001 Chromolith® Performance RP-18 Endcapped 100 - 2 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column

1 Unit 19.671.000

1.51465.0001 Chromolith® Performance Si, 100 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column 1 Unit 14.753.000

1.52028.0001 Chromolith® NH2 100-4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column 1 Unit 15.453.000

1.52022.0001 Chromolith® HighResolution RP-18e 100-4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column

1 Unit 15.950.000

1.51450.0001 Chromolith® SpeedROD RP-18 Endcapped 50 - 4.6 mm Monolithic Ready-to-Use HPLC Column

1 Unit 10.353.000

1.52007.0001 Chromolith® FastGradient RP-18 endcapped 50-2 monolithic ready-to-use HPLC column Chromolith®

1 Unit 12.424.000

1.51466.0001 Validation Kit Chromolith® Performance RP-18 Endcapped 100 - 4.6 mm 3 Column Out of Different Batches ...

3 Units 45.351.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.25252.0001 Chromolith® Prep RP-18E 100-25 mm 1 Unit 131.142.000

1.52016.0001 Chromolith® Semi-Prep RP-18 endcapped 100-10 mm 1 Unit 32.785.000

1.51467.0001 Coupling Unit for Chromolith® Columns, Dead Volume Free 1 Unit 1.023.000

Sequant ZIC®-HILIC

1.50455.0001 ZIC®-HILIC 150 x 4.6 mm, 5 µm, 200Å PEEK HPLC Column SeQuant™ 1 Unit 12.281.000

1.50454.0001 ZIC®-HILIC 150 x 2.1 mm, 5 µm, 200Å PEEK HPLC Column SeQuant™ 1 Unit 12.281.000

1.50436.0001 ZIC®-HILIC 20 x 2.1 mm, 5 µm Guard Column incl. column coupler ( 3-pack ) SeQuant™ 1 Unit 10.152.000

1.50435.0001 ZIC®-HILIC 20 x 2.1 mm, 5 µm Guard Column ( 1-pack ) SeQuant™ 1 Unit 3.147.000

1.50458.0001 ZIC®-HILIC 250 x 4.6 mm, 5 µm, 200Å PEEK HPLC Column SeQuant™ 1 Unit 14.124.000

Sequant SAMS & CARS suppressor system

1.50609.0001 SAMS, Standard Membrane suppressor for analysis in anion ion chromatography 1 Unit 22.192.000

1.50611.0001 CARS, Continuous Anion Regeneration System [ complete system ] 1 set 37.727.000

1.50613.0001 CARS cartridge - small, small replacement regeneration cartridge 0.5 L 1 Unit 7.102.000

1.50614.0001 CARS cartridge - large, large replacement regeneration cartridge 0.75 L 1 Unit 8.433.000

1.50616.0100 ULB-P regeneration solution 100 ml 1 Unit 3.329.000

1.50618.0001 Pressure relief valve 1 Unit 5.548.000

Glass Cartridges EcoCART ®

1.51232.0001 EcoCART® 125-3 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC Glass Cartridge 3 Units 14.735.000

1.51233.0001 EcoCART® 125-3 LiChrospher® 60 RP-Select B (5 µm) HPLC Glass Cartridge 3 Units 15.504.000

1.51427.0001 EcoCART® 125-3 LiChrospher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped (5 µm) HPLC Glass Cartridge 3 Units 14.735.000

1.51423.0001 EcoCART® 125-3 Superspher® 100 RP-18 Endcapped HPLC Glass Cartridge 1 Unit 6.599.000

1.51425.0001 EcoCART® 125-3 Superspher® 60 RP-Select B HPLC Glass Cartridge, Contains 1 EcoCART® Cartridge 125-3 1 ...

1 Unit 6.599.000

Accessories for Pre-Packed Columns Hibar® Replacement Frits

1.51211.0001 Replacement Frits (D 4 mm) with PTFE Sealing Rings Hibar® 3 Units 1.352.000

1.51220.0001 Replacement Frits (D 10 mm) with PTFE Sealing Rings Hibar® 3 Units 3.150.000

Accessories for Pre-Packed Columns Hibar® tools

1.51210.0001 Tool for Removal of Frits D 4 mm Hibar® 1 Unit 1.228.000

Accessories for Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® Sealing Elements

1.51195.0001 Sealing Element for 3 and 2 mm Cartridges LiChroCART® 10 Units 1.774.000

1.51496.0001 Sealing Element for 4.6 and 4 mm Cartridges LiChroCART® 10 Units 2.022.000

Accessories for Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® tools

1.15576.0001 Hibar® LiChroCART® Assembly tool for PTFE Plumbing Rings 1 Set 757.000

Accessories for Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® manu-fix®

1.16333.0001 manu-Fix Holder for LiChroCART®4-4 Guard Columns for Direct Coupling to Hibar® Columns 4 mm I.D.

1 Set 3.150.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

Accessories for Stainless Steel Cartridges LiChroCART® manu-CART®

1.51419.0001 manu-CART® "10"-II Mounting for LiChroCART®10 mm HPLC Cartridges 1 Set 7.343.000

1.50226.0001 Cartridge Holder for LiChroCART®55-4 Cartridges 1 Unit 3.324.000

1.50227.0001 Cartridge Holder for LiChroCART®30-4 Cartridges 1 Unit 2.754.000

1.50082.0001 manu-CART® "4" Coupling Kit for LiChroCART®25-4 HPLC Cartridges 1 Unit 4.614.000

1.50017.0001 manu-CART® "4" Cartridge Holder for LiChroCART®25-4 HPLC Cartridges 1 Unit 4.738.000

1.51486.0001 manu-CART® NT Cartridge Holder for LiChroCART®2,3,4,4.6mm HPLC Cartridges 1 Unit 5.805.000

1.50083.0001 manu-CART® "4" Coupling Unit for The Coupling of two LiChroCART® HPLC Cartridges 1 Unit 2.084.000

1.51258.0001 Compression Cone for manu-CART® "4" Cartridge Holder (2 Pieces) 2 Units 2.195.000

1.51257.0001 SPLIT COLLETS for manu-CART® "4" Cartridge Holder (2 Pieces) 4 Units 1.228.000

1.51487.0001 PRE-Column Holder for Direct Coupling OF LiChroCART®4-4 PRE-Columns with LiChroCART® RT Cartridges

1 Unit 3.076.000

Accessories for Glass Cartridges EcoCART®

1.51207.0001 Holder for EcoCART® 125-3 HPLC Cartridge 1 Unit 6.946.000

1.51420.0001 manu-CART® "4" Adaptor Kit for EcoCART® 125-3 HPLC Cartridges 1 Set 4.135.000

Accessories for Hibar® and LiChroCART® Starter-Kit

1.13171.0001 HPLC Starter Kit 1 Set 14.586.000

Accessories for Hibar® and LiChroCART® Stainless Steel Capillaries

1.51230.0001 Hibar® Capillary Tube 1/16" E.D. 0,25 mm I.D. Length 80 mm 10 Units 2.902.000

1.51231.0001 Hibar® Capillary Tube 1/16" E.D. 0.25 mm I.D. Length 120 mm 10 Units 3.101.000

1.15547.0001 Hibar® Flexible Stainless-Steel Capillary I.D. 0,2 mm, E.D. 0,5 mm, Length 25 cm 5 Units 1.699.000

1.51236.0001 Flexible Stainless-Steel Capillary (0.2 mm I.D./0.5 mm O.D.) 1 M IN Length Hibar® 3 Units 2.927.000

1.51247.0001 Hibar® Capillary Tube 0.1 mm I.D. 0.5 mm E.D. Length 150 mm for Micro-HPLC 5 Units 2.034.000

1.51245.0001 Hibar® Capillary Tube 0.1 mm I.D. 0.5 mm E.D. Length 1000 mm for Micro-HPLC 1 Unit 1.823.000

Accessories for Hibar® and LiChroCART®

1.51214.0001 Mounting Set for Capillary Tubing 1/16" (ID 0,25 mm) Hibar® 1 Set 6.673.000

1.51213.0001 Dead Volume-Free Coupling Unit for Capillaries 1/16" OR 0.5 mm OD Hibar® 3 Coupling Units, 3 Nuts, 3 Ferrules


1.51252.0001 Coupling Unit (Dead Volume-Free) for Capillaries 1/16" OR 0.5 mm 3 Units 4.118.000

1.51216.0001 Hibar® Nuts for Capillary Tubing 1/16" 10 Units 2.505.000

1.15545.0001 Hibar® Knurled Nuts for Capillary Connections 0,2 mm I.D. 0,5 mm E.D. with PVDF Double Cones

4 Units 2.778.000

1.51237.0001 Hibar® Knurled Screws with LONG BUSHING and PVDF Cones for 6 Port Valves (Rheodyne)

2 Knurled Nuts, 6 PVDF Double Cones


1.51238.0001 Hibar® PVDF Double Cones for Capillary Connections 1/16" with Knurled Nut 10 Units 2.295.000

1.15546.0001 Hibar® PVDF Double Cones for Stainless Steel Capillary Connections I.D. 0,2 mm, E.D. 0,5 mm

10 PVDF Double Cones


1.51218.0001 Threaded Plugs_PVDF (20 Pieces) Hibar® 20 Units 1.060.000

1.16217.0001 PRE-Column Holder for PVDF Cartridges 4-4 for Capillary Connections 1 Unit 3.051.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

Solvents and Reagents

Reagents for analytical HPLC LiChropur®

1.18303.0025 1-Butanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur® 25 g 4.589.000

1.18313.0025 Cetyltrimethylammonium Hydrogen Sulfate for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur® 25 g 7.789.000

1.18308.0025 1-Dodecanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur® 25 g 6.425.000

1.18309.0025 1-Dodecylhydrogensulfate Sodium Salt for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur® 25 g 6.954.000

1.18306.0025 1-Heptanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur® 25 g 6.501.000

1.18305.0025 1-Hexanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur® 25 g 6.550.000

1.18307.0025 1-Octanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur® 25 g 6.992.000

1.18304.0025 1-Pentanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur® 25 g 6.463.000

1.19754.0250 di-Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate Trihydrate Buffer Substance for Chromatography LiChropur®

250 g 1.139.000

1.19753.0250 di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate Buffer Substance for Chromatography LiChropur®

250g 1.331.000

1.18312.0025 Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulfate for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur® 25 g 6.727.000

1.18310.0025 Tetramethylammonium Hydrogen Sulfate for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur® 25 g 7.823.000

Thin Layer Chromatography

Accessories and auxiliaries

1.08541.0001 Spray Nozzles for TLC Sprayer Content: 6 Units 6 Units 2.214.000

1.08540.0001 TLC Sprayer 1 Unit 10.295.000

1.12537.0001 UV Lamp 254 nm for Thin-Layer Chromatography 1 Unit 1.637.000

HPTLC Aluminium Sheets Silica Gel 60 Layers

1.05586.0001 LiChrospher® Si 60 F254S 25 HPTLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 5.408.000

1.05547.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 HPTLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 3.486.000

1.05556.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

20 HPTLC Aluminium Sheets 5 X 7.5 cm 20 Units 1.431.000

1.05548.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

25 HPTLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 4.008.000

HPTLC Pre-Coated Plates (Glass) Silica Gel 60 Layers

1.05646.0001 LiChrospher® RP-18 WF254S

25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 12.237.000

1.15445.0001 LiChrospher® Si 60 F254S

25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 4.788.000

1.05647.0001 LiChrospher® Si 60 WRF254S

, 0.1 mm 25 Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 8.682.000

1.05631.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 2.937.000

1.13748.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 10 X 2.5 cm 25 Units 4.112.000

1.05641.0001 Silica Gel 60 50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 50 Units 5.706.000

1.13749.0001 Silica Gel 60 50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm 50 Units 8.788.000

1.05644.0001 Silica Gel 60 100 HPTLC Plates 5 X 5 cm EX 10 X 10 cm Pre-Scored 100 Units 6.326.000

1.05633.0001 Silica Gel 60 100 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 100 Units 7.636.000

1.13187.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 HPTLC Plates 5 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 5 X 2.5 cm 25 Units 3.877.000

1.05628.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 3.378.000

1.13727.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 10 X 2.5 cm 25 Units 4.523.000

1.05642.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 50 Plates 6.563.000

1.13728.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm 50 Units 8.788.000

1.05750.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

50 TLC Plastic Sheets 4 X 8 cm 50 Units 783.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.05635.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

100 HPTLC Plates 5 X 5 cm EX 10 X 10 cm Pre-Scored 100 Units 3.976.000

1.05629.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

100 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 100 Units 9.046.000

1.11764.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

, 0.1 mm for AMD ACC. to DIN 38407-F11 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 3.692.000

1.05564.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

GLP 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 3.399.000

1.15696.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254S

25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 5.169.000

1.15552.0001 Silica Gel 60 WRF254S

25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 8.123.000

1.12363.0001 Silica Gel 60 WRF254S

, 0.1 mm 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm for AMD acc. to DIN 38407-F11

25 Units 8.682.000

1.05616.0001 Silica Gel F254

25 HPTLC Plates 5 X 10 cm 25 Units 2.215.000

1.05613.0001 Silica Gel F254

GLP 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 3.870.000

PLC Pre-Coated Plates (Glass) Silica Gel 60 Layers

1.05637.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254


, 2 mm 12 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 12 Units 6.557.000

1.05744.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

, 0.5 mm 20 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 20 Plates, 5 X 20 Plates


1.13794.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

, 0.5 mm 20 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 4 cm 20 Units 5.355.000

1.13895.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

, 1 mm 15 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 15 Plates 5.976.000

1.13792.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

, 1 mm 15 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 4 cm 15 Plates 5.857.000

1.05717.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

, 2 mm 12 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 12 Plates, 5 X 20 Plates


1.13793.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

, 2 mm 12 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 4 cm 12 Units 9.179.000

1.13894.0001 Silica Gel 60, 0.5 mm 20 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 20 Units 3.477.000

1.05745.0001 Silica Gel 60, 2 mm 12 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 12 Units 6.475.000

Ready-to-Use Spray Solutions

1.02035.0100 Dragendorff-Reagent Spray Solution for Thin-Layer-Chromatography 100 mL 578.000

1.00480.0100 Molybdatophosphoric Acid Spray Solution for Thin-Layer-Chromatography 100 mL 1.011.000

1.06705.0100 Ninhydrin Spray Solution for Thin-Layer Chromatography 100 mL 890.000

Sorbents Aluminium Oxides for TLC and PLC (particle size 5-40 µm)

1.01092.0500 Aluminium Oxide 60 GF254 Neutral (Type E) for Thin-Layer-Chromatography 500 g 1.662.000

1.01090.2500 Aluminium Oxide 60 G Neutral (Type E) for Thin-Layer-Chromatography 2.5 kg 5.408.000

Sorbents Miscellaneous Sorbents for TLC

1.02330.0500 Cellulose Microcrystalline for Thin-Layer Chromatography Avicel 500 g 1.909.000

Sorbents Silica Gel for TLC and PLC (particle Size 5-40 mm)

1.07731.1000 Silica Gel 60 G for Thin-Layer Chromatography 1 kg 2.094.000

1.07731.5000 Silica Gel 60 G for Thin-Layer Chromatography 5 kg 6.698.000

1.07731.9025 Silica Gel 60 G for Thin-Layer Chromatography 25 kg 23.101.000

1.07730.0500 Silica Gel 60 G F254 for Thin-Layer Chromatography 500 g 1.071.000

1.07730.1000 Silica Gel 60 G F254

for Thin-Layer Chromatography 1 kg 2.148.000

1.07730.5000 Silica Gel 60 G F254

for Thin-Layer Chromatography 5 kg 6.698.000

1.07730.9025 Silica Gel 60 G F254

for Thin-Layer Chromatography 25 kg 25.737.000

1.07736.1000 Silica Gel 60 H for Thin-Layer Chromatography 1 kg 1.575.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.07736.2500 Silica Gel 60 H for Thin-Layer Chromatography 2.5 kg 3.076.000

1.07736.9025 Silica Gel 60 H for Thin-Layer Chromatography 25 kg 23.101.000

1.07748.1000 Silica Gel 60 H F254


for Preparative Layer Chromatography 1 kg 1.674.000

1.07748.2500 Silica Gel 60 H F254


for Preparative Layer Chromatography 2.5 kg 3.771.000

1.07741.1000 Silica Gel 60 H F254


for Thin-Layer Chromatography 1 kg 1.575.000

1.07739.1000 Silica Gel 60 H F254

for Thin-Layer Chromatography 1 kg 1.575.000

1.07747.1000 Silica Gel 60 P F254

for Preparative Layer Chromatography 1 kg 1.575.000

1.07747.2500 Silica Gel 60 P F254

for Preparative Layer Chromatography 2.5 kg 3.399.000

1.07749.1000 Silica Gel 60 P F254

Containing Gypsum for Preparative Layer Chromatography 1 kg 1.724.000

1.07749.2500 Silica Gel 60 P F254

Containing Gypsum for Preparative Layer Chromatography 2.5 kg 2.952.000

1.07749.9025 Silica Gel 60 PF254

Containing Gypsum for Preparative Layer Chromatography 25 kg 19.225.000

1.11678.1000 TLC-Silica Gel 60 G F254

Mean Particle Size 15 µm 1 kg 2.158.000

1.11695.1000 TLC Silica Gel 60 H Mean Particle Size 15 µm 1 kg 1.985.000

TLC Aluminium Sheets Chemically modified Layers

1.05533.0001 NH2 F

254S 20 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 20 Units 5.409.000

1.05560.0001 RP-18 F254S

20 TLC Aluminium Sheets 5 X 7,5 cm 20 Units 1.387.000

1.05559.0001 RP-18 F254S

20 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 20 Units 4.338.000

TLC Aluminium Sheets Silica Gel 60 Layers

1.05553.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 2.677.000

1.05582.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm

25 Units 3.009.000

1.16835.0001 Silica Gel 60 50 TLC Aluminium Sheets 5 X 10 cm 50 Units 1.827.000

1.05562.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 1 TLC Aluminium Roll 500 X 20 cm 1 Roll 2.096.000

1.05549.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

20 TLC Aluminium Sheets 5 X 7.5 cm 20 Units 504.000

1.05570.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 10 X 20 cm 25 Units 1.576.000

1.05554.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 2.472.000

1.05583.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2,5 cm

25 Units 3.310.000

1.16834.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

50 TLC Aluminium Sheets 5 X 10 cm 50 Units 1.608.000

1.16487.0001 Silica Gel 60 W 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 2.579.000

1.16484.0001 Silica Gel 60 WF254S

25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 2.837.000

TLC and PLC Layers Aluminium Oxide 60 Layers

1.05713.0001 Aluminium Oxide 60 F254

25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 3.756.000

1.05731.0001 Aluminium Oxide 60 F254

100 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm 100 Units 3.984.000

1.05788.0001 Aluminium Oxide 60 F254

, 1.5 mm 12 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 12 Units 6.147.000

1.05550.0001 Aluminium Oxide 60 F254

, Neutral 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 3.546.000

1.05581.0001 Aluminium Oxide 60 F254

, Neutral 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 3.310.000

TLC and PLC Layers Aluminium Oxide 150 Layers

1.05551.0001 Aluminium Oxide 150 F254

, Neutral 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 2.364.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

TLC, HPTLC and PLC Layers Cellulose Layers

1.16092.0001 Cellulose 25 HPTLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 5.229.000

1.05787.0001 Cellulose 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 4.406.000

1.05552.0001 Cellulose 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 1 Piece 3.224.000

1.05577.0001 Cellulose 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 3.152.000

1.05716.0001 Cellulose 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 3.051.000

1.05786.0001 Cellulose 50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 50 Units 8.559.000

1.05730.0001 Cellulose 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm 50 Units 3.458.000

1.05632.0001 Cellulose 100 TLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 1 Piece 7.171.000

1.15035.0001 Cellulose F 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 4.406.000

1.05574.0001 Cellulose F 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 1 Piece 2.837.000

1.05565.0001 Cellulose F 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm 1 Piece 3.152.000

1.05718.0001 Cellulose F 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 3.051.000

1.15036.0001 Cellulose F 50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 50 Units 8.559.000

1.05728.0001 Cellulose F 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm 50 Units 4.841.000

1.05579.0001 PEI Cellulose F 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 3.152.000

1.05725.0001 PEI Cellulose F 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 5.122.000

TLC, HPLC and PLC Pre-Coated Plates (Glass) Chemically modified Layers

1.16464.0001 CN F254S 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 7.108.000

1.12668.0001 Diol F254S

25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 4.447.000

1.05636.0001 Diol F254S

25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 9.748.000

1.12572.0001 NH2 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 7.385.000

1.15647.0001 NH2 F

254S 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 7.108.000

1.13192.0001 NH2 F

254S 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 9.748.000

1.13726.0001 RP-2 F254S

25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 7.108.000

1.13725.0001 RP-8 F254S

25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 7.108.000

1.15684.0001 RP-8 F254S

25 TLC Plates 5 X 10 cm 25 Units 3.512.000

1.15388.0001 RP-8 F254S

25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 8.264.000

1.15424.0001 RP-8 F254S

50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm 50 Units 9.366.000

1.05914.0001 RP-18 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm 25 Units 8.861.000

1.15037.0001 RP-18 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm for PAH Determination Acc. to ...

25 Units 10.338.000

1.14296.0001 RP-18 W 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 20 cm 25 Units 9.873.000

1.13724.0001 RP-18 F254S 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 7.108.000

1.15498.0001 RP-18 F254S

25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm 25 Units 11.372.000

1.15685.0001 RP-18 F254S

25 TLC Plates 5 X 10 cm 25 Units 3.512.000

1.15389.0001 RP-18 F254S

25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 8.264.000

1.15683.0001 RP-18 F254S

50 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm 50 Units 6.556.000

1.15423.0001 RP-18 F254S

50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm 50 Units 9.366.000

1.05434.0001 RP-18 F254S

, 1 mm 15 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 15 Units 17.638.000

1.13124.0001 RP-18 W F254S

25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm 25 Units 7.108.000

1.05747.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

Silanized 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 6.918.000

1.05746.0001 Silica Gel 60 Silanized 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 6.529.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

TLC Layers Kieselguhr, Silica Gel/Kieselguhr, Polyamide Layers

1.05568.0001 Kieselguhr F254

25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 2.364.000

1.05738.0001 Kieselguhr F254

25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 4.081.000

1.05567.0001 Silica Gel 60/Kieselguhr F254

25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 2.364.000

TLC Plastic Sheets Silica Gel 60 Layers

1.05748.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 1.910.000

1.05749.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

1 TLC Plastic Roll 500 X 20 cm 1 Roll 2.295.000

1.05735.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 2.365.000

TLC Pre-Coated Plates (Glass) Silica Gel 60 Layers

1.05620.0001 Si 60 F254

Multi format 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm, Pre-scored to 5 X 10 cm 25 Units 3.439.000

1.05721.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Plates 3.852.000

1.11845.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm 25 Units 4.781.000

1.05626.0001 Silica Gel 60 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm 50 Units 3.870.000

1.11844.0001 Silica Gel 60 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 10 X 2.5 cm 50 Units 5.418.000

1.15326.0001 Silica Gel 60 100 TLC Plates 2.5 X 7.5 cm 100 Units 3.187.000

1.05724.0001 Silica Gel 60 100 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm 100 Units 5.194.000

1.05789.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 TLC Plates 5 X 10 cm 25 Units, 10

X 25 Units 2.040.000

1.05808.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

25 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm 25 Units 1.904.000

1.05715.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Plates 2.540.000

1.11798.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm 25 Units 3.681.000

1.05729.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm 50 Plates 4.806.000

1.11846.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 10 X 2.5 cm 50 Units 5.960.000

1.05714.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

100 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm 100 Plates 4.383.000

1.05719.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

200 TLC Plates 5 X 10 cm 200 Units 6.121.000

1.15341.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

500 TLC Plates 2.5 X 7.5 cm 500 Units 4.602.000

1.05566.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254

GLP 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 3.756.000

1.16485.0001 Silica Gel 60 W F254S

25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm 25 Units 3.756.000

1.05608.0001 Silica Gel F254

80 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm EX 20 X 20 cm Pre-Scored 80 Units 2.360.000

1.15327.0001 Silica Gel F254

100 TLC Plates 2.5 X 7.5 cm 100 Plates 3.287.000

Gas Chromatography

Adsorbents for GSC Charcoal Activated

1.09631.0100 Charcoal Activated for Gas Chromatography 0,3-0,5 mm (35-50 mesh ASTM) 100 G 1.823.000

1.09631.0500 Charcoal Activated for Gas Chromatography 0,3-0,5 mm (35-50 mesh ASTM) 500 g 9.005.000

1.09624.0100 Charcoal Activated for Gas Chromatography 0,5-1 mm (18-35 mesh ASTM) 100 g 2.778.000

1.09624.0500 Charcoal Activated for Gas Chromatography 0,5-1 mm (18-35 mesh ASTM) 500 G 9.575.000

Derivatization Reagents Acylation

1.12513.0010 Trifluoroacetic Anhydride for Gas Chromatography 10 mL 1.871.000

Derivatization Reagents Silylation

1.09649.0010 Bis(trimethylsilyl) acetamide for Gas Chromatography 10 mL 1.079.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09649.0025 Bis(trimethylsilyl) acetamide for Gas Chromatography 25 mL 2.282.000

1.10255.0005 Bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 1.116.000

1.10255.0025 Bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide for Gas Chromatography 25 mL 5.015.000

1.02333.0100 Chlorotrimethylsilane for Gas Chromatography 100 mL 626.000

1.02333.0250 Chlorotrimethylsilane for Gas Chromatography 250 mL 1.253.000

1.12186.0025 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane for Gas Chromatography 25 mL 1.278.000

1.12186.0100 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane for Gas Chromatography 100 mL 4.192.000

1.11805.0005 N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)2,2,2-trifluoroacetamide for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 2.654.000

1.09771.0005 N-(Trimethylsilyl)Imidazole for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 2.061.000

Liquid Phases

1.09678.0100 Dimethyl Sulfoxide for Gas Chromatography 100 mL 1.327.000

1.09669.0100 Dinonyl Phthalate for Gas Chromatography 100 mL 2.952.000

1.09726.0100 Polyethylene Glycol 400 for Gas Chromatography 100 mL 2.406.000

1.09729.0100 Polyethylene Glycol 1000 for Gas Chromatography 100 g 2.183.000

1.09727.0100 Polyethylene Glycol 4000 for Gas Chromatography 100 g 2.096.000

1.09762.0100 Silicon Oil 550 for Gas Chromatography 100 mL 2.803.000

1.12298.0101 Triton® X-100 for Gas Chromatography 100 mL 1.281.000

1.12298.1001 Triton® X-100 for Gas Chromatography 1 l 5.457.000

Reference Substances Fatty Acid Methyl Esters

1.09637.0005 Methyl Decanoate Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09693.0005 Methyl Laurate Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09754.0005 Methyl Margarate Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 2.927.000

1.09736.0005 Methyl Myristate Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 2.780.000

1.09633.0005 Methyl Octanoate Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09743.0005 Methyl Oleate Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.671.000

1.09602.0005 Methyl Stearate Reference Substance for Gas-Chromatography 5 g 3.168.000

Reference Substances Hydrocarbons

1.09646.0005 Benzene Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.727.000

1.09603.0005 n-Decane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.673.000

1.09658.0005 n-Dodecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09635.0005 Ethylbenzene Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.908.000

1.09604.0005 n-Heptadecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 2.927.000

1.09686.0005 n-Heptane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09605.0005 n-Hexadecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09687.0005 n-Hexane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.329.000

1.09643.0005 2-Methylbutane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09699.0005 3-Methylheptane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09606.0005 n-Octadecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.438.000

1.09716.0005 n-Octane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09607.0005 n-Pentadecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09719.0005 n-Pentane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000


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Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09608.0005 n-Tetradecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.272.000

1.09768.0005 Toluene Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography *1 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09609.0005 n-Tridecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09794.0005 n-Undecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.076.000

1.09797.0005 m-Xylene Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.474.000

1.09798.0005 o-Xylene Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.474.000

1.09799.0005 p-Xylene Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.329.000

Reference Substances Miscellaneous

1.09656.0005 D-Camphor Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 g 3.076.000

1.09667.0005 Cyclohexanol Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography 5 mL 3.727.000

1.09709.0005 Ethyl Methyl Ketone Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography *1 5 mL 3.076.000

Ion Exchangers

1.04765.0500 Ion exchanger I (strongly acidic cation exchanger, H+ form) GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 500 G 1.550.000

1.04765.5000 Ion exchanger I (strongly acidic cation exchanger, H+ form) GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 5 KG 9.402.000

1.04768.0500 Ion exchanger II (weakly basic anion exchanger, OH¯ form) GR for analysis 500 ML 1.687.000

1.04767.0500 Ion exchanger III (strongly basic anion exchanger, OH¯ form) GR for analysis 500 G 2.505.000

1.04767.5000 Ion exchanger III (strongly basic anion exchanger, OH¯ form) GR for analysis 5 KG 18.531.000

1.04835.0500 Ion exchanger IV (weakly acidic cation exchanger) H+ form, GR for analysis 500 G 2.878.000

1.04835.5000 Ion exchanger IV (weakly acidic cation exchanger) H+ form, GR for analysis 5 KG 19.126.000

1.04836.0500 Ion exchanger V (mixed bed exchanger) GR for analysis 500 G 2.505.000

1.04836.5000 Ion exchanger V (mixed bed exchanger) GR for analysis 5 KG 15.107.000

1.05245.0500 Ion exchanger Amberjet® 4200 (strongly basic anion exchanger), Cl¯ form 500 ML 1.228.000

1.05221.0250 Ion exchanger Dowex® 50W-X8 (strongly acidic cation exchanger, H+ form) 250 ML 3.771.000

1.05238.0250 Ion exchanger Dowex® 50 WX 4 (strongly acidic cation exchanger), H+ form 250 ML 3.771.000

1.05241.0500 Ion exchanger Dowex® HCR-W2 (strongly acidic cation exchanger, H+ form) 500 G 1.023.000

1.05242.0250 Ion exchanger Dowex® 1-X8 (strongly basic anion exchanger), Cl¯ form 250 ML 4.515.000

1.15635.0500 Ion exchanger Amberlyst® 15 (strongly acidic cation exchanger), H+ form 500 ML 1.662.000

1.15165.0500 Ion exchanger Amberlite® MB-6113 mixed-bed ion exchanger with colour indicator, strongly acidic H+ form and strongly basic OH¯ form

500 G 1.563.000

1.15127.5000 Ion exchanger Amberlite® MB-3 mixed bed ion exchanger with colour indicator, strongly acidic H+ form and strongly basic OH¯ form

5 L 15.132.000

1.15131.0500 Ion exchanger Amberlite® IR-120 (strongly acidic cation exchanger), H+ form 500 ML 651.000

1.15966.0500 Ion exchanger Amberlite® IR-120 (strongly acidic cation exchanger), Na+ form 500 ML 769.000

1.12463.0500 Ion exchanger Amberlite® IRA-402 (strongly basic anion exchanger), Cl¯ form 500 ML 1.129.000

1.15262.0500 Ion exchanger Amberlite® IRA-410 (strongly basic anion exchanger type II) Cl¯ form 500 ML 1.588.000

1.15965.0500 Ion exchanger Amberlite® IRN-150 (mixed-bed ion exchanger, strongly acid H+ form and strongly basic OH¯ form)

500 ML 1.110.000

1.15959.0500 Ion exchanger Amberlite® IRA-67 (weakly basic anion exchanger), OH¯ form 500 G 3.721.000

1.15256.0500 Adsorber resin Amberlite® XAD-4 500 ML 2.803.000


1.02692.1000 Celite® 503 1 KG 1.612.000

1.02688.1000 Celite® Hyflo Supercel 1 KG 1.141.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Produk Kromatografi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.02686.1000 Celite® 281 1 KG 1.133.000

1.02693.1000 Celite® 545 particle size 0.02-0.1 mm 1 KG 928.000

1.02693.0250 Celite® 545 particle size 0.02-0.1 mm 250 G 620.000

1.02693.9010 Celite® 545 particle size 0.02-0.1 mm 10 KG 5.631.000


1.07910.0250 Kieselguhr purified and calcined GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 250 G 707.000

1.07910.1000 Kieselguhr purified and calcined GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 1 KG 1.637.000

1.07910.9025 Kieselguhr purified and calcined GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 25 KG 21.241.000


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Fitur Produk

Produk Kromatografi

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

Kolom HPLC Chromolith® Kekuatan monolitik untuk tekanan-balik yang lebih rendah dan analisis lebih cepat

SeQuant™ZIC®-HILICPilihan lebih baik untuk pemisahan kromatografi senyawa polar dan hidrofilik

Mesopores: 13 nm Mecropores: 2 µm

SEM picture of a cross section from a silica monolithTotal porosity > 80%


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Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan


Page 152: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Spectroquant® - FotometerMulai dari instrumen sederhana yang mudah dibawa hingga fotometer lab-bench – ragam produk kami menawarkan

Anda instrument pengukuran yang sesuai untuk di setiap area aplikasi. Kolorimeter dan fotometer Spectroquant® dari

Merck Millipore mengkombinasikan kualitas pengukuran yang tinggi dengan penanganan yang mudah. Dilengkapi dengan

Penjaminan Mutu Analitis (Analytical Quality Assurance, AQA) kami yang konsisten, instrument kami dapat memberikan

Anda rasa aman yang Anda butuhkan di setiap langkah yang Anda lakukan. Anda dapat mengunduh metode baru dengan

mudah melalui pemutakhiran metode kami.

Fitur Produk

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

Spectroquant® Picco Colorimeter

Jika Anda perlu menentukan hanya satu atau dua parameter, maka kolorimeter Picco merupakan

instrument pilihan untuk Anda. Kolorimeter Spectroquant® Picco sangat mudah digunakan dan telah

diprogram untuk dapat digunakan dengan test kit Spectroquant®. Anda dapat memilih antara cell

test siap pakai dan reagent test dengan harga terjangkau.

Spectroquant® Multy Colorimeter

Kolorimeter Spectroquant® Multy merupakan solusi serba guna dan mudah dibawa dengan harga

terjangkau untuk analisis air secara fotometrik. Lebih dari 120 metode test kit Spectroquant®

mencakup semua parameter penting dalam analisis air minum dan analisis limbah. Baterai yang

dapat diisi ulang dan koper praktis yang ada dalam paket pembelian menjadikan instrument ini mudah

digunakan dimanapun dan kapanpun.

Spectroquant® NOVA 60 dan 60 A

Spectroquant® NOVA 60 merupakan instrument untuk analisis rutin semua tipe air dan dapat

mengukur cell test siap pakai serta reagent test dengan harga terjangkau. Lebih dari 150 test kit

dengan daerah ukur beragam menjadikan NOVA 60 sebagai fotometer dengan area aplikasi yang luas.

Selain itu, instrument ini dapat menyimpan hingga 50 metode yang dikembangkan oleh penggunanya.

Spectroquant® NOVA 60A juga dapat digunakan sebagai perangkat yang praktis karena instrument ini

dilengkapi dengan slot baterai sehingga mudah dibawa lokasi pengujian di lapangan.

Spectroquant® Pharo

Spektrofotometer Spectroquant® Pharo mengkombinasikan keuntungan dari sistem fotometer –

seperti test kit yang secara otomatis dapat diadaptasikan dengan instrument spektrofotometer. Anda

dapat memprogram metode Anda sendiri, menyimpan rekaman profil spectra atau profil kinetic, atau

melakukan pengukuran dengan berbagai panjang gelombang –semua berada tepat di ujung jari Anda.

Spektrofotometer Spectroquant® Pharo 100 : dengan spektrum panjang gelombang dari 320 hingga

1100 nm sesuai untuk semua pengukuran rutin serta penggunaan yang spesifik dalam daerah ukur

visible. Spektrofotometer Spectroquant® Pharo 300: Semua fungsi Spectroquant® Pharo 100 ditambah

dengan spectrum panjang gelombang dari 190 hingga 1100 nm menjadikan Spectroquant® Pharo

300 suatu perangkat instrument dengan aplikasi luas sehingga Anda dapat melakukan pengukuran

dengan mudah dan nyaman.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami kits


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Mudah, Cepat dan Tepat …Pengendalian mutu analisis dengan larutan standar berkonsentrasi rendah yang tersertifikat dan tertelusur ke NIST

Merck Millipore kini menawarkan larutan standar

konsentrasi rendah dan tersertifikasi dengan beragam

konsentrasi. Pengenceran larutan yang memakan waktu

kini tidak perlu dilakukan – sehingga mengeliminasi sumber

kesalahan yang mungkin ada. Rangkaian larutan standar

ini menawarkan parameter terpenting dalam analisis

air dan air limbah, seperti ammonium, chemical oxygen

demand (COD), nitrate, nitrite, total phosphorus, total

nitrogen dan sulphate. Larutan standar ini memungkinkan

verifikasi semua metode standar serta uji cepat fotometrik

dengan tepat (misalnya, Spectroquant® dari Merck

Millipore atau test kit dari merek lain). Dengan demikian,

Merck Millipore menawarkan sistem analisis fotometrik

yang lengkap – semuanya dari satu sumber. Yang paling

penting, larutan standar ini memberikan kepastian bahwa

larutan standar bersertifikat dari Merck Millipore tertelusur

langsung ke material acuan standar primer dari NIST. Hal

ini memastikan bahwa standar mutu dapat dibandingkan

secara internasional.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami

Fitur Produk

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring151

Page 154: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Spectroquant® test kitMudah digunakan dengan banyak keuntunganSpectroquant® test kit dari Merck Millipore memberikan Anda pilihan terbaik dalam analisis Anda. Anda mendapatkan

berbagai keuntungan seperti reagen analisis yang tervalidasi dan terstandar untuk keamanan Anda, automatic-recognition

melalui sistem barcode, dan pilihan tak terbatas antara cell test dan reagent test. Lebih lanjut, kami juga menawarkan

kepada Anda dokumentasi komprehensif untuk penjaminan mutu untuk setiap test, dan kami juga menampilkan semua

bacth dan quality certificates yang selalu dimutakhirkan di internet – Anda dapat mengunduh dokumen tersebut pada bagian

“Berkaitan dengan produk ini” di situs

Fitur Produk

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

Spectroquant® Cell Test Kits – begitu mudah digunakan

Spectroquant® Reagent Test Kit - banyak keuntungan untuk Anda

Semua reagen yang diperlukan untuk analisis terdapat di

dalam cell

Disain kemasan yang khusus memproteksi cell dari fluktuasi

bahkan dalam lingkungan yang kurang mendukung

Mengurangi kemungkinan kesalahan dengan sistem


Sangat stabil, campuran reagen siap pakai dengan disain

yang mudah digunakan

Seleksi bebas untuk format cell yang sesuai berdasarkan

jangkauan pengukuran

Umur-simpan yang lama, hingga 3 tahun – semua pada

suhu kamar

Reagen bentuk larutan atau serbuk memungkinkan Anda

lebih nyaman untuk ditambahkan ke dalam sampel.

Seleksi otomatis untuk metode yang tepat dengan bantuan

indentifikasi barcode

Dapat digunakan tidak hanya untuk spektrofotometer dari

Merck Millipore tetapi juga spektrofotometer dari supplier


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami kits


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

Reagen tes kit, refill dan aksesori


1.11109.0001 Alkalinity 200 0.1 - 10 mmol/l with one full pipette; AQM 1.204.000

1.01758.0001 Acid Capacity Cell test to pH 4.3 (Total Alkalinity)

120 20 - 400 mg/l CaCO3

SPQ 3.225.000


1.00594.0001 Alumunium cell test 25 0.02 - 0.5 mg/l Al SPQ 2.289.000

1.14825.0001 Aluminium 350 0.020 - 1.20 Al SPQ 3.091.000

1.14413.0001 Aluminium 185 0.07-0.12-0.2-0.35-0.5-0.65-0.8 mg/l Al AQQ 2.810.000

1.10015.0001 Aluminium 100 10-25-50-100-250 mg/l Al MEQ 1.380.000

1.18386.0001 Aluminium 150 0.1-0.2-0.35-0.5-0.75-1-2-3-6 mg/l Al MiQ 5.798.000

1.18452.0002 Aluminium (rf 118386.0001, 114777.0001)

300 seperti kemasan asli MIQ 2.389.000


1.14739.0001 Ammonium Cell Test 25 0.010 - 2.000 NH4-N SPQ 2.211.000

1.14558.0001 Ammonium Cell Test 25 0.20 - 8.00 NH4-N SPQ 2.211.000

1.14544.0001 Ammonium Cell Test 25 0.5 - 16.0 NH4-N SPQ 2.211.000

1.14559.0001 Ammonium Cell Test 25 4.0 - 80.0 NH4-N SPQ 2.110.000

1.14752.0001 Ammonium 500 0.010 - 3.00 NH4-N SPQ 3.252.000

1.14752.0002 Ammonium 250 0.010 - 3.00 NH4-N, 0.01 - 5.50 NH

4 SPQ 2.123.000

1.18455.0002 Ammonium (rf 114750, 114423) 200 seperti kemasan asli MIQ 1.775.000

1.00683.0001 Ammonium 100 2.0 - 150.0 NH4-N SPQ 2.406.000

1.16892.0001 Ammonium 50 0.2 - 7.0 mg/l NH4 RQ 1.597.000

1.16899.0001 Ammonium 50 5.0 - 20.0 mg/l NH4 RQ 1.597.000

1.16977.0001 Ammonium 50 20 - 180 mg/l NH4 RQ 1.524.000

1.14750.0002 Ammonium 200 0.2-0.5-0.8-1.3-2-3-4.5-6-8 mg/l NH4 MiQ 2.977.000

1.14400.0001 Ammonium 100 0.05-0.1-0.15-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.5-0.6-0.8 mg/l NH


AQQ 2.534.000

1.11117.0001 Ammonium 150 0.5-1-3-5-10 mg/l NH4 AQM 1.182.000

1.08024.0001 Ammonium 100 0.2-0.4-0.6-1-2-3-5 mg/l NH4 AQM 1.365.000

1.14657.0001 Ammonium (fresh/seawater) 50 0.5-1-2-3-5-10 mg/l NH4 AQM 949.000

1.10024.0001 Ammonium 100 10-30-60-100-200-400 mg/l NH4 MEQ 1.115.000

1.14423.0002 Ammonium 200 0.2-0.5-0.8-1.2-1.6-2-3-5-8 mg/l NH4 AQQ 2.089.000

1.14428.0002 Ammonium 70 0.025-0.05-0.075-0.1-0.15-0.2-0.25-0.3-0.4 mg/l NH


AQQ 2.580.000


1.00675.0001 AOX Cell Test 25 0.05 - 2.50 AOX SPQ 3.489.000

1.00678.0001 AOX Enrichment Set 2 SPQ 1.934.000

1.00677.0001 AOX Sample Preparation Set 25 SPQ 6.978.000

1.00680.0001 AOX Standard 8-16 SPQ 1.461.000


1.73501.0001 Absorbtion Tube for arsenic - - SPQ 954.000

1.17927.0001 Arsenic test 100 0-0.005-0.01-0.025-0.05-0.1-0.25-0.5 mg/l As

MEQ 2.610.000

1.17917.0001 Arsenic test 100 0-0.02-0.05-0.1-0.2-0.5 mg/l (low range) MEQ 1.866.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.01747.0001 Arsenic test (accesories needed : 173501.0001 ; 100731.1000 ; 108780.0500)

30 0.001 - 0.1 mg/l As SPQ 6.315.000

Ascorbic Acid

1.10023.0001 Ascorbic Acid 100 50-100-200-300-500-700-1000-2000 mg/l MEQ 715.000

1.16981.0001 Ascorbic Acid (RQ Easy) 50 25 - 450 mg/l ascorbic acid RQ 778.000

1.17963.0001 Ascorbic Acid (RQ Easy) 50 25 - 450 mg/l ascorbic acid RQ 778.000

BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)

1.00687.0001 BOD Cell Test 50 0.5 - 3000 BOD SPQ 2.350.000

1.00688.0001 BOD Nutrient Salt Mixture 12 l SPQ 1.629.000

1.00718.0001 BOD Standard 10 l SPQ 1.991.000

1.14663.0001 BOD reaction bottle tak terbatas

SPQ 1.402.000


1.00826.0001 Boron Cell Test 25 0.05 - 2.00 B SPQ 2.995.000

1.14839.0001 Boron 60 0.050 - 0.800 B SPQ 4.757.000


1.00605.0001 Bromine 200 0.020 - 7.50 Br2 SPQ 1.558.000


1.14834.0001 Cadmium Cell Test 25 0.025 - 1.000 Cd SPQ 2.396.000

1.01745.0001 Cadmium test 55 0.002 - 0.5 Cd SPQ 2.810.000


1.00858.0001 Calcium Cell Test 25 10 - 250 Ca SPQ 2.842.000

1.14815.0001 Calcium 90 5 - 160 Ca SPQ 3.521.000

1.16993.0001 Calcium 50 2.5 - 45.0 mg/l Ca RQ 1.757.000

1.16125.0001 Calcium 50 5 - 125 mg/l Ca RQ 1.045.000

1.11110.0001 Calcium 170 2 - 200 mg/l Ca with one full pipette; AQM 1.824.000

1.10083.0001 Calcium 60 10-25-50-100 mg/l Ca MEQ 1.429.000

Carbonate Hardness

1.08048.0001 Carbonate Hardness 300 0.2 - 20 °d (ABC 0.1 - 7.2 mmol/l) AQM 1.580.000

1.11103.0001 Carbonate Hardness 100 1 - 100 °d; AQM 764.000

1.14653.0001 Carbonate Hardness (in fresh and seawater)

50 1 - 100 °d;graduation 1 °d AQM 657.000

1.10648.0001 Carbonate Hardness 100 4-8-12-16-24 °d MEQ 730.000


1.14730.0001 Chloride Cell Test 25 5 - 125 Cl SPQ 2.105.000

1.14897.0001 Chloride 100 2.5 - 250.0 Cl SPQ 2.285.000

1.14897.0002 Chloride 175 2.5 - 250 Cl SPQ 3.279.000

1.17944.0001 Chloride 100 2 - 50 mg/l Cl RQ + 2.024.000

1.14753.0001 Chloride 200 3-6-10-18-30-60-100-180-300 mg/l Cl MiQ 3.733.000

1.14401.0001 Chloride 300 5-10-20-40-75-150-300 mg/l Cl AQQ 2.534.000

1.11132.0001 Chloride 100 25 - 2500 mg/l Cl; AQM 978.000

1.11106.0001 Chloride 200 2 - 200 mg/l Cl with one full pipette; AQM 1.781.000

1.10079.0001 Chloride 100 500-1000-1500-2000-3000 mg/l Cl MEQ 784.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.18322.0002 Chloride (rf 114401, 114753) 200 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.893.000

Chlorine and pH

1.11174.0001 Chlorine (free+ tot) and pH (@200) 0.1-0.3-0.6-1-1.5 mg/l Cl2, pH 6.8 - 7.8 AQM 3.152.000

1.11157.0001 Chlorine reagt. 1,2,3 (rf 111174) 1.000 seperti kemasan asli AQM 2.086.000

1.11113.0001 Chlorine reagt. 1(rf 111174) 2.000 seperti kemasan asli AQM 1.284.000

1.11114.0001 Chlorine reagt. 2(rf 111174) 2.000 seperti kemasan asli AQM 1.284.000

1.11115.0001 Chlorine reagt. 3(rf 111174) 2.000 seperti kemasan asli AQM 2.852.000

1.11116.0001 Chlorine reagt. 4(rf 111174) 1.000 seperti kemasan asli AQM 1.670.000

1.11160.0001 Chlorine and pH (@150)

0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.5-0.75-1-1.5 mg/l Cl2, pH 6.8 - 7.8

AQM 1.394.000


1.00595.0001 Chlorine (free) Cell Test 200 0.03 - 6.00 Cl2 SPQ 1.644.000

1.00597.0001 Chlorine (free+total) Cell Test 200 (@100)

0.03 - 6.00 Cl2 SPQ 1.812.000

1.00598.0001 Chlorine (free) 1.200 0.01 - 6.00 Cl2 SPQ 3.628.000

1.00598.0002 Chlorine (free) 200 0.01 - 6.00 Cl2 SPQ 1.291.000

1.00599.0001 Chlorine (free+tot) 200 (@100)

0.03 - 6.00 Cl2 SPQ 1.304.000

1.00602.0001 Chlorine (tot) 200 0.01 - 6.00 Cl2 SPQ 1.466.000

1.00602.0002 Chlorine (tot) 1.200 0.01 - 6.00 Cl2 SPQ 4.166.000

1.00086.0001 Chlorine reagent Cl2-1 (liquid) 200 0.01 - 6.00 Cl

2 SPQ 737.000

1.00087.0001 Chlorine reagent Cl2-2 (liquid) 400 0.01 - 6.00 Cl

2 SPQ 773.000

1.00088.0001 Chlorine reagent Cl2-3 (liquid) 600 0.01 - 6.00 Cl

2 SPQ 949.000

1.16896.0001 Chlorine 50 0.5 - 10.0 mg/l Cl2 RQ 1.406.000

1.14801.0001 Chlorine in the swimming pool (Free & Total Chlorine)

800 (@400)

0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.6-0.8-1-1.5-2 mg/l Cl2 MiQ 3.707.000

1.14803.0002 Chlorine (also rf 114801.0001) 400 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.361.000

1.14826.0001 Chlorine (Free & Total Chlorine) 800 (@400)

0.25- mg/l Cl2 MiQ 3.759.000

1.14976.0001 Chlorine high (free) 1.000 0.25- mg/l Cl2 MiQ 5.691.000

1.14978.0001 Chlorine low (free) (Liquid) 600 0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.6-0.8-1-1.5-2 mg/l Cl2 MiQ 4.072.000

1.14977.0002 Chlorine high (free) (rf 114976) 1.000 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 2.154.000

1.14979.0002 Chlorine low (free) (rf 114978) 600 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.723.000

1.18326.0002 Chlorine (rf 114826) 400 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.684.000

1.14434.0001 Chlorine (Free) 300 0.01-0.025-0.045-0.06-0.08-0.1-0.15-0.2-0.3 Cl2

AQQ 2.596.000

1.14670.0001 Chlorine in freshwater (Free) 100 0.1-0.25-0.5-1-2 mg/l Cl2 AQM 606.000

1.17924.0001 Chlorine strip 100 25-50-100-200-500 mg/l Cl2 MEQ 699.000

1.17925.0001 Chlorine strip 75 0.5 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 - 20 mg/l Cl2 MEQ 699.000

Chlorine Dioxide

1.00608.0001 Chlorine dioxide 200 0.020 - 7.50 ClO2 SPQ 1.909.000

1.18756.0001 Chlorine dioxide 300 0-0.50-0.90-1.4-1.9-3.8-7.5-13-19-28 mg/l ClO


MiQ 3.785.000

1.18754.0001 Chlorine dioxide 300 0.00-0.020-0.050-0.075-0.010-0.15-1.2-0.3-0.4-0.55 mg/lClO


AQQ 2.651.000

1.18757.0002 Chlorine dioxide (rf 118756) 300 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 2.245.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013


1.14552.0001 Chromate (6+tot) Cell Test 25 0.05 - 2.00 Cr, 0.11-4.46 CrO4 SPQ 2.519.000

1.14758.0001 Chromate (6+tot) 250 0.010 - 3.00 Cr, 0.02-6.69 CrO4 SPQ 3.010.000

1.14756.0001 Chromate 300 0.1-0.2-0.35-0.6-1-1.8-3-6-10 mg/l Cr MiQ 3.733.000

1.14441.0001 Chromate 300 0.1-0.2-0.3-0.45-0.6-0.8-1-1.3-1.6 mg/l Cr AQQ 2.475.000

1.14402.0001 Chromate 150 0.005-0.01-0.02-0.03- AQQ 2.549.000

1.10012.0001 Chromate 100 3-10-30-100 mg/l CrO4 MEQ 869.000

1.18456.0002 Chromate (rf 114756, 114441, 114402)

300 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.941.000


1.10002.0001 Cobalt 100 10-30-100-300-1000 mg/l Co MEQ 778.000

COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand)

1.14560.0001 COD Cell Test 25 4.0 - 40.0 COD SPQ 1.659.000

1.01796.0001 COD Cell test 25 5.0 - 80 COD SPQ 1.679.000

1.14540.0001 COD Cell Test 25 10 - 150 COD SPQ 1.659.000

1.14895.0001 COD Cell Test 25 15 - 300 COD SPQ 1.659.000

1.14690.0001 COD Cell Test 25 50 - 500 COD SPQ 1.659.000

1.14541.0001 COD Cell Test 25 25 - 1500 COD SPQ 1.526.000

1.14691.0001 COD Cell Test 25 300 - 3500 COD SPQ 1.659.000

1.14555.0001 COD Cell Test 25 500 - 10 000 COD SPQ 1.659.000

1.01797.0001 COD Cell Test 25 5000 - 90 000 COD SPQ 1.679.000

1.09772.0001 COD Cell Test (hg free) 25 10 - 150 COD SPQ 2.211.000

1.09773.0001 COD Cell Test (hg free) 25 100 - 1500 COD SPQ 2.211.000

1.14538.0065 COD solution A (rf 114540,114541,114560)

215 SPQ 1.640.000

1.14679.0495 COD solution A (rf 114555) 225 SPQ 1.808.000

1.14681.0495 COD solution B (rf 114560) 173 SPQ 1.707.000

1.14682.0495 COD solution B (rf 114540) 173 SPQ 1.690.000

1.14539.0495 COD solution B (rf 114541) 215 SPQ 1.824.000

1.14680.0495 COD solution B (rf 114555) 275 SPQ 2.078.000

1.18750.0001 COD for non-Merck Photometer 25 0 - 40 mg/l SPQ 1.679.000

1.18751.0001 COD for non-Merck Photometer 25 0 - 150 mg/l SPQ 1.679.000

1.18752.0001 COD for non-Merck Photometer 25 0 - 1500 mg/l SPQ 1.679.000

1.18753.0001 COD for non-Merck Photometer 25 0 - 15000 mg/l SPQ 1.679.000


1.14421.0001 Colour tak terbatas

5-10-20-30-40-50-70-100-150 HZ AQQ 2.657.000

Compact Laboratory

1.11102.0001 Compact Laboratory for Aquaristics AQM 4.574.000

1.11151.0001 Compact Laboratory for Water AQM 8.519.000


1.14553.0001 Copper Cell Test 25 0.05 - 8.00 Cu SPQ 2.304.000

1.14767.0001 Copper 250 0.02 - 6.00 Cu SPQ 3.332.000

1.14765.0001 Copper 100 0.3-0.6-1-1.5-2-3-5-7-10 mg/l Cu MiQ 3.716.000

1.14414.0001 Copper 100 0.05-0.08-0.12- AQQ 2.719.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.14418.0001 Copper 100 0.3-0.6-1-1.5-2-2.5-3-4-5 mg/l Cu AQQ 2.872.000

1.14651.0001 Copper 50 0.15-0.3-0.45-0.6-0.8-1.2-1.6 mg/l Cu AQM 1.413.000

1.10003.0001 Copper 100 10-30-100-300 mg/l Cu MEQ 599.000

1.18459.0002 Copper (rf for 114765, 114418, 114414)

125 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 2.343.000


1.14561.0001 Cyanide Cell Test 25 0.010 - 0.500 CN SPQ 2.596.000

1.09701.0001 Cyanide 100 0.002 - 0.500 CN SPQ 2.352.000

1.14800.0001 Cyanide (for SQ 118 only) 400 0.002 - 0.500 CN SPQ 4.327.000

1.14798.0001 Cyanide 200 0.03-0.07-0.13-0.2-0.3-0.5-1-2-5 mg/l CN MiQ 3.733.000

1.14429.0001 Cyanide 200 0.03-0.06-0.1-0.15-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.5-0.7 AQQ 2.596.000

1.14417.0001 Cyanide 65 0.002-0.004-0.007-0.01-0.013-0.016-0.02-0.025-0.03 mg/l CN

AQQ 2.475.000

1.10044.0001 Cyanide 100 1-3-10-30 mg/l CN MEQ 1.329.000

1.18457.0002 Cyanide (rf 114798, 114429, 114417)

200 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.945.000

Fixing bath

1.10008.0001 Fixing Bath 100 0.5-1-1.7-3-5-7-10 g/l Ag MEQ 601.000


1.14557.0001 Fluoride Cell Test 25 0.025 - 1.5 F SPQ 2.211.000

1.14598.0001 Fluoride 100 0.10 - 2.00 F SPQ 2.352.000

1.14598.0002 Fluoride 250 0.10 - 20.00 F SPQ 4.273.000


1.14500.0001 Formaldehyde Cell Test (For SQ 118 only)

25 0.10 - 8.00 HCHO SPQ

1.14678.0001 Formaldehyde 100 0.02 - 8.00 HCHO SPQ 3.037.000

1.16989.0001 Formaldehyde 50 1.0 - 45.0 mg/l formaldehyde RQ 1.321.000

1.08028.0001 Formaldehyde 100 0.1- mg/l HCHO AQM 1.810.000

1.10036.0001 Formaldehyde 100 10-20-40-60-100 mg/l formaldehyde MEQ 1.198.000

Free Sulfurous Acid

1.16137.0001 Free Sulfurous Acid 50 1 - 50 mg/l SO2 RQ 1.803.000


1.10652.0001 Fritest® 60 Graduation: perfect-still OK-renewal recommended

- 2.531.000

1.10651.0001 Fritest® refill pack 30 seperti kemasan asli - 662.000


1.17866.0001 Glucose 50 10 - 500 mg/l glucose MQ 751.000

1.16720.0001 Glucose 50 1 - 100 mg/l glucose RQ 987.000


1.17984.0001 Glutardialdehyde 100 0,5-1,0-1,5-2,0-2,5 % MQ 749.000


1.14821.0001 Gold 80 0.5 - 12.0 Au SPQ OAP


1.09711.0001 Hydrazine 100 0.005 - 2.00 N2H

4 SPQ 1.631.000

1.08017.0001 Hydrazine (also required :colour matching vessel 108018)

100 0.1-0.25-0.5-1 mg/l N2H

4 AQM 1.372.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.08018.0001 Hydrazine tak terbatas

AQM 2.197.000

Hydrogen peroxide

1.14731.0001 Hydrogen peroxide Cell Test 25 2.0 - 20.0 H2O

2 SPQ 2.749.000


1.00606.0001 Iodine 200 0.020 - 7.50 I2 SPQ 1.627.000


1.14549.0001 Iron Cell Test 25 0.05 - 4.00 Fe SPQ 2.243.000

1.14896.0001 Iron Cell Test 25 1.0 - 50.0 Fe SPQ 2.396.000

1.00796.0001 Iron 150 0.010 - 5.00 Fe SPQ 2.231.000

1.14761.0001 Iron 1.000 0.005 - 5.00 Fe SPQ 3.425.000

1.14761.0002 Iron 250 0.005 - 5.00 Fe SPQ 1.667.000

1.16983.0001 Iron 50 20 - 200 mg/l Fe(II) RQ 815.000

1.16982.0001 Iron 50 0.5 - 20 mg/l Fe2+ RQ 815.000

1.14759.0001 Iron 500 0.1-0.2-0.3-0.5-0.8-1.2-2-3-5 mg/l Fe MiQ 3.681.000

1.14404.0001 Iron 300 0.25-0.5-1-2-3-5-7.5-10-15 mg/l Fe AQQ 2.596.000

1.14438.0001 Iron 500 0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8-1-1.3-1.6-2-2.5 mg/l Fe AQQ 2.489.000

1.14403.0001 Iron 300 0.01-0.02-0.03-0.04-0.06-0.08-0.1-0.15-0.2 mg/l Fe

AQQ 2.489.000

1.11136.0001 Iron 200 0.1-0.3-0.5-1-2.5-5-7.5-12.5-25-50 mg/l Fe AQM 3.102.000

1.08023.0001 Iron (rf 111136.0001) 90 seperti kemasan asli AQM 1.124.000

1.14660.0001 Iron (blister pack) 50 0.05-0.1-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8-1 mg/l Fe AQM 847.000

1.10004.0001 Iron 100 3-10-25-50-100-250-500 mg/l Fe(II) MEQ 599.000

1.18458.0002 Iron (rf 114759, 114438, 114403) 500 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.919.000

Lactic Acid

1.16127.0001 Lactic Acid 50 1.0 - 60.0 mg/l lactic acid RQ 2.029.000


1.14833.0001 Lead Cell Test 25 0.10 - 5.00 Pb SPQ 2.396.000

1.09717.0001 Lead 50 0.010 - 5.00 Pb SPQ 2.000.000

1.10077.0001 Lead 100 20-40-100-200-500 mg/l Pb MEQ 1.298.000


1.00815.0001 Magnesium Cell Test 25 5.0 - 75.0 Mg SPQ 2.504.000

1.16124.0001 Magnesium 50 5 - 100 mg/l Mg RQ 791.000

1.11131.0001 Magnesium 50 100-200-300-500-1000-1500 mg/l Mg AQM 2.509.000

Malic Acid

1.16128.0001 Malic Acid 50 1.0 - 60.0 mg/l malic acid RQ 2.029.000


1.00816.0001 Manganese Cell Test 25 0.10 - 5.00 Mn SPQ 2.504.000

1.14770.0001 Manganese 500 0.010 - 10.0 Mn SPQ 3.467.000

1.14770.0002 Manganese 250 0.010 - 10.0 Mn SPQ 2.285.000

1.01739.0001 Manganese test 250 0.005 - 2.00 Mn SPQ 3.897.000

1.16991.0001 Manganese 50 0.5 - 45.0 mg/l Mn RQ 1.785.000

1.14768.0001 Manganese 110 0.3-0.7-1.3-2-3-4-5-7-10 mg/l Mn MiQ 3.837.000

1.14406.0001 Manganese 110 0.03-0.06-0.1-0.15-0.2-0.25-0.3-0.4-0.5 AQQ 2.489.000


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Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.10080.0001 Manganese 100 2-5-20-50-100 mg/l Mn MEQ 1.674.000

1.18460.0002 Manganese (rf 114768, 114406) 120 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.867.000


1.00860.0001 Molybdenum Cell Test 25 0.02 - 1.00 Mo SPQ 2.842.000

1.19252.0001 Molybdenum test 100 0.5 - 45 Mo SPQ OAP

0.8 - 75 MoO4

1.1 - 96.6 Na2Mo


1.10049.0001 Molybdenum 100 5-20-50-100-250 mg/l Mo MEQ 1.461.000


1.14554.0001 Nickel Cell Test 25 0.10 - 6.00 Ni SPQ 2.411.000

1.14785.0001 Nickel 250 0.02 - 5.00 Ni SPQ 2.849.000

1.14783.0001 Nickel 500 0.5-1-1.5-2-3-4-6-8-10 mg/l Ni MiQ 3.716.000

1.14420.0001 Nickel 125 0.02-0.04-0.07-0.1-0.15-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.5 mg/l Ni

AQQ 2.657.000

1.10006.0001 Nickel 100 10-25-100-250-500 mg/l Ni MEQ 622.000

1.18461.0002 Nickel (rf 114783, 114420) 500 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 2.012.000


1.14556.0001 Nitrate Cell Test in seawater 25 0.10 - 3.00 NO3-N, 0.4 - 13.3 mg/l NO

3 SPQ 3.225.000

1.09713.0001 Nitrate 100 0.10 - 25.0 NO3-N, 0.4-110.7 mg/l NO

3 SPQ 2.700.000

1.09713.0002 Nitrate 250 0.10 - 25.0 NO3-N, 0.4-110.7 mg/l NO

3 SPQ 5.106.000

1.14773.0001 Nitrate (also rf 114771) 100 0.2 - 20.0 NO3-N, 0.9-88.5 mg/l NO

3 SPQ 3.225.000

1.14942.0001 Nitrate in seawater 50 0.2 - 17.0 NO3-N, 0.9-75.3 mg/l NO

3 SPQ 2.366.000

1.14764.0001 Nitrate Cell Test 25 1.0 - 50.0 NO3-N, 4-221 mg/l NO

3 SPQ 2.473.000

1.14542.0001 Nitrate Cell Test 25 0.5 - 18.0 NO3-N, 2.2-79.7 mg/l NO

3 SPQ 2.780.000

1.14563.0001 Nitrate Cell Test 25 0.5 - 25.0 NO3-N, 2.2-110.7 mg/l NO

3 SPQ 2.473.000

1.00614.0001 Nitrate Cell Test 25 23 - 225 NO3-N, 102-996 mg/l NO

3 SPQ 2.353.000

1.11169.0001 Nitrate (blister pack) 100 10-25-50-75-100-125-150 mg/l NO3 AQM 818.000

1.11170.0001 Nitrate (blister pack) 200 10-25-50-75-100-125-150 mg/l NO3 AQM 1.503.000

1.16995.0001 Nitrate 50 3 - 90 mg/l NO3 RQ 815.000

1.17961.0001 Nitrate 50 5 - 225 mg/l NO3 RQ 815.000

1.18387.0001 Nitrate Test 90 5-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-90 mg/l NO3 MiQ 3.968.000

1.10020.0001 Nitrate 100 10-25-50-100-250-500 mg/l NO3 MEQ 692.000


1.00609.0001 Nitrite Cell Test 25 1.0 - 90 NO2-N, 3.3 - 295.2 NO

2 SPQ 2.211.000

1.14547.0001 Nitrite Cell Test 25 0.010 - 0.700 NO2-N, 0.03 - 2.3 NO

2 SPQ 2.211.000

1.14776.0001 Nitrite 1.000 0.002 - 1.00 NO2-N, 0.007 - 3.28 mg/l NO

2 SPQ 3.735.000

1.14776.0002 Nitrite 335 0.002 - 1.00 NO2-N, 0.007 - 3.28 mg/l NO

2 SPQ 2.123.000

1.16732.0001 Nitrite 50 0.03 - 1.00 g/l NO2 RQ 1.089.000

1.16973.0001 Nitrite 50 0.5 - 25.0 mg/l NO2 RQ 815.000

1.14774.0001 Nitrite 400 0.1- mg/l NO2 MiQ 3.759.000

1.14424.0001 Nitrite 400 0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.6-0.8-1-1.3-2 mg/l NO2 AQQ 2.842.000

1.14408.0001 Nitrite 110 0.005-0.012-0.02-0.03-0.04-0.05-0.06-0.08-0.1 mg/l NO


AQQ 2.596.000

1.14658.0001 Nitrite 100 0.05-0.15-0.25-0.5-1 mg/l NO2 AQM 854.000


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Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.08025.0001 Nitrite 200 0.025-0.05-0.075-0.1-0.15-0.2-0.3-0.5 mg/l NO


AQM 1.532.000

1.10022.0001 Nitrite 100 0.1-0.3-0.6-1-2-3 g/l NO2 MEQ 692.000

1.10007.0001 Nitrite 100 2-5-10-20-40-80 mg/l NO2 MEQ 654.000

1.10057.0001 Nitrite 75 0.5-1-2-5-10 mg/l mg/l NO2 MEQ 594.000

1.18463.0002 Nitrite (rf 114774, 114424, 114408) 400 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 2.023.000

Nitrogen (Total)

1.00613.0001 Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 25 0.5 - 15.0 N SPQ 2.872.000

1.14537.0001 Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 25 0.5 - 15.0 N SPQ 3.164.000

1.14763.0001 Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 25 10 - 150 N SPQ 2.872.000

Organic Acid

1.01763.0001 Organic Acid 100 SPQ 3.962.000


1.10653.0001 Oxifrit ® 60 Graduation : good-spoiled-renewal recommended

- 2.595.000

1.10654.0001 Oxifrit ® refill pack 60 seperti kemasan asli - 854.000


1.14694.0001 Oxygen Cell Test 25 0.5 - 12.0 O2 SPQ 2.948.000

1.14662.0001 Oxygen (+ BOD Reaction Bottle 114663.0001)

50 1-3-5-7-9-12 mg/l O2 AQM 1.041.000

1.11107.0001 Oxygen 100 at 0.1 - 10 mg/l O2 with one full pipette; AQM 3.034.000

1.11152.0001 Oxygen (rf 111149,111107) 100 at AQM 2.174.000

Oxygen scavenger

1.19251.0001 Oxygen scavenger 200 0.02 - 0.5 DEHA SPQ 2.653.000

0.027 - 0.667 Carbohy

0.053 - 1.315 Hydro

0.078 - 1.950 ISA

0.087 - 2.170 MEKO


1.00607.0001 Ozone 200 0.010 - 4.00 mg/l O3 SPQ 1.479.000

1.00607.0002 Ozone 1.200 0.010 - 4.00 mg/l O3 SPQ 4.515.000

1.18758.0001.1047 Ozone 100 0-0.15-0.35-0.50-0.70-1.4-2.7-5.0-7.0-10 mg/l O


MiQ 3.897.000


300 0.00-0.007-0.017-0.030-0.040-0.055-0.070-0.10-0.14-0.20 mg/l O


AQQ 2.651.000

1.18759.0002 Ozone (rf 118758) 300 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 2.201.000

Peracetic Acid

1.16975.0001 Peracetic Acid 50 1.0 - 22.5 mg/l peracetic acid RQ 815.000

1.16976.0001 Peracetic Acid 50 75 - 400 mg/l peracetic acid RQ 778.000

1.17922.0001 Peracetic Acid 100 500-1000-1500-2000 mg/l MEQ 853.000

1.10084.0001 Peracetic Acid 100 5-10-20-30-50 mg/l peracetic acid MEQ 853.000

1.10001.0001 Peracetic Acid 100 100-150-200-250-300-400-500 mg/l MEQ 853.000


1.16974.0001 Peroxide 50 0.2 - 20.0 mg/l H2O

2 RQ 815.000

1.16731.0001 Peroxide 50 100 - 1000 mg/l H2O

2 RQ 838.000

1.10011.0001 Peroxide 100 0.5-2-5-10-25 mg/l H2O

2 MEQ 582.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.10081.0001 Peroxide 100 1-3-10-30-100 mg/l H2O

2 MEQ 582.000

1.10337.0001 Peroxide 100 100-200-400-600-800-1000 mg/l H2O

2 MEQ 798.000


1.01744.0001 pH test 280 6.4 - 8.8 SPQ 1.932.000

1.16894.0001 pH 50 pH 1.0 - 5.0 RQ 840.000

1.16996.0001 pH 50 pH 4.0 - 9.0 RQ 778.000

1.16898.0001 pH for cooling lubricants 50 pH 7.0 - 10.0 RQ 791.000

1.08027.0001 pH 400 pH 4.5-5-5.5-6-6.5-7-7.5-8-8.5-9 AQM 1.439.000

1.08038.0001 pH 100 pH 4.5-5-5.5-6-6.5-7-7.5-8-8.5-9 AQM 2.189.000

1.08043.0001 pH (rf 108038) 200 seperti kemasan asli AQM 1.350.000

1.14669.0001 pH (blister pack) 200 pH 6.5-6.8-7.1-7.4-7.6-7.8-8.2 AQM 698.000

1.18773.0001 pH test (fresh and sea water) 200 pH 5.0-5,3-5,6-6,0-6,3-6,6-7,0-7,3-7,6-8,0-8,3-8,6-9,0

AQM 672.000


1.14551.0001 Phenol Cell Test 25 0.025 - 2.50 phenol SPQ 2.258.000

1.00856.0001 Phenol Test 50-250 0.002 - 5.00 phenol SPQ 3.037.000


1.14546.0001 Phosphate(ortho) Cell Test VM 25 0.5 - 25.0 PO4-P, 1.5-76.7 PO

4, 1.1 - 57.3 P2O

5 SPQ 2.334.000

1.00616.0001 Phosphate(ortho)Cell Test PMB 25 3.0 - 100.0 PO4-P, 9 - 307 PO

4, 7 - 229 P2O5 SPQ 2.353.000

1.14543.0001 Phosphate(ortho+tot)Cell Test PMB 25 0.05 - 5.00 PO4-P, 0.2 - 15.3 PO

4, 0.11 - 11.46


SPQ 2.473.000

1.14729.0001 Phosphate(ortho+tot)Cell Test PMB 25 0.5 - 25.0 PO4-P, 1.5 - 76.7 PO

4, 1.1 - 57.3


SPQ 2.473.000

1.00798.0001 Phosphate (ortho) PMB 100 1.0 - 100.0 PO4-P, 3 - 307 PO

4, 2 - 229 P2O

5 SPQ 2.003.000

1.14842.0001 Phosphate(ortho) VM (also rf 114449, 114840)

400 0.5 - 30.0 PO4-P, 1.5 - 92 PO

4, 1.1 - 68.7 P2O

5 SPQ 2.527.000

1.14848.0001 Phosphate(ortho) PMB (also rf 114445, 114846)

420 0.010 - 5.00 PO4-P, 0.03 - 15.3 PO

4, 0.02 -

11.46 P2O5

SPQ 2.554.000

1.14848.0002 Phosphate(ortho) PMB (also rf 114445, 114846)

220 0.010 - 5.00 PO4-P, 0.03 - 15.3 PO

4, 0.02 -

11.46 P2O5

SPQ 1.787.000

1.17942.0001 Phosphate 100 0.1 - 5.0 mg/l PO4 RQ + 1.785.000

1.16978.0001 Phosphate 50 5 - 120 mg/l PO4 RQ 1.319.000

1.14846.0001 Phosphate 200 0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8-1-1.5-2-2.5-3 mg/l PO4-P MiQ 3.645.000

1.14449.0001 Phosphate 190 1.0-2.0-3.5-6.0-10-20-40 mg/l PO4-P AQQ 2.580.000

1.14445.0001 Phosphate 200 0.015-0.03-0.045-0.06-0.08-0.11-0.14 AQQ 2.596.000

1.11138.0001 Phosphate 200 1-2.5-5-7.5-10 mg/l P2O5 AQM 3.327.000

1.08046.0001 Phosphate (rf 108021,11138) 100 seperti kemasan asli AQM 1.124.000

1.14661.0001 Phosphate 100 0.25-0.5-0.75-1.0-1.5-2-3 mg/l PO4 AQM 1.000.000

1.10428.0001 Phosphate 100 10-25-50-100-250-500 mg/l PO4 MEQ 1.145.000

1.18465.0002 Phosphate (rf 114846, 114445) 200 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.941.000

1.18388.0001 Phosphate 300 1.5-3-6-9-12-16-20-40-100 mg/l PO4-P MiQ 3.785.000


1.14562.0001 Potassium Cell Test 25 5.0 - 50.0 K SPQ 2.918.000

1.00615.0001 Potassium Cell Test 25 30 - 300 K SPQ 2.786.000

1.17945.0001 Potassium 100 1.0 - 25.0 mg/l K RQ + 2.643.000

1.16992.0001 Potassium 50 0.25 - 1.20 g/l K RQ 1.461.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

Quaternary Ammonium Compounds

1.17920.0001 Quaternary Ammonium Compounds 100 10-25-50-100-250-500 mg/l benzalkonium MEQ 699.000

Residual Hardness

1.14683.0001 Residual Hardness Cell Test 25 0.50 - 5.00 Ca, 0.7-7.0 CaO, 1.25-12.50 CaCO3 SPQ 2.534.000

1.11142.0001 Residual Hardness 400 0.04-0.08-0.15 °d AQM 1.645.000


1.14794.0001 Silicate (Silicic Acid) 300 0.005 - 5.00 Si SPQ 2.710.000

1.00857.0001 Silicate (Silicic Acid) 100 0.5 - 500 Si SPQ 2.486.000

1.14792.0001 Silicate (Silicic Acid) 200 0.3-0.6-1.0-1.5-2-3-5-7-10 mg/l Si MiQ 3.681.000

1.08045.0001 Silicate (rf 108021) 100 seperti kemasan asli AQM 1.124.000

1.14410.0001 Silicate (Silicic Acid) 150 0.01-0.02-0.04-0.06-0.08-0.1-0.15-0.2-0.25 mg/l Si

AQQ 2.549.000

1.18323.0002 Silicate (rf 114792, 114410) 150 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.984.000


1.14831.0001 Silver 100 0.25 - 3.00 Ag SPQ 5.025.000


1.00885.0001 Sodium Cell Test 25 10 - 300 Na SPQ 2.825.000


1.14548.0001 Sulfate Cell Test 25 5 - 250 SO4 SPQ 2.211.000

1.00617.0001 Sulfate Cell Test 25 50 - 500 SO4 SPQ 2.211.000

1.14564.0001 Sulfate Cell Test 25 100 - 1000 SO4 SPQ 2.110.000

1.14791.0001 Sulfate 200 25-300 SO4 SPQ 3.790.000

1.18389.0001 Sulfate 75 25-50-75-100-130-160-190-240-300 MiQ 5.349.000

1.14411.0001 Sulfate 90 25-50-80-110-140-200-300 mg/l SO4 AQQ 3.532.000

1.10019.0001 Sulfate 100 200-400-800-1200-1600 mg/l SO4 MEQ 692.000

1.18467.0002 Sulfate (rf 118389, 114411) 90 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 2.674.000


1.14779.0001 Sulfide 220 0.020 - 1.50 S SPQ 2.849.000

1.14777.0001 Sulfide 200 0.1-0.3-0.5-0.7-1-2-3-4-5 mg/l S MiQ 3.668.000

1.14416.0001 Sulfide 100 0.02-0.04-0.06-0.08-0.1-0.13-0.16-0.2-0.25 mg/l S

AQQ 2.596.000

1.18468.0002 Sulfide (114777, 114416) 200 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.941.000


1.14394.0001 Sulfite Cell Test 25 1.0 - 20.0 SO3 SPQ 2.258.000

1.01746.0001 Sulfite test 150 1.0 - 60.0 SO3 SPQ 3.064.000

1.16987.0001 Sulfite 50 10 - 200 mg/l SO3 RQ 815.000

1.11148.0001 Sulfite 200 0.5 - 50 mg/l Na2SO

3 (0.3 - 32 mg/l SO

3) AQM 1.649.000

1.10013.0001 Sulfite 100 10-40-80-180-400 mg/l SO3 MEQ 631.000


1.14697.0001 Surfactants (anionic) Cell Test 25 0.05 - 2.00 MBAS SPQ 2.887.000

1.01764.0001 Surfactants (Cationic) Cell Test 25 0.05 - 1.15 MBAS SPQ 2.759.000

1.01787.0001 Surfactants (Nichtion) Cell Test 25 0.1 - 7.5 MBAS SPQ 2.887.000


1.14622.0001 Tin Cell Test 25 0.10 - 2.50 Sn SPQ 2.719.000

1.10028.0001 Tin 50 10-25-50-100-200 mgl Sn MEQ 1.244.000


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Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

TOC (Total Organic Carbon)

1.14878.0001 TOC Cell Test 25 5.0 - 80.0 TOC SPQ 5.500.000

1.14879.0001 TOC Cell Test 25 50 - 800 TOC SPQ 5.670.000

1.73500.0001 Screw cap for Spectroquant ® TOC Digestion

6 SPQ 1.775.000

Total Acidity

1.16135.0001 Total Acidity 50 2.0 - 14.0 g/l (as tartaric acid) RQ 3.271.000

Total Hardness

1.00961.0001 Total Hardness 25 12 - 537 mg/l CaCO3 SPQ 2.396.000

1.16997.0001 Total Hardness 50 0.1 - 30.0 °d RQ 920.000

1.11104.0001 Total Hardness 100 1 - 100 °d; AQM 803.000

1.08047.0001 Total Hardness 300 0.1 - 5.6 °d (1 - 100 mg/l CaCO3) with one AQM 1.591.000

1.08040.0001 Total Hardness (rf 108047) 300 seperti kemasan asli AQM 1.219.000

1.08039.0001 Total Hardness 340 0.2 - 20 °d (0.1 – 3.6 mmol/l) with one full pipette

AQM 1.591.000

1.08033.0001 Total Hardness (rf 108039) 340 seperti kemasan asli AQM 1.219.000

1.08203.0001 Total Hardness reagent 2 (rf 108039)

600 seperti kemasan asli AQM OAP

1.11122.0001 Total Hardness reagent 1 (rf 108039)

600 seperti kemasan asli AQM 949.000

1.11141.0001 Total Hardness reagent 2 (rf 108039, 108047)

5 x 85 ml

seperti kemasan asli AQM 985.000

1.14652.0001 Total Hardness 50 1 - 100 °d AQM 731.000

1.10046.0001 Total Hardness 100 5-10-15-20-25 °d MEQ 649.000

1.10025.0001 Total Hardness 100 3-4-7-14-21 °d MEQ 654.000

1.10032.0001 Total Hardness 1.000 3-4-7-14-21 °d MEQ 5.999.000

1.10029.0001 Total Hardness 5.000 3-4-7-14-21 °d MEQ 11.360.000

Total Sugar

1.16136.0001 Total Sugar 50 65 - 650 mg/l total sugar RQ 3.155.000


1.14843.0001 Urea in the swimming pool 100 0.3-0.6-1-1.5-2-3-4-5-8 mg/l urea MiQ 3.763.000

1.14845.0002 Urea (rf 114843) 100 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 2.461.000


1.00861.0001 Zinc Cell Test 25 0.025 - 1.000 Zn SPQ 2.489.000

1.14566.0001 Zinc Cell Test 25 0.20 - 5.00 Zn SPQ 2.457.000

1.14832.0001 Zinc (+ : Isobutyl methylketone, cat 106146)

90 0.05 - 2.50 Zn SPQ

1.14780.0001 Zinc 100 0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.5-0.7-1-2-5 mg/l Zn MiQ 3.968.000

1.14412.0001 Zinc 120 0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.5-0.7-1-2-5 mg/l Zn AQQ 2.780.000

1.14782.0002 Zinc (rf 114780) 120 sesuai kemasan asli MIQ 1.997.000

Instrument, aksesori dan spare part

RQflex® reflectometer dan aksesori

1.16970.0001 RQflex® reflectometer RQ 15.147.000

1.16955.0001 RQflex® plus reflectometer RQ 18.393.000

1.16998.0001 Rqdata RQ 7.763.000


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Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.16953.0001 Strip adapter for RQflex and RQflex plus

RQ 811.000

1.16729.0001 Cell Test adapter for Rqflex plus RQ 2.252.000

1.16954.0001 Recalibration set for Rqflex and Rq plus

RQ 811.000

1.16727.0001 Empty Cell Tests for Rqflex plus (100 disposable Cell Tests)

RQ 2.703.000

1.16957.0001 Rqcheck Check Set RQ 947.000

1.17990.0001 Reflectoquant Dilution Set RQ 2.096.000

1.16730.0001 Blank strip 50 RQ 554.000

Photometer, aksesori dan spare part

1.09748.0001 Spectroquant Photometer NOVA 30 A


1.09751.0001 Spectroquant Photometer NOVA 60 SPQ OAP

1.09752.0001.1047 Spectroquant Photometer NOVA 60 A


1.00706.0001 Spectroquant® Spectrophotometer Pharo 100


1.00707.0001 Spectroquant® Spectrophotometer Pharo 300


1.09769.0001 Case for spectroquant photometer NOVA 30 & 60

SPQ 6.134.000

1.00670.0001 Case for spectroquant spectrophotometer Pharo 100/300

SPQ 7.291.000

1.09749.0001 Hologen lamp for Spectroquant photometer NOVA 30 & 60

SPQ 1.100.000

1.09778.0001.1047 Hologen lamp for Spectroquant photometer NOVA 400

SPQ 1.978.000

1.00660.0001 Hologen lamp for Spectroquant spectrophotometer Pharo 100

SPQ 2.775.000

1.00786.0001 Connector/cable for spectroquant spectrophotometer Pharo 100/300

Cable for car batery or power pack SPQ 2.378.000

1.00784.0001 Rectangular Cell Tests 10 mm (Quartz : UV Range)

SPQ 5.404.000

1.14946.0001 Rectangular Cell Tests 10 mm (Glass : Visible Range)

SPQ 1.267.000

1.14947.0001 Rectangular Cell Tests 20 mm (Glass : Visible Range)

SPQ 2.206.000

1.14944.0001 Rectangular Cell Tests 50 mm (Glass : Visible Range)

SPQ 2.600.000

1.73502.0001 Rectangular Cell Tests 50 mm (half Micro cell)

SPQ 7.831.000

1.14724.0001 Empty Cell Tests with screw cap SPQ 1.245.000

Mini photometer, aksesori dan spare part

1.73608.0001.1047 Spectroquant® Picco COD SPQ OAP

1.73603.0001 Spectroquant® Picco Nitrate SPQ OAP

1.73604.0001 Spectroquant® Picco Total Nitrogen SPQ OAP

1.73605.0001 Spectroquant® Picco Phosphate SPQ OAP

1.73606.0001 Spectroquant® Picco Flouride SPQ OAP


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Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.73607.0001.1047 Spectroquant® Picco Cl2/pH/Ozone/



1.73630.0001 Spectroquant® Colori meter Multy SPQ OAP

Reagen untuk Analytical Quality Assurance Photometer


1.25022.0100 CRM Ammonium standard solution 100 ml 0.400 mg/l NH4-N in H

2O SPQ 621.000

1.25023.0100 CRM Ammonium standard solution 100 ml 1.00 mg/l NH4-N in H

2O SPQ 650.000

1.25024.0100 CRM Ammonium standard solution 100 ml 2.00 mg/l NH4-N in H

2O SPQ 621.000

1.25025.0100 CRM Ammonium standard solution 100 ml 6.00 mg/l NH4-N in H

2O SPQ 621.000

1.25026.0100 CRM Ammonium standard solution 100 ml 12.0 mg/l NH4-N in H

2O SPQ 650.000

1.25027.0100 CRM Ammonium standard solution 100 ml 50.0 mg/l NH4-N IN H

2O SPQ 621.000


1.25028.0100 CRM COD standard solution 100 ml 20.0 mg/l in H2O SPQ 650.000

1.25029.0100 CRM COD standard solution 100 ml 100 mg/l in H2O SPQ 621.000

1.25030.0100 CRM COD standard solution 100 ml 200 mg/l in H2O SPQ 650.000

1.25031.0100 CRM COD standard solution 100 ml 400 mg/l in H2O SPQ 650.000

1.25032.0100 CRM COD standard solution 100 ml 1000 mg/l in H2O SPQ 650.000

1.25033.0100 CRM COD standard solution 100 ml 2000 mg/l in H2O SPQ 621.000

1.25034.0100 CRM COD standard solution 100 ml 8000 mg/l in H2O SPQ 633.000

1.25035.0100 CRM COD standard solution 100 ml 50000 mg/l in H2O SPQ 645.000


1.25036.0100 CRM NITRATE standard solution 100 ml 0.50 mg/l NO3-N in H

2O SPQ 621.000

1.25037.0100 CRM NITRATE standard solution 100 ml 2.50 mg/l NO3-N in H

2O SPQ 621.000

1.25038.0100 CRM NITRATE standard solution 100 ml 15.0 mg/l NO3-N in H

2O SPQ 650.000

1.25039.0100 CRM NITRATE standard solution 100 ml 40.0 mg/l NO3-N in H

2O SPQ 621.000

1.25040.0100 CRM NITRATE standard solution 100 ml 200 mg/l NO3-N in H

2O SPQ 650.000


1.25041.0100 CRM NITRITE standard solution 100 ml 0.200 mg/l NO2-N in H

2O SPQ 650.000

1.25042.0100 CRM NITRITE standard solution 100 ml 40.0 mg/l NO2-N in H

2O SPQ 621.000

Nitrogen (Total)

1.25043.0100 CRM NITROGEN (TOTAL) standard solution

100 ml 2.50 mg/l N in H2O SPQ 621.000

1.25044.0100 CRM NITROGEN (TOTAL) standard solution

100 ml 12.0 mg/l N in H2O SPQ 621.000

1.25045.0100 CRM NITROGEN (TOTAL) standard solution

100 ml 100 mg/l N in H2O SPQ 621.000


1.25046.0100 CRM PHOSPHORUS (TOTAL) standard solution

100 ml 0.400 mg/l PO4-P in H

2O SPQ 621.000

1.25047.0100 CRM PHOSPHORUS (TOTAL) standard solution

100 ml 4.00 mg/l PO4-P in H

2O SPQ 621.000

1.25048.0100 CRM PHOSPHORUS (TOTAL) standard solution

100 ml 15.0 mg/l PO4-P in H

2O SPQ 621.000

1.25049.0100 CRM PHOSPHORUS (TOTAL) standard solution

100 ml 75.0 mg/l PO4-P in H

2O SPQ 621.000



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Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.25050.0100 CRM SULFATE standard solution 100 ml 40 mg/l SO4 in H

2O SPQ 650.000

1.25051.0100 CRM SULFATE standard solution 100 ml 125 mg/l SO4 in H

2O SPQ 621.000

1.25052.0100 CRM SULFATE standard solution 100 ml 400 mg/l SO4 in H

2O SPQ 650.000

1.25053.0100 CRM SULFATE standard solution 100 ml 800 mg/l SO4 in H

2O SPQ 621.000


1.14676.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 10 SPQ 1.590.000

1.14675.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 20 SPQ 1.521.000

1.14677.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 30 SPQ 1.770.000

1.14692.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 40 SPQ 1.742.000

1.14695.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 50 SPQ 1.631.000

1.14696.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 60 SPQ 1.814.000

1.14689.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 70 SPQ 1.643.000

1.14738.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 80 SPQ 1.814.000

1.14693.0001 Spectroquant PhotoCheck SPQ 5.608.000

1.14962.0001 Spectroquant PipeCheck SPQ 5.453.000

Thermoreactor dan aksesori

1.71200.0001.1047 Spectroquant® Thermoreactor TR 320

12 holes Ø 16 mm, 1 heating block SPQ OAP

1.71201.0001.1047 Spectroquant® Thermoreactor TR 420

24 holes Ø 16 mm, 1 heating block SPQ OAP

1.71202.0001 Spectroquant® Thermoreactor TR 620

24 holes Ø 16 mm, 2 heating block SPQ OAP

Digestion support

1.14688.0001 Crack Set 10 C SPQ 2.434.000

1.14687.0001 Crack Set 10 SPQ 2.474.000

1.14963.0001 Crack Set 20 SPQ 2.373.000

Turbidimeter, aksesori, larutan standar dan spare part

1.18324.0001 TURBIQUANT® 1100 IR OAP

1.18331.0001.1047 TURBIQUANT® 1500 T OAP

1.18332.0001 TURBIQUANT® 3000 IR OAP

1.18333.0001 TURBIQUANT® 3000 T OAP

1.18335.0001 TURBIQUANT® 1100 IR/T Calibration standart set


1.18328.0001 TURBIQUANT® 1500 IR/1500 T Calibration standart set


1.18329.0001 TURBIQUANT® 3000 IR Calibration standart set


1.18349.0001 TURBIQUANT® 3000 T Calibration standart set


1.18342.0001 TURBIQUANT® 3000 IR Calibration standart set, 10.000 NTU


1.18343.0001 TURBIQUANT® 3000 T Calibration standart set, 10.000 NTU


1.18336.0001 TURBIQUANT® 1500/3000 cuvette (3 buah)


1.18320.0001 TURBIQUANT® 1000 Cuvettes (3 buah)



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Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Test Rentang (Range) Tipe Harga (Rp) 2013

1.18338.0001 TURBIQUANT® 1500/3000 Tungsten Lamp


1.18339.0001 TURBIQUANT® 1500/3000 Cuvette stand


1.18340.0001 TURBIQUANT® 1500/3000 pour through assembly


1.18341.0001 TURBIQUANT® 3000 flow-through assembly



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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.01010.0005 Alizarin-3-methylamine-N,N-diacetic acid dihydrate for the spectrophotometric determination of fluoride

5 g Non Kit 5.583.000

1.07293.0010 4-Amino-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one GR for analysis 10 g Non Kit 786.000

1.07293.0100 4-Amino-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 2.348.000

1.00099.0025 1-Amino-2-hydroxy-4-naphthalenesulfonic acid for determination of phosphate 25 g Non Kit 1.052.000

1.00099.0100 1-Amino-2-hydroxy-4-naphthalenesulfonic acid for determination of phosphate 100 g Non Kit 3.290.000

1.01182.0250 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 1.899.000

1.01182.1000 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 6.200.000

1.01180.0250 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate (ammonium molybdate) cryst. extra pure

250 g Non Kit 1.700.000

1.01180.1000 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate (ammonium molybdate) cryst. extra pure

1 kg Non Kit 5.706.000

1.01181.0250 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate (ammonium molybdate) powder extra pure

250 g Non Kit 1.700.000

1.01181.1000 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate (ammonium molybdate) powder extra pure

1 kg Non Kit 5.706.000

1.01182.5000 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg Non Kit 24.173.000

1.01226.0100 Ammonium monovanadate GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 1.282.000

1.01226.0250 Ammonium monovanadate GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 2.547.000

1.01226.1000 Ammonium monovanadate GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 8.474.000

1.05442.1000 Ammonium sulfide solution GR for analysis*5 1 L Non Kit 2.157.000

1.05442.9025 Ammonium sulfide solution GR for analysis 25 L Non Kit OAP

1.01468.0010 Anthrone GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 10 g Non Kit 1.396.000

1.11962.0010 Azomethine H GR for analysis (reagent for the determination of boron) 10 g Non Kit 1.400.000

1.03098.0005 2,2'-Bipyridine GR for analysis (reagent for iron(II) and molybdenum) ACS 5 g Non Kit 657.000

1.03098.0025 2,2'-Bipyridine GR for analysis (reagent for iron(II) and molybdenum) ACS 25 g Non Kit 2.612.000

1.02955.0005 2,2'-Biquinoline GR for analysis 5 g Non Kit 5.675.000

1.01599.0025 4-Bromoaniline GR for analysis 25 g Non Kit 8.277.000

1.01599.0100 4-Bromoaniline GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 37.828.000

1.01952.0050 Brucine GR for analysis 50 g Non Kit 3.606.000

1.09325.0500 Calcium acetate hydrate [about 94% Ca(CH3COO)

2] for soil testing 500 g Non Kit 588.000

1.09325.9025 Calcium acetate hydrate [about 94% Ca(CH3COO)

2] for soil testing 25kg Non Kit 10.368.000

1.02103.0250 Calcium lactate for soil tests 250 g Non Kit 887.000

1.02103.1000 Calcium lactate for soil tests 1 kg Non Kit 2.475.000

1.02103.9025 Calcium lactate for soil tests 25 kg Non Kit 12.979.000

1.10537.0001 Carrez Clarification Kit reagent kit for sample preparation in food analysis, 5-fold concentrate

1 ST Non Kit 1.040.000

1.02005.0010 Charcoal activated for the determination of AOX (shaking method) 10 g Non Kit 1.497.000

1.02216.0010 Charcoal activated for the determination of AOX 10 g Non Kit 5.149.000

1.02426.0250 Chloramine T trihydrate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 623.000

1.02426.1000 Chloramine T trihydrate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 1.395.000

1.03085.0100 4-Chlorophenol solution 725 mg/l for AOX determination acc. to DIN 38409-H 14

100 mL Non Kit 949.000

1.09288.1000 Copper(II) ethylenediamine solution DIN 54270, for measuring the viscosity of cellulose

1 L Non Kit 4.634.000

1.05227.0025 Cupferron GR for analysis ACS 25 g Non Kit 1.217.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.05227.0100 Cupferron GR for analysis ACS 100 g Non Kit 3.895.000

1.02918.0025 Diacetyl monoxime GR for analysis 25 g Non Kit 995.000

1.02918.0100 Diacetyl monoxime GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 2.714.000

1.03133.0025 Diantipyrylmethane GR for analysis (reagent for titanium) 25 g Non Kit 1.450.000

1.10888.0100 Dichloroisocyanuric acid sodium salt dihydrate GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 4.028.000

1.03028.0005 2,6-Dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium salt dihydrate GR for analysis for the determination of ascorbic acid

5 g Non Kit 1.562.000

1.03028.0025 2,6-Dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium salt dihydrate GR for analysis for the determination of ascorbic acid

25 g Non Kit 7.710.000

1.03121.0100 N,N-Diethyl-1,4-phenylenediammonium sulfate GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 1.614.000

1.07998.0025 1,8-Dihydroxy-2-(4-sulfophenylazo)naphthalene-3,6- disulfonic acid trisodium salt GR for analysis (reagent for fluoride, zirconium, thorium)

25 g Non Kit 2.211.000

1.06013.0025 Dimedone GR for analysis (reagent for aldehydes) 25 g Non Kit 941.000

1.03058.0025 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 25 g Non Kit 1.030.000

1.03058.0100 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 1.534.000

1.03058.1000 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 11.831.000

1.03059.0005 5-(4-Dimethylaminobenzylidene)-rhodanine GR for analysis (reagent for silver) 5 g Non Kit 706.000

1.03061.0100 Dimethylglyoxime disodium salt octahydrate GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 2.118.000

1.03061.0500 Dimethylglyoxime disodium salt octahydrate GR for analysis 500 g Non Kit 8.325.000

1.03062.0100 Dimethylglyoxime GR for analysis (reagent for nickel) ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 1.997.000

1.03062.1000 Dimethylglyoxime GR for analysis (reagent for nickel) ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 15.043.000

1.03067.0025 N,N-Dimethyl-1,4-phenylenediammonium dichloride GR for analysis 25 g Non Kit 1.548.000

1.03768.0100 2,6-Dimethylphenol GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 4.186.000

1.03091.0025 1,5-Diphenylcarbazide GR for analysis and redox indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g Non Kit 1.645.000

1.03091.0100 1,5-Diphenylcarbazide GR for analysis and redox indicator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 3.854.000

1.03087.0005 1,5-Diphenylcarbazone (cont. 50 % Diphenylcarbazid) ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 g Non Kit 1.127.000

1.03087.0025 1,5-Diphenylcarbazone (cont. 50 % Diphenylcarbazid) ACS,Reag. Ph Eur *5 25 g Non Kit 5.175.000

1.03162.0250 Eschka's mixture GR for analysis (for determination of sulfur in coal) 250 g Non Kit 2.077.000

1.03162.1000 Eschka's mixture GR for analysis (for determination of sulfur in coal) 1 kg Non Kit 6.489.000

1.11613.0001 Ferrospectral® GR for analysis (reagent for iron) 1 g Non Kit 1.254.000

1.10539.0010 4-Fluorophenol GR for analysis 10 g Non Kit 1.351.000

1.09001.0100 Folin-Ciocalteu's phenol reagent 100 mL Non Kit 400.000

1.09001.0500 Folin-Ciocalteu's phenol reagent 500 mL Non Kit 782.000

1.04013.0100 Furfural GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 mL Non Kit 1.328.000

1.04013.0020 Furfural GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 20 mL Non Kit 698.000

1.04191.0025 Glyoxalbis(2-hydroxyanil) GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 25 g Non Kit 1.741.000

1.04603.0100 Hydrazinium sulfate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 460.000

1.04603.0500 Hydrazinium sulfate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g Non Kit 1.239.000

1.04593.0025 Hydroxynaphthol blue metal (pM) indicator 25 g Non Kit 4.054.000

1.04616.0250 Hydroxylammonium chloride GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 1.314.000

1.04616.1000 Hydroxylammonium chloride GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 4.304.000

1.04617.0500 Hydroxylammonium sulfate GR for analysis 500 g Non Kit 1.850.000

1.07098.0050 8-Hydroxyquinoline GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 50 g Non Kit 629.000

1.07098.0250 8-Hydroxyquinoline GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 2.225.000

1.04730.0010 Indole GR 10 g Non Kit 589.000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.04730.0100 Indole GR 100 g Non Kit 3.179.000

1.15348.0250 Kjeldahl tablets (free of mercury and selenium) 5 g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 2.100.000

1.15348.1000 Kjeldahl tablets (free of mercury and selenium) 5 g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 8.454.000

1.18348.0250 Kjeldahl tablets (free of mercury and selenium) 3.5g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 2.204.000

1.16469.0250 Kjeldahl tablets (Missouri catalyst) 5g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 2.204.000

1.16469.1000 Kjeldahl tablets (Missouri catalyst) 5g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 8.454.000

1.18469.0250 Kjeldahl tablets (Missouri catalyst) 3.5g/tablet 1 ST Non Kit 2.003.000

1.10958.0250 Kjeldahl tablets for Wieninger method 5g/tablet 250 tb Non Kit 2.050.000

1.10958.1000 Kjeldahl tablets for Wieninger method 5g/tablet 1000 tb Non Kit 8.354.000

1.07362.1000 Lead coarse powder GR for analysis 1 kg Non Kit 4.665.000

1.09511.0003 Lead(II)acetate paper roll length 4.8 m 1 ST Non Kit 730.000

1.09518.0003 Litmus paper neutral 1 ST Non Kit 856.000

1.08712.0005 Magnesium reagent acc. to Mann and Yoe (reagent for magnesium) 5 g Non Kit 1.656.000

1.05983.0250 D-(-)-Mannitol for the determination of boric acid 250 g Non Kit 562.000

1.05983.1000 D-(-)-Mannitol for the determination of boric acid 1 kg Non Kit 1.887.000

1.05996.0025 2- Mercaptobenzothiazole 25 g Non Kit 1.088.000

1.04476.1000 Mercury(II) sulfate 80 g/l in potassium dichromate solution c(K2Cr2O7)=0.02 mol/l acidified with sulfuric acid for COD determination

1 L Non Kit 1.262.000

1.04413.1000 Mercury(II) sulfate solution 200 g/l in diluted sulfuric acid for determination of COD acc. to DIN 38409-H 43-1 (short-term experience)

1 L Non Kit 2.204.000

1.04476.2500 Mercury(II) sulfate 80 g/l in potassium dichromate solution c(K2Cr2O7)=0.02 mol/l acidified with sulfuric acid for COD determination

2.5 L Non Kit 2.189.000

1.04343.0100 Methenamine GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 770.000

1.04343.0500 Methenamine GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 500 g Non Kit 668.000

1.04527.0010 3-Methyl-2-benzothiazolinone-hydrazonehydrochloride GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur

10 g Non Kit 2.444.000

1.06234.0100 2-Naphthol GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 858.000

1.06234.0500 2-Naphthol GR for analysis 500 g Non Kit 2.903.000

1.06223.0050 1-Naphthol GR for analysis 50 g Non Kit 802.000

1.06223.0250 1-Naphthol GR for analysis 250 g Non Kit 1.717.000

1.06531.0005 1,2-Naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt GR for analysis 5 g Non Kit 1.287.000

1.06531.0025 1,2-Naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt GR for analysis 25 g Non Kit 5.063.000

1.06237.0005 N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride GR for analysis ACS 5 g Non Kit 796.000

1.06237.0025 N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride GR for analysis ACS 25 g Non Kit 2.709.000

1.02968.0005 Neocuproine GR for analysis 5 g Non Kit 2.392.000

1.02964.0001 Neocuproine hydrochloride monohydrate GR for analysis 1 g Non Kit 1.022.000

1.09011.0500 Nessler's reagent A for determination of nitrogen Solution A : potassium tetraiodomercurate(II) solution

500 mL Non Kit 1.452.000

1.09012.0500 Nessler's reagent B for determination of nitrogen solution B: Sodium hydroxide solution

500 mL Non Kit 742.000

1.09028.0100 Nessler's reagent for ammonium salts 100 mL Non Kit 270.000

1.09028.0500 Nessler's reagent for ammonium salts 500 mL Non Kit 934.000

1.06762.0010 Ninhydrin GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 10 g Non Kit 774.000

1.06762.0100 Ninhydrin GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 3.207.000

1.06762.1000 Ninhydrin GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 24.415.000

1.06760.0050 4-Nitroaniline for the determination of phenol 50 g Non Kit 1.000.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.01841.0025 Oxalic acid bis (cyclohexylidene hydrazide) GR for analysis (reagent for copper) 25 g Non Kit 1.444.000

1.12936.0030 Oxidizing decomposition reagent for compounds containing P and N Oxisolv® 30 g Non Kit 1.022.000

1.06999.1000 penta-Sodium triphosphate for BOD determination acc. to DIN 38409-H-51 1 kg Non Kit 650.000

1.06999.9025 penta-Sodium triphosphate for BOD determination acc. to DIN 38409-H-51 25 kg Non Kit 5.454.000

1.09565.0001 pH Box pH-indicator paper pH 0.5 - 13.0 with Acilit® (pH 0.5-5.0), Neutralit® (pH 5.5-9.0), Alkalit® (9.5-13.0), 3 rolls (of 4.8 m) and colour scale

1 pack Non Kit 837.000

1.09568.0001 pH-indicator paper pH 0.5 - 5.0 6 replacement rolls (of 4.8 m) for 109560, 109565 Acilit®

1 ST Non Kit 926.000

1.09525.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 1 - 10 Universal indicator pH 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

1 ST Non Kit 770.000

1.09526.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 1 - 10 Universal indicator Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

1 ST Non Kit 746.000

1.09527.0001 pH-indicator paper pH 1 - 10 Universal indicator 6 replacement rolls (of 4.8 m) for 109526

1 pack Non Kit 915.000

1.10232.0001 pH-indicator paper pH 1 - 14 Universal indicator 6 replacement rolls (of 4.8 m) for 110962

1 ST Non Kit 926.000

1.09555.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 3.8 - 5.4 Special indicator Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH <3.8 - 4.1 - 4.4 - 4.6 - 4.8 - 5.1 - 5.4

1 ST Non Kit 746.000

1.09556.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 5.4 - 7.0 Special indicator Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH <5.4 - 5.4 - 5.8 - 6.2 - 6.4 - 6.7 - 7.0 - >7.0

1 ST Non Kit 755.000

1.09569.0001 pH-indicator paper pH 5.5 - 9.0 6 replacement rolls (of 4.8 m) for 109564, 109565 Neutralit®

1 ST Non Kit 926.000

1.09564.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 5.5 - 9.0 Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH 5.5 - 6.0 - 6.5 - 7.0 - 7.5 - 8.0 - 8.5 - 9.0 Neutralit®

1 ST Non Kit 746.000

1.09557.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 6.4 - 8.0 Special indicator Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH 6.4 - 6.7 - 7.0 - 7.2 - 7.5 - 7.7 - 8.0 - >8.0

1 ST Non Kit 746.000

1.09558.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 8.2 - 10.0 Special indicator Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH <8.2 - 8.2 - 8.5 - 8.8 - 9.0 - 9.3 - 9.6 - 10.0

1 ST Non Kit 755.000

1.09570.0001 pH-indicator paper pH 9.5 - 13.0 6 replacement rolls (of 4.8 m) for 109562, 109565 Alkalit®

1 ST Non Kit 926.000

1.09562.0003 pH-indicator paper pH 9.5 - 13.0 Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale pH 9.5 - 10.0 - 10.5 - 11.0 - 11.5 - 12.0 - 12.5 - 13.0 Alkalit®

1 ST Non Kit 755.000

1.09514.0003 pH-indicator paper Congo red paper Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale Reag. Ph Eur 1 ST Non Kit 786.000

1.09486.0003 pH-indicator paper Litmus paper blue Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale Reag. Ph Eur 1 ST Non Kit 730.000

1.09489.0003 pH-indicator paper Litmus paper red Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale Reag. Ph Eur 1 ST Non Kit 730.000

1.09521.0003 pH-indicator paper Phenolphthalein paper Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale 1 ST Non Kit 731.000

1.09540.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 0 - 2.5 non-bleeding pH 0 - 0.5 - 1.0 - 1.3 - 1.6 - 1.9 - 2.2 - 2.5 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09531.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 0 - 6.0 non-bleeding pH 0 - 6.0 MColorpHast™ 1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09535.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 0 - 14 Universal indicator non-bleeding pH 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 199.000

1.09502.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 2.0 - 9.0 for pH measurements in turbid solutions (suspensions) non-bleeding pH 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 234.000

1.09584.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 2.0 - 9.0 non-bleeding 2.0 - 2.5 - 3.0 - 3.5 - 4.0 - 4.5 - 5.0 - 5.5 - 6.0 - 6.5 - 7.0 - 7.5 - 8.0 - 8.5 - 9.0 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.09541.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 2.5 - 4.5 non-bleeding pH 2.5 - 3.0 - 3.3 - 3.6 - 3.9 - 4.2 - 4.5 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09542.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 4.0 - 7.0 non-bleeding pH 4.0 - 4.4 - 4.7 - 5.0 - 5.3 - 5.5 - 5.8 - 6.1 - 6.5 - 7.0 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09533.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 5.0 - 10.0 non-bleeding pH 5.0 - 5.5 - 6.0 - 6.5 - 7.0 - 7.5 - 8.0 - 8.5 - 9.0 - 9.5 - 10 0 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09543.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 6.5 - 10.0 non-bleeding 9.5 - 10.0 MColorpHast™ 1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09532.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 7.5 - 14 non-bleeding 12.5 - 13.0 - 13.5 - 14.0 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.09545.0001 pH-indicator strips pH 11.0 - 13.0 non-bleeding pH 11.0 - 11.5 - 11.8 - 12.1 - 12.3 - 12.5 - 12.8 - 13.0 MColorpHast™

1 pack Non Kit 214.000

1.07223.0010 1,10-Phenanthroline chloride monohydrate GR for analysis and redox indicator [reagent for iron(II)] Reag. Ph Eur

10 g Non Kit 1.182.000

1.07223.0100 1,10-Phenanthroline chloride monohydrate GR for analysis and redox indicator [reagent for iron(II)] Reag. Ph Eur

100 g Non Kit 8.982.000

1.07225.0005 1,10-Phenanthroline monohydrate GR ACS 5 g Non Kit 741.000

1.07225.0010 1,10-Phenanthroline monohydrate GR ACS 10 g Non Kit 1.258.000

1.07225.0100 1,10-Phenanthroline monohydrate GR ACS 100 g Non Kit 9.811.000

1.00206.0250 Phenol GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 700.000

1.00206.1000 Phenol GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 1.783.000

1.00206.9025 Phenol GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 22.679.000

1.07243.0050 1,2-Phenylenediamine GR for analysis 50 g Non Kit 1.369.000

1.07255.0100 Phenyl isocyanate GR for analysis 100 mL Non Kit 1.156.000

1.07251.0100 Phenylhydrazine GR for analysis 100 mL Non Kit 1.030.000

1.07069.0025 Phloroglucinol (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene) for analysis 25 g Non Kit 802.000

1.07069.0100 Phloroglucinol (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene) for analysis 100 g Non Kit 2.324.000

1.06683.0500 Potassium carbonate/sodium carbonate GR for analysis 500 g Non Kit 650.000

1.06683.2500 Potassium carbonate/sodium carbonate GR for analysis 2.5 kg Non Kit 2.384.000

1.04858.0001 Potassium dichromate tablets for preserving milk investigation samples 1 pack Non Kit 2.204.000

1.09512.0003 Potassium iodide-starch paper Roll (4.8 m) with colour scale Reag. Ph Eur 1 ST Non Kit 730.000

1.10307.0500 Protein Kit (Biuret Method) reagent solution for approx. 250 determinations 500 mL Non Kit 1.501.000

1.10306.0500 Protein Kit (Bradford Method) reagent solution for approx. 200 determinations 500 mL Non Kit 1.501.000

1.00612.0050 Pyrogallol GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 50 g Non Kit 1.511.000

1.00612.0250 Pyrogallol GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 6.044.000

1.07495.0010 Pyrrolidine-1-dithiocarboxylic acid ammonium salt GR for analysis 10 g Non Kit 678.000

1.02284.0100 Quinhydrone GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 2.060.000

1.07593.0100 Resorcinol GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 837.000

1.07593.0250 Resorcinol GR for analysis 250 g Non Kit 1.700.000

1.06595.0005 Rhodizonic acid disodium salt indicator for sulfate titration 5 g Non Kit 1.753.000

1.00629.0010 Rubeanic acid GR for analysis 10 g Non Kit 2.106.000

1.00629.0100 Rubeanic acid GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 16.221.000

1.09034.0250 Schiff's reagent for detection of aldehydes 250 mL Non Kit 294.000

1.09034.1000 Schiff's reagent for detection of aldehydes 250 mL Non Kit 546.000

1.08030.1000 Selenium reagent mixture GR (for the determination of nitrogen acc. to Wieninger)

1 kg Non Kit 1.010.000

1.08030.5000 Selenium reagent mixture GR (for the determination of nitrogen acc. to Wieninger)

5 kg Non Kit 4.783.000


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catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.07722.0100 Semicarbazide hydrochloride GR for analysis 100 g Non Kit 1.448.000

1.01534.0050 Silver sulfate extra pure 50 g Non Kit 3.524.000

1.01534.0250 Silver sulfate extra pure 250 g Non Kit 14.423.000

1.01509.0025 Silver sulfate GR for analysis ACS 25 g Non Kit 2.264.000

1.01509.0100 Silver sulfate GR for analysis ACS 100 g Non Kit 6.960.000

1.01517.1000 Silver sulfate solution 10 g/l in sulfuric acid (D = 1.84 g/ml) for COD determination

1 L Non Kit 1.141.000

1.01517.2500 Silver sulfate solution 10 g/l in sulfuric acid (D = 1.84 g/ml) for COD determination

2.5 L Non Kit 2.757.000

1.01574.1000 Silver sulfate solution 80 g/l in sulfuric acid (D=1.84 g/ml) for COD determination acc. to DIN 38409-H 43-1

1 L Non Kit 4.802.000

1.06687.0001 Sodium azide tablets for the preservation of milk samples for testing one tablet 0.1 g (1 tablet contains about 8 mg sodium azide)

1 pack Non Kit 2.157.000

1.06689.0025 Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate (reagent for copper) GR for analysis ACS

25 g Non Kit 400.000

1.06689.0100 Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate (reagent for copper) GR for analysis ACS

100 g Non Kit 917.000

1.05621.2500 Sodium silicate solution extra pure 2.5 L Non Kit 675.000

1.05621.9040 Sodium silicate solution extra pure 40 kg Non Kit 3.777.000

1.05621.9250 Sodium silicate solution extra pure 250 kg Non Kit 16.256.000

1.06669.0010 Sodium tetraphenyl borate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 10 g Non Kit 1.604.000

1.06669.0025 Sodium tetraphenyl borate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 25 g Non Kit 2.750.000

1.06669.0100 Sodium tetraphenyl borate GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 9.638.000

1.14602.0001 Soil Laboratory 3 x N/pH Nitrogen and pH (lime requirement) Agroquant® 1 ST Non Kit 12.077.000

1.11799.0100 Sulfanilamide GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 1.729.000

1.00686.0100 Sulfanilic acid GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 100 g Non Kit 657.000

1.00686.0250 Sulfanilic acid GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 1.342.000

1.08123.0050 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution 10% for polarography and for examination of steroids Reag. Ph Eur

50 mL Non Kit 724.000

1.08123.0250 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution 10% for polarography and for examination of steroids Reag. Ph Eur

250 mL Non Kit 2.882.000

1.08475.1000 Tetramethylbenzidine solution for the detection of chlorine 1 L Non Kit 730.000

1.08622.0001 3,3',5,5'-Tetramethylbenzidine GR for analysis 1 g Non Kit 1.156.000

1.08201.0100 1-(2-Theonyl)-3,3,3-trifluoroacetone GR 100 g Non Kit 6.769.000

1.08170.0050 Thioacetamide GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 50 g Non Kit 1.017.000

1.08170.0250 Thioacetamide GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 250 g Non Kit 4.119.000

1.08170.1000 Thioacetamide GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 22.495.000

1.08180.0025 2-Thiobarbituric acid reagent for sorbic acid 25 g Non Kit 844.000

1.00700.0100 Thioglycolic acid GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 100 mL Non Kit 649.000

1.00700.1000 Thioglycolic acid GR for analysis Reag. Ph Eur 1 L Non Kit 3.842.000

1.07979.0250 Thiourea GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur *2 250 g Non Kit 678.000

1.07979.1000 Thiourea GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur *2 1 kg Non Kit 1.991.000

1.08310.0250 o-Toluidine GR for analysis 250 mL Non Kit 947.000

1.08310.1000 o-Toluidine GR for analysis 1 L Non Kit 2.709.000

1.10841.0050 p-Toluidine GR for analysis 50 g Non Kit 2.483.000

1.12979.0001 Total dietary fiber Kit reagent kit for 100 determinations 1 ST Non Kit 5.769.000


Page 176: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Test Kit dan Instrumentasi untuk Analisis Air dan Makanan

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Bisnis Unit Harga (Rp) 2013

1.10238.0005 2,4,6-Tri(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine for analysis 5 g Non Kit 2.056.000

1.08487.0500 Urea GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 500 g Non Kit 678.000

1.08487.1000 Urea GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1 kg Non Kit 1.052.000

1.08487.5000 Urea GR for analysis ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5 kg Non Kit 4.430.000

1.08498.0500 Vanadate-molybdate reagent for determination of phosphate 500 mL Non Kit 468.000

1.01051.5000 Water for on-line analysis 5 L Non Kit 462.000

1.08739.0001 Zincon for the photometric determination of copper and zinc 1 g Non Kit 994.000

1.08739.0005 Zincon for the photometric determination of copper and zinc 5 g Non Kit 3.385.000


Page 177: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

Page 178: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Simply get started!Media kultur siap pakai untuk semua aplikasiMerck Millipore menawarkan media kultur siap pakai untuk segala aplikasi. Pada halaman berikut, Anda dapat menemukan

tinjauan ragam media kultur yang lengkap – sehingga membantu Anda dalam memilih produk yang tepat sesuai dengan

kebutuhan Anda.

Fitur Produk

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

Envirocheck® Contact slides

untuk pemantauan kehigienisan di permukaan dan dalam cairan

Merckoplate®, Chromoplate® and Fluoroplate®

Pre-poured plate untuk enumerasi, isolasi, deteksi, dan kultivasi

Envirocheck® Settle plates

untuk samping udara aktif dan pasif

untuk isolator dan clean room

Envirocheck® Contact plates

untuk pemantauan kehigienisan di permukaan

Merckotube® culture media in bottles and tubes

Media kultur dalam botol dan tube untuk enumerasi, isolasi, deteksi, dan kultivasi

Page 179: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Pemantauan airApa yang terlihat oleh mata bukanlah apa yang sepenuhnya terlihat. Hal ini terutama sekali untuk air: air mungkin terlihat

murni, tapi ada kemungkinan terkontaminasi dengan mikroorganisme patogenik atau organisme yang dapat memicu

ancaman kesehatan. Dengan produk pengujian air dari Merck Millipore, Anda dapat percaya diri dan yakin bahwa setiap

parameter dibawah limitnya. Dengan ChromoCult®, ReadyCult® dan the R2A Agar Anda dapat secara cepat dan aman

mendeteksi kontaminasi mikrobiologi.

ReadyCult®Cara yang mudah untuk mendeteksi

secara berkelanjutan Coliform dan

E.coli dalam air

Keuntungan Andadisetujui US EPA

format yang dikemas siap pakai

ChromoCult®Deteksi Coliform dan E. Coli dalam air

dengan metode pengenalan warna

Keuntungan Andawaktu inkubasi hanya 24 jam

deteksi berkelanjutan Coliform

dan E. Coli

warna karakteristik koloni untuk

memudahkan identifikasi

R2A AgarUji standar untuk penghitungan

bakteri heterotropik dalam air

Keuntungan Andakonsentrasi nutrient yang rendah

tercantum dalam chapter 1231,

air untuk keperluan farmasi

dalam US Pharmacopoeia

Fitur Produk

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

ReadyCult® Coliforms 100

Perubahan warna dalam kaldu menjadi biru kehijauan, bahkan jika hanya pada

bagian atas mengkonfirmasikan keberadaan coliform.

Escherichia coli

ATCC 11775

Citrobacter freundii

ATCC 8090

Escherichia coli Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Bacillus cereus Enterococcus faecalis

Page 180: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Fitur Produk

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

MAS 100 NT®: sistem pemantauan udara yang paling akurat

HY-LiTE® 2: sistem deteksi kehigienisan terbaik dan cepat.

Dengan sistem pemantauan udara MAS-100 ® NT,

Merck Millipore menawarkan presisi tinggi sistem

pemantauan udara yang sangat mudah untuk

digunakan, memberikan hasil yang akurat dan dapat

reprodusibeli, dan sepenuhnya sesuai dengan standar

ISO EN 14.698 bagian 1 dan 2.

HY-LiTE® 2, suatu sistem deteksi kehigienisan yang

cepat dan dapat dilakukan di tempat. HY-LiTE® 2

memberikan data yang penting, akurat, cepat dan

komparatif dalam efisiensi pembersihan fasilitas

produksi dan staf produksi. Hasil pemantauan tidak

dipengaruhi oleh perubahan suhu. Hasil pemantauan

juga memberikan notifikasi pada manajemen akan

area potensial yang mungkin memerlukan perhatian

khusus – dengan cepat dan dalam jangka panjang. HY-

LiTE® 2 memberikan hasil pengujian hanya dalam 60

detik. Satu menit yang dapat memberikan perbedaan

antara fasilitas produksi yang bebas kontaminasi dan

fasilitas produksi yang terkontaminasi.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

Page 181: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:

*1 storage temperature -20°C*2 room temperature

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


MERCK Real Time PCR reagent for Indentification and Pathogen Testing

Real-time PCR Test Kits for ROCHE LightCycler 1.x & 2.0 and/or LC 480

1.20446.0001 foodproof® E. coli O157 Detection Kit, Hybridization Probes (LC 1.x, 2.0) *1 96 tests 12,910,000

1.20489.0001 foodproof® Enterobacteriaceae + E. sakazakii Detection System, Hybrid. Probes (LC 2.0, 480) *1 96 tests 13,550,000

1.20466.0001 foodproof® Enterobacter sakazakii Detection Kit , Hybridization Probes ( LC 2.0 ) *1 96 tests 12,910,000

1.20448.0001 foodproof® GMO Maize Quantification Kit, Hybridization Probes (LC 1.x, 2.0, 480) *1 128 tests 16,530,000

1.20449.0001 foodproof® GMO Screening Kit, Hybridization Probes (LC 1.x, 2.0) *1 128 tests 12,910,000

1.20450.0001 foodproof® GMO Soya Quantification Kit, Hybridization Probes (LC 1.x, 2.0) *1 128 tests 16,530,000

1.20451.0001 foodproof® Listeria Genus Detection Kit, Hybridization Probes (LC 1.x, 2.0) *1 96 tests 12,910,000

1.20452.0001 foodproof® Listeria monocytogenes Detection Kit, Hybridization Probes (LC 1.x, 2.0) *1 96 tests 12,910,000


foodproof® Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus Detection kit. Hybridization Probes (

LC 1.x, 2.0) *1 96 tests 12,910,000

1.20478.0001 foodproof® E.coli and Shigella Detection Kit ( LC1.x,2.0) *1 96 tests 12,910,000

1.20453.0001 foodproof® Salmonella Detection Kit, Hybridization Probes (LC 1.x, 2.0) *1 96 tests 12,610,000

1.20462.0001 foodproof® GMO Screening Kit, Hybridization Probes (LC 480 ) *1 128 tests 9,510,000

1.20468.0001 foodproof® Campylobacter Detection kit, Hybridization Probes (LC 480) *1 96 tests 12,910,000

1.20469.0001 foodproof® Beer Screening Kit, Hybridization Probes (LC 480) *1 96 tests 18,030,000

1.44031.0100 MMB Norovirus (LC) Kit 23,730,000

Real-time PCR Test Kits for -5' Nuclease Probe- or TaqMan Probe Cycler (Stratagene, ABI, etc)

1.20454.0001 foodproof® Brucella Detection System, TqM Probes *1 96 tests 12,910,000

1.20455.0001 foodproof® E. coli O157 Detection System, TqM Probes *1 96 tests 12,910,000

1.20456.0001 foodproof® Enterobacteriaceae plus E. sakazakii Detection System, TqM Probes *1 96 tests 12,610,000

1.20457.0001 foodproof® Listeria Genus Detection System, TqM Probes *1 96 tests 12,610,000

1.20458.0001 foodproof® Listeria monocytogenes Detection System, TqM Probes *1 96 tests 12,610,000

1.20459.0001 foodproof® Salmonella Detection System, TqM Probes *1 96 tests 12,610,000

1.20460.0001 foodproof® Campylobacter Detection System, TqM Probes *1 96 tests 17,310,000

1.44032.0100 MMB Norovirus (R) KIT 23,730,000

1.44033.0100 MMB Norovirus (V) KIT 23,730,000

1.44034.0100 MMB Legionella Screening (V) Kit 944111 16,260,000

1.44035.0100 MMB Bacillus cereus (V) Kit 16,260,000

1.44036.0100 MMB Clostridium perfringens (V) Kit 16,260,000

1.44037.0100 MMB Legionella pneumophila (V) Kit 20,179,000

1.44038.0100 MMB Vibrio cholerae (V) Kit 16,260,000

1.44048.0100 MMB Staphylococcus aureus (V) Kit 16,260,000

1.44073.0100 MMB Mycoplasma PCR Kit 8,823,000

DNA Extraction and Sample Preparation Kits

1.20493.0001 Alicyclobacillus Detection Kit 12,530,000

1.20470.0001 foodproof® ShortPrep I ( Salmonella in all foods except plant origin, spices ) *2 96 tests 9,440,000

1.20471.0001 foodproof® ShortPrep II ( L.monocytogenes , E.coli 0157 , Campylobacter ) *2 96 tests 11,310,000

1.20472.0001 foodproof® ShortPrep III ( bacterial enrichment of cultures of beverage samples ) *2 96 tests 2,170,000

1.20473.0001 foodproof® Sample Preparation Kit I ( gram-negative bacteria in raw and processed foods ) *2 100 tests 9,790,000

1.20474.0001 foodproof® Sample Preparation Kit II ( gram-positive bacteria in raw and processed foods ) *2 100 tests 11,860,000

1.20475.0001 foodproof® GMO Sample Preparation Kit *2 50 tests 7,140,000

1.20476.0001 foodproof® StarPrep One Kit *2 100 tests 3,390,000


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Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.20479.0001 foodproof® StarPrep Four Kit *2 96 tests 3,650,000

1.20481.0001 foodproof® Reagent D for eliminating DNA from dead cells 100 tests 2,120,000

1.20484.0001 foodproof® Color Compensation Set 1 2,530,000

1.20485.0001 foodproof® Color Compensation Set 2 2,530,000

1.20486.0001 foodproof® Color Compensation Set 3 2,870,000

1.44025.0100 MMB DNA/RNA Virus Prep Kit 6,280,000

1.44030.0100 MMB Prep Bacteria 4,480,000

1.20482.0001 TAQ Polymerase DNA-free 150 2,540,000


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Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


Merckoplate®, Chromoplate® and Fluoroplate®(Pre-poured 90 mm diameter plates for enumeration, isolations, detection and cultivation)

1.10421.0001Agar for fungi acc. to KIMMIG modified for cultivation, isolation, identification and strain

preservation of fungi Merckoplate®20 plates 400,000

1.00073.0020Agar R2A for the determination of the heterotrophic total bacterial count in drinking water

Merckoplate®20 plates 330,000

1.00073.0480Agar R2A for the determination of the heterotrophic total bacterial count in drinking water

Merckoplate®480 plates 7,960,000

1.00881.0020 BAIRD-PARKER Agar for the isolation and differentiation of Staphylococci Merckoplate® 20 plates 550,000

1.00077.0020 Bile Aesculin Azide Agar for the detection and enumeration of Enterococci Merckoplate® 20 plates 800,000

1.13414.0001Blood agar for the isolation and cultivation of various fastidious microorganisms

Merckoplate®20 plates 480,000

1.13421.0001Blood agar for the isolation and cultivation of various fastidious microorganisms

Merckoplate®480 plates 10,440,000

1.15177.0001Boiled blood agar (chocolate agar) for the cultivation and isolation of fastidious pathogenic

bacteria Merckoplate®20 plates 580,000

1.15164.0001 BPLS agar for the isolation of Salmonella Merckoplate® 20 plates 720,000

1.13404.0001 BROLACIN agar Bromothymol blue-lactose-cystine agar for microbiology Merckoplate® 480 plates 10,920,000

1.10412.0001Candida elective agar acc. to NICKERSON for the isolation and preliminary differentiation

of Candida and other yeasts Merckoplate®20 plates 360,000

1.18360.0001CASO agar with neutralizers Casein peptone-soymeal peptone agar with neutralizers

for the enumeration and isolation of microorganisms Merckoplate®20 plates 350,000

1.18363.0001CASO agar with neutralizers Casein peptone-soymeal peptone agar with neutralizers

for the enumeration and isolation of microorganisms Merckoplate®480 plates 7,770,000

1.13499.0001CASO agar Casein peptone-soymeal peptone agar for the enumeration and isolation of

microorganisms Merckoplate®480 plates 7,840,000

1.13582.0001CASO agar Casein peptone-soymeal peptone agar for the enumeration and isolation of

microorganisms Merckoplate®20 plates 360,000

1.00831.0020CATC Agar (Citrate azide tween carbonate agar) for the detection of Enterococci

Merckoplate®20 plates 530,000

1.00830.0020Cereus Selective Agar acc. to MOSSEL for the enumeration, detection and isolation of

Bacillus cereus Merckoplate®20 plates 530,000

1.00851.0020Cetrimide Agar (Pseudomonas selective agar) for the Isolation and differentiation of

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Merckoplate®20 plates 390,000

1.10156.0001Chromocult Coliform Agar for the simultaneous detection of total coliforms and E.coli

Chromoplate®20 plates 380,000

1.10422.0001Dermatophytes selective agar (DTM) acc. to TAPLIN for the isolation and rapid

differentiation of dermatophytes Merckoplate®20 plates 570,000

1.15156.0001 ENDO agar for the detection and isolation of E.coli and coliforms Merckoplate® 20 plates 430,000

1.00074.0020Lactose TTC agar with Tergitol® 7 for the detection of E.coli and coliform bacteria

Merckoplate®20 plates 390,000

1.15175.0020LEIFSON agar Deoxycholate citrate agar acc. to LEIFSON, modified for the isolation of

salmonella and shigella Merckoplate®20 plates 440,000

1.15175.0480LEIFSON agar Deoxycholate citrate agar acc. to LEIFSON, modified for the isolation of

salmonella and shigella Merckoplate®480 plates 9,720,000

1.00420.0020Listeria Selective-Agar acc. to OTTAVIANI and AGOSTI (ISO 11290) for microbiology

Chromoplate®20 plates 610,000


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Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.00420.0480Listeria Selective-Agar acc. to OTTAVIANI and AGOSTI (ISO 11290) for microbiology

Chromoplate®480 plates 13,280,000

1.10748.0001MacCONKEY agar for the isolation of Salmonella, Shigella and coliform bacteria

Merckoplate®20 plates 390,000

1.15276.0001MacCONKEY agar for the isolation of Salmonella, Shigella and coliform bacteria

Merckoplate®480 plates 8,620,000

1.13573.0001 Malt extract agar for the detection and isolation of yeasts and moulds Merckoplate® 20 plates 370,000

1.13423.0020Malt extract agar with chloramphenicol and gentamycin for the detection and isolation of

pathogenic fungi Merckoplate®20 plates 390,000

1.13423.0480Malt extract agar with chloramphenicol and gentamycin for the detection and isolation of

pathogenic fungi Merckoplate®480 plates 8,470,000

1.10749.0001 Mannitol salt phenol-red agar for the detection of pathogenic Staphylococci Merckoplate® 20 plates 480,000


Membrane-filter Enterococcus selective agar acc. to SLANETZ and BARTLEY for

the enumeration of enterococci in water, by the membrane filtration technique


20 plates 570,000

1.13496.0001Minimal glucose agar for mutagenicity tests acc. to AMES for the examination of

chemical components for mutagenic and cancerogenic properties Merckoplate®480 plates 8,190,000

1.15198.0001Minimal glucose agar for mutagenicity tests acc. to AMES for the examination of

chemical components for mutagenic and cancerogenic properties Merckoplate®20 plates 370,000

1.10414.0001MUELLER-HINTON agar for testing the sensitivity of clinically important pathogens

Merckoplate®20 plates 360,000

1.13405.0001MUELLER-HINTON agar for testing the sensitivity of clinically important pathogens

Merckoplate®480 plates 7,980,000

1.13571.0001MUELLER-HINTON agar with blood for testing the sensitivity of clinically important

pathogens Merckoplate®20 plates 570,000

1.13108.0001 Plate count agar for determining the total bacterial count Merckoplate® 20 plates 350,000

1.13488.0001 Plate count agar for determining the total bacterial count Merckoplate® 480 plates 9,550,000

1.13999.0001 RAMBACH® agar for the identification of Salmonella Merckoplate® 20 plates 370,000

1.15999.0001 RAMBACH® agar for the identification of Salmonella Merckoplate® 480 plates 8,040,000

1.10424.0001 Rice extract agar for the differentiation of yeasts Merckoplate® 20 plates 420,000

1.18358.0020 Saboraud 4% dextrose agar for the detection of fungi Merckoplate® 20 plates 360,000

1.18358.0480 Saboraud 4% dextrose agar for the detection of fungi Merckoplate® 480 plates 8,240,000

1.18359.0001 Saboraud 4% dextrose agar with neutralizers for the detection of fungi Merckoplate® 20 plates 380,000

1.18364.0001 Saboraud 4% dextrose agar with neutralizers for the detection of fungi Merckoplate® 480 plates 7,940,000

1.10413.0001 Saboraud 2% glucose agar for the cultivation of dermatophytes Merckoplate® 20 plates 370,000

1.10415.0001 Selective agar for pathogenic fungi for the isolation of pathogenic fungi Merckoplate® 20 plates 430,000

1.10416.0001 Standard I nutrient agar for the cultivation of fastidious bacteria Merckoplate® 20 plates 370,000

1.00417.0020Standard I nutrient agar with neutralizer for the cultivation of fastidious bacteria

Merckoplate®20 plates 580,000

1.00417.0480Standard I nutrient agar with neutralizer for the cultivation of fastidious bacteria

Merckoplate®480 plates 12,820,000

1.18351.0001VRBD agar Crystal-violet neutral-red bile glucose agar acc. to MOSSEL for isolation

and enumeration of all Enterobacteriaceae species Merckoplate®20 plates 380,000

1.18464.0020XLD Agar (acc. harm. EP/USP/JP) Xylose-lysine-deoxycholate agar for microbiology

Merckoplate®20 plates 430,000

1.15184.0001XLD agar Xylose-lysine-deoxycholate agar for the isolation and differentiation of

pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae Merckoplate®20 plates 480,000


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Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


Merckotube® Culture Media in bottles and tubes

1.18441.0010 Chromocult® Coliform Agar Merckotube® 10 bottles 980,000

1.18445.0010 Demi FRASER broth Merckotube® 10 bottles 1,070,000

1.18423.0010 EE Broth-MOSSEL (acc. harm. EP/USP/JP) Merckotube® 10 bottles 470,000

1.18428.0025 EE Broth-MOSSEL (acc. harm. EP/USP/JP) Merckotube® 25 tubes 460,000

1.18426.0010 Fluid thioglycolate medium Merckotube® 10 bottles 470,000

1.18421.0010 Lactose broth Merckotube® 10 bottles 400,000

1.18422.0010 MacCONKEY broth Merckotube® 10 bottles 430,000

1.18432.0010 Orange-serum agar Merckotube® 10 bottles 700,000

1.18436.0010 Peptone water (buffered) Merckotube® 10 bottles 540,000

1.18433.0010 Plate count agar Merckotube® 10 bottles 610,000

1.18449.0025 Rappaport-Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment broth (acc. harm. EP/USP/JP) Merckotube® 25 tubes 520,000

1.18425.0010 SABOURAUD 4% dextrose agar with chloramphenicol Merckotube® 10 bottles 680,000

1.18424.0010 Sodium chloride peptone broth (buffered) Merckotube® 10 bottles 390,000

1.18420.0010 Tryptic Soy Agar Merckotube® 10 bottles 610,000

1.18419.0010 Tryptic Soy Broth Merckotube® 10 bottles 590,000

1.18427.0025 Tryptic Soy Broth Merckotube® 25 tubes 430,000

1.18439.0010 VRB-agar Merckotube® 10 bottles 610,000

1.18440.0010 VRBD-agar Merckotube® 10 bottles 610,000

1.18443.0010 YGC agar Merckotube® 10 bottles 700,000

Envirocheck® Contact Plates for isolator and clean rooms (triple wrapped, gamma-irradiated, storage at +15 to +25°C)

1.18414.0020Saboraud 4% dextrose agar with chloramphenicol Contact plates (90 mm diameter)

Envirocheck®20 plates 460,000

1.18409.0020Saboraud 4% dextrose agar with Neutralizers (lecithin, polysorbate 80, histidine,

thiosulfate) Contact plates (55 mm diameter) Envirocheck®20 plates 600,000

1.18411.0020Saboraud 4% dextrose agar with Neutralizers (lecithin, polysorbate 80, histidine,

thiosulfate) Settle plates (90 mm diameter) Envirocheck®20 plates 580,000

1.18408.0020Tryptic Soy agar with Neutralizers (lecithin, polysorbate 80, histidine, thiosulfate) Contact

plates (55 mm diameter) Envirocheck®20 plates 600,000

1.18410.0020Tryptic Soy agar with Neutralizers (lecithin, polysorbate 80, histidine, thiosulfate) Settle

plates (90 mm diameter) Envirocheck®20 plates 525,000

Envirocheck® Contact Plates for hygiene monitoring of surfaces (55 mm diameter, single

bagged, storage at +15 to +25°C)

1.18412.0020 Plate count agar Contact plates Envirocheck® 20 plates 460,000

1.18414.0020 Sabouraud 4% Dextrose Agar with chloramphenicol Contact plates Envirocheck® 20 plates 460,000

1.18417.0020 VRBD agar Contact plates Envirocheck® 20 plates 470,000


1.46555.0020 Blood Contact Agar+LTH-ICRPLUS (20) 1 PC 800,000

1.46196.0020 Buffered NaCl Peptone Solution acc. EP 1 PC 310,000

1.46196.0100 Buffered NaCl Peptone Solution acc. EP 1 PC 1,550,000

1.46495.0010 Caseinpeptone-Lecithin-Polysorbate-Broth 1 PC 470,000

1.46051.0018 CASO-Agar M. LTHTH-ICR 15CM 80ML 1 PC 890,000

1.46189.0020 Contact Agar Baird Parker RT (20) 1 PC 500,000

1.46266.0020 Contact Agar DG + Chloramphenicol-RT (20) 1 PC 450,000

1.46427.0020 Contact Agar MacConkey RT (20) 1 PC 450,000

1.46240.0020 Contact Agar Tryptic Soy RT (20) 1 PC 440,000

1.46200.0020 Contact Agar Tryptic Soy w. LTH RT (20) 1 PC 440,000

1.46527.0020 Contact Plates Tryptic Soy Agar ICR+ (20) 1 PC 610,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.46527.0200 Contact Plates Tryptic Soy Agar ICR+ (20) 1 PC 6,040,000

1.46552.0020 Contact Plates Tryptic Soy Agar ICR+ (20) 1 PC 610,000

1.46552.0200 Contact Plates Tryptic Soy Agar ICR+ (20) 1 PC 6,040,000

1.46470.0010 Fluid A (100ML) (10) 1 PC 530,000

1.46415.0006 Fluid A ( EP USP) 300 ML SFCAP (6) 1 PC 560,000

1.46397.0010 Fluid D (100ML) (10) 1 PC 530,000

1.46483.0006 Fluid D ( USP; 0.1% Tween 80) 300 1 PC 560,000

1.46476.0006 Fraser Enrichment Broth (225 ML) (6) 1 PC 550,000

1.46529.0100 ICR swabs Gamma-irradiated 1 PC 10,050,000

1.46099.0020 King's B Medium (Slant) (1103r) 1 PC 510,000

1.46556.0001 Lactamator (1 bottles ) <Q0910052> 1 PC 16,980,000

1.46544.0010 Lactamator (10 Bottles) <Q0910052> 1 PC 6,610,000

1.46551.0005 Lactamator (Liquid) 10 ML/pack (5) 1 PC 7,060,000

1.46401.0010 Lactose Broth 100 ML in 125 ML bottle 1 PC 590,000

1.46150.0020 Lauryl Sulfate Broth with Mug & Durham 1 PC 470,000

1.46264.0100 Letheen Broth 9.9 ml (361r) 1 PC 1,780,000

1.46048.0120 LI Cetrimede Agar 30ML (120) 1 PC 2,600,000

1.46048.0020 LI Cetrimede Agar 30ML (20) 1 PC 440,000

1.46073.0120 LI XLD Agar 30ML (120) 1 PC 2,600,000

1.46073.0020 LI XLD Agar 30ML (20) 1 PC 440,000

1.46022.0120 MacConkey Agar LI 30ML (120) 1 PC 2,600,000

1.46022.0020 MacConkey Agar LI 30ML (20) 1 PC 440,000

1.46372.0006 MacConkey Broth (acc..EP+USP) 100ML/250ML 1 PC 390,000

1.46461.0010 MacConkey Broth 100 ML (10) 1 PC 480,000

1.46382.0006 MacConkey Broth acc. EP (5261000) 1 PC 1,280,000

1.46191.0020 Malt Extract Contact Agar - RT (20) 1 PC 450,000

1.46023.0120 Mannitol-salt agar LI 30ML (120) 1 PC 2,600,000

1.46023.0020 Mannitol-salt agar LI 30ML (20) 1 PC 440,000

1.46487.0006 Mod. Tween-Lecithin Broth 90 ML 1 PC 400,000

1.46463.0010 Mossel Broth (EE-BROTH) (acc.EP+USP) 1 PC 580,000

1.46462.0006 Mossel Broth (EE-BROTH) 100 ML/250ML SC 1 PC 450,000

1.46434.0006 Mossel Broth (EE-BROTH) 1000 ML/1000 ML SC 1 PC 1,320,000

1.46346.0020 Mossel Broth 10 ML (20) 1 PC 420,000

1.46373.0010 Mossel Broth 100 ML IN 125 ML Bottle (10) 1 PC 580,000

1.46219.0100 Mossel Broth acc. EP+USP 10 ML (100) 1 PC 1,680,000

1.46219.0020 Mossel Broth acc. EP+USP 10 ML (20) 1 PC 340,000

1.46364.0006 MRS Agar 200 ml pH 5.4 ñ 0.2 (506200) 1 PC 680,000

1.46198.0020 NaCl (phys.) 5 ml (2081r) 1 PC 310,000

1.46198.0100 NaCl (phys.) 5 ml (2081r) 1 PC 1,550,000

1.46193.0100 NaCl (phys.) 9 ml (2084r) 1 PC 1,550,000

1.46217.0020 NaCl (phys.) 10 ml (2080r) 1 PC 310,000

1.46217.0100 NaCl (phys.) 10 ml (2080r) 1 PC 1,550,000

1.46327.0100 NaCl Peptone Broth 9ml (1934r) 1 PC 1,550,000

1.46141.0020 NaCl Peptone Buffer 9.9 ML blue EP 1 PC 310,000

1.46175.0100 NaCl Peptone Buffer W.LTH ACC. EP (100) 1 PC 1,560,000

1.46367.0010 NaCl-Peptone Buffer pH 7.0 (EP+USP) 100 ML 1 PC 440,000

1.46368.0006 NaCl-Peptone Buffer pH 7.0 (EP+USP) 1000 ML 1 PC 970,000

1.46419.0006 NaCl-Peptone Buffer pH 7.0 (EP+USP) 200 ML 1 PC 390,000

1.46408.0006 NaCl-Peptone Buffer pH 7.0 (EP+USP) 300 ML 1 PC 560,000

1.46360.0006 NaCl-Peptone Buffer pH 7.0 (EP+USP) 90 ML 1 PC 350,000

1.46480.0010 NaCl-Peptone Buffer pH 7.0 (EP+USP) 90 ML 1 PC 430,000

1.46381.0006 NaCl-Peptone Buffer with 0.1% Tween 80 pH 7 1 PC 920,000

1.46421.0006 NaCl-Peptone Buffer with 0.1% Tween 80 pH 7 1 PC 390,000


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Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.46441.0006 Pepton Rinsing Solution + TH (591090 B) 1 PC 360,000

1.46142.0020 Peptone Water 9 ML (193r) 1 PC 310,000

1.46142.0100 Peptone Water 9 ML (193r) 1 PC 1,550,000

1.46403.0006 Peptone Water (Buffered) 1000 ML 1 PC 970,000

1.46404.0006 Peptone Water (Buffered) 225 ML (10) 1 PC 390,000

1.46355.0006 Peptone Water + 0,1 % Tween 80 1 PC 970,000

1.46202.0020 Plate Count Agar (3061r) 1 PC 360,000

1.46365.0006 Plate Count Agar 200 ML (6) 1 PC 400,000

1.46363.0006 Plate Count Agar 400 ML (6) 1 PC 580,000

1.18412.0020 Plate count agar Contact plates Envirocheck® 20 PLATES 460,000

1.46154.0020 Plate Count Contact Agar - RT (20) 1 PC 440,000

1.46075.0120 R2A Agar 30ML (120) 1 PC 2,600,000

1.46075.0020 R2A Agar 30ML (20) 1 PC 440,000

1.46049.0020 R2A Agar Chromogen-LI 30ML (20) 1 PC 490,000

1.46313.0006 R2A Agar-LI 200 ML (6) 1 PC 400,000

1.46074.0020 R3A Agar 30ML (20) 1 PC 540,000

1.46181.0020 Rappaport Vassiliadis medium (ACC.EP+USP) 1 PC 340,000

1.46181.0100 Rappaport Vassiliadis medium (ACC.EP+USP) 1 PC 1,680,000

1.46577.0020 Sab. Dextr. Agar - ICR 30 ml (03541e) 1 PC 550,000

1.46577.0120 Sab. Dextr. Agar - ICR 30 ml (03541e) 1 PC 3,280,000

1.46303.0020 Saboraud Dextrose (4%) Agar (acc.EP+USP) 1 PC 340,000

1.46303.0100 Saboraud Dextrose (4%) Agar (acc.EP+USP) 1 PC 1,680,000

1.46392.0006 Saboraud Dextrose (4%) Agar (acc.EP+USP) 1 PC 610,000

1.46393.0006 Saboraud Dextrose (4%) Agar (acc.EP+USP) 1 PC 400,000

1.46549.0020 Saboraud Dextrose (4%) Agar Contact with Chloramphenicol 1 PC 470,000

1.46298.0020 Saboraud Dextrose (4%) Agar with Chloramphenicol 1 PC 340,000

1.46081.0020 Saboraud Dextrose Agar w. LT - ICR 30 ML 1 PC 550,000

1.46394.0006 Saboraud Dextrose Agar with Chloramphenicol 1 PC 400,000

1.46466.0006 Saboraud Dextrose Agar with Chloramphenicol 1 PC 610,000

1.46028.0120 Saboraud Dextrose Agar-LI acc. EP (120) 1 PC 2,600,000

1.46028.0020 Saboraud Dextrose Agar-LI acc. EP (20) 1 PC 440,000

1.46003.0020 Saboraud Glucose (4%) Agar w. Chloramphenicol 1 PC 440,000

1.46003.0120 Saboraud Glucose (4%) Agar w. Chloramphenicol 1 PC 2,600,000

1.46005.0020 Saboraud Glucose (4%) Agar W.LTHTH ICR 30 1 PC 550,000

1.46005.0120 Saboraud Glucose (4%) Agar W.LTHTH ICR 30 1 PC 3,280,000

1.46052.0020 Saboraud Glucose (4%) Agar W.LTHTH LI 3 1 PC 440,000

1.46052.0120 Saboraud Glucose (4%) Agar W.LTHTH LI 3 1 PC 2,600,000

1.46016.0020 Saboraud Glucose Agar selective w. LTH - LI 30 ML 1 PC 550,000

1.46016.0120 Saboraud Glucose Agar selective w. LTH - LI 30 ML 1 PC 3,280,000

1.46366.0010 Saboraud Glucose Broth 100 ML SC_CAP (10) 1 PC 480,000

1.46501.0020 Saboraud Glucose Contact Agar with LTHTH I 1 PC 620,000

1.46501.0200 Saboraud Glucose Contact Agar with LTHTH I 1 PC 6,170,000

1.46538.0020 SDA Contact THTH Selective ICR+ (20) 1 PC 620,000

1.46538.0200 SDA Contact THTH Selective ICR+ (200) 1 PC 6,170,000

1.46139.0100 Thioglycollate medium (EP+USP) 10ML (100) 1 PC 1,680,000

1.46139.0020 Thioglycollate medium (EP+USP) 10ML (20) 1 PC 340,000

1.46385.0010 Thioglycollate Medium (acc.EP+USP) 100 ML 1 PC 480,000

1.46220.0100 Thioglycollate Medium (EP+USP) 9 ML (100) 1 PC 1,680,000

1.46220.0020 Thioglycollate Medium (EP+USP) 9 ML (20) 1 PC 340,000

1.46406.0010 Thioglycollate Medium 100 ML SFCAT (10) 1 PC 560,000

1.46386.0010 Thioglycollate Medium 100 ML SSCAP (10) 1 PC 560,000

1.46456.0010 Thioglycollate Medium Clear 100 ML SFCAP 1 PC 560,000

1.46333.0010 Thioglycollate Medium Clear 100 ML SSCAP 1 PC 560,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.46271.0020 Tryptic Soy Agar (Slant Tube) (acc.EP+US) 1 PC 410,000

1.46429.0100 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA with Dextrose) 18 ML (100) 1 PC 1,970,000

1.46429.0020 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA with Dextrose) 18 ML (20) 1 PC 400,000

1.46457.0006 Tryptic Soy Agar EP+US 200 ML (6) 1 PC 400,000

1.46375.0006 Tryptic Soy Agar EP+US 400 ML (6) 1 PC 580,000

1.46001.0120 Tryptic Soy Agar ICR 30ML (120) 1 PC 3,020,000

1.46001.0020 Tryptic Soy Agar ICR 30ML (20) 1 PC 510,000

1.46004.0120 Tryptic Soy Agar LI 30ML (120) 1 PC 2,200,000

1.46004.0020 Tryptic Soy Agar LI 30ML (20) 1 PC 370,000

1.46013.0120 Tryptic Soy Agar W.LTHTH & Penase 30ML 1 PC 4,210,000

1.46076.0020 Tryptic Soy Agar with Cephase+LT - ICR 1 PC 1,540,000

1.46076.0120 Tryptic Soy Agar with Cephase+LT - ICR 1 PC 9,240,000

1.46015.0020 Tryptic Soy Agar with LTH - LI 30 ML 1 PC 440,000

1.46015.0120 Tryptic Soy Agar with LTH - LI 30 ML 1 PC 2,600,000

1.18408.0020 Tryptic Soy agar with Neutralizers Contact plates Envirocheck® 20 plates 600,000

1.18410.0020 Tryptic Soy agar with Neutralizers Settle plates Envirocheck® 20 plates 525,000

1.46316.0001 Tryptic Soy Broth (10L) (ACC. EP + USP) 1 PC 9,690,000

1.46335.0006 Tryptic Soy Broth (EP+USP) 100 ML 1 PC 370,000

1.46458.0010 Tryptic Soy Broth (EP+USP) 100 ML/125 ML (10) 1 PC 480,000

1.46318.0006 Tryptic Soy Broth (EP+USP) 200ML/250ML 1 PC 390,000

1.46380.0010 Tryptic Soy Broth 10 0ML SCCAP (10) 1 PC 560,000

1.46317.0010 Tryptic Soy Broth 100 ML SFCAP (10) 1 PC 560,000

1.46342.0006 Tryptic Soy Broth 750 ML SSCAP (6) 1 PC 1,270,000

1.46432.0100 Tryptic Soy Broth 9 ML EP + USP (100) 1 PC 1,680,000

1.46432.0020 Tryptic Soy Broth 9 ML EP + USP (20) 1 PC 340,000

1.46379.0006 Tryptic Soy Broth acc. EP+USP 1 PC 1,060,000

1.46539.0020 Tryptic Soy Contact Agar with LT & Cephase 1 PC 1,500,000

1.46539.0200 Tryptic Soy Contact Agar with LT & Cephase 1 PC 14,990,000

1.46553.0020 Tryptic Soy Contact Agar with Penase + LTHTh 1 PC 720,000

1.46553.0200 TSA Contact + LTHTH+ Penase ICR+ (200) 1 PC 7,150,000

1.46195.0020 TSA Contact W.LTH ICR (20) 1 PC 590,000

1.46195.0200 TSA Contact W.LTH ICR (200) 1 PC 5,870,000

1.46231.0020 TSA Contact w.LTHTH ICR (20) 1 PC 590,000

1.46231.0200 TSA Contact w.LTHTH ICR (200) 1 PC 5,870,000

1.46554.0020 TSA Contact with LTH - RT+ (20) 1 PC 470,000

1.46050.0120 TSA W.LT ICR 30ML (120) 1 PC 3,200,000

1.46050.0020 TSA W.LT ICR 30ML (20) 1 PC 540,000

1.46069.0120 TSA W.LTHTH ICR 30ML (120) 1 PC 3,200,000

1.46069.0020 TSA W.LTHTH ICR 30ML (20) 1 PC 540,000

1.46002.0120 TSA W.LTHTH LI 30ML (120) 1 PC 2,600,000

1.46002.0020 TSA W.LTHTH LI 30ML (20) 1 PC 440,000

1.46484.0006 TSB with LT 90 ML (Q 0804008) 1 PC 390,000

1.46492.0010 TSB with LTHC 90 ML 1 PC 500,000

1.46601.0020 Vegetable Contact Agar +LTHTh - ICR+ 1 PC 640,000

1.46601.0200 Vegetable Contact Agar +LTHTh - ICR+ 1 PC 6,310,000

1.46332.0001 Vegetable Peptone Broth (10L) 1 PC 9,990,000

1.46253.0020 Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (20) 1 PC 450,000

1.46000.0020 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar LI 30ML 1 PC 440,000

1.46000.0120 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar LI 30ML 1 PC 2,600,000

1.46265.0020 Violet Red Bile Lactose Agar RT (20) 1 PC 450,000

1.46121.0020 Yeast Extract Agar 18 ml (168r) 1 PC 400,000

1.46121.0100 Yeast Extract Agar 18 ml (168r) 1 PC 1,970,000

1.46352.0010 Yeast Extract Agar (450100) 1 PC 460,000

1.46465.0006 Yeast Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar 1 PC 400,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1. Dehydrated Culture Media

1.00415.0500 A-1 Broth (Selective culture medium for the detection of faecal coliforms in water) 500 g 1,950,000

Aeromonas Selective Agar (lihat ke GSP Agar)

1.01800.0500 Alkaline Peptone Water (Enricment media for 500 g 1,350,000

1.05452.0500 Anaerobic Agar acc. to BREWER 500 g 1,950,000

ANGELOTTI Perfringens Medium (lihat ke SPS Agar)

1.05272.0500 Antibiotic Agar No. 1 (Seed Agar) GROVE and RANDALL medium No. 1 500 g 2,470,000

1.05271.0500 Antibiotic Agar No. 5 GROVE and RANDALL medium No. 5 500 g 3,500,000

1.05269.0500 Antibiotic Agar No. 11 GROVE and RANDALL medium No. 11 500 g 2,990,000

1.10453.0500 APT Agar (All Purpose TWEEN Agar) 500 g 1,500,000

1.01590.0500 Azide Dextrose Broth 500 g 1,370,000

1.09875.0010 Bacillus Cereus Selective Supplement (MYP Agar Supplement) 10 vials 1,690,000

1.05406.0500 BAIRD-PARKER Agar Base 500 g 2,300,000

1.07994.0500 BAT Agar 500 g 3,800,000

BGLB (lihat ke Brilliant Green 2% Bile Broth)

1.00072.0500 Bile Salt Aesculine Azide Agar 500 g 2,780,000

1.05418.0500 Bismuth Sulphite Agar 500 g 1,990,000

1.10886.0500 Blood Agar Base 500 g 920,000

1.10328.0500 Blood Agar Base No. 2 500 g 2,540,000

1.00068.0500 Bolton Broth 500 g 2,190,000

1.00079.0010 Bolton Broth Selective Supplement acc to ISO 10272-1 10 vials 2,520,000

1.10747.0500 BPLS Agar modified (ISO 1993) (Brilliant Green Agar modified) 500 g 1,570,000

1.07232.0500 BPLS Agar (Brilliant Green Agar) 500 g 2,130,000

1.07237.0500 BPLS Agar (Brilliant Green Phenol Red Lactose Agar) 500 g 2,390,000

1.13825.0500 Brain Heart Agar 500 g 3,220,000

1.10493.0500 Brain Heart Broth 500 g 1,020,000

1.05454.0500 Brilliant Green 2% Bile Broth (BGLBB / BRILA Broth) 500 g 1,160,000

1.01638.0500 BROLACIN Agar (Brom Lactose Cystine Agar) / CLED Agar 500 g 2,610,000

1.01617.0500 BRYANT BURKEY Broth with resazurin and Lactate 500 g 1,240,000

Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth (lihat ke Listeria Enrich.Broth Buffered FDA-BAM)

1.05409.0500 Calcium Caseinate Agar acc. FRAZIER & RUPP modified 500 g 2,650,000

1.00070.0500 Campylobacter Blood free Selective Agar Base (CCDA Agar) 500 g 2,290,000

1.00071.0010 CCDA Selective Supplement 10 vials 1,780,000

1.11723.0500 Casein-peptone Lecithin Polysorbate Broth Base (TAT Broth) 500 g 2,170,000

1.05458.0500 CASO Agar (Tryptic Soy Agar/TSA/SCDA) acc. to. Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 830,000

CASO Agar with Polysorbate for RODAC / swab test (lihat ke Trypticase Soy Agar with


1.05459.0500 CASO Broth (Tryptic Soy Broth/TSB/SCDB) acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 640,000

CASO Broth Irradiated for media fill (lihat ke Trypticase Soy Broth irradiated)

CASO Broth non animal origin irradiated (lihat ke Trypticase Soy Broth non animal origin irradiated)

1.00525.5000 CASO Broth non animal origin (Vegetable Peptone Broth) 5 kg 8,140,000

1.00060.0100 CAYE Broth modified EVANS for culture of E.coli VTEC 100 g 660,000

1.00051.0010 CAYE Broth Supplement 10 vials 1,220,000

1.05267.0500 Cereus Selective Agar MOSSEL (MYP Agar) 500 g 1,600,000

Cereus Selective Supplement (lihat ke Bacillus Cereus Selective Supplement)

Cetrimide Agar (lihat ke Pseudomonas Selective Agar)

1.02348.0500 China-blue Lactose Agar 500 g 1,500,000

1.00888.0010 Clostridium perfringens Supplement (pengganti Fluorocult TSC Agar Supplement) 10 vials 2,100,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.10455.0500 Columbia Agar Base acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 1,630,000

1.10878.0500 Count Agar Sugar free ( IDF-FIL) 500 g 1,950,000

1.09202.0010 CT-SMAC Supplement for SMAC Agar 10 vials 2,980,000

DCA Agar (lihat ke Differential Clostridial Agar)

1.02894.0500 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar 500 g 2,020,000

Deoxycholate Citrat Agar (lihat ke LEIFSON Agar)

1.10896.0500 Dermatophytes Selective Agar (DTM Agar) 500 g 9,100,000

1.10685.0500 DEV Gelatin Agar 500 g 1,890,000

1.11471.0500 DEV Nutrient Agar 500 g 2,100,000

1.10694.0500 DEV Tryptophan Broth 500 g 2,220,000

1.10860.0500 Dextrose Casein-pepton Agar for counting thermophilic bacteria 500 g 2,070,000

1.00465.0500 DG 18 Agar (Dichloran Glycerol Agar) 500 g 3,420,000

1.11435.0500 DHL Agar acc. to SAKAZAKI 500 g 3,110,000

1.11699.0500 Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth 500 g 1,720,000

1.10259.0500 Differential Clostridial Agar WEENK 500 g 3,880,000

1.10449.0500 DNase Test Agar 500 g 5,460,000

1.00466.0500 DRBC Agar (Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar) 500 g 3,310,000

DRCM (lihat ke Diff. Reinforced Clostridial Broth

DST Agar (lihat ke Antibiotic Sulfonamide Agar)

DTM Agar ( lihat ke Dermatophytes Selective Agar)

1.10765.0500 EC Broth 500 g 1,270,000

1.00898.0010 E.Coli/Coliform Selective Supplement 10 vials 1,150,000

1.01347.0500 EMB Agar (Eosin Methylene-blue Agar) 500 g 2,030,000

EMB Agar LEVINE (lihat ke LEVINE EMB Agar)

1.04044.0500 ENDO Agar 500 g 1,060,000

1.05394.0500 Enterobacteriaceae Enrich.Broth (MOSSEL Broth / EE Broth ) 500 g 1,330,000

1.05403.0500 EE Broth-MOSSEL acc. to.Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 1,580,000

Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (lihat ke Thioglycollate Medium Fluid)

FRASER Broth (lihat ke Listeria FRASER Broth)

FRASER Selective Supplement (lihat ke Listeria FRASER Selective Supplement)

1.01282.0500 GASSNER Agar ( 500 g 1,110,000

1.10675.0500 GIOLITTI-CANTONI Broth 500 g 1,610,000

1.10756.0500 GN Enrichment Broth HAJNA 500 g 1,610,000

1.10230.0500 GSP Agar ( 500 g 1,400,000

1.11681.0500 HEKTOEN Enteric Agar 500 g 2,800,000

1.05222.0500 Kanamycin Aesculin Azide Agar 500 g 3,450,000

1.10707.0500 KF Streptococcus Agar Base 500 g 2,880,000

1.10991.0500 KING Agar B Base (Dansk Standard) 500 g 3,090,000

1.03913.0500 KLIGLER Agar (Double Sugar Iron Agar) 500 g 1,420,000

1.05395.0500 KRANEP Agar (Potassium Thyocianate Actidione Sodium Agar) 500 g 1,848,000

1.07661.0500 Lactose Broth 500 g 710,000

1.07680.0500 Lactose TTC Agar with Tergitol 7 500 g 2,650,000

1.10266.0500 Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose Broth) 500 g 910,000

1.10283.0500 LB (Luria Bertani) Agar acc. To MILLER 500 g 1,840,000

1.10285.0500 LB (Luria Bertani) Broth acc. To MILLER 500 g 1,630,000

LEIFSON Enrichment Broth (lihat ke Selenite enrichment Broth LEIFSON)

1.10404.0500 LETHEEN Agar modified 500 g 4,740,000

1.10405.0500 LETHEEN Broth modified 500 g 2,690,000

1.01342.0500 LEVINE EMB Agar 500 g 2,020,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.00553.5000 Linde Grain Medium 5 Kg 2,835,000

1.11951.0500 Listeria Enrichment Broth (FDA/IDF-FIL) 500 g 1,880,000

1.11883.0010 Listeria Selective Enrichment Supplement FDA-BAM 1992 for No. Kat. 1.11951.0500 10 vials 1,350,000

1.11781.0010 Listeria Selective Enrichment Supplement (IDF & FDA-BAM) 10 vials 2,150,000

1.09628.0500 Listeria Enrichment Broth Buffered FDA-BAM 500 g 1,110,000

1.10549.0500 Listeria Enrichment Broth (LEB) FDA-BAM (antibiotic included) 500 g 2,670,000

1.10398.0500 Listeria FRASER Selective Enrichment Broth 500 g 1,810,000

1.00092.0010 Listeria FRASER Ammonium Iron III Selective Supplement 10 vials 490,000

1.00093.0010 Listeria FRASER Selective Supplement 10 vials 490,000

1.07004.0500 Listeria OXFORD Selective Agar 500 g 2,730,000

1.07006.0010 Listeria OXFORD Selective Supplement 10 vials 1,570,000

1.10823.0500 Listeria L-PALCAM Selective Enrichment Broth 500 g 2,710,000

1.11755.0500 Listeria PALCAM Selective Agar 500 g 2,500,000

1.12122.0010 Listeria PALCAM Selective Supplement 10 vials 1,090,000

1.10824.0500 Listeria UVM Selective Enrichment Broth 500 g 1,690,000

1.04039.0001 Listeria UVM-II Selective Supplement 1 vial 720,000

LOEWENSTEIN-JENSEN Medium (lihat ke TB Medium)

1.11640.0500 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA) 500 g 2,140,000

1.15108.0500 M 17 Agar 500 g 2,580,000

1.15029.0500 M 17 Broth 500 g 3,320,000

M-Aeromonas Selective Agar Base (HAVELAAR) (No. Kat. 1.07621.0500) alternatifnya No.

Kat. 1.10230.0500

M-Aeromonas Selective Supplement, No. Kat. 1.07625.0010 (diskontinu tanpa alternatif)

1.11277.0500 M ENDO - Agar LES 500 g 1,720,000

1.05465.0500 MacCONKEY Agar acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 1,250,000

1.05465.5000 MacCONKEY Agar acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 5 kg 13,780,000

1.05396.0500 MacCONKEY Broth acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 1,410,000

1.10329.0500 Malachite-green Broth Base 500 g 2,640,000

1.05398.0500 Malt Extract Agar 500 g 1,920,000

1.05397.0500 Malt Extract Broth 500 g 1,900,000

1.05404.0500 Mannitol Salt Phenol-Red Agar (MSA) acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 840,000

1.12535.0500 Maximum Recovery Diluent (8,5g NaCl + 1g Peptone dilution fluid) 500 g 1,010,000

1.10658.0500 M-Broth (M-(Mannose) Broth) 500 g 1,910,000

mCASO broth with Novobiocin (lihat ke mTSB+N)

1.15045.0500 Meat Liver Agar 500 g 1,910,000

1.14582.0500 m EC Broth with Novobiocin (for E.coli O157:H7) 500 g 2,420,000

1.11278.0500 m-FC Agar 500 g 2,030,000

Membrane-filter Endo Broth (No. Kat. 1.10750.0500, alternatifnya No. Kat. 1.04044.0500)

1.05262.0500 Membrane-filter Enterococcus Selective Agar 500 g 1,500,000

1.05289.0500 Membrane-filter Enterococcus Selective Agar Base 500 g 2,180,000

1.05286.0500 Membrane-filter Rinse Fluid (USP XXIII) 500 g 2,520,000

1.09045.0500 Mineral modified glutamate Agar (MMGA) acc. to ISO 16649 500 g 1,370,000

MOSSEL EE Broth (lihat ke Enterobacteriaceae Enrichment Broth)

1.10660.0500 MRS Agar 500 g 980,000

1.10661.0500 MRS Broth 500 g 2,130,000

1.05712.0500 MR-VP Broth Base (Methyl Red Voges Preskauer Broth) 500 g 1,300,000

1.09878.0500 MSRV Medium Base modified 500 g 1,760,000

1.09874.0010 MSRV Selective Supplement (Novobiocin 10mg per vial) 10 vials 2,160,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.09205.0500 mTSB with Novobiocin for E.Coli O157:H7) 500 g 1,950,000

1.05437.0500 MUELLER-HINTON Agar 500 g 1,350,000

1.05435.0500 MUELLER-HINTON Agar NCCLS 500 g 1,810,000

1.10293.0500 MUELLER-HINTON Broth 500 g 1,880,000

1.00045.0010 MUP Selective Supplement for TOS Propionate Agar for Bifidobacteria 10 vials 1,300,000

1.05878.0500MULLER-KAUFFMANN Tetrathionate Novobiocin Enrich.Broth acc. to ISO 6579 (MKTTn

Broth)500 g 2,380,000

1.05450.0500 Nutrient Agar 500 g 1,150,000

1.05443.0500 Nutrient Broth 500 g 1,210,000

1.10282.0500 OF Basal Medium HUGH & LEIFSON 500 g 2,360,000

1.05978.0500 OGYE Agar (NEW) 500 g 1,580,000

1.09877.0010 OGY Selective Supplement 10 vials 1,110,000

1.10673.0500 Orange-serum Agar 500 g 2,375,000

Oxford Listeria (lihat ke Listeria Oxford Broth)

PALCAM Listeria Agar (lihat ke Listeria PALCAM Agar)

1.07228.0500 Peptone Water buffered (BPW = Buffered Peptone Water) acc. to ISO 6579 500 g 690,000

1.07228.5000 Peptone Water buffered acc. to ISO 6579 5 kg 3,200,000

1.10987.0500 Phenol-red Broth Base for biochemical test 500 g 2,150,000

1.05463.0500 Plate Count Agar acc. to ISO, AOAC, BAM 500 g 890,000

1.15338.0500 Plate Count Skim Milk Agar 500 g 2,030,000

1.10130.0500 Potato Dextrose Agar 500 g 1,180,000

Potassium Thyocianate Actidione Sodium (lihat ke KRANEP Agar)

1.00414.0500 Presence-Absence Broth 500 g 1,320,000

PREUSS Broth (lihat ke Tetrathionate Crystal-violet Enrichment Broth)

Pseudomonas/Aeromonas Selective Agar (lihat ke GSP Agar)

1.10989.0500 Pseudomonas Agar F Base 500 g 3,280,000

1.10988.0500 Pseudomonas Agar P Base 500 g 2,940,000

1.05284.0500 Pseudomonas Selective Agar (Cetrimide) 500 g 1,640,000

1.07624.0010 Pseudomonas CN Selective Supplement acc. to. DIN/EN 12780 for water samples 10 vials 950,000

1.07627.0010Pseudomonas CFC Selective Supplement acc. to ISO 13720 for food and animal feed

samples10 vials 880,000

1.07620.0500 Pseudomonas Selective Agar Base (for CN or CFC Agar) 500 g 1,880,000

1.00416.0500R2A Agar (Nutrient medium for the determination of the heterotrophic total bacterial

count in drinking water)500 g 2,450,000

1.16751.0500 Rapid Perfringens Medium 500 g 3,566,000

1.00467.0500 RBC Agar (Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar) 500 g 2,270,000

1.05410.0500 Reinforced Clostridial Agar 500 g 1,740,000

1.05411.0500 Reinforced Clostridial Medium (RCM) acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 2,010,000

1.15525.0001 RINGER'S Tablets 100tablet 410,000

1.05413.0500 ROGOSA Agar (Lactobacillus Selective Agar) 500 g 1,990,000

RVM (Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium) lihat ke Salmonella Enrich. Broth Rappaport & Vass.

1.07700.0500 RVS (Rappaport Vassiliadis) Salmonella Enrichment Broth acc. To APHA & ISO 6579 500 g 1,170,000

1.07666.0500RVS (Rappaport Vassiliadis) Salmonella Enrichment Broth acc. To harmonized pharmacopeia

USP/EP/JP500 g 1,170,000

1.07315.0500 Saboraud 2% Dextrose Agar 500 g 2,290,000

1.08339.0500 Saboraud 2% Dextrose Broth 500 g 1,230,000

1.05438.0500 Saboraud 4% Dextrose Agar (SDA) acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 800,000

1.05438.5000 Saboraud 4% Dextrose Agar (SDA) acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 5 kg 7,810,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.05439.0500 Saboraud 4% Maltose Agar 500 g 2,130,000

1.10236.0500 Salmonella Enrichment Broth RAPPAPORT 500 g 980,000

1.10153.0500 Salmosyst Broth Base 500 g 2,060,000

1.10141.0001 Salmosyst Selective Supplement 250 tab 2,580,000

1.05467.0500 Selective Agar for Pathogenic Fungi 500 g 4,110,000

1.07709.0500 Selenite Cystine Broth (sodium hydrogen selenite included) 500 g 2,020,000

1.07717.0500 Selenite Enrichment Broth LEIFSON 500 g 1,500,000

SFP Agar (lihat ke TSC agar)

1.05470.0500 SIM Medium 500 g 2,070,000

1.02501.0500 SIMMONS Citrate Agar 500 g 1,970,000

1.09207.0500SMAC (Sorbitol MacCONKEY Agar) Selective Agar for the direct isolation and

differentiation of enterohemorrhagic (EHEC) E. coli 0157:H7-strains 500 g 2,270,000

CT-SMAC Supplement (lihat ke CT-SMAC Supplement)

1.10582.0500 Sodium Chloride Buffered Peptone Broth acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 1,540,000

1.10582.5000 Sodium Chloride Buffered Peptone Broth acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 5 kg 14,650,000

1.10235.0500 SPS Agar ANGELOTTI Perfringens Selective Agar 500 g 3,140,000

1.07667.0500 SS Agar (Salmonella Shigella Agar) 500 g 1,150,000

1.01621.0500 Standard Count Agar 500 g 2,220,000

1.07881.0500 Standard I Nutrient Agar 500 g 2,560,000

1.07882.0500 Standard I Nutrient Broth 500 g 1,370,000

1.07883.0500 Standard II Nutrient Agar 500 g 2,240,000

Staphylococcus Selective Agar No.110 (lihat ke CHAPMAN Agar)

1.07899.0500 Staphylococcus Enrichment Broth Base acc. BAIRD 500 g 2,260,000

1.10864.0500 Sulphite Iron Agar Base 500 g 2,010,000

Sulphite Polymyxin Sulfa Agar (lihat ke SPS Agar)

1.05400.0500 TB Medium Base LOEWENSTEIN-JENSEN 500 g 1,880,000

1.05178.0500 TBG Broth modified (Tethrationat Brilliant Green Broth) 500 g 1,880,000

1.10263.0500 TCBS Agar (Vibrio Selective Agar) 500 g 1,110,000

Tergitol-7 Agar (lihat ke Lactose TTC with Tergitol 7 Agar)

1.01629.0500 Terrific Broth 500 g 860,000

1.10663.0500 Test Agar pH 6.0 (Inhibitor Test) 500 g 2,450,000

1.10664.0500 Test agar pH 8.0 (Inhibitor Test) 500 g 2,450,000

1.05285.0500 Tetrathionate Broth Base (APHA) 500 g 1,100,000

1.10863.0500 Tetrathionate Broth MULLER-KAUFFMAN 500 g 1,180,000

1.10128.0500 TGE Agar (Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Agar) 500 g 2,910,000

1.08190.0500 Thioglycollate Broth 500 g 1,270,000

1.08191.0500 Thioglycollate Medium Fluid (resazurin included) 500 g 1,590,000

1.16761.0500 Thioglycollate Medium G Fluid 500 g 1,320,000

1.00043.0500 TOS Propionate Agar base Selective Medium for Bifidobacteria 500 g 3,450,000

1.03915.0500 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 500 g 1,450,000

1.07324.0500 Tryptic Soy Agar with Lechitin and Polysorbate for RODAC 500 g 1,900,000

Tryptic Soy Agar / Tripticase Soy Agar (lihat ke CASO Agar)

Tryptic Soy Broth / Tripticase Soy Broth (lihat ke CASO Broth)

1.00550.5000 Tryptic Soy Broth Non Animal Origin irradiated (CASO Vegetable irradiated) 5 kg 9,740,000

Tryptic Soy Broth irradiated, diskontinu dengan alternatifnya No. Kat. 100800.5000)

1.00800.5000 Tryptic Soy Broth irradiated 5 kg 11,590,000

Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Agar (lihat ke TGE Agar)

1.10859.0500 Tryptone Water 500 g 1,740,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.15421.0100 Tryptone Salt Tablets 100 tablets 940,000

1.10676.0500 Tryptose Broth 500 g 2,620,000

1.11972.0500 TSC Agar (Tryptose Sulphite Cycloserin Agar Base) acc. to ISO 7937 500 g 2,390,000

TSC Supplement (lihat ke Clostridium perfringens supplement No. Kat. 1.00888.0001).

1.05264.0500 TSN Agar (Perfringens Selective Agar) 500 g 2,340,000

1.00445.0500 Universal Beer Agar 500 g 2,390,000

1.08492.0500 Urea Agar Base CHRISTENSEN 500 g 2,020,000

1.08483.0500 Urea Broth Base 500 g 1,040,000

UVM Listeria (lihat ke Listeria UVM)

1.11988.0100 Vitamin B12 (Lactobacillus) Assay Broth, Base 100 g 960,000

1.01406.0500 VRB Agar (Violet Red Bile Agar) 500 g 900,000

1.10275.0500 VRBD Agar (Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar) acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP) 500 g 1,620,000

Waterblue Metachrome Agar (lihat ke GASSNER Agar)

1.10866.0500 WL Nutrient Agar 500 g 1,220,000

1.05448.0500 Wort Agar 500 g 1,530,000

1.05449.0500 Wort Broth Base 500 g 1,190,000

1.05287.0500 XLD Agar acc. to ISO 6579 500 g 1,460,000

1.05290.0500 XLD (Xylose Lysine Dextrose Agar) acc. to Harmonized Pharmacopeia USP/EP/JP 500 g 2,750,000

1.13919.0500 XLT 4 Agar 500 g 1,670,000

1.08981.0100 XLT 4 Selective Supplement 100 ml 960,000

1.03750.0500 Yeast Extract Agar 500 g 2,310,000

1.13116.0500 Yeast Peptone Agar ISO 6222 and Swedish Standard SS 028171 500 g 1,910,000

1.16434.0500 Yersinia Selective Agar base SCHIEMANN (CIN Agar) 500 g 1,610,000

1.16466.0001 Yersinia Selective Suppl. CIN 16 vials 1,490,000

1.16000.0500 YGC (Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol) Agar 500 g 1,180,000

2. Chromogenic, Fluorogenic, Readycult®

Chromogenic Media

1.10426.0500 Chromocult® Coliform Agar (AOAC Approved) 500 g 4,930,000

1.00850.0500 Chromocult® Coliform Agar ES (Enhanced Selectivity) (AOAC Approved) 500 g 6,600,000

1.16122.0500 Chromocult® TBX Agar acc. to ISO 16649-2 500 g 4,575,000

1.10294.0500 Chromocult® Enterococci Broth 500 g 5,720,000

1.00950.0500 Chromocult® Enterococci Agar 500 g 9,630,000

1.00427.0500 Chromocult® Listeria Selective Agar ALOA acc. to ISO 11290 and BAM 2003 500 g 5,830,000

1.00432.0010 Chromocult® Listeria Selective Supplement ALOA acc. to ISO 11290 and BAM 2003 10 vials 1,730,000

1.00439.0010 Chromocult® Listeria Enricment Supplement ALOA acc. to ISO 11290 and BAM 2003 10 vials 1,780,000

1.00873.0500 Chromocult® Enterobacter Sakazakii acc. to ISO 22964 500 g 7,600,000

1.00873.0100 Chromocult® Enterobacter Sakazakii acc. to ISO 22964 100 g 1,640,000

1.07500.0001 Rambach Agar (Chromogenic Agar Salmonella) ( 1 liter) 4x250 ml 990,000

1.07500.0002 Rambach Agar (Chromogenic Agar Salmonella) (4 liter) 4x1000 ml 2,900,000

Fluorogenic Media

1.12587.0500 Fluorocult® BRILA Broth 500 g 3,320,000

1.04037.0500 Fluorocult® DEV Lactose Peptone Broth 500 g 4,380,000

1.04038.0500 Fluorocult® ECD (E.coli direct) Agar 500 g 2,540,000

1.04036.0500 Fluorocult® E.Coli O157:H7 500 g 3,220,000

1.12588.0500 Fluorocult® Lauryl Sulphate Broth 500 g 3,470,000

1.10620.0500 Fluorocult® LMX Broth (USEPA Approved) 500 g 8,620,000


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catatan kaki:

*1 storage temperature -20°C*2 room temperature

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.04030.0500 Fluorocult® VRB Agar 500 g 3,430,000

Fluorocult® TSC Agar Supplement lihat ke Clostridium Perfringens Selective Supplement 100888.0001

Readycult® (Rapid Water Testing)

1.01295.0001 Readycult® Coliforms 50 (Detecting Coliform and E. coli) 20 test 880,000

1.01298.0001 Readycult® Coliforms 100 (Detecting Coliform and E. coli) (USEPA Approved) 20 test 950,000

1.01299.0001 Readycult® Enterococci 100 20 test 980,000


1.00026.0100 Rapidcult ™ E.coli O157 - 8 hours Enrichment broth for microbiology 100 g 1,170,000

1.00026.0500 Rapidcult ™ E.coli O157 - 8 hours Enrichment broth for microbiology 500 g 1,990,000

3. Culture Media Bases Microbiological Grade

1.01613.1000 Agar-Agar ultrapure (Agar Noble) 1 kg 5,650,000

1.01614.1000 Agar-Agar purified (Agar bacteriological) 1 kg 3,780,000

1.02245.0500 Casein Hydrolysate acid hydrolyzed (Casamino Acid) 500 g 2,040,000

1.12523.5000 Lactalbumin hydrolysate 5 kg 10,950,000

1.05391.0500 Malt extract 500 g 870,000

1.03979.0500 Meat extract (Beef extract) 500 g 1,980,000

1.03979.2500 Meat extract (Beef extract) 2,5 kg OAP

1.02239.0500 Peptone from Casein pancreatic free from sulfonamide antagonist 500 g OAP

1.07213.1000 Peptone from Casein pancreatic (Tryptone) 1 kg OAP

1.07213.2500 Peptone from Casein pancreatic (Tryptone) 2.5 kg OAP

1.07284.1000 Peptone from Gelatin pancreatic 1 kg OAP

1.07224.1000 Peptone from Meat peptic (Bacto Pepton) 1 kg OAP

1.07224.2500 Peptone from Meat peptic (Bacto Pepton) 2.5 kg OAP

1.07214.1000 Peptone from Meat pancreatic (Peptone Bacteriological) 1 kg OAP

1.07214.2500 Peptone from Meat pancreatic (Peptone Bacteriological) 2.5 kg OAP

1.07212.0500 Peptone from Soymeal papainic (Soya peptone) 500 g OAP

1.07229.1000 Proteose Peptone 1 kg OAP

1.15363.0500 Skim milk powder for microbiology 500 g 560,000

1.10213.1000 Tryptose for microbiology 1 kg 3,190,000

1.07043.1000 Universal Peptone M 66 (Polypeptone/Neopeptone) 1 kg 2,860,000

1.03753.0500 Yeast Extract 500 g 1,530,000

1.03753.9025 Yeast Extract 25 kg OAP

4. Fermtech® Culture Media Bases Technical Grade

1.11925.1000 Fermtech® Agar Technical for biotechnology 1 kg 4,800,000

1.11925.9025 Fermtech® Agar Technical for biotechnology 25 kg OAP

1.11931.1000 Fermtech® Peptone from Casein (Tryptone) for biotechnology 1 kg 2,330,000

1.11931.9025 Fermtech® Peptone from Casein (Tryptone) for biotechnology 25 kg 52,220,000

1.11926.1000 Fermtech® Yeast Extract for biotechnology 1 kg 2,600,000

1.11926.9025 Fermtech® Yeast Extract for biotechnology 25 kg 58,430,000

5. Anaerobiosis

1.16387.0001 Anaerobic Jar (volume: 2,5 l) 1 unit 3,080,000

1.13829.0001 Anaerocult® A (gas generating kits for anaerobic jar) 10 test 510,000


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*1 storage temperature -20°C*2 room temperature

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.15112.0001 Anaerotest® (anaerobic indicator strips) 50 test 620,000

1.16275.0001 Anaerocult® C (gas generating kits for microaerophyilic) 25 test 560,000

1.14226.0001 Anaeroclip® (re-usable clips) for plastic 25 clip 750,000

1.01611.0001 Anaerocult® A mini (disposable plastic for up to 4 petridish or tubes) 25 test 840,000

1.13682.0001 Anaerocult® C mini (disposable plastic for 2 petridish) 25 test 490,000

1.16819.0001 Anaerocult® IS (for agar slant tubes) 25 test 450,000

1.13807.0001 Anaerocult® P (disposable plastic for 1 petridish) 25 test 320,000

1.07040.0001 Petridish Rack (Plate Basket) for up to 12 disposable petridish 1 unit 770,000

9.57008.0000 Lid of Anaerobic Jar 1 unit 590,000

6. Confirmatory & Control Systems (Rapid Test Kits)

Bactident® Test

1.13301.0001 Bactident® Aminopeptidase (test strips for gram rapid testing) 50 test 680,000

1.11351.0001 Bactident® Catalase 30 ml 560,000

1.13306.0001 Bactident® Coagulase (Rabbit Plasma with EDTA, Lyophilizied) 6x3 ml 1,820,000

1.13303.0001 Bactident® E. coli (confirm E.coli within 2 hours) 50 test 1,150,000

1.11350.0001 Bactident® Indole (KOVACS reagent) 30 ml 380,000

1.13300.0001 Bactident® Oxidase (oxidase test strips) 50 test 530,000

Lateral Flow Test (GLISA) for Immunology Rapid Test Kits or Identification

1.04143.0001 Singlepath® Campylobacter 25 test 2,260,000

1.04141.0001 Singlepath® E. coli O157 25 test 2,070,000

1.04140.0001 Singlepath® Salmonella 25 test 2,050,000

1.04142.0001 Singlepath® Listeria 25 test 2,260,000

1.04148.0001 Singlepath® L'mono (Listeria monocytogenes) 25 test 2,050,000

1.04154.0001 Singlepath® Emetic TOX MRK 25 test 1,860,000

1.04144.0001 Duopath® Verotoxins 25 test 2,910,000

1.04147.0001 Duopath® Legionella 25 test 2,260,000

1.04146.0001Duopath® Cereus Enterotoxins Rapid test for the determination of the NHE and HBL toxins

in foods25 test 2,540,000

1.04152.0001 Lateral Flow Reader 1 unit 43,170,000


1.10274.0001 Sterikon® Plus Bioindicator (USP XXIII) small pack 15 amp 1,030,000

1.10274.0002 Sterikon® Plus Bioindicator (USP XXIII) big pack 100 amp 3,840,000

7. Microbiological Supplements & Additives

1.00846.0005 Adonitol (Ribitol) 5 g 750,000

1.01492.0100 L-(+)-Arabinose 100 g 4,020,000

1.11499.0001 Bacillus stearothermophilus spore suspension 5 amps 970,000

1.10649.0001 Bacillus subtilis spore suspension 15 amps 950,000

1.01310.0050 Brilliant green (C.I. 42040) for microbiology 50 g 810,000

1.05990.0050 Dulcitol 50 g 1,010,000

1.03784.0001 Egg Yolk Emulsion steril 10x100 ml 8,030,000

1.03785.0001 Egg Yolk Tellurite Emulsion steril 10x50 ml 2,010,000

1.00842.0025 Esculine 25 g 1,230,000

1.05323.0250 D-(-)-Fructose 250 g 470,000

1.04003.1000 Formaldehyde solution min 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS 1 l OAP


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*1 storage temperature -20°C*2 room temperature

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.04003.2500 Formaldehyde solution min 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS 2.5 l OAP

1.04003.5000 Formaldehyde solution min 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS 5 l OAP

1.04025.1000 Formaldehyde solution min 20% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS 1 l OAP

1.04025.2500 Formaldehyde solution min 20% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS 2.5 l OAP

1.04062.0050 D-(+)-Galactose 50 g 500,000

1.08342.1000 D-(+)-Glucose Monohydrate 1 kg 370,000

1.08342.2500 D-(+)-Glucose Monohydrate 2.5 kg 860,000

1.01958.0100 Gliserol tributyrate for milk bacteriology 100 ml OAP

1.09023.0500 GRIESS-ILOSVAYS Reagent for Nitrite 500 ml 430,000

1.04728.0100 myo-Inositol 100 g 1,490,000

1.09293.0100 KOVAC'S indole reagent 100 ml 570,000

1.07657.1000 Lactose monohydrate 1 kg 1,060,000

1.07657.5000 Lactose monohydrate 5kg 5,010,000

1.01398.0025 Malachite green oxalate 25 g 648,000

1.01398.0100 Malachite green oxalate 100 g 1,554,000

1.05910.0500 Maltose monohydrate 500 g 1,770,000

1.05982.0500 D-(-)-Mannitol 500 g 1,040,000

1.05164.0100 Potassium tellurite trihydrate 100 g 5,260,000

1.04736.0025 L-(+)-Rhamnose Monohydrate 25 g 1,960,000

1.07651.1000 Saccharose (Sucrose) 1 kg 1,120,000

1.07651.5000 Saccharose (Sucrose) 5 kg 1,120,000

1.07665.0025 Salicin (2-o-( -D-glucopyranoside)-benzylalcohol) 25 g 5,560,000

1.06504.0250 Sodium deoxycholate for microbiology 250 g 7,830,000

1.06340.0050 Sodium hydrogen selenite for microbiology 50 g 1,080,000

1.06691.0500 Sodium thioglycollate for microbiology 500 g 10,160,000

1.07758.1000 D-(-)-Sorbitol extra pure for microbiology 1 kg 1,150,000

1.08353.0005 Trehalose 5 g 550,000

1.08380.0010 2,3,5-Tripheniltetrazoliumchloride (TTC) 10 g 1,020,000

1.08380.0100 2,3,5-Tripheniltetrazoliumchloride (TTC) 100 g 2,540,000

8. MERCK Air Sampler Product Range

1.09214.0001 Adapter for Contact Plates (new) 1 unit 1,610,000

1.09082.0001 Adapter for glass petridish 1x3 clamp 3,250,000

1.09085.0001 Battery charger power supply unit with international adapters for MAS 100 1 unit 5,540,000

1.09128.0001 Battery charger power supply unit with international adapters for MAS 100 Eco 1 unit 3,150,000

1.09200.0001 Battery charger power supply unit with international adapters for MAS 100 NT 1 unit 4,100,000

1.09208.0001 Battery pack Li-Ion for MAS 100 NT (No. Kat. 1.09191.0001) 1 unit 4,930,000

1.09087.0001 Battery pack NICD for MAS 100 (No. Kat. 1.09090.0001) 1 unit 6,960,000

1.09229.0001 Battery pack NIMH for MAS 100 (No. Kat. 1.09090.0001 (mulai no seri 75001) 1 unit 2,980,000

1.09192.0001 DA 100 NT Digital Anemometer for MAS Airsampler 1 set OAP

1.09084.0001 Extra dust cover for collection head 1 unit 1,730,000

1.09195.0001 Extra perforated lid for collection head 300 holes 1 unit 6,530,000

1.09088.0001 Extra perforated lid for collection head 400 holes 1 unit 5,090,000

1.09085.0001 Main charger for MAS 1 unit 5,540,000

1.09225.0001 MAS 100 case 1 unit 4,150,000

1.09227.0001 MAS 100 Eco Airsampler 1 set OAP

1.09191.0001 MAS 100 NT Airsampler 1 set OAP

1.09194.0001 MAS 100 NT Ex Airsampler for explosive room 1 set OAP

1.09327.0001 MAS 100CG Airsampler for Compress Gas 1 set OAP


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Media Mikrobiologi dan Peralatan Biomonitoring

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013


1.09213.0001 Perforated Lid for Contact Plates (new) 1 unit 8,150,000

1.09126.0001 Shoulder bag for MAS-100 Eco 1 unit 1,630,000

1.09226.0001 Software for MAS 100 Airsampler 1 unit 5,970,000

1.09127.0001 Tripod adapter screw for MAS-100 Eco 1 unit 1,500,000

1.09326.0001 Tripod for MAS-100 , Length 100-325 cm (new) 1 unit 3,190,000

1.09223.0001 Tripod quick change adapter for MAS Airsampler 1 unit 2,300,000

1.09224.0001 Tube-Adapter for MAS 100 Airsampler 1 unit 3,190,000

9. MERCK Air Particle Counter Product Range

1.44089.0001 APC SmartTouch, 1 CFM & 100 LPM, Plastic 1 unit OAP

1.44091.0001 APC SmartTouch, 100 LPM, Plastic 1 unit OAP

1.44092.0001 APC SmartTouch, 50 LPM, Plastic 1 unit OAP

1.44093.0001 APC SmartTouch, 1 CFM & 100 LPM, Steel 1 unit OAP

1.44126.0001 APC ErgoTouch 1 unit OAP

1.44302.0001 APC ErgoTouch Pro 2 1 unit OAP

10. HY-LiTE® & HY-RiSE® Product Range

1.30100.0301 HY-LiTE® Hygiene Monitoring System (in shoulder bag) 1 unit OAP

1.30101.0021 HY-LiTE® Refill Pack 100test 7,000,000

1.30102.0021 HY-LiTE® Sampling Pens for CIP / liquid testing 50 test 3,410,000

1.30194.0021 HY-LiTE® Free ATP Pens (NEW) 50 test 2,440,000

1.30103.0001 HY-LiTE® Hygiene Swabs (50) (steril, ATP free cotton swab) 50 test 520,000

1.30110.0205 HY-LiTE® Replacement Paper Rolls (for HY-LiTE® 2) 5 rools 690,000

1.31200.0001HY-RiSE® Colour Hygiene Test Strip Package containing 50 tests for assessing

cleanliness of surfaces50 test 2,730,000

1.30196.0021 HY-LiTE® Jet A1 Fuel Test Pens (NEW) 20 test 11,640,000

1.30895.0021 HY-LiTE PLUS (NEW) 20 test 4,904,000

11. Contact / Dip Slides

1.00778.0001 Cult Dip Combi® (Nutrient agar / Malt Extract) untuk total bakteri & total jamur 10 test 860,000

1.02136.0001 Envirocheck® Contact C (PCA / Chrom.Coli Agar) untuk total bakteri & total coliform 10 test 590,000

1.02137.0001 Envirocheck® Contact E (PCA / VRBDA) untuk total bakteri & total Enterobacteriaceae 10 test 570,000

1.02139.0001 Envirocheck® Contact YM(R) (CASO+TTC / Rose bengal) untuk total bakteri & total jamur 10 test 590,000

1.02147.0001Envirocheck® Contact DC (CASO / CASO+neutralizer) untuk total bakteri & efektifitas

desinfectant10 test 550,000

1.02149.0001 Envirocheck® Contact TVC (NA+TTC / Nutrient Agar) untuk total bakteri 10 test 580,000

12. Urine Culture

1.00777.0001 Cult-Dip plus (with MUG for direct detection of E.coli) 10 test 410,000

1.13194.0001 Urotest AB (inhibitor residues test in urine) 50 test 2,110,000

13. Cultura Mini Incubator & UV Lamp/Fluorescence Test

1.13312.0001 Additional multirack for Cultura Mini Incubator 1 unit 790,000

1.13311.0001 Cultura Mini Incubator (230 V) + multirack & termometer 1 unit 8,010,000

1.15533.0001 Cultura Mini Incubator (110 V) 1 unit 8,010,000

1.13203.0001 UV Lamp 4W/366 nm for fluorescence testing 1 unit 950,000



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Bahan Kimia Produksi

Page 200: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Parteck®: Eksipien terbaik untuk bentuk dosis padat

Bagaimana jika ada cara membuat desain dosis padat yang lebih mudah, lebih aman, dan lebih hemat? Suatu cara yang

mengurangi waktu pengembangan, memperpanjang masa pakai alat, bahkan mendukung proses registrasi – pada saat yang

bersamaan? Ada: eksipien Parteck® dari Merck Millipore.

Keuntungan untuk Anda

Sifat pentabletan yang sempurna

Kompresibilitas yang sempurna untuk tablet yang lebih keras

Disintegrasi cepat untuk permulaan aksi cepat

Optimalisasi aliran

Dokumentasi EMPROVE®

Pilihan utama bagi formulator

Dengan Parteck®, formulator dapat memanfaatkan sifat pentabletan yang sempurna: Berkat kompresibilitas tinggi dari

eksipien Parteck®, Anda dapat memproduksi tablet yang lebih keras dengan menggunakan gaya kompresi lebih rendah

– sehingga mengurangi tekanan pada peralatan pentabletan Anda. Setiap batch eksipien Parteck® menampilkan mutu

terbaik yang dapat Anda peroleh dari Merck. Selain itu, kebanyakan eksipien merupakan produk Parteck® merupakan produk

EMPROVE®, sehingga menawarkan dokumentasi lengkap untuk mempercepat perizinan. Membuat formulasi Anda lebih

mudah, menghemat waktu dan biaya.

Fitur Produk

Bahan Kimia Produksi

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

Page 201: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Ragam produk Parteck®

Parteck® LUB - eksipien paling efektif untuk lubrikasi

Produk Parteck® LUB merupakan vegetable grade dari Magnesium stearate , Calcium stearate dan Stearic acid, sebagai

eksipien paling efektif untuk lubrikasi dalam produksi tablet. Produk ini tersedia dalam tiga varian: Parteck® LUB MST

(magnesium stearate), Parteck® LUB CST (calcium stearate), dan Parteck® LUB STA (stearic acid).

Parteck® ODT- solusi untuk tablet ODT kempa langsung

Parteck® ODT merupakan eksipien siap pakai untuk produksi tablet ODT (orally disintegrating tablet) kempa langsung.

Dengan Parteck® ODT Anda dapat menghasilkan tablet yang kokoh, rasa menyenangkan, hancur dengan sangat cepat

– dan melarut dengan cepat.

Parteck® Mg DC - dapat langsung dikempa tanpa bahan aditif

Parteck® Mg DC – “DC” merupakan singkatan untuk “Directly Compressible”. Parteck® Mg DC merupakan satu-satunya

karbonat hidroksida di pasar yang memungkinkan Anda mengempa tablet berkualitas tinggi secara langsung tanpa

bahan aditif ( seperti pati (starch)). Parteck® Mg DC memiliki permukaan BET yang tinggi untuk mengikat ingredient,

sehingga formulator dapat dengan mudah membuat tablet yang lebih keras.

Parteck® Delta M – delta mannitol dengan fitur yang unik

Parteck® Delta M adalah eksipien mannitol yang tersedia secara komersial dalam bentuk kristal delta-polimorf –

mengkombinasikan sifat inert dari mannitol dan sifat pengikatan yang sempurna. Partikelnya yang unik membuat para

formulator dapat mengembangkan formulasi dengan granulasi basah.

Parteck® M – mannitol yang dapat langsung dikompresi

Mannitol yang dapat langsung dikompresi dari Merck, Parteck® M adalah pilihan terbaik Anda – khususnya jika tujuan

pentabletan Anda adalah pelepasan cepat bahan aktif dosis tinggi atau dosis rendah.

Parteck® SI – sorbitol yang dapat langsung dikompresi

Parteck® SI, sorbitol yang luar biasa dan dapat langsung dikompresi dari Merck, tersedia dengan beragam ukuran partikel

dan kualitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan aplikasi yang Anda inginkan.

Fitur Produk

Bahan Kimia Produksi

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

Page 202: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Fitur Produk

Bahan Kimia Produksi

Kualitas dan layanan terbaik: Bahan aktif farmasi (Active pharmaceutical ingredients, APIs) dari Merck Millipore

Satu hal yang sangat penting

dalam produksi bahan aktif

farmasi adalah kualitas. Sebagai

perusahaan farmasi global dengan

pengalaman yang luas dalam

riset dan produksi obat-obatan,

Merck Millipore memiliki sumber

daya dan kompetensi untuk selalu

memberikan kualitas terbaik

dengan layanan yang istimewa.

Dengan Bahan Aktif Farmasi (API)

dari Merck Millipore, Anda berada

pada sisi yang aman!

Ragam produk dan layanan kelas satuDengan lebih dari 400 bahan baku farmasi yang terdapat di seluruh dunia,

kami merupakan partner yang reliabel untuk para produsen farmasi selama

bertahun-tahun. Portofolio yang berhubungan dengan bahan aktif farmasi

kami mencakup folates dan drug delivery compounds serta kelompok produk

EMPROVE® api. Selain itu, kami juga memberikan dukungan komprehensif

untuk semua tahapan perkembangan dan produksi Bahan Aktif Farmasi: dari

proses pengembangan dan optimalisasi hingga masalah regulasi. Bahan Aktif

Farmasi dari Merck diproduksi dengan kualitas terbaik dan sesuai dengan

panduan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (Good Manufacturing Practice,

cGMP) serta mematuhi prosedur penjaminan mutu yang ketat.

EMPROVE® api – untuk rilis produk ke pasar yang lebih cepatDi bawah nama merek EMPROVE® api, Merck Millipore menawarkan bahan

baku berkualitas tinggi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan aktif farmasi.

Diproduksi di bawah kondisi cGMP, ragam produk EMPROVE® api memenuhi

standar kualitas dan keamanan tertinggi sesuai dengan persyaratan regulasi

saat ini dan yang akan datang. Dokumentasi yang komprehensif dan siap pakai

memfasilitasi proses perizinan. Dengan EMPROVE® api, Anda dapat mencapai

keamanan produk maksimal dan menghemat waktu dan biaya dalam registrasi

dan peluncuran produk obat.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi situs kami di

Page 203: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:

*1 Item prekusor *2 BBO API *3 Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Produksi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.00056.2500 Acetic acid (glacial) 100% suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,E 260 2.5 L 2,626,000

1.00058.2500 Acetic acid 96% suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp 2.5 L 1,608,000

1.00013.1000 Acetone suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JPE,NF*1 1 L 786,000

1.00013.2500 Acetone suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JPE,NF*1 2.5 L 1,664,000

1.00013.6025 Acetone suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JPE,NF*1 25 L 5,601,000

1.00090.9029 Adipic acid suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,NF,FCC,E 355 25 kg 6,954,000

1.01078.1000Aluminium oxide 90 active acidic (0.063-0.200 mm) (activity stage I), for column

chromatography1 kg 1,688,000

1.01084.1000 Aluminium chloride hexahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 1 kg 1,836,000

1.01091.1000 Aluminium hydroxide powder pure, hydrargillite 1 kg 860,000

1.01086.1000 Aluminium nitrate nonahydrate extra pure 1 kg 1,486,000

1.01097.1000Aluminium oxide 90 standardized for column chromotographic adsorption analysis acc. to

Brockmann1 kg 672,000

1.01076.1000Aluminium oxide 90 active basic (0.063-0.200 mm) (activity stage I) for column

chromatography1 kg 1,688,000

1.01077.1000Aluminium oxide 90 active neutral (activity stage I) for column chromatography 0.063-0.200

mm (70 - 230 mesh ASTM)1 kg 1,625,000

1.01095.1000 Aluminium oxide anhydrous (gamma-aluminia) 1 kg 1,299,000

1.00102.1000 4-Aminobenzoic acid suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp USP*2 1 kg 3,142,000

1.01115.1000 Ammonium acetate extra pure 1 kg 636,000

1.01136.9051 Ammonium carbonate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Franç,NF,E 503 50 kg 9,197,000

1.01142.9025 Ammonium chloride suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 25 kg 18,581,000

1.01131.5000 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,E 503 5 kg 1,926,000

1.01160.5000 Ammonium hydrogen difluoride pure 5 kg 5,488,000

1.03762.1000 Ammonium iron(III) citrate about 18% Fe DAC 1 kg 1,900,000

1.01216.5000 Ammonium sulfate extra pure 5 kg 1,672,000

1.01216.9029 Ammonium sulfate extra pure 25 kg 5,484,000

5.00090.2500 L(+)-Ascorbyl palmitate suitable for use as excipient Emprove exp. Ph. Eur, BP, NF, FCC, E 304 2.5 kg 12,146,000

1.01565.1000 L-Asparagine monohydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur 1 kg 7,198,000

1.01717.1000 Barium chloride dihydrate extra pure 1 kg 714,000

1.01750.5000 Barium sulfate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 5 kg 2,236,000

1.01750.9050 Barium sulfate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 50 kg 12,041,000

8.17032.1000 Benzalkonium chloride suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur*2 1 kg 27,343,000

1.00130.9025 Benzoic acid powder, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP,E 210 25 kg 13,169,000

1.00981.2500 Benzyl alcohol suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF 2.5 L 2,408,000

1.00981.6025 Benzyl alcohol suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF 25 L 12,880,000

1.06752.2500 Benzyl nicotinate suitable for use as an active pharmaceutical ingredient EMPROVE® api DAB*2 2.5 L 10,815,000

1.06752.9026 Benzyl nicotinate suitable for use as an active pharmaceutical ingredient EMPROVE® api DAB*2 25 L 90,516,000

1.12403.0100 Bismuth(III) chloride 98+ 100 g 3,191,000

1.00160.5000 Boric acid cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,NF 5 kg 2,270,000

1.00160.9025 Boric acid cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,NF 25 kg 7,357,000

1.00160.9050 Boric acid cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,NF 50 kg 13,529,000

1.12073.0050 Boron nitride 50 g 1,817,000

1.12070.0025 Boron powder 25 g 2,128,000

1.00988.2500 1-Butanol suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp NF 2.5 L 2,549,000

8.17023.1000 Butylhydroxyanisole Ph Eur,NF,E 320 1 L 5,104,000

8.17074.1000 Butylhydroxytoluene Ph Eur,JPE,NF,E 321 1 L 1,487,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Produksi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.02584.1000 Caffeine suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP*2 1 kg 2,641,000

1.02052.9029 Calcium acetate hydrate extra pure DAC,FCC 25 kg 12,577,000

1.02064.9029 Calcium carbonate precipitated (<= 0.002% Fe) EMPROVE® Ph Eur,BP,USP,JP,FCC 25 kg 10,114,000

1.02069.9025Calcium carbonate precipitated, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP,E

170,FCC25 kg 9,231,000

1.02069.9050Calcium carbonate precipitated, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP,E

170,FCC50 kg 5,317,000

1.02148.1000 Calcium D-saccharate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp USP 1 kg 6,138,000

1.02840.1000 Calcium fluoride precipitated pure 1 kg 2,361,000

1.02144.9029Calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous extra fine powder suitable for use as excipient

EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP,FCC,E 34125 kg 17,773,000

1.02102.9029 Calcium lactate pentahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP,E 327 25 kg 15,741,000

1.02143.9026 Calcium phosphate dried suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,E 341 25 kg 15,820,000

1.02160.9050Calcium sulfate dihydrate precipitated suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,E

51650 kg 21,761,000

1.02271.0100 Cerium(III) nitrate hexahydrate extra pure 100 g 1,742,000

1.02425.1000 Chloral hydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP*2 1 kg 3,155,000

1.02431.1000 Chloroform suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp BP 1 L 1,644,000

1.02431.2500 Chloroform suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp BP 2.5 L 3,559,000

1.03672.5000 Cholesterol from wool fat extra pure, powdered Ph Eur,BP,NF,JP*2 5 kg 46,298,000

5.00117.5000 Choline chloride suitable for use as excipient Emprove exp DAB 10, FCC 5 kg 5,790,000

5.00117.9025 Choline chloride suitable for use as excipient Emprove exp DAB 10, FCC 25 kg 19,937,000

5.00115.5000 Choline hydrogen tartrate suitable for use as excipient Emprove exp DAB 10, FCC 5 kg 6,096,000

5.00115.9025 Choline hydrogen tartrate suitable for use as excipient Emprove exp DAB 10, FCC 25 kg 25,780,000

1.02487.1000 Chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate extra pure 1 kg 1,935,000

1.02483.1000 Chromium(III) oxide anhydrous Technipur(TM) 1 kg 2,188,000

1.12097.0500 Chromium powder 99+ 500 g 4,257,000

1.00247.5000Citric acid anhydrous fine-granular, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,JP,USP,E 330,FCC5 kg 3,010,000

1.00241.5000Citric acid anhydrous powder, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,E

330,FCC5 kg 3,009,000

1.00241.9029Citric acid anhydrous powder, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,E

330,FCC25 kg 9,771,000

1.00242.5000Citric acid monohydrate cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,E

330,FCC5 kg 2,778,000

1.00242.9029Citric acid monohydrate cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,E

330,FCC25 kg 8,329,000

1.02546.1000 Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate extra pure 1 kg 9,939,000

1.02533.1000 Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate extra pure 1 kg 10,651,000

1.02710.0500 Copper(II) acetate monohydrate cryst. extra pure 500 g 483,000

1.02787.1000Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate cryst. suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP1 kg 3,998,000

1.02787.5000Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate cryst. suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP5 kg 15,161,000

1.02722.1000 Copper(II) hydroxide carbonate extra pure 1 kg 3,345,000

1.02792.1000 Copper(II) sulfate anhydrous suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP 1 kg 6,197,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Produksi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.02788.5000Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate powder suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP5 kg 17,069,000

1.02780.5000 Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate very fine crystals 5 kg 3,020,000

1.01206.9029 di-Ammonium hydrogen phosphate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp NF 25 kg 27,999,000

1.00926.1000 Diethyl ether suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP*1 1 L 1,420,000

1.05101.1000di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,E 3401 kg 1,763,000

1.05101.5000di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,E 3405 kg 3,983,000

1.05101.9029di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,E 34025 kg 18,433,000

1.05072.9050 di-Potassium oxalate monohydrate extra pure 50 kg 43,254,000

1.12264.0500 di-Sodium hydrogen citrate 1,5-hydrate 99+ 500 g 1,136,000

1.06576.5000di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP5 kg 3,432,000

1.06576.9029di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP25 kg 8,115,000

1.06574.1000di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp

DAC,USP1 kg 1,299,000

1.06573.5000di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate cryst. suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE®

exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP5 kg 3,467,000

1.06585.5000di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,E 3395 kg 3,639,000

1.06585.9029di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,E 33925 kg 11,046,000

1.00971.1000 Ethanol 96% suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP 1 L 511,000

1.00971.2500 Ethanol 96% suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP 2.5 L 877,000

1.00986.2500 Ethanol absolute suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP 2.5 L 1,704,000

1.00844.2500 Ethanolamine suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp BP,NF 2.5 L 2,414,000

1.00887.5000 Ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF 5 kg 6,812,000

1.00944.9025 Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid extra pure Ph Eur,NF 25 kg 14,873,000

1.00944.1000 Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid extra pure Ph Eur,NF 1 kg 1,815,000

1.03992.1000 Fluorescein sodium (C.I. 45350) extra pure 1 kg 6,507,000

1.08346.9029 D(+)-Glucose monohydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 25 kg 4,777,000

1.04093.1000 Glycerol anhydrous suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,E 422,FCC 1 L 2,400,000

1.04093.2500 Glycerol anhydrous suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,E 422,FCC 2.5 L 4,732,000

1.04091.1000 Glycerol 85% suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP 1 L 2,463,000

1.04091.2500 Glycerol 85% suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP 2.5 L 5,936,000

5.00190.1000 Glycine cryst. Suitable for use as excipient Emprove exp Ph. Eur, BP, JP, USP 1 kg 1,322,000

1.04228.1000 Gum arabic spray-dried, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP 1 kg 2,501,000

1.12469.0005 Holmium(III) oxide LAB 5 g 2,165,000

1.04760.2500 Iodine purified by sublimation suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP*2 2.5 kg 11,122,000

1.03962.9029 Iron(II) fumarate extra pure (ca. 33% Fe) Ph Eur,BP,USP,FCC 25 kg 20,830,000

1.03868.9029 Iron(II) gluconate dihydrate Ph Eur,BP,USP,E 579 25 kg 19,720,000

1.03815.1000 Iron extra pure reduced particle size about 10 µm 1 kg 1,824,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Produksi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.03963.5000Iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,FCC5 kg 2,025,000

1.03963.9025Iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,FCC25 kg 6,796,000

1.08117.9026 Kieselguhr purified and calcined, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp NF 25 kg 5,439,000

1.00366.2500 (S)-Lactic acid about 90% suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,E 270 2.5 L 2,224,000

1.07656.9029Lactose monohydrate (milk sugar) powder, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,NF,JP25 kg 13,101,000

1.07372.1000 Lead (II) acetate trihydrate extra pure 1 kg 1,286,000

1.07397.1000 Lead (II) nitrate ep 1 kg 1,590,000

1.07372.9050 Lead (II) acetate trihydrate extra pure 50 kg 23,588,000

1.05669.1000 Lithium bromide extra pure 1 kg 3,498,000

1.12230.0250 Lithium nitrate 98+ 250 g 968,000

1.05701.1000 L-Lysine monohydrochloride suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 1 kg 2,040,000

1.05701.5000 L-Lysine monohydrochloride suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 5 kg 8,838,000

1.05701.9025 L-Lysine monohydrochloride suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 25 kg 39,990,000

5.00986.9050 DL-Methionine suitable for use as excipient Emprove exp Ph. Eur, BP*2 50 kg 58,448,000

1.07299.0250 4-(Methylamino)phenol sulfate Photo-Rex® 250 g 1,175,000

1.07299.1000 4-(Methylamino)phenol sulfate Photo-Rex® 1 kg 2,546,000

1.06143.1000Meglumine low in endotoxins suitable for use as active pharmaceutical ingredient EMPROVE®

api Ph Eur,JP,USP*21 kg 3,572,000

1.05867.1000 Magnesium oxide heavy suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 1 kg 1,652,000

1.05867.9029 Magnesium oxide heavy suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 25 kg 14,580,000

1.05832.5000 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate cryst. EMPROVE® Ph Eur,BP,USP,JPC,FCC,E 511 5 kg 1,703,000

1.05832.9029 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate cryst. EMPROVE® Ph Eur,BP,USP,JPC,FCC,E 511 25 kg 5,886,000

1.05904.2500 Magnesium citrate extra pure 2.5 kg 3,117,000

1.05832.9525 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate cryst. EMPROVE® Ph Eur,BP,USP,JPC,FCC,E 511 525 kg 72,213,000

1.05828.9015 Magnesium hydroxide carbonate light extra pure Ph Eur,BP 15 kg 5,315,000

1.05862.1000 Magnesium oxide light extra pure Ph Eur,BP,E 530 1 kg 1,783,000

1.05862.9025 Magnesium oxide light extra pure Ph Eur,BP,E 530 25 kg 14,492,000

1.05882.2500 Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP,JP 2.5 kg 891,000

8.17058.1000 Maleic acid Ph Eur,NF 1 kg 1,212,000

1.05911.1000 Maltose monohydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp 1 kg 3,963,000

1.05911.9029 Maltose monohydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp 25 kg 21,494,000

1.05999.1000Manganese(II) sulfate monohydrate spray dried suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,USP,FCC1 kg 2,171,000

1.05999.9029Manganese(II) sulfate monohydrate spray dried suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,USP,FCC25 kg 28,945,000

1.05917.1000 Manganese(II) chloride-dihydrate extra pure 1 kg 2,038,000

1.05995.1000 (-)-Menthol cryst. suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP 1 kg 3,763,000

1.06008.2500 Methanol suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,NF 2.5 L 1,268,000

1.06757.5000 Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF,FCC 5 kg 4,141,000

1.12257.0250 Molybdenum(IV) sulfide 98+ 250 g 4,596,000

1.04731.1000 myo-Inositol suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,FCC 1 kg 2,596,000

1.12277.0250 Nickel powder 99+ 250 g 2,031,000

1.06726.1000 Nickel(II) sulfate hexahydrate extra pure 1 kg 2,786,000


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PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Produksi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.07130.1000Pancreatin (from porcine pancreas) 350 FIP-U/g Protease, 6000 FIP-U/g Lipase, 7500

FIP-U/g Amylase, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp USP1 kg 3,344,000

1.07149.9025Papain 30000 USP-U/mg stabilized with sodium disulfite, suitable for use as excipient

EMPROVE® exp25 kg 109,898,000

1.04005.1000 Paraformaldehyde suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp DAC 1 kg 835,000

1.00661.9020Parteck® LUB STA 50 (Stearic acid 50 vegetable grade) suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE®

exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF20 kg 8,560,000

1.07190.1000Pepsin (from porcine gastric mucosa) 2000 FIP-U/g EC, suitable for use as excipient

EMPROVE® exp1 kg 13,024,000

1.07197.5000Pepsin (from porcine gastric mucosa) 0.7 Ph Eur U/mg suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE®

exp5 kg 23,713,000

1.00909.1000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 40-60°C suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp DAB 1 L 764,000

1.00201.1000 Phenol suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,JP,USP 1 kg 2,060,000

1.07327.9050 Piperazine hexahydrate Ph Eur,BP 50 kg 39,888,000

1.04820.1000 Potassium acetate extra pure Ph Eur,BP,E 261 1 kg 1,774,000

1.08092.0250 Potassium antimony(III) oxide tartrate trihydrate extra pure 250 g 1,048,000

1.04924.5000 Potassium carbonate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,USP,E 501 5 kg 2,256,000

1.04935.9029 Potassium chloride suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP,FCC,E 508*3 25 kg 9,108,000

1.04935.5000 Potassium chloride suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP,FCC,E 508*3 5 kg 3,005,000

1.04951.1000 Potassium chromate extra pure 1 kg 2,729,000

1.04862.1000 Potassium dichromate cryst. extra pure 1 kg 2,764,000

1.04871.5000Potassium dihydrogen phosphate cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,NF,E 3405 kg 2,832,000

1.05056.5000 Potassium disulfite suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,NF,E 224 5 kg 2,947,000

1.04852.9029Potassium hydrogen carbonate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,FCC,E 50125 kg 10,370,000

1.05032.9050Potassium hydroxide pellets suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF,FCC,E

52550 kg 5,686,000

1.05050.0500 Potassium iodate extra pure FCC 500 g 3,894,000

1.05040.1000Potassium iodide suitable for use as an active pharmaceutical ingredient EMPROVE® api Ph

Eur,BP,JP,USP*21 kg 4,678,000

1.05061.9050 Potassium nitrate extra pure Ph Eur,BP,USP,FCC,E 252*3 50 kg 20,889,000

1.05080.1000 Potassium permanganate cryst. extra pure*1 1 kg 1,765,000

1.05150.9029 Potassium sulfate cryst. suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP 25 kg 14,095,000

1.05124.1000 Potassium thiocyanate pure 1 kg 1,074,000

1.00995.2500 2-Propanol suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP 2.5 L 1,850,000

1.00995.1000 2-Propanol suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP 1 L 871,000

1.07478.2500 1,2-Propanediol suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 2.5 L 1,912,000

1.07427.5000 Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF,FCC 5 kg 5,062,000

1.07590.5000 Resorcinol extra pure BP,Ph Eur,USP*2 5 kg 14,475,000

5.00259.1000 Riboflavine 5'-phospate monosodium salt dihidrate Ph Eur,BP,USP,JP 1 kg 20,663,000

5.00064.9025 Rutin water soluble in chips 25 kg OAP

8.17022.1000 Saccharin suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,NF 1 kg OAP

1.00631.1000 Salicylic acid suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP*2 1 kg 1,402,000

1.00631.9024 Salicylic acid suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP*2 20 kg 12,773,000

1.06265.5000 Sodium acetate trihydrate extra pure Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,FCC,E 262 5 kg 2,347,000


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Bahan Kimia Produksi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.06688.0100 Sodium azide extra pure 100 g 1,328,000

1.06688.0250 Sodium azide extra pure 250 g 1,980,000

1.06688.1000 Sodium azide extra pure 1 kg 6,229,000

1.06360.1000 Sodium bromide extra pure Ph Eur,BP,USP,JP 1 kg 958,000

1.06398.5000 Sodium carbonate anhydrous, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF 5 kg 3,576,000

1.06420.1000 Sodium chlorate pure 1 kg 444,000

1.06400.5000 Sodium chloride suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 5 kg 1,397,420

1.06400.9029 Sodium chloride suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP 25 kg 4,219,000

1.16224.5000Sodium chloride low in endotoxins suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,JP,USP5 kg 1,506,560

1.16224.9029Sodium chloride low in endotoxins suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,JP,USP25 kg 3,528,000

1.06345.1000Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,JPE,E 3391 kg 1,444,000

1.06345.5000Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,JPE,E 3395 kg 4,338,000

1.06345.9026Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,JPE,E 33925 kg 9,574,000

1.06349.1000Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp

BP,USP1 kg 1,645,000

1.06357.5000Sodium disulfite (sodium metabisulfite) suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,JP,NF,E 2235 kg 1,666,000

8.17034.1000 Sodium dodecyl sulfate Ph Eur 1 kg 1,294,000

1.06441.1000Sodium fluoride suitable for use as an active pharmaceutical ingredient EMPROVE® api Ph

Eur,BP,USP*21 kg 1,441,000

1.04164.5000 Sodium glycerophosphate hydrate extra pure 5 kg 7,404,000

1.06323.2500Sodium hydrogen carbonate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,JP,USP,FCC,E 5002.5 kg 989,000

1.06350.1000 Sodium hydrogen sulfate monohydrate extra pure 1 kg 1,305,400

1.06482.5000Sodium hydroxide pellets suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,FCC,JP,NF,E

524*35 kg 2,718,000

1.06522.2500Sodium-(S)-lactate-solution about 50% suitable for use as exipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP*22.5 L 2,587,000

1.06445.1000 Sodium L-glutamate monohydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp FCC,NF,E 621 1 kg 1,573,000

1.06524.9050 Sodium molybdate dihydrate extra pure 50 kg 220,954,000

1.06544.1000 Sodium nitrite extra pure Ph Eur,USP 1 kg 1,017,000

1.06529.1000 Sodium polyphosphate extra pure (Graham's salt) 1 kg 766,000

1.06645.2500 Sodium sulfate anhydrous extra pure fine powder Ph Eur,BP,USP 2.5 kg 2,082,000

1.06643.2500 Sodium sulfate anhydrous suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP,E 514 2.5 kg 1,486,000

1.06652.1000 Sodium sulfite suitable for use as exipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,NF,E 221 1 kg 1,205,000

1.06627.2500 Sodium thiocyanate pure 2.5 kg 970,000

1.06512.2500 Sodium thiosulfate anhydrous 2.5 kg 1,130,000

1.00662.5000 Sorbic acid suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,NF,FCC,E 200 5 kg 5,742,000

1.02994.9050Sorbitol liquid (sorbitol syrup, crystallizing) suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,E 42050 kg 9,975,000

1.07861.0500 Strontium carbonate Technipur(TM) 500 g 3,140,000


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catatan kaki:

*1 Item prekusor *2 BBO API *3 Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Produksi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

1.07653.9029 Sucrose suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF 25 kg OAP

1.00720.1000 Sulfuric acid fuming 65% SO3 extra pure*1 1 L 3,261,000

1.00773.1000 Tannic acid powder suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,JP,USP 1 kg 2,917,000

5.00667.5000 Thiamine phosphoric acid ester chloride dihydrate *2 5 kg 89,878,000

5.00667.9029 Thiamine phosphoric acid ester chloride dihydrate *2 25 kg 127,036,000

8.17043.0100 Thimerosal Ph Eur,BP,USP*2 100 g 16,317,000

1.08167.1000 Thymol cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,NF 1 kg 3,492,000

1.07813.1000 Tin(II) chloride dihydrate extra pure Ph Eur,BP 1 kg 3,860,000

1.12379.0250 Titanium fine powder 98+ 250 g 5,184,000

1.08421.1000Titriplex® III (ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid disodium salt dihydrate) suitable for use

as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP1 kg 2,243,000

1.08421.9025Titriplex® III (ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid disodium salt dihydrate) suitable for use

as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP25 kg 30,557,000

1.01005.1000 1,1,1-Trichloro-2-methyl-2-propanol hemihydrate Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF 1 kg 3,494,000

8.17059.1000 Triethyl citrate Ph Eur,JPE,NF 1 kg 3,387,000

1.04956.5000tri-Potassium citrate monohydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,FCC,E 3325 kg 3,716,000

1.04956.9029tri-Potassium citrate monohydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,USP,FCC,E 33225 kg 18,892,000

1.08219.1000Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride suitable for biopharmaceutical production

EMPROVE® bio1 kg 4,980,000

1.08386.9025Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Trometamol) suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp

Ph Eur,BP,JPC,USP25 kg 67,160,000

1.06432.5000tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,JP,USP,E 3315 kg 2,670,000

1.06432.9029tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph

Eur,BP,JP,USP,E 33125 kg 8,850,000

1.06577.5000 tri-Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp NF,E 339 5 kg 3,002,000

1.06577.9029 tri-Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp NF,E 339 25 kg 8,687,000

8.17072.1000 Tween® 20 (Polysorbate) suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,JPE,NF 1 kg 2,373,000

8.17061.1000 Tween® 80 (Polysorbate) suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,JP,NF 1 kg 1,742,000

1.08484.9029 Urea beads, suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp USP 25 kg 5,051,000

1.08486.9029 Urea cryst., suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,USP,JP 25 kg 6,674,000

1.12393.0025 Vanadium(III) chloride 99+ 25 g 1,483,000

1.08510.1000 Vanillin suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,NF 1 kg 4,480,000

5.00849.1000 Vitamin A palmitate for oral use dab,Ph Eur,BP 1 L 2,450,000

5.00849.9025 Vitamin A palmitate for oral use dab,Ph Eur,BP 25 L 40,527,000

5.24950.0010 Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) Ph Eur,BP,USP *2 10 g 5,848,000

5.24950.0100 Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) Ph Eur,BP,USP *2 100 g 53,899,000

5.00936.0010 Vitamin D3 cryst. dab 10 g 2,801,000

5.00859.2500 Vitamin E dry powder (50% dl- -tocopherol acetate) Ph Eur,BP,USP 2.5 kg 7,865,000

5.00859.9029 Vitamin E dry powder (50% dl- -tocopherol acetate) Ph Eur,BP,USP 25 kg 36,385,000

5.00862.1000 Vitamin E water soluble for oral use USP 1 L 2,400,000

5.00862.9025 Vitamin E water soluble for oral use USP 25 L 41,195,000

5.01890.0001 Vitamin K1 USP *2 1 g 1,477,000

1.12516.0025 Yttrium(III) nitrate hexahydrate 99+ 25 g 2,072,000

1.08800.1000 Zinc acetate dihydrate extra pure Ph Eur,USP 1 kg 2,598,000


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catatan kaki:

*1 Item prekusor *2 BBO API *3 Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Bahan Kimia Produksi

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan Harga (Rp) 2013

8.17079.1000 Zinc gluconate USP 1 kg 3,854,000

1.08882.5000 Zinc sulfate monohydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,USP 5 kg 4,915,000

1.08882.9025 Zinc sulfate monohydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,USP 25 kg 11,729,000

1.08881.5000 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,FCC 5 kg 3,341,000

1.08881.9025 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,FCC 25 kg 13,790,000

1.08881.9050 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,FCC 50 kg 11,226,000

catatan kaki :

1* Item prekusor


3* Difficult To Ship


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Daftar Item B2

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catatan kaki:

1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Item B2

No. Katalog Nama Produk Harga (Rp) 2013

1 8.00140.0250 Benzilic acid for synthesis 1.034.000

2 8.00140.1000 Benzilic acid for synthesis 3.063.000

3 1.01645.1000 Buffer solution (di-sodium tetraborate), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 9.22 (20°C) CertiPUR® 1.647.000

4 1.07203.0105Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution di-sodium tetraborate decahydrate, directly traceable

to primary SRM from NIST/PTB pH(S) = 9.184 (25°C) CertiPUR® 2.948.000

5 8.02448.0005 N-(2-Chloroethyl)-N,N-dimethylammonium chloride for synthesis 537.000

6 8.02448.0250 N-(2-Chloroethyl)-N,N-dimethylammonium chloride for synthesis 958.000

7 8.02448.1000 N-(2-Chloroethyl)-N,N-dimethylammonium chloride for synthesis 2.987.000

8 8.03285.0005 N-(2-Chloroethyl)-N,N-diethylammonium chloride for synthesis 537.000

9 8.03285.0250 N-(2-Chloroethyl)-N,N-diethylammonium chloride for synthesis 881.000

10 8.41811.0100 Copper(I) cyanide for synthesis 613.000

11 8.41811.0500 Copper(I) cyanide for synthesis 1.647.000

12 8.41811.1000 Copper(I) cyanide for synthesis 2.489.000

13 1.19533.0500 Cyanide standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST K2[Zn(CN)4] in H2O 1000 mg/l CN CertiPUR® 805.000

14 8.14553.0100 2-(Diisopropylamino)-ethylchloride hydrochloride for synthesis 843.000

15 8.14179.0100 Disulfur dichloride for synthesis 1.111.000

16 8.14179.1000 Disulfur dichloride for synthesis 1.685.000

17 1.03999.1000Formaldehyde solution min. 37% free from acid stabilized with about 10% methanol and calcium

carbonate for histology 958.000

18 1.03999.2500Formaldehyde solution min. 37% free from acid stabilized with about 10% methanol and calcium

carbonate for histology 1.471.000

19 1.03999.9025Formaldehyde solution min. 37% free from acid stabilized with about 10% methanol and calcium

carbonate for histology 9.227.000

20 1.04002.1000 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% stabilized with about 10% methanol Ph Eur,BP,USP 691.000

21 1.04002.2500 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% stabilized with about 10% methanol Ph Eur,BP,USP 1.150.000

22 1.04003.1000 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 835.000

23 1.04003.2500 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1.590.000

24 1.04003.5000 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.345.000

25 1.04003.9025 Formaldehyde solution min. 37% GR for analysis stabilized with about 10% methanol ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 5.681.000

26 8.18708.1000 Formaldehyde solution 37% (stabilized with about 10% methanol) for synthesis 651.000

27 8.18708.5000 Formaldehyde solution 37% (stabilized with about 10% methanol) for synthesis 1.762.000

28 1.01189.1000 Lead borate 34.201.000

29 1.05699.0100 di-Lithium tetraborate for analysis 1.340.000

30 1.05699.1000 di-Lithium tetraborate for analysis 7.099.000

31 1.59267.0010 Metanil yellow Reag. Ph Eur 1.302.000

32 8.05851.0100 N-Methyl-2,2'-iminodiethanol for synthesis 575.000

33 8.05851.1000 N-Methyl-2,2'-iminodiethanol for synthesis 1.226.000

34 8.22339.0250 Phosphoryl chloride for synthesis 767.000

35 8.22339.1000 Phosphoryl chloride for synthesis 1.494.000

36 8.22339.2500 Phosphoryl chloride for synthesis 2.795.000

37 8.22340.0100 Phosphorus pentachloride for synthesis 717.000

38 8.22340.0500 Phosphorus pentachloride for synthesis 1.034.000

39 8.22340.1000 Phosphorus pentachloride for synthesis 1.685.000

40 8.22340.2500 Phosphorus pentachloride for synthesis 3.255.000

41 8.22322.0100 Phosphorus trichloride for synthesis 676.000


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1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Item B2

No. Katalog Nama Produk Harga (Rp) 2013

42 8.22322.0500 Phosphorus trichloride for synthesis 1.378.000

43 8.22322.2500 Phosphorus trichloride for synthesis 4.823.000

44 1.04965.1000 Potassium cyanide 1.570.000

45 1.04965.9050 Potassium cyanide 34.122.000

46 1.04967.0100 Potassium cyanide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 920.000

47 1.04967.0250 Potassium cyanide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1.302.000

48 1.04967.1000 Potassium cyanide for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 4.403.000

49 1.04971.1000 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) pure 3.522.000

50 1.04971.9050 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) pure 137.120.000

51 1.04973.0100 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1.111.000

52 1.04973.0250 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1.418.000

53 1.04973.1000 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) for analysis EMSURE® ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 3.790.000

54 1.04982.1000 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate extra pure 4.517.000

55 1.04982.9050 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate extra pure 68.601.000

56 1.04984.0100 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 805.000

57 1.04984.0500 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1.609.000

58 1.07599.0025 Rhodamine B (C.I. 45170) for microscopy 1.150.000

59 1.07599.0100 Rhodamine B (C.I. 45170) for microscopy 1.991.000

60 1.06306.0250 di-Sodium tetraborate anhydrous for analysis 1.915.000

61 1.06306.1000 di-Sodium tetraborate anhydrous for analysis 4.326.000

62 1.06309.0025 di-Sodium tetraborate anhydrous 99.99 Suprapur® 2.872.000

63 1.06309.0250 di-Sodium tetraborate anhydrous 99.99 Suprapur® 22.828.000

64 1.06308.0500 di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1.073.000

65 1.06308.1000 di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1.953.000

66 1.06303.1000 di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF 958.000

67 1.06303.9029 di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur,BP,JP,NF 29.708.000

68 1.01964.0025di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate certified secondary standard reference material for pH measurement;

directly traceable to primary SRM from NIST/PTB pH(S)=9.184 (25°C) (DIN 19266) CertiPUR® 2.821.000

69 1.06310.0250 di-Sodium tetraborate for analysis (ca. 85% Na2B4O7) 1.532.000

70 1.06437.1000 Sodium cyanide pure 1.114.000

71 1.06437.9050 Sodium cyanide pure 29.755.000

72 1.06541.0025Sodium nitroprusside dihydrate [disodium pentacyanonitrosyl ferrate(III) dihydrate] GR for analysis

ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1.418.000

73 1.06541.0100Sodium nitroprusside dihydrate [disodium pentacyanonitrosyl ferrate(III) dihydrate] GR for analysis

ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 2.489.000

74 1.06541.0500Sodium nitroprusside dihydrate [disodium pentacyanonitrosyl ferrate(III) dihydrate] GR for analysis

ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 9.108.000

75 1.06560.1000 Sodium perborate tetrahydrate pure 958.000

76 1.10783.1000 Spectromelt® A 10 (di-lithium tetraborate) 5.641.000

77 1.10783.5000 Spectromelt® A 10 (di-lithium tetraborate) 25.929.000

78 1.12630.1000 Spectromelt® A 100 di-lithiumtetraborate 13.363.000

79 1.12996.1000 Spectromelt® A 20 lithium metaborate 12.766.000

80 1.06304.1000 Spectromelt® B 10 di-Sodium tetraborate 4.288.000

81 1.06304.5000 Spectromelt® B 10 di-Sodium tetraborate 18.373.000

82 8.08154.0100 Thionyl chloride for synthesis 1.034.000


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catatan kaki:

1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Item B2

No. Katalog Nama Produk Harga (Rp) 2013

83 8.08154.0500 Thionyl chloride for synthesis 1.073.000

84 8.08154.1000 Thionyl chloride for synthesis 915.000

85 8.08154.2500 Thionyl chloride for synthesis 2.067.000

86 1.08379.0250 Triethanolamine GR for analysis 1.034.000

87 1.08379.1000 Triethanolamine GR for analysis 1.723.000

88 1.08372.1000 Triethanolamine (Trolamine) suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur 8.273.000

89 1.08372.6025 Triethanolamine (Trolamine) suitable for use as excipient EMPROVE® exp Ph Eur 155.970.000

90 8.22341.5000 Triethanolamine EMPLURA® 6.841.000


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Daftar Item Diskontinu

Page 216: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

catatan kaki:

1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Item Diskontinu

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan No. Kat. Item Pengganti

1.15227.0025 N-(2-Acetamido)-iminodiacetic acid buffer 25 g

1.15227.0250 N-(2-Acetamido)-iminodiacetic acid buffer 250 g

8.22251.6010 Acetone for synthesis 10 L 8.22251.2500

1.14291.4000 Acetonitrile isocratic grade 4 L 1.14291.4004

1.00085.9029 Acetylsalicylic acid suitable 25 kg

1.11108.0001 Acidity test base capacity up to pH 4.3 200 tests

10471090820002 Adapter for glass Petridish MAS 100 1 unit

1.15257.0500 Adsorber resin Amberlite® XAD-7 500 mL

1.01615.0100 Agar extra pure, fine powder Ph Eur, BP 100 g 1.01615.1000

1.11925.9025 Agar-agar technical, for microbiology 25 kg

9.49461.1254 Aluminium bottle 1 L with S 40 screw 1 unit

9.49461.5503 Aluminium bottle 5 L with s 40 screw 1 unit

1.01084.9029 Aluminium chloride hexahydrate suitable 25 kg 1.01084.9026

1.01093.1000 Aluminium hydroxide fine powder 1 kg 1.01093.9025

8.20054.2500 Aluminium tri-sec-butylate for synthesis 2,5 L 8.20054.1000

8.00362.0250 2-Aminoanthraquinone for synthesis 250 g

1.01173.0250 Ammonium iodide GR for analysis ACS 250 g

1.05442.2500 Ammonium sulfide solution GR for analysis 2,5 L 1.05442.1000

1.01261.0250 Aniline GR for analysis 250 mL 1.01261.1000

1785-1KGCN Aquacide I 1 kg 17851-1KGCN

8.00879.0100 Benzyl chloroformate for synthesis 100 mL

8.02255.0005 S-Benzylthiuronium chloride for synthesis 5 g

1.00079.0001 Bolton broth selective supplement acc. to ISO 10272-1 16 vials 1.00079.0010

8.41691.0010 Boron hydride-pyridine complex (80% solution in pyridine) for synthesis 10 mL

8.20168.0100 Boron trifluoride-dimethyl ether complex for synthesis 100 ML

1.10490.0500 Brucella agar for microbiology 500 g 1.10455.0500

8.02100.1000 Calcium hydride for synthesis 1 KG

1.02203.0500 Calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous GR 500 g 1.02144.1000

1.02107.1000 Calcium oxide from marble large lumps 1 kg 1.02109.1000

1.02248.0500 Campylobacter selective agar (base) 500 G 1.00070.0500

1.02249.0001 Campylobacter selective supplement 16 VIALS 1.00071.0001

1.10456.0500 Candida elective agar acc. to Nickerson 500 g 1.10412.0001

1.17923.0001 Chlorine test paper 3 rolls

1.00888.0001 Clostridium perfringens supplement 16 FL 1.00888.0010

1.73601.0001.1047 Colorimeter Picco COD / CSB Spectroquant® 1 unit 1.73608.0001.1047

1.11154.0001 Compact laboratory for offset printing 1 set

1.02752.1000 Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate Extra Pure 1 kg 1.02753.1000

1.09662.0005 Cyclopentane for gas chromatography 5 mL

MAS-SP-6002MV DC radial fan for MAS 100 1 unit 06.6002.01MV

1.09803.0500 Diasalm base for microbiology 500 g 1.09878.0500

1.06054.4000 Dichloromethane for gas chromatography 4 L 1.06054.4004

1.00926.6010 Diethyl ether Extra Pure Ph. Eur, BP 10 L 1.00926.6025

1.00923.5000 Diethyl Ether Emplura® 5 L

1.00921.5000 Diethyl ether for analysis EMSURE® ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 5 L 1.00921.2500

8.07059.9060 Diethyl oxalate for synthesis 60 kg 8.07059.9025


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catatan kaki:

1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Item Diskontinu

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan No. Kat. Item Pengganti

8.14553.0250 2-(Diisopropylamino)-ethylchloride hydrochloride for synthesis 250 G

1.03409.0005 2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanol for complexometry 5 mL 8.18757.0005

8.20515.0100 N,N-Dimethyl-4-nitrosoaniline for synthesis 100 g 8.20515.0025

8.22043.0100 2,4-Dinitrophenol (with 0,5 mL H2O/G) for synthesis 100 G

8.22043.0500 2,4-Dinitrophenol (with 0,5 mL H2O/G) for synthesis 500 G

9.67200.1228 Dip tube with coupling valve for 10 L 1 unit

1.03086.0250 Diphenylamine GR 250 g

1.03086.0100 Diphenylamine GR 100 g

1.00898.0001 E.coli/Coliform Selective Supplement 16 VIALS 1.00898.0010

1.15974.0001 Elastica van Gieson staining kit 4 X 1 L 1.15974.0002

8.03296.0500 Epichlorohydrine for synthesis 500 mL

1.00844.9180 Ethanolamine Extra Pure BP, NF 180 L 1.00844.6025

8.01281.0250 2-Ethoxy-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran for synthesis 250 mL

1.00877.9050 Ethyl-4-aminobenzoate (Benzocaine) 50 kg

1.00877.1000 Ethyl-4-aminobenzoate (Benzocaine) 1 kg

8.20026.0050N-Ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,4-phenylenediammonium sulfate monohydrate for synthesis

50 g

1.11463.0100 2-Ethylhexanoic acid GR for analysis 100 mL 8.00758.0100

8.20045.0010 3-Ethyltoluene for synthesis 10 mL

1.04061.1000 D-(+)-Galactose Extra Pure Ph Eur, BP 1 kg

371450-10MGCN GDP- -D-Mannose, disodium salt 10 mg

371450-100MGCN GDP- -D-Mannose, disodium salt 100 mg

1.04078.1000 Gelatin powder Emprove® Ph Eur, BP, NF 1 kg

1.25013.0001 Groove ring 25 mm 1 set

1.04212.0250 Guaiacol Extra Pure Ph Franc. 250 mL 1.04212.1000

1.09260.0500 Hayem's reagent for erythrocyte counts 500 mL

8.20625.0005 Hexabutylditin for synthesis 5 mL

1.07023.2500 n-Hexane ACS Labgrade 2.5 L 1.07023.2511

1.04391.4000 n-Hexane for liquid chromatography 4 L 1.04391.4004

8.40151.0050 N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1,3-diaminopropane for synthesis 50 mL

400049-1MUCN Hygromycin B, Streptomyces sp. 1000000 units 400051-1MUCN

4010-25GMCN Hypoxanthine (1.04517) 25 g

1.04741.0025 Indigocarmine for microscopy Certistain® 25 g

1.00357.0100 Iodic acid crystal GR 100 g

8.03912.0005 Iron(III) acetylacetonate for synthesis 5 g 8.03912.0250

1.03898.9050 Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate 50 KG 1.03883.9050

1.03924.0250 Iron(III) oxide GR for analysis 250 g

8.02358.0100 Isobutyl chloroformate for synthesis 100 mL

8.24426.0050 Kryptofix® 111 for synthesis 50 mg

1.07397.9050 Lead (II) nitrate extra pure 50 KG

1.10240.0010 Legionella BCYE growth-supplement 10 vials

1.10242.0500 Legionella CYE agar (base) 500 g

3510-100GMCN L-Glutamic acid 100 g

1.13972.0010 Lichrosorb® diol 7 µm 10 g 1.16152.0010

1.11883.0010 Listeria selective enrichment supplement pack


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catatan kaki:

1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Item Diskontinu

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan No. Kat. Item Pengganti

1.11883.0001 Listeria selective enrichment supplement 16 fL

8.05662.0110 Lithium (wire) for synthesis 110 G

1.02335.9025 Magnesium citrate anhydrous 25 kg 1.05904.9025

1.05862.9020 Magnesium oxide light Extra Pure Ph. Eur.,BP,E 530 20 kg 1.05862.9025

1.05912.0025 Maltose monohydrate for biochemistry 25 g 1.05912.0100

442631-25MGCN MBB +4ºC 25 g

4.03050.0001 Merck Microbiology Manual 12th Edition 1 UNIT

1.10008.0001 Merckoquant® fixing bath test 100 STRIPS

1.10038.0001 Merckoquant® Zinc test (10-250 mg/L) 100 strips 1.17953.0001

8.06021.2500 Methanesulfonyl chloride for synthesis 2,5 L

8.18442.0025 2-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-ethylamine for synthesis 25 mL

1.15945.0025 Methyl violet for microscopy Certistain® 25 g

8.18526.0100 2-Methyl-4-nitro-1H-imidazole for synthesis 100 g

8.03272.0100 4-Methyl-1,2-phenylenediamine for synthesis 100 g

8.20785.0005 2-Methylcyclohexanol (mixture of cis- and trans isomers) for synthesis 5 mL

8.20785.0250 2-Methylcyclohexanol (mixture of cis- and trans isomers) for synthesis 250 mL

8.18385.0100 Methylcyclopentadiene dimer for synthesis 100 mL

1.11348.0250 1-Methylimidazole GR for analysis 250 mL

1.14824.0001 Microquant® Aluminium test 300 tests 1.18452.0002

1.14789.0001 Microquant® Sulfate test (25-300mg/l) 90 tests 1.18389.0001

1.06249.1000 Naphazoline hydrochloride 1 kg

1.06247.1000 Naphazoline nitrate 1 kg

1.09239.0100 Neisser's solution IB (crystal violet) 100 mL

1.01518.1000 Nitric acid 60% Ultrapur® 1 L

1.12122.0001 PALCAM Listeria selective-supplement 16 vials 1.12122.0010

1.07161.0100 Paraffin liquid for spectroscopy Uvasol® 100 mL 1.07161.0500

1.00518.1001 Perchloric acid 60% GR for analysis ACS 1 L 1.00518.1016

1.00519.1001 Perchloric acid 70-72% GR for analysis ACS 1 L 1.00519.1016

1.18763.0001 pH test in freshwater and seawater method 200 tests 1.18773.0001

8.01276.0250 Pivoloyl chloride 250 mL

9.51514.1142 Plastic bottle 1 L in single unapproved 6 units

9.51514.0250 Plastic bottle 250 mL with screw cap S40 9 units

9.51514.5000 Plastic bottle 5 L in single unapproved 1 unit

9.51514.0100 Plastic bottle 100 ml with screw cap S2 11 units

9.51514.0251 Plastic bottle 250 ml, black with screw 9 units

9.51514.0500 Plastic bottle 500 ml, black with screw 6 units 1.10188.0001

8.17004.1000 Polyethylene glycol 600 Ph Eur 1 L 8.17004.5000

529504-100GMCN Polyvynilpyrrolidone, MB grade (1.07370) 100 g 5295-100GMCN

1.59225.0003 Potassium iodate starch paper roll 4.8 M 3 rolls

1.07467.1000 Procaine hydrochloride Extra Pure 1 kg

1.07624.0001 Pseudomonas CN selective supplement for microbiology 16 vials 1.07624.0010

8.07033.0025 4-Pyridylmethanol for synthesis 25 g

8.21552.0100 3-Pyridinoyl chloride hydrochloride for synthesis 100 g

8.22261.5000 Pyrocatechol for synthesis 5 kg 8.22261.1000

1.07549.0100 Raffinose pentahydrate (melitose) for microbiology 100 g


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catatan kaki:

1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Item Diskontinu

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan No. Kat. Item Pengganti

1.17946.0001 Reflectoquant® alcohol test (15-150 mg/l) 50 strips

1.05851.0001 Reflectoquant® lipase test (10-400 µg/l) 50 strips

1.17940.0001 Reflectoquant® plus chlorine test 100 tests

1.16721.0001 Reflectoquant® tartaric acid test 50 strips

69211-3CN RNA markers 69946-3CN

1.15034.0500 Salmonella agar acc. to Oenoez 500 g

8.07666.0005 Sarcosine for synthesis 5 g 8.07666.0250

1.25913.0001 Sealing set (column head) 50 mm 1 piece 1 set

1.08030.0250 Selenium mixture GR 250 g 1.08030.1000

1.09100.0001 Sensident scan

1.01925.1000 Silica gel with moisture indicator 1 kg 1.01969.1000

1.01925.9025 Silica gel with moisture indicator 25 kg 1.01969.9025

1.01908.5000 Silica gel with moisture indicator 5 kg 1.01969.5000

1.01981.1000 Silica gel with moisture indicator 1 kg 1.01969.1000

1.07922.0100 Silicone high vacuum grease medium lab 100 g 1.07921.0100

1772CF Sodium chloride crystal Ph Eur 25 kg 1.60606.9030

8.17054.1000 Sodium gluconate USP 1 kg 8.17054.5000

1.05614.2500 Sodium hypochlorite solution 2,5 L

1.03140.9028 Sorbitol Instant DAB 25 kg

70851-3CN SpinPrep™ Plasmid kit 1 unit

70916-3CN SpinPrep™ receiver tubes Novagen® 1 unit

4.80704.1001 Sulfuric acid 10% Extra Pure 1 L 4.80704.1000

1.06023.1000 TAE buffer 10 x pH 8.3 TRIS-Acetate-EDTA 1 L

1.09929.0001 Tin standard (SnCl4 in 24% HCl) Titrisol® 1 amp 1.70242.0100

8.12382.2500 Titanium (IV) chloride for synthesis 2,5 L

1.08389.4000 Toluene for Gas Chromatography Suprasolv® 4 L 1.08389.4004

8.22160.0250 o-Toluidinium chloride for synthesis 250 g

8.22160.0100 o-Toluidinium chloride for synthesis 100 g

1.08020.0001 Total Hardness test, method: titrimetric 200 tests 1.11104.0001

1.08375.0100 DL-Tryptophan for biochemistry 100 g

1.18334.0001 Turbiquant® 1000 IR 1.18324.0001

1.11989.0100 Vitamin biotin assay broth 100 g

1.11993.0100 Vitamin pantothenic acid assay broth 100 g

8.18754.9025 Xylene (mixture of isomers) for synthesis 25 L

8.18754.1000 Xylene (mixture of isomers) for synthesis 1 L

8.18754.2500 Xylene (mixture of isomers) for synthesis 2,5 L

1.08685.9190 Xylene Extra Pure (mixture of isomers) 190 L 1.08661.9190

1.08685.6190 Xylene Extra Pure (mixture of isomers) 190 L 1.08661.9025

1.08685.6025 Xylene Extra Pure (mixture of isomers) 25 L 1.08661.6025

1.08685.6010 Xylene Extra Pure (mixture of isomers) 10 L 1.08661.6010

1.08685.2500 Xylene Extra Pure (mixture of isomers) 2,5 L 1.08661.2500

1.08685.1000 Xylene Extra Pure (mixture of isomers) 1 L 1.08661.1000

1.08681.2500 Xylene GR for analysis ACS ISO, Reag. Ph 2,5 L 1.08661.2500

1.08681.1000 Xylene GR for analysis ACS ISO, Reag. Ph 1 L 1.08661.1000

1.08681.9190 Xylene GR for analysis ACS ISO, Reag. Ph 190 L 1.08661.9190.1047


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catatan kaki:

1* Harga belum termasuk biaya cargo2* item PPI3* Item prekusor4* BBO API5* Dif#cult To Ship

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Item Diskontinu

No. Katalog Nama Produk Kemasan No. Kat. Item Pengganti

1.08681.9025 Xylene GR for analysis ACS ISO, Reag. Ph 25 L 1.08661.9025.1047

1.08681.6025 Xylene GR for analysis ACS ISO, Reag. Ph 25 L 1.08661.6025.1047

1.08681.6010 Xylene GR for analysis ACS ISO, Reag. Ph 10 L 1.08661.6010.1047


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Daftar Kontak, Telepon dan Email

Page 222: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Kontak, Telepon dan Email

Sales Manager

No. Kontak Posisi Email

1. Syahroni National Sales Manager [email protected]

2. Diasti Lastarini Sales Manager Segmen Industri Farmasi [email protected]

3. Jati Hartana Sales Manager Segmen Industri Teknis, Pertambangan & Laboratorium Jasa [email protected]

4. Sigit Sadewo Sales Manager Segmen Pemerintahan, Universitas dan Rumah Sakit [email protected]

5. Afdila Ahary Sales Manager Segmen Industri Makanan dan Minuman [email protected]

Area Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Riau & Batam

No. Kontak Posisi Email

1. Vera Martinis Area Manager untuk Sumatera Bagian Utara Aceh - Jambi Sumatera Utara (Medan) [email protected]

Area Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Lampung dan Palembang

No. Kontak Posisi Email

1. Wida Lestari Area Manager Segmen Industri Farmasi, Pemerintahan, Universitas dan Rumah Sakit [email protected]

2. Eli Kristiana Area Manager Segmen Industri Makanan, Minuman, Indutri Teknis dan Laboratorium


[email protected]

Area Jawa Tengah, D.I. Yogyakarta & Kalimantan

No. Kontak Posisi Email

1. Mizmarudin Area Manager Jawa Tengah & Kalimantan (Semarang) [email protected]

Area Jawa Timur, Sulawesi, Bali & Nusa Tenggara

No. Kontak Posisi Email

1. Titik Sunarti Area Manager Jawa Timur, Bali & Sulawesi (Surabaya) [email protected]

2. M. Reza Okiartha Area Manager Jawa Timur, Bali & Nusa Tenggara (Surabaya) [email protected]

Product Management Team

No. Kontak Posisi Email

1. Irfat Hista Saputra Marketing Manager [email protected]

2. Firman Priyatna Product Manager for Water dan FoodAnalysis & Lab Water [email protected]

3. Azaz Rulyaqien Product Manager Biopharm Process Solutions & Pharm Chemicals Solutions [email protected]

4. Gianina M. Sebayang Product Manager for Biomonitoring [email protected]

5. Fitriah Product Manager for Lab Essential [email protected]

6. Fani Jamal Application Specialist for Chromatography [email protected]

Customer Care Center

No. Kontak Posisi

Telp. : (021) 2856 5600Fax. : (021) 2856 5603Toll Free : 0800 140 1253Email for order : [email protected] for info : [email protected]

1. Tjatur Sukma Setiawan Donny Customer Care Center Manager

2. Woro Eddy Oentari Customer Care Center Associate Manager

3. Siti Nurjanah Customer Care Center Supervisor

4. Yulia Elza Help Desk Staff

5. Dini Muniar Customer Care Officer

6. Olyvia Soeci Cahya Yunitha Customer Care Officer

7. Elisabeth Kristina Dwi Customer Care Officer

8. Elisabeth Wahyu Lestari Customer Care Officer

9. Desi Rahayu Sales Support Staff

10. Sofian Hadi Sales Support Staff

11. Sefy Wuri Handayani Sales Support Staff

12. Adityo Mulyo Sales Support Staff

Daftar Kontak


Page 223: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

Daftar Dealer PT Merck Tbk

Page 224: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Dealer PT Merck Tbk

Dealer Eksklusif untuk Reagen


1. PT. Cahayatiara Mustika Scientific Ind. (CMSI)

Kawasan Industri Jababeka I

Jl. Jababeka IX B Blok B P-6H

Cikarang - Bekasi 17833

Telp. (021) 89835311

Fax. (021) 89835317 - 18

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Bapak Irsan Januar

2. PT. Global Satria Aji (GSA) => PT B2

Jl. Bendungan Hilir Raya No. 136

Jakarta 10210

Telp. (021) 5740016/5722221/2718880/27958880

Fax. (021) 57951334/332

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Poedji dan Ibu Endang Hardijani

3. PT. Hexa Tunggal Jaya

Jl. Swadaya Raya No.51

Kelurahan Duren Sawit - Jakarta Timur

Telp. (021) 8606169 - 72

Fax. (021) 8605841

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Yohana

4. PT. Intraparr Nusantara

JL.Letjend Suprapto 160, Blok A-6

Jakarta 10640

Telp. (021) 4214272,4211427 (Hunting)

Fax. (021) 4200538, 4211426,

Email:[email protected] / [email protected] /

[email protected]

PIC: Ibu Ifon, Ibu Endang, Maya & Defvi

5. PT. Praglas Raya

Jl. Bendungan Jatiluhur 63 - Jakarta Pusat

Telp. (021) 5700758 (Hunting), 5742318

Fax. (021) 5742359

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Vivi dan Ibu Nita

6. PT. Setia Jaya Era Unggul => PT. B2, PBBBF

Jl. Proklamasi 61-B - Jakarta Pusat

Telp. (021) 3904345-7,

Fax. (021) 3145339

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Jeannette

7. PT. Panca Mandiri Swakarsa (Panca Kimia)=> PBBBF

Jl. Kayu Putih Tengah No. 17 - Jakarta Timur

Telp. (021) 4723464

Fax. (021) 4723170

Email: [email protected] / panca.mandiri.s@gmail.

com / [email protected]

PIC: Bp. Yudi


8. PT. Indolab karya Sahati

Jl. Kelengan Besar 631 B - Semarang

Telp. (024) 3545040 - Flexi 70157885

Fax. 3547648

HP. 08122873808

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Sri S.

9 CV. Jurus Maju

Jl. Seteran Serut No.4 - Semarang

Telp. (024) 3552543 / 3555693

Fax. (024) 3555693 / 3552543

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Nining Sri Haryani Ext. 15



Kompleks MMTC Warehouse Blok A no. 8,

Jl. Pasar V Barat, DS Medan Estate

(Depan Kampus UNIMED/IKIP Medan), Medan - SUMUT

Telp. (061) 6639203, 6641391, 6641352

Fax. (061) 6639381

Email: [email protected]/ elizabeth.multi@gmail.

com / [email protected]

PIC: Bp. Hendra & Ibu Elizabeth


11 PT. Dian Nusantara Murni (Dianum)

Jl. Biliton 19 - Surabaya

Telp. (031) 5030622(Hunting)

Fax. (031) 5032261

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Nanny & Ibu Paula


Page 225: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf

PT Merk Tbk | Daftar Harga 2013

Daftar Dealer PT Merck Tbk

12 PT. Labtech Citra Persada

Jl. Kalibokor Selatan Kav. E-29

Telp. (031) 5329080(Hunting)

Fax. (031) 5329074

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Luri

13 CV. Mitra Megah Mandiri

Jl. Prapen Indah II blok B No.1 - Surabaya

Telp. (031) 8474596; 8417692; 8497338

Fax : (031) 8497876

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Bp. Setiadi Sungkono


14 CV. Mifa Utama

Jl. Veteran Utara 338 Lama/408 Baru -

Ujung Pandang, Makasar 90142

Telp.(0411) 3621055, 3635468, 3634353

Fax : (0411) 3627874

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Jeanne, Bapak Charles

Dealer Eksklusif untuk Mikrobiologi

1. PT. Telaga Sakti Sakata Utama

Jl. Kayu manis I No. 1 - Jakarta Timur

Telp. (021) 85902828, 70331905-07

Fax. (021) 85912828

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

PIC: Bp. Ronsi

2. CV. Praktika Data Solusi

Ngagel Jaya Utara IV/19, Pucang Sewu

Gubeng - Surabaya

Telp. (031) 5025426, 5026968

Fax. (031) 5026968

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Tri Esni

3 PT. Indolab karya Sahati

Jl. Kelengan Besar 631 B - Semarang

Telp.: (024) 3545040 - Flexi (024) 70157885

Fax.: (024) 3547648

HP. 0811297478

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Fransiska

Dealer Eksklusif untuk FEA kit

1. PT. Dian Nusantara Murni (Dianum)

Jl. Biliton 19 - Surabaya

Telp. (031) 5030622(Hunting)

Fax. (031) 5032261

Email: [email protected]

PIC: Ibu Nanny & Ibu Paula


Page 226: Merck Pricelist 2013 Low Resolution.pdf


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PT Merck Tbk

Divisi Kimia - Merck Millipore

Jl. TB Simatupang No. 8, Pasar Rebo

Jakarta 13760, Indonesia

Tel. : (021) 2856 5600

Fax : (021) 2856 5603

Toll Free : 0800 140 1253

Email : [email protected]

Authorized Dealer