  • SOAL 1

    Three Lines [Brian Dean, 2012]

    Farmer John wants to monitor his N cows (1

  • SOAL 2

    4Lay T3Xt 6En3Rat0r

    Anda diminta membuatkan sebuah program yang bernama, "ALAY TEXT GENERATOR"

    dimana memudahkan orang-orang alay seperti anda untuk memakainya. Text alay dihasilkan melalui penggantian beberapa karakter menjadi angka, dan menggunakan

    seed untuk menghasilkan huruf besar yang acak.

    Perubahan karakter menjadi angka berdasarkan tabel dibawah ini:

    Karakter Angka

    o 0

    i 1

    z 2

    e 3

    a 4

    s 5

    g 6

    j 7

    b 8

    q 9

    Sedangkan huruf besar dihasilkan melalui seed-seed bilangan, untuk tiap indeks- i(mulai dari 1) karakter 'a'..'z' dilakukan perhitungan yaitu jika pada i mempunyai jumlah kelipatan seed-seed

    bilangan ganjil maka karakter diganti menjadi huruf besar, jika tidak maka huruf tetap huruf kecil. Untuk karakter selain 'a'..'z', karakter tidak dimanipulasi.

    Spesifikasi Masukan

    Masukan terdiri dari 3 baris yaitu:

    Baris pertama terdiri dari 1 buah bilangan yaitu (1

  • Satu baris keluaran yaitu Text Alay yang dihasilkan.

    Contoh Masukan


    3 7 13 29

    the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

    Contoh Keluaran

    th3 9U1cK 8R0WN f0x 7UmP5 0V3R tH3 L42y d06.


    Karakter 'a'..'z' yang dilakukan perubahan upper & lower case hanya pada karakter yang tidak bisa direplace dengan angka.

    index karakter 3 7 13 29 jumlah status

    1 t 0 genap

    2 h 0 genap

    3 e * 1 ganjil

    4 0 genap

    5 q 0 genap

    6 u * 1 ganjil

    7 i * 1 ganjil

    8 c 0 genap

    9 k * 1 ganjil

    10 0 genap

    11 b 0 genap

    12 r * 1 ganjil

    13 o * 1 ganjil

    14 w * 1 ganjil

    15 n * 1 ganjil

    16 0 genap

    17 f 0 genap

    18 o * 1 ganjil

    19 x 0 genap

    20 0 genap

    21 j * * 2 genap

    22 u 0 genap

    23 m 0 genap

    24 p * 1 ganjil

    25 s 0 genap

    26 * 1 ganjil

  • 27 o * 1 ganjil

    28 v * 1 ganjil

    29 e * 1 ganjil

    30 r * 1 ganjil

    31 0 genap

    32 t 0 genap

    33 h * 1 ganjil

    34 e 0 genap

    35 * 1 ganjil

    36 l * 1 ganjil

    37 a 0 genap

    38 z 0 genap

    39 y * * 2 genap

    40 0 genap

    41 d 0 genap

    42 o * * 2 genap

    43 g 0 genap

    44 . 0 genap

  • SOAL 3

    Balanced Cow Subsets [Neal Wu, 2012]

    Farmer John's owns N cows (2

  • SOAL 4

    Bookshelf [Neal Wu / Traditional, 2012]

    When Farmer John isn't milking cows, stacking haybales, lining up his cows,

    or building fences, he enjoys sitting down with a good book. Over the

    years, he has collected N books (1

  • SOAL 5

    Bookshelf [Neal Wu / Traditional, 2012]

    When Farmer John isn't milking cows, stacking haybales, lining up his cows,

    or building fences, he enjoys sitting down with a good book. Over the

    years, he has collected N books (1

  • SOAL 6

    Cows in a Row [Brian Dean, 2012]

    Farmer John's N cows (1

  • SOAL 7


    Pada suatu tempat cuci motor yang sederhana :)) pelanggan harus dengan sabar menunggu karena

    motor hanya dapat dicuci satu per satu

    Motor yang kotor harus dicuci lebih lama dari motor yang lebih bersih.

    Pemilik Doorsmeer pusing untuk mengatur motor mana yg harus dicuci terlebih dahulu agar total waktu

    yang ditunggu tiap pelanggan seminimal mungkin.

    Sebagai contoh terdapat 3 motor untuk dicuci

    dengan lama waktu cuci 10, 40, 30 menit.

    penyusunan 10, 40, 30 maka pelanggan 1 menunggu 10 menit, pelanggan 2 menunggu 10+40,

    pelanggan 3 menunggu 10+40+30.

    maka totalnya adalah (10)+(10+40)+(10+40+30) = 140 menit.

    jika penyusunan 40, 10, 30 maka total lama waktu adalah 170 menit.

    Bantulah pemiliknya untuk menghitung total lama waktu yang ditunggu tiap pelanggan seminimal



    Baris pertama berisi N (1

  • SOAL 8 Empty Stalls [Brian Dean, 2013]

    Farmer John's new barn consists of a huge circle of N stalls (2


    * Line 1: The minimum index of an unoccupied stall.




    All stalls will end up occupied except stall 5.

  • SOAL 9

    Islands [Brian Dean, 2012] Problem 3:

    Whenever it rains, Farmer John's field always ends up flooding. However, since the field isn't

    perfectly level, it fills up with water in a non-uniform fashion, leaving a number of "islands" separated by expanses of water.

    FJ's field is described as a one-dimensional landscape specified by N (1

  • The sample input matches the figure above.


    * Line 1: A single integer giving the maximum number of islands that

    appear at any one point in time over the course of the


    SAMPLE OUTPUT (file islands.out):


  • SOAL 10


    Pada pelajaran matematika kali ini, Peter belajar menyederhanakan pecahan. Diberikan sebuah

    pecahan, Peter diminta untuk menyederhanakan pecahan ke bentuk paling sederhana. Peter merasa soal ini tidaklah semudah yang dibayangkan, karena mungkin saja gurunya menjebaknya melalui soal-soal yang unik.

    Spesifikasi masukan

    Masukan terdiri dari beberapa kasus, input berhenti ketika End Of File. Tiap kasus terdiri dari satu baris yaitu berisi dua buah integer dipisah '/'. Dijamin bahwa masukan adalah valid (tidak

    akan menimbulkan error).

    Spesifikasi keluaran

    Keluaran berupa beberapa baris berupa pecahan paling sederhana. NB: Pastikan program anda bisa berjalan pada kasus-kasus ekstrim!

    Contoh masukan

    8/2 15/6

    6/8 99/100


    Contoh keluaran

    4 2 1/2

    3/4 99/100


  • SOAL 11

    3105. A Way To Find Primes

    Time Limit: 1.0 Seconds Memory Limit: 65536K


    Given a integer p > 1, if p can be devided only by 1 and itself, we say that p is a prime number. For example, 31 can only be devided by 1 and 31, so 31 is a prime number; 12 can be devided by

    six numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, so 12 is not a prime number. The smallest ten prime number is 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29.

    Eratosthenes was a Greek mathematician, astronomer, and geographer. He invented a method for

    finding prime numbers that is still used today. This method is called Eratosthenes'Sieve. A sieve has holes in it and is used to filter out the juice. Eratosthenes's sieve filters out numbers to find the prime numbers.

    Eratosthenes's sieve can be used as follows to find all prime numbers smaller than or equal to a given number n: Step1 : Put all integers between 2 and n (include 2 and n) on Eratosthenes's sieve.

    Step2 : Sellect the smallest number on the sieve, suppose it is m, then m must be a prime. Step3 : Filter out all the integers which can be devided by m from Eratosthenes's sieve.

    Step4 : If m * m

  • Sieve : 7, 11, 13, 17, 19

    Prime bin : 2, 3, 5

    Because 5 * 5 = 25 > 20, so all numbers remains on Eratosthenes's sieve are

    prime, put all of them into prime bin:

    Sieve :

    Prime bin : 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19

    Now the task is, given a number k, output the k-th smallest prime number. (You may use any way you want to solve this problem as it is correct)


    The first line is an integer n, the number of test cases, n cases follows. For Each test case has an single integer k (k > 1).


    A single integer per line, the k-th prime number. It is guaranted that the correct answer is smaller than 100000.

    Sample Input






    Sample Output






    If you want to use an large arrays, Please define them as global variables. For example, if I want

    to use an array named arr[]:

    #include ...



    int arr[1000000];

    int main () {



  • SOAL 12 Running Laps [Brian Dean, 2012]

    Bored with horse racing, Farmer John decides to investigate the feasibility

    of cow racing as a sport. He sets up his N cows (1

  • SOAL 13


    Peter sedang belajar angka, gurunya David sedang mengajarkan dia dengan cara yang unik. Pak

    David menuliskan sebanyak n-1 angka (semua angka berbeda mulai dari 1..n dengan acak), lalu Peter disuruh untuk mencari angka yang hilang dari kumpulan angka 1..n. Peter mulai bingung cara mencarinya lalu dia meminta bantuan kalian untuk membuatkan program pencari angka


    Spesifikasi masukan

    Baris pertama berisi integer (1

  • SOAL 14

    Tied Down [Brian Dean, 2012]

    As we all know, Bessie the cow likes nothing more than causing mischief on the farm. To keep her from causing too much trouble, Farmer John decides to tie Bessie down to a fence with a

    long rope. When viewed from above, the fence consists of N posts (1

  • 2 1

    6 1

    2 4

    1 1

    2 0

    3 1

    1 3

    5 4

    3 0

    0 1

    3 2

    6 1


    There are two posts at (2,3) and (2,1). Bessie is at (6,1). The rope goes

    from (6,1) to (2,4) to (1,1), and so on, ending finally at (6,1). The shape

    of the rope is the same as in the figure above.


    * Line 1: The minimum number of posts that need to be removed in order

    for Bessie to escape by running to the right.




    Removing either post 1 or post 2 will allow Bessie to escape.

  • SOAL 15

    Unlocking Blocks (Silver) [Brian Dean, 2012]

    A little-known fact about cows is that they love puzzles! For Bessie's birthday, Farmer John gives her an interesting mechanical puzzle for her to solve. The puzzle consists of three solid

    objects, each of which is built from 1x1 unit squares glued together. Each of these objects is a "connected" shape, in the sense that you can get from one square on the object to any other square on the object by stepping north, south, east, or west, through squares on the object.

    An object can be moved by repeatedly sliding it either north, south, east, or west one unit. The

    goal of the puzzle is to move the objects so that they are separated -- where their bounding boxes no longer share any positive overlap with each-other. Given the shapes and locations of the three

    objects, your task is to help Bessie decide what is the minimum number of individual slides required to separate the objects.

    PROBLEM NAME: unlock


    * Line 1: Three space-separated integers: N1, N2, and N3, describing

    respectively the number of unit squares making up objects 1,

    2, and 3.

    * Lines 2..1+N1: Each of these lines describes the (x,y) location of

    the south-west corner of single square that is part of object

    1. All coordinates lie in the range 0..9.

    * Lines 2+N1..1+N1+N2: Each of these lines describes the (x,y)

    location of the south-west corner of single square that is

    part of object 2. All coordinates lie in the range 0..9.

    * Lines 2+N1+N2..1+N1+N2+N3: Each of these lines describes the (x,y)

    location of the south-west corner of single square that is

    part of object 3. All coordinates lie in the range 0..9.


    12 3 5

    0 0

    1 0

    2 0

    3 0

    3 1

    0 1

    0 2

  • 0 3

    0 4

    1 4

    2 4

    3 4

    2 1

    2 2

    1 2

    2 3

    3 3

    4 3

    4 4

    4 2


    Object 1 is made from 12 squares, object 2 is made from 3 squares, and

    object 3 is made from 5 squares. The shapes of the objects are those in

    the figure above.


    * Line 1: The minimum number of moves necessary to separate the three

    objects, or -1 if the objects cannot be separated.




    If we slide object 3 to the east by one position, then slide object 2

    north by one position, then slide object 1 west by three positions,

    then the bounding boxes of the three objects will no longer share any

    overlap in common.

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