hypertext & hypermedia

Bambang Dani S. D41106065 Hypertext & Hypermedia

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Hypertext & Hypermedia. Bambang Dani S. D41106065. Introduction. Sejarah Hypertext dan Hypermedia Menex (1945) oleh Bush berbasis microfilm, hanya berupa konsep Xanadu (1965) oleh Ted Nelson, istilah hypertext diperkenalkan Aspen Movie Map (1978) oleh Andrew Lippman dan MT Archi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Bambang Dani S.D41106065

Hypertext & Hypermedia

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Sejarah Hypertext dan HypermediaMenex (1945) oleh Bush berbasis microfilm, hanya berupa

konsepXanadu (1965) oleh Ted Nelson, istilah hypertext

diperkenalkanAspen Movie Map (1978) oleh Andrew Lippman dan MT

ArchiMachine Corp, adanya sistem hypermedia pertamaHyperties (1983) oleh Ben ShendermanHypercard (1987) oleh Bill atkinsonWorld web (1993) oleh Tim Berners, menandai awal

perkembangan pesat hypertext di internet.



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Hypertext is concept for :The PresentationThe accessThe sructuringThe storingof computer-based documentation


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Hypertext is text with links. Hypertext documents are not strictly sequential. They may contain links, that is references to other parts of the document, or to other documents.

The document is structured in such a way that references exist between parts so that, at certain well-defined points in the document, the reader has the option to carry on or to jump to another part, from which he or she may return to the original part or jump again to another one.


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Hypermedia is the application of the hypertext concept to multimedia documents (picture, animation, video, voice).


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Anchor & LinksAn anchor is a fragment of information within a given document part, to which a link may be attached. An anchor may be any word, set of words, sentence, or paragraph.A link is a reference to another document.

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Multiple links per documentLike multiple footnotes on a page, any

document may contain several anchors, each pointing to a different document.

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Broadening & Focusing

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Structure of Hypertext documents

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Structure of Hypertext documents

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How to find our way in hyperspaceReturn PathHome PageOverview DiagramsGuided Tours

Other techniques allow navigation in a hypertext or hypermedia structure :

Direct jump to a document from its referenceContent-based retrieval

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HypertextSebuah dokumen dapat dibuat secara statik atau dinamik. Oleh karena itu, sebuah sistem hiperteks yang dikonstruksi dengan baik dapat menangani, menggunakan atau melebihi banyak interface pengguna lainnya seperti menu dan baris perintah, dan dapat digunakan untuk mengakses kedua dokumen referensi-silang yang dikumpulkan secara statik dan aplikasi interaktif. Dokumen dan aplikasi terdapat secara lokal atau dari mana pun dia berada dengan bantuan jaringan komputer seperti internet. Contoh paling terkenal dari hiperteks adalah World Wide Web.

HypermediaDisebut juga Multimedia Hypertext. berbeda dengan hypertext yang hanya teks saja, hypermedia merupakan sebuah media yang tidak hanya memuat text tetapi juga graphics, sound dan video.


Hypertext VS Hypermedia

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From a user perspective, a network hypermedia system presents only a few differences to a hypertext system.

The anchor may look different, Anchors which are associated with links pointing to sound, image, or motion video documents, are generally iconic, that is represented by a small icon easy to identify.

Hypertext VS Hypermedia

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