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Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

basic grammar

Hi hi………Aku mau berbagi nih catatan B. Inggris aku sejak pertama dan sekali sekalinya les grammar selama setahun kira kira sekitar 13 th yg lalu. Singkat sih, dan dasar banget tapi kata temen aku kita emang cuma perlu belajar yang dasar aja, setelah itu elaborate sendiri. Ini catatan yg jadi pegangan sampe aku lulus kuliah, berguna dan mudah dimengerti hehe… semoga berguna……. ;DOh yaa… kalau mau ngelancarin pronounce (lafal biar lidahnya nggak keseleo trus bisa dikit2 kaya bule) dan memperkaya vocab, sering2 denger lagu B. Inggris yang easy listening sambil dinyanyiin, kaya lagu2 westlife jaman dulu. ;DOh yaa lagi… hehe aku suka gambar dan nulis, kalau sempat visit my blog yah. Here’s the address


Subject as :Obje



t.To be

presentTo be past

Perfect Tense

I me mine my am was have

AYou you yours our are were haveWe us ours our are were haveThey them theirs their are were have

He him his his is was hasBShe her hers her is was has

It it its its is was has* pronoun digunakan untuk menyebut kepemilikan tanpa diikuti benda. Contoh: this is mine (ini milikku)

A. Present TenseA.1 Simple Present Tense (saat ini/kebiasaan)• Kata bantu untuk subject category “A” adalah “do” ( digunakan pada kalimat negative (-) dan interogative (?) )• Kata bantu untuk subject category “B” adalah “does” ( digunakan pada kalimat negative (-) dan interogative (?) )• Kalimat positive pada kategory “B”, selalu ditambah s/es setelah verb (kata kerja) 

Example: A : (+) I work fulltime during weekdays      (-) I do not work fulltime during weekdays      (?) Do you work fulltime during weekdays?

B : (+) He works fulltime during weekdays      (-) He does not work fulltime during weekdays      (?) Does he work fulltime during weekdays?

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A.2 Simple Present Continuous Tense ( sedang terjadi)• Verb pada Simple Present Continuous Tense selalu ditambah –ing• To be digunakan setelah subject, to be bisa dilihat di table pada kolom “to be present”

Example:A : (+) You are watching TV       (-) You are not watching TV       (?) Are you watching TV?

B : {+) She is watching TV (-) She is not watching TV (?) Is she watching TV?

C : {+) I am watching TV       (-) I am not watching TV       (?) Am I watching TV?

A.3 Present Perfect Tense (sudah selesai dilakukan)• Kata bantu yang digunakan lihat di tabel kolom “perfect tense”• Pada present tense jenis ini, gunakan verb-3• Pola dasar kalimatnya sendiri “subject+kata bantu+verb3”

Example:(+) She has gone to school (-) She has not gone to school(?) Has she gone to school?

A.4 Present Perfect Continuous Tense (sudah terjadi dan masih berlangsung)• Kata bantu yang digunakan lehat di tabel kolom “perfect tense”• Ditambah “been” setelah kata bantu have/has• Tambahkan –ing setelah verb

Example: (+) We have been waiting here for two hours(-) We have not been waiting here for two hours(?) Have we been waiting here for two hours?

B. Past TenseB.1 Simple Past Tense (lampau)• Kalimat posotive dalam simple past tense menggunakan verb-2• Ada verb yang beraturan, ada yang tidak (verb yang tidak beraturan bisa dilihat di kamus kamus B. Inggris atau biasanya tersedia di toko buku, atau yang lebih mudah bisa browsing di internet.• Verb yang beraturan hanya perlu ditambah”-ed” pada bentuk lampau (Verb-2 dan verb-3)

Example: Verb beraturan: (+) I worked all days last week(-) I did not work all days last week(?) Did you work all days last week?

Verb tidak beraturan: (+) They saw me last night(-) They did not see me last night(?) Did they see me last night?

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B.2 Past Continuous Tense ( lampau dan sedang berlangsung saat itu)• Verb pada Past Continuous Tense selalu ditambah –ing• To be digunakan setelah subject, to be bisa dilihat di table pada kolom “to be past”

Example:{+) I was reading(-) I was not reading (?) Were you reading?

B.3 Past Perfect Tense (lampau dan sudah selesai dilakukan)• Kata bantu yang digunakan adalah “had” pada semua subjects• Pada present tense jenis ini, gunakan verb-3• Pola dasar kalimatnya sendiri “subject+kata bantu+verb3”

Example:(+) She had come when I was there (-)She had not come when I was there(?) Had she come when I was there?

B.4 Past Perfect Continuous Tense • Kata bantu yang digunakan adalah “had” pada semua subjects• Ditambah “been” setelah kata bantu have/has• Tambahkan –ing setelah verb

Example: (+) She had been waiting when you came(-) She had not been waiting when you came(?) Had she been waiting when you came?

C. Future TenseC.1 Future Tense (akan terjadi)• Tambahkan “will” setelah subject

Example: (+) I will go(-) I will not go(?) will you go?

Untuk hal yang pasti akan dilakukan bisa gunakan to be going to atau disingkat to be gonna(+) I am going to go(-) I am not going to go(?) Are you going to go?

C.2 Future Continuous Tense ( akan sedang berlangsung)• Verb pada Future Continuous Tense selalu ditambah –ing• Tambahkan “will” setelah subject Tambahkan “will + be” setelah subject

Example:{+) She will be missing you(-) She will not be missing you(?) Will she be missing you?

C.3 Future Perfect Tense 

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• Tambahkan “will + have” setelah subject• Pada present tense jenis ini, gunakan verb-3• Pola dasar kalimatnya sendiri “subject+will+have+verb3”

Example:(+) He will have finished it tomorrow (-) He will not have finished it tomorrow(?) Will he have finished it tomorrow?

C.4 Future Perfect Continuous Tense• Kata bantu yang digunakan adalah “will+have” pada semua subjects• Ditambah “been” setelah kata bantu have• Tambahkan –ing setelah verb

Example: (+) I will have been studying when you come(-) I will not have been studying when you come(?) Will you have been studying when I come?

Question Tag (penegasan  …….., kan?)

• Kalimat ditegaskan dengan tense yang berlawana.

Example:=> You do not write it, do you? (kamu nggak nulis kan??)=> She works hard, doesn’t she? (dia kerja keras kan??)=> I am not reading, am I?Pengecualian -> I am doing my job, aren’t I? (to be di ganti dengan are untuk subject I dalam kalimat positive dan ditegaskan dengan kalimat negative)

Adj Clause

• That -> kata sambung untuk semua• Who -> kata sambung untuk subject• Whom -> kata sambung untuk object• Whose -> kata sambung untuk kepemilikan• Which -> kata sambung untuk benda

Example: I saw the man, he bought a newspaper => I saw the man who bought a newspaper I like the woman, I met her last night => I like the woman whom I met last night I apologize to the woman, I spilled her coffee => I aplogize to the woman whose coffee I spilled The book is good, I have read it => The book which I have read is good

Direct and Indirect Speech (kalimat langsung dan tak langsung)

Untuk direct – indirect speech, aku agak bingung ngejelasinnya. Jadi yukk.. kita lihat contoh aja langsung… Kuncinya, tenses direct yang diubah ke indirect speech naik satu tingkat (present dalam indirect tidak berlakujadi past, past jadi past perfect perfect tense)

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Example: D : “I buy a book” she said     I : She said that she bought a book D : “I bought a book yesterday” she said     I : She said she had bought a book the day before D : “I have bought a book” she said      I : She said she had bought a book

D : “Please buy a book” she said      I : She told me to buy a book D : Don’t buy a book!” she said     I : She told me to buy a book

D : “Do you buy a book?” she asked     I : She asked if/whether I bought a book D : “What book did you buy?” she asked     I : She wanted to know what book I had bought

Conditional IF (pengandaian)

A. Type IKepastian/bisa jadi nyata (menggunakan present tense)

e.gIf I have time, I’ll go to your party

B. Type IITidak mungkin terjadi saat itu (menggunakan tense lampau)

- If + (past tense), subject + would/could + verb- Subject + would/could + verb, If + (past tense)

e.gIf I had the qualification, I would appy for the jobThe fact that I don’t have the qualification so it is useless fo me to apply for the job

If I were a president, I would use my prerogative to against RUU pornography ……….. hehe :D *kiddingThe fact that I am not a president so I have no that kinda rightNB : tidak dikenal “was”, selalu gunakan “were” untuk semua subjects.

Active and Passive voice

Perubahan kalimat active dan passive berpengaruh pada perubahan fungsi object dan subject serta penggunaan –to be- yang berpengaruh pada kata kerja. Perubahan tersebut tidak merubah bentuk tense dari kalimat awal (e.g lampau tetap lampau). Kalimat passive selalu mengguakan verb 3.

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Contoh:A: Diana buys the white shoesP: The white shoes are bought by Diana

A: Daddy is repairing my computerP: my computer is being repaired by Daddy(penggunaan being untuk continuous tense - sedang terjadi)

A: John did my homeworkP: my homework was done by John(penggunaan -to be- lampau ”was” karna kalimat active dalam bentuk lampau past tense)

A: Ann will paint my houseP: My house will be painted by Ann

A: Mom has washed the platesP: The plates have been washed by Mom

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PARTS OF SPEECH                                                                                              


1.  NOUN

A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, idea, or quality.

Examples:  John, Mary, boy, girl, children; Pasadena, CEC;  classrooms, notebooks; freedom, intelligence; hope, anger, joy



A pronoun is usually a substitute for a noun. The noun is called the "antecedent" (but an indefinite pronoun has no antecedent).



  a.  Personal pronouns:  I, mine, me; you, yours; he, his, him; she, hers, her; it, its; we, ours, us; they, theirs, them.

  b.  Interrogative pronouns:  who, whose, whom, which, what

  c.  Relative pronouns (include):  who, who, whose, which, that;  whoever, whomever, whichever

  d.  Demonstrative pronouns:  this, that, these, those

  e.  Indefinite pronouns (include):  all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, many, neither, nobody, no one, none, one, others, some, somebody, someone, such

  f. Intensive or reflexive pronouns:  myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves

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3.  VERB

A verb expresses an action or a condition (a state of being).

Examples:  Robert will eat the hamburger.  (action)           Sara is happy.  (condition or state of being)

                    Robert won’t eat the hamburger.                  Sara isn’t happy.

                    Will Robert eat the hamburger?                   Is Sara happy?


4.  ADVERB     

An adverb describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb. Adverbs usually tell how (for example: slowly), when (e.g., lately), where (e.g., there), how much (e.g., very), or why (e.g., therefore).

Example:  He always chews his gum loudly.



An adjective describes or limits a noun.

Examples:  tall, young, pretty, light, blue, new, white  (The tall, young, pretty girl is wearing a light blue dress with her new white shoes.)  (NOT:  ...a light dress blue with her new shoes white.)


Adjectives and adverbs have three degrees of comparison:  positive, comparative, superlative.  Examples:

Mary has a smart child.  Sara has a smarter child.  Nancy has the smartest child.

Robert is an intelligent student. William is more intelligent than Robert.  Kim is the most intelligent student.

The red car is expensive.  The white car is less expensive.  The blue car is the least expensive.

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I’m a good painter.   She’s a better painter.   He’s the best painter.

I’m a bad singer.  She’s a worse singer.   He’s the worst singer.



A preposition usually  shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another part of a sentence.

There are many prepositions, including:  about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, between, beyond, beside, besides, by, down, during, except, from, for, in, inside, into, like, near, next, of, off, on, out, out of, outside, over, past, round, since, than, through, till, to,  toward, towards, under, underneath, unless, until, upon, up, with, within, without.

Examples:  My pencil is under my desk by my foot.         Martha drove from LA to NY.



A conjunction connects words, phrases, and clauses.

Coordinate conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses of equal value:  and, or, nor, but (and sometimes for).  e.g., The dog and the cat are hungry.

Correlative conjunctions occur in pairs:  both-and, either-or, neither-nor, not only-but also.  e.g., Both the fish and the snake are thirsty.

Subordinate conjunctions connect unequal clauses (dependent clauses with independent clauses). They include:  after, although, as, because, before, if, since, than, though, unless, until, when, where, while.   e.g., After they ate, they had dessert.



An interjection is a word that expresses feeling or emotion; usually it is followed by an exclamation mark.

Examples:  Oh!  Ah!  Wow!  Darn!  Gosh!  Golly!  Gee!  Ow!  Ouch!  Yikes!  Holy moly!  Yippee!  Hooray!  Boo!   Whew!    


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Parts of Speech Exercise

Fill in the blanks with words of the appropriate part of speech.

1.    She is ————— beautiful.

a)    ravishingb)    ravishinglyc)    ravishedd)    ravish

2.    I was ——————– surprised.

a)    Pleasedb)    Pleasantc)    Pleasantlyd)    Please

3.    It was John who —————— the window.

a)    Breakb)    Brokec)    Brokend)    Breaking

4.    She was quite ———————- to receive the prize.

a)    Happilyb)    Happyc)    Happinessd)    None of these

5.    It is only a ——————— arrangement.

a)    Temporaryb)    Temporarilyc)    Temporald)    Temperate

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6.    It was ——————– heavily.

a)    Snowedb)    Snowingc)    Snowd)    None of these

7.    They are eagerly —————— for your response.

a)    awaitingb)    awaitc)    awaitedd)    none of these

8.    The rioters were ——————- into custody.

a)    Tookb)    Takingc)    Takend)    Take

9.    The ——————— intervention of the policeman saved his life.

a)    Timedb)    Timelyc)    Timed)    Timeliness

10.    The meeting —————– for three hours.

a)    Lastb)    Lastedc)    Lastlyd)    None of these


1.    Ravishingly (We use adverbs to modify an adjective. Beautiful is an adjective and ravishingly is an adverb.)2.    Pleasantly (The adverb pleasantly modifies the adjective surprised.)3.    Broke (When the main clause is in the past tense, the subordinate clause will also be in the past tense.)4.    Happy5.    Temporary (The adjective temporary modifies the noun arrangement.)6.    Snowing7.    Awaiting

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8.    Taken9.    Timely (Timely is an adjective and it modifies the noun intervention)10.    lasted

English Parts of Speech – Exercise 02

Look at the word in bold. Which part of speech is it? When in doubt, use a dictionary! Press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if you don't know. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints!

1. Remember to drive safely. Part of speech:

2. Don't talk like that. Part of speech:

3. Sally and Tom are coming back soon. Part of speech:

4. This is a pretty vase. Part of speech:

5. Let's do it. Part of speech:

6. The cat is on the table. Part of speech:

7. Oh, I didn't know that. Part of speech:

8. Do you want to go out or stay home? Part of speech:

9. New York is a big city. Part of speech:

10. I want the blue ball. Part of speech:

11. We finished it yesterday. Part of speech:

12. What am I going to do without you? Part of speech:

13. He will come. Part of speech:

14. Wow, those are great news! Part of speech:

15. We have pens, pencil, notebooks and markers. Part of speech:

16. They went into the hall. Part of speech:

Decide which parts of speech are the underlined words1. You have to believe in yourself if you ever expect to be successful at something.

2. We left for the mountain just before six in the morning.

3. We first went to the store to buy a few things.

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4. We had a breakfast at a café near the rail station.

5. My friend wasn't strong enough to lift his heavy rucksack.

6. I helped him carry it.

7. The weather was very cold.

8. My friend said, "Oh! What a cold weather!"

9. We didn't spend the night there. 10. We got back home late at night but we didn't go to sleep immediately. We were very hungry.

Special Uses of Some Conjunctions


As a conjunction since means ‘from and after the time when’.

I have never seen him since I left school.Many things have happened since he died.We have been living here since I was a boy.It has been raining since we reached the city.

Note that when since is used as a conjunction denoting time it should be preceded by a verb in the present perfect, and followed by a verb in the past tense.

Since can also mean ‘seeing that’, ‘as’, ‘inasmuch as’ and similar ideas.

Since that is the case, I will excuse you. (= As that is the case, I will excuse you.)Since it is raining, we can’t go out. (= As it is raining, we can’t go out.)

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ORThe conjunction or is used to introduce an alternative.

You can have tea or coffee.We can wait or we can go.You may take this or that.

Or can mean otherwise.

You must study hard or you will not pass.

In some cases or can be used as an equivalent to and.

They were not wanting in strength or courage, but they were poorly motivated. (= They were not wanting in strength and courage but they were poorly motivated.)


If can mean ‘on the condition that’.

If he comes we will meet him.If you ask, he will help.If you heat ice, it melts.

If can also mean ‘admitting that’.

If I am blunt, I am at least honest. (Admitting that I am blunt, I am at least honest.)

If can mean ‘whether’.

I asked him if he would come.I don’t know if she is interested in the offer.

If is also used to express wish or surprise.

If only I knew!


As a conjunction that is used to express a reason or cause.

He was annoyed that he was contradicted. (= He was annoyed because he was contradicted.)She was upset that he didn’t write to her. (= She was upset because he didn’t write to her.)

That can express a purpose.

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We eat that we may live.We sow that we may reap.

That is also used to express consequence, result or effect.

He was so angry that he tore the letter up.She was so weak that she sat down to rest.It was so late that we didn’t go out.


As a conjunction, than is used with comparative adjectives and adverbs.

She is taller than her husband.Wisdom is better than riches.I love you more than he does.


While means ‘during the time that which’.

While you were playing I was working.While there is life, there is hope.The boys sang while the girls danced.

While can also mean ‘whereas’.While he is hard working, his brother is quite lazy.

Constructing sentences with noun clauses


Convert the following simple sentences to complex sentences, each containing a noun clause.

1. I hope to pass the test.

2. I expect to meet John tomorrow.

3. He admitted stealing the money.

4. I overheard all their remarks.

5. He confessed his guilt.

6. We don’t know their hiding place.

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7. I request your help.

8. I have long suspected his involvement in the case.

9. He is said to be a multi-millionaire.

10. He pleaded ignorance of the law.


1. I hope that I will pass the test.

2. I expect that I will meet John tomorrow.

3. He admitted that he had stolen the money.

4. I overheard all that they remarked.

5. He confessed that he is guilty.

6. We don’t know where they hide.

7. I request that you should help me.

8. I have long suspected that he is involved in the case.

9. It is said that he is a multi-millionaire.

10. He pleaded that he is ignorant of the law.


It is easy to construct a sentence containing a noun-clause. All that you need to do is to follow the pattern given below:

I said that…I requested that…I pleaded that…

Anything that you put after that ‘that’ will automatically be a noun clause.

I said that I was not interested.I requested that he should lend me a pound.I pleaded that I should be allowed to go.

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But meaning ‘except’

But can mean ‘except’ after words like all, none, every, any, everything, everybody, nothing and no.

He eats nothing but French fries. (= He eats nothing except French fries.)She did nothing but cry. (= She did nothing except cry.)

Pronouns after butAfter but, we usually use object pronouns (e.g. me, him, her etc.) Subject pronouns (I, he etc) are possible in a more formal style.

Nobody but her would trust him. (More formal: Nobody but she would trust him.)

Verbs after but

The form of the verb used after but usually depends on what came before.

She does nothing but eat. (Here we use a simple present tense form before and after but.)She is not interested in anything but writing. (Here we use an –ing form after but because interested in is usually followed by an –ing form.)

After but, infinitives are normally used without to.

‘Cannot but + infinitive’ and ‘cannot help but + infinitive’ are sometimes used with the meaning of ‘can’t help…ing’

You can’t help but admire his courage. OR You can’t but admire his courage. (= You have to admire his courage.)

The with superlative adjectives and adverbs

Nouns modified by adjectives in the superlative degree normally have the article the.

She is the most beautiful woman I have seen. (NOT She is most beautiful woman I have seen.)

It is the best book I have read. (NOT It is best book I have read.)

Who is the fastest runner in the world? (NOT Who is fastest runner in the world.)

Who is the youngest woman to scale Mount Everest? (NOT Who is youngest woman to scale Mount Everest?)

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Superlative adjectives in the predicative position can be used with (formal style) or without (informal style) the.

This site is the best. (Formal)

This site is best. (Informal)

Superlative adverbs is sometimes used without the in an informal style.

Who runs the fastest? (Formal)

Who runs fastest? (Informal)

The is not used with superlative adjectives or adverbs in predicative position when we compare the same quality of a person in different situations.

I work best in the evening. (NOT I work the best in the evening.) (Here my work is being compared in different situations.)

I have got a lot of friends, but she is the best. OR I have got a lot of friends but she is best. (Here she is being compared with other friends I have.)

A / an with uncountable nouns

Certain uncountable nouns are used with a/an when we are limiting their meaning in some way. Most of these nouns refer to human emotions or mental activity. Examples are: knowledge, distrust, understanding, hatred, education

We are looking for a translator with a first-class knowledge of Spanish. (NOT We are looking for a translator with first-class knowledge of Spanish.)

Even as a child she showed a surprising understanding of adult behavior.

I want my kids to have a good education. (NOT I want my kids to have good education.)

Do you think that a good education is more important than a good upbringing?

Note that these nouns cannot be used in the plural. We can’t, for example, say educations, understandings or knowledges.

Most uncountable nouns cannot be used with a/an at all.

She speaks excellent French. (NOT She speaks an excellent French.)

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Everybody should be able to enjoy good health. (NOT Everybody should be able to enjoy a good health.)

It is interesting work. (NOT It is an interesting work.) (But you can say: It is an interesting job. OR It is an interesting piece of work.)

He gave me some advice. (NOT He gave me an advice.) (But you can say: He gave me a piece of advice.)

Adjectives with unusual properties

Certain comparative adjectives borrowed from Latin have no positive or superlative degree forms. All of these adjectives end in –or. They are 12 in all. Five of them have already lost their comparative meaning and are now used as positive adjectives. These are: interior, exterior, ulterior, major and minor.

He is an interior designer.

I have no ulterior motive in this.

He sustained minor injuries.

The other seven – inferior, superior, prior, anterior, posterior, senior, junior – are still used as comparative adjectives. But unlike normal comparative adjectives, they are followed by to instead of than.

He is senior to me. (NOT He is senior than me.)

James is superior to Peter in intelligence.

His marriage was prior to his father’s death.

He is junior to all his colleagues.

Certain adjectives express qualities that cannot be compared. Examples are: square, round, perfect, eternal, universal, unique etc.

Nothing can be more or less square or round.

She wore a perfect diamond on her finger. (NOT He wore a very perfect diamond on her finger.)

This plot is square. (NOT This plot is too square.)

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However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. We can, for example, say the most perfect in some cases.

Essay Writing

Essay writing is a skill you need to develop through patience and diligence. The word essay means attempt. So, the essay is an attempt at conveying your ideas on a given topic in simple prose which is clear and literary. There are several different kinds of essays such as descriptive essays and expository essays.

Essay writing cannot be taught. Actually every writer has his own style of writing an essay. There are still a few points a person should bear in mind while writing an essay.

Use simple modern language. Avoid the use of bombastic and archaic words. Also avoid the use of technical/business jargon which only industry insiders can understand. Your essay should be written in such a language that everybody- not just domain experts – can fully grasp the intended meaning.

Variation in the length of sentences is desirable but try to avoid using sentences having numerous clauses.

State your ideas clearly, but don’t digress from the given topic. Also avoid repetitions.

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An essay should consist of a number of paragraphs all knit together. Note that each paragraph should be a natural progression of the previous paragraph and should give a distinct idea which is generally an enhancement of the ideas expressed earlier.

Proper attention should be given to the introductory and concluding paragraphs. The opening sentence can be written in a number of ways. It may directly begin the theme or create the appropriate atmosphere. To grab the attention of the reader, you can also begin the essay with an appropriate quotation.

How to sharpen your writing skills?

Writing a good essay requires excellent writing skills. You can sharpen your writing skills through reading and observation. Read all types of books, magazines and newspapers. Read at least five to ten pages a day. Read stories, articles, news items, novels, essays and biographies. Each piece of writing will give you an insight into the method of organizing and presenting the subject matter.

Be observant. Look around you. Keep your eyes and ears open and learn from your experiences. Personal experiences will give depth and a personal touch to your thoughts and writing.


The more you write the more you learn to write. You will not be able to sharpen your writing skills if you do not write. Everyday you must write at least two pages on any given topic. The habit of writing diaries also helps in improving your writing skills.

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