Page 1: Spesifikasi Minimum Untuk Windows XP

Spesifikasi minimum untuk Windows XP, Vista dan Seven

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Jika pada postingan sebelumnya saya share tentang spesifikasi minimum untuk windows 95/98 dan Me untuk kali ini saya mau share tentang windows yang paling sering dijumpai di kalangan kita. Memang untuk postingan kali ini tidak begitu menarik untuk dibaca, , , tapii bagii sobatt yang baru belajar mengenai installasi setidaknya harus mengetahui hall yang satu ini..

# Kebutuhan Hardware Windows XP

Intel Pentium / celeron Family / AMD K6 / athlon / Duron family atau processor yang kompatibel.

233-MHz minimum yang diperlukan untuk processornya.  RAM 128 MB. Bisa juga dengan RAM 64 MB tapi kemungkinan kinerja dan beberapa

fitur terbatasi. 1,5 GB Ruang Hard disk. Super VGA (800x600) atau resolusi yang lebih tinggi. CD-ROM / DVD Drive. keyboard dan mouse yang kompatibel.

 # Kebutuhan Hardware Windows Vista

800 MHz / 1 GHz Processor. Memory RAM 512 MB. DirectX 9 dengan kelas kartu grafis. 64 MB memory grafis. 20 GB Hard disk (HDD) , yang memiliki 15 GB ruang bebas. CD-ROM / DVD Drive. keyboard dan mouse yang kompatibel. Speaker untuk multimedia.

# kebutuhan hardware Windows Seven

1-GHz Precessor 32-bit atau 64-bit. Memory RAM 1 GB untuk 32-bit dan RAM 2 GB untuk 64-bit. Minimal 16 GB ruang Hard disk (HDD) untuk 32-bit dan untuk 64-bit minimal 20 GB

ruang Hard disk (HDD). Perangkat Grafis dengan dukungan DirectX 9 dan WDDM driver model 1.0 / lebih

tinggi. DVD Drive. keyboard dan mouse yang kompatibel. Speaker untuk multimedia.

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Page 2: Spesifikasi Minimum Untuk Windows XP

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Spesifikasi minimum untuk Windows XP, Vista, Seven, dan Windows 8

Hello sobat,Masih sehat bukan ? memang itu yang selalu aku harapkan dari kalian hehehe :-P.ya jelas harus sehat dong yaaa, kalo ga sehat ya mana bisa baca artikel saya yang satu iniwkwkwkw. Disi saya akan menshare kepada anda semua tentang apa saja spesifikasi hardware

minimumuntuk Sistem Operasi Windows XP, Vista, Seven, dan Windows 8. Taraa ini dia rentetannya, selamatmembaca :).

Kebutuhan Hardware minimum untuk Windows XP1.             Intel Pentium / celeron Family / AMD K6 / athlon / Duron family atau processor yang

kompatibel.2.             233-MHz minimum yang diperlukan untuk processornya.3.             RAM 128 MB. Bisa juga dengan RAM 64 MB tapi kemungkinan kinerja dan beberapa fitur

terbatasi.4.             1,5 GB Ruang Hard disk.5.             Super VGA (800x600) atau resolusi yang lebih tinggi.6.             CD-ROM / DVD Drive.7.             keyboard dan mouse yang kompatibel.

Kebutuhan Hardware minimum untuk Windows Vista1.              800 MHz / 1 GHz Processor.2.              Memory RAM 512 MB.3.              DirectX 9 dengan kelas kartu grafis.4.              64 MB memory grafis.5.              20 GB Hard disk (HDD) , yang memiliki 15 GB ruang bebas.6.              CD-ROM / DVD Drive.7.              keyboard dan mouse yang kompatibel.8.              Speaker untuk multimedia.

Kebutuhan Hardware minimum untuk Windows Seven1.              1-GHz Precessor 32-bit atau 64-bit.

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2.              Memory RAM 1 GB untuk 32-bit dan RAM 2 GB untuk 64-bit.3.              Minimal 16 GB ruang Hard disk (HDD) untuk 32-bit dan untuk 64-bit minimal 20 GB ruang

Hard disk (HDD).4.              Perangkat Grafis dengan dukungan DirectX 9 dan WDDM driver model 1.0 / lebih tinggi.5.              DVD Drive.6.              keyboard dan mouse yang kompatibel.7.              Speaker untuk multimedia.

Kebutuhan Hardware minimum untuk Windows 81.             Prosesor 1GHz, lebih cepat lebih baik.2.             Untuk Windows 8 versi 32-bit disarankan minimal RAM 1GB, untuk versi atasnya yaitu 64-bit

menggunakan RAM 2GB.3.             Windows 8 32-bit membutuhkan media penyimpanan atau HARDDISK setidaknya 16GB untuk

menjalankan sistem operasi tersebut. Sedangkan untuk Windows 8 versi 64-bit user harus menyisakan harddisk atau media penyimpanan setidaknya 20GB.

4.             Windows 8 juga membutuhkan kartu grafis DirectX9 atau yang lebih tinggi.5.             Untuk menjalankan Windows 8 dengan baik dibutuhkan layar / monitor yang mampu

menghasilkan resolusi 1366 x 768 pixel.

3.4. Meeting Minimum Hardware Requirements

Once you have gathered information about your computer's hardware, check that your hardware will let you do the type of installation that you want to do.

Depending on your needs, you might manage with less than some of the recommended hardware listed in the table below. However, most users risk being frustrated if they ignore these suggestions.

A Pentium 4, 1GHz system is the minimum recommended for a desktop system.

Table 3.2. Recommended Minimum System Requirements

Install Type RAM (minimal) RAM (recommended) Hard Drive

No desktop 64 megabytes 256 megabytes 1 gigabyte

With Desktop 128 megabytes 512 megabytes 5 gigabytes

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The actual minimum memory requirements are a lot less then the numbers listed in this table. Depending on the architecture, it is possible to install Debian with as little as 20MB (for s390) to 60MB (for amd64). The same goes for the disk space requirements, especially if you pick and choose which applications to install; see Section   D.2, “Disk Space Needed for Tasks” for additional information on disk space requirements.

It is possible to run a graphical desktop environment on older or low-end systems, but in that case it is recommended to install a window manager that is less resource-hungry than those of the GNOME or KDE desktop environments; alternatives include xfce4, icewm and wmaker, but there are others to choose from.

It is practically impossible to give general memory or disk space requirements for server installations as those very much depend on what the server is to be used for.

Remember that these sizes don't include all the other materials which are usually to be found, such as user files, mail, and data. It is always best to be generous when considering the space for your own files and data.

Disk space required for the smooth operation of the Debian GNU/Linux system itself is taken into account in these recommended system requirements. Notably, the /var partition contains a lot of state information specific to Debian in addition to its regular contents, like logfiles. The dpkg files (with information on all installed packages) can easily consume 40MB. Also, apt-get puts downloaded packages here before they are installed. You should usually allocate at least 200MB for /var, and a lot more if you install a graphical desktop environment.



1. Recommended Minimum System Requirements

1. Ubuntu Desktop Edition 2. Ubuntu Server (CLI)

Installation2. Lightweight GUI alternative

(Xubuntu and Lubuntu)3. Ubuntu Netbook Edition 4. LTSP thin-client computers

This page details the hardware required to run Ubuntu and its derivative versions.

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Most people will want to install a desktop system such as Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or Xubuntu. A desktop system is typically used for personal computing tasks and has a graphical user interface (GUI), while a server system typically has a command-line interface (CLI).

Recommended Minimum System Requirements

The Recommended Minimum System Requirements, here, should allow even someone fairly new to installing Ubuntu or Gnu&Linux to easily install a usable system with enough room to be comfortable. A good "rule of thumb" is that machines that could run XP, Vista, Windows 7 or x86 OS X will almost always be a lot faster with Ubuntu even if they are lower-spec than described below. Simply try Ubuntu CD as a LiveCD first to check the hardware works.

Ubuntu Desktop Edition

700 MHz processor (about Intel Celeron or better) 512 MiB RAM (system memory) 5 GB of hard-drive space (or USB stick, memory card or external drive but see LiveCD for an

alternative approach) VGA capable of 1024x768 screen resolution Either a CD/DVD drive or a USB port for the installer media

Internet access is helpful

Screen resolution will be set at the highest your graphics card can handle but when you boot-up you should be given a "Low graphics mode" option which allows you to set it to something better for your monitor.

Hardware produced in the last few years or with an efficient architecture or machines built for a specific purpose can often work well with less. For example, a netbook with an 8 GB SSD will work well although there wont be much room for saving stuff directly onto the drive so Ubuntu's free 2 GB cloud could help a lot. A machine with a crumbling, 15 year-old, slow, 8 GB, IDE hard-drive probably won't work and doesn't really compare with the netbook anyway. It might be worth trying Ubuntu but really start looking at other distros.

All 64-bit (x86-64) CPUs should be fast enough to run Ubuntu and can run the 32-bit (x86) version as well. For an optimized installation (and especially for those wishing to run more than ~3 GiB of RAM) however, a 64-bit installation CD is available. The 32-bit version tends to be easier to use and runs into less problems.

Ubuntu Desktop 11.04 and up uses Unity as the default GUI while the previous releases used GNOME Panel by default. In order to run Unity the system needs a more capable graphics adapter – see more here.

Machines that are 10 or more years old (originally preloaded with "Windows ME" or "Windows 2000") that don't meet these guideline will probably require some work to revive (the RAM

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usually needs to be upgraded to the level described above). You could try a lighter-weight distro or a minimal install of Ubuntu.

The easiest and most effective step towards a minimal install of Ubuntu is to install a lighter-weight Desktop Environment such as Xfce (see Xubuntu below), LxDE (see Lubuntu (officially supported from 11.10 onward)) or Enlightenment to name just a few of the most popular. Some of the larger applications, such as LibreOffice, could be swapped for very much lighter equivalents but for more information about doing a minimal install please see the guides at

Visual Effects

Visual effects provide various optional special graphical effects for your desktop to make it look and feel more fun and easier to use. Even if your computer is powerful enough to run visual effects, you can turn them off and will still have a usable Ubuntu desktop system.

Visual effects are turned on by default if you have a GPU (graphics card or integrated chipset) which is supported. Supported GPU manufacturers:

ATI (some may require the proprietary fglrx driver) Intel (i915 or better, except GMA 500, aka "Poulsbo") NVidia (with their proprietary driver)

For more information on supported graphics cards, see DesktopEffects.

Ubuntu Server (CLI) Installation

300 MHz x86 processor 128 MiB of system memory (RAM) (256 MiB for a virtual installation) 1 GB of disk space Graphics card and monitor capable of 640x480

CD drive

See also Ubuntu Server Guide.

Lightweight GUI alternative (Xubuntu and Lubuntu)

If you have an old or low-spec computer or want to get the most out of your hardware, using a medium-lightweight desktop system such as Xubuntu or a lightweight such as Lubuntu is recommended, as they make more efficient use of your system's resources. Of course, even if you have the newest equipment out, you could still use these two.

If your system has less than 192 MiB of system memory, use the Alternate Installation CD.

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Note: If you have a low-specification computer, certain features may be automatically turned off to conserve system resources. For example, if you have a graphics card with only a small amount of video memory (VRAM), the boot-up screen may not be shown.

Follow this link for detailed instructions: Installation/LowMemorySystems.

Minimum system requirements for Xubuntu would fall roughly between Ubuntu Server and Desktop:

512 MiB of system memory (RAM) 5 GB of disk space Graphics card and monitor capable of 800x600 resolution

With Lubuntu, you can use computers with even less memory.

Regarding processors, a recent thread on the Ubuntu Forums describes a 500 MHz Xubuntu machine as being "too slow" and discusses alternatives:

Ubuntu Netbook Edition

since the release of ubuntu natty (11.04) the netbook version has been unified and is now part of the ubuntu-desktop edition, this has been done via the unity desktop software.

you may now use the standard ubuntu desktop CD image to install on net-books with specifications such as:

Intel Atom processor @ 1.6 GHz 386 MiB of system memory (RAM) 4 GB of disk space Screen of 1024x600 resolution Graphics chipset with support for visual effects

LTSP thin-client computers

If you are intending to use a computer as a thin client (such as a client for an Edubuntu LTSP Terminal Server), only a low-specification computer capable of displaying graphics and connecting to a network is required.

Follow this link for more information: HowToCookEdubuntu/Chapters/HardwareRequirements.

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1.3. Hardware Overview

1.3.1. Processor and memory requirements for x86 Architectures The following CPU specifications are stated in terms of Intel processors. Other processors, such as those from AMD, Cyrix, and VIA that are compatible with and equivalent to the following Intel processors, may also be used with Fedora. Fedora 15 requires an Intel Pentium Pro or better processor, and is optimized for i686 and later processors.

Recommended for text-mode: 200 MHz Pentium Pro or better Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz Pentium Pro or better Minimum RAM for text-mode: 256 MiB Minimum RAM for graphical: 640 MiB Recommended RAM for graphical: 1152 MiB

1.3.2. Processor and memory requirements for x86_64 architectures

Minimum RAM for text-mode: 256 MiB Minimum RAM for graphical: 640 MiB Recommended RAM for graphical: 1152 MiB

1.3.3. Hard disk space requirements for all architectures The complete packages can occupy over 9 GB of disk space. Final size is entirely determined by the installing spin and the packages selected during installation. Additional disk space is required during installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of /Fedora/base/stage2.img (on Installation Disc 1) plus the size of the files in /var/lib/rpm on the installed system.

In practical terms, additional space requirements may range from as little as 90 MiB for a minimal installation to as much as an additional 175 MiB for a larger installation.

Additional space is also required for any user data, and at least 5% free space should be maintained for proper system operation.

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