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Activity 4 Learn the picture and do the instructions.

Pada liburan kenaikan kelas saya dan sekeluarga pergi berlibur ke pantai kuta Bali.matahari bersinar cerah dan udara sangat panas.di sana saya berenang dan adik saya bermain pasir.beberapa saat kemudian,saya begitu terkejut melihat langit gelap tertutup oleh awan hitam tanda-tanda mau hujan .Dugaan saya benar tidak lama kemudian hujan lebat memaksa kami terpaksa kembali ke hotel .pada malam hari ku lihat keluar cendela langit terasa cerah karena terlihat bulan cerah.Ayah ibu duduk di lobi hotel menikmati teh hangat sementara saya dan adik keluar taman bermain petak umpet di sinari bulan purnama.sunguh sebuah pengalaman yang menyenang kan.

On the last holiday I and family went to Kuta beach Bali. When we got there, the sun was shining and the weater was very hot. After a wonderful lunch, I was swimming on the beach while my little brother was playing sand and my parents were taking sun bath. But some time later I was surprised looking at the sky was getting dark . Then it was heavy raining. We decided to go back to hotel.

In the evening the rain was over and it was cold but I was very happy when I looked out the window the moon shined brightly. My father and mother sat down on the lobby hotel and drunk some cups of hot tea while I and my little brother were playing seek and hide game on the hotel’s park.

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