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  • 8/18/2019 Ka 2014 Ernawati Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments

    Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments

    Kinshuk, Taiyu LinMassey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand


    Availability of advanced mobile technologies, such as high bandwidth infrastructure, wireless

    technologies, and handheld devices, have started to extend e-learning towards mobile learning (m-

    learning (!har"les, #$$$% &his "henomenon fits well with the new "aradigm 'anytime, anywherecom"uting ()ehner and N*se+abel, #$$#% owever, the develo"ment of m-learning is still at

    rather early stage and many issues have yet to be resolved% ne of these issues is the "otential of

    individuali.ation of learning "rocess for the learners%

    &his "a"er ex"lores how to im"rove learning "rocess by ada"ting course content "resentation to

    student learning styles in multi-"latform environments such as P/ and P0A% A framewor+ has been

    develo"ed to com"rehensively model student1s learning styles and "resent the a""ro"riate sub2ectmatter, including the content, format, media ty"e, and so on, to suit individual student% &he wor+ is

     based on the 3elder-!ilverman )earning !tyle &heory% &he framewor+ uses traditional web-based

    intelligent tutorial architecture, with two additional com"onents4 5learning style analysis module1and 5access device analysis module1% &he learning style analysis module ta+es care of modelingstudent learning style and communicates with student model, whereas the access device analysis

    module identifies the access device "rofile and "rovides the information to tutorial module% &he

    tutorial module creates the suitable content, based on the student model (including individual

    learning styles and access device "rofile, and "resents to the student%

    6ased on the framewor+, a "rototy"e for the domain of PP "rogramming course has been

    develo"ed% 7ith this system, students are able to learning PP "rogramming with course content

    that matches their own learning style and the device used to access the content% A formativeevaluation is "lanned to assess the student satisfaction, learning efficiency, and effectiveness of the

    system while "roviding various "resentations of the same content to different users on different



  • 8/18/2019 Ka 2014 Ernawati Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments volume 01 nomor 01 tahun

    2012, 0-21 


    Availability of advanced mobile technologies,

    such as high bandwidth infrastructure, wireless

    technologies, and handheld devices, have

    started to extend e-learning towards mobilelearning (m-learning (!har"les, #$$$% &his

     "henomenon fits well with the new "aradigm

    'anytime, anywhere com"uting ()ehner and

     N*se+abel, #$$#% owever, the develo"mentof m-learning is still at rather early stage and

    many issues have yet to be resolved% ne of

    these issues is the "otential of individuali.ation

    of learning "rocess for the learners%

    8n "ast decades, researchers from different

    disci"lines have intended to define and classifylearning styles that hel" teacher to im"rovetheir individuali.ed teaching% &here are many

    learning style theories used today and the

    learning style theories have been a""lied in

    educational environment widely% 3or exam"le,the &heory into Practice 0atabase (&8P, #$$9

     "rovides :$ ma2or theories of learning and

    instruction, such as ;olb1s learning style theory(;olb and 3ry, :? ;olb, ?

    Myers and Mc/aulley,

  • 8/18/2019 Ka 2014 Ernawati Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments volume 01 nomor 01 tahun

    2012, 0-21 

    chosen to be im"lemented in this "ro2ect% &he

    reasons to choose this learning style theory are4

    8ts 8ndex of )earning !tyle (8)! Euestionnaire(3elder and !oloman, #$$9 "rovides a

    convenient and "ractical a""roach to establishthe dominant

    learning style of each student%

    &he results of 8)! can be lin+ed easily toada"tive environments -Paredes and Dodrigue.,


    8t is most a""ro"riate and feasible to be

    im"lemented for hy"ermedia courseware(/arver and oward,

  • 8/18/2019 Ka 2014 Ernawati Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments volume 01 nomor 01 tahun

    2012, 0-21 

    8f your score on a scale is :->, you have a

    moderate "reference for one dimension of the

    scale and will learn more easily in a teaching

    environment which favours that dimension%

    8f your score on a scale is =-

  • 8/18/2019 Ka 2014 Ernawati Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments volume 01 nomor 01 tahun

    2012, 0-21 




    )earning style




    &utoring Module

    Access device


    /ommunication Mechanism


    &ser "nterface Module -/! or !lient0


  • 8/18/2019 Ka 2014 Ernawati Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments volume 01 nomor 01 tahun

    2012, 0-21 

    their individual learning style% 3rom the

    ex"lanation of the results of 8ndex of )earning

    !tyle Euestionnaire, there are three "ossible

    degrees of "reference for each element in thefour dimensions4 mild, moderate, and strong

     "reference% 8n the case of there is a mild

     "reference for one dimension that means not

    necessary to ada"t to it, the system signs adefault "reference for it (table

  • 8/18/2019 Ka 2014 Ernawati Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments volume 01 nomor 01 tahun

    2012, 0-21 














    &hese different ty"es of learning styles are

    res"ectively im"lemented by the combination

    of the following @ elements% &heim"lementation rules for each element are

    discussed as follows%

    Active4 study in grou"s to discussing, guess "ossible Euestion and answer them, find ways

    to do something with learning conce"ts

    Providing discussion area

    Deminding student to guess several "ossible


    Deflective4 thin+ about Euietly  before goingahead? sto" "eriodically to review what have

     been learning, writing summaries%

    &hin+ before going ahead

    !to" "eriodically to review what have beenlearning

    7riting summaries

    !ensing4 facts, exam"le following by the

    ex"osition, hand-on wor+, "ractical material

    Gxam"le first and following by the ex"osition

    and-on wor+, such as "racticing in the

    a""lying environment

    8ntuitive3 abstract, conce"t, theory, ex"osition

     before exam"le

    ex"osition first and following by the exam"le

    more conce"t and abstract

    Iisual4 "icture, gra"hs, diagram, flow chart,

    schematics, demonstration, conce"ts ma", color 

    notes, slides with multimedia

    More "icture, gra"hs, diagram

    Animation demonstration

    /olor im"ortant conce"ts

    Ierbal4 text, and audio



    !eEuential4 !te" by ste" logically to "resentmaterial, outline the material in order 

    !te" by ste" to "resent material

    /onstrict lin+s

    Blobal4 )arge "icture before detail, large 2um",context of the sub2ect

    Bive big "icture of the course

    Provide all the lin+s

  • 8/18/2019 Ka 2014 Ernawati Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments volume 01 nomor 01 tahun

    2012, 0-21 

    "mplementation of the prototype

    &he "rototy"e uses the PP "rogramming

    tutorials material as course content% !tudents1 "rofiles including the learning style are stored

    in a My!) database% &he "rototy"e is

    develo"ed by using M) technologies, PP,

    A"ache web server%

    &o dynamically identify the access device, a

    sim"le htt" header string identification

    techniEue is used% !ince the P0A is limited atthe si.e of screen and the resource, it is not

    ca"able of dis"laying multimedia as rich as P/%

    &herefore, two sets of course content are

    develo"ed for P/ based and P0A based%

    &he figure # is the "age that student can select

    the default learning style or ta+ing the leaningstyle assessment from P/s% 8f the student selects

    the course area directly, the system will

     "o"ulate the student model with the default

    learning style and bring the student to thecourse content according to the learning style%

     $igure 2# a screenshot that student can select to go straight to course or ta+e the assessment 

    &he figure 9 is a lesson for the learning style-activeHsensingHvisualHseEuential% 8t "rovides the

    exam"le at the begging of the lesson (if the

    lesson has exam"le%

    !tudent can enter the grou" discussion area

    anytime through the menu J discussion area%

    &he lesson is "resented ste" by ste" with few

    lin+s that student can 2um"% According to thevisual, the lesson is "resented with "icture and

    highlighting the im"ortant conce"ts%


  • 8/18/2019 Ka 2014 Ernawati Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments volume 01 nomor 01 tahun

    2012, 0-21 

     $igure # a screenshot of a lesson for leaning

     style activesensingvisualse!uential 


    8n this "a"er, we "resented a mechanism to

    fully model student1s learning styles and fully

    ada"t the course content to individual learningstyle, based on the 3elder-!ilverman learning

    style theory, and the access device% A "rototy"e

    for PP "rogramming course was develo"ed to

    demonstrate the mechanism% !tudents can "erform study with course content that nicely

    match their own learning style and their access

    devices (P/ or P0A% 6y ada"ting the course

    content to the student1s individual learning styleand access device, we ex"ect students are able

    to learning more efficiently and more


     Next ste", we are going to conduct an

    evaluation on the "rototy"e to assess the

    learning efficiency and effectiveness of thissystem%


    6riggs, ;% /% and Myers, 8% 6% (>% Myers-

     .riggs "ype /ndicator , Palo Alto, /A4

    /onsulting Psychologist Press, 8nc%

    6rusilovs+y, P% (#$$

  • 8/18/2019 Ka 2014 Ernawati Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments volume 01 nomor 01 tahun

    2012, 0-21 

    )ehner, 3% O N*se+abel, % (#$$#% &he Dole of 

    Mobile 0evices 8n G-)earning - 3irst

    Gx"eriences 7ith A 7ireless G-)earning

    Gnvironment% 6M"E 20024