Page 1: A Guide On How To Clean Helmet Visors


A Guide On How To Clean Helmet

As your motorcycle is of great importance, your helmet is the best safety partner. Helmets

protect you against sun, wind, dust, heat, rain, insects, and much more. So, how can you

ignore it? You must take care of it and learn how to clean and maintain it. Today, the

helmets come with visors that act as a protective window. You must take care of it as it is

expensive to replace. So, this article willserve as a guide on how to clean helmet


Which Equipment Do You Need?

Before you learn how to clean helmet visors, you should know which equipment you

would require for the cleaning process. Usually, people refer to their owner’s manual to

know the specifics of cleaning the helmet. It will ensure that you are working carefully and

not violating your manufacturer’s warranty. While everyone would clean their way, a few

essential equipment and guidelines will prove quite helpful.

Microfiber Cloths

These clothes are ideal for washing the motorbike helmet and the visor. You don’t need

new clothes every time. However, the clothes need to be clean, otherwise cleaning would

not be effective.

Page 2: A Guide On How To Clean Helmet Visors



You can use an old or cheap toothbrush for motorcycle cleaning purposes. The toothbrush

bristles help properly clean the nooks and corners. It is beneficial in cleaning the visor.


You can use shampoo as a cleaning agent for your motorcycle. However, you should not

use petroleum-based shampoo. Baby shampoos are preferred for this purpose as they are


Warm Water

Warm water is best to loosen dirt and debris without damaging any of the helmet parts.

Compressed Air

You can use an air compressor to gauge the pressure and force the dirt out of the helmet

vents. You should be careful and not use the air from the aerosol can, as it may damage

the EPS lining of your helmet. So, it might significantly damage its protective capacity.

How to Protect Your Visor?

You can prolong the lifespan of your helmet and visor if you take good care of them. So,

when you ride, you should not follow other motorcyclists or riders too closely as it will

force you into the firing range of dirt and debris.

When the air is dusty, you should not ride with the visor up as the dust will go inside and

damage the anti-fog lining. And when you stop by a shop or petrol pump, you should put

your helmet in a safe spot so that it never falls off. When a helmet is hit, visors being the

most sensitive area, are likely to get damaged. You should know that bike seats,

handlebars, and mirrors are not relatively safe places.

How to Clean Helmet Visors?

If you carry your helmet along to a restaurant or café, you should be careful as people

might shove their dirty hands all over the visor. As motorists are less likely to touch other

people’s helmets, non-riders are usually more obsessed with the helmet’s beauty. They are

likely to pick it up, examine it, and admire it. It usually happens if you have a catchy

design helmet. The worst part is that people tend to stick their oily hands inside the visor,

which risks anti-fog coating. So, the best advice is to save your helmet in the soft felt bag

when you are not using it. You may also consider placing the helmet in a cool and dry

place (protected from direct sunlight). Also, you may hide the visor side, so it is not

exposed to people. Hence, it will reduce the chances of damage.

How Can You Clean Your Helmet Visor?

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If you bang into a bug, you should not wipe clean using gloved hands. The reason is that it

can smudge the visor or scratch it. You should never dry-wipe the visor, regardless of how

soft cleaning material you use.

It is always recommended to use a visor cleaner (like baby shampoo) and warm water to

clean it. You should avoid sprays that consist of oil as they may leave a greasy coating on

the visor. Hence, it will form a flash or starring effect when you look towards the street

light and approach the headlights or the sun.

Though, eucalyptus oil is an exemption as it dries out immediately without leaving a

smear. Also, its fragrance will improve your helmet-wearing experience. Professional

motorbike visor sprays are usually more expensive than household window cleaners. Also,

there is no significant difference. The ideal helmet cleaners are alcohol-based as it quickly

evaporates and does not leave any mark.

You should grab a small spray dispenser and pour some cleaner into it. You can easily put

the dispenser in your pocket or backpack.

A microfiber cloth is ideal for this purpose. Ensure the cloth is spotless and does not drop

on the floor as dirt may stick on it. Keep in mind even minute dirt can scratch your visor.

So, never compromise on cloth cleanliness.

How to Remove a Bug from Visor?

However, if you find dried bugs on your visor, let the cleaner sit on it for some time before

you wipe clean it with a microfiber cloth. The cleaner will soften the bug particles and

make cleaning easy. Besides, you can also detach the visor for cleaning purposes. You can

soak it in warm soapy water. Then, clean it off with fresh water, and allow it to dry. If

there are any marks of water left, you can use a window cleaner and dry tissue to wipe

them off.

How to Take Care of the Visor?

An ideal way to protect your visor is to apply a ceramic coating. These quotes are readily

available in the market and quite affordable. Also, many manufacturers sell user-friendly

DIY kits. So, you have everything to clean and protect your visor. If your visor features an

anti-fog coating, you should never use alcohol-based cleaners, as it can damage the


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