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Page 1: Abstract (1)


Jahe (Zingiber officinales Rosc.) merupakan tanaman herbal yang dapat tumbuh subur di Indonesia. Jahe digunakan sebagai bumbu dapur, perasa pedas dan harum pada makanan dan sering dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan obat tradisional. Herbal ini mengandung senyawa polifenol berupa gingerol dan shogaol yang merupakan senyawa yang bersifat antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya efek ekstrak air jahe secara oral terhadap kadar MDA testis mencit dan gambaran histopatologis tubulus seminiferus testis mencit yang diberi Pb asetat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental yang didisain mengikuti Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL)dengan menggunakan 24 ekor mencit(Mus musculus L.) strain DD Webster jantan dewasa yang dibagi dalam 6 kelompok; satu kelompok kontrol (P0) yang diberi aquadest 0,5ml, dan lima kelompok perlakuan: (P1) diberi ekstrak jahe 0,7 mg/g BB, (P2) diberi ekstrak jahe 1,4 mg/g BB, (P3) diberi Pb asetat 0,1 mg/g BB, (P4) diberi ekstrak jahe 0,7mg/g BB satu jam kemudian diberi Pb asetat 0,1 mg/g BB, (P5) diberi jahe 1,4 mg/g BB satu jam kemudian diberi Pb asetat 0,1 mg/g BB lewat sonde lambung sekali sehari selama 42 hari/ Pada hari ke 43 mencit didekapitasi, kemudian diukur kadar MDA testis dan mengamati gambaran histopatologis tubulus seminiferus testis mencit. Hasil data dianalisis dengan uji Oneway- Anova dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Post-Hoc.

Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian ekstrak air jahe 0.7 mg/g BB lebih dapat menurunkan kadar MDA testis mencit yang diberi Pb asetat dibandingkan dengan Ekstrak air jahe 1,4 mg/g BB per oral. Ekstrak air jahe 0,7 mg/g BB dapat menebalkan epitel dan melebarkan diameter tubulus seminiferus testis mencit yang diberi Pb asetat dibandingkan dengan ekstrak air jahe 1,4 mg/g BB per oral. Kata kunci: Ekstrak jahe, antioksidan, kadar MDA testis, gambaran histopatologis tubulus seminiferus testis.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Page 2: Abstract (1)


Ginger (Zingiber officinales ROSC.) is an herbal plant that can flourish in Indonesia. Ginger is used as a spice in cooking, spicy and sweet flavorings in foods and is often used as ingredients of traditional medicine. This herb contain polyphenol compounds in the form of gingerol and shogaol which are compounds that are antioxidants.

This study aims to find out whether or the ginger aqueous extract could oppose the increase of testicular MDA levels and improve the histopathologic appearance of testicular seminiferous tubules of mice given leadacetate.

This research was an experimental study designed as Complete Randomized Design (CRD). Twenty four adult male mice strains DD Webster(Mus musculus L.), were divided into 6 groups: one control group (P0) was given 0.5 ml distilled water, and five treatment groups: (P1) was given aquous exract of ginger 0.7 mg/g Body Weight, (P2) was given aquous exract of ginger 1.4 mg/g Body Weight, (P3) was given lead acetate 0.1 mg/g Body Weight, (P4) was given aquous exract of ginger 0.7 mg/g BodyWeight an hour later were given lead acetate 0.1 mg/g BodyWeight, (P5) was given aquous exract of ginger 1.4 mg/g Body Weight and an hour later were given lead acetate 0.1 mg/g Body Weight via gastric sonde once a day for 42 days. On day 43 mice were decapitated, levels of MDA were measured and observed histopathologic appereance of testicular seminiferous tubules of mice. Data was analyzed by Oneway-Anova test and continued with post-hoc test.

The results of this study showed that administration of aquous extract of ginger 0.7 mg/g Body Weight orally reduced levels of testicular MDA levels of lead acetate treated mice more compared with aquous extract of ginger 1.4 mg/g Body Weight. Aquous extract of ginger 0.7 mg/g Body Weight per oral can thicken epithelium and dilatated diameter of the testicular seminiferous tubules of mice that were given lead acetate compared with aquous extract of ginger 1.4mg/g Body Weight. Keywords: Ginger extract, antioxidants, testicular MDA levels, histopathologic appearance of testicular seminiferous tubules.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

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