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Post graduate programMahasaraswati University Denpasar

Dr. Ir. Deden Ismail, MSiIr. Kt. Nadha, Msi

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Natural Resources of Indonesia


Volcanic ash creates rich soil that is ideal for growing crops, but largeareas of Indonesia cannot be cultivated because of swamps, soil

erosion, or steep slopes.

Tropical forests cover 46 percent of the land, although this

proportion has been shrinking due to deforestation. Trees of the

Dipterocarp family, such as the meranti, are a valuable forest

resource. Also important are ramin, sandalwood, ebony, and teak.

Teak in particular is grown in plantation forests. The government has

established many national parks to conserve the natural vegetation

and native wildlife. Indonesia claims that little or no commercial

development is permitted in about half its forests.

The more important national parks include Gunung Leuser (in

northwestern Sumatra), Kerinci Seblat (in central Sumatra), Bukit

Barisan Selatan (in southern Sumatra), Ujung Kulon (in western Java),

Tanjung Puting (in central Kalimantan), and Komodo Island (between

Sumbawa and Flores).

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Indonesia has significant deposits of oil and natural gas, most of which are

concentrated along the eastern coast of Sumatra and in and around

Kalimantan. Indonesia produces more than 80 percent of Southeast Asia’s oil

and more than 35 percent of the world’s liquefied gas.

Tin on Belitung and Bangka islands, bauxite on Bintan Island, copper in Papua,

nickel on Sulawesi, and coal on Sumatra are Indonesia’s major mineral

resources. Small amounts of silver, gold, diamonds, and rubies are also found.

Large parts of Indonesia, especially in Kalimantan and Papua, have not been

intensively explored for minerals

The seas surrounding Indonesia yield abundant saltwater fish, pearls, shells,

and agar (a substance extracted from seaweed).

Copper mining  Nickel

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Seas products

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Indonesia is well endowed with energy resources. It is an important producer of 

crude petroleum, yielding 421 million barrels in 2004. Refineries are located atCilacap in West Java and at Balikpapan in East Kalimantan. A hydrocracker unit,

which breaks down petroleum into simpler forms of energy such as gasoline, is

located at Dumai on Sumatra.

In 2003 Indonesia produced 74.2 billion cu m (2.6 trillion cu ft) of natural gas,

mainly from Arun in northern Sumatra and Badak in East Kalimantan. Proven oilreserves total 10.4 billion barrels, and gas reserves are equivalent to 14.5 billion

barrels of oil, much of which is located in the South China Sea near the Natuna


Even after the decline of oil prices in the mid-1980s, the economy has been

particularly dependent on oil exports. In 2004 fuels made up 18 percent of 

Indonesia’s exports and 20 percent of its imports.

Hydroelectric facilities, including a large dam on the Asahan River in North

Sumatra, generate 8 percent of Indonesia’s electricity. Thermal stations powered

by locally produced oil and coal provide almost all of the remaining electricity.

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Mining• Mining, especially of tin, bauxite, nickel, copper, coal, manganese, and

iron ore, supplies about 10 percent of Indonesia’s GDP. Indonesia is one

of the world’s largest producers of tin, with production in 2004 of 65,772

metric tons of concentrate. Most of the tin reserves are located on the

islands of Bangka and Belitung and in the Java Sea between Sumatra and


• Bauxite production totals 840,318 metric tons of concentrate per year.

Coal yields are 120 million metric tons annually. Since the mid-1980s,Indonesia has expanded its output of precious metals, especially gold. The

largest share of the total output of 93 metric tons in 2004 came from a

single mine in Papua.



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Diamond Mining in Indonesia

Due to the presence of valuable minerals, especially tin and

petroleum, mining is an important industry in Indonesia. SomeIndonesians are involved in small-scale forms of mineral extraction,

such as traditional diamond mining. Here on the island of Borneo,

miners wash gravel excavated from nearby pits and then examine

the sifted soil with large, conical containers to locate raw diamonds

and gemstones.

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Indonesian natural resources gallery (Landscape)

Tropical rain forest in Papua Sumba Island interior 

Volcanoes of East Java Jakarta’s Contemporary Skyline

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Bali terrace’s paddies

Mountaineous Sulawesi

Toraja tomb in SulawesiPheasant-Tail Jacana(Tropical bird in wetland

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Sumber Daya Alam (SDA)

Sumber Daya Alam (biasa disingkat SDA) adalah segala sesuatu yang berasal darialam yang dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia.


1. SDA dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu,SDA yang dapat diperbaharui dan SDA yang tidakdapat diperbaharui.

SDA yang dapat diperbaharui meliputi air, tanah, tumbuhan dan hewan.

SDA ini harus kita jaga kelestariannya agar tidak merusak keseimbanganekosistem.

SDA yang tidak dapat diperbaharui itu contohnya barang tambang yang adadi dalam perut bumi seperti minyak bumi, batu bara, timah dan nikel. Kitaharus menggunakan SDA ini seefisien mungkin. Sebab, seperti batu bara,baru akan terbentuk kembali setelah jutaan tahun kemudian.

2. SDA juga dapat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu SDA hayati' dan SDA non-hayati.

SDA hayati adalah SDA yang berasal dari makhluk hidup. Seperti: hasilpertanian, perkebunan, pertambakan dan perikanan.

SDA non-hayati adalah SDA yang berasal dari makhluk tak hidup (abiotik).Seperti: air, tanah, barang-barang tambang.

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Kerusakan SDA

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Pemanfaatan SDA:

Tumbuhan Manfaat tumbuhan antara lain:

Menghasilkan oksigen bagi manusia dan hewan

Mengurangi polusi karena dapat menyerap karbondioksida yangdipakai tumbuhan untuk proses fotosintesis

Mencegah terjadinya erosi, tanah longsor dan banjir

Bahan industri, misalnya kelapa sawit bahan industri minyak goreng

Bahan makanan, misalnya padi menjadi beras Bahan minuman,

misalnya teh dan jahe Persebaran sumber daya alam tidak selamanya melimpah. ada

beberapa sumber daya alam yang terbatas jumlahnya. terkadangdalam proses pembentukannya membutuhkan jangka waktu yangrelatif lama dan tidak dapat di tunggu oleh tiga atau empat generasi

keturunan manusia. Sumber daya alam adalah segala sesuatu yang tersedia di alam dan

dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan manusia. Sumber daya alam dibagimenjadi dua, yaitu: sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbarui dansumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbarui.

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1 Sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbarui 

Ialah sumber daya alam yang dapat diusahakan

kembali keberadaannya dan dapat dimanfaatkansecara terus-menerus, contohnya: air, udara, tanah,

hutan, hewan dan tumbuhan.

A. Air 

Air merupakan kebutuhan utama seluruh makhlukhidup. Bagi manusia selain untuk minum, mandi dan

mencuci, air bermanfaat juga:

1. sebagai sarana transportasi

2. sebagai sarana wisata/rekreasi3. sebagai sarana irigasi/pengairan

4. sebagai PLTA (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air)

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Cekungan di daratan yang

digenangi air terjadi secara

alami disebut danau,

misalnya Danau Toba diSumatera Utara.

Sedangkan cekungan di

daratan yang digenangi air

terjadi karena buatanmanusia disebut waduk,

misalnya waduk Sermo di

Kulon Progo dan Waduk

Gajah Mungkur di Wonogiri


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B. Udara 

Udara yang bergerak dan berpindah tempat disebut angin. Lapisanudara yang menyelimuti bumi disebut atmosfer. Lapisan Ozon

berfungsi untuk melindungi bumi dari sinar ultraviolet yangdipancarkan oleh matahari.

C. Tanah 

Tanah adalah lapisan kulit bumi bagian atas yang terbentuk daripelapukan batuan dan bahan organik yang hancur oleh prosesalamiah. Tanah banyak dimanfaatkan untuk menanam sumberdaya alam pertanian. Pertanian meliputi tanaman untuk makananpokok, seperti padi, jagung dan sagu. Palawija terdiri dari ubi-ubiandan kacang-kacangan; dan holtikultura yang meliputi berbagai jenissayuran dan buah-buahan.

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D. Hewan 

Hewan di Indonesia dapat digolongkan menjadi dua, yaitu

hewan liar dan hewan piaraan. Hewan liar ialah hewan

yang hidup di alam bebas dan dapat mencari makan

sendiri, misalnya dari jenis burung, ikan dan serangga.

Hewan piaraan (pet animal) ialah hewan yang dipelihara

untuk sekadar hobi atau kesenangan semata, misalnya

burung perkutut, marmut, kucing dan kakaktua. Hewan

ternak (animal husbandry) ialah hewan yang

dikembangbiakkan untuk kemudian dimanfaatkan atau


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E. Tumbuhan 


Hutan merupakan sebuah areal luas yang ditumbuhi beraneka ragam

pepohonan. Dilihat dari jenis pohonnya, hutan dapat dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu:Hutan Homogen Ialah hutan yang ditumbuhi oleh satu jenis pohon/tanaman,misal: hutan jati, hutan pinus, hutan cemara dll.

Hutan Heterogen Ialah hutan yang ditumbuhi oleh berbagai jenispohon/tanaman.

Dilihat dari arealnya, hutan dapat dibagi menjadi lima, yaitu sebagai berikutHutan lindung ialah hutan yang : berfungsi melindungi tanah dari erosi, banjirdan tanah longsor.

Hutan produksi ialah hutan yang berfungsi untuk menghasilkan berbagai produkindustri dan bahan perlengkapan masyarakat, seperti kayu lapis, mebel, bahanbangunan dan kerajinan tangan.

 Hutan wisata ialah hutan yang ditujukan khusus untuk menarik para wisatawandomestik (dalam negeri) maupun wisatawan mancanegara.

 Hutan suaka alam ialah hutan yang berfungsi memelihara dan melindungi flora(tumbuhan) dan fauna (hewan).

 Hutan Mangrove ialah hutan bakau di tepi pantai yang berfungsi untukmenghindari daratan dari abrasi. Hasil hutan yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh kitayaitu: kayu (jati, pinus, cemara, cendana), damar, rotan, bambu dll.

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b. Pertanian

Pertanian di Indonesia menghasilkan berbagai macam

tumbuhan, antara lain padi, jagung, kedelai, sayur-sayuran,cabai, bawang dan berbagai macam buah-buahan, seperti jeruk, apel, mangga, dan durian. Indonesia dikenal sebagainegara agraris karena sebagian besar penduduk Indonesiamempunyai pencaharian di bidang pertanian atau bercocoktanam.

c. Perkebunan 

Jenis tanaman perkebunan yang ada di Indonesia meliputikaret, cokelat, teh tembakau, kina, kelapa sawit, kapas,

cengkih dan tebu. Berbagai jenis di antara tanaman tersebutmerupakan tanaman ekspor (kegiatan mengirim barang keluar negeri ) yang menghasilkan devisa (tabungan bagi negara)

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Sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbarui 

Ialah sumber daya alam yang apabila digunakan secara terus-menerus akan habis. Biasanya sumber daya alam yang tidakdapat diperbarui berasal dari barang tambang (minyak bumidan batu bara) dan bahan galian (emas, perak, timah, besi,nikel dan lain-lain).

a. Batu Bara 

Batu bara berasal dari tumbuhan purba yang telah matiberjuta-juta tahun yang lalu. Batu bara banyak digunakansebagai bahan bakar untuk keperluan industri dan rumah


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Underground Mine Shaft

Underground mines are established in areas with promising ore deposits. The shaft is

the primary vertical channel through which people and ore are transported in and out

of the mine. The miners’ elevator is called a cage, and the ore reaches the surface via a

car called a skip. A ventilation system near the main shaft ensures that miners receivefresh air and prevents the accumulation of dangerous gases. A system of crosscuts

connects the ore body to the main shaft at several levels, and these levels are, in turn,

connected by openings called raises. Stopes are the chambers where the ore is broken

and mined.

© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Open-Pit Copper Mine, Utah

Metallic copper and copper ores, such as chalcopyrite and bornite, are mined

in open-pit mines from deposits near the earth’s surface. Further refining is

necessary to separate the copper from impurities such as sulfides,

carbonates, iron, and silicates. Copper is used extensively in electricalcomponents because of its high conductivity. Shown here is one of North

America’s largest open-pit copper mines, located in Kennecott, Utah.

Francois Gohier/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights


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Giant Coal Bucket

Strip miners often use extremely large buckets to level or move land.

The buckets have sharp, slanted teeth on the front edge and are

dragged along the surface of the ground by powerful machines. This

bucket, used in the Big Muskie coal mine in Ohio, is the size of a

small house.

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All

rights reserved.

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b. Minyak Bumi (Petroleum)

Minyak bumi berasal dari hewan (plankton) dan jasad-jasadrenik yang telah mati berjuta-juta tahun.

Petroleum, or crude oil, naturally occurring oily, bituminousliquid composed of various organic chemicals. It is found inlarge quantities below the surface of Earth and is used as a

fuel and as a raw material in the chemical industry. Modern industrial societies use it primarily to achieve a

degree of mobility—on land, at sea, and in the air—that wasbarely imaginable less than 100 years ago. In addition,petroleum and its derivatives are used in the manufacture of medicines and fertilizers, foodstuffs, plastics, buildingmaterials, paints, and cloth and to generate electricity.

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Petroleum mining

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Oil Drill Rig and Reservoir

The rotary drilling rig uses a series of rotating pipes, called the drill string, to tap into

oil reservoirs. The drill string is supported by a derrick, and turned by the rotary table

on its floor. Circulating, mudlike fluid driven by a pump removes cuttings as the teeth

of the drill bit dig into the rock around the reservoir. Reservoirs occur in many places.They form as a result of intense pressure on top of layers of dead marine and land

organisms mixed with sand or silt. This reservoir abuts a salt dome, which has trapped

a layer of oil and natural gas between itself and nonporous rock. Because they have no

place to expand, the gas and crude oil are under high pressure and will tend to rush

explosively out the channel opened by the drill rig.

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Offshore Drilling Rig

A semisubmersible oil-production rig sits in the waters off 

Pascagoula, Mississippi. Anchored in place, a semisubmersiblerig has legs that fill with air, allowing the production platform

to float above the surface of the water. Offshore wells

produce about 25 percent of the world’s annual output of oil.

John Mead/Photo Researchers, Inc.

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Oil Refinery

An oil refinery in Richmond, California, operates full-time

to convert crude oil into useful petroleum products by

separating out fractions of the oil to be used for different

purposes. Some fractions require further conversion orchemical treatment to attain desired end products such

as gasoline or greases.

Lawrence Migdale/Photo Researchers, Inc.

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Oil Refining and Fractional Distillation

Crude oil is refined into products such as gasoline, asphalt, and waxes by a

process called fractional distillation. During the process, the parts, or

fractions, of crude oil are divided out successively by their increasing

molecular weight. For instance, gasoline has a low molecular weight andvaporizes at a fairly low temperature. This means that at the appropriate

temperature, while all of the rest of the oil is still in liquid form, gasoline

may be separated out. The remaining oil goes through the same process at

a slightly higher temperature, and jet fuel is divided out. Repeating the

distillation process several times will separate out several constituents of crude oil, which are then processed and put to a wide range of uses.

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Transporting Oil

In the glare of the desert sun, a maintenance crew attends to an oil

pipeline near Ad Dammām on the Persian Gulf. Pipelines carry

petroleum from Saudi Arabia's vast Ghawar oil field (the world'slargest) and others to the port of Ras Tanura, where half a million

barrels are refined daily. These enormous oil reserves have

catapulted Saudi Arabia from an agrarian-based subsistence

economy into a wealthy and modern nation.

Paul Rickenback/Photo Researchers, Inc.

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Alaska Oil Pipeline

The Alaskan oil pipeline brings crude oil from the Prudhoe Bay oil field onthe North Slope to tanker ships docked in southern Alaska. Traversing1270 km (789 mi) of Alaskan wilderness, the pipeline carries up to 2million barrels of oil per day from the Arctic coast to the Gulf of Alaska.Pat and Tom Leeson/Photo Researchers, Inc.Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All

rights reserved.

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c. Emas dan Perak (Gold & Silver)

• Gold, symbol Au (from Latin aurum, “gold”), soft, dense, bright yellow

metallic element. Gold is one of the transition elements of the periodic

table (see Periodic Law); its atomic number is 79. Gold has long held aspecial place in human culture as one of the most valuable of all


Pure gold is the most malleable and ductile of all the metals. It can easily

be beaten or hammered to a thickness of 0.000013 cm (0.000005 in), and

29 g (1.02 oz) could be drawn into a wire 100 km (62 mi) long. It is one of the softest metals (hardness, 2.5 to 3) and is a good conductor of heat

and electricity. Gold is bright yellow and has a high luster. Finely divided

gold, like other metallic powders, is black; colloidally suspended gold

ranges in color from ruby red to purple

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Gold Vein in Quartz Rock

It is quite common to find

precious minerals, such as goldor platinum, deposited in their

pure state in veins of igneous and

sedimentary rocks. Gold veins,

shown here, are often found in


Layne Kennedy/Corbis

Gold Leaf 

Gold leaf covers this statue of thegoddess Selket, found in the tombof King Tutankhamun of Egypt, andthe wall behind her. Gold leaf ismade by hammering solid gold

metal until it is very thin.

Brian Brake/Photo Researchers, Inc.

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Panning for Gold

The broad, shallow rivers of Alaska have proved to be lucrative sources of gold over

the last 150 years. Searching for grains of gold, and occasional nuggets, prospectors

scoop up a small amount of gravel from the river bed and expertly swill it around the

pan with water. As the sediment settles, the heavy particles of gold fall to the bottom,

and the overlying gravel is gently tipped out. Although gold rushes have been started

by the finds of panners, it is very difficult to collect more than tiny quantities of gold in

this way, and in the 20th century industrial mining techniques have completely

superseded panning as a method of industrial extraction.

B. and C. Alexander/Photo Researchers, Inc.

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Perak (Silver)

Silver, symbol Ag, white, lustrous metallic element that conducts heat and

electricity better than any other metal. Silver is one of the transition elements

of the periodic table (see Periodic Law). The atomic number of silver is 47.

Silver has been known and valued as an ornamental and coinage metal since

ancient times. Silver mines in Asia Minor were probably worked before 2500 BC.

The alchemists called the metal Luna or Diana after the goddess of the Moon

and ascribed to it the symbol of a crescent moon. The element’s name comes

from the Anglo-Saxon word for the metal.

Silver TeapotSilver has long been valued for tableware because of its high luster and beauty. Frequent polishing is needed to

maintain silver’s shine because of tarnishing caused by sulfur and sulfides,which are found in small amounts in theatmosphere and in large quantities infoods such as eggs. This formal silver teapot was designed in 1790 by Hester Bateman of London.

Bridgeman Art Library, London/NewYork 

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Silver Deposit

A soft, white metal in its pure form, silver usually occurs in nature as

a wiry aggregate associated with other mineral ores. Most of thesilver produced today is mined in conjunction with lead and copper,

both of which yield silver as a by-product. The Kongsberg mines in

Norway are renowned for their specimens of delicate native silver

wires, such as the ones shown here.

Dorling Kindersley

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d. Besi (Iron) dan Timah (Tin)

Iron, symbol Fe (Latin ferrum, “iron”), magnetic, malleable, silvery white

metallic element. The atomic number of iron is 26; iron is one of the

transition elements of the periodic table (see Periodic Law). Iron is the

second most abundant metal in Earth’s crust after aluminum.

Metallic iron was known and used for ornamental purposes and weapons in

prehistoric ages; one of the earliest specimens still extant, a group of 

oxidized iron beads found in Egypt, dates from about 4000 BC. The

archaeological term Iron Age properly applies only to the period when iron

was used extensively for utilitarian purposes, as in tools, as well as forornamentation (see Metalwork). The beginnings of modern processing of 

iron can be traced back to central Europe in the mid-14th century BC.

Besi berasal dari bahan yang bercampur dengan tanah, pasir dan sebagainya.

Besi merupakan bahan endapan dan logam yang berwarna putih. Timah

berasal dari bijih-bijih timah yang tersimpan di dalam bumi.Timah terdiri dari 2 macam yaitu Timah hitam /Lead(Pb) dan Timah putih /Tin


• Tin, symbol Sn, metallic element that has been used by people since ancient

times. Tin is in group 14 (or IVa) of the periodic table (see Periodic Law). The

atomic number of tin is 50.

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Tin is highly ductile and malleable at a temperature of 100°C (212°F). It is

attacked by strong acids. Ordinarily a silver-white metal sometimes called

white tin, at temperatures below 13°C (55°F) it often changes into an

allotropic (distinctly different) form known as gray tin. Gray tin is an

amorphous, grayish powder with a specific gravity of 5.75. Because of themottled appearance of tin objects undergoing this decomposition, the action

is commonly referred to as tin disease or tin pest. Ordinary bar tin, when

bent, issues a crackling sound called tin cry, caused by the friction of the tin


Lead, symbol Pb (Latin plumbum, a lead weight), dense, bluish-gray metallic

element that was one of the first known metals. The atomic number of lead

is 82; the element is in group 14 (or IVa) of the periodic table (see Periodic


Lead was mentioned in the Old Testament (Bible). It was used by the

Romans for making water pipes, soldered with an alloy of lead and tin.

Waste material, such as battery scrap, recovered from various industrial

processes, is also smelted and constitutes an important source of lead.

Because galena often has other minerals associated with it, the crude lead,

or pig lead, that is obtained from the smelting processes contains metals

such as copper, zinc, silver, and gold as impurities.

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Lead sulfide (PbS), or galena, provides an excellent source of lead. Galena usually occurs with

small amounts of other metals such as copper, zinc, silver, and gold, which are economically

recoverable by mining. As shown here, galena exhibits perfect cubic cleavage.

Thomas R. Taylor/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Tin is important in the production of the common alloys bronze (tin and copper), solder (tin andlead), and type metal (tin, lead, and antimony) ( see Metalwork). It is also used as an alloy withtitanium in the aerospace industry and as an ingredient in some insecticides. Stannic sulfide,known also as mosaic gold, is used in powdered form for bronzing articles made of plaster of  paris or wood.

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Oxidation: A Chemical Reaction

Iron, in the presence of water, combines with

atmospheric oxygen to form a hydrated iron oxide,

commonly called rust. This process has slowly been

transforming these old Pontiacs in New Mexico.

  John Mead/Science Source/Photo Researchers, Inc.

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Manfaat dan Peta Persebaran Sumber Daya Alam

Jenis Sumber Daya Alam

Barang Tambang

Minyak Bumi

1. Cepu, Blora dan Cilacap di Jawa Tengah.

2. Sungai Gerong dan Plaju di Palembang.

3. Dumai dan Sungai Pakning (Riau)

4. Tanjung Pura, Langkat (Sumatera Utara)

5. Tarakan, Balikpapan dan Kutai (Kalimantan Timur)

Hasil Manfaat1. Avtur untuk bahan bakar pesawat terbang

2. Bensin untuk bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor

3. Kerosin untuk bahan baku lampu minyak

4. Solar untuk bahan bakar kendaraan diesel

5. LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) untuk bahan bakar kompor gas

6. Oli ialah bahan untuk pelumas mesin7. Vaselin ialah salep untuk bahan obat

8. Parafin untuk bahan pembuat lilin

9. Aspal untuk bahan pembuat jalan (dihasilkan di Pulau Buton)

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Erosi ialah pengkisan tanah yang disebabkanoleh air hujan.

Reboisasi ialah penanaman/penghijauankembali hutan yang telah gundul.

Abrasi ialah penyempitan daratan akibat

pengikisan tanah yang disebabkan oleh airlaut.

 Korosi ialah pengikisan daratan yangdisebabkan oleh angin

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Pengelolaan SDA yang salah

(Tragedi Situ Gintung)

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