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  • 1AcEPT Academic English Proficiency Test merupakan uji kemampuanbahasa Inggris secara komperhensif yang diberlakukan sebagai prasyarat dalamurusan akademis di lingkungan UGM, khususnya sebagai syarat masuk dankelulusan bagi mahasiswa UGM. AcEPT menguji 5 kemampuan bahasa Inggris,yakni: Listening (20 soal), Vocabulary (30 soal), Structure (40 soal), Reading (40soal) dan Composing Skill (40 soal). Dari segi konten, AcEPT hampir setaradengan TOEFL, terutama PBT (Paper Based TOEFL). Hanya saja 3 Sectiondalam PBT diurai menjadi 5 dalam AcEPT.

    AcEPT memiliki skala Skor yang bebeda dengan TOEFL, sehingga hanyadapat dipergunakan untuk kepentingan Akademis di UGM. Prasyarat Skor yangditetapkan UGM untuk mahasiswa S2 adalah 209 (setara TOEFL 450) dan untukmahasiswa S3 adalah 268 (setara TOEFL 500).

    Jika dibandingkan, AcEPT memiliki beberapa perbedaan dan persamaandengan PBT. Dari segi Listening Comperhension, Tingkat kesulitan dalam soaltes AcEPT lebih rendah daripada dalam soal tes TOEFL. Baik dari jumlah soalyang lebih sedikit, dan dari segi konten. Soal Vocabulary dan reading, banyakmemuat teks-teks yang bersifat akademis dari beberapa disiplin Ilmu yang ada difakultas-fakultas UGM. Biasanya diambil dari artikel atau jurnal internasional.Yang tidak terlalu banyak berbeda adalah Structure dan Composing skill.

    Bentuk Tes disajikan secara tertulis (Paper Based) berisi 170 soal dalambentuk multiple choice/pilihan ganda, dengan durasi + 145 menit. Bagian I:Listening Comprehension sebanyak 20 soal, dengan durasi waktu kurang lebih 15menit. Bagian II: Vocabulary sebanyak 30 soal dengan durasi waktu 20 menit.Bagian III: Grammar and Structure sebanyak 40 soal dengan durasi waktu 30menit. Bagian IV: Reading Comprehension sebanyak 40 butir soal dengan durasiwaktu 40 menit. Bagian V: Composing Skills sebanyak 40 butir soal dengandurasi waktu 40 menit.

  • 2Part I Listening Comprehension

    A. Direction:

    Numbers 1 10 test your ability to understand short statements in English. Eachstatement will be spoken just once. The statements you hear will not be writtenout for you. Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your booklet.

    Terjemahan:Soal no 1 10 menguji kemampuan Anda memahami pernyataan pendek dalambahasa Inggris. Masing-masing pernyataan akan dibacakan sekali saja. Pernyataanyang Anda dengar tidak akan ditulis dalam tes. Anda tidak diperkenankanmembuat catatan apapun dalam buku tes.

    Untuk menjawab pertanyaan, anda harus memahami secara sepintaspernyataan-pernyataan yang ada pada pilihan jawaban. Hal ini dilakukan denganmemiilih jawaban yang memiliki makna yang hampir sama atau memilikikemiripan dengan isi pernyataan dalam soal atau dengan kata lain bentukparafrase. Bisa saja dengan bentuk tenses atau pilihan kata yang lain. Ingat, bukanberarti anda harus memilih jawaban yang mengandung kata-kata yang sama persisdengan apa yang anda dengar pada soal. Karena bisa saja kata-kata yang samapersis tersebut merupakan distraction/pengalih perhatian. Temukan kata kunciyang menjadi inti dalam soal tersebut.

    1. The assignment is due next week no extension will be givena. It is better for you to complete the task right awayb. No sanction is given if you do the assignment next weekc. You must do the assignment next weekd. Simon home work is due next week

    2. The English language proficiency test for post graduate student usually fallson either Wednesday or Thursday

  • 3a. The English proficiency test for post graduate student fall on Wednesdayand Thursday

    b. Post graduate student usually fail on the English proficiency testc. The English language proficiency test for post graduate student is new

    scheduled on Wednesday or Thursdayd. Post graduate student may sit for the English language proficiency test on

    Wednesday3. Student without identification card will not be allowed to borrow books from

    librarya. To borrow book from the library, student need to bring their identification

    card with themb. Identification card can not be used to borrow books from libraryc. The librarian needs to borrow the student identification card to pay for the

    booksd. Scholarship student needs identification card to return their allowance

    4. Professor Soepomo is schedule to give a lecture on microbiology a week afternext. Every student in biology must be attend the lecturea. A lecture on microbiology by Professor Soepomo will be held next weekb. Every student in biology class is suppose to be present at a lecture on

    microbiology given by Professor Soepomoc. The student in Biology class will reschedule Professor Soepomos lecture

    on microbiologyd. Next week Professor Soepomo is going to give a lecture on microbiology

    before the student5. PIN is a secret identification number which is known only by the card holder.

    It is should not be disclosed to the public so as to keep its secrecy

    (kerahasiaan termasuk kata benda)a. You must not tell your PIN to anybodyb. Her pink card remains secret to the publicc. A number of pine trees in that street are going to be cut downd. The secretary of the public company closed the meeting

  • 46. The Dean will not chair a faculty meeting this afternoon, because shewill be accompanying the rector to inaugurate new language laboratory,however the meeting will not be put off (ditunda)a. The faculty meeting will still be held in the absence of the dean (dekan)b. The faculty meeting will be chaired by the dean this afternoonc. The dean will join the rector to inaugurate the new language laboratory

    after the meeting

    d. The inauguration of the new language laboratory will be put off by therector.

    7. Student can find lodges either on campus or off campus. They can choose thetype of the lodging that is convenient for thema. Student are free to choose where to live during they studyb. Student must choose on campus lodging because its convenientc. Student can find convenient lodging off campus

    8. All of student of UGM are subject to university regulations, governingdiscipline, academic progress tuition charges, library matters, and use ofcomputing facilities

    a. Being a student of UGM, one is bound to follow the university rulesb. Student of UGM should give the university regulationc. Library and computer are needed for the academic progress tuitiond. As student of UGM, one is required to take subject using computing


    9. Plagiarism is a serious offence, any occupation of this can cause seriousproblems for university studenta. Copying other people work inappropriately can cause university students

    serious problem (sama dengan plagiarism)b. Playstation is very often field as a serious problem that impedes students

    academic developmentc. Avoiding plagiarism is often a problem to the university studentsd. Be careful with vandalism on campus as it may get you into trouble

  • 510. It is hard to find parking space on campus, although the university has issuedparking regulation

    a. Despite the parking regulation, it is not easy to locate a parking space on

    campus (although=despite)b. Parking cars on campus is against university regulationc. It hard for university to issue parking regulationd. The university finds it hard to find a parking space

    B. Direction:

    In this part you will hear five short talks. After each talk, two questions will beasked based on the information given. Answer the questions following the talk, bychoosing A, B, C, or D which best answers the questions. Remember, you are notallowed to take notes or write in your test book.

    Terjemahan:Soal no 11 20 menguji kemampuan Anda mendengarkan teks pendek yangdibacakan narrator. Setelah teks diperdengarkan, Anda akan mendengarkan puladua pertanyaan mengenai isi teks. Pilihlah A, B, C, atau D yang secara tepatmenjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan. Anda tidak diperkenankan membuat catatanapapun pada buku soal.

    Pada bagian ini anda biaanya diharuskan menjawab dua pertanyaanberdasarkan teks yang dibacakan Narrator. Pertanyaan pertama pada bagian inibiasanya bersifat W&H Question (what, where, when, who, how, dll), dan bersifatgeneral. Pertanyaan kedua biasanya bersifat kesimpulan. Untuk menjawabpertanyaan soal dalam bagian ini anda harus menyimak baik-baik teks yangdibacakan Narrator. Anda harus menyimpulkan secara cepat setiap pernyataanpada teks tersebut. Dan memperhatikan hubungan antar kalimat, apakah sebabakibat, fakta disertai contoh dll.

  • 6(Question 11-12)American are eager to help people as they want to provide assistance in equal andfair manner when a group of people is waiting. They expect to be helped on afirst-come first-serred basis, in the order in which the arrived, to be sure thechance to speak with a very busy person, such as a professor or a college official,it is the best to email or telephone in advance (terlebih dahulu) to see you willneed to make an appointment.Orang amerika sangat beresmangat utk membantu orang lain.

    11. What is the topic of the talk?

    a. How to ask assistance in America

    b. A chance to speak with the professorc. Email and telephone as tools for making appointmentd. A group of people needing assistance

    12. According to the speaker, what is the best way for student to have opportunityto speak with the professor (chance= opportunity=kesempatan)a. Inform him or her beforehand (=in advance=sebelumnya) via email if you

    need appointmentb. Just meet him or her in personc. Meet him or her in the office

    d. State your purpose in meeting him or her

    (Question 13-14)One of the first adjustments you will have to face after your arrival in the unitedstate is jet lag which is the physical shock accompanying to adjust to a new timezone. It is caused by a long airplane flight from your homeland. And its severity isrelated to the distance and direction your travel. Examples including eating lunchwhen its in the middle of night at all or raising an hour when you usually besleepy. After two or three days or perhaps even as long as a week of disorientationis sleepiness, you will function normally again.

  • 713. What is the topic of the talk?a. A physical shock called jet lagb. Going to the USc. A new time zone

    d. A long flight from your homeland.14. According to the narrator, what is the cause of the jet lag?

    a. A long flight crossing multiple time zone

    b. Arrival in the USc. Eating lunch in the middle of the nightd. A weak of disorientation in sleepiness

    (Question 15-16)When you first arrive in a new country you may experience culture shock. This

    term refers to the feeling of confusion that often occurs when a person leaves a

    familiar place and move on to an unfamiliar one. The culture shock can be in theform of many thing. For example the building look different, the food is not whatyou are accustomed to, the people look, speak, and act differently from people athome. At first, your English may not serve you as well as you expected. You maynot be able to convey your full personality in English or you may find yourself inmany situation that require expression terminology which are new to you.

    15. What is the topic of the talk?a. Culture shock c. Different building and foodb. Moving to a new shock d. Problem with your English terminology

    16. Why do most people feel confused when they move to a new country?a. They are entering an unfamiliar place

    b. They are not feeling to try new foodc. They do not want to speak Englishd. They do not bring food from their country

  • 8(Question 17-18)In the US, people often say Hi, how are you? or How are you doing? and then

    do not wait for a response. This is a polite phrase, not really question. You canresponse by saying fine, thanks or you may hear an American say drop by any

    time or lets get together soon. There are friendly responses but they may not be

    mean literally. It is polite to call someone on the phone before you visit evenwithout an invitation, it is acceptable to call a new acquaintance to see if he or shewould like to go to campus activity with or without you.

    17. What is the topic of the talk?

    a. Hospitality in the US (keramahtamahan)b. What you should say when you meet Americanc. How to call someone you want to visit in the USd. How to get an acquaintance in the US

    18. According to the narrator if people in the US say How are you? what dothey really mean?

    a. It is just a friendly expressionb. They really want to know your conditionc. They want your response

    d. They mean it literally

    (Question 19-20)When you study overseas you will definitely need a help of an academic advisor.As he or she is your key of learning what is available there for you to use and howto make these opportunities. This is a person you can turn to for help when you

    need direction an advise in selecting your course. Evaluation of your study andmeasuring skills or help in approaching a college instructor. The advisor is logicalperson with whom to discuss your class about possible majors academic. Inquiryor any uncertainty that you might have about where you want to go and what youwant to do.Overseas=abroad=belajar ke luar negeri

  • 919. What is the topic of the talk?a. The importance of an advisor in your academic lifeb. Evaluating your study overseasc. How to prepare your study overseasd. The skills needed in studying overseas

    20. According to the narrator, what is the role (peran) of an advisor?a. To assist students to make their study more effectiveb. To create an opportunityc. To provide student with management skilld. To decide your academic goals

  • 10

    (Part II. Vocabulary)

    A. Directions:

    For questions 1 15, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which bestcompletes each blank space in the text.

    Terjemahan:Untuk soal nomor 1 15, pilihlah kata atau frasa pada pilihan A, B, C, atau Dyang secara tepat melengkapi bagian kosong dalam bacaan.

    Dalam bagian ini anda harus mengisi beberapa bagian yang kosong dalamtext. Bagian yang diperlukan bisa saja berupa noun, adjective, preposition,connector, dll. Text dalam bagian ini biasanya berupa tulisan yang bersifatakademis dari disiplin ilmu tertentu. Sehingga vocab/kata-kata yang harus anda isibiasanya bersifat kontekstual.

    Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura (meaning "tailless", from theAncient Greek an-, without + oura, tail), formerly referred to as Salientia (Latinsalere (salio), "to jump"). Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbeddigits (fingers or toes), protruding eyes, bifid tongue and the absence of a tail.Frogs are widely known as exceptional jumpers, and many of the anatomical (1)of frogs, particularly their long, powerful legs, are adaptations to improve jumpingperformance. Due to their permeable skin, frogs are often semi-aquatic or inhabithumid areas, but move easily on land. They typically lay their eggs in puddles,ponds or lakes, and their larvae, called tadpoles, have gills and tails to develop inwater. Adult frogs follow a carnivorous diet, mostly of arthropods, annelids andgastropods. Frogs are (2) noticeable (dikenal) by their call, which can be widelyheard during the night or day, mainly in their mating season (musim kawin).

  • 11

    The (3) of frogs ranges from tropic to subarctic regions, but most speciesare found in tropical rainforests. Consisting of more than 5,000 species described,they are among the most diverse groups of vertebrates. However, populations ofcertain frog species are declining significantly.

    A distinction is often made (4) frogs and toads on the basis of theirappearance, caused by the convergent adaptation among so-called toads to dryenvironments; however, this distinction has no taxonomic basis. The only familyexclusively given the common name "toad" is Bufonidae (the "true toads"), butmany species from other families are commonly called "toads", while members ofthe toad genus Atelopus are referred to as "harlequin frogs".(

    1. A. signs pertanda C. characteristicsB. spots tanda yg menempel ke tubuh D. Marks tanda ke peristiwa

    2. A. More C. ReallyB. Most D. Very

    3. A. Metamorphosis C. areaB. population D. distribution (penyebaran)

    4. A. about mengenai C. among diantara (memisahkan banyak)B. during sepanjang D. Between diantara (memisahkan hanya 2 saja)

    B. Direction:

    Choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D that best collocates (combines) witheach of the underlined words or phrases in the following sentences.

    Terjemahan:Untuk soal nomor 16 30, pilihlah kata atau frasa pada pilihan A, B, C, atau Dyang menurut Anda berkolokasi dengan bagian yang digarisbawahi pada kalimat-kalimat berikut ini.

  • 12

    Hampir sama dengan bagian sebelumnya, dalam bagian ini, anda harusmengisi kolom yang kosong dengan vocab/kata-kata pada pilihan jawaban. Soalbiasanya bersifat kontekstual berdasarkan disiplin ilmu tertentu. Sehinggaseringkali semua pilihan jawaban yang ada memiliki makna yang hampir sama.Anda harus mencari jawaban yang paling sesuai dalam konteks pada soal.

    5. Everyone is ....... invited to attend the wedding party of the princess crown ofSweden.

    a. Cordially si subjek melakukan sesuatu tp si subjek memiliki status sosialyg dikasih c. willingly

    b. happily d. freely6. The project of an independent Korea was created by a constellation of theentrepreneurial element using a credit based ....... industrial finance.Of pasti menggabungkan kedua kata benda.

    a. on c. at

    b. in d. Intopass=melewati

    ex:pass out=pingsan

    pass away=meninggal

    pass on=mewariskan

    pass thru=melewati

    7. The Russian led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) would notfulfil bistrikk request for the immediate dispaten of peacehaeeping (namakepercayaan/paham= adj).......

    a. forces (kekuatan/massa) c. unionb. groups d. into

    8. Older people in Aboriginal society revened and cared....... as great sources ofwisdom. Klo of harus lgsg ke orangnya

    a. for c. of

    b. with d. to

  • 13

    9. Mandelas courage and popularity worried the ruling class who did not want toshare....... running the country whose majority is the indigenous tribe.

    a. Power c. experience

    b. ideas d. Possessionmajor=pangkat,jurusan,mayor=walikota

    10. Indonesia will next year....... over the ASEAN chairman ship(kepemimpinan)from Vietnam as a shift that is expected to raise the forums credentials on humanright and protection of migrant workers. Take over=mengambil alih

    a. Take c. turn

    b. come d. Seetake cover=berlindung

    11. .........speaking you will have perfect vision about 24 hours after this advancedtechnology procedure.

    a. generally c. shortly

    b. naturally d. publicity12. The young researchers interested......the new methodology have asked theprofessor to enlighten them with his thought provoking ideas.

    a. in c. for

    b. with d. of13. The US is not the land of equal opportunity there are no titles nobility as inEurope, but astounding affluence is....... on in privileged families and this make allthe differences.

    a. Passed c. Inherit(mewarisi)b. given d. Ended


    astounding affluence=kekayaan melimpah14. It is not easy to....... a living as the proprietor or owner of apartment buildings.

    a. Make c. get

    b. have d. Savekalau diartikan dng hidup dikaitkan dng profesi menggunakan make

  • 14

    15. The defendant accuses the officer of Corruption Eradication Commission(KPK) to . Money from him

    a. Extort Memeras dlm uang c. Extract memeras benda2 yang adaairnya

    b. Squeeze memeras dlm konteks fisik/meremas d. Wringmemeras cucian

    16. Human consumption of fossil fuel is expected to fully deplete the earth .

    oil reserves by the year to go.mencari kata sifat cadangan minyak yg belum diolaha. Crude c. simpleb. Rudimentary hal2 yg bersifat fisik spt batuan d. basic

    17. Indonesian leadership would also be . the test when member state

    Myanmar wrapped up its first election in two decades late this year.a. put to (akan dihadapkan pada) c. sit in (dihadapkan tapi skalanya

    lbh kecil dan ada nuansa negatifnya).b. taken in (dibawa) d. face off (operasi)

    18. He spoke of soup and satay using mushrooms produced by Lampung

    farmers and would continue to help them with their goals.a. highly (berkata agak menyombongkan diri.ex dalam kampanye)

    c. loudlyb. slowly d. uncertainly

    19. The advertisement convinced (meyakinkan) the audience that the shampoowould make their hair ..

    a. manageable gampang di atur c. Handy serbagunab. moveable gampang diatur tp gampang digerakkan d. Fertile

    subur20. The doctor strongly recommended him .. exercise to keep him fit.

    a. Regular (digunakan untuk hal2 yang lbh fisik) c. Frequent(tdk bersifat fisik).

    b. usual d. permanent21. He was awarded a gold medal for . a series of outstanding research.

  • 15

    a. conducting c. Commiting melakukan dlm hal negatif misalnyacrime

    b. taking d. Holding memiliki dlm hal akademik22. The fossilization process develops over million of years, during which swampvegetation is submerged . water, depleted of oxygen and covered by layer of

    sand and mud.a. In (dalam) c. Through (melalui)b. into (masuk kedalam) d. By (oleh)

    23. A member of the house of representatives (DPR)commission overseeing legalaffairs said the attorney generals move to .. a case review was against the

    law. Attorney=lawyer

    attorney generals=jaksa agunga. file c. Sue (menuntut)b. propose (mengajukan) d. Report (melaporkan)

    24. The deputy chairman of antigraft body were accused(dituduh) .. extorting(menyuap)bribes from business man.Deputy=vice=wakil

    a. of c. from

    b. propose d. Reportof diikuti gerund

    25. After a tense 20 hours silence a search plane from Australias west coast .

    radio contact with abby sunderland early Friday.a. made c. gaveb. held d. had

    26. The sailors yacht was damage by 30 foot waves that knocked out her

    communication system, prompting her set .. distress signal. Yacht=kapal



    a. off c. of

    b. out d. under

  • 16

    27. The crowd generously gave the performers, three famous bassists having ajoin-session, a of applause.

    a. Thunder (badai) c. roomb. round d. series

    crowd=kerumunan orangthunder of applause=tepuk tangan yang meriah

  • 17

    Part III. Grammar and Structure)A. Sentence Completion


    For questions 1 15, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which bestcompletes each of the following sentences.

    Terjemahan:Untuk soal nomor 1 15, pilihlah kata atau frasa pada pilihan A, B, C,

    atau D yang secara tepat melengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut.

    Pada soal seperti ini anda harus melengkapi kalimat selanjutnya yangsesuai dengan konteks kalimat yang berada pada soal. Anda harus melengkapikalimat pada soal dengan pilihan jawaban (A,B,C,D) yang secara garamatikaltepat, sehingga penguasaan grammar, khususnya Tenses sangat penting. Dalam

    hal ini jika anda memahami semua kata yang ada pada kalimat baik noun, verb,adjective dll, hal ini akan menjadi keuntungan, tetapi jika ada beberapa kata yangtidak familiar bagi anda, setidaknya anda harus memahami posisi kata tersebut.Apakah berfungsi sebagai subject, predikat, object, keterangan, dll.

    1. The Australian institute of sport more than 100 sport scientists and

    doctor, and collaborate with score of others in universities and researchcenter.

    a. employs c. employ

    b. is employed d. employed2. For the very first time politicians in the western countries realized that

    imperialism was evil and bitter suffering in many part of the third word.

    a. it had caused c. they had causedb. they caused d. needed to meet

  • 18

    3. A greater efficiency in water use the growing demand of a changingworld.a. is needed to meet c. is ready to be metb. needed to the met d. needed to meet

    4. The unique Javanese traditional musical instrument is popular in

    central java and is believed to have existed since the fourteenth century.a. called gamelan c. which called gamelanb. is called gamelan d. was called gamelan

    5. The peasants agricultural activities have been quite influenced by theunpredictable season, so far the station of meteorological office hasannounced that . the changes in the climate is still not known

    a. what causes c. that causes

    b. causing d. the cause6. Economists are convinced that the effect of economic crisis in Indonesia ....

    In 1997 still can be felt now.a. which started c. was startingb. started d. which was started

    7. Despite the fact that television programs have not been satisfactory, ..... agreat and positive influences in the development of Indonesian as the nationallanguage.

    a. they have c. which has

    b. it has d. it had8. The history test was difficult , I don't know wether I will get a

    good mark for these subject.a. to do c. for doingb. to being done d. to be done

    9. is growing at a starting pace.a. International tradeb. Internationally trade (adv krn ada ly)c. Trade internationald. Trade international

  • 19

    10. A new study conducted for the world bank by Murdoch's University institutefor science and technology policy (ISTP) has demonstrated that publictransport is more

    a. Efficient than cars c. efficient than that of cars

    b. Efficient as cars as d. efficient that those cars11. This school has a very good reputation because all students and teachers

    a. Despise cheating c. despise to cheatb. Despise to be cheated d. despise being cheated

    12. One mission of university is . graduates who are tolerant of many

    race, faith and cultures. (pilih yang ada into nya)a. To send into the world c. to send in the worldb. To send to the world d. to send through the world

    13. The student faculty discipline committee..... violations of student rules,including another count of alcohol abuse.a. Found him guilty of threeb. Found him guilty about threec. Found him guilty to threed. Found him guilty in three

    Found artinya dinyatakan bersalah14. Martin luther king at first planned to be a lawyer or a doctor, but when he

    graduated from more house college at the age of 19, he . ambition andwent into the seminary. (harus memakai simple past)a. Abandoned all this c. which have abandoned all thisb. Has abandoned all this d. had abandoned all this

    15. Given .. awareness, it was inevitable that he would come to view theeveryday events of his line through the prism of politics and the national ofcourse

    a. his level of political c. his level of politics

    b. his level of policy d. his level of politician

  • 20

    16. The Komodo dragon is the worlds largest lizard which can grow to 3 meterslong and.......

    a. weigh c. weighedb. is weighed d. weighs

    17....... Yogyakarta is a truly Javanese city, Semarang is the arenetypal port, builton colonialism an immigration.

    a. While c. when

    b. if d. although18. In theory, owning website provides a nice platform from which to build anaudience and....... the profile of business.

    a. Raise c. raises

    b. raising d. raised19. Those who practice music therapy....... a benefit in using music to help cancerpatients, children with add and others.

    a. are finding c. were findingb. is finding d. was finding

    20. One theory about migraine headache is that....... occurs when the blood vesselsis the head expand and press on the nerve fibers causing pain.

    a. it c. that

    b. this d. they21. Before the independence, silat....... by Indonesian freedom fighters duringtheir struggle against the Dutch colonist.

    a. was used c. are usedb. is used d. were used

    22. Most people in the developed countries have a vague idea that the tap watersupplied for them is filtered and....... by their local government or water authority.

    a. cleaned c. cleanb. cleans d. cleaning

    23. There....... special programs and trips for explorer and thrill seekers in physicalgreen travel programs such as outward bound-type programs, mountain climbingand cross-country skiing expeditions.

  • 21

    a. is c. has

    b. are d. have24. Unless you have a reservation, it....... impossible to get a hotel room onweekend because of malioboro festival.

    a. will be c. will have beenb. would be d. would have been

    25. Eating together does not only strengthen relationship and keep track of familymembers or relatives,....... a better physical and mental health for all familymembers.

    a. but also leads to c. but it leads tob. it also takes to d. and it also leads to

    26. Eating slowly is recommended for health, slow eating....... the consumption offood.

    a. reduces c. reducedb. reducing d. reduce

    27. People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than thosewho.......

    a. do not c. are notb. does not d. is not

    28. Certain sport such as cock fighting....... for many years now in some countries.

    a. has been banned c. banningb. banned d. have been banned

    29. The more you know about the subject....... to add relevant point that occurs toyou as you talk.

    a. the greater the temptation c. it is a great temptation

    b. the temptation d. greater is the temptation30. Sundanese people traditionally play bamboo music to send their childrensleep, to have fun and....... their gratitude after a good harvest.

    a. to express c. expressing

    b. express d. to expressing

  • 22

    B. Cloze Test


    For questions 16 25, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which bestcompletes each blank space in the text.

    Terjemahan:Untuk soal nomor 16 25, pilihlah kata atau frasa pada pilihan A, B, C, dan Dyang secara tepat melengkapi bagian-bagian yang kosong dalam teks bacaan.

    Choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes each blankspace in the text.

    Text 1

    Michelangelo (1) the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and ever sincethen he has been held to be one of the greatest artists of all time. A number of hisworks in painting, sculpture (pahat), and architecture rank (2) the most famous inexistence. His output in every field during his long life was prodigious; when thesheer volume of correspondence, sketches, and reminiscences that survive is alsotaken into account, he is the best-documented artist of the 16th century. Two ofhis best-known works, the Piet and David, (3) before he turned thirty. Despite hislow opinion of painting, Michelangelo also created two of the most influentialworks in fresco in the history of Western art: the scenes from Genesis on the

    ceiling and The Last Judgment on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. As(4), Michelangelo pioneered the Mannerist style at the Laurentian Library. At 74he succeeded Antonio da Sangallo the Younger as the architect of St. Peter'sBasilica. Michelangelo transformed the plan, the western end being finished to

  • 23

    Michelangelo's design, the dome being completed after his death with somemodification. (

    1. A. is considering C. was ConsideredB. considered D. considers

    2. A. among C. duringB. in D. between

    3. A. was sculpted C. sculptedB. sculpture D. were sculpted

    4. A. an architect C. a architect

    B. architectural D. architecture

    Kalau profesinya di mulai oleh huruf vokal maka pakai an, kalau konsonan

    pake a

    C. Error IdentificationDirection:

    For questions 26 40, choose the word or phrase A, B, C, or D which is wrong.Terjemahan:Untuk soal nomor 26 40, pilihlah kata atau frasa A, B, C, atau D yang salah.

    Pada bagian ini, anda harus memilih kata yang tidak sesuai dengan tatabahasa yang diaplikasikan dalam kalimat soal. Dengan kata lain, anda harusmemilih kata yang membuat error kalimat tersebut.

    1. If (A) we continue eat green think (B) green and living (C) green, we willeventually get the connection between being green and being healthy, whichmeans we pay less for health insurance premiums.

    2. Colors in our environment affect (A) us on a daily basis. It (B) can act asunconscious triggers that influence (C) how we think, feel and react the worldaround us. Seharusnya pakai they

  • 24

    3. Life expectancy from birth who (A) represent the average life span of a newborn is a frequently (B) utilized and analyzed (C) component of demographicdata.Seharusnya menggunakan which yang mengikuti kata benda.4. Perishable (gampang rusak) goods are offers (A) for sale as quickly (B) aspossible because they cannot be stored (C) for any length of time without goingworse (D).Dalam pasif harus v3 maka seharusnya offered5. Excess weight is linked to the number of (A) health conditions such as (B)diabetes and sleep apnea, condition where (C) losing the weight quickly andeffectively becomes even more (D) important.Seharusnya of

    6. Music therapy is particularly(secara khusus) (A) helful (berguna) for autisticstudent, who have difficulty interaction (B) with class mates and teachers andbecome(C) agitated (terpengaruh, sibuk sendiri) in noisy, changeable (D)environments.

    Seharusnya interact seharusnya verb.Difficulty (kata sifat)7. Most of people have talked with say that they are confidence (A) in doingsocial lying (kebohongan sosial) and think it is accepted and necessary(dibutuhkan) (B) they think it's the civilized (C) way for talk to behave.Confidence (noun)=kepercayaan diriConfident(adj)8. Once the writers has rough (A) topic area already outline (B), they will(C)continue with improving (D)the story.Rough topic=topik kasar

    Already berarti sudah, maka harus V3 yaitu outline9. Ullyses S grand and Robert E Lee met in (A) the parlor of modest house atappomattox court house in (B) april 9 1865, to work out the term for (C) thesurrender of lee's army of (D) northern VirginiaMerujuk tanggal ada dua cara:

  • 25

    Jika suatu peristiwa ada waktu secara lengkap hrs menggunakan on, tp kalau cmtahunnya saja harus menggunakan in.10. I suppose it was inevitable that as my word-based proactened. I could for thefirst time pick up (A) and read (B) and began (C) to understand (D) what thebook was saying.Seharusnya begin karena semua V1.11. In the second month of your internship, you will learn how to resolve (A)customer complaints, supervision of (B) front desk staff, and plan (C), storedisplays (D) are also tasks you will learn to do.Resolve=menangani atau memecahkan


    Supervise=mengawasi (verb)Supervision=kata benda

  • 26

    (Part IV. Reading Comprehension)Direction:

    Choose the best answer to each question based on the information which is statedor implied in the text.

    Terjemahan:Pilihlah opsi yang paling tepat menjawab pertanyaan, berdasarkan informasi yangtersurat maupun tersirat dalam bacaan].

    Dalam bagian ini, anda akan diminta untuk membaca suatu wacanasingkat (biasanya tidak lebih dari 5-7 paragraf). Kemudian Anda akan dimintauntuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang biasanya berupa pilihan ganda tentangwacana tersebut.

    Text 1:The west has been supporting Israeli attack and aggressive for so long that

    it is now time for them to reacses the situation. To board a ship carrying humanfor old in international waters is clearly and act of aggression and a violation ofinternational law.

    Sanction should be imposed on Israel by the international community. Letthem feel what it is to have no access to food, medicine and international support.Its not possible for any country on these global to live out of from the rest of theworld.

    What can unarmed civilians especially aid workers do to harm Israel? It isclear that Israelis are paranoid about everything. No wonder they are living onedge. Having to be alert every second of the day. Their children and grandchildrenwill continue to suffer because of the stubborn aggressive stance of their parentand grand parents.

    But the Israelis brought that on by themselves and they themselves are toblame for what is happening for them. It is time for the Israeli to sit down with in

  • 27

    the Palestinians and to seriously start negotiations on the method of solving theirdifferences.

    To live in place their neighbor is not only positive for themselves but alsofor their children and grandchildren. Violence only creates more violence. I'mstarting to sympathize with hamas and Hezbollah. If the Israelis continue theiracts of aggressive no country will sympathize with them. They will be isolate andtreated like pariahs.

    To usurp palestinia lands and them colonize and mistake their hosts is anunjustifiable and criminal act. The international community should take connectedmeasure and put a stop Israeli military aggressive and acts of violence and for off.

    1. according to writer, international community should.....a. impose sanction on Israeli

    b. fight against Israelic. live in peace with neighborsd. stop violence in their country2. Which of the following is not mentioned by the writer as a sanction to Israelia. stopping giving humanitarian oldb. Giving no access to medicinec. Blocking any access to international support

    d. Giving no access to food supply3. It can be inferred from the text that what has happen to Israeli is....a. The responsibility international communityb. Israeli own faultc. Palestinian fault

    d. The responsibility of the US4. The word "cut off" in line 16 could best be replaced bya. Isolated c. treatedb. Sliced d. impose

  • 28

    Text 2:The view that class inequalities largely govern gender stratification was

    often an unstated assumption until quite recently. However, feminist critiques andthe undeniable changes in womens economic role in many western societies havebroken this issue open for debate.

    The 'conventional position' in class analysis was that the paid work ofwomen is relatively insignificant compared to that of men, and that thereforewomen can be regarded as being in the same class as their husband. (goldthorpe1983). According to goldthorpe, whose own class scheme was originallypredicated on this belief, this is not a view based on an ideology of sexism. On thecontrary, *it* recognizes the subordinate position in which most women findthemselves in the labour force. Women are more likely to have part-time jobs thanmen, and tend to have more *intermitten* experience of paid employment becausethey may withdraw for lengthy periods to bear and care for children (see chapter18, 'work and economic life'). Since the majority of women have traditionallybeen in a position of economic dependence on their husbands, it follows that theirclass position is most often governed by the husband's class situation.

    Goldthorpe's argument has been criticized in several ways. First, in asubstantial proportion of households the income of women is essential tomaintaining the family's economic position and mode of life.

    5. What is the best title for the text?A. Determining women's class position

    B. Class equality between genderC. Conventional position of women in the society

    D. Different class position on household6. The pronoun 'it' in line 16 refers to

    A. The class analysis

    B. Value

    C. An ideology of seximD. This belief

    7. 'Intermitten' in line 21 is closest in meaning to which of the following word?A. Recurrent

    B. Frequent

    C. Regular

  • 29

    D. Constant8. Goldthorpe recognize subordinate position of women based on the followingreasons, expect

    A. Women's class position are not most often governed by her husband's classsituation

    B. Women are more likely to have traditionally been in a position ofeconomic dependence on their husbands.

    C. Women tend to have more intermitten experience of employmentD. The majority of women have traditionally been in a position of economic

    dependence on their husbands.9. Which the following statement is true?

    A. Single mothers and childless working women may influence classpositions of their households.

    B. Women's working situations influence their own class

    C. It is impossible for woman to determine the class position of thehouseholds.

    D. It is natural to put men and women in different class positions.10. 'Their' in line 59 refers to

    A. Women

    B. BreadwinnersC. MothersD. Households

    11. What is the meaning of 'alimony' in line 60?A. Money paid regularly to a former partner that they have lived together.B. Money paid regularly to a former partner that they have lived together

    without being marredC. Money paid to children when their parents' marriage has ended.D. Money paid regularly to the lone and chilled mothers.

    12. It can be infered from the text that an example of unskilled or semi skilledblue collar worker is

    A. Assembly line worker

  • 30

    B. Salaried professionalC. Office worker

    D. Sales personal13. Where in the passage does the author discuss the traditional position ofwomen?

    A. Lines 8-13

    B. 19-23C. 23-28

    D. 29-3414. Why does the author give examples of professionals helped by husband andwife in life?

    A. To criticize the unfair position of husband and wifeB. To give illustration of possible profession for husband and wifeC. To give illustration that is possible for women to determine their

    household class.D. To state women's professions

    Text 3:

    One of the first principles that you must understand in advertising isthat it is limited in both time and space. Television and radio commercials areusually only 10 to 60 seconds long. Print ads are usually no larger than two pages,and usually much smaller. Therefore, an advertisement must do its job quickly. Itmust get the consumer's attention, identify the product, and deliver the sellingmessage in a small time or space. In order to do this, advertising often breaks therules of grammar, image, and even society.

    The second basic point is that advertisements usually have two parts:copy and illustrations. Copy refers to the words in the advertisement. These wordsgive the sales message. Illustrations are the pictures or photographs. Most ads area combination of copy and illustration. Some advertisements have smallillustrations and a lot of copy. Some are only an illustration with the name of theproduct.

  • 31

    The decision about how much copy and illustration to use depends onhow the advertiser want, to present the sales message. Understanding howadvertisers make this decision is complex. First you must understand how humansprocess, or work with, information because we do not process all kinds ofinformation in the same way. We process some kinds of informationintellectually. In other words, we think about the information in order tounderstand it. We process other kinds of information emotionally. This means weuse feelings rather than thinking to understand the information.

    Just as there are two kinds of mental processes, there are two basic waysof presenting a sales message: intellectually and emotionally. An intellectualpresentation uses ideas to get a consumer to buy a product or service. Forexample, computer buyers usually do not think about what the machine looks likeor the effect it might have on their social life. They are looking for technical

    information. How fast does the computer work? Flow large is its memory'?The second basic way to present a sales message is emotionally. In an

    emotional presentation, the use of the product is often not the most important salesmessage. Instead, the ad focuses on the buyer's social, psychological or economicneeds. For example, an emotional ad may show how the product or service willmake the consumers' social life better by increasin"g their appeal, making themfeel more confident, or making them rich. Some of the most effective ads todayare ones that use an emotional presentation.

    15. What is the best title of the text?a. Basic advertising technique

    b. The most effective advertisingc. Ways to present sales message

    d. copy and illustration in advertisement

    16. According to the text which of the following is often being neglected byadvertisement in order to get its job done?

    a. The society's roles

  • 32

    b. The limitation of time

    c. the consumers attention

    d. the selling message.

    17. It is implied in the text than an intellectual presentation of ads .....a. is less effective compared to the emotional presentationb. Uses is many illustration as the emotional presentation

    c. appear on television and in radio move oftend. is for consumer who have limited time to process information

    18. The word "advertisement " can best replace by

    a. Commercial

    b . sales message

    c . copy

    d. presentation

    19. It can be inferred from the tat most advertiser make ads which are ....a. a combination of copy and illustration

    b. effective because they use intellectual presentationc. using more copy than illustration

    d. a presentation of sales message

    20. According to the text, what is the function of the copy?a. It's explain the uses and benefit of the product as serviceb. It processes the information of the product of intellectuallyc. It present the product or service to customerd. It sells the uses and benefit of the product or service

    21. Which of the following is not true about emotional presentationa. The uses of product is always the importance sales messageb. The buyer's social, psychological an economic needs are focusesc. Its show how the product or service will make the customersd. the work more effectively compare to understanding to advertisers make

  • 33

    22. In the sentence under standing how advertiser make this decision make,this decision is complex (line 22-25), what decision is the writer Of thetext is referring to?

    a. how much copy and illustration should be used in an advertisement

    b. how the advertiser want to present the sales messagec. how human process or work with all kinds of informationd. how human used feeling rather than thinking to understand the information

    23. the text is most likely to be read by those who study .....a. Marketing

    b. public communication

    c. Journalism

    d. management

    24. What in the text are the functions of ads being explained ?a. lines 8 11*

    b. lines 39 46

    c. lines 49 54

    d. lines 54 60

  • 34

    (Part V. Composing Skills)


    In this section of the test, you are required to demonstrate your ability toparaphrase sentences and to recognize language that is not appropriate forstandard written English. There are five parts to this section, with special directionfor each part.

    Terjemahan:Pada bagian ini Anda diminta untuk menunjukkan kemampuan Anda dalammembuat parafrasa kalimat dan mengenali bagian yang dianggap tidak memenuhistandar dalam bahasa Inggris tulis. Ada lima bentuk soal dalam bagian ini, denganpetunjuk khusus pada setiap bagian.

    Dalam bagian ini, peserta dituntut untuk membuat Parafrase. Yaitupengungkapan kembali suatu konsep kalimat dengan cara lain (mencakuppemilihan vocab atau teknik tenses yang lain) dalam bahasa yang sama, namuntanpa mengubah maknanya. Untuk membuat kalimat parafrase, kita harusmembaca teks secara keseluruhan untuk menemukan topik teks tersebut. Setelahitu cari kalimat utama, dan kata kuncinya. Setelah itu ubah kalimat tersebut kedalam kalimat yang lebih efektif dan lebih mudah dipahami.

    A. Direction:

    Numbers 1 10 contain complete and correct sentences. For each number, youare required to choose the most appropriate paraphrased sentence closest inmeaning to the original one.

    Terjemahan:Soal nomor 1 10 berisi kalimat yang telah lengkap dan benar. Untuk masing-masing nomor Anda diminta memilih parafrasa kalimat A, B, C, dan D yangpaling dekat artinya dengan kalimat aslinya.

  • 35

    1. There are probably more than 100 Brands compete each other in MusicalInstruments Business.

    Probably=mungkin=perhaps=estimately(A) More than 100 Brands compete each other in Musical Instruments Business.(B) As much as 100 Brands compete each other in Musical Instruments Business.(C) May be 100 Brands compete each other in Musical Instruments Business.(D) Must be 100 Brands compete each other in Musical Instruments Business.

    2. all of the legislative members was invited to come to the party of the Mayor ofthe town. (simple past)A. all of the legislative members invited the mayor of the town to come to theirparty.

    B. the Mayor of the town invited all of the legislative members to come to hisparty.

    C. the Mayor of the town was invited to come to the party of all of the legislativemembers.D. All of the mayor invited the legislative members of the town to come to theirparty.

    3. The manager will not lead the regular meeting this afternoon, because he willvisit Vietnam with the owner of the franchise.

    A. The manager will not visit Vietnam this afternoon, because he will lead theregular meeting with the owner of the franchise.

    B. the meeting will not be led by the owner, because he will visit Vietnam withthe manager of the franchise.

    C. Because the manager will visit Vietnam with the owner of the franchise, thisafternoon the meeting will not be led by him.D. Because the manager will lead the meeting this afternoon, he will not visitVietnam with the owner of the franchise.

  • 36

    B. Direction:

    Numbers 11 20 contain incorrect sentences. The incorrect part of the sentencehas been identified for you. You are required to find the correct option to replacethe underlined part.

    Terjemahan:Soal nomor 11 20 berisi kalimat yang salah. Bagian yang salah pada masing-masing kalimat telah diidentifikasi untuk anda. Anda diminta untuk menemukanpilihan yang benar untuk mengganti bagian yang salah tersebut.

    1. Milk is pasteurized by raising its temperature to about 630 centigrade for thirtyminutes, rapidly cooling it, and then to be stored at a temperature below 100centigrade.

    A. And then storing itB. And then it is storedC. And then store itD. And then it is to be stored

    2. When philosophers debate what that makes unique among animal they oftenpoint to language.

    Apakah yang membuat unik diantara hewan, hrs ada tobe dalam bentuk tanyadan conector that

    A. What it is makes

    B. What is it that makes

    C. What does it makeD. That what makes

    3. although our modern sophistication and advanced warning systems, thethunderstorm still provokes a primitive dread in most people.

    A. Despite our modern**B. Despite of our modernC. Owing to our modernD. Inspite our modern

  • 37

    Inspite hrs muncul dengan ofDespite hrs muncul without of

    Altough hrs ada penjelasan lebih lanjutDespite bisa berdiri sendiri

    4. The purpose of empirical research in the social science is to provide answer toquestion on behavior use the scientific method

    A. using the scientific method (dengan cara menggunakan)B. having use the scientific methodC. scientific method is usedD. to use the scientic method

    5. estimate that there some 1.800 storms going on at any one time somewhere inthe world.

    A. It is estimated thatB. To be estimated thatC. It estimated thatD. Be it estimated that

    6. The judge will not influence by your emotional appeals(daya tarik) kalimatpasif dlm bentuk simple future

    A. The judge will not be influenced byB. The judge will not influence byC. The judge will not influenceD. The judge will not be influencing by

    7. Face with petroleum shortages in the 1970's, scientists and engineers in USstepped up its efforts to develop more efficient heating systems and betterinsulation.

    Shortages=semakin berkurang/langkaInsulation=pembatasanEffort=usaha

    A. Stepped up their effortB. Stepped up it effortsC. Stepped up our efforts

  • 38

    D. Stepped up either efforts8. Before starting on sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea chart, studyingthe sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselvesfor any conditions they might encounter.Lighthouse=mercusuar

    A. Study the sailing directions

    B. Studies the sailing directionsC. Studied the sailing directionsD. To study the sailing directions.

    9. John rosamond johnson he composed numerous songs including 'live everyvoice and sing', for which his brother James welldon johnson wrote the words.

    A. ComposedB. Was composed

    C. Composing

    D. Compose

    10. Although research is on going since 1930, the existence of ESP -perceptionand comunication without the use of sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell- isstill disputed. Simple present continues


    A. Has been on goingB. Was on going

    C. Had been on goingD. Would have been on going

    11. It is widely known that the seventh of planet from the sun is uranus.A. Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun

    B. The seventh planets from the sun are uranus

    C. Uranus is seven planet from the sunD. Planet seven from the sun is uranus

  • 39

    12. TIFL has long be considered a valid indonesian test for foreign students whowant to study in Indonesia.TIFL=TOEFL nya bahasa indonesiaConsidered=dianggap

    A. has long been consideredB. Has long been consideringC. Has long consideredD. Has considered long

    13. The new shopping mall is gigantic, and it is advertised as a place in that youcan find just about anything you might want to buy.

    Merujuk tempat harus menggunakan whereA. Where you can findB. There you can findC. Which you can findD. Of which you can find.

    14. Who was famous civil right leader, Martin Luther King, Jr. was namedwinner of the nobel peace prize in 1964.(Appositive)

    Appositive=penyebutan dobel subjek yang tujuannya sebagai penegasan bisalangsung ke posisinya bisa langsung ke proses

    a. A famous civil right leaderb. He was famous civil right leaderc. that the was a famous civil rights leadersd. to be a famous civil right

    15. After to take seven to journey to Saturn, the space craft Cassini will spend foryears exploring Saturn. Its rings and its icy moons

    Icy=ber es

    Take harus di gerund kana. after taking seven years to journey to Saturn

  • 40

    b. After seven years of Journey to Saturn takenc. after seven years taken to journey to Saturnd. After he took seven years to journey to Saturn

    16. Caffein is primarily found in coffe and tea, is also found in cocoa, cola andother soft drink.

    Primarily=paling utama atau paling penting

    a. It is also found (karena caffein Cuma satu)b. But it is also found

    c. but it also foundd. but also found

    C. Direction:

    Numbers 21 30, Choose the most appropriate and correct sentence.Terjemahan:Untuk soal nomor 21 30, pilihlah kalimat yang paling benar (sesuai tata bahasaInggris).

    1. A. The first scientist to recognize and use the power of the lever wasArchimedes.B. The first scientist to recognized and used the power of the lever wasArchimedes.C. The first scientist recognized and used the power of the lever wereArchimedes.D. The first scientist recognizes and uses the power of the lever wasArchimedes.kalau suatu hal terjadi di masa lalu pakai simple past jika ada adverb oftime nya, kalau ada org yang pertama kali me- menggunakan to invinitiveyaitu to+v1

    2. A. The most used system commonly of writing by and for blind personsis Braille called.

  • 41

    B. The most commonly used system of writing by and for persons blind iscalled Braille.C. The most used system commonly of is writing by and for persons blindis called Braille.D. The most commonly used system of writing by and for blind persons iscalled Braille.rumusnya harus Adv-adj-noun

    3. A. Although cholera is usually not life-threatening (tidak terlalumembahayakan), the symptoms produces it can extremely uncomfortable.B. Although cholera is usually not life-threatening, the symptoms it

    produces can be extreme uncomfortable.C. Although cholera is usually not life-threatening, thesymptoms(gejala2nya) it produces can be extremely uncomfortable.D. Although cholera is usually not life-threatening, the symptoms

    produces it can be extremely uncomfortable.

    D. Direction:

    Numbers 31 36 contain jumbled sentences. One of the sentences has beenunderlined. You are required to choose the next sentence which logically followsthe underlined one.

    Terjemahan:Soal nomor 31 36 berisi kalimat-kalimat yang tidak disusun dengan baik. Salahsatu kalimat telah digarisbawahi. Anda diminta untuk memilih kalimat berikutnyayang secara logis mengikuti urutan kalimat yang digarisbawahi.

    1. 1. Hitler's foreign and domestic policies had the goal of seizingLebensraum ("living space") for the Germanic people.2. By 1943, Hitler's military decisions led to escalating defeats.

  • 42

    3. Under Hitler's rule, in 1941 German forces and their European alliesoccupied most of Europe and North Africa.4. He directed the rearmament of Germany and the invasion of Poland bythe Wehrmacht in September 1939, leading to the outbreak of World WarII in Europe.

    5. In 1945 the Allied armies successfully invaded Germany.A. 2 C. 4B. 3 D. 52. 1. If an object held near the surface of the earth is released, it will fall and

    accelerate, or pick up speed, as it descends.2. The weight of an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied bythe acceleration due to gravity.3. The force of gravity on an object is also called the object's weight.4. This acceleration is caused by gravity, the force of attraction betweenthe object and the earth.5. This force depends on the object's mass, or the amount of matter in theobject.Force=kekuatan

    A. 2 C. 4B. 3 D. 5

    3. 1. Internet is composed of many interconnected computer networks.2.Instead, an individual who has Internet access can communicate directlywith anyone else on the Internet, post information for general consumption

    or retrieve information.

    3. Each network may link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers,enabling them to share information and processing power.4. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world tocommunicate with one another effectively and inexpensively.5. Unlike traditional broadcasting media, such as radio and television, theInternet does not have a centralized distribution system.

  • 43

    A. 2 C. 4B. 3 D. 5

    4. 1. Pregnancy starts when a males sperm fertilizes a females ovum, and

    the fertilized ovum implants in the lining of the uterus.2. By the 12th week of pregnancy many of these symptoms have subsided,but others appear.3. Some women also experience cravings for unusual substances such asice, clay, or cornstarch; this condition, called pica, can indicate a dietarydeficiency in iron or other nutrients.4. Other symptoms include breast tenderness and swelling(membengkak),fatigue (malaz,lemas), nausea(mual2) or sensitivity to smells, increasedfrequency of urination, mood swings, and weight gain.5. Because pregnancy changes a womans normal hormone patterns, oneof the first signs of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period.

    A. 2 C. 4

    B. 3 D. 5

    E. Direction:

    Numbers 37 40 contain jumbled sentences. You are required to identify thecorrect order to form a good paragraph.

    Terjemahan:soal nomor 37 40 berisi kalimat-kalimat yang tidak disusun dengan urutan yangbaik. Anda diminta untuk memilih jawaban dengan urutan kalimat yang benaruntuk membentuk paragraph yang baik.

    1. 1. Scuba diving attracts many visitors to the island.2. It belongs administratively to the municipality of Manado.

  • 44

    3. Bunaken is an island of 8 km, part of the Bunaken National MarinePark.

    4. Bunaken is located at the northern tip of the island of Sulawesi,Indonesia.A. 4-3-2-1 C. 3-4-1-2B. 4-3-1-2 D. 3-4-2-1

    2 1. Thorough chewing cuts food into small pieces that are more easilyattacked by the saliva, which moistens the food so it can be swallowedeasily.

    2. Digestion begins in the mouth, where the food is cut and chopped by theteeth.

    3. From the mouth the food is swallowed into the tubelike esophagus, orgullet.

    4. The saliva also contains the enzyme amylase, which changes some

    starches into simple sugars .

    5. The tongue helps mix the food particles with a digestive juice calledsaliva, which is secreted by glands in the mouth.A. 2-3-1-4-5 C. 2-5-1-4-3B. 2-5-4-3-1 D. 2-3-5-1-4

    3. 1. As it lays the eggs, it may or may not fertilize them with sperm from its

    sperm sac.

    2. The female eggs develop into fertile queens, sterile workers, or soldiers.3. Most of the ants in a colony are workers.4. A queen ant digs a hole where it lays its eggs and waits until the firstants emerge.

    5. Fertilized eggs result in females, while unfertilized eggs produce males.A. 4-1-5-2-3 C. 4-5-2-3-1B. 4-3-5-2-1 D. 4-2-1-5-3

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    4. 1. The exercise which involve physical effort such as walking, swimming,

    bicycling, and jogging is known as active exercise.2. It includes many physical therapy techniques.3. Physical training of the human body to improve the way it functions isknown as exercise.

    4. On the other hand, the exercise which involves a machine or the actionof other people is called passive exercise.5. The exercise can be categorized as either active or passive.A. 3-2-1-4-5 C. 3-1-4-2-5B. 3-5-2-4-1 D. 3-5-1-4-2

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    LISTENING1. A2. A3. A4. B5. A6. A7. A8. A9. A10. A11. A12. A13. A14. A15. A16. A17. A18. A19. A20. A


    1. C2. B3. D4. D5. A6. A7. A8. A9. A10. A11. A

    12. A13. A14. A15. A16. A17. A18. A19. A20. A21. A22. A23. D24. A25. A26. A27. A

    GRAMMAR1. A2. A3. A4. A5. A6. D7. A8. A9. A10. A11. A12. A13. A14. A15. A16. A17. A

    18. C19. A20. A21. A22. A23. A24. A25. A26. A27. A28. A29. A30. A


    1. C2. A3. D4. A

    ERROR1. C2. A3. A4. A5. B6. A7. A8. A9. A10. B11. A


    1. D2. A3. B4. 5. A6. D7. C8. D9. B10. D11. 12. A13. 14. B15. B16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.


    1. C2. B3. C

    DIRECTION1. A2. B3. A

    4. A5. A6. A7. A8. B9. A10. A11. A12. A13. A14. A15. A16. A

    DIRECTION1. A2. D3. C

    DIRECTION1. A2. D3. D4. A

    DIRECTION1. D2. D3. A4. D

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