Page 1: Top 6 Reasons Why Your House May Not Be Selling?

Top 6 Reasons Why Your House May Not Be Selling?

Page 2: Top 6 Reasons Why Your House May Not Be Selling?

A house is something where you live, spent so many moments together with your family, and pour your heart and soul into maintaining it to make it more comfortable and attractive. When you invest a lot of time and energy in setting up your home to go on the market, you hope that your care and hard work will give you the best results. However, is it really that easy to sell your home, and will get the best deal? Here are a few things to keep in mind while selling your home to get the best potential buyers.

Page 3: Top 6 Reasons Why Your House May Not Be Selling?

The Price Is Too Huge

Pricing a home for sale can be a little bit tricky because you don’t know about the fair market value. It is one of the most common mistakes that most people did. There are two ways to decide the price of your home. One is to hire a real estate agent in Knoxfield that will give you the best advice and set up your home’s price as per market value. Another way is to listen to customer reviews properly that you are getting from during open houses and showings. You can also check local listings. With the help of local listings, you will know about your area houses and their prices. If your property price is too huge as compared to other comparable properties, then it might be a price issue.

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Your Home Does Not Fit the Mold

A 30 days rule is not for everyone because some properties sold under 30 days while some did not. The reason behind not selling your home under 30 days is that it is a very large, or maybe luxury property, homes in unusual areas and the home is too old. So, it takes a time to get a perfect buyer for your home. Make sure that your advertising and marketing strategy is working well to attract potential buyers. Ask your real estate agent to list your property in front of the right people.

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Pay At ention to Your Home Photos

Before listing your home to the market, it is necessary to take great pictures of your home. The photos must be original and have high quality. For this, you can hire a professional photographer or just do it by yourself. All you need is a good mobile phone and shoot wide angles with plenty of light so that the final result will be eye-catching. Here are few things to follow while taking photographs for your home: –

Page 6: Top 6 Reasons Why Your House May Not Be Selling?

Don’t Take Photos for the Master Bedroom Only

Make sure to capture all your bedrooms. This way buyers will know how many bedrooms does your property has. If anyone of missing they assume that you listed the wrong information.

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Kitchen Is the Queen

The kitchen is the queen for every home and buyers are always excited to see the kitchen of your home. Try to take good pictures of your kitchen and don’t forget to align the kitchen things properly.

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Show Wide Space

Nobody likes a congested home. So, try to take living room photos that show some space. This way buyers will imagine themselves that how they can use the space.

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Caption Is Important

Every photo is incomplete without a caption or description. Make sure that you add descriptive text to every photo that you have listed.

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Your Curb Appeal Is Not Too Good

We all have heard about the First impression is the last impression. This phrase is true and applied to your home as well. No matter what type of occasion is we all cleaned our home properly. However, some people clean their houses only from the inside and don’t focus on their outdoor cleaning. Many people don’t know that outside home look matters a lot, especially when making a plan to sell your property. This way buyer shows more interest in your property. So, it’s time to upgrade your landscaping, plant a colorful flower, get your grass an amazing green, and fix the things if anything is broken. Keep one thing in mind that your house looks unique as compared to nearby houses.

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C onclusion

Don’t worry you are not alone if your home is not selling. There are many other peoples who are facing the same issue. So have some patience and pay attention to the things that can help you to get more potential buyers. With the help of a real estate agent, you easily sell your home easily within few days and the best part is you will get the proper amount of value for your home. So, if you are interested to know more about home selling feel free to contact Us!

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