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  • 7/31/2019 Tugas.B.ingg


    Freedom Writers

    It's 1994 in Long Beach, California. IdealisticErin Gruwellis just starting her first

    teaching job, that as freshman and sophomore English teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School,

    which, two years earlier, implemented a voluntary integration program. For many of the existing

    teachers, the integration has ruined the school, whose previously stellar academic standing has

    been replaced with many students who will be lucky to graduate or even be literate. Despite

    choosing the school on purpose because of its integration program, Erin is unprepared for the

    nature of her classroom, whose students live by generations of strict moral codes of protecting

    their own at all cost. Many are in gangs and almost all know somebody that has been killed by

    gang violence. The Latinos hate the Cambodians who hate the blacks and so on. The only person

    the students hate more is Ms. Gruwell. It isn't until Erin holds an unsanctioned discussion about a

    recent drive-by shooting death that she fully begins to understand what she's up against. And it

    isn't until she provides an assignment of writing a daily journal - which will be not graded, and

    will remain unread by her unless they so choose - that the students begin to open up to her. As

    Erin tries harder and harder to have resources provided to teach properly (which often results in

    her needing to pay for them herself through working second and third jobs), she seems to face

    greater resistance, especially from her colleagues, such as Margaret Campbell, her section head,

    who lives by regulations and sees such resources as a waste, and Brian Gelford, who will protect

    his "priviledged" position of teaching the senior honors classes at all cost. Erin also finds that her

    teaching job is placing a strain on her marriage to Scott Casey, a man who seems to have lost his

    own idealistic way in life.


    Freedom writers is a great movie. The class was unmotivated and unwilling to learn but

    the teacher succeeded in getting them to read Anne Frank and teaching many of them to read and

    write. She inspired many of them to continue with their education and it was so touching because

    some of the kids in the movies struggled with many troubles at home and it was hard for them to

    concentrate on school when they had more pressing things to attend to. However, in the end, the

    teacher inspired them to read and write and many of them went on to go to college; many were

    the first in their families to do so. The fact that this was a true story made the movie more
  • 7/31/2019 Tugas.B.ingg


    inspiring and meaningful to me. It impressed on me the importance of education because that

    was what got the kids out of their situation and allowed them to surpass their limits. It also

    makes me so thankful to have an education and an abundance of opportunities.(Hadfina N.)

    The freedom writers is a really good movie. In that movie we can learn about

    the struggle of life and how hard this life for the immigrant. There is racism appear in Los

    Angeles and that was really bad. They must fight for their life and must support their colony or

    we called gang. Every day is dangerous for walk in the outside. Sound of gun always heard in

    that city. Many people died because of violence and gang activity. Fortunately there is a teacher

    named Mrs. Gruwell who teaches the bad student in the high school. She can change their

    mindset to stay away from violence and to love each other like a family. That is very good to

    reduce the racism and increase the world peace. (Dhimas F. N.)

    It's very strong and moves well. It is very emotional, but is balanced well with humor.

    Even better it's true to life humor, things that would actually happen. you are drawn into the

    "family" that is the class and you are led to see the changes taking place in people, instead of

    having it shoved in your face like your too basic to understand.

    I would also like to note the music. It was wonderful and did what music is meant to for movies,

    setting the moods the score was present in the background but not overwhelming (as in so many

    other movies lately) the music didn't overshadow the story that was unfolding in any way. Overall a very good movie that I will be happy to see again. Great job and thank you to all who

    worked on this movie, in my eyes it's a winner. (Afif N.R.)

    This film was terrific and very good. The acting by everyone, especially by Hilary

    Swank, was great. If you are in the mood for an inspirational film than you should go see this

    film. It puts you in a really good mood and makes you feel great! 'Freedom Writers' was filled

    with drama, humor, and more. It was a really nice film and a must see. 'Freedom Writers', has

    something for everybody. It is a film that people will love no matter what and who they are. This

    inspiring film delivers a positive and productive message. It has remarkable and professional

    actors (Hilary Swank does an EXCEPTIONAL job) and all the dialogue is very natural and

    believable. (Rahmat Imam P.)

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