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Name :- Anggita septiani- Jihan Nabila Syahira

Class X IPA 2 RECOUNT TEXTRecount Text : Teks yang menceritakan kembali kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman-pengalaman di masa lampau.Tujuannya : untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur pembaca.Struktur dari recount text :1. OrientationOrientation atau pengenalan yaitu memberikan informasi tentang siapa, di mana, dan kapan peristiwa atau kegiatan itu terjadi di masa lampau.2. EventsEvents merupakan rekaman peristiwa yang terjadi, yang biasanya disampaikan dalam urutan kronologis, 3. ReorientationPada bagian Reorientation, terdapat pengulangan pengenalan yang ada di Orientation, pengulangan yang merangkum rentetan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan yang diceritakan.

Contoh Recount Text last Saturday, i woke up early. I didnt want to get out of bed, because there was no school. Suddely, my telephone rang. It was my friend, fanny. She asked me to go out at 10 oclock. She wanted to shop at the tradisional market. So i leapt out of bed and headed to the shower. finally, we wereout. On street, i saw a pieceof pink paper. I picked it up and we read it. We were shocked, it was a voucher for a four night tour to lombok. The expiry date was that day. To ur suprise, the name printed on it fanny fenita and the birth date was exactly the same as fannys and it was valid for two people. My god! We were wondering whether the paper fell from heaven. we hurried to the tour agency that issued the voucher. The tour agency took care of everything. We went home and still couldnt believe what happened two days later we were on senggigi beach, lombok.NARATIVE TEXTNarative Text : Text yang bercerita yang mengikuti alur waktu.Tujuan : menghibur pendenger atau pembaca dengan pengalaman nyata/ khayalstruktur dari narative : 1. OrientationOrientation atau pengenalan yaitu memberikan informasi tentang siapa, di mana, dan kapan peristiwa atau kegiatan itu terjadi di masa lampau.2. complication complication yaitu berisi tentang gambaran munculna krisis atau masalah yang dialami oleh tokoh pada cerita tersebut yang harus dipecahkan 3. ReorientationPada bagian Reorientation, terdapat pengulangan pengenalan yang ada di Orientation, pengulangan yang merangkum rentetan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan yang diceritakan. Contoh narative text Once upon a time...In earlier times there lived a, who named Snow White . He lived with his aunt and uncle because his parents died. One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they did not have enough money to take Snow White with them. Princess Snow White did not want her uncle and aunt to do this. So he decided to escape.

The next day he ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, he fled into the wood. In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knocked, but no one answered her so she went inside and fell asleep Meanwhile, seven dwarfs came home from his work. They get into. There, they found Snow White woke up from his sleep. He saw the dwarfs. The dwarf said: " What is your name ? Snow White said, " My name is Snow White. " One dwarf said, " If you want, you can stay here with us. ' Snow White tells all about her story. Then daughter snow and the seven dwarves are now living happily ever after.DESCRIPTIVE TEXTDescriptive text : text yang menjelaskan orang, tempat atau benda tertentu. Tujuan : memberikan informasi mengenai ciri-ciri seseorang, benda atau tempat tertentu.Struktur descriptive : 1. Identification / Pengenalan: ciri-ciri seseorang, suatu benda atau tempat tertentu yang akan dideskripsikan.2.Description / Deskripsi: menggambarkan ciri-ciri seseorang, benda atau tempat tersebut, misalnya bentuk, ukuran, warna, asal, kegemaran dan ciri khusus lainnya.

Contoh descriptive text The Monas National Monument is a 132-meter tower in the center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, is the capital of the state. It symbolizes the struggle for Indonesian independence of our country. The monument consists of a 117.7 m obelisk on a 45m square platform at a height of 17 m. The towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Resembles a phallus, or pestle mortar pestle and Yoni resembles rice or mortar, two important things in the tradition of Indonesian agriculture. Construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Sukarno, the first president of the us and the monument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil, and now the monument calls.PROCEDURE TEXTTeks Prosedure : teks yang menjelaskan dengan jelas cara membuat atau melakukan sesuatu.Tujuan : Memberi petunjuk cara melakukan sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah.1. Aim/ GoalPada generic sturcture bagian pertama dari Procdeure Text ini berisi informasi mengenai tujuan dalam pembuatan atau pengoprasian sesuatu.2. MaterialsPada bagian ke-dua, Materials teridiri dari bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam membuat sesuatu. Tapi tidak semua Procedure Text menyertakan bagian materials, adakalanya sebuah Procedure text tidak memiliki bagian materials.

Contoh procedure textHow To Make Orange Juice Materials: 125 ml sugar5 ml Vanilla extract 1 handful ice cubes165 ml orange juice concentrate 250 ml milk 250 ml waterSteps:1. Combine all ingredients in blender except ice cubes.2. Add ice cubes and blend until smooth 3. Pour in a glass

NEWS ITEMNews item : suatu peristiwa penting yang patut diketahui oleh banyak orang, maka peristiwa ini pantas dijadikan berita.Tujuan : memberitakan kepada pembaca, pendengar atau penonton tentang peristiwa-peristiwa atau kejadian-kejadian yang dipandang penting atau layak diberitakan. struktur news item :Main Events : Kejadian utama yang pantas dijadikan berita. Elaboration : Penjelasan mengenai latar belakang adanya peristiwa tersebut, orang-orang yang terlibat dalam peristiwa tersebut, tempat peristiwa terjadi dan lain-lain.Resource of Information : Sumber berita, komentar para saksi, pendapat para ahli, dan lain-lain.

Contoh news itemPamekasan student wins math contest in Romania

Alyssa Diva Mustika, a student from Pamekasan Junior High School, East Java, won the gold medal at the International Mathematics Contest held in Romania between March 22 to 29, Antara news agency reported. Speaking to journalists, Diva said she was glad that she had been able to win the competition, which she said had been very tight. Thank God I won. I will study harder, she said. Indonesia sent 10 students to the competition in Romania. Diva is not the first Pamekasan student to win an international science competition. Oktavian Latief, a student from SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan won gold at the International Physics Olympiad in 2006. Another student, Shohibul Maromi, won the same award in 2010. I thank Diva for giving a good name to Indonesia and Pamekasan on the international stage, Pamekasan Regent Kholilurrahman said as quoted by Antara

Wasalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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