maksud taqwa

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  • 7/30/2019 maksud taqwa


    waqa-yaqi-wiqoyah which means to preserve

    bukti - Meaning: "O you who have attained to faith! Ward off from yourselves and those who are

    close to you, that fire (of the Hereafter)." (At Tahrim: 6)

    16:128 AnNahl

    Sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang bertaqwa, dan orang-orang yang berusaha

    memperbaiki amalannya.

    65:2 Attalaq

    [2]Kemudian, apabila mereka (hampir) habis tempoh idahnya, maka bolehlah kamu pegang mereka

    (rujuk) dengan cara yang baik, atau lepaskan mereka dengan cara yang baik; dan adakanlah dua

    orang saksi yang adil di antara kamu (semasa kamu merujukkan atau melepaskannya); dan

    hendaklah kamu (yang menjadi saksi) menyempurnakan persaksian itu kerana Allah semata-mata.

    Dengan hukum-hukum yang tersebut diberi peringatan dan pengajaran kepada sesiapa yangberiman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat; dan sesiapa yang bertaqwa kepada Allah (dengan

    mengerjakan suruhanNya dan meninggalkan laranganNya), nescaya Allah akan mengadakan baginya

    jalan keluar (dari segala perkara yang menyusahkannya),

    7:201 araf

    Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bertaqwa, apabila mereka disentuh oleh sesuatu imbasan

    hasutan dari Syaitan, mereka ingat (kepada ajaran Allah) maka dengan itu mereka nampak (jalan

    yang benar)

    39:33 Azzumar

    Dan (nyatalah bahawa) yang membawa kebenaran (tauhid dan hukum ugama) serta ia (dan

    pengikut-pengikutnya) mengakui kebenarannya (dengan mematuhi hukum itu), mereka itulah

    orang-orang yang bertaqwa.

    Umar ibn al Khattab once looked at those praying and said, "The great number of times any of you

    raises and lowers his head does not deceive me. The [real] deen is being cautious and meticulous in

    the deen of Allah, and refraining from what Allah has forbidden, and acting according to what Allah

    permits and forbids.

    11. Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (rahimahullah) says, "Taqwa is not fasting by day and standing for

    prayers at night. Rather it is to refrain from what Allah has prohibited and act upon what He has

    mandated. Whoever is granted anything beyond (this level of obedience), he has been given

    goodness upon goodness"

    Ibn Juzayy said in his dictionary of terms from the introduction to his tafsir: "Taqwa's meaning is

    fear, clinging to obedience to Allah and abandoning disobedience to Him. It is the sum of all good."

    8. Ibn Mua'taz (the poet) rephrases this:

  • 7/30/2019 maksud taqwa


    Leave sin big and small, this is taqwa.

    Be like the one walking on thorns, dreading what he sees.

    Don't underestimate the minute (small), for mountains are made of small stones

    (Qurtubi and ibn Kathir says that this was composed by ibn Mu'taz)

    7. Abu Hurairah (radiyallahu anhu) was asked about taqwa so he asked the questioner whether he

    had trodden a thorn-infested path. The man said he had. Abu Hurairah asked how he walked on it.

    The man said: 'When I saw a thorn, I took evasive action, lest I was pricked by it.' Abu Hurairah

    answered him by saying: 'That is exactly what taqwa means (to take evasive action on seeing sin.'

    9. Hasan Basri (rahimahullah) says, The ones who have taqwa protect themselves from what

    Allah has prohibited and act upon what He has mandated. Taqwa remains with them until they

    forsake many halal things fearing that they could be haram

    12. Ibn Rajab (rahimahullah) says, The essence of taqwa is to make a shield (which guards)

    against Allah's anger and punishment. That shield is to obey His commands and abstain from His

    prohibitions. Perfect taqwa requires that one performs all voluntary and recommended acts as

    well as refraining from all reprehensible and dubious acts. This is the ultimate form of taqwa."

    Jamiul Ulum wal Hikam 190/191)

    14. Ibn Qayyim (rahimahullah) says, That this proceeding) verse shows that necessity of taking an

    account of ones action (Ighathatul Lahfan 1/101)

    O you who believe! Fear Allah as He is supposed to be feared an die not unless you are in the

    state of complete submission (Al Imran 102)

    16. Ali (radiyallahu anhu) says, Taqwa is to fear the AllMighty (alkhawf minal Jalil); to act upon

    the Revelation (amal bittanzil); to be content with little (ridha bil Qalil) and to prepare for the

    Day of Travel (istidad li yaum arrahil ) (A combination of all four qualities)

    17. Abu Dada (radiyallahu anhu) says, The complete form of taqwa is to fear Allah so much that

    one begins to fear Him from (the potential sin in) a mustard seed and until one leaves what might

    be halal in the fear that it could be haram. This is substantiated by the verse: So whoever does an

    atoms amount of good, he will see it; and whoever does an atoms amount of evil, he will see it.

    So do not undermine any goodness an act upon goodness. Likewise, do not underestimate any evil

    and protect yourself from it

    18. Ibn Abbas (radiyallahu anhu) says, The ones with taqwa are those believers who prevent

    themselves from shirk. He also said, They are the ones who fear Allahs punishment for failing to

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    follow what they know to be guidance and hope for his Mercy with regard that which they believe

    came from Him.