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Bersama,Menciptakan Nilai

Bersama,Menciptakan Nilai

Laporan Keberlanjutan


Bersama,Menciptakan Nilai

“Menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai luhur kemanusiaan merupakan kewajiban setiap insan di dunia. Tak terkecuali WIKA, kebersamaan dalam

menciptakan kehidupan yang lebih baik akan terus kami pertahankan agar dapat menjadi nilai tambah, bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan Perusahaan. WIKA ada, terus bekerja, dan berkarya bagi terwujudnya

keseimbangan manusia (people), bumi (planet), kesejahteraan (prosperity), melalui kerja sama yang kuat (partnership) untuk

menciptakan kedamaian (peace). Konsep 5P ini mendukung capaian pembangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals/SDGs)

yang dicanangkan oleh the United Nation.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



PROFIL WIKA9 Sekilas WIKA19 WIKA dan Pemangku Kepentingan22 Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Pojok WIKA: WIKA Dalam ‘BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri’

PROFIL LAPORAN 29 Tentang Laporan Ini30 Prinsip dan Tahapan Pembuatan

Laporan31 Aspek Material

Pojok WIKA: Hasil dari Sebuah Semangat

BERSAMA MEMBANGUN BANGSA41 Menjaga Kinerja Ekonomi44 Menjaga Keamanan dan Integritas

Konstruksi Hijau47 Konstruksi Hijau

Pojok WIKA: Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)

07- S- K- W- T



- L- - A


39- -


51 Praktik Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Terbaik

Pojok WIKA: Zero Fatality is a Must!

BERSAMA, MENCIPtAKAN NILAI 57 Kami Tumbuh Bersama Masyarakat59 Desa Binaan Unggulan

Pojok WIKA: Cerita di Bumi Perkemahan Pamijahan


- S- K- W

55 - L- - A- R


Daftar Istilah & Singkatan Indeks GRI G4Lembar Umpan Balik

HighlightDirektur Utama Menyapa


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016

5.014.200 jam Apresiasi jam kerja

selamat dari Kajima JO, Jepang

1.557Peserta pelatihan

Wikapratama Learning Centre

472Peserta pelatihan

Wikasatrian Leadership Centre

94,93“Sangat Baik”

Penilaian self assessment GCG yang didampingi oleh


ZEROTingkat fatality

Rp1,01 triliunLaba yang dapat

diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk

IndeksSRI KEHATITercatatnya saham WIKA di Bursa Efek

Indonesia sejak 2014

121.520 Pohon sengon hidup dan tumbuh subur

1.816 ton CO2 Kenaikan penyerapan emisi CO2 oleh kebun




Rp6,36 miliarDana disalurkan untuk kegiatan CSR dan PKBL

20%Peningkatan taraf

hidup petani di Desa Binaan Pamijahan

“4”Sangat Puas

(Skala 1-4)

Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (IKM) di

Desa Binaan Pamijahan

Sangat PuasRata-rata capaian

customer satisfaction index

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


PARA PemAngKu KePenTingAn yAng TeRhoRmAT, Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas rahmat dan anugerahNya, sehingga WIKA dapat melewati tahun 2016 dengan capaian yang menggembirakan. Secara keseluruhan, kinerja ekonomi kami sampaikan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2016, sedangkan kinerja sosial dan lingkungan, kami sampaikan dalam Laporan ini, sesuai dengan fokus utama pelaporan, yaitu pada kinerja kemasyarakatan.

[G4-1] [G4-2]


membAngun indoneSiADi tengah maraknya Pemerintahan dalam menata Negara, WIKA turut berbahagia karena menjadi bagian untuk mewujudkan misi Pemerintah. Target pembangunan di berbagai sektor infrastruktur pada tahun 2019 di seluruh Indonesia mencapai Rp4.000 triliun. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional; Bambang PS. Brodjonegoro dalam diskusi ‘Evaluasi Akhir Tahun 2016’ di Kantor BAPPENAS. Kemudian, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR); Basuki Hadimuljono juga menyatakan adanya target pembangunan 65 bendungan untuk meningkatkan sektor pertanian. Memperhatikan tren, target dan rencana ini, maka WIKA berharap bahwa kinerja keberlanjutan kami akan terus meningkat seiring pembangunan di Indonesia.

Sepanjang tahun 2016, WIKA dipercaya untuk membangun banyak proyek strategis dari Pemerintah, baik dari Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan Pemerintah Daerah. Nilai kontrak yang dihadapi tahun 2016 mencapai Rp83,29 triliun, dengan total nilai kontrak baru sebesar Rp54,76 triliun. Penguasaan pasar kontrak baru berasal dari Pemerintah 63,42%, swasta 20,73%, dan BUMN 15,85%. Untuk membiayai proyek yang terus meningkat tajam hingga tahun depan, WIKA berhasil menggalang dana dari rights issue sebesar Rp6,15 triliun di 2016.

WIKA berhasil mencatat laba yang dapat diatribusikan ke Pemilik Entitas Induk sebesar Rp1,01 triliun, atau mencapai 161,88% dibandingkan tahun lalu. Capaian dan kepercayaan ini menjadi semangat WIKA untuk terus memberikan kontribusi ekonomi yang maksimal bagi segenap pemangku kepentingan.

STRATegi mencAPAi KebeRLAnjuTAnVisi WIKA untuk menjadi salah satu perusahaan terbaik di bidang engineering, procurement & construction (EPC) dan investasi terintegrasi di Asia Tenggara diwujudkan dengan komitmen menjaga

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


kualitas produk, mendukung kelestarian lingkungan, dan kesejahteraan sosial. Implementasi ini juga kami harapkan dapat mendukung tercapainya tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals /SDGs).

Untuk itu, WIKA menerapkan strategi pengembangan human capital dengan prinsip ’more for more’ dengan implementasi kebijakan pengharkatan dan peningkatan kompetensi. Kompetensi human capital merupakan kunci dalam mencapai strategi jangka menengah, yaitu fokus pada pasar selektif dengan merujuk pada pasar terpilih. Dalam jangka panjang, prioritas WIKA adalah menjaga pasar yang sudah dikuasai. Memilih proyek yang berasal dari Pemerintah, Badan Usaha Milik Negara, dan perusahaan swasta yang dinilai menguntungkan, juga merupakan langkah dalam mencari pasar selektif.

Untuk mewujudkan strategi tersebut, maka WIKA terus meningkatkan hubungan yang harmonis dengan semua pemangku kepentingan, termasuk pekerja, mitra kerja, dan masyarakat. Kepada pekerja dan mitra kerja, WIKA menekankan kembali pentingnya menjaga kualitas dan integritas produk dan terus mencapai target zero fatality. Prestasi WIKA atas jam kerja selamat sebanyak 5.014.200 jam pada pengerjaan proyek Jalan Tol Akses Tanjung Priok, fase 1 akses E.2 Cilincing–Jampea, juga patut ditiru di proyek lainnya.

Perubahan iklim akibat meningkatnya emisi, juga menjadi perhatian WIKA. Walaupun belum maksimal, WIKA berusaha berkontribusi pada penurunan emisi dengan membangun hutan buatan dari yang sebelumnya merupakan lahan kritis. Di desa Pamijahan, Bogor, kini terdapat 121.520 pohon sengon yang hidup, dan mampu menyerap emisi karbon sebanyak 3.466 ton CO2. Melalui desa binaan ini, pelestarian lingkungan ditingkatkan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal dikembangkan.

dARi hARmoni TeRciPTA niLAi WIKA percaya bahwa sebuah keberhasilan, ataupun target yang tercapai akan sulit terwujud tanpa

bermitra dengan pihak lain. Oleh karena itu, WIKA menggandeng segenap pemangku kepentingan untuk bekerja sama dan menciptakan nilai. Hingga akhir tahun 2016, WIKA telah mendistribusikan nilai ekonomi bagi kegiatan sosial dan lingkungan sebesar Rp6,36 miliar dan biaya kesehatan pekerja sebesar Rp6,32 miliar.

Selain nilai ekonomi, nilai kemasyarakatan juga ditingkatkan. Bantuan WIKA untuk beasiswa sebesar Rp478,2 juta, korban bencana alam di Garut dan Aceh sebesar Rp406,2 juta, serta pendampingan bagi desa binaan, diharapkan dapat membantu meringankan beban dan menciptakan kemandirian. Kami berharap, kehadiran WIKA menjadi bermakna, terutama di setiap acara ‘BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri’,

RiSiKo dAn TAnTAngAn Tantangan WIKA dalam menjalankan usahanya yaitu menyelesaikan setiap pekerjaan tepat waktu dengan kualitas yang maksimal. Banyaknya kendala di lapangan yang selalu kami antisipasi seringkali meleset karena berbagai hal, misalnya perubahan cuaca yang ekstrem sehingga pekerjaan terhambat, terlambatnya izin pembebasan lahan, perubahan peraturan, atau kurangnya tenaga ahli pada proyek yang membutuhkan teknologi baru. Untuk mengatasi setiap tantangan ini, kami memetakan risiko dan mengelolanya dalam sebuah sistem manajemen risiko yang mengacu pada kerangka kerja ISO 31000:2009.

menATAP Ke dePAnAkhirnya, Kami berterima kasih kepada semua pemangku kepentingan WIKA yang telah bersama-sama menjaga harmoni, hingga menciptakan nilai-nilai yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan. Ke depan, WIKA percaya bahwa nilai yang tercipta tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi kita saat ini saja, namun akan terus berlanjut hingga anak cucu kita.

Jakarta, Maret 2017,

binTAng PeRboWoDirektur Utama


WIKA Tower dibangun dengan konsep green construction

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



[G4-3] [G4-4] [G4-5]

Lokasi Kantor dan bidang usahaKantor pusat PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) berlokasi di DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. WIKA berdiri pada tahun 1960 dan hingga kini merupakan perusahaan EPC dan investasi terbesar di Indonesia. Jenis produk dan jasa yang dihasilkan WIKA yaitu engineering, procurement, & construction (EPC).

Informasi lebih lengkap, termasuk bentuk perusahaan dan perubahan kepemilikan saham perusahaan dapat merujuk pada Laporan Tahunan 2016 halaman 68-83.


Pangsa Pasar

Berdasarkan Jenis








Industrial Plant

Power Plant

Property & Realty

Manufacturing &


Port, Irrigation and

Barrage (CC)

Precast Industry

Toll, Road and

Bridge (CC)

Total nilai Pekerjaan berdasarkan Sektor (dalam Rp Miliar) [G4-4]





14290 405,26





[G4-6] [G4-8]

Wilayah operasional dan Pasar Terlayani WIKA beroperasi dan melayani pasar di Indonesia dan internasional, yaitu di 6 negara: Timor Leste, Malaysia, Aljazair, Myanmar, Filipina, dan Arab Saudi. Pemerintah dan masyarakat luas, termasuk institusi pendidikan dan sektor swasta, adalah penerima manfaat dari kegiatan WIKA.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Beberapa Proyek yang Berhasil Diselesaikan Selama Tahun 2016 [G4-4]

No Nama ProyekMasa Pelaksanaan

Mulai Berakhir

1 Fasilitas Produksi Gas Matindok - PTM 29 - 01 - 2014 28 - 03 - 2016

2 Pengembangan Terminal BBM Pulau Sambu 12 - 03 - 2014 27 - 10 - 2016

3 Upgrading Penimbunan Gasoline Tanjung Uban 03 - 06 - 2014 02 - 11 - 2016

4 Pemasangan Pipa Fuel Hydrant System Secondary Apron Terminal 3 Bandara Soekarno-Hatta 01 - 11 - 2014 31 - 10 - 2016

5 EPC Fasilitas Penanganan Batubara Tanjung Enim tahap IV 01 - 10 - 2014 31 - 10 - 2016

6 PLTU Ketapang 2x10 MW 13 - 07 - 2011 03 - 07 -2016

7 Pembangunan Jaringan Gas Bumi Prabumulih 26 - 02 - 2016 31 - 12 - 2016

8 Jembatan Bangkinang 18 - 07 - 2015 09 - 12 - 2016

9 Jembatan Dompak - Kep. Riau 24 - 05 - 2014 05 - 01 - 2016

10 SPBG Bekasi 14 - 03 - 2016 13 - 09 - 2016

11 PLTMH Tolikara 10 - 05 - 2016 06 - 11 - 2016

12 Jalan Akses Gede Bage 27 - 08 - 2015 26 - 12 - 2016

13 Tol Surabaya - Mojokerto Seksi 1B 10 - 12 - 2012 27 - 02 - 2016

14 East West Motorway Project, Aljazair Oktober 2010 Juli 2016

15 Mydin Mall, Kuching-Serawak 20 - 08 - 2014 September 2016

16 Project Management Service of Krakatau Steel, Cilegon (KNSS) 01 - 06 - 2015 September 2016

PLTMG Arun 184 MW

PLTD Bali 50 MW

Terminal 3 Bandara Soetta

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


[G4-7] [G4-9] [G4-EC1]

Skala organisasi

Uraian Satuan 2016 2015* 2014

Jumlah pekerja Orang 2.187 1.930 1.912

Total penjualan bersih Rp juta 15.668.832 13.620.101 12.463.216

Total kapitalisasi

1. Utang

Rp juta

18.597.824 14.164.305 11.032.465

2. Hak Minoritas 1.146.833 1.062.936 898.168

3. Ekuitas 12.498.715 5.438.101 4.876.755

Total aset 31.096.539 19.602.406 15.909.220

Kepemilikan saham

1. Pemerintah Indonesia % 65,05 65,05 65,05

2. Publik

- Investor Domestik % 30,51 18,68 15,59

- Investor Asing % 3,7 15,18 18,13

- Pekerja WIKA % 0,74 1,09 1,23

Keterangan * : Data tahun 2015 menggunakan data Laporan Audit Independen yang diungkapkan kembali

Informasi keuangan terkait pendapatan, beban, informasi saham, laba ditahan, hingga rincian kegiatan operasi per segmen tahun buku 2016 dapat diakses dalam Laporan Tahunan PT WIKA 2016 halaman 22-25.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Spirit of Innovation

Menjadi salah satu perusahaan terbaik di bidang Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) dan

Investasi terintegrasi di

Asia Tenggara

1. Menyediakan produk dan jasa yang

unggul dan terpadu di bidang EPC dan

investasi untuk infrastruktur, gedung

bertingkat, energi, industrial plant,

industri, realty dan property

2. Memenuhi harapan pemangku

kepentingan utama

3. Menjalankan praktik etika bisnis untuk

menjadi warga usaha yang baik dan

memelihara keberlanjutan perusahaan

4. Ekspansi strategis ke luar negeri

5. Mengimplementasikan “Praktik-praktik”

sistem manajemen terintegrasi

•Commitment•Innovation•Balance•Excellence•Relationship•Team Work•Integrity

Kode etik WIKA dapat

diakses pada http://



file.pdf dan buku Laporan

Tahunan Perusahaan

pada halaman 418-420.


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Keberlanjutan bagi WiKA

Bagi WIKA, keberlanjutan adalah sinergi di setiap aspek dan fungsi untuk menghasilkan kinerja dengan tujuan agar bisnis tetap berlanjut, dan mampu menghasilkan output pada aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan. Melalui kinerjanya, WIKA terdorong untuk memberikan nilai bagi pemangku kepentingan yang bersifat jangka panjang dan bermanfaat bagi seluruh aspek.

Pedoman keberlanjutan WIKA tertuang dalam Misi WIKA poin ke-3, yang menyebutkan bahwa “Menjalankan praktik etika bisnis untuk menjadi warga usaha yang baik dan memelihara keberlanjutan perusahaan”. Sejalan dengan Misi tersebut, pelaksanaan bisnis yang diterapkan WIKA selama ini selalu mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai keberlanjutan.

haaMempertahWIKA Mempertahha

Indeks sRI keHATIWIKA MempertahankanWIKA Mempertahankan

WIKA kembali masuk dalam jajaran Indeks 25 Perusahaan Sustainable and Responsible

Investment Index Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia (SRI KEHATI) periode November

2015 – April 2016. Apresiasi ini telah berhasil dipertahankan sejak tahun 2014.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



[G4-4] Bidang Usaha: 1. Infrastuktur dan

Gedung;2. Energi dan

Industrial Plant;3. Industri;4. Realti dan Properti;5. Investasi.


Rantai Pasokan WIKA Alur pekerjaan WIKA adalah mengerjakan proyek dari owner sesuai dengan kontrak yang disepakati dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Manajemen rantai pasokan dikerjakan oleh bagian pengadaan barang dan jasa. Cakupan rantai pasokan di antaranya manajemen kontrak kerja, manajemen pengadaan material dan jasa, sistem pengadaan, logistik dan kepatuhan. Mitra WIKA di antaranya yaitu subkontraktor dan pemasok yang menyediakan material, bahan, tenaga, alat, jasa konsultan, broker, lisensor, dan kontraktor spesialis.

Tanggung jawab sosial terhadap pemangku kepentingan:1. Menghasilkan laba;2. Tanggung jawab K3;3. Peningkatan kesejahteraan

masyarakat;4. Membuat proyek yang


Tanggung jawab sosial perusahaanafiliasiterhadap WIKA:1. Back to back;2. Sebagai Transporter;

3. Kepatuhan hukum;4. Tanggung jawab K3;5. Pemberdayaan tenaga kerja lokal.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Dampak Positif dari kegiatan operasional: [G4-SO1] [G4-EC8]

1. Nilai investasi bagi penyandang dana;2. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sosial lingkungan kerja melalui pembangunan infrastruktur

hasil karya perusahaan; 3. Penyerapan tenaga kerja;4. Kesejahteraan tenaga kerja;5. Program PKBL;6. Ketersediaan informasi dan teknologi untuk knowledge sharing.

Dampak negatif dari kegiatan operasional di semua lokasi proyek yang

terkait masyarakat: [G4-SO2]

1. Pengalihan fungsi lahan;2. Perubahan perilaku masyarakat untuk

wilayah operasional daerah terpencil,

yang terdiri dari:

a. dampak positif, yaitu meningkatkan

keahlian, meningkatkan kesejahteraan;

b. dampak negatif, yaitu menghilangkan

lapangan kerja beberapa masyarakat

tertentu di area proyek.

Risiko Per Area: [G4-14]

1. Area human capital: Ketersediaan SDM tidak memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan (quantity & quality);

2. Area legal: Tidak patuh terhadap regulasi dan klaim atas kontrak;

3. Area finance: Net cash flow < 40% / deficit cash flow;

4. Area sistem: Inkonsistensi penerapan sistem manajemen;

5. Area procurement: Expediting material tidak optimal;

6. Area investasi: Feasibility study (FS) tidak valid.

Tantangan:1. Mengelola risiko sosial dan

lingkungan yang selalu berbeda dalam setiap proyek;

2. Menyeimbangkan keinginan stakeholder internal dan eksternal perusahaan;

3. Mempekerjakan pekerja lokal;4. Menghadapi jenis proyek baru,

seperti proyek Pengembangan Gas Matindok;

5. Menghadapai perubahan iklim global.

Strategi:1. Pasar selektif;2. Sentralisasi dan pembiayaan

mandiri;3. QSHE, pengadaan terpusat,

program efisiensi dan mitigasi risiko;

4. Penguatan integrasi forward-backward;

5. Perkembangan berbasis kompetensi dan pengharkatan.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


[G4-9] [G4-10] [G4-11]

Pekerja WiKA

Hingga akhir tahun 2016, WIKA mempekerjakan 2.983 orang. Para pekerja terdiri dari pekerja tetap sebanyak 2.187 atau 73,3% dari total pekerja, dan pekerja kontrak sebanyak 796 orang atau 26,7% dari seluruh pekerja. Seluruh pekerja (100%) di lingkungan Perusahaan telah terjamin oleh Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) dan tidak ada pekerja yang bekerja berdasarkan musim.

Jumlah Pekerja Tetap Berdasarkan Gender dan Penempatan [G4-10]

Penempatan Kerja2016 2015 2014

Pria Wanita Pria Wanita Pria Wanita

Kantor Pusat 100 35 98 35 90 34

Regional 1.907 94 1.847 86 1.700 75

Perwakilan Aljazair 2 0 3 0 13 0

Perwakilan Malaysia 6 0

N/A N/APerwakilan Myanmar 2 0

Perwakilan Timor Leste 40 1

Jumlah 2.187 2.069 1.912

Pekerja yang disupervisi per akhir Desember 2016 sebanyak 126 yang terdiri dari 115 pria dan 11 wanita. [G4-10]

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Tidak terdapat perubahan terkait ukuran organisasi, jumlah pabrik yang beroperasi dan kepemilikan perusahaan, ataupun rantai pasokan. Namun terdapat perubahan struktur organisasi pada tanggal 15 September 2016, yaitu perubahan susunan Dewan Komisaris, serta perubahan struktur manajemen CSR.

Hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 22 Agustus 2016, memberhentikan dengan hormat Saudara Bakti Santoso Luddin selaku Komisaris Utama merangkap Komisaris Independen, kemudian mengalihkan penugasan Saudara Mudjiadi dari Wakil Komisaris Utama menjadi Komisaris Utama WIKA.


Perubahan Signifikan Perusahaan dalam Periode Pelaporan

[G4-14] [G4-15] [G4-CRE6]

Sertifikasi Semua pekerja (100%) yang berada di satuan kerja Building Business Lines, Energy Plant Business Lines, Infrastructure Business Lines, dan Oil & Gas and Industry Plant telah diverifikasi bekerja sesuai dengan OHSAS 18001:2007 dan SMK3. Selain kinerja sosial dilakukan dengan implementasi kegiatan CSR yang mengacu pada ISO:26000 SR. Untuk kinerja ekonomi catatan atas laporan keuangan merujuk pada International Financial Reporting Standard (IFSR).

No Satuan Kerja Penerima

Sertifikasi dan Masa Berlaku

ISO 9001: 2015 Sistem Kualitas


ISO 9001: 2008Sistem Kualitas


ISO 14001: 2004Sistem

Manajemen Lingkungan

OHSAS 18001: 2007Sistem Kesehatan

dan Keamanan Lingkungan Kerja

Sistem Manajemen

Pengamanan (SMP)


1 Building Business Lines N/A 15 Agustus 2015 -

14 Agustus 201815 Agustus 2015 - 14 Agustus 2018

15 Agustus 2015 - 14 Agustus 2018

19 Juni 2014- 19 Juni 17

31 Agustus 2015- 2018

2 Energy Plant Business Lines N/A 15 Agustus 2015 -

14 Agustus 201815 Agustus 2015 - 14 Agustus 2018

15 Agustus 2015 - 14 Agustus 2018

3 Infrastructure Business Lines N/A 15 Agustus 2015 -

14 Agustus 201815 Agustus 2015 - 14 Agustus 2018

15 Agustus 2015 - 14 Agustus 2018

4 Oil & Gas and Industry Plant N/A 15 Agustus 2015 -

14 Agustus 201815 Agustus 2015 - 14 Agustus 2018

15 Agustus 2015 - 14 Agustus 2018


Pusat Pengembangan Kualitas Insani PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk

19 Juli 2016 - 18 Juli 2019 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



KeanggotaanWIKA aktif mengikuti keanggotaan asosiasi yang relevan dengan bisnisnya untuk menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan pemangku kepentingan. Keikutsertaan ini mempunyai arti yang strategis karena WIKA dapat memberikan input perbaikan serta mengetahui perkembangan isu terkini. Namun demikian, WIKA tidak memberikan kontribusi secara finansial di luar iuran keanggotaan rutin.

No Nama Asosiasi Posisi Keikutsertaan Jatuh Tempo

1Asosiasi Kontraktor Indonesia (AKI)

Anggota 31 Desember 2017Direktur Utama WIKA: Bintang Perbowo sebagai Ketua Umum

2 Asosiasi Kontraktor Listrik dan Mekanikal Indonesia (AKLI) Anggota 31 Desember 2017

3 Gabungan Pelaksana Konstruksi Nasional Indonesia (GAPENSI) Anggota 31 Desember 2017

4 Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (KADIN) Anggota 31 Desember 2017

5 Asosiasi Perusahaan Rancang Bangun Indonesia (GAPENRI) Anggota 2 Januari 2018

6 Komite Nasional Indonesia untuk Bendungan Besar (KNI-BB) Anggota 31 Desember 2016

7 Masyarakat Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia (MKI) Anggota Januari 2018

8 Asosiasi Perusahaan Teknik Mekanikal dan Elektrikal (APTEK) Anggota 19 April 2017

9 Asosiasi Pengusaha dan Pemilik Alat Konstruksi Indonesia (APPAKSI) Anggota 9 Desember 2016

No. Predikat dan Nama Penghargaan Ajang Penghargaan Tanggal Perolehan

1 Best Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility

10th Annual Best Financial Institution Awards 10 Juni 2016

2Social Business Innovation Company 2016 - kategori konstruksi “Program Green Building”

Indonesia Social Business Innovation Award 2016 25 Agustus 2016

3 Predikat Best Green CEO 2016 - Kategori konstruksi

Indonesia Social Business Innovation Award 2016 25 Agustus 2016

4 Best of CEO Commitment on Human Capital Department

Indonesia Human Capital Study 8 September 2016

5Best of Human Capital Management Initiative (Best Competency Management Initiative)

Indonesia Human Capital Study 8 September 2016

6 Best Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS) in Property and Real Estate Sector

Indonesia Human Capital Study 8 September 2016

7Top 5 Indonesia Best Electricity Award 2016 untuk kategori EPC, Q&M, IPP Company

Indonesia Best Electricity Award 2016 14 Oktober 2016

8ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2016 untuk konstruksi Jembatan Merah Putih (Ambon)

34th Conference of ASEAN Federation for Engineerig


23 November 2016

9 Winner - Best Sustainability Report 2015 - Kategori Infrastruktur

Sustainability Reporting Awards 2016 4 Desember 2016


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


[G4-24]Dalam membuat

laporan keberlanjutan, WIKA melibatkan

pekerja dan mitra kerja untuk ikut menentukan

aspek material yang perlu disampaikan di

dalam laporan.

Pemegang Saham


Pemberi Kerja

Rekanan/ Mitra Kerja


Pengguna Akhir




Dasar pemilihan pemangku kepentingan dilakukan melalui analisis pengaruh adanya kebutuhan masing-masing pemangku kepentingan terhadap WIKA, demikian juga sebaliknya.a. Pemegang saham: sebagai pemangku kepentingan utama yang memiliki kendali atas

Perusahaan; b. Pekerja: sebagai pemangku kepentingan utama sebagai penggerak bisnis Perusahaan; c. Pemberi kerja: sebagai pemangku kepentingan yang menjadi sumber utama pendapatan

Perusahaan;d. Rekanan/mitra kerja: sebagai pemangku kepentingan yang menggerakkan rantai suplai

Perusahaan;e. Kreditur: sebagai pemangku kepentingan yang penting untuk mendukung finansial

perusahaan;f. Pengguna akhir: sebagai pemangku kepentingan yang memanfaatkan langsung hasil

kerja proyek-proyek yang telah diselesaikan WIKA;g. masyarakat: sebagai pemangku kepentingan yang menjadi mitra WIKA dalam

menyalurkan inisiatif-inisiatif dalam mengembangkan nilai-nilai sosial;h. Regulator: sebagai pemangku kepentingan yang mengawasi terlaksananya kepatuhan

perusahaan terhadap peraturan yang berlaku.


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Identifikasi Pemangku Kepentingan [G4-24] [G4-26] [G4-27]

Pemangku Kepentingan

Topik Penting bagi Pemangku Kepentingan

metode Pelibatan dan Frekuensi


Respon dan Tindak Lanjut Perusahaan

Pemangku Kepentingan Internal

Pemegang Saham

1. Kinerja tahunan 2. Besarnya pendapatan yang

diperoleh3. Laba/rugi perusahaan4. Kinerja keberlanjutan5. Perubahan struktur manajemen

RUPS Tahunan, RUPS Luar Biasa (Setiap RUPS diadakan, dalam setahun minimal 1 kali)

1. Membuat laporan tahunan2. Membuat laporan keberlanjutan3. Membuat laporan PKBL4. Membuat laporan keuangan

Pekerja 1. Pemenuhan hak-hak normatif dan perlindungan kerja

2. Jaminan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3)

3. Kebebasan berserikat

Rapat pembahasan PKB (Setiap 2 tahun sekali)

1. Membentuk forum bipartit dan tripartit

2. Mendukung pembentukan dan kegiatan serikat pekerja

3. Menyusun dan membuat kesepakatan kerja bersama

4. Menyediakan alat perlindungan diri (APD) bagi pekerja dan penerapan standar K3

5. Menyediakan medical check up rutin

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Identifikasi Pemangku Kepentingan [G4-24] [G4-26] [G4-27]

Pemangku Kepentingan

Topik Penting bagi Pemangku Kepentingan

metode Pelibatan dan Frekuensi


Respon dan Tindak Lanjut Perusahaan

Pemangku Kepentingan Eksternal

Pemberi Kerja

1. Laporan pelaksanaan pekerjaan2. Penyelesaian pekerjaan tepat waktu

dan tepat anggaran

Pertemuan saat Penandatanganan kontrak kerja (Minimal 1 kali dalam setahun)

1. Menyampaikan laporan perkembangan pelaksanaan pekerjaan sesuai kontrak kerja

2. Melakukan survei kepuasan 3. Mengkaji kontrak kerja

Rekanan / Mitra Kerja

1. Pemenuhan hak atas pekerjaan yang dilakukan

2. Jaminan Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3)

3. Perolehan Kontrak4. Evaluasi Penyediaan Jasa dan

Pemasok5. Kebijakan Fungsi Pengadaan

1. Saat tender2. Saat negosiasi

(Minimal 3 kali dalam setahun)

Melakukan kerjasama sesuai kontrak

Kreditur Keterbukaan informasi kinerja Saat pemberian kredit (Sesuai dengan jangka waktu dan jatuh tempo)

1. Melaksanakan kewajiban Perseroan tepat waktu

2. Memenuhi hak-hak kreditur sesuai ketentuan hukum yang berlaku

Pengguna Akhir

1. Informasi produk2. Keamanan produk

Saat peresmian proyek (Saat proyek selesai dan di launching)

1. Menyediakan produk sesuai Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008

2. Memberikan layanan purna jual yang memadai sesuai kontrak

Masyarakat 1. Mata pencaharian masyarakat2. Pendapatan masyarakat 3. Kondisi lingkungan yang

mempengaruhi kesehatan mereka4. Kebutuhan untuk memperoleh


Pelaksanaan program CSR dan kemitraan (minimal 2 kali dalam setahun)

Melakukan Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan

Regulator 1. Memenuhi persyaratan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku2. Menyampaikan informasi yang dibutuhkan dan relevan dengan kegiatan Perusahaan

Pertemuan minimal 1 bulan sekali

1. Melakukan Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan2. Membuat Laporan PKBL3. Membuat Laporan Tahunan4. Membuat Laporan Keberlanjutan5. Memberikan input sesuai kapasitas WIKA sebagai BUMN

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016




Struktur Tata Kelola

Jajaran Direksi yang didukung oleh organ-organ lain mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan

kinerja WIKA secara keseluruhan, yakni kinerja ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan, termasuk semua dampak negatif yang



PSAK(Pernyataan Standar Akutansi Keuangan)

Pemegang Saham

Audit Eksternal



KeteranganA. KA Mengevaluasi

independensi, objektivitas, dan efektivitas SPI, juga memonitor ketaatan terhadap Kode Etik Profesi Auditor dan persetujuan Pengangkatan SPI

B. Manajemen menyediakan catatan akuntansi/data penunjang

C. Audit eksternal memberikan hasil audit (kewajaran, ketaatasasan, kesesuaian laporan keuangan)

Laporan Kinerja & Laporan Keuangan

• Laporan Perfungsi Manajemen

• Neraca• Laporan Laba Rugi• Arus Kas• Laporan Perubahan Ekuiti• Produktivitas






Komite Nominasi, Remunerasi, dan GCG

Komite AuditA



• GMSDM• GMKU• Corporate Secretary


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


2013 2014



Road Map ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard

Tahun 2013-2016

2013Sebagai volunteer dalam penilaian oleh IICD

2016Melibatkan pihak independen untuk melakukan penilaian dan penyesuaian dengan Scorecard ASEAN

Penerapan Best Practice GCG di Level Nasional

Penerapan Best Practice GCG di Level ASEAN (ASEAN CG Scorecard)

20141. Merencanakan kebijakan mekanisme whistle blowing dan

gratifikasi, mereview dan melengkapi manual GCG (IK, Prosedur, CoC, GCG, Board Manual);

2. Komitmen pernyataan kepatuhan;3. Merancang, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi implementasi

GCG Anak Perusahaan (Subsidiaries Governance);

20151. Penyetaraan/penjajaran implementasi GCG Anak

Perusahaan (Subsidiaries);2. Mengimplementasikan control risk self assessment (CRSA)

oleh sistem;3. Menganalisis implementasi GCG terhadap ASEAN Scorecard;4. Sustainability Report yang berdasarkan Global Reporting

Initiative Standard.

Penerapan Tata Kelola PerusahaanDi tahun 2016, WIKA menerapkan tata kelola perusahaan yang berorientasi pada internalisasi GCG, triple bottom line, dan ASEAN scorecard. WIKA berhasil masuk dalam 30 emiten Indonesia dalam ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard dan predikat sebagai “Indonesia Trusted Company yang dikeluarkan oleh Indonesia Institute for Corporate Governance.

Informasi lengkap terkait tata kelola perusahaan tersedia di Laporan Tahunan PT WIKA tahun 2016 halaman 250 - 271.

Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan media komunikasi online-offline untuk mendukung kriteria atau persyaratan penerapan GCG di level ASEAN

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


[G4-34] [G4-35]

Pelaksanaan Tanggung jawab Sosial Untuk meningkatkan kinerja, pada tahun 2016, WIKA menyesuaikan beberapa Fungsi dan Biro. Biro GCG, Biro CSR, dan Biro Humas bersinergi di bawah Biro Corporate Relations (CR). Dari Biro CSR, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, hingga evaluasi program CSR dan PKBL dipertanggungjawabkan ke Sekretaris Perusahaan, untuk disampaikan kepada Direksi melalui Direktur Keuangan.

Pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial diwujudkan dalam Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) sesuai peraturan Menteri BUMN No.PER-09/MBU/07/2015. Pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial yang meliputi aspek ekonomi, lingkungan maupun sosial wajib dilaporkan kepada Kementerian BUMN dalam Laporan Tahunan PKBL.

[G4-34] [G4-35]

Struktur Pelaksana Kegiatan Tanggung jawab Sosial

Pelaksanaan kegiatan CSR berbasis pada pilar CSR WIKA yaitu WIKA Pintar, WIKA Peduli, WIKA Sehat, dan WIKA Hijau.

Unit PKBL Biro Corporate Relations


Sekretaris Perusahaan

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Realisasi program beasiswa di tahun 2016 disalurkan kepada 178 pelajar, yang terdiri dari 55 siswa SD, 43 siswa

SMP, 25 siswa SMA, dan 55 mahasiswa dari Perguruan Tinggi. Total dana untuk program ini senilai Rp478.200.000.

WiKA Pintar

a. Aksi donor darah setiap 3 bulan sekali;b. Bantuan sarana dan prasarana bagi desa binaan di Desa Cibunian, Kecamatan

Pamijahan, Bogor, berupa bantuan MCK & perbaikan jalan di area kebun sengon WIKA.

WiKA Sehat

Di tahun 2016, WIKA tidak menambah penanaman pohon, namun pohon yang sudah ditanam lebih diperhatikan tingkat pertumbuhan dan kesuburannya. Hasil pemeliharaan pohon sengon di Desa Binaan Pamijahan mencatat ada 121.520 pohon hidup dan tumbuh subur.

a. Bantuan untuk korban banjir di Garut;b. Bantuan untuk korban gempa di Aceh;c. Pembangunan tempat ibadah di antaranya; ; Jawa Tengah,

Jawa Barat, Sumatra Utara, dan Bali;d. Pembagian sembako di lokasi operasional WIKA yaitu di

Kantor Pusat & Kawasan Industri WIKA di Cileungsi, Bogor.

WiKA hijau

WiKA Peduli

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


3. Penyediaan jaringan listrik dari p

embangkit/gardu/tiang listrik ke rumah tangga.

Adapun jumlah rumah tangga yang teraliri listrik sebany

ak 100 rumah yaitu 43

rumah tangga di Kecamatan Banjit dan 5

7 rumah tangga di Kecamatan Gunung


4. Pembangunan sarana air bersih berupa

sumur bor di 3 titik wilayah, yaitu di

Kelurahan Way Laga, Kecamatan Sukabumi; Kelurahan Sidodadi, Kecamatan

Kedaton; dan Kelurahan Talang, Kec

amatan Teluk Betung Selatan;

5. Pembangunan 50 MCK di 2 kabupaten dan 1 kotamadya yang terseb

ar di

Desa Pahawang, Desa Ketapang, Desa Muncak, Desa Hanura dan Kecamatan


6. Pembangunan tempat penitipan anak di pasar yang b

erlokasi di Pasar Panjang,

Bandar Lampung.

WIKA juga berpartisipasi dalam Program Siswa Mengenal Nusantara

dan BUMN

Mengajar. Pada Program Siswa Mengenal Nusantara

, WIKA berkesempatan

menerima pelajar dari Provinsi Papua. Kegiat

an tersebut berlangsung sepekan.

Pada bulan Oktober dan November 2016, WIKA melibatkan semua general manager

dari 16 departemen untuk mengikuti acara BUMN Mengajar.

Untuk semua kegiatan di atas, WIKA mendapatkan apres

iasi sebagai salah satu

dari “5 Pelaksana Terbaik” Kegiatan

HUT RI ke-71.



Hadir Untuk Negeri’

‘BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri’ merupakan acara untuk

merayakan HUT ke-71 Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI pada

tahun 2016. WIKA ditunjuk Kementerian BUMN sebagai

ketua panitia penyelenggara di Pro

vinsi Lampung.

Bersama dengan PT Perum Damri dan PT Perkebunan

Nusantara VII, WIKA menyelenggarakan k


1. Renovasi 25 rumah para Veteran RI yang tersebar d


tiga wilayah, 10 rumah di Bandar Lampung, 10 rumah

Lampung Selatan, dan 5 Kabupaten Pesawaran;

2. Pelatihan demo plot tata cara budi daya tanaman

yang baik dan benar tanaman nangka di Desa

Mulyosari, Kecamatan Way Ratai, Kabupaten

Pesawaran, dan budi daya tanaman kakao di Desa

Pancasila, Kecamatan Natar, Kabupaten Lampung



Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



[G4-29] [G4-30]

Periode Laporan dan Laporan TerdahuluWIKA membuat dan melaporkan kinerja keberlanjutan dalam periode satu tahun buku (tahunan) sejak 2010. Laporan tahun lalu terbit pada 28 April 2016. Laporan Keberlanjutan WIKA diterbitkan online di laman perusahaan:


Informasi yang disajikan dalam Laporan Keberlanjutan WIKA tahun 2016 memuat data dan informasi yang dikumpulkan dalam satu tahun mulai 1 Januari - 31 Desember 2016.


Panduan Pembuatan Laporan KeberlanjutanPedoman standar pengungkapan yang digunakan dalam laporan ini yaitu Sustainable Reporting Guideline yang dikeluarkan oleh Global Reporting Initiative versi 4 (GRI G4), ditambah dengan suplemen Construction and Real Estate (CRE). Opsi pengungkapan yang dipilih dalam laporan ini yaitu ‘in accordance-core’.


Penjaminan LaporanSejak tahun lalu, Laporan Keberlanjutan WIKA telah dijamin oleh pihak penjamin eksternal. Penjamin eksternal ini dipilih sesuai dengan kebijakan Perusahaan, yaitu tidak ada benturan kepentingan dengan pihak manapun dalam proses pembuatan laporan keberlanjutan, termasuk tidak adanya hubungan dengan pihak Perusahaan. Proses verifikasi dilakukan berdasarkan uji keterandalan bukti melalui dokumen yang dipilih secara acak dan konfirmasi pihak narasumber, dengan melibatkan Sekretaris Perusahaan.


Dalam laporan ini, WIKA tidak mengubah dasar periode laporan. Demikian juga, tidak ada perubahan cakupan dan batasan aspek keberlanjutan yang disampaikan, namun perubahan terdapat pada aspek material yang dipilih.


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016




Prinsip keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan, konteks keberlanjutan, materialitas, dan kelengkapan menjadi acuan dalam menentukan isi Laporan Keberlanjutan. Kualitas laporan mempertimbangkan aspek keseimbangan, komparabilitas, akurasi, ketepatan waktu, kejelasan, dan keandalan dalam penyampaian batasan aspek material.

Tahap pertama: Melakukan identifikasi terhadap aspek-aspek keberlanjutan dan topik penting yang relevan dengan karakteristik bisnis konstruksi, berdasarkan prinsip stakeholders inclusiveness. Setiap aspek yang material ditentukan batasan ruang lingkupnya.

Tahap kedua: Membuat prioritas atas aspek-aspek keberlanjutan yang akan dilaporkan.

Tahap ketiga: Melakukan validasi dan persetujuan pada pengungkapan informasi yang disajikan sesuai dengan aspek material yang telah ditentukan. Proses ini melibatkan Direktur Utama. [G4-48]

Tahap keempat: Melakukan kajian sustainability contex dan stakeholder engagement, serta memeriksa kembali aspek material tahun sebelumnya dengan memperhatikan saran dari pemangku kepentingan, baik internal maupun eksternal. Beberapa saran perbaikan diterima dari lembar balik Laporan Keberlanjutan sebelumnya.

Proses menentukan isi Laporan Proses menentukan isi laporan keberlanjutan dilakukan melalui diskusi internal yang dihadiri oleh Biro Corporate Relations. Selain itu, input untuk meningkatkan laporan keberlanjutan didapatkan melalui setiap pertemuan Biro Investor Relations dengan para investor dan pertemuan Biro CSR dengan masyarakat.

Ada 9 umpan balik yang diberikan oleh mahasiswa di program Master CSR terkait peningkatan kualitas laporan keberlanjutan. Secara umum, umpan balik memberikan tanggapan bahwa Laporan Keberlanjutan WIKA sangat bermanfaat, mudah dimengerti, dan ringkas. Namun demikian, validasi data kuantitatif perlu ditingkatkan.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Alur Penetapan Aspek material dan batasan Laporan [G4-18]

Konteks Keberlanjutan



Kelengkapan Informasi






u Ke



n Pelibatan Pemangku


Konteks Keberlanjutan


Bersama,Menciptakan Nilai

Bersama,Menciptakan Nilai

Laporan Keberlanjutan


Aspek material pada Laporan ini: [G4-19]

1 KineRjA eKonomi dAn PeRubAhAn iKLimAspek ini masih menjadi aspek yang paling material bagi WIKA sejak ditentukan tahun lalu. Aspek ini mendukung tujuan SDGs ke-8, yakni pertumbuhan ekonomi.

2 dAmPAK eKonomi TidAK LAngSungAspek ini menjadi material di tahun ini karena dampak ekonomi tidak langsung perlu diukur untuk memastikan bahwa pemangku kepentingan merasakan nilai tambah dari hasil kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Aspek ini mendukung pencapaian tujuan SDGs ke-1 yaitu pengurangan kemiskinan, tujuan ke-6 yakni air bersih dan sanitasi, dan tujuan ke-8 yang mendukung penciptaan tenaga kerja dan pertumbuhan ekonomi.

3 KeAmAnAn dAn inTegRiTAS KonSTRuKSiAspek ini masih tetap menjadi aspek material yang diprioritaskan WIKA. Aspek ini sejalan dengan tujuan SDGs ke-9 yang ingin meningkatkan inovasi dan infrastruktur.

4 PengembAngAn mASyARAKATPada laporan tahun lalu, aspek ini adalah ‘komunitas lokal’, dan sekarang menjadi ‘pengembangan masyarakat’. WIKA ingin lebih memperdalam informasi pada pengembangan masyarakat yang mandiri. Aspek ini diharapkan mendukung pencapaian tujuan SDGs ke-1 yaitu mengurangi kemiskinan.

5 KeSehATAn dAn KeSeLAmATAn KeRjA (K3)Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang infrastruktur, WIKA sangat menjunjung tinggi keselamatan di lingkungan kerja guna mencapai kecelakaan nihil. Aspek ini senantiasa menjadi aspek material yang disampaikan dalam laporan keberlanjutan WIKA. Di samping itu, aspek ini mendukung tujuan SDGs ke-3, terkait kesehatan dan kesejahteraan.


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



matriks Aspek material

1 KineRjA eKonomi dAn PeRubAhAn iKLim

2 dAmPAK eKonomi TidAK LAngSung

3 KeAmAnAn dAn inTegRiTAS KonSTRuKSi

4 PengembAngAn mASyARAKAT

5 KeSehATAn dAn KeSeLAmATAn KeRjA (K3)

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



Sedang Tinggi







n Ke





u Ke




Penting Bagi Perusahaan





Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


[G4-20] [G4-21]

batasan dampak Aspek materialBatasan dampak menjelaskan pengaruh setiap aspek material terhadap pemangku kepentingan, baik di dalam maupun di luar Perusahaan.

Aspek material indikator dampak Pada Pemangku

Kepentingan di dalam Perusahaan

dampak Pada Pemangku Kepentingan di Luar


Kinerja ekonomi dan perubahan iklim

1. Nilai ekonomi langsung yang dihasilkan dan didistribusikan

2. Implikasi finansial akibat perubahan iklim

1. Pemegang saham2. Pekerja

1. Rekanan/Mitra kerja2. Pemberi kerja3. Kreditur4. Pengguna akhir5. Masyarakat 6. Regulator

Dampak ekonomi tidak langsung

1. Pembangunan dan dampak investasi infrastruktur

2. Dampak ekonomi tidak langsung

Pekerja Masyarakat

Keamanan dan Integritas konstruksi

1. Persentase kegiatan operasional perusahaan yang diverifikasi oleh sistem manajemen K3 dan diakui secara internasional

2. Sertifikasi, labelisasi, dan rating terkait keberlanjutan atas bangunan

3. Sanksi atas ketidakpatuhan pada peraturan produk dan jasa

Pekerja 1. Rekanan/Mitra kerja2. Pemberi kerja3. Kreditur4. Pengguna akhir5. Masyarakat 6. Regulator

Pengembangan masyarakat

Operasional perusahaan dan pengembangan masyarakat lokal


Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3)

1. Keterwakilan pekerja dalam Komite Bersama K3

2. Jenis dan tingkat kecelakaan kerja

3. Pekerja dengan risiko tinggi kesehatan kerja

Pekerja 1. Rekanan/Mitra kerja2. Pemberi kerja3. Regulator

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



Ruang lingkup laporan ini mencakup data keuangan konsolidasian seluruh grup WIKA, termasuk anak-anak perusahaannya (PT WIKA Beton Tbk, PT WIKA Industri Konstruksi; PT WIKA Bitumen; PT WIKA Gedung; PT WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi; dan PT WIKA Realty). Namun demikian, di luar data keuangan,

informasi dalam laporan keberlanjutan seluruhnya berasal hanya dari PT

WIKA tanpa melibatkan anak perusahaan. Khusus untuk data

kecelakaan kerja, ruang lingkup pelaporan mencakup pekerja dari

mitra kerja.


Kontak terkait laporan:


Corporate Secretary

Kantor Pusat

PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk

Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9 - 10

Jakarta 13340 – Indonesia

Telp.: +6221 - 80679200

Fax.: +6221 - 22893830



Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Hasil Dari Sebuah Semangat

Tim Biro CSR WIKA (Biro Corporate


Tahun 2010 merupakan tantangan bagi tim Biro

PKBL (nama sebelum menjadi Biro CSR) untuk

mulai membuat laporan keberlanjutan (sustaina


report/SR). Kami berpikir bahwa tidak mungkin

membuat sebuah laporan yang komprehensif selama

kegiatan CSR yang dilakukan belum dibenahi.

Kami terus menggali ide untuk membuat program CSR

yang strategis, yang mengarah pada keb

erlanjutan, dan menuangkannya

dalam SR. Dari kegiatan CSR yang sebelumnya bersifat donasi, kini

berkembang menjadi bentuk pemberdayaan. Hasilny

a, kami mampu

meningkatkan kinerja CSR dan membuat SR dengan baik.

Apresiasi atas kinerja CSR dan SR mulai berdatangan

sejak 3 tahun

terakhir. WIKA mulai mendapat pengakuan dari masyarakat, bahkan


dalam indeks SRI Kehati. Bahkan, saat ini, SR berguna sebagai

salah satu

dokumen proses tender untuk perusahaan

oil and gas.

“Saya bersyukur bergabung dengan

Biro CSR WIKA, karena sudah ketemu

passionnya. Saya enjoy dengan peke

rjaan ini dan setiap hari menanti-

nanti untuk dapat membuat program strategis CSR lainnya yang berb


demikian yang disampaikan oleh Ibu Ulfah Habibah, salah

satu tim CSR WIKA

saat ditanya kesannya bergabung d

engan Biro CSR. “Ke depan, harapan

kami agar WIKA memiliki roadmap dan cetak biru keberlanjutan, ka


dengan adanya roadmap dan cetak biru

, CSR WIKA dapat lebih fokus dan



Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016




Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016




Kinerja ekonomi 2016

Tahun 2016 merupakan tahun yang menggembirakan bagi WIKA. Kondisi cuaca dengan musim kemarau yang cukup panjang sangat mendukung untuk industri EPC. WIKA berhasil membukukan laba yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk sebesar Rp1,01 triliun. Laba ini naik sebesar 61,92%, atau naik Rp387 miliar dari laba tahun lalu.

Pencapaian kontrak baru WIKA hingga akhir tahun 2016 yaitu sebesar Rp54,8 triliun. Nilai ini mencapai 103,71% dari RKAP kontrak baru 2016 yang sebesar Rp52,8 triliun. Total nilai kontrak yang dihadapi terdiri dari Rp65,5 triliun WIKA Induk dan Rp17,7 triliun Entitas Anak.

WIKA sadar bahwa perolehan kontrak baru ke depan semakin banyak, sejalan dengan adanya program dari Pemerintah terkait membangunan infrastruktur. Oleh karena itu, WIKA melakukan rights issues, dan telah menggalang dana sebesar Rp6,15 triliun.

Selama tahun 2016, WIKA tidak menerima bantuan finansial dari Pemerintah.

Keberhasilan kinerja ekonomi menjadi hal penting untuk disampaikan dalam laporan ini, karena merupakan modal bagi WIKA untuk menjalankan seluruh kegiatan usaha. Strategi keuangan fokus pada optimalisasi tingkat likuiditas. Hal ini dapat dicapai melalui strategi keuangan terpusat dan kebijakan pembiayaan proyek secara mandiri. Pengawasan dan pengelolaan kinerja ekonomi menjadi tanggung jawab Direktur Keuangan.

Selama tahun 2016, kinerja ekonomi WIKA masuk dalam kategori baik. Perolehan proyek melebihi nilai yang ditargetkan. WIKA mendapatkan dana dari rights issue, sehingga mampu menopang jalannya bisnis. Namun demikian, WIKA sadar bahwa dampak perubahan iklim dapat mempengaruhi kinerja ekonomi karena memperlambat proses pembangunan infrastruktur. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjaga perubahan iklim, WIKA ikut melestarikan lingkungan melalui kegiatan CSR, salah satunya menanam pohon sengon yang dilakukan oleh Biro CSR.


Kinerja ekonomi dan Perubahan iklim


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



distribusi nilai ekonomi (Dalam Ribuan Rupiah) [G4-EC1]

uraian 2016 2015 2014

Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Diterima

I Hasil penjualan bersih 15.668.832.513 13.620.101.419 12.463.216.288

II Ditambah

Penerimaan bunga bank 50.971.372 59.686.089 73.500.762

Keuntungan (Kerugian) selisih kurs (5.445.321) 28.350.510 (2.039.829)

III Jumlah Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Diterima

15.714.358.564 13.708.138.018 12.534.677.221

Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Didistribusikan

I Biaya operasi 123.934.148 115.425.705 104.087.021

II Gaji pekerja dan benefit lainnya 393.906.793 306.036.748 281.922.492

III Pembayaran deviden N/A*** 43.585.559* 42.427.995*

IV Bunga pinjaman dan bunga bank 435.314.128 431.409.359 197.704.174

V Pengeluaran kepada Pemerintah 1.765.037.655 2.109.721.598 1.736.900.352**

VI Pengeluaran kepada masyarakat 6.362.691 4.898.246 4.219.437

VII Jumlah Nilai Ekonomi Langsung Didistribusikan

2.724.555.415 2.367.261.471

Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Ditahan 12.989.803.149 10.697.060.803 10.167.415.750

Keterangan: Kinerja ekonomi disampaikan secara konsolidasi sesuai dengan laporan keuangan yang diaudit, oleh karena itu tidak disampaikan berdasarkan wilayah atau area, atau produk. Angka “pengeluaran kepada masyarakat” dinyatakan kembali karena satuan angka yang dilaporkan berbeda dengan satuan angka lainnya, dan mengakibatkan perbedaan jumlah nilai ekonomi langsung didistribusikan dan nilai ekonomi langsung yang ditahan. [G4-22]* Nilai dividen dinyatakan kembali: Pada Laporan Keberlanjutan sebelumnya belum disampaikan karena menunggu penetapan RUPS tahun

buku 2015 [G4-22]** Data tahun 2015 dan 2014 menggunakan data Laporan Audit Independen yang dinyatakan kembali*** Menunggu penetapan RUPS Tahunan Tahun buku 2016

Kegiatan rutin Safety Patrol oleh Direksi

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


[G4-EC1] [G4-EC7] [G4-EC8]

Kontribusi nilai ekonomi bagi

masyarakat dan Lingkungan

Selama tahun 2016, WIKA

mendistribusikan nilai ekonomi

langsung kepada lingkungan dan

masyarakat sebesar Rp6,36 miliar.

Kegiatan dan bantuan kepada

masyarakat diberikan secara pro-


Kontribusi ekonomi Per Sektor [G4-EC1] [G4-EC7] [G4-EC8]

SektorPengeluaran Kepada Masyarakat

(Dalam Rp)

Bencana Alam 223.719.126

Pendidikan 2.410.866.845

Kesehatan 1.523.605.147

Prasarana & Sarana Umum 564.623.760

Sarana Ibadah 257.488.000

Pelestarian Alam 525.000.000

Pengentasan Kemiskinan 756.579.995

Pembinaan Kemitraan 110.808.000



Risiko dan Peluang dari Perubahan iklim

Adanya perubahan iklim global membuat cuaca di Indonesia tidak menentu. Musim panas menjadi semakin panjang dan lebih kering, dengan perbandingan musim penghujan yang lebih pendek, namun bercurah hujan tinggi. Kondisi ini memberikan peluang bagi WIKA untuk menyelesaikan proyek sesuai jadwal dan rencana. Dengan terselesaikannya proyek tepat waktu, WIKA dapat memitigasi adanya biaya tambahan untuk risiko keterlambatan penyelesaian proyek.

Selain memberikan peluang, perubahan iklim juga membawa risiko. Identifikasi risiko terkait perubahan iklim di antaranya adalah hujan lebat dengan curah hujan tinggi yang dapat membahayakan keselamatan pekerja lapangan, lokasi proyek menjadi licin, dan proyek terhenti. Meskipun teridentifikasi risiko, namun selama tahun 2016 tidak ada implikasi keuangan yang disebabkan oleh perubahan iklim.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



[G4-14] [G4-15]

Sistem manajemen Lingkungan

WIKA menyadari bahwa bisnis yang dijalankan perusahaan akan memberikan dampak bagi lingkungan. Untuk itu, WIKA patuh pada Undang-Undang No. 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Implementasi kepedulian WIKA terhadap sosial dan lingkungan dilaksanakan sejalan dengan pedoman ISO 26000 SR. Demikian juga pelaksanaan sistem manajemen lingkungan di WIKA diterapkan berdasarkan ISO 14001:2004.

dampak Lingkungan Proyek

WIKA memiliki komitmen untuk menjaga keselarasan antara pembangunan dan kelestarian lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, pengendalian dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan akibat pembangunan konstruksi

mendapat perhatian besar bagi WIKA.

Strategi WIKA dalam pengendalikan dampak lingkungan yaitu dengan menjalankan sistem manajemen lingkungan, yang didukung oleh pemantauan di lapangan oleh SHE officer dan diteruskan kepada safety

supervisor. Untuk memastikan quality, safety, health, & environment (QSHE), maka dilakukan patroli dan komunikasi yang terdiri dari SHE induction, SHE morning talk, toolbox meeting, SHE

meeting, safety alert, SHE culture, dan SHE sharing. Selain itu, dilaksanakan juga olahraga pagi, pengecekan perlengkapan K3, pemeriksaan kelayakan alat-alat

berat, dan kondisi material yang digunakan.

Tanggung jawab suatu proyek diemban oleh manajer proyek terhadap pemberi kerja. Di samping itu, manajer proyek bertanggung jawab

atas pengorganisasian dan pengawasan suatu proyek di lapangan agar sesuai dengan mutu, waktu, dan biaya yang telah ditetapkan untuk

dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Direksi Perusahaan.



Praktik Operasi yang adilTata Kelola

Isu-isu pelanggan

Praktik Tenaga KerjaHak Asasi Manusia








Keterlibatan danPengembangan


manajemen Keberlanjutan


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



Kebijakan Lingkungan Proyek

WIKA selalu melengkapi dokumen rencana pengelolaan lingkungan (RKL), rencana pemantauan lingkungan (RPL), dokumen analisis dampak lingkungan hidup (ANDAL), yang semuanya dikaji dalam suatu dokumen analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (AMDAL). Kelengkapan ini sangat penting guna memperoleh izin dari pihak-pihak yang berwenang sebelum memulai suatu pembangunan.

WIKA menjalankan kegiatan konstruksi dengan berpedoman pada kebijakan WIKA-KON-PM-02.07 tentang Prosedur Proses Pelaksanaan Konstruksi. Kebijakan lainnya yaitu tentang:a. Alat berat : WIKA-PEM-PM-03.06 tentang Prosedur Pengoperasian Alat; b. Angkat/Angkut dan nomor: WIKA-KON-IK-07.01 tentang Instruksi Kerja Pengoperasian dan

Pemeliharaan Alat Berat /Alat Konstruksi;c. Pengendalian limbah: WIKA-KON-PM-05.01 tentang Prosedur Pengendalian Material Sisa;d. Tahap penyelesaian: WIKA-KON-PM-06.01 tentang Prosedur Penerimaan, Penanganan Material,

Pengemasan, dan Penyerahan Produk.


Keamanan dan integritas Konstruksi

WIKA sangat menghargai kelangsungan hidup setiap insan. Oleh sebab itu, WIKA mempertanggungjawabkan keamanan mulai

dari awal konstruksi hingga hasil akhir. Untuk menjaga integritas, WIKA telah membangun sistem manajemen dan human capital

yang unggul. Menjaga keamanan dan integritas setiap pengerjaan proyek sangat penting bagi WIKA karena menjadi dasar kelancaran

semua kegiatan operasi serta kepercayaan pemberi kerja. Untuk itulah, kinerja ini dipantau langsung oleh manajer proyek yang

bertanggung jawab kepada General Manajer Operasional.

Kegiatan Citizen Journalism di Desa Binaan WIKA

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Strategi untuk mencapai Kualitas Terbaik

WIKA selalu menargetkan hasil dengan kualitas maksimal. Secara lebih rinci, WIKA mencatat strategi-strategi pengerjaan proyek untuk mewujudkan hasil yang berkualitas. Beberapa hasil proyek terbaik yang dikerjakan selama tahun 2016 adalah proyek MRT, Kereta cepat Jakarta – Bandung, Tol Trans-Sumatra, dan Tol Laut. Proyek ini bersifat strategis karena kemanfaatannya yang besar walaupun pengerjaannya penuh tantangan.

Dampak positif dari proyek ini diharapkan membawa pengaruh yang signifikan bagi peningkatan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat luas. Namun demikian, dampak negatif yang tidak dapat dihindarkan adalah perubahan bentang alam, baik di darat maupun di laut. Oleh karena itu, strategi pekerjaan proyek semacam ini perlu dijalankan dengan tingkat kehati-hatian yang sangat tinggi dan perencanaan yang matang agar seminimal mungkin mengganggu ekosistem yang terdampak.


Sertifikasi dan Apresiasi atas Keselamatan Kerja dan Konstruksi Hijau

Selalu mengutamakan QSHE (quality, safety, health, & environment) sudah menjadi budaya kerja WIKA. Selama tahun 2016, WIKA telah berhasil mencapai kecelakaan fatal nihil atau zero fatality. Sertifikat apresiasi atas implementasi program SHE dengan 500.000 jam kerja tanpa kecelakaan diterima WIKA dari Negara Timor Leste saat mengerjakan proyek Bandara Oecusse. Sertifikat tersebut berlaku sejak 11 Mei 2015 sampai dengan 30 Oktober 2016. Sertifikat dikeluarkan oleh Zona Especials Economia Social De Mercado, Timor Leste (ZEESM TL).

Di bulan Mei 2016, WIKA meresmikan Gedung Baru Kantor Pusat WIKA (WIKA Tower). WIKA Tower terdiri dari 21 lantai (16 lantai utama, 1 lantai atap, dan 4 lantai basement). Gedung ini menerapkan konsep smart office dan teknologi High Damping Rubber Bearing untuk sistem peredam gempa. Atas kinerja ini, WIKA Tower mendapatkan sertifikat Greenship level Gold dari Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI).

Pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2016, WIKA menerima sertifikat 3.000.000 jam kerja selamat atas proyek Kondensat Baru dan Diesel Tank di Tangguh LNG. Kembali mengimplementasikan SHE unggul, di bulan Desember 2016 WIKA meraih penghargaan 5.014.200 jam kerja selamat dari Kajima JO, Jepang. Penghargaan diberikan atas kinerja WIKA dalam pengerjaan proyek Jalan Tol Akses Tanjung Priok, fase 1 akses E.2 Cilincing–Jampea. Penghargaan ini berlaku untuk periode 1 Juni 2015–31 Januari 2017.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



Penggunaan Alat-Alat Bersertifikasi

Di setiap pembangunan proyek, WIKA selalu mengutamakan perlindungan terhadap para pekerja. Untuk mencapai hasil pekerjaan maksimal dengan aman, maka penggunaan alat yang bersertifikat menjadi sangat penting. WIKA menggunakan alat-alat berat yang bersertifikasi. Sertifikasi dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa alat berat yang akan dioperasikan memenuhi standar keselamatan dan aman untuk digunakan.



Selama tahun 2016, WIKA tidak mendapatkan sanksi hukum atau teguran yang signifikan terkait ketidakpatuhan pada peraturan pengerjaan proyek.

Green construction dilaksanakan dalam upaya menuju green building. Green building adalah bangunan yang sejak dimulai dari tahap perencanaan, pembangunan, pengoperasian hingga dalam operasional pemeliharaannya, memperhatikan aspek-aspek dalam melindungi, menghemat, mengurangi penggunaan sumber daya alam, menjaga mutu kualitas udara di dalam ruangan, dan memperhatikan kesehatan penghuninya. Semua aspek ini berpegang pada kaidah keberlanjutan. Penerapan konsep green akan menurunkan konsumsi energi hingga 30 persen dibandingkan dengan gedung konvensional.

WIKA telah berpengalaman membangun gedung dengan konsep konstruksi hijau. Gedung Bank Indonesia (BI) Cabang Solo, yang dikerjakan oleh WIKA, berhasil mendapat sertifikat platinum green building. Selain Gedung BI, WIKA juga membangun green building lainnya, yaitu Gedung BNI 46 di Serpong dan Gedung WIKA Tower, yang keduanya saat ini sedang dalam proses assessment untuk mendapat sertifikasi.

WIKA optimis dan siap kapan saja mengerjakan proyek green building. WIKA mengadakan kaderisasi terhadap tenaga ahli, baik tenaga greenship associate (GA) maupun greenship professional (GP). Sebanyak empat orang telah selesai mengikuti pelatihan GP, disusul tujuh orang di tahun 2016. Secara bertahap, kompetensi tenaga ahli ini akan terus ditingkatkan.


SIA (Surat Izin Alat) diwajibkan bagi setiap alat berat yang akan dioperasikan dan SIO (Surat Izin Operasi) diwajibkan bagi operator yang akan mengoperasikan alat berat. SIA dan SIO diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan proyek WIKA yang menggunakan alat berat dilengkapi dengan SIA dan SIO. Selain itu, alat yang digunakan telah memenuhi standar-standar keselamatan, yang setiap harinya sebelum dioperasikan akan dicek oleh mandor proyek.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)

Indonesia telah mencanangkan duku

ngan pada

clean development mechanism (CDM) yang dihasilkan

dari Protokol Kyoto, yaitu menurunkan emisi

gas rumah kaca (GRK) hingga 29% pada 2030.

Ibukota Jakarta, yang identik deng

an keramaian

transportasi menjadi sasaran proyek CDM. Untuk

mengatasi masalah kemacetan lalu lintas dan emisi

GRK, maka Pemerintah membangun mass rapid

transit (MRT) pada Agustus 2013 dengan target

selesai tahun 2018. WIKA mendapat kepercay


untuk turut serta dalam pembangunan proyek

ini, bekerjasama dengan Jaya Konstruksi, Shimizu,

Obayashi, dan Jakon.

Menurut data dari Dinas Komunikasi dan Inform

asi Provinsi DKI Jakarta,

konsumsi bahan bakar bensin dan solar pad

a tahun 2010 menghasilkan emisi

CO2 sebesar 4.364.276 ton CO2. Jika MRT beroperasi, maka diperkirakan

akan menurunkan jumlah kendaraan pribadi sebesar 275.

134 kendaraan

pada masa 3 tahun operasi, dengan pengur

angan emisi CO2 sebesar 113.429

ton CO2/tahun. Selain itu, penggunaan MRT diharapkan dapat


kemacetan dan menurunkan polusi udara.


Jalur MRT Jakarta direncanakan memiliki panjang sekita

r ±110.8 km, yang

terdiri dari Koridor Selatan – Utara (Koridor Leb

ak Bulus - Kampung

Bandan) sepanjang ±23.8 km dan Koridor Timur – Barat sepan

jang ±87

km. Pembangunan ini menimbulkan dampak lingkungan, seperti pemindahan

drainase, penggeseran pipa air minum dan kabel PLN.

Pada awal tahun 2016, pembangunan MRT memasuki proses pembebasan

lahan. Pembebasan lahan di Jakarta Selatan sudah mencapai 90%, dan

10% yang mencakup 613 peta bidang dengan lu

as 138.854 m2 masih harus

dibebaskan. Lahan ini dibutuhkan unt

uk area tiang, stasiun, dan depo MRT.

Pembebasan lahan sepenuhnya dilakukan

oleh pemberi kerja, yaitu Pemerintah

Kota Jakarta.


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016




Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



Kunci keberhasilan di setiap proyek yang dikerjakan WIKA terletak pada sistem, peralatan,

penggunaan bahan material, dan kompetensi pekerja. Bagi pekerja, keselamatan dan kesehatan

kerja menjadi hal yang utama. Untuk itu, WIKA menerapkan sistem manajemen safety, health, &

environment (SHE) yang handal, serta menyediakan semua keperluan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja


Tanggung jawab kinerja K3 berada di bawah Departemen SHE, yang bertanggung jawab langsung

kepada Direktur Human Capital dan Pengembangan Usaha. Setiap tahun, target WIKA adalah mencapai nihil kecelakaan fatal dan hal ini bukan hanya menjadi

tanggung jawab pejabat yang berwenang, namun seluruh insan WIKA.



Perhatian pada K3

WIKA telah memiliki sistem manajemen safety, health & environment (SHE) yang disahkan tanggal 29 Januari 2015. Implementasi SHE telah

berjalan dengan baik sehingga WIKA mencapai zero fatality di tahun ini. Pengelolaan SHE juga tertuang dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama

(PKB), Bab XV Pasal 62, tentang penyelenggaraan K3L.

Sejalan dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan K3 yang handal, WIKA memiliki organisasi Komite P2K3L (Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan). Komite P2K3L merupakan

Komite K3L tingkat pusat yang diketuai oleh Direktur Utama dan beranggotakan General Manajer. Jumlah pekerja dalam

kepengurusan K3L sebanyak 444 orang atau 20% dari total pekerja.


Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Implementasi K3 juga diberlakukan secara tegas pada mitra kontrak dan subkontraktor. Setiap akan memulai pekerjaan dengan mitra kontrak atau subkontraktor, WIKA mengadakan briefing untuk membahas peraturan, standar operasional prosedur, serta K3.


Keterangan:Yang mengalami kecelakaan kerja hanya pekerja laki-lakiRingan : Kejadian kecelakaan kerja yang tidak menyebabkan hari kerja hilang (NLTI)Sedang : Kejadian kecelakaan kerja yang dapat menyebabkan hari hilang hingga 35 hari kerjaBerat : Kejadian kecelakaan kerja yang dapat menyebabkan hari hilang lebih dari 35 hari kerjaFatal : Kejadian kecelakaan kerja yang menyebabkan kematian* Terdapat perubahan informasi karena ……………… [G4-22]

Implementasi K3 juga diberlakukan secara tegas pada mitra kontrak dan subkontraktor, bahkan kepada tamu yang meninjau proyek. Safety induction senantiasa diinformasikan pada saat sebelum pekerjaan dimulai, dan sebelum peninjauan proyek. Untuk mensukseskan SHE, WIKA menyediakan pakta integritas yang wajib dipatuhi dan ditandatangani oleh seluruh mitra maupun subkontraktor.

Untuk mencegah agar tidak ada fatality, Departemen SHE WIKA mengadakan workshop RCA (risk containment audit). Selain itu, titik yang aman di area kerja dicatat, kemudian dihitung. Temuan-temuan dari masing-masing departemen proyek akan dihitung dengan tool yang memiliki skala 1 (aman) sampai 5 (paling tidak aman). Kriteria aman ada pada skala dibawah 1,8 dan standar aman WIKA tahun 2016 adalah 2,6.

Perwakilan Serikat Pekerja

Perwakilan Manajemen

jumlah hari hilang Karena Kecelakaan Kerja berdasarkan Wilayah [G4-LA6]

Kategorijumlah hari hilang

2016 2015 2014

IndonesiaNon Lost Time Injury (NLTI) 0 0 0Ringan 25 19 37Sementara Tidak Mampu Bekerja (STMB) 0 0 0Berat 0 0 0Fatal/Meninggal 0 0 0

Luar NegeriNon Lost Time Injury (NLTI) 0 0 0Ringan 10 5 1Sementara Tidak Mampu Bekerja (STMB) 0 0 0Berat 0 0 0Fatal/Meninggal 0 0 0

Total hari hilang 35 24 38









jumlah Pekerja dalam Kepengurusan K3L [G4-LA5]


Kecelakaan Kerja dan Pekerja berisiko Tinggi

WIKA meminta semua pihak terlibat untuk menandatangani Komitmen SHE WIKA sebelum proyek dimulai, untuk memastikan bahwa mitra kontrak dan subkontraktor mematuhi standar keselamatan dan peraturan perlindungan lingkungan. Namun demikian, masih terjadi kecelakaan kerja karena jenis pekerjaan yang berisiko tinggi. Pencatatan angka kecelakaan dilakukan berdasarkan standar SMK3 PP 50 tahun 2012.

Keterangan:Seluruh kejadian kecelakaan dialami oleh pekerja berjenis kelamin laki-lakiNon Lost Time Injury (NLTI): Kecelakaan yang tidak menyebabkan kehilangan hari kerja, pekerja yang mengalami kecelakaan (P3K) dapat langsung kembali bekerja pada hari itu jugaKecelakaan ringan: Kecelakaan yang mengakibatkan pekerja kehilangan 1 hari kerjaSementara Tidak Mampu Bekerja (STMB): Kecelakaan yang megakibatkan pekerja kehilangan 2 sampai 35 hari kerjaKecelakaan Berat: Kecelakaan yang menyebabkan pekerja kehilangan hari kerja lebih dari 35 hari kerja atau pekerja mengalami cacat tetapFatal/Meninggal: Kecelakaan yang menyebabkan pekerja meninggal dunia atau setara dengan kehilangan 6.000 hari kerja

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Departemen SHE senantiasa melakukan program RCA (risk containment audit) yang menjadi KPI pada aspek SHE. Dengan RCA, unsafe act (perilaku kerja tidak aman), dan unsafe condition (kondisi kerja tidak aman) dapat diminimalkan.

Pekerjaan dalam kategori berisiko tinggi yang meliputi kerja di ketinggian, kerja dengan menggunakan alat berat, kerja di cuaca ekstrem, kerja di confined space (ruang terbatas), diberi perhatian khusus oleh sistem manajemen SHE. Upaya pengendalian bahaya pekerjaan berisiko tinggi telah dirangkum dalam buku panduan Safety golden Rules. WIKA juga memberlakukan wajib medical check up (MCU) bagi pekerja berisiko tinggi sebelum, selama, dan setelah melakukan pekerjaan tersebut.

Severity Rate, Tingkat Kekerapan, dan jam Kerja Selamat berdasarkan Wilayah [G4-LA6]

description 2016 2015 2014

IndonesiaSeverity Rate 0,30 0,30 0,59Non loss time injury (NLTI) 2,24 2,54 2,98Loss time injury (LTI) 0,21 0,28 0,56Nearmiss 1.366 kejadian 1.825 kejadian 326 kejadianManhours 81.983.725 jam 64.275.616 jam 64.767.466 jam

Luar NegeriSeverity Rate 4,31 3,12 0,51Non loss time injury (NLTI) 6,46 0,62 1,02Loss time injury (LTI) 3,44 3,12 0,56Nearmiss 40 kejadian 17 kejadian 3 kejadianManhours 2.322.783 jam 1.600.854 jam 1.852.681 jamKeterangan:Data severity rate dan tingkat kekerapan tidak dapat dipisahkan berdasarkan WIKA, mitra kerja dan subkontaktor, hal ini berkaitan dengan kebijakan Perusahaan.

biaya Kesehatan Pekerja

no uraianjumlah (Rp)

2016 2015 2014

1 Biaya pengobatan 6.630.980.048 5.480.148.800

Total rata-rata per pekerja 3.468.087 3.152.806 2.866.187

2 Biaya pencegahan 1.813.814.805 1.648.922.550 1.499.020.500

Total rata-rata per pekerja 948.648 862.407 784.007

3 Biaya kesehatan 6.317.239.155 5.742.944.687 5.220.858.806

Total rata-rata per pekerja 3.303.996 3.003.633 2.730.575

biaya Kesehatan Pekerja

WIKA menyelenggarakan program kesehatan, yang meliputi upaya pencegahan, pengobatan, dan mengembalikan kesehatan seperti semula. Secara khusus, WIKA menerapkan Program Wellbeing, yaitu prosedur intervensi terhadap kesehatan pekerja yang diimplementasikan melalui pola pikir dan pola makan yang sehat.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Zero Fatality is a Must!

M. Rifki Rosady

(Senior Manager SHE)

Perjalanan saya bersama WIKA berawal di tahun

1992, saat mendapat tugas di Proyek Irigasi Krueng

Aceh. Setelah itu, saya di pindah-tugaskan

ke beberapa

wilayah di Indonesia, hingga pada tahu

n awal 2007

hingga 2011 saya dipercaya menjadi Kepala Cabang

Kantor Perwakilan WIKA di Aljazair. Saat kembali ke

Jakarta saya mendapat tugas sebagai Manager Quality,

Safety Health and Environment di Departemen Sipil

Umum 3. Saat ini saya mendapat tugas se

bagai Senior

Manager di Departemen SHE di Kantor Pusat.

Selama bekerja di WIKA, saya mendapat banyak pengalaman, terutama ketika

dipercayakan untuk terlibat dalam pengerjaan proye

k dari awal hingga akhir.

Keterlibatan ini merupakan sebuah p

enghargaan bagi saya, karena sebelu

mnya jarang

ada pekerja lainnya yang memperoleh kesempatan seperti ini.

Selain itu, penghargaan yang saya te

rima adalah pada saat menjadi Kepala Cabang

Kantor Perwakilan WIKA di Aljazair tersebut, saya diper

cayakan memiliki wewenang

tertinggi untuk menandatangani keperluan dana dan k

eperluan lainnya, serta

ikut memastikan kelancaran Proyek East West Motorway. Tantangan ter


di Departemen SHE adalah untuk mewujudkan zero fatality yang merupakan

kepercayaan yang berharga.

Hal yang menyenangkan bekerja bersama WIKA yaitu adanya

budaya yang akrab

dan kerjasama tim yang solid. Top Manajemen sangat mengayomi pekerja pada lev


di bawahnya sehingga menciptakan kondisi serius tapi santa

i. Kami tetap hormat

kepada atasan, namun tidak kaku, seh

ingga dapat menyampaikan ide, pendapat, dan

kritik kepada atasan. Suasana tersebut m

enjadi pemicu semangat saya untuk lebih

bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan saya.

WIKA telah merealisasikan cita-cita saya untuk te

rus berkarya. Tantangan ke depan

akan semakin berat, harus semakin kompak, dan kita haru

s semakin kuat. Capaian zero

fatality harus terus kita pertahanka

n. Budaya SHE yang ada harus tetap dijaga dan

melekat pada segenap insan WIKA tanpa terkec



Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016




Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016





Pengembangan masyarakat

Pelaksanaan kegiatan kemasyarakatan mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri BUMN No. PER-09/MBU/07/2015 tentang Program Kemitraan dan Program Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Kegiatan ini terealisasi melalui program CSR WIKA, khususnya pada pengembangan masyarakat di desa binaan. Strategi untuk mencapai keberhasilan program yaitu dengan membentuk Tim CSR WIKA yang bekerja langsung di lokasi desa binaan untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan. Pembangunan sarana prasarana dan peralatan juga dipersiapkan untuk menunjang kelancaran program hingga masyarakat dapat mandiri.

Biro CSR WIKA bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan masyarakat di desa binaan, dan hasilnya disampaikan kepada Sekretaris Perusahaan, untuk kemudian dilanjutkan ke Direktur Keuangan. WIKA memiliki target membantu petani desa binaan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan Rp70.000/hari atau Rp25,5 juta /tahun/petani.

Hasil evaluasi tahun 2016 menunjukkan bahwa keahlian bertani dari masyarakat yang bergabung manjadi petani sengon meningkat, taraf hidup meningkat sekitar 20% dan ada kestabilan pendapatan petani selama 3 (tiga) tahun pelaksanaan program. Hal lain yang penting adalah terciptanya kemandirian untuk mengatur keuangan dan berkebun. Selama periode Juli 2015-Januari 2017, jahe merah yang ditanam di sela-sela kebun sengon dipanen sebanyak 14 ton. Pada program penggemukan sapi, keberhasilan yang dicapai berupa penggemukan 20 ekor sapi bakalan yang telah dipasarkan pada Hari Raya Idul Adha 2016 dengan rata-rata keuntungan mencapai Rp1.500.000,- per ekor.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016



Keberadaan WiKA di masyarakat

Keberadaan WIKA telah membawa pengaruh positif bagi lingkungan sosial dan alam di sekitarnya. Kebahagiaan yang dirasakan WIKA di hari peringatan ulang tahun ke-56 dibagikan kepada masyarakat sekitar lokasi kantor pusat. Hal itu diwujudkan melalui Program CSR bersama dengan segmen WIKA Sehat dan WIKA Peduli dengan tajuk acara ‘Gerakan WIKA Berlima Enam’ (WIKA Bersih Lingkungan Bersama dengan Masyarakat).

WIKA melakukan jalan sehat dan kegiatan bersih lingkungan. Partisipasi bukan hanya dari internal Perusahaan, namun juga warga sekitar. WIKA turut menggandeng pedagang kecil di sekitar lokasi kantor pusat untuk menyediakan dagangan mereka bagi peserta jalan sehat. Seluruh peserta, berjalan menyusuri rute yang sudah disiapkan, sambil memunguti sampah. Sampah yang terkumpul nantinya dipisahkan antara sampah organik dan anorganik. Setelah sampai di lokasi titik kumpul, para peserta diajak untuk mendaur ulang sampah dan berpartisipasi dalam Trashion Show. Trashion Show bertujuan untuk mengedukasi para peserta tentang daur ulang sampah secara sederhana.

Sembari mengikuti lomba, para peserta dapat menyantap makanan dan minuman dari dagangan para pedagang kecil. Untuk memeriahkan suasana, WIKA telah merenovasi gerobak dagangan mereka, sehingga mempercantik lingkungan sekitar Perusahaan. Bergabungnya para pedagang, membawa dampak positif bagi mereka, yaitu peningkatan penjualan. Tak kalah menarik, WIKA juga mengundang anak jalanan Kandang Jurank Doank untuk berpartisipasi menyediakan hiburan musik bagi mereka. Di akhir acara, para peserta pulang dengan membawa souvenir cantik berupa kaktus dalam pot. Budidaya kaktus ini melibatkan petani di desa binaan WIKA.


Pelatihan Welding untuk masyarakat di Kabupaten banggai, Sulawesi Tengah

Keinginan WIKA untuk menciptakan nilai bagi masyarakat telah menjangkau daerah Sulawesi Tengah. Adanya proyek Pengembangan Gas Matindok telah membuka peluang WIKA untuk mengembangkan masyarakat Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi tengah dalam bidang welding. WIKA bekerjasama dengan PT Pertamina EP menyelenggarakan program pelatihan welder. Keseriusan penyelenggaraan program ini terlihat dengan dilibatkannya trainer dan inspector welding yang berpengalaman dari Guna Nusa dan Titis Sampurna Inspection. Di awal tahun 2016, program pelatihan welder batch 1 dilaksanakan dengan keterlibatan 40 peserta masyarakat lokal.

Kemudian untuk melengkapi program welder, di bulan Juni 2016 WIKA bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Ahli Fasilitas Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi Indonesia (IAFMI) menyelenggarakan prosesi penyerahan sertifikat Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) kepada 30 peserta program. Diharapkan, dalam jangka panjang, kompetensi welder ini akan meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan daya saing sumber daya manusia Indonesia.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016




desa binaan WiKA di Pamijahan

Desa Binaan di Pamijahan merupakan wujud kepedulian WIKA terhadap lingkungan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat, serta sebagai salah satu bentuk mitigasi dampak lingkungan atas kinerja operasional perusahaan. Dimana WIKA membangun proyek bangunan dan infrastruktur yang akan mengurangi lahan untuk tumbuhnya pohon. Maka WIKA berkomitmen untuk menggantinya dengan menghijaukan lahan di Kecamatan Pamijahan.

Dimulai pada tahun 2012, WIKA melakukan pemetaan lahan kritis yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemetaan petani untuk mengidentifikasi kemampuan dan ketrampilan pertanian mereka. Pemetaan petani menggunakan tolok ukur anggota kelompok tani dan data primer melalui pengamatan. Kemudian, pemetaan sosial dilakukan terhadap petani melalui penyuluh, dan berinteraksi dengan komunitas petani yang dianggap aktif.

Dari hasil pemetaan, Tim CSR WIKA melakukan pendekatan pada masyarakat desa dan menemukan banyak permasalahan sosial, seperti kurangnya pendapatan, adanya banjir dan erosi tanah. Mata pencaharian sebagai petani dan peternak masih mengandalkan cara tradisional yang kurang maksimal sehingga hasil panen tidak mencukupi kebutuhan. Dari temuan-temuan tersebut, WIKA melakukan identifikasi potensi lokal dan kemudian membuat program serta pendampingan bagi masyarakat desa dalam sebuah roadmap Kawasan Binaan WIKA di Pamijahan mulai tahun 2014 hingga tahun 2021.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Roadmap Kawasan binaan WiKA di Pamijahan

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Selama ini WIKA telah menjalankan program sesuai dengan roadmap yang dibuat. Namun demikian, WIKA belum memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukan assessment terkait dampak sosial dan lingkungan atas program-program yang berjalan. Meskipun belum dilakukan assessment, WIKA telah melaksanakan evaluasi rutin di setiap program, menggali kebutuhan peserta program, serta menampung dan mendengarkan keluhan mereka untuk ditindaklanjuti.

Pada bulan Februari 2017, dilakukan survei sederhana untuk mendapatkan persepsi penerima manfaat dari adanya desa binaan Pamijahan ini. Responden survei adalah para petani yang berjumlah 14 orang (12,17% dari total petani penerima manfaat). Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa petani memberikan persepsi yang positif, di antaranya meliputi kepuasan sebagai penerima manfaat, hingga naiknya pendapatan yang diperoleh.

Namun demikian, ada 6 responden yang memberikan persepsi kurang positif karena mereka merasa kurang dilibatkan dalam pelaksanaan program dan manfaat yang diterima kurang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Masukan ini sangat baik dan WIKA akan lebih meningkatkan keterlibatan dan manfaat kegiatan di desa Pamijahan.

[G4-EC7] [G4-SO1]

budidaya Sengon Laut (Paraserianthes falcataria)

Program Penanaman Pohon WIKA untuk lokasi Kecamatan Pamijahan dilakukan bertahap dalam 3 (tiga) periode, masing-masing Periode I yang dimulai sejak Desember 2013, Periode II dimulai sejak Desember 2014 dan Periode III dimulai sejak Desember 2015. Pemantauan jumlah tanaman dilakukan menggunakan teknik sensus tegakan yang dilakukan 2 (dua) kali setiap tahun, yakni setiap bulan Juni dan Desember. Pohon sengon laut (Paraserianthes falcataria) yang dibudidayakan, dan terhitung per Desember 2016, tumbuh dan hidup sebanyak 121.520 pohon. Hasil pemantauan ini menjadi dasar perhitungan serapan karbon yang dicatat sebagai salah satu tolok ukur keberhasilan program.

Tolok ukur dalam menentukan keberhasilan Program Penanaman Pohon WIKA ini yaitu adanya pertambahan jumlah pohon berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan serapan karbon. Selain itu, tolok ukur lain yang juga penting dalam menilai keberhasilan program ini yaitu efisiensi pembiayaan program. Cara penilaian yang digunakan yaitu membandingkan antara pencapaian serapan karbon diatas dengan biaya yang telah dikeluarkan. Hingga Desember 2016, keseluruhan biaya penanaman pohon yang telah dikeluarkan sebesar Rp4.926.145.000. Dengan demikian maka biaya yang dikeluarkan WIKA untuk setiap kilogram karbon yang diserap adalah sebesar Rp1.430.

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Perkembangan jumlah Pohon Sengon dan Serapan Karbon Tahun 2013 - 2016

Tahun Tanam

jumlah Pohon Karbon Terserap (Kg co2)

Dec-13 Jun-14 Dec-14 Jun-15 Dec-15 Jun-16 Dec-16 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-16

2013 48.000 45.922 42.314 42.314 41.288 41.288 40.585 443.028 1.054.908 1.791.016

2014 0 0 63.700 58.294 55.114 52.964 53.550 0 577.044 1.368.203

2015 0 0 0 0 30.000 27.439 27.385 0 0 286.721

TOTAL 48.000 45.922 106.014 100.608 126.402 121.691 121.520 443.028 1.631.952 3.445.940

Tujuan utama program ini yaitu untuk mengambil manfaat ekonomi kayu sengon. Sembari menunggu panen sengon, Tim CSR WIKA mengembangkan keahlian petani dengan memberi pendampingan pada berbagai program turunan. Mereka melakukan penanaman tanaman sela atau tumpang sari dengan jahe merah, tanaman bumbu, ternak kambing dan sapi ongole. Dari kegiatan tersebut, petani memperoleh pengetahuan baru cara beternak sapi dan secara mandiri mulai membuat pupuk organik untuk perawatan pohon sengon.


Saluran Pengaduan Keluhan di desa binaan

WIKA menghargai hak-hak konsumen dan masyarakat, termasuk masyarakat di desa binaan. Setiap aspirasi masyarakat ditampung dan ditindaklanjuti untuk mendapat solusi terbaik. Di desa binaan, pengaduan keluhan dapat disampaikan secara langsung kepada Bapak Iqbal, selaku pamong, yang juga merupakan salah satu Tim CSR WIKA. Semua keluhan ditindaklanjuti tanpa terkecuali, melalui dialog interaktif.

Selain itu, untuk menampung berbagai keluhan lainnya, WIKA menyediakan ruang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (KIP) yang berlokasi di WIKA Tower 2 lantai 1. Ruang KIP ini melayani siapa saja yang ingin memperoleh informasi seputar WIKA, dan juga untuk menyampaikan saran, kritik, dan keluhan. Selama tahun 2016, belum ada pengaduan yang masuk melalui KIP ini. Selain itu, WIKA juga menyediakan saluran pengaduan secara online 24 jam, melalui :

Website : Telepon: 021 - 80679200

Ruang KIP di WIKA Tower 2

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


[G4-EC7] [G4-SO1]

Panen Raya jahe merah

Tanaman sela, yakni jahe merah turut ditanam di kebun sengon. Penanaman dilakukan secara organik. WIKA bekerjasama dengan Laboratorium Biofertilizer milik Indonesia Center for Biodiversity and Biotechnology (ICBB) yang memfasilitasi pembuatan biodekomposer sebagai pupuk organik dan media tanam jahe. Sambil menunggu panen sengon, petani desa binaan telah berhasil menanam jahe merah dengan rata-rata hasil yang dicapai sebanyak 2 kg/rumpun.

Penanaman jahe merah sejak Juli 2015, kini berhasil dipanen 14 ton yang melibatkan 10 orang petani. Permintaan terhadap jahe merah cukup tinggi untuk memasok pasar Kota Bogor dan diekspor ke negara-negara Oman dan Vietnam. Meskipun hasil panen cukup baik namun secara perhitungan usaha, kegiatan ini belum dapat menguntungkan dimana tercatat defisit modal sebesar Rp28 juta karena proses panen masih terus berlanjut diperkirakan hingga akhir 2017. Meski demikian, pada tingkatan pendapatan petani, hal tersebut tidak berdampak signifikan karena mendapat subsidi silang dari penghasilan lain yaitu budidaya sapi dan kambing.

Jahe merah sebagai tanaman sela

ditanam dalam polybag

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


[G4-EC7] [G4-SO1]

Kambing bergulir dan Ternak Sapi mandiri

Tim CSR WIKA membekali para petani dengan teknik ternak kambing dan sapi mandiri. Program kambing bergulir setiap tahunnya dilaksanakan untuk dijual di Hari Raya Idul Adha. Program ini sudah dijalankan selama 2 periode (2015 dan 2016) dan hasilnya relatif menjanjikan.

Di tahun 2016 jumlah kambing yang dibudidayakan adalah 90 ekor lebih banyak 25 ekor dari tahun 2015 yang berjumlah 65 ekor. Sebanyak 40 orang petani berkontribusi dalam program ini, meningkat dari jumlah tahun lalu sebanyak 32 orang petani. Peningkatan minat atas program kambing bergulir ini disebabkan karena kepastian pemasaran untuk kambing yang dipelihara oleh anggota program serta harga jual yang relatif lebih tinggi dibanding tengkulak setempat. Saat menjelang Hari Raya Idul Adha pada 11 September 2016 seluruh kambing terjual dengan memberikan petani keuntungan berkisar Rp1.000.000,- /kambing.

WIKA menambah program yakni ternak sapi ongole yang dimulai pada Februari 2016. Program ini memiliki tujuan yang sama dengan tujuan program kambing bergulir. Anakan sapi jenis ongole dibeli pada Maret 2016 sejumlah 20 ekor. Tim CSR WIKA melatih dan mendampingi para petani untuk menanam rumput gajah agar petani mampu membuat pakan sapi organik secara mandiri. Pada Hari Raya Idul Adha 2016, program ini berhasil memasarkan seluruh sapi yang diternakkan dengan rata-rata keuntungan mencapai Rp1.500.000,- per ekor.

Kotoran sapi dan kambing menjadi hasil sampingan bagi petani. Kotoran tersebut dibeli oleh Tim CSR WIKA untuk kemudian diolah bersama jerami menjadi pupuk kompos guna mendukung program penanaman jahe merah. Dengan demikian, Tim CSR WIKA tidak perlu membeli pupuk dari luar. Program ini dapat menambah penghasilan petani rata-rata sekitar Rp300.000 per petani per bulan.

Sapi ongole dalam tahap penggemukan

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Cerita di BumiPerkemahan Pamijahan

Untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan lahan,

WIKA memanfaatkan area sela di antara

lahan budidaya sengon sebagai area


(camping ground).

Pada 30-31 Mei 2016, WIKA telah mengadakan

Campus Citizen Journalist (Campus CJ) Edu

Trip Green Adventure Camp untuk memberikan

kesempatan para peserta melihat aktivitas di

desa Pamijahan, sekaligus berekreasi menikmati

rindangnya kebun sengon. Jumlah peserta yang

ikut sebanyak 18 mahasiswa se-Jabodetabek


Banten dan Jawa Barat.

Para peserta Campus CJ Edu Trip Green Adventure Camp 2016, diajak

untuk berinteraksi dengan alam dan para petani

desa binaan yang

menjadi role model pertanian unggul. Kegiatan ber

tani dimulai dari pukul

6 pagi. Peserta diajak mengelilingi kebun se

ngon dengan tumpang sari

tanaman bumbu.

Pemanfaatan lahan untuk area perkemahan ini memberikan nilai manfaat

yang cukup tinggi, meningkatkan efisien

si, efektifitas, dan produktivitas,

tanpa merusak lingkungan. Banyaknya kunjun

gan di desa Pamijahan

memberi dampak positif bagi para petani desa b

inaan. Mereka dapat

menunjukkan keahlian bertani dan ber

kebun kepada para pengunjung.

Dampak positif lainnya yaitu peningkatan

rasa percaya diri para

petani sehingga menambah semangat dalam bekerja, serta m


pendapatan dari hasil penjualan tan

aman kebun yang dibeli oleh



Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


Biodekomposer Organisme pengurai nitrogen dan karbon dari bahan bahan organik (sisa- sisa organik dari jaringan tumbuhan dan hewan yang telah mati ) yaitu bakteri, fungi dan aktinomisetes.

Budidaya Kegiatan terencana pemeliharaan sumber daya hayati yang dilakukan pada

BNSP Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi

CDM Mekanisme Pembangunan Bersih / Clean Mechanism Development

CRE Construction and Real Estate

HUMAS Hubungan Masyarakat

IAFMI Ikatan Ahli Fasilitas Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi Indonesia

ICBB Indonesia Center for Biodiversity and Biotechnology

ISO International Organization for Standardization

LNG Liquid Natural Gas

POME Palm Oil Mill Effluent

PLTMG Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mesin Gas

PLTMH Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro

PJU Penerangan Jalan Umum

PUPR Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

LOAN JICA Bantuan dari Japan International Cooperation Agency

RCA Risk Containment Audit

RJP Rencana Jangka Panjang

Role Model Model percontohan

Sengon Sengon yang ditanam di Kampung Binaan WIKA adalah sengon laut (Paraserianthes falcataria), pohong penghasil kayu anggota suku Fabaceae yang memiliki pertumbuhan tercepat di dunia

SPBG Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Gas

SRI KEHATI Sustainable & Responsible Investment Keanekaragaman Hayati

Welder Juru las

ZEESM Zona Especials Economia Social De Mercado


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


INdEKS GRI G4[G4-32]

indeks isi gRi g4 dan Suplemen Sektor Konstruksi & Real estate

STAndAR PengungKAPAn umum

indikator uraian halaman Penjaminan eksternal

Strategi dan Analisis

G4-1 Pernyataan dari Direksi 4 a

G4-2 Uraian Dampak, Risiko dan Peluang 4 a

Profil Organisasi

G4-3 Nama Organisasi 9 a

G4-4 Merek, Produk, dan Layanan Jasa 9, 10, 14 a

G4-5 Lokasi Kantor Pusat 9 a

G4-6 Jumlah Negara Tempat Beroperasi 9 a

G4-7 Kepemilikan Saham dan Bentuk Hukum 11 a

G4-8 Pasar Terlayani 9 a

G4-9 Skala Organisasi 11, 16 a

G4-10 Jumlah dan Komposisi Pegawai 16 a

G4-11 Pekerja Terlindungi Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) 16 a

G4-12 Rantai Pasokan Organisasi 14 a

G4-13 Perubahan Signifikan Organisasi 17 a

G4-14 Pendekatan Pencegahan Melalui Manajemen Risiko 15, 17, 44, 45 a

G4-15 Kepatuhan Pada Prinsip-prinsip dan Inisiatif Eksternal 17, 44 a

G4-16 Keanggotaan Dalam Asosiasi 18 a

Aspek material dan Pembatasan

G4-17 Daftar Entitas 37 a

G4-18 Proses Menentukan Isi Laporan dan Pembatasan 30, 31 a

G4-19 Daftar Aspek Material 31, 32 a

G4-20 Batasan Aspek Material di Dalam Organisasi 36 a

G4-21 Batasan Aspek Material di Luar Organisasi 36 a

G4-22 Pernyataan Kembali 42 a

G4-23 Perubahan Pelaporan Bersifat Signifikan 29 a

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


STAndAR PengungKAPAn umum

indikator uraian halaman Penjaminan eksternal

Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan

G4-24 Daftar Pemangku Kepentingan 19, 20, 21 a

G4-25 Dasar Identifikasi dan Seleksi Pemangku Kepentingan 19 a

G4-26 Proses Pendekatan pada Pemangku Kepentingan 20, 21 a

G4-27 Topik Kunci dan Respon Organisasi 20, 21 a

Profil Laporan

G4-28 Periode Pelaporan 29 a

G4-29 Tanggal Penerbitan Laporan Terdahulu 29 a

G4-30 Siklus Pelaporan 29 a

G4-31 Kontak 37 a

G4-32 Indeks Isi GRI 29, 68 a

G4-33 Penjaminan 29, 34 a

Tata Kelola

G4-34 Struktur Tata Kelola 22, 24 a

G4-35 Pendelegasian Kewenangan Terkait Topik Ekonomi, Lingkungan, dan Sosial 24 a

G4-48 Pengesahan Pelaporan 30 a

etika dan integritas

G4-56 Nilai-nilai, Prinsip, dan Norma Organisasi 12 a

STAndAR PengungKAPAn KhuSuS

indikator uraian halamanPenjaminan


KATegoRi: eKonomi

isu material: Kinerja ekonomi dan Perubahan iklim

G4-DMA Kinerja Ekonomi dan Perubahan Iklim 41 a

Aspek: Kinerja ekonomi

G4-EC1 Nilai Ekonomi Langsung Dihasilkan dan Didistribusikan 11, 41, 42, 43 a

G4-EC2 Implikasi Finansial Akibat Perubahan Iklim 43 a

isu material: dampak ekonomi Tidak Langsung

G4-DMA Dampak Ekonomi Tidak Langsung 41 a

DMA: Disclosure of management approach

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


STAndAR PengungKAPAn KhuSuS

indikator uraian halamanPenjaminan


Aspek: dampak ekonomi Tidak Langsung

G4-EC7 Pembangunan dan Dampak Investasi Infrastruktur 43, 62, 64, 65 a

G4-EC8 Dampak Ekonomi Tak Langsung 15, 26, 43, 58 a

KATegoRi: TAnggung jAWAb PRoduK

isu material: Keamanan dan integritas Konstruksi

G4-DMA Kepatuhan 45 a

Aspek: Kepatuhan

G4-PR9 Sanksi Atas Ketidakpatuhan Pada Peraturan Produk dan Jasa 47 a


isu material: Pengembangan masyarakat

G4-DMA Masyarakat Lokal 57 a

Aspek: masyarakat lokal

G4-SO1 Operasional Perusahaan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Lokal 15, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65 a

G4-SO2 Potensi Dampak Negatif Terhadap Masyarakat Lokal 15 a

KATegoRi: SoSiAL

isu material: Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)

G4-DMA Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) 51 a

Aspek: Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)

G4-LA5 Keterwakilan Pekerja dalam Komite Bersama K3 51, 52 a

G4-LA6 Jenis dan Tingkat Kecelakaan Kerja 52, 53 a

STAndAR PengungKAPAn KhuSuS unTuK SeKToR KonSTRuKSi dAn ReAL eSTATe

indikator uraian halaman Penjaminan eksternal

G4-CRE5 Pemulihan Kembali Lahan Sesuai dengan Ketentuan yang Berlaku

48 a

G4-CRE6 Verifikasi Kepatuhan Operasional Perusahaan dengan Organisasi Sistem Manajemen K3 Internasional yang Diakui

17, 46, 47 a

DMA: Disclosure of management approach

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016


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Together,We Create Value

Together,We Create Value

Sustainability Report


Together,We Create Value

“Respecting noble values of humanity is a responsibility for every human being on earth.” It is in line with WIKA, togetherness in creating a better life will always be preserved by us to become added value for all stakeholders of the Company. WIKA exists,

keeps operating, and works for reaching the balance among people, planet, and prosperity throughout solid partnership in

order to create peace. The 5P Concept supports sustainable development goals (SDGs) initiated by the United Nation.

Sustainability Report 2016



WIKA’S PROFILE9 WIKA at A Glance19 WIKA and Stakeholders22 Corporate Governance

WIKA Corner: WIKA in ‘BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri’

REPORT PROFILE29 About The Report30 Principles and Stages in Preparing

the Report31 Material Aspects

WIKA Corner: Result of a Passion

TOGETHER, WE BUILD THE NATION41 Maintaining Economic Performance44 Maintaining Security and Integrity

of Green Construction47 Green Construction

WIKA Corner: Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)

07- S- K- W- T



- L- - A


39- -


51 Best Practices of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

WIKA Corner: Zero Fatality is a Must!

TOGETHER, WE CREATE VALUE57 Growing Together with Community59 Successful Fostered Village

WIKA Corner: A Story from Pamijahan Camping Ground


- S- K- W

55 - L- - A- R


Glossary and Abbreviation GRI G4 IndexFeedback Form

HighlightGreeting From The President Director


Sustainability Report 2016Sustainability Report 2016

5,014,200 hours Safe work hours

appreciated by Kajima JO, Japan

1,557Participants or trainees

of Wikapratama Learning Centre

472Participants or

trainees of Wikasatrian Leadership Centre

94.93“Very Good”

GCG Self Assessment associated by Finance and Development Supervision

Agency (BPKP)

ZEROFatality level

IDR1,01 trillionProfit attributable to parent entity owner


WIKA’s stocks have been listed in Indonesia Stock

Exchange since 2014

121,520 Sengon trees

grow well

1,816 tons of CO2

Increase of absorption of CO2 emission by sengon




IDR6.36 billionFund distributed for CSR and Partnership

& Community Development activities

20%Standard of living

improvement of farmers in Pamijahan fostered village

“4”Satisfied(Scale 1-4)

Community Satisfaction Index in Pamijahan

fostered village

Very SatisfiedAverage score of achievement in

Customer Satisfaction Index

Sustainability Report 2016


DeAR ReSpecTeD STAKehoLDeRS,We bestow gratitude for the grace and bless of the Almighty God empowering WIKA to strive in 2016 with outstanding accomplishment. We comprehensively write our economic performance in the Annual Report of 2016. Meanwhile, we inform our social and environmental performances, pursuant to the key reporting focus, which is community performance, in this Sustainability Report.

[G4-1] [G4-2]

DeVeLopING INDoNeSIAAmid the active endeavor of Indonesian government in managing the Nation, WIKA is grateful as it takes part in actualizing the mission of Indonesian government. In 2019, the development target in assorted infrastructure sector throughout Indonesia regions has reached IDR4,000 trillion. Such target achievement was conveyed by Bambang PS. Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/BAPPENAS) in the discussion of “Final Evaluation in 2016” in BAPPENAS office. Then, Basuki Hadimuljono, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) also articulated the construction target of 65 dams to improve agriculture sector. Considering such target and plan, WIKA endeavors that its sustainable performance consistently advances along with the development in Indonesia.

During 2016, a number of government and regional government institutions, as well as state-owned enterprises (BUMN) entrusted WIKA to develop countless strategic projects. Total contract value of 2016 reached IDR83.29 trillion, with the total new contract of IDR54.76 trillion. Market share of new contract was from the Government of Republic of Indonesia 63.42%, private sector 20.73%, and State-owned enterprises 15.85%. In order to finance projects that keep increasing until the upcoming year, WIKA performed rights issue and had succeeded in collecting fund of IDR6.15 trillion.

WIKA had recorded profit attributable to Parent Entity Owner by IDR1.01 trillion, or reaching 161.88% compared to the previous year. Accomplishment and trust motivate WIKA to continuously give maximum economic contribution for all stakeholders.



Sustainability Report 2016

STRATeGIeS To AccoMpLISh SUSTAINABILITYWIKA’s vision is to become one of the best companies in the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) and integrated investment sectors in Southeast Asia. Such vision is actualized with the commitment to maintain product quality, endorse environmental sustainability, and social welfare. We also aspire the implementation of our vision can endorse the success of sustainable development goals/SDGs.

To accomplish such vision, WIKA implements the strategy of human capital development with the principle of ‘more for more’ and implementation of dignity policy. Human capital competency is WIKA’s key to accomplish middle term goal focusing on selective market by referring to a selected market. Meanwhile, the long-term priority of WIKA is to maintain the acquired market. Another strategy to acquire selective market is by selecting profitable project deriving from the governmental agencies, state-owned enterprises, and private sectors.

To actualize such strategy, WIKA continuously maintains cooperative relation with all stakeholders such as employees, business partners, and communities. WIKA reemphasizes the significance of maintaining product integrity and quality, and persistence in accomplishing target of zero fatality. WIKA’s success upon 5,014,200 safe work hours at the project completion of Tanjung Priok Access Toll Road, phase 1 of E.2 access of Cilincing-Jampea is the ideal archetype for other projects.

WIKA also puts concern on the climate change caused by the rise of emission rate. Although it has not achieved maximum level, WIKA actively endeavors to reduce the emission by conserving artificial forest, which initially was a degraded land. In Pamijahan village, Bogor, 121,520 sengon trees grow well and absorb CO2 emission by 3,466 tons. WIKA nurtures environmental conservation and empowers local community through such fostered village.

hARMoNY cReATING VALUeWIKA are certain that no success or accomplished target can be actualized without cooperation with other parties. Thus, WIKA cooperates with all stakeholders to create value. Until the end of 2016, WIKA has distributed economic value for social and environmental activities worth IDR6.36 billion and employee health allowance worth IDR6.32 billion.

WIKA improves not only economic value but also community value. WIKA expects that the scholarship grant amounting to IDR478.2 million, donation for natural-disaster victims in Garut and Aceh amounting to IDR406.2 million, and assistance on fostered village can help lessen the communities’ issues and create self-sufficiency. We expect that WIKA existence is meaningful, particularly in every event of ‘BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri’ (State-Owned Enterprises/SOEs for Nation)’

RISKS AND chALLeNGeSThe challenge we face in running our business is to complete every project in a timely fashion and maximum quality. WIKA always strives to overcome countless challenges, but it also often faces failure due to wide-ranging challenges, such as extreme climate change suspending projects, slow progress in land acquisition, regulation changes, or a lack of experts in projects requiring cutting-edge technology. To overcome such challenges, we map risk and manage it in a system of risk management complying with the working framework of ISO 31000:2009.

FAcING The FUTURe AheADFinally, We thank to all WIKA’s stakeholders having cooperatively maintained harmony creating beneficial values for life. In the future, WIKA is certain that the created values not only are beneficial for us at the present time, but also will be sustainable for our future generations.

Jakarta, March 2017

BINTANG peRBoWoThe President Director

Sustainability Report 2016


WIKA Tower was built based on the concept of green construction


Sustainability Report 2016


Sustainability Report 2016



[G4-3] [G4-4] [G4-5]

Location of headquarters and Business SectorThe headquarters of PT Wijaya Karya/WIKA (A Limited Liability Company), Tbk is located in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. WIKA was established in 1960, and is the greatest EPC and investment company in Indonesia. WIKA provides such products and services of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC).

For more comprehensive information, including company form and any change to company ownership, please refer to 2016 Annual Report on page 68-83.


Marketshare Based on Types of








Industrial Plant

Power Plant

Property & Realty

Manufacturing &


Port, Irrigation and

Barrage (CC)

Precast Industry

Toll, Road and

Bridge (CC)

Total Work Value Based on Sectors (in IDR Billion) [G4-4]





14290 405.26





[G4-6] [G4-8]

operational Area and Market Served WIKA operates and serves not only Indonesian market but also international markets in 6 countries, namely Timor Leste, Malaysia, Algeria, Myanmar, the Phillipines, and Saudi Arabia. Beneficiaries of WIKA activities are government and broad communities, including educational institutions and private sector.

Sustainability Report 2016


Several Projects Which Have Been Completed in 2016 [G4-4]

No Project NameOperational Period

Starts Ends

1 Production Facility of Matindok Gas (PTM) 01 - 29 - 2014 03 - 28 - 2016

2 Project for Fuel Terminal Development in Pulau Sambu 03 - 12 - 2014 10 - 27 - 2016

3 Project for Upgrading Gasoline Storage in Tanjung Uban 06 - 03 - 2014 11 - 02 - 2016

4 Project for Installation of Fuel Hydrant System Piping at Secondary Apron in Terminal 3 Soekarno-Hatta Airport 11 - 01 - 2014 10 - 31 - 2016

5 EPC Project for Coal Maintenance Facility in Tanjung Enim Stage IV 10 - 01 - 2014 10 - 31 - 2016

6 Coal-fired Power Plans (PLTU) Ketapang 2x10MW 07 - 13 - 2011 07 - 03 - 2016

7 Project for Establishment of Natural Gas Distribution System in Prabumulih 02 - 26 - 2016 12 - 31 - 2016

8 Bangkinang Bridge 07 - 18 - 2015 12 - 09 - 2016

9 Dompak Bridge (The Riau Islands) 05 - 24 - 2014 01 - 05 - 2016

10 Project of Gas Station (SPBG) in Bekasi 03 - 14 - 2016 09 - 13 - 2016

11 Project of Micro-Hydro Electric Power Plants (PLTMH) in Tolikara 05 - 10 - 2016 11 - 06 - 2016

12 Access Road in Gede Bage 08 - 27 - 2015 12 - 26 - 2016

13 Toll Road Surabaya-Mojokerto Section 1B 12 - 10 - 2012 02 - 27 - 2016

14 East West Motorway Project, Algeria October 2010 July 2016

15 Mydin Mall, Kuching-Serawak 08 - 20 - 2015 September 2016

16 Project Management Service of Krakatau Steel, Cilegon (KNSS) 06 - 01 - 2015 September 2016

PLTMG Arun 184 MW

PLTD Bali 50 MW

Terminal 3 Bandara Soetta


Sustainability Report 2016

[G4-7] [G4-9] [G4-EC1]

organizational Scale

Description Unit 2016 2015* 2014

Number of employees People 2,187 1,930 1,912

Total net sales IDR million 15,668,832 13,620,101 12,463,216

Total capitalization

1. Debt

IDR million

18,597,824 14,164,305 11,032,465

2. Minority rights 1,146,833 1,062,936 898,168

3. Equity 12,498,715 5,438,101 4,876,755

Total assets 31,096,539 19,602,406 15,909,220

Share Ownership

1. Government of Indonesia % 65.05 65.05 65.05

2. Public

- Domestic Investors % 30.51 18.68 15.59

- Foreign Investors % 3.7 15.18 18.13

- WIKA’s Employees % 0.74 1.09 1.23

Note *: Data of 2015 applied Restated Independent Audit Report

For more financial information related to income, cost, retained earning, as well as detailed operational activities per segment in financial year 2016, please refer to 2016 PT WIKA Annual Report on pages 22-25.

Sustainability Report 2016


Spirit of Innovation

To become one of the best Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) and

integrated investment companies in Southeast


1. Offering excellent and integrated

products and services in EPC and

investment sectors on infrastructure,

building, energy, industrial plant, industry,

realty and property.

2. Meeting key stakeholders’ expectations.

3. Implementing business ethics to become

a reputable corporation and to maintain

corporate sustainability.

4. Performing strategic overseas

expansion5. Implementing “Best Practices” of

integrated management system.

• Commitment• Innovation• Balance• Excellence• Relationship• Team Work• Integrity

WIKA Code of

Conducts can be

accessed on http://



249643-file.pdf and

Annual Report of 2016

on pages 418-420.



Sustainability Report 2016

Sustainability for WIKA

For WIKA, sustainability is a synergy in every aspect and function to create performance aiming to actualize sustainable business, and produce output in economic, social, and environmental aspects. Throughout its performance, WIKA is aspired to provide long-term values for stakeholders and beneficiary for all aspects. WIKA’s sustainable guideline is written as the third point of WIKA Missions, stating that “implementing business ethics to become a reputable corporation and to maintain corporate sustainability”. Pursuant to its Mission, WIKA always applies business governance by considering sustainability values.

haaMempertahWIKA Mempertahha

SRI KEHATI IndExWIKA MaintainingWIKA Maintaining

WIKA resecures its name in the rating Index of 25 Companies in Sustainable and Responsible

Investment Index of Indonesian Biodiversity (SRI KEHATI) for the period of November

2015 – April 2016. This achievement has been maintained since 2014.

Sustainability Report 2016



[G4-4] Business Sectors:1. Infrastructure and

Building;2. Energy and

Industrial Plant;3. Industry;4. Realty and Property;5. Investment.


WIKA’s Supply Chain WIKA’s work flow is to develop project from owners in accordance with the agreed contract within a certain period. Supply chain management is conducted by product and service procurement. Supply chain includes contract management, material and service procurement management, procurement system, logistics, and compliance. Business partners of WIKA are subcontractors, suppliers who provide materials, goods, labours, and equipments, consultant services, brokers, licensers, and specialist contractors.

Corporate social responsibility toward stakeholders covers:1. Generating profit;2. Performing responsibility for

OHS;3. Improving community welfare;4. Creating quality projects.

Corporate social responsibility of affiliates toward WIKA covers:1. Back to back;2. As transporter;3. Legal compliance;4. Responsibility for OHS;

5. Local employees empowerment.


Sustainability Report 2016

Positive impacts of the operational activities are: [G4-SO1] [G4-EC8]

1. Investment value for investors;2. Economic and social growth in the working environment through the infrastructure

development the company creates;3. Employment opportunities;4. Labour welfare;5. Partnership and Community Development Program;6. Availability of information and technology for knowledge sharing.

Negative impacts of operational activities in project site related to community are: [G4-SO2]

1. Change of pattern in land usage

2. Change of people’s behavior in the

remote operational sites, comprising of:

a. Positive impact, namely improvement in

skills and welfare;b. Negative impact, namely the elimination

of livelihood among certain communities

in the project areas.

Risks per division include: [G4-14]

1. Human Capital divison: The availability of human capital does not meet the need of company (quantity and quality);

2. Legal division: Non-compliance with the regulation and claim over contract;

3. Finance division: Net cash flow below 40% or deficit cash flow;

4. System division: Inconsistency in implementing management system;

5. Procurement division: Inoptimal expediting material;

6. Investment division: Invalid feasibility study.

Challenges:1. Managing social and environmental

risks differing in each particular project;

2. Balancing the expectations of internal and external stakeholders of the Company;

3. Employing local workers;4. Facing new type of projects, such

as Matindok Gas Development;5. Facing global climate change.

Strategies:1. Mapping selective markets;2. Conducting centralization and

self-financing;3. Optimizing QSHE, centralized

procurement, program efficiency, and risk mitigation;

4. Strengthening forward-backward integration;

5. Conducting competence and dignity based improvement.

Sustainability Report 2016


[G4-9] [G4-10] [G4-11]

WIKA’s human capital

At the end of 2016, WIKA employed 2,983 employees consisting of 2,187 permanent employees or 73.3% of total employee and 796 non-permanent employees or 26.7% of total employee. All of the employees (100%) within the Company have been secured with Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) and no employee worked based on season.

Total Number of Permanent Employees by Gender & Placement [G4-10]

Working Placement2016 2015 2014

Male Female Male Female Male Female

Headquarters 100 35 98 35 90 34

Regional 1,907 94 1,847 86 1,700 75

Algeria Office 2 0 3 0 13 0

Malaysia Office 6 0

N/A N/AMyanmar Office 2 0

Timor Leste Office 40 1

Total 2,187 2,069 1,912

Total employee supervised at the end of December, 2016 was 126 employees consisting of 115 male employees and 11 female employees. [G4-10]


Sustainability Report 2016

No change to the organization’s size, number of operating plants, company’s ownership, or supply chain occured. Nevertheless, on September 15, 2016, such changes to the organization’s structures of Board of Commissioners and CSR management occurred.

Extraordinary General Meeting (RUPSLB) on August 22, 2016 pensioned off Mr. Bakti Santoso Luddin as the President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner. Then, assigned Mr. Mudjiadi from the position of Vice President Commissioner to the President Commissioner of WIKA.


Significant Changes in the Company within Reporting Period

[G4-14] [G4-15] [G4-CRE6]

CertificationsAll employees (100%) within the working units of Building Business Lines, Energy Plant Business Lines, Infrastructure Business Lines, and Oil & Gas and Industry Plant have been verified in compliance with OHSAS 180001:2007 and the occupational health and safety (OHS) management system (SMK3). Specifically, social performance has been verified by the implementation of CSR practices referring to ISO 26000 SR, whereas for note on economic performance of financial report refers to International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS).

No Recipient Working Unit

Certifications and Validity Period

ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management


ISO 9001: 2008Quality

Management System

ISO 14001: 2004Environmental Management


OHSAS 18001: 2007Occupational

Health and Safety System

Safety Management


Management System on


1 Building Business Lines N/A August 15, 2015 –

August 14, 2018August 15, 2015 – August 14, 2018

August 15, 2015 – August 14, 2018

June 19, 2014 - June 19,


August 31, 2015- 2018

2 Energy Plant Business Lines N/A August 15, 2015 –

August 14, 2018August 15, 2015 – August 14, 2018

August 15, 2015 – August 14, 2018

3 Infrastructure Business Lines N/A August 15, 2015 –

August 14, 2018August 15, 2015 – August 14, 2018

August 15, 2015 – August 14, 2018

4 Oil & Gas and Industry Plant N/A August 15, 2015 –

August 14, 2018August 15, 2015 – August 14, 2018

August 15, 2015 – August 14, 2018


The Center of Human Capital Quality Development of PT Wijaya Karya (Limited Liability Company), Tbk

July 19, 2016 – July 18, 2019 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Sustainability Report 2016



MembershipWIKA actively participates in the association membership relevant to its business in order to maintain a solid relationship with stakeholders. This participation has strategic purposes such as giving suggestion for improvement and fathoming the development of updated issues. Nevertheless, WIKA provides no financial contribution except the routine membership contribution.

No Name of Association Membership Status Due Date

1Indonesian Contractors Association (AKI)

Member December 31, 2017President Director of WIKA: Bintang Perbowo as Chairman

2 The Association of Indonesian Electrical Contractors (AKLI) Member December 31, 2017

3 National Construction Contractor Association of Indonesia (GAPENSI) Member Desember 31, 2017

4 Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) Member Desember 31, 2017

5 The Association of Indonesian National Engineering Companies (GAPENRI) Member January 2, 2018

6 Indonesian National Committee on Large Dams (KNI-BB) Member December 31, 2016

7 Indonesian Electrical Power Society (MKI) Member January 2018

8 Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Association of Indonesia (APTEK) Member April 19, 2017

9 Indonesian Heavy Construction Equipment Ownership Association (APPAKSI) Member December 9, 2016

No. Credit and Name of Award Awarded by Date

1 Best Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility

10th Annual Best Financial Institution Awards June 10, 2016

2Social Business Innovation Company 2016 –under the category of construction “Green Building Program”

Indonesia Social Business Innovation Award 2016 August 25, 2016

3 Predicate of Best Green CEO 2016 – under the category of construction

Indonesia Social Business Innovation Award 2016 August 25, 2016

4 Best of CEO Commitment on Human Capital Department

Indonesia Human Capital Study

September 8, 2016

5Best of Human Capital Management Initiative (Best Competency Management Initiative)

Indonesia Human Capital Study

September 8, 2016

6 Best Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS) in Property and Real Estate Sector

Indonesia Human Capital Study

September 8, 2016

7Top 5 Indonesia Best Electricity Award 2016 under the category of EPC, Q&M, IPP Company

Indonesia Best Electricity Award 2016 October 14, 2016

8ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2016 for the construction of Merah Putih Bridge (Ambon)

34th Conference of ASEAN Federation for Engineering


November 23, 2016

9 Winner - Best Sustainability Report 2015 – under the category of infrastructure

Sustainability Reporting Awards 2016 December 4, 2016


Sustainability Report 2016

[G4-24]In preparing

sustainability report, WIKA involved employees and

business partners to determine material aspects needed to

disclose in the report.



Project owners

Business Partners


End users




The selection of stakeholders was conducted through impact analysis on the needs of each stakeholder toward WIKA, and vice versa.a. Shareholders: as key stakeholders who take control of the Company;b. Employees: as key stakeholders who activate the Company’s business; c. Project owners: as stakeholders who provide major income for the Company;d. Business Partners: as stakeholders who activate the Company’s supply chain;e. Creditors: as stakeholders who are significant to support financial aspect of the

Company;f. End users: as stakeholders who directly earn benefit from the results of projects

accomplished by WIKA;g. Community: as stakeholder who becomes WIKA’s partner in conveying initiatives

to develop social values;h. Regulator: as stakeholder who supervises the Company’s compliance with the

prevailing regulation.


Sustainability Report 2016


Identification of Stakeholders [G4-24] [G4-26] [G4-27]

Stakeholders Significant Issues for StakeholdersEngagement Method

and Frequency of Approach

company Responses and Follow ups

Internal Stakeholders

Shareholders 1. Annual performance2. Generated income3. Company’s profit/loss4. Sustainability performance5. Changes in management structure

Annual General Meeting (RUPST), Extraordinary General Meeting (RUPSLB) (RUPST is held minimum once in a year)

1. Preparing Annual Report2. Preparing Sustainability Report3. Preparing Partnership & Community

Development Report4. Preparing Financial Report

Employees 1. Basic rights and labour protection fulfillment

2. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) assurance

3. Freedom to associate

Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) Meeting (once in every two years)

1. Establishing bipartite and tripartite forum

2. Supporting the establishment and activities of labour union

3. Formulating and establishing Collective Labour Agreement (CLA)

4. Providing Personal Protection Equipment for employees and implementing OHS standards

5. Performing routine medical checkup


Sustainability Report 2016

Identification of Stakeholders [G4-24] [G4-26] [G4-27]

Stakeholders Significant Issues for StakeholdersEngagement Method

and Frequency of Approach

company Responses and Follow ups

External Stakeholders

Project Owners

1. Work implementation report2. Timely completion within

approved budget

Meeting at the contract execution (minimum once in a year)

1. Delivering progress report on work implementation based on contract

2. Conducting satisfaction survey3. Analysing work contract

Business Partners

1. Fulfillment of rights on the accomplished works

2. Occupational Health and Safety Assurance

3. Contract Share4. Evaluation on Service Providers

and Suppliers5. Procurement Function Policy

1. During bidding2. During negotiation

(minimum 3 times in a year)

Conducting a cooperative work based on contract

Creditors Information transparency of performance

At the credit (pursuant to time frame and due date)

1. Implementing obligations of the Company in a timely fashion

2. Fulfilling rights of the creditors pursuant to the prevailing laws

End Users 1. Product information2. Product safety

During the project launching (when the project is accomplished and launched)

1. Providing products pursuant to the ISO 9001:2008 of Quality Management System

2. Providing proper after-sales service pursuant to contract

Community 1. Livelihood of community2. Community revenue3. Environment condition affecting

community health4. A need to earn a living

Practice of CSR and partnership program (minimum twice in a year)

Conducting the Partnership & Community Development Program

Regulator 1. Fulfilling requirement pursuant to the prevailing regulation

2. Delivering necessary information relevant to the Company’s activities

Meeting (minimum once in a month)

1. Conducting Partnership & Community Development Program

2. Preparing Partnership & Community Development Program (PKBL) Report

3. Preparing Annual Report4. Preparing Sustainability Report5. Providing input in the frame of WIKA

as a State-Owned Enterprise

Sustainability Report 2016




Governance Structure

Board of Directors, supported by other divisions, has the responsibility to maintain and improve WIKA’s global performances covering economic, social, and environmental performances, including negative impacts that may be inflicted.


PSAK(Standard Financial

Accounting Statement)


External Audit

Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders


NotesA. Committee of Audit evaluates

independency, objectivity, and effectivity of SPI; also monitors its compliance with Code of Conduct of Auditors Profession and the approval of SPI assignment

B. Management provides accounting reports/supporting data

C. External audit provides audit result (fairness, consistency, conformity of financial reports)

Performance Report & Financial Report

• Management Perfunction Report

• Balance• Profit (Loss) Report• Cash Flow• Equity Changes Report• Productivity







Committee of Nomination,

Remuneration, and GCG

Committee of Audit




• GMSDM• GMKU• Corporate Secretary


Sustainability Report 2016

2013 2014



Implementation of Corporate GovernanceIn 2016, WIKA implemented corporate governance orienting to the internalisation of GCG, triple bottom line, and ASEAN scorecard. WIKA succeeded to be listed in Indonesia’s 30 companies in ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard and was awarded with a credit as “Indonesia Trusted Company” by the Indonesia Institute for Corporate Governance.

For more comprehensive information related to the corporate governance, please refer to PT WIKA’s Annual Report of 2016 on pages 250-271.

The use of information technology and online-offline communication media to support the criteria/requirement of GCG implementation at ASEAN level

Road Map of ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard from

2013 to 2016

2013As a volunteer in the assessment by IICD

2016Involving independent party to perform assessment and adjustment to ASEAN Scorecard

Best Practice in implementing GCG at National Level

Best Practice in implementing GCG at ASEAN Level (ASEAN CG Scorecard)

20141. Planning mechanism policy of whistle-blowing and

gratification, reviewing and completing GCG Manual (IK, Procedure, CoC, GCG, Board Manual)

2. Being committed to compliance3. Designing, analysing, and evaluating the GCG

implementation of Subsidiaries

20151. Equalizing the GCG implementation of Subsidiaries 2. Implementing control risk self assessment (CRSA) by system3. Analysing the GCG implementation toward ASEAN

Scorecard4. Preparing Sustainability Report based on Global Reporting

Initiative Standard

Sustainability Report 2016


[G4-34] [G4-35]

Implementation of corporate Social Responsibility In 2016, to improve its performance, WIKA adjusted some functions and bureaus. GCG, CSR, and Public Relation Bureaus were in synergy under the Corporate Relations Bureau. CSR Bureau, planning, execution, up to evaluation of CSR and Partnership & Community Development Program (PKBL) were

reported to the Corporate Secretary, to be conveyed to the Board of Directors via Director of Finance.

The implementation of corporate social responsibility was actualized in the form of Partnership & Community Development Program pursuant to the regulation of Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-09/MBU/07/2015. The fulfillment of social responsibility subsuming economic, environmental, and social aspects shall be reported to the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises in PKBL Annual Report.

[G4-34] [G4-35]

Structure of Social Responsibility practices

The implementation of CSR practices is based on WIKA’s CSR pillars, namely WIKA Smart, WIKA Care, WIKA Healthy, and WIKA Green.

PKBL UnitCorporate Relations Bureau

GCG Bureau

Public Relations Bureau

CSR Bureau

Corporate Secretary


Sustainability Report 2016

Realization: Scholarship program in 2016 was distributed to 178 students, consisting of 55 students at Elementary

School, 43 students at Junior High School, 25 students at High School, and 55 students at University. The total fund for this program was IDR478,200,000.

WIKA Smart

a. Blood drive every three months;b. Donation of public utilities and infrastructures for fostered village in Cibunian,

Pamijahan, Bogor in form of public toilets and road renovation in WIKA’s sengon plantation.

WIKA Healthy

In 2016, no trees planting did WIKA add, yet WIKA took serious care upon the growth and fertility of the planted trees. It was accounted that 121,520 sengon trees growing well in Pamijahan Village, the fostered project.

a. Donation for flood victims in Garut;b. Donation for earthquake victims in Aceh;c. Construction of religious facilities ; Central Java, West Java, North

Sumatra, and Bali;d. Distribution of basic food needs within WIKA’s operational sites

in WIKA’s Headquarters and Industrial Estate in Cileungsi, Bogor.

WIKA Green

WIKA care

Sustainability Report 2016


3. Electricity distribution from power plants/relay stations/electricity poles

to 100 houses. There were 43 houses ele

ctrified in Banjit Subdistrict and 57

houses in Gunung Labuhan Subdistrict;

4. Construction of clean water facilities in f

orm of drilling well in three locations:

Way Laga Village in Sukabumi Subdistrict; Sidodad

i Village in Kedaton

Subdistrict; and Talang Village in South Telukbetung


5. Construction of 50 public toilets in 2

subdistricts and 1 municipality covering

Pahawang Village, Ketapang Village, Muncak Village, and

Hanura Village, as well as

in Pesawaran Subdistrict;

6. Construction of a day care facility ne

ar a market in Pasar Panjang, Bandar


WIKA was also engaged in two programs, namely ‘Siswa Mengenal Nusantara

(Students Learning the Archipelago)

and ‘BUMN Mengajar’ (State-Owned

Enterprises Teaching). In ‘Siswa Mengenal Nusantara

’, WIKA had an opportunity

to welcome students from Papua. Such activity was conducted in a week.

In October and November 2016, WIKA involved all ge

neral managers of 16

departments to join the event of ‘BUMN Mengajar’.

For all the events mentioned above, W

IKA was awarded as one of “Best 5 Event

Organizers” of Indonesia 71st Indepen

dence Celebration.


WIKA in‘BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri’

‘BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri’ (State-Owned Enterprise

for the Nation) was an event to celebrate the 71st

Anniversary of Indonesia’s Indepen

dence Day. WIKA was

assigned by the Ministry of State-O

wned Enterprises as

the Head of Organizing Committee in Lampung Province.

In association with PT Perum Damri and PT Perkebunan

Nusantara VII, WIKA carried out s

ome events as follows:

1. Renovation program of 25 Indonesian

veterans’ houses

in three areas, i.e. 10 houses in Ban

dar Lampung, 10

houses in South Lampung, and 5 houses in Pesawaran


2. Training and demonstration on the

proper cultivation

of jackfruit plants in Mulyosari Village, Way Ratai

Subdistrict, Pesawaran Regency, and cultivation of

kakao plants in Pancasila Village, Nat

ar Subdistrict,

South Lampung Regency;



Sustainability Report 2016


Sustainability Report 2016



[G4-29] [G4-30]

Reporting period and prior ReportWIKA prepares and publishes sustainability performance within one period of financial year (or annually) since 2010. The prior year report was published on April 28, 2016. WIKA Sustainability Report is published online on company’s website at


Information presented in WIKA 2016 Sustainability Report contains data and information collected in one year starting from January 1 until December 31, 2016.


Guideline for preparing Sustainability ReportThe disclosure standard guideline used in this report is Sustainable Reporting Guideline issued by Global Reporting Initiative version 4 (GRI G4) in complementary with Suplement of Construction and Real Estate (CRE). Dislosure option chosen in this report is ‘in accordance-core’.


Report Assurance Since the prior year, WIKA Sustainability Report has been assured by external audit and assurance party. The external audit and assurance party was selected pursuant to the Company’s policy, i.e. having no conflict of interest against any party during the preparation process of sustainability report, including having no relation with the Company. The verification process was carried out based on reliability test on evidence through any document selected randomly and confirmation of the firsthand party, by engaging the Corporate Secretary.


In this report, WIKA changed neither basis of report nor reported scope and boundaries of sustainability aspects. Nevertheless, there were changes on selected material aspects.


Sustainability Report 2016




The Sustainability Report content has been defined by referring to the principles of stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainability context, materiality, and completeness. The report quality considers the aspects of balance, comparability, accuracy, timeliness, clarity, and reliability in presenting material aspect boundaries.

First Stage: Identifying sustainability aspects and significant topics, relevant to characteristics of construction business based on the principle of stakeholders inclusiveness. Therefore, a boundary is set to every material aspect.

Second stage:Making priorities of sustainability aspects that are going to be reported. Priorities are determined by collecting opinions during the internal discussion.

Third stage:Performing validation and approval on information disclosures presented pursuant to the defined material aspects. This process involves the President Director. [G4-48]

Fourth Stage:Reviewing by applying sustainability context and stakeholder engagement, as well as re-examining the prior year’s material aspects by taking into consideration suggestions from the internal and external stakeholders. Feedback forms of prior Sustainability Report also provides a number of suggestions.

Process for Defining Report ContentProcess for defining report content was conducted through internal discussion attended by Corporate Relations Bureau. Besides, some input to improve sustainability report were obtained from every meeting of IR Bureau with investors and CSR Bureau with community.

There were 9 feedbacks given by postgraduate students in CSR Master program related to quality improvement of sustainability report. In general, responses from the feedbacks stated that Sustainability Report published by WIKA was very useful, lucid, and comprised. Nevertheless, validation of quantitative data needed to be improved.


Sustainability Report 2016

Steps to Determine Material Aspects and Report’s Boundaries [G4-18]











s Shareholders Inclusiveness

Sustainability Context


Together,We Create Value

Together,We Create Value

Sustainability Report


Material aspects in this Report: [G4-19]

1 ecoNoMIc peRFoRMANce AND cLIMATe chANGeThis aspect still constitutes the highest material aspect for WIKA since it had been defined last year. This aspect supports the 8th goal of SDGs, namely promoting economic growth.

2 INDIRecT ecoNoMIc IMpAcTSThis aspect constitutes a material in this year because indirect economic impacts need to be measured to assure that the stakeholders experience added value of community empowerment practices. This aspect supports the accomplishments of the 1st goal of SDGs, namely reducing poverty, the 6th goal, namely ensuring clean water and sanitation, and the 8th goal i.e. supporting the creation of job opportunity and promoting economic growth.

3 SecURITY AND INTeGRITY oF coNSTRUcTIoNThis aspect still constitutes as the material aspect WIKA prioritizes. This aspect is pursuant to the 9th goal of SDGs, namely improving innovation and infrastructure.

4 coMMUNITY eMpoWeRMeNTIn prior year’s report, this aspect was written as ‘local community’, now it alters to ‘community empowerment’. WIKA intends to deepen the information about independent community empowerment. WIKA expects this aspect to support the 1st goal of SDGs, namely reducing poverty.

5 occUpATIoNAL heALTh & SAFeTY (ohS)As the company operating on infrastructure sector, WIKA highly shows concern on safety of its working environment in order to reach zero accident. This aspect has always been one of material aspects WIKA consistently discloses in its sustainability report. In addition, this aspect supports the 3rd goal of SDGs, related to good health and well-being.


Sustainability Report 2016



Matrix of Material Aspects

1 ecoNoMIc peRFoRMANce AND cLIMATe chANGe




5 occUpATIoNAL heALTh & SAFeTY (ohS)


Sustainability Report 2016


Medium High



nt fo

r th

e St



rs in






Significant for the Company





Sustainability Report 2016




Sustainability Report 2016

Sustainability Report 2016


[G4-20] [G4-21]

Material Aspect Boundary on ImpactBoundary on impact explains the implication of each material aspect on the Company’s stakeholders, both internal and external stakeholders.

Material Aspect IndicatorImpact on Internal

StakeholderImpact on external


Economic performance & climate change

1. Direct economy value generated and distributed

2. Financial implications due to climate change

1. Shareholders2. Employees

1. Business partners2. Project owners3. Creditors4. End users5. Community6. Regulator

Indirect economic impacts

1. Development and impact of infrastructure investments

2. Indirect economic impacts

Employees Community

Security & integrity of construction

1. Percentage of company operational practices verified by OHS management system and internationally recognized

2. Certification, labeling, and rating related to sustainability of construction

3. Sanctions for non-compliance with the regulation on products and services

Employees 1. Business partners2. Project owners3. Creditors4. End users5. Community6. Regulator

Community empowerment

Company operations and local community development


Occupational health & safety (OHS)

1. Percentage of total workforce represented in Formal Joint Committee on OHS

2. Types and rates of injury3. Employees with high risk of

occupational health.

Employees 1. Business partners2. Project owners3. Regulator


Sustainability Report 2016


This report boundary covers consolidated financial data of all WIKA’s subsidiaries, namely PT WIKA Beton Tbk, PT WIKA Industri Konstruksi, PT WIKA Bitumen, PT WIKA Gedung, PT WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi, and PT WIKA Realty. Nevertheless, other than non-financial data, the information in

this sustainability report are derived only from PT WIKA as parent entity,

without involving its subsidiaries. Meanwhile, the reporting scope

of working accident in particular covers employees from business



Contact for Report:


Corporate Secretary


pT Wijaya Karya (persero) Tbk

Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9 - 10

Jakarta 13340 – Indonesia

Phone: +6221 - 80679200

Fax.: +6221 - 22893830



Sustainability Report 2016


Result of a Passion

WIKA CSR Bureau Team (Corporate

Relations Bureau)

The year of 2010 was challenging for

PKBL Bureau

team (former name of CSR Bureau) to start

preparing sustainability report (SR). We thought that

it was impossible to compose a comprehensive report

while the practiced CSR activities had not

yet been

well improved.

We kept on brainstorming to create stra

tegic CSR

programs, orienting to sustainability, and dis

close them in SR. Starting

with CSR activities through charitable donati

on, we could develop them

into empowerment practices. As a result, we were able to improve CSR

performance and prepare SR properly.

Appreciation of CSR performance and SR has started to p

revail for the

last three years. WIKA began to get

acknowledgement from the society,

even listed in SRI Kehati index. Furthermore, currently, SR is valued as one

of required documents in bidding p

rocess for oil and gas companies.

“I am grateful for joining WIKA’s CSR Bureau as I have

discovered my

passion. I really enjoy this job and

every day I can hardly wait for creating

more strategic CSR programs, different from one to another,” said Mrs.

Ulfah Habibah, a member of WIKA CSR team when she was interviewed

about her impression of being a part of CSR Bureau. “In the f

uture, we

expect that WIKA will have a roadmap and a blueprint of sustainability

as WIKA’s CSR can be more focus and oriented by having t

hose two

fundamental elements.”



Sustainability Report 2016



Sustainability Report 2016




2016 economic performance

The year of 2016 was satisfying for WIKA. The weather condition with a long dry season was very supportive to EPC industries. WIKA succeeded to record profit attributable to parent entity owner by IDR1.01 trillion. Such value rose 61.92% or IDR387 billion from previous year.

Until the end of 2016, WIKA’s accomplishment of new contracts was IDR54.8 trillion. Such value reached 103.71% from company’s work plan and budget (RKAP) of new contracts with the amount of IDR52.8 trillion. The reported total value of order book was derived from PT WIKA as parent company by IDR65.5 trillion, and its subsidiaries IDR17.7 trillion.

WIKA is aware of the accomplishment of new contracts to increase in the future years ahead, in line with government programs of infrastructures development. Therefore, WIKA performed rights issue and had succeeded in collecting fund of IDR6.15 trillion.

During 2016, WIKA received no financial aid from the Government.

The success of economic performance is significant issue to be disclosed in this report as it constitutes fundamental asset for WIKA to carry out its business. Financial strategy focuses on the optimization of liquidity level. Such success in the economic performance can be obtained through centralized financial strategy and independent project financing policy. The Director of Finance is responsible for supervising and managing economic performance.

During 2016, WIKA’s economic performance was in outstanding category. Project share was more than targeted value. WIKA obtained fund from rights issue sustaining its business. Nevertheless, WIKA is aware that the impact of climate change may affect economic performance because it can delay the process of infrastructures development. To reduce the impact of climate change, WIKA actively conserves the environment through CSR activities, such as planting sengon trees carried out by CSR Bureau.


Economic Performance and Climate Change


Sustainability Report 2016


economic Value Distribution (in Thousand IDR) [G4-EC1]

explanation 2016 2015 2014

Direct Economic Value Generated

I Net sales 15,668,832,513 13,620,101,419 12,463,216,288

II Addition

Interest income 50,971,372 59,686,089 73,500,762

Foreign exchange gain (loss) (5,445,321) 28,350,510 (2,039,829)

III Total Direct Economic Value Generated 15,714,358,564 13,708,138,018 12,534,677,221

Direct Economic Value Distributed

I Operating cost 123,934,148 115,425,705 104,087,021

II Employee salaries and other benefit 393,906,793 306,036,748 281,922,492

III Dividend payouts N/A*** 43,585,559* 42,427,995*

IV Short term loan interest and bank interest

435,314,128 431,409,359 197,704,174

V Government expenditure 1,765,037,655 2,109,721,598 1,736,900,352**

VI Public expenditure 6,362,691 4,898,246 4,219,437

VII Total Direct Economic Value Distributed

2,724,555,415 3,011,077,215 2,367,261,471

Direct Economic Value Retained 12,989,803,149 10,697,060,803 10,167,415,750

Notes:The economic performance was disclosed in consolidation, pursuant to the audited financial statement; thus, it was not disclosed based on region, area, or product. The number of “public expenditure” is restated because the number reported was different from other numbers, resulting in the difference between direct economic value distributed and direct economic value retained. [G4-22]* Re-stated Dividends: In the prior Sustainability Report, the dividends had not been declared due to the pending approval of financial

statement of Full Year 2015 in the Annual General Meeting. [G4-22]** Data in 2015 and 2014 used data of Restated Independent Audit Report*** Awaiting for Annual GMS decision for 2016 fiscal year

Safety Patrol regular activity by BOD


Sustainability Report 2016

[G4-EC1] [G4-EC7] [G4-EC8]

economic Value contribution for

community and environment

During 2016, WIKA distributed direct

economic value to the environment

and community amounting to

IDR6.36 billion. Activities and

donation to the community were

given in pro-bono.

economic contribution per Sector [G4-EC1] [G4-EC7] [G4-EC8]

Sector Public Expenditure (in IDR)

Natural Disaster 223,719,126



Public Facilities 564,623,760

Religious Facilities 257,488,000

Nature Conservation 525,000,000

Poverty Eradication 756,579,995

Partnership Fostering 110,808,000



Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change

The global climate change causes anomaly of weather in Indonesia. Dry season lasts longer and drier, compared to rainy season which is shorter, but with high intensity of rain. This situation provides an opportunity for WIKA to finish projects in a timely fashion according to schedule and plan. By accomplishing the projects in a timely fashion, WIKA can lower additional cost for the risk of late finishing on projects.

The climate change not only gives opportunities but also brings risks. Risks related to climate change can be identified such as dense rain with high intensity endangering the safety of project workers, causing slippery on project site, and halting project. Although WIKA’s projects were bounded with identified risk, WIKA suffered from no financial loss due to climate change during 2016.

Sustainability Report 2016



[G4-14] [G4-15]

environmental Management System

WIKA recognizes that the business its runs will give impact on the environment. Thus, WIKA complies with the Laws Number 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management. The implementation of WIKA’s concern about society and environment is in compliance with ISO 26000 SR. Likewise, the implementation of WIKA’s environmental management system is in compliance with ISO 14001:2004

Project Impact on the Environment

WIKA is committed to maintaining a balance between construction development and environmental conservation. Thus, WIKA takes a serious concern about controlling negative impact of construction

development on the environment.

WIKA’s strategy in controlling impacts on the environment is to run environmental management system, sustained with operational site monitoring by SHE officer and proceeded to safety supervisor. To ensure quality, safety, health, and environment (QSHE), WIKA performs patrol and communication involving SHE

induction, SHE morning talk, toolbox meeting, SHE meeting, safety alert, SHE culture, and SHE sharing. In addition, WIKA also conducts regular activities such as morning

exercise, checking of OHS equipment, feasibility overhaul of heavy machinery properness, and material used.

The responsibility of a project is taken by project manager and reported to project owner. Besides, project manager is responsible for project organization

and on-site supervision in order to meet the defined quality, time, and cost to be taken into account to the Corporate Directors.



Fair Operating PracticesCorporate Governance

Consumer Issues

Labour PracticesHuman Right

The Environment






CommunityInvolvement &Development

WIKA’s Sustainability Management


Sustainability Report 2016


environmental policy on project

WIKA always completes environment management plan (RKL), environment monitoring plan (RPL), and environmental and social impact analysis (ANDAL). All of those documents are analyzed in the AMDAL. Such documents completeness is prerequisite to obtain license from authorized parties prior to project construction.

WIKA operates construction activities in compliance with the policy WIKA-KON-PM-02.07 on Process Procedures of Construction Practices. Meanwhile, other policies are:a. Heavy machineries: WIKA-PEM-PM-03.06 on Operational Procedures of Heavy Machineries;b. Load/Transport: WIKA-KON-IK-07.01 on Instructions of Operating and Maintaining Heavy

Machinery/Construction Equipment;c. Waste controlling: WIKA-KON-PM-05.01 on Controlling Procedures of Remaining Materials;d. Completion phase: WIKA-KON-PM-06.01 on Procedures of Receiving, Materials Handling,

Packaging, and Product Handover.


Security and Integrity of construction

WIKA gives great appreciation to the life sustainability of every creature. Therefore, WIKA is responsible for the safety from

the inception to the end of construction. To maintain integrity, WIKA builds excellent management system and human capital.

Maintaining the security and integrity of every project is a significant accomplishment for WIKA as it is the basis of all operational activities and project owners’ trust. Therefore,

this performance is directly supervised by a project manager directly responsible to General Manager of Operational.

Citizen Journalism activities in WIKA’s Fostered Village

Sustainability Report 2016


Strategies to Achieve the Best Quality

WIKA always targets on results with maximum qualities. In a more detailed specification, WIKA records strategies used to complete projects with quality results. A number of best projects completed in 2016 were MRT, rapid train Jakarta-Bandung, Trans-Sumatra Toll Road, and Sea Toll. These projects are strategic because of their substantial benefit even though their development progress were full of challenges.

It is expected that these projects have positive impacts by providing significant effects on economic and public welfare improvement. Nevertheless, there are such inevitable negative impacts as the change of land and ocean geographical landscape. Therefore, strategies in accomplishing such projects need to be conducted with a very high level of caution and precise plan in order to minimize the impact on affected ecosystem.


Certification and Apreciation of Work Safety and Green Construction

Prioritizing QSHE (Quality, Safety, Health, and Environment) is part of WIKA’s tangible working culture. During 2016, WIKA successfully reached zero fatality. WIKA received certificate of appreciation on the implementation of SHE program with 500,000 hours of zero fatality from Timor Leste during the project construction of Oecusse Airport. Such certificate is valid from May 11, 2015 to October 30, 2016. It was issued by Zona Especials Economia Social De Mercado, Timor Leste (ZEESM TL).

In May, 2016 WIKA launched the new building of WIKA Headquarters (WIKA Tower). WIKA Tower consists of 21 floors (16 main floors, 1 rooftop floor, and 4 basement floors). This building applied the smart office concept and High Damping Rubber Bearing technology for earthquake system. For this achievement, WIKA Tower is certified with Greenship Gold level by Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI).

On October 28, 2016 WIKA received a certificate of 3,000,000 safe work hours on New Condensate and Diesel Tank projects in Tangguh LNG. Continuing to implement excellent SHE, in December, 2016 WIKA achieved an award of 5,014,200 safe work hours from Kajima JO, Japan. Such award was dedicated on WIKA’s performance in the project development of Tanjung Priok Toll Road Access, phase 1 access E.2 Cilincing-Jampea. This award is valid from June 1, 2015 to January 31, 2017.


Sustainability Report 2016


The Use of Certified Machineries

In every project development, WIKA always prioritizes the employees’ safety. To achieve the maximum result of work in a safe manner, the use of certified machineries is significant. WIKA uses certified heavy machineries. Certification is performed to ensure that the heavy machineries to be operated comply with the prevailing safety standards and are safe to operate. The Minister of Workforce issues SIA and SIO.



During 2016, WIKA received no legal sanction or significant grievance related to non-compliance with the prevailing regulations on project development.

Green construction is an endeavor to actualize green building. Green building is a building of which from the inception of planning stage, construction, operation, to operational maintenance consider aspects in protecting, limiting, and reducing the use of natural resources, as well as maintaining the indoor air quality, and taking into account the health of its residents. All of these aspects are based on the sustainability practices. The practice of green concept will reduce energy consumption up to 30% compared to the conventional building.

WIKA has experienced developing a building with the green construction concept. Bank Indonesia (BI) Building at Solo Branch that WIKA constructed has succeeded to receive the platinum certificate of green building. Besides BI Building, WIKA also has constructed other green buildings, such as BNI 46 Building in Serpong and WIKA Tower Building. Such two buildings are currently in the process of assessment for certification.

WIKA is optimistic and well prepared to construct green building projects. WIKA conducts caderization of skilled employees, either greenship associates (GA) or greenship professionals (GP). Four employees have accomplished the training of GP, followed by seven employees in 2016. Gradually, the competence of these skilled employees will be improved continuously.


SIA (Machinery License Certificate) is mandatory for any heavy machinery which will be operated; meanwhile, SIO (Operational License Certificate) is mandatory for operator who operates the heavy machineries. Thus, WIKA’s projects always use heavy machineries completed with SIA and SIO in order to ensure the safety of employees operating heavy machineries in developing projects. Besides, the machineries used have complied with the safety standards. In addition, before the operation of such machineries, the project superintendent always performs daily checking on them.

Sustainability Report 2016


Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)

Indonesia has stated its support o

n clean

development mechanism (CDM) resulted from Kyoto

Protocol, i.e. reducing the emission of greenhou


gas up to 29% in 2030. The capital city of Jakart


which is identic to the crowded transportatio

n is

the target of CDM project. To solve the issues on

crowded traffic jam and greenhouse gas emission,

the Government is constructing mass rapid transit

(MRT) started in August, 2013 with the completion

target in 2018. WIKA accomplishes trust to d


such project, in cooperation with Jaya Konstruk


Shimizu, Obayashi, and Jakon.

According to data from Communication and Info

rmation Bureau of DKI

Jakarta Province, gasoline and dies

el consumption in 2010 generated CO2

emission by 4,364,276 tons. It is estimated that the ope

ration of MRT will

reduce not only the use of private

vehicles up to 275,134 units within three

years operation but also the CO2 emission up to 113,42

9 tons per year.

Besides, MRT is expected to reduce the traffic c

ongestion and lower the

rate of air pollution.


The Jakarta MRT Railways is planned to have the approxim

ate length of

110.8 kms consisting of South – North Corridor (Lebak Bulus – Kampung

Bandan) in the approximate length of 23.8

kms and East – West Corridor in

the approximate length of 87 kms. Such construction c

reates environmental

impacts, such as the relocation of dra

inage system, shifting of clean water

piping system, and electricity wires.

In the early of 2016, the constructi

on of MRT entered the process of land

acquisition. The land acquisition in S

outh Jakarta has reached 90%, whereas

the rest of 10% including 613 areas of 138,854 m

2 is still on acquisition

progress. Such area is needed for the constru

ction of MRT poles, station,

and garage. The Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta as the


owner is fully responsible for land acq




Sustainability Report 2016


Sustainability Report 2016



The key of success in every project WIKA develops lies on the system, machinery,

material use, and employee competence. For employees, occupational health and safety

constitutes substantial issue. Therefore, WIKA implements excellent management system

of safety, health, and environment (SHE) and provides all necessities of occupational health

and safety (OHS).

The responsibility for OHS performance is at the SHE Department, accountable to the Director of

Human Capital and Business Development. Every year, WIKA targets to achieve zero fatality. Not only does such achievement target become the responsibility

of authorized officials but also all of WIKA employees.



concern on ohS

WIKA has operated SHE management system approved on January 29, 2015. The implementation of SHE has been well operated that

WIKA achieved zero fatality in this year. SHE management is also stated in Collective Labour Agreement (CLA), Chapter XV Article 62,

about conducting Safety, Health, and Environment (K3L).

In accordance with the purpose to create excellent OHS, WIKA formed Supervising Committee of Safety, Health, and Environment (P2K3L). This committee is at central level and led by the President Director

with General Managers as its members. Total employee engaged in this committee is 444 people or 20% of total employee.


Occupational Health and Safety

Sustainability Report 2016


Jumlah Pekerja dalam Kepengurusan K3L [G4-LA5] Uraian 2016 2015 2014Perwakilan Manajemen …… 27 53Perwakilan Serikat Pekerja …… 390 23Jumlah …… 417 76

Implementasi K3 juga diberlakukan secara tegas pada mitra kontrak dan subkontraktor. Setiap akan memulai pekerjaan dengan mitra kontrak atau subkontraktor, WIKA mengadakan briefing untuk membahas peraturan, standar operasional prosedur, serta K3.


Kecelakaan Kerja dan pekerja Berisiko Tinggi

WIKA meminta semua pihak terlibat untuk menandatangani Kode Etik sebelum proyek dimulai, untuk memastikan bahwa mitra kontrak dan subkontraktor mematuhi standar keselamatan dan peraturan perlindungan lingkungan. Namun demikian, masih terjadi kecelakaan kerja karena jenis pekerjaan yang berisiko tinggi. Pencatatan angka kecelakaan dilakukan berdasarkan OSHA Log 300.


Tingkat Kecelakaan Kerja [G4-LA6] (desain bar chart/grafis)Kategori Periode Pelaporan 2016 2015 2014*Ringan …… 303 189Sedang …… 42 72Berat …… 0 0Fatal …… 0 0Jumlah …… 347 260

Keterangan:Yang mengalami kecelakaan kerja hanya pekerja laki-lakiRingan : Kejadian kecelakaan kerja yang tidak menyebabkan hari kerja hilang (NLTI)Sedang : Kejadian kecelakaan kerja yang dapat menyebabkan hari hilang hingga 35 hari kerjaBerat : Kejadian kecelakaan kerja yang dapat menyebabkan hari hilang lebih dari 35 hari kerjaFatal : Kejadian kecelakaan kerja yang menyebabkan kematian* Terdapat perubahan informasi karena ……………… [G4-22]

OHS implementation is also applied strictly to contract partners and subcontractors, even to guests monitoring the project. Safety induction is always informed before the work starts and before the project monitoring. To succeed SHE, WIKA prepares integrity pact all partners and subcontractors shall comply and execute.

To avoid fatal accident, WIKA’s SHE Department carried out a workshop on RCA (risk containment audit). Besides, safe spots in working area were listed and counted. Findings from each project department were calculated using a tool with a range of scales from 1 (the safest) up to 5 (the most unsafe). The safe criteria was at the scale below 1.8 and WIKA’s standard of safety was 2.6 in 2016.

Management Representatives

Labour Union Representatives

Total Day Loss Due to occupational Injury by Region [G4-LA6]

categoryTotal Working Day Loss

2016 2015 2014

IndonesiaNon Lost Time Injury (NLTI) 0 0 0Minor 25 19 37Temporarily Unable to Work (SMTB) 0 0 0Serious 0 0 0Fatal 0 0 0

OverseasNon Lost Time Injury (NLTI) 0 0 0Minor 10 5 1Temporarily Unable to Work (SMTB) 0 0 0Serious 0 0 0Fatal 0 0 0

Total day loss 35 24 38









Total employees in She committee [G4-LA5]


occupational Accident and employees with High Risk

WIKA urged every party to execute WIKA’s SHE Committment prior to the project development, to ensure that contract partners and subcontractors complied with safety standard and regulation of environmental protection. Nevertheless, there were still occupational injuries due to high risk occupational activities. The record of injury rate was performed based on standards of OHS management system in Government Regulation No.50/2012.

Notes:All of accidents suffered by male workersNon Lost Time Injury (NLTI): Occupational injury not causing working day loss, employee suffering from injury is able to back for work at the same day.Minor Injury: Occupational injury resulting 1-day absence of the employee involved.Temporarily Unable to Work (SMTB): Occupational injury causing 2 until 35-day absence of the employee involved.Serious Injury: Occupational injury causing over-35 day absence of the employee involved or suffering from permanent defect.Fatality/Died: Occupational injury causing the employee to die or equivalent with 6,000-day absence.


Sustainability Report 2016

To face such challenge, WIKA applied strategy to assign SHE Department to perform RCA (risk containment audit) programs constituting Key Performance Indicator/KPI in SHE aspect. By performing RCA, unsafe act and unsafe condition could be minimized.

SHE management system takes special concern on occupational activities in the high risk category subsuming working in high areas, working with heavy machineries, working in extreme weather, and working in confined space. Endeavors of controlling the hazard of high risk occupational activities have been compiled in a guidebook of Safety Golden Rules. WIKA also applied mandatory medical check up (MCU) for employees exposed to the high risk before, during, and after conducting such occupational activities.

Severity Rate, Frequency Rate, and Manhours by Region [G4-LA6]

Description 2016 2015 2014

IndonesiaSeverity Rate 0.30 0.30 0.59Non loss time injury (NLTI) 2.24 2.54 2.98Loss time injury (LTI) 0.21 0.28 0.56Nearmiss 1,366 cases 1,825 cases 326 casesManhours 81,983,725 hours 64,275,616 hours 64,767,466 hours

OverseasSeverity Rate 4.31 3.12 0.51Non loss time injury (NLTI) 6.46 0.62 1.02Loss time injury (LTI) 3.44 3.12 0.56Nearmiss 40 cases 17 cases 3 casesManhours 2,322,783 hours 1,600,854 hours 1,852,681 hoursNotes:Severity rate and frequency rate can not be separated based on WIKA and business partners/subcontractors due to the Company’s policy.

Employee Health Expense

No DescriptionTotal (Rp)

2016 2015 2014

1 Medication expenses 6,630,980,048 6,028,163,680 5,480,148,800

Total average per employee 3,468,087 3,152,806 2,866,187

2 Preventive expenses 1,813,814,805 1,648,922,550 1,499,020,500

Total average per employee 948,648 862,407 784,007

3 Medical expenses 6,317,239,155 5,742,944,687 5,220,858,806

Total average per employee 3,303,996 3,003,633 2,730,575

Employee Health Expense

WIKA undertook health program, including prevention, medication, and health rehabilitation efforts. Specifically, WIKA applied Wellbeing Program, i.e. intervention procedures toward the health of employees implemented through a healthy mindset and a healthy diet.

Sustainability Report 2016


Zero Fatality is a Must!

M. Rifki Rosady

(SHE Senior Manager)

My journey with WIKA started in 1992, when I

was assigned in Krueng irrigation project in Aceh.

Then, I had been assigned for tran

sfer of office in

several areas in Indonesia. From 2007 to 2011, I


appointed as the Head of WIKA Representative Office

in Algeria. When I returned to Jakarta, I was assigned

as QSHE Manager in Public Civil Department 3. Now, I

succeed to reach the position of Senior Manager in SHE

Department in WIKA Headquarters.

During my working experience in WIKA, I have gained

a lot ofexperience, especially

when I was trusted to be involved in project

development from the beginning to the

end. Such involvement was a noteworthy experience for me because previou

sly rarely

did I find employees given such an opportunity.

Besides, another appreciation I rece

ived was when I was appointed as the Head of

WIKA Representative Office in Algeria. I was trusted to hav

e the highest authority

to execute required fund and other

necessities, and ensure the well completion of

the East West Motorway Project. The biggest challenge in

SHE Department is how to

maintain zero fatality, that was a valuable trus


It is a pleasure to work with WIKA due to familiarity culture and

a solid teamwork.

The Top Management puts a great concern on its su

bordinates, creating a serious

but casual working situation. We still show respect to super

ordinates, but at the same

time we are allowed to express our ideas, opinions, a

nd criticism to them in a flexible

manner. This situation has motivated my enthusiasm to be more responsible fo

r my


WIKA has put into real my ideals to keep o

n creating. The upcoming challenges will be

more difficult, we must keep solid, and we have to be more resilient. The


of zero fatality shall be perpetuate

d in the future. Furthermore, the prevailing


culture must be maintained and attached to each member of WIKA without any




Sustainability Report 2016


Sustainability Report 2016




community Development

Implementation of community and social activities complies with the Minister of SOEs Regulation No. PER-09/MBU/07/2015 on State-Owned Enterprise’s Partnership & Community Development Program (PKBL). Such practices are actualized through WIKA’s CSR Programs, particularly on community empowerment in fostered village. To achieve success in program implementation, WIKA employs a strategy of establishing CSR Team working directly in the fostered village to give training and assistance. The development of facilities and infrastructures are also prepared to support the success of implemented program; thus, the community in fostered project can be self-sufficient.

WIKA’S CSR Bureau is responsible for the implementation of community empowerment program in fostered village, and the result is informed to the Corporate Secretary, then to the Director of Finance. WIKA aims to help farmers in fostered village to earn income of IDR70,000 daily or IDR25.5 million annually for each farmer.

The evaluation result in 2016 shows that the farming skill of the villagers joining the program of sengon farmers improves, their standards of living surge approximately 20% and farmers’ income within 3-year of program implementation are stable. Another significant benefit of such program is the empowerment skill to manage finance and farming. During the period of July, 2015 – January, 2017, they harvested 14 tons of red ginger they planted in the spaces between rows of sengon trees. Moreover, the program of cow fattening succeeded to increase the weight of 20 cows sold in Eid al-Adha in 2016 with the average profit to reach IDR1,500,000 per cow.

Sustainability Report 2016



WIKA and Its Impacts on community

WIKA brings positive impacts to its surrounding social and natural environments. WIKA shared its happiness on its 56th anniversary with the local community nearby its headquarters. Such shared happiness was performed through CSR Program in association with WIKA Health and WIKA Care segments entitled ‘Gerakan WIKA Berlima Enam’ (WIKA cooperates with the local community to clean the surrounding environment).

WIKA organized jogging and environment cleaning activity. The participants of such activities were not only WIKA’s employees but also surrounding communities. WIKA supported street vendors nearby its headquarters to sell their products to the jogging participants. All participants jogged along the given route while collecting trashes. Later, the collected trashes were separated between organic waste and anorganic waste. After the participants arrived at the meeting point, they were asked to recycle the collected trashes and participate in Trashion Show. The Trashion Show aimed to educate the participants to recycle trashes in a simple way. While participating in the event, the participants could enjoy food and drinks sold by street vendors. To enlive the event’s atmosphere, WIKA decorated the street vendors’ foodcarts as a means to beautify the Company’s surrounding environment. The participation of street vendors in such event brought benefit of sales increase for them. Another interesting part was when WIKA asked street children of ‘Kandang Jurank Doank’ to entertain the participants with a music performance. At the end of the event, all participants returned home with appealing souvenirs of a cactus in a pot. The cactus planting involved farmers in WIKA’s fostered village.


Welding Training for Local community in Banggai Regency, central Sulawesi

WIKA’s aspiration to create value for community has reached the area of Central Sulawesi. The project of Matindok Gas Development has created an opportunity for WIKA to empower the local community of Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi with welding skill. WIKA, in association with PT Pertamina EP, held a training program of welders. The program was undertaken seriously by involving experienced trainers and welding inspectors from Guna Nusa and Titis Sampurna Inspection. In the early of 2016, the training program of welders batch 1 was held with 40 participants from local community.

Furthermore, to complete welder program, WIKA, in cooperation with The Association of Indonesian Oil and Gas Production Facility Engineers (IAFMI) held the event of certificate handover from National Profession Standardization Agency (BNSP) to 30 participants in June, 2016. It is expected that, in the future, the skill of welders will improve the welfare and quality of Indonesia’s human resources.


Sustainability Report 2016


WIKA’S Fostered Village in Pamijahan

Fostered village in Pamijahan is the embodiment of WIKA’s concern on the environment, and community empowerment, as well as mitigation impact of Corporate operational performance on the environment. Since WIKA develops construction and infrastructure projects reducing the green area, WIKA is commited to compensating it by doing reforestation in Pamijahan Subdistrict.

Starting from 2012, WIKA had performed mapping of critical areas, followed by mapping of farmers to identify their farming skill and ability. The mapping of farmers used members of farming group as standard of measurement and primary data through observation. Then, social mapping was performed on farmers through trainer, and interaction with active farming groups.

Based on the mapping result, WIKA’s CSR Team performed approach on village community and discovered many social problems, such as low income, flood, and land erotion. Being farmers and breeders as livelihood, they still relied on traditional techniques which was not optimum. Therefore, the yield could not fulfill their daily needs. From those findings, WIKA identified local potential and created programs and assistance for village community in a roadmap of WIKA Fostered Project Pamijahan starting from 2014 to 2021.


Sustainability Report 2016


Roadmap of WIKA Pilot Village Area in Pamijahan






INSTITUTIONAL RESOURCES(Science & Technology, Institutions, Funding, Market)




Sengon Palawija







Organic Farming Training

2014Livestock Excrement

Farmers & Social Safety Institutional System

Academic Sector:1. Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB)2. Indonesia Center for Biodiversity & Biotechnology (ICBB)

3. Research Institute for Spices & Medicinal Plants ‐Ministry of Agriculture

Cayenne Pepper

Sweet Corn

Earth worm



Organization Management/ Team Building

Field Laboratory

Excrement Research and Knowledge Development System Government Sector:

1.Ministry of Eduction‐ Ditjen Dikdasmen & Ditjen Dikti

2.Ministry of Forestry & Environment‐ Ditjen AMPI & Ditjen PDASHL

3 Ministry of Industry Ditjen IKM –


Red Ginger

Napier  RabbitPesantren/ 

Pesantren Kilat2016


Green d

Carbon Monitoring, Reporting & Verification (MRV) and Environmental 

Credit System

Regulation Advocacy Cooperation

Domestic & International Marketing CooperationV i i f

3.Ministry of Industry‐ Ditjen IKM –Region I Directorate

4. Bogor Regional Government5. Pamijahan Regional Government6. Cibunian, Ciasihan, Purwabakti, Ciasmara Village Regional Governmenta boo p


Livestock Feed


abb tPesantren Kilat Adventure Camp

Downhill Bike & Hiking Track

CooperationVarieties of Handicrafts Private Sector:

1. Asian Development Bank (ADB)2. Indonesia Moslem Entrepreneurs Community (KPMI)

NGO Sector

Bio Ethanol

Community Development Field  Trainers Education



Funding & Business Incubator System NGO Sector:1. Indonesia Renewable Energy Community (METI)

2. Farmers and Fishermen Community (KTNA) – Bogor RayaRegion

3. Pondok Pesantren Indonesia 

Variety of Red Ginger Processed Products


2021 FurnitureWooden Pallet


Cooperation Agency (BKSPPI)4. Indonesia Farmers Seed Bank & Tecnology 

Education on Field Trainers of Community Development





Cattle Feed

Various Products of Processed



Various Handicrafts


Sustainability Report 2016






INSTITUTIONAL RESOURCES(Science & Technology, Institutions, Funding, Market)




Sengon Palawija







Organic Farming Training

2014Livestock Excrement

Farmers & Social Safety Institutional System

Academic Sector:1. Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB)2. Indonesia Center for Biodiversity & Biotechnology (ICBB)

3. Research Institute for Spices & Medicinal Plants ‐Ministry of Agriculture

Cayenne Pepper

Sweet Corn

Earth worm



Organization Management/ Team Building

Field Laboratory

Excrement Research and Knowledge Development System Government Sector:

1.Ministry of Eduction‐ Ditjen Dikdasmen & Ditjen Dikti

2.Ministry of Forestry & Environment‐ Ditjen AMPI & Ditjen PDASHL

3 Ministry of Industry Ditjen IKM –


Red Ginger

Napier  RabbitPesantren/ 

Pesantren Kilat2016


Green d

Carbon Monitoring, Reporting & Verification (MRV) and Environmental 

Credit System

Regulation Advocacy Cooperation

Domestic & International Marketing CooperationV i i f

3.Ministry of Industry‐ Ditjen IKM –Region I Directorate

4. Bogor Regional Government5. Pamijahan Regional Government6. Cibunian, Ciasihan, Purwabakti, Ciasmara Village Regional Governmenta boo p


Livestock Feed


abb tPesantren Kilat Adventure Camp

Downhill Bike & Hiking Track

CooperationVarieties of Handicrafts Private Sector:

1. Asian Development Bank (ADB)2. Indonesia Moslem Entrepreneurs Community (KPMI)

NGO Sector

Bio Ethanol

Community Development Field  Trainers Education



Funding & Business Incubator System NGO Sector:1. Indonesia Renewable Energy Community (METI)

2. Farmers and Fishermen Community (KTNA) – Bogor RayaRegion

3. Pondok Pesantren Indonesia 

Variety of Red Ginger Processed Products


2021 FurnitureWooden Pallet


Cooperation Agency (BKSPPI)4. Indonesia Farmers Seed Bank & Tecnology 

Farming Group Institutional System & Social Safety Net for Community

Science & Research Development System

Cooperation on Domestic & International Marketing

Cooperation on Regulation Advocacy

Academic Sector:1. Bogor Istitute of Agriculture (IPB)2. Indonesia Center for Biodiversity &

Biotechnology (ICBB)3. Research Institute for Spices &

Medicinal Plants - Ministry of Agriculture

Government Sector:1. Ministry of Eduction - Directorate

General of Elementary and Middle Education & Directorate General of Higher Education

2. Ministry of Forestry & Environment - Directorate General of AMPI & Directorate General of PDASHL

3. Ministry of Industry - Directorate General of IKM Region I

4. Government of Bogor Regency5. Government of Pamijahan Subdistrict6. Local Governments of Cibunian,

Ciasihan, Purwabakti, and Ciasmara villages

Private Sector:1. Asian Development Bank (ADB)2. Moslem Entrepreneurs Community

of Indonesia (KPMI)

NGO Sector:1. Indonesia Renewable Energy

Community (METI)2. Farmers and Fishermen Community

(KTNA) - Bogor Raya Region3. Cooperation Agency of Indonesian

Pondok Pesantren (BKSPPI)4. Indonesian Association of Seed Bank

& Farming Technology

Sustainability Report 2016


WIKA has been continuously running programs pursuant to the roadmap. Nevertheless, WIKA has no opportunity to perform an assessment on impacts caused by the current projects on the environment. WIKA has not performed assessment, yet it has performed routine evaluation in every program, discussed the needs of participants, listened, and accomodated to their grievance to be responded.

In February, 2017, a simple survey was held to gain beneficiary perception of Pamijahan fostered village. There were 14 farmers as respondents (12.17% of total beneficiary farmers). The result showed that the farmers gave positive perception covering satisfaction as beneficiaries and increased income.

Nevertheless, there were 6 respondents giving less positive perceptions because they considered to be less involved in the

program implementation and the benefit they got was not suitable to their needs. Such responses are useful for WIKA as they enable WIKA to improve community involvement and program benefit in Pamijahan village.

[G4-EC7] [G4-SO1]

planting Sengon Tree (Paraserianthes falcataria)

WIKA’s Reforestation Program located in Pamijahan Subdistrict was carried out gradually within 3 (three) periods, i.e. Period I starting in December, 2013; Period II starting in December, 2014; and Period III starting in December, 2015. The observation of quantity of plants was performed by using tree census technique twice in a year, every June and December. In December, 2016 there were 121,520 of cultivated Sengon trees (Paraserianthes falcataria), growing bigger and taller. Such observation result became the basis of calculation on carbon absorption recorded as one of benchmark in measuring the program success.

The benchmark in determining the success of WIKA’s Reforestation Program was the increase of tree numbers which was equal to the increase of carbon absorption. Besides, another significant benchmark in assessing the success of this program was financial efficiency. The assessment was performed by comparing the achievement of carbon absorption above to the expended cost. Until December 2016, total cost of reforestation spent was IDR4,926,145,000. Therefore, WIKA has spent IDR1,430 for each kilogram of carbon absorbed.


Sustainability Report 2016

Total Number of Trees and Carbon Absorption Within 2013-2016

planting Year

Number of Trees carbon Absorption (Kg co2)

Dec-13 Jun-14 Dec-14 Jun-15 Dec-15 Jun-16 Dec-16 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-16

2013 48,000 45,922 42,314 42,314 41,288 41,288 40,585 443,028 1,054,908 1,791,016

2014 0 0 63,700 58,294 55,114 52,964 53,550 0 577,044 1,368,203

2015 0 0 0 0 30,000 27,439 27,385 0 0 286,721

TOTAL 48,000 45,922 106,014 126,402 126,402 121,691 121,520 443,028 1,631,952 3,445,940

The main purpose of this program was to take economic benefit of sengon wood. While waiting for the harvest time, WIKA’s CSR Team improved the skill of farmers by providing supervision in various derivative programs. They planted intercropping with red ginger and other spices, as well as breeding goats and ongole cows. From such practices, farmers obtained new knowledge on how to breed cattles and started to make organic fertilizer proactively for the treatment of sengon trees.


Grievance Channel in Fostered Village

WIKA appreciates consumer and community rights, including local community in fostered village. Every aspiration from community is accomodated and responded to achieve the best solution. In the fostered village, grievance can be delivered directly to Mr. Iqbal, as a facilitator, who is also a member of WIKA’s CSR Team. All grievance are responded with no exception, through interactive dialogue.

In addition, to accomodate other different grievance, WIKA has provided a room for Transparency of Public Information (KIP) located in the first floor of WIKA Tower 2. This facility opens to serve anyone wanting to obtain information regarding WIKA, or to express suggestion, criticism, and grievance. During 2016, no grievance was reported through this channel. Besides, WIKA also provides a 24-hour online grievance channel via:

Website: Phone: 021 - 80679200

KIP room in WIKA Tower 2

Sustainability Report 2016


[G4-EC7] [G4-SO1]

Big harvest of Red Gingers

Red gingers were also planted as intercrops in sengon plantation. The planting was done in organic system. WIKA cooperated with Biofertilizer Laboratory of Indonesia Center for Biodiversity and Biotechnology (ICBB) as a facilitator in making biodecomposers for organic fertilizer and growth medium of gingers. While waiting for the harvest time of sengon, farmers in fostered village has successfully planted red gingers with average result up to 2 kilograms per clump.

Red gingers planted since July, 2015 can be harvested up to 14 tons involving 10 farmers. The high demand for red gingers comes from Bogor and foreign countries such as Oman and Vietnam. Even though the result of harvest is quite good, there is a deficit of IDR28 million based on business calculation because it is estimated that the process of harvesting still continues until the end of 2017. Nevertheless, it has no significant impact to the income level of farmers due to cross subsidy from another income of breeding cows and goats.

Red gingers as a intercrops were

planted in polybag


Sustainability Report 2016

[G4-EC7] [G4-SO1]

Independent cow Breeding and Goat Loan

WIKA’s CSR Team has equipped farmers with independent breeding technique of goats and cows. The goat loan program is run annually to sell the goats in Eid al Adha. This program has been run in two periods (2015 and 2016) with a promising result.

In 2016, 90 goats were bred, 25 more than the number in 2015, which was 65. Forty farmers contributed in this program, increasing from 32 farmers in the previous year. There is an interest in this program because of marketing assurance of goats bred by the member and higher price in relative compared to the price offered by local brokers. All goats were sold on September 11, 2016 nearly before Eid al Adha and gave profit for farmers about IDR1 million for each goat.

WIKA initiated a new program namely ongole cow breeding starting in February, 2016. This program has the same purpose as the program of goat loan. Twenty ongole calves was bought in March, 2016. WIKA’s CSR Team trained and supervised farmers to plant elephant grass so that they could make organic cow feed independently. In 2016 Eid al Adha, this program succeeded in selling all the bred cows with the average profit up to IDR1.5 million for each cow.

Cow and goat manure became the side product of cattles for farmers. WIKA’s CSR Team bought manure to be processed with straws to make compost fertilizer supporting the planting of red gingers. Therefore, WIKA’s CSR Team did not have to buy fertilizer from other suppliers. This program could raise the income up to IDR300,000 monthly for each farmer.

Ongole cows in fattening stage

Sustainability Report 2016


A Story from

Pamijahan Camping Ground

In order to optimize the land use, W


utilized spaces area between sengon

plantation as a camping ground.

On May 30-31, 2016 WIKA conducted

Campus Citizen Journalist (Campus CJ) Edu

Trip Green Adventure Camp to provide an

opportunity for the participants to


some activities in Pamijahan village, as w

ell as

to have a recreational experience b

y enjoying

the leafy sengon plantation. There

were 18

college students from Jabodetabek, Ba

nten, and

West Java participating in this event.

All participants of Campus CJ Edu Trip Green Adventure C

amp 2016

were invited to interact with nature and fa

rmers of fostered village that

became a role model of excellent farming. Farming activities star

ted at

6 a.m. All participants were invited to walk around Sengon plantation

intercropped with spice plants.

This land utilisation as a camping ground has c

ontributed a high benefit

value and improved efficiency, effectivity, as well as productivity

, without

damaging the environment. Increasing nu

mber of visits to Pamijahan

village also gave positive impacts for farmers of fostered v

illage. They

could demonstrate their skills in farming and gardening

to the visitors. As

the farmers became more confident, they also became more enthusiast

in working. In addition, they could earn

additional income from selling

farm products to the visitors.



Sustainability Report 2016

Biodecomposer Organism that decomposes nitrogen and carbon from organic materials (organic remnants of tissues of died plants and animals) such as bacteria, fungi, and actinomisetes

BNSP Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (National Profession Standardization Agency)

CDM Clean Mechanism Development

CRE Construction and Real Estate

Cultivation Planned activity in conserving biodiversities that is conducted on an areal in order to take the benefit of the yield

IAFMI Ikatan Ahli Fasilitas Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi Indonesia (The Association of Indonesian Oil and Gas Production Facility Engineers)

ICBB Indonesia Center for Biodiversity and Biotechnology

ISO International Organization for Standardization

LNG Liquid Natural Gas

LOAN JICA Financial Aid from Japan International Cooperation Agency

POME Palm Oil Mill Effluent

PLTMH Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mesin Gas (gas machine electric power plants)

PLTMH Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro (micro-hydro electric power plants)

PJU Penerangan Jalan Umum (street lighting system)

PUPR Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (public works and public housing)

PR Public Relation

RCA Risk Containment Audit

RJP Rencana Jangka Panjang (long term plan)

Sengon Sengon or sengon laut (Paraserianthes falcataria) planted in WIKA’s fostered village is a tree of familia Fabaceae that produces wood and has the fastest growth in the world; also known as Indonesian albizia in English or batai as its trade name

SPBG Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Gas (gas station)

SRI KEHATI Sustainable & Responsible Investment of Indonesian Biodiversity

ZEESM Zona Especials Economia Social De Mercado


Sustainability Report 2016


GRI G4 INDEx[G4-32]

GRI G4 content Index and Supplement on construction & Real estate (cRe)


Indicator Description page(s) externalAssurance

Strategy and Analysis

G4-1 Statement from Board of Directors 4 a

G4-2 Description of Key Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities 4 a

Organizational Profile

G4-3 Name of The Organization 9 a

G4-4 Primary Brands, Products, and Services 9, 10, 14 a

G4-5 Location of Headquarters 9 a

G4-6 Number of Countries of Operations 9 a

G4-7 Ownership and Legal Form 11 a

G4-8 Markets Served 9 a

G4-9 Organizational Scale 11, 16 a

G4-10 Number and Composition of Employees 16 a

G4-11 Employees Covered by Collective Labour Agreements (CLA) 16 a

G4-12 Organization’s Supply Chain 14 a

G4-13 Significant Changes of Organization 17 a

G4-14 Precautionary Approach through Risk Management 15, 17, 44, 45 a

G4-15 Compliance with External Principles and Initiatives 17, 44 a

G4-16 Memberships of Associations 18 a

Material Aspects and Boundaries

G4-17 List of Entities 37 a

G4-18 Process for Defining The Report Content and Boundaries 30, 31 a

G4-19 List of Material Aspects 31, 32 a

G4-20 Material Aspect Boundaries Within Organization 36 a

G4-21 Material Aspect Boundaries Outside Organization 36 a

G4-22 Restatements 42 a

G4-23 Significant Changes from Previous Report 29 a


Sustainability Report 2016

DMA: Disclosure of management approach


Indicator Description page(s) externalAssurance

Stakeholders Engagement

G4-24 List of Stakeholder Groups 19, 20, 21 a

G4-25 Basis for Identification and Selection of Stakeholders 19 a

G4-26 Approach to Stakeholders’ Engagement 20, 21 a

G4-27 Key Topics and Responses of Organization 20, 21 a

Report Profile

G4-28 Reporting Period 29 a

G4-29 Date of Most Recent Previous Report 29 a

G4-30 Reporting Cycle 29 a

G4-31 Contact 37 a

G4-32 GRI Content Index 29, 68 a

G4-33 Assurance 29, 34 a


G4-34 Governance Structure 22, 24 a

G4-35 Delegating Authority for Economic, Environmental, and Social Topics 24 a

G4-48 Report Approval 30 a

Ethics and Integrity

G4-56 Organization’s Values, Principles and Norms 12 a


Indicator Description page(s)external



Material Issue: Economic Performance and Climate Change

G4-DMA Economic Performance and Climate Change 41 a

Aspect: Economic Performance

G4-EC1 Direct Economic Value Generated and Distributed 11, 41, 42, 43 a

G4-EC2 Financial Implications due to Climate Change 43 a

Material Issue: Indirect Economic Impacts

G4-DMA Indirect Economic Impacts 41 a

Sustainability Report 2016


DMA: Disclosure of management approach


Indicator Description page(s)external


Aspect: Indirect Economic Impacts

G4-EC7 Development and Impact of Infrastructure Investments 43, 62, 64, 65 a

G4-EC8 Indirect Economic Impacts 15, 26, 43, 58 a


Material Issue: Security and Integrity of Construction

G4-DMA Compliance 45 a

Aspect: Compliance

G4-PR9 Fine for Non-compliance with Regulations for Products and Services



Material Issue: Community Development

G4-DMA Local Community 57 a

Aspect: Local Community

G4-SO1 Company Operations and Local Community Development Program

15, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65 a

G4-SO2 Potential Negative Impacts on Local Communities 15 a


Material Issue: Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

G4-DMA Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) 51 a

Aspect: Occupational Health And Safety (OHS)

G4-LA5 Representation of Employees in Formal Joint Committee of OHS 51, 52 a

G4-LA6 Types of Injury and Injury Rate 52, 53 a


Indicator Description page(s) external Assurance

G4-CRE5 Land Remediation According to Applicable Regulations 48 a

G4-CRE6 Verification of the Company’s Operations Compliance with Acknowledged Organization of International OHS Management System

17, 46, 47



Sustainability Report 2016

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Sustainability Report 2016



Sustainability Report 2016

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