i .. jjb-bb...

Post on 18-May-2018






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II I .. jJB-BB

~Mt>i '.**? S^*-3 * "**?**<' a-,:-.', «i-<__|* tp** ht a.-*--'. **. BBU *t *-» j** *\u25a0* B*Batiißß|ma* a ..*» tat en**<\u25a0"«'> P, - *****litS3, the tattalUT RBrSTIBI w a--** *»»-*.

raavSat?* n*j^kt*nnk»......RMx . aa**atwß .» >,?-«\u25a0?\u25a0 *'r>«»j[-',rraj 5 ! '\u25a0? -«***ii»c.i- ' *< *»? ' I***,

j,. ,i ii i .-^? 4m \u25a0 1 rii -i-^-?-

P.: l*J_ lATA- :-" fRR*-\u25a0 -\u25a0 -t \u25a0 - i ? - *

a mFKtXW <** Lrvrotv* me*«aocrno.-rIA .**X\" i.V-*>_.i;t-TEl> 17 » fcKMA-JOtt ~H._. Vi _v Wchr-vrt'erin, new in th; l*a***Nal

Set Mo* f***pres*nt"Of?et, lie* been s;BCtawjgr th* lUfenii lanjltlktßlt SO tN vacant *-M»!Si Ik* U. » Sesiuurt. L-tt we**. *uth* Rou.*,ij_tn _____**_** rrjaCa a ap*mßß aea,i«iiig bbbb

fc- Da. Ha enid iKr tj-antna*-Tie a**,**.*-*.-Xannjansaht-

jv esmt \u25a0-? thia Ho a* by the Pr-«.sdeotof the"TTJUiI Cwaa* the non ieauuhabitaf?*_»-

--i ;.,. ii.-.r ?»'er been -*l*-r*e*d to CenjMkl M|j reraarkable far what b nys, -nd r,t'*i Btmr*-bsj __aMe to* .. b*X it l But* to *a-f< 0-3half el th* t*t*JJ ?'\u25a0*' o*JB pnjßl WRmm a covefvla devoted n the myrr Re ia**, an «n---t*ac* no BB* BO word, vi Rivun to land, orarreatonend n the bravfjr** arid paUanfry.ore*** the i'i.Li.iO"|"-.-taif usr t6*_iera ta,-.. tgtkym l»»vn»*ijr os'iiea wMrh bay*heel. Ni BOt*r*-w i* repressed for the hi\u25a0sate*] ahead, iNo aliiL'.iou is* made to tti«r «:ir.-! aed wmaiuleß No ayuapaihy -.« nh--,-: * to ti'f a-rro*f__-*| -ahlow ftiiti to the heln-'»«-? urphiin njfti.} dcrin*. i"a-i peostn*. if tin «war. which corttd have beta«d oy ban... fßmtawtOO. if the Pre-frO**** and his jfriea'ti bad ahotaan to co.

rjir, tl U - r.r*-a.*.'Li's It fatalt .-:-rr tii... y Mm,?»*<-?, when we ccme te. of iv c-uCII a.u3 a-.bst_sic*. -To feed

.a, ptrg, M*. aBaa-da :'ic BearOj we are te?_»x aui -aWt*--*?\u25a0<? the v*) ir* bb*gb and trfeefaH-rji-ea. *c*tr*r*- «?£**\u25a0 rr -c la :<> "*"? kardaaai ta tL«caff. *r the t.-;:-1'. ... tire black tr.c*.

A cf nrtia> from Sew ITjigl-ud thrl n ..if a -;>'";"'tii.i'ic:il BaaJyeiaol the

monan I*s Bah*, one from oa*aad aaaghln ?,-? Naawhi ..-?>?\u25a0: naught aadthe ane-.:. I ' '...l.tlllN. |I j.'l-itr-r ] ,

Sofaraaii mates n ttie v.hiu. race thaiBlhaTßarinal a-teahrrion I- H-rh* ski tar as it

ralates lo tha net ro, or ij_ the '.' art I r.i .'i*--,-nc! toe 'he "fete of Afi-i---ran deeeeat rivers of l_e*d and sa*_t*onaiiliioaa of t**ea«P ? Br* not er >i*rb for hisb i -\u25a0"-. ton I a-iv.-mt.-icre.

Now, :r, Who* ririr peopl* have aarsioili-'ylooked tt ? atemmgetrom 'hu President oltie L; ? a > its' to Ir-'irn v-hs-t tb'-y havo tohope ol \u25a0 reatored Ciii.n. and a reiar.-! of 8m. I peace one* mor-e their _rni-h*ta,by infereac* we lean-., il not diwc'ly, that, ll.ry . all * lie E-***a*aaat'a plans; if. ~ i.i;iv oiir hi.- i-ohevM* thirty sev4 !.- trow Bew, the p*rvahi may behold

,-\u25a0?- tioß of the luiiui, and taetetaraol'! n. Iat) nena-rk atatc* at th* au<! a*tnoee thiilknraa yt-nrs bn fow of us wii!

be fitr-oato eajo* th*hiaaaagß ive one\u25a0 d it- rJ.ia botv distracted Bad divided

wB-try.ii.. afr. C/i'_lT'jr*Sj-, -Mr* sre a few pass

i na in ..r.c BB*eaaa** bo aztraordfaatv.go area-. arf-l, Ikn -.-fT rr-quirc at |**n a pa-ir-ii:.; BO-hn 'bai bai beau, cad .tiii ie.a ereat *iixUrti i--'- aael B_pa*eaan by o_r p«<ipie that tbie_c*,ro popslat!iTß***t illtt** hnnfar*with thc-j*;tb ": illhallaot jot'Jotse-jicia the ocenpatioaethey ka** heretalbß* nareaadla *h* 7£..'ii)ut>badoatrialr-nraafta f L?? in the arsat l-rtj crr,-? bi ci ime '??«\u2666-. Th" Preeia*-* B* t_atbeee1Ban »h* it__>--a__.-

"A'-'i *** I withto B*7 there 'c: SB Ov*j*etioa-r-,-»; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0;. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ';B* ooiort»ci p.-.raons reac-:i_in-lata* c-.-***i.*7, «_icu is lari/elj- ixaginary, ifr;.: so-tattf-ee Bnl-doas It v hwßgtad preeenee tr.jare an.ji_apb*oe white(shot utd -hiiii i_.;'crve. Ii there ever ounldb* a proper tin* for t-ore sateh a*-gntEen*cJithat tha* a"r«'y n-»t now. In*!_:?! iiiie tb--present, nea -hoaldatkn B*nal-g for whichiti \u25a0 r-foak **v>v wHiinaly be laapo-aible j\u25a0i_" ia in staraity. I* it true, th3n.

\u25a0 ... \u25a0: -T-i ; -ople can'diepiuc- any mo'-tr jwl :.»\u25a0\u25a0 »r car b*iaf i'.-rr? than by f*a.aiiiiog ic. ,>.. | ]f th«y stay in tbeir owe place.-, tiiciy jia-'.t- ..- whitaL-borera* .f tlsay I -« ti:c;r

.o]: . - as, i 'j--? leave ihoai ->\u25a0/??_ to w ,ita it*- jb .- - B_l«*i aha** Uneithei Btoretto] iiessof it."

.-.\u25a0\u25a0 -. tr:". i "rvriii n»n oo ~? vtoitaa-r**-* *vex.: ;n...t that is ».:. i_r«i.-eut. He tells'>nr. b . le, tiioae who a*rps*t*«d U a ttsi.--*. u-et*li<r* \u25a0\u25a0he .tici iii». party -intc.rr>i*.i to k«reptbenon :*r h >ldi_g 8-uias and _!i tae Tfriiiuiitsc, the I -100 fitr taa tola 'j::c.-.pst!on of thewhfae reae, il yoa do i-.-r-t iii-u nj plan of vi -i s,t»- at luu rd-ek ."-ace . if .ou f.;.r, fron!:.:.: r- r-daeti -_ -woir,!. yoa* that tneir labor

Ibalr -hht iato eo-iprtilioß wit- that ofij:\u25a0.'.: )wb,i_l you have to do to ave-dthlal

to qii;«iiv kavir your pr**sal |t. [.I of _thoi, ti.-ie-) to which, perhaps, y...u_

-? ba -. kMhed, and the gravesof yoarr.iii-drad and mi_rate Bpathwtia, ana ovCUtpy theahun raatit* rseaat by the e-todosof want ir:?ExWileßcy ti-rmu tiie "free A*a_f-nan ox.. lesseot." That i* me mub'aadsßb*

50f rt.tjo' fin Hia Ksii-i of *-rgvTn**t| _da>;t, if yoa- lutt all the plan* of the *vi**sfTow

toac- - ii... :\u25a0-' IB a_d colonnatit.n of lbaegfc war* to aay BQeeaaafully tarried out.what would ; arw rmrJiirh in the _r«-at workoil-atoriu*| th* CaioaT Kotliiirg?-worre|ot_lag.

i.x; Mf-iiin: ro rcn?n;eiiiia in hla annealB*n_4(« three prnpositioa* to the CetV>at-. ..:\u25a0 i i'i"".-.'!States Iwi-laottroo-bls theeoßualaee with renciiui: then; e*-erywru; r'aau iiere i- f_*_; whh the articleah*| rope tea .o uvJvr', far araenca;e_ts. ihe Urst.teeoc i sad th-rd, iits fur the bene-t ofthe neera ii,c people are r.i<k and tuod of thia--r.-j~.rii taiif upon the negro, end tbey havecr**..:g».ii i.rar atsjja?: tcnr-ista-al'ly in tne re-i,-.-. election*. Tiie Presj4ent s pn.pcsc"ii-s ;;J*_eLUi asswii-ie, oruiiDerofthemjCr. slidai; reotrive t_e *ua'j_gt>e of a majority .-if tbep* aof _.ore thaatTo bi-tee ct thiD L'nion.v,'* r-jca tr-ia nbleot,I deaire to cah tneBtteai-OB oftha eoata itto* m a oiutr.e teatm-ei.i mlHtina -.o tne-e aujeciu-aema. in ths uie-m---r.i> tin rt-cornrj*.",.*an ai_naciu>eatu.i the Co'i-sumtion aa foilowar

jbt. ?. CoE'cTit-r'.! may appropriate ni:.neyfnil mhrmriee pmrida f rotNonhung u-ee toi

\u25a0 . I pir*ons, wiilr it:- ir OWa uausr-ih., at «_u>, r.-ra 'jiilhouithe L'niifcd Statee.'In thia ri BO mawnd-tina ho senh. to give

y. ..c-.- to do what ti-* tr!>;iia3 he baa the powerii io uitijoi'i ii; sad *>y thia*t***e*ißßiesAst_oD- ..'ihj;* hs uu» Leon eierti-rinM liiiau.hor.zeii?- I -Jegal authcrtiy. Is not Ibid btkaalfaab.-daaaon that "tie Conßtitatioa, unaanaded,? - .ia iio power to t-toßgT_Ba cr the Ksccii-"v* ?t- \o sppioptlsto er Be* tae money of t_*\ I . fog mmj purpeeaa eoßiannlaUid la thiss-Beadaaaatf He aalii* np..n aa to oonpro-\u25a0is " rouiprouaa.. i* lti«t 1 bor Whomdon ba ;.r-;j o*a a eoßaparaatn 7 tA'h-t for .'laorder thatyea may Lav* r?ore power toi Ivsboe the -agro. That is ail the**??toat,tad tiie"* !g Both Bg ices of it. He toils usthan are of opthiOß among th«Ueada Ol tb* iJqtoa "i- to El.-.very andtae Africanrac*- amoiig us" He bays to uli?f tiioee arho difiei with him, surreulier» BBd c.i4ie to my pfan?ar.d he callst-j»i crjiij-'rousißt-! (J'mproniii-e! t«e, Itrustia 0-4 tue day is r.'-t far dim-fit wfcen thepeiipis ol tail country wiil CciHipromi-e autt'-vo the Ce*n_tat**a and the Lmou no thewhitepeople, a~ri uoi Car tbe bfasak peepee?Otir i*«pie Ai* lor co Othat tr-«:.-ij:ro-jib« thandnt

'Here are ether pr**_em of the r_esaa_er.*:rj- wjii*b I ehouiu like to ht-t-tow souie ..i---te&doa i bnt I will forbear to do bo now. tor iatsiie to call ttie aiteutiou of the c-j_j_ii".eeV-c*.r propoiltion -f th* PrttScaent yon-rfe-j -frith this eahjiret.

i'i*e pioclataaliou of the -2d of .Seijteniherisst, tetocd by tbe Preiideut, took Lh* couU-yby ru.-i-.-.-.«-, and no one of thecitixou* moiotiu-i myettlif. I had fondly bop*d aud btenBB_h>ua that the 1..-"ii.";,: of th* i'nitauIrSialas v.ttaid *o ouduct hi-ÜBelf in bis higtiofiif c of <Jhi*l M-gi*trate tbat I coald lendi,ii_ my *uppcrt 1 Utve been" drir*u, witbti -»*.i.oe of others, ioto oppctitioa to thepolicy t-obij-in*d iv that proc-s-aatiou,forrea-Beas wbieh moat commend themnivea toersryregektiug mau aiuearaiy doairooa uftor*Baiaiing this r*ir*lho_.

Mt Linevjln, on th* 4th of March, 1861, ont?e east. poitl*o of tbi* Capitol, too* a vow,Wlikli h* baid was regit tared I* Heaven, to;?- rjr<-rt ti.* Co-*tiintiouof tb* United Statesin bis .i_.-g*;r«l addrees, deliveredoe tbatoe-**aloa be ssin he had no lawfulsutborityertat-itaai.e m ictotlere with tb* luatitutiuu ofaiavery ut tU Bute* where it eaiats la hlaprofanation of tbe Sfld ofB*penb*r hut a*kaenree* that h* ha* power to forever fro*el aantoßfl held ac tLroowithia aayState,a? a*«wnated nut ef a Mala, mm *******ttnooT aaail h* la aabelttMt mßßmSllmoVemmt *h||*t." _r_t -rM«__n iapnm

Iftbe object of wee aotto\u2666id the rt'-B'iu.n."itr «4bcl.*ra*. Itbasatrength-ened -be reho'lioit by -ai-iring iato theirarmy«ve**y parson iv the r*b_t§ tiial it woe poaeibleto driv \u2666h'?r-. Was itkibto-xl to atfect thoaaalonein labelUonf Clearly mi, The slavesofOArtry~otem4» ? reW-lana &lato **ereto ba"r-.e. ibe loyal man ovr-j|'na twentj elaree,eri thr- manIn tha i#alj-r*ciy owsinic s likeu-tahvr, wer«, iiy thM f_ac'-_ma_cio, to he »f---ft«st«d prrch»i-» -.h**. BoojAfA 13i*1*.e object, of the?- KiU!_.-t!Ji,a .\u25a0\u25a0*-\u25a0: to the viei/f<), not tc\u25a0:st.i-)--a tbettrivi*-. It was lrji;iia_ *_,-**, liothiitg ice*,?ft go**-.-! it ir vr r?h.,.' h: ysjn any:'dug done bytr-.e Horn'" at the "«»\u25a0. wwr of4Jongre-j«.

? But aifa'c. Ifti>e'prr**fMt*if»ioa in to be csr-ri-. d into f./r-r'-f r'--e t-r:rS-*t e*ont?*ms nntilt:\ory a!: vs ia free, if oWkry reI:-fl nhoidd lay<l"v-ra i.i.* ;?:-;-? on ibe %tjjpy-ol' Jaunurr n»J:t,or spy ra-ir»rte-|ttrj--, day, biriait-lfto4be tew* »n<i Cowi-lratijSlJrdltjl'.'} L! Su; en,r: 0 k.-.;\u25a0 wOOld B ill l:tt«-j j.r.t-1..,mtiesa thedlriveii vrr-re Bii'free, l«r? de

?1 i-en tii>rt "tho cf thel-iiotl Stit'-1*!, in- !itdl**|i't"*'*r* b iliv.rT and ua-val au»h'jri'.ies i':.-*>roi,-'wlll reoo. uize the frsedonj eT.*«eh poraoui-. It j.?rer.-'bona the ai-root th*|r*ei>eiiic.n, arid port- ipon«* the of rtir-torinepsio-it to this conn- jtry, by the W/"he piirpoae for 'wai. h the dX<veotivapowariiHsli oe u-»d. In jwhat rcripect has our c*,,"opT tne ca-iiie ef tbe 'I'm'?!.?l**-*- advanced?# Fp to tn_t time, !'ttTfiC'-tjoat,: -c irreict N-r-jSiwest, yen hud to Ih*it(-ia«" forvorinteer6ftfar"m«.y ruahod to therurtay. f«-iti'- theriy?- nAg?*'i. J Uavolunteer- j

Vtk«r tc thai AjmOit was no- nt'Of-swiyry, .as cl*<v-v<tirji*ct'tr-fr .*>*' r*V at-.-*.*' ?am told, f>r 1 ;kitre ooi raftri it ia '_aH.teef.ary, to hsra proyo&t marsiiaiii -d ov«.<-)f ;ooanty to attael tnartei* fren the amy.

We are ;".* rrßsed that bat i few <.»-,>? w fore |ihe iaanla* oftUiß proctswottoß, ihe Jr,i-fi."iiiiciut |bimaeil ot tlureii, in a coafirretioe wiiis p; ioegentlnaaa wh > vvtro nr»;in.: a;rn to thin t-tett,viat itwonM aotoniy hrt v.-.aliv litoponiti?a

in the ebjewteroapht, b*_t *mdduirocilv week-t'n BB ht the border States, bat BtgD*n<*a_tryad<!».d that ir niiirht. hnreaee ear ttreaatbin theNorth, i pause here to inqnir© wnero tharadvlitioaal erreDt'ih ia the Nana war to l:e obt-iice<j; uoi t*Ttuin!y *ror_ the laoiantrslfflic laaianl In the liot-h. 1"iidditioual vigor waa jinfttaed into the eervice, it i-mst come fios:soma ether qiiarter which until then tiaci pot Ihe-rti y snit.-iitiea the p ihny of the A.iminis- :trut'on. I need not psnknlarae what claeaofMidlviduale were to be TjhQa iudnced to if-'d

enrjiort. the country weii iCnowa thot'aleful inlneanri ot this ci-ei-, and the erici_tiiev i:e*-k la aneonvnlaaih.

On the 17th of Mir?!. Irurt, ny ooßeagaa,Mr. Lovejoy) ksvh.;1 heard thattwo BBgroei

had arreatedi latrn a res. lathm in-.;:inciiojj:a oonasitteo to btonir* irto ih» fitrßa,jVliieliriiaolutiiin passtii this H'/Uso by t> ma-jority of two te out*. Oa Hie fint day ot tantirsia'au I iritioda.jeda r sol-ion direcring auli.qtt'ry into the can-i-awny whha c.tisp_£ ofIllinois \u25a0RicQOat e__-*go- btaiag niade a_*i_i-tta?*_, ?ere net-dued in the varicr.?- fcrrseciaastilea m the -Oc.r>try, ana chat recciiit-oavrsJ-laid on thetab!-j, ousaotion of Mr. Love-Joy, by aaisici-a*vote. Th-* ?r*ny is b^i*::*asai".i'or toe Leo's-";, of the -.'uts 80-9t isba-Sg used forbio beue-c. _*73*ry d*Mo!"t_i*Bt Iof Ui*. -i-.*-,.-1i1t..-iiis betaa n__for b-g baaa-,at.

x-ow, *j"r. Cc?_n___,. I he,** a -wuito tiic-e who are teniporrijily exerciairrc thef?a_-S*o_a af the KracßtivO _jepr-_*t&<-._t oi i-Lit- Covenant-,. £ lei-r th«iy hi-** not c*u*:"_the hi.tory of th-;- piv-j-'.- Of tb;3 conatry, Ci- Itbe characte-cst.''s of the race f_o*a vtraieh jihey have i*n***Bd*d. Tr;-.' hbrtory, eorrdetly Iia'acreV-'od. eb.OWB that 0} 11 Mil Win allllp'jvv-'r jrhey nave aver mrfaobed, even fron _&**_-- 'iii!*r hands, frv-h g*_e**B_teee /or their hbertjr, jlam Jud to saaks r-r_jrfri-» ia-.Uwofjthe 1-"-:. it.- oith-jasancU ofms:- 'nic-y-J. States,!r.*icaoij.: da* procaßeof law, by the orders of]iho «_t-ci.'ivo o_kea*fl <»f il-is Ooy*:*_i_'.tni>at jthe tiaicii aud tJ-_9e*l wliar*.. 1* ail <r-ir» %': coi -..-: I.\u25a0f ja* !ee ?,i>c ea-ire-y epoa, and Mn sceoß- ?li.-ii of ri;*- lnw-j wholly iiiinb.--iracii.ed. Tae la, rt remai-at-'le ip ai-i.-ry of oar Irace i« f-iitr !-?*< iit.iv. while oatrages hav# be m 1eoßßßilted apt*!! the right.* 01 oar pco-ii*, no jra**i*iiirr-fi Iffr*. barn oflVi-J, uv v£*t*oce d- pc, ?and no ijtvj hat her -, ..a-cu x-s the penalty for |thewroag. The deetr*of the people topre-1serve pestca io t.i<?ir o-,--?* j-\iti-.t bas re-t?**_*ed j?h-ai vai.s .'?r f-jm tut ea_-__*-krß of vio- jIdLce.,

Attauapt* have been madM Ao ial"-rii>..r»*e oar jP*epi* at thepolls. Proven Maiarrahr havebeea Beat evaiywher*, *ad yet our "pbtapie -ha** -ot r-.afH provoired io vioirt-e order. li«t !tin* are in -«w*ra*et. They mo-iu to preserve jtheir Ithertiea aud their rii-liu*. Therecuku of.ttie imi. ilonvinns war* oi uo lra_ipocary eh?- tractor. So-h h tri-fiapb basnevei Before bc«n ;-,- itaesaticl la i,ais o-aatry. There is not __:_*:.;who voted the *.ic,r.».i" life*, fall, Itf'.riiT'ira'..-.:.i A.a COtttttiy WtrO is liOc l»;c:;.a*>..i. iwhen the fiiuuer time eoatea, to lay down iiiclift rjt.'iit2- ih-iii saeir-i-ioebiairbcrty. Wo n*.ay jk.i well nnjarnland this. L tvs intir. !abcu- it. Lit Bl not try to Be-eeiv. aiiiyeivcii!the?s trYeare bo _i*«-*Biug. We arebol_w I re_kers p**«ti!e bave iiiitliircd v-.?rcai <h-_!. Tiie-. have sabraitted u> a*rbitrary |arreate ;.ad inipna: cmeni Bat lei ma say u>?i;ni{ in (i ;d -r name. MpaßM}-*h pj yo* cannot\;o any luitiier. - Oai- people a.c JOB shati CXft '1hey z-vo .lftertaiaf.d. Donot udscHuifciiiand tasrin. We are for DsdonWofeia Car dbercr?iniMllliilhiiißl iibt-i-ty.?U_r aj_o-fltora, ia ail itMati ptut, have viodiciited it j and tbtir utai jong.-ui-feruir?. wiii, if n-ecl be; vhuHeate it heiore(J*d -ad the world.

I re-itsat. Mr. Chaiirmau, our people*, si* ia }?ataßßft, '.'my mean aii that they ha~e said, iThe] love the flag, because it reprer-etits Con- .\u25a0titration* order, hCw. Ihey do aot wish to be ia'-vea, aad do aot mean ta be *r.ade ? JWe have had a bill paused he,* to day, onderiwhip and, without tiebi,.-?, wilaoet in- )auiry, e*RnH__t- amnesty to Ihoee who have;thna wi* ged our people. I think you hadbetter *l*o paaaa t»ul extending auiuc-sty toihoue t i jem vrnom tho peoplo huvo eou-f?teemed le* jour ooan* here, so tiiat yon r-an :i.ayea ixihticai rcßtu-reciiou henaaftor. That;is me oiii> v»uv in which yon c-u evar have>;«.»\u25a0. ivort-.a li yoa exjo t that when tiieooart* ooan to louk at the nonet?aaa bill?a laiofa *©B have passed today, wiping oat all Ilue lisßt* ci whohat

_been iajurareu iv ?

pi.oou, ihey will hold It a* -oa*4*totloßai, yoa jlira v?Bally iauTa_en. He court of \u25a0/..slice will ;hotel tnat mat gives IlidaiiiiHJlJ for *lo ?* anion, Jraajhssee, iv;-imitt*i e_ercii»o ol uowar. Il isnot- jt-suce enearth. ithr-MN justioe be tore IHod' m taaven. My opinion aboat it i* thatjuu had better have ielt the BOOM open tooar people, and Jet those men who had rath- :a**-ly tuci iov-_!t-i-.'ly v.'oiaied every precept,iaw,_-c,.t C acii*;ui*jn, Lake ttie i*g_l cousa-j4iieaceeof 'L«i*-_ct .

Bat, Br. Chairman, there is no excuse or ;paii-t-ori tor feean-eiite .hat have bc.n |t care act ycu like io.e case of theold mail, bke jrlahouey, to itering to the grave;or thei-uie bey in "Sew _,?gi_ud, who eeliaa.**p*p-.-rs for a living-, or men of high andspc'tieas chaiacter aud aevotod -delity to theittws, lihe Judge Iluif, of iiliuohs; or the un-!fontutoat- hoy who wasc->i_ledmCamp ;who couiii not pay hi* washer woman's hill,iand v>s3, iheielore, ac-enc-rrd cf dialoyal prac-r..r- or Uik-a ihe mtiu ofgreat iutciiect, likei_d.-ou.U. O.da, of Ohio, or theunkai-ued squn--roi aa-.utr firon my liieaii c tALr. ltoti'tisons)itinriot.whoaid nut kuow Out ti_*t Jtiff. Davis-udLaucoiu yiere on tae t-nme siue; or tne in- jlermeai»te* ,betwe»n ta*-.e e*Lreme*?t_ere iei..-.' e_aof tlulu that cctuu no: have been triediv tae place wh«ie tiieolfeuce w_.ssid tohavebeea i. ouiiuittea; and, ht'found gaily,correctpu./iit senuinent would haveeeeu tuai thepen--iuv*of th* law ware fully enforced uponthaia, luall these can*you haveviolated theCo-atitutionand ta*vs You have disregardedtkeat both. Aud now you turn around andpan au act of indemnity to ail coaeernedin iifiiciu-z thoee ootriu*a aad wroofs?*ton hay* had immr_rad (a prism -sea eq-al,aye, aoperior, in iutallan to the Ptaetaentor soy Cabinet officer ? bmb store d*votedto the Comrtuuuon and law* of the eoua-iry than all of them together. Vow, af 1tor alltbat*outrage*, yoa prcpoae to luventba Presldeatwlibpower to auapond thewritof Aabomt oorput, the graat birthright 0fUefameu aodAtaerioaaa and whichhaeaever,anrflßow, beea disregarded aader sayßoe Iptbi**oßßtry, ezeept isai-eth*aet_al4a**of tkaamy

llr. flaili*ia I aavw.tdluai. *r*rnlyapoatbfaiaßlji*nbe*aa**i MMy. t havead-viaad-a-daewa4jfkn, ******'" O*-* ign-

bow takimr. That eoareeleade to the dostrae-tloo of both tha C -natitution aad the Uaioa.I am not authoriaed to speak or lay down theStan which i* to a-orsrn anybody in ftztnre, Io not apeak to-day for that purpose.Perbspa I should not anticipate tha eonm*of the Pneeiderjtot th* United Utateein re ardto hie pre c'smation.* I troat that ba will re-consider it; that he wili and not go tor-ward withit. Thia Governmem oannotbe re-atored h - tbe sword alone. Toa rntiat carrywith it the olive branch. Tba President aayawa Mr* nukin-r history. I trnst -vaare notmaking aueh history as the hieendiary whoewuDK hia lighted torch in the sir to burn the*«r_plo of Diana at Epiieene, ftcd who has lefthie --rue behind, while tiie nameof him whoreared that '.emplehnsperiehed men-oriea. I think that we may expect thrit. undera chit-itre ofpolicy, the hlesaingß oi the Union-*...-> yhi. ho re-rtoreri-and made perpetaal.Mr. Chairu-in. 1 am very mntrh obliged toths co_i_aiU.efor theattention witb wnicb itbs* lifjiewtvi to ray reiuiurks. I iiave spoiienfreely and fairly, andattempted to do my dutyin this vrest, crisis of onr coantrv. mTHK Ct.-.K.-E TO BB *>-.*viv__. OT TSs* HtW

BE.*r-TVR.The W-t-ulngtoa Chronicle snye Mr. Rich,

ar-if-or- 3 fnrnra coaraa is to b* judged "ny thisresolution-! of tbe caucus which nominatedhire; therefore tha policy hn wtfl pnra*i* hf'lresbrvdo-'od In the following abatract ofpoan of ttie reaolntions t

S:c'.*u&? Tb-.t the A'iministration, in ana-pending th* tfTitofka.'+rts corpus, is *lfaf*t-Irrif pn«t,f 3 etjaaena,and then, in*.?«- iies. lti'Tinitr ta» l {-nsatict-[-.«''?">, __din laataaaMaa-rB-Bgpo ver,baßTiohded tha ConniMirion. in*fnnjrod ftptnBaft* d-iverC't-nty, ami _-r**acj*j_*-e*J the BOf>v_.Ur wish, i'-iporveraio-iof tbe war into- a waruf iiiKiii.inii desatee*our -n*imt!a_ed reproha-tiou, tuid justly entitlee it io thernadnmnatinnof «.1I t,r»o ioyors of WttSvio'ttioi-ialr liberty a_dState* tfgfats

Ff'k? That peace. frs-aiT?.! rahtthjaa, andpo-taeal feßovrahip elioa'd bo re,-sco'*t»<i Baaa*.th? that Unbett intei-ei- 6of ail, sir.d the welfara of Inankind, dr.rasndibis should !>s done in ihe apoedie«t aaa -io*?eifectireaanaar.

Scentk?Favors a National C"-_r-*-thn ofall tbi- Skate* at 'Louisville.Kr.,ai the earlieat\u25a0>*acticabl_ iKi-!ed, to adjust our uatioiuil diifi-onltier*.

ilighth?R?commont3s that tbe Lewrislafarenowin nraaJOß appoint Coras-iisaiyuera t > saidNational ConTeiiti-ju, and mvii* otuer Statesto do so.

Ntn'h?That we Jniuee-fd" reaenmead a\u25a0akaKsba of tiostiliti«i. for finch period an maybe uflteartary to allow t_o pec-re of the Northfind Soath to express, thiourrh a Hatto-a. "TTeavfntion, their wish f->r p-jaee ay.d a iBN*_t*B-BBXa of the Unionas it war-, under ths C_resti-tution M ft Es

H :ff &r*rcci.Arcßa Oct Tbahspoktavic. i? Qeeriamt Dtvel^pmrnti. ?Ola esse anionsthe Uaa-saad which are.ccc-orrng iv -ha Coi-feder.acy __s atotaajjfQc_.c.ialboguizeszc:, __o*W'ix-jrhow speoijiatora?-those p-sts atf eOT'-ty-?es- too Government for their own paipoeuaThe gTHnd '-ry of the Couffiderate Diptr"-;-;Cc_r. adMobile _£v mad-* r \u25a0*r?*|Mtßna|»,aeery of whirr;", haa bean forwarded hi J?r-is:-deut Davht An ?xtntot. from the preeaßaVt-eni v_l expit-i- itself:

Tils iXLatter in qodettoare-aa-*a to i-L? wide-epree.dps-rTersion ri_a at>ixaß by C-tovanj-rstitoclcers, E3 lh<3£3 jaror. believe, af tha put.lie

u> parpoeee ol e-joiu-atantand *n*eaAaoa. l-iev flarL *-*?s-f*fr etherfiaaU of the &_\u25a0_&,, and cc-spieaa-.-

thest, tia.r. George B. C!it_eiat, a re-J---u-n.*, ol 'u **e cit;. Mobjia, u.t or üb. at Lli-

<f -in-'ci- oft?e prasi-ut yesi-,afterhsr-I tigproenroc', tiie age-icj:of A. ii. PoW-ah, ot Mo-itvgoaury, au oraer from Mai. W.a. -? iiil, ii ao. oi T aa.portattoa Atreiil a; if ioa-Btand tor iue fi*rvMid?Bg o. :>iit».ic *&pp leeteam -lan firlui,s.a t.., lio-*2o>n*B*y, pr rcirs-ii clo Gave irauponod tiier*-, ir7ider Btrj?i -ties, aagara-a. 'Ui.'iuti--a, wnioh woroton vary3;llar! « .is-nt, ii »?y uicii. U-.._.i>*..u : \u25a0... \u25a0\u25a0_ ?

9a-**«e, hat auaoacanrciy the proporty ol prjvutrs spet'Biator*, rj-id tuo eui.j .ct oi'iits; theam ihey etaaaotß-ot*itocerately deilae than by stating coat tbsywere not ier? t_UU] one huadre i a"a titty thoo~-.--?-1 do Uir;. iao.-6 jur rs I'miacr tiiid that

chit tra-aportati-aaof pred**r_e*o.poolicBiippiiv-.e was _tooofJO*--*Bg the rai-raada uj< *i-rica a tew _-tet*Mted ;!i'".'viti:-ii3, tuo W-olaanyfa? tatt- of -.ha i-'iaie, t/Ktrfiiier wi? c-Bate BBd G«_eml t_or*r_-_-at thnrjaelrs.v.ere iiiiiiy .ma .".bepiy sutlmag ihe iv .» se-rious? dedt__ie_l by their Bhaen cinijjlcjia a_-clugion from the u*eot oaid reals

Ti-ey Arther iiud thai tha aood. to qiit-siionWute iscvei*a! tita*-» BTTBfltad in i!>eir tiuiiait bylha rigilanc- ot oiiicutii., -*ho douliiei til--'?;\u25a0.«\u25a0v.r.i-i* Chat they were 6orer-_-_ffh pr-.pertv.

the same weiji traati-lnittly7i,ark«d "C. 8. A.;' and thattrn ereryMtshoenaaion, *!r. Clot-era', wTio bo'metim-jo rerl ailvitesoiibed hivaiolf a»a Ooverrmiont B<e_t, bdl

lertHj the EiiL?ie4 atrtut of tbe abhaowiiB*poe*j_itoral i'eai*nn~«***" tbii i.iiey wuie put-litrnpplie*, v.o-i the auiLciriuea at It nh?iend hav-ing cua-,«e of r; .th mi-tters, when .ele';.raph**iiu{ion ibe aahjeat, connrmed '-bte erroneoae\u25a0j.-iei- i.i by ciireciing that the goodd shoulcibe permitted to gc ou, cr by refer isg- to tbaoriginal authority in the h<-nd* of major 3mlho"?. i.r "-"ontgoniciry. who, upoa &apphcaiica, ret;_r-»d the same a.-jw«.* h-j 1 d!-rcctio-.

Abe thrYa.skees ir; Pcss-ssics*._itr 7? Th* Mmtgomery j^ds-crrft'sersayssThe i.*u#etion waa r-aita seme-sly mooted ys-v-

--terday and the day before whether tiie .-.a-keen or the Confederateswtreiupasses-innofttie capital city of Taose who ->r-gned that the «nemy held the city pcinied tothe Una coats, which were to he seen in pro-fusion ia the aiarket, in the stores, about thehotels, and on tbe ttreets, as an argument intheir favor. If they were not masters of thecity, but prisoners,a* acme contended, whatrSHG'.nabio arcase conld be offeredfor theirbeing allowed toroam through the town with-out a guard 1 They evidently had the beat ofthe argument; still, there were those whocould notbeiieve Montgomeryhadbeen tamelyeiii-rendered. On application to the Yankee*themselves for information it war fonnd thatthey claimed to be prisoners, taken near __!**?f-eesboro', and paroled. Some of mmm s«.idthey were desircu* of leaving here ac soon acpoasi .la, in order to go home to their familes;others were notyet satisfiedwith the eacceseofthe effortsto subjugnts the Sooth,and wished togot another opportunity to murder Soucher-men; while others still professed themselvesso much enamored of the "Sunny South,"that tbey tro-ld be willing to remain, in ca-rethey coold obtain empiovment asmechanic? stthe rute offive or sis dollars per day. All ofthem eeemed to enjoy their liberty immensely,and doubtr-es- thought the Southern Confeder-acy was notaueh a terrible monster aner aILSeriously, however, the practice of allowingYsake* prisouere topersmbahtte the streetsoloar cities and towns, except when necessaryfor their transit from one railroad depot orsteamboat landing to suother, either with orwithout a guard, is di-graoefiiL Tbeirpresenc*i6an offenceto tbe wives, mother*, sister*anddaughters of the men whom than wretcheacame Soath to murder, and their eyes stio-ldnot be pained with the mpeetscle where it ispr-ssibie to ba avoided. Toe Yankees takeninanas against us should be treated humanely.?A brave and people wiil treat toeixprisoner* iv oo other w_y. TLey should beLaid a* pnnouera, however, be cl **iy guard-ed, and allowedno opportunitiesfor minglingpromiacuoiisly with the people, orof effectingtheir escape. Union thia la donewe may lookfor sbwlition enianriee throughout tbe Month,-ae*_dlarin-, robbery, outbreaksaad murdersWill the proper sathorltln give their atteauoßtothhißUttterT

Hob. Jobb Bblu?The eorrespoßdeot c*.tba Jommai and Mstttngor, writing froaBon*, umApr tint**f th* 19th alt asyai *

At Boato1 had thepUaenraoftaiitlaa wttkthe Hoa John Bell, who he* hem Sriveafron hibane and aatitaa la Tease**** cadhi _©w**iag with hit -sa-lv fataanion_-_.village aaa? Baaa, Mr. Bell J*_fein ad-vasiaad la years aad

aid W-aaii aa4

THB aKLO.f i> S.KGIT OP 9KmmjMtSk\w,

The Jaekeen Musntippiam j*jrVee,&*a aaofleerof high position,aaof th* eeeond siege of flpg wellworth reading: . cf

Oar eom*_t-_r-ier aot-sd vigoroaaty raphe!a-for-mation he brought, axid. expecti-ng%g_tnd.ingot the combined foroe* ot the ahearyon'the Yusoo, every eff-m possible to MB*td_with oar rescaroes was resorted to. Jmnmmmt*r»i sto i.l; Ins few dsye the Ysnkse Wect ofeornethirty-four and racs s-|[sboa? trangpiirts appearednear the -With, ofith« Yaz-jo.i". sight of the ' City of thanHfe,-* !.The toliowifiß day, at I o'clock, the gar-oats 'of the enemyhad caiukni-.v felt thelripe/ to .the rrift ar/Snjder's Biiifx*, about tedfoil-.,frora the mouth of the _ii_oo. Thei-they',;foncd a battery, which t-rpensd fire, -?drfcgif.ii'- '? in.,- them that their fnrth**rprogrees WoMd boc lutewed with v'gor. * Tae enemy threwa 'fow shells ami rei.c-d. In the r_*-atSa* the ', transports had landed about 8/"'.* tegbo/m; the Luuiaiana chore, who proceeded daru to; t-ie '?aiinad, uppoeita the city, and dewoTcdI the(bridares ar.d otherwise rea-ered th* i-«--_<l ;; uniivail_l)!&, erst-tin.. off our commcn'c'awda in 'j that channel with toe salt miaou ofLakh Bl»- :'\u25a0 teneao. which '.vera at that time sanj-yingjaboat s,fMiO haj-a-iella of salt daily to trbkpC'on- j

! Failing to reech any f onsidcrabia fore* in ':. their operations, last Tha sd.ty weekthey j,i-ifided a large body of troops, estimated st! SiJ.tJOO. on tho Y-iZ''o, st the piantations ofjMrs La-e, (Japt. Jolmaoa,and Co). Bathe.? j?j These forces proceeded through \;Border of the BWamp from the po'ot a* Sr»*f*'t :! der'a to a dialaiinii oi twoor three miles h»s!o'w jjVic-sLui., var-hn in -isi v c from the faxed jjriver I'.-otu tww Lo live Bailee, h-r ihtr ait-aider- ji i;'(.-: of ths stream miy < ire<:t i-s couree. The !| hhiifa are geaerally _oite r**re_a**, running ';fron nortbea st io southwest, affordinga *«-_?I UfuJ viewofthe bottom, which is iuierr-peresd j

With lakes, and the ernoke a&cßniiLg ihrong- j( the -tee top* fron tht- Yankee c-joplires.Four <"<-,--?* in BTKoeiliya the eaeray, -aviar** j

advanced to the 0-U*_irn of the woods, kept*p a eoadSßal lire on ?.?urliueßiind'jrthcb.tjjif", jStrnbrafj-Sg tra)aof the disianr-e fria*. Sayder a ;to the lErdfaa l-fj-ad, only fc'iir and a half ;Diike above Vie-j-r'airg; aai oa Mouday laßt it

IIwas evitie&fcthsy had throws a lar c forou ;-ear the centre, with a view of .>t*Bakiu_ it jand foaiir.ain the rear of Viefcr-barg.JVt ken Gen. Lee dJ-*oovered thair supposed

intenthm. ka tMdared trie light artillery bob* jin reefleanj and withdrew the infantry frotathe -di-iion liiiri (ll ritle pj*e toother*n the |foot oi tiie blah. This had the uesuird effect jof drawinu Snt the enemy from the cover ofthewoods MeetedasintSlr did tho Illinois.;-l.rsouri, ludi-ifh, and Kentucky troopsr ,(B,cH)O strong) advauce apoa oar emi-.1l [rOro*. Ocr br_ye troops wore admouished I

jto noiti their tire nntii the e_er**y vree ini eriort mnake., r«ap-s, battbeir erd"r was euoh,jrsmecbsria,*; th*iEsrilts at d gafleriti;?- etidar->ed in their prison.-}, that prif'eoce seemed ao jj longer c. virtrie.a-td v-*hea tritbix 175 yards the \u25a0t Si aad 3ot,_ ____aasee d_*r*cte4s deadlyfij-e c**.il the foe. The artillerythea shararrv ia the ea- |jragementon bothaides. Tat ewniyadTaacc- igaUßßtly to within -.hy yards o.' our rifle pita. !*-ri:sn tiie well dti-accvci hve efour -rtitlery be- |o*lol* co taped,in cotiacctiaa -rritb oar in£_a'**y, jI tuat the ti?o3 * m-e broken ?.ad tha en;*ay he- I

j jaa apraeipatirt* retreat for th- woods. The ipits ecu!- eoatafa oi*j* i_friatry no longer, and jmOoj lashtd upoa the «acf*ay, Sdlllag and cap- i! "iring aa -bey advanced, aatil tbey were to*, j[ Ie ths vToof*-;. w-rere '.hs Sght encbd. oar men |jbriiudßg o*l t;ruo_*n even thera. Th.t-closed j' the Saht at Bayou-at Smith'sBldF, jjob Itosday is-jt, th-3 c*,a?r_y biing eoanletely !irouted, Diaay'Ered, ant. soaie jji ,200killed, "ivoaadod aad oiltaiag.

hnt-fvir_-sl-_i ? 'j.-'i:'uce*>,'.ii;t!jythoene-j cayon Meaday eveaing, aniddar Bhav-psiiootenijtired npon ":e tioop?, who we.-« Q-te-tsiblr j! rr,?a tiie field to lake off -bardead rind wc-uial- ji ed, bm who i.Kidert"'Ok-tii-»; w obey r;a orderI *.o ?eearo tiieu- aad sinail -iiu-.pre- to ciii-ii-. far their ois-u soffems Itja v while they tvare inaa e?g*go.l la pil!s_- [iitii'-rh« field-of cur ri-*htf-{ inheritance-, ihe IIapbUfl of war, that we firedoa the vauauisiied .!;_-. c>_. ...,..?-,.. -.nen_vV*ao.i'S*i ?--- Icar3of t-eU' we*rnded, and th.ti *-rcren tara IIfired up<ja by their aharpr-ho .itijrf. wLea they i'wi_-drew with the few w-eapded tbey h?>".jcollected. Tiie wou-.ded Vaukees brought offii by *s SKpioa* tiie belief tint v-*ewere iaasfied jlio lirin.a oa them, -ii they had no rigut to iv- ijtr&rferewith anything on the he;d.

Tho p.-i".0r..-.r3 o-ptrjred aie gooti spr-ciar-en* jiof troops, **j«d wi'ii eeatHß* faVora- '; ry aith oarown in soldierly q;?_.i*i?s. The iI ::..=atei'porrioiiaseNwatiitaiinappsarancc.audij». ir? to he rogrotteii'thatth^.emii'g-idedVVe.t

era men thoak) ha feacniiceil on the altar of|A*i.uiii<-.r.dom, at the bai-e ol the hi*!-* oa the jjfaaoo,ia a vain ersrleavor to take V'icksborg. j

Thsaaeny noved frcia the iniiau Monad jI c.i Monday niiihr, to tho vUinity of the old {r.-ce-fraek."tatis exuiKitig their hiiea io theUisau-sßtppJ a aTid a half ferther south ?

Early Tareday usoniing a fda?M appt-ared in theifaUeg tiaabar ia front of th« old i-ace-iraik, in jthe hntid shovethe i-ity. Our aitiii«rv oa theh iiu ahove opt-uinj on them as the threatrjr jr-iiicioiied ii- ttie flataloiig the cdxc on the jti nber thai hu3 been cut dc obetonttbeirjBBaatgO The t"fc:i_y were, al'te-* tt couple of jL-iur9 ekirniishing. forerd to retire into the |woo.n«: Oar ordnance oa the hills sbov* fit-;

| vored than with o*a_tlo_cl sheik* i_ z&j. \...... a Taet-iay Btoraißa is le evident that|j trom the nig!-tty eiamor of asmeu, the enemyI ?-.;?? bridging la_es aad making read? to trsna-.1port heavy piece, from tne Ya-.o tc thispciatjoa the c-iaMsaippi, in order, doubtless, to co-:operate ia a gcaaral laud and river attack,! fitic .ig'..r, being aboat a mile a.**lf. halfaoovethecity on the irdississipp'.. and their left ex-ter.diog to bnyder s on -a* Yasoo.

Shir-old the present rains conuane the Bt>tack on onr will bo inde-nitaly post.-pou*d, as it. will be 'iepoßsi..l» ror a land forcetooperaie ia the kazoo taatten with artiliarywhen it shall havebeea satnraijed with w_t«r.

Ll 4k Id T 1LID g f I I

Li I ti fl T I I iTKA9**** CUT*,

TharTa-aMI* OIL -I 111\u25a0\u25a0!\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 C-L 1

I*.isra- IvK.rrrst_ia _\u25a0-_._«. _Sbcttnga Us-at te

Ki!OJJ-s.air-Oaei OU i^i'. a?-a- j an£ ff-ipurkr tr-il in -t*ra_.-_

i: Us-_ Is. c**a«*-e5. «c.\'.e^se ; *a-r_:_f_eicj._>B.a- ' ;-t\u25a0\u25a0-".?= *a.. i..«.»

It it. aaa the ahaapart is the Cvinfele*i ft;y.j 1 a-t»reparei to ftifcrr-.h **re,12 i.l tot* pi*.-tB-oei.fc, wLi-.ii-i->a.-r!.i is-vii, atA s-Bia St.. u-ar Xaiis.

F. T 14TCN.ST. a-c-ProJir*'anaaaaVwpskttaor-et: r..rathe

coemtjy. js?*>t*

P\Y, \u25a0via.. iiT*rl stl .'-t'abob _«»jjr*jj4__ri«kflp_Kap

IfA--. *iric ._\u25a0--... ajhan -i -U-. Aocatac, and wco«6?« «'«r-v!'--_3 d_?-_5r£ofl, -v-ll ettrijeantta-esriia he vvyi nil ;tr-a m -.rt-i-jjthe ?-/ 4a* «arj.4qu«-n'. te tba** -kich-ry-., k-viagr-rea-y iiat-ineu the --.tys ?« e-j-33 _i.*caaaor t?rcaty vv-n-r p!A6«c] th* r -h-kaa in ti* hac-k _iiki_-j*uf c-thr.3 _rjr.iait ti.- ?'3tj--rerrj_i__t -._. - .-sty*-,-sritr-.tcf: re hte |>rc_ic»t .

S'Jtf. ta.a-i"»a-,&* So~ltc* ?Me. 2 Jjß*» BaiJ<J"ag, Stßhrtv->4.

4j>.i:i'iaTUt*.,.t,c/J. « flU'-'loa.--3t*an4 aaa-j-rta* to aetti* op ths enat* -rf _$SOllls.-J-l

»a asboos ss 1 r*K*n*st i_at all perI -osut kiils'WßiT to W will at «*"** t»a»fcrrwar4 aai. aettl* hi r__:-.-i. Maiast Ue ?*-__-, if proper.j a to-.-*.:-, t. \ will bm noii --*>-« \u25a0*»->-.atr-o-i as1 the raad-ii-i-r*:.-', at Wilhaiai-.a & bo's avettoni rent., on »»?I*\u25a0_** st-. onedeer Bker* I-ranaUn.j i» f?\u25a0-.* a«*t.w Btqaae*m ti-~

v- »-?--vi» -. Ul l f..*, IEICHB JBD Jen. l*i_, aei 5

OM an- ~*t*r ti.<*<*«.;? tttai*tn erbllMwaeaed4SUy froj- 8 ?"?\u25a0-'?if* A. M. '.-8 o'oloakF M,

Ia_a<« niaasy* troial) toll o cloak A. M., ana: -raastndo'al-KbF. t* >F_r4erofaoa-iwo-jj>aia-n Mt|w a-a*a*Vove-tMaiakst

KsAJjß-t Tt*4-i FrenFower,n punk, tree*I BTBali T-athe, aeagiyaawi8 Via**, aeertj _**»\u25a0,

MMTn^^^|al4-»- -4k»tv*nVt-*Bt>n*»dCary.

TO II 1 v an t-W 9111 --Vananeaahe *jtth Utdatr.*-. *JBn>bb*bbbv-b. m*mm\u25a0 ?»_» e__s_toaa________,__»

?-*-_- eeeemYr^S!^*'

\u25a0 jgbgjßgMßk _""eiByTWITSlulf UWOBTi} j_vjLT.£a, wfll UO jr-Mdf-T_bbibb uf seed ahnaaasr, ot<* *>. t«e_.= _j? B :'*~'TrrVT£ in onepi thr b.i i «._,><*,nie*at art*-*-**- la -*rvle*. bow «n aw-u Ttttito, Folar-ki JJUBV.I-. Va ?_?- aai? ?? kaa*f___df~ihßre*n is*-"*.*-. « hi^-dkaaaii

torsn _,th, eisiraay, anC .ar. - g -.or. d, al nfasar*rw ?"cf^ 3** «*_r- ,y »" the cause if*\u25a0 ?* vyEj*To.7. .?;:-;*>-_oiii*np.

Sc-B-TiTn-rsi W_kr__*.*-»V* wn nw".u..*falKiaefe.a ?T .B'7'4lj*lK,BaOBatAK»«.

?s»* a-. -? *&&&**' -a-Kr.-.J«'-l-i *lt?lTc>? ****** rafcirencere-___^___Sfl*r to4**-7 **&d ->-»arrow kt*»na 10-?*'""-' litPirv BtnSt.

fl S--iiTl»to__y k:_a of aarvl** ?» ce_tVa_v -l*nnantie* n. 5. a %r»a, *13.*iat , ni.*, . a-..

O-.i.-u'tniTji nSnT»«tO o er4.l yr.snsuf a*-*, to K0 as STJEeIIT-' f1. a _?*-,?y tt&tztyoOCryuuy jSr-piyii-itr.-*-*-.;-Bi toe Hr*» ij -OEST s Hit,!*, . '

S*_r w' :'*' ,_.- *£*.? * * '?' '-"\u25a0>'? *>*aTv7Jtv cc. .?. -?t».j kavs tre *tnvi!.a* of «___, enKty W-r_-rc_n-r j«-__:_l_| ota->n ?*,.;,,t c ?' "__***? *,axc-t v?-q is 3-*a*_. ot-e cat-airare t. ?\u2666. je&m.tie _on._ of v *_>> A t- eec t- ».---£Mlo!,!li ."\u25a0?jet unr.'i- j. .at *J_* '

Qasod aad nhhkia?..?_' e*nisyeannf JJCSri-r ~?&_» stl%i? ;-vw*««-»»oJ" tO "T,,*

EST,?- *?'""'«\u25a0***" 7*. *-*? ."~~"~.Jala -as* -A Wa* | i E3__.jTJL 91 SBO v.- lr>« paj.ifoTone _rtr -tfjrrsr; WehBe can SJ>'r.c. h?i owir crunps--'

'" Bo:1 ' 3 -*chia« l"lv V* '

S^^iT^T^W** 1*?A -fc-f-d'pAa willtepoij. ar*ply la. ?.'.__, . has_la-l__C -s_HBB.i-la-a--- _-____a_i__.V* r __" ?\u25a0 :r-'? ,?IX7 At- ****-, * '??-l-s't-li (lam_anij,.B-rve-V» J* ltl ! - \u25a0** »'""i:'aM Cavaa ?. 3 ic{mm '3C X' 3>x6)rj p O. j t K,_\- "5?: ir<*:. 1mem WA*+zn ?* *-««»\u25a0*.O "wsr 4a T?aracf rvc:-, rrut have ih« p-iviiss-t.,.'jiri!lie* rtvrv e-aaßan* be \u2666&«!\u25a0:* -jraper *?-l«__*f|tie*. by uptrtym*ntthotmxmot&tt6*h&YTAfMMatB, ace doer below the B, sk 01 Ru*.raond. ** :,, .4 3./

-- _?-..._ *£*£&*£*:A.JIV i?:i.'Gß-_ LTtO-Tof ioTTTJ'rr I,?,",- jCXM9 win cc thf___hll- pit-*?'***, ky _ds !fa-ail- raa friaad*. 'tis ia a ci: ?.-_ ??? G-*-'S*' -Oityes-atj had nea*h*r*d ai>r-_-.£i_n7*"fo-l tha'ttnvny r maantH t»y Cap:, Job o EVr--ar.*.~ 'hart h*i.-,,i ar.ja kt woe -a_| >~ ._:"\u25a0-,--, ?aaa* tmeptptt O. :-. (j-at-aadesta ?*?-.. ,_ , _. 0-A 8\u25a0?&-\u25a0:?.:"a.J3 IS- Hf* st"tnrj.-.adH-ina- a-?; -.. \u25a0. ~_T-.\u25a0*>?\u25a0 ?itMc7?o3 v,"s**lV:a-At.v __..-..?....-X wnsraialuth* wha-eaSc__! sTe** __J*l_U.n. t"J- H iv_] tra tkaakf-ll» reeelrad h* i-ii ?_.-..-.? ?L*S_a-r*r, of Ci-tri* Fircstsray,' g Q. ;._'- ItiilTcu cf *-***ip^rHaa **rHarjltrn) ;?; &>_[_.)_? i Iwlva ".*?*?: haard cf **-*_ »* rkdniiiiinl. V-,oa the '*_3t- ci" Jfciv, *.*--, -Q-til_.LkM-.-f'.___!-____*_, IISToBMe f*OJb W- ... .-l-.?.-,-?.-. _M .-.-.- iB-KB-r* -j.'_ Qapt, S. S*.L*?C©*-*, :.:-.'-ih-;:--jcivitnty; !";.-L"i"j.£-i, i»ra*__-<«* -*t '?o-jpssnT ellearxlry, the *-_-i«_er- ktcact-d Eifitoirn." xfeislsar was «iy--tt :is at 7.'T-'_*,yi...... y_,Ca va£5 v an*-?a i 'out _ui'' t**_-n-a_ea *i to -nd atreal-. |anatereo_i*nr.. ti, t*t*ri*fjs.rrtJ he th-ahl !i**-f**ia&- |_c i-f-u-.-.-. **-*-»-?j*- -£i«r_ds_ --??A-piv va na's--'*-*] gHWOg fc Vi . : .%r;T>-i.¥ .jft'ri-iiil t> v,' vl ,i j- r .-, (a- i*j .<-,._ \u25a0(* v \I OA-tPßtrt-Ut -*<->,*...Oar-, X B&aat-a. tt*- rv?i.-r. oi* "sTawal-n "-.-..-<_ fross >si» waaat a Loa»itai-ia winekwtar If .arm***]a* CM tar-us so-'_-,trantlß* tii?? will Mes_*> i-*e*r***i kl*<? laesr, i_.-» OA-fart'l'!-! !-j"*:____j_| ______! r::'-

,'!;"* y*- S«ijQ -. _r t . _..v» l, i__ BMaaahnSMh, -)??: »??lay -*_\u25a0._:\u25a0'.- - rf Ser_*t ti:' . v '__?< Sc7£,/jlV.i**l^f-'--?a-aai.r-ij .-';,*- -pvaarrytaa-rdj l-t-t*_*t7v*a P ,11 .tro-fi. vr-.a k* "tjfc-1

_ jf*r~i !*r restdve Ib*,_.\u25a0 -- Steer ejrao.-uc*'_i;irMC a ?-- |tbe ot «.. ? -\u25a0\u25a0, - a« ??-(-w a _« _>c kaitie < 1Btaß an ? ':-. -.- jo v, l'J i, as- s-- .* ;\u25a0? cue : >*_s*j #\u25a0-."*'_;?'*?»\u25a0" **-> "*/?- -\u25a0_/*-.\u25a0\u25a0?! -\u25a0**»\u25a0- -rr-i-t IS ,a **?* ' ? jof s_.t -hs ftfS .? *?r-'>y?_ri'-.' Jl .';-'.' r-r- }po-_<t .....: r;u* i; ,'!i*jj at j- preseai ___*, . ; . i [BB* imt*?tins; g-tytin-r; of vrii. sosfw asrnt It-j.- -»c._-.>,4_-.._; a lew I tvat.i

Litai Jst-'1!13 'a.:.:'./ .Ooa-faay "0,-*ha it ;?- '.' ?oJB,

'n 1> 3<* * ST-* -? '.*?:'. Brt»ad>f'halKl \u25a0<. j MB >- . -i.i . f

BBS* P'jvr iiui.i. v*a-J»* ??''- 1889 JT» GKD_cS.LT B_-|trßh_a '-..': a _u_£-X bb?Q-b, at trie Oii« -oa^hr?e ."? P. 3tli J.a.rng:._'"ai. she !-\u25a0_-? we*?d a ksa-ceaai .'??SI h. writ, r- port kintaei/, rl ha? \u25a0-.' .. - or ba '?*??----ton. t--i th*<; itsa tqaartert* -ii -:' bearof _iroa>*»--Mean hi-s adraataas JASSKj QUBEISnt,

ja&. It- 1.-.:. Lt.r.- C- iiv-asdrßaOsrEiB8* **aahsao >-a.o .. \u25a0)..\u25a0..

tin.r piutiiwlC-jfry.

PngJOOSt-L --1 *-*. _a_Mui«<. t-rtaaii, ot«i>f 't_ «'i .-.»?; ?' Hbaah <* CkVa «era*t &fa*- d X .In, Ua wfalr..-:it-:* * inter. J. v,

iai6-'.'ini-tifONsh.? f?. F-UJ-iiJJfaWil IS_ r«t4J*r- tr> .tc'rjuoj-.-'a-in-.y- r.i !i» ran. -i?r. j

\u25a0'airily r-.traJ \u25a0 hirj !j-->»?. .a IS?.fti*1?U-HfaCKHrE.-i. fee ?

f'O I gjl*!- i\u25a0BB**ie. Baaoa -baaa

*>c* Il**-Da Poloafl"--so- .s-t"**_.*, C"-_i£eu 3;y-.1-- IIn- (basket 005 -I- **\u25a0ntlm raau jmb_*?*.-. arid 9tam9p Wwm*}iSp-n-iarr ioaaea?!»-. j

? Ok *r__aov;tjid j_lrnls r>rr.*--;*r , ?Pep. J.?, Ifjf**. Mfei j

For nr-6 by B. C. WU_Mr_M If,j» B?m mnngna fan Mrf; gj _*3S io vm» 11 ah. ' *~

1000 '.fan v"«-*_,c_ .__?-,.I ciie,.i 88-B* fiap Or-j__ ¥f*s

TS bk** fataiiy Vint,SOO lbsKi_l)_iat_;h) kbfi _-4ksamxpt****** *«?».

Oc.__s, Crush-id a-** 1, \u25a0*-_\u25a0_\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-"-"?ar*_-^r>, aaaanrhaanct ?-*.%gS_*_*_t ?... £. HO-bit:.-'??5 \u25a0*4 9?3t g-ti-tr g tt at.-l Pr-.jrlta IIt;

cfc I D s» J- s ?

j_% ?

8 ?<£**??* BBBK*le*Siri jjuJ>'r4; .-.pp*-;.- 2--B-;r-?>. Anr-i'tti;

oO sa-ks f-tgnt* SsK.\u25a0-'- 'vur'.R ._..'..- iaur-i-rin &«.;ur,i4b.'s -k*i*aH OK-U?--».-. I;. ".-?,, _____________________!_ '_. ..___- .-ztw _?__>. j

a-/ 1* ?*bTT*II*JB pr'ai-r BrotTs Jo-rer;.hi"' vhests prixae O-.nvvvr-J ?-. '\u25a0'\u25a0-?_

Fmsaiei*? * BOB? noroa fe 00,Ja iO?at 1- ?'

gOi"TU-4 VXl'Ml-?AboQAn 7r.3K8.

or eate ky <J-La,i T W£'_V?-Ul-I to 00.*____?_* .

SALT, aaiit. *U,L? ?

106 ea*ks B._LT. * "For **la byv 14-m mum} to *<**tnTyßt*.

* ft Bai--r.-*fr.-.ii- si>ta« Br*n-y. a*j-u<c Q.X\/50 irite Wh_k«y:. liiC-; "rew *ppl* .»L.-B_Vf1cask fins Gogus- Bsuaig, facemix i>>J» lfr-H', Wis \u25a0 KGng ft gg

Itu-xat' B» ?'\Z kou ixu_elaarJaaePea-b Blow Fateta-asFT-r aa**by HO.J g*."rat,

)h 4 -*h» Qary. below It > at.

SB a* a a .0hbn.4004tew Orloao* -afar.?A_J3rO.-~ '160keg* a-varta- Balis, lor. _;,.*by

ja .o?ai . aa. wo-Task. » 00


St SOttlaT jfjr-_j'EComß_aaiaa Be**.,Jalt-St* Oorane-f B-afctadl ta-rt*.

OriClL-Ts* *cwnai-raa**blp of 04Jti.lOM,03S BBaiLsiJl *00. «xphr*4 bar linUtar

ttun an tha tin at*. 4JI yeraoaa nwhwathayara ln-sbtad are -a--teau- to ptr****nt their*U1 *forpsf-eati aad ad piraauakatoktad to ihtet er*ra_*_eteil n anhe gaaßa-h 'mthmt 1; lail 11 wttl bbb tk* Baaa**** the train«**ak*_n*nikaksjsaMßs^ awr


is4aasß->«j*m, _Al-*t<««o4*-lrTOt,WStFO-UJIB-IBta-Jt.

nffl-cjlia': aaa- lb \u25a0 J '.ill LL At?M. mlmmmh^^^^

kata?-tj* vakh*aj*_SW*w*Bßii mmmrmmmmmtM .


m^^^mm^^mm^"^m^^^^m^^^m^^^^^^^^-^mmmm^^^^ mmm^^^^^^^*****i'******-*-*** ,,*''*b*b*bbb^

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,-,,, - £ leZul^,__*__l_ir%^_\u25a0ff -\u25a0*\u25a0*\u25a0 -*"--a ?* -wS*;fr_?ia*?£->«_, -****? «"-sr« will -spat, fo^u*\u25a0_\u25a0*? r, 10-;* v o__»jricSi'JB \u25a0?> g..*> Cor-j-ro; Aa .«-S* KBii- .'cm vi* stats* of OoT/_a__ a__vfc*-' -"-'J-a JJ -ici-iaa-, 9

_sjraei. corner af

a ferny HOttSJJ ra- r *. ;-.*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_ fit,., a, p**ep£y"*.Jrinn , Bttikarfserd, el »*(»_>aa_, _£\u25a0 _.* -Amcf ii_a Hv.-r» r*'d..&w oi* t> 1 y.n'iv.f., .*,_,?la J-ic.-i-a-.-v_, orif j tj Hnf-t-fco-.-, ia f>oo a.J-jci pt I*Kc*..-i«.Oea ?ah-oa w_i te*-4to. ar. -r .v>r-r,Wl'l tai ;;rx ir//r tt -. .-.,.?? I* !) 4 *r S . "*'-' tr* *t iv-iei* .'..".'J-;. »""£_" It-, 'V *j.i,._§_ gtt-if»a frost ae*- _-? s n a"W**a Q.irw£?-? c_,..i*. -b ?._**?» et rb- l:i . laata-ri fl tMIH< Üb, -U: «;n-.** i-iJ->a rpotr««. two ara*a re",Bait >.» rsusil vr-'-iia Be?Bp ?_< O'tl-T - .-erine-:

e*t_** yd Ba 1"' I a*.;! rj* tj || ->i-_rj for .be"***_*.'"" ?"*\u25a0 *ha He**, c* 1-: ,ra ariiara for - j ,i.\u25a0B.< « jli for .ba a,.; ,-. -f.:;-,.,. sjc*. c-onvtttka of'\u25a0'. : '*"- J-jate* ici_:.', 3H:i, hi. X arhev,j:.r-St»-______

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~ as betweta 3d*ate ith ats. _, fr>-* 4*v Beard? _ _"_ ''?"'' -__^__-.-':-.*'*'t _L_-__l*._.

A""~ r 'T". .':_'\u25a0\u25a0: V~ "'\u25a0*?\u25a0:'?': .-, "f \u25a0??*-'-' V\u25a0- "" tt.UU«lt7 of-U_s*J'-a4 betd en va (Btk tary ci«-r._ry' IrftS,'"* *'"'* crd-j'*-.' thai skafotlotaiviaif

n-Mhma ef r.o r llnanee te ass ??\u25a0 theOr*.^-neert-e**)*- 1 \u25a0- knd tha c ly .- ... *U, ptt.-actlii* rii?, hi*j>aa__h«4 fur o_* w-jehia i-e », v... .--daSy payl *-*' r*'."' so *r.*i:' \u25a0'-ih.-t'veTy B**f*J**Bß p-M-atag hi t-ecit/ofEli_i»cafi w :.t -b. \ be La Ntt-a-la*-** ape* a {-attest_~_/';?- With «-c-li p ir.,',a.-'n!d L_ ic-jr ?'..-_!_at .-;pr.rt t!j-3 tTvi beetlea of tbo pattern13wmMayer of c c..y ai Writ-*-*; wltkin : -aaty-..-or -o---- afu*bd I* -- -*r___ of i..v \u25a0_-- ;-.-\u25a0 a

?«_« -t3or_». -aa te she'l ait- the lea-ißf}orde-tbea e*r-*ryi-achpaUeava Us -barge.aqdiK f_il-r*i to -tra-!-:/ *rita iciciae roq-ii.t **?«\u25a0'-'*tbepkyib_l:-.. so c-fes-lsg??" '."> roe -!:>:dt-rn tSnUcnie ea_b_a** koaol_t-smnport v_*nl*at,aß*ka_ ? beta* to be pr_jto th* in'-jr-sir.

"",rt_. _r?cry rjainiiib biij, iii akfi ahall haw* vea*ef s;_>nti-*jAaor v_r.r-.u-ii-. h_> cr ???r _.c-is »-_?

asboo* r--" _s or «_6 is i irata*. A ;.-.;. :e-:* India*'!t.?.-jsatae Ay tsxttSsuout aw'«; a S g not I*** tba*\*"7c:ve tac'uesc-j'-a"?, ' r. ri.<_; ef Qa* *alßa_pa*! Ba'is~e* Vi t_» tc.ii*? *j 4*rhn -i>o *' '\u25a0*_acanCc: pft'****!. re- .-.-. ??.:- : j th* bovt r. uu.. Ifatupe to St ka -a.l as _ :..? 4 \u25a0?«? 4or__afer

\u25a0'.ty »? *nri. fadnrOi Out "--U t.f*_? fia»*o i/*< pbio" M_.c ifrforr-it-it. ?*-_,_,A W ITI-BTOlv. CO.

Ji".S 6i__r V-'btc. fc-BL-rir..-:*, aad SBq-tl a--rr p?

%M'-EH--''-- COhi-A-ttjx-ossrajva:..

?An Faeuit** Bt* hale*So ai.lißsasThJ of -«_o«_r>

teea ranker of if:« Bkttan in .luiwUls__ii-9r.t, a, a-j-jfivci- ,' cr !f *> -m-dy_-- ''.©uvj*bnrna* al h* ?apeaen, !*<ot-i.'_a-i_o_.»/ Ba a-vans* -_-de In \u2666Sorates mmftag the v>-*t rtar, tr_*_saa**L*rn*-** :.--? nisaal anßthn a*n, ea feu »thaaaa-Unat pr-fiise cf Jff.-jy** ra _.? jattJCi.imv* escte'lid io*raaeipts j *ad I - riew &f v.*

__.-_._-- t-t-ei-I*o- 5 '«_? jft-o-i_;..-ic_v**>a_i>-:-:»..of -fra fer __*_.->3 sad <.;._-\u25a0? **-**-* *-* ah*.-*WV6 Ufee-jit '.rajoo.tiia JJ«j«1»-- dS «_-?__ car. *_.._

a"t_l, or of trdetitia. aasb a saal* of *k-tan aa_:_y arotect ft b.'"- *-»-.*. a l««s Un>»il'-5- te t-_»

ti-: fv-rtnor «r_t_* _>y -»\u2666*<* jxs.ip'-nt-ae fr-ilv,**J__fc_isrt ct., to '.she ajfeat c-en-afterthe10*4 tr.-*«-*-#_ aa ht bow \u25a0asteate «~a feetmrsi--uu__!a ts;t4fl*-a|eath«K*-Bjr< _ .Wbit-?*j*s*aßa*hMv*B* rcjot-r: Mm per wees, cr

*3 sti endaf ."art-*** iis_ a*'***.Whit* Mb*SM ah p-feii*weitl* HI aor avs-h, or

t_SO par _&y.\u25a0Meon, Oiß *.«*? week, or 43 i**'c-ty.

.he*,, .txarges iaaiotk. Tricars,-teU-.-al at»*n4*_*e,kL-oieiao, Mnahll Bad W-ehlnj. a s-.-_ ft- va-r,t_4 .rom ft to $38. nal b* rr-siiied, as -_r*to-aaa, thr tha4fni .ami\u25a0» *o

A oomaantos of tb* akevaratn tor wbiw «*a«-*«x_*t wit_ tha test of ko**d ai-J ta-r-dlsal trest-taotin akotal w i*o«r&__-by'iJß *rtU ..ft**- that tte *<*«*****\u25a0o* ana*raj. "* i«rrel_ va:*»-* of thaHo*p.ia. Itis eifto ai-n4l*-T. iis-i searae* c*at be tt-eaveO io Oi* *_«plt*ii -ten fJumgij at tats '?»' taai-*j_ywkcr. eiaa. 4 ? _

.-.v_terA« ii>r the first week tua*t fa*, atad* in ad?»_-«. Altar t_o 4rtt -reek, 5*3--sent st-atB.a*ut**> wsesly, <* c -rrrlaaa oWlgraUoorv*a n£-1tie all tiaaaa* the 4keir*.rga of ibe pa-«Bt- "Tie-tba p-aray is a nan ank*** of B*cia*»t*a*, or is *n-knoavn to Us* uftteac* ot tb* n-jß*ata*l, Bay-tsat

! ataat be g-aranU*4 by aorn* b-ww* aaa «*mxuibm tetiAtml ot the city Th* kstpoiribUii- af ohtaniaa sappt-s, eaifapt lur cask, a-ca! p«]s tb* enrcree-teatof tkea* te.-taa.* omcaßStlr«ai_*at--I<. tdOTaßt, M. U.jt**nh-4barswn- JA« L. OOtVTaY, W D.MaSnTFay*i_»_-a-aaif^it'iLVi» >_i D

rata*Bu-a-r-Bb-o n-wuoujno- ii_a Bepa-ttiI that ka abow p*« pared n*aa*_jtaaa kj»4iaiTjakkaun ha aaef bnaha***, eaak a* as*u_|

laUL tatokyOta__aa*ri ?*??*. Faetaa aadfXttxtr*n . a*^_t_Bl_*B_?.

; as-n*Bfr__jm t_jfjM_j_h "'*' ' ""' '"' * \u25a0 -

liu|i_ia-4 fupabt1 -.-fell?l-_____l'

*Jt>n'*r'^99M.gag,~*___, ;?_"- -tasaawai vsraa--_r*_r-r a"?"

?a. to tk* O-rncitar-'a**-«* mßbbs-*-**-----vJSi \u25a0* r****n*sntaomnsm.87 », Ml. tOft ABA4ML ABA BBS<ct 4>s tej*. no, tv jtit. tu, tit iititi |!r«w to a*. «: __*, <» m,V «; air tatlj**-.vw iii en. tan. na mg \u25a0aht_7»nS*aS.:-mo». of five -anna, eottaraaaa*. data-*.* etta, l*_, tad pmgttokojmj Cl***/iSbsua»fcor* HOC. ia**, ft*-|fc-*ele_--* of* _*?* Wcbed -loiiars «£«_«* Owtohar aT, lie % and a**e-"i:" *?,\u25a0_-._. '? A-* -.*-*****us in. ?*?%.*/%;cT3, .74, 175.178 JT7. ITt I7i. ggg. \MLlm\m.Aa iß\ lee gt cc un, .JO. Isil_fc IS.'?». ikß. im. .w ikem*-**-***,fione brj-aar.., anUan easl* daVeeTOanharlß,\u25a0jo svuii aiT-iMa inly 1, _So_. Also, miaikafs$*\ m*' A%bZE!nt\u25a0mo ooil-a-vnica da'.aJ Wuibnr M t__L

1.18 6. Al.Tr^Bk-*tmavSCicez. p*-.-b*e Jniy l. 1881.Bc-.lee is -er-ky Kiv-a that tke übimibl of th*ahova SanrJa tout Co-p*»- *nJ!h£ m

wm ft. aT*««.--J at tha a*-er*J pa-tort offie-aof tka Tli?U?sad an/ -rft-rmatieaon -Am tnbfem aaakaaaahccthis ~".y-r_n _~-, or' to s_y T> positery of tk* ttcr-\u25a0Bknaaa ? i-run.'-a **???fa Reth--r ofTromtmyO a S.

?c . a. . l*_D t>_ BtOLec-I? BISQ -IW4IC?bv*!-2. -*\u25a0*? *?***\u25a0\u25a0, nf tk* 6th Janaary, tk-ra-ftSB-sSs a aowOl t_w-*t**_fti-i-a- Barrel, *****year*. "<*? *_*kt.y t*ra7-j*-**?! - aBarkhay Ka**,?v.ia*p.!e_t 3a, Horse, werostoam, or**nty*4Bn*Hansc-i ii Divi*|_u. «r_ile o-mpwl n»ar arsJUagGreek, h-.-s-vn -Be?rata*, sod *>«t* ea* -ekveri'.g m«*a kit-tea to tk*Pot naataraf itieb-acto.l 8.50 itward rrluk* pass, or -Of fori>th._' ef t_*_j.


h ',*".* If**-* **** \u25a0**u--*' <\u25a0*»\u25a0\u25a0*.) «*c«' a yen* ot-tSlVf? I"" 1* -*01 npoa ?«ST* ° .'___? \u25a0"?*»? ?** nil; also, kasa r-a-n-rfi*W; w»^. teo*ir»-^«C'*eanU.-B

Oa* Itjht bay Bora*, kts oiane te Tatara *_bb___lto ro ?_

tba I*l*l side of __tue-ak t_t__ span thsHggd a- Isabout 7ov8 yearsold; ***!_*, trots an-?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*' -t-tftv ru.o-vj JN<«. «t OOOKIS.?lm : i - -i mi.-,-.. \u25a0-». uvtiaw.

iv-.r tiaaaa*. *ta ioOa>--_ay,, a taU/hleah.negroraou. with -.or. wklkkam atrt? -?..»\u25a0 v *-ie! i,l.itta>o la BBBBBBjj** abont ?a.*

tvi-rs -*a.ilellv*red to fa* for a*f*k-*p__r by-n-tnctor W. B. Taylor las; llatarday weak ?? *vr _r,jrs _?-. be',n-rs to Jo-» Wri«b«. of er-snts, ahon 30 aytea fTora wanvill*, eat wasn _s.i rvsy t? wait on -rrls vc-ng ataetar, who Is a[_*atea*aJ tra Cha Was's Brtf-ae Tke owner??ill p.e_su tr-to forward, -stove property, rayijO-rgn, and tatce .Is ..irv-at.-- applyto

T. J. Bd-tFkO*. Gen'iFit Aft:? SJ?.r._osil ana 9-B**_leJk ?».ta*"i>s_i--*til» p*?s- s pustae aopy and «-_*r biß toc'-i-tvlijit-LiT d*ls?lm

i. ir i i f»o____3 SivfaiS.- Mol-s on tke* c--;at !.?' tbo **a._i ~, jaaaar/.froci tk* arable..; tha _-/r..?-,| _'«>*\u25a0* H -lel.ia O-roUne esraaty,a **rrel H it--»\u25a0*, >s or 18 lianda hla., blind teon*ept ma has a largenear onkin aMbets w_i*k ap-M*rala bare -sen Ikeresult of a fatal*, ta eh*«r*.:.'?- r-r-tia "r-» tiv-s-3 \l»a,a- to obhi aids; hasBarbs-A. -so ?: ~au.'j on bis r-acJi, kas bona la thecavalry-- -.-'lv.o fur -_» iaat mxmonths; walks alow, trota,sojl tasi-ji?rratl. Say p»re<>n ***jtan-_Bg tabBona"ith.r to Urn tmtpof tfrs iO*h TirgtaSa Oavai-f,Sea. W. U F jUae'i brirsd-, or to Mr Jo* \u25a0_-

? aA; iivet-y cta-vle. on 10ta atreet. b*i.w*ea a***/, wtil reortivo tka-cove ra-rard.j: H 6*': 888.-! ? v-BVA'T,. ?

\u25a0-:?\u25a0 ' ???-" i ????»»??» ?

/ f..!** Ht-rt-iaklO Uij_._-.b-j eat,v* *Au.?\u25a0 .?a *? .-sysi'"-> 1 ?>!' srbar-rl-er, n J-roa4 Motto; tea Qasr** oa tse J»i_ Ooeecsber last, aeaatnavi a*?d i-r-sj5 t-eoat i. ytar*jof.aa-a, rather low ia4 \u25a0._ aad i-_> -a- a***-e«?ana* abont tk* aeak *_.\u25a0?»*-_..- rada-_tah- "&-.--tare w*a pnrehaae-l cfih* estate Of fi-jlr urd Beasley, deed, ef Prtaeade:rpr, a_dstay -ay* fonnd her way kaah to th*.\u25a0o v -.. 5 avlil Aoor* rev_,*_ for kef fe-.«-.- t:\u25a0 cr - *iUrc_d B eS near Btenoxtoed

tall M O«TU> McU.-IXiL.r^P','*vlr»^' ,r''**«ii'r-'. -i -ir. _Uai*tt_,aa *>..--*.-« cater a-.?

I r Takeaf. \u25a0i_ the offir-e of the B mr-i _ooae,' tbs tilth or 13 b ot iu,sa-ii., a »"X aaarkeriJ .. X,*" ionia v.. it 9aa.'* _?..*. *-d tdartao BoeVtr-

-.klrta-nd Uruwe a, v-» tai arao Ctoaka fLr La*\u25a0?....- Vtmmf wi. .\u25a0*. and other atieles Thebkova rewasl Mm be paidfor the il-1./b--/ if tbojji i_at ClMl-Stl-S (O

r-friBTOR H. FOBBBB,A'- Jaa M Taylor* *-*\u25a0*», tin at.

*»> j* Ut-omtMt*a ? -i-v **_ Braaq_i»*ta*« ueo -ot Si - ra-..., astar -?- -?_-_a. owi aan_iff ei-kt jarr* -frtjjVCK :-r'l K. a ab??.-,_ t -aia be |«i 4hfac delivery a. the -.jaeSai*toVMOCWtVIfi, .j£ k i-,. _.v-.ij *. "fk-<-_ s'a. fit id_i_ gt

j». .fs_.*rt»

? ' i'-t ? V .i>-- Frot- aajr stsbl-, ou7 b and M*a2j_,J >* >s a h_;- .*. *,Eg. BM, dm __< w, a vcar ~.. hci- .-_at sbondsr ran .4 by ict«-f.-tr«-;n-*f cj tae aoilr.r .'.; b-rsl r warti aalil bep-!rl Ci _r»r rOtBTB to a» >. X~*A Fl I tiMr*,]« .:' **?» > r-r-i.w ?\u25a0?ATrI) twar-l' c_ ttt] » aaa* oa ,'\u25a0*>i"_J i. 0 DiV NIOH.", a tieolansia d d-rkr.O'f ** taa a b.ilicw ;!ici b->*?r enIts1 vi 1 '.a da*_k c D'-rlbviiiffl 11 =-ll*r<i-«e s.? ? ?\u25a0- af-iw >.rricu*. a . i-'d »h» -fl, of it

t>j _ IvI- et?» BSB ioaa> ot'._.iwlitr-{jnt do ... m Pa ing Kill, o- t-j-. corner ?f 19 a_~ -il»ry sts, or wIU k-vj. 4.0 .or any lnf-.nt«Ue*lead! g to b:ei*e -vi-r? ir. ta Mmtntm

t* U;_j,rSfl Hfr*Afil* .??-_«« froat ?.be -.-Mat af Ih* P. enbwz J-allroad. eath*

-rtnai ,f ttts cart onPmmtAmg,me lwth aw* ? -bbosotßred a.? .\u25a0'--. Uatb*r T.-iCKK tk* aaßßk afW. M rf«s 9 C," era lha ngbt aad. Th*ebutt l*ew«id a*_l i-e fives on oaliveryof th*Trtu>h &'. tka fiotohja '4- st«" 1 W M-^BOAK.. ? .H»i B>?. jr-ii-r. -ty tot, <-_ ta* Bin icat., 1. -.iii Okl F. 1red hahOAL-r*, i vpotted OOvT, «*.d*-rf 1 or. saned ..*!'. k us«-_i rtaWard arill ka paidtar any ,-uorr_ation, to tbat I oao fat thau.»t tl ?,t» S BS3S:LOST-? 6a e> ar_-7 uiumlnglast, on »: c*4 b*-

%-««*_ lit aed 8 h it?-eta a daab aaea**_| Ber-lm '.'-,-i.FOst fB «.yS«MB. eoaia__ns tM IB It-r_o a_d i:.-.-j diOij-,. -.Jvsm** note; tba rsaaahiiwiMSJnf in vilnoi ita._;i-i _?-o-__atieß The aaderit'Ji:; « ?-,...-?::-- .-e-\u25a0\u25a0:.--.i-r-n ky tea-lngth* a-meat0. ji _v*l-l>W__l «c*;i; fs, 13-b beta-*** Maw-*.\u25a0',.?,\u25a0>.«-?\u25a0« J* iv>'_ITjtti IB?*****?»**ay cease, btit Fsaaay, a~ rma** CK>WAa*s_*w-n red, w.i»h a red oak*

:? rt-fsi saoaiha oid It is har -rat oalf, and so*Are% tut IttU* --Ik. Tb-are area fear white apovopoa .'.j Ca >">" I will n-*srd llkerall- in oaa«?. .v-ri'i r--? :-a the Cow lorae at Be*. J_Jf_B *-*? ".VlOk'h. tjojaa h-xue above th* Old Fa--?jrea___i an "rrsnkiki ar»r»t. x no Bk?t*iT_ ;-lij-.-o?r.-aui e-mp. a enaS kay MAM. ?l7**l star irt forebeed, tvith c leather aad a***harnr; **aa lar a«en on moroad to IMaaeal, ?»

i ?.---? &'?: iy? Haw Kant 4 Hkeral -award wini »»?) ii.a; for i--ji dellve-ry to Waa Walla** Bona.I r_,-.'b.:...a-*',«r to Camt Jsb B FBiRCB, A A Oao.!raW ;* Brigade, n Oh-fta'd i»ras__ -_=i }.. irt ~'nv Ok Wttl-kOl.

*.-! a..* w-j M -J.», lake* *p »^tntßi t_j «> r_L» tsiuj oi ii_.i-i-.-i-ter. Th* owa*r wtt| oTa** f ~s»* fjr-afard, prrore pn-erty,par B*>I \u25a0^\u25a0-\u25a0**»^- fJ^Tl|W<

ji. & -3v toMa-*h*»n.

L" <>\u25a0-\u2666*.?A t.u-ach -ravvnkrHaaka*, flndwattt 00,,Ko. 34, dated Kas. 47, o*B*ah *f the

/W _»mon**resl k, psy tbie to keeror. lor thntornota J-a.86. Mm keen nhLer toat or r-talald kys*_ia*r

I eft-la-*k>*apa_y, to wkesntta-aafl-ea-___»?__*|af th* Mra* kas aajeo ttopped. the Badn a*i3Fleasanad Itto thte<ABoo. ____.josnra. Bowm

£_____!-________________._TOJH,-T* «oiw* -*r»*_" ?«_ ?»!\u25a0*_ J*3 __i delivavy w »* of a dark ber WMbsbß.irot.ped ras-p. an w_.te aboat k-a. aaajrnnaaad*T - __!...ft .rildar. haJcn hk.t-M*t-i*j-host tfceraeh Mianaf 14-kaa4l*aa,«.\u25a0-*_, en the »tk tasaaat. w*__wa,

ry.e-is C-sot. and 4 Q m^MtmkOL.|__ theOBr Cartofa Bank. *a 44-4. datedBeaV

in iU aai of *)*-* Bt, laaaad to ilitiet a.jBen-pa ha*haa* _drplao__ Tkls <ftoi«v*v*ras; pattella acalankaraalalafIneato. |ata-n

RBtao. a* Kaar t***N?£ u\eg i

\V*wTm^i^**^^^^^? _P?__i * *aTat_Ue.t __a___Bt[*lß_yaß*4Wßß> a***

' afcfe ißa B"'*BbV aVr?sr kr*v***>. a*a**j_________t_^_^_a_fc^_sß_B4ba***J** ,r_*?1 *ff_?_*r47a_iSt^^_---'?-*^Hri^^

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