sma 2343 introd

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  • 8/10/2019 Sma 2343 Introd





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    Operations Research 1

    1. Introduction

    1.1. Definition of Operations Research

    There have been various definitions for Operations Research (O.R.) like applieddecision making, quantitative common sense, making of economic decision, etc.

    Here we pick one of the most appropriate;

    Definition: Operations research

    Operations research is the application of up to date scientific methods,

    techniques by inter-disciplinary teams to problems involving control of or-

    ganized systems so as to provide solutions which best serve the purposes of

    the organization as a whole.

    Operations Research provides executive departments with a quantitative basis

    for decision making regarding the operations under their control.

    1.2. Characteristics of Operations Research

    Interdisciplinary team approach:- it is developed by a team of scientists drawn

    from various disciplines. e.g. mathematicians, statisticians, economists, engi-

    neers, etc.

    Systems approach:-emphasis is on the overall approach to a system in order to

    get the optimum decisions.

    Helpful in improving the quality of solutions-Doesnt give perfectanswers but

    merely givesbadanswers to the problems which otherwise have worst answers.

    Scientific method:- Operations Research uses techniques of scientific research

    Goal Oriented Optimum Solution:- Tries to optimize a well-defined function

    subject to given constraints (optimization).

    Uses models:- Operations Research uses models built by quantitative measure-

    ment of the variables concerning a given problem. -It also derives solutions

    from the models.

    Requires willing executives:- For experiments of alternative solutions.

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    Operations Research 1

    Reduces complexity:- Simplifies the work of executives especially due to prior


    Operations Research is therefore both a science and an art.

    1.3. Methodology of Operations Research

    (a) Problem identification: Recognition that a problem exists is very

    important in any management decision-making process, but in

    practice its timing may be critical (resolve an existing problem

    or to forestall a predicted problem).

    (b) Formulating the problem: Once it becomes apparent that a prob-

    lem exists-and a solution is required-the problem must be explicitlyformulated in terms of;

    The perceived boundaries or limits to the problem.

    The objectives of the investigation.

    The defined roles of those involved in the investigation.

    The decision variables making up the problem are within the

    control of the decision-maker and which are not.

    (c) Constructing the model: This step involves constructing the model

    or the mathematical expressions describing inter-relations of all

    variables and parameters in the study. The model must include an

    objective function which defines the measure of effectiveness of the

    system and the constraints or the restrictions.

    (d) Deriving the solution: This involves finding the optimal values

    of the controlled (independent) variables that produce the best

    performance of the system for specified values of the uncontrolled(dependent) variables. An optimum solution is determined on the

    basis of the various equations of the model satisfying the given

    constraints and optimizing the objective function.

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    Operations Research 1

    (e) Testing the model validity: The solution values of the model, ob-

    tained at solutions stage are then tested against actual observa-

    tions. In other words, effort is made to test the validity of the

    model used. A model is supposed to be valid if it can give reliable

    prediction of the performance of the system represented through

    the model. In effect, performance of the model must be compared

    with the policy or procedure that it is meant to replace.

    (f) Controlling the solution: This step of an O.R establishes control

    over the solution by proper feed-back of information on variables

    which might have deviated significantly.

    (g) Implementing the results: Implementing the results constitutes the

    last step of an OR study. Because the objective of O.R. is not

    merely to produce reports but to improve the performance of sys-

    tems, the results of the research must be implemented, if they are


    The nature of a problem dictates the Operations Research method to be used

    among the available ones.

    1.4. Some useful definitions

    (a) Model: This is a representation or abstraction of the real/actual


    (b) Objective function: This is a mathematical function decision to be


    (c) Constraints: Equations or inequalities representing the restrictions

    imposed on the decision variables.

    (d) Model formulation: The process of determining the objective func-

    tion and constraints each expressed in terms of decision variables.

    (e) Feasible solution: Set of the decision variables which satisfy all the


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    Operations Research 1

    2. Classification of Problems in O.R.

    Broadly speaking, problems in O.R. can be categorised; Some of the categories


    1. Allocation: Allocation problems involve the allocation of resources to

    activities in such a manner that some measure of effectiveness is opti-

    mized. E.g. Jobs to applicants, Money to investment projects

    2. Replacement: Replacement problems are concerned with situations

    that arise when some items (such as machines, electric light bulbs, etc.)

    need replacement because the same may deteriorate with time or may

    break down completely or may become out-of-date due to new devel-

    opments. Replacement problems thus occur when one must decide the

    optimal time to replace equipment for one reasons or the other.

    3. Sequencing: Sequencing problems are the problems concerned with

    placing items in a certain sequence or order for service. For instance,

    N-jobs requiring different amounts of time on different machines must

    each be processed on M-machines in the same order with no passing

    between machines, then the question: How should the jobs be ordered

    for processing to minimize the total time to process all of the jobs on allof the machines constitutes an example of a sequencing problem.

    4. Routing: Routing problems are problems related to finding the optimal

    route from an origin to a destination when a number of alternative routes

    are available. For example, a salesman may wish to visit each of N-

    cities once and only once before returning to his headquarter, then his

    problem is: In what order should he visit the cities so that the overall

    distance travelled is minimized? Such a problem is referred to as a

    routing problem.

    5. Inventory: Inventory problems are problems with regard to holding

    or storing resources. The decisions required generally entail the deter-

    mination of how much of a resource to acquire or when to acquire it.

    The problem of deciding how much of a certain commodity to hold in

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    Operations Research 1

    inventory is one of real concern to business and industrial houses. In-

    ventory problem is the problem to determine the level of inventory that

    will optimize the measure of effectiveness.

    6. Queuing: Queuing problems or what are known as waiting-line prob-

    lems are problems that involve waiting for service, Queuing problems

    encircle us from the time we rise in the morning until we retire at night

    In business world several types of interruptions occur: facilities break

    down and require repair, power failures occur, workers or the needed

    material do not show up where and when expected. Allocation of facili-

    ties Considering such interruptions be done and to do so means solving

    a queuing problem.

    7. Competitive: arise when two or more people are competing for a

    certain resource which may range from an opponents king in a game of

    chess to a larger share of the market in business world

    8. Search: Search problems are problems concerned with searching for

    information that is required to make a certain decision, The problem

    concerning exploring for valuable natural resources like oil or some other

    mineral is an example of a search problem.

    2.1. Operations Research Techniques

    Mathematical models have been constructed for the above categorized O.R.

    problems and methods for solving the models are available in many cases.

    Such methods are usually termed as O.R. techniques. Some of the important

    O.R. techniques often used by decision-makers in modern times are;

    (a) Programming (Linear, Non - linear Programming, Dynamic, Heuris-

    tic, Integer, Algorithmic etc.)

    (b) Queuing theory/waiting line

    (c) Inventory Analysis

    (d) Network analysis

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    Operations Research 1

    (e) Simulation

    (f) Game theory

    (g) Decision theory

    Exercise 1.Read and make some notes on

    1.Significance of Operations Research

    2.Limitations of Operations research

    Begin Quiz

    Answer each of the following questions before you proceed.1.(2mks) OR is because it is developed by math-

    ematicians, statisticians, economists, engineers, etc.

    2.(2mks) is the process of determining the objec-

    tive function and constraints each expressed in terms of decision variables.

    3.(2mks) is the first of the five steps of an OR


    4.(2mks) Under which category of OR problems is Decision theory?

    End Quiz

    Marks: Percent:


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    Operations Research 1

    3. Linear Programming

    Linear Programming deals with problems in which linear functions are to be

    optimized(maximized or minimized) subject to constraintswhich are usually

    specified by linear inequalities, linear equations and to the condition that all

    the variables must assume negative values.

    The general formulation of linear programming problems is as follows.

    Optimize the objective function


    Subject to the linear constraints

    a11x1+a12x2+...a1nxn{, =,}b1

    a21x1+a22x2+...a2nxn{, =,}b2




    am1x1+am2x2+...amnxn{, =,}bm

    and to the non-negative condition

    x1 0, x2 0, x3 0,...xn 0

    There are many problems in engineering management and social sciences that

    can be formulated this way.

    In matrix form we can write as

    OptimizeZ=c X subject to A X{, =,}B, X0.

    where the underline denotes a vector and bold denotes a matrix.

    Optimal feasible solution

    In a linear programming problem a set of the values of the decision variables

    x1, x2,...xnthat satisfy the linear constraints and the nonnegative condition is

    called a feasible solution

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    Operations Research 1

    Definition: Optimal feasible solution

    Optimal feasible solution is the set of decision variables which is feasible

    and optimizes the objective function.

    In order to obtain the Optimal feasible solution, we need to have some concepts

    from linear algebra.

    3.1. Convex analysis

    Definition: A line in Rn or n-dimensional space

    The set

    L(x1, x2) ={X|X=x1+ (1 )x2, (0, 1)

    That is any point X on the line joining x1 andx2 can be written as

    X=x1+ (1 )x2 whereis a parameter such that 0 < } and s2 = {X

    |aX < }

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    IfHis included in the spaces s1and s2, then we have the closed half spaces.

    sc1 = {X|aX} and sc2 = {X|a


    Example. Show that a closed half space sc1 ={X|aX} is a convex set.

    LetX1 and X2 be two points in sc1 thena

    X1 and aX2

    then any point X on the segment joining x1 and x2 is given by

    X=X1+ (1 )X2 (0, 1)

    multiplying both sides bya gives

    aX = aX1+ (1 )aX2

    + (1 )

    aX +


    which is a member ofsc1. SinceX1 andX2 were arbitrarily chosen, the set

    sc1 is a convex set.

    Theorem 3.1 The intersection (null set) of convex sets is also convex. Let

    x1 andx2 be two points in C=c1 c2... cn (Ci is a convex set i). SinceCi

    is convex for all i, then the line segment joiningx1 andx2 is entirely in setCi

    for all i. This line is entirely inC C.

    Convex polytype- This is a set which is an intersection of a finite number of

    closed half-spaces (e.g. For a polygon in R2. X Y

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    Theorem 3.2 A set of convex combinations of the points x1, x2,...,xn C

    where C in convex is also convex. LetCbe the set of all convex combinations

    of x1, x2,...,xn, let Y1 and Y2 be two points in C, then Y1 =n


    ixi and

    Y2 =n




    i =1 i, i 0. Letx0 be any point on the

    line segment joining Y1 and Y2, then x0 can be written as x0 = Y1 + (1

    )Y2 (0, 1)

    x0 = Y1+ (1 )Y2



    ixi+ (1 )n





    (i+ (1 )i)xi =n



    i= i+ (1 )i and (0, 1)

    Sincei 0, i 0 theni 0 and again





    i+ (1 )i


    i+(1 )


    =+ 1 = 1

    Thusx0 =n


    ixi wherei 0andn


    i= 1. the line segment joiningY1 and

    Y2 inCis therefore entirely contained inC andC is convex.

    Definition: convex combination

    A convex combination of n+1 points is known as n-simplex. i.e. if it has 3

    points (non-linear) then it is a 2-simplex

    Example. Prove that any point inside the triangle is a convex combination

    of x1, x2andx3 Let x0 be any point inside the triangle. By definition x0 =

    x1+ (1 )Y (0, 1)


    Y =x2+ (1 )x3(on linex2, x3) (0, 1)

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    x0= x1+ (1 )[x1x2+ (1 1)x3]

    =x1+1x2+ (1 1)x3 1x2 (1 1)x3

    =x1+ ( 1)x2+ (1 1 +1)x3.




    where1 =

    2 = 1

    3 = 1 +1

    x0 =3


    kxk = 1x1+ 2x2+ 3x3. Since 0 < < 1and0 < 1 < 1 then

    is 0 for all i (i = 1, 2, 3).

    Now1+2+2= +1+11+1 = 1 therefore3


    k = 1 x0

    is a convex combination ofx1, x2 andx3.

    3.3. Extreme points of a convex set

    Let C be a convex set. A point Z is an extreme point in C if and only if its not

    possible to find points X and Y in C such thatZ=X+(1)Y

    (0, 1).We note that the extreme points are actually the vertices or corner points.


    Consider the figure


    It is not possible to locate two distinct points in or on the above figures(Convex

    sets) with the property that the line joining these points will include the ex-

    treme points (E) and be included in the convex set.

    Theorem 3.3 The convex set of feasible solution of linear programming prob-

    lem has at least one extreme point and at most a finite number of extreme points.

    The objective function is optimized at one of the extreme points.

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    Operations Research 1

    Note that the convex set in a linear programming problem is the constraint


    3.4. Optimal solutions to linear programming (LP) problems

    In Linear Programming problem we are required to optimize the objective


    p= CX

    under a constants set. Suppose that R is the constraint set of the given

    problem, then the optional solution is an extreme point ofR

    Theorem 3.1 A basic feasible solution of a linear programming problems is

    an extreme point of the constraint set

    3.5. Formulation and solutions to LP problems

    Formulation of Linear Programming models is the process of deter-

    mining the objective function and the set of constraints into a mathematical

    model each stated in terms of the decision variables. Solution is then the de-

    termination of the optimal feasible solution. This can be done graphically (for

    a maximum of 2 decision variables or using simple algorithm.

    Graphical method

    This involves representing all the constraints on a graph. The region of inter-

    section represents the feasible region and by theorem (3.1), one of the extreme

    points gives the optimal solution.

    Example. The manager of a theatre which has a capacity of 300 seats sells

    tickets to children and adults at Shs.10 and Shs.50 respectively. To cover his

    rental expenses, he has to take at least Shs. 2500 for each show.

    It is the companys policy to have at least 100 seats spared for children.Formulate this problem for profit maximization and solve it graphically.

    Solution: Letx and y be the number of 10/= and 50/= seats occupied respec-

    tively. Then we need to;

    Maximize 10x+ 50y subject to;

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    x+y 300 (restriction on the hall capacity)

    10x+ 50y 2500 (restriction on total collection)

    x 100 (restriction on seats for children)

    y 0


    Figure 1: One point at the vertex (corner) maximizes the

    profit. At point;, Testing for optimal solution. At point

    A(100, 30), z= 10(100) + 50(30) = 2500

    B(100, 200), z= 10(100) + 50(200) = 11000

    C(300, 0), z= 10(300) + 50(0) = 3000

    D(250, 0), z= 10(250) + 50(0) = 2500

    The maximum occurs at x = 100,y = 200, the firm should therefore sell 100seats/tickets for children and 200 for adults in order to make a maximum

    profit of Ksh 11,000.

    Example. A farmer has 50 of land to on which to plant maize and beans. He

    has a workforce of 150 laborers and it takes 4 laborers to work on 1 ha of maize

    and 2 laborers to work on 1 ha of beans. He has a capital of $4500 and 1 ha

    of maize requires $50 to cultivate (inputs) while 1 ha of beans requires $100.

    Suppose that the farmer wishes to maximize the profits and the profit per ha

    is $30 for maize and $40 for beans, set up a linear programming problem and

    solve it.


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    Operations Research 1

    Let x andy be the number of ha on maize an beans respectively then, we


    Maximizep = 30x+ 40y subject to

    x+y 50 (Constraint on land)

    4x+ 2y 150 (Constraint laborers)

    50x+ 100y 4500 (Constraint on capital)

    x, y 0 (Non-negativity condition on decision variables)

    We can represent the constraints in a graph as follows

    Figure 2: Testing for optimal solution. At point

    A(0, 0), p= 30(0) + 40(0) = 0, B(0, 45), p= 30(0) + 40(45) = 1800

    C(10, 40), p= 30(10) + 40(40) = 1900 B(25, 25), p= 30(25) + 40(25) = 1750

    (37.5, 0), p= 30(37.5) + 40(0) = 1125The maximum occurs at x = 10, y= 40, The farmer should therefore

    cultivate 10 ha of maize and 40 ha of beans order to make a maximum profit

    of $1900.

    3.6. The simplex method

    This is a step by step method which is used to solve linear-programming prob-

    lems with any given number of decision variables


    Set objective function p = 0 and decision variables X to zero (0). (No pro-


    Move progressively till no more combination can be made. i.e. Each step

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    Operations Research 1

    should give a better Solution as you increase or decrease the decision vari-


    Definition: Slack variable

    Slack variable a non-negative variable which when added to a less that or

    equal to inequality makes it an equation.


    x+y 7


    x+y+s1= 7

    Thens1 is a slack variable

    Definition: Surplus variable

    Surplus variable a non-negative variable which when added to a greater

    than or equal to inequality makes it an equation.


    x+y 7


    x+y = s2+ 7

    Thens2 is a surplus variable

    Let x and y be the number of ha on maize an beans

    respectively then, we have

    Maximize p = 30x + 40y subject to

    x + y

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    Operations Research 1

    which simplifies to;

    Maximize p = 30x + 40y subject to;

    x + y < = 5 0

    2 x + y < = 7 5

    x + 2y = 0

    Adding slack variables s1, s2 and s3 and constructing the

    initial tableau leads to

    Tableau #1

    Basis x y s1 s2 s3 p Solution

    s1 1 1 1 0 0 0 50

    s2 2 1 0 1 0 0 75

    s3 1 2 0 0 1 0 90

    p -30 -40 0 0 0 1 0

    This solution Not optimal because there exists -ve values in

    p row. Entering variable corresponds to the most negative value

    p-row =>y Maximum y=min(50/1, 75/1, 90/2)=45

    from 90/2, which implies that pivot value = 2 and departing

    variable is s3

    New row z=s3/2

    Reducing all the elements of y column to zero using Jordan gausscomputations gives Tableau #2

    Tableau #2

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    Basis x y s1 s2 s3 p Solution

    s1 1/2 0 1 0 -1/2 0 5

    s2 3/2 0 0 1 -1/2 0 30

    y 1/2 1 0 0 1/2 0 45

    p -10 0 0 0 20 1 1800

    This solution Not optimal because there exists -ve values in

    p row. Entering variable corresponds to the most negative value

    in p-row =>x

    Maximum x=min(5/(1/2),30/(3/2), 45/(1/2))=10 from 5/(1/2),

    which implies that pivot value = 1/2 and departing variable is s4

    New row z=s1/(1/2)

    Reducing all the elements of x column to zero using Jordan gauss

    computations gives Tableau #3

    Tableau #3

    Basis x y s1 s2 s3 p Solution

    x 1 0 2 0 -1 0 10

    s2 0 0 -3 1 1 0 15

    y 0 1 -1 0 1 0 40

    p 0 0 20 0 10 1 1900

    the corresponding solution is s1=0, s2=15, s3=0, x=10, y=40 and

    Max p=1900.

    The farmer should cultivate 10 ha of maize 40 ha of beans

    in order to make a maximum profit of $1900

    Example. A company manufactures two products A and B. The profit per

    ton of the two products are $50 and $60 respectively. Both products require

    processing in three machines M1, M2 andM3. With the following table giving

    the details of (Hrs per 1 tonne)

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    A B Total available (Hrs) pwk

    M1 4 2 600

    M2 3 4 500

    M3 4 6 800

    Assuming that no other constraints, find A and B that maximizes the

    weekly profit

    Solution: The solution is as follows

    Maximize p = 50x + 60y subject to

    4x +2y

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    2. A company produces two types of leather belts; say A and B. Belt A is

    of superior quality and belt B is inferior. Profits on the two are sh40

    and shs 30 per belt respectively. Each belt of type A requires twice as

    much time as required by a belt of type B. If all belts were of type B, the

    company could produce 1,000 belts per day. But the supply of leather

    is sufficient only for 800 belts per day. Belt A requires a fancy buckle

    and only 400 of them are available per day. For belt B only 700 buckles

    are available per day. How should the company manufacture two types

    of belts in order to have a maximum overall profit? (solve it graphically

    and using simplex method).

    3. The manager of a hotel has sufficient money to buy a total of 100 cratesof soft drink of types A and B. He wants to buy at least twice as many

    crates of type A as type B. He wants to buy maximum 80 crates of type

    A and at least 10 crates of type B. Taking X to be the number of type

    A crates and Y that of type B, write down all the inequalities based on

    these facts. Show these inequalities on a graph and outline the region

    in which (X, Y) must lie. The profit on a crate of type A is Shs. 60

    and that of a crate of type B is Shs. 40. Find the number of crates of

    each type that he should buy to make maximum profit and calculate this

    maximum profit. (solve it graphically and using simplex method).

    4. A chemical firm has 160 litres of solution A, 110 litres of solution B and

    150 litres of solution C. To prepare a bottle of syrup X, 200ml of solution

    A, 100ml of solution B and 100ml of solution C are needed. For a bottle

    of syrup Y, 100ml of A, 200ml of B and 300ml of C are needed. Syrup

    X sells at Shs. 60 per bottle and Syrup Y sells at Shs. 100 per bottle.

    How many bottles of each type of Syrup should the firm make in order

    to obtain the maximum amount of money? (solve it graphically).

    5. A farmer requires 10, 12 and 12 units of chemicals A, B and C respec-

    tively for his garden. A liquid product contains 5, 2 and 1 units of A, B

    and C respectively per bottle. A dry product contains 1, 2 and 4 units

    of A, B and C per carton while a paste product contains 1, 3 and 1 units

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    of A, B and C per jar. If the liquid product sells at shs 30 per bottle,

    the dry product sells at shs 20 per carton and the paste product at Ksh

    25 per jar, How many of each should he purchase in order to minimize

    the cost and meet the requirements? (Formulate and dont solve).

    6. A farmer has 70 hectares of land available for growing maize and beans.

    The cost of growing 1 ha of maize is $30 and the cost for growing 1 ha

    of beans is $20 and the farmer has only $1800 available. The labor per

    ha is 2 man days for maize and 4 man days for beans and a total of

    240 man days of labour are available. If he makes a profit of $800 for 1

    ha of beans and $700 for 1 ha of maize, formulate the underlying linear

    program and solve it graphically and using simplex method.

    7. OHagan Bookworm Booksellers buys books from two publishers. Duffin

    House offers a package of 5 mysteries and 5 romance novels for $50, and

    Gorman Press offers a package of 5 mysteries and 10 romance novels for

    $150. OHagan wants to buy at least 2,500 mysteries and 3,500 romance

    novels, and he has promised Gorman (who has influence on the Senate

    Textbook Committee) that at least 25% of the total number of packages

    he purchases will come from Gorman Press. Formulate the underlying

    LP and solve it to determine the number of packages to be ordered from

    each publisher in order to minimize the cost and satisfy Gorman? What

    will the novels cost him? (Formulate and dont solve)

    8. A company is test-marketing one of its new products in a particular

    region and intends undertaking an extensive 1 week advertising campaign

    to raise consumer awareness about the new product. The firm has an

    advertising budget of500 000 and intends using regional TV, regional

    radio and regional newspaper advertising. An advert on TV will cost

    50 000 and is expected to reach 300 000 potential customers. For radio

    the equivalent figures are 20 000 and 10 000 customer and for the

    newspapers 2000 and 50 000 customers. The combination of adverts

    on the three forms of media is flexible, although the company wants at

    least 2 adverts on TV, 5 on radio and 10 in the newspapers. In addition

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    the number of newspaper adverts must be no more than 2.5 times the

    number of combined radio and TV adverts.Formulate the problem if the

    company wishes to maximize the number of customers exposed to the

    advertising campaign. (solve it graphically).

    A company publishing textbooks is planning its production of the next book

    scheduled to be printed. The book will be published in both paperback and

    hardback format. The paperback sells for 10 per copy and costs 5 to pro-

    duce and market. The hardback sells for 20 and costs 17. Market research

    has indicated that total sales of the book are unlikely to exceed 10000 copies.

    Of these at least 4000 are expected to be in paperback format with at least

    2000 hardback. On the other hand, the company does not expect to sell morethan 4000 hardback copies. In addition, there are potential problems involved

    in producing the paperback edition. The printing equipment is needed for

    other paperback books and is available for printing this book for a period of

    only 5000 hours. Each paperback takes 40 minutes to produce.

    1. Formulate this problem and solve it assuming the company wishes to

    maximize profit.(solve it graphically).

    2. Assuming the company wishes to maximize revenue from sales refor-mulate this problem and solve it and computes the profit the company

    would earn. (solve it graphically)

    3. The production manager is strongly arguing that production should be

    determined by costs. Reformulate the problem in terms of cost mini-

    mization solve it . (solve it graphically).

    4. Which of the three alternative objective functions do you think is most


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    QuizSolve the LP below using dual simplex method

    Maximize z= 150x+ 250y+ 450z

    subject to2x+y+ 3z80

    3x+y+ 4z60

    x+ 2y+ 5z100

    x 0, y 0 , z 0

    Optimal Solution: p= ; x= , y= , z=


    This method of computation is known as Gauss - Jordan row operations.that is

    New pivot row = Current pivot row Pivot element

    All other rows:

    Newrow = Current row - Pivots column coefficient New Pivot row

    The rules for selecting the entering and Departing variables are referred to as

    optimality and feasibility conditions.

    Definition: Optimality condition

    The entering variable (E.V) is the non-basic variable having the largest

    negative coefficient in profits row. (ties are broken arbitrarily). Optimum

    is reached where all profits row coefficients of non - basic variables are all


    Definition: Feasibility conditionThe Departing variable (D.V) is the basic variable associated with the

    smallest positive ratio of solution: pivot column elements (ties are arbi-

    trarily broken)

    Economic Interpretation

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    1. If no slack variable do not appear in solution set, then all the resources

    have been exhausted.

    2. The solution quantity corresponding to si is the amount of resourceswhich were not utilized/abundant resource.

    3. Values at profit row corresponding to Slack variables gives the marginal

    value products of the corresponding resources (per unit contribution to

    profit). They are also referred to as dual prices and in economics

    shadow prices or imputed costs. They represent the worth per unit of a

    resourcebi i = 1, 2...m.

    In the farmers problem. s2 = 15 indicates that (15 2) = 30 laborers

    will be un utilized.

    4. The p row coefficients of s1, s2 and s3 are 20, 0 and 10 respectively

    implying that;

    Increasing land by 1 ha increases profit by $20

    Increasing the number of employees has no effect on profit

    Increasing the number of capital by $1 increases the profit by$10/50

    The farmer should not pay more than $20 for every additional 1 ha hired.

    It would not make sense to put more money in form of capital.

    Simplex Method Algorithm

    Step 1 - Determine a starting feasible solution.

    Step 2 - Select the E.V using optimality condition. STOP if there is NONE.

    Step 3 - Select Departing Variable using feasibility condition

    Step 4 - Determine the new basic solution using the appropriate Gauss -

    Jordan computation, Go to Step 2.

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    Exercise 3. A carpenter makes boxes, tables and chairs. The profit contri-

    butions of the three products are $20, $30 and $10 respectively. The carpenter

    can afford to spend up to 40 hours per week working and takes two hours to

    make a box, six hours to make a table and two hours to make a chair. Cus-

    tomer demand requires that he makes at most a third as many boxes as the

    total number of chairs and tables. The storage space available is 10 m2 and a

    box requires 0.5 m2, a table takes up 1 m2 and a chair 0.4 m2. Formulate this

    problem as a linear programming problem for profit maximization and solve

    it using simplex method.

    Exercise 4. A carpenter makes boxes, tables and chairs. The profit contri-

    butions of the three products are $20, $30 and $10 respectively. The carpentercan afford to spend up to 40 hours per week working and takes 2 hours to

    make a box, 6 hours to make a table and 2 hours to make a chair. Customer

    demand requires that he makes at most a third as many boxes as the total

    number of chairs and tables. The storage space available is 10 m2 and a box

    requires 1/2 m2, a table takes up 1 m2 and a chair 2/5 m2. Formulate this

    problem as a linear programming problem for profit maximization and solve

    it using simplex method.

    Example.A certain company produces 3 products A, B C which contributes

    a profit of Shs 8, 5 and 10 respectively. The production machine has 400 hrs.

    Capacity and each product uses 2, 3 and 1 machine hour respectively. There

    are 150 units available of a special component with A using 1 unit and C using

    1 Unit per unit. A special allow of 200kg is needed in this period and product

    A and C uses 2kg and 4kg per unit. There is a limitation of production of unit

    B to not more than 50. Advice the company in order to maximize the profit.


    Let x, y and z be the number of units of products A, B and C to be

    produced respectively.

    The model is:

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    Maxp= 8x+ 5y+ 10z

    S/t 2x + 3y + z 400 (Hours)

    x + z 150 (Special component)2x + 4z200 (Alloy)

    y 50

    x 0, y 0, z 0

    Step 0: Introduce the Slack variables s1,s2 ands3 ands4 to get:

    Maxp = 8x+ 5y+ 10z

    S/t 2x+ 3y+z+s1= 400

    x+z+s2= 150

    2x+ 4z+s3= 200

    y+s4 = 50

    x 0, y 0, z 0

    The initial solution is

    Basis x y x3 s1 s2 s3 s4 Solution

    S1 2 3 1 1 0 0 1 400

    S2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 150

    S3 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 100

    S4 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 50

    p 8 5 10 0 0 0 0 0

    Proceed and get the solution asx = 100,y = 50,x3= 0 and Maxp = 1050

    3.7. Dealing with mixed on decision variables

    If in a LP one or more constraint is given as xi k where k is a constant,

    make the substitution yi= xi k 0 xi= yi+k.We then replacexiwithyi+kand adjust each constraint and the objective

    function appropriately.


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    Operations Research 1

    Maximize Z= 5x1+ 3x2+ 4x3

    Subject to 3x1+ 12x2+ 6x3 900

    6x1+ 6x2+ 3x3 1350

    2x1+ 3x2+ 3x3 390

    x1 0, x2 20, x3 10

    Sincex2 andx3 cannot be zero, we let

    a= x1 a 0

    b= x2 20 b 0

    a= x3 10c 0

    Adjusting the LP we get

    Maximize Z= 5a+ 3b+ 4c+ 100

    Subject to 3a+ 12b+ 6c 900 240 60 = 600

    6a+ 6b+ 3c 1350 120 30 = 1200

    2a+ 3b+ 3c 390 60 30 300

    a,b,c 0

    which is now solvable using the simplex method. Following the simplex algo-

    rithm finally leads to the optimal table as

    Basis a b c s1 s2 s3 Solutions1 0



    1 0 12


    s2 0 -1 -2 0 1 -1 100

    a 1 32


    0 0 12


    Z 0 92


    0 0 52


    With the corresponding solution being a = 150, b = 0,c = 0 and maximum Z

    = 750.

    But under the initial conditions the optimal solution should be x1 = 150, x2

    = 20,x3 = 10 with max Z = 850.

    3.8. Minimization

    For LPs which are not in standard form, the Simplex Method cannot be used

    right away, because the initial point (the origin) is infeasible. It is advisable

    to solve LPs when they are of the form

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    MaximizeZ=CXsubject to

    AXb, X0

    If this is not, the case we need to transform the original problem to take

    this standard form before we use ordinary simplex method

    Example. Solve the LP below using simplex method

    Minimize z= 20x+ 30y

    subject to

    x+y= 45

    3x+ 4y 170

    12x+ 6y 480

    x 0, y 0

    To write it in standard form,we

    replace = with and inequalities

    negate the objective function.

    and solve it in the ordinary way as follows


    Performing the adjustment we get

    Maximize z = -20x -30y subject to

    x + y < = 4 5

    -x - y

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    12x +6y + s4 = 480

    x, y >=0

    The first tableau is given by

    Tableau #1

    Basis x y s1 s2 s3 s4 z Solution

    s1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 45

    s2 -1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 -45

    s3 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 170

    s4 12 6 0 0 0 1 0 480

    z 20 30 0 0 0 0 1 0

    Since all entries in the profit row are +ve, this solution is

    optimal. But since s2=-45, the solution is infeasible

    The pivot columns are those with -ve entries (column x and y)

    to identify the entering variable take the ratios of the z-row

    to the elements of the s2-row i.e (20/-1, 30/-1). The E.V is the

    one corresponding to the smallest absolute value => x

    Max x= min(+ve)(45/1, -45/-1, 170/3, 480/12)=40 from s4-row,

    which implies that pivot value = 12

    New row x=s4/12

    Performing row reduction operations on x column gives

    Tableau #2

    Basis x y s1 s2 s3 s4 z Solution

    s1 0 1/2 1 0 0 -1/12 0 5s2 0 -1/2 0 1 0 1/12 0 -5

    s3 0 5/2 0 0 1 -1/4 0 50

    x 1 1/2 0 0 0 1/12 0 40

    z 0 20 0 0 0 -5/3 1 -800

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    Since s2=-5, the solution is still infeasible

    The pivot column is y and so y enters the solution

    with pivot value -1/2


    New y-row=s2/(-1/2)

    Reducing all the elements of y column to zero using Jordan

    gauss computations gives

    Tableau #3

    Basis x y s1 s2 s3 s4 z Solution

    S1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

    y 0 1 0 -2 0 -1/6 0 10

    s3 0 0 0 5 1 1/6 0 25

    x 1 0 0 1 0 1/6 0 35

    z 0 0 0 40 0 5/3 1 -1000

    The optimal and feasible solution is now found to be

    x=35, y=10 and minimum z=-1000

    Quiz: Solve the LP below using simplex method

    Minimize z = 2x+y

    subject to

    x+y = 4

    2x y 3

    x 0, y 0

    Optimal Solution: p= ; x= , y=

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    Solutions to Examples

    Exercise 3. The solution is as follows

    Let x, y and z be the number of boxes, tables and chairs

    to be produce respectively, then

    Maximize profit p = 20x + 30y + 10z

    subject to 2x + 6y + 2z

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    Corresponding solution x=0, y=20/3, z=0, p=200 which is not

    optimal. Entering variable corresponds to largest -ve value in

    p-row =>x.

    Maximum x=min((20/3)/(1/3),(20/3)/(10/3),(10/3)/(1/6))=2

    corresponding to s2 row. Departing variable is s2,

    pivot value =10/3

    New row x=s2/(10/3)

    Using the new row to reduce all other elements pivot column

    to zero gives

    Tableau #3

    Basis x y z s1 s2 s3 p Soln

    y 0 1 2/5 3/20 -1/10 0 0 6

    x 1 0 -1/5 1/20 3/10 0 0 2

    s3 0 0 1/10 -7/40 -1/20 1 0 3

    p 0 0 -2 11/2 3 0 1 220

    with corresponding solution x=2, y=6, z=0 and p=220 which is

    not optimal. Entering variable corresponds to largest -ve

    value in p-row =>z

    Maximum z=min(6/(2/5), 2/(-1/5), 3/(1/10))=15,

    corresponding to y row. Departing variable is y,

    pivot value =2/5, New row z=y/(2/5)

    Using the new row to reduce all other elements pivot column

    to zero gives

    Tableau #4

    Basis x y z s1 s2 s3 p Solnz 0 5/2 1 3/8 -1/4 0 0 15

    x 1 1/2 0 1/8 1/4 0 0 5

    s3 0 -1/4 0 -17/80 -1/40 1 0 3/2

    p 0 5 0 25/4 5/2 0 1 250

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    which gives the optimal solution as x=5, y=0, z=15 and

    optimal p=250.

    The carpenter should therefore make 5 boxes, no tables

    and 15 chairs in order to maximize his/her profit to $250

    Exercise 3

    Exercise 4. Let x, y and zbe the number of boxes, tables and chairs to be

    produce respectively, then the formulated LP becomes

    Maximizep = 20x+ 30y+ 10z

    subject to

    2x + 6y+ 2z 40, (restrictiononhours)

    3x + 1y+ 1z 0, (customersrestrictions)

    1/2x + 1y+ 2/5z 10, (restrictiononstoragespace)

    x 0, y 0, z 0

    We convert the problem to canonical form by introducing slack variables s1,

    s2 and s3 to get

    Maximizep = 20x+ 30y+ 10z

    subject to

    2x + 6y + 2z +s1 = 40,

    6x + 1y + 1z +s2 = 0,

    2x + 1y + 2/5z +s3 = 10,

    x 0, y 0, z 0, s1 0, s2 0, s3 0

    The initial tableau is

    Basis x y z s1 s2 s3 Soln

    s1 2 6 2 1 0 0 40

    s2 3 1 1 0 1 0 0

    s3 1/2 1 2/5 0 0 1 10

    p 20 30 10 0 0 0 0

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    This solution not optimal because there exists -ve values in the last row. En-

    tering variable corresponds to the most negative value this row which in this

    case is y

    Maximum y = min(406, 01

    , 101) = 0 which implies that pivot value = -1 and

    departing variable is s2, New row y = s2/ 1.

    Performing row operations using the pivot row to reduce all the elements

    ofy column to zero leads to the following table.

    Basis x y z s1 s2 s3 Soln

    s1 20 0 4 1 6 0 40

    y 3 1 1 0 1 0 0

    s3 7/2 0 (3)/5 0 1 1 10p 110 0 20 0 30 0 0

    This solution not optimal because there exists -ve values in the last row.

    Entering variable corresponds to the most negative value this row which in

    this case is x.

    Maximum x = min(4020 , 03

    , 107/2) = 2 which implies that pivot value = 20

    and departing variable is s1, New rowx= s1/20.

    Performing row operations using the pivot row to reduce all the elements

    ofx column to zero leads to the following table.

    Basis x y z s1 s2 s3 Soln

    x 1 0 (1)/5 1/20 3/10 0 2

    y 0 1 2/5 3/20 (1)/10 0 6

    s3 0 0 1/10 (7)/40 (1)/20 1 3

    p 0 0 2 11/2 3 0 220

    This solution not optimal because there exists -ve values in the last row. En-

    tering variable corresponds to the most negative value this row which in thiscase is z

    Maximum z= min( 2(1)/5

    , 62/5

    , 31/10

    ) = 15 which implies that pivot value =

    2/5 and departing variable is y , New row z= y/2/5.

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    Operations Research 1

    Performing row operations using the pivot row to reduce all the elements

    ofzcolumn to zero leads to the following table.

    Basis x y z s1 s2 s3 Solnx 1 1/2 0 1/8 1/4 0 5

    z 0 5/2 1 3/8 (1)/4 0 15

    s3 0 (1)/4 0 (17)/80 (1)/40 1 3/2

    p 0 5 0 25/4 5/2 0 250

    Since all entries in the last row are negative, this table gives the optimal

    solution as;x = 5,z= 15,s3= 3/2 with a maximum objective function value

    ofp = 250.

    The carpenter should therefore make 5 boxes, no tables and 15 chairs in

    order to maximize his/her profit to $250 Exercise 4

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