lect2-ddg sel.ppt

Dinding Sel FUNCTION of the wall: Memberi bentuk, Untuk proteksi sel, Membatasi pertumbuhan, Sebagai barrier, lokasi adhesins, contributes to motility...

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Page 1: lect2-ddg sel.ppt

Dinding Sel

• FUNCTION of the wall:

– Memberi bentuk, – Untuk proteksi sel,– Membatasi pertumbuhan, – Sebagai barrier, – lokasi adhesins, – contributes to motility...

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Dinding Sel tumbuhan

• Tebal, kuat kaku; pelindung sel• Bertautan antara sel 1 dg sel lain plasmodesmata• Sel muda ddg sel tipis lunak = ddg sel

primerdinamis• Sel dewasa ddg sel tebal, kuat, kaku = ddg sel

sekunder• Ssn molekuler tdr atas molekul protein & polisakarida

pd tumb tinggi : serabut = selulosa, matrix ddg sel berupa glikoprotein & 2 jns polisakarida yi. Hemiselulosa & pektin

• Selain selulosa, hemiselulosa, pektin & glikoprotein, ddg sel tumb jg mengandung lignin, kitin & suberin

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In the absence of a cell wall, plant cells adopt a spherical shape

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Ddg sel primer & sekunder

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Komponen penyusun ddg sel primer

• Polisakarida :– Selulose– Matrix polisakarida (hemiselulose, pektin)

• Protein :– Protein struktural : arabinogalaktan, ekstensin– Enzimatik : ekspansin, pektin methylesterase

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• Ddg sel fungi & bakteri berbeda dg ddg sel tumb tinggi

• Pd fungi struktur ddg sel berlapis2 tgt tk kedewasaan fungi, & tdpt kitin & β glukan yg membedakan ddg sel fungi dg ddg sel tumb tk tinggi.

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Ddg sel bakteri

• Ddg sel bakteri semi kaku krn mengandung peptidoglikan

• Pd bakteri Gr + kandungan peptidoglikan 40-90% & sbg ciri khas tdpt asam teikoat 20-50% berat kering ddg sel.

• Pd bakteri Gr – kandungan peptidoglikan 1%

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• Note:

– Protoplast: sel bakteri / fungi yg sensitive sec osmotik akibat hilangnya ddg sel. Membran sitoplasma tetap kokoh.

– Spheroplast: Sel bakteri yg sec osmotik sensitive akibat hilangnya sebagian ddg sel.

– L-form: n [Lister Institute, London, where it was first isolated] (1948) : suatu varian bakteri dg btk L dibwh kondisi stress & tidak mempunyai ddg sel.

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By electron microcopy…

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Peptidoglycan (murein) umum pd bakteri Gram positif & Gram negatif.

• peptidoglycan memiliki 2 komponen– glycan

• N-acetylglucosamines & N-acetylmuramic acids dihubungkan oleh -1,4 glycosidic bonds

– peptide• tetrapeptide (in its mature form) dg dua btk D- & dua

btk L• Variasi ikatan peptida

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What we need to examine about composition

• Components:– N-acetylglucosamine– N-acetylmuramic acid– D and L amino acids– Dicarboxylic acids

• Linkages: -1,4 glycoside and peptide linkages

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dicarboxylic acids:

• oxalic acid............HOOC-COOH

• maleic acid..........HOOC-CH2-COOH

• succinic acid........HOOC-CH2-CH2-COOH

• glutaric acid.........HOOC-CH2-CH2-CH2-COOH

• adipic acid...........HOOC-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-COOH

• pimelic acid.........HOOC-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-COOH

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Dua diamino acids (satu diantaranya adalah dicarboxylic)

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The big picture of the gram positive WALL

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What else needs to be known about G+ and G- “WALLS”?

• Gram POSITIVE– teichoic acids

– phosphodiesters of substituted polyalcohols

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What else needs to be known about G+ and G- “WALLS”?

• Gram POSITIVE– teichoic acids

– phosphodiesters of substituted polyalcohols

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Some bacteria have specialized surface proteins, e. g., the M-protein of Streptococcae spp.

• The coiled-coil dimeric nature of M protein and its relationship to the bacterial cell surface is shown. The N-terminal region of the M protein, distal to the cell surface, varies among different M types, thereby providing the molecular basis of the Lancefield method of serotyping group A streptococci.

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The big picture of the gram negative ENVELOPE

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What else needs to be known about G+ and G- “WALLS”?

• Gram NEGATIVE have LPS: LipoPolySacchrides

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…“wall” …“envelope” …???• A cell is a “discrete

mass… surrounded by a membrane…”

• Typically (except for the Mycoplasma and a few other variants), there is a wall or membrane “distal” to the cell surface.

• What is between the cell membrane and these outer structures?

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What is the periplasm?

“A space between the cytoplasmic membrane and peptidoglycan layer (gram positives) and the outer envelope (gram negatives).”

• Function?

• A repository for proteins that:

– Bind sugars, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals;

– Degrade large, impermeable macromolecules (this group includes nucleases, proteases, phosphatases);

– Detoxify noxious components (e. g., lactams [using beta-lactamases].)

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OK for the “overview”…

• There are Gram positive and Gram negative “walls” and “envelopes.”

• What variations exist?

• The previous question is effectively answered by examining the Archea.

• Interestingly, the Archea have variations in both cytoplasmic membrane and cell wall structure that substantiates the distinction between “Bacteria” and “Archea”

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Some Archea have proteinaceous surfaces…

Called an S-layer

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No Archea have an authentic murein

But some have a “pseudomurein”…

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Archea juga berbeda pd cytoplasmic membranes…