Page 1: How to Clean a non-removable Helmet Liner?


How to Clean a non-removable Helmet Liner?

If you ride your bike in hot weather, your head will sweat, and the inner liner will absorb

all the sweat. Furthermore, dust becomes accommodated in it after prolonged use. As a

result, your inner liner will stink and be filthy. So there will come a time when you will

need to wash your helmet & its padding to have a pleasant ride. But, if the inner liner isn’t

removable, how to clean a non-removable helmet liner?

What exactly is a helmet liner?

A helmet liner is a soft, shock-absorbing, dense foam padding placed inside a helmet. It

protects the wearer’s head from sudden shock (during accidents) and absorbs moisture.

The liner on the inner side of helmets makes it easier to wear a helmet on long rides.

If your helmet has a removable liner, washing it is not a difficult task. However, if your

helmet’s liner isn’t removable, it’s not that difficult to clean it. Let’s take a look at how we

can do that.

Helmet Cleaning Dos and Don'ts

No helmet wearers would intentionally weaken or damage their headgear. Unfortunately,

that is precisely what many of us do when we clean our helmets. Keep in mind that we

aren’t chemists. So choosing good helmet cleaning products isn’t easy.

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When deciding how to clean a non-removable helmet liner, make sure that the

cleaning product is made for your helmet. If a product isn’t designed especially for helmet

cleaning, or if you’re unsure how chemicals will react, avoid its use.

There are many household cleaning products available in the market. Most of them can

even reduce the ability of a helmet to protect your head.

Cleaner for helmets

The glass cleaner is the worst offender when it comes to cleaner helmets. Although

helmets contain almost no glass, this chemical is commonly used by riders. They use it to

remove bugs and fingerprints from their helmets and shields.

Unless organic, glass cleaner will always contain ammonia. Why? Because that reduces

the shatterproof qualities of polycarbonate. Which majority of helmets used are all

faced ones. Let’s take a look at the cleaning procedure for a helmet liner.

What is the best way to clean a helmet liner?

The simplest method to clean liner is by using a spray cleaner first. As helmet liners may

get musty, a spray cleaner can often do the trick for a helmet liner. It happens when your

helmet remains unused for an extended period.

But keep in mind that you’ll be pressing this material against your face for an extended

period. It potentially makes them dirty as they absorb sweat. So look for a cleaner that is

non-toxic, non-allergenic, and, ideally, unscented.

To use the cleaner, spray it on the helmet liner and then massage it into the foam with a

cloth or brush. Soak up any remaining cleaner with a dry towel and set it aside to dry


In high humidity environments, you can now use a small fan to speed up the drying

process. However, avoid using compressed air. A stream of high-pressure air will stretch

the fabric and damage the foam.

How to clean non-removable helmet liner?

Some older helmets and low-cost models do not have removable liners. While these are a

little more difficult to clean, it’s worth it to have a fresh-smelling helmet that can wick

moisture effectively.

The steps below will show you how to clean a non-removable helmet liner.

STEP 1: Fill a tub halfway with water.

To begin, you’ll need a large tub large enough to hold the helmet. Fill this tub with clean

water. You can add or remove water to adjust its level as required.

STEP 2: Dissolve some shampoo in the water.

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Now, to the water, add some shampoo. You can use the same shampoo you used on your

scalp. You must use a sufficient amount of shampoo to clean your helmet liner.

Some people recommend detergent, but shampoo is the most effective way to clean the

liners. However, you are free to use any antimicrobial detergent. Make sure to combine

your ingredients with the water thoroughly.

STEP 3: Soak your helmet in water.

It’s time to soak your helmet in a tub of warm water. Before submerging the helmet in

water, I recommend removing the visor or shield. When inserting the helmet into the

water, the solution must penetrate through the liner.

STEP 4: Clean the helmet

Use your fingers or a towel to clean the helmet liner. It may be challenging to move the

towel from one location to another, but you must clean your helmet.

Depending on the amount of odor and dust on your helmet, it may take some time. When

you’re sure that you drained all the dirt, take the helmet out of the tub.

STEP 5: Rinse the liner with clean water after removing the detergent.

You must now rinse the detergent out of the liner. Use clean water to replace the solution

in a tub. Using a clean water rinse or a towel to remove the shampoo from the liner may


STEP 6: Allow the helmet liner to dry.

Finally, dry the helmet liner very carefully. To dry the helmet liner, use the dryer to blow

air on it.

The air fan can also aid in the drying of the helmet’s liner. When I wash my motorcycle

helmet liner, I occasionally let it dry in the sun.

You can read more on how to wash motorcycle helmet liner.

Spray Cleaning a Non-Removable Helmet Liner

It is not necessary to clean your motorcycle helmet regularly. It may have a little dust on it

from time to time, and you do not need to go through the above steps to clean it.

You can use a spray cleaner to get the job done. There are many sprays on the market, but

make sure to select non-allergenic and non-toxic.

Spray the cleaning solution inside your helmet liner once you’ve found the right spray

cleaner. After you’ve finished spraying, rub the spray all over the liner with a cloth or

towel. Allow your helmet to air dry for a few minutes. You can use it for your next trip

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once it has dried out. To clean the non-removable liner, some riders use a helmet cleaning


How to Care for a Removable Liner

How to clean non-removable helmet liner? A removable one isn’t the same as a

non-removable one. If your helmet has gotten sweaty more than a few times, you’ll need

to clean the liner again. Simply spraying a liner with fabric cleaner won’t remove the

sweat absorbed by the material. A liner that absorbs sweat will keep moisture inside. It

keeps the helmet wet, which may lead to a foul odor or skin problems.

Because most modern helmets have a fully removable liner, this task is pretty simple.

Remove the liner from the helmet and hand wash it with a mild detergent. I highly

recommend Woolite for several reasons.

First, it is gentle, meaning it contains no bleach, isn’t acidic, and has a balanced pH.

Second, because liners are made from various materials, it is safe to use on all fabrics.

Woolite, on the other hand, won’t stretch or shrink.

It is critical for obvious reasons. It’s also available in small pouches. Finally, it does not

contain any fabric softener, which is good because they interfere with the visor. As a

result, the liner will be unable to keep sweat from entering your eyes.

To hand wash, combine a mild detergent and warm water in a container.

Massage the cheek pads and liner until clean, then rinse thoroughly to remove all


You can use a towel to squeeze or pat dry your liner, but do not wring it out as this

will damage the foam.

Allow it to air dry or use a small fan; however, I do not recommend putting these

items in the dryer.

Cleaning of EPS liner

The EPS-type liner may also need some cleaning from time to time. Many people clean

them with cleaners that are far too harsh for this material.

Because EPS is the primary shock absorber in a helmet, You mustn’t physically or

chemically alter it. Why take the risk if the materials are the only thing standing between

your head and the asphalt?

When thinking about how to clean non-removable helmet liners, Cleaning EPS

isn’t the same. All you should need is a microfiber cloth soaked in warm water with a

small amount of detergent.

Any EPS liner with mold, mildew, or anything challenging to clean has been chemically


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This EPS liner isn’t guaranteed to perform its duties or reach its full potential in a crash.

As a result, replace it as soon as possible to avoid any issues.

Cleaning a helmet's shell

To avoid using chemicals entirely, soak a microfiber cloth in hot water and lay it over the

shell. After a few minutes, you can wipe down the helmet, and the bugs will be gone.

Restore the helmet’s luster by rubbing it with a terry cloth towel.

How frequently should I clean my helmet liner?

Consider the helmet liner to be like a typical piece of clothing. It needs washing, which

depends on the weather and the amount of sweating. It may require a wash after one ride

or after a few. However, depending on the length of the ride and the time of year, most

riders can probably get away with washing every three rides or so.

Can I clean my motorcycle helmet with Windex?

Windex is not a problem; it will not harm the lens or the finish on the helmet in any way.

The problem is with the cloth you’re using and wiping a dusty lens.

How do you clean a helmet?

Start by removing the pads and lining from your helmet. Then soak them in a baby

shampoo solution for about 30 minutes. Clean it with water and allow it to dry naturally

in the sun. If You cannot remove the inner lining and pads, soak the entire helmet in a

large bucket of foam made from baby shampoo.

What is the best way to clean a racing helmet?

Interior Maintenance, The interior of the helmet is frequently prone to dirt and moisture.

Only use mild soap and water with a rag to hand wash the interior fit pad when cleaning

the interior of your helmet. Allow the helmet’s interior to dry before putting it away for

storage if it has become wet.

What is the best way to deodorize a helmet?

To clean the lining, use a small amount of Johnson and Johnson’s baby shampoo and a

sink of warm water. Mix in some shampoo with the water; the shampoo removes all the

oils from your helmet’s interior that came from your hair.

Is it possible that wearing a helmet will cause hair loss?

According to a scalp specialist, Dr. Kaur, it hasn’t been proven medically that wearing

helmets for an extended period causes hair loss. However, wearing helmets for an

extended period can cause hygiene issues. Issues like sweat, dandruff, and constant

traction to hair roots can lead to traction alopecia.

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How do you keep your helmet smelling fresh?

We went through how to clean non-removable helmet liners, whereas the process

of washing a helmet isn’t that complicated. You’ll wash the inside of the helmet with

shampoo in the same way you’d wash your hair. A Dr. Bronner’s or even dish soap would

work as well—the idea is to use a mild, clear soap.

How do I remove the musty odor from my helmet?

I’ve had good luck cleaning helmets with regular hair shampoo. It does take a lot of

rinsing to get the suds out, and it needs to dry for a few days.

How do I remove mold from my helmet?

If you have molds resistant to alcohol, use a strong solution of household bleaches. If the

helmet still smells like bleach, use vinegar to neutralize it. After that, wash the vinegar

away with soap and water.

How does one go about modifying a foam helmet?

If your mod requirements are small, compress the foam with your thumb or the back of a

spoon. Most used helmets have dents or dings in their foam; still, foam looks intact and

does not appear altered. This was the outcome, as it now fits perfectly with just a little

massaging the contact points.

How can I clean the visor of my helmet at home?

It’s best to use a soft, non-abrasive cotton cloth to clean your visor. Soak it in warm water

and rub it with a mild soap solution. If possible, remove the dirt with your fingers to avoid

scratching the surface of your visor. Allow the visor to dry naturally while standing up. It

is similar to how to clean a non-removable helmet liner.

Is it possible to wash helmet padding?

First of all, we recommend hand washing your helmet pads in cold water with mild soap.

You can put them in the washing machine (cold water, gentle cycle), but they may begin to

separate. Never put pads in the dryer! Allow them to air dry.

Is it possible to wash helmet padding?

First of all, we recommend hand washing your helmet pads in cold water with mild soap.

You can put them in the washing machine (cold water, gentle cycle), but they may begin to

separate. Never put pads in the dryer! Allow them to air dry.

Can I use glass cleaner on the visor of my motorcycle?

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Always use a visor cleaner, window cleaner, or plain water to clean your visor. It would

help if you avoided oil-based sprays because they can leave a smeary film on the visor.

Eucalyptus oil, on the other hand, evaporates and does not leave a smear. It also freshens

the odor of the inside of your helmet.

Is it possible to reline a motorcycle helmet?

Most modern motorcycle helmets have removable liners that you can easily clean or

replace with a new one. Each helmet type, from full-face to open-faced, could quickly

reline in a matter of minutes.

What is the best way to clean my HJC helmet liner?

HJC recommends washing and air-drying HJC removable pads regularly. They further

describe that bacteria and mildew eliminating products such as “Helmet Fresh” for non-

removable interiors is better.

What is the best way to clean my Samshield helmet liner?

It is possible to clean the liner in a washing machine, but handwashing with soap is the

best option because it does not require a 30’/1h washing program! Before and after use,

always inspect the inside and outside of the helmet, as well as the chinstrap. When not in

use, You should store the helmet away from light.

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