contoh proposal bahasa inggris

1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem Language is considered as a tool of communication and it cannot be separated from the community because people can communicate with each other by using language as a mean to communicate. However, we cannot understand what other people say if we do not know the language they use and speak. We also cannot express our thought, ideas or opinion if we do not know the language that is spoken. It means that it is difficult to us to communicate without language. We need language not only for communication but also for getting science and technology in advance. It is therefore, the writer believe that the language is very important part in human life to communicate with other people.

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A. Background of the Problem

Language is considered as a tool of communication and it cannot be separated from the community because people can communicate with each other by using language as a mean to communicate. However, we cannot understand what other people say if we do not know the language they use and speak. We also cannot express our thought, ideas or opinion if we do not know the language that is spoken. It means that it is difficult to us to communicate without language. We need language not only for communication but also for getting science and technology in advance. It is therefore, the writer believe that the language is very important part in human life to communicate with other people.

We use language to express inner thoughts and emotions, make sense of complex and abstract thought, to learn to communicate with others, to fulfill our wants and needs, as well asto establish rules and maintain our culture.

Language can be defined as verbal, physical, biologically innate, and a basic form of communication. It is shown that the people express their idea, thought, wish and opinion by uttering the particular word or phrase in particular occasion. Unlike with Ormrod (1995:115) as the behaviorist who often defines language as a learned behavior involving a stimulus and a response. It means that the single people assert the truth by having speaking the word or phrase that is used to change something.

English is an International language, almost people from all over the world use English for their communication that is why English is very important language. People use the language to express their emotions, feelings, and ideas. No one will be able to communicate internationally without using English since almost of scientific books are written English. For that reason in Indonesia, English as the foreign language that is taught at the formal schools. Furthermore, the teaching of the language starts from the kindergarten.

English as a subject matter in school covers the four basic language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. in every subject, students learning activities involve reading. Reading is one of the complex ways in learning English. It is kind of activity to comprehend the writers idea or the way the writer communicates with the reader by way of the written or printed words. Reading is important for everybody in order to cope with new knowledge in the changing world of technological age.

The reading skill becomes very important in education field, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good reading skill. Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students, because the success of their study defends on the greater of their ability to read. If their reading is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to success in their study.

Reading is the most emphasized in English teaching and learning process, quite simply without solid reading second language readers cannot perform at levels they must succeed in reading. Thus, reading is not passive but rather an active process, involving the reader in experience interaction with the text. Furthermore, reading constantly involves guessing, predicting, checking and comprehending.

Teaching reading for Junior High School students must be differed from children in elementary school because of their different characteristic of psychological background. Peer approvals maybe considerably more important for the students than the attention of the teacher which for younger children are so crucial. It is important for considering their classmates as the motivation in deep learning of improving teaching learning process of reading. Students must be encouraged to respond the text and situation with their own thoughts and experience, rather than just answering question and doing abstract activities. English teacher must give them tasks which they are able to do, rather than humiliating risk.

Carrier (1980: 6) Concerns that game is very useful in a class because they provide an opportunity for students to use their language in a less formal situation. Without the pressure of doing it absolutely rightly or not, but with the enthusiasm for winning the game, as well as practicing the language. Nevertheless, it does not mean that the competitive activity should be taken as a mere amusing activity just to finish the class time, neither be regarded as a marginal activity filling in odd moments when the teacher and class have nothing better to do. In contrast, games should be used correctly in any part of the class in order to achieve a goal, and should stimulate students to develop and improve the demanded abilities towards the learning process.

A. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of problem above, the writer identifies some problems as follows:

1. The students get the difficulties in comprehending the English word and sentence

2. The students cannot directly understand and use the specific word in certain context of the life toward the students experiences

B. Limitation of the Problem

From the identification of problem, the writer focused this research only on the effectiveness of using picture toward the students vocabulary mastery through the narrative text: an experimental at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Talangpadang.

B. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the identification and the limitation of problem above, the writer would like to formulate the problem as follows:

1. How is the effectiveness of using picture toward the students vocabulary mastery through the narrative text?

2. How is the influence of using picture toward the students vocabulary mastery through the narrative text?

C. The Objective and The Uses of The Research

1. The Objective of The Research

The objectives of conducting thus research are:

a. To know on the effectiveness of using picture toward the students vocabulary mastery through the narrative text at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Talangpadang.

b. To know the types of the influence of using picture toward the students vocabulary mastery through the narrative text at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Talangpadang.

2. The Uses of Research

In line with the objectives, the results of the research are expected to have the following uses:

1. To give the information about the effectiveness of using picture toward the students vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Talangpadang.

2. To give the information about the students vocabulary mastery using picture.

3. To motivate the students in learning English especially in learning English vocabulary.

D. The Scope of the Research

1. The Subject of the Research

The subject of the research is the students of the eleventh grade of the first semester in SMA Negeri 1 Talangpadang 2013/2014.

2. The Object of the Research

The object of the research is the effectiveness of using picture toward the students vocabulary mastery through the narrative text.

3. The Time of the Research

The research will be conducted at the eleventh grade of the first semester in SMA Negeri 1 Talangpadang 2013/2014.

4. The Place of the Research

The place of the research will be located at SMAN 1 Talangpadang. Jln. Banjar Sari Kec. Talangpadang Kab. Tanggamus.



A. Concept of Language

Language is the important tool for communication because language can be used to express the ideas, feelings, and thoughts. Actually, language is the best way to support daily life. Language has many functions, such as to get the information, to get knowledge, to communicate, to express our thoughts and other. Without language, we cannot do communication because language eases human life. This statement is supported by Chao (1968:1), Language is a conventional system of habitual vocal behaviour by which members of a community communicate with one another.

From the statement above, we know that, language is used to communicate each other. It is also to express the ideas between speaker and listener to make the interaction in daily life. Language is part of life.

Chao (1986:2) said Language is a convention, a tradition, a social institution, that has grown through the common living of a large number of the people who carry on the tradition. Like other human institutions, languages change or become extinct and we do the communication in using the instances of languages in everyday which are represented by only one or two speakers, whose words are worth more than their weight in gold to linguists, and whose demise would mean the demise of the language. But by and large, most languages, even the most outlandish out-of-the-way languages of the world, are spoken by hundreds of thousands or millions of speakers.

Every country has own language. There are so many languages in this world because every country has different language that is used in daily life, but as it is known that nowadays English is one of the important languages in the world, because almost all countries use English as language to communicate with other people in other country. Supported by Setiyadi (2006:23) who states that each language is unique and each has its own system. A language is always different from others even though the language may be similar to some language.

On the other hand, language is the way to communicate in the social community between one and another person. Language is very useful in human life because language is the part of the persons life.

B. Concept of Language Teaching

Stern (1986:21) states that language teaching can be defined as the activities which are intended to bring about language learning. Language teaching usually refers to the teaching of any language, either as a first language, second language or as a foreign language. In order to improve the efficiency of language teaching, many approaches have been used. Language teaching has experienced great changes in the world. The 20th century witnessed a dramatic transformation of the role of the English language in the world. Changes in language teaching methods throughout history have reflected the development of linguistic theories.

From the 17th to the 19th centuries, linguistics was characterized by traditional grammar. Correspondingly, the grammar-translation method was widely used in the teaching of Latin in European schools. In the grammar-translation method, priority was given to reading and translation of written language.

The new role of the language teaching has brought about different approaches to language. While the traditional grammar-translation method and its various variations are still used in English-teaching classes, applied linguists and teachers have formulated many "new" approaches.

The natural method (also called the direct method) of language teaching was quite successfully used in the various language schools in the USA and Europe in the late 19th century and the early 20th century. In the post-World War I decades, the direct method was adopted into English language teaching (ELT) and laid a solid intellectual and practical foundation for the development of ELT as an autonomous profession. In the late 1950s and the 1960s Chomsky formulated the mentalistic approach to language acquisition, which considered human behavior much more complex than animal behavior. According to Chomsky (1960:23), Everyone is born with a Language Acquisition Device (LAD), which enables the child to make hypotheses about the structure of language in general, and the structure of the language being learned in particular.

The principal question is what provision must be made by society to help these individuals to learn the second languages needed. The answer to this question is what is meant by language teaching. It means that the individuals living grown with their mother tongue or firs language. They use first language in their daily life. After they clearly fluent in first language, they will study second language because second language is important to support the human life. Supported by Stern (1991:9) said that in language teaching we use such us second language, foreign language, bilingual learning and language circuiting.

In language teaching the students not only study skills. They also study another aspect likes moral values, attitudes and social life. It is also supported by Stern (1991:18) the psychological concept of learning goes far beyond learning directly from a teacher or learning through study or practice. It includes not only the learning of skills (for examples; swimming or sewing) or the acquisition of knowledge. It refers also to learning to learn and learning to think, the modification of attitudes, the acquisition of interest, social values, or social roles, and even changes in personality.

According to Westwood (2008:17) instructor requires a repertoire of skills and competencies that cover:

1. Planning the content and method of delivery

2. Managing the available time efficiently

3. Presenting the content in an interesting and motivating way

4. Explaining and demonstrating clearly

5. Knowing when and how to explain key points in more detail

6. Using appropriate questioning to focus students attention, stimulate their thinking, and check for understanding

7. Dealing with questions raised by students

8. Evaluating students learning and participation

9. Giving feedback to students

Based explanations above, there are still supporting activities, such as the preparation of teaching materials, teaching grammars, or dictionaries, or the training of teachers, as well as making good language teaching in educational system they all fall under the concept of teaching.

C. Concept of English Language Teaching

In teaching English language, the teacher of English should speak English. By using the target language, the students will be familiar with the language. They should have given a lot of opportunities to listen the sound of English words. In teaching as foreign language, is not easy. Because it is only found in the classroom as the subject to learn, is not as daily communication as in English as a second language. Fachrurrazy (2002:6) says that the difference between a second and a foreign language is that a second language is used as a national language, whereas a foreign language as not. Fachrurrazy (2002:7) states that a foreign language is only found in a classroom where the language is being learned.

According to Lim (1975;3), The purpose of teaching Foreign Language is to enable the students to use the language in communication. It means that in learning English, the teacher not only give the students theory about English but also time for practicing in their communication whether written or spoken through English language instruction. To achieve that the target, the English teacher should be able motivate the students in the classroom.

So, as a teacher of English, the teacher should encourage them to use English as much as possible, the teacher can use English as medium of instruction, medium of communication among teacher to the teacher to the students, and the students to the students .The teacher should be able to give change to the students to practice more to use English to communication. By mastering English well, of course, it will make easier for us to know scientific books that use international language of science (in English Science Books). Murcia (1978:3) states that the goal of teaching a second language or a foreign language would be to gain the ability to communicate in target language that is in language learners. It means that learning foreign language would help the students increase their ability in communication using foreign language.

Kimble and Germezy (1963:133) state that similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand,

According to Gurney (2007:90), Five key factors that provide a foundation for a good teaching:

1. Teacher knowledge, enthusiasm and responsibility for learning.

2. Classroom activities that encourage learning.

3. Assessment activities that encourage learning through experience.

4. Effective feedback that establishes the learning processes in the classroom.

5. Effective interaction between the teacher and the student, creating an environment that respects, encourages and stimulates learning through experience.

Some keys factors above are effective to be good teaching. So English language teaching should be effective because the effective teacher will be able to make the good teaching in the classroom.

D. Concept of English Language Teaching English as Foreign Language

Today, English language becomes international language. In Indonesia, English language becomes the first foreign language. It is supported by Broughton (1980:6) so far we have been considering English as a second language. But in the rest of the world, English is a foreign language. It is taught in the schools.

In Indonesia English becomes the subject in the school. Starting in the Elementary School, junior high school, senior high school until university degree. It means that teaching English as a foreign language in the classroom becomes the important term.

In the classroom the students should study English. So, one way to motivate students in learning English is by giving effective method of teaching. Therefore the teacher should be lever to teach students by using method, the teacher can teach students easier. The teacher should choose the best approach to teach students so that, it can increase students ability in English because the approach included in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. It is supported by Brown (2000:28) following Richard and Rogers (1996:38), defines a method as an umbrella term form the specification and interrelation of theory and practice. An approach defines assumptions, beliefs, and theories about of language and language learning. Designs specify the relationship of those theories to classroom materials and activities. Procedures are the technique and practices that are derived from ones approach and design.

Learning a foreign language is not easy like learning other subject in the classroom. Based on the statement above, the writer concludes that the teacher should use an appropriate technique to teach students so that students can improve their vocabulary mastery.

E. Concept of Vocabulary

In learning a foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. it is supported by (Hornby, 1995). Vocabulary is an important part to English well. Vocabulary is the important elements to study language. It means that learning English language will be easy if the language learners master vocabulary. Vocabulary is one important term to support communication because if vocabulary is low, it means that it is difficult to communicate.

Wilkins (2000:111) said Without grammar is very little can be conveyed but without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed, it means that, without vocabulary the students mastery in four skills of a language is impossible. It means that vocabulary is very important, because vocabulary is the element in language. Not having large of vocabulary, we will feel difficult to express the ideas, thought, feeling. So the writer assumes that mastering vocabulary will support to learn English. If the students practice their ability in English, they need vocabulary and this term makes the teacher to use strategy English in the classroom.

Based on the TRA (Teacher Reading Academy, 2002) professional development materials were developed by the University of Texas Center for reading and language Arts in Austin and distributed throughout the country through the federally sponsored Reading First Program (part of the No Child left Behind legislation). The TRA materials identify the following research-based component for effective vocabulary instruction:

1. Encourage wide reading

2. Expose students to high-quality oral language

3. Promote word consciousness

4. Teacher word meaning directly

5. Teach independent word-learning strategies, including the use of context clues, the use of word parts, and the efficient use of the dictionary

Based on guidelines above, to make the students interested in learning vocabulary the teacher should be active to invite students so that the students enjoyable in learning English in the classroom.

F. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the important in learning English. We can speak, write, and read English language by vocabulary. If we have a lot of vocabulary, actually we easily can communicate in daily communication. Nowdays, in junior high school the teacher teaches students only to remember vocabulary, and not to apply vocabulary in the contextual like writing or reading.

There are many ways to teach vocabulary in the classroom. In teaching vocabulary, the teacher should make good teaching to succeed the students mastery in Furthermore, in teaching vocabulary the teacher can introduce the list of vocabulary that is taken from the book. The teacher uses and adds other vocabulary which is relevant to the students. Teacher needs a good knowledge on their teaching materials. When they have to teach the students about vocabulary, teachers should know the general knowledge of vocabulary, words and also the meaning. The words or vocabulary can be spoken and written. Wallace (1982:207) explains that teaching vocabulary should consider these following factors:

1. Aims

The aim of teaching vocabulary is to make the teacher easy to formulate the

materials, which will be taught to the students.

2. Quantity

The teacher has to decide the number of vocabulary items to be learned. The

learners will get confuse or discouraged if they get many new words. Therefore, the teacher should select new words, which can easy to understand

by the learners.

5. Need

In teaching vocabulary, the teacher has to choose the words really needed by

the students in communication.

6. Frequent exposure and repetition

Frequent exposure and repetition here means that the teacher should give much practice on repetition so that the students master the target words well. They also give opportunity to the students to use words in writing or speaking.

7. Meaningful presentation

In teaching vocabulary the teacher should present target words in such a way

that the meaning of the target words are perfectly clear and unambiguous.

8. Situation and presentation

The teachers tell the students that they have to use the words appropriately.

The use of words depends on the situation in which they are used and

depends on the person to whom they are speaking.

From the expalnation above I conclude that the teachers must know the different kinds of vocabulary. In addition, understanding the above factors is very important for the teacher before teaching vocabulary to senior high school.

writter try to use visual media teaching new vocabulary, especially picture media, which is believe can raises students interest, motivation and also can be used as stimulus for students to take their attention. Stated that their are function of teaching media especially visual, they are as follow : Teaching all subject should not be separate from their methods. In this case, to rise he visual media in develop students vocabulary, especially picture media, which is belived a rise interest, motivation and can be used as stimulus for students to draw their attention.

Levie and lentz in Fathony (2009 :08) ststed that there are four function of teaching media especially visual media, they are as follow:

1. Attentive function

Visual media is the core, to full students interest and to direct students attention. Concetrate the subject, which is interreleted with the means of visual media that participate in subject material.

2. Affective function

To know the students contentment level while they are studying reading visual text. Picture or simbol can raise students emotion and attitude, for example when students read information about war and other social life.

3. Cognitive function

Visual media can be shown from research invention which covers that visual symbol or picture accelerate commprehension and exacerbate students meories about information car message which is contained in the picture.

4. Compensatory function

Teaching media can be shown from researc product that is said that visual media can help a weak and show learn in reading to organize information in the text and to recall it back. In other words, teaching media is as spirit for a weak learner or student improving and understanding the subject material which can be set out in the form of the text or orally, for example, finding our the meaning of word mile through picture, painting, photograph, etc.

1. Types of vocabulary

Learning a language will mean nothing without learning vocabulary. Regarding the types of vocabulary quandt in Mardiana (2011 : 14 ) catagorize vocabulary into four types :

a. Listening vocabulary

This type of vocabulary is developed early, since a child begins to recognize sound. It is limited only to the sound, which is associated with his experience.

b. Speaking vocabulary

This type vocabulary is also built early, that is time when the child begins to communicate with the surrondings. Although the application of vocabulary at this stage is very simple and it contains many of the small function words, that kind of vocabulary can make up a speech.

c. Vocabulary of reading and writing

This types of vocabulary are developed almost at the some time. However, reading vocabulary usually comes earlier than vocabulary of writing. These types of vocabulary are recognized when one has the capability of writing.

2. Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

In teaching and learning vocabulary, the learners should recognize their needs. This is important, because words are in various kinds, which make it immposible for the teacher to teach all of words.

The teacher, then, should find the efficient techniques in the implemantion of the teaching process classroom, to make the teacher more ready to teach the student and the teaching learning process will run fluently.

The procedures in vocabulary teaching for the lower intermediate which can be applied in junior high school student:

a. Teacher chooses an area or category of vocabulary they want to work.

b. Teacher ask each student to think of word in the chosen area of vocabulary.

c. Each student writes some words on a piece of paper and gives it to the teacher to cheek and keep.

d. Teacher cheek students work and distributed among the student. each studenthas a piece of the paper on their table.

e. Match the piece of paper with the correct answer, making sure one gets their on work.

f. Student match the word key have been dealt on the whiteboard with in devination.

G. Media Of Instructional

1. Teaching media

There any many kinds of media, one of them is media of education. Naturally, media of educations have general characteristic as has been expressed by Emiliana (2010 : 14). There are :

a. Media of education means an object, which can be touched heard and seen.

b. The main stress is an the object or other things which can be seen and heard.

c. Media of educations is a kind of visual aids in teaching and learning.

d. It is used for interaction in teaching between teacher and students.

Media of education is aids, method and also technique which in used to make communication interaction between teacher and students, more effective in teaching and learning process in the classroom. Regarding the last thing above, in this case a creative and imaginative. Teacher are demand to utilized such as easy make media which is easily made by teacher.

Social students with be better understood if a teacher discussed the picture contained in the reading as readiness activity. Question that the teacher can raise about picture may help to motivate students to study.

2. The Use of Teaching Media

Teaching vocabulary is the basic part in language teaching. The use of media is therefore, to smoothen in the process of teaching learning activity. Hopefully, the result could be optimally achieved because teaching media has great potential in stimulation and increasing students interest in learning English vocabulary.

Accourding to Sudjana, (1992 : 2) teaching media is useful in some ways :

a. It makes the teaching more interesting and it raises students motivations.

b. It makes the teaching material more clearly easily comprehended by student, which is the main goal of an instruction.

c. It makes the teaching method more varieties, only in which that there is a feedback between the teacher and the student.

d. It gives a lot chances for the students to study because the can do other activities while listening at the sometime such as observation action and demonstration.

H. Concept of Narrative

A narrative is some kind of retelling, often in words (though it is possible to mime a story), of something that happened (a story). The narrative is not the story itself but rather the telling of the story -- which is why it is so often used in phrases such as "written narrative," "oral narrative," etc. While a story just is a sequence of events, a narrative recounts those events, perhaps leaving some occurrences out because they are from some perspective insignificant, and perhaps emphasizing others. In a series of events, a car crash takes a split second. A narrative account, however, might be almost entirely about the crash itself and the few seconds leading up to it. Narratives thus shape history (the series of events, the story of what happened).

A narrative (or story) is any account of connected events, presented to a reader or listener in a sequence of written or spoken words, or in a sequence of (moving) pictures.

Narratives can be organized in a number of thematic and/or formal/stylistic categories: non-fiction (e.g. New Journalism, creative non-fiction, biographies, and historiography); fictionalized accounts of historical events (e.g. anecdotes, myths, and legends); and fiction proper (i.e. literature in prose, such as short stories and novels, and sometimes in poetry and drama, although in drama the events are primarily being shown instead of told). Narrative is found in all forms of human creativity and art, including speech, writing, songs, film, television, games, photography, theatre, and visual arts such as painting (with the modern art movements refusing the narrative in favour of the abstract and conceptual) that describes a sequence of events. The word derives from the Latin verb narrare, "to tell", which is derived from the adjective gnarus, "knowing" or "skilled".

The word "story" may be used as a synonym of "narrative". It can also be used to refer to the sequence of events described in a narrative. Narratives may also be nested within other narratives, such as narratives told by an unreliable narrator (a character) typically found in noir fiction genre. An important part of narration is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative through a process narration (see also "Narrative Aesthetics" below).

Along with exposition, argumentation, and description, narration, broadly defined, is one of four rhetorical modes of discourse. More narrowly defined, it is the fiction-writing mode whereby the narrator communicates directly to the reader.

I. Frame work of the study


1. Picture has positive effect


In this case research question for the proposal there are any effective using picture in teaching vocabulary.

The writer using quantitative, where in that there are two ways for research. First, the writer chose two groups, one group it is called experimental class, and the second one it is called control class. In experimental class the students use the picture to improving their vocabulary ability, and in control class the students not use the picture but the writer use textbook or traditional method.

J. Hypotesis Of The Study

Starting from the problem of this study as started previously, as tentative answer the writer gets the following hypotesis (HA) which is said that picture has positive effective toward the students in teaching new vocabulary.



A. Research Design

This study deals with effectiveness of using picture in teaching speaking. Accordingly, the writer needs to conduct an experimental research which used statistical method. The writer is using experimental because this study, the writer is going to find out the effectiveness of teaching strategy in teaching vocabulary.

The writer using the quantitative experimental, where in that there are two ways for research. First, the writer chose two group, one group its called experimental class, and the second one its called the control class. In experimental class, the students use the picture to improving their vocabulary ability, and in control class the students not use the picture, but they use traditional method or textbook.

B. Population and Sample

1. The population

The populations of this study are students taken from the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Talangpadang in academic year 2013/2014. The eleventh class consists of 32 students and they are supposed to be active in teaching vocabulary process. They are divided into two groups. The use of picture was used in experimental group and the textbook or traditional method is used in control group.

2. The Sample Of The Study

The total of students at the eleventh grade class in SMA Negeri 1 Talangpadang in academic year 2013/2014 is more than 100 students. It means that the population is great in number, more over limited time. Facilitates and financed and to get the effective data in this research, the writer takes only 66 % from the class rendomly. It means that the totals of sample are 50 students. As Arikunto (1983; 34) said that if the subject is less than 100, if is better to take the entire subject. If the subject is great in number it can be taken between 10-15 % or 20-25 % or more. This sample is considered to represent the eighth class student of SMA Negeri 1 Talangpadang in academic year 2013/2014.







XI. IPA. 1





XI. IPA. 2





XI. IPS. 1





XI. IPS. 2






Data Resource: SMA Negeri 1 Talangpadang Academic Year 2013-2014.

C. Instrument Of The Study

The instrument of research in setting the data to make more easyly ( Arikunto, 2002 : 136). The instrument what is used in this writer to collect the data is test. The writer is give the student 25 multiple choice test for pre test on vocabulary for two groups in the first meating. The student had to select one the best answer to complete each after the student were being treated by media picture for experimental group and with textbook (traditional method) for control group. The writer delivered a test of post to all student as the sample of writer.

Regarding to the instrument of the data collection, they were all scored 4 for each correct answer. It means the right students score ranged from the highest 100 ( when the students can answer all question correctly) and the lowest is 0 ( when the students could not answer any of the test).

D. Technique of Data Collection

1. Pre-test

It is the first method of data gathering is used by the writer. The writer give pre test to both group as the sample of reaserch. Pre test which is aimed at knowing the students vocabulary abilities, before having treatment, the test is held by the writer.

2. Treatment

The treatmen of using picture is conducted in experimental group class however picture treatment will not applied in control group. The following are the treatment process of teacher while teaching the class using picture media.

a. Teacher tell the student about the topic discusion. Student are expected to be active in the classroom by asking them to mention some word related to the topic in English or their mother tongue next, teacher read a simple paragraph in the text slowly, while student listen to teacher. Teacher read the paragraph once again sentence by sentenc, and student read after teacher. Teacher ask some student to read paragraph slowly and the other listen.

b. Student are asked to find unfamiliar wordson wrote them on the white board. Teacher than show some pictures related to the unfamiliar words on the white board to the student. Every student will asked in aeanglis the name of thing in the picture, the response the instruction given, they could use some way to answer such as using their mother tongue firs, opening dictionary or using teacherclue, teacher ask some students to rite their answer on the white board, teacher collected student answers. Furthermore, student are asked to pronoun the words on the whiteboard after teacher. Teacher poented toward the picture and the real object while student pronouns the new words had been translated on the white board one by one. In the treatment, teacher used not on;y as an instrument but also real object, which axisted in the classroom.

c. Finally, in the end class activities, teacher show the picture again and asked students to mention the name of things on the pictures. During the tratment, the teacher had facilitate her self with the observation sheats.

3. Post test

Finally the students paper sheets will submitted and the students. Result are treat as the data of the study. The test is similar to pre test.

E. Technique Of Data Analyze

After obtaining the individual scores of the two group, the writer process the data score with the following step :

1. The data from the test result namely the students individual score is analysis statistically following the procedure below :

a. Find out the mean score of the each treatment by using the formula.

M x = and MY =

Where :

MX = Mean score of experimental group.

MY = Mean score of control group.

= Sum of

N = Number of sample

b. Identifying the deviation (d)

X = X2 X1 and y = y2 y1

Where :

x/y = Deviation score of experimental group / control group.

x2/ y2= The post test score of experimental group / control group.

x1/ y1 = The pre test score of experimental group / control group.

c. Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is the particular set of score under study, when attempting to estimate the population. The functions of standard deviation are to correct for this statisticians have generated an equation for an unbased estimate of a popularizing. Which and when applied to small samples and to increase the value of sample.

Find out the standard deviation of each treatment by using the formula:

1. Standard deviation for experimental group.

X2 = dx2

2. Standard deviation for control group

Y2 = dy2 -

d. Identifying the t test

t =

where :

MX = The mean score of experimental group.

MY = The mean score of control group

X = The deviation score of pre test and post test. (experimental group)

Y =

= The roof of .

X2 = a sum of square deviation of experimental group

Y2 = a sum of square deviation of control group

NX = The number of sample in experimental group

NY = The number of sample in control group

df = Degree of freedom with formula :

Nx + Ny 2.


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