mempertahankan produktivitas

Solusi utilitas yang disarankan Temukan catatan, studi kasus, dan poster aplikasi yang informatif untuk industri utilitas di Based on you. Built by Fluke. Power quality analyzer Paling cocok untuk: Pemecahan masalah dan pencegahan masalah dalam sistem distribusi listrik Aplikasi utilitas: Memecahkan masalah dan memantau kualitas daya pada lokasi gardu induk dan trafo, studi beban Thermal imager Paling cocok untuk: Menampilkan gambar visual dari suhu permukaan dengan mudah dan aman untuk mengidentifikasi potensi masalah Aplikasi utilitas: Perangkap uap, panel listrik, motor, VFD, inspeksi atap pada persimpangan kritis trafo, audit energi Infrared thermometer Paling cocok untuk: Pembacaan suhu permukaan Pemantauan motor dan panel listrik tanpa menyentuh Aplikasi utilitas: Motor, pemutus sirkuit pada trafo Earth ground tester Paling cocok untuk: Pengujian tahanan arde Mendeteksi koneksi arde yang tepercaya. Aplikasi utilitas: Pengujian fall-of- potential earth 3 kutub untuk pengukuran dasar, pengukuran tahanan 2 kutub untuk menara transmisi dan distribusi atau survei lokasi untuk lokasi gardu induk. Digital multimeter Paling cocok untuk: Pengukuran voltase yang dilakukan secara cepat Lingkungan dengan ac maupun dc (autoVolt) atau ghost voltage Aplikasi utilitas: Panel listrik, motor, drive Clamp meter Paling cocok untuk: Memastikan keberadaan arus muatan, voltase ac/dc dan kontinuitas Pengukuran arus hingga 999,9 A pada kompartemen kabel yang ketat Aplikasi utilitas: Pengukuran motor inrush, papan panel Process tool Paling cocok untuk: Pemecahan masalah dan kalibrasi loop 4-20 mA, suhu, tekanan dan frekuensi pada satu alat Uji 4-20 mA I/O, uji suhu dan kalibrasi, saklar dan alat pemancar tekanan Aplikasi utilitas: Mengukur, menentukan sumber, dan simulasi arus loop dc di fasilitas pembangkit Non contact voltage detector Paling cocok untuk: Menentukan lokasi terputusnya saluran listrik bawah tanah Aplikasi utilitas: Saluran listrik overhead Cable locator (Hanya Amerika Utara) Paling cocok untuk: Menentukan lokasi kawat, kabel dan pipa yang berarus dan tidak berarus listrik Aplikasi utilitas: Mencari lokasi dan melacak sumber utilitas bawah tanah Voltage tester Paling cocok untuk: Mengukur beban di sirkuit cabang di level servis Mengukur tegangan sisi beban alat pemutus daya atau sekring Aplikasi utilitas: Pemutus sirkuit, beban, outlet Phase rotation tool Paling cocok untuk: Mengukur rotasi fase di semua area di mana pasokan tiga fase digunakan untuk mengumpani sistem listrik Aplikasi utilitas: Memastikan fase yang tepat untuk feeder Insulation tester Paling cocok untuk: Berbagai pengujian termasuk pemeriksaan tempat yang sederhana hingga pengujian berwaktu dan pengujian penguraian Pemeliharaan preventif Aplikasi utilitas: Pemutus arus, motor, generator dan kabel; Voltase uji sebesar 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V, dan 5000 V Infrared window Paling cocok untuk: Mengurangi waktu yang diperlukan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan IR rutin Meningkatkan keselamatan karyawan dengan meniadakan paparan ke peralatan langsung Meningkatkan produktivitas dengan mengurangi jumlah teknisi yang diperlukan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan Aplikasi utilitas: Kabinet listrik, pemutus arus distribusi, trafo, koneksi generator, dan rak peralatan komunikasi. Vibration tester Paling cocok untuk: Memecahkan masalah motor agar memahami penyebab utama dengan cepat Perencanaan perbaikan dan manajemen sumber daya yang proaktif Konfirmasi perbaikan setelah pemeliharaan Penunjukan peralatan baru Aplikasi utilitas: Pengukuran motor, kipas dan blower, drive sabuk dan rantai, girboks, pompa, kompresor dan kumparan Handheld oscilloscope Paling cocok untuk: Aplikasi pemecahan masalah dan instalasi Aplikasi saat Anda memerlukan osiloskop, multimeter dan perekam “tanpa kertas”, tapi ingin membawa satu alat saja Menemukan jawaban cepat untuk masalah dalam alat berat, instrumentasi, kontrol, dan sistem daya. Aplikasi utilitas: Pengukuran osiloskop, tahanan dan kontinuitas; pengukuran frekuensi tinggi; pengukuran kesehatan dan daya bus Fluke Corporation PO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A. Fluke Europe B.V. PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The Netherlands For more information call: In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or Fax (425) 446-5116 In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222 In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866 From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5116 Web access: ©2113 Fluke Corporation. Specifications subject to change without notice. 5/2013 3106089B_ID Modification of this document is not permitted without written permission from Fluke Corporation. Fluke. Alat yang paling terpercaya di dunia. Application Note From the Fluke Digital Library @ What does Class A mean to me? The new IEC 61000-4-30 CLASS A standard takes the guesswork out of selecting a power quality instrument. The standard IEC 61000-4-30 CLASS A defines the measurement methods for each power qual- ity parameter to obtain reliable, repeatable and comparable results. It also defines the accuracy, bandwidth, and minimum set of parameters. Going forward, manufacturers can begin designing to Class A standards, giving technicians a level playing field to choose from and increasing their measure- ment accuracy, reliability, and efficiency on the job. IEC 6100-4-30 Class A standardizes measure- ments of: Power frequency Supply voltage magnitude Flicker, harmonics, and interharmonics (by reference) Dips/sags and swells Interruptions Supply voltage unbalance Mains signalling Rapid voltage changes It does not standardize measurements of high frequency transients or current-related phenomena. Power quality measurement is still a relatively new and quickly evolving field. Whereas basic electrical measurements like RMS voltage and current were defined long ago, many power quality parameters have not been previously defined, forcing manufacturers to develop their own algorithms. Now there are hundreds of manufacturers around the world with unique measurement methodologies. With so much variability between instruments, technicians often must spend time trying to understand the instrument’s capabilities and measurement algorithms instead of understanding the quality of the power itself. Pesanlah DVD kualitas daya yang gratis ini untuk mempelajari cara mengurangi waktu tunggu dan menghemat tagihan listrik di Industri utilitas merupakan lingkungan yang selalu berbahaya dengan tuntutan yang unik. Saat Anda bekerja di pembangkit, transmisi, distribusi, instalasi listrik, maka Anda tidak boleh menghasilkan kesalahan dalam pengujian maupun pengukuran. Percayakan pada Fluke untuk menyediakan alat yang dirancang untuk tantangan yang dihadapi para profesional utilitas. Percayakan pada alat Fluke, tolok ukur industri yang menjadi patokan pengukuran alat lainnya. Lihat lini lengkap produk inovatif di Solusi Fluke bisa membantu Anda menjaga keandalan operasional Mempertahankan produktivitas dalam industri utilitas Application Note From the Fluke Digital Library @ Power quality recording and analysis: Techniques and applications Hooking up a power quality recorder and taking days’ worth of data can give you a rich picture of your power. In this article we’ll talk about the various recording techniques available in power loggers and recorders—understanding the tools and techniques you have available will be key to your strategy. What should you be looking for? And when does recording make sense? To really know your power, ideally, you’d want to look at every line cycle to see even the smallest changes. However, since our power swings through more than four million cycles per day, it’s impracti- cal to look at tiny changes—and often unnecessary. Few loads even notice occasional voltage dips of one or two cycles. How long you record depends somewhat on the rhythm of your building. If you are working on a typical commercial or light indus- trial building, then a week is long enough for a building to go through its normal cycle. If you are work- ing in a plant that runs special equipment only periodically (say a furnace that runs only monthly), you’ll need to be sensitive to the timing of these loads. Different recording techniques have been developed to look at small changes over relatively long time periods. Many instruments combine several techniques to improve their coverage. We’ll describe the common techniques and some of their pros and cons. By understanding the different techniques. you’ll be better able to choose an appropriate tool for the job at hand. Setting up a Fluke 1735 Power Logger at the service entrance for a 30-day load study. Recording techniques Application Note Recording current and power with the Fluke 1735 The compact, rugged Fluke 1735 Power Logger is an excellent tool for performing energy studies. It includes flexible current probes for connecting around multiple conductors or bus bars. It has a PC interface and software for downloading measurements to a Windows- based PC and creating pro- fessional reports for your electrical plans. Energy studies with the Fluke 1735 Power Logger The rising cost of energy means that optimal use of energy has become even more critical. The first step in managing energy is understanding ‘how much and when’ energy is being used. To discover that, you need a power logger. The logger captures voltage, current, power, power factor and energy, displays the measurements, and in logging mode stores them over time. Then, using software, you can graph the measurements and highlight times when extreme or unexpected energy consumption is happening. For example, if energy is being consumed at night or at weekends, perhaps the HVAC system needs to be re-programmed? Once you have this kind of power and energy profile, you can highlight potential areas for energy savings. From the Fluke Digital Library @ It measures voltage on three phases and current on three phases and neutral. It records multiple parameters that can help determine system load, including voltage, current, frequency, real power (kW), apparent power (kVA), reactive power (kVAR), power factor, and energy (kWh). Conduct the initial energy study at the main utility power supply/service entrance. Once you’ve measured overall power, then conduct more focused studies throughout the facility to profile individual loads and estimate their effect on your electricity bill. Performing a load study with the Fluke 1735 takes just five steps: 1. Hook up to the feeders or service. 2. Set power system parameters. 3. Set the recording time. 4. Start recording. 5. Download and review the measurements.

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Page 1: Mempertahankan produktivitas

Solusi utilitas yang disarankan

Temukan catatan, studi kasus, dan poster aplikasi yang informatif untuk industri utilitas di

Based on you. Built by Fluke.

Power quality analyzer

Paling cocok untuk:Pemecahan masalah dan pencegahan masalah dalam sistem distribusi listrikAplikasi utilitas:Memecahkan masalah dan memantau kualitas daya pada lokasi gardu induk dan trafo, studi beban

Thermal imager

Paling cocok untuk:Menampilkan gambar visual dari suhu permukaan dengan mudah dan aman untuk mengidentifikasi potensi masalah

Aplikasi utilitas:Perangkap uap, panel listrik, motor, VFD, inspeksi atap pada persimpangan kritis trafo, audit energi

Infrared thermometer

Paling cocok untuk:• Pembacaan suhu

permukaan• Pemantauan motor

dan panel listrik tanpa menyentuh

Aplikasi utilitas:Motor, pemutus sirkuit pada trafo

Earth ground tester

Paling cocok untuk:• Pengujian tahanan arde• Mendeteksi koneksi arde

yang tepercaya.Aplikasi utilitas:Pengujian fall-of-potential earth 3 kutub untuk pengukuran dasar, pengukuran tahanan 2 kutub untuk menara transmisi dan distribusi atau survei lokasi untuk lokasi gardu induk.

Digital multimeter

Paling cocok untuk:• Pengukuran voltase yang

dilakukan secara cepat• Lingkungan dengan ac

maupun dc (autoVolt) atau ghost voltage

Aplikasi utilitas:Panel listrik, motor, drive

Clamp meter

Paling cocok untuk:• Memastikan keberadaan

arus muatan, voltase ac/dc dan kontinuitas

• Pengukuran arus hingga 999,9 A pada kompartemen kabel yang ketat

Aplikasi utilitas:Pengukuran motor inrush, papan panel

Process tool

Paling cocok untuk:• Pemecahan masalah dan

kalibrasi loop 4-20 mA, suhu, tekanan dan frekuensi pada satu alat

• Uji 4-20 mA I/O, uji suhu dan kalibrasi, saklar dan alat pemancar tekanan

Aplikasi utilitas:Mengukur, menentukan sumber, dan simulasi arus loop dcdi fasilitaspembangkit

Non contact voltage detector

Paling cocok untuk:Menentukan lokasi terputusnya saluran listrik bawah tanahAplikasi utilitas:Saluran listrik overhead

Cable locator (Hanya Amerika Utara)

Paling cocok untuk:Menentukan lokasi kawat, kabel dan pipa yang berarus dan tidak berarus listrik Aplikasi utilitas: Mencari lokasi dan melacak sumber utilitas bawah tanah

Voltage tester

Paling cocok untuk:• Mengukur beban

di sirkuit cabang di level servis

• Mengukur tegangan sisi beban alat pemutus daya atau sekring

Aplikasi utilitas:Pemutus sirkuit, beban, outlet

Phase rotation tool

Paling cocok untuk:Mengukur rotasi fase di semua area di mana pasokan tiga fase digunakan untuk mengumpani sistem listrik Aplikasi utilitas:Memastikan fase yang tepat untuk feeder

Insulation tester

Paling cocok untuk:• Berbagai pengujian

termasuk pemeriksaan tempat yang sederhana hingga pengujian berwaktu dan pengujian penguraian

• Pemeliharaan preventif

Aplikasi utilitas:Pemutus arus, motor, generator dan kabel; Voltase uji sebesar 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V, dan 5000 V

Infrared window

Paling cocok untuk:• Mengurangi waktu

yang diperlukan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan IR rutin

• Meningkatkan keselamatan karyawan dengan meniadakan paparan ke peralatan langsung

• Meningkatkan produktivitas dengan mengurangi jumlah teknisi yang diperlukan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan

Aplikasi utilitas:Kabinet listrik, pemutus arus distribusi, trafo, koneksi generator, dan rak peralatan komunikasi.

Vibration tester

Paling cocok untuk:• Memecahkan masalah

motor agar memahami penyebab utama dengan cepat

• Perencanaan perbaikan dan manajemen sumber daya yang proaktif

• Konfirmasi perbaikan setelah pemeliharaan

• Penunjukan peralatan baru

Aplikasi utilitas:Pengukuran motor, kipas dan blower, drive sabuk dan rantai, girboks, pompa, kompresor dan kumparan

Handheld oscilloscope

Paling cocok untuk:• Aplikasi pemecahan

masalah dan instalasi • Aplikasi saat Anda

memerlukan osiloskop, multimeter dan perekam “tanpa kertas”, tapi ingin membawa satu alat saja

• Menemukan jawaban cepat untuk masalah dalam alat berat, instrumentasi, kontrol, dan sistem daya.

Aplikasi utilitas:Pengukuran osiloskop, tahanan dan kontinuitas; pengukuran frekuensi tinggi; pengukuran kesehatan dan daya bus

Fluke Corporation PO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V. PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The NetherlandsFor more information call: In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or Fax (425) 446-5116 In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222 In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866 From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5116 Web access:

©2113 Fluke Corporation. Specifications subject to change without notice. 5/2013 3106089B_IDModification of this document is not permitted without written permission from Fluke Corporation.

Fluke. Alat yang paling terpercaya di dunia.

Application Note

F r o m t h e F l u k e D i g i t a l L i b r a r y @ w w w. f l u k e . c o m / l i b r a r y

What does Class A mean to me?

The new IEC 61000-4-30 CLASS A

standard takes the guesswork out of

selecting a power quality instrument.

The standard IEC 61000-4-30 CLASS A defines

the measurement methods for each power qual-

ity parameter to obtain reliable, repeatable and

comparable results. It also defines the accuracy,

bandwidth, and minimum set of parameters. Going

forward, manufacturers can begin designing to

Class A standards, giving technicians a level playing

field to choose from and increasing their measure-

ment accuracy, reliability, and efficiency on the job.

IEC 6100-4-30 Class A standardizes measure-

ments of:• Power frequency• Supply voltage magnitude• Flicker, harmonics, and interharmonics

(by reference)• Dips/sags and swells• Interruptions• Supply voltage unbalance• Mains signalling• Rapid voltage changesIt does not standardize measurements of high

frequency transients or current-related phenomena.

Power quality measurement is still a relatively new

and quickly evolving field. Whereas basic electrical

measurements like RMS voltage and current were

defined long ago, many power quality parameters have

not been previously defined, forcing manufacturers to

develop their own algorithms. Now there are hundreds

of manufacturers around the world with unique

measurement methodologies. With so much variability

between instruments, technicians often must spend

time trying to understand the instrument’s capabilities

and measurement algorithms instead of understanding

the quality of the power itself.

Pesanlah DVD kualitas daya yang gratis ini untuk mempelajari cara mengurangi waktu tunggu dan menghemat tagihan listrik di

Industri utilitas merupakan lingkungan yang selalu berbahaya dengan tuntutan yang unik. Saat Anda bekerja di pembangkit, transmisi, distribusi, instalasi listrik, maka Anda tidak boleh menghasilkan kesalahan dalam pengujian maupun pengukuran.

Percayakan pada Fluke untuk menyediakan alat yang dirancang untuk tantangan yang dihadapi para profesional utilitas. Percayakan pada alat Fluke, tolok ukur industri yang menjadi patokan pengukuran alat lainnya.

Lihat lini lengkap produk inovatif di

Solusi Fluke bisa membantu Anda menjaga keandalan operasional

Mempertahankan produktivitas dalam industri utilitasApplication Note

F r o m t h e F l u k e D i g i t a l L i b r a r y @ w w w. f l u k e . c o m / l i b r a r y

Power quality recording

and analysis: Techniques

and applications

Hooking up a power quality recorder and taking

days’ worth of data can give you a rich picture

of your power. In this article we’ll talk about the

various recording techniques available in power

loggers and recorders—understanding the tools

and techniques you have available will be key to

your strategy. What should you be looking for?

And when does recording make sense?

To really know your power, ideally,

you’d want to look at every line

cycle to see even the smallest

changes. However, since our power

swings through more than four

million cycles per day, it’s impracti-

cal to look at tiny changes—and

often unnecessary. Few loads even

notice occasional voltage dips of

one or two cycles.

How long you record depends

somewhat on the rhythm of your

building. If you are working on a

typical commercial or light indus-

trial building, then a week is long

enough for a building to go through

its normal cycle. If you are work-

ing in a plant that runs special

equipment only periodically (say

a furnace that runs only monthly),

you’ll need to be sensitive to the

timing of these loads.

Different recording techniques

have been developed to look at

small changes over relatively long

time periods. Many instruments

combine several techniques to

improve their coverage. We’ll

describe the common techniques

and some of their pros and cons.

By understanding the different

techniques. you’ll be better able to

choose an appropriate tool for the

job at hand.

Setting up a Fluke 1735 Power Logger at the service entrance for a

30-day load study.

Recording techniques

Application Note

Recording current

and power with the

Fluke 1735

The compact, rugged Fluke 1735

Power Logger is an excellent tool

for performing energy studies.

• It includes flexible current

probes for connecting around

multiple conductors or bus bars.

• It has a PC interface and

software for downloading

measurements to a Windows-

based PC and creating pro-

fessional reports for your

electrical plans.

Energy studies with the

Fluke 1735 Power Logger

The rising cost of energy means that

optimal use of energy has become even

more critical.

The first step in managing energy is

understanding ‘how much and when’

energy is being used. To discover that, you

need a power logger. The logger captures

voltage, current, power, power factor and

energy, displays the measurements, and in

logging mode stores them over time.

Then, using software, you can graph

the measurements and highlight times

when extreme or unexpected energy

consumption is happening. For example,

if energy is being consumed at night or

at weekends, perhaps the HVAC system

needs to be re-programmed?

Once you have this kind of power and

energy profile, you can highlight potential

areas for energy savings.

F r o m t h e F l u k e D i g i t a l L i b r a r y @ w w w . f l u k e . c o m / l i b r a r y

• It measures voltage on three

phases and current on three

phases and neutral.

• It records multiple parameters

that can help determine system

load, including voltage, current,

frequency, real power (kW),

apparent power (kVA), reactive

power (kVAR), power factor,

and energy (kWh).

Conduct the initial energy study at the

main utility power supply/service entrance.

Once you’ve measured overall power,

then conduct more focused studies

throughout the facility to profile individual

loads and estimate their effect on your

electricity bill.

Performing a load study with

the Fluke 1735 takes just

five steps:

1. Hook up to the feeders

or service.

2. Set power system parameters.

3. Set the recording time.

4. Start recording.

5. Download and review the


Page 2: Mempertahankan produktivitas

Solusi utilitas Fluke

Pelajari bagaimana solusi Fluke bisa menghemat waktu dan uang

Anda namun dengan tetap meningkatkan produktivitas Anda di

Based on you. Built by Fluke.

Teknisi Proses/Pemeliharaan FasilitasFokus: pembangkitan listrik

Masalah apakah yang Anda hadapi?• Memastikan waktu beroperasi dan

waktu henti yang berkelanjutan dan dapat diprediksi

• Keselamatan personel dan lingkungan utilitas

• Keterbatasan anggaran

• Memecahkan masalah interupsi proses dengan respons dan perbaikan segera

Solusi Fluke: Thermal imager

Power quality analyzer

Process tool

Handheld oscilloscope

Digital multimeter

Clamp meter

Infrared thermometer

Voltage detector

Phase rotation tool

Insulation tester

Vibration tester

Process tool Power quality analyzer Voltage tester Earth ground

testerPhase rotation

toolThermal imagers/IR

Windows Digital multimeter Infrared thermometer Clamp meter Handheld


voltage detectorCable

locator Insulation tester Vibration tester

789 725 Seri 43X T+PRO 1625 9040 Ti32 IR Windows 233 28II Seri 56X 381/376 125 TIC300HV AT-3000 Pro 1555 810

Teknisi Meter ShopFokus: instalasi dan pemeliharaan distribusi

Masalah apakah yang Anda hadapi?• Kualitas tegangan

• Pengukuran penerimaan yang akurat

Solusi Fluke: Digital multimeter

Clamp meter

Power quality tool

Petugas Pemasang SambunganFokus: instalasi dan pemeliharaan transmisi/distribusi

Masalah apakah yang Anda hadapi?• Keselamatan saat memecahkan masalah

dan membuat koneksi

• Mendapatkan data tepercaya

Solusi Fluke: Voltage detector

Digital multimeter

Clamp meter

Non-contact voltage detector

Cable locator

Phase rotation tool

Thermal imager

Teknisi Kualitas DayaFokus: pemantauan kualitas daya dan pemeliharaan distribusi

Masalah apakah yang Anda hadapi?• Optimalisasi jaringan

• Memelihara waktu beroperasi pelanggan

Solusi Fluke: Digital multimeter

Clamp meter

Earth ground tester

Power quality tool

Thermal imager

Infrared thermometer

Teknisi Gardu IndukFokus: instalasi dan pemeliharaan transmisi/distribusi

Masalah apakah yang Anda hadapi?• Pemeliharaan preventif

• Perlindungan peralatan dengan pentanahan yang tepat

• Pemutus transformator dan performa relay

Solusi Fluke: Digital multimeter

Infrared thermometer

Thermal imager

Non-contact voltage detector

Earth ground tester

Insulation tester

Clamp meter

Phase rotation tool

IR Windows

Diagram tidak diperuntukkan sebagai representasi pasti. Komponen-komponen diagram tidak dimaksudkan sebagai ukuran dan hanya untuk tujuan ilustrasi semata.

Solusi Fluke: Thermal imager

Earth ground tester

Power quality tool

Masalah apakah yang Anda hadapi?• Menemukan area insulasi yang tidak tepat

• Menemukan infiltrasi dan eksfiltrasi yang tidak diinginkan

• Menyediakan audit energi yang berkualitas

Layanan Pelanggan dan Teknisi Audit EnergiFokus: Menganalisis penggunaan daya dan melakukan audit energi