Page 1: Health and environmental impact of chimney cleaning


Health and environmental impact of chimney

Chimney release wood smoke which is a reason of air pollution. Without a doubt anything

that is polluting the air will ultimately affect us. The best solution to this problem is

chimney cleaning at regular intervals so that it remain clean and doesn’t release

hazardous gasses. Most of the people think that using fireplace is not a big deal but you

need to realize that wood smoke adds on to the pollution. Different facts released by the

show that using wood smoke in winters has resulted in 30% increase in particle pollution

in San Francisco Bay Area.

Bay Area Air Quality Management District have released different statements that say

that burning wood has a significant part in increasing the particle pollution in the entire


According to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, burned wood releases more

particle pollution than the entire region’s vehicles and businesses.

Moreover there are numerous residential wood burning also contributes towards the

laundry list of other pollutants for instance mercury, carbon monoxide, greenhouse gases,

volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides. The major reason behind this is

that when VOCs react with nitrogen oxides to allow them to form ground-level ozone with

water vapor to allow them to for built up for acid rain.

Page 2: Health and environmental impact of chimney cleaning


Wood burning is one of the largest source of dioxins in the bay area. The result of these

dioxins end up on bay, ocean, creeks, and soil. This is the place where they collect

resulting in fish and livestock, poisoning our foo sources.

Creosote Exposure

As discussed above wood burning has a huge impact on our environment but we are

unable to realize this until we or our family members face problems due to it. Creosote is

an oily black substance that build up in your chimney. It builds up because there is not

enough wood combustion. It doesn’t only sounds bad but also has some very severe

negative impacts on our health. Despite the fact all this could be avoided with help of

through chimney scrubbing but we need to be well aware of the impacts that it can have

on our health so that we remain careful about its build up.

Following are some of the few health impacts that have been a result of chimney


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Skin Irritation

Skin is one of the most delicate part of our body and certainly the most exposed one too.

Any physical contact with creosote can result in severe rashes and other major skin


Eye Irritation

Eyes are also exposed to environment we live in but when going for chimney cleaning it is

highly recommended to wear goggles that cover your eyes. Any contact with eyes will

result in irritation and sometimes it may also be a reason for burning sensations or actual

chemical burns. It may also cause your eyes to sensitive to light.

Respiratory Problems.

If the air we breathe in is polluted then how can we expect that we will save ourselves

from breathing issues. If you are sure of the fact that creosote is building up in your

chimney then make sure you cover your mouth and nose properly while going for

chimney spring-cleaning. If it catches up with a person that is exposed to it then lungs and

other respiratory issues may start to develop and if neglected they might get worse with


Abdominal Issues

Creosote is such a dangerous element that it can also have an impact on one’s kidney and

liver. It is the major reason due to which it is highly recommended that you book experts

for chimney washing. They have the right equipment to cover themselves as well as the

right experience to cope up with different situations. However, you just need to keep an

eye on the condition of your chimney and book the services as soon as you start to feel

suspicious about creosote buildup.

Mental Problem

Creosote doesn’t only impact the things that are exposed to it physically but it has also

played a part in acting as a major factor in causing seizures and confusion in some people.

So don’t waste a moment if you haven’t got your chimney cleaned for a very long time

because it’s the right time to get this creosote out of your house.


There are numerous things that contribute towards cancer and creosote is one of them

who plays a significant role in it. Although there not many cases around that are a result

of exposure to creosote but there are significant proves of the fact that this element has

the potential to be a reason for skin cancer.

Chimney Soot Inhalation

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Creosote is not the only contaminant that has proved to be dangerous for our health as

chimney soot has also played significant role in causing troubles with human health.

Chimney soot is a contaminant that builds when there is not enough wood to burn. It

produces a powdery black dust sticks from the inside of the chimney most of the times

they also escape into the air and also become a reason for following issues.

Lung Hazard

It is quite similar to creosote because if it is inhaled in big amount then it has the potential

to irritate the lungs and may also be a reason for lung cancer.

Respiratory Risks

Along with lung problems discussed above there are general respiratory infections that

may also cause because of inhaling soot.

There is no such thing that we specifically enjoy coping up with thus the message is clear:

take precautions and clean your chimney. Chimney sweeps are used to figure out if there

is a internal structure damage which may be a reason for this buildup problems.

Moreover, chimney sweeps will also play a part in removing creosote, soot helping us in

improving the conditions we breathe in. So what are you waiting for just grab your phone

and hire a chimney cleaning service right away so that you and your family can

breathe in healthy and fresh air.

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