

Dhani: Good Morning

Rian: Good Morning

Dhani : How are you today?

Rian : I am fine thank you and you?

Dhani: I am fine too

Asna : Hello guys

Dhani & Rian : Hai asna

Asna: Dhani, what do you think should people do to reduce the bad effects of global warming?

Dhani: I think everybody should start to change their way of life.

Rian: what does it mean? what should we do? do you have any opinion?

Dhani: well, actually there are many things that we can do. we can start from a simple thing like saving electricity, using public transportation to reduce pollution, recycling things, etc

Asna: wow, it seems like you have a good knowledge concerning this problem.

Dhani: Yes, what do you think if global warming happen getting bad in Indonesia?

Rian: Heat will surely happen very piercing the skin, a lot of skin cancer

Asna: Global warming also can cause fire, rising sea water, melting ice mountain Jayawijaya

Dhani: Yes..., it does happen if global warming is getting so bad in Indonesia

Asna: By the way, What causes global warming?

Dhani : The sun is getting closer to Earth

Rian : No..., is wrong answer !, the cause of global warming greenhouse effect, feedback effects, forest loss, air freshener, air conditioning,etc

Asna: Okay2 ... thank for you opinion guys, I became add insight about global warming

Dhani & Rian: Yes, you are welcome

Asna: See you

Dhani & Rian: See you

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