Page 1: Soal UTS Semester Genap IPA - Bahasa Inggris SMK (1)


Mata Pelajaran : I P A Kelas : X (Semester Genap) Satuan Pendidikan : SMK AP

N A M A : K E L A S :

S O A L 1. Sebutkan 5 macam bukti yang dapat menunjukkan bahwa bentuk bumi bulat! 2. Sebutkan 5 macam hal sebagai akibat peristiwa rotasi bumi! 3. Sebutkan 5 macam hal sebagai akibat peristiwa revolusi bumi! 4. Sebutkan 2 pendapat Copernicus tentang perputaran bumi! 5. Tenaga geologi dibagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu tenaga Endogen dan tenaga Eksogen. Apa yang

dimaksud dengan tenaga Endogen dan tenaga Eksogen? 6. Jelaskan pengertian dari:

a. Gempa bumi b. Tektonisme c. Vulkanisme d. Seisme e. Magnitude

7. Sebutkan 4 penyebab terjadinya gempa! 8. Sebutkan 5 faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kerusakan akibat bencana gempa bumi! 9. Berdasarkan sejarah kekuatan sumber gempa, sebutkan 6 daerah aktivitas gempa bumi di

Indonesia! 10. Sebutkan 5 tugas BMKG (Badan Meteorologi, klimatologi, dan Geofisika)! JAWABAN

Page 2: Soal UTS Semester Genap IPA - Bahasa Inggris SMK (1)


Mata Pelajaran : I P A Kelas : XI (Semester Genap) Satuan Pendidikan : SMK AP

N A M A : K E L A S :

S O A L 1. Secara umum, klasifikasi limbah padat (sampah) menurut istilah teknis ada kelompok, sebutkan! 2. Salah satu cara penanganan limbah padat adalah dengan metode land fill (penimbunan tanah).

Sebutkan 4 tujuan metode land fill ! 3. Jelaskan pengertian dari:

a. Recycle b. Reuse c. Reduce d. Diposal e. Hog Feeding

4. Sebutkan 5 macam keuntungan bercocok tanam dengan metode Hidroponik! 5. Sebutkan dan jelaskan dengan singkat 5 macam cara pengolahan air limbah! 6. Sebutkan dan jelaskan dengan singkat 2 macam teknologi pegomposan! 7. Proses pengomposan dapat dipercepat dengan memacu pertumbuhan mikroba yang terlibat

didalamnya. Sebutkan 5 hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam prses pengomposan sehingga diperoleh kompos yang baik!

8. Sebutkan 5 macam ciri kompos yang memiliki mutu baik! 9. Sebutkan tahapan-tahapan pengomposan secara lengkap! 10. Sebutkan 4 macam manfaat pupuk kompos ditinjau dari aspek lingkungan! JAWABAN

Page 3: Soal UTS Semester Genap IPA - Bahasa Inggris SMK (1)


Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas : X (Semester Genap) Satuan Pendidikan : SMK

N A M A : K E L A S :

S O A L Essay! Its a rainy Sunday. It is so cold outside. Sandy and his family are spending their Sunday at home. Sandy’s mother is making chicken soup in the kitchen. Sandy’s father looks so busy. He is making finance report in his living room. Sandy’s sister is helping her mother in the kitchen. Sandy is wearing jacket. He is making a cup of coffee for his father. His father looks happy and proud to Sandy. 1. What is Sandy’s mother doing at home? 2. Who is making finance report in the living room? 3. What is Sandy wearing? 4. Who is helping Sandy’s mother in the kitchen? 5. Where is the text located? Fill in the blanks! 6. My mother got toothache yesterday. Right now, she is going to ______________________________ . 7. Rina is cooking in the ____________________________________ . 8. They are ______________________________ in the swimming pool now. 9. The girl looks _________________________ because her mother got cancer. 10. The students are __________________________ in the library. 11. Mrs. Ratih is doctor. Now, she is __________________________ the patients in the hospital. 12. Mr. Teguh is reading _________________________ in the living room. 13. How _____________________ money is he bringing? 14. ________________________ ten oranges on the table. 15. Father is asking Dinda to buy a cugh syrup in the ____________________________ . Fill in the blanks by using “there is” or “there are” ! 16. ___________________________ many mangoes on the table. 17. Look! ___________________________ much water on the floor. 18. ___________________________ an eggplant in the refrigeator. 19. Look at the park! ______________________________ many kangaroo in there. 20. ___________________________ a glasses on the dinning table. Bonus! Vocabulary Quiz.... Change the words in Bahasa Indonesia into English! 21. Lima : ___________________________ 26. Meja : ___________________________ 22. Sebelas : ___________________________ 27. Kursi : ___________________________ 23. Dua belas : ___________________________ 28. Guru bahasa Inggris : _________________________ 24. Sembilan belas : ___________________________ 29. Kepala sekolah : ___________________________ 25. Dua puluh tujuh : ___________________________ 30. Ruang kelas : ___________________________ JAWABAN

Page 4: Soal UTS Semester Genap IPA - Bahasa Inggris SMK (1)


Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas : XI (Semester Genap) Satuan Pendidikan : SMK

N A M A : K E L A S :

S O A L Change the words in the brackets into Past Tense! 1. Agnes (sing) ____________________________ a song yesterday. 2. I (call) ______________________________ you twice last night. 3. My brother (draw) ________________________ a car on his drawing book yesterday evening. 4. The man (throw) ________________________ some pebbles to the river. 5. The man (shoot) _______________________ a deer in the jungle. 6. The ship (shink) ________________________ because of the damage of machine. 7. The workers (rebuild) _______________________ the building. 8. The sun (shine) ___________________________ so bright these two days. 9. Father (sell) ____________________________ the television. 10. The cat (leap) ______________________________ across the fence last night. Change the words in the bracket into verb 2! 11. She (cries) _______________________________ in front of me. 12. Indah (runs) ________________________________ away from her house. 13. Wahyu (falls) _________________________________ in kive with the new student. 14. They (do not) _________________________________ know each other. 15. (Does the teacher) ________________________________ visit Indonesia Book Fair in Jakarta? Change the words into correct form! 16. If Ahmad (call) __________________________________ me, I would come early! 17. If Dedi (invite) __________________________________ me, I would come to the party. 18. If I were butterfly, I (fly) _________________________________ with you. 19. If Siska (kiss) ____________________________________ me, I would introduce her to my parents. 20. If it (rain) ____________________________________ , the teacher would come late. Bonus! Vocabulary Quiz.... Change the words in Bahasa Indonesia into English! 21. Lima : ___________________________ 26. Meja : ___________________________ 22. Sebelas : ___________________________ 27. Kursi : ___________________________ 23. Dua belas : ___________________________ 28. Guru bahasa Inggris : _________________________ 24. Sembilan belas : ___________________________ 29. Kepala sekolah : ___________________________ 25. Dua puluh tujuh : ___________________________ 30. Ruang kelas : ___________________________


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