malaria, dengue, chikungunya

Post on 22-Feb-2017






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WHAT IS MALARIA ?• Malaria is a life-threatening disease. It is typically transmitted

through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. Infected mosquitoes carry the Plasmodium parasite. When this mosquito bites you, the parasite is released into your bloodstream.

• Once the parasites are inside your body, they travel to the liver, where they mature. After several days, the mature parasites enter the bloodstream and begin to infect red blood cells.

• Within 48 to 72 hours, the parasites inside the red blood cells multiply, causing the infected cells to burst open. The parasites continue to infect red blood cells, resulting in symptoms that occur in two-to-three-day cycles.

• Malaria is typically found in tropical and subtropical climates (e.g., Africa) where the parasites can live. The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION estimates there were 198 million cases of malaria diagnosed in 2013.

• The disease killed more than half a million people in 2013. In the United States, the centre’s for disease control and prevention report 1,500 cases of malaria annually. Most cases of malaria develop in people who travel to countries where malaria is more common.


• Dengue infection is a leading cause of death and sickness in tropical and subtropical parts of the world. Dengue is caused by one of four viruses that are transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. Dengue haemorrhagic fever is a more serious form of dengue infection.

• Primary symptoms of dengue appear three to 15 days after the mosquito bite and include high fever and severe headache, with severe pain behind the eyes that is apparent when trying to move the eyes.

• Other associated symptoms are joint pain, muscle and bone pain, rash, and mild bleeding. Many affected people complain of low back pain. The lymph nodes of the neck and groin may be swollen. Young children and people infected for the first time typically have milder symptoms than older children and adults.

• Dengue haemorrhagic fever starts with the typical signs and symptoms of dengue as described above. The fever lasts from two to seven days. After the fever begins to abate, symptoms occur that are related to increased permeability of the capillary blood vessels.

• These symptoms can include severe abdominal pain, prolonged vomiting, and breathing problems. Bleeding tendencies, including easy bruising, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, skin haemorrhages, and even internal bleeding  may occur. The disease may progress to failure of the circulatory system , leading to shock and death.

NEW DELHI: With 1,245 dengue cases reported in just two days and the total number of affected people reaching 10,683, the outbreak this year has become the worst in the last 19 years

According to data made available till October 10 by the municipal corporations of Delhi (MCD), the total number of cases reported till October 8 was 9,438.This is the worst outbreak in 19 years, crossing the 1996 figure of 10,252 cases. And the numbers are still increasing.


NEW DELHI: With 1,337 fresh cases being registered in the past five days, the total number of dengue cases in Delhi has reached 12,020. Two more people succumbed to the disease in the same duration, taking the official toll to 32.

WHAT IS CHIKUNGUNYA ?• Chikungunya  is an infection caused by the Chikungunya virus. The disease

features the sudden onset of fever two to four days after exposure. The fever usually lasts two to seven days, while accompanying joint pains typically last weeks or months but sometimes years.

•  The mortality rate is a little less than 1 in 1000, with the elderly or those with underlying chronic medical problems most likely having severe complications.

• The virus is passed to humans by two species of mosquito of the genus Aedes: A.alopictus and A.aegypti. Animal reservoirs of the virus include monkeys, birds, cattle, and rodents. This is in contrast to dengue , for which primates are the only hosts. Since 2004, the disease has occurred in outbreaks in Asia, Europe and the Americas.

• The best means of prevention is overall mosquito control and the avoidance of bites by mosquitoes in areas where the disease is common. This may be partly achieved with the use of mosquito nets. No specific treatment is known, but supportive care is recommended, including rest, fluids, and medications to reduce fever and joint pain.

• Chikungunya is a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Also known as CHIKV, the virus was first detected in 1952 in southern Tanzania. The name means “to become contorted” in the Kimakonde language. The name alludes to the stooped appearance of Chikungunya sufferers with joint pain, which is one of the symptoms of the infection.

• The condition occurred primarily in Africa, Asia, and the Indian subcontinent for several decades. I spread to north eastern Italy in 2007, according to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2014). It has since been diagnosed in the Americas and elsewhere in Europe. From 2006 to 2009, an estimated 106 Chikungunya cases were diagnosed in the United States (in people who had contracted the virus while traveling), yet those cases did not lead to an epidemic, according to the Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (2014). In 2004, a severe outbreak of the Chikungunya virus affected two million people in Asia and Africa. 



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