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Page 1: Expression

Permission (asking, giving, or refusing)

Tentu kita pernah meminta izin untuk meninggalkan kelas pada saat pelajaran sedang berlangsung, atau meminta izin kepada orang tua untuk belajar bersama di rumah teman kita. Nah, bagaimana kalau setelah ini kita meminta izin menggunakan bahasa Inggris juga selain bahasa Indonesia? Simak materi berikut ini ya.

Dialog 1Blessa meminta izin kepada ibunya untuk pergi ke Ketep bersama temannya.Blessa : Mom, can I go to Ketep this week-end?Mother :I don’t think you can. It’s too far.Blessa : Oh, please Mom. Please let me go. I’ll go with Despi, Bagus, and Bagas. I promise that I will not go home late.Mother : Well, okay then, but you have to make your room neat and clean before you go.Blessa : Deal. Thanks Mom.

Asking permission Giving permissionCan I open the door, please?Please let me have the bike tonight.Would you mind closing the window?

Yes, of course.Yes, why not?Oh, no not at all

Asking permission Refusing permissionMay I have your permission to smoke?Would you mind if I took your picture?Do you mind if I go home earlier?

I’m sorry, you can’t.I don’t think so.I will not permit you.

Suggestion (asking and giving)

Apakah kalian pernah saling meminta dan memberi saran kepada teman? Kita akan menggunakan ungkapan meminta dan memberi saran. Jadi bagi yang suka curhat, sekarang bisa memakai ekspresi berikut ini.Dialog 2Dian dan Septa sedang membicarakan hadiah untuk ulang tahun ibu Dian. Mereka sedang berada di rumah Septa.Dian : Septa, my mother will be 40 next week. I want to give her a present.Septa : Well, that would be nice. What do you want to give her?Dian : I’m not sure. Do you have any suggestion for me?Septa : I suggest you give her something useful.Dian : Where do you think I can get something nice?Septa : You could go to Doremi Shop. What about a new apron?Dian : Yes, that’s a good idea. I think I’ll go there tomorrow.Septa : Good luck.

Asking suggestion Giving suggestionDo you have any suggestion for me?Any idea?Will you give me some suggestions, please?What should I do?

You’d better ….You could (might) ….I suggest that you ….I recommend that you ….You really should ….I strongly advise you to ….

Accepting suggestion Rejecting suggestionThat’s a good/ nice/ wonderful idea.Yeah, sure.Thank you. I’ll try that.I think you’re right.

I don’t think so.I tried that, but it didn’t work.Thank, but that won’t help me because ….I don’t want to do that because ….That’s good idea, but ….

Page 2: Expression

Request Kita sering meminta sesuatu kepada orang lain. Bagaimana cara mengatakannya dalam bahasa Inggris? Simak dialog berikut ini.Dialog 3Alit dan Adit bertemu di koridor sekolah. Alit : Hi, Adit. How’s it going today?Adit : Oh, Alit. I am so-so, a little tired I think.Alit : Really? Didn’t you sleep well last night?Adit : I didn’t sleep enough. I read a book last night.Alit : What book is it? Can I borrow that book, please?Adit : Sure, I have finished reading it. Here you are.Alit : Very well. Thanks, pal.Adit :Alit, could you lend me your math book?Alit : Which one, the exercise book or the note book?Adit : The note book. I missed something yesterday.Alit : I’m sorry it is being borrowed by Angga.Adit : Ok then. Thanks anyway.

Expressing request Accepting request Refusing requestWould you mind please?Can/ could you ...?Will/ would you …?Please ….Would you please be quiet?

No, not at all.Certainly.No problem.Sure, I’d be glad to ….Of course.Sure. Just a moment.

I’m sorry, but I’m using it.I don’t think so.I’d love to, but ….It’s sound great, but ….Sorry to say that ….

ComplainingPernahkah kamu bete banget gara-gara tidak puas dengan pelayanan restaurant di mana kamu pernah makan bersama teman-temanmu? Bagaimana ya cara mengungkapkannya dalam bahasa Inggris?Dialog 4Rohmin dan teman-temannya sudah selesai makan di sebuah restaurant, pelayan menghampiri Rohmin yang sudah memberi tanda selesai.

Rohmin : Can I get the bill, please?Waiter : Sure. Is everything satisfactory, Sir?Rohmin : Oh, I’m sorry to say this, but this place is not as good as I expected.Waiter : We are very sorry to hear that.Rohmin : I want to complain that most of the feed we want are unavailable.Waiter : Please forgive us. It was very crowded this afternoon.Rohmin : I think something must be done here.Waiter : We will shortly be back to normal service.

Expressing complaint Responding to complaintI’m sorry to say this, but this room is very dirty.This is crazy.It is not as good as I expected.This is very bad.I want to complain about this pizza.Well, this is the most unsatisfactory service I’ve ever had.Something must be done.

I’m so extremely sorry (for) ….Please forgive me (for) ….I (would like to) apologize for ….Please accept our sincerest apologize.We were very sorry to hear that ….We wonder if you would be willing to accept ….In order to show how sorry we are, we would like to offer you ….We will shortly/ soon be back to normal service.You may be assured that this won’t happen again.


Page 3: Expression

Dalam hidup sehari-hari, kamu sering merasa ingin tahu apakah mungkin untuk melakukan sesuatu, atau apakah seseorang mampu melakukan sesuatu. Dialog berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang menunjukkan kemampuan atau kemungkinan.

Dialog 5Alex sedang merasa tertekan di kantor karena kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya. Udin, sahabatnya mencoba membantu.

Alex : Oh, man. I feel terrible.Udin : What’s the matter? You look a little depressed.Alex : Well, I’m just wondering. Is it possible for me ….Udin : Tell me. Is it possible for me to help you?Alex : I need to improve my English. Is here any chance for me to do it?Udin : Sure. Your basic English is strong enough.Alex : What do you think I should do?Udin : Practice more, listen, speak, read and write more in English.

Asking possibility Expressing possibilityIs there any chance …?Is it possible for …?Will you be able to …?Is there any possibility of (v-ing) …?

There’s a chance.There’s a good possibility.Perhaps.Of course. We can do it.

Accusing/ blaming and admittingDalam situasi social, kamu pasti pernah berada dalam situasi saat kamu membuat kesalahan dan meminta maaf. Ekspresi berikut ini sangat berguna dalam kondisi tersebut.

Dialog 6Seorang siswa SMA sembari meminta tanda tangan orangtuanya di rumah, ia mendapat ‘pelajaran’ dari ayahnya.Student : Dad, could you sign here?Father : Oh, boy. You scored 5 in the English test? How come?Student : I’m sorry, Dad. That’s all I got.Father : Do you understand your mistake? You should have gotten 8 or 9.Student : I know, I admit I was wrong.Father : I told you not to play online games too much.Student : Yes, I promise, I won’t disappoint you again.Father : Now, study more. Good luck then.

Accusing/ blaming Responses (admitting/ denying)You are the one to blame.It was your fault.I think you’re the only person who could have done it.It must have been you who did it.It was your own fault.It’s no use crying over spilt milk.Perhaps that’ll teach you a lesson.You should have listened to me.

I admit I was wrong.Ok, I have to admit that.I know it’s my fault.Not at all.It was not only my fault.Yes, sorry then.Sure it did.I know.


Page 4: Expression

Banyak hal yang membuat kamu penasaran di dunia ini. Bagaimana, ya, cara mengungkapkannya?

Dialog 7Seorang ibu curhat pada temannya bahwa dia merasa penasaran dengan anak perempuannya yang mulai suka pulang terlambat.Linda : Hi, Rose. What’s up? You look so sad.Rose : I was wondering about my daughter.Linda : What happened? Is she ok?Rose : She has been going home late these days. I’m worried about her.Linda : Why don’t you ask her about it? Talk to her immediately.Rose : Yes. I hope she is ok.Linda : Good luck, then.Rose : Thanks pal.

Expressing curiosityI wonder who she is.I wonder if I can fly to that cloud.I was wondering how to finish this task.Could you tell me?Would you share the information?I really wonder if he loves someone else.

Giving instruction

Pada suatu saat kamu juga akan memberi perintah kepada orang lain atau sebaliknya. Beberapa ekspresi berikut sangat cocok pada situasi tersebut.

Dialog 8Atika sedang membaca buku di perpustakaan, dekat dengan Denni yang ponselnya tiba-tiba berdering.

Denni : Hello, Denni speaking (on the phone).Atika : Hey Denni, be quiet! It’s a library.Denni : Oh I forgot. (speaking softly on the phone) Ok, I’ll call you back later.Atika : Oh, come on. Den, you must go outside of the library to make a call.Denni : I have finished talking on the phone.Atika : You are so annoying, Denni.

Giving instruction/ orderGive me that book!Be quiet!Will you hurry up?Could you do this?Don’t sit there!Can you ….Would you …?Do you mind …?

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