
B e r i t a I C C C I n d o n e s i a – D E S E M B E R 2 0 1 1

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Untuk kalangan sendiri







National President Bunan Djambek Vice Presidents:

Admin/Secretary Eliezer H. Hardjo

Finance/Treasurer: Johanis S. Najoan

Membership/Mentoring/ Network Manimbul L. Sitorus Simon Aditan

Teaching / Training Benjamin B. Juwono Ridwan Naftali

Business Development/ Micro-Enterprise Tonny Soetjoadi Rudolf A.S. Sinaga

Intercessors (Mrs.) Josephine S. Sitorus

(Ms.) Hermina M. Usmany Eddy S. Kristiawan

Kantor Nasional ICCC Indonesia:

Website: Pertokoan Pulo Mas Blok B I / 8, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan. Jakarta 13260

Telp (021) 4890211, fax: (021) 4722274. E-mail: [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected]

Dari Meja National President

Saudara-saudaraku yang terkasih, Salam sejahtera dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus! Senang bertemu kembali di bulan penghujung tahun 2011 ini. Kita dengan penuh syukur telah usai melewati bulan Nopember, yang saya katakan bulan perkenanan Allah terhadap bangsa ini.

Nyata bahwa Tuhan menjawab doa-doa kita, bagaimana tidak?Di perhelatan SEA Games kita menjadi Juara Umum yang gemilang. Kita dapat kehormatan kunjungan dari President Barack Obama dari negara adikuasa Amerika. Bulan ini juga berkat Tuhan akan berlimpah dengan perayaan-perayaan Natal bersama khusus pada tanggal 9 ini ada 3 acara Natal yang diselenggarakan di 2 tempat! FGBMFI di Sun City Glodok dan WPA 2012 (yang diatur oleh BOM dan disponsori oleh ICCC) di The Hall Senayan City. Kiranya kita semua berkesempatan hadir bersama pasangan masing-masing. Pembicara Utama adalah Pastor Dr. Ir. Niko Nyotorahardjo dan kesaksian oleh pemilik perusahaan AKR Group, Haryanto Adikoesoemo. Selain ini perlu saya ingatkan anda members untuk menghadiri members meeting minggu pertama tiap bulan; yaitu tanggal 5 November jam 18.00 yang sekarang diadakan di RestoCafe K& D belakang BNI 1946, samping Kantor Cabang Utama BCA di Kelapa Gading. Sekian penjumpaan kita untuk kali ini dan atas nama pribadi dan National Board saya ucapkan Selamat Natal (25-12-2011) dan Selamat Tahun Baru (1-1-2012)! Tuhan Yesus Memberkati. Bunan Djambek National President ICCC INDONESIA



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WPA 2012 & Marketplace

Christmas Dinner Concert

ICCC tergabung dalam Marketplace Track

WPA 2012 akan mengadakan Marketplace

Christmas Dinner Celebration Gathering pada

tanggal 9 Desember 2012 bertempat di Hall

Senayan City. Silahkan menghubungi

Panitia (Telp: 021-5311225 atau 5311156)

- lihat halaman terakhir – Berita ICCC

Indonesia ini - untuk memastikan

kehadiran anda.

Tersedia special invtation untuk ICCC

Members – free of charge – bagi anda yang

berminat dapat segera mengkonfirmasi

kehadiran (hubungi Yurie: 4890211 atau




Seperti biasa

setiap tahun






(AMG) yang

diisi dengan






dari luar dan

terbuka untuk para pelaku bisnis sekalipun

bukan member ICCC. Untuk tahun 2012 akan

kita adakan pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 11

Februari 2012, bertempat di FX Centre


Kita bersyukur bahwa Duta Besar Afrika

Selatan – HE Dr. Noel N. Lehoko berkenan

menjadi Pembicara Tamu.

Mari kita dukung dengan doa dan partisipasi

kehadiran anda untuk menerima perspektif

baru dalam melakukan bisnis anda sesuai

dengan prinsip Kerajaan Sorga.


Mari kita dukung dengan doa dan pada

waktunya anda siap berpartisipasi dalam

ICCC Asdia Conference yang akan

diselenggarakan di Bangkok, Thailand pada

tanggal 29 Maret sd 1 April 2012. Agar

situasi kota Bangkok yang terendam banjir

kembali normal pada waktu ICCC Asia

Conference tersebut berlangsung.

Ruang Konsultasi Bisnis / Pekerjaan

Bagi member yang membutuhkan konsultasi

dalam bidang bisnis / pekerjaan silahkan

menghubungi via email: [email protected]

yang akan kami masukkan dalam kolom

konsultasi agar dapat dibaca dan bermanfaat

bagi yang lain yang mengalami hal yang

sama. Oleh karenanya harus bersifat terbuka,

walau identitas (atas permintaan yang

bersangkutan) akan kami samarkan. Jawaban

atau saran, selain dari National Board, juga

dari member lain yang dapat memberi

masukan, setelah di edit oleh Redaksi Berita

ICCC Indonesia.



Bagi anda yang ingin bergabung dan member yang akan memperpanjang kartu keanggotaan anda untuk tahun 2012 agar menghubungi Manimbul Luhut Sitorus V.P. Membership (HP: +628159694545) atau Simon Aditan – Membership Domain (HP: +62816974647) atau mengirimkan email ke V.P. Admin/ Secretary ([email protected]) Annual Membership Fee untuk tahun 2012 kategori Developing Nation menjadi Rp. 600.000 dimana US$ 50 dikirim ke Kantor Pusat di Swedia sebagai syarat dan kewajiban International Membership

Membership Fee dapat ditransfer ke rekening ICCC Indonesia atau FORUKIN dibawah ini, dan mengirimkan bukti transfernya dengan fax ke alamat yang tercantum paling bawah dari setiap halaman Newsletter ini:


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Rekening Bank:

CIMB NIAGA BANK Cabang Senen - Jakarta

No. 200-01-00012-00-0 a/n : Forum Komunikasi Usahawan Kristen Indonesia (FORUKIN).


1. PT. Chantique Inti Décor Junias Hidajat – Director Offices: JL. Semarang – Purwodadi Km 17.8 Gudang No. 8 Kalitengah, Mranggen, Demak 59567, Jawa Tengah – Indonesia Phone: +62-24 673 5496 & 673 5498 Fax: +62-24 673 5497 e-mail: [email protected] Website: Line of Business: Manufacture of customize outdoor

furniture for hotels and restaurants.

For serious inquiry, please contact: Junias Hidajat E-mail: [email protected] Cell: +62 81 2287 1778

2. Surya Delapan Mas Tonny Soetjoadi – Director Offices:

1. HWI Lindeteves 4th Floor, Block B No. 7

Jalan Hayam Wuruk Jakarta (Barat) 11180 – INDONESIA Phone: 062 (21) 6259625 Fax: 062 (21) 6259561 2. Taman Berdikari Santosa Block M No. 16 Jalan Pemuda Jakarta (Timur) 13220 – INDONESIA Phone: 062 (21) 4712821 & 91282388 Fax: 062 (21) 4718293

Line of Business: Distribution of

Chladianplast Corrugated Roof & Flat sheet for Jakarta Metro & Outer Java and International market

Business Opportunity:

Looking for bona-fide Sub-distributors all-over Indonesia as well as outside of Indonesia, preferably having vast networks & experiences in distribution of building materials. Serious inquiry can be directed to Tonny Soetjoadi, Director ([email protected] or mobile: +62811193202

3. HeavenSpring Consulting & Agencies Co. Eliezer Hernawan Hardjo Ph.D., CM Jalan Pegangsaan Indah Barat B I / 8 Pondok Gading Utama Jakarta 14250 – INDONESIA Phone: 062 (21) 4521141 Fax: 062 (21) 4533070 Mobile: (062) 815-13203415 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Partners:

1. Institute of Certified Professional Managers – James Madison University, VA, USA

2. DF Solusi Consulting – Indonesia

Line of Business: Business & Management Consulting (Seminar, Training & Consulting)

Bagi member yang berminat untuk dicantumkan dalam kolom ini (free of charge) dimohon untuk meng-update data dan mengirim ke e-mail: [email protected] seperti contoh diatas

Nama Perusahaan Person in Charge dan Contact person Alamat lengkap termasuk no. Telepon/fax dan

e-mail Line of business Specific products yang ingin ditawarkan

(dengan foto kalau ada – yang di-compressed)


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Genesis 33:5: “And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the woman and children, and said, who are those with thee? And he said, the children which God has graciously given thy servant.” Children are a gift from God. He had blessed me to have two wonderful daughters and a good son. When their mother left in 1986 I became a single parent to six, eight, and eleven year old children. My heart grieved for them as they missed their mother. After the Lord saved me, I began to pray for them. One of my prayers that December 1989 was that they would be blessed to have a wonderful Christmas, including spending some precious time with their mother. Shortly thereafter, my children’s mother called and asked if she could have the children a few days. She would get them about four or five days before Christmas and bring them back Christmas day. I readily agreed. She asked if I would drive them halfway. She lived in Atlanta so Dublin was the agreed meeting point. The children were all excited about this rare visit with their mother. They had not spent much time with her since our separation. I scraped together a few dollars to give to them to spend, we loaded up and headed out.

Well, you should of seen the look of happiness on their faces as they hugged and greeted their mom. She had been such a wonderful mom to our children before. She always made sure they were well fed, clothed, clean, and hugged and loved. She roller-skated with them, read to them..they were her life. Tragically, the Devil can destroy and take away a mother’s concern and love for her children–whether it’s drugs or other methods. As they drove away, I sat in the car and cried. My tears were a mixture of joy for their happiness of being with their mom and sadness and grief for the losses they had experienced. I loved these children that God had given me and when they hurt, I did too. What I didn’t tell the children was that I had given them all the money I had. My car’s gas needle showed empty and it was 110 miles back home. It was Sunday morning about 10:30 a.m. as I began to drive back home. I said, “Lord, I guess I’ll run out of gas within a few miles but I’m trusting you in this situation.” About three miles down the road, I saw a small sign displaying an arrow pointing left to a small country church. The Lord suddenly spoke to me and said, “Go to that church.” I said, “Okay, but I’m not dressed very well (I had on old blue jeans, a tee-shirt and tennis shoes).” The Lord replied, “Go just like you are and don’t even concern yourself about what others may think about your clothing. I know what is in your heart.” I drove up to that church, got out of my beat up old Toyota and went inside. Services had already started and several heads turned to stare as a badly dressed stranger entered. I sat down on a seat and after a few songs, the preacher preached on the famous faith chapter in the Bible, Hebrews, Chapter 11. The Lord anointed this pastor as he preached. It seemed as if most of the words he spoke were directed at me. I needed that encouragement at that particular moment! Thank you Jesus!


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After service, the preacher was led to ask for testimonies. A few dear saints stood up and testified. Their testimonies were very uplifting. Suddenly the Lord spoke and said, “Irvin, get up and testify.” As I stood, I wiped some of the wrinkles from my blue jeans and began to speak. As the Spirit of the Lord anointed me, every eye in the congregation was on me and every ear was attentive. I told how the Lord has directed my footsteps to that church, how the sermon and testimonies had encouraged me, and how happy I was that my children would be spending a few days with their mom. I asked for prayer. At this request, the Godly pastor asked his little flock to gather around the altar and especially pray that not only my children but other children from broken homes would have a happy Christmas. After the service, I slowly walked to my Toyota. An elderly woman came up to me, shook my hand, and told me my testimony had touched her heart in a special way. After I withdrew my hand, I looked in my palm and saw the folded five dollar bill she had given me. Gas money to get home! God will provide! When I got home that Sunday evening, a friend of mine called and asked if I would drive him to a city about 50 miles away. His truck had quit and it was too cold to drive his motorcycle. I said, “Okay, I’ve got to pick up a few pecans to sell to get a few dollars. My children aren’t here so I’m free to go.” He was a nurse and was going to work two 16 hour shifts during Christmas. He said he was renting a hotel room and I could stay there while he was working. It snowed hard the night before we left. Not only had it snowed, the temperature had dropped and black ice had formed on the roads. As I slowly drove that old Pontiac down those icy roads, we saw many vehicles in the ditch. People in South Georgia are not equipped to drive in these conditions. As I pulled up to an intersection, I applied my brakes to stop. I hit a patch of black ice and said to my unsaved friend, “Brace yourself, we are going to crash.” Sure enough, we did, but the Lord protected us both, only a small

dent in the car. We were stuck in the ditch so we went looking for a kind-hearted farmer to pull us out. Shortly we found one. We asked for help. He pulled on his brogans, walked to the shelter, cranked up his John Deere, and quickly pulled us out. We tried to pay him, but he refused. Thank God for people like this kind farmer. We arrived safely at the hotel, checked in, then went and got a bite to eat. This was two days before Christmas. I then drove my friend to the nursing home and went back to the hotel and went to sleep. I woke up early Christmas eve and said, “Lord, I sure would like to go to church this morning. Show me where to go.” I picked up the paper and saw where a church was having an early morning service. The Lord spoke and said, “Go there.” So I went, and although only about 30 people were there, it was a sweet service. I was blessed by the words spoken about our Savior’s birth. After this was over I said, “Lord, I sure would like to go to Sunday school. Please show me where to go.” Well, the Lord led me on a road out of town and in the country. It surely was beautiful scenery: gently rolling, snowed covered hills, the whiteness and brightness of everything. As I was driving, I thought about Christmas coming up. My friend was going to pay me $50 for driving him. Not much to buy Christmas for my children. While I was thinking about things, the Lord interrupted my thoughts with a command, “Turn left here on this dirt road.” I did and about two miles down that road, I came up to a beautiful little country church sitting on a little hill surrounded by snow covered pine trees. The Lord said, “Here is where I want you to go for Sunday School.” The parking lot was full of cars, and I felt a warm and peaceful presence about this little place. As I walked in, I was warmly greeted and directed to the right Sunday School class. The people there were friendly and warm-hearted. They made me welcome, and they were genuine, not fake like some places I’ve been.


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I thought to myself, this is a praying church that God loves. I didn’t stay for church services because the Lord directed me to go on back to the hotel. I did as He directed. After I had eaten dinner, I went back to the room and laid down to take a nap. Around 2:30 p.m. , the Lord awoke me and said, “Go on over to the nursing home.” I obeyed. I found my friend and talked with him a few minutes. While we were talking, I heard the sound of singing. I told my friend I was going on down there to listen as they were not only singing Christmas carols, but also singing old hymns. As I entered the area where the service was being held, I recognized many of the folks conducting the service. They were the ones I had Sunday school with that morning. Nothing was mentioned in the Sunday school class about a nursing home service. They recognized me and invited me to join them. I did as I enjoyed the presence of the Lord. After the service, I said my goodbyes and walked down the hall to the nurse’s station. In a few minutes, the preacher came up and said, “The Lord told me to give you this check.” It was for $150. I had only asked the Lord for some money so I could buy my children something for Christmas. He tested my faith by ordering my steps. I passed; thank God! We came back home, and my friend paid me. My children came home late Christmas day. I was so glad to see them! I had missed them so. I told them I didn’t have them much for Christmas, but we were together. Thank you Lord for this wonderful Christmas memory! Isaiah 55:9: “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

(Irvin, a single-parent, has one wish for Christmas -- that his three young children will be blessed to have a wonderful

Christmas, including the chance to spend precious time with

their mother. God grants his wish and more, taking Irvin on a

journey of faith, blessing and leading him each step of the way.)

(Kirimkan kutipan, artikel, kata-kata mutiara atau kisah

pengalaman anda yang dapat memperkuat iman pembaca

Newsletter ini kepada TUHAN baik itu berupa pengalaman

pribadi maupun orang lain dengan ciri utama bisnis dan




International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) lahir dari kepatuhan terhadap visi yang diberikan selama kurun waktu enam tahun kepada seorang usahawan Swedia J. Gunnar Olson, yang diteguhkan dengan nubuatan dan terbukanya pintu kesempatan disekitarnya yang sebelumnya tertutup. ICCC merupakan panggilan yang serius dan menantang bagi pengusaha Kristen untuk mengenali jaman yang sedang kita masuki dan dengan terang dari pengenalan itu memasuki dimensi iman yang baru yang disediakan bagi mereka yang …” takut akan TUHAN … berbicara satu sama lain … dan menghormati namaNya.” (Maleakhi 3: 16) Visi ini memanggil para pengusaha dan kaum profesi di seluruh dunia yang terbeban untuk saling berhubungan, bertukar pendapat, memperdagang-kan barang dan menyediakan jasa, saling mendukung dan menguatkan secara rohani dan materi. Berdasarkan eksistensi dari visi itu sendiri memproklamirkan otoritas Kristus yang mutlak diseluruh dunia. Pada intinya ICCC adalah kehendak TUHAN untuk memperluas tali kasih-Nya, melalui gereja-Nya, didalam dunia usaha. Hal ini menuntut para pelaku bisnis mencari terlebih dahulu Kerajaan-Nya dan segala Kebenaran-Nya. Urapan tersedia bagi mereka yang dengan mata melihat dan telinga mendengar panggilan jaman. Sebagaimana halnya Raja Daud yang menerima urapan untuk menjadi raja, jauh sebelum dia menjadi Raja, yang keadaan pada saat urapan diberikan sama sekali tidak mungkin bagi Daud untuk menjadi Raja, demikianlah ICCC memanggil para pengusaha Kristen sebelum peristiwanya terjadi untuk mengalami kebebasan masuk ke dalam dimensi baru, dimana sasaran, strategi dan perencanaan bersama-sma diwujud-nyatakan sesuai dengan iman di dalam Kristus.


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ICCC mencanangkan panggilan itu sejalan dengan rencana TUHAN bagi jaman ini sebagai kunci memperoleh berkat dan pertumbuhan dan agar dapat bangkit berkemenangan diatas gelombang ombak yang mengancam.

Panggilan ICCC: “Mereka akan menjadi

milik kesayanganKu sendiri, firman

TUHAN semesta Alam pada hari yang

Kusiapkan. Aku akan mengasihi mereka

sama seperti seseorang menyayangi

anaknya yang melayani dia. Maka kamu

akan melihat kembali perbedaan antara

orang benar dan orang fasik, antara

orang yang beribadah kepada TUHAN dan

orang yang tidak beribadah kepada-Nya.” (Maleakhi 3: 17-18)


Satu-satunya TUHAN pencipta segala

sesuatu dalam kesatuan Trinitas: Bapa, Anak, dan Roh Kudus.

Keilahian TUHAN Yesus Kristus. Kelahiran-Nya dari rahim seorang

Perawan. Karya penebusan dosa

manusia melalui kematian-Nya diatas kayu salib. Kebangkitan-Nya. Hak

otoriatas diri-Nya atas dunia dan

Kedatangan-Nya yang kedua kali dalam Kuasa dan Kemuliaan-Nya.

Alkitab, sepenuhnya sebagai Firman TUHAN yang memberikan inspirasi dan

berbagai peraturan bagi kehidupan yang

dilandasi iman.

Keselamatan pribadi orang berdosa dan

kebutuhannya untuk mengalami proses

regenerasi melalui karya Roh Kudus dalam menuju menjadikannya sebagai

manusia yang dikehendaki oleh TUHAN,


Apa itu ICCC?

Forum dimana pesan Kristus untuk zaman ini dijabarkan, disampaikan dan dinyatakan

kepada Dunia Bisnis

ICCC adalah badan yang independen dan inter-denominasi, bukan menjadi bagian dari suatu gereja tertentu namun ikut melayani

gereja yang membutuhkan pelayanan ICCC. ICCC berkantor Pusat di Orebrö Swedia dan saat ini telah berada di sekitar 65 negara di

lima benua.

ICCC Indonesia melakukan berbagai kegiatan dan pelayanan baik terhadap

anggota, maupun terhadap dunia bisnis khususnya dalam lingkungan Kristiani.

Transformed Working Life (TWL) adalah Pelatihan resmi dari Kantor Internasional bagi anggota ICCC dalam memperlengkapi anggota dengan pengetahuan dan pemahaman latar

belakang, tujuan dan penerapan prinsip-prinsip Kerajaan TUHAN bagi dunia bisnis dan profesi. TWL diperuntukkan bagi anggota dan dapat diikuti secara Cuma-Cuma, namun terbuka juga bagi siapa saja yang berminat untuk mengikutinya.

TWL diselenggarakan dalam bahasa

Indonesia dan dilengkapi dengan buku panduannya, yang telah diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia juga, sehingga para peserta betul-betul akan memperoleh manfa’at yang besar dan mengalami transformasi dalam kehidupan pribadi maupun bisnisnya. TWL difasilitasi oleh anggota National Board yang terlatih dan dikoordinir oleh V.P. Teaching: Benjamin B. Juwono bersama dengan Teaching Team: Ridwan Naftali


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Transformed Working Life (TWL) akan ditayangkan dalam salah satu channel di Indonesia agar dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para pebisnis & profesional Kristiani di Indonesia bagaimana menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Kerajaan Tuhan dalam kehidupan berbisnis dan bekerja mereka. TWL bagi members secara rutin diadakan pada hari Sabtu ke 2 setiap bulan dan terbuka dan dianjurkan bagi semua member untuk mengikutinya sebagai pembekalan wajib.


by Ben Domenech

"Christmas isn't just about capitalism and candy. It isn't just about singing and Santa and fattening foods and toys," Jeff said.

"Wait a minute. Stupid me, I forgot. That's exactly what it's all about."

As I drove away from college last week, the words of one of my fellow students lodged themselves in my mind. Partly it was because I knew Jeff was paraphrasing a South Park- sentiment -- and I wondered privately how much of his worldview was shaped by Comedy Central. Does one evaluate the big spiritual questions based on SNL reruns and Daily Show sketches, or St. Augustine and Aquinas? It seemed a conundrum fit for a 400 level Philosophy course. As Steve Martin used to

say, they teach you just enough in philosophy class to screw you up for the rest of your life.

There was something else, though; something there that I'd never noticed before this year. Something in those sarcastic words seemed to ring flat, pitiful, the hollow knell of a lonely soul.

I'd always dismissed those sentiments in the past. People who debate endlessly the "meaning of Christmas in a pluralistic age" always reminded me of those kids inCharlie Brown's Christmas who are more obsessed with the trappings of holiday spirit, from pageants to presents to trees, than the reason for the season -- and all they really need is a little recitation of the King James from Linus to show them the right path. My personal favorite is the quiet tinge in LinusÕ voice when he says that the shepherds were "sore afraid."

It's only the 19th Christmas I've seen, yet it is a Christmas unlike any other in my memory. This year, journalists tell us that more families are staying together, close to home. We are spending less time at the shopping mall, and more at the kitchen table. The shepherds feared what they did not know or understand; today, we fear things that are much the same, yet apparently without the message of hope that comforted the shepherds' hearts. We fear the loss of friends and family. We fear disaster and pain. Some of us fear for those who are fighting abroad. Others, that their loved ones' next plane trip could be the last. It is a time of uneasy farewells and sleepless nights.

Many people today are desperately searching for deeper meaning in this Christmas. Now, more than ever, they recognize they need it, not just for themselves or those they love. They need it for the sake of the thousands of chairs that will sit empty on Christmas Day.

For me, Christmas has always been about the bonds of family. As tied up in the memories of Christ's birth as it has been, Christmas has always marked a chance to let any petty arguments and clashes fade away in unity. Prayer, reciting Luke 2, lighting the advent candles -- I realized as I was driving towards home that I welcomed the chance to play football with my younger brother nearly as much as those traditional reminders of the babe in the manger. Thus far, the reunion has not disappointed. My brother had set up his Nintendo with a "Christmas" match ready for us both, with Mary, Joseph, The Babe, The Shepherds, and the Beasts of the Field as our teammates.


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Perhaps it is not just the non-Christian that is searching for meaning. Perhaps it is those of us Christians as well, who have let something, anything, even a thing as precious as family prevent us from acknowledging the truth.

The meaning of Christmas this year is about two things. It is dedicated to the memory of those who are not with us -- and the fulfilled promise of reconciliation from the One who never leaves us, nor forsakes us. It is a solemn day. It is a day of rejoicing. It is holy.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran pastor and martyr under the tyranny of the Third Reich, wrote against and lived against the "cheap grace that devalues sin and forgiveness alike."

"Cheap grace means grace as a doctrine, a principle, a system. It means forgiveness of sins proclaimed as a general truth, the Love of God taught as the 'Christian conception' of God ... Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves. Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without repentance ... grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ."

Cheap grace comes as easily as the welcome holiday pleasures of family and friends. Cheap grace does not reckon what went wrong, does not judge the why and wherefore of the rift between man and God.

Cheap grace requires no cost for forgiveness. It requires no star, no miraculous birth, no manger, no angels, no shepherds, no cross. It requires no Christ.

The reason so many people are searching for meaning in this Christmas, more than others, is not because they have finally recognized the folly of my classmate's perspective on the holidays. It is because the events of this year have forced them to recognize that in the world, in our own lives, something has gone dreadfully wrong.

That deep-rooted wrongness, as Christians know, is the separation of God andMan. The sin that set our spirits so far removed would not be corrected by a mere wave of God's hand -- it would not do to merely overlook the wrong. Forgiveness is not forgetfulness, and God does not forget. Forgiveness is not ignoring the truth, or as Father Richard Neuhaus has noted, "a benign cooking of the books on tax day."

Paul wrote in his Second Epistle to the Corinthians, "God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the word of reconciliation."

The message of reconciliation with Christ as the cost; or, put simply, atonement. Atonement -- Man and God at one -- the meaning of Christmas in a single word.

One of the oft-read passages during Christmas is God's promise of Christ, as written in Isaiah 9:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. And the government shall rest on His shoulders. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. And of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end."

Yet there is another promise in Isaiah 25, one that seems just as appropriate today -- a promise for which we still wait. A promise of a world without suffering and death, a world of praise, a world reconciled:

"The Lord of hosts will prepare a great feast for all peoples on this mountain, a banquet of aged wine and choice marrow. And on this mountain He will swallow up the covering which is over all peoples, the veil which is stretched over all nations. And death will be swallowed up in victory. And the Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces, and He will remove the reproach of His people from the earth, for the Lord has spoken. And it will be said in that day, 'Behold, this is our God, for whom we have waited that He might save us. Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.'"

Merry Christmas!

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