Page 1: Tugas Percakapan Dokter Pasien Novi Dian Lestari

Doctor: Good evening sir. Have a seat please. Are you in pain

Patient: Thanks. Doc, it is hard for me to sleep early. I couldn’t sleep under 2 A.M. I think that I get insomnia. Please, check my condition doc

Doctor: How long have you felt it? As my experience, people that get insomnia will usually have felt that condition for around a week before they come to me .

Patient: You’re right. I think it’s been a week doc. I really feel uncomfortable with this condition.

Doctor: Could you lie down over there sir. I will check your condition first

Patient: All right doctor.

Doctor: Thanks. You’ve been checked. My diagnosis says that your condition is normal. I’ll give you some tricks to help you sleep normally.

Patient: Oh yeah? What should I do doc?

Doctor: First, you have to force yourself to sleep early. Then, turn off your lamp when you are going to sleep, make your bedroom atmosphere as comfort as you can. Last, turn off your gadget as soon as possible. Usually these tricks will be useful for my every patients.

Patient: So, do I need a medicine from you?

Doctor: No sir, I will just give you some vitamins. You have to consume three times a day.

Patient: Okay thank you very much doc. How much do I have to pay

Doctor: You have to pay 100 thousands for all

Patient: Ok this is 100 thousands for you doc.

Doctor: Ok thank you very much. Get well soon sir.

Patient: You are welcome doctor.

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