blogger target audience

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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One way I appealed to my target audience was by keeping them in mind through out making the magazine

I researched the interests of my target audience so my magazine was appealing to them

I ensured I used conventional colour schemes, fonts and images


Mainly females Between 10-15

What are their interests?

Fashion Make- up Going out Having fun Social sites

FRONT COVER ImageThis image will appeal to my target audience because the person used for this image is young and fashionable which is appealing for the target audience as they will idolise this type of person.

FontsThe fonts are appealing to the audience because they are serif which will attract the target audience because they are young so they like these types of fonts. As they do not look too formal.

Colour schemeThe colour scheme is appealing to the target audience as they are in to pinks and purples because these colours connote things such as happiness, therefore because I have used pinks and purples the colour will appeal to them.


The layout of the contents page is appealing to the target audience because it is cluttered and the target audience like this as it make the magazine clearer for them.

ColoursThe colours are appealing to the target audience because I have again used purple which they like because light purples connote happiness and fun which makes them believe they will enjoy reading the magazine. I have also used white fonts so it stands out on the purple to make it eye-catching.

FontsThe target audience will like the fonts on the contents page because they are serif fonts which attract the target audience because it makes the magazine look fun and interesting and not too formal and posh.


I have again used purple colours which shows a clear colour scheme. This is appealing to the target audience as the colours clearly show different parts of text which makes it easier for them and the colours will be appealing because they are bright and conventional. ImageThis image will be appealing to the target audience because he is fashionable and this is one of the interests of the target audience. The target audience also idolise and look up to the artists featured in this genre of magazines.

FontsThe fonts on the double page spread will appeal to the target audience because I have used serif fonts which they find more appealing.

I have also shown a clear difference between the questions and answers which is appealing to them as it makes the text clear and easy to read and understand.

The articles in my magazine will appeal to the target audience because I have based all of the articles on their interests so they can enjoy reading the magazine. There is a range of real life articles, articles based on fashion, articles about celebrities including their love lives, quizzes and competitions, all of these will appeal to the target audience.

The language will appeal to the target audience because I have used shortened words such as ‘celebs’ and abbreviations such as ‘OMG’ this appeals to them because they use this type of language on a day to day basis. It also appeals to them because it’ll will lead them to believe they are on friend terms with the artists in the magazine.

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