Page 1: Di Akhir Persimpangan


Ni Luh Putu Sintya Dewi  

Musik Pendukung:“Winda – Kutemukan Penggantimu”

“Macell – Peri Cintaku”

“Sherina – Symphoni Hitam”

Sinopsis:Menceritakan bahwa begitu banyak pilihan yang dihadapi tetapi tetap satu tujuan yaitu maju ke depan tidak memandang ke kiri, ke kanan maupun ke belakang sampai masalah itu terjawabkan.

(Setting: di dalam kelas saat pulang sekolah).Leony           : (Kini sampailah aku di Persimpangan.  Aku tidak tahu harus kemana, ke kanan atau ke kiri ataukah aku harus mundur?). (Menyibakkan poninya).

Febri             : Hey. Are you okay?

Leony           : Hm. Yeah. (Menganggukkan kepala).

Febri             : Oh. Kirain ada masalah. Yuk. Go to home. Matahari sudah tepat diatas kepala kita nih. Ntar panasss dijalan. (Mengibaskan tangannya).

Leony           : (Tersenyum kecil dan menganggukkan kepalanya).

(Setting: di dalam Kelas saat pembelajaran dimulai).Bu Anggi      : Pada umumnya teater tradisional memiliki ciri-ciri umum seperti nilai dan laku dramatik dilakukan secara spontan dan dalam satu adegan terdapat dua unsur emosi sekaligus, yaitu tertawa dan menangis.

Leony           : (Hidup ini bagaikan teater. Terdapat dua unsur emosi sekaligus, yaitu tertawa dan menangis. Hah. Pas banget).

Bel berbunyi.

Bu Anggi      : Oke. Minggu depan, kita akan lanjutkan materi ini lagi sedikit.

(Setting: di Kantin).Leony           : (Melihat orang disekeliling dengan pasangan masing-masing). (Terdapat segaris senyum dan tatapan mata yang bersahabat cukup untuk membangunkan bahwa aku sama sekali tidak sendiri). (Menyibakkan poninya). Duh. Please deh. Jangan ingat-ingat yang sudah berlalu. Aku masih punya sahabat yang masih ngerti keadaanku.

Oscar            : Hey. Minum saja? Gak lapar?

Leony           : No. (Menggelengkan kepala).

Oscar            : Jutek. Ada masalah ya?

Leony           : (Menggelengkan kepala sambil meminum sebotol teh C2 rasa lemon).

Oscar            : Trus?

Leony           : Aku baik-baik saja, Oscar (Tatapan penuh makna).

Bel berbunyi.

Oscar            : Aku…. (Kalimat terputus) Okay. Jika tak mau bicara sekarang. Cari aku kapanpun kamu mau. (Memberi secarik kertas dengan dan berlalu meninggalkan Leony).

Leony           : (Melihat punggung Oscar dan kertas yang diberi dari bangku dengan alis penuh tanya).

(Setting: di dalam Kelas).

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Leony           : (Sesungguhnya berada di persimpangan jalan bukan hanya sekali ini ku alami. Tapi aku selalu dihadapkan pada pilihan-pilihan. Memilih satu jalan dan ternyata salah sehingga sampai ke persimpangan jalan yang lain).

Febri             : Lagi galau? Aris atau Oscar?

Leony           : Gak. Iuh. Apa sih. Ngawur.

Febri             : Ciyus? Gak mau cerita nih?

Leony           : Aris terlalu abu-abu buat aku. Gak jelas. Datang dan pergi seenaknya (Membuka buku Geografi).

Febri             : Oscar?

Leony           : Eh. Aku pinjam catatan Geografimu ya? (Mencoba mengalihkan pembicaraan).

Febri             : Hey! Leony… sudah 2 tahun aku mengenalmu. Baru aku tahu selain kamu pintar meneliti tapi kamu juga pintar lari.

Leony           : Lari? Apa hubungannya? (Mengangkat alis dengan penuh tanya).

Febri             : Ya gitu deh. Kamu lari dari pokok pembicaraan kita.

Leony           : Hehe. (Tampang polos).

Oscar            : Attention please. Hasil ulangan Matematika akan dibagikan. (Membagikan hasil ulangan dan melihat hasil Leony yang sangat mengecewakan). Leony?

Leony           : (Ekspresi kecewa dengan mulut terbuka sedikit).

(Setting: di Pantai dengan panorama sunset yang indah).Leony           : (Kondisi ini sangat membuatku frustasi.  Tetapi lebih baik frustasi daripada menyesal karena tidak pernah mencobanya. Aku bisa saja gagal, tetapi itu bukan akhir dari perjalanan. Aku harus segera bangkit dan berlari). (Melihat secarik kertas yang pernah Oscar beri yang berisi emoticon senyum).

(Setting: di dalam Kelas).Leony           : Oscar, ajari aku Matematika ya?

Oscar            : Sip. di Perpustakaan ya belajarnya?

Leony           : Okay. (Menuju Perpustakaan).

(Setting: di Perpustakaan).Oscar            : Tumben sepanjang sejarah, sang juara umum bertahan, sekarang Remidi Matematika.

Leony           : Nyindir?

Oscar            : Kenyataan. Bukan sindiran.

Leony           : Okay.

Oscar            : Mulai ya… 2log8 = 3, artinya 2 pangkat berapa hasilnya 8. Maka hasilnya 3. Ngerti?Leony           : Ngerti. (sambil senyum-senyum).

Oscar            : Leony…

Leony           : Oscar…

Oscar            : Mau dilanjutin gak nih?

Leony           : Mau… (Mengangguk dengan senyum-senyum)

Oscar            : Coba soal yang ini, 6log15…. Caranya : 3log15 per 3log6 = jadi…. (Menatap Leony) kita jadian yuk?Leony           : Hah? Serius?

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Oscar            : Serius. Mau? (Meyakinkan).

Leony           : (Menganggukkan kepala dan tersenyum kecil).

Oscar            : Jadi, kalau pacarnya lagi jelasin. Di dengerin baik-baik ya?

Leony           : (Menganggukkan kepala sambil meremas buku dengan perasaan riang).

(Setting: di Pantai dengan panorama sunset yang indah).Leony           : (Daripada ku terdiam, duduk menunggu kanan atau kiri, aku memilih untuk maju. Maju lebih baik daripada berhenti berjalan. Berjalan maju menggapai harapan itu tidak secepat berjalan maju seperti biasanya. Jika terburu-buru aku bisa terjatuh. Tetapi itu lebih baik daripada bertaruh pada jalan yang tak pasti di persimpangan).

(Setting: di dalam Kelas dengan kondisi ulangan semesteran).(Leony mengumpulkan soal dan jawaban terlebih dahulu dibandingkan Oscar).

(Setting: di dalam kelas saat pembagian Rapor Semesteran).

Bu Anggi      : Selamat Leony. Kamu bertahan menjadi Juara Umum dari semua kelas. Nilai kamu melampaui semuanya. Pertahankan ya. (Menyerahkan Rapor dan Menyalami tangan Leony).

Oscar            : (Tersenyum) Selamat Leony.

Leony           : (Tersenyum).

(Setting: di Pantai dengan panorama sunset yang indah).Leony           : (Inilah akhir persimpanganku, aku telah menemukan seseorang yang menuntunku berjalan maju. Ketika aku jatuh, aku tidak merasa sendiri. Ada tempat bagiku untuk berbagi rasa sakit agar sakit itu dapat berkurang dan ada tempat bagiku untuk berbagi kebahagiaan supaya kebahagiaan itu berlipat ganda). (Menatap langit yang kemerahan). Terimakasih Oscar, kamu pengganti dia yang dulu abu-abu, hadirmu putih bagiku dan kamu merubah segalanya.  (Menutup Diary)…


Narrator : Rahmawati PrabawaningTyas.

Cast : Silvi Catur Ivani Silvi (Protagonis)

Afiyah Hasnayanti Fia (Antagonis)

M. Nurul A.A. Chika (Tritagonis)

Sony Ilham Wicaksono. Sony (Tritagonis)

Salahuddin Al Ayyubi Yubi (Tritagonis)

(nama-nama diatas hanya buat contoh aja bro jangan di contoh beneran ya)

NB : Untuk yang bercetak miring itu adalah teks bacaan untuk narator)

Narrator : Fia and Silvi is a good friend. They had been friends since childhood, but one day

when the Silvi’s family has impoverished, Fia was no longer wish to be friends with Silvi. When

Fia, Silvi, Chika, Yubi, and Sony was cleaning the class before going to home, Silvi asking to Fia

for help, but Fia insulting Silvi.

Silvi : Fi, can you help me to move this table?

Fia : What? Help? Do you think you are?

Silvi : What's with you, Fi? Aren’t we friends? Do you've forgotten?

Fia : Friend? Sorry, I don’t have a friend like you who poor. I just want to be

friends with people who are rich.

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Sony : What's wrong with you two? Seemed to be problematic.

Silvi : No, nothing. We're both fine. Yes it Fia?

Fia : Fine? This poor kid was asking for help to me. But unfortunately, I don’t

want to help people like him, Eww

(Silvi also go by hearing words such Fia)

Sony : Don’t be like that, Fi. Instead of you and Silvi did friends from childhood?

Now that Silvi’s family was impoverished, you no longer want to be

friends him? Instead of a time like this you can show to she, if you were

her bestfriend. Rather than left.

Chika : It’s true. You should now support her, not insult her like that. Pity Silvi.

Yubi : Yes it. What kind of friend are you?

Fia : You think anyone would dare you advise me? It is up to me what to do.

Mind yourselves.

Yubi : We don’t intend to advise you. But we don’t want your friendship with

Silvi ended up like this.

Fia : Aargh, it’s not your problem.

Chika : How could she do that to Silvi. Had not is she who always defended

Silvi when there is a problem?

Sony : That only she knows. But the one thing that finally we know, Fia just

want to be friends with people who are rich.

Yubi : Come on, don’t be discussed again, we better go home.

Narrator : The next day, they go back to school as usual, but not with Silvi. This also occurs

for 2 consecutive weeks. In the end when the four were on their way to school, they accidentally

met with Silvi on the roadside looking for boxes.

Sony : Hey, she is not Silvi?

Chika : yes, she is Silvi. What's she doing? She’s not going to school, but why

(Sony was immediately appealing Fia the road behind her and was engrossed in his iPhone)

Sony : See that? What did your friend do?

Fia : haha ... definitely she is searching some garbage. She is a poor guy.

Yubi : Anyway. Let's go there.

Sony : Sil, what are you doing? Why you don’t go to school for 2 week?

Silvi : (a Shocked) Me? Yes, as you see.

Fia : I told you so? Surely she was looking for garbage. As you don’t know the

work of the poor.

Chika : Fia, even so, she's still your friend.

Sony : What the hell. Sil,Why you don’t go to school?

Silvi : Well, my parents don’t have money to pay me and my brother for school.

But my little brother want going back to school, so I relented just for my

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little brother. Let my little brother's school and I was helping my parents

Yubi : Honor all your heart, Sil.

Fia : Honor what? She just wanted to find sympathy ? these guys easily fooled

Silvi : How could you say that to me. I know now I was poor, but I still have

feelings. If you don’t want to be friends again with me, it does not matter

for me, but don’t you despised me with this saying. One again, I never

regret acquainted with you. But it was a learning experience for me.

(Silvi was running as fast as possible leaving the four of them with mixed feelings)

Sony : How satisfied are you hurt her? remember, one day you will also feel

Fia : What? That's not possible. My family could not have fallen into poverty

like her. My family has a lot of businesses that produce a lot of money. And would not run for 5

(Chuckling Fia any way to leave the three of them)

Yubi : Arrogant once the child. Hope her life is fine.

Sony : yes. Indeed, sometimes we have to realize that there are certain people

who can live in our hearts, but not in our lives

Chika : yes correct it. And hopefully one day we can meet again with Silvi.

(Finally, three of them to continue the journey to school)

Narrator : After 2 years passed, Fia, Chika, Yubi, and Sony not meet Silvi. Apparently Silvi

now adopted by a wealthy family and Silvi schooled in the same school with Chika, Yubi, and

Sony. One day when Silvi entered for the first time at the new school, Chika, Yubi, and Sony very

Yubi : See the new student, her face seemed to be familiar to me.

Sony : Ehmmm, yes Yub. It seems like I've been acquainted with her.

Chika : Who are you talking about?

Chika : haah???? SHE IS SILVI!!!

Sony : yeah, yes she is Silvi!!

Yubi : Hey!! Silvi, come here!

Silvi : you three?? You school here?

Silvi : Well, I don’t think I'd see you again. Where’s Fia?

Yubi : We haven’t seen her since 2 years ago.

Sony : Yeah, it looks like she's moving house.

Chika : Come on, let's go to class. Your class same with my class right?

Narrator : At afternoon, Fia singing in front of the Silvi’s house. And it turns Chika, Yubi,

and Sony was at the Silvi’s house. Then the four of them went to Fia.

Chika : Fia, what are you doing?

Fia : you guys? I ..., I ... I'm working to support myself.

Yubi : Where are your parents?? Why can you work?

Fia : My parents died two years ago due to an accident, and none of their

business forward. So all the treasures of my parents are gone, and I just

Sony : Fi, I was reminded of the words that I speak 2 years ago. I'm sorry, Fia

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Fia : I should be asking for forgiveness. I used too arrogant to you, Sil. Now I

feel what you feel, I know that God is just. I'm sorry, Sil. I'm sorry.

Silvi : Never mind, Fia. Forget it, I've forgotten all of what you said before. Now

the four of us are friends right?

Chika : Yes. Whatever happens we will stay together, right?

Fia : um, do you really forgive me?

Silvi : Of course, Fia. I'm sure by now you've changed.

Fia : Well, thank you friends. Apparently friendship is everything.

Chika : How about we help you singing, Fi?

Sony : I agree, would have been very nice.

Yubi : Come on! Where we can singing, Fia?

Fia : Emm, how about in Purwosari market? there it crowded?

Narrator: As of today, Fia, Silvi, Chika, Yubi, and Sony friendly. Fia appointed child foster

parent Silvi. The four of them were always together and always laughing together.

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