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Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang sintesis senyawa orto-fenilazo-2-naftol.

Sintesis dilakukan dengan reaksi kopling antara garam diazonium klorida dan

2-naftol dengan anilin. Hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi dengan spektroskopi IR,

dan titik leleh. Hasil sintesis berupa kristal berwarna orange dengan rendamen

62,51 %. Analisis IR menunjukkan adanya gugus-gugus OH, C-H aromatis, C=C,

N=N, CN, CO dan substitusi pada posisi orto. Hasil penentuan titik leleh

menunjukkan 100 oC – 121 oC. Berdasarkan analisis spektroskopi dan titik leleh

dapat disimpulkan senyawa hasil sintesis adalah kurang tepat senyawa


Kata kunci: 2-naftol, garam diazonium, sintesis, spectroskopi, FTIR


Page 2: Abs Trak


Has done research on the synthesis of compounds ortho-fenilaz-

2- naphthol. Synthesis is done by coupling reaction between the diazonium salt

chloride and 2-naphthol with aniline. Synthesis product is characterized by IR

spectroscopy and melting point. Synthesized in the form of orangecolored crystals

with a yield of 62.51 %. IR analysis shows the presence of OH groups , aromatic

CH, C=C, N=N, CN, CO and substitution in the ortho position . Results showed

the determination of the melting point of 100 °C – 121 °C. Based on spectroscopic

analysis and the melting point can be summed compounds synthesized compounds

is less precise ortho-fenilazo-2-naphthol .

Key words: 2-naphtol, diazonium salt, synthesis, spectroscopy, FTIR


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