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Post on 18-Dec-2015






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DescriptionIVONA is a high quality speech synthesizer. Its main purpose is to convert a text to speech (TTS). IVONA technology allows to create digital voices speaking various languages.IVONA voices are recognized for their natural and expressive sound.These facts are confirmed by the numerous honors and awards. The most important are major prizes in prestigious, international contest Blizzard Challenge in the years 2006, 2007 and 2009.Voice generated by IVONA synthesizer was considered to be the most natural and closest to a human voice.After installation finishes1)Do not run the software2) ivona_sapi5_voice_v1.6.60.dll copy this file into directoryC: Program Files IVONA IVONA 2 voice x86 - for x86 bit WindowsorC: Program Files (x86) IVONA IVONA 2 voice x86 - for x64 bit windows.Thank You For Downloading !!Seed Seed Seed !Please Seed As Much As Possible !Do not Forget to Comment,Like,Request,Follow,Subscribe !


KATA PENGANTARSegala puji dan syukur kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus atas berkat dan kasih karuniaNya, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan karya tulis ilmiah yang berjudul Analisis Resiko dan Keuntungan Investasi Reksa Dana.

Dalam karya tulis ilmiah ini di bahas mengenai resiko dan keuntungan berinvestasi reksa dana sehingga pembaca dapat memahami dan mempersiapkan diri bagi yang ingin berinvestasi di reksa dana.Akhir kata, semoga Tuhan selalu melimpahkan kasih dan berkatNya kepada semua pihak atas semua kebaikan dan bantuan yang telah diberikan. Semoga karya tulis ilmiah ini dapat berguna dan memberi nilai tambah serta wacana baru bagi semua pihak yang membacanya. Tuhan memberkati.

Bandung, 6 November 2013Penulis

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