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Substances in Food AdditivesEvery day we need food to get energy (carbohydrates and fats) and to the growth of

new cells, replacing the damaged cells (protein). In addition, we also need food as a

nutrient source and regulator support processes in the body, namely vitamins, minerals,

and water. The applicability of a healthy diet does not depend on the size, shape, color,

taste, aroma, or freshness, but rely on nutrients that are needed by the body. A food is said

to be healthy when pregnant and one or more substances that are needed by the body.

Every day, we need to consume a variety of foods so that all kinds of substances needed by

the body are met. This is not necessarily due to a variety of foods contain all kinds of

nutrients needed by the body each day. So that people are attracted to eating a meal, we

often need to add extra ingredients to the food we were. We can estimate that a person

would not have the appetite to eat vegetable soup that is not salted or green bean soup that

does not wear sugar.

In this case, salt and sugar including additional material. Both include the type of

food additives. Additives not only salt and sugar, but there are many other chemicals. Food

additives are added and mixed in food processing time to improve the appearance of food,

improve taste, enrich the nutrient content, so do not keep perishable foods, and so forth.

Note the images below.

The materials belong to the substance of food additives should be able to: 1.

Improve the nutritional quality or food; 2. Makes food look more attractive; 3. Improve the

taste of food; and 4. making food to be more durable or not quickly stale and rotten.

Nutrient additives not only substances intentionally added to food processing currently in

progress, but also include substances that enter accidentally and mixed with food. Inclusion

of this additive substances may occur during processing, packaging, or are carried away by

the chemicals used. Essence of food additives can be grouped into two classes, namely: 1.

Substance additives derived from natural sources, such as lecithin and citric acid; 2

synthetic substances from chemical additives which have properties similar to a natural

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ingredient, good chemical composition or properties / functions, such as amil acetate and

ascorbic acid. Based on the function, either natural or synthetic substances can be

classified as a nutrient additive dyes, sweeteners, preservatives, and flavor. Essence of

additives in food products is usually listed on the package.

1. Substance Dyes

Giving color to the food is generally intended to make food look more fresh and

interesting so that the unappetizing to eat. Dyes commonly used as food additives are: a.

Natural dyes, made from extracts of certain plant parts, such as the green color of suji

leaves, the yellow color of turmeric, as shown below.

Shown in the picture from the pieces of a chocolate brown color, red color of teak

leaves, red and yellow colors of carrots. As the number of choices of colors of natural dyes

is limited so do efforts to synthesize dyes suitable for food from chemicals. b. Synthetic

dyes, made from chemicals. Compared with natural dyes, synthetic dyes have several

advantages, which have more color choices, easy to store, and more durable.

Some synthetic dyes could have given the same color, but not necessarily all of

these dyes suitable for use as additives in foods and beverages. Keep in mind that synthetic

dyes were not for the food and beverage (textile dyes) can be harmful to health if it enters

the body because it is a carcinogen (causes cancer). Therefore, you should be careful when

buying food or drink that uses colored dyes. You have to be sure in advance that the dyes

are used as additives in foods or drinks that are really coloring foods and beverages.

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Based on their solubility properties, food dyes and dye grouped into the lake. Dyes

are colored substances which foods are generally soluble in water. Dye usually sold in the

market in the form of powders, granules, pastes or liquids. Lake is a combination of dyes

and dye bases are covered by a particular substance. Because it is not soluble in water then

this group of dyes suitable for dyeing products that should not be exposed to water or

products containing fats and oils.

2. Substance Sweeteners

Sweetening agent serves to add a sweet taste to foods and beverages. Sweetening

agents can be grouped into two, namely: a. Natural sweeteners. This sweetener can be

obtained from plants, such as coconut, sugar cane, and sugar. In addition, natural

sweeteners can also be obtained from fruits and honey. Natural sweeteners also serves as a

source of energy. If we consume excessive natural sweeteners, we would run the risk of

obesity. People who are already overweight, the body should avoid foods or beverages that

contain natural sweeteners too high. b. Artificial or synthetic sweeteners. Artificial

sweeteners cannot be digested by the human body that does not function as an energy


Therefore, people who have diabetes (diabetes mellitus) usually consume synthetic

sweeteners as a substitute for a natural sweetener. Artificial sweeteners have a sweetness

level. higher than the natural sweetener. Cyclamate salts have sweetness 30 times higher

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than the sweetness of sucrose. However, the sweetness of sodium and calcium salts of

saccharin has 800 times the sweetness of sucrose sweetness compared with 10%.

3. Substance Preservatives

Preservatives are substances that are intentionally added to foods and beverages

that food and beverages are still fresh, smell and taste does not change, or protect food

from damage caused by rot or exposed to bacteria / fungi. Due to the addition of additives,

a variety of food and beverages consumed can still get a certain period, perhaps a week, a

month, a year, or even several years.

In food or beverages are packaged and sold in shops or supermarkets usually listed

expiration date, the date of the show until when food or drink can still be consumed

without harm to health. As well as dyes and sweeteners, preservatives can be grouped into

natural preservatives and artificial preservatives.

a. Natural preservatives derived from nature, for example, sugar (sucrose) which

can be used to preserve fruits (candied) and table salt which can be used to preserve fish. b.

Synthetic or artificial preservatives is a synthesis of chemicals. For example, vinegar can

be used as a preservative pickles and sodium propionate or calcium propionate used to

preserve bread and pastries.

Salt sodium benzoate, citric acid, and tartaric acid is also commonly used to

preserve food. In addition to these substances, there are also other preservatives, namely

sodium nitrate or saltpeter (NaNO3) which serves to keep the display remains red meat.

Phosphoric acid is commonly added to some beverages also include preservatives. In

addition to preservatives are safe for consumption, there is also a preservative should not

be used to preserve food. Preservatives are intended, among them formaldehyde is

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commonly used to preserve objects, such as a corpse or a dead animal. The use of

preservative formalin to preserve food, such as meatballs, anchovies, tofu, and other types

of food could pose health risks.

In addition to formaldehyde, there is also a preservative should not be used to

preserve food. Preservatives in question is borax preservative. This preservative or

disinfectant is effective in inhibiting the growth of microbes that cause food decay and can

improve the texture of the food making it more supple. Borax should only be used for non-

food industry, such as in the manufacture of glass, paper, wood preservatives, and

ceramics. If borax consumed in certain levels, can cause a number of adverse effects on

health, such as: a. disorders of the nervous system, kidneys, liver, and skin; b. symptoms of

bleeding in the stomach and stimulation of central nervous disorders; c. the occurrence of

complications in the brain and liver; and d. cause death if the kidney containing borax as

much as 3-6 grams.

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