Page 1: Laporan Tahunan Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 2015 … · 2019. 6. 24. · BSN - Badan Standardisasi Nasional Gedung I BPPT Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340 Indonesia

BSN - Badan Standardisasi NasionalGedung I BPPT Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340 IndonesiaTelp : (62 21)-392 7422, 392 7528 Fax: (62 21) 392 7527 Website: email: [email protected]

Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 2015

ISSN: 2460-4178

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 2015

BSN - Badan Standardisasi NasionalGedung I BPPT

Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340 IndonesiaTelp : (62 21)-392 7422, 392 7528 Fax: (62 21) 392 7527

Website: email: [email protected]

Page 2: Laporan Tahunan Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 2015 … · 2019. 6. 24. · BSN - Badan Standardisasi Nasional Gedung I BPPT Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340 Indonesia


Page 3: Laporan Tahunan Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 2015 … · 2019. 6. 24. · BSN - Badan Standardisasi Nasional Gedung I BPPT Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340 Indonesia


Laporan Tahunan 2015

L A P O R A N T A H U N A N 2 0 1 5A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 5

Page 4: Laporan Tahunan Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 2015 … · 2019. 6. 24. · BSN - Badan Standardisasi Nasional Gedung I BPPT Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340 Indonesia

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim,Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

T ahun 2015 telah kita lalui dengan berbagai tantangan dan peluang. Tahun lalu Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) memfokuskan diri pada persiapan menyongsong berlakunya pasar bebas di Asia Tenggara. Era pasar bebas itu sekarang telah menjadi kenyataan dengan berlakunya kesepakatan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) sejak awal tahun 2016.

Pasar bebas MEA merupakan realisasi dari Visi ASEAN 2020 yaitu untuk melakukan integrasi ekonomi negara-negara Asia Tenggara dengan membentuk pasar tunggal dan basis produksi bersama. Kesepakatan MEA membuka secara luas pasar dan arus ekspor-impor barang dan jasa maupun investasi antarnegara ASEAN, dimana hambatan tarif dan non tarif tidak diberlakukan lagi.

Negara-negara anggota ASEAN -Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapura, Brunei Darussalam, Phillipina, Laos, Kamboja, dan Vietnam- harus memegang teguh prinsip pasar terbuka dan ekonomi yang digerakkan oleh pasar. Dengan kata lain, konsekuensi diberlakukannya MEA adalah liberalisasi perdagangan barang secara bebas tanpa hambatan tarif maupun non tarif.

Dalam era pasar bebas, peran standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian sangat penting. Tujuan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian adalah: a) meningkatkan jaminan mutu, efisiensi produksi, daya saing nasional, persaingan usaha yang sehat dan transparan dalam perdagangan, kepastian usaha, dan kemampuan pelaku usaha, serta kemampuan inovasi teknologi; b) meningkatkan perlindungan kepada konsumen, pelaku usaha, tenaga kerja, dan masyarakat lainnya, serta negara, baik dalam aspek keselamatan, keamanan, kesehatan, maupun pelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup; c) meningkatkan kepastian, kelancaran, dan efisiensi transaksi perdagangan barang dan/atau jasa di dalam negeri dan luar negeri.

Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2014 tentang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian, BSN mendapat amanah untuk melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab di bidang standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian. Untuk itu, BSN telah melakukan berbagai langkah penting untuk mendorong daya saing produk nasional sehingga mampu bersaing pada era perdagangan bebas.

BSN telah melakukan berbagai langkah penting untuk memfasilitasi pemangku kepentingan dalam menyusun SNI, mengembangkan sistem perumusan SNI, sistem penerapan standar, sistem akreditasi dan penilaian kesesuaian, serta diseminasi informasi dan pemasyarakatan standardisasi dan penilaiaan kesesuaian (SPK). Langkah strategis BSN itu semata-mata ditujukan untuk membantu tugas pemerintah dalam melindungi kepentingan masyarakat dalam masalah keselamatan, keamanan, kesehatan, serta fungsi kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Selain itu, juga untuk mendorong para pelaku usaha agar dapat menerapkan standar sehingga bisa bersaing.

BSN mengembangkan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri untuk mengembangkan dan menerapkan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian. Kerjasama ini termasuk penyiapan rumusan kebijakan, pembinaan, koordinasi program dan penyusunan rencana di bidang notifikasi dan kerjasama teknis perdagangan, kelembagaan standardisasi dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.

Untuk mendidik dan memasyarakatkan standardisasi, BSN menyelenggarakan jejaring pendidikan standardisasi yang mencakup jejaring pendidikan tinggi, pendidikan menengah, pendidikan dasar dan pendidikan umum.

Dari berbagai kegiatan pendampingan dan pengamatan role model, BSN optimistis bahwa Indonesia akan dapat memanfaatkan peluang dengan menerapkan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian serta memainkan fungsi SPK di perjanjian internasional. Namun demikian, perlu sinergi berbagai pihak untuk melakukan pendampingan, advokasi, pemberian insentif dan kemudahan berusaha khusus untuk usaha kecil dan mikro.

Buku Laporan Tahunan BSN 2015 ini merupakan sarana penyampaian informasi tentang kegiatan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian kepada para pemangku kepentingan dan masyarakat pada umumnya.

Kami menyadari bahwa berbagai program dan kegiatan BSN tersebut bisa terlaksana berkat kerjasama dan partisipasi berbagai pihak di internal maupun eksternal BSN.

Karena itu, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh pimpinan dan staf BSN maupun pihak lain yang telah bekerja sama untuk menyukseskan berbagai program dan kegiatan BSN. Semoga kita bisa meningkatkan kinerja dan capaian BSN di masa mendatang.

Wassalammu’alaikum Warrahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.

Jakarta, 26 Maret 2016

Prof. Dr. Bambang Prasetya, M.Sc

Sambutan Kepala BSN


Page 5: Laporan Tahunan Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 2015 … · 2019. 6. 24. · BSN - Badan Standardisasi Nasional Gedung I BPPT Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340 Indonesia


Laporan Tahunan 2015

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious Most MercifulPeace upon you and the mercy and blessing of God

In 2015 we have been through various challenges and opportunities. Last year the National Standardization Agency ( BSN ) focused on preparations to welcome the age of the free market in Southeast Asia .

The era of the free market has now become a reality with the presence agreement ASEAN Economic Community ( AEC ) since the beginning of 2016. The AEC free market is the realization of ASEAN Vision 2020 which is to conduct economic integration of the countries of Southeastern Asia to establish a single market and production base together . The AEC agreement widely opens market and the flow of exports and imports of goods and services and investment between countries of ASEAN , where tariff and non tariff barriers no longer apply .

ASEAN member countries -Indonesia, Myanmar , Thailand , Malaysia , Singapore , Brunei Darussalam , the Philippines , Laos , Cambodia and Vietnam should uphold the principles of open markets and market-driven economy . In other words, the consequences of the implementation of AEC is the liberalization of trade in goods without tariff and non tariff barriers. In the era of free markets, the role of standardization and conformity assessment is very important.

The purpose of standardization and conformity assessment are : a) to improve the quality assurance, production efficiency, national competitiveness, healthy competition and transparency in the trade, business certainty, and the ability of business and technological innovation capability; b ) to increase protection for consumers, businesses, labor, and other communities, as well as the country, both in terms of safety, security, health, and environment conservation; c ) to increase certainty, continuous , and the efficiency of trade transactions of goods and / or services in the country and abroad.

According to Law No. 20 of 2014 on Standardization and Conformity Assessment, BSN received the mandate to carry out the duties and responsibilities in the fields of standardization and conformity assessment . Therefore, BSN has taken various important steps to encourage the competitiveness of national products so as to compete in the era of free trade.

BSN has taken various important steps to facilitate the stakeholders in developing SNI, SNI formulation developed the system, standards application system, accreditation and conformity assessment systems, as well as information dissemination and socialization of standardization and conformity assesment ( SPK ) . BSN’s strategic move was solely intended to assist the government in protecting the public interest in matters of safety , security , health, and environmental sustainability function . In addition , it is also to encourage businesses to be able to apply the standards so they can compete globally .

BSN cooperated with various parties in the country and abroad to develop and implement standardization and conformity assessment. This cooperation included policy formulation, development, program coordination and planning in the field of notification and technical cooperation in trade, standardization institutions in the country and abroad.

To educate on and promote standardization, BSN held standardization education networks which includes a network of higher education, secondary education, basic education and general education. Of the various activities of mentoring and role model observation, BSN optimistic that Indonesia will be able to take advantage of opportunities by applying standardization and conformity assessment as well as the play function SPK in international agreements.

However, the synergy of various parties is needed to provide guidance, advocacy , incentives and ease of doing business specifically for small and micro enterprises. This Annual Report 2015 BSN is a means of delivering information about the activities of standardization and conformity assessment to the stakeholders and the general public . We realize that the various programs and activities of the BSN can be realized by the cooperation and participation of various internal and external parties in BSN . Therefore, we would like to thank the entire management and staff of BSN and other parties who have worked together for the success of the various programs and activities of BSN .

It is our hope that we can improve the performance and achievements of BSN in the future.

Wassalammu’alaikum Warrahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.

Jakarta, March 26, 2016

Prof. Dr. Bambang Prasetya, M.Sc


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Standardisasi Jadi Keniscayaan dalam Pasar Bebas

Di era Reformasi Birokrasi, pelayanan publik harus baik, transparan dan akuntabel. Penyelenggaraan negara juga harus bersih, bebas dari Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme (KKN) serta menerapkan administrasi pemerintahan yang tertib dan teratur. Agar good governance tersebut terwujud, diperlukan pengawasan internal melalui Inspektorat maupun eksternal

oleh Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan serta masyarakat.Sebagai salah satu lembaga pengguna APBN, BSN wajib memberikan pertanggungjawaban berupa laporan keuangan, yang

telah diaudit oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK).Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi dari Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi, Akuntabilitas Kinerja

Instansi Pemerintah (AKIP) BSN memperoleh skor 64,20 dengan predikat B (Baik), meningkat dari nilai tahun sebelumnya yakni 63,81 dengan predikat CC (Cukup Baik). Penilaian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan anggaran BSN sudah efektif dan efisien. Selain itu nilai evaluasi AKIP BSN selalu meningkat dari 2009 hingga 2015.

Sampai akhir 2015 jumlah Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) yang ditetapkan BSN sebanyak 10.660, yang terdiri dari 8.794 SNI aktif/berlaku dan 1.866 SNI yang ditarik/abolisi.

Dalam perdagangan internasional, standardisasi atas kualitas barang/jasa sangat diperlukan. SNI merupakan suatu jaminan bahwa suatu produk memenuhi kualitas berkaitan dengan aspek keselamatan, keamanan, dan kesehatan konsumen. Dalam perdagangan bebas Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN, pemenuhan standar menjadi mendesak. Tanpa SNI, barang kita tidak bisa bersaing melawan produk-produk dari luar yang berstandar masuk ke Indonesia.

Di sisi lain, kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia terhadap standardisasi produk masih kurang. Saat ini, SNI belum menjadi prioritas pertimbangan konsumen dalam membeli produk. Mereka lebih memilih harga yang terjangkau daripada kualitas yang baik. Untuk melihat tingkat persepsi masyarakat terhadap standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian, BSN pada 2015 mengadakan survei tingkat persepsi masyarakat terhadap standardisasi dan penilaian Kesesuaian di 10 kota besar dengan 4.000 responden. Survei itu mengungkapkan, tingkat persepsi masyarakat terhadap standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian sebesar 66,17 (skala 100) atau 3,33 (skala likert 1-5). Hasil ini diperoleh dari angka pengetahuan tentang BSN (12,3), pengenalan tentang SNI (21,85), penerapan SNI (19,40) dan sertifikasi SNI (12,61). Angka tersebut berarti pengenalan masyarakat mengenai BSN dan tugasnya masih rendah, termasuk persepsi masyarakat mengenai sertifikasi SNI. Masyarakat belum paham kemana akan mengajukan sertifikasi atas produknya dan masih punya persepsi bahwa sertifikasi SNI itu sulit dan mahal.

Untuk itu, BSN perlu terus meningkatkan pemahaman publik tentang BSN dan SNI serta lebih menyebarluaskan informasi kepada pemangku kepentingan mengenai manfaat standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian. Selain itu, BSN terus berupaya meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam standardisasi. Upaya membudayakan standar di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia dilakukan dengan mendiseminasikan informasi dan memasyarakatkan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian. Promosi standardisasi dilakukan dengan berbagai cara serta menggandeng pihak lain dalam berbagai kerja sama kemitraan. n

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Laporan Tahunan 2015 E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y

Standardization Necessary in Free Market

I n the era of bureaucratic reforms, the public service must be good, transparent and accountable. The implementation of state affairs also must be clean, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) and apply the orderly administration and regular. Implementation of good governance needs supervision both internally through the Inspectorate and externally by the Financial and

Development Supervisory Agency as well as the public.As one of the state budget users, BSN is required to provide accountability in the form of financial statement, which has been audited

by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). Based on the evaluation of the Ministry for State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform on Government Agency Performance

Accountability (AKIP), BSN obtains a score of 64.20 with the notation of B (Good), an increase from the previous year score of 63.81 with predicate of CC (Good Enough). The assessment suggests that the use of the budget in BSN is effective and efficient. Besides, the AKIP evaluation score of BSN always goes up from 2009 to 2015.

Up to the end of 2015, the number of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) that determined by BSN were 10,660, consisted of 8,794 active/valid SNI and 1,866 drawn/abolished SNI.

In international trade, standardization of the quality of goods/services is necessary. SNI is a guarantee that a product complies with quality related to aspects of safety, security, and health of consumers. In free trade a la ASEAN Economic Community, standards compliance becomes urgent. Without SNI, our products can’t compete with SNI standardized products from outside Indonesia.

On the other hand, people awareness to the standardization of products is still lacking. Currently, SNI has not been a priority for consumer consideration. They prefer affordable goods than the standardized goods. To see the level of people’s perception of standardization and conformity assessment, BSN in 2015 conducted survey on public perceptions on the standardization and conformity assessment in 10 major cities involving 4,000 respondents. The survey proves that the level of people’s perception of standardization and conformity assessment amounted to 66.17 (scale of 100) or 3.33 (Likert scale 1-5). These results were obtained from the knowledge of the BSN (12.3), SNI introduction (21.85), SNI implementation (19.40) and SNI certification (12.61). This figure means that the public

knowledge about the BSN and its duties, including people’s perceptions of SNI certification, are still low. People still do not understand where to apply for certification of their products and still have the perception that SNI certification is difficult and expensive.

Therefore, BSN needs to improve public understanding on BSN and SNI and disseminate more information to stakeholders and public about the benefit of standardization and conformity assessment. In addition, BSN continues to increase community participation in standardization. Efforts to socialize standards in Indonesian society are done by disseminating information and promote value of the standardization and conformity assessment. Promotion of standardization is conducted through various ways and in collaboration with other parties in partnership scheme. n

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Laporan Tahunan/Annual Report BSN 2015Diterbitkan di Jakarta oleh BSN

BSN 2015

PENGARAH:Puji Winarni


EDITOR:Titin Resmiatin

One Agus Sukarno

FOTO:Teguh Budiono

Dian Anindya Murti

NASKAH:Nasrudin, Juliantino, Iskandar Fauzi, Hendro,

Anna, Sugeng, Andri, Sri K, Triningsih, Fadil, Nanu, Awang, Daya, Ike, Ambar, Reza, Putri, Aldi

TERJEMAHAN:Wahyudi M.P, Jaka E.C


Badan Standardisasi NasionalGedung I BPPT

JL. MH Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340Telp. (62 21) 3927422, 392 7528

Fax. (62 21) 392 7527Email: [email protected]


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Laporan Tahunan 2015

KATA PENGANTARProf. Dr. Ir. Bambang Prasetya, M.Sc....4

Ringkasan Eksekutif...........6

Daftar Isi............9

Profil BSN..........15Visi.....16

Misi .....16Tata Nilai .....17Arti Logo.....18

Struktur Organisasi .....19 Pengelolaan Kinerja Organisasi.....21

Laporan Keuangan BSN.......23Sosialisasi Undang-Undang......23

Pengawasan Internal.....24

Pengembangan Standar........ 29Penelitian dan Pengembangan Standar.....29

Perumusan Standar.....33Kerja sama Standardisasi.....39

Penerapan Standar .......51Pengembangan Sistem Penerapan Standar..... 51

Akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi.....62 Akreditasi Laboratorium dan

Lembaga Inspeksi .....68

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan Standardisasi .......73

Diseminasi Informasi dan Dokumentasi Standardisasi,.....73Pendidikan dan Pemasyarakatan



PREFACEProf. Dr. Ir. Bambang Prasetya, M.Sc.....5

Executive Summary.....7


An Overview.....15BSN Vision for 2015-2019.....16Missions of BSN.....16Values of BSN.....17Meaning of BSN Logo.....18Organizational Structure.....18Organization Performance Management.....19BSN Financial Statements......23Socialization of Law......23Internal Audit.....24

Standard Development ...............29Research and Development of Standard.....29Standard Formulation.....33Cooperation on Standardization.....39

Standard Implementation ...........51Development of Standard Implementation System.....51Accreditation of Certification Body.....62Accreditation of Laboratory andInspection Body.....68

Information Dissemination and Socialization of Standardization .......73Information Dissemination and Socialization of Standardization.....73Education and Socialization ofStandardization.....92

Closing Remark.....107

d a f t a r i s i c o n t e n t s

BSN - Badan Standardisasi NasionalGedung I BPPT Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340Telp : (62 21)-392 7422, 392 7528 Fax: (62 21) 392 7527 email: [email protected]

Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 2015

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Gambar 1 Bagan Organisasi BSN ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20Picture 1 Organization Structure of BSN ................................................................................................................................................................................ 20Gambar 2 Perkembangan Hasil Evaluasi AKIP BSN 2009 – 2015 ..................................................................................................................................... 21Picture 2 The development of BSN AKIP Evaluation Results 2009 - 2015 ...................................................................................................................... 21Gambar 3 Penghargaan Akuntabilitas Kinerja BSN 2015 ..................................................................................................................................................... 21Picture 3 BSN Accountability Performance Award 2015 ...................................................................................................................................................... 21Gambar 4 Perbandingan Pagu dan Realisasi Anggaran BSN 2010-2015 ............................................................................................... 23Picture 4 Comparison of BSN Realization and Ceiling Budget 2010-2015 .............................................................................................. 23Gambar 5 Realisasi Anggaran BSN Tahun 2015 Berdasarkan Program ................................................................................................... 23Picture 5. BSN Realization Budget in 2015 By Program ........................................................................................................................................ 23Gambar 6. Sosialisasi Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2014 tentang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian di Palembang, Padang, Medan dan Banyuwangi ............................................................................................................................................................................ 24Picture 6. Sosialization of Law No. 20 of 2014 on Standardization and Conformity Assessment in Palembang, Padang, Medan and Banyuwangi ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 24Gambar 7 Kegiatan FGD FILI .................................................................................................................................................................................. 25Picture 7 Activity of FGD FILI ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25Gambar 8 Sosialisasi Peraturan Kepala BSN dan Surat Edaran Menteri PAN-RB ................................................................................. 26Picture 8 Socializing The Chairman of BSN Regulations and Circular Letter of the Minister of PAN-RB ............................................ 26Gambar 9 Seminar Hari Anti Korupsi .................................................................................................................................................................. 27Picture 9 Seminar on Anti-Corruption Day .................................................................................................................................................... 27Gambar 10 Usulan PNPS 2015 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 34Picture 10 Proposed PNPS 2015 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 34Gambar 11 Usulan dan Realisasi Penetapan SNI .................................................................................................................................. 36Picture 11 Proposed and Actual Establishment of SNI ................................................................................................................................... 36Gambar 12 Plenary Meeting IEC/TC 64 ............................................................................................................................................................... 40Picture 12 Plenary meeting of IEC/TC 64 ........................................................................................................................................................ 40Gambar 13 The 2nd Plenary Meeting ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience .............................................................................................. 40Picture 13 The 2nd Plenary Meeting ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience .................................................................................................. 40Gambar 14 Kunjungan Presiden IEC dalam acara Roundtable Discussion ............................................................................................ 41Picture 14 Visit of the President of IEC in the event of Roundtable Discussion ......................................................................................... 41Gambar 15 Kunjungan tim BSN dan ISO ke pabrik PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk .................................................................................................. 41Picture 15 The visit of BSN and ISO team to PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk plant ................................................................................................... 41Gambar 16 The 38th ISO General Assembly and 79th IEC General Meeting ......................................................................................... 42Picture 16 The 38th ISO General Assembly and 79th IEC General Meeting ............................................................................................... 42Gambar 17 Penandatanganan MoU KAN-BSCA ............................................................................................................................................... 42Picture 17 The signing of MoU of KAN-BSCA ................................................................................................................................................... 42Gambar 18 Seminar World Plumbing Day 2015 ................................................................................................................................................ 43Picture 18 Seminar on World Plumbing Day 2015 ......................................................................................................................................... 43Gambar 19 The 86th Annual IAPMO Conference ............................................................................................................................................. 43Picture 19 The 86th Annual IAPMO Conference ............................................................................................................................................. 43Gambar 20 The First GCC Forum for Education of Standardization ............................................................................................................ 44Picture 20 The First GCC Forum for Education of Standardization ............................................................................................................. 44Gambar 21 Seminar Peranan Standardisasi di Timor Leste .......................................................................................................................... 44Picture 21 Seminar on Role of Standardization in Timor Leste .................................................................................................................. 44Gambar 22 STC yang disampaikan oleh Delegasi Indonesia ...................................................................................................................... 45Picture 22 STC submitted by the Indonesian Delegation .............................................................................................................................. 45Gambar 23 Delegasi Anggota WTO pada sidang reguler Komite TBT di Jenewa .................................................................................. 45Picture 23 Delegation of WTO members in the regular assembly of the TBT Committee in Geneva ................................................. 45Gambar 24 Sistem aplikasi pengelolaan website TBT-WTO Indonesia berbasis teknologi informasi ............................................ 46Picture 24. Application system of management for IT based WTO TBT Indonesia website ................................................................. 46Gambar 25 Edukasi dan Sosialiasi Publik serta Seminar Nasional Implementasi Perjanjian TBT-WTO .......................................... 46Picture 25 Public Education and Dissemination and National Seminar on the Implementation of WTO TBT Agreement ........... 46Gambar 26 Seminar Peran Standardisasi Bagi Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah dan Pelaku Usaha dalam Menghadapi MEA di Pangkal Pinang ................................................................................................................................................................................. 47Picture 26 Seminar on Role of Standardization for Regional Government Agencies and business communities in the face of MEA in Pangkal Pinang ............................................................................................................................................ 47Gambar 27 Seminar Peranan Standardisasi bagi Aparat Pemda dan Pelaku Usaha dalam memghadapi MEA di Pontianak ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 47Picture 27 Seminar on Role of Standardization for local government officials and business communities in the face of MEA in Pontianak ....................................................................................................................................................... 47Gambar 28 Seminar Peran Standardisasi Bagi Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah dan Pelaku Usaha dalam Menghadapi MEA di Mataram .................................................................................................................................................................................... 47Picture 28 Seminar on Role of Standardization For Regional Government Agencies and business communities in the face of MEA in Mataram ........................................................................................................................................................ 47Gambar 29 Pelayanan permohonan IIN ............................................................................................................................................................... 48Picture 29 Servicing IIN application ................................................................................................................................................................... 48Gambar 30 Permohonan Aplikasi IIN 2011-2015 ................................................................................................................................. 48Picture 30 IIN Application Request in 2011-2015 ........................................................................................................................... 48Gambar 31 Workshop Peran Akreditasi di Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo .......................................................................................... 49Picture 31 Workshop on the Role of Accreditation in the University 11 March, Solo ............................................................................ 49Gambar 32 Peningkatan kompetensi CASCO dan Workshop Understanding of ISO/IEC 17021 Series ........................................ 53Picture 32 Capacity building of CASCO and Workshop Understanding of ISO/IEC 17021 Series ........................................................ 53Gambar 33 Delegasi Indonesia menghadiri sidang Codex ........................................................................................................................... 53-54Picture 33 The Indonesian delegation attending the Codex meeting ....................................................................................................... 53-54


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Laporan Tahunan 2015

Gambar 34 Bimbingan Laboratorium di Gorontalo ......................................................................................................................................... 57Picture 34 Laboratory Guidance in Gorontalo ................................................................................................................................................. 57Gambar 35 Bimbingan Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk ........................................................................................................................................ 57Picture 35 Guidance for Product Certification Bodies ................................................................................................................................... 57Gambar 36 Bimbingan penyusunan dokumentasi mutu berdasarkan DPLS 21 untuk skema akreditasi halal ......................... 58Picture 36 Guidamce for preparation of quality documentation based DPLS 21 for Halal accreditation scheme ......................... 58Gambar 37 Bedah standar mainan anak .............................................................................................................................................................. 58Picture 37 Review of toy standard ...................................................................................................................................................................... 58Gambar 38 Para penerima SNI Award 2015 ......................................................................................................................................................... 60Picture 38 Recipients of SNI Award 2015 ........................................................................................................................................................... 60Gambar 39 Hasil monitoring integritas tanda SNI ............................................................................................................................................ 61Picture 39 The results of Monitoring of SNI label integrity ............................................................................................................................ 61Gambar 40 Pertumbuhan LS masing-masing skema (2011-2015) ............................................................................................................ 63Picture 40 LS Growth Charts of each scheme (2011-2015) .......................................................................................................................... 63Gambar 41 Workshop aplikasi KAN-MIS (Management Information System) ...................................................................................... 64Picture 41 Workshop on KAN-MIS (Management Information System) Application ............................................................................. 64Gambar 42 Katalog SNI dan Katalog Referensi .................................................................................................................................................. 74Picture 42 SNI Catalog and Reference Catalog ................................................................................................................................................ 74Gambar 43 Total SNI aktif berdasarkan sektor ICS sampai 2015 ................................................................................................................ 75Picture 43 Total active SNI by sector ICS as of 2015 ........................................................................................................................................ 75Gambar 44 Ruang koleksi perpustakaan di lantai mezanin ......................................................................................................................... 76Picture 44 Collection Room of BSN library on the second mezzanine floor .............................................................................................. 76Gambar 45 Ruang koleksi perpustakaan di lantai Mezzanine ................................................................................................................. 77Picture 45 Collection Room of BSN library on Mezzanine Floor .................................................................................................................. 77Gambar 46 Ruang baca perpustakaan lantai mezzanine ............................................................................................................................... 77Picture 46 Library’s reading room on the mezzanine floor ......................................................................................................................... 77Gambar 47 Ruang baca perpustakaan lantai dasar .......................................................................................................................................... 77Picture 47 The Library’s reading room on the ground floor ........................................................................................................................... 77Gambar 48 Literasi informasi di Ruang LITe BSN ................................................................................................................................................ 78Picture 48 Information literacy in BSN’s Lite Room ....................................................................................................................................... 78Gambar 49 Literasi informasi standardisasi di Perpustakaan Nasional RI ................................................................................................ 78Picture 49 Information Literacy of standardization in the National Library ............................................................................................ 78Gambar 50 Bedah buku “Gaya Penulisan Buku Berdasarkan SNI ISO” ....................................................................................................... 78Picture 50 Book review on “Writing Style of Book Based on SNI ISO” ......................................................................................................... 78Gambar 51 Bedah buku “Pengantar Standardisasi Edisi Kedua” .................................................................................................................. 79Picture 51 Book Review entitled “Introduction to Standardization, the Second Edition” ....................................................................... 79Gambar 52 SNI penetapan tahun 2015 berdasarkan sektor ICS ................................................................................................................. 80Picture 52 SNI established in 2015 by ICS sector .............................................................................................................................................. 80Gambar 53 Peresmian SNI Corner di Perpustakaan Undip .......................................................................................................................... 81Picture 53 Inauguration of SNI Corner at the Library of Diponegoro University ...................................................................................... 81Gambar 54 Peresmian SNI Corner di BP MSB Makassar .................................................................................................................................. 83Picture 54 Inauguration of SNI Corner at BP MSB in Makassar ................................................................................................................... 83Gambar 55 Peta simpul SNI Corner hingga 2015 ............................................................................................................................................. 83Picture 55 The map of SNI Corner Node as of 2015 ......................................................................................................................................... 83Gambar 56 Kemasan informasi dalam bentuk brosur dan kalender ....................................................................................................... 84Picture 56 Packaging of information in the form of brochures and calendars ........................................................................................ 84Gambar 57 Kemasan informasi dalam bentuk buletin SNI terpilih ........................................................................................................... 84Picture 57 Packaging of information in the form of selected SNI newsletters ......................................................................................... 84Gambar 58 Kemasan informasi sektor prioritas ................................................................................................................................................. 84Picture 58 Packaging of information in priority sector .................................................................................................................................. 84Gambar 59 Kemasan informasi pendukung dalam bentuk poster ........................................................................................................... 84Picture 59 Supporting information packages in the form of posters ...................................................................................................... 84Gambar 60 Diagram diseminasi informasi standardisasi berdasar stakeholders ................................................................................. 85Picture 60 Diagram of dissemination of standardization information to stakeholders ....................................................................... 85Gambar 61 Gerai BSN di Pameran Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional ............... ................................................................................. 86Picture 61 BSN booth at the Exhibition of National Technology Awakening Day ..................................................................................... 86Gambar 62 Kunjungan Menristek Dikti dan Kepala BSN ke Zona SNI ..................................................................................................... 86Picture 62 Visit of The minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education and Chairman of BSN to SNI Zone ............... 86Gambar 63 Kegiatan yang Diadakan BSN di Hakteknas ............................................................................................................................. 86Picture 63 Activities held by BSN in the National Technology Awakening Day ......................................................................................... 86Gambar 64 Gerai BSN di Pameran SMESCO Jakarta ......................................................................................................................................... 86Picture 64 BSN booth in the SMESCO exhibition Jakarta .............................................................................................................................. 86Gambar 65 Stand BSN di pameran Indonesia Quality Expo (IQE) di JCC, 9-10 November 2015 yang juga menampilkan SNI Channel ................................................................................................................................................................ 86Picture 65 BSN booth in the IQE in Jakarta Convention Center, Nov 9-10, 2015, that also presented SNI Channel ........................ 86Gambar 66 Ruangan Layanan Informasi Terpadu – LITe BSN ....................................................................................................................... 87Picture 66 Service Room of Integrated Information - Lite BSN .................................................................................................................... 87Gambar 67 Soft launching LITe BSN ................................................................................................................................................................... 87Picture 67 Soft launching of LITe BSN ................................................................................................................................................................ 87Gambar 68 Suasana talkshow standardisasi di LITe BSN ............................................................................................................................... 88Picture 68 Atmosphere of talk show on standardization in LITe BSN ....................................................................................................... 88Gambar 69 SNI Channel di android versi uji coba dan setelah launching .............................................................................................. 88Picture 69 SNI Channel in android version of the trial and after launching ............................................................................................ 88Gambar 70 Peliputan Live SNI Channel di Bulan Mutu dan Pameran IQE 2015 .................................................................................... 88Picture 70 Live report SNI Channel in the Quality Month and IQE Exhibition ............................................................................... 88

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Gambar 71 Flipbook pendidikan standardisasi ................................................................................................................................................. 89Picture 71 Flipbook of standardization education .......................................................................................................................................... 89Gambar 72 Permintaan infomasi nonstandar tahun 2015 ............................................................................................................................ 90Picture 72 Nonstandard information requests in 2015 .................................................................................................................................. 90Gambar 73 Perkembangan layanan inquiry ....................................................................................................................................................... 90Picture 73 The development of the inquiry service ....................................................................................................................................... 90Gambar 74 Layanan berdasarkan kategori wilayah luar negeri ................................................................................................................... 90Picture 74 Services by overseas region category ............................................................................................................................................ 90Gambar 75 Sebaran MoU antara BSN dengan Perguruan Tinggi ............................................................................................................... 93Picture 75 Distribution of MoU between BSN and Universities ................................................................................................................... 93Gambar 76 Peninjauan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan di Perguruan Tinggi ......................................................................................... 94Picture 76 A review of the Implementation of Education in Higher Education ....................................................................................... 94Gambar 77 Kunjungan Institusi lain Ke BSN ....................................................................................................................................................... 94Picture 77 Visits of other institutions to BSN ..................................................................................................................................................... 94Gambar 78 Kuliah tamu tentang standardisasi di Perguruan Tinggi ......................................................................................................... 95Picture 78 The guest lecture on standardization in Higher Education ....................................................................................................... 95Gambar 79 Kegiatan Capacity Building Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah Standardisasi ....................................................................... 95-96Picture 79 Capacity Building events for lecturers of standardization ....................................................................................................... 95-96Gambar 80 Pertemuan Forstan Dosen Pengampu Standardisasi ............................................................................................................... 96Picture 80 Meeting of FORSTAN lecturers of Standardization ...................................................................................................................... 96Gambar 81 The 10th ICES Conference dan WSC Academic Day 2015 di Seoul ...................................................................................... 96Picture 81 The 10th ICES Conference and WSC Academic Day 2015 in Seoul ......................................................................................... 96Gambar 82 Sidang APEC Sub Committee on Standards and Conformance 1 di Angeles City ....................................................... 97Picture 82 The first APEC Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance Assembly in Angeles City ............................................... 97Gambar 83 Edukasi standardisasi di SMKTI Negeri Makassar ..................................................................................................................... 97Picture 83 Standardization Education in SMKTI in Makassar ..................................................................................................................... 97Gambar 84 Kompetisi Standardisasi Tingkat Nasional SMA/SMK 2015 .................................................................................................. 97Picture 84 National Standardization Competition SMA/SMK Level 2015 ............................................................................................... 97Gambar 85 Tim Indonesia dalam the 10th Standard Olympiad ................................................................................................................... 98Picture 85 Indonesian team in the 10th Standard Olympiad ....................................................................................................................... 98Gambar 86 Edukasi Guru Sekolah Dasar di Bekasi ........................................................................................................................................... 98Picture 86 Education for Primary School Teacher in Bekasi ................................................................................................................................. 98Gambar 87 Tampilan e-learning pada ............................................................................................................. 99Picture 87 Display of e-learning on .................................................................................................................. 99Gambar 88 Capacity Building Pengelola Sistem Pembelajaran .................................................................................................................. 99Picture 88 Capacity Building of Learning Systems administrator .............................................................................................................. 99Gambar 89 Forum Pendidikan Standardisasi ..................................................................................................................................................... 100Picture 89 Education Forum on Standardization ............................................................................................................................................ 100Gambar 90 Sosialisasi SNI Alat Penangkapan Ikan ............................................................................................................................................ 100Picture 90 Socialization of SNI for Fishing Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 100Gambar 91 Role Model UKM Penerap SNI bidang batik dan perikanan .................................................................................................. 101Picture 91 Role Model of SME that implement SNI of Batik and fisheries ................................................................................................. 101Gambar 92 Spanduk SNI dan Kegiatan Lombok Food Festival .................................................................................................................... 101-102Picture 92 Banner of SNI and Lombok Food Festival .................................................................................................................................... 101-102Gambar 93 Zona SNI di Taman Pintar Yogyakarta ........................................................................................................................................... 102Picture 93 SNI zone in Taman Pintar Yogyakarta .......................................................................................................................................... 102Gambar 94 Pengunjung berpose dengan lukisan 3D di Zona SNI ............................................................................................................. 102Picture 94 Visitors pose in front of a 3D painting at SNI Zone .................................................................................................................... 102Gambar 95 Acara talkshow tentang manfaat penerapan SNI bagi UKM ................................................................................................. 103Picture 95 Talk show about the benefits of the application of SNI for SMEs ............................................................................................. 103Gambar 96 Kepala BSN menjadi narasumber Economic Challenges ........................................................................................................ 103Picture 96 Chairman of BSN was one of speakers in Economic Challenges ............................................................................................. 103Gambar 97 Peta persebaran anggota Mastan .................................................................................................................................................. 104Picture 97 Map of the distribution of Mastan member ................................................................................................................................ 104Gambar 98 Komposisi anggota Mastan ............................................................................................................................................................... 104Picture 98 Composition of Mastan member .................................................................................................................................................... 104Gambar 99 Perkembangan jumlah anggota Mastan 2003-2015 ................................................................................................................ 104Picture 99 The number of Mastan members in 2003-2015 ............................................................................................................................ 104Gambar 100 Perubahan di Lingkungan Kerja Kanaba ...................................................................................................................................... 105Picture 100 Changes in Kanaba’s Work Environment ..................................................................................................................................... 105Gambar 101 Forum Diskusi Partisipasi Konsumen ............................................................................................................................................. 105Picture 101 Consumer Participation Discussion Forum .................................................................................................................................. 105Gambar 102 Sidang ISO COPOLCO ........................................................................................................................................................................... 105Picture 102 Sessions in ISO COPOLCO ................................................................................................................................................................... 105Gambar 103 Delegasi Indonesia pada Sidang ISO COPOLCO ke 37 di Genewa ...................................................................................... 106Picture 103 The Indonesian delegation at the 37th Session of the ISO COPOLCO in Geneva ................................................................ 106Gambar 104 Temu Pelanggan Diklat Standardisasi ........................................................................................................................................ 106Picture 104 Consumers Meeting of Standardization Education and Training ............................................................................................. 106Gambar 105 Trend Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Standardisasi periode 2011-2015 ..................................................................................... 106Picture 105 Trend of participant number of Standardization Training 2011-2015..................................................................................... 106


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Laporan Tahunan 2015

Tabel 1 Evaluasi atas lima komponen kinerja BSN ....................................................................................................................................... 21Table 1. Evaluation on five components of BSN performance .................................................................................................................. 21Tabel 2 Profil SDM BSN per 31 Desember 2015 ........................................................................................................................................... 22Table 2 Profiles of BSN Human Resources as of Dec. 31, 2015 .................................................................................................................... 22Tabel 3 Penetapan dan Abolisi SNI 2015 ........................................................................................................................................................ 36Table 3 Determination and abolision of SNI 2015 ......................................................................................................................................... 36Tabel 4 Permohonan Aplikasi IIN tahun 2015 ............................................................................................................................................... 48Table 4 Request for IIN Application in 2015 .................................................................................................................................................... 48Tabel 5 Daftar Mirror Committee ISO/IEC yang dikelola oleh BSN ........................................................................................................ 49Table 5 List of Mirror Committees of ISO / IEC managed by BSN .............................................................................................................. 49Tabel 6 Dokumen dan Circular Letter ISO/CASCO 2015 ........................................................................................................................... 53Table 6 Dokuments and Circular Letters of ISO/CASCO in 2015 ............................................................................................................... 53Tabel 7 Dokumen yang dikeluarkan IEC EE 2015 .......................................................................................................................................... 56Table 7 Documents issued by IEC EE in 2015 .................................................................................................................................................. 56Tabel 8 Laboratorium Penguji Penerima Pembinaan ................................................................................................................................. 57Table 8 Testing Laboratories that received coaching ..................................................................................................................................... 57Tabel 9 Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk Penerima Pembinaan ..................................................................................................................... 57Table 9 Product Certification Bodies that Receive Coaching ..................................................................................................................... 57Tabel 10 Fasilitasi UKM oleh BSN dan Perguruan Tinggi .............................................................................................................................. 59Table 10 SMEs Facilitation by BSN and Universities ...................................................................................................................................... 59Tabel 11 Program Nasional Penerapan Standar (PNRT) tahun 2015-2016 ........................................................................................... 61Table 11 National Program of Standards Implementation (PNRT) 2015-2016 ...................................................................................... 61Tabel 12 Rekap SNI yang telah diberlakukan secara wajib (per Desember 2015) ............................................................................ 62Table 12 Recapitulation of SNIs that have been implemented compulsorily as of December 2015 ................................................. 62Tabel 13 Pertumbuhan Lembaga Sertifikasi 2014 dan 2015 ..................................................................................................................... 63Table 13 Growths of Certification Body in 2014 and 2015 ............................................................................................................................. 63Tabel 14 Pengakuan keberterimaan Internasional ........................................................................................................................................ 66Table 14 International acceptance Recognition ............................................................................................................................................. 66Tabel 15 Pengakuan keberterimaan nasional .................................................................................................................................................. 66Table 15 National acceptance Recognition .................................................................................................................................................... 66Tabel 16 Proses akreditasi Laboratorium dan Lembaga Inspeksi 2015 ................................................................................................... 72Table 16 Laboratory and Inspection Body accreditation processes in 2015 ............................................................................................ 72Tabel 17 Pemetaan SNI Berdasarkan SK Penetapan sampai 2015 ........................................................................................................... 74Table 17 SNIs Mapping By Establishment of their Decrees as of 2015 ....................................................................................................... 74Tabel 18 Kompilasi SNI Berdasarkan Sektor ICS sampai akhir 2015 ......................................................................................................... 75Table 18 SNI collection by sector of ICS as of 2015 .......................................................................................................................................... 75Tabel 19 SNI yang Telah Diberlakukan secara Wajib ..................................................................................................................................... 76Table 19 SNI that have been Enforced Mandatorily ..................................................................................................................................... 76Tabel 20 Koleksi referensi berdasarkan klasifikasi Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) .................................................................. 76Table 20 Reference collection by Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) classification ........................................................................... 76Tabel 21 Koleksi Digital Perpustakaan BSN ....................................................................................................................................................... 77Table 21 BSN Digital Library Collections ........................................................................................................................................................... 77Tabel 22 Statistik SNI Penetapan Tahun 2015 Berdasarkan Sektor ICS ................................................................................................... 79Table 22 Statistics of SNI establishments in 2015 by Sector of ICS ............................................................................................................. 79Tabel 23 Data 10 SNI Favorit 2015 yang Sering Dipesan Melalui ................................................................................... 80Table 23 10 Favorite SNI in 2015 which are frequently Ordered Through ....................................................................... 80Tabel 24 Data peningkatan jaringan simpul Instanet per Desember 2015 ........................................................................................... 81Table 24 Improvement of node networks of Instanet as of December 2015 ............................................................................................ 81Tabel 25 Instanet berdasarkan kategori Anggota per Desember 2015 .................................................................................................. 82Table 25 Instanet by Member category as of December 2015 .................................................................................................................... 82Tabel 26 Penyebaran SNI Corner ......................................................................................................................................................................... 82Tabel 26 Distribution of SNI Corner ................................................................................................................................................................... 82Tabel 27 Komposisi sasaran diseminasi informasi berdasarkan kriteria ............................................................................................... 85Table 27 Target Composition of information dissemination by criteria .................................................................................................... 85Tabel 28 Jenis Layanan Informasi ........................................................................................................................................................................ 89Table 28 Types of Information Services ............................................................................................................................................................. 89Tabel 29 Jenis Penelusuran Informasi Standadisasi ....................................................................................................................................... 90Table 29 Types of Standardization Information Search ................................................................................................................................ 90Tabel 30 Layanan inquiry berdasarkan kategori wilayah ............................................................................................................................ 91Table 30 Inquiry Services by region category ................................................................................................................................................... 91Tabel 31 Pengguna Layanan Informasi ............................................................................................................................................................. 92Table 31 Users of Information Services .............................................................................................................................................................. 92Tabel 32 Data Penjualan Dokumen Standar .................................................................................................................................................... 92Table 32 Standards Document Sales Data ....................................................................................................................................................... 92Tabel 33 Klasifikasi Peserta Pelatihan Standardisasi Tahun 2015 ............................................................................................................. 106Table 33 Classification of Standardization Training Participants in 2015 ............................................................................................... 106Tabel 34 Klasifikasi Peserta Pelatihan Standardisasi Periode 2011 – 2015 ............................................................................................ 106Table 34 Classification of Standardization Training Participants in 2011 – 2015 ................................................................................... 106


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Sistem Standardisasi di Indonesia dimulai dengan keluarnya Keputusan Presiden Nomor 7 tahun 1989 tentang pembentukan Dewan Standarisasi

Nasional (DSN) dengan tugas pokok mengoordinasikan, mensikronisasikan, membina kerjasama antar instansi teknis terkait kegiatan standardisasi dan metrologi, serta memberikan saran kebijakan nasional kepada Presiden terntang standardisasi dan standar nasional satuan ukuran. DSN melaksanakan fungsinya sampai 1997, dan digantikan oleh Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) yang dibentuk dengan Keputusan Presiden No. 13 Tahun 1997, dan kemudian disempurnakan dengan Keputusan Presiden No. 166 Tahun 2000 tentang Kedudukan, Tugas, Fungsi, Kewenangan, Susunan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen sebagaimana telah beberapa kali diubah dan yang terakhir dengan Keputusan Presiden No. 103 Tahun 2001.

T he Indonesian standardization system began with the Presidential Decree of 1989 number 7 on the establishment of the National Standardization Board

(DSN). The primary function of DSN is to coordinate, synchronize and encourage cooperation between standardization and metrological institutions, as well as to advise the President on matters concerning standardization and conformity assesment policies. DSN carried its mandate until 1997, and replaced with the National Standardization Agency (BSN). BSN was formed under Presidential Decree number 13 of 1997, and formalized with the Presidential Decree number 166 of 2000 on the Position, Tasks, Functions, Authorities, Organizational arrangements and work flow of Non-Departmental Institution after numerous revisions , with the latest being the Presidential Decree number 103 of 2001.

BSN is a non-ministerial government institute with a primary function to develop and sustain standardization activities in Indonesia. To cover its tasks, the Indonesian govenment published

Profil BSNAn Overview

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BSN merupakan Lembaga Pemerintah Non-Kementerian dengan tugas pokok mengembangkan dan membina kegiatan standardisasi di Indonesia. Untuk memayungi tugas BSN pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 102 Tahun 2000 tentang Standardisasi Nasional. PP ini menetapkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) yang digunakan sebagai standar teknis di Indonesia.

Sejak tahun 2014, BSN memiliki payung hukum baru yakni Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2014 tentang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian (UU-SPK) yang mengatur tentang standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian terhadap barang, jasa, sistem, proses dan personal yang beredar di NKRI. Pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi BSN di bidang akreditasi Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuaian (LPK) dilakukan oleh Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN). KAN mempunyai tugas menetapkan akreditasi dan memberikan pertimbangan serta saran kepada BSN dalam menetapkan sistem akreditasi dan sertifikasi.

Standardisasi menjadi instrumen bisnis yang sangat penting dalam perdagangan global. Oleh karena itu, instrumen ini harus dipahami dan dikuasai oleh seluruh pemangku kepentingan, baik pemerintah maupun swasta, khususnya kalangan industri agar mampu bersaing di era global. Era perdagangan bebas mensyaratkan adanya harmonisasi standar sehingga Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) harmonis dengan standar internasional. Kondisi ini akan memperlancar arus lalu lintas barang antar negara. Produk nasional ber-SNI diharapkan mampu bersaing melawan produk ber-SNI dari luar negeri yang masuk ke Indonesia.

Dukungan infrastruktur mutu yang terpercaya untuk memperlancar kegiatan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian terus menerus digalakkan. BSN berperan memadukan gerak langkah seluruh Kementerian/lembaga teknis lainnya dalam menyiapkan infrastruktur mutu yang diperlukan. Sejalan dengan perkembangan kemampuan nasional di bidang standardisasi dan dalam mengantisipasi globlalisasi,kegiatan standardisasi yang meliputi standar dan penilaian kesesuaian secara terpadu perlu dikembangkan secara berkelanjutan khususnya dalam memantapkan dan meningkatkan daya saing produk nasional, memperlancar arus perdagangan dan melindungi kepentingan umum. Untuk membina, mengembangkan serta mengkoordinasikan kegiatan standardisasi secara nasional menjadi tanggung jawab BSN.

Visi BSN 2015-2019Terwujudnya infrastruktur mutu nasional yang andal untuk

meningkatkan daya saing dan kualitas hidup bangsa.

Governmental Regulation (PP) number 102 in 2000 concerning national standardization. This PP established the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) to be used as technical standards in Indonesia.

Since 2014, BSN has a new legislative authority which is the Bill on Standardization and Comformity Assessment (SPK) that regulates standardization and correct measurements on goods, services, processes and workforce personnel in the Republic of Indonesia. In carrying out works in accrediting LPK , BSN will be represented by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). KAN’s duties are to establish accreditation and to give considerations as well as advice in establishing an accreditation and certificationn system.

Standardization is a crucial business instrument in the global market. Hence, this instrument needs to be comprehended and mastered by all stakeholders, be it the government or the private sector; especially the industrial sector whose mastery of these standards will determine its competitiveness in the globalization era. The free trade era stipulates the presence of a synchronized standard, which necessitates SNI to be in conjuction with the international standards. This situation will ease the flow of trade between countries. National products which bear the SNI designation are geared to be competitive against incoming foreign SNI designated goods.

There needs to be an increase in support from quality infrastructure to ease the standardization and conformity assesment. BSN’s role is to synchronize the works of all Ministries or other technical institutions in preparing the needed quality infrastructure. Along with the development of the national competence in standardization and in anticipation of globalization, programs concerning standards and evaluation in conjuction needs to be developed continuously. In particular, programs designed to enhance and increase the competitiveness of national product, to ease the trade flow and to protect the public’s interests. To sustain, develop and coordinate these programs on a national level is the responsibility of BSN.

BSN’s Vision 2015-2019Towards an exemplary national quality infrastructure to

increase the nation’s competitiveness and quality of life.

BSN’s mission1. to formulate, establish and maintain qualified and beneficial

Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for the stakeholders. 2. to develop and maintain systems of standard implementation,

evaluation and measurement that are exemplary and are able to support the implementations of national policies in Standardization of evaluation.

P r o f i l B S N A n O v e r v i e w

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

Misi BSN1. Merumuskan, menetapkan, dan memelihara Standar

Nasional Indonesia (SNI) yang berkualitas dan bermanfaat bagi pemangku kepentingan.

2. Mengembangkan dan mengelola Sistem Penerapan Standar, Penilaian Kesesuaian, dan Ketertelusuran Pengukuran yang andal untuk mendukung implementasi kebijakan nasional di bidang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian.

3. Mengembangkan budaya, kompetensi, dan sistem informasi di bidang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan efektivitas implementasi Sistem Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian

4. Merumuskan, mengkoordinasikan, dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan Kebijakan Nasional, Sistem dan Pedoman di bidang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian yang efektif untuk mendukung daya saing dan kualitas hidup bangsa.

Tata Nilai BSNDalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya BSN menganut

nilai-nilai sebagai berikut:

1. IntegritasKemampuan untuk mewujudkan hal yang telah

disanggupi karena Sumber Daya Manusia BSN menyadari bahwa kelangsungan hidup jangka panjang BSN ditentukan oleh kemampuan personelnya dalam mewujudkan apa saja yang mereka sanggupi bagi berbagai pemangku kepentingan.

2. KejujuranKemampuan untuk mengatakan sesuatu sebagaimana ad-

anya karena kejujuran merupakan fondasi dalam menjalankan bisnis di bidang penyediaan informasi (trustworthyhealing in-formation) pada era teknologi informasi ini.

3. KecepatanKemampuan untuk merespon dengan cepat setiap

perubahan karena kecepatan menjadi faktor penentu kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan institusi.

4. KeterbukaanKemampuan untuk menerima hal baru dan/atau yang

berbeda karena lingkungan kompetitif menuntut personel BSN untuk melakukan perbaikan berkelanjutan terhadap proses yang digunakan untuk menyediakan layanan bagi pelanggan. Keterbukaan atas hal yang baru merupakan prasyarat untukmelakukan perbaikan berkelanjutan.

3. to develop a culture of competence and systems information in standardization and evaluation as a means to increase effectivity in implementing the standardization and evaluation.

4. to formulate, coordinate and evaluate an effective implementation of national policy, systems and guidance in standardization and evalution to support the nation’s competitiveness and quality of life.

BSN’s valuesin conducting its duties and functions, BSN adheres to the

following values:

1. integrityThe ability to perform a commitment because BSN’s human

resources know that the long-term continuance of BSN is determined by its personnel’s ability to deliver upon their promises to various stakeholders.

2. honesty The ability to deliver the news as is because honesty is a

foundation is conducting information providing business in this information and technological era.

3. Swiftness The ability to swiftly respond to changes because swiftness is

the deciding factor in continuance and growth of this institution.

4. Open mindedness or acceptance The ability to accept new or different things because a

competitive work environment requires BSN personnels to do continuous improvements on the system used to service its customers. Open mindedness towards new things is a key to do continuous improvements.

5. Teamwork The ability to work together for a single purpose because each

BSN human resources realize that as a social creature we will be able to accomplish big projects through team work.

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BSN Logo explainedIn its operation, BSN uses a logo that can be interpreted as

follows: Blue color of BSN. Symbolized the color of the atmosphere

and the world’s ocean with standardization as the barometer of lige, economy, industry and trade. The color blue symbolized trustworthiness, conservatism, technological security, cleanliness and adherence to dependable standardization values. Technology also play a role in standardization to give a guarantee of security. BSN need to be able to develop SNI that are in concert with regional and international standards so that these standards will be widely accepted and can boost economic growth.

Green shield: the color green represents balance and friendship. BSN needs to be an impartial, independent and transparent party between the interests of industry and consumers. BSN is hoped to be the bridge that connects various stakeholders to a synchronized and mutually beneficial relationship. In addition, SNI is created to protect Indonesia’s industry, economy and trade, in such a way that both large scale as well as micro, small and mid-sized businesses can develop and compete in the global market. SNI is also geared to protect domestic goods from sub-standard foreign goods entering the market, in accordance to TBT-WTO agreement.

Red circle: when combined with the right hand part of the alphabet N, the alphabet I would form which represents Indonesia. When combined with S and N, the acronym SNI as the main product of BSN will be seen. The red color represents power/energi. This represents the need for BSN to be a strong representation of Indonesia’s interests, specificially in standardization in international forums.

As a whole, the BSN logo depicts a moving forward locomotive. BSN needs to be the driving force to pull industry, the economy and trade as compartments to compete in the global market and use SNI as a transactional barometer. BSN needs to be at the forefront of standardization in Indonesia.

Organizational structureIn brief, the organizational structure of BSN comprise

of the Head of BSN, Deputy Chairman of General Affairs, Chief Inspectorate, Deputy of Standardization Research and Collaboration, Deputy of Standard Implementation and Accrediation and Deputy of Information and Publication of Standardization.

Head of BSNThe head of BSN, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang prasetya, M.Sc, answers

directly to the President of the Republic of Indonesia. The main tasks of the Head of BSN are: 1) to lead BSN in accordance to the


5. TeamworkKemampuan untuk mencapai tujuan bersama melalui kerja

sama karena masing-masing SDM BSN menyadari sebagai makhluk sosial akan mampu mewujudkan karya-karya besar melalui kerja sama.

Arti Logo BSNDalam beroperasi BSN menggunakan logo yang memiliki

arti sebagai berikut:Warna Biru BSN: melambangkan warna atmosfer dan

samudera dunia dengan standardisasi sebagai barometer kehidupan, ekonomi, industri dan perdagangan. Warna Biru melambangkan Kepercayaan, Konservatif, Keamanan Teknologi, Kebersihan, Keteraturan yang sesuai dengan asas standardisasi dimana standar harus memiliki sifat dapat dipercaya. Unsur teknologi juga berperan dalam standardisasi sehingga mampu memberikan jaminan keamanan. BSN harus mampu mengembangkan SNI yang harmonis dengan standar regional dan internasional sehingga memiliki asas keberterimaan yang tinggi. Dengan demikian dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Perisai hijau: Warna hijau memiliki makna sebagai keseimbangan dan persahabatan. Keberadaan BSN harus bisa menjadi imparsial, independen dan transparan diantara kepentingan industri dan konsumen. BSN diharapkan menjadi jembatan penghubung diantara pemangku kepentingan sehingga terjalin hubungan yang harmonis dan saling menguntungkan. SNI diharapkan dapat melindungi industri, perekonomian dan perdagangan Indonesia sehingga industri skala besar maupun Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia dapat berkembang dan bersaing di pasar global dan melindungi produksi dalam negeri dari ancaman produk sub standar dari luar negeri sesuai dengan perjanjian TBT-WTO.

Titik merah: Bila dipadukan dengan bagian kaki kanan huruf ”N” mempunyai arti huruf ”i”, yang berarti Indonesia. Bila huruf ”S” dan ”N” serta biang merah dipadukan mempunyai akronim ”SNI”, sebagai produk BSN. Warna merah memiliki arti kekuatan/energi sehingga diharapkan BSN bisa menjadi wakil Indonesia yang memiliki kekuatan dan energi kuat untuk untuk melindungi kepentingan Indonesia khususnya di bidang standardisasi di forum internasional.

Secara keseluruhan logo BSN menggambarkan objek lokomotif yang bergerak maju. BSN diharapkan menjadi lokomotif penggerak untuk menarik industri, perekonomian dan perdagangan sebagai gerbong untuk bersaing di pasar global dan menjadikan SNI sebagai barometer transaksi

Perdagangan di Indonesia dan internasional. BSN menjadi yang terdepan dalam bidang standardisasi di Indonesia.

P r o f i l B S N A n O v e r v i e w

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

Struktur OrganisasiSecara ringkas organisasi Badan Standarisasi Nasional

tediri atas Kepala, Sekretariat Utama, Inspektorat, Deputi Bidang Penelitian dan Kerja sama Standardisasi, Deputi Bidang Penerapan Standar dan Akreditasi serta Deputi Bidang Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan Standarisasi.

Kepala BSNKepala BSN, Prof. DR. Ir. Bambang Prasetya. Msc, berada

di bawah dan bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Presiden Republik Indonesia. Tugas Kepala BSN adalah: (1) memimpin BSN sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, ( 2) menyiapkan kebijakan nasional dan kebijakan umum sesuai dengan tugas BSN, (3) menetapkan kebijakan teknis pelaksanaan tugas BSN yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya, ( 4) membina dan melaksanakan kerja sama dengan instansi dan organisasi lain.

Sekretaris UtamaSekretaris Utama, Dr. Ir Puji Winarni, MA, mempunyai tugas

mengkoordinasikan perencanaan, pembinaan, pengendalian administrasi, dan sumber daya di lingkungan BSN.

Kepala InspektoratKepala Inspektorat, Ir Nasrudin Irawan, M. Env. Stud,

mempunyai tugas melaksanakan pengawasan fungsional terhadap pelaksanaan tugas di lingkungan BSN.

Deputi Bidang Penerapan Standar dan Akreditasi Deputi Bidang Penerapan Standar dan Akreditasi, Drs.

Kukuh,S Ahmad, Msc, Drs. Suprapto, MPS mempunyai tugas melaksanakan perumusankebijakan di bidang penerapan standar dan akreditasi.

Deputi Bidang Penelitian dan Kerjasama StandardisasiDeputi Bidang Penelitian dan Kerjasama Standardisasi,

Drs.Kukuh S. Ahmad, M.Sc, mempunyai tugas melaksanakan perumusan kebijakan di bidang perumusan standar, penelitian dan pengembangan serta kerjasama di bidang standardisasi.

Deputi Bidang Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiDeputi Bidang Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan

Standardisasi,Dra. Dewi Odjar, MM, mempunyai tugas melaksanakan perumusan kebijakan di bidang informasi dan dokumentasi serta pendidikan dan pemasyarakatan standardisasi.

existing legislations, 2) to draft national policies in accordance to BSN’s jurisdictions, 3) to establish technical guidelines regarding BSN’s role that which becomes his/her responsibilities, 4) to oversee and perform collaborations with other institutions and organizaions.

Deputy Chairman of General Affairs The Deputy Chairman of General Affairs, Dr. Ir Puji Winarni,

MA, has a main function to coordinate planning, oversight and administrative handling of resources with the BSN community.

Chief InspectorateChief Inspectorate Ir Nasrudin Irawan, M. Env. Stud has a task

to perform functional oversight on day-to-day work activities in the BSN community.

Deputy of Standardization and Accreditation Implementation The Deputy of Standardization and Accreditation

Implementation, Drs. Suprapto, MPS, has a task to formulate policies in standardization and accreditation implementation.

Deputy of Standardization Research and CollaborationThe Deputy of Standardization Research and Collaboration,

Drs.Kukuh S. Ahmad, M.Sc, has a task to implement regulations in standard formulation, research and development as well as perform collaborations in standardizations.

Deputy of Information and Publication of Standards The Deputy of Information and Publication of Standards, Dra.

Dewi Odjar, MM, has a task to implement regulations in standards information and documentations as well as perform educational and socialization of standards.

Organizational Performance GovernancePerformance Accountability of Governmental Institution

(AKIP) is a form of accountability on the performance of tasks and function entrusted on the governmental institutions as a state budget user. An important aspect in writing these reports is elaborating the performance measurement indeks. AKIP evaluation is needed: 1. To increase accountability on the use of grants as a way to

facilitate an outcome-oriented government. 2. To give suggestions on improvements or recommendations to

increase performance and strengthen accountability among governmental institutions.

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Kepala BSN/Chairman of BSNProf. DR. Ir. Bambang Prasetyo, M.Sc

Sekretaris UtamaDeputy Chairman of General AffairsDr. Ir. Pudji Winarni, MA

Kepala InspektoratHead of InspectorateIr. Nasruddin Irawan, M.Env. Stud

Kepala Biro Perencanaan, Keuangan, dan Tata KelolaHead of Bureau for Planning, Finance, and AdministrationM. Beni N, SE, MM

Deputi Bidang Penerapan Standar dan AkreditasiDeputy for Standard Implementation and Accreditation Drs. Suprapto, MPS

Kepala Biro Hukum, Organisasi, dan Humas/Head of Bureau forLegal, Organization, and Public RelationsIr. Budi Rahardjo, MM

Deputi Bidang Penelitian dan Kerja Sama StandardisasiDeputy for Research and Cooperation on StandardizationDrs. Kukuh, SA, M.Sc

Kepala Pusat Kerjasama StandardisasiHead of Center for Cooperation on StandardizationIr. Erningsih

Deputi Bidang Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiDeputy for Information and Socialization of StandardizationDra. Dewi Odjar, MM

Kepala Pusat Informasi dan Dokumentasi Standardisasi/ Head of Center for Information and Documentation of StandardizationIr. Abdul Rahman Saleh, M.Sc

Kepala Pusat Pendidikan dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiHead of Center for Education and Socialization of StandardizationDra. Mitrawinda Tunus

Kepala Pusat Sistem Penerapan Standar/Head of Center for Standard Implementation SystemDr. Zakiyah, MM

Kepala Pusat Akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi/Head of Center for Accreditation of Certification InstitutionKonny Sagala, S. Si

Kepala Pusat akreditasi Laboratorium dan Lembaga InspeksiHead of Center for Laboratory and Inspection InstitutionDrs. Dede Erawan, M.Sc

Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan StandardisasiHead of Center for Research and Development on StandardizationIr. Juliantino, MM

Kepala Pusat Perumusan StandarHead of Center for Standard FormulationIr. I. Nyoman Supriyatna, M.Sc

Gambar 1. Struktur Organisasi BSNPicture 1. Organization Structure of BSN

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

Pengelolaan Kinerja OrganisasiAkuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi PemerintahAkuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (AKIP) merupakan

bentuk pertanggungjawaban atas kinerja pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi yang dipercayakan kepada instansi pemerintah atas penggunaan anggaran. Yang penting dalam menyusun laporan kinerja adalah pengungkapan atas pengukuran kinerja. Evaluasi AKIP diperlukan untuk:1. Menilai tingkat akuntabilitas atas hasil penggunaan

anggaran demi terwujudnya pemerintahan yang berorientasi hasil

2. Memberikan saran perbaikan atau rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan penguatan akuntabilitas instansi pemerintah.

Evaluasi tersebut dilaksanakan atas lima komponen manajemen kinerja seperti terlihat pada Tabel 1.

Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi dari Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi, BSN memperoleh skor 64,20 dengan predikat B (Baik), meningkat dari nilai tahun sebelumnya yaitu 63,81 dengan predikat CC (Cukup Baik). Penilaian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan anggaran di BSN sudah efektif dan efisien. Nilai evaluasi AKIP BSN selalu meningkat dari 2009 hingga 2015.

Laporan Keuangan BSNBerdasarkan Surat Bersama Menteri Perencanaan

Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala BAPPENAS dan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 0091/M.PPN/03/2014 dan S-179/MK.02/2014, BSN mendapatkan total pagu anggaran sebesar Rp. 113.737.800.000. Setelah beberapa kali

The aforementioned evaluations are based on five components as can be seen in Table 1

Tabel 1. Evaluasi atas lima komponen kinerja BSNTable 1. Evaluation on five components of BSN performance

Based on the evaluation of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, BSN obtained a score of 64.20 with a designation of B (good), which increased from the previous year’s score of 63.81 with a designantion of CC (adequate). These evaluations show that BSN has utilized its budgets effectively and efficiently. As a side note, BSN’s AKIP score keeps increasing from 2009-2015.

Gambar 3. Penghargaan Akuntabilitas Kinerja BSN Tahun 2015Picture 3. BSN Accountability Performance Award 2015

BSN’s Monetary Report Based on a joint letter issued by the State Ministry of

Development Plannning and the Ministry of Finance number 0091/M.PPN/03/2014 dan S-179/MK.02/2014, BSN receives a total budget of IDR 113.737.800.000. after a few changes, the 2015 budget allocation for BSN becomes IDR 164.811.970.000. The

No Komponen yang DinilaiComponents to be evaluated

Nilai Tahun 2014Score of 2014

Nilai Tahun 2015Score of 2015

1 Perencanaan KinerjaPerformance Planning

24,18 19,92

2 Pengukuran KinerjaPerformance Measurement

11,25 15,80

3 Pelaporan KinerjaPerformance Report

9,78 10,28

4 Evaluasi InternalInternal Evaluation

6,26 5,85

5 Capaian KinerjaPerformance Achievement

13,34 12,35

NilaiEvaluasiEvaluation Score

63,81 64,20








Hasil evaluasi LAKIP BSNEvaluation Result of BSN Performance Report


Gambar 2. Perkembangan Hasil Evaluasi AKIP BSN Tahun 2009 – 2015

Picture 2. The development of BSN AKIP Evaluation Results during 2009 - 2015

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< S167















S3 3 - 3

S2 5 8 13

S1 -

Total 8 8 16



I -

II -


IV -


I 5

II 56

III 292

IV 47

Total 400


ES Jml

I 4

II 11

III 25

IV 49

Total 89



Ka BSN 1 1

Sestama 1 1

Deputi PKS 1 1

Deputi PSA

Deputi IPS 1 1

Biro HOH 16 16 32

Biro PKT 40 31 71

PPS 24 23 47

PKS 14 10 24

Puslitbang 17 8 25

PSPS 15 17 32

PALS 17 14 31

PALLI 19 30 49

Pusido 25 16 41

Pusdikmas 15 17 32

Inspektorat 6 6 12

Total 210 190 400

Tabel 2. Profil SDM BSN

per 31 Desember 2015

Table 2. Profiles of BSN

Human Resources as of Dec. 31, 2015

P r o f i l B S N A n O v e r v i e w

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allocated budget is used to create the following programs: 1. National Standardization Development Program, with fund

allocation of IDR 74.213.542.0002. Management Support and Technical Implementation

Programs, with fund allocation of IDR 66.098.428.0003. BSN Facility and Civil Servant Improvement Programs with

fund allocation of IDR 24.500.000.000

BSN obtained a designation of “Normal, Without Exception (WTP)” for the seventh time in 2015 from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

Regulation Reinforcement and Socialization Activities

Law Number 20 of 2014 on Standardization and Conformity Assessment (SPK) was ratified by the House of Representative. The SPK law is crucial in coordinating, synchronizing and harmonizing standardization activities and conformity assessment in Indonesia. These activities are aimed to: increase guaranteed quality, production efficiency, national competitiveness, healthy and transparent competition in trade, business guarantee, as well as innovative technology; increase protection for consumer, business player, work force and other communities as well as the country in safety, security, health and environmental protection; increase certainty, transactional ease and efficiency in goods or service trades, domestically or internationally. Furthermore, as a result of the ratification of Law number 20 of 2014 on SPK, BSN is mandated to draft various regulations, be it governmental regulation, presidential decree, or the Head of BSN’s decree. In addition, BSN is required to broadcast these laws to every stakeholder through the media, which can include electronic, social or other form of announcement.


Laporan Tahunan 2015

mengalami perubahan, anggaran BSN Tahun 2015 menjadi Rp.164.811.970.000. Penggunaan anggaran tersebut untuk melaksanakan tiga Program dengan alokasi sebagai berikut:(1) Program Pengembangan Standardisasi Nasional sebesar

Rp. 74.213.542.000.(2) Program Dukungan Manajemen dan Pelaksanaan Tugas

Teknis Lainnya BSN sebesar Rp. 66.098.428.000.(3) Program Peningkatan Sarana dan Prasarana Aparatur BSN

sebesar Rp.24.500.000.000

BSN mendapatkan predikat/ opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) yang ke 7 kalinya di tahun 2015 dari Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK)

Kegiatan Penguatan Regulasi dan Sosialisasi Undang-Undang

Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2014 tentang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian (SPK) telah disahkan oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat di tahun 2014. Undang-Undang SPK sangat penting untuk mewujudkan koordinasi, sinkronisasi, dan harmonisasi kegiatan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian di Indonsia. Kegiatan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian bertujuan: meningkatkan jaminan mutu, efisiensi produksi, daya saing nasional, persaingan usaha yang sehat dan transparan dalam perdagangan, kepastian usaha, serta kemampuan inovasi teknologi; meningkatkan perlindungan kepada konsumen,pelaku usaha, tenaga kerja, dan masyarakat lainnya serta negara dalam aspek keselamatan, keamanan, kesehatan, maupun pelestarian lingkungan hidup; meningkatkan kepastian, kelancaran, dan efisiensi transaksi perdagangan barang dan/atau jasa di dalam negeri dan luar luar negeri.

Program Dukungan Manajemen dan Pelaksanaan

Tugas Teknis Lainnya BSNProgam of BSN Management Support and Implementation

of Other Technical Duties




Program Peningkatan Sarana dan Prasarana

Aparatur BSNProgram of Increasing facilities

and infrastructure for BSN apparatuses

Program Pengembangan Standardisasi Nasional

Program of National standardization Development


Gambar 5. Realisasi Anggaran BSN Tahun 2015 Berdasarkan Program

Picture 5. BSN Realization Budget in 2015 By ProgramGambar 4. Perbandingan Pagu dan Realisasi Anggaran BSN 2010-2015 (dalam 000)

Picture 4. Comparison of BSN Realization and Ceiling Budget 2010-2015 (in 000)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Pagu/ Ceiling 102.776.000 74.958.359 72.276.396 89.046.226 93.465.926 157.450.708

Realisasi/ Actual 121.597.300 84.357.402 74.257.430 98.547.152 95.993.692 164.811.970

% 84,52% 88,86% 97,33% 90,36% 97,37% 95,97%

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P r o f i l B S N A n O v e r v i e w


Sebagai tindak lanjut dari pengesahan Undang-Undang nomor 20 tahun 2014 tentang SPK tersebut, BSN berkewajiban untuk menyusun berbagai peraturan turunan, baik yang berupa Peraturan Pemerintah, Peraturan Presiden, atau Keputusan Kepala BSN. Selain itu, menjadi kewajiban BSN untuk menyebarluaskan Undang-Undang SPK ke seluruh stakeholder yang terkait melalui berbagai media, baik secara langsung maupun memanfaatkan media elektronik, sosial, dan media lainnya.

1) Penyusunan dan Penyiapan Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah di bidang SPK

Undang-Undang SPK Nomor 20 tahun 2014 mengamanatkan disusunya peraturan turunan, baik yang berupa Peraturan Pemerintah, Peraturan Presiden maupun Keputusan Kepala BSN. Terdapat 11 (sebelas) Peraturan Pemerintah, 2 (dua) Peraturan Presiden terkait dengan Kelembagaan BSN dan KAN, serta 6 (enam) Keputusan Kepala BSN.

Tahun 2015 BSN telah menyusun rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah yang diperlukan. Melalui berbagai pertemuan, konsolidasi antar K/L serta untuk penyederhanaanya,

1) Drafting and Preparation of Governmental Regulation in SPK

Law number 20 of 2014 on Standardization and Conformity Assessment (SPK) mandated the presence of a derivative regulation, in the form of governmental regulation, presidential regulation or Head of BSN’s decree. There are eleven governmental regulations, two presidential regulatios concerning BSN and KAN’s status as an institution and six Head of BSN decree.

In 2015, BSN has drafted the necessary governmental regulation. Through various meetings and consolidation between K/L for simplification, we reached an agreement to only create one governmental regulation in Standardization and Conformity assesment. Meanwhile, other activities, such as the institutional statuses of BSN and KAN and the Head of BSN decree are still ongoing.

2) Socializing SPK Law of 2014 In 2015, BSN promoted the SPK law in 8 cities, such as

Medan, Surabaya, Pontianak, Banyuwangi, Padang, Palembang, Sukabumi and Jakarta. The SPK law was socialized in these cities based on the consideration that these cities have prolific business activities and contribute greatly to the national economy. The

Gambar 6. Sosialisasi Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2014 tentang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian di Palembang, Padang, Medan dan Banyuwangi.Picture 6. Sosialization of Law No. 20 of 2014 on Standardization and Conformity Assessment in Palembang, Padang, Medan and Banyuwangi.

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

disepakati hanya akan dibuat 1 (satu) Peraturan Pemerintah bidang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian yang telah dapat diselesaikan draft Rancangan PP tersebut pada tahun 2015. Sedangkan kegiatan lainnya (Kelembagaan BSN dan KAN), serta Keputusan Kepala BSN terus dilakukan penyusunannya.

2) Sosialisasi Undang-Undang SPK Nomor 20 tahun 2014Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) pada tahun 2015

mengadakan sosialisasi Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2014 tentang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian ( SPK) di 8 kota/kabupaten, yakni Medan, Surabaya, Pontianak, Banyuwangi, Padang, Palembang, Sukabumi, dan Jakarta. Prioritas kegiatan sosialisasi dilaksanakan di delapan kota tersebut dengan pertimbangan bahwa kota-kota tersebut merupakan kota-kota besar dan sedang dengan konsentrasi kegiatan industri yang cukup besar dan berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian nasional. Peserta yang hadir dalam sosialisasi ini terdiri dari pemerintah daerah, pelaku usaha, lembaga penilaian kesesuaian, akademisi dan aparat penegak hukum. Tujuan sosialisasi adalah menciptakan pemahaman masyarakat dan memudahkan penerapan undang-undang tersebut oleh para pemangku kepentingan. Dalam berbagai kesempatan tanya jawab dengan para pemangku kepentingan yang hadir pada kegiatan sosialisasi menyatakan bahwa kegiatan ini sangat penting tetapi belum mendapatkan perhatian yang cukup serius, baik dari pelaku usaha, masyarakat, maupun pemerintah di daerah.

Program Pengawasan Internal1. Sosialisasi Peraturan Kepala BSN dan Surat Edaran

Menpan dan RBDalam rangka pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi, BSN

menyelenggarakan Sosialisasi 4 (empat) Peraturan Kepala BSN dan Surat Edaran Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi pada 12 Juni 2015 di Auditorium Gedung II BPPT. Peraturan tersebut adalah: (1) Perka BSN Nomor 4 Tahun 2014 tentang Sistem Pengendalian Gratifikasi, (2) Perka BSN No. 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran, (3) Perka BSN No. 1 Tahun 2015 tentang Pedoman Penanganan Benturan Kepentingan, serta (4) Perka BSN No. 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Pedoman Penanganan Pengaduan Masyarakat. Sedang Surat Edaran Menteri PAN dan RB No. 1 Tahun 2015 tentang Laporan Harta Kekayaan Aparatur Sipil Negara (LHKASN).

attendees consisted of local government, business owners, conformity assessment institutes, academics and law enforcement officials. This event is geared to educate the community and to ease the law’s implementations by stakeholders. During the Question &Answer session many stakeholders present expressed the importance of these events, despite the lack of awareness from the community, business owners or the local government.

Internal Affairs Monitoring1. Socializing the Head of BSN’s regulations and memo from

the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform. In its efforts to perform bureaucratic reform, BSN published

four Head of BSN regulations and one memo from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform on June 12th, 2015 at the Auditorium of BPPT’s second building. These regulations are: 1) Perka BSN number 4 of 2014 on Gratification Control System, 2) Head of BSN’s regulation (Perka) BSN number 5 of 2014 on the Guidance to Report Regulation Infractions, 3) Perka BSN number 1 of 2015 on the Guidance to Handle Conflicts of Interests, 4) Perka BSN number 2 of 2015 on the Guidance to Handle Costumer Complaints. On the other hand, the memo from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform no. 1 of 2015 concerns the Reporting of Assets owned by civil servants (LHKASN).

a. Gratification Gratification is a broad concept of gifting. Gratification can

be giving money, merchandise, discounts, commission, interest-free loans, airplane tickets, hotel accommodations, trips, free therapy and other facilities both domestic and international and can include those facilitated through electronic means. Not all gratification can be categorized as a bribe. In this regulation, if an employee accepted something that may or may not be considered as a bribe, then he/she still has to report it. There is a certain mechanism to report this to the Inspectorate. Gratification report of something classified as a bribe will be communicated by the Deputy Chairman of General Affairs to the KPK.

Gambar 7. Kegiatan FGD FILI, 10 November 2015 di JCC.Picture 7. Activity of FGD FILI, on November 10, 2015 at the

Jakarta Convention Cente.

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a. GratifikasiGratifikasi adalah pemberian dalam arti luas. Gratifikasi

bisa dapat berupa pemberian uang, barang, diskon, komisi, pinjaman tanpa bunga, tiket perjalanan, fasilitas penginapan, perjalanan wisata, pengobatan cuma-cuma, dan fasilitas lain, baik yang diterima di dalam maupun luar negeri dan dilakukan dengan atau tanpa menggunakan sarana elektronik. Tidak semua gratifikasi bisa dikategorikan sebagai suap. Dalam peraturan ini, jika seseorang menerima sesuatu yang dianggap suap atau bukan, pegawai harus tetap melaporkan. Terdapat Ada mekanisme pelaporan penerimaan gratifikasi kepada Inspektorat. Laporan gratifikasi dengan kategori suap akan disampaikan Sekretaris Utama kepada KPK.

b. Whistle Blowing System (WBS)Perka BSN No. 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan

Sistem Pelaporan menyebutkan pelaporan pelanggaran adalah mekanisme penyampaian pelaporan dugaan tindak pidana korupsi yang telah terjadi atau diduga akan terjadi. Pelapor adalah Pegawai BSN atau pihak terkait lainnya. Pegawai BSN ialah PNS, CPNS, PTTP, tenaga lainnya termasuk rekanan di lingkungan BSN. Laporan dapat disampaikan secara langsung melalui surat, telepon, kotak pengaduan, surat elektronik dan/ atau faksimile.

Laporan diterima dan ditindaklanjuti oleh Tim Penerima Pelaporan Pelanggaran (TPPP) yang terdiri atas Penanggung Jawab (Kepala BSN), Ketua (Kepala Inspektorat), Anggota (Kepala Biro Hukum, Organisasi, Humas dan Kepala Biro Perencanaan, Keuangan, Tata Usaha) serta Sekretariat (Inspektorat). Setelah laporan dikaji, TPPP memberikan rekomendasi berupa penjatuhan hukuman disiplin, pengembalian kerugian negara dan/atau penyampaian ke aparat penegak hukum jika ada indikasi tindak pidana.

b. Whistle Blowing System (WBS).Perka number 5 of 2014 on the Guidance to Conduct

Report Regulation Infractions stated that infraction reports are systematic complaint lodging on the grounds of suspicion of corruption felony that has occurred or thought to be occurring. The complainant is a BSN employee or other concerned party. Parties who are considered as BSN employees are civil servants (PNS), civil servants-in training (CPNS), PTTP or other workers in the BSN community. The report can be submitted directly via letter, phone call, customer service, e-mail and or facimile. The received reports will be further proessed by the Infraction Report Committee (TPPP) which consist of the Head of BSN as the person-in-charge, the Inspectorate as the Head of committee and the members (Head of Legal, organization, public relations bureau and Head of Planning, monetary and administration bureau) as well as the secretariat. After the report has been analyzed, the TPPP will give several recommendations which can include sanctions, reimbursement of national wealth and/or reporting the guilty party to law enforcement officials if there are indications of felony.

c. Conflicts of Interests Perka BSN number 1 of 2015 on the guidance to handle

conflicts of interests stated that conflicts of interests are defined as a situation that are suspected to have, or does have influence of the interests of self/ faction/other parties on the quality of a decision and/or the work conducts of a BSN employee. A few conflict of interest situations are as follows: when a BSN employee receives gratification or accept a present because his/her decision; when a BSN employee uses his/her placement in the office for the good of his/her own self/faction; when a BSN employee uses confidential information for their own/group’s gain or giving special access to certain parties without following the existing procedure.

d. Consumer Complaints Consumer complaints are a form of community monitoring

which comes from the community to the appropriate government agency. Complaints can be in the form of suggestions, critique or complaints. Other than accepting suggestions from within the organization, BSN also accept grievances from the community. Through Perka BSN number 2 of 2015 on the guidance to handle community grievances, all reports originating from the community needs to be followed up on. This include abuse of power, public service, functionary, regulations and code of conducts.

P r o f i l B S N A n O v e r v i e w

Gambar 8. Sosialisasi Peraturan Kepala BSN dan Surat Edaran Menteri PAN-RB di Auditorium BPPT, Juni 2015

Picture 8. Socializing The Chairman of BSN Regulations and Circular Letter of the Minister of PAN-RB in BPPT Auditorium,

June 2015

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

e. Civil Servant Asset Reports (LHKASN)Memo from the ministry of administrative and bureaucratic

reform on the civil servants asset reports exist as a means to prevent corruption, collusion and nepotism as well as abuse of power. Even though the requirement to fill out the LHKASN is a gradual process, BSN mandates all of its employee to fill out the form in 2015.

2. Independent Assessment of Bureaucratic Reform Implementation (PMPRB)Independent assessment of bureaucratic reform (PMPRB)

is a progress evaluation instrument on the implementation of bureaucratic reform that is operated independently by BSN. PMPRB includes evaluation on the results achieved by the institution. The result of these independent evaluations are communicated directly to the Ministry of Bureaucratic reform to obtain direct evaluation in the field. BSN’s Bureaucratic Reform evaluation score in 2015 is 68.29, an increase of 18.29 points from the previous year. This shows that there is an increase in bureaucratic reformation in the BSN community.

3. LPNK-Ristek Inspectorate Forum (FILI) In this era of bureaucratic reform, public service needs

to be good, transparent and accountable. Conducting state functions also need to be clean, free of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) as well as implements an orderly governmental administration. To exchange ideas on monitoring non-ministerial institution Ristek Dikti, the BSN inspectorate organized a focus group discussion forum for the Inspectorate of non ministerial institution ristek dikti (FGD FILI) at the JCC. Present at the event are Head Inspectorates and Auditors from LPNK and the Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education.

c. Benturan KepentinganPerka BSN Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 tentang Pedoman

Penanganan Benturan Kepentingan menyebutkan benturan kepentingan didefinisikan sebagai situasi yang memiliki atau patut diduga memiliki pengaruh kepentingan pribadi/ golongan/pihak lain terhadap kualitas keputusan dan/atau tindakan pegawai BSN sesuai dengan kewenangannya. Beberapa diantaranya ialah situasi yang menyebabkan Pegawai BSN menerima gratifikasi atau pemberian/penerimaan hadiah atas suatu keputusan/jabatannya, menggunakan jabatan untuk kepentingan pribadi/golongan, menggunakan informasi rahasia untuk kepentingan pribadi/golongan atau memberikan akses khusus kepada pihak tertentu tanpa mengikuti prosedur yang seharusnya.

d. Pengaduan MasyarakatPengaduan masyarakat merupakan bentuk penerapan dari

pengawasan masyarakat yang disampaikan oleh masyarakat kepada Aparatur Pemerintah terkait. Pengaduan dapat berupa sumbangan pikiran, suara, gagasan atau keluhan/pengaduan. Selain mewadahi pengaduan dari dalam internal organisasi, BSN juga menerima pengaduan dari masyarakat. Melalui Perka BSN Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Pedoman Penanganan Pengaduan Masyarakat, seluruh laporan yang bersumber dari masyarakat akan ditindaklanjuti. Ini meliputi penyalahgunaan wewenang, pelayanan publik, kepegawaian, tata laksana dan regulasi.

e. Laporan Harta Kekayaan Aparatur Sipil Negara (LHKASN)Surat Edaran Menteri PAN RB No. 1 Tahun 2015 tentang

Laporan Harta Kekayaan Aparatur Sipil Negara lahir sebagai upaya untuk mencegah korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme serta penyalahgunaan wewenang. Meskipun kewajiban pengisian LHKASN dilaksanakan secara bertahap namun BSN mengambil kebijakan seluruh pegawai termasuk CPNS wajib mengisi LHKASN pada 2015.

2. Penilaian Mandiri Pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi(PMPRB)Penilaian Mandiri Pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi (PMPRB)

merupakan instrumen penilaian kemajuan pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi yang dilakukan secara mandiri oleh BSN. PMPRB mencakup penilaian terhadap komponen pengungkit dan hasil. Hasil penilaian mandiri tersebut disampaikan langsung kepada Kementerian PAN dan RB untuk mendapatkan penilaian secara langsung di lapangan. Nilai indeks pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi BSN di tahun 2015 sebesar 68.29, meningkat 18.29 poin. Indeks tersebut

Gambar 9. Seminar Hari Anti Korupsi di Auditorium BPPT, 8 Desember 2015

Picture 9. Seminar on Anti-Corruption Day in Auditorium BPPT, December 8, 2015

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P r o f i l B S N A n O v e r v i e w

4. Anti Corruption Seminar BSN conducted an anti corruption seminar with the

theme “The Role of Mental Revolution to prevent the spread of corruption and to increase public service” at the BPPT Auditorium in Jakarta December 12th 2015. The seminar was opened by the Head of BSN, Bambang Prasetya, with keynote speaker the Head for the Center of Monetary Transaction Report and Analysis (PPATK) Muhammad Yusuf. Along side the keynote speaker also present was the Former Secretary for the Minister of Research and Technology, Mulyanto as motivator, Assistant deputy in Regulation Coordination, Arrangement and Public Service Program Evaluation, Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform’s Deputy of Public Service R Dwiyoga Prabowo Soediarto. Also present was anti-corruption comedian Sumarwata.

5. Risk AnalysisAs mandated in PP number 60 of 2008 on Governmental Intern

control system (SPIP) and conduct Follow-up of 2011, BSN has conducted SPIP on all task forces including the documentation of risk analysis and SPIP conduct control plans. n

menunjukkan adanya perbaikan pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi di lingkungan BSN.

3. Forum Inspektorat LPNK Ristek (FILI)Di era reformasi birokrasi, pelayanan publik harus

baik,transparan dan akuntabel. Penyelenggaraan negara juga harus bersih, bebas dari Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme (KKN) serta menerapkan administrasi pemerintahan yang tertib dan teratur. Untuk bertukar pikiran tentang pengawasan di Lembaga Pemerintah Non Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (LPNK Ristek Dikti), Inspektorat Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) menyelenggarakan Focus Group Discussion Forum Inspektorat LPNK Ristek Dikti (FGD FILI) Selasa (10/11/2015), di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) yang dihadiri oleh Pimpinan Inspektorat dan Auditor di LPNK dan Kementerian Ristek dan Dikti.

4. Seminar Anti KorupsiBSN menyelenggarakan Seminar Anti Korupsi dengan

tema “Peran Revolusi Mental dan Pencegahan Korupsi dalam Meningkatkan Layanan Publik” di Auditorium BPPT Jakarta, Selasa (08/12/2015). Seminar dibuka Kepala BSN Bambang Prasetya dengan narasumber Kepala Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisa Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) Muhammad Yusuf; Motivator, Sekretaris Menteri Ristek Periode 2010-2013 Mulyanto, Asisten Deputi Koordinasi Kebijakan, Penyusunan dan Evaluasi Program Pelayanan Publik, Deputi Bidang Pelayanan Publik, Kementerian Pendayagunaan AparaturNegara dan Reformasi Birokrasi R. Dwiyoga Prabowo Soediarto serta komedian anti korupsi Sumarwata.

5. Analisis risikoSebagaimana diamanatkan PP Nomor 60 Tahun 2008

tentang Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah (SPIP) dan Tindak Lanjut Pelaksanaan Tahun 2011, telah dilakukan kegiatan SPIP di seluruh unit kerja di BSN diantaranya Penyusunan Dokumen Analisis Risiko dan Rencana Tindak Pengendalian SPIP. n

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2014 tentang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian mengamanatkan BSN untuk secara mandiri maupun

bersama instansi terkait meneliti dan Mengembangkan standar. Arah dan kebijakan penelitian di bidang standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian tahun 2015-2019 difokuskan pada program dan kegiatan penelitian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemangku kepentingan, yakni peran dan manfaat ekonomi standar bagi pelaku usaha, kajian atas pemberlakuan SNI wajib, kajian SNI pada produk prioritas ASEAN, kesiapan infrastruktur mutu nasional dalam mendukung penerapan SPK yang berintegritas, serta dukungan bagi pengembangan SNI yang memiliki ciri khusus (national differences) Indonesia.

Pada 2015 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Standardisasi (Puslitbang) meneliti antara lain:

1. Dampak Pemberlakuan SNI Kelompok Mainan Anak Secara Wajib.

Law number 20 of 2014 on Standardization and Conformity Assessment mandated BSN to independently or in cooperation with another institution to research and

develop standard. The directionality and research policies in standard and conformity assessment in 2015-2019 are focused on programs and researches that are in line with the needs of the stake holders: the role and benefits of the standard economy for business owners, studies on the implementation of mandatory SNI, studies on the implementation of SNI on ASEAN’s priority products, the national quality infrastructure preparedness in supporting the application of integrity SPK and support for the development of SNI with a distinction of Indonesian national differences.

In 2015, the center for standardization research and development conducted studies, such as:

1. The Effect of Mandatory SNI Implementation on Children’s Toys.

Pengembangan Standar Standard Development

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Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dampak pemberlakuan SNI mainan anak secara wajib terhadap produsen, importir, distributor, LSPro dan Laboratorium Pengujian. Penelitian menggunakan sejumlah parameter seperti perubahan investasi, ekspansi pasar, harga jual produk, jumlah pemasok, harga bahan baku, biaya produksi, volume penjualan, pangsa pasar, jumlah pengaduan, permintaan sertifikasi/pengujian, lama waktu sertifikasi, biaya sertifikasi, perbedaan hasil uji, ketidakjelasan

mengenai kelompok Harmonized System (HS) mainan. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberlakuan SNI mainan anak secara wajib telah mengakibatkan tingginya harga jual produk akibat biaya sertifikasi dan penurunan volume penjualan. Peningkatan harga jual juga terjadi karena pelemahan nilai rupiah terhadap dollar. Pemberlakuan SNI mainan anak secara wajib berdampak pada kecenderungan peningkatan jumlah modal akibat penambahan biaya sertifikasi dan perubahan bahan baku.

2. Manfaat Ekonomi Penerapan SNI pada Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM)

Salah satu pilar perekonomian suatu bangsa adalah Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM). Peran strategis UKM adalah penyerapan tenaga kerja dan pendistribusian hasil hasil pembangunan. Karena itu peran UKM harus terus dikembangkan melalui peningkatan daya saing produk dengan penerapan standar. Kajian International Organization for Standardization (ISO) terhadap Sepuluh UKM dari sepuluh negara memberikan kesaksian bahwa standar ISO memberikan kontribusi yang baik, diantaranya: 1) Standar membantu berkompetisi dengan perusahaan lebih besar; 2) Standar membantu akses pasar ekspor; 3) Standar membantu praktek bisnis terbaik; 4) Standar membantu perusahaan lebih efisien dan berkembang; 5) Standar memberikan kredibilitas, kepercayaan, dan pengakuan konsumen; 6) Standar memberikan bahasa tunggal untuk mutu (ISO, 2011).

Pada 2010, ISO mengembangkan metode untuk menghitung manfaat ekonomi dari penerapan standar yang disebut ISO Metodology - Economic Benefit Standard (EBS). Penelitian dengan metodologi ISO EBS menunjukkan bahwa penerapan standar memberikan manfaat ekonomi pada penerap standar.

3. Penerapan SNI ISO 9001:2008 Sistem ManajemenKebutuhan masyarakat pada pakaian tidak hanya sebagai

penutup tubuh, tetapi juga fashion dan rasa seni. Tuntutan industri garmen untuk menghasilkan produk berkualitas sesuai perkembangan mode dan permintaan pasar membuat

This research is conducted to analyze the effect of implementing SNI as a requirement for producers, importer, distributors, LSPro and testing laboratories. The research uses several parameters, such as changes in investments, market expansion, product selling price, number of supplier, price of raw material, production costs, selling volume, differences in test results, obscurity on the harmonized system toy groups. Research shows that the application of SNI on children’s toys cause an increase in selling price due to certification fees and a lowered selling volume. The increased selling price also occurs due to the weakened exchange rate of rupiah towards USD. the implementation of SNI as mandatory in children’s toys result in the increase of capital due to the addition of certification fees and changes in raw materials.

2. The Economical Benefits of Applying SNI on Small to Middle-sized Businesses

One of the main players in a nation’s economy is its small and mid-sized businesses (UKM). UKM’s strategic role is the usage of labor force and the distribution of development. Thus, the role of UKM needs to be continuously developed through improving competitiveness with standard implementation. A study conducted by the international organization for standard (ISO) on 10 UKM from 10 countries showed that ISO standards gave beneficial contributions, such as: 1) standards help UKM to compete with large corporations, 2) standards helped UKM accessing export market, 3) standards aided in better business practices, 4) standards help companies to be more efficient and develop rapidly, 5) standards give credibility, trustworthiness and consumer acknowledgments and 6) standards help shape a singular language for quality (ISO, 2011).

In 2010, ISO developed a method to quantify the economic benefits through the implementation of a standard, called the ISO methodology-economic benefit standard (EBS). The research showed that standard implementation gives economic benefit to the standard implementer.

3. Implementation of SNI ISO 9001:2008 Management Systems

The society’s need for clothes isn’t simply to cover up, but also to appeal to the fashion and artistic senses. The demand for the garment industry to produce high quality products in conjuction with the advances in fashion and market demands lead companies to implement quality management system (SMM) SNI-ISO 9001. This research includes the implementation of SNI ISO 9001 on UMKM garment products in Special Capital Region of Jakarta, by comparing it with garment producers who haven’t implemented the standards yet. This research resulted

P e n g e m b a n g a n S t a n d a r d i s a s i S t a n d a r d D e v e l o p m e n t

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

perusahaan menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Mutu (SMM) SNI-ISO 9001.

Penelitian ini meliputi penerapan SNI ISO 9001 pada UMKM produk garmen di DKI Jakarta, dengan membandingkan UMKM yang sudah dan belum menerapkan SNI ISO 9001. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa rekomendasi yaitu: Dinas Perindustrian dan Energi, Dinas Koperasi, UMKM dan Perdagangan Pemprov DKI Jakarta perlu bekerja sama dengan BSN untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan SNI ISO 9001:2008 untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman terkait manfaat dan keuntungan menerapkan SNI ISO 9001:2008.

4. Analisa Standardisasi Jasa Pariwisata IndonesiaDalam kesepakatan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA),

pariwisata menjadi salah satu sektor yang disepakati. Indonesia akan memanfaatkan peluang tersebut untuk menarik wisatawan mancanegara sebanyak-banyaknya. Potensi ini harus diimbangi dengan perangkat standardisasi pariwisata di Indonesia yang memadai dari segi infrastruktur, kompetensi sumber daya manusia dan jasa yang diberikan.

Penelitian standardisasi pariwisata dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan dan pengetahuan usaha pariwisata atas standardisasi yang berlaku. pada Tiga usaha pariwisata yaitu hotel, jasa perjalanan wisata dan restoran menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaku usaha hotel, jasa perjalanan wisata dan restoran mengetahui tentang pemberlakuan standar usaha masing-masing 87,5%, 33,3% dan 12,5%.

5. Kajian Pengembangan SNI Komponen Mobil ListrikProgram mobil listrik nasional telah dicanangkan di Istana

Negara Yogyakarta pada Mei 2012 dengan menghadirkan Presiden RI, anggota kabinet, dan rektor berbagai universitas. Untuk mendukung pengembangan industri mobil listrik nasional, maka dilakukan penelitian untuk mengembangkan SNI komponen mobil listrik. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan 62,5% responden Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuaian (LPK) mampu melakukan pengujian parameter yang sesuai dengan draft RSNI IEC 62660-1 dan draft RSNI IEC 62660-2. Sedangkan dari sisi pengembang baterei, 37,5% responden belum mampu melakukan pengujian parameter yang terdapat dalam kedua standar tersebut. Hasil penelitian juga merekomendasikan kepada Pusat Perumusan Standar untuk mengadopsi identik ISO/TR 8713:2012, IEC 62660-1, IEC 62660-2 menjadi SNI.

in several recommendations, such as: the Industry and Energy service, the cooperative services, the UMKM and trade service of the provincial government of Jakarta need to cooperate with BSN to give training on SNI ISO 9001 2008 to increase awareness and comprehension on implementing SNI ISO 9001 2008.

4. The Analysis of Tourism Service Standardization in Indonesia

In the MEA agreement, tourism becomes one of the agreed upon sector. This agreement will increase the number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia. This potential needs to be balanced with a tourism standardization, namely from infrastructure, human resources competence and services provided. Research on tourism standardization was performed on 3 tourism businesses, namely hotels travel agencies and restaurants. The research showed that these players are aware of the standard implementation, with varying rates of implementation such as 87,5% for hotels, 33,3% for travel agencies and 12,5% for restaurants.

5. Study on the Development of SNI for Electric Car Components.

The national electric vehicle program was established in the Yogyakarta State Palace on May 2012 with the presence of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, cabinet members as well as various University rectors. To support the development of a national electric vehicle industry, a research was conducted to develop SNI for the components of electric vehicles. Research showed that 62,5% of surveyed conformity assessment institutes can perform the parameter testing in accordance to the RSNI IEC 62660-1 and 62660-2 drafts. However, about 37,5% respondents (from eight battery developers) still cannot perform the testing.

6. Development of Nanotechnology Standardization in Indonesia

Nanotechnology is revolutionary technology and the key to controlling the economy in the 21st century. Nanotechnology gives significant contribution to the society, economy as well as innovations. One of its many contributions is in the field of medical diagnostics, efficient power sources, cheap goods, electronics and clean air. Developed countries have long since invested in the mastery of nanotechnology. BSN’s research center have conducted preliminary research on the needs for standardized nanotechnology. This study was conducted to identify the availability and development of international nanotechnology standards, to identify the development of nanotechnology standardization in Indonesia, to gauge the people’s awareness on nanotechnology products and its standards. The results showed the need to develop standards for nanotechnological

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6. Perkembangan Standardisasi Nanoteknologi di Indonesia

Nanoteknologi merupakan revolusi teknologi dan kunci kendali ekonomi pada abad ke-21. Nanoteknologi memberikan manfaat sosial, ekonomi dan inovasi yang signifikan, diantaranya diagnosa medis, sumber energi yang lebih efisien, bahan murah, produk elektronika dan air bersih. Negara-negara maju telah berlomba-lomba berinvestasi untuk menguasai nanoteknologi.

Puslitbang BSN melakukan penelitian awal tentang kebutuhan standardisasi nanoteknologi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi ketersediaan dan perkembangan standar internasional produk nanoteknologi, mengidentifikasi perkembangan standardisasi nanoteknologi di Indonesia, mengetahui pemahaman masyarakat terkait produk nanoteknologi dan standardisasi produk nanoteknologi. Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan perlunya pengembangan standardisasi produk-produk nanoteknologi yang belum ber-SNI untuk meningkatkan mutu agar produk nanoteknologi dapat bersaing di pasar.

7. Kesiapan SNI dan Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuaian dalam APEC 2020

Para pemimpin negara anggota APEC menyusun APEC Environmental Goods (EGs list) pada pertemuan APEC Economic Leaders Meeting (AELM) 2011. Beberapa produk ramah lingkungan diberi keleluasaan keluar masuk kawasan perdagangan APEC. Pada pertemuan pemimpin APEC di Vladivostok, Rusia pada tahun 2012 disepakati penurunan tarif 54 (limapuluh empat) produk EGS menjadi 0 (nol) hingga 5% pada 2015. Indonesia hanya menyetujui 20 produk EG List termasuk produk kelapa sawit dan karet, namun kedua produk tersebut gagal masuk dalam EG List.

Salah satu masalah penting yang dibahas dalam Forum Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) adalah alignment with internasional standard termasuk VAP (Voluntary Action Plan) periode VI 2014-2018. Tiap negara diprediksi terus meningkatkan komitmennya dalam menyelaraskan standar nasionalnya dengan standar internasional. Laporan tindak lanjut atas VAP sebelumnya (Tahap V) pada 2013 memperlihatkan bahwa derajat keselarasan standar nasional dengan standar internasional sebagian besar anggota APEC mencapai lebih dari 90%. Hal ini karena keselarasan dengan standar internasional berkorelasi positif dengan keberterimaan perdagangan global. Pengabaian standar berarti menghambat peningkatan potensi ekonomi Indonesia dalam perdagangan dengan negara APEC. Dalam 24 VAP Action Plan APEC, 15

products that as of now are non-SNI compliant so that indonesia’s nanotechnology products can compete in the global market.

7. The Preparedness of SNI and Conformity Assessment Institutes in APEC 2020

The leaders of APEC member countries make up APEC Environmental Goods ( EGS list) at a meeting of the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting ( AELM ) 2011. Some environmentally friendly products are given permission to enter and exit the APEC trade area. At the APEC leaders meeting in Vladivostok , Russia in 2012 agreed tariff reduction 54 ( fifty four ) product EGS is 0 ( zero ) to 5 % by 2015. Indonesia has only approved 20 products on the EG List including palm oil and rubber products , but those products failed to enter the EG List.

One of the important issues discussed in the Forum Sub - Committee on Standards and Conformance ( SCSC ) is the alignment with international standards , including VAP ( Voluntary Action Plan) VI period 2014-2018.

Each country is expected to continue to increase its commitment in aligning national standards with international standards. VAP previous follow-up report ( Phase V ) in 2013 showed that the degree of alignment of national standards with international standards of the majority of APEC members reached more than 90 % . This is because the alignment with international standards is positively correlated with the acceptance of global trade . Abandoning the standards means hampering Indonesia’s economic potential to increase trade with APEC countries. In the VAP 24 APEC Action Plan , 15 products developed by indonesia are superior products in terms of performance at the APEC trade and the world. Therefore, all 15 of the Product Development must be strengthened through standards ( SNI and SI ) in order to have an impact on improving the competitiveness of Indonesian products.

8. Quality Requirements Analysis and Limit for Heavy Metals in ISO 6128 : 2015 and Analysis of Potential Modifications , Fortification , and National Differences for SNI Special Rice

A high level of rice consumption causes Indonesia to be the 3rd larges rice consumer in the world. As a result, many Indonesian people are at risk for diabetes and obesity (ranked 7th in the world) . Based on these considerations , it is necessary to study the potential modification and fortification of rice in the framework of Security, Health, Safety and Environment ( K3L ) in addition to study potential SNI National Differences for local rice.

Although rice is the staple food and the main source of carbohydrates for the country, Indonesia does not have an advantage over other countries in terms of quality rice. The study states that the quality requirements set forth in ISO 6128 : 2015

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produk yang dikembangkan merupakan produk unggulan Indonesia dari sisi trade performance di APEC maupun di dunia. Karena itu, ke 15 Development Product tersebut harus diperkuat melalui standar (SNI dan SI) agar berdampak pada peningkatan daya saing produk Indonesia.

8. Analisis Persyaratan Mutu dan Batas Maksimum Logam Berat pada SNI 6128:2015 serta Analisis Potensi Modifikasi, Fortifikasi, dan National Differences Untuk SNI Beras Khusus

Tingkat konsumsi beras yang tinggi menyebabkan bangsa Indonesia masuk dalam rangking ke-3 konsumen beras terbesar. Akibatnya, banyak masyarakat Indonesia terancam risiko penyakit diabetes dan obesitas (rangking ke-7 dunia). Berdasarkan pertimbangan itu, maka perlu penelitian potensi modifikasi dan fortifikasi beras dalam rangka Keamanan, Kesehatan, dan Keselamatan Lingkungan (K3L) selain penelitian potensi National Differences untuk SNI beras lokal.

Meskipun beras merupakan bahan makanan pokok dan menjadi sumber karbohidrat terbesar masyarakat, namun Indonesia tidak memiliki keunggulan terhadap negara lain dalam hal mutu beras. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa persyaratan mutu yang tercantum dalam SNI 6128:2015 belum memberikan perlindungan yang cukup bagi masyarakat Indonesia khususnya konsumen pangan beras . Persyaratan yang penting dan belum tercantum dalam SNI 6128:2015 adalah batasan maksimum logam berat dan kandungan residu pestisida. Kedua persyaratan ini tidak dimasukkan dalam batang tubuh SNI namun dimasukkan dalam subbab rekomendasi sehingga hanya sebatas sebagai himbauan tetapi bukan pesryaratan mutu.

9. Penelitian Persepsi Publik terhadap Produk Bertanda SNI

Penelitian persepsi publik terhadap produk bertanda SNI dimaksudkan untuk mengukur dan mengetahui gambaran atau pandangan publik terhadap produk bertanda SNI. Dari gambaran tersebut pemangku kepentingan dapat menetapkan langkah-langkah lanjutan yang harus dilakukan untuk memperkuat peran SNI dalam era perdagangan bebas.

Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa 100% industri setuju bahwa bahan baku dan barang modal yang bertanda SNI memiliki bermutu yang baik. 100% Industri juga setuju bahwa SNI wajib ditujukan untuk melindungi masyarakat terhadap keamanan, keselamatan, kesehatan dan pelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup.

do not provide sufficient protection for the Indonesian people, especially the consumer of rice. Requirements which are essential and have not been listed in ISO 6128 : 2015 is a maximum limit of heavy metal and pesticide residue content . Both of these requirements are not included in the body of SNI yet included in the recommendation section that serves merely as a warning, not quality requirements.

9. Public Perception Research on SNI Labelled ProductsPublic perception research of SNI products are intended

to measure and determine the picture or the public’s view of products marked with SNI . The overall picture of stakeholders can define further steps that should be taken to strengthen the role of SNI in the era of free trade .

The results of this study revealed that 100 % of the industry agree that the raw materials and capital goods that are SNI-designated has good quality . 100 % of the industry also agreed that compulsory SNI is intended to protect the public for the security , safety , health and environment conservation .

I. Standard FormulationStandard formulation center ( PPS ) is one of the centers

under the Deputy for Research and Standardization Cooperation responsible for organizing the function of preparing the formulation of policy, guidance, coordination , program and planning in the field of system development formulation,implementation standardization system development, as well as the evaluation of the development of standardization system. The activities undertaken by the PPS this year to support the function, are:

A. Standards development policy formulationPolicy formulation development of standards are carried

out by the Head of the National Standardization Agency ( BSN ), assisted by a Technical Management Standards Development ( MTPS ) team. MTPS members represent various stakeholders of standardization and conformity assessment , and is part of the management of BSN . MTPS’s duty is to give consideration and advice to the Head of BSN in order to establish policies and strategies to facilitate the management of the development of the Indonesian National Standard ( SNI ) so as to provide substantial benefits to stakeholders.

MTPS has held 9 ( nine ) meetings , and produce 2 sets of policy recommendations : ( 1 ) the policy formulation of SNI , and ( 2 ) The policies set out in the National Standardization Guidelines . These guidelines serve as a reference for stakeholders to maintain order during SNI development process . In 2015 it was formulated and conducted a public hearing on the PSN 08 : Writing SNI and PSN 01 : Guidelines for Development of SNI .

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SNI Formulation of policies include:1. Recommendations establishment Standards Development

Technical Group ( Kpts ) the Background on Kpts formation is the lack of optimal substance discussion of PNPS proposal by MTPS . Proposed PNPS are highly technical and specific to each sector , so it is better when it is discussed at the technical level . Technical Groups was tasked with providing technical advice related to considerations and proposals on PNPS then reported to the MTPS . Kpts membership consists of representatives of ministries and institutions and representatives of relevant associations or in accordance with the sector , which is located under the MTPS .

2. Approval PNPS to 580 titles, with details as follows : - 324 new PNPS - 192 PNPS revision - 6 PNPS amendment - 2 PNPS erratum - 11 PNPS translation - 45 PNPS Extension

3. Approval of the proposed cancellation of 19 PNPS ;

4. Approval of the establishment of 8 Technical Committee / Sub-Committee on Technical and 2 changes Technical Committee / Sub-Committee on Technical , namely:

a. Formation of 03-09 Komtek Tourism Management b . Formation Risk Management 03-10 Komtek c . 67-07 Komtek formation of Sensory Analysis

d. Formation of 11-03 - S2 Subkomtek Diagnostic Medical Devices and Hemodialysis

e . Formation Komtek 11-06 Contraception f . Formation Komtek 65-09 Cocoa

g. Formation Komtek 11-06 Optics and Photonic Products for health

I. Perumusan StandarPusat Perumusan Standar (PPS) merupakan salah satu

pusat dibawah Kedeputian Bidang Penelitian dan Kerja sama Standardisasi yang bertanggung jawab menyelenggarakan fungsi dalam mempersiapkan rumusan terkait kebijakan, pembinaan, koordinasi program dan penyusunan rencana di bidang pengembangan sistem perumusan, pelaksanaan sistem pengembangan standardisasi, serta evaluasi sistem pengembangan standardisasi. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh PPS tahun ini untuk menunjang fungsi tersebut, yakni:

A. Perumusan kebijakan pengembangan standarPerumusan kebijakan pengembangan standar dilakukan

oleh Kepala Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) dibantu oleh Manajemen Teknis Pengembangan Standar (MTPS). Anggota MTPS merupakan representasi dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian, dan merupakan bagian dari manajemen BSN. MTPS bertugas memberikan pertimbangan dan saran kepada Kepala BSN dalam rangka menetapkan kebijakan dan strategi untuk memperlancar pengelolaan kegiatan pengembangan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) sehingga dapat memberikan manfaat besar bagi pemangku kepentingan.

MTPS telah mengadakan 9 (sembilan) kali pertemuan, dan menghasilkan 2 paket rekomendasi kebijakan: (1) Kebijakan perumusan SNI, dan (2) Kebijakan yang tertuang dalam Pedoman Standardisasi Nasional. Pedoman ini sebagai acuan bagi para pemangku kepentingan untuk menjaga keteraturan proses pengembangan SNI. Pada 2015 telah dirumuskan dan dilakukan public hearing terhadap PSN 08: Penulisan SNI dan PSN 01: Pedoman Pengembangan SNI.

Kebijakan Perumusan SNI meliputi:1. Rekomendasi pembentukan Kelompok Teknis Pengem-

bangan Standar (KTPS) Latar belakang pembentukan KTPS adalah belum optimalnya pembahasan substansi usulan PNPS oleh MTPS. Usulan PNPS sangat teknis dan spesifik untuk masing-masing sektor, sehingga lebih baik bila dibahas di level teknis. Kelompok Teknis ini bertugas memberikan pertimbangan dan saran teknis terkait usulan PNPS kemudian dilaporkan kepada MTPS. Keanggotaan KTPS terdiri dari perwakilan dari Kementerian dan Lembaga dan wakil asosiasi yang terkait atau sesuai dengan sektornya, yang berkedudukan dibawah MTPS.

2. Persetujuan PNPS sebanyak 580 judul, dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

P e n g e m b a n g a n S t a n d a r d i s a s i S t a n d a r d D e v e l o p m e n t

Usulan PNPS 2015

PNPS baru

PNPS perpanjangan

PNPS terjemahan

PNPS fasilitasi harmonisasi

PNPS revisi

PNPS amandemen

PNPS ralat

Pembatalan PNPS

Gambar 10. Usulan PNPS 2015 Picture 10. Proposed PNPS 2015

Usulan PNPS 2015

PNPS baru

PNPS perpanjangan

PNPS terjemahan

PNPS fasilitasi harmonisasi

PNPS revisi

PNPS amandemen

PNPS ralat

Pembatalan PNPS

Usulan PNPS 2015

PNPS baru

PNPS perpanjangan

PNPS terjemahan

PNPS fasilitasi harmonisasi

PNPS revisi

PNPS amandemen

PNPS ralat

Pembatalan PNPS







PNPS baru / New PNPS

PNPS perpanjangan / Prolonged PNPS

PNPS terjemahan / Translated PNPS

PNPS fasilitasi harmonisasi / Harmonization facilitated PNPS

PNPS revisi / Revised PNPS

PNPS amandemen / Ammended PNPS

PNPS ralat / Corrected PNPS

Pembatalan PNPS / PNPS cancelation

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- 324 PNPS baru- 192 PNPS revisi- 6 PNPS amandeman- 2 PNPS ralat- 11 PNPS terjemahan- 45 PNPS Perpanjangan

3. Persetujuan pembatalan 19 usulan PNPS;

4. Persetujuan pembentukan 8 Komite Teknis/Sub Komite Teknis dan 2 perubahan Komite Teknis/Sub Komite Teknis, yaitu:a. Pembentukan Komtek 03-09 Manajemen Pariwisatab. Pembentukan Komtek 03-10 Manajemen Risikoc. Pembentukan Komtek 67-07 Analisis Sensorid. Pembentukan Subkomtek 11-03-S2 Peralatan Kesehatan

Diagnostik dan Hemodialisise. Pembentukan Komtek 11-06 Kontrasepsif. Pembentukan Komtek 65-09 Kakaog. Pembentukan Komtek 11-06 Produk Optik and fotonik

untuk kesehatanh. Pembentukan Komtek 11-07 Prasarana Laboratorium

Biologi dan Kimiai. Perubahan nama Subkomtek 77-01-S1 menjadi Produk

Logam Hilirj. Perubahan nama Subkomtek 77-01-S2 menjadi Produk

Logam Bukan Besi

5. Persetujuan pembubaran Komite Teknis/Sub Komite Teknis disertai pelimpahan ruang lingkup: a. Pembubaran Kom-tek 03-06 Tanggung Jawab Sosial (TJS) dan melimpahkan ruang lingkup Komtek 03-06 TJS ke Komtek 03-02 Sistem Manajemen Mutu (SMM). b. Pelimpahan sekretariat Kom-tek 11-01 Terapetik dan sekretariat Komtek 11-02 Perbekal-an Kesehatan Rumah Tangga ke Pusat Perumusan Standar BSN. Penyerahan ini didasarkan pada perubahan tugas po-kok dan fungsi Badan POM, yang berdampak pada tugas pokok dan fungsi Sekretariat Komtek di Badan POM.

6. Persetujuan rekomendasi abolisi 5 judul SNI hasil kaji ulang dari komite teknis 59-01 Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil.

7. Persetujuan perubahan keanggotaan 50 Komite Teknis dan 9 Sub Komite Teknis.

8. Persetujuan penambahan dan perubahan ruang lingkup 14 Komite Teknis/Sub Komite Teknis.

h . Formation Komtek 11-07 Biology and Chemistry Laboratory Infrastructure

i. The change of name to be Subkomtek 77-01 - S1 Downstream metal Products

j . The change of name to be Subkomtek 77-01 - S2 non-iron metal products

5. Approval of the dissolution of the Technical Committee / Technical Sub-Committee accompanied by the delegation of the scope: a. Dissolution of Komtek 03-06 Social Responsibility ( TJS ) and bestowing the scope of Komtek TJS 03-06 to 03-02 Komtek Quality Management System ( QMS ) . b. Delegation of the secretariat and the secretariat of Therapeutic Komtek 11-01 11-02 Komtek Household Health to Standard Formulation Center BSN . This submission is based on changes in the duties and functions of the POM , which affects the duties and functions of the Secretariat Komtek in POM.

6. Agreement on the abolition of five titles SNI result of the review of the technical committee of 59-01 textiles and textile products .

7. Approval of membership changesto 50 Technical Committees and 9 sub-Technical Committees .

8. Approval of additions and changes to the scope of the 14th Technical Committee / Sub-Committee on Technical .

B. Formulation of SNIThe formulation of SNI is supporting activity to achieve ISO

quality output . the activities include coordination and problem solving with the Secretariat of the Technical Committee / Sub-technical commitee , management of the Secretariat and the Technical Committee as well as process control SNI formulation in technical meetings as well as the consensus meeting .

In 2015, the Standard Formulation Centre manages 10 Technical Committees and five new technical committee proposed its adoption . the ten technical committees are:

1. The Technical Committee of Tourism Management2. Risk Management Technical Committee3. The Technical Committee on Quality Management System4. The Technical Committee of Conformity Assessment Bodies5. Basic Standards Technical Committee6. Technical Committee on Nanotechnology7. The Technical Committee on Microbiological Test Methods8. The Technical Committee on Food Chemistry9. The Technical Committee on Biosafety Biosecurity10. Technical Committee on Halal

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Five technical committee that are proposed are:1. The Technical Committee on Contraception2. Technical Committee on Cocoa3. The Technical Committee of Sensory Analysis4. The Technical Committee of optics and photonic products

for health5. Infrastructure Technical Committee on Chemical and

Biological Laboratories

The Standard Formulation Centre carry out its function to ensure that the SNI produced in accordance with the guidelines through the National Standardization Standardization Expert (TAS). TAS assignment this year to do as much as 137 times the assignment . SNI number set in 2015 of 500 SNI as in Table 3 .

C. Human Resources for SNI Formulation One of the SNI’s development infrastructure is qualified

human resources. Improvement of human resources include increased knowledge and skills through workshops and training implemented ISO.

1. Formulation Workshop SNI.Workshop on strengthening resources SNI formulation similar

to that carried out the previous year drafter Workshop, Workshop and Workshop Editor TAS. In 2015 the first ever Workshop Management Technical Committee and Regional Featured SNI Formulation Workshop are held. The workshop follows the syllabus prepared by PPS 2014.

B. Perumusan SNIKegiatan perumusan SNI merupakan kegiatan pendukung

tercapainya output SNI yang berkualitas. Hal yang dilakukan antara lain koordinasi dan penyelesaian masalah dengan Sekretariat Komite Teknis/Sub Komite Teknis, pengelolaan Sekretariat dan Komite Teknis serta pengendalian proses perumusan SNI di rapat teknis maupun rapat konsensus.

Pada 2015 Pusat Perumusan Standar mengelola 10 Komite Teknis dan 5 komite teknis baru diusulkan penetapannya. Kesepuluh komite teknis tersebut yaitu :

1. Komite Teknis Manajemen Pariwisata2. Komite Teknis Manajemen Risiko3. Komite Teknis Sistem Manajemen Mutu4. Komite Teknis Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuaian5. Komite Teknis Standar Dasar6. Komite Teknis Nanoteknologi7. Komite Teknis Metode Uji Mikrobiologi8. Komite Teknis Kimia Pangan9. Komite Teknis Biosafety Biosecurity10. Komite Teknis Halal

Lima komite teknis yang diusulkan penetapannya yaitu:1. Komite Teknis Kontrasepsi2. Komite Teknis Kakao3. Komite Teknis Analisis Sensori4. Komite Teknis Produk Optik and fotonik untuk kesehatan5. Komite Teknis Prasarana Laboratorium Biologi dan Kimia

Pusat Perumusan Standar melaksanakan fungsinya untuk memastikan bahwa SNI yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan Pedoman Standardisasi Nasional melalui Tenaga Ahli Standardisasi (TAS). Penugasan TAS pada tahun ini dilakukan sebanyak 137 kali penugasan. Jumlah SNI yang ditetapkan pada tahun 2015 sebanyak 500 SNI sebagaimana pada Tabel 3.

Tabel 3. Penetapan dan Abolisi SNI 2015Table 3. Determination and Abolition SNI 2015

Status penetapanEstablishment Status

SNI AKtifActive SNI

SNI diabolisiAbolished SNI

Penetapan baru Newly established


Revisi/Revised 149Amandemen/Amended 4Terjemahan/ Translated 14Abolisi/Abolished 18Jumlah/ Total 500 18

P e n g e m b a n g a n S t a n d a r d i s a s i S t a n d a r d D e v e l o p m e n t

Usulan SNI berdasarkan kebutuhan pasar (PNPS)Proposal of SNI based on market need








02010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015



498 500 519








Realisasi penetapan SNIPresent condition

Gambar11. Usulan dan Realisasi Penetapan SNIPicture 11. Proposed and Actual Establishment of SNI

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C. Sumber daya manusia Perumusan SNISalah satu infrastuktur pengembangan SNI adalah sumber

daya manusia yang berkualitas. Peningkatan sumber daya manusia meliputi peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dilaksanakan melalui workshop dan training ISO.

1. Workshop Perumusan SNIWorkshop penguatan sumber daya perumusan SNI sama

dengan yang dilakukan tahun sebelumnya yaitu Workshop Konseptor, Workshop Editor dan Workshop TAS. Pada 2015 mulai ada Workshop Pengelolaan Komite Teknis dan Workshop Perumusan SNI Unggulan Daerah. Pelaksanaan workshop tersebut mengikuti silabus yang disusun PPS tahun 2014.a. Workshop Editor Perumusan SNI Workshop ini dilaksanakan 1 kali pada Juni 2015 di

Jakarta dengan mengundang calon editor yang berada di Sekretariat Komite Teknis dan Sub Komite Teknis

b. Workshop Konseptor Perumusan SNI Workshop ini dilaksanakan 1 kali pada Juni 2015 di Jakarta

dengan mengundang calon konseptor dari instansi teknis, balai, laboratorium dan perusahaan swasta.

c. Workshop Tenaga Ahli Standardisasi (TAS) Workshop ini dilaksanakan 1 kali pada Agustus 2015 di

Jakarta dengan mengundang TAS yang pernah ditugaskan oleh BSN. Tujuannya untuk memperbaharui informasi perumusan SNI, sehingga para TAS mempunyai modal pengetahuan yang memadai dalam mengendalikan perumusan SNI, terutama dalam rapat konsensus agar sesuai dengan ketentuan Pedoman Standardisasi Nasional.

d. Workshop Perumusan SNI Unggulan Daerah Workshop ini dilakukan di 5 daerah yaitu Bali, Lombok,

Samarinda, Malang dan Makassar, pada September – November 2015.

2. Peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia perumusan standar

Kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan kompetensi sumber daya internal BSN khususnya pemahaman ISO yang banyak diterapkan melalui training ISO.

Training yang dilakukan yaitu:1. Awareness ISO 170002. Awareness ISO 17025 dan 170653. Awareness ISO 170674. Lead Auditor ISO 90015. Lead Auditor ISO 140016. Lead Auditor ISO 220007. Lead Auditor ISO 50001

a. SNI Formulation Workshop Editor. This workshop is held for the first time in June 2015 in Jakarta by inviting prospective editor who was in the Secretariat of the Technical Committee and Sub-Committee on Technical

b. Formulation Workshop SNI drafter This workshop is held for the first time in June 2015 in Jakarta by inviting prospective drafter from technical institutions, laboratories and private companies.

c. Standardization Expert Workshop (TAS). This workshop is held for first time in August 2015 in Jakarta by inviting TAS commissioned by BSN. The goal is to update the information of SNI formulation, so that the TAS has adequate knowledge in controlling the formulation of SNI, especially in the consensus meeting to comply with the provisions of the National Standardization Guidelines.

d. Local SNI Formulation Workshop. This workshop was conducted in five regions, namely Bali, Lombok, Samarinda, Malang and Makassar, in September-November, 2015.

2. To increase the competence of human resources formulation of standards

This activity is to increase the competence of BSN’s internal resources particularly in understanding ISO which are widely applied through ISO training .

Training is carried out as follows: 1. Awareness of ISO 17000 2. Awareness of ISO 17025 and 17065 3. Awareness of ISO 17067 4. Lead Auditor ISO 9001 5. Lead Auditor ISO 14001 6. Lead Auditor ISO 22000 7. Lead Auditor ISO 50001

D. Improved Performance Technical Committee and Technical sub committee

Technical Committees and Sub- Technical Committee is an instrument of BSN in the formulation of SNI . Because it is the responsibility of BSN through the PPS to build the Technical Committee and Technical Sub- Committee. Maintenance of Technical Committee and Technical Sub- Committee is conducted through the performance evaluation based on the guidelines of the National Standardization Technical Committee on Management and Technical subcommittee. The evaluation was conducted from May to August 2015 , by visiting 98 Secretariat of the Technical Committee and 25 Sub Secretariat of the Technical Committee .

The results of the performance evaluation is used as the basis for conferring Herudi Technical Committee Award ( HTCA ) to the

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D. Peningkatan Kinerja Komite Teknis dan Sub Komite TeknisKomite Teknis dan Sub Komite Teknis merupakan

kepanjangan tangan BSN dalam perumusan SNI. Karena itu menjadi tanggung jawab BSN melalui Pusat Perumusan Standar untuk membina Komite Teknis dan Sub Komite Teknis. Pemeliharaan Komite Teknis dan Sub Komite Teknis dilakukan melalui evaluasi kinerja berdasarkan Pedoman Standardisasi Nasional tentang Pengelolaan Komite Teknis dan Subkomte Teknis. Evaluasi ini dilakukan dari Mei sampai Agustus 2015, dengan mengunjungi 98 Sekretariat Komite Teknis dan 25 Sekretariat Sub Komite Teknis.

Hasil evaluasi kinerja digunakan sebagai dasar penganugerahan Herudi Technical Committee Award (HTCA) kepada Komite Teknis dan Sub Komite Teknis. Terdapat 4 kriteria penilaian kinerja Komite Teknis/ Sub Komite Teknis.Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi didapatkan 5 nominee penerima penghargaan HTCA 2015, yaitu:

1. Komite Teknis 65-05 Produk Perikanan2. Komite Teknis 65-08 Produk Perikanan Non Konsumsi3. Sub Komite Teknis 91-01-S2 Rekayasa Jalan dan Jembatan4. Komite Teknis 73-02 Teknik Pertambangan Mineral dan

Batubara,5. Komite Teknis 79-01 Hasil Hutan KayuPenerima penghargaan HTCA 2015 adalah Komite Teknis

65-05 Produk Perikanan.

E. Fasilitasi Harmonisasi SNIPada 2015 PPS melakukan beberapa kegiatan untuk

mendukung kesiapan Indonesia dalam menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA), antara lain memfasilitasi perumusan SNI reprint – republikasi, mengkaji ulang SNI yang berusia lebih dari 5 tahun, dan menerjemahkan SNI hasil reprint – republikasi dan/atau standar ISO/IEC yang menjadi sektor prioritas.

1. Fasilitasi Perumusan SNI Pada tahun 2015 PPS memfasilitasi 69 judul di 6 Komtek

dan 1 Sub Komtek untuk dirumuskan menjadi SNI.2. Kaji Ulang SNI Kaji ulang SNI tahun ini dilakukan pada 1000

SNI,dengan rincian :a. Bidang transportasi, nuklir, manajemen dan

penilaian kesesuaian, keselamatan dan lingkungan, teknologi tinggi serta produk rumah tangga sebanyak 179 SNI

b. Bidang kimia, pertambangan dan energy sebanyak 186 SNI

c. Bidang Elektroteknika, Konstruksi, Mesin dan

Technical Committees and Sub- Technical Committee . There are four criteria for the performance assessment of the Technical Committee / Sub-Committee on Technical . Based on the results of the evaluation, the HTCA 5 nominees are:

1. The Technical Committee 65-05 on Fishery Products 2. Technical Committee 65-08 on Non-consumption Fishery

Products3. Sub - S2 91-01 Technical Committee for Road and Bridge

Engineering 4. The Technical Committee 73-02 Mineral and Coal Mining

Engineering , 5. The Technical Committee 79-01 Timber Forest ProductThe 2015 HTCA award recipient is the Technical Committee

65-05 Fishery Products.

E. Facilitation of SNI HarmonizationIn 2015 BSN perform several activities to support the readiness

of Indonesia in the ASEAN Economic Community ( AEC ), among others, to facilitate the formulation of SNI reprint - republication , reviewing SNI over the age of 5 years , and translate SNI reprint - republication and / or ISO / IEC standards are becoming a priority sector .

1. Facilitation of SNI Formulation In 2015 BSN/PPS facilitates 69 titles in 6 Komtek and 1 Sub

Komtek to be formulated into SNI .2. Reassesing SNI Reassesing of SNI thi year was done on 1000 ISO, with

details as follows:a. Transportation, nuclear , management and

conformity assessment , safety and the environment , high technology and household products as much as 179 SNI

b . Chemistry , mining and energy as much as 186 SNIc . The field of electrical engineering , Construction ,

Machinery and Metals for 266 SNId . The field of food , agriculture , health , and forestry for

369 SNI3. Translation of SNI reprint - republication and / or ISO / IEC

SNI reprint translation and republication and / or ISO / IEC standards are done in sectors such as:a. Nuclear medicine , 13 titlesb. Chemistry 25 titlec. Agrobase and Food 22 titlesd. Geology 5 titlee. Information Communication and Technology 13 titlef. High Technology 22 titlesg. Low voltage installations and components 17 titleh. Household Electrical Appliances 247 title

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Logam sebanyak 266 SNId. Bidang pangan, pertanian, kesehatan, dan

kehutanan sebanyak 369 SNI3. Penerjemahan SNI hasil reprint – republikasi dan/atau

standar ISO/IEC Terjemahan SNI reprint dan republikasi dan/atau stan-

dar ISO/IEC dilakukan pada sektor-sektor antara lain:a. Kesehatan Nuklir, 13 judulb. Kimia 25 judulc. Agrobased dan Pangan 22 juduld. Geologi 5 judule. Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi 13 judulf. Teknologi Tinggi 22 judulg. Instalasi tegangan rendah dan komponennya 17

judulh. Peranti Listrik Rumah Tangga 247 judul

II. Kerja sama StandardisasiPusat Kerja Sama Standardisasi (PKS) BSN dibentuk untuk

menjalankan tugas pokok dan fungsi BSN dalam memenuhi kewajiban internasional di bidang standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian, serta mengembangkan dan menjalin kerja sama standardisasi dengan badan-badan internasional. Tugas tersebut diantaranya adalah kewajiban BSN untuk memberikan notisi dan menjawab pertanyaan pihak luar negeri atas regulasi yang diterapkan di Indonesia sesuai dengan ketentuan WTO. BSN bekerja sama dengan Kementerian dan/atau Lembaga Pemerintah Nonkementerian (LPNK) dalam menjawab pertanyaan (inquiry) atau memberikan notisi tersebut di WTO. Secara khusus, tugas PKS adalah menyiapkan rumusan kebijakan,pembinaan, koordinasi program dan penyusunan rencana di bidang notifikasi dan kerja sama teknis perdagangan, kelembagaan standardisasi dalam negeri maupun luar negeri serta kegiatan lain sesuai dengan lingkup kewenangannya.

PKS membagi tugas dan fungsinya itu ke dalam dua bidang: (1) Kerja Sama Standardisasi Internasional (KSI) dan (2) Kerja Sama Dalam Negeri (KSDN). KSI menguatkan posisi Indonesia dalam forum standar internasional, seperti ISO dan IEC. KSDN bertugas melaksanakan pembinaan kerja sama standardisasi lintas sektoral dan daerah, perguruan tinggi, serta institusi lainnya. KSDN juga melakukan kerja sama prasarana perdagangan dalam rangka penyelesaian hambatan perdagangan.

Capaian Kinerja Tahun 2015(1) Kerja Sama Multilateral dan InternasionalKegiatan Kerja Sama Multilateral dan Internasional (KMI)

II. Standardization cooperationStandardization Cooperation Center (PKS) BSN was

established to carry out the duties and functions of BSN in meeting international obligations in the field of standardization and conformity assessment , as well as the development and standardization cooperations with international bodies . The tasks include the obligation to provide notice from BSN and answer questions from overseas for the regulation applied in Indonesia in accordance with the provisions of the WTO . BSN cooperate with the Ministry and / or a non - ministerial government institution ( LPNK ) in answering questions ( inquiry) or provide such notice to the WTO . Specifically , PKS’ task is to prepare policy formulation, development , program coordination and planning in the field of notification and technical cooperation, trade and standardization institution in the country and abroad as well as other activities within its scope of authority.

MCC divides its tasks and functions into two areas: ( 1) The International Standardization Cooperation ( KSI ) and ( 2 ) domestic cooperation ( KSDN ). KSI strengthen the position of Indonesia in the forum of international standards , such as ISO and IEC . KSDN is tasked to implement the enhancement of cooperation of standardization across sectors and regions , universities , and other institutions . KSDN also works together with trade infrastructure in the settlement of trade barriers .

Performance Achievement 2015( 1 ) Multilateral and International Cooperation

Multilateral and International Cooperation Event (KMI) aims to strengthen the position of Indonesia in the field of standardization in international forums . In particular , the IMA is tasked to increase the contribution and active participation of Indonesia in the forum of formulation of international standards of ISO and IEC, facilitate cooperation in supporting the formulation and implementation of SNI in support of trade .

KMI cooperation target is to increase Indonesia’s active role in international forums through strengthening the contribution at national and international levels . Accommodation of the interests of Indonesia through the forum of ISO and IEC international standardization and coordination of activities are related to standardization and increased involvement of stakeholders.

BSN as the Chairman of the National Committee of the IECBSN represents Indonesia to become an active member

of the international standards development organizations for electronics- the International Electrotechnical Committee ( IEC ) since 1954. By becoming an active member , Indonesia participates in shaping standards development by taking into account national interests. Indonesia’s membership status in IEC

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bertujuan memperkuat posisi Indonesia di bidang standardisasi dalam forum internasional. Secara khusus, KMI ditugasi untuk meningkatkan kontribusi serta partisipasi aktif Indonesia dalam forum perumusan standar internasional ISO dan IEC, memfasilitasi kerja sama dalam mendukung perumusan dan penerapan SNI, dalam mendukung perdagangan.

Sasaran kerjasama KMI adalah meningkatkan peran aktif Indonesia di forum internasional melalui penguatan kontribusi di tingkat nasional dan internasional. Terakomodasinya kepentingan Indonesia melalui forum standardisasi

technical committees is as participating members ( P - Member) on 8 TC / 12SC and observer member ( O - Member) in 24 TC / 20SC.

BSN coordinates with national stakeholders through the forum for electricity through the National Committee for IEC . The National Committee is a policy forum in the field of electicity consisting of Echelon I of the agencies that have responsibilities in the field of electricity and electrical engineering IEC committee meeting , which is held twice a year , produces two important things , namely : ( 1 ) to approve the final draft alignment of the scope of the Technical Committee of SNI formulation with TC / SC in IEC and ( 2 ) agree to make Indonesia the host country for the IEC General Meeting in 2024 .

In 2015 , several events related to the IEC include:(1) Indonesia is entrusted to host the Plenary Meeting of IEC / TC 64

Electrical installations and protection against electric shock. The activity was held on 7-9 September 2015 in Yogyakarta, followed by a workshop on 10 September 2015. The session was attended by 42 delegates from member countries of IEC / TC 64. Standards developed by IEC / TC 64 has strong relevance to the safety goals and the safety of the community

Gambar 13. Rapat Pleno ke -2 ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience, Bali 30 Nov-4 Des 2015

Picture 13. The 2nd Plenary Meeting ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience, Bali November 30 - December 4, 2015

Gambar12. Rapat Pleno IEC/TC 64 di Yogyakarta, 7-10 September 2016

Picture 12. Plenary meeting of IEC/TC 64 in Yogyakarta, on September 7-10 2015

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considering the number of fires in Indonesia caused by the short circuit electric current . Standards developed by IEC / TC 64 can be a reference to Indonesian government policies.

(2) BSN held a roundtable discussion on the development and standardization issues on electronics in Jakarta on November 18 , 2015. This event was attended by the President of the IEC, Dr. Junji Nomura and director of IEC Asia Pacific Regional Center ( APRC ) , Dennis Chew . National stakeholders have the opportunity to provide input to the IEC on the progress and problems of electrical engineering standardization Indonesia.

(3) Attending the 79th IEC General Meeting.(4) Provide responses to 406 questions related to the SNI IEC , with

overall response reaching 100 %.


Laporan Tahunan 2015

internasional ISO dan IEC serta koordinasi terkait kegiatan standardisasi dan peningkatan keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan.

BSN sebagai Ketua Komite Nasional IEC BSN mewakili Indonesia menjadi anggota aktif organisasi

pengembang standar internasional bidang kelistrikan dan elektronika- International Electrotechnical Committe ( IEC) sejak tahun 1954. Dengan menjadi anggota aktif, Indonesia dapat turut serta mewarnai pengembangan standar dengan memperhatikan kepentingan nasional. Status keanggotaan Indonesia di komite teknis IEC adalah sebagai participating member (P-Member) di 8 TC/12SC dan observer member (O-Member) di 24 TC/20SC.

BSN berkoordinasi dengan pemangku kepentingan nasional bidang kelistrikan melalui forum Komite Nasional untuk IEC. Komite Nasional merupakan forum kebijakan di bidang kelistrikan yang beranggotakan Eselon I dari instansi yang mempunyai tanggung jawab di bidang kelistrikan dan elektroteknika. Pertemuan Komnas IEC, yang diselenggarakan dua kali setahun , menghasilkan dua hal penting, yaitu: (1) menyetujui konsep final penyelarasan ruang lingkup Komite Teknis Perumusan SNI dengan TC/SC di IEC dan (2) menyetujui Indonesia menjadi penyelenggara IEC General Meeting pada 2024.

Pada tahun 2015, beberapa kegiatan yang terkait dengan IEC diantaranya:(1) Indonesia dipercaya untuk menjadi tuan rumah

PlenaryMeeting IEC/TC 64 Electrical installations and protection against electric shock. Kegiatan tersebut diselenggarakan pada tanggal 7-9 September 2015 di Yogyakarta, dilanjutkan dengan workshop pada tanggal 10 September 2015. Sidang dihadiri 42 delegasi dari negara-negara anggota IEC/TC 64. Standar yang dikembangkan oleh IEC/TC 64 memiliki relevansi kuat dengan tujuan keselamatan dan keamanan masyarakat mengingat banyaknya kebakaran di Indonesia yang diakibatkan oleh hubungan singkat arus listrik. Standar yang dikembangkan oleh IEC/TC 64 dapat menjadi acuan kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia.

(2) BSN menyelenggarakan roundtable discussion tentang perkembangan dan permasalahan standardisasi elektronika Indonesia di Jakarta pada 18 November 2015. Kegiatan ini dihadiri Presiden IEC, Dr. Junji Nomura dan Direktur IEC Asia Pacific Regional Center (APRC), Dennis Chew. Pemangku kepentingan nasional berkesempatan memberikan masukan kepada IEC tentang perkembangan dan permasalahan standardisasi elektroteknika Indonesia.

Gambar 15. Kunjungan tim BSN dan ISO ke pabrik PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk di Karawang, Jawa Barat, 4 Juni 2015

Picture 15. The visit of BSN and ISO team to PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk plant in Karawang, West Java, on June 4, 2015

Gambar 14. Kunjungan Presiden IEC dalam acara Roundtable Discussion

Picture 14. Visit of the President of IEC in the event of Roundtable Discussion

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P e n g e m b a n g a n S t a n d a r d i s a s i S t a n d a r d D e v e l o p m e n t

(3) Menghadiri 79thof IEC General Meeting(4) Memberikan tanggapan terhadap 406 pertanyaan SNI

terkait dengan IEC, sehingga secara keseluruhan mencapai 100%.

Keterlibatan Aktif Indonesia pada Organisasi Pengem­bangan Standar­ ISO

Sejak terdaftar sebagai anggota pada tahun 1954, Indonesia terlibat aktif dalam penyusunan standar internasional ISO. Status keanggotaan Indonesia di Komite Teknis ISO adalah sebagai Participating Member (P-member) di 27 TC/ 54 SC, dan Observer Member (O-member) di 113 TC/ 39 SC. Indonesia juga menjadi Co-Secretary twinning program untuk ISO/TC 207/SC7/WG5.

Pada tahun 2015, BSN berperan aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan, antara lain:(1) Menyelenggarakan “ISO Days” selama 3 hari (3-5 Juni 2015)

di Jakarta. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari workshop, kunjungan teknis ke industri penerap SNI, PT Wika Beton Karawang dan pelatihan. Hadir sebagai fasilitator kegiatan Rob Steele (Sekjen ISO) dan beberapa officer ISO lainnya yang sesuai dengan topik bahasan.

(2) Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah the 2nd Plenary Meeting ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience pada 30 November – 4 Desember 2015 di Bali. Sidang dihadiri 140 delegasi dari 21 negara anggota ISO/TC 292.

(3) Sesuai dengan tujuan partisipasi aktif Indonesia untuk menjadi standard’s taker dan bukan hanya sekedar standard’s user, maka Indonesia mengajukan proposal standar baru untuk dikembangkan oleh ISO/TC 292 tentang sistem peringatan dini tanah longsor (landslide early warning system/LEWS).

(4) Dalam ISO/TC 207 Environmental ManagementWorking Group (WG) 9, Indonesia mengusulkan project Land Degradation and Desertification (ISO 14055). Indonesia juga menjadi Convenor, Project Leader dan Secretary ISO/TC 207/ SC 7/WG 7 Framework Standard untuk mengembangkan standar ISO 14080 Guidance with framework and principles for methodologies on climate actions.

(5) Hadir pada forum the 38thof ISO General Assembly and its related meeting untuk memperoleh masukan dalam memperkuat sistem standardisasi nasional, yakni: memperoleh keberterimaan luas produk ekspor Indonesia; mengatasi isu pengembangan berkelanjutan menggunakan standar; meningkatkan partisipasi aktif Indonesia di forum ISO/IEC; mempromosikan manfaat standardisasi dan meningkatkan keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan dalam pengembangan standar ISO/IEC. Pada

Active involvement of Indonesia in standard- ISO Develop-ment Organization

Since registered as a member in 1954 , Indonesia is actively involved in the preparation of the international standards ISO . Indonesia’s membership status in the ISO Technical Committee is as Participating Member ( P - members ) in the TC 27 / SC 54 , and Observer Member ( O -member) in the TC 113 / SC 39 . Indonesia is also a Co - Secretary twinning program for ISO / TC 207 / SC7 / WG5 .

In 2015 , BSN actively participate in various activities , among others :(1) Holding “ ISO Days “ for 3 days (3-5 June 2015 ) in Jakarta .

This activity consists of workshops , technical visits to industry practitioners SNI , PT Wika Beton Karawang and training . Present as facilitators for Rob Steele ( ISO Secretary General ) and several other ISO officer in accordance with the topic

(2) Indonesia hosted the 2nd Plenary Meeting of ISO / TC 292 Security and resilience on 30 November to 4 December 2015 in Bali. The trial was attended by 140 delegates from 21 member countries of ISO / TC 292 .

(3) In accordance with the purpose of active participation of Indonesia to become the standard ‘s taker and not just a standard ‘s user , then Indonesia put forth a new proposal for new standards to be developed by ISO / TC 292 on the early warning system for landslides ( landslide early warning system / Lews ) .

(4) In the ISO / TC 207 Environmental ManagementWorking Group ( WG ) 9 , Indonesia proposed Land Degradation and Desertification ( ISO 14055 ) project. Indonesia is also the Convenor , Project Leader and Secretary of ISO / TC 207 / SC 7 / WG 7 Framework Standard for developing standards with ISO 14080 Guidance framework and principles for methodologies on climate actions.

(5) Present at the 38th ISO General Assembly and its related meetings to obtain input in strengthening the national standardization system , namely : gaining wide acceptance of Indonesian export products ; addressing the issues of sustainable development using a standard ; promote the active participation of Indonesia in ISO / IEC forum; promote the benefits of standardization and the increasing involvement of stakeholders in the development of ISO / IEC standards . In the ISO / GA , Indonesia is one of the speakers at the panel discussion on Standards and Education .

(6) Provide feedback related to 747 ISO

One of the obstacles faced by the National Standards Body (NSB) is the lack of active participation of key stakeholders

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sidang ISO/GA ini, Indonesia menjadi salah satu pembicara pada Panel discussion on Standards and Education.

(6) Memberikan tanggapan 747 untuk ISO terkait SNI

Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi National Standard Body (NSB) adalah partisipasi aktif pemangku kepentingan kunci.

1. Kerja Sama Bilateral dan Regional 1. BSN- Belarusian State Centre for Accreditation (BSCA)Pada 2015, BSN memfasilitasi perintisan kerja sama bidang

Penilaian kesesuaian antara KAN dengan Belarusian State Centre for Accreditation (BSCA). MoU ditandatangani pada 5 November 2015 di Milan, Italia disela-sela pertemuan IAF (International Accreditation Forum). Hingga saat ini, Secara total, terdapat 12 MoU yang ditandatangani BSN dengan National Standar Bodies(NSBs)/Standard Development Organisations (SDOs) negara mitra.

1. Bilateral and Regional Cooperation1. BSN- Belarusian State Centre for Accreditation ( BSCA)In 2015 , BSN facilitate pioneering cooperation the field of

conformity assessment between KAN with Belarusian State Centre for Accreditation ( BSCA ) . The MoU was signed on November 5 2015 in Milan , Italy on the sidelines of the meeting of the IAF (International Accreditation Forum ) . Until now there are 12 BSN MoU signed with the National Standards Bodies ( NSBs ) / Standard Development Organisations ( SDOs ) partner countries .

2. BSN - International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials ( IAPMO)

BSN cooperate with the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials ( IAPMO ) held : ( 1) Seminar on World Plumbing Day on March 18, 2015 with the theme “ A public outreach event to promote the role of plumbing in improving public health and safeguarding the environment , by uniting the World Plumbing Industry, for the benefit of all “ . The activity was a follow-up cooperation between BSN and IAPMO . In addition, ( 2 ) BSN participated in The 86th Annual Conference IAPMO yang diselenggarakan on 28 September to 2 October 2015 Las Vegas, United States . BSN delegation consists of Head of BSN,

Gambar 18. Seminar World Plumbing Day 2015 di Hotel Ritz Carlton JakartaPicture 18. Seminar on World Plumbing Day 2015 at the Ritz Carlton Jakarta

Gambar 16. The 38th ISO General Assembly and 79th IEC General Meeting

Picture 16. The 38th ISO General Assembly and 79th IEC General Meeting

Gambar 17. Penandatanganan MoU KAN-BSCA di MilanPicture 17. The signing of MoU of KAN-BSCA in Milan, Italy

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2. BSN - International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO)

BSN bekerja sama dengan International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) menyelenggarakan: (1) Seminar World Plumbing Day pada tanggal 18 Maret 2015 dengan tema “A public outreach event to promote the role of plumbing in improving public health and safeguarding the environment, by uniting the World Plumbing Industry, for the benefit of all”. Kegiatan tersebut merupakan tindak lanjut kerjasama antara BSN dengan IAPMO. Selain itu, (2) BSN turut berpartisipasi dalam The 86th Annual IAPMO Conference yangdiselenggarakan pada 28 September – 2 Oktober 2015 di Las Vegas, Amerika Serikat. Delegasi BSN terdiri dari Kepala BSN,Deputi Bidang Penelitian dan Kerja Sama Standardisasi, Kepala Pusat Perumusan Standar, dan Kepala Balai Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan Perumahan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat.

3 BSN- Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)Standardization Organization (GSO)

BSN menjadi pembicara dalam the First GCC Forum for EducationStandardization yang diselenggarakan oleh GSO pada tanggal 8-9 Desember 2015 di Doha, Qatar. Pembicara lain adalah dari ISO (International Organization for Standardization), Erasmus University, Uni Eropa, NIST (National Institute of Standard andTechnology)- Amerika Serikat, Singapura, dan Turki. BSN diwakili Deputi Bidang Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan Standardisasi.

4. BSN- MCIA Republik Demokratik Timor LestePada tanggal 29 Oktober 2015 BSN memenuhi undangan

Kementerian Perdagangan, Industri, dan Lingkungan Hidup (MCIA) Republik Demokratik Timor-Leste sebagai pembicara pada seminar “Peranan Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi di Timor Leste.

Deputy of Research and Standardization Cooperation , Head of Standard Formulation Center , and Head of the Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation of Public Works and Housing Ministry for Housing .

3. BSN- Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Standardization Organization ( GSO )

BSN become speaker in the First GCC Forum for EducationStandardization organized by GSO on 8-9 December 2015 in Doha , Qatar . Other speakers are from the ISO (International Organization for Standardization ) , Erasmus University , the European Union , NIST ( National Institute of Standards andTechnology ) - United States, Singapore and Turkey. BSN was represented by Deputy of Information and Socialization.

4. BSN- MCIA Democratic Republic of Timor -LesteOn October 29, 2015 BSN at the invitation of the Ministry

of Commerce , Industry and Environment ( MCIA ) Democratic Republic of Timor - Leste becomes a speaker at a seminar on “ The Role of Standardization and Conformity Assessment in Economic Development in East Timor.

P e n g e m b a n g a n S t a n d a r d i s a s i S t a n d a r d D e v e l o p m e n t

Gambar 20. Forum GCC Pertama tentang Pendidikan Standardisasi

Picture 20. The First GCC Forum for Education of Standardization

Gambar 21. Seminar Peranan Standardisasi di Timor Leste, 29 Oktober 2015

Picture 21. Seminar on the Role of Standardization in East Timor, October 29, 2015

Gambar 19. The 86th Annual IAPMO ConferenceImage 19. The 86th Annual IAPMO Conference

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5. Kerjasama ASEAN Dalam konteks kerja sama regional khususnya ASEAN

menuju implementasi MEA 2016, BSN berperan dalam pemberian tanggapan/posisi, baik sebagai Co Chair, dan Sekretaris Working Group (WG) dan Product Working Group (PWG) maupun hadir sebagai peserta dalam setiap pertemuan formal ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ), WG dan PWG.

Pada tahun 2015, BSN bertindak sebagai:(1) Co-Chair Joint Sectoral Committee on Electrical and

Electronic Equipment (JSC EEE) 2015-2016, (2) Sekretaris ACCSQ PWG on Automotives(A-PWG) sejak

Maret 2005 sampai sekarang, (3) Sekretaris ACCSQ PWG onPrepared Foodstuff (PF-PWG)

sejak April 2003 sampai sekarang.(4) Contact point ACCSQ dan JSC EEE

6. APEC dan Kegiatan Regional lainnya• BSN berperan sebagai national contact point pada

kegiatan Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation on Sub Committee on Standard and Conformance (APEC- SCSC). BSN telah berpartisipasi aktif dalam pertemuan formal APEC SCSC Plenary serta mengusulkan proyek-proyek APEC.

• PKS turut dalam berbagai forum lain di tingkat regional seperti Pasific Asia Standard Congress (PASC),

• ASEAN-RCEP (ASEAN Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership),

• ASEAN China FTA Joint Commission, ASEAN Hongkong FTA, ASEAN-Australia New Zealand FTA, dan lain-lain.

2. Penanganan Notifikasi dan InquiryBSN menjadi koordinator Indonesia di forum Komite

Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT). Dalam sidang Komite TBT tahun 2015 terdapat 9 regulasi teknis anggota WTO yang didaftarkan pada specific trade concern (STC) yaitu Plain packaging for tobacco products(kemasan rokok polos) dari Kanada, Norwegia, Irlandia, Inggris, serta Singapura, 1 peraturan rokok dari Kanada, Natural Rubber dari China, Milk

5. ASEAN cooperation In the context of regional cooperation , especially with ASEAN

towards the implementation of the AEC in 2016, BSN has a role in giving feedback / stance, either as Co Chair , Secretary of the Working Group ( WG ) and Product Working Group ( PWG ) and is present as a participant in any formal meeting of the ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality ( ACCSQ ) , WG and PWG .

In 215, BSN acts as:1. Co -Chair of the Joint Sectoral Committee on Electrical

and Electronic Equipment ( EEE JSC ) 2015-2016 ,2 . The Secretary ACCSQ PWG on Automotives ( A- PWG )

from March 2005 until now ,3. The Secretary ACCSQ PWG onPrepared Foodstuff ( PF -

PWG ) since April 2003 till now .4. Contact point ACCSQ and JSC EEE

6. APEC and other regional activities• BSNactsasanationalcontactpointontheactivitiesofthe

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation on Sub- Committee on Standards and Conformance ( SCSC APEC- ) . BSN has participated actively in the formal meeting of APEC SCSC Plenary and propose projects of APEC .

• PKSparticipated invariousother forumsattheregionallevel such as the Asia Pacific Standards Congress ( PASC ) ,

• ASEAN-RCEP(ASEANRegionalComprehensiveEconomicPartnership) ,

• ASEANChinaFTA JointCommission ,HongkongASEANFTA , ASEAN - Australia New Zealand FTA , and others .

2. Notification and Inquiry handlingBSN serves as coordinator for Indonesia in the Committee fo-

rum Technical Barrier to Trade ( TBT ) . In the Committee for TBT in 2015 there were nine technical regulations of WTO members are registered on specific trade concern ( STC ) is Plain packaging for tobacco products (plain cigarette packaging) from Canada , nor-way , Ireland , UK, and Singapore , 1 regulation of cigarettes from Canada , Natural Rubber from China , Milk and Dairy products - Russia , Antraquinone content in tea products from the EU .

Gambar 22. STC yang disampaikan oleh Delegasi Indonesia/ Figure 22. STC submitted by the Delegation of Indonesia

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”Terwujudnya Sistem Aplikasi Pengelolaan Aplikasi Website TBT-WTO Indonesia Berbasis Informasi Teknologi (IT) yang Akurat, Efektif dan Efisien”./ “Realization of Accurate, Effective and Efficient IT-Based Management Application System of Website WTO TBT Indonesia

Kondisi Saat ini/1. Aplikasi website TBT-WTO Indonesia masih

terbatas/Website application of Indonesia’s TBT-WTO is still limited

2. Data dan informasi TBT-WTO belum memadai/Data and information on TBT-WTO is inadequate

3. Kapasitas adminitrator pengelola website masih terbatas/Capacity of website administrator is still limited

4. Fungsi BSN sebagai NB dan EP belum optimal/BSN function as NB and EP is not optimal

Kondisi yang diinginkan/Required conditions1. Upgraded Website TBT-WTO Indonesia

berbasis IT/Upgraded of IT based website TBT-WTO Indonesia

2. Tersedianya database incoming notification yang up to date/availability of up to date database incoming notification

3. Meningkatnya kapasitas administrator pengelola Website TBT-WTO Indonesia/Improvement in administrator capacity of website TBT-WTO Indonesia operator

4. Tersedianya Petunjuk Teknis aplikasi Website TBT-WTO Indonesia/Availability of technical guideline of website application of TBT-WTO Indonesia

Gambar 24. Sistem aplikasi pengelolaan website TBT-WTO Indonesia berbasis teknologi informasiFigure 24. System management application website WTO TBT Indonesia based on information technology

P e n g e m b a n g a n S t a n d a r d i s a s i S t a n d a r d D e v e l o p m e n t

Gambar 23. Delegasi Anggota WTO pada sidang reguler Komite TBT di Jenewa

Picture 23. Delegation of WTO members in the regular assembly of the TBT Committee in Geneva

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and Dairy Products – Rusia, Kandungan Antraquinone pada produk teh dari Uni Eropa.

Untuk memperkuat penanganan fungsi BSN sebagai Notification Body (NB) dan Enquiry Point (EP) , selama 2015 BSN melakukan pengembangan laman TBT WTO yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh stakeholder dalam memperoleh informasi terkait hambatan teknis perdagangan. Kondisi ini dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut: (lihat gambar 24).

3. Kerja Sama Teknis StandardisasiPengaturan standardisasi secara nasional dilakukan untuk

membangun sistem nasional yang mampu mendorong dan meningkatkan, menjamin mutu barang dan/atau jasa serta mampu memfasilitasi keberterimaan produk nasional dalam transaksi pasar global. Dalam membina dan mengembangkan standardisasi dalam negeri, BSN telah menandatangani MoU dengan beberapa Pemerintah Daerah. Implementasi kesepakatan kerja sama yang tertuang dalam MoU perlu koordinasi, monitoring dan evaluasi dengan Pemda agar kerja sama dapat terlaksana secara terarah dan terpadu.

Sampai 2015 BSN telah menyepakati nota kesepahaman (MoU) dengan 28 Perguruan Tinggi, 10 Pemerintah Daerah, 17 Instansi Pemerintah atau Lembaga lain. BSN merintis kegiatan kerja sama dengan dua Pemprov,yakni Gorontalo dan Jawa Tengah, serta Pemerintah KabupatenTulang Bawang dalam membina dan mengembangkanstandardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian.

To strengthen the management functions of BSN as Notification Body ( NB ) and Enquiry Point ( EP ) , during the 2015 BSN developing WTO TBT pages that can be used by stakeholders in obtaining information related to technical barriers to trade . This condition can be described as follows :

3. Standardization Technical CooperationNational standardization organization is undertaken to build

a national system capable to promote and improve , guaranteeing the quality of goods and / or services as well as to facilitate national product acceptance in global market transactions . In fostering and developing the domestic standardization , BSN has signed MoU with some local governments . Implementation of

Gambar 25. Edukasi dan Sosialiasi Publik serta Seminar Nasional Implementasi Perjanjian TBT-WTOPicture 25. Public Education and Dissemination and National Seminar on the Implementation of WTO TBT Agreement

Gambar 26. Seminar Peran Standardisasi Bagi Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah dan Pelaku Usaha dalam Menghadapi

MEA di Pangkal Pinang, 15 Juni 2015.Picture 26. Seminar on Role of Standardization For Regional

Government Agencies and business communities in the face of MEA in Pangkal Pinang, June 15, 2015.

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Issuer Identification Number (IIN)Issuer Identification Number (IIN) dimaksudkan untuk

mendukung interchange antar lembaga sebagai identifikasi khusus bagi lembaga penerbit kartu elektronik, khususnya untuk transaksi data elektronik, dalam interchange internasional dan/atau antar-industry interchange. Untuk mewujudkan hal itu diperlukan standar yang mengatur parameter identifikasi kartu. Materi standar yang perlu dibahas oleh ISO dan IEC mencakup dua aspek, yaitu teknologi umum dan elektronik.

Untuk menghindari duplikasi pembahasan atas persyaratan standar, maka ISO dan IEC membentuk Joint Technical Committee, yaitu: ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information Technology.Salah satu Sub Committee (SC) yang membahas identifikasi kartu untuk transaksi elektronik adalah ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 17 (Identification cards and related devices) dan salah satu standar yang dihasilkannya adalah standar ISO/IEC 7812 Identification Cards - Identification of Issuers yang terdiri dari:

• Part 1. Numbering system• Part 2. Application and registration proceduresSelama 2015, BSN sebagai sekretariat IIN menerima lima

permohonan IIN dan telah melakukan verifikasi dan validasi serta kunjungan lapangan sebagai berikut:

the cooperation agreement contained in the MoU to coordination , monitoring and evaluation of the local government so that the cooperation can be implemented in a focused and integrated .

Until 2015 BSN has signed memoranda of understanding ( MoU ) with 28 universities , 10 local governments, 17 Government Agencies or other institutions . BSN also pioneered collaborative activities with two provincial government , namely Gorontalo and Central Java , as well as the Government Kabupaten Tulang Bawang in fostering and develop standardization and conformity assessment .

Issuer Identification Number (IIN)Issuer Identification Number ( IIN ) is intended to support the

interchange between institutions as a unique identification for the agency issuing the electronic cards , in particular for electronic data transactions , the interchange of international and / or inter -industry interchange . it is required for standards to exist between governing parameters’ identification card . Standard material that needs to be addressed by the ISO and IEC includes two aspects , namely the general technology and electronics .

To avoid duplication of discussion on the requirements of the standard , the ISO and IEC formed a Joint Technical Committee , namely : ISO / IEC JTC 1 Information Technology . One of the Sub- Committee ( SC ), discusses the identification card for electronic transactions is ISO / IEC JTC 1 SC 17 (Identification cards and related devices ) and one of the resulting standard is ISO / IEC 7812 Identification cards - Identification of issuers comprising :

•Part1.Numberingsystem•Part2.ApplicationandregistrationproceduresDuring 2015, the BSN as the secretariat received five petition

IIN IIN and has conducted verification and validation as well as field visits as follows :

P e n g e m b a n g a n S t a n d a r d i s a s i S t a n d a r d D e v e l o p m e n t

Gambar 29. Pelayanan permohonan IINPicture 29. Servicing IIN application

Gambar 28. Seminar Peran Standardisasi Bagi Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah dan Pelaku Usaha dalam Menghadapi

MEA di Mataram, 22 Oktober 2015.Picture 28. Seminar on Role of Standardization For Regional

Government Agencies and business communities in the face of MEA in Mataram, October 22, 2015.

Gambar 27. Seminar Peranan Standardisasi bagi Aparat Pemda dan Pelaku Usaha dalam memghadapi MEA di

Pontianak, 10 Juni 2015Picture 27. Seminar on Role of Standardization for local

government officials and business communities in the face of MEA in Pontianak, June 10, 2015

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Until 2015 , the target of 10 applicants per year IIN was never achieved because the Central Bank of Indonesia does not require the use of IIN numbers to all bank. The developments in the last 5 years can be seen in the following chart .

4. Standardization Infrastructure Cooperation (KPS)

Mirror Committee Management ( MC )The formulation of ISO / IEC standards is one of the activities

to produce international standards as the basis of global trade. Indonesia ‘s participation in ISO / IEC represented by BSN. Indonesia’s participation in the forum of international standards should be supported by the technical and secretariat . Indonesia is a member of ISO and participate in the 139 Technical Committee ( TC ) and 88 Sub- Committee ( SC ) consisting of 77 P - members ( participation / active members ) and 150 O-members ( Observer -member) .

At the IEC forum, Indonesia participated in 32 TC and 22 SC consists of 20 P - members and 44 O-members.

Given the large number of TC / Sub- Committee ( SC ) in the ISO / IEC and Indonesia’s status as a Participating ( P ) members in several TC / SC , and to ensure the involvement of all stakeholders , BSN form Mirror Committee ( MC ) , a committee of the shadow of

Hingga 2015, target 10 aplikan IIN per tahun tidak pernah tercapai karena Bank Indonesia belum mewajibkan penggunaan nomor IIN kepada semua bank. Adapun perkembangan dalam 5 tahun terakhir dapat dilihat pada grafik berikut ini.

4. Kerja Sama Prasarana Standardisasi (KPS)Pengelolaan Mirror Committee (MC)Perumusan standar ISO/IEC merupakan salah satu kegiatan

untuk menghasilkan standar internasional sebagai basis dalam perdagangan global. Partisipasi Indonesia dalam ISO/IEC diwakili oleh BSN. Keikutsertaan Indonesia dalam forum standar internasional harus ditunjang dengan kesiapan teknis dan kesekretariatan. Indonesia merupakan anggota ISO dan berpartisipasi di 139 Technical Committe (TC) dan 88 Sub Committe (SC) yang terdiri dari 77 P-member (partisipasi/anggota aktif )dan 150 O-member (Observer-member). Pada forum IEC, Indonesia berpartisipasi di 32 TC dan 22 SC terdiri dari 20 P-member dan 44 O-member. Mengingat banyaknya jumlah TC/Sub Committee (SC) di ISO/IEC dan status Indonesia sebagai Participating (P) member pada beberapa TC/SC, serta untuk menjamin keterlibatan seluruh pemangku kepentingan, maka BSN membentuk Mirror Committee (MC), sebuah komite bayangan dari TC/SC dari ISO/IEC di tingkat nasional untuk mendukung partisipasi Indonesia dalam perumusan standar Internasional.

Kegiatan Mirror Committee bertujuan untuk:a) membuka kesempatan luas bagi stakeholder untuk

berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan perumusan standar internasional (to make them involve)

b) menciptakan media pembelajaran bagi stakeholder dalam rangka capacity building terkait kegiatan perumusan standar internasional (to make them learn)

No Perusahaan PemohonApplicant Company

Nomor IINNumber IIN



Koperasi Kredit CU Lantang TipoCredit Cooperative CU Lantang TipoPT. BPR Sri Artha LestariPT. Bank Dinar IndonesiaPT. Artajasa Pembayaran ElektronisPT. Nusa Satu Inti Artha (DOKU)



Tabel 4. Permohonan Aplikasi IIN tahun 2015Table 4. Request for IIN Application in 2015

Gambar 31. Workshop Peran Akreditasi di Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo, 8 Oktober 2015

Picture 31. Workshop on the Role of Accreditation in the University 11 March, Solo, October 8, 2015

Grafik Permohonan Aplikasi IIN 2011-2015Graphic of IIN Application Request in 2011-2015

Gambar 30. Permohonan Aplikasi IIN 2011-2015Picture 30. IIN Application Request in 2011-2015

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c) membangun kepercayaan diri stakeholder dalam persaingan bisnis global (to make them confidence).

Partisipasi aktif dalam pengembangan standar internasional akan memberikan masukan dalam program pengembangan SNI. Diharapkan SNI yang dihasilkan akan sesuai dengan perkembangan internasional dan memenuhi kebutuhan nasional. n

TC / SC from the ISO / IEC at the national level to support Indonesia ‘s participation in the formulation of international standards.

Mirror Committee activities are aimed to :a) to open up opportunities for stakeholders to participate

actively in the formulation of international standards ( to Make Them involve; )

b) creating a medium of learning for stakeholders in the framework of capacity building activities formulation of international standards ( to the make them learn)

c) build stakeholder’s confidence in the global business competition (to make them confident).

Active participation in the development of international standards will provide input in the development program of SNI. SNI is expected to be produced in accordance with international developments and to meet national needs. n

P e n g e m b a n g a n S t a n d a r d i s a s i S t a n d a r d D e v e l o p m e n t

Tabel 5. Daftar Mirror Committee ISO/IEC yang dikelola oleh BSNTable 5. List of Mirror Committees of ISO / IEC managed by BSN

No MC TC ISO/IEC1 a. ISO/TC 130 - Graphic technology/Teknologi Grafik

b. ISO/TC 217 - Cosmetics/ Kosmetikc. ISO/TC 234 - Fisheries and aquaculture/ Perikanan dan akuakulture

2. a. ISO/TC 34 - Food products/ Produk makananb. ISO/TC 126 - Tobacco and tobacco products/ Tembakau dan produk tembakau

3. a. IEC/TC 17 - Switchgear and controlgear/Gigi pemindah dan gigi kendalib. IEC/TC 23 - Electrical accessories/ Aksesori listrikc. IEC/TC 64 - Electrical installations and protection against electric shock/ Instalasi listrik dan proteksi terhadap kejutan listrik

4. a. ISO/TC 45 - Rubber and rubber products/Karet dan produk karetb. ISO/TC 189 - Ceramic tile/Ubin keramikc. ISO/TC 206 - Fine ceramic/Keramik halusd. ISO/TC 292 – Societal security/Keamanan masyarakate. ISO/PC 248 – Sustainability criteria for bioenergy/Kriteria keberlanjutan bagi bioenergi

5. a. ISO/TC 6 - Paper, board and pulps/Kertas, papan dan pulpb. ISO/TC 38 – Textiles/Tekstil

6. a. IEC/TC 34 - Lamps and related equipment/Lampu dan peralatan terkaitb. IEC/TC 20 - Electric cables/Kabel listrik

7. ISO/TC 229 - Nanotechnologies/Teknologi nano8. ISO/TC 28 - Petroleum products and lubricants/Produk minyak

dan pelumas9. ISO/TC 67 - Materials, equipment and offshore structures

for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Material, peralatan, dan struktur lepas pantai untuk industri minyak, petrokimia, dan gas alam

10. a. IEC/TC 61 - Safety of household and similar electrical appliances/Keselamatan peralatan rumah tangga dan alat listrik sejenis

b. IEC/TC 81-Lightning protection/Penangkal petirc. IEC/TC 82- Solar photovoltaic energy systems/ Sistem energy solar fotovoltaik

11. a. ISO/TC 135 - Non-destructive testing /Uji tak rusakb. ISO/TC 176 – Quality Management /Manajement mutu

12. a. ISO/TC 165 - Timber structure /Struktur kayub. ISO/TC 242 - Energy Management /Manajemen energi

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

I. Pengembangan Sistem Penerapan Standar

Badan Standardisasi Nasional melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan untuk mempercepat penerapan SNI. Kegiatan itu antara lain:

• Kebijakan penerapan standar dan penilaian kesesuaian,• Peningkatan kompetensi Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuai­

an,• Peningkatan kompetensi industri/organisasi,• Monitoring integritas tanda SNI,• Fasilitasi adopsi SNI menjadi regulasi teknis.

Kegiatan Tahun 2015Pada tahun 2015 BSN melaksanakan kegiatan dengan

tujuan meningkatkan kemampuan para pemangku kepen-tingan dalam menerapkan SNI. Beberapa hasil kegiatan selama tahun 2015 adalah:

Penerapan Standar Application of Standards

I. System Development .......... Application of Standards...........

National Standardization Agency carries out various activities to accelerate the application of SNI . The activities included :

• standards and conformity assessment policy implemen-tation,

• IncreasingcompetenceofConformityAssessmentBodies,• Increasingcompetenceofindustry/organizations,• MonitoringtheintegrityofSNImark,• FacilitateadoptionofSNIintotechnicalregulations.

Events in 2015In 2015, BSN carries out activities aimed at improving the

ability of stakeholders in implementing SNI. Some of the results of the activities are:

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1. Pengembangan kebijakan sistem penerapan standar dan penilaian kesesuaiana. Kebijakan sistem penerapan SNIPenyusunan kebijakan sistem penerapan SNI dilaksanakan

melalui Manajeman Teknis Penerapan Standar (MTPrS)sesuai Peraturan Kepala BSN Nomor 6 Tahun 2011 tentang Manajemen Teknis Penerapan Standar. MTPrS merupakan manajemen teknis yang beranggotakan para pemangku kepentingan yang membidangi kegiatan penerapan standar, serta mempunyai tugas memberikan pertimbangan dan saran kepada Kepala BSN dalam menetapkan kebijakan dan strategi untuk mendorong penerapan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). MTPrS bertugas meningkatkan keberterimaan penilaian kesesuaian secara nasional, bilateral, regional dan internasional.

Pada tahun 2015, MTPrS telah merumuskan beberapa rekomendasi, yaitu:

1. Rekomendasi terkait kebijakan penerapan SNI dan pengembangan kompetensi LPK,

2. Rekomendasi terkait peningkatan penerapan SNI,3. Rekomendasi terkait peningkatan integritas tanda SNI,4. Rekomendasi terkait penelaahan prasarana teknis

pendukung penerapan standar,5. Rekomendasi terkait Pedoman Standardisasi Nasional

(PSN) bidang penerapan standar dan penilaian kesesuaian.

b. Kebijakan sistem penilaian kesesuaian di tingkat internasional

Kepentingan Negara Indonesia harus terakomodasi dalam perumusan standar internasional bidang penilaian kesesuaian yang dilaksanakan oleh CASCO (Conformity Assessment Committee). BSN membentuk Mirror Committe (MC) ISO/CASCO untuk memonitor perkembangan standar internasional di bidang penilaian kesesuaian. MC bertugas memberi tanggapan terhadap draft Standar Internasional di bidang penilaian kesesuaian, terutama yang dikembangkan oleh ISO/ CASCO. Di Indonesia skema penilaian kesesuaian Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN) juga menggunakan dokumen standar yang dikembangkan ISO/CASCO.

Pada 2015 MC CASCO telah menanggapi 7 dokumen/circular letter ISO/CASCO seperti dalam tabel 6. Untuk memberikan pemahaman terhadap mekanisme penangangan CASCO, diadakan capacity building yang menghadirkan narasumber yang kompeten di bidangnya.PSPS BSN juga mengadakan “Workshop Understanding of ISO/ IEC 17021 Series” yang menghadirkan pakar dari ISO yaitu Alexander Ezrakhovich.

1. Policy development system application of standards and conformity assessment

a. Policy SNI application systemPreparation of system policy is implemented through the

application of SNI management of Technical Application of Standards ( MTPrS ) corresponding to BSN Chief Regulation No. 6 of 2011 on Technical Management Application of Standards . MTPrS is a technical management team, composed of stakeholders overseeing the implementation of standards activities, and has the task of giving consideration and advice to the Head of BSN in setting policies and strategies to encourage the Indonesian National Standard ( SNI ). MTPrS is in charge of improving the acceptance of conformity assessment of national , bilateral , regional and international.

In 2015, MTPrS has formulated several recommendations , namely :

1. Recommendations related to policy on the application of SNI and LPK competence development ,

2. Recommendations related to an increase in the application of SNI ,

3. Recommendations related to improving the integrity of SNI mark ,

4. Recommendations related to the review of the technical infrastructure supporting the implementation of standards ,

5. Recommendations to the National Standardization Guidelines ( PSN ) in the field of application of standards and conformity assessment .

b. Conformity assessment system policy at the international level

Indonesian State interest must be accommodated in the formulation of international standards in the field of conformity assessment carried out by CASCO ( Conformity Assessment Committee). BSN forms Mirror Committee ( MC ) ISO / CASCO to monitor the development of international standards in the field of conformity assessment. MC in charge of responding to the draft of International Standards in the field of conformity assessment is mainly developed by ISO / CASCO. In Indonesia conformity assessment scheme of the National Accreditation Committee ( KAN ) also uses a standard document that developed ISO / CASCO.

In 2015 MC CASCO has responded to 7 documents / circular letter ISO / CASCO as in Table 6. To provide an understanding of the mechanisms of handling CASCO, capacity building held the keynote speakers who are competent in their field. BSN also held a “Workshop Understanding of ISO / IEC 17021 Series” that brings experts from ISO, namely Alexander Ezrakhovich .

P e n e r a p a n S t a n d a rS t a n d a r d I m p l e m e n t a t i o n

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2. Kebijakan standardisasi pangan di tingkat internasionalPenyusunan kebijakan pengembangan standar pangan

internasional (Codex) dilaksanakan untuk memfasilitasi kepentingan Indonesia agar dapat terakomodasi dalam perumusan standar Codex. Codex telah menjadi acuan global bagi konsumen, produsen pangan, badan pengawasan pangan, maupun perdagangan pangan internasional. Indonesia merupakan negara agraris yang memiliki potensi sumber daya pangan dan pertanian besar serta industri pangan yang terus berkembang. Keterlibatan Indonesia dalam proses perumusan standar pangan internasional di forum Codex mutlak diperlukan. Delegasi Indonesia dapat menghadiri 14 sidang Codex. Indonesia telah memberikan tanggapan/usulan terhadap 106 draft standar pangan internasional.

2. Food standardization policy at the international levelPolicy formulation development of international food

standards ( Codex ) was implemented to facilitate the Indonesia’s interests in order to be accommodated in the formulation of Codex standards. Codex has become a global reference for consumers , food producers , food control agencies , as well as international food traders . Indonesia is an agricultural country which has potential resources for food and agriculture as well as the big food industry that continues to grow . Indonesia ‘s involvement in the formulation of international food standards in the Codex forum absolutely necessary . The Indonesian delegation could attend the 14th session of the Codex . Indonesia has responded to 106 draft proposals on international food standards .

Tabel 6. Dokumen dan Circular Letter ISO/CASCO 2015 / Table 6. Dokuments dan Circular Letters of ISO/CASCO in 2015

No Standard Keterangan1 ISO/IEC CD 17034 General requirements for the competence of reference material pro-

ducers /Persyaratan umum kompetensi bagi produsen material referensiapproved with 90%/disetujui dengan 90%

2 ISO/IEC FDIS 17021-1 Conformity assessment -- Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems -- Part 1: Requirements / /Penilaian kesesuaian – Persyaratan bagi lembaga audit dan sertifikasi sistem manajemen

approved with 96%/disetujui dengan 96%

3 SR ISO/IEC 17043 Conformity assessment – General requirement for proficiency testing/Penilaian kesesuaian –Persyaratan umum uji profisiensi

Confirm : 51 members/ Konfirmasi: 51 anggota Revise / Amend : 10 members/Revisi/amandemen: 10 anggota

4 New Work Item Proposal (NWIP) Example of a certification scheme for services/Contoh Proposal Item Kerja Baru untuk skema layanan

Out of 48 votes, 46 CASCO P members agreed to the proposal/Dari 48 suara, 46 anggota P CASCO setuju pada proposal

5 Call for expert for “validation and verification” working group./ pemanggilan ahli bagi validasi dan verifikasi kelompok kerja

Mengusulkan expert/Mengusulkan ahli

6 ISO/IEC CD 17011, Conformity assessment —Requirementsfor accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies/ Penilaian kesesuaian – Persyaratan bagi badan akreditasi yang mengakreditasi badan penilaian kesesuaian

approved with 82%/disetujui dengan 82%

7 ISO/IEC CD 17025, Conformity assessment—General requirements for the com-petence of testing and calibration laboratories /Penilaian kesesuaian – Persyaratan umum kompetensi laboratorium pengujian dan kalibrasi

approved with 86%/disetujui dengan 86%


Gambar 32. Peningkatan kompetensi CASCO dan Workshop Understanding of ISO/IEC 17021 Series

Picture 32. Capacity building of CASCO and Workshop Understanding of ISO/IEC 17021 Series

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3. Kebijakan standardisasi sektor kelistrikan i. Kebijakan standardisasi sektor kelistrikan tingkat ASEANDalam rangka mewujudkan ASEAN Economic Community

(AEC) 2015, telah ditetapkan 12 sektor priontas ASEAN yaitu: electronics, healthcare, agro-based products, rubber-based products, wood-based products, automotives, textiles and apparels e-ASEAN, fisheries, air travel, tourism dan logistics.

Terdapat 6 sektor yang mencakup aspek standards and conformance, yaitu: electronics, healthcare, agro-based products, rubber-based products, wood-based products dan automotive. Di sektor kelistrikan telah disepakati perlunya harmonisasi standar antar-negara ASEAN melalui EE MRA, agar tercapai ASEAN single mark. Penyusunan konsep kebijakan penerapan standar kelistrikan di tingkat ASEAN didasarkan pada status listing Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuaian (LPK) Indonesia yang akan dan telah berakhir pada 2015.

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, telah disusun konsep kebijakan Indonesia untuk:

1. Mengajukan listing LPK dalam kerangka ASEAN EE MRA yaitu:1) Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk Sucofindo International

Certification Services (SICS), dengan negara tujuan: Brunei Darussalam, Kamboja, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand dan Vietnam.

2) Laboratorium Uji Balai Besar Bahan dan Barang Teknik (B4T), dengan negara tujuan: Brunei Darussalam, Kamboja, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand dan Vietnam.

3. Standardization policies in electricity. Standardization policies in electricity at ASEAN levelIn order to create the ASEAN Economic Community ( AEC ) in

2015, 12 priority sectors have been established in ASEAN, which are: electronics , healthcare , agro - based products , rubber - based products , wood - based products , automotives , textiles and apparels e - ASEAN , fisheries , water travel, tourism and logistics .

There are six sectors that include standards and conformance aspects, namely : electronics, healthcare , agro - based products , rubber - based products , wood - based products and automotive. In the electricity sector we have agreed on the need for harmonization of standards among ASEAN countries through EE MRA , in order to achieve the ASEAN single mark . Drafting a policy on the application of electrical standards at the ASEAN level is based on the listing status of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB) and Indonesia which would have ended in 2015 .

In connection with this, the concept prepared Indonesia ‘s policy :

1. Submitting an LPK listing within the framework of the ASEAN EE MRA , namely :1) Product Certification Institute Sucofindo International

Certification Services (SICS) , with destination countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

2) Test Laboratory Center for Material and Technical Products (B4T), with destination countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Gambar 33 (A, B). Delegasi Indonesia menghadiri sidang codex / Picure 33 (A, B). The Indonesian delegation attending the codex meeting.B

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2. Mengajukan perluasan lingkup listing untuk produkproduk tertentu oleh Laboratorium Uji PT. Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia (QA Testing laboratory), yaitu ke negara Brunei Darussalam, Kamboja, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand dan Vietnam.

3. Memberi tanggapan atas pengusulan listing 9 LPK negara ASEAN ke Indonesia, yang dilakukan berdasarkan kesesuaian ruang lingkup pengajuan dengan regulasi teknis yang berlaku di Indonesia.

Posisi Indonesia tersebut telah dibahas pada Sidang JSC ke- 19 dan ke-20, sehingga sampai Desember 2015, LPK Indonesia yang telah terdaftar sebagai listed CAB dalam kerangka ASEAN EE MRA sebanyak 4 LPK serta 1 LPK dalam masa grace period dengan rincian sebagai berikut:1. Laboratorium uji PT HIT Indonesia masa berlaku listing:

• Sampai 16 November 2016 untuk Brunai Darussalam, Kamboja, Filipina, LAO PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapura, dan Vietnam;

• Sampai 1 Agustus 2017 untuk negara Thailand. 2. Laboratorium uji PT. Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia

Laboratorium uji PT. Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia masa berlaku listing sampai 23 September 2017.

3. LSPro PT. TUV Rheinland Indonesia masa berlaku listing sampai 3 Mei 2017.

4. LSPro SICS masa berlaku listing sampai dengan 28 Desember 2015.

5. Laboratorium uji Balai Pengujian Mutu Barang dalam masa grace period sampai Februari 2016.

Dengan diterimanya laboratorium Indonesia yang telah terakreditasi KAN dalam lingkup ASEAN EE MRA, akan memudahkan keberterimaan produk elektronik yang akan diekspor ke wilayah ASEAN.

ii. Kebijakan standardisasi sektor kelistrikan di tingkat inter ­nasional (Penguatan Fungsi Member Body/MB IEC EE)Pada 2015, BSN selaku sekretariat Member Body terus

mendorong keberterimaan National Certification Body (NCB) dan Certification Body for Testing Laboratory (CBTL). Skema IEC EE CB Scheme untuk memperluas ruang lingkupnya dengan melakukan verifikasi continual improvement kepada NCB Balai Sertifikasi Industri dan Customer Testing Laboratory (CTL).

Partisipasi aktif Indonesia sebagai Member Body IEC EE dilakukan juga dengan memberikan tanggapan dan masukan terhadap 7 dokumen yang dikeluarkan oleh sekretariat IEC EE yaitu:

2. Proposing for the expansion of the scope of the listings for a specific products by Test Laboratory PT . Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia (QA Testing laboratory ), namely to Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines , Singapore , Thailand and Vietnam .

3. Commenting on the proposal for listing LPK 9 ASEAN countries to Indonesia, which is based on the suitability of the scope of the submission to the technical regulations valid in Indonesia .

Indonesia’s position was discussed at the 19th and 20th Sessions of JSC, so until December 2015, Indonesian LPK is registered as CAB within the framework of ASEAN EE MRA as much as 4 1 LPK LPK and during the grace period , with details as follows:1. PT HIT testing laboratory in Indonesia listing validity period :

• Up to 16 November 2016 for Brunei Darussalam,Cambodia, the Philippines, LAO PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore , and Vietnam ;

• AsofAugust1,2017forthecountryofThailand.2. PT. Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia testing laboratory

Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia listing validity period until 23 September 2017 .

3. LSPro PT . TUV Rheinland Indonesia listing validity period until May 3, 2017 .

4. LSPro SICS expiration listing until December 28, 2015 .5. Laboratory testing Goods Quality Testing Center in the grace

period until February 2016 .

With the acceptance of KAN accredited laboratory within ASEAN EE MRA , the acceptance of electronic products to be exported to the ASEAN region will be facilitated.

ii. Standardization policies in the electricity sector at the international level (Strengthening the Members Body Function / MB IEC EE )In 2015 , BSN as the secretariat of the Members Body

continues to encourage acceptance by National Certification Body ( NCB ) and the Certification Body for Testing Laboratory ( CBTL ) . EE CB Scheme IEC scheme to expand its scope by verifying continual improvement to the NCB Industry Certification Center and Customer Testing Laboratory ( CTL ) .

Indonesia’s active participation as a Member Body IEC EE is also done by providing comments and input to the 7 document issued by the IEC secretariat EE are:

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Sekretariat MB juga melakukan kegiatan “Focus Group Discussion dan Capacity Building” untuk menyamakan persepsi dan pendalaman pemahaman terhadap SNI bidang kelistrikan.

Beberapa rekomendasi yang akan disampaikan kepada Kelompok Kerja IEC dan Komite Nasional IEC di Indonesia, terkait dengan:

• Draftformat hasil uji (test report form) untuk dijadikan panduan oleh LPK dalam penulisan hasil uji produk elektroteknik dan kelistrikan.

• Perlunya pemanfaatan skema recognizing NCB dalam skema IECEE CB-Scheme yang berdasarkan pada daftar standar harmonisasi ASEAN.

• Peningkatan fasilitas peralatan pengujian laboratorium/CBTL sesuai dengan list testing equipment IECEE.

• Peningkatan partisipasi dalam forum pembahasan internasional IECEE termasuk CB-FCS.

• Kementerian teknis diharapkan memberikan fasilitasi LPK bidang kalibrasi EMC untuk pengukuran leakage current pada frekuensi 10 KHz-1 MHz.

4. Peningkatan kompetensi Lembaga Penilaian KesesuaianDalam melaksanakan kebijakan di bidang penerapan

standar yang memiliki fungsi pelaksanaan sistem prasarana penerapan standar, perlu melakukan upaya peningkatan kompetensi Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuaian (LPK). Untuk itu upaya pengembangan kemampuan LPK dalam rangka penerapan SNI, standar internasional maupun standar negara lain hendaknya dilakukan secara berkelanjutan.

MB Secretariat is also conducting “Focus Group Discussion and Capacity Building “to harmonize the deepening of understanding with the regional electricity sector .

Some of the recommendations to be submitted to the IEC task force and IEC National Committee in Indonesia, is associated with:

• Draft format test results (test report form) to be usedas a guide by the CAB in the writing test results of electrotechnical and electrical products .

• Theneedfor recognizingNCButilizationschemes in thescheme of the IECEE CB -Scheme is based on a standard list of ASEAN harmonization .

• Improvedlaboratorytestingequipmentfacility/CBTLinaccordance with a list of testing equipment IECEE .

• Increasedparticipationininternationaldiscussionforumincluding the IECEE CB- FCS .

• TechnicalMinistry isexpectedtoprovidefacilitationLPKEMC field calibration for measurement of leakage current at a frequency of 10 KHz - 1 MHz .

4. Increased competence of Conformity Assessment BodiesIn implementing the policy in the areas of standards

implementation with the function to execute system standard application facilities , there needs to be an effort to increase the competence of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB). For that the work of LPK in capacity building in order to implement ISO, the international standards and standards of other countries should be conducted on an ongoing basis .

Tabel 7. Dokumen yang dikeluarkan IEC EE 2015 / Table 7. Documents issued by IEC EE in 2015

No Nomor Dokumen/Documents number

Nama Dokumen/ Documents Name Tanggapan/ Response

1 IECEE-CMC/1512/DC Vote dokumen Draft Harmonized Basic Rules of the IEC CA Systems

Setuju/ Agreed

2 IECEE-CMC/1513/DFA Vote dokumen Nomination for the appoint-ment of the Chairman of the IECEE

Indonesia menyampaikan usulan dukungan kepada Mr. Shawn Paulsen dari CSA International, CanadaIndonesia submits proposal to support Mr. Shawn Paulsen from the CSA International, Canada

3 IECEE-CMC/1510/Q Vote dokumen Questionnaire on acceptance of Customer Testing Facility (CTF) Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 procedures

Tidak setuju/ Not agreed

4 IECEE-CMC/1518/DV Vote dokumen untuk merevisi OD-G-2003 Edition 2.0: IECEE-ILAC-IAF Guidance for the Conduct of Unified Assessments in the Elec-trotechnical Sector.

Setuju dengan mengusulkan tambahan tentang ketidakberpihakkan dan konflik kepentingan dengan badan akreditasiAgreed, with proposed additional impartiality and conflicts of interest with an accreditation body

5 IECEE-CMC/1550/DV Vote dokumen untuk IECEE 2016 Budget and Dues

Setuju/ Agreed

6 IECEE-CMC/1515/DFA Vote dokumen untuk Nomination for the ap-pointment of the Treasurer of the IECEE

Tidak mengusulkan/ Not proposed

7 IECEE-CMC/1514/DFA Vote dokumen untuk Nomination for the ap-pointment of the Vice-Chairman of the IECEE

Tidak mengusulkan/ Not proposed

P e n e r a p a n S t a n d a rS t a n d a r d I m p l e m e n t a t i o n

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In strengthening the conformity assessment infrastructure , in 2015 we have carried out activities in the form of LPK incentive to increase LPK ‘s ability to carry out conformity assessment , which was given to 55 LPK consisting of :1. 21 LPK receive coaching through mentoring preparation of

system documentation quality, namely:a. 13 testing laboratory based on ISO / IEC 17025 : 2008 .

b . 8 Product Certification Body by ISO / IEC 17065 : 2012

Dalam memperkuat infrastruktur penilaian kesesuaian tersebut, pada 2015 telah dilaksanakan kegiatan insentif LPK dalam bentuk peningkatan kemampuan LPK dalam melaksanakan penilaian kesesuaian, yang diberikan kepada 55 LPK yang terdiri dari:1. 21 LPK yang mendapatkan pembinaan melalui

pembimbingan penyusunan dokumentasi sistem mutu yaitu:a. 13 Laboratorium Penguji berdasarkan SNI ISO/IEC

17025:2008.b. 8 Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk berdasarkan SNI ISO/ IEC


2. 29 LPK yang mendapatkan pembinaan melalui peningkatan pemahaman terhadap standar yaitu:a. 12 Laboratorium Penguji berdasarkan SNI ISO/IEC

17025:2008.b. 17 Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk berdasarkan ISO/IEC TR

17026:2015.3. 5 LPPOM yang mendapatkan pembinaan melalui pem bim-

bingan penyusunan dokumentasi berdasarkan DPLS 21 untuk skema akreditasi Halal.

Tabel 8. Laboratorium Penguji Penerima Pembinaan / Table 8. Testing Laboratories that received coaching

No Laboratorium/ Laboratory JumlahNumber

Lokasi/ Location

1. Universitas Sriwijaya/University of Sriwijaya 2 Palembang2. Universitas Diponegoro/Diponegoro University 1 Semarang3. Pemda DKI/Provincial Government of DKI 2 Jakarta4. Pemda Jawa Barat/Provincial Government of West Java 3 Sukabumi dan Bogor/Sukabumi and Bogor5. Pemda Banten/Provincial Government of Banten 1 Kota Tangerang Selatan/South Tangerang City6. Pemda Jawa Tengah/Provincial Government of Central Java 1 Sukohajo7. Pemda Sulawaesi Tengah/Provincial Government of Central Sulawesi 1 Donggala8. Pemda Gorontalo/Provincial Government of Gorontalo 2 Gorontalo

Tabel 9. Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk Penerima PembinaanTable 9. Product Certification Bodies that Receive Coaching

No Laboratorium/ Laboratory


Lokasi/ Location

1. Pemda DKIProvincial Government

of DKI

4 Jakarta

2. Pemda Lampung Provincial Government

of Lampung

1 Lampung

3. Pemda Jawa Timur Provincial Government

of East Java

2 Surabaya dan Banyuwangi Surabaya and Banyuwangi

4. Pemda Sumatera Utara Provincial Government

of North Sumatera

1 Medan

Gambar 34: Bimbingan Laboratorium di Gorontalo Picture 34. Laboratory Guidance in Gorontalo

Gambar 35. Bimbingan Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk Picture 35. Guidance for Product Certification Bodies

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BSN juga melakukan kegiatan bedah standar untuk produk mainan anak berdasarkan SNI ISO 8124-1:2010, SNI ISO 8124-2:2010, SNI ISO 8124-3:2010, dan SNI ISO 8124-4:2010 untuk meningkatkan kompetensi personel LSPro dan Laboratorium penguji.

5. Peningkatan kompetensi industri dan organisasiDalam rangka menyelenggarakan fungsi pelaksanaan

sistem prasarana penerapan standar dan sistem jaminan mutu, dilakukan upaya peningkatan kompetensi industri/organisasi dalam menerapkan standar/SNI. Hal tersebut dilakukan dalam bentuk bimbingan penerapan SNI, fasilitasi pengujian produk/kalibrasi alat dan sertifikasi oleh lembaga sertifikasi pihak ketiga khususnya kepada sektor usaha mikro dan kecil.

Dalam kaitannya dengan peningkatan penerapan standar untuk pelaku usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah, pada 2015 BSN menyelenggarakan fasilitasi penerapan SNI kepada 300 UKM bekerja sama dengan perguruan tinggi berikut:

2. 29 LPK receive coaching through increased understanding of the standards are: a. 12 testing laboratory based on ISO / IEC 17025 : 2008 . b . 17 Product Certification Body in accordance with ISO / IEC

TR 17026 : 2015 . 3. 5 LPPOM receive coaching through mentoring of preparing

of documentation based DPLS 21 for Halal accreditation scheme .

BSN also conduct standards evaluation for children’s products based on the ISO 8124-1 : 2010 , ISO 8124-2 : 2010 , ISO 8124-3: 2010 , and ISO 8124-4 : 2010 to enhance the competence of personnel and Laboratories LSPro testers .

5. Increasing industrial and organizational competenceIn order to perform the functions of the implementation of

infrastructure systems, the implementation of standards and quality assurance system, efforts were made to increase the competence of industrial / organization in applying the standards / SNI . This is done in the form of guidance application of SNI, the facilitation of product testing / calibration and certification by third party certification bodies in particular to micro and small business sector .

In relation to the increase in the application of standards for the micro , small and medium enterprises, in 2015 BSN held a facilitation of implementation of SNI to 300 SMEs in cooperation with the following universities :

In addition to those undertaken in collaboration with the University , BSN also do mentoring to 10 SMEs as a follow-up agreement between the City of Tasikmalaya with BSN which has been conducted since 2014. For public service organizations , an incentive program guiding the implementation of SNI given to two public service organizations in the Province South Sumatera , namely the Department of Health and Eye Hospital .

Mentoring activities undertaken by direct visits to each industry / organization with certain stages include:

Gambar 36. Pelaksanaan pembimbingan penyusunan dokumentasi mutu berdasarkan DPLS 21 untuk skema akreditasi HalalPicture 36. Implementation of guiding preparation of quality documentation based DPLS 21 for Halal accreditation scheme

P e n e r a p a n S t a n d a rS t a n d a r d I m p l e m e n t a t i o n

Gambar 37. Bedah standar mainan anak.Picture 37. Review of Toy standard.

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• gapanalysisidentification,• training to increase understanding of the reference

standard,• Businessdevelopmentprocess,• Developmentofdocumentation,• Implementationofthesystem,• Trainingandimplementationofinternalaudit,• Reviewcorrectiveactionandmanagementreview.

6. SNI AwardIn order to increase the number of industries / organizations

implementing SNI , SNI Award has been awarded . This activity is an award given to the industry / organization that consistently have a commitment to apply the SNI and have a good performance .

Entering the 11th year of the implementation of SNI Award , we made fundamental changes related to the assessment criteria in order to enhance the implementation of SNI Award . It is intended that SNI Award criteria can be used widely by organizations to improve national competitiveness . Participants who register number 151 for all categories . Adequacy of the results of the verification documents and other requirements undertaken by the Secretariat as many as 118 participants passed the verification .

The jury confers and decide that the composition of SNI Award recipients for 2015 are :

•PlatinumRating:norecipient.•GoldRating:17.•SilverRating:13.•BronzeRating:9.The award ceremony to the awardee of the SNI Award 2015

was held 10 November 2015 at the Paradise Lounge , Jakarta Convention Center (JCC ) . the Prize was handed over by the Minister of Commerce , Director General of Standardization and

Selain yang dilaksanakan bekerja sama dengan Universitas, BSN juga melakukan bimbingan kepada 10 UKM sebagai tindak lanjut kesepakatan bersama antara Pemerintah Kota Tasikmalaya dengan BSN yang telah dilakukan sejak 2014. Untuk organisasi pelayanan publik, program insentif pembimbingan penerapan SNI diberikan kepada 2 organisasi pelayanan publik di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yaitu Dinas Kesehatan dan Rumah Sakit Mata.

Kegiatan bimbingan dilaksanakan dengan kunjungan langsung ke setiap industri/organisasi dengan tahapan-tahapan tertentu diantaranya:

• Identifikasi gap analysis,• Training peningkatan pemahaman terhadap standar

acuan,• Pengembangan bisnis proses,• Pengembangan dokumentasi,• Implementasi sistem,• Training dan pelaksanaan audit internal,• Review tindakan korektif dan tinjauan manajemen.

6. SNI AwardDalam rangka meningkatkan jumlah industri/organisasi

yang menerapkan SNI, telah diselenggarakan SNI Award. Kegiatan ini merupakan penghargaan yang diberikan kepada industri/organisasi yang secara konsisten dan mempunyai komitmen menerapkan SNI serta mempunyai kinerja yang baik.

Memasuki tahun ke-11 pelaksanaan SNI Award, dilakukan perubahan mendasar terkait kriteria penilaian dalam rangka menyempurnakan pelaksanaan SNI Award. Hal ini bertujuan agar kriteria SNI Award dapat digunakan secara luas oleh organisasi untuk meningkatkan daya saing nasional. Peserta yang mendaftar sejumlah 151 untuk seluruh kategori. Dari hasil

Tabel 10. Fasilitasi UKM oleh BSN dan Perguruan Tinggi Table10. SMEs Facilitation by BSN and Universities

No Perguruan Tinggi/ Higher Education Jumlah UMKNumber of SME Wilayah/ Region

1 Universitas Sriwijaya (Unsri)University of Sriwijaya (Unsri)

40 Palembang dan sekitarnyaPalembang and surroundings

2 Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB)

95 Bogor, Bandung, Cirebon, Palu

3 Universitas Jenderal Sudirman (Unsoed)University Jenderal Sudirman (Unsoed)

35 Purwokerto dan sekitarnyaPurwokerto and surroundings

4 Universitas Diponegoro (Undip)University of Diponegoro (Undip)

50 Semarang serta Lombok dan sekitarnyaSemarang, Lombok and surroundings

5 Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya)University of Surabaya (Ubaya)

50 Surabaya dan SekitarnyaSurabaya and surroundings

6 Universitas MulawarmanUniversity of Mulawarman

30 Samarinda dan BalikpapanSamarinda and Balikpapan

Total 300

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Consumer Protection Ministry of Commerce , and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education .

7. Monitoring the integrity of SNI markIn accordance with Presidential Decree No. 102 of 2000 on

National Standardization , proving the application of SNI is done through accreditation and certification activities . Goods and services, processes , systems and personnel who have met the requirements / technical specifications SNI may be granted a certificate or bore the SNI insignia . Certification is conducted by certification bodies , inspection bodies , training institutions , or laboratories .

To ensure the use of SNI mark on the goods in the market , the necessary integrity monitoring activities SNI mark . In 2015, this activity was carried out in 15 cities in Indonesia , namely Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bogor, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Medan, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Balikpapan, and Ambon .

The products are sampled and tested to assess the level of conformity to the requirements of SNI , are :

• ProductsthatSNIhasenforcedmandatory,namely:(1) Iron electricity ; ( 2 ) The power cord is flexible; and ( 3 ) Clothing for infants and children;

• Items that have implemented voluntary SNI , whichis characterized by including SNI mark on a product , namely : ( 1 ) instant Noodles ; ( 2 ) Dispenser .

The monitoring results have been submitted to the parties concerned as a basis for policy making to improve the integrity of SNI mark .

8. Facilitate adoption of SNI into technical regulationsTo support the application of compulsory SNI or adopted

into technical regulations , BSN has conducted coordination with

verifikasi kecukupan kelengkapan dokumen dan persyaratan lainnya yang dilakukan oleh Sekretariat sebanyak 118 peserta dinyatakan lolos verifikasi.

Rapat Dewan Juri memutuskan bahwa komposisi penerima SNI Award untuk tahun 2015 adalah:

• Peringkat Platinum: tidak ada penerima.• Peringkat Emas: 17.• Peringkat Perak: 13.• Peringkat Perunggu: 9.Acara penganugerahan kepada Penerima SNI Award 2015

dilaksanakan 10 November 2015 di Ruang Cendrawasih,Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC). Hadiah diserahkan oleh Menteri Perdagangan, Dirjen Standardisasi dan Perlindungan Konsumen Kementerian Perdagangan, dan Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Ristek Dikti.

7. Monitoring integritas tanda SNISesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 102 tahun 2000

tentang Standardisasi Nasional, pembuktian penerapan SNI dilakukan melalui kegiatan akreditasi dan sertifikasi. Barang dan jasa, proses, sistem dan personel yang telah memenuhi ketentuan/spesifikasi teknis SNI dapat diberikan sertifikat atau dibubuhi tanda SNI. Sertifikasi dilakukan oleh lembaga sertifikasi, lembaga inspeksi, lembaga pelatihan, atau laboratorium.

Untuk memastikan penggunaan tanda SNI pada barang yang beredar di pasar, diperlukan kegiatan monitoring integritas tanda SNI. Pada 2015, kegiatan ini dilakukan di 15 kota di Indonesia, yaitu Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bogor,Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Medan, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Balikpapan, dan Ambon.

Produk yang disampling dan diuji untuk dikaji tingkat kesesuaian terhadap persyaratan SNI, adalah:

• Produk yang SNI-nya telah diberlakukan wajib, yaitu: (1) Setrika listrik; (2) Kabel listrik fleksibel; dan (3) Pakaian bayi dan anak;

• Produk yang telah menerapkan SNI secara sukarela,yang ditandai dengan mencantumkan tanda SNI pada produk, yaitu: (1) Mi Instan; (2) Dispenser.

Hasil monitoring tersebut telah disampaikan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan sebagai dasar pengambilan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan integritas tanda SNI.

8. Fasilitasi adopsi SNI menjadi regulasi teknisUntuk mendukung penerapan SNI secara wajib atau yang

diadopsi menjadi regulasi teknis, BSN telah melaksanakan koordinasi dengan instansi teknis pada saat penyusunan Program Nasional Penerapan Standar (PNRT), penyusunan

P e n e r a p a n S t a n d a rS t a n d a r d I m p l e m e n t a t i o n

Gambar 38. Para Penerima SNI Award Picture 38. Recipients of SNI Award 2015

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technical agencies during the drafting of the National Programme Implementation Standards ( PNRT ) , draft technical regulations , the preparation of notifications to the WTO TBT , as well as the preparation of a technical manual application of SNI mandatory regulations .

In 2015 , the PNRT 2015-2016 has been established which contains 111 SNI plans to implement a mandatory basis , with details as follows :

Based on the 2015-2016 PNRT , we have done a draft technical regulation . A total of 4 SNI of PNRT has been determined to be regulation. Thus , the number of SNI adopted into technical regulations until the end of December 2015 are as many as 198 ISO, with details by the technical authority set as follows :

draft regulasi teknis, persiapan notifikasi ke TBT-WTO, maupun menyusunan petunjuk teknis penerapan peraturan pemberlakuan SNI secara wajib.

Pada 2015, telah ditetapkan PNRT 2015-2016 yang berisi rencana pemberlakuan 111 SNI secara wajib, dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

Berdasarkan PNRT 2015-2016 tersebut, telah dilakukan pembahasan draft regulasi teknis. Sebanyak 4 SNI dari PNRT tersebut telah ditetapkan menjadi regulasi. Dengan demikian, jumlah SNI yang diadopsi menjadi regulasi teknis sampai akhir Desember 2015 sebanyak 198 SNI, dengan rincian berdasarkan instansi teknis yang menetapkannya sebagai berikut:

Tabel 11. Program Nasional Penerapan Standar (PNRT) tahun 2015-2016Table 11. National Program of Standards Implementation (PNRT) 2015-2016

No Instansi Teknis yang akan memberlakukan SNI secara wajib

Technical Agency that will implement SNI Compulsorily

Jumlah SNI yang akan diberlakukan secara wajibNumber of SNI to be imple-

mented Compulsorily1. Kementerian Perindustrian/Industry Ministry 612. Kementerian Pertanian/ Agriculture Ministry 33. Kementerian Energi & Sumber Daya Mineral

Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources10

4. Kementerian Kesehatan / Health Ministry 45. Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat/

Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing32

6. Batan 1Jumlah 111

Gambar 39. Hasil monitoring integritas tanda SNI./ Picture 39. The results of Monitoring of SNI label integrity.

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II. Accreditation of Certification BodiesCertification Bodies Accreditation Centre has the task of policy

preparation , coaching , program coordination and planning in the field of accreditation . The institute is also certified in the field of management systems, products , training institutions and personnel , and the like as well as cooperation with institutions associated with accreditation and certification activities within bilateral , regional and international . In performing these duties , Certification Body Accreditation Center conduct the following functions:

a. policy formulation in the field of accreditation system certification and training institutions

b. guidance and coordination of programs in the field of accreditation of certification bodies and training institutions

c. implementation of a national accreditation cooperation , bilateral and international standardization

d. the implementation of the National Accreditation Committee in the field of accreditation of certification bodies and training institutions

e. the evaluation system of accreditation and certification in the field of standardization and its implementation.

Broadly speaking, there are four programs conducted by the Center of Accreditation of Certification Bodies :

A. Certification Body Accreditation Service Pack ,B. Policy Development Sector Accreditation Certification

Board ,C. Regional and International Recognition of the

Accreditation System Certification Body field ;,D. Increased HR - Certification Accreditation .

A. Certification Body Accreditation In 2015 , Certification Body Accreditation Centre has been running

the accreditation activities such as the handling of the request , the evaluation for accreditation, adequacy audit, assessment, witnessing accreditation assessment and decision making, as well as surveillance and re - accreditation .

Compared to the number of accredited certification bodies by KAN in 2014 , there is an increase of 23 new certification bodies that are accredited in 2015 and the reduction of 3 certification bodies. Total growth is accredited to 20 or a total of 164 certification institutions or certification bodies. Data on the growth of Certification Agency for each accreditation scheme is run by KAN of the years 2011-2015 as the image Figure 40 .

II. Akreditasi Lembaga SertifikasiPusat Akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi mempunyai tugas

melaksanakan penyiapan rumusan kebijakan, pembinaan, koordinasi program dan penyusunan rencana di bidang akreditasi. Lembaga ini juga melakukan sertifikasi bidang sistem manajemen, produk, lembaga pelatihan dan personel, dan sejenisnya serta kerja sama dengan lembaga yang terkait dengan kegiatan akreditasi dan sertifikasi baik secara bilateral, regional dan internasional. Dalam melaksanakan tugas tersebut, Pusat Akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi menyelenggarakan fungsi:

a. penyiapan rumusan kebijakan di bidang sistem akreditasi lembaga sertifikasi dan lembaga pelatihan

b. pembinaan dan koordinasi program di bidang akreditasi lembaga sertifikasi dan lembaga pelatihan

c. pelaksanaan kerja sama akreditasi nasional, bilateral maupun international di bidang standardisasi

d. pelaksanaan Komite Akreditasi Nasional di bidang akreditasi lembaga sertifikasi dan lembaga pelatihan

e. pelaksanaan evaluasi sistem akreditasi dan sertifikasi di bidang standardisasi serta penerapannya.

Secara garis besar ada 4 program yang dilaksanakan Pusat Akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi:

A. Paket Layanan Akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi,B. Pengembangan Kebijakan Akreditasi Bidang Lembaga

Sertifikasi,C. Pengakuan Regional dan Internasional terhadap Sistem

Akreditasi Sertifikasi bidang Lembaga Sertifikasi;,D. Peningkatan SDM Akreditasi-Sertifikasi.

A. Paket Layanan Akreditasi Lembaga SertifikasiDalam tahun 2015, Pusat Akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi

telah menjalankan kegiatan akreditasi berupa penanganan

Tabel 12. Rekap SNI yang telah diberlakukan secara wajib (per Desember 2015)

Table 12. Recapitulation of SNIs that have been implemented compulsorily as of December 2015

No Instansi Teknis/ Technical Agency Jumlah SNINumber of SNI

1. Kementerian Perindustrian/ Industry Ministry 1022. Kementerian Energi & Sumber Daya Mineral

Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources23

3. Kementerian Pertanian/ Agriculture Ministry 34. BPOM 15. Kementerian Perhubungan/ Ministry of


6. Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum/ Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing


Jumlah 198

P e n e r a p a n S t a n d a rS t a n d a r d I m p l e m e n t a t i o n

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

A.1 Accreditation servicesIn 2015 we have performed services include 98 packages of

initial request / re-shares , 95 packages of preliminary assessment / re-do / addition in scope , 77 surveillance service package, 158 witness , 41 meetings of the technical committees, 13 KAN Council meeting packages, and 10 packages of implementation monitoring ,

permohonan, evaluasi permohonan akreditasi, audit kecukupan, asesmen, penyaksian asesmen dan pengambilan keputusan akreditasi, serta surveilen dan re-akreditasi.

Dibandingkan jumlah lembaga sertifikasi yang diakreditasi KAN pada 2014, terjadi peningkatan sebesar 23 lembaga sertifikasi baru yang diakreditasi pada 2015 dan pengurangan 3 lembaga sertifikasi. Jumlah pertumbuhan yang diakreditasi menjadi 20 lembaga sertifikasi atau total 164 lembaga

Gambar 40. Pertumbuhan LS masing-masing skema (2011-2015). / Picture 40. LS Growth Charts of each scheme (2011-2015).

Tabel 13. Pertumbuhan Lembaga Sertifikasi 2014 dan 2015Table 13. Growths of Certification Body in 2014 and 2015

No Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuaian (LPK)Conformity Assessment Body (LPK)

2014 2015 PertumbuhanGrowth

1. Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk/ Product Certification Body 35 45 102. Lembaga Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan

Certification Body of Environtment Management System15 15 0

3. Lembaga Sertifikasi HACCP/ HACCP Certification Body 6 7 14. Lembaga Sertifikasi Ekolabel/ Ecolabel Certification Body 2 2 05. Lembaga Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu

Certification Body of Quality Management System Certification37 36 (-1)

6. Lembaga Sertifikasi Manajemen Keamanan PanganCertification Body of Food Safety Management Certification

7 8 1

7. Lembaga Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu/ Verification Body of Log Legality

14 21 7

8. Lembaga Sertifikasi Personel/ Personnel Certification Body 5 5 0

9. Lembaga Sertifikasi Pangan OrganikCertification Body of Organic Food Certification

8 8 0

10. Lembaga Penilai Pengelolaan Hutan Produk LestariApraisal Agency for Sustainable Production Forest Management

15 13 (-2)

11. Lembaga Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu Alat KesehatanCertification Body for Health Equipment Quality Management System

- 2 2

12. Lembaga Verifikasi/Validasi Gas Rumah KacaVerification/Validation for Greenhouse Effect

- 2 2

13. Lembaga Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Keamanan InformasiCertification Body for Information Safety Management System

- - 0

Total LS 144 164 20

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sertifikasi. Data pertumbuhan Lembaga Sertifikasi untuk masing-masing skema akreditasi yang dijalankan oleh KAN dari tahun 2011-2015 seperti pada gambar 40.

A.1 Layanan jasa akreditasiPada 2015 telah dilakukan pelayanan jasa meliputi 98 paket

permohonan awal/ulang sebanyak, 95 paket asesmen awal/ulang/penambahan lingkup, 77 paket pelayanan surveilen,158 witness, 41 kali rapat panitia teknis, 13 paket rapat Council KAN, dan 10 paket pelaksanaan monitoring.

A.2 Peningkatan Manajemen Akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi

KAN mengenalkan aplikasi KAN-MIS (Management Information System) sebagai salah satu bentuk inovasi dan komitmen BSN/KAN dalam meningkatkan pelayanan proses akreditasi.

B. Pengembangan Kebijakan Akreditasi Bidang Lembaga SertifikasiB.1 Pengembangan Skema AkreditasiProgram akreditasi selalu berkembang dan perlu penyem-

purnaan berkesinambungan mengikuti perkembangan ter-kini. Pengembangan skema akreditasi baru pada 2015 untuk akreditasi lembaga sertifikasi adalah:

1. Sertifikasi Halal2. Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Rantai Pasokan (SMKRP)3. Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata (LSUP)4. Sistem Manajemen Bio-risiko Laboratorium (SMBL)5. Occupational Health Safety and Security (OHSAS)

Pengembangan skema akreditasi dilakukan melalui rapat dan pembahasan intensif oleh tim pengembangan skema serta penyiapan SDM pendukung. Hasil akhir pengembangan tahun 2015 adalah dilaunchingnya 3 skema layanan akreditasi baru yaitu:

1. Sertifikasi Halal,2. Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Rantai Pasokan (SMKRP),3. Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata(LSUP).

n Sistem Manajemen Bio­risiko Laboratorium (SMBL)BSN dan Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN) tahun 2015

mengembangkan Sistem Manajemen Bio-risiko Laboratorium (SMBL). Pengembangan skema ini diinisiasi oleh para praktisi dari berbagai stakeholder yang menyadari pentingnya sistem manajemen bio-risiko dalam suatu laboratorium yang bekerja dengan agen hayati.

A.2 Management Improvement of Certification Body Accreditation

KAN introduced the application – KAN-MIS (Management Information System) as one form of innovation and commitment BSN / KAN in improving service accreditation process .

B. Development Sector Certification Bodies Accreditation PolicyB.1 Development Accreditation SchemeProgram accreditation is always evolving and needs

continuous improvement to follow the latest developments. The development of a new accreditation scheme in 2015 for the accreditation of certification bodies are:

1. Halal Certification2. Supply Chain Security Management System (SMKRP)3. Certification of Tourism Enterprises (LSUP)4. Bio-risk Management Systems Laboratory (SMBL)5. Occupational Health Safety and Security (OHSAS)

Development of accreditation schemes is conducted through meetings and intensive discussions by the development team as well as preparation of HR support scheme. The final result for development in 2015 was the launching of three new accreditation service schemes namely:

1. Halal Certification,2. Supply Chain Security Management System (SMKRP),3. Certification of Tourism Enterprises (LSUP).

n Bio-risk Management Systems Laboratory (SMBL)In 2015, BSN and the National Accreditation Committee (KAN)

developed the Bio-risk Management Systems Laboratory (SMBL). The development of this scheme was initiated by the practitioners of the various stakeholders realize the importance of bio-risk

P e n e r a p a n S t a n d a rS t a n d a r d I m p l e m e n t a t i o n

Gambar 41. Workshop aplikasi KAN-MIS (Management Information System)Picture 41. Workshop on KAN-MIS

(Management Information System) Application

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

n Occupational Health Safety and Security (OHSAS)Untuk perlindungan terhadap keselamatan dan kesehatan

di Indonesia, Pemerintah memberlakukan UU No. 13 tahun 2003 dan Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja 05/Men/1996 tentang Sistem Manajemen Keamanan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (SMK3). Peraturan ini berlaku wajib bagi perusahaan yang memiliki tenaga kerja 100 orang atau lebih.

n Penggabungan skema sertifikasi Industri Hijau dan Ekolabel

Menteri Perindustrian telah menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian Nomor 51/M-D/PER/6/2015 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Standar Industri Hijau (SIH).

B .2 Pemeliharaan skema akreditasi lembaga sertifikasiPada 2015 KAN telah mengoperasikan 14 program

akreditasi yaitu :1. sistem manajemen mutu (LSMM),2. sistem manajemen lingkungan (LSSML),3. sistem manajemen keamanan pangan (LSSMKP),4. sistem ekolabel (LSE),5. sistem HACCP (LSSHACCP),6. sistem manajemen keamanan informasi (LSSMKI),7. sistem sertifikasi produk (LSPro),8. personel (LSP),9. pangan organik (LSO),10. verifikasi legalitas kayu (LVVLK),11. sistem PHPL (LP PHPL),12. sistem manajemen mutu peralatan kesehatan (LS

SMMAK),13. sistem validasi dan/atau verifikasi gas rumah kaca

(GHG),14. sistem manajemen energy (LS SME).

Skema akreditasi yang telah dioperasionalkan juga dievaluasi dan disempurnakan untuk mengikuti perubahan persyaratan internasional yang mutakhir. Pada 2015 dilakukan penyempurnaan untuk:

- Skema Produk- Skema Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu- Skema Sistem HACCP dan Sistem Manajemen

Keamanan Pangan- Sistem Manajemen dan Sistem Manajemen Mutu (SMM) - Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan (SML)

B.3. Pengembangan Sistem Manajemen KANKebijakan manajemen akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi

(LS) dalam pengembangan Sistem Manajemen KAN telah direalisasikan dengan terbangunnya Sistem Akreditasi Online

management system in a laboratory working with biological agents.

n Occupational Health Safety and Security (OHSAS)For the protection of safety and health in Indonesia, the

Government implemented the Act No. 13 of 2003 and Regulation of the Minister of Labour 05 / Men / 1996 on the Safety Management System, Occupational Health and Safety (SMK3). This rule mandatorily applies for companies with a workforce of 100 people or more.

n Merging Ecolabel certification and the Green IndustryMinister of Industry has issued the Ministerial Decree No. 51

/ M-D / PER / 6/2015 Guideline of Green Industry Standards (SIH).

B.2 Maintenaning certification body accreditation schemeIn 2015, KAN has operated 14 accreditation programs, which

are:1. The quality management system (LSMM),2. The environmental management system (LSSML),3. The food safety management system (LSSMKP),4. Ecolabel system (LSE),5. HACCP system (LSSHACCP),6. The information security management system (LSSMKI),7. The product certification system (IPC),8. personnel (LSP),9. organic food (LSO),10. The timber legality verification (LVVLK),11. SFM system (LP SFM),12. The quality management system of medical equipment

(LS SMMAK),13. The system of validation and / or verification of

greenhouse gas (GHG)14. The energy management system (LS SME).

Accreditation schematic which has been in operation were also evaluated and refined to follow the latest international requirements change. In 2015, there have been improvements on:

- Product Schematics- Timber Legality Verification Scheme- Scheme HACCP System and Food Safety Management

System- Management System and Quality Management System

(QMS) - Environmental Management System (EMS)

B.3. KAN Management System DevelopmentAccreditation management policy Certification Institution

(LS) in the development of KAN Management System has been realized with the establishment of Accreditation System Online

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(KAN Management Information System), Elektronik Training (e-Training KAN), Sistem Informasi Manajemen Asesor KAN Online (SIMAK Online), Survei Akreditasi Online serta rencana pengembangan sistem storage terpusat untuk dokumentasi mutu KAN.

C. Pengakuan regional dan internasional terhadap sistem akreditasi sertifikasi bidang Lembaga SertifikasiPAC dan IAF adalah organisasi internasional dibidang

akreditasi dengan anggota badan akreditasi nasional dan lembaga penilaian kesesuaian (Conformity Assessment Body) di seluruh dunia. Tujuan dari organisasi ini adalah memfasilitasi perdagangan dunia dengan pengaturan saling pengakuan terhadap hasil penilaian kesesuaian (sertifikasi, pengujian dan inspeksi).

C.1 Pengembangan pengakuan regional/internasionaln Pengakuan MLA IAF untuk skema FSMS/SMKPSampai akhir 2015 ini, pengakuan international MLA PAC/

IAF yang telah diperoleh untuk skema akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi BSN/KAN adalah sebagai berikut:

Skema akreditasi KAN yang dikembangkan dan dilakukan juga telah mendapat pengakuan keberterimaan secara nasional seperti berikut ini. (lihat tabel 15)

n Peer Evaluasi PAC/IAF untuk skema personel

C.2 Pemeliharaan pengakuan regional/internasionalUntuk memelihara pengakuan MLA IAF/PAC yang telah

diperoleh KAN, dilakukan dengan:• Partisipasi IAF Mid­Term Meeting di Frankfurt, Jerman,

9 – 13 April 2015.• Partisipasi dalam sidang 2nd APLAC­PAC Joint

Meetings 2015 di Colombo, Srilanka, 15-19 Juni 2015.• Partisipasi dalam IAF General Assembly Meeting di

Milan, Italia.• Partisipasi dalam Standard and Metrology Institute for

Islamic Countries (SMIIC AC) Accreditation Committee Meeting di Sarajevo, Bosnia, 16-20 Maret 2015.

(KAN Management Information System), Electronic Training (e-Training KAN), Management Information Systems Assessor of KAN Online (SIMAK Online), Accreditation Surveys Online and the planned development of a centralized storage system for quality documentation KAN.

C. Regional and international recognition of the accreditation system engineer certification on Certification AgenciesPAC and IAF is an international organization in the field of

accreditation with members from the national accreditation bodies and conformity assessment bodies (Conformity Assessment Body) worldwide. The purpose of this organization is to facilitate world trade by mutual recognition arrangements on conformity assessment (certification, testing and inspection).

C.1 Development of recognition of regional / internationaln Recognition for the IAF MLA FSMS scheme / FSMSUntil the end of 2015, international recognition of MLA

PAC / IAF that has been obtained on accreditation schemes for Certification Bodies BSN / KAN is as follows:

KAN accreditation scheme is developed and implemented has also gained recognition nationally acceptability as follows.

n Peer Evaluation PAC / IAF for personnel schematicC.2 Maintenance of regional / international recognitionTo maintain MLA IAF / PAC recognition acquired by KAN, KAN

participated in the following events:•Participation IAFMid-TermMeeting inFrankfurt,Germany,

April 9 to 13, 2015.• Participation in the 2nd session of APLAC-PAC Joint

Meetings 2015 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, June 15 to 19, 2015.• Participation in the IAF General Assembly Meeting in

Milan, Italy.• Participation in the Standards and Metrology Institute

for Islamic Countries (SMIIC AC) Accreditation Committee Meeting in Sarajevo, Bosnia, March 16 to 20, 2015.

• Participation in 8 Developing Countries SecretariatExpert Group Meeting on Halal Sector Development in Islamabad, Pakistan, April 27 to 28, 2015.

Tabel 14. Pengakuan keberterimaan InternasionalTable 14. International acceptance Recognition

No Jenis Skema/Scheme Type

Perolehan Pengakuan MLA PACMLA PAC

Recognition Acquisition

Perolehan Pengakuan MLA IAF

MLA IAF Recognition Acquisition

1 SMM/ ISO 9001 Tahun 2000/ In 2000 Tahun 2002/ In 20022 SML/ISO 14001 Tahun 2004/ In 2004 Tahun 2007/ In 20073 Produk/ Product Tahun 2009/In 2009 Tahun 2009/ In 20094 SMKP/ISO 22000 Tahun 2013/ In 2013 Tahun 2015/ In 2015

Tabel 15. Pengakuan keberterimaan nasionalTable 15. National acceptance Recognition

No Jenis Skema Scheme Type

Kebeterimaan NasionalNational Acceptance

1 Organik /Organic MoU Kementan/ MOU of Agriculture Ministry2 PHPL/LVLK MoU Kemenhut/MOU of Forestry Ministry3 ISO 14001/ekolabel KLH/ Ministry of Environment4 Produk ISO 9001 Kemenperin, Kemendag, ESDM/Industry

Ministry, Trade Ministry, and ESDM/Industry5 ISO 13485 Kemenkes/Health Ministry

P e n e r a p a n S t a n d a rS t a n d a r d I m p l e m e n t a t i o n

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

• Partisipasi dalam Developing 8 Countries Secretariat Expert Group Meeting on Halal Sector Development di Islamabad, Pakistan, 27-28 April 2015.

• Partisipasi dalam The 8th General Assembly Meeting of the Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries di Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab, 3-6 Mei 2015.

• Partisipasi dalam SMIIC Forum 2015 • The 8th Standard and Metrology Institute for Islamic

Countries (SMIIC AC) Meeting di Istanbul, Turki, 28-31 Agustus 2015.

• Partisipasi aktif voting/tanggapan terhadap pembahasan dokumen PAC/IAF.

• Partisipasi dalam Training Course on ISO/IEC 17021­ 2:2015, ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 14001:2015 di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15-17 Oktober 2015.

D. Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia terkait Akreditasi­ SertifikasiD.1. Pengembangan Asesor Bidang Lembaga SertifikasiDalam rangka menyelenggarakan fungsi pelaksanaan

Komite Akreditasi Nasional di bidang akreditasi lembaga sertifikasi, dilakukan pengembangan asesor bidang lembaga sertifikasi agar pelaksanaan kegiatan akreditasi lembaga sertifikasi lebih efektif dan berkualitas.

D 2. Sosialisasi kepada Stakeholder, Regulator dan LPK tentang Penilaian Kesesuaian

Skema Akreditasi yang telah dioperasionalkan oleh KAN perlu terus diupayakan keberterimaannya agar dapat diterima secara nasional. Untuk itu, BSN menyelenggarakan sosialiasi/ workshop di beberapa kota antara lain:

- Workshop Keberterimaan Skema Akreditasi Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi di Batam tanggal 2 Juli 2015 peserta 44 orang,

- Workshop Keberterimaan Skema Akreditasi Lembaga Usaha Pariwisata di Bali tanggal 20 Agustus 2015 peserta 60 orang,

- Workshop Keberterimaan Skema Akreditasi SMKP dan HACCP di Lombok tanggal 23 Oktober 2015 peserta 60 orang,

- Workshop Keberterimaan Skema Akreditasi dan Sertifikasi ISO 14001 Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan di Surabaya pada 13 Agustus 2015 peserta 120 orang,

- Workshop Keberterimaan Skema Akreditasi Organik diMalang tanggal 10 Juli 2015 peserta 60 orang dan di Padang tanggal 16 juni 2015 peserta 79 orang.

• Participationinthe8thGeneralAssemblyMeetingoftheStandards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 3-6 May 2015.

• ParticipationintheForum2015SMIIC• The 8th Standard and Metrology Institute for Islamic

Countries (SMIIC AC) Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, August 28 to 31, 2015.

• The active participation of voting / responses to thediscussion document PAC / IAF.

• Participation in theTrainingCourseon ISO / IEC17021-2: 2015, ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15-17 October 2015.

D. Improvement of Human Resources related to Accreditation - CertificationD.1. Development of Assessors in Certification InstitutesIn order to perform the functions of the implementation of

the National Accreditation Committee in the field of accreditation of certification bodies, developments for assessor in certification bodies are made for the implementation of activities accreditation of certification bodies more effective and qualified.

D 2. Socialization to stakeholders, regulators and LPK on Conformity Assessment

Accreditation scheme which has been operated by KAN need continued effort of acceptability to be accepted nationally. Therefore, BSN held socialization / workshops in several cities, among others:

- Workshop on Accreditation Scheme Acceptance Information Security Management System in Batam dated July 2, 2015 with participants of 44 people,

- Workshop on Accreditation Scheme tourism business acceptability in Bali on August 20, 2015 participants of 60 people,

- Workshop on FSMS and HACCP Accreditation Scheme acceptability in Lombok dated October 23, 2015 participants of 60 people,

- Workshop on Scheme Accreditation and Certification ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Acceptance in Surabaya on August 13, 2015 participants of 120 people,

- Workshop acceptability Organic Accreditation Scheme Mebel dated July 10, 2015 participants of 60 people and in Padang on 16 June 2015 79 participants.

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III. Akreditasi Laboratorium dan Lembaga Inspeksi

Peranan laboratorium sebagai Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuaian (LPK) sangatlah penting. Untuk menjamin mutu dan tingkat keterpercayaan data hasil uji, diperlukan akreditasi laboratorium pengujian. Lembaga inspeksi juga memiliki peran strategis dalam menerapkan standar dan penilaian kesesuaian. Untuk memberi jaminan dan keterpercayaan hasil inspeksi, lembaga inspeksi pun membutuhkan akreditasi oleh lembaga yang independen.

Kegiatan akreditasi laboratorium dan lembaga inspeksi di Indonesia dilaksanakan oleh Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN) yang secara operasional dikelola oleh Pusat Akreditasi Laboratorium dan Lembaga Inspeksi (PALLI), PALLI bertugas menyiapkan rumusan kebijakan, pembinaan, koordinasi program akreditasi laboratorium penguji, akreditasi laboratorium kalibrasi dan akreditasi lembaga inspeksi.

PALLI melaksanakan Program Peningkatan Akreditasi Labora torium dan Lembaga Inspeksi yang pada 2015 mencakup:

1. Kebijakan Akreditasi Bidang Laboratorium dan Lembaga Inspeksi

Kebijakan di bidang akreditasi laboratorium dan lembaga inspeksi bertujuan memastikan pelaksanaan kegiatan akreditasi laboratorium dan lembaga inspeksi berjalan efektif. Tujuannya agara penilaian kesesuaian yang dilakukan oleh laboratorium dan lembaga inspeksi yang diakreditasi memenuhi standar mutu yang dapat diterima di tingkat regional maupun internasional.

1.1. Kebijakan Manajemen Akreditasi Laboratorium dan Lembaga Inspeksi

Akreditasi laboratorium dan lembaga inspeksi (LLI) dikelola dengan sistem manajemen yang memenuhi standar SNI ISO/IEC 17011:20011 Penilaian kesesuaian – Persyaratan umum badan akreditasi dalam mengakreditasi lembaga penilaian kesesuaian. Sistem manajemen tersebut didokumentasikan dalam panduan mutu, prosedur, kebijakan, syarat dan aturan serta pedoman yang dievaluasi secara reguler untuk dapat mengikuti perkembangan kebutuhan, syarat dan aturan badan akreditasi.

1.2. Kebijakan Pengembangan Sistem Akreditasi Laboratorium dan Lembaga Inspeksi

Untuk meningkatkan mutu asesmen LLI, PALLI menetapkan kebijakan untuk menggunakan sistem aplikasi online yang disebut dengan KAN Management Information System (KAN MIS). Dengan KAN MIS ini maka laboratorium tidak perlu lagi datang ke Sekretariat untuk memasukkan permohonan akreditasi dan dapat memantau setiap perkembangan proses akreditasi LLI melalui sistem online.

III. Laboratory and Inspection Institute Accreditation

The role of laboratories as Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB) is very important. To ensure the quality and reliability level of data test results, the necessary accreditation of testing laboratories. The inspection body also has a strategic role in implementing the standards and conformity assessment. To give guarantees and reliability of the results of the inspection, the inspection body also requires accreditation by an independent institution.

Accreditation of laboratories and inspection bodies in Indonesia is conducted by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), which is operationally managed by the Center for Laboratory Accreditation and Inspection (PALLI). PALLI is in charge of setting policy formulation, development, coordinating testing laboratory accreditation program, accreditation of calibration laboratory and inspection of accreditation body.

PALLI implement the Improvement Program for Laboratory Accreditation and Inspection in 2015, which include:

1. Policy on Laboratory and Inspection Institute Accreditation

Policy in the field of accreditation of laboratories and inspection bodies is aimed at ensuring implementation of the accreditation of laboratories and inspection bodies to be effective. The goal for the conformity assessment performed by accredited laboratory and inspection agency to meet the standards of acceptable quality at regional and international levels.

1.1. Accreditation Management Policy for Laboratory and Inspection Institute

Accreditation of laboratories and inspection bodies (LLI) is managed by the management system that meets ISO standard ISO / IEC 17011: 20011 Conformity assessment - General requirements

For accreditation bodies in accrediting conformity assessment bodies. The management system is documented in a quality manual, procedures, policies, terms and rules and guidelines that are evaluated on a regular basis to be able to keep abreast of the needs, requirements and rules of accreditation bodies.

1.2. Policy Systems Development for Accreditation Laboratory and Institute

To improve the quality of assessment, PALLI establish a policy to use the online application system called KAN Management Information System (MIS KAN). With MIS KAN is the laboratory no longer need to come to the Secretariat to submit a request accreditation and can monitor any developments in accreditation process through the online system.

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1.3. Kebijakan Peningkatan Kemampuan Laborato ri­um Penguji dan Lembaga Inspeksi

Kebijakan ini dilaksanakan dengan pengembangan evaluasi kompetensi teknis laboratorium melalui penyelenggaraan uji profisiensi (UP) bagi laboratorium yang telah diakreditasi oleh KAN. Terdapat 5 program UP untuk laboratorium penguji yang dilaksanakan pada 2015. Program uji profisiensi ini melibatkan tim uji profisiensi dan laboratorium penyiap bahan uji. Tim uji terdiri dari para pakar uji profisiensi yang bertugas untuk merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan melakukan evaluasi termasuk penyiapan protokol uji profisiensi. Dari kegiatan ini dihasilkan revisi Kebijkan KAN tentang Uji Profisiensi (KAN P-06) yang mengakomodir persyaratan dalam ILAC P-09 dan kondisi profisiensi laboratorium-laboratorium di Indonesia.

2. Asesor Bidang Laboratorium dan Lembaga InspeksiJumlah Laboratorium dan Lembaga Inspeksi (LLI) meningkat

dari tahun ke tahun, demikian pula ruang lingkupnya. Untuk memelihara ketersediaan asesor laboratorium dalam jumlah dan kualifikasi yang mencukupi, dilaksanakan perekrutan asesor baru melalui tahapan pelatihan. Pelatihan ini telah dilaksanakan di Jakarta dari Mei sampai November 2015 yang diikuti 100 peserta asesor laboratorium pengujian, laboratorium kalibrasi, lembaga inspeksi dan penyelenggara uji profisiensi.

Pengakuan Internasional dan Regional terhadap Sistem Akreditasi Pengujian, Kalibrasi dan InspeksiBSN, melalui KAN, telah diterima menjadi signatory member

dalam kesepakatan saling pengakuan antar badan akreditasi di tingkat regional dan internasional melalui APLAC/ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA). Perolehan pengakuan tersebut adalah MRA untuk akreditasi laboratorium pengujian pada 2001, laboratorium kalibrasi pada 2003, lembaga inspeksi pada 2004, dan laboratorium medik pada 2013.

Penggunaan bahan acuan (reference materials, RM) dan/ atau bahan acuan bersertifikat (certified reference materials,CRM) di laboratorium pengujian dan kalibrasi sangat penting untuk menjamin bahwa rantai ketertelusuran yang dibangun ke satuan standar internasional tidak terputus. Semua validasi metode dan kalibrasi peralatan yang dilakukan di laboratorium pengujian/kalibrasi harus memberikan keyakinan, integritas dan ketelitian kepada manajemen laboratorium tentang ketertelusuran ke satuan-satuan internasional.

1.3. Policy Upgrades in Testing Laboratory and InspectionThis policy was performed with the development of technical

competency evaluation laboratory through the organization of proficiency testing (UP) for the laboratory has been accredited by KAN. There are 5 UP programs for laboratory testing conducted in 2015. The proficiency testing program involves teams from proficiency testing laboratory and proficiency test materials. Test team consists of experts in charge of proficiency testing to plan, implement, and evaluate, including the preparation of proficiency testing protocol. This activity results in revision of development policy KAN Proficiency Testing (KAN P-06) that accommodate the requirements of the ILAC P-09 and state proficiency laboratories in Indonesia.

2. Assessors in Laboratory and Inspection AgencyTotal Laboratory and Inspection Institute (LLI) increased from

year to year, as well as its scope. To maintain the availability of laboratory assessors in sufficient number and qualifications, we haveimplemented a new assessor recruitment up to the training stages. This training was held in Jakarta from May to November 2015 followed by 100 participants consisting of assessors from testing laboratories, calibration laboratories, inspection bodies and organizers of proficiency testing.

International and Regional Recognition of the Accreditation System for Testing, Calibration and InspectionBSN, through KAN, has been accepted as a signatory member

in mutual recognition agreements between accreditation bodies at regional and international levels through APLAC / ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA). Obtaining such recognition is MRA for the accreditation of testing laboratories in 2001, 2003 calibration laboratories, inspection bodies in 2004, and a medical laboratory in 2013.

The use of reference materials (reference materials, RM) and / or certified reference materials (certified reference materials, CRM) in testing and calibration laboratories is essential to ensure that the traceability chain that is built to international standard units are not interrupted. All validation methods and calibration of the equipment is done in laboratory testing / calibration should give you confidence, integrity and accuracy to laboratory management of traceability to international units.

3. Policy to strengthen National Standards Measure-ment Unit (SNSU)

Strengthening SNSU is conducted through three policies, namely SNSU development, the development of the national metrology and calibration laboratory capacity building.

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3. Kebijakan Penguatan Standar Nasional Satuan Ukuran (SNSU)

Penguatan SNSU direalisasikan dalam tiga kebijakan, yaitu pengembangan SNSU, pengembangan metrologi nasional, dan peningkatan kemampuan laboratorium kalibrasi.

3.1. Kebijakan Pengembangan SNSUPengembangan SNSU dan pengembangan metrologi

merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari pengembangan infrastruktur mutu nasional secara keseluruhan. Pada 2015, BSN selaku penanggung jawab pengelolaan SNSU meninjau ulang strategi tersebut bersama lembaga-lembaga lain yang terkait, yaitu Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, Direktorat Metrologi Kementerian Perdagangan, dan Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika. Kesimpulan yang ditarik dari pembahasan itu adalah:

• Di samping UU SPK, ada undang­undang terkait metrologi, yaitu UU Nomor 2/1981 tentang Metrologi Legal yang saat ini sedang dirancang untuk diganti dengan UU Metrologi. Salah satu aspek penting UU Metrologi adalah pengaturan metrologi legal di daerah. UU SPK dan UU Metrologi akan menjadi payung hukum infrastruktur mutu nasional.

• Dalam hal kelembagaan, pengelolaan SNSU oleh BSN dapat dilaksanakan melalui dua alternatif, yaitu:(1) Pengelolaan SNSU seluruhnya dalam organisasi

BSN Laboratorium-laboratorium yang selama ini mengelola SNSU tertentu ditarik semuanya ke dalam organisasi BSN.

(2) Pengelolaan SNSU oleh BSN melalui pengelolaan langsung untuk SNSU tertentu dan subkontrak untuk SNSU lainnya kepada laboratorium pengelola yang sudah ada sesuai dengan kompetensi teknisnya.

Alternatif (1) dinilai ideal dan perlu ditindaklanjuti. Kajian untuk implementasinya yang lebih konkrit dan rinci perlu segera dilakukan. Alternatif (2) dapat dipilih dalam masa transisi menuju Alternatif (1) agar pengelolaan SNSU tetap berlangsung tanpa terputus.

3.2. Kebijakan Pengembangan Metrologi NasionalIndikator ini berkenaan dengan kebijakan partisipasi

BSN di Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). Pada 2015, forum dimaksud adalah the General Conference of Weights and Measures (26th meeting) atau Pertemuan ke-25 Konferensi Umum Timbangan dan Ukuran. Pada pertemuan ini dibahas rencana revisi Sistem Internasional Satuan (SI), pemilihan anggota Komite Internasional Timbangan dan Ukuran/International Committee of Scales and Measures (CIPM), pendanaan BIPM, dan pentingnya kesepakatan saling

3.1. SNSU Policy DevelopmentSNSU and metrology development is an integral part of the

development of the overall national quality infrastructure. In 2015, BSN as a responsible management of SNSU reviewing these strategies along with other agencies concerned, namely the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Metrology Directorate of the Ministry of Commerce, and the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency. The conclusion drawn from the discussion is:

• In addition to the SPK Law, there are laws related tometrology, Law No. 2/1981 on Legal Metrology which is currently being designed to be replaced by the Metrology Act. One important aspect is setting the Metrology Act in the area of legal metrology. SPK and Metrology Law Act will become a legal umbrella of national quality infrastructure.

• In terms of institutional, management of SNSU by BSNcan be implemented through two alternatives, namely:(1) Management SNSU entirely within the organization

BSN Laboratories for managing certain SNSU pulled everything into the organization BSN.

(2) Management SNSU by BSN through direct management for certain SNSU and subcontracting to other SNSU the existing laboratory manager in accordance with technical competence.

Alternative (1) is considered ideal and should be followed up on. A more concrete and detailed study for the implementation needs to be done immediately. Alternative (2) can be selected in the transition to alternative (1) so that the management of SNSU may continue without interruption.

3.2. National Metrology Policy DevelopmentThis indicator is with respect to BSN’s participation in the

International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM). In 2015, the forum in question is the General Conference of Weights and Measures (26th meeting) or the meeting of the 25th General Conference of the scale and size. At the meeting there was a discussion on the planned revision of the International System of Units (SI), the election of members of the International Committee of Scales and Measures / International Committee of Scales and Measures (CIPM), funding BIPM, and the importance of an agreement on mutual recognition between national metrology institutes managed by CIPM (CIPM MRA ). Indonesia agreed on resolutions generated and were ready to act on it.

3.3. Policy to Upgrades Competence of Calibration Laboratory

Calibration laboratory is part of the strengthening SNSU, especially from the aspect of SNSU utilization, given its position as the chain of dissemination of the unit of measure of SNSU to

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the measuring equipment used in the measurement. In 2015, BSN through KAN took measures to coordinate the implementation of Comparisons Test Calibration Laboratory (UBLK) for the fields of measurement, namely:

1. Buret, BBKKP provider Yogyakarta,2. Caliper, BPI provider LIPI,3. Dial Gauge, BPI provider LIPI,4. The glass thermometer, BBKKP provider Yogyakarta,5. Digital Multimeter, provider PT Kaliman,6. flask, Lemigas provider,7. Radiation thermometer, PT Mandiri Transforma Global

provider,8. Scales, provider BBTKLPP Jakarta,9. F1-type scales, provider Lemigas

BSN also act to support UBLK for medical devices. In addition to domestic UBLK, BSN through KAN also coordinates the UBLK within the scope of the Asia-Pacific for the measurement of the mass of the E2 (NER 027 program APLAC E2).

4. International recognition of the National Metrology Measurement Capabilities

International recognition of the measurement capabilities of the national metrology is recognition of calibration and measurement capabilities (calibration and measurement capability (CMC)) national metrology institutes by the International Committee Scales and Measures (CIPM MRA). CMC’s recognition was obtained through the stages of peer competence-LIPI Research Center for Metrology as the national metrology institutes by the reviewer approved by the Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP). In 2015, BSN coordinate peer-LIPI Research Center for Metrology for measurement of four areas, namely:

• September 29 to October 1 for a QMS, temperature,accustics.

• 20to22October2015totheTimeandFrequency.• 10to12November2015toMassandDensity.Corrective actions on the results of this review are underway.

5. Accreditation Services for Laboratory and Inspection institutes

LLI accreditation services include processing requests for preliminary assessment (and the addition of the scope of accreditation), reassessments and surveillance overdue for calibration laboratories, testing laboratories, medical laboratories, inspection bodies and organizers of proficiency testing. LLI accreditation services in 2015 reached 100% (all LLI to be processed have been resolved). The number of these services are shown in Table 16 below:

pengakuan antar lembaga metrologi nasional yang dikelola oleh CIPM (CIPM MRA). Indonesia menyepakati resolusi-resolusi yang dihasilkan dan siap menindaklanjutinya.

3.3. Kebijakan Peningkatan Kemampuan Laboratorum Kalibrasi

Laboratorium kalibrasi merupakan bagian dari penguatan SNSU, khususnya dari aspek pemanfaatan SNSU, mengingat kedudukannya sebagai mata rantai diseminasi satuan ukuran dari SNSU ke peralatan ukur yang digunakan dalam pengukuran. Pada 2015, BSN melalui KAN mengambil kebijakan untuk melakukan koordinasi penyelenggaraan Uji Banding Laboratorium Kalibrasi (UBLK) untuk bidang-bidang pengukuran, yaitu:

1. Buret, provider BBKKP Yogyakarta,2. Caliper, provider BPI LIPI,3. Dial Gauge, provider BPI LIPI,4. Termometer Gelas, provider BBKKP Yogyakarta,5. Multimeter Digital, provider PT Kaliman,6. Labu ukur, provider Lemigas,7. Termometer radiasi, provider PT Mandiri Transforma

Global,8. Timbangan, provider BBTKLPP Jakarta,9. Anak timbangan tipe F1, provider Lemigas

BSN juga berperan mendukung UBLK untuk alat kesehatan. Selain UBLK dalam-negeri, BSN melalui KAN juga mengkoordinasikan penyelenggaraan UBLK dalam lingkup Asia-Pasifik untuk pengukuran massa kelas E2 (program APM 027 APLAC E2).

4. Pengakuan Internasional terhadap Kemampuan Pengukuran Metrologi Nasional

Pengakuan internasional terhadap kemampuan pengukuran metrologi nasional adalah pengakuan kemampuan kalibrasi & pengukuran (calibration & measurement capability (CMC)) lembaga metrologi nasional oleh Panitia Internasional Timbangan dan Ukuran (CIPM MRA). Pengakuan CMC ini diperoleh melalui tahapan peer review kompetensi Puslit Metrologi-LIPI selaku lembaga metrologi nasional oleh reviewer yang disetujui oleh Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP). Pada 2015, BSN mengkoordinasikan peer review Puslit Metrologi-LIPI untuk empat bidang pengukuran, yaitu:

• 29 September – 1 Oktober untuk QMS, Temperatur, Accustics.

• 20 – 22 Oktober 2015 untuk Time and Frequency.• 10 – 12 November 2015 untuk Mass and Density.Tindakan perbaikan terhadap hasil review ini sedang


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5. Pelayanan Akreditasi Laboratorium dan Lembaga Inspeksi

Layanan akreditasi LLI mencakup pemrosesan permintaan asesmen awal (dan penambahan ruang lingkup akreditasi), asesmen ulang dan surveilen yang sudah jatuh tempo untuk laboratorium kalibrasi, laboratorium pengujian, laboratorium medik, lembaga inspeksi dan penyelenggara uji profisiensi.

Layanan akreditasi LLI pada 2015 mencapai 100% (semua LLI yang harus diproses telah diselesaikan). Jumlah layanan tersebut diperlihatkan pada tabel 16 berikut:

Tabel 16. Proses akreditasi Laboratorium dan Lembaga Inspeksi 2015 Table 16. Laboratory and Inspection Body accreditation processes in 2015

No Bidang akreditasiAccreditation

Asesmen AwalPreliminary Assessment


Asesmen UlangReassessment


1 Laboratorium KalibrasiCalibration Laboratory

22 100 29 151

2 Laboratorium PengujiTesting Laboratory

108 380 123 611

3 Laboratorium MedikMedical Laboratories

11 2 5 28

4 Lembaga InspeksiInspection Agency

10 11 6 29

5 Penyelenggara Uji PropfisiensiProficiency test Organizer

2 1 0 4

Jumlah / Total 823

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I. Diseminasi Informasi dan Dokumentasi Standardisasi

Sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2014, BSN menyelenggarakan diseminasi informasi dan dokumentasi standardisasi, termasuk penyebarluasannya

di masyarakat. Kegiatan memrogram, menyusun, mengolah, menyebarluaskan, dan mendokumentasikan informasi stan-dardi sasi bagi para pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) dan masyarakat umum dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Informasi dan Dokumentasi Standardisasi (Pusido).

1. Informasi Standardisasi1.1. Penyusunan alat akses informasi standardisasiAlat akses informasi standardisasi merupakan publikasi

tercetak maupun elektronik, yang dibuat untuk memberikan kemudahan pemakai dalam menelusur informasi standardisasi secara umum, maupun SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia)

I. Dissemination of Information and Documentation of Standardization

In accordance with the mandate of Act No. 20 of 2014, BSN organized the dissemination of information and documentation of standardization, including dissemination

in the community. Event programming, compiling, processing, distribution, and document standardization information for stakeholders (stakeholders) and the general public conducted by the Center for Information and Documentation Standardization (Pusido).

1. Standardization information1.1. Preparation of standardization information access toolsStandardization information access tools are print and

electronic publications, made to facilitate the user in searching information standardization in general, and SNI (Indonesian National Standard) in particular. In 2015, the standardization

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan Standardisasi

Dissemination of Information and Socialization of Standardization

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Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

of information access tool is realized in the form of a list and catalogs. List is a listing of all the books that have been produced by the SNI BSN which contains the title. The catalog produced in 2015 consisted of two catalogs for SNI and the reference catalog. For catalogs SNI created by mapping the standards set by BSN related 12 priority sectors MEA.

1.2. The development of documentation and library services policy

In 2015 Pusido develop guidelines for the publication of SNI. These guidelines are very strategic considering the development of standardization in Indonesia increases with the passing of Act No. 20 of 2014 on Standardization and Conformity Assessment.

1.2.1. Standardization Collection development BSN library is a library of complete standardization field in

Indonesia. It is the only library in Indonesia with complete access to the collection of foreign standards, particularly ISO, IEC and ASTM. Here is a collection development program that has been done by the Library of BSN 2015:

a. SNI collectionDeveloping the collection of documents each year fluctuate

based on the number of SNI set by BSN. There are two categories, namely active SNI (SNI valid) and inactive SNI (SNI already withdrawn / abolished / not applicable).

secara khusus. Pada 2015, alat akses informasi standardisasi diwujudkan dalam bentuk senarai dan katalog. Senarai adalah buku berisi daftar seluruh SNI yang telah dihasilkan oleh BSN yang memuat judul. Sedangkan katalog yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2015 terdiri dari dua yaitu katalog SNI dan katalog referensi. Untuk katalog SNI dibuat berdasarkan pemetaan standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh BSN terkait 12 sektor prioritas MEA.

1.2. Pengembangan kebijakan layanan dokumentasi dan perpustakaan

Pada 2015 Pusido menyusun pedoman publikasi SNI. Pedoman ini sangat strategis mengingat perkembangan standardisasi di Indonesia semakin meningkat seiring disahkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2014 tentang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian.

1.2.1. Pengembangan koleksi standardisasiPerpustakaan BSN merupakan perpustakaan bidang

standardisasi terlengkap di Indonesia. Ia satu-satunya perpustakaan di Indonesia yang memiliki akses terhadap koleksi standar asing, khususnya ISO, IEC dan ASTM. Berikut adalah program pengembangan koleksi yang telah dilakukan oleh Perpustakaan BSN tahun 2015:

a. Koleksi SNIPengembangan koleksi dokumen SNI tiap tahun fluktuatif

berdasarkan jumlah SNI yang ditetapkan oleh BSN. Ada dua kategori SNI menurut berlakunya yaitu SNI aktif (SNI yang masih berlaku) dan SNI tidak aktif (SNI yang sudah ditarik/ diabolisi/tidak berlaku).

Berdasarkan sektor ICS (International Classification for Standards), koleksi SNI di Perpustakaan BSN dapat dilihat dalam tabel 18 berikut ini.

Tabel 17. Pemetaan SNI Berdasarkan SK Penetapan sampai 2015Table 17. SNI  Mapping  Based on SK  Determination in 2015

No Data SNI Per Desember 2015SNI data As of December 2015

SNI aktifActive SNI

SNI tidak aktifInactive SNI

1 Jumlah SNI Penetapan baru oleh BSN/Number of newly SNI Established by BSN 7.271 - 2 Jumlah SNI yang direvisi BSN/Number revised SNIs 1.463 - 3 Jumlah SNI yang diamandemen BSN/Number of amended SNI by BSN 23 - 4 Jumlah SNI ditarik/abolisi BSN/Number of withdrawn / abolished SNI by BSN - 1.8665 Jumlah SNI terjemahan/Number of Translated SNI 37 -

Subtotal 8.794 1.866Total SNI yang ditetapkan BSN/Total SNI established by BSN 10.660

Gambar 42. Katalog SNI dan Katalog ReferensiPicture 42. SNI Catalog and Reference Catalog

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Based on ICS (International Classification for Standards), ARTS collection at the Library of BSN can be seen in Table 18 below.

From 8794 active SNI , 198 SNI are enforced as mandatory by various agencies, while 117 of them have been notified to the WTO with the following details

Dari 8.794 SNI aktif yang ditetapkan BSN, hingga 2015 telah diregulasikan (diberlakukan secara wajib) sebanyak 198 SNI oleh berbagai instansi teknis terkait dan 117 SNI diantaranya telah dinotifikasi ke WTO dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

b. Koleksi standar asingSebagai jembatan bagi pengguna terhadap kelengkapan

referensi standarnya, Perpustakaan BSN menyediakan akses pada standar asing seperti ISO, ASTM dan IEC.

Tabel 18. Kompilasi SNI Berdasarkan Sektor ICS sampai akhir 2015/ Table 18. SNI collection by sector of ICS as of 2015

No SNI Per Sektor/ SNI by Sector N R T ATotal

SNI AktifTotal active

SNID Total

1 Pertanian dan teknologi pangan/Agriculture and food technology 1.333 493 0 6 1.832 423 2.2552 Konstruksi/ Construction 610 189 1 4 804 179 9833 Elektronik, teknologi informasi dan komunikasi

Electronics, information technology and communications299 10 9 1 319 4 323

4 Teknologi perekayasaan/Engineering technology 1.288 107 7 2 1.404 277 1.6815 Umum, infrastruktur dan ilmu pengetahuan

General, infrastructure and science476 47 1 2 526 58 584

6 Kesehatan, keselamatan, dan lingkunganHealth, safety and the environment

654 68 0 1 723 126 849

7 Teknologi bahan/ Materials Technology 2.001 453 17 6 2.477 532 3.0048 Teknologi khusus/ Special Technology 162 63 2 0 227 68 2959 Transportasi dan distribusi pangan/Transport and Food distribution 448 33 0 1 482 204 686

Jumlah/ Total 7.271 1.463 37 23 8.794 1.866 10.660

Keterangan/ Description:N = SNI penetapan baru/ New Established SNIR = SNI yang direvisi/ Revised SNIT = SNI yang diterjemahkan/ Translated SNI

A = SNI yang diamandemen/ Amended SNID = SNI yang ditarik/diabolisi/ Withdrawn/Abolished SNITotal = total SNI yang pernah ditetapkan BSN berdasarkan SK/ total SNIs that have been established by BSN Decree

Gambar 43. Total SNI aktif berdasarkan sektor ICS sampai 2015/ Picture 43. Total active SNI by sector ICS as of 2015

Transportasi dan distribusi pangan:Food transportation and distribution:482 SNI

Teknologi Khusus: Special Technology:

227 SNI Pertanian dan teknologi pangan:Farming and food technology:1.832 SNI

Konstruksi:Construction:804 SNI

Elektronik, teknologi informasi dan komunikasi:electronic, information and communication technology:319 SNI

Teknologi perekayasaan:Engineering technology:1.404 SNI

Umum, infrastruktur, dan ilmu pengetahuan:General, infrastructure, and

science:526 SNI

Kesehatan, keselamaan dan lingkungan:

Healthy, safety, and environment:723 SNI

Teknologi bahan:Material technology:

2.477 SNI

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b. Foreign standards CollectionAs a bridge for users to access the complete collection of

the reference standard, BSN library provides access to foreign standards such as ISO, ASTM and IEC.

c. Special reference collection standardizationBSN library in 2015 added a collection of books to support

standardization activities, both as reference material formulation of standards, the implementation of standards and reference work.

BSN library has a duty as a deposit unit for all publications issued by teams in BSN. this implies that each unit makes articles or publications (books, handbooks, brochures, catalogs, legislation, etc.) and must submit at least 2 copies to the library.

c. Koleksi referensi khusus standardisasiPerpustakaan BSN pada 2015 menambah koleksi buku

untuk mendukung kegiatan standardisasi, baik sebagai bahan rujukan perumusan standar, penerapan standar maupun rujukan kerja.

Tabel 19. SNI yang Telah Diberlakukan secara Wajib/ Table 19. SNI that have been Enforced Mandatorily No Instansi Teknis / Technical Agency Jumlah SNI yang telah

diregulasiSNI Numbers that have

been regulated

Jumlah SNI yang telah diregulasi dan dinotifikasi ke WTO

Total SNI have been regulated and notified to the WTO

1 Kementerian Perindustrian / Ministry of Industry 102 962 Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan /

Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries0 0

3 Kementerian Energi & Sumber Daya Mineral / Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources

23 18

4 Kementerian Pertanian / Ministry of Agriculture 3 35 BPOM 1 06 Kementerian Perhubungan / Ministry of Transportation 14 07 Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum / Ministry of Public Works 55 0

Jumlah /Total 198 117

Gambar 44. Ruang koleksi perpustakaan di lantai mezaninPicture 44. Collection Room of BSN library on the second mezzanine floor

Tabel 20. Koleksi referensi berdasarkan klasifikasi Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)Table 20. Reference collections based on Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)

Klasifikasi DDC Judul/ Title Eksemplar/ Copies

(Dewey Decimal Classification) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015

000 Umum. Ilmu dan pengetahuan. Organisasi dan Informasi / Generalities. Science and knowledge. Organization and Information

528 548 561 563 568 583 598 606

100 Filsafat, Psikologi /Philosophy, Psychology 22 26 29 33 36 45 58 64200 Agama / Religion - 1 1 1 0 2 4 6300 Ilmu-ilmu sosial. Hukum. Pemerintahan / Social Sciences .Law. Government

994 1107 1163 1186 1109 1125 1179 1190

400 Linguistik / Linguistics 88 94 95 95 111 119 122 134500 Matematika dan Ilmu-ilmu alam / Mathematics and natural science/

186 200 200 206 198 200 206 228

600 Ilmu-ilmu terapan. Kedokteran. Teknologi / Applied sciences. Medicine, Technology

1379 1467 1520 1543 1452 1487 1557 1563

700 Seni. Rekreasi. Hiburan. Olahraga / The arts, Recreations. Entertainment. Sport

21 22 24 24 29 33 37 45

800 Literatur / Literature 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 15900 Sejarah dan Geografi / History and Geography 28 45 51 52 47 52 58 69

Jumlah /Total 3247 3511 3646 3706 3552 3650 3824 3920

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

1.3. Development of digital librariesIn 2015, BSN library is in the content accumulation stage for

digital library development. The development of digital content can be seen dala Library BSN table 21.

Perpustakaan BSN memiliki tugas sebagai unit deposit bagi seluruh terbitan yang dikeluarkan oleh unit kerja di BSN.Hal ini berimplikasi bahwa setiap unit kerja yang membuat terbitan atau publikasi (buku, handbook, brosur, katalog, peraturan perundang-undangan, dsb.) wajib menyerahkan fotokopi minimal 2 eksemplar ke perpustakaan.

1.3. Pengembangan perpustakaan digitalPada 2015 Perpustakaan BSN dalam tahap penghimpunan

konten untuk pembangunan perpustakaan digital. Perkembangan konten digital Perpustakaan BSN dapat dilihat dala tabel 21.

1.4. Literasi informasi standardisasiLiterasi informasi standardisasi adalah kemampuan untuk

tahu kapan ada kebutuhan untuk informasi, untuk dapat mengidentifikasi, menemukan, mengevaluasi, dan secara efektif menggunakan informasi mengenai standardisasi.

Gambar 45. Ruang koleksi perpustakaan di lantai MezzaninePicture 45. Collection Room of BSN library on Mezzanine Floor

Tabel 21. Koleksi Digital Perpustakaan BSN/ Table 21. BSN Digital Library Collections

No Jenis Koleksi/Type of CollectionTahun/ Year

2012 2013 2014 20151 E-SNI (Judul) /E-SNI (Title) 4116 4538 4919 54192 E-Buku (Judul) /E-Book (Title) 100 470 786 8113 Data Bibliografi (Entri)/ /Bibliography Data (Entry) 612 1012 1147 19484 E-Artikel (ISO Focus, SNI Valuasi, Jurnal Standardisasi,

Media MASTAN, Proseding Standardisasi dll.) (Judul) /E-article (ISO Focus, SNI Valuation, Standardization Journal, MASTAN Media, Standardization Proceeding, etc. (Title)

1068 1396 1515 1596

Total 5896 7416 8367 9774

Gambar46. Ruang baca perpustakaan lantai mezzaninePicture 46. Library’s reading room on the mezzanine floor

Gambar 47. Ruang baca perpustakaan lantai dasarPicture 47. The Library’s reading room on the ground floor

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 1.4. literacy Standardizing information Standardizing information literacy is the ability to know

when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information about standardization.

1.4.1. Internal standardization of information literacy for BSN

In 2015 BSN conducted preliminary literacy information standardization. This event was attended by representatives of each of these centers and agencies in the BSN. The event was hosted by the Head of BSN Library, Minanuddin, and Head of the Documentation and Information Center of Standardization, Abdul Rahman Saleh.

1.4.2. Standardization of information literacy for the community

Standardizing information literacy program was also carried out to provide insight to the public about the ability to find information standardization. In 2015, BSN Library introduces ISO 9001 in the library environment.

1.5. Promotion of standards and collection services standardization

BSN held Book Discussion ‘Style of Writing Books Based on SNI and ISO: Manual (Style Manual). This revealed that the scientific papers that we could get into the international community needs to refer to the standard.

While the Ministry of National Education, through the Directorate General of Higher Letter 152 / E / T / 2012 has made provisions for scientific publications for S1, S2, and S3 which is a requirement of graduation, which is for S1 should be no papers published in scientific journals; S2 program there should be a paper published in national scientific journals mainly accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education; and the S3 program needs to have an article published in international journals.

1.4.1. Literasi informasi standardisasi untuk internal BSN

Pada 2015 Perpustakaan BSN melakukan progam awal literasi informasi standardisasi. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh perwakilan masing-masing pusat dan biro di BSN. Acara dipandu oleh Kepala Perpustakaan BSN, Minanuddin, dan Kepala Pusat Informasi dan Dokumentasi Standardisasi, Abdul Rahman Saleh.

1.4.2. Literasi informasi standardisasi untuk masyarakat

Program literasi informasi standardisasi juga dilakukan keluar untuk memberikan wawasan bagi masyarakat mengenai kemampuan mencari informasi standardisasi. Pada 2015 Perpustakaan BSN mengenalkan ISO 9001 di lingkungan perpustakaan.

1.5. Promosi layanan standar dan koleksi standardisasiBSN menyelenggarakan Diskusi Buku ‘Gaya Penulisan Buku

Berdasarkan SNI dan ISO: Manual (Style Manual). Terungkap bahwa agar karya tulis ilmiah kita bisa masuk ke dunia internasional, perlu mengacu pada standar.

Gambar 48. Literasi informasi di Ruang LITe BSN.Picture 48. Information literacy in BSN’s Lite Room.

Gambar 49. Literasi informasi standardisasi di Perpustakaan Nasional RIPicture 49. Information Literacy of standardization in the National Library

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

Gambar 50. Bedah buku “Gaya Penulisan Buku Berdasarkan SNI ISO”Picture 50. Book review on “Writing Style of Book Based on SNI ISO”

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

BSN also held a book review “Standardization Introduction to the Second Edition” at the National Quality Month, 10 November 2015 at the Jakarta Convention Center.

1.6. Management of library services and documentation1.6.1. Innovation in documentation and data servicesDocumentation and Library departments provide

documentation and data services, such as service provision of standards document (either ISO, ISO, ASTM and IEC), particularly in the form of e-file for internal users of BSN; provision of statistical data determination SNI (per month), SNI classification based on the ICS, the availability of SNI 12 priority sectors MEA, Mandatory SNI Directory, and so on.

Sedangkan Kemendiknas, melalui Surat Dirjen Dikti No.152/E/T/ 2012 telah membuat ketentuan tentang publikasi ilmiah bagi S1, S2, dan S3 yang merupakan salah satu syarat kelulusan, yaitu untuk program S1 harus ada makalah yang terbit di jurnal ilmiah; program S2 harus ada makalah yang terbit di jurnal ilmiah nasional terutama yang terakreditasi Dikti; dan program S3 harus ada makalah yang sudah diterima terbit di jurnal internasional.

BSN juga mengadakan bedah buku “Pengantar Standardisasi Edisi Kedua” pada acara Bulan Mutu Nasional, 10 November 2015 di Jakarta Convention Center.

1.6. Pengelolaan layanan perpustakaan dan dokumentasi

1.6.1. Inovasi layanan dokumentasi dan dataBidang Dokumentasi dan Perpustakaan memberikan

layanan dokumentasi dan data, seperti layanan penyediaan dokumen standar (baik SNI, ISO, ASTM dan IEC) khususnya dalam bentuk e-file untuk pengguna internal BSN; penyediaan data statistik penetapan SNI (per bulan), klasifikasi SNI berdasarkan ICS, ketersediaan SNI pada 12 sektor prioritas MEA, Direktori SNI Wajib, dan sebagainya.

Perpustakaan BSN menjalin kerja sama dan networking Perpustakaan Nasional RI dan sejumlah perpustakaan perguruan tinggi. Dalam kerja sama ini perpustakaan BSN memperkenalkan layanan perpustakaan dan informasi standardisasi yang tersedia di perpustakaan BSN, termasuk SNI Corner.

Gambar 51. Bedah buku “Pengantar Standardisasi Edisi Kedua pada acara Bulan Mutu Nasional, 10 November 2015

Picture 51. Book Review entitled “Introduction to Standardization, the Second Edition at the National Quality Month, November 10, 2015

Tabel 22. Statistik SNI Penetapan Tahun 2015 Berdasarkan Sektor ICS Table 22. Statistics of SNI established in the Year 2015 by Sector ICS

No SNI Per Sektor /SNI by Sector N R T A Total SNI 1 Pertanian dan teknologi pangan / Agriculture and food technology 93 48 0 2 1432 Konstruksi/ Construction 19 26 0 1 463 Elektronik, teknologi informasi dan komunikasi

Electronics, Information and Communication Technology 32 0 9 0 41

4 Teknologi perekayasaan/ Engineering technology 48 14 4 0 66 5 Umum, infrastruktur dan ilmu pengetahuan

General, infrastructure and science43 12 1 1 57

6 Kesehatan, keselamatan dan lingkungan /Health, safety and environment 19 5 0 0 247 Teknologi bahan / Material Technology 61 41 0 0 1028 Teknologi khusus/ Special Technology 4 0 0 0 49 Transportasi dan distribusi pangan / Food Transport and Distribution 14 3 0 0 17

Total 333 149 14 4 500

Keterangan/Description: N = SNI penetapan baru/ New Established SNIR = SNI yang direvisi/ Revised SNI

T = SNI yang diterjemahkan/ Translated SNIA = SNI yang diamandemen/ Amended SNI

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BSN library also establish cooperation and networking with the National Library and a number of college libraries. In this partnership BSN library introduced libraries and information services available in the library standardization BSN, including ISO Corner.

There is a trend that showed the biggest accessor of SNI Online in 2015 is from the education sector.

Terdapat trend bahwa bahwa pengakses terbesar SNI Online pada 2015 adalah dari dunia pendidikan.

1.6.2. Kajian layanan perpustakaanUntuk mengetahui kepuasan pelanggan terhadap kinerja

layanan BSN, Pusido melakukan kajian untuk mengukur kepuasan pelanggan di Perpustakaan BSN. Pengukuran menggunakan metode yang dikembangkan oleh Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara tentang Pedoman Umum

Tabel 23. Data 10 SNI Favorit 2015 yang sering dipesan melalui Table 23. 10 Favorite SNI in 2015 which are frequently ordered through

No No SNI/SNI Number Judul /Title1 SNI ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Teknologi informasi-Teknik keamanan-Sistem manajemen keamanan informasi-Persyaratan

(ISO/IEC 27001:2013, IDT)/Information Technology-Security Technique-Management System of Information Security-Requirement (ISO/IEC 27001:2013, IDT)

2 SNI ISO 31000:2011 Manajemen risiko-Prinsip dan panduan/ Risk Management - Principles and guidelines 3 SNI 3719:2014 Minuman sari buah/ Beverage juice 4 SNI 01-3710-1995 Buah kering/ Dried fruit 5 SNI ISO 215:2014 Dokumentasi Penyajian artikel pada terbitan berkala dan berseri lainnya (ISO 215:1986, IDT) /

Documentation of articles Presentation in periodicals and other serials (ISO 215: 1986, IDT) 6 SNI 0225:2011 Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik 2011 (PUIL 2011)/ General Requirements for Electrical

Installations, 2011 (PUIL 2011) 7 SNI 7230:2009 Teknik penentuan titik pengambilan sampel udara di tempat kerja / Technique of determining

point of air sampling in the workplace8 SNI 04-6507.1-2002/Amd1-2006 Pemutus sirkuit untuk proteksi arus lebih pada instalasi rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Bagian 1:

Pemutus sirkuit untuk operasi arus bolak-balik, Amandemen 1 / Circuit breakers for over-current protection in domestic installations and the like - Part 1: circuit breakers for alternating current operation, Amendment 1

9 SNI 0225:2011/Amd4:2015 Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik 2011 (PUIL 2011) - Amandemen 4 (IEC 60364-5-55:2012, MOD) / General Requirements for Electrical Installations, 2011 (PUIL 2011) - Amendment 4 (IEC 60364-5-55: 2012, MOD)

10 SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008 Persyaratan umum untuk kompetensi laboratorium pengujian dan laboratorium kalibrasi / General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

Gambar 52. SNI penetapan tahun 2015 berdasarkan sektor ICS Picture 52. SNI established in 2015 by sector ICS

Teknologi khususSpecial technology4 SNI

Transportasi dandistribusi panganFood transportation and distribution 15 SNI

Teknologi bahanMaterial technology102 SNI

Kesehatan keselamatandan lingkungan

Healthy, safety, and environment

24 SNI

Umum, infrastruktur dan ilmu pengetahuan

General, infrastructure, and science 57 SNI

Teknologi perekayasaanEngineering technology 66 SNI

Elektronik, teknologi infor-masi dan komunikasi Electronic, information and communication technology 41 SNI

Konstruksi Construction46 SNI

Pertanian teknologi panganFarming and food technology 143 SNI

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

Penyusunan Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat Unit Pelayanan Instansi Pemerintah. Berdasarkan kajian kepuasan pelanggan ini, didapatkan skor rata-rata yaitu 4,02 dengan indeks kepuasan pelanggan (IKP) ekivalen sebesar 80,32, yang termasuk kategori baik.

2. Penguatan Jejaring Informasi StandardisasiUntuk penyebarluasan informasi standardisasi

kepada masyarakat, khususnya stakeholders BSN, perlu pendayagunaan informasi standardisasi melalui berbagai cara. BSN melalui Pusido melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang meliputi: penyusunan kemasan informasi, perluasan dan penguatan jejaring informasi standardisasi, serta diseminasi informasi standardisasi.

2.1. Pengembangan dan pembinaan kerja sama informasi standardisasi

Penyebarluasan informasi standardisasi kepada masyarakat, khususnya stakeholders BSN, dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, salah satunya membuat simpul-simpul informasi di berbagai daerah dan memperkuatnya melalui pembinaan berkelanjutan.

Pembinaan berkelanjutan untuk memperkuat simpul dikenal sebagai Instanet (Information Standardization Network). Instanet atau Jejaring Informasi Standardisasi merupakan forum kerja sama informasi standardisasi antar pusat-pusat informasi standardisasi di Indonesia.

1.6.2. Study of library servicesTo determine customer satisfaction towards BSN service

performance, Pusido conducted a study to measure customer satisfaction in the BSN Library. Measurements used a method developed by the Ministry of Administrative Reform of the General Guidelines for Preparation of Public Satisfaction Index Service Unit Government Agencies. Based on this customer satisfaction study, BSN obtained an average score is 4.02 with a customer satisfaction index (IKP) equivalent of 80.32, which included both categories.

2. Strengthening of Standardization Information NetworkFor standardization of information dissemination to the

public, especially to BSN stakeholders, standardization needs to utilize information through a variety of ways. BSN through Pusido performed activities that include: preparation of information packaging, expansion and strengthening of networks of information standardization, and dissemination of information standardization.

2.1. Development and fostering standardization information cooperation

Standardization of information dissemination to the public, especially BSN stakeholders, is done in various ways, one of which makes the vertices of information in various areas and strengthen it through sustainable development.

Ongoing development is performed to strengthen the knot known as Instanet (Standardization Information Network). Instanet or Standardization Information Network is a forum for cooperation in standardization of information between centers of information standardization in Indonesia

Tabel 24. Peningkatan jaringan simpul Instanet per Desember 2015

Table 24. Improvement of node networks of Instanet as of December 2015

NoWilayah Jejaring

Instanet Instanet Network


Jumlah Simpul Jejaring/tahunNumber of node networks/Year

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1. Jakarta 16 16 25 33 332. Bogor 3 4 12 12 123. Bandung 8 8 14 14 144. Makassar 3 3 3 3 45. Surabaya 6 11 18 16 206. Semarang 16 29 30 29 307. Medan 7 7 7 7 98. Bali 2 3 3 3 39. Jogjakarta 19 22 31 32 32

10. Manado - 11 11 11 1111. Mataram - - - 1 112. Pekanbaru - - - - 1Total Simpul Jejaring

Total Network nodes80 114 154 161 170 Gambar 53. Peresmian SNI Corner di Perpustakaan Undip Semarang

Picture 53. Inauguration of SNI Corner at the Library of Diponegoro University

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2.2. SNI Corner management cooperation SNI Corner are information service outlets for SNI and other

standardization. Until 2015, BSN has provided 13 SNI corner scattered in various institutions and universities.

SNI Corner is expected to become a node of standardization information and become the one stop service for standardization information that makes it easier to get information, especially on SNI. SNI Corner distribution data is presented in Table 26.

2.2. Kerja sama pengelolaan SNI CornerSNI Corner merupakan outlet layanan SNI dan informasi

standardisasi lainnya. Sampai tahun 2015, telah tersedia 13 SNI corner yang tersebar di berbagai instansi dan perguruan tinggi. SNI Corner diharapkan menjadi simpul informasi standardisasi dan menjadi one stop services untuk informasi standardisasi yang mempermudah mendapatkan informasi standardisasi khususnya SNI. Berikut Data penyebaran SNI Corner nya dapat dilihat pada Tabel 26.

Tabel 26. Penyebaran SNI Corner/Tabel 26. Distribution of SNI Corner

No SNI Corner/SNI Corner Propinsi/ Province Tahun/Year

1 Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)/Bogor Agriculture Institute Jawa Barat/West Java 2013

2 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)/Sepuluh Nopember Technological Institute Jawa Timur/East Java 2014

3 UPT. Pengujian Sertifikasi Mutu Barang - Lembaga Tembakau Jember/ UPT. Testing Certification of Goods Quality - Tobacco Institute of Jember

Jawa Timur/East Java 2014

4 Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri/ Institute for Research and Industry Standardization Sumatera Utara/North Sumatra 2015

5 Universitas Riau (Unri)/University of Riau Riau/Riau 2015

6 Universitas Sriwijaya (Unsri)/University of Sriwijaya Sumatera Selatan/South Sumatra 2015

7 Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)/Bandung Technology Institure Jawa Barat/West Java 2015

8 Universitas Diponegoro (Undip)/University of Diponegoro Jawa Tengah/Central Java 2015

9 Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Semarang Jawa Tengah/ Office of Industry and Trade of Semarang city/Central Java

Jawa Tengah/Central Java 2015

10 Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Jawa Timur/Office of Industry and Trade of East Java province

Jawa Timur/East Java 2015

11 Universitas Brawijaya/University of Brawijaya Jawa Timur 2015

12 Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Samarinda/Office of Industry and Trade of Samarinda City

Kalimantan Timur/East Kalimantan


13 Balai Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Mutu Barang Makassar/ Center for Supervision and Control of Goods Quality of Makassar

Sulawesi Selatan/South Sulwesi 2015

Tabel 25. Instanet berdasarkan kategori Anggota per Desember 2015Table 25. Instanet by Member category as of December 2015

No WilayahRegion

Kategori Anggota Jejaring Informasi StandardisasiMember Category of Standardization Information Networks

PerpusnasNational Library

Perpustakaan khusus (pusat

informasi, LPK, Balai)Special Library(Information

center, LPK, hall)

Perpustakaan sekolah

(SMK,SMU)School Library

Perpustakaan umum (arsip daerah, perpusda)

Public library(region’s archieve, regional library)

Perpustakaan akademikAcademic



1 Jakarta 1 20 - - 12 332 Bogor - 8 - - 4 123 Bandung - 10 - - 4 144 Yogyakarta - 15 2 2 13 325 Semarang - 5 - - 25 306 Surabaya - 4 - - 16 207 Medan - 6 - - 3 98 Denpasar - 1 - 1 1 39 Makassar - 3 - - 1 4

10 Manado - 5 - - 6 1111 Mataram - 1 - - - 112 Pekanbaru - - - - 1 1

Jumlah total 1 78 2 3 86 170

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

Gambar 54. Peresmian SNI Corner di BPSMB Makassar Picture 54. Inauguration of SNI Corner at BPSMB in Makassar

Gambar 55. Peta simpul SNI Corner hingga 2015/ Picture 55. The map of SNI Corner Node as of 2015

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2.3. Packaging of standardization informationStandardization of information should be disseminated

and publicized to the general public with a communicative and effective delivery. Dissemination of information can be done with various techniques, including through the expansion of the network of cooperation, dissemination of information and the media, both print and audio-visual equipment.

2.3. Pengemasan informasi standardisasiInformasi standardisasi harus disebarkan dan

dipublikasikan kepada masyarakat luas dengan penyampaian yang komunikatif dan efektif. Penyebaran informasi itu dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai teknik, di antaranya melalui perluasan jaringan kerja sama, diseminasi serta media informasi, baik cetak maupun audio visual.

Gambar 59. Kemasan informasi pendukung dalam bentuk poster/Picture 59. Supporting information packages in the form of posters

Gambar 56. Kemasan informasi dalam bentuk brosur dan kalender Picture 56. Packaging of information in the form of brochures and calendars

Gambar 57. Kemasan informasi dalam bentuk buletin SNI terpilihPicture 57. Packaging of information in the form of selected SNI newsletters

Gambar 58. Kemasan informasi sektor prioritas Picture 58.Packaging of information in priority sector

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

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2.4. Dissemination of information on standardizationDissemination of information is done in various ways such

as dispatching publications by mail, exhibitions, discussions or seminars, or visitors to the BSN.

Through 2015, BSN has been disseminating information on standardization to as much as 51 934 recipients of information, both individuals and institutions. This exceeds the specified target of 45,500 recipients of information.

During 2015 BSN has attended exhibitions in various events, both of which organized by BSN, namely Indonesia Quality Expo (IQE), or held by other agencies, such as the National Technology Awakening Day (HAKTEKNAS), SMESCO Festival and others.

2.4. Diseminasi informasi standardisasiDiseminasi informasi dilakukan dengan berbagai cara

antara lain pengiriman publikasi melalui pos, pameran, diskusi atau seminar, atau tamu yang berkunjung ke BSN.

Pada 2015, BSN telah mendiseminasikan informasi standardisasi sebanyak 51.934 penerima informasi, baik perorangan maupun lembaga. Hal ini melebihi target yang ditentukan yakni 45.500 penerima informasi.

Selama 2015 BSN telah mengikuti pameran di berbagai acara, baik yang disenggelarakan BSN, yaitu Indonesia Quality Expo (IQE), maupun yang diselenggarakan instansi lain, misalnya Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional (HAKTEKNAS), Teknologi Nasional (HAKTEKNAS), SMESCO Festival dan lain-lain.

Tabel 27. Komposisi sasaran diseminasi informasi berdasarkan kriteriaTable 27. Composition of targeted dissemination of information based on criteria

No Kelompok/Group Rincian/Description

1 Pemerintah /Government 1. Kementerian/Menko dan Lembaga Pemerintah Non Kementerian (LPNK) terkait dengan publikasi yang dikirim/ Coordinating Ministry and Non-Ministry Government Organization (LPNK) related to the publications sent

2. Balai Riset Standardisasi (Baristan)/ Research Institute for Standardization (Baristan)3. Disperindag, Balai Besar Perindustrian, dan Balai Diklat Perindustrian/ Office of industry and Trade,

Industrial great Hall, and Industry Training Center4. Anggota Instanet / Members of Instanet5. Koordinator kerjasama daerah (dinas pemerintah propinsi yang sudah memiliki MoU dengan BSN)/

Coordinator for Regional Cooperation (Office of provincial government that already have a MoU with BSN)6. Bakohumas/ Coordinating Body of Public Relations7. Komite Teknis (KT) dan Sub KT (SKT)/Technical Committee and sub-Technical Committee

2 Pakar/ahli (akademisi)/Experts academicians

Koordinator kerja sama perguruan tinggi (yaitu perguruan tinggi yang sudah memiliki MoU dengan BSN)/ Coordinator of university cooperation (ie colleges that already have MoUs with BSN)

3 Pelaku usaha /Business players

1. Asosiasi industri /Industry association2. Pabrikan / manufaktur /Manufacturers3. Lembaga Penilai Kesesuaian /Conformity Assessment Body4. Peserta dan penerima SNI Award /Participant and Recipient of SNI Awards

4 Konsumen/Consumers DPW Mastan/Regional Leaders Council of MastanLSM lainnya, contoh Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI)/Other non-government organization, such as Indonesian Consumers FoundationPengunjung LITe/Visitors of LITe

Gambar 60. Diagram diseminasi informasi standardisasi berdasar stakeholdersPicture 60. Diagram of dissemination of standardization information to stakeholders

Pelaku UsahaBusiness people30%



Pakar/Dosen/Mahasiswa (Akademisi)/Expert/lecturer/

student (academician)34%



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Gambar 61. Gerai BSN di Pameran Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional, JakartaPicture 61. BSN booth at the Exhibition of National Technology Awakening Day, Jakarta

Gambar 62. Kunjungan Menristek Dikti (kanan) dan kunjungan Kepala BSN (kiri) ke Zona SNIPicture 62. Visit of The minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education (right) and visit of the Head of BSN (left) to SNI Zone

Gambar 63. Kegiatan yang Diadakan BSN di Hakteknas/Picture 63. Activities held by BSN in the National Technology Awakening Day

Gambar 64. Gerai BSN di Pameran SMESCO, Jakarta 1-2 Oktober 2015 / Picture 64. BSN booth

in the SMESCO exhibition, Jakarta October 1-2, 2015

Gambar 65. Stand BSN di pameran Indonesia Quality Expo (IQE) di JCC, 9-10 November 2015 yang juga menampilkan SNI ChannelPicture 65. BSN booth in the IQE in Jakarta Convention Center, Nov 9-10, 2015, that also presented SNI Channel

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

2.5. Layanan Informasi Terpadu (LITe)Pada 2015, BSN mulai menempati Gedung BPPT I di Jalan

M.H. Thamrin, Jakarta. Layanan informasi ditempatkan dilantai dasar bersama ruang perpustakaan. Layanan informasi terpadu diselenggarakan bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Ristek-Dikti. BSN membangun layanan terpadu, yang bersifat one stop services untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas pelayanan publik, serta memenuhi amanah Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2014 tentang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian.

Pada 5 Juni 2015, Sekretaris Jenderal ISO (International Organization for Standardization), Rob Steele, didampingi Deputi Bidang Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan Standardisasi BSN, Dewi Odjar Ratna Komala, mengunjungi LITe.

2.5. Integrated Information Services (Lite)In 2015, BSN began occupying the first BPPT building in Jalan

M.H. Thamrin, Jakarta. Service information is placed on ground floor along with the library. Integrated information services ois rganized in collaboration with the Ministry of Research-Higher Education. BSN builds an integrated services, which is one stop services to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, as well as fulfilling the mandate of Act No. 20 of 2014 on Standardization and Conformity Assessment.

On June 5, 2015, the Secretary-General of ISO (International Organization for Standardization), Rob Steele, accompanied by the Deputy of Information and Socialization of Standardization BSN, Dewi Odjar Ratna Komala, visit Lite.

Gambar 67. Soft launching LITe BSN/ Picture 67. Soft launching of LITe BSN

Gambar 66. Ruangan Layanan Informasi Terpadu – LITe BSN/Picture 66. Service Room of Integrated Information - Lite BSN

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During his visit, Rob Steele talked about standardization, which was attended by officials and invited guests of BSN.

3. Standardization Information System ApplicationsIn accordance with Law No. 20 In 2014, BSN had the

responsibility of managing Information Systems Standardization and Conformity Assessment (SPK). One of the tasks in this field is to publish and disseminate information of national quality infrastructure. Here are the results of the development and maintenance of information systems standardization.

3.1. Development and Maintenance of Information System Application

3.1.1. SNI ChannelOn the occasion of National Quality Month and IQE 2015, BSN

launched SNI Channel. Currently SNI Channel has broadcast for 24 hours with BSN collection of videos and other videos related to global trade and standardization. SNI Channel can be accessed through the site or through a downloadable application in PlayStore and appstore.

Dalam kunjungannya, Rob Steele melakukan talkshow mengenai standardisasi yang dihadiri oleh para pejabat BSN dan tamu undangan.

3. Aplikasi Sistem Informasi StandardisasiSesuai UU No. 20 Tahun 2014, BSN memiliki tanggung

jawab mengelola Sistem Informasi Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian (SPK). Salah satu tugas di bidang ini adalah mempublikasikan dan mendiseminasikan informasi infrastruktur mutu nasional. Berikut ini hasil pengembangan dan pemeliharaan sistem informasi standardisasi.

3.1. Pengembangan dan Pemeliharaan Aplikasi Sistem informasi

3.1.1. SNI ChannelPada acara Nasional Bulan Mutu dan IQE 2015, BSN

meluncurkan SNI Channel. Saat ini SNI Channel telah mengudara selama 24 jam dengan kumpulan video BSN dan video-video lain terkait perdagangan global dan standardisasi.

SNI Channel dapat diakses melalui situs atau melalui aplikasi yang dapat diunduh di playstore dan appstore.

Gambar 68. Suasana talkshow standardisasi di LITe BSN/ Picture 68. Atmosphere of talk show on standardization in LITe BSN

Gambar 69. SNI Channel di android versi uji coba dan setelah launchingPicture 69. SNI Channel in android version of the trial and after launching

Gambar 70. Peliputan Live SNI Channel di Bulan Mutu Nasionaldan Pameran IQE 2015

Picture 70. Live report SNI Channel in the National Quality Month and IQE Exhibition 2015

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

3.1.2. Applications dissemination and promotion of information systems - flipbook Application

Flipbook application is an application program to change the form of .pdf files into digital files / digital books in a variety of display formats, so that the reader can open the pages, like reading a book digitally. Besides being used in SNI Corner, HTML5 flipbook software used for the dissemination of standardization information in standardization learning website:

4. Standardization Information services Pusido information services include a library and inquiry

service (search information) as shown below.

4.1. Search engine services for standardization and conformity assessment

Pusido implement the service inquiry or search the data standardization and conformity assessment.

3.1.2. Aplikasi diseminasi dan promosi sistem informasi ­ Aplikasi FlipBook

Aplikasi flipbook merupakan sebuah program aplikasi untuk mengubah file .pdf ke dalam bentuk file digital/buku digital dalam berbagai format tampilan, sehingga pembacanya dapat membuka halaman demi halaman, layaknya membaca sebuah buku secara digital. Selain digunakan pada SNI Corner, software flipbook HTML5 digunakan untuk penyebarluasan informasi pendidikan standardisasi di website pembelajaran standardisasi

4. Layanan jasa informasi standardisasiLayanan informasi Pusido mencakup layanan

perpustakaan dan layanan inquiry (penelusuran informasi) seperti ditampilkan di bawah ini.

4.1. Layanan penelusuran standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian

Pusido melaksanakan layanan inquiry atau penelusuran data standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian.

Gambar 71. Flipbook pendidikan standardisasi/ Picture 71. Flipbook standardization education

Tabel 28. Jenis Layanan Informasi / Table 28. Types of Information

No Jenis Layanan/ Types of ServiceJumlah Layanan/Services


2013 2014 2015

1 Inquiry (penelusuran informasi)/ Information Searches 2.340 2.205 1.409

2 Layanan Perpustakaan dan Dokumentasi/ Library and Documentation Services

a. Layanan permintaan informasi referensi, peminjaman buku dan dokumen standar Services of reference information request, books and standard documents lending

11.537 17.597 18.627

b. Layanan reproduksi/penjualan standar/ Services of Reproduction / standard sales 5.843 8.746 7.671

Total 19.720 28.548 27.707

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Berdasarkan gambar 72, terlihat sebagian besar permintaan informasi nonstandar mengenai teknis layanan, disusul sertifikasi dan informasi lain. Sedangkan berdasarkan cara aksesnya, layanan penelusuran informasi (inquiry) dapat dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu layanan penelusuran informasi online dan layanan penelusuran informasi offline.

4.1.1. Layanan penelusuran informasi offlineLayanan penelusuran informasi (inquiry) secara offline

dilakukan melalui kedatangan langsung ke BSN dan melalui komunikasi telepon. Berdasarkan kategori wilayah asal pengguna, maka sebaran layanan dapat dilihat melalui tabel 30.

Pada tabel tersebut terlihat bahwa pengguna terbesar layanan inquiry berasal dari wilayah DKI Jakarta, disusul wilayah Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur. Sisanya tersebar dari berbagai wilayah lain di Indonesia. Rincian pengguna dari luar negeri terlihat pada gambar 74, dimana pengguna terbesar berasal dari Jepang dan diikuti Selandia Baru.

Based on the picture 72, we can see that most nonstandard information requests are regarding technical service, followed by certification and other information. Whereas by way of access, information search services (inquiry) can be divided into two, namely information search services online and offline information search services.

4.1.1. Offline Information search services Search service information (inquiry) offline is done through

direct coming to BSN and through telephone communications. Based on the user’s home region category, the distribution of services can be seen through the table 30.

Tabel 29. Jenis Penelusuran Informasi Standadisasi / Table 29. Types of Standardization Information Search

No Jenis Informasi/ Types of Information Inquiry/ Inquiry2013 2014 2015

1. Penelusuran informasi terkait standar / Searches information related to standard a. Nasional (SNI) /National (SNI) 1.078 1.344 591a. Internasional (ISO/IEC/CAC) /International (ISO / IEC / CAC) 23 42 7b. Mancanegara (BS/DIN/JIS dll) Abroad ((BS / DIN / JIS etc.) 20 16 -

2. Nonstandar (Regulasi, LPK dan informasi terkait)/ Non-Standard (Regulations, LPK and related informa-tion)

1.219 803 811

Total 2.340 2.205 1.409

Gambar 74. Layanan berdasarkan kategori wilayah luar negeri (2015)

Picture 74. Services by overseas region category in 2015














Selandia Baru



1 11111





Gambar 73. Perkembangan layanan inquiryPicture 73. The development of the inquiry service







0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015






Gambar 72. Permintaan infomasi nonstandar tahun 2015Picture 72. Nonstandard information requests in 2015












Teknis L


Technical services

Produk bertanda SNI

SNI marked products


21 26



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Laporan Tahunan 2015

In the table shows that the largest user of the service inquiry came from the Jakarta area, followed by West Java and East Java. The rest are spread from other areas in Indonesia. Details of overseas users see in the picture 74, where the biggest users are from Japan and followed by New Zealand.

4.1.2. Layanan permintaan informasi referensi, peminjaman buku, dan dokumen standar

Secara keseluruhan pada 2015 jumlah pengguna yang memanfaatkan jasa layanan Perpustakaan BSN sebanyak 10.360 orang. Angka ini menunjukkan kenaikan pengguna layanan perpustakaan sebanyak 5.266 orang atau 50,05%. Secara rinci dapat dilihat pada tabel 31.

Tabel 30. Layanan inquiry berdasarkan kategori wilayah / Table 30. Inquiry Services by region category

No Provinsi/Province 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Jumlah/Total

1 NAD 12 10 7 4 1 37

2 Sumatera Barat/West Sumatra 15 5 16 4 2 54

3 Sumatera Selatan /South Sumatra 14 16 12 7 3 58

4 Sumatera Utara /North Sumatra 35 23 32 0 5 110

5 Kepulauan Riau /Riau island 16 9 0 0 0 33

6 Riau /Riau 8 11 4 3 5 36

7 Jambi /Jambi 2 5 1 2 2 13

8 Bengkulu / Bengkulu 6 1 5 1 1 17

9 Bangka Belitung /Bangka-Belitung 8 0 1 1 2 17

10 Lampung /Lampung 58 8 33 6 4 110

11 Banten /Banten 38 52 44 1 6 165

12 DI Yogyakarta /Yogyakarta Special Region 885 41 42 12 21 1024

13 DKI Jakarta /Capital Special City of Jakarta 183 876 1445 1950 826 6230

14 Jawa Barat /West Java 67 163 220 64 443 1072

15 Jawa Tengah /Central Java 122 56 100 25 26 378

16 Jawa Timur /East Java 8 81 142 52 31 385

17 Bali /Bali 6 6 11 4 4 35

18 Kalimantan Barat /West Kalimantan 11 2 5 2 2 31

19 Kalimantan Selatan/South Kalimantan 3 11 4 2 3 27

20 Kalimantan Tengah/Central Kalimantan 18 2 0 4 1 39

21 Kalimantan Timur //East Kalimantan 28 22 10 4 6 77

22 Sulawesi Selatan/South Sulawesi 5 16 24 1 3 50

23 Sulawesi Tengah /Central Sulawesi 4 4 0 0 1 11

24 Sulawesi Tenggara/Southeast Sulawesi 9 3 3 1 1 18

25 Sulawesi Utara/North Sulawesi 9 5 5 4 1 25

26 Gorontalo /Gorontalo 1 3 1 0 0 5

27 Maluku /Maluku 4 1 3 0 0 8

28 Maluku Utara /North Maluku 2 2 0 1 0 9

29 Papua /Papua 6 3 1 1 2 15

30 NTT/East Nusa Tenggara 4 3 0 2 3 12

31 NTB /West Nusa Tenggara 9 4 3 0 0 18

Jumlah/Total 1.596 1.444 2.174 2.158 1.409 8.781

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4.1.2. Service request reference information, book lending, and standard documents

Overall in 2015 the number of users who utilize the services of BSN library services are as much as 10,360 people. This figure shows an increase of library service users as many as 5,266 people or 50.05%. more details can be seen in Table 31.

4.1.3. BSN Library collection ServiceBSN library collections provide lending service only to

employees of BSN, while external users are only allowed to read in the library collection. The digital collection BSN Library can be accessed by all segments of society in the form of e-SNI, e-articles, e-journals, and e-book.

4.1.4. SNI and international standards document sales services

One  of the of  services of BSN  library  is the sale of standard documents, both SNI and foreign standards

II. Standardization Education and Socialization

1. Education Network StandardizationBSN education networking activities is conducted through

the Center for Education and Socialization of Standardization (Pusdikmas) includes four play activities items, namely the network of higher education, secondary education, primary education, general education and networking. Standardization of education networking activities are expected to improve the competence of the Human Resources (HR) in the fields of standardization and conformity assessment, both in the scope of non-formal and formal education, Including partners such as LPK BSN.

4.1.3. Layanan koleksi Perpustakaan BSNPerpustakaan BSN menyediakan layanan peminjaman

koleksi hanya bagi pegawai BSN. Sedangkan pengguna eksternal hanya diperkenankan membaca koleksi perpustakaan di tempat. Adapun koleksi digital Perpustakaan BSN dapat diakses oleh semua lapisan masyarakat dalam bentuk e-SNI, e-artikel, e-jurnal, maupun e-book.

4.1.4. Layanan penjualan dokumen SNI dan standar internasional

Salah satu layanan Perpustakaan BSN adalah penjualan standar, baik SNI maupun standar asing.

II. Pendidikan dan Pemasyarakatan Standardisasi

1. Jejaring Pendidikan StandardisasiKegiatan jejaring pendidikan dilaksanakan BSN melalui

Pusat Pendidikan dan Pemasyarakatan Standardisasi (Pusdikmas) mencakup empat kegiatan utama, yaitu jejaring pendidikan tinggi, pendidikan menengah, pendidikan dasar, dan jejaring pendidikan umum. Kegiatan jejaring pendidikan standardisasi diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kompetensi

Tabel 31. Pengguna Layanan Informasi*/ Table 31. Users of Information Services

No Kelompok PenggunaUser Group

Perpustakaan/ Library Penelusuran/Inquiry2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Pemerintah/Government 317 289 713 495 1.093 152 105 161 213 722 Pelaku usaha

Business Players1.829 1.612 2.873 3.370 4.202 1.284 1.236 1.804 1.391 933

3 Pendidikan/Education 253 424 607 647 881 266 250 375 530 3864 Panitia Teknis

Technical Committee255 67 59 72 - - 4 - - -

5 LPK - - 82 109 - 38 106 Internal BSN - 268 340 401 613 - - - 33 47 Konsumen/Consumers - - - - 893 - - - - 48 SNI Corner - - - - 2.678 - - - - -

Total 2654 2660 4.674 5.094 10.360 1.702 1.595 2.340 2.205 1.409

* Data sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015/Data as of December 31, 2015

Tabel 32. Data Penjualan Dokumen StandarTable 32. Standards Document Sales Data

Standar 2013 2014 2015SNI 5.094 7.959 6.505ISO 468 442 728IEC 66 81 97

ASTM 102 148 253Standar asing lainnya

Other Foreign Standard113 117 88

Jumlah/ Total 5.843 8.747 7.671

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

1.1. Higher education Network BSN has had cooperation (MoU) with colleges covered by

the five points of agreement, namely: (1) education, training and promotion of standardization, (2) increase the participation of experts in standardization activities, (3) the exchange of information standardization, (4) the development laboratories of the University, and (5) research and dissemination of research results in the field of standardization. Total MoU with BSN are as many as 38 university, with distribution as follows:

In detail, the scope of higher education networking activities include sub-activities that include:

a. Preparation of higher education policy.The concept of standardization education policy

administration at colleges manifested in a Regulation of the BSN. The concept of standardization qualified lecturers in universities keep in line with the requirements of the college lecturers according to the rules from the Ministry of Research-Higher Education.

Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) di bidang standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian, baik dalam lingkup pendidikan nonfor-mal maupun formal, termasuk mitra kerja BSN seperti LPK.

1.1. Jejaring pendidikan tinggiBSN telah memiliki kerja sama (MoU) dengan perguruan

tinggi yang tercakup dalam lima butir kesepakatan, yaitu: (1) pendidikan, pelatihan dan promosi standardisasi, (2) peningkatan partisipasi pakar dalam kegiatan standardisasi,(3) pertukaran informasi bidang standardisasi, (4) pembinaan laboratorium di lingkungan Universitas, dan (5) riset dan diseminasi hasil riset di bidang standardisasi. Jumlah MoU antara BSN dengan universitas sebanyak 38 kerja sama, dengan sebaran sebagai berikut:

Secara terinci, cakupan kegiatan jejaring pendidikan tinggi meliputi sub kegiatan yang meliputi:

a. Penyusunan kebijakan pendidikan tinggi.Konsep kebijakan penyelenggaraan pendidikan

standardisasi di perguruan tinggi dituangkan dalam bentuk Peraturan Kepala BSN. Konsep tentang kualifikasi dosen pengampu standardisasi di perguruan tinggi tetap sejalan dengan persyaratan dosen pengampu perguruan tinggi sesuai aturan Kementerian Ristek-Dikti.

Gambar 75. Sebaran MoU antara BSN dengan Perguruan Tinggi / Picture 75. Distribution of MoU between BSN and Universities

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Based on the results of monitoring activities and visits in 2015, there are 12 universities that implement standardization education to 854 students. In addition to the undergraduate level, standardization of education is also applied at the master’s level, ie at ITB and Trisakti University with 27 students. To further introduce the BSN and standardization at all levels of education, BSN received a visit from some high school and college. In addition, there are visits from Malaysia and Singapore to conduct benchmarking on education development strategy of standardization and conformity assessment in Indonesia.

Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan pemantauan dan kunjungan tahun 2015, terdapat 12 universitas yang menerapkan pendidikan standardisasi dengan 854 mahasiswa. Selain di tingkat sarjana, pendidikan standardisasi juga diterapkan di tingkat master, yaitu di ITB dan Universitas Trisakti dengan 27 mahasiswa. Untuk lebih mengenalkan BSN dan standardisasi di berbagai jenjang pendidikan, BSN menerima kunjungan dari beberapa sekolah dan perguruan tinggi. Selain itu, terdapat kunjungan dari Malaysia dan Singapura untuk melakukan benchmarking mengenai strategi pengembangan pendidikan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian di Indonesia.

Gambar 76. Peninjauan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan di Perguruan TinggiPicture76. A review of the Implementation of Education in Higher Education

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

Gambar 77. Kunjungan Institusi lain Ke BSN Picture 77. Visits of other institutions to BSN

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Laporan Tahunan 2015

b. Guest lectures at universitiesIn order to increase the competence of human resources, BSN

organized a “Public Lecture on Standardization and Conformity Assessment”. This activity was held at the Rectorate building of UnSoed Purwokerto on October 22, 2015.

c. TOT for standardization education lecturerIn order to pursue cooperation between BSN and colleges

and to address feedback from standardization lectures at several universities that have been implemented by the Education & Training 2015, BSN carried out capacity building in the form of Training of Trainers (ToT) for the lecturer of standardization.

b. Kuliah tamu di perguruan tinggiDalam rangka peningkatan kompetensi SDM, BSN

menyelenggarakan kegiatan “Kuliah Umum Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian”. Kegiatan ini diadakan di gedung Rektorat Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto pada 22 Oktober 2015.

c. TOT dosen pendidikan standardisasiDalam rangka menindaklanjuti kerja sama BSN dengan

perguruan tinggi melalui MoU dan memperhatikan umpan balik kegiatan perkuliahan standardisasi di beberapa perguruan tinggi yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Bidang Diklat BSN tahun 2015, BSN melaksanakan capacity building dalam bentuk Training of Trainer (ToT) bagi para dosen pengampu standardisasi.

Gambar 78. Kuliah tamu tentang standardisasi di Perguruan Tinggi/Picture 78. The guest lecture on standardization in Higher Education


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d. Standardization Education Forum (FORSTAN)BSN also initiated the implementation of the reorganization

of Standardization Education Forum (FORSTAN) Lecturer College. Attendance is expected to be partners FORSTAN BSN, especially in the realm of standardization education to the community, especially at the college level. FORSTAN elected chairman 2016-2018 period is Dr. Ir. Bambang Purwanggono, M.Eng.

e. Participation in international forumsIndonesia through BSN is also active in several international

forums in the field of standardization education. In 2015, Indonesia was invited to present its experience in developing standardization education which started in 2005 with the involvement of universities, vocational school / high school, junior high through basic education.

d. Forum Pendidikan Standardisasi (Forstan)BSN juga menggagas pelaksanaan reorganisasi Forum

Pendidikan Standardisasi (Forstan) Dosen Perguruan Tinggi. Kehadiran Forstan diharapkan menjadi mitra kerja BSN khususnya dalam ranah pendidikan standardisasi kepada masyarakat, terutama di tingkat perguruan tinggi. Ketua Forstan terpilih periode 2016–2018 adalah Dr. Ir. Bambang Purwanggono, M.Eng.

e. Partisipasi dalam forum internasionalIndonesia melalui BSN juga aktif dalam beberapa forum

international di bidang pendidikan standardisasi. Pada 2015 Indonesia diundang untuk memaparkan pengalaman dalam mengembangkan pendidikan standardisasi yang sudah dimulai sejak 2005 dengan melibatkan perguruan tinggi, SMK/ SMA, SMP sampai pendidikan dasar.

Gambar 80. Pertemuan Forstan Dosen Pengampu Standardisasi/Picture 80. Meeting of Forstan lecturers of Standardization

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

Gambar 79 (A, B, C, D, E). Kegiatan pengembangan kapasitas dosen pengampu mata kuliah standardisasi.Picture 79 (A, B, C, D, E). Capacity Building events for lecturers of standardization.


Gambar 81. The 10th ICES Conference dan WSC Academic Day 2015 di Seoul, Korea Selatan.Picture 81. The 10th ICES Conference and WSC Academic Day 2015 in Seoul, South Korea.

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1.2. Secondary Education NetworkPusdikmas activities carried out in the scope of secondary

education network consists of two sub-activities, namely standardization ToT for secondary school teachers and secondary school level Standardization Olympics.

BSN held a National Level Standardization Competition for SMA / SMK in Year 2015. In addition to preparing the Indonesian team in the Standards Olympics in South Korea in August 2015, the main purpose of the competition is to increase the knowledge and skills of students in solving problems or inconvenience in everyday life with the use of standards and increase the interest of students and teachers school / vocational school to learn and teach standardization.

1.2. Jejaring Pendidikan MenengahKegiatan yang dilaksanakan Pusdikmas di lingkup jejaring

pendidikan menengah terdiri atas dua subkegiatan, yaitu ToT standardisasi bagi guru sekolah menengah dan Olimpiade Standardisasi tingkat sekolah menengah.

BSN mengadakan Kompetisi Standardisasi Tingkat Nasional SMA/SMK Tahun 2015. Selain untuk mempersiapkan tim Indonesia mengikuti Olimpiade Standar di Korea Selatan pada Agustus 2015, tujuan utama kompetisi adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa-siswi dalam memecahkan masalah atau ketidaknyamanan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan pemanfaatan standar dan meningkatkan minat siswa-siswi serta guru SMA/SMK untuk belajar dan mengajarkan standardisasi.

Gambar 84. Kompetisi Standardisasi Tingkat Nasional SMA/SMK Tahun 2015

Picture 84. National Standardization Competition SMA/SMK Level 2015

Gambar 82. Sidang APEC Sub Committee on Standards and Conformance 1 di Angeles City, Filipina.Picture 82. The first APEC Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance Assembly in Angeles City, the Philippines.

Gambar 83. Edukasi standardisasi di SMKTI Negeri Makassar/Picture 83. Standardization Education in SMKTI in Makassar.

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The Olympics were held in 2015 supported by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), with the theme, Create Your Dream with Standard. Olympics this time followed by the middle school level as many as 24 teams from Korea and two teams from Japan and Peru. As for the high school level as many as 21 teams from Korea and four teams from Indonesia, Japan and Rwanda. At the Olympic standard in Korea, Indonesia is able to grab the silver medal.

1.3. Elementary Education Network

1.4. General Education / Training NetworkIn the network of public education, Pusdikmas held four main

activities, namely the increase in service training of standardization through the development and improvement of educational materials and training, coaching and competency development training instructors, review the Quality Management System Training and activity monitoring, and evaluation of training through a questionnaire to improve performance and Training services for Standardization. Until the end of 2015, Pusdikmas has 45 instructors with different competencies according to their expertise.

Olimpiade yang diselenggarakan tahun 2015 didukung oleh International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), dengan tema, Create Your Dream with Standard. Olimpiade kali ini diikuti oleh tingkat middle school sebanyak 24 tim dari Korea dan 2 tim dari Jepang dan Peru. Sedangkan untuk tingkat high school sebanyak 21 tim dari Korea dan 4 tim dari Indonesia, Jepang dan Rwanda. Pada olimpiade standar di Korea, Indonesia mampu meraih medali perak.

1.3. Jejaring Pendidikan Dasar

1.4. Jejaring Pendidikan Umum/PelatihanPada jejaring pendidikan umum, Pusdikmas mengadakan

4 kegiatan utama, yaitu peningkatan pelayanan pelatihan standardisasi melalui penyusunan dan penyempurnaan materi pendidikan dan pelatihan, pembinaan dan pengembangan kompetensi instruktur pelatihan, review Sistem Manajemen Mutu Diklat dan kegiatan monitoring, dan Evaluasi Diklat melalui kuesioner untuk memperbaiki kinerja dan pelayanan Diklat Standardisasi. Hingga akhir 2015, Pusdikmas memiliki 45 instruktur dengan kompetensi yang berbeda sesuai dengan kepakarannya.

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

Gambar 86. Edukasi Guru Sekolah Dasar di Bekasi/ Picture 86. Education for Primary School Teacher in Bekasi

Gambar 85. Tim Indonesia dalam Olimpiade Standar ke-10/ Picture 85. Indonesian team in the 10th Standard Olympic

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1.5. Development of Standard Learning System Through Distance Learning

One of BSN’s efforts to improve the competence of human resources in the field of Standardization and Conformity Assessment is via Distance Learning System (DLS). This learning system is the development of e-learning program that has been owned by BSN. Site of e-learning BSN is http: //

1.5. Pengembangan Sistem Pembelajaran Standar Melalui Distance Learning

Salah satu upaya Pusdikmas BSN untuk meningkatkan kompetensi SDM di bidang Standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian adalah melalui sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh atau Distance Learning System (DLS). Sistem pembelajaran ini merupakan pengembangan program e-learning yang telah dimiliki oleh BSN. Situs dari e-learning BSN adalah http://

Gambar 88. Capacity Building Pengelola Sistem Pembelajaran/ Picture 88. Capacity Building of Learning Systems administrator

Gambar 87. Tampilan e-learning pada / Picture 87. Display of e-learning on

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2. Socialization of StandardizationTo support the mission of BSN in developing a culture of

standard, competence, and information systems in the fields of standardization and conformity assessment, the Standardization Socialization task force conducted Standardization Promotion and Public Participation towards standardization activities.

2.1 SNI promotion to stakeholdersa. fishing gear SNI socialization BSN, in cooperation with the Center for Fishing (BBPI) and

DPW Mastan Central Java, held a socialization of SNI fishing gear. The event was attended by the regulator (the Department of Fisheries of Demak, Pati, Rembang, Tegal, Brebes, Cilacap, Kebumen), businesses in the fields of fishing gear, fishing groups and academics.

2. Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiUntuk mendukung misi BSN dalam mengembangkan

budaya standar, kompetensi, dan sistem informasi di bidang standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian, Bidang Pemasyarakatan Standardisasi melaksanakan kegiatan Promosi Standardisasi dan Partisipasi Masyarakat terhadap kegiatan Standardisasi.

2.1. Promosi SNI untuk stakeholdera. Sosialisasi SNI alat penangkapan ikanBSN bekerja sama dengan Balai Besar Penangkapan Ikan

(BBPI) dan Mastan DPW Jawa Tengah menggelar sosialisasi SNI alat penangkap ikan. Acara ini dihadiri oleh regulator (Dinas Perikanan dari Demak, Pati, Rembang, Tegal, Brebes, Cilacap, Kebumen), para pelaku usaha di bidang alat penangkapan ikan, kelompok nelayan dan akademisi.

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

Gambar 89. Forum Pendidikan Standardisasi. Picture 89. Education Forum on Standardization

Gambar 90. Sosialisasi SNI Alat Penangkapan Ikan / Picture 90. Socialization of SNI for Fishing Equipment

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Pertemuan ini membahas tentang SNI Alat penangkapan ikan yang berisi spesifikasi teknis alat penangkapan ikan alternatif bagi nelayan yang ramah lingkungan dengan tidak merusak ekosistem. SNI ini diharapkan memudahkan para perajin dan nelayan dalam membuat alat tangkap ikan yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan.

b. Lesson Learned Role Model UKM Penerap SNIKegiatan ini dilakukan di 4 kota besar yaitu Tegal, Slawi,

Semarang, Solo dengan tujuan melihat langsung kendala dan manfaat penerapan SNI oleh industri khususnya UKM. Dengan cara ini diharapkan BSN bisa melihat permasalahan di lapangan mengenai penerapan SNI dan berdiskusi dengan penerap SNI sebagai lesson learn dalam penerapan SNI.

2.2. Promosi dan rekrutmen peserta SNI AwardPeserta SNI Award 2015 sebanyak 151. Untuk

meningkatkan citra, acara SNI Award yang diselenggarakan pada 10 November 2015 ditayangkan dalam bentuk filler di Metro TV. Acara ini sekaligus untuk mempromosikan penerima SNI Award kepada publik.

2.3. Promosi SNI untuk publikPromosi SNI kepada publik dilakukan melalui beberapa

cara.a. Promosi SNI di transportasi publikb. Sayembara maskot SNIc. Promosi SNI di Pusat perbelanjaan

The meeting discussed SNI on fishing equipment which contains technical specifications of fishing gear for fishermen alternatives that are environmentally friendly with no damage to the ecosystem. This standard is expected to facilitate the artisans and fishermen in making fishing gear that is efficient and environmentally friendly.

b. Lesson Learned Role Model practitioners SNI SMEThese activities are carried out in 4 major cities of Tegal, Slawi,

Semarang and Solo with the aim of seeing the direct constraints and benefits of implementing SNI by industries, especially SMEs. In this way BSN is expected to see the problems in the field concerning the application of SNI and discussion with practitioners SNI as lessons learned in the application of SNI.

2.2. Promotion and recruitment of SNI Award participantsSNI Award 2015 Participants are as many as 151. To improve

the image, SNI Award ceremony held on 10 November 2015 in the form of filler aired on Metro TV. The event was also to promote SNI Award recipient to the public.

2.3. SNI promotion to the publicSNI promotion to the public is done in several ways.a. SNI promotion in public transportb. SNI mascot contestc. SNI promotion in shopping center

Gambar 91. Role Model UKM Penerap SNI bidang batik dan perikanan/ Picture 91. Role Models of SMEs that implement SNI of Batik and fisheries


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d. Zona SNI di Taman Pintar Yogyakarta

Tahun 2015 dilakukan pemugaran Zona SNI di Taman Pintar Yogyakarta. Konsep Zona SNI yang baru berbeda dengan yang sebelumnya, kali ini lebih mengusung seni dan multimedia yang tetap edukatif.

e. Kisah sukses UKM penerap SNIDalam rangka Bulan Mutu Nasional 2015 yang bertempat

di JCC Senayan, BSN mengadakan serangkaian acara yang melibatkan seluruh stakeholders dan masyarakat umum. Salah satu diantaranya Talkshow Manfaat Penerapan SNI Bagi UKM.

d. SNI zone in Taman Pintar Yogyakarta

In 2015  there was a restoration  on SNI zone  in  Taman  Pin-tar Yogyakarta. The new SNI  zone concept is different from the pre-vious ones, this time bringing art and instructive multimedia.

e. The success story of SME practitioners SNIIn the framework of the National Quality Month 2015 held at

JCC Senayan, BSN held a series of events involving all stakeholders and the general public. One of them is Talkshow on how SNI Implementation Benefits SMEs.

Gambar 93. Zona SNI di Taman Pintar Yogyakarta Picture 93. SNI zone in Taman Pintar Yogyakarta

Gambar 94. Pengunjung berpose dengan lukisan 3D di Zona SNI Taman PintarPicture 94. Visitors pose in front of a 3D painting in SNI Zone at Taman Pintar

Gambar 92 (A, B, C). Spanduk SNI dan Kegiatan Lombok Food Festival di Pusat Perbelanjaan-Lombok / Picture 92 (A, B, C). Banner of SNI and

Lombok Food Festival event in Lombok- Shopping Center


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f. Promotion of standardization and conformity assessment to the public on Economic Challenges

Head of BSN, Bambang Prasetya, became speaker in the Economic Challenges in Metro TV, with the view that one of Indonesia’s strategy in the face of the MEA is the standard implementation.

2.4. Public perception in standardizationIn 2015 BSN conducted the survey on public perceptions of the

degree of standardization and conformity assessment in 10 large cities with 4,000 respondents.

Based on survey results, the level of people’s perception of standardization and conformity assessment amounted to 66.17 (scale 100) or 3.33 (Likert scale 1-5). This means the public introduction of the BSN is still low, including people’s perceptions of SNI certification. Society does not understand where to apply for certification of their products and have the perception that ISO certification was not easy and expensive. Therefore, BSN must continue to rebrand themselves and socialize SNI. It is Expected for the cost of certification by LPK to be affordable by small businesses.

f. Promosi standardisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian kepada publik di Economic Challenges

Kepala BSN, Bambang Prasetya, menjadi narasumber dalam acara Economic Challenges di Metro TV, dengan me-nyampaikan pandangan bahwa salah satu strategi Indonesia dalam menghadapi MEA ialah dengan penerapan standar.

2.4. Persepsi masyarakat dalam standardisasiBSN pada 2015 mengadakan survei tingkat persepsi

masyarakat terhadap standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian di 10 kota besar dengan jumlah responden 4.000 orang.

Berdasarkan hasil survei, tingkat persepsi masyarakat terhadap standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian sebesar 66,17 (skala 100) atau 3,33 (skala likert 1-5). Ini berarti pengenalan masyarakat terhadap BSN masih rendah, termasuk persepsi masyarakat mengenai sertifikasi SNI. Masyarakat belum paham ke mana akan mengajukan sertifikasi atas produknya dan punya persepsi bahwa sertifikasi SNI itu tidak mudah dan mahal. Karena itu BSN harus terus membranding diri dan menyosialisasikan SNI. Biaya sertifikasi oleh LPK diharapkan terjangkau oleh usaha kecil.

Gambar 95. Acara talkshow tentang manfaat penerapan SNI bagi UKM/ Picture 95. Talk show about the benefits of the application of SNI for SMEs

Gambar 96. Kepala BSN menjadi narasumber Economic ChallengesPicture 96. Chairman of BSN was one of speakers in Economic Challenges

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III. Increased community participation in standardization

1. Indonesia Standardization Community (Mastan)Mastan is a nonprofit organization composed of various

communities who are concerned and active in the field of standardization. A total of 120 members of Mastan became incorporated in 2015, bringing the total of all members in Indonesia reached 4,384 members spread in 13 branch and 13 area non-DPW.

a. Business participation in the implementation of SNITo increase business participation in the implementation of

SNI, BSN performed mentoring to SMEs for the fulfillment of SNI. These SMEs can be a role model in the application of SNI. SMEs were assisted in the implementation of SNI this time is Kanaba, which is located in Bantul, Yogyakarta.

III. Peningkatan partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Standardisasi

1. Masyarakat Standardisasi Indonesia (Mastan)Mastan merupakan organisasi nirlaba yang terdiri atas

berbagai kalangan masyarakat yang peduli dan aktif di bidang standardisasi. Sebanyak 120 anggota Mastan mulai tergabung tahun 2015 sehingga total seluruh anggota di Indonesia mencapai 4.384 anggota yang tersebar dalam 13 DPW dan 13 wilayah non-DPW.

a. Partisipasi pelaku usaha dalam penerapan SNIUntuk meningkatkan partisipasi pelaku usaha dalam

penerapan SNI, BSN melakukan pendampingan ke UKM untuk pemenuhan SNI. UKM ini dapat menjadi role model dalam penerapan SNI. UKM yang didampingi dalam penerapan SNI kali ini adalah Kanaba, yang berlokasi di Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Gambar 97. Peta persebaran anggota Mastan./ Picture 97. Map of the distribution of Mastan member.

Gambar 99. Perkembangan jumlah anggota Mastan 2003-2015. Picture 99. The number of Mastan members in 2003-2015.

Gambar 98. Komposisi anggota Mastan.Picture 98. Composition of Mastan member.


1319 Pelaku UsahaBusiness people




Cendekia, AkademisiIntellectual,

academician 1174

Diseminasi Informasi dan Pemasyarakatan StandardisasiInformation Dissemination and Standardization Socialization

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b. Consumer participation in standardization activities

c. Increased standardization of public participation in international forums

BSN actively participate in activities in international standards forums such as ISO COPOLCO. ISO COPOLCO 37th Session held in Geneva, 11-14 May 2015, attended by COPOLCO members of the Asia Pacific region, Africa, Europe, and America.

b. Partisipasi konsumen dalam kegiatan standardisasi

C. Peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat standardisasi di forum internasional

BSN turut aktif dalam kegiatan di forum standar internasional seperti ISO COPOLCO. Sidang ISO COPOLCO ke 37 diadakan di Jenewa, 11-14 Mei 2015, dihadiri oleh anggota COPOLCO dari kawasan Asia Pasifik, Afrika, Eropa, dan Amerika.

Gambar 101. Forum Diskusi Partisipasi Konsumen./Picture 101. Consumer Participation Discussion Forum.

Gambar 102. Sidang ISO COPOLCO. / Picture 102. Sessions in ISO COPOLCO.

Tata letak alur produksi

Lay out of production


Penyusunan bahan bakuArrangement of raw materials

Gambar 100. Perubahan di Lingkungan Kerja Kanaba/ Picture 100. Changes in Kanaba’s Work Environment



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2. Layanan Jasa Pelatihan StandardisasiSalah satu tugas BSN adalah melaksanakan pendidikan

dan pelatihan di bidang standardisasi dan jaminan mutu. Pada 2015 Bagian Diklat BSN telah melaksanakan delapan kali public training(PUB) dan 43 kali in-house training (IHT). n

2. Standardization Training Services One of the tasks of BSN is to carry out education and training

in the field of standardization and quality assurance. In 2015, BSN Training Section has conducted eight public training (PUB) and 43 in-house training (IHT). n

Tabel 33. Klasifikasi Peserta Pelatihan Standardisasi Tahun 2015

Table 33. Classification of Standardization Training Participants in 2015

No KlasifikasiClassification

PUB IHT JumlahNumber

1 Lembaga PemerintahGovernment Agencies

47 621 668

2 Industri/ Industry 120 278 3983 Perguruan Tinggi

Higher Educxation3 86 89

4 Masyarakat umumgeneral public

23 - 23

Total 193 985 1178

Tabel 34. Klasifikasi Peserta Pelatihan Standardisasi Periode 2011 – 2015

Table 34. Classification of Standardization Training Participants in 2011 – 2015

No KlasifikasiClassification

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Jumlah Number

1 Lembaga PemerintahGovernment Agency

741 736 722 622 668 3489

2 Industri/ Industry 225 378 259 418 398 16783 Perguruan Tinggi

Higher Educxation53 44 33 86 89 305

4 Masyarakat umumgeneral public

0 0 0 4 23 27

Total 1019 1158 1014 1130 1178 5499* dalam orang

Gambar 103. Delegasi Indonesia pada Sidang ISO COPOLCO ke 37 di Jenewa.

Picture 103. The Indonesian delegation at the 37th Session of the ISO COPOLCO in Geneva.

Peserta Pelatihan 2011­2015Training participants 2011-2015






ber o

f par



Gambar 105. Trend Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Standardisasi periode 2011--2015

Picture 105. Trend of participant number of Standardization Training 2011-2015

Gambar 104. Kegiatan Temu Pelanggan Diklat StandardisasiPicture 104. Consumers Meeting of

Standardization Education and Training

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Laporan Tahunan 2015


Laporan Tahunan merupakan laporan perkembangan dan pencapaian sebuah organisasi, baik dalam kinerja keuangan maupun prestasi lain selama satu tahun. Laporan Tahunan Badan Standardisasi Nasional tahun 2015 ini diterbitkan dengan maksud ingin lebih mendekatkan BSN kepada masyarakat terutama stakeholder BSN. Melalui buku ini, masyarakat dan stakeholder dapat lebih mengenal profil BSN, mengetahui program-program serta target dan prestasi BSN yang dicapai

dalam periode setahun. Selain itu, Laporan Tahunan disusun sebagai salah satu wujud komitmen BSN mendukung implementasi Undang-Undang No. 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik.

Seperti diuraikan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2015, banyak capaian BSN yang membanggakan, baik sendiri maupun dengan didukung oleh pihak-pihak terkait di luar BSN. Namun demikian, keberhasilan tersebut bukan berarti tugas sudah selesai dan tinggal mempertahankan kinerja saja. Sebaliknya, masih banyak hal yang harus dikerjakan ke depan karena banyak pekerjaan yang muncul belakangan mengikuti kemajuan masyarakat atau perkembangan keadaan. Sebagai contoh adalah capaian penerapan SNI, serta munculnya pengaduan masyarakat atas pemalsuan SNI. Karena standardisasi belum menjangkau semua potensi, maka tugas-tugas baru akan muncul dimasa depan yang lebih memberi ruang terhadap peranan standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian bagi meningkatnya daya saing ekonomi bangsa.

Kami berharap tahun ini BSN makin baik dan makin lengkap dalam melayani masyarakat dan mampu memberikan sumbangsih yang berarti bagi pembangunan nasional. n


Annual Reports are reports on the development and achievement of an organization, both in financial performance and other achievements during the year. 2015 National Standardization Agency Annual Report is published with the intention to get closer to the public especially BSN stakeholders. Through this book, the public and stakeholders can learn more about the profile of BSN, and know about programs and BSN targets and accomplishments achieved in a

period of one year. In addition, the Annual Report is prepared as one of BSN’s commitment to support the implementation of Law No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information.

As described, the Annual Report boasts many achievements by BSN, either alone or supported by related parties outside the BSN. However, this success does not mean that the task is complete. On the contrary, there are still many things to be done, a lot of work ahead to follow the progress of society or the development of the situation. An example is the application of SNI achievements, as well as the emergence of public complaints of fraud SNI. If standardization does not reach all its potential, then new tasks will emerge in the future that gives more room to the role of standardization and conformity assessment to increase competitiveness of the nation’s economy.

We hope this year BSN is better and more wholesome in serving the community and able to provide a meaningful contribution to national development. n

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BSN - Badan Standardisasi NasionalGedung I BPPT Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340 IndonesiaTelp : (62 21)-392 7422, 392 7528 Fax: (62 21) 392 7527 Website: email: [email protected]

Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 2015

ISSN: 2460-4178

Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 2015

BSN - Badan Standardisasi NasionalGedung I BPPT

Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat 10340 IndonesiaTelp : (62 21)-392 7422, 392 7528 Fax: (62 21) 392 7527

Website: email: [email protected]

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