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…. Isu pokok yang sebenarnya bukanlah pembedaan antara penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif, tetapi perbedaan epistemologi, ontologi, dan aksiologi antar paradigma yang ada……Sebab, penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif, lebih khusus metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif hanya implikasi paradigma yg mendasarinya.

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PENELITIAN KUANTITATIF Mencakup setiap jenis penelitian yang didasarkan atas perhitungan

persentase, rata-rata, ci kuadrat, dan perhitungan statistik lainnya (melibatkan pada perhitungan, angka atau kuantitas).

Quantitave methodology is based on the positivist or neopositivist philosophy

The logical form of theory is deductive

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PENELITIAN KUALITATIF Bogdan dan Taylor : Penelitian kualitatif sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data

deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati. Fokus : latar dan individu secara holistik (utuh) tidak boleh mengisolasi individu atau organisasi kedalam variabel atau hipotesis.

Denzin dan Lincoln Penelitian yg menggunakan latar alamiah dgn maksud menafsirkan

fenomena yg terjadi dan dilakukan dgn jalan melibatkan berbagai metode yang ada.

Penelitian Kualitatif Penelitian untuk memahami fenomena ttg apa yang dialami oleh subyek

penelitian misalnya perilaku, persepsi, motivasi, tindakan dan lain-lain, secara holistik, dan dgn cara deskripsi dalam bentuk kata-kata dan bahasa, pada suatu konteks khusus yang alamiah dan dengan memanfaatkan berbagai metode alamiah.

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Sources : Cresswell (1994), Denzin & Lincoln (1994), Guba & Lincoln (1994), and Mostyn (1985)

QUANTITATIVE STYLE QUALITATIVE STYLEMeasure objective facts Construct social reality, cultural

meaningFocus on variables Focus on interactive processes, events

Realiability is key Authenticity is key

Value free Values are presents and explicit

Independent of context Situationally constrained

Many cases, subjects Few cases, subjects

Statistical analysis Thematic Analysis

Researcher is detached Researcher is involved

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QUANTITATIVE APPROACHStrengths Testing and validating already constructed theories about how and why phenomena occur Testing hypotheses that are constructed before the data are collected Can generalize research findings when the data are based on random samples of sufficient size Can generalize a research finding when it has been replicated on many different populations and

subpopulations Useful for obtaining data that allow quantitative predictions to be made The researcher may construct a situation that eliminates the confounding influence of many

variables, allowing one to more credibly establish cause-and-effect relationships Data collection using some quantitative methods is relatively quick (e.g., telephone interviews) Provides precise, quantitative, numerical data Data analysis is relatively less time consuming (using statistical software) The research results are relatively independent of the researcher (e.g., statistical significance) It may have higher credibility with many people in power (e.g., administrators, politicians, people

who fund programs) It is useful for studying large numbers of people

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The researcher’s categories that are used might not reflect local constituencies’ understandings

The researcher’s theories that are used might not reflect local constituencies’ understandings

The researcher might miss out on phenomena occurring because of the focus on theory or hypothesis testing rather than on theory or hypothesis generation (called the confirmation bias)

Knowledge produced might be too abstract and general for direct application to specific local situations, contexts, and individuals

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Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative Research


Researching people in natural settings Problems of reliability caused by extreme subjectivity

Stressing interpretations and meanings Risk of collecting meaningless and useless information

Achieving a deeper understanding of respondent’s world.

It is very time consuming.

Humanising research process by raising the role of the researched

Problems of representativeness and generalisability of findings

Allowing higher flexibility Problems of objectivity and detachment

Presenting a more realistic view of the world

Problems of ethics (entering the personal sphere of subjects).

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ONTOLOGYRealistRealitas ada “di luar sana” dan diatur oleh hukum-hukum dan mekanisme alamiah (seperti cause-effect laws) yang berlaku universal (time and context free generalizations)

RelativistRealitas tampil sebagai konstruksi mental, dipahami secara beragam berdasarkan pengalaman serta konteks lokal dan spesifik para individu ybs.


Dualist/ObjectivistPeneliti bisa dan perlu membuat jarak dgn objek/realitas yg diteliti. Penilaian subyektif dan bias pribadi harus dipisahkan dari temuan penelitian.

SubjectivistPeneliti dan realitas/fenomena yg diteliti menyatu sbg satu entitas. Temuan penelitian mrpkan hasil interaksi antara peneliti dgn yg diteliti.


Experimental/ManipulativePertanyaan penelitian atau hipotesis dinyatakan pd awal penelitian, utk kmd diuji scr empiris dlm konjdisi terkontrol

Dialectic/HermeneuticKonstruksi mental individu digali & dibentuk dlm setting alamiah, scr hermeneutik, dibandingkan scr dialektif.

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Assumption Question Quantitative Qualitative

Ontological Assumption

What is the nature of reality ?

Reality is objective and singular apart from the researcher.

Reality is objective and multiple as seen by participants in study

Epistemological Assumption

What is the relationship of the researcher to the researched ?.

Researcher is independent from that being researched.

Researcher interacts with that being researched.

Ideological Assumption

What is the role of velues ?

Value free and unbiased Value laden and biased

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Assumption Question Quantitative QualitativeRetorical Assumption

What is the language of research ?

FormalBased on set definitionsImpersonal voiceUse of accepted quantitative words

InformalEvolving decisionPersonal VoiceAccepted qualitative words

Methodological Assumption

What is the process of researcher?

Deductive processCause and effectStagnant design-Categories isolated before studyContext-freeGeneralizations leading to prediction explanation and understanding

Inductive ProcessMutual simultaneous shaping of factorsEmerging design categories identified during research processContext boundPateerns, theories developed for understanding

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