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Panduan GuruFun and Happy with English

Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SD

Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan



2 Panduan Guru

Kata Pengantar

Terima kasih kepada rekan-rekan yang telah menggunakan buku Fun andHappy with English untuk SD sebagai bahan acuan dalam pembelajaran matapelajaran bahasa Inggris di SD/MI. Buku ini membantu rekan-rekanmengimplementasikan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006dan memudahkan serta memfasilitasi siswa untuk mengembangkan potensidan membangun kompetensi mereka dalam berbahasa Inggris.

Penyajian buku Fun and Happy with English untuk SD merupakan upayauntuk merespon Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006 yangmenghendaki perubahan pola pikir dan pola tindak dalam pembelajaranperubahan pola pikir berhubungan dengan peran guru dan siswa. Peran gurubukan lagi sebagai satu-satunya sumber atau pemberi informasi, melainkansebagai fasilitator dan mitra yang memberikan kemudahan bagi siswa untukmengembangkan kompetensinya. Perubahan pola tindak dalam pembelajaranberhubungan dengan strategi pembelajaran dan sistem penilaian, di sampingitu berkaitan dengan kapasitas siswa sebagai makhluk netral yang senantiasaberinteraksi dengan manusia lain.

Buku Fun and Happy with English untuk SD dilengkapi dengan berbagaikegiatan yang harus diselesaikan dengan variasi penilaian yang disajikan.Upaya ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa sebagaimanadiamanatkan dalam Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006.

Dalam penyusunan buku ini, kami berusaha menyajikan yang terbaik.Namun demikian, kami menyadari bahwa masih terdapat banyak kekurangan.Untuk itu, kami sangat mengharapkan saran dan kritik membangun dari pararekan guru.

Jakarta, Juli 2007




Kata Pengantar ................................................................................................ 2

Daftar Isi .......................................................................................................... 3

Jadilah Guru yang Baik ................................................................................. 4

Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) ............................ 5

A. Pengertian KTSP .............................................................................. 6

B. Prinsip-prinsip Pengembangan KTSP .......................................... 6

C. Acuan Operasional Penyusunan KTSP ........................................ 6

D. Komponen-komponen KTSP ......................................................... 7

1. Tujuan Pendidikan Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan ..................... 7

2. Muatan dan Struktur KTSP ........................................................ 7

3. Kalender Pendidikan ................................................................... 8

Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar .................................. 9

Silabus ................................................................................................... 13

Contoh Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) .................... 34

Kunci Jawaban ..................................................................................... 39

Listening Script................................................................................... 89

4 Panduan Guru


John Milton Gregory merupakan penulis buku yang terkenal tentangTujuh Hukum Mengajar. Inilah beberapa petunjuk yang perlu dipersiapkanoleh seorang guru yang baik.1. Persiapkan bahan pelajaran dengan mempelajarinya berulang-ulang.

Jangan mengandalkan bahwa kita dulu sudah mempelajarinya karenaapa yang kita ketahui dulu pasti sebagian sudah terhapus dari ingatankita.

2. Carilah urutan yang logis dari tiap bagian dalam pelajaran yangdipersiapkan tersebut. Setiap pelajaran selalu berangkat dari pengertian-pengertian dasar yang sederhana baru ke tingkat pengertian yang tinggi.Pelajari urut-urutan yang logis dari pelajaran yang dipersiapkan tersebutsampai terwujud suatu pengertian yang dapat saudara uraikan dengankata-kata sendiri.

3. Carilah analogi atau ilustrasi untuk mempermudah penjelasan fakta-fakta dan prinsip-prinsip yang sulit dimengerti oleh siswa, khususnyaprinsip-prinsip abstrak.

4. Carilah hubungan antara apa yang diajarkan dan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Hubungan-hubungan inilah yang akan menentukan nilaipraktis penerapan dari pelajaran itu.

5. Gunakan sebanyak mungkin sumber referensi berupa buku-buku ataubahan-bahan yang sesuai, tetapi pahami dulu sebaik-baiknya sebelummenyampaikan kepada siswa.

6. Harap diingat bahwa lebih baik mengerti sedikit, tetapi benar-benarmantap daripada mengetahui banyak, tetapi kurang mendalam.

7. Sediakan waktu yang khusus untuk mempersiapkan tiap pelajaransebelum berdiri di depan kelas. Dengan persiapan matang, kita akansemakin menguasai pengetahuan dan gambaran apa yang diajarkanakan semakin jelas.

Sumber: John Milton Gregory, Tujuh Hukum Mengajar


Kurikulum Tingkat

Satuan Pendidikan


6 Panduan Guru

A. Pengertian KTSP

KTSP adalah kurikulum operasional yang disusun oleh dan dilaksana-kan di masing-masing satuan pendidikan. KTSP terdiri atas tujuanpendidikan tingkat satuan pendidikan, struktur dan muatan kurikulumtingkat satuan pendidikan, kalender pendidikan, dan silabus.

Pengembangan KTSP yang beragam mengacu pada standar nasionalpendidikan untuk menjamin pencapaian tujuan pendidikan nasional. Standarnasional pendidikan terdiri atas standar isi, proses, kompetensi lulusan,tenaga kependidikan, sarana dan prasarana, pengelolaan, pembiayaan, danpenilaian pendidikan. Dua dari kedelapan standar nasional pendidikantersebut, yaitu Standar Isi (SI) dan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL)merupakan acuan utama bagi satuan pendidikan dalam mengembangkankurikulum.

B. Prinsip-prinsip Pengembangan KTSP1. Berpusat pada potensi, perkembangan, kebutuhan, serta kepen-

tingan peserta didik dan lingkungannya.2. Beragam dan terpadu.3. Tanggap terhadap perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan

seni.4. Relevan dengan kebutuhan kehidupan.5. Menyeluruh dan bersinambungan.6. Belajar sepanjang hayat.7. Seimbang antara kepentingan nasional dan kepentingan daerah.

C. Acuan Operasional Penyusunan KTSP

1. Peningkatan iman dan takwa serta akhlak mulia.2. Peningkatan potensi, kecerdasan, dan minat sesuai dengan tingkat

perkembangan dan kemampuan peserta didik.3. Keragaman potensi dan karakteristik daerah dan lingkungan.4. Tuntutan pembangunan daerah dan nasional.5. Tuntutan dunia kerja.6. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni.7. Agama.8. Dinamika perkembangan global.9. Persatuan nasional dan nilai-nilai kebangsaan.10. Kondisi sosial dan budaya masyarakat setempat.11. Kesetaraan gender.12. Karakteristik satuan pendidikan.


D. Komponen-komponen KTSP

1. Tujuan Pendidikan Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

a. Tujuan pendidikan dasar adalah meletakkan dasar kecerdasan,pengetahuan, kepribadian, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan untukhidup mandiri dan mengikuti pendidikan lebih lanjut.

b. Tujuan pendidikan menengah adalah meningkatkan kecerdasan,pengetahuan, kepribadian, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan untukhidup mandiri dan mengikuti pendidikan lebih lanjut.

c. Tujuan pendidikan menengah kejuruan adalah meningkatkankecerdasan, pengetahuan, kepribadian, akhlak mulia, sertaketerampilan untuk hidup mandiri dan mengikuti pendidikan lebihlanjut sesuai dengan kejuruannya.

2. Muatan dan Struktur KTSPMuatan KTSP meliputi sejumlah mata pelajaran yang keluasan dan

kedalamannya merupakan beban belajar bagi peserta didik pada satuanpendidikan. Di samping itu, materi muatan lokal dan kegiatan pengem-bangan diri termasuk ke dalam isi kurikulum.

Kelas dan Alokasi Waktu

III IX, V, danVI


*) Ekuivalen 2 jam pembelajaran


A. Mata Pelajaran

1. Pendidikan Agama

2. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

3. Bahasa Indonesia

4. Matematika

5. Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

6. Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial

7. Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan

8. Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga,

dan Kesehatan

B. Muatan Lokal

C. Pengembangan Diri













Tabel Struktur Kurikulum SD/MI

8 Panduan Guru

3. Kalender PendidikanSatuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah dapat menyusun kalenderpendidikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan daerah, karakteristik sekolah,kebutuhan peserta didik, dan masyarakat dengan memerhatikankalender pendidikan sebagaimana yang dimuat dalam standar isi.

4. SilabusSilabus adalah rencana pembelajaran pada suatu kelompok matapelajaran/tema tertentu yang mencakup standar kompetensi, kompetensidasar, materi pokok/pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, indikator,penilaian, alokasi waktu, dan sumber/bahan/alat belajar. Silabusmerupakan penjabaran standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar kedalam materi pokok/pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, dan indikatorpencapaian kompetensi untuk penilaian. Langkah-langkah pengem-bangan silabus adalaha. mengkaji standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar;b. mengidentifikasi materi pokok/pembelajaran;c. mengembangkan kegiatan pembelajaran;d. merumuskan indikator pencapaian kompetensi;e. penentuan jenis penilaian;f. menentukan alokasi waktu;g. menentukan sumber belajar.


Standar Kompetensi

dan Kompetensi Dasar

10 Panduan Guru

Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar Tahun 2006

Pelajaran : Bahasa InggrisKelas : 6Semester 1

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar

Mendengarkan1. Memahami instruksi dan in-

formasi sangat sederhana baiksecara tindakan maupun bahasadalam konteks sekitar pesertadidik

Berbicara2. Mengungkapkan instruksi dan

informasi sangat sederhanadalam konteks sekitar pesertadidik

2.1. Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tin-dakan secara berterima yang melibatkantindak tutur: memberi contoh melakukansesuatu, memberi aba-aba, dan memberipetunjuk

2.2. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/mem-beri jasa/barang secara berterima yangmelibatkan tindak tutur: meminta ban-tuan, memberi bantuan, meminta barang,dan memberi barang

2.3. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/mem-beri informasi secara berterima yangmelibatkankan jumlah, menanyakankeadaan, memberi komentar, memberipendapat, dan mengusulkan

2.4. Mengungkapkan kesantunan secaraberterima yang melibatkan ungkapan:Would you please ... dan May I ...

1.1. Merespon instruksi sangat sederhanadengan tindakan secara berterima dalamkegiatan di dalam dan luar kelas

1.2. Merespon instruksi sangat sederhanadengan tindakan secara berterima dalamberbagai permainan

1.3. Memahami instruksi dan informasisangat sederhana baik secara tindakanmaupun bahasa dalam konteks sekitarpeserta didik

1.4. Memahami cerita lisan secara berterimadengan bantuan gambar


Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar

Membaca3. Memahami teks fungsional

pendek dan deskriptif bergam-bar sangat sederhana dalamkonteks sekitar peserta didik

3.1. Membaca nyaring teks fungsional pen-dek sangat sederhana dengan ucapandan intonasi yang tepat dan berterima

3.2. Memahami teks deskriptif bergambarsangat sederhana dalam konteks sekitarpeserta didik

4.1. Menulis teks fungsional pendek sangatsederhana secara berterima

4.2. Menulis kartu-kartu ucapan sangatsederhana secara berterima

Menulis4. Menulis teks fungsional pendek

sangat sederhana dalam kontekssekitar peserta didik

Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar Tahun 2006

Pelajaran : Bahasa InggrisKelas : 6Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar

5.1 Merespon instruksi dan informasi sangatsederhana baik dengan tindakan mau-pun bahasa secara berterima di dalamdan luar kelas

5.2 Merespon instruksi dan informasi sangatsederhana baik dengan tindakan mau-pun bahasa secara berterima dalamberbagai permainan

Mendengarkan5. Memahami instruksi dan infor-

masi sangat sederhana baik de-ngan tindakan maupun bahasadalam konteks sekitar pesertadidik

Berbicara6. Mengungkapkan instruksi dan

informasi sangat sederhanadalam konteks sekitar pesertadidik

6.1. Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tinda-kan secara berterima yang melibatkantindak tutu: memberi contoh melakukansesuatu, memberi aba-aba, dan memberipetunjuk

6.2. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberijasa/barang secara berterima yangmelibatkan tindak tutu: meminta ban-tuan, memberi bantuan, meminta barang,dan memberi barang

12 Panduan Guru

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar

6.3. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberiinformasi secara berterima yang melibat-kan tindak tutur: mengungkapkanperasaan, merespon ungkapan, meng-ungkapkan keraguan, menanyakan, danmeminta kejelasan

6.4. Mengungkapkan kesantunan secaraberterima yang melibatkan ungkapa:Would you please ... dan May I ...


7. Memahami teks fungsional pen-dek dan deskriptif bergambarsangat sederhana dalam kontekssekitar peserta didik

7.1. Membaca nyaring teks fungsional pen-dek sangat sederhana dengan ucapandan intonasi yang tepat dan berterima

7.2. Memahami teks deskriptif bergambarsangat sederhana dalam konteks sekitarpeserta didik

7.3. Memahami teks naratif bergambarsangat sederhana


8. Menulis teks fungsional pendeksangat sederhana dalam kontekssekitar peserta didik

8.1. Menulis teks fungsional pendek sangatsederhana secara berterima dalam kon-teks sekitar peserta didik

8.2. Menulis kartu-kartu ucapan sederhanasecara berterima


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency


14 Panduan Guru

Theme Unit Pages Standard of

Competency Listening

Basic Competency

• Respond to intructions in aschool context.

• Respond verbally to simpleinstructions in a schoolcontext.

• Know several things in thehouse.

• Know kinds of traditionalhouses and parts of thehouse.

1. Houses Know andmention kindsof house.

1 1 - 6

2 7 - 12 Identify andmention kindsof hobby.

• Respond to intructions in aschool context.

• Respond verbally to simpleinstructions in a schoolcontext.

• Know kinds of hobby andthe equipments needed fordoing hobbies.

2. Hobbies

3 13 - 18 Know andunderstand theexpressions oftelling hobbiesand dislikes.

• Respond to intructions in aschool context.

• Know kinds of hobby.

• Know and understand theexpressions of tellinghobbies.


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency

•Express andask aboutsomeone’sfeeling.

•Do shortconversa-tion aboutexpressingfeeling.

•Tell aboutkinds oftraditionalhouses andperts of thehouse.

• Read a shortsimple descrip-tive text loudlywith correctintonation andpronunciation.

• Understand ashort simpletext expressingfeeling.

• Read a short dia-log about expres-sing feeling.

• Write words andsentences relatedto things in thehouse and theirfunctions as well.

• Rewrite simpleEnglish sentences.

• Write a postcardabout traditionalhouse.

• What’swrong?

• Why areyou crying?

• I’m sohappy.

• I don’t feelwell.

• Oh, I’msorry tohear that.

• Really?Congratu-lations!

• Pictures oftraditionalhouses.

• Pictures ofthings in thehouse.

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

•Expresslikes anddislikes.

•Tell aboutstudent’shobbiesverbally.

• Read a textloudly.

• Understand thetext.

• Read sentencesabout thing nee-ded for hobby.

• Understand thepictures.

• Write somevocabulariesrelated to hobby.

• Write a simplesentences.

• Write a paragraphto end the story.

• Rewrite simplesentences inPresent ContinousTense.

• I likewatchingmovies butI dislikeplayinggames.

• Jessicaneeds apiano forplayingpiano.

• Alan issurfing.

• Photographrelated tostudent’shobby.

• Equipmentsfor hobbies.

• Splash cards.• Fun and

Happy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

•Tell theexpressionsof likes anddislikes.

•Ask andanswerquestionsabouthobbies.

• Read a narrativetext.

• Understand anarrative text.

• Understand thepictures.

• Pronounce somewords related tocamping.

• Write simple sen-tences with correctpunctuation.

• Rewrite simplesentences withcorrect punctua-tion.

• What’s yourname?

• What’s yourhobby?

• My name isRita.

• I like goingcamping.

• Kinds ofpaper andpaint formakingcollage.

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

16 Panduan Guru

Theme Unit Pages Standard of

Competency Listening

Basic Competency

• Respond to intructions in aschool context.

• Respond verbally to simpleinstructions in a schoolcontext.

• Understand and respond todirection to make something.

Understand andmake directions.

Know andmention kindsof publicholiday andactivities doneduring thepublic holiday.

4 19 - 26

• Respond to intructions in aschool context.

• Respond verbally to simpleinstructions in a schoolcontext.

• Know kinds of publicholidays and the activitiesdone during the publicholiday.

53. Holidays 27 - 32


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency

• Paper

• Article aboutmakinghandycraft

• Articlesabout publicholiday

• Pictures

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,Ganeca Exact.

• My hobbyis hiking.

•Do shortconversa-tions abouthobbies.

• Give direct-ions to makesomethingverbally.

• Make asimple pre-sentationaboutmakingthings.

• Mentionthings need-ed for makingsomething.

• Read a shortsimple textloudly.

• Understand thesimple text.

•Read simpletext.

• Understandsimple text.

• Read shortdialogs loudly.

• Ask/tellabout plan.

• Expresssurpriseand reply it.

• Do shortconversa-tions aboutexpressingsurprises

• Tell abouttheactivitiesdoneduringholiday.

• Carry outan inter-view.


• Clean thestyrofoamtrays.

• Let it dryover.

Ask/tellabout plan:

• What areyou goingto do thisEidMubarak?

• Where areyou goingthis waisakDay?

• I think I’mgoing tovisit myrelatives.

• I’ll juststay athome.

• Write simple sen-tence.

• Rewrite the simplesentences.

• Make a set ofdirections to makesomething.

• Arrange thejumble words.

• Make questionsrelated to holiday.

• Rewrite simplesentence.

• Write an articlefrom the interviewreport.

• Articlesabout publicholiday

• Pictures

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.


18 Panduan Guru

Theme Unit Pages Standard of

Competency Listening

Basic Competency

Mid-SemesterTest 1

33 - 36 Understand andanswer ques-tions aboutprevious lessons.

4. Jobs 6 37-42 Identify andmention kindsof job.

• Respond to instructions ina school context.

• Respond verbally toinstructions in a schoolcontext.

• Know kinds of professionsand connect them to placesof work.


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency

• Are yousure?

• Really?

• I’m notcertain.

• I don’tthink so.

• I’m verycertain.

• Yes, I am.

• Multiplechoice: 20

• Filling inthe blanks: 5

• Readingcomprehen-sion: 5

• Describekinds of jobthat areavailable insociety.

• Expresshow tomakerequest andreply it.

• Do shortconversa-tion aboutmakingrequest.

• Read a simpletext loudly.

• Understand asimple text.

• Pronouncesome vocabu-laries aboutkinds of job.

• Write some wordsin relation to job.

• Rewrite simplesentences insimple presenttense.

• Pictures

• Mr. Adamis a postman.

• Mr. Adamworks inthe postoffice.

• May Iborrow it?

• Could youpass methat book?

• Sure, noproblem.

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

20 Panduan Guru

Theme Unit Pages Standard of

Competency Listening

Basic Competency

7 43 - 48 Recognizepeople’s job andthe places ofwork.

• Respond to intructions in aschool context.

• Know and understandkinds of job and whatpeople do in their jobs.

5. Transpor-tation

8 49 - 56 Know andunderstandkinds oftransportationand directions.

• Respond to instructions ina school context.

• Respond verbally toinstruction in a schoolcontext.

• Understand the meaning ofstreet signs and directions.

• Know means oftransportation.


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency

• Mentionkinds of joband whatpeople doin their jobsas well aswhere theywork.

• Tell aboutstudent’sobsessionwhen theygrow up.

• Present amoviereview(publicspeaking).

• Read a simplesentences withcorrect punctua-tion.

• Mr. Dick isa barber.

• He cutssomeone’shair

• He worksin thebarbershop.

• I want tobe a doctor.

• Cassette

• Article ofmoviereview

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

• Rewrite simplesentences withcorrect punctua-tion.

• Write simplesentences withcorrect punctua-tion and spelling.

• Make a moviereview.

• Mentionthe mea-nings ofstreet sign.

• Givedirectionsto reach aplace.

• Ask andanswerquestionsaboutdirections.

• Expresspolitenessto ask fordirections.

• Read andunderstand amap aboutdirection.

• Read a simpletext.

• Understand asimple text.

• Read andunderstandstreet signs anddirections.

• Differentiate kindsof transportation.

• Know and writestreet signs andpublic places.

• Write directionswith correctpunctuation andexpressions.

• Don’t parkhere!

• Excuse me.How can Iget to thePearStreet?

• Just gostraightthis AppleStreet, turnleft. Walkalong thestreet. It’snext to theshop.

• Thank youvery much.

• Map

• Models ofstreet sign

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

22 Panduan Guru

Theme Unit Pages Standard of

Competency Listening

Basic Competency

6. Means ofCommu-nication

• Respond to instructions ina school context.

• Respond verbally toinstruction in a schoolcontext.

• Know kinds of communica-tion.

• Know and understand theexpressions of preference.

57 - 629 Know andunderstandabout transpor-tations anddirections.

10 63 - 68 Identify andmention kindsof communica-tion.

• Respond to instructions ina school context.

• Respond verbally toinstruction in a schoolcontext.

• Know kinds of communica-tion.

• Respond to instructions ina school context.

• Respond verbally to simpleinstructions.

• Know kinds of televisionprograms.

Understand andanswer questionabout previouslessons.

SemesterTest 1

69 - 72


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency

• Say andunderstandabout sing-ular andplural form.

• Say the exp-ressions ofpreference.

• Do shortconversa-tions aboutpreference.

• Read a simpletext loudly .

• Understand asimple text.

• Mention variousmeans of com-munication andtheir function.

• Write variousprofessions relatedto communication

• Write simple sen-tences with correctpunctuation.

• Write a letter ofrequest (formalletter).

• I likecoffee.

• I dislikecoffee.

• I prefer tea.

• There is anapple onthe table.

• There aresome pensin the pencilcase.

• Pictures ofmeans ofcommuni-cation.

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

• Say theexpressionsof givingcommand.

• Say the ex-pressions ofgiving pre-dictions.

• Do shortconversa-tions aboutgivingpredictioncompliment.

• Read a simpletext.

• Understand asimple text.

• Read diagramsof TV schedule.

• Write simplesentences.

• Rewrite sentencesin imperativeforms.

• Compose dialogs.

• Close thedoor.

• I think....

• I prefer tea.

• I don’tthink so.

• I agreewith you.

• TV schedule.

• Pictures

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

• Multiplechoice: 25

• Filing inblanks: 5

• Readingcomprehen-sion: 5

• Things in theclassroom

24 Panduan Guru

Theme Unit Pages Standard of

Competency Listening

Basic Competency

• Know kindsof schoolsubject andgive instruc-tions.

• Know kinds of schoolsubject.

• Know and understand theinstructions.

12 79 - 84

7. School 11 73 - 78 • Know thingsin the class-room anddescribeabout it.

• Know things and activitiesin the classroom.

• Know and understand thedescription of thing.

• Respond to intructions in aschool context.


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency

• Say andunderstandthe expres-sions ofgiving order.

• Tell someoneto do some-thing in theright order.

• Carry outclasssurvey.

• Present areport.

• Read a schoolschedule.

• Answer questionabout schedule.

• Read and under-stand picturesconnected withschool.

• Give correctpunctuations tosentences.

• Write simplesentences.

• Write school’stime table.

• Make a classsurvey.

• First you..... andthen .....

• Make sure....

• Next ....

• Finally .....

• You must/musn’t .....

• I want youto ....

• Schoolschedule

• Say the ex-pressions ofintroductions.

• Do shortconversa-tions aboutintroducingoneself.

• Interviewsomeone.

• Describleverballyabout con-dition ofthings.

• Read a descrip-tive text loudly.

• Understand adescriptive text.

• Recognize andidentifydescriptive text.

• Write adescription.

• Recognize thedifferencesbetween verbsused in SimplePresent Tense andSimple Past Tense.

• Write the numbersof thing.

• What’s hisname?

• Who is he?

• I’m Toto.

• There is........

• There are......

• Therewas/were....

• Things inthe class-room.

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

26 Panduan Guru

Theme Unit Pages Standard of

Competency Listening

Basic Competency

13 85 - 90 • Identify andmention kindsof daily routine.

• Know about daily routine.

• Understand the informa-tion given by others.

8. Health 14 • Identify andmetion kindsof sport andthe expres-sions ofasking forsomething.

• Know about kinds ofsports and sport equip-ments.

• Know and understand theexpressions of asking forsomething.

91 - 96


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency

• Mentionkinds of dailyroutine.

• Carry outan interview.

• Ask andanswer ques-tions aboutadverb offrequency

• Tell aboutsomeone’sdaily chore.

• Read and under-stand the chart.

• Answer ques-tions and retellabout chart.

• Write words,phrases andsentences relatedto daily routine.

• Make a report ofinterview result.

• Make a shortexplanation text.

• How oftendo youplay ball?

• I play balltwice aweek.

• How oftendoes she....

• Dea makesher bedeverymorning.

• Say theexpressionsof askingfor some-thing

• Expresspolitenes toask forsomething.

• Makesimplequestionsusingmodals.

• Do shortconversa-tions usingexpressionsof askingfor some-thing.

• Read a textabout sport.

• Understand andanswer questionabout text.

• Read dialogsloudly.

• Differentiateindividual andgroup sports.

• Write simplesentences aboutsport.

• Write some wordsrelated to sport.

• Compose a shortdialog aboutexpressions ofasking for some-thing.

• Magazine

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

• May I ......?

• Could youplease ......?

• Sure.

• OK.

• Thanks alot.

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

28 Panduan Guru

Theme Unit Pages Standard of

Competency Listening

Basic Competency

15 97 - 102 • Identify andmention kindsof sicknessand theexpressionsof givingsuggestions.

• Listen and understand theinformation in a dialog.

• Listen and recite a nurseryrhyme.

MidSemesterTest 2

103-106 • Understandand answerquestionsabout pre-vious lesson.

9. Shopping 16 107 - 112 • Understandthe preposi-tions used todescribeplaces.

• Know and understandpreposition used to showthe position of place(location).

• Listen and understanddirections.

• Mention kinds of section insupermarket.


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency

• Say theexpressionsof givingsuggestion.

• Carry outa role play.

• Mentionkinds ofsickness.

• Read a textabout sport.

• Understand andanswer ques-tions about text.

• Read dialogsloudly.

• Differentiateindividual andgroup sports.

• Write simplesentences aboutsport.

• Write some wordsrelated to sport.

• I have aheadache.

• You shouldgo to thedoctor.

• Youshouldn’twork toohard.

• Advertise-ment (foundin maga-zine).

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

• Multiplechoice: 20

• Filling inthe blanks: 5

• Readingcomprehen-sion: 5

• Say theexpressionsof makingrequest.

• Do shortconversa-tion ofmakingrequest.

• Play rhy-ming actiongame “fivecurrantbuns”.

• Describesome placesusing pre-position.

• Read a textabout store.

• Understand andanswer ques-tions about text.

• Read andunderstand amap.

• Write desciptivetext.

• Write words,phrases, andsentences relatedto things in thesupermarket.

• Excuse me,where’s.....?

• Go to theright,straight andleft. Themarket ison the left.

• There is/are .....

• Map

• Pictures

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

30 Panduan Guru

Theme Unit Pages Standard of

Competency Listening

Basic Competency

17 113- 118 • Distinguishkinds of toy.

• Identify kinds of toy.

• Differentiate kinds of toy.

18 119 - 122 • Know andmentionkinds ofclothes.

• Respond to instructions bydoing actions.

• Identify kinds of clothe.


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency

• Ask andanswerquestionabout toy.

• Do short con-versations.

• Read the rhymeloudly.

• Read the textabout toys.

• Understand andanswer ques-tions about text.

• Write a procedureto make some-thing.

• Write sentencesabout toy.

• What’s yourfavouritetoy?

• What doyou needto make....?

• Pictures

• Toys

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

• Say theexpressionsof givingopinion.

• Do shortconversa-tion aboutgivingopinion.

• Mentionkinds ofclothes andaccessoriesof clothes.

• Read a textabout clothes.

• Answer qustionabout text

• Recite humor-ous poem.

• Spell wordsabout clothes.

• Write words,phrases, andsentences aboutclothes andaccessories ofclothes.

• Write descriptivetext.

• Compose a dialog.

• What doyou think?

• I think .....

• That’s OK.

• Splash cards

• Pictures

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

32 Panduan Guru

Theme Unit Pages Standard of

Competency Listening

Basic Competency

10. FamilyGathering

19 122 - 126 • Know things needed forbirthday party andbarbequing.

• Understand procedure toprepare something.

• Know andmention kindsof birthdayparty and pro-cedures to pre-pare something.

• Understandprocedure toprepare some-thing.

• Understandand answerquestionsabout previ-ous lessons.

129 - 133SemesterTest 2


Speaking Reading Writing



Basic Competency

• Say andreply theexpressionof invitingsomeone.

• Say theexspressionof com-pliment.

• Do shortcoversationin front ofthe class.

• Read a textabout birthday.

• Answerquestions abouttext.

• Read a storyloudly.

• Read theprocedure.

• Write sentencesabout party .

• Compose a storyabout birthday.

• Write a simpleinvitation card

• Write words,phrases andsentences relatedto things in thesupermarket.

• Write simplebirthday card.

• Write a proceduretext.

• Recipe

• Pictures

• Birthdaycarol

• Fun andHappy withEnglish forGrade 6,GanecaExact.

• Would youlike tocome to .....

• Yes, I’dlove to.

• Multiplechoice: 25

• Fillingblanks: 5

• ReadingComprehen-sion: 5

Panduan Guru34

Contoh Rencana

Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran


Contoh RPP 35


Subject : EnglishGrade/Semester : VI/1Aspect : ListeningStandard of Competency : Know and mention kinds of houseTime : 2 x 35 menit


• Respond to instructions in a school context.


• Understand instructions.• Respond to instructions by doing action.


• Traditional and modern house.


a. Listen to the tape and circle the picture of things in the house.b. Listen to the tape and write the words related to things in the bathroom.


a. Warming up• Discuss about house and things in the house.• Sing a song about parts of the house.

b. Main activities

1. Listen to the tape.2. Circle the picture told by the tape.3. Write the words told by the tape.4. Repeat the words told by the tape.

VI. CLOSING• Memorize and mention things in the house (review).• Exercise.

Panduan Guru36


1. Discussion2. Ask and answer3. Listening comprehension

B. Media

1. Tape recorder2. Cassette3. Textbook (Fun and Happy with English Grade 6, Ganeca Exact)4. Pictures


a. Oral test

1. How many rooms are there in your house?2. Where is the sofa?3. What do you have in your bedroom?4. What is the toaster for?

b. Written test

1. Mention parts of your house and the things found in each part.2. Listen and write.

c. Score

1. Right answer.2. Right pronunciation and punctuations.3. Sentence order.

Contoh RPP 37

Subject : EnglishGrade/Semester : VI/1Aspect : SpeakingStandard of Competency : Know and mention kinds of houseTime : 2 x 35 menit


• Express and ask about someone’s feeling.


• Express feeling.• Ask someone’s feeling.• Answer the questions about feeling.


• Traditional and modern house.


• Learn the expressions about feeling.• Read and practice the dialog about feeling.• Make dialog to express feeling.


a. Warming up

• Ask questions about students’ feeling.• Ask someone’s feeling shown in the pictures.

b. Main activities1. Read a dialog and identify the expressions about feeling.2. Practice the dialog.3. Make dialogs to express feeling.


• Review the lessons.• Exercise.

Panduan Guru38


a. Method1. Ask and answer questions2. Discussion3. Drilling4. Presentation

b. Media

1. Textbook (Fun and Happy with English Grade 6, Ganeca Exact)2. Pictures


a. Oral test1. How do you feel?2. How does he/she feel?3. Why is she laughing?4. Perform the dialog.

b. Written test

• Make your own dialog to express feeling.

c. Score

1. Presentation : 40%2. Written test : 40%3. Exercise : 20% +


39Panduan Guru

Kunci Jawaban

40 Kunci Jawaban

Unit 1 Traditional and Modern Houses

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape and circle the right object.

1. Circle the toothbrush.

2. Circle the blanket.

3. Circle the fridge.

4. Circle the armchair.

5. Circle the buffet.

B. These are the things you find in the bathroom. Listen and write.

1. shower 6. towel

2. soap 7. toothpaste

3. tap 8. wash basin

4. toilet 9. mirror

5. toothbrush 10. bathrobe

2. Say it!

A. Make dialog to express feeling.

• Answers may vary.

3. Read it!

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. Is the author’s house big?No, it is not very big, but it’s quite spacious.

2. How many bedrooms are there?There are three bedrooms.

3. How many bathrooms are there?There are two bathrooms.

4. Do they live in a one storey house?Yes, they live in one storey house.

41Panduan Guru

B. Write T (True) or F (False).

1. The house is big. ( F )The house isn’t very big.

2. They have two bathrooms. ( T )3. The house has a stairway. ( F )

They live in one storey house, so we don’t have any stairs.4. They have a garage for the car ( T ) .5. The house is spacious. ( T )

C. Rearrange the words. Match the words with the pictures.

1 d. aerial2 e. balcony3 b. chimney4 e. garage5 a. garden

4. Write it!

A. Write a √ (tick) to the right place.

No. Bathroom Bedroom

1. √ –

2. – √3. – √4. √ –5. √ –

B. Match the words with the pictures.

1. b (iron board)2. d (cushion)3. a (plug)4. e (tray)5. c (towel)

5. Language activities

A. Fill in the blanks with the words from the word bank. (50 marks)

42 Kunci Jawaban

1. Mother is cooking with a stove.2. Use the vacuum cleaner to vacuum the dust.3. The toaster is used to make toast.4. You use towel to dry your body after shower.

5. Use the fork and knife to cut the steak.

B. Match the description with the pictures. (50 marks)

1. e2. d3. b4. c5. a

Unit 2 Hobbies

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen to the cassette and fill in the blanks.

1. Lisa is skating.2. Rob is flying a kite.3. Kate is swimming.4. Melissa is reading a comic.5. Jim and Carla are playing cards.

B. Listen and find which one is different.

1. Picture of shoes.2. Picture of barbell.3. Picture of skateboard.4. Picture of kayak.5. Picture of pole.

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.

1. My name is Adam. I like playing soccer.2. Hi, I am Silvia. I like jumping rope.3. I am Susan. My hobby is kayaking.4. Hi, my name is Garcia. I like playing hide-and-seek.5. We are Tony and Brian. We like talking.

43Panduan Guru

2. Say it!

A. Complete the following dialog.• Answers may vary.

B. Make sentences based on the pictures.

1. I like playing tennis, but I dislike playing music.2. I like skiing, but I dislike playing hockey.3. I like playing piano, but I dislike playing basketball.4. I like playing cards, but I dislike dancing.

3. Read it!

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What is Trisha’s hobby?Trisha’s hobby is reading books.

2. How often does Trisha go to the library?Trisha goes to the library every Saturday morning.

3. How many books does Trisha borrow every week?Every week she borrows seven books.

4. Why does Trisha always go to the library?Because her parents are poor and cannot afford to buy her books.

B. Match according to the equipments they need.

1. c 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. b

4. Write it!

A. Write T (True) or F (False).

1. (T) Brian is flying a kite.

2. (F) Alan is surfing.

3. (T) The boys are playing basketball.

4. (T) Brian and Melinda are playing chess.5. (T) They are fishing.

B. What are they?1. roller skate 2. needles 3. bat

44 Kunci Jawaban

5. Language activities

A. Fill in the blanks with the words from the word bank. (40 marks)

1. John often goes to the cinema. He likes watching movies.2. Angela joins in the school choir. Her hobby is singing.3. Brian likes to go to the lake with his fishing rod. He likes fishing.4. William likes to go kayaking with his canoe.5. Carl likes cycling. He owns a bicycle.

B. What is your hobby? Write. (60 marks)

1. basketball 4. cooking2. singing 5. playing piano3. playing guitar 6. fishing

Unit 3 Going Camping

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

1. John wants to go hiking on the mountain.

2. Sam likes fishing in the lake.

3. Karel and Brian often go swimming on the river.

4. The students like going camping in summers.

5. Ann likes kayaking when she is on vacation.

B. Listen to the cassette and fill in the blanks.

1. My name is Josh. My father and I like going camping.

2. I am Jessie. My hobby is hiking.

3. My name is Jeremy. My brother and I like fishing on the river.

4. My name is Linda. My hobby is diving, especially at the sea.

5. I am Thomas. I like swimming during the summer.

2. Say it!

A. Complete the following dialog

1. A : Hi. My name is Garcia. I like camping.B : My name is Jessica. I like hiking.

45Panduan Guru

2. A : Hi. My name is __________.I like fishing.B : Hi. I am __________. My hobby is swimming.

3. A : Hi. My name is _________. I like diving.B : My name is ___________. I like swimming.

4. A : Hi. My name is__________. I like kayaking.B : My name is _________. I like camping.

(Names may vary.)

B. Make dialogs like the example.

1 A : What is your name?B : My name is Rita.

A : What is your hobby?B : I like camping.

2 A : What is your name?B : My name is ______.

A : What is your hobby?B : I like kayaking.

3 A : What is your name?B : My name is Andi.

A : What is your hobby?B : I like fishing.

4 A : What is your name?B : My name is ___________.

A : What is your hobby?B : I like hiking.

(Names may vary.)

3. Read it!

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What made Ben happy?

Ben’s class planned to go camping.

46 Kunci Jawaban

2. Why was he happy?He had never done camping before, so he was quite excited of the trip.

3. What did the teacher say?

His teacher said that the students would be accompanied by theirteachers, so they wouldn’t need to worry.

4. Why was Ben curious?

He was curious to see the campsite and to feel sitting around thecampfire with his friends.

B. Arrange the jumbled words and then match the following pictures.

1. d (flashlight)2. e (tent)3. b (campfire)4. c (sleeping bag)5. a (backpack)

4. Write it!

A. Fill in the blank with the right words.

1. The boy is going camping.

2. The students are setting up the tent.

3. When camping, it’s fun to sit around the campfire.

4. When you go camping, don’t forget to bring a flashlight.

5. It’s fun to go fishing in the river.

B. What are they?1. river 2. backpack 3. camp site

5. Language activities

A. Fill in the blank with the words from the word bank. (60 marks)

1. When you go kayaking, be careful with the waterfall.

2. If you want to go fishing, you will need a fishing pole.

3. It’s dark. Don’t forget to bring the flashlight.

4. Put all the cooking utensils into your backpack.

5. We need to set up the tent if we want to sleep earlier.

47Panduan Guru

B. Which one is different? Circle. (40 marks)

1. These things are for cooking.

Picture of spoon.

2. These things are for recreation.

Picture of sleeping bag.

3. These are the equipments for camping.

Picture of bicycle.

4. These are the things for sleeping.

Picture of camp fire.

Unit 4 Making Things

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape. It is about the steps to make an evergreen papertree. Write the steps that you hear.

• How to Make an Evergreen Paper Tree

1. Fold a piece of green construction paper in half, then cut it in half.2. Put the two pieces together, and fold them in half again.3. Draw half an evergreen tree opposite the fold.4. Cut along the line you should get two identical trees.

5. Fold the trees in half, just barely creasing the center line (this isto mark the center of the tree).

6. Cut a slit along the bottom hal of the center of one tree and alongthe top half of the center of the other tree.

7. Slip the two trees together along the slits.

8. Using clear tape, tape the bottoms and tops together (pieces oftape on the bottom and at the top make the tress stand up welland stop the slit ends from flopping over).

B. Listen to the cassette. Rearrange these steps into the correct one.

1. (6)

Draw a spider on the inside of the card and a spooky Halloweenmessage.

48 Kunci Jawaban

2. (5)Let the glue dry over (at least overnight).

3. (4)

Sprinkle glitter on the glue web. Let the excess glitter slide off thespider web (onto the newspaper).

4. (3)After drawing the intersecting lines, draw the curved lines betweenthem.

5. (2)Working on old newspaper, draw a spider web with glue on thefront of the card. Start by drawing a series of intersecting lines.

6. (1)

Fold a piece of dark construction paper in half.

2. Say it!

A. What are they? Choose.

1. This is the thing to stick one thing to another.

Picture of jungle.

2. This is the thing to make a nice necklace.Picture of beads.

3. This is the thing to cut papers.Picture of scissors.

4. This is the thing to make something shines.Picture of glitter.

3. Read it!

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. Why does Jonathan love art class?Jonathan loves art class because he can make anything he likes.

2. What can you make from a used can?We can make a pencil holder.

3. What is origami?Origami is the art of making things from paper.

49Panduan Guru

4. Where does it come from?It comes from Japan.

5. Why does Jonathan like clay art?

Jonathan really likes clay art because he just found out that clay canbe molded into a lot of different shapes.

B. Write T (True) or F (False).

1. Jonathan doesn’t like art class. ( F )He likes it very much.

2. He can make pencil holder. ( T )3. Origami is a song from Japan. ( F )

It’s an art from Japan.

4. Clay can be molded into one shape only. ( F )Clay can be molded into a lot of different shapes.

5. Jonathan can make a clay mug. ( T )

6. He likes clay art. ( T )

4. Write it!

A. Fill in with the word from the box.

1. Make blue jello according to the directions on the box.

2. Pour into clear plastic cup.

3. Let them cool in the refrigerator until partially set - about an hour.

4. When they’re partially set, place a few gummy fish in each cup.

5. Put them in the refrigerator until they’re completely set.

6. Eat and enjoy!

B. Match them.

1. d (glue)2. e (scissors)3. a (paper)4. c (beads)

5. b (strings)

50 Kunci Jawaban

5. Language activities

A. Match them. (50 marks)

a. (5) b. (3) c. (1) d. (4) e. (2)

B. Circle these words. (50 marks)

Unit 5 Public Holidays

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

1. Eid Mubarak 4. Halloween2. Thanksgiving 5. New Year3. Independence Day

B. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

1. My sister and I like to eat ketupat during Idul Fitri.2. My family always decorate the Christmas tree during Christmas.3. People celebrate Thanksgiving by eating turkey.4. My brother and I will give our father a tie on Father’s Day.5. I usually give a bouquet of flowers to my mother.

2. Say it!

A. What is their plan?

1. A : Hi, Susie. What are you going to do this Eid mubarak?B : I think I’m going to visit my relatives.

2. A : Hi, James. Where are you going this Waisak Day?








51Panduan Guru

B : Nowhere. I think I’ll just stay at home.3. A : Hi, Amir. Hi, James. Where are you going this Independence Day?

B : I will join the flag ceremony at my school.4. A : Hi, (names may vary)_______. Where are you going this

Chinese New Year?B : _________________________ (answers may vary).

B. Practice the following dialog. Then fill in the blanks and act out.

1. Dick : Hi, Amy. What are you doing?Amy : I’m reading a book.Dick : What? Reading a book?Amy : Yes.

2. Brian : Tomorrow is Sarah’s birthday, isn’t it?Sue : I don’t think so. Sarah’s birthday is_____(answers may vary).Brian : Are you sure?Sue : I’m very certain.

3. John : Will we go camping next holiday?Mark : I’m not sure. I heard it would be next month.John : Really? Are you positive about it?Mark : Yes, I am.

3. Read it!

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What date is it today?

Today is the 17th of August.

2. What do they celebrate today?

They celebrate the Independence Day.

3. Why do the students come in the morning?

Because they have a flag ceremony.

4. What kind of games do they have?

They have games such as makan kerupuk, lomba balap karung, tariktambang, etc.

5. What games does Tono join in?

Tono joines in lomba tarik tambang.

52 Kunci Jawaban

B. Write T (True) or F (False).

1. Today is the Kartini’s Day. ( F )

Today is the Independence Day.

2. Tono doesn’t have any classes. ( T )

3. They have flag ceremony. ( T )

4. They have drag race for games. ( F )

They have games such as makan kerupuk, lomba balap karung, lombatarik tambang, etc.

5. Tono’s class doesn’t win. ( T )

6. Tono joins in lomba balap karung. ( T )

4. Write it!

B. Match them.

1. e 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. a

5. Language activities

A. Fill in with the words from the word bank. (50 marks)

1. April the 1st is the day for April Fool.

2. Hero’s Day is on the 10th of November.

3. People celebrate New Year on the 1st of January.

4. December the 22nd is the day for Mother’s Day.

5. We celebrate Independence Day on the 17th of August.

6. Earth’s Day is celebrated on every 22nd of May

B. Do this cross word puzzle. (50 marks)

Accross: Down:

1. New Year. 2. Young.3. Halloween. 3. Hair.4. Now. 5. Long.6. Good. 7. Women.8. Seen.

53Panduan Guru

Mid-Semester Test 1


1. ( 3 ) 6. ( 3 ) 11. ( 4 ) 16. ( 2 )

2. ( 3 ) 7. ( 4 ) 12. ( 1 ) 17. ( 2 )

3. ( 3 ) 8. ( 1 ) 13. ( 3 ) 18. ( 2 )

4. ( 4 ) 9. ( 3 ) 14. ( 2 ) 19. ( 2 )

5. ( 3 ) 10. ( 1 ) 15. ( 2 ) 20. ( 1 )


1. patient 4. scold2. temper 5. revising3. naughty


1. What does Ben do for a living?Being a writer.

2. What kind of exercise does he do?Jogging.

3. What time does he wake up?He wakes up at half past six.

4. How does he do his research?He does his research until about four o’clock. Sometimes he goes outfor research, but sometimes he does it at home by phone.

5. What does he like to do at night?At about 7 p.m., Ben watches TV or reads the paper. He usually hasdinner around eight. After dinner, he checks his work until ten or tenthirty then takes a walk at the park.

Unit 6 Kinds of Jobs

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

54 Kunci Jawaban

1. a fireman 6. a postman2. a scientist 7. a dentist3. a policewoman 8. a tennis player4. a teacher 9. a mechanic5. a waiter 10. a florist

B. Where do they work? Listen and fill in the blanks.

1. Mr. Adam is a postman. He works in the post office.2. Mr. Brendan is a policeman. He works in the police station.3. Miss Annette is a historian. She works in the museum.4. Mr. Johnson works in the hospital as a doctor.5. Miss Juliet works in the library as a librarian.

2. Say it!

A. Complete the following sentences.

1. My name is Mr. Robert. I work in the post office. I am a postman. Ideliver letters every day.

2. My name is Mrs. Melissa. I am a dentist. I take care of people’s teeth.3. My name is Miss Anna. I work at school. I am a teacher. I teach

students every day.4. My name is Dr. Brown. I am a scientist. I work in a laboratory I do

experiments.5. I am Mr. Long. I work in a bakery. I am a baker. I make breads and cakes.

B. Read the following dialog. Then fill in the blanks.

1. A : Hey, Amber. What are you doing?B : Just reading this magazine.A : It looks interesting. May I borrow it later?B : Sure.

2. A : Hey, Susan. Could you pass me that book?B : Sure. Here it is.

3. A : Hello, Don. What are you doing?B : Just playing this games.A : It looks interesting. May I join it?B : Sure, no problem.

55Panduan Guru

4. A : Hi, Linda. Could you pass me that salt, please?B : Sure. Here it is.

3. Read it!

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. Who is the author of this text?The author of the text is Anya.

2. What is she?She is a student.

3. What is his uncle?Her uncle treats sick animals. He is a veterinarian.

4. Where does his eldest cousin work?Her eldest cousin works in a big company as an accountant.

B. Write T (True) or F (False).

1. Anya is a librarian. ( F )She is a student.

2. Anya’s father is an accountant. ( F )Her father works as a lawyer.

3. Anya’s mother works in the hospital. ( T )4. Anya’s uncle is a veterinarian ( T )5. Anya doesn’t work. ( T )6. Anya’s cousin is a police officer. ( T )7. Anya’s cousin is an accountant. ( T ) .8. Anya works in a big company. ( F )

Anya doesn’t work in a big company.

4. Write it!

A. Arrange the words and then match them with the pictures.

1. c (zoo keeper)2. e (hospital)3. a (barber)4. d (museum)5. b (librarian) .

56 Kunci Jawaban

B. Circle the correct picture.

1. Picture of postman.

2. Picture of teacher.

3. Picture of librarian.

4. Picture of scientist.

5. Picture of movie director.

5. Language activities

A. Fill in the blank with the words from the word bank. (50 marks)

1. Mr. Wenn is a movie director. He directs movies.2. Anita works as a waitress in the restaurant.

3. Miss Angela is a stewardess. She serves passengers on a plane.4. Mr. Brian is a tailor. He makes man’s suit.5. Mr. Carlson is a director of a big company.

B. Find the right match (50 marks)

1. ( a ) 2. ( d ) 3. ( c ) 4. ( b ) 5. ( e )

Unit 7 When I Grow Up

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

1. a plumber2. a bank clerk3. an actor4. a chef5. a pilot

B. What do they do? Listen and complete the sentences.

1. Mrs. Julia is a secretary. She types letters.2. Mr. Arnold is an electrician. He repairs electricity.3. Mrs. Anabel is an artist. She likes to paint.4. Mr. Dick takes care of people’s hair as a hair dresser.5. Mr. Davis builds houses as a builder.

57Panduan Guru

2. Say it!

A. Match the picture with their jobs.

1. e 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. b

B. Circle the right word and then say it loud.

1. waitress stewardess2. police station fire station3. school gallery4. nurse baker5. market sea

3. Read it!

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What is Sarah’s dream?Sarah wants to open a small cafe.

2. Why does she want to do that?Because she loves to cook and sometimes create her own recipe.

3. Does Sarah like to make new clothes?No, she doesn’t.

4. Is Sarah a chef?No, she isn’t.

B. Arrange the jumbled words. Then match the words with the picturesof places of work.

1. e (librarian)2. d (baker)3. b (pilot)4. c (nurse)5. a (actor)

4. Write it!

A. Write T (True) or F (False)

1. ( T ) John Davis is a photographer.

2. ( F ) Mr. Harris’s work is to repair car.

58 Kunci Jawaban

3. ( T ) Mr. Jones works in a barber shop.

4. ( T ) Miss Terence works in the museum.

5. ( T ) His work is to catch fish.

B. What are they?

1. police woman 4. tailor2. veterinarian 5. chef3. bus driver 6. teacher

5. Language activities

A. Match the pictures below with the job descriptions. (50 marks)

1. a 2. b 3. c 4. e 5. d

B. Who works at these places? (50 marks)

1. doctor. 3. police. 5. historian. 7. pilot.2. librarian. 4. firefighter. 6. waitress. 8. movie director.

Unit 8 Transportation and Directions

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

1. straight or right 5. winding road2. no passing 6. no parking3. bumps on the road 7. no stopping4. freeway

B. What are they? Listen and write.1. a yacht 6. a car2. a tram 7. a bus3. a train 8. a bicycle4. a rocket 9. an ambulance5. a ferry 10. a skateboard

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.

1. Jack always wears his pajamas when he goes to bed.2. Sam has a blue shirt.3. In summer, I prefer wearing shorts.

59Panduan Guru

4. Father uses pants to go to work.5. Julie wears a sweatshirt when she exercises.6. It’s a beautiful pink skirt.7 You should wear your jacket when it’s cold.8. Get your swimsuit and let’s go swimming.9. Students wear uniform at school.10. Amanda wears nightie every time she goes to bed.

2. Say it!

A. Fill in the blanks with the right words. Then, say the words.

1. picnic area 5. gas station2. information 6. no turn left3. turn left 7. hidden intersection4. must turn right 8. steep hill

B. Asking for direction.

1. If you are on Orange Street and you want to go to the museum, howdo you go there?Walk along the Orange Street. When you see a police station, turnleft until you come to the Apple Street. Walk along until you see aplayground. The museum is next to it.

2. If you are on Melon Street and you want to go to the museum, howdo you go there?Walk a long the Melon Street until you see a T-intersection. Thenturn right and walk a long the Apple Street until you see aplayground and park on your right side. The museum is next to it.

3. If you are from school and you want to go to the swimming pool,how do you go there?Walk a long the Apple Street. You will see a swimming pool on yourleft side.

4. If you are from Melon Street and you want to go to the Bank, how doyou go there?Walk a long the Melon Street until you find a T-intersection. Turnleft and walk a long the Apple Street. Then you will see an ice creamshop on your right side. The bank is next to the ice cream shop.

60 Kunci Jawaban

3. Read it!

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. Where is Amy now?In the village.

2. What does she want to do?She wants to go to the museum.

3. How does she go there?She can use a train or rent a car.

4. Is it cheap to go there by a rented car?No, it will cost much more than by train.

B. Match the following picture and then arrange the jumbled words.

1. Amy is in the city. ( F )Amy is in the village.

2. Amy wants to go to the ( T )Amy wants to go to the shoping mall.

3. Amy doesn’t know the ( T )way to the museum.

4. Train is the only transportation. ( T )5. Renting a car is cheap. ( F )

It costs much more than by train.6. Going by train is cheap. ( T )

A. Give a √ (tick) to the appropriate transportation.

No. Land Water Air

1. – – √2. – √ –3. – √ –4. √ – –5. √ – –6. – √ √7. – – –8. – √ –9. – – √10. – – √

61Panduan Guru

B. Arrange these jumbled words and match them with the pictures.

1. d (skateboard)

2. c (ambulance)

3. e (police car)

4. a (jet)

5. b (caravan)

5. Language Activity

A. Match the pictures below with their meaning. (30 marks)

1. no truck 6. T-intersection right2. road construction 7. hidden intersection3. falling rocks 8. stop4. steep hill 9. merge ahead5. pedestrian crossing 10. airport

B. Fill in the words. (40 marks)

Across: Down:

1. Bank. 1. Book store.2. Museum. 2. Mosque.3. Office. 4. Church.4. Cinema. 6. Library.5. Post office.

C. Find the hidden words. (30 marks)








Correction: in thetextbook, the wordsshould be motor-cycle, truck, lorry,ferry, car, train,plane, boat, trem,and jet.

62 Kunci Jawaban

Unit 9 Means of Communication

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen to the cassette and fill in the blanks.

1. John likes to open websites on the Internet.2. Amy sends a letter to her friends once a month.3. Andy likes to talk to his friends by telephone.4. Father often sends and receives faxes.5. Martha always checks her e-mail every day.

B. Which one is right? Listen and write.

1. e-mail2. telepone3. radio4. television5. fax

C. What do you like? Listen and complete.

1. John : I like chocolate.Tom : I dislike it. I like cheese.

2. Sarah : I like tea.Merry : I don’t like tea. I prefer coffee.

3. Jason : I like burger.April : I dislike it. I like steak.

4. May : I like watching TV.Dick : I don’t like it. I like reading newspaper.

2. Say it!

A. Fill in the blanks starting with there is or there are.

1. There is an apple on the table.2. There are some people on the field.3. There are some pencils in the pencil case.4. There are birds flying in the sky.5. There is a cat on the roof.

63Panduan Guru

B. Make a dialog with your friends like in Activity C of Listen to it! Doit orally.

• Answers may vary.

3. Read it!

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. Where do my grandparents live?

They live in another city.

2. How do I talk to them?

Sometimes the author communicates by phone.

3. If I can’t use the phone, how do I contact them?

By letters.

4. What do I suggest?

I suggest them to use the e-mail.

5. Why don’t my grandparents want to use the internet?

Because they don’t know anything about the internet and theydon’t know how to operate a computer.

B. Arrange the jumbled words and then match them with the pictures.

1. d (radio)

2. c (letter)

3. a (mail box)

4. e (computer)

5. b (television)

4. Write it!

A. Write T (True) or F (False).

1. ( T ) Maria is using the phone right now.2. ( F ) Alicia is mumbling to Veronica. (whispering)3. ( T ) Mr. Lewis likes to read newspaper.4. ( F ) Bob likes to play computer games. (writing email)5. ( T ) Emily is writing an e-mail now.6. ( T ) My mom likes to listen to the radio.

64 Kunci Jawaban

B. What are they?

1. reporter. 4. post man.

2. news anchors. 5. radio broadcaster.

3. computer programmer. 6. phone operator.

5. Language Activity

A. Match the pictures below with their work. (50 marks)

1. e 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. c

B. Do the cross word puzzle. (50 marks)

1. (e) Television.2. (d) Newspaper.3. (b) Telephone.4. (a) Computer.5. (c) Envelope.

Unit 10 Watching TV

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

1. children show.2. horror.3. comedy.4. drama.5. news program.6. thriller.

B. Listen and place the pictures in the correct order.

1. Plug in the cable.

2. Turn on the TV.

3. Look at the TV schedule.

4. Choose the program.

5. Watch the TV.

65Panduan Guru

2. Say it!

A. Give command. Use the expressions in the word bank.

1. Close the door!2. Turn of the TV!3. Take the remote!4. Open the window!5. Turn on the lamp!

C. Make dialogs like the ones above.

• Answers may vary.

3. Read it!

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What id Mandy’s hobby?Mandy’s hobby is watching TV.

2. Does she spend most of her time in front of TV?No, she doesn’t.

3. What program does she like to watch?She likes watching news program.

4. Why does she likes it?Because through it she knows everything that happens around theworld.

B. Match the pictures with the words.

1. d 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. c

4. Write it!

A. TV schedule.

1. If you want to see the Kiddies Show Time, you can watch it everyWednesday and Friday.

2. News program is on every Monday and Thursday.

3. What time is Cartoon Corner on? 19.00 p. m.

4. When can you watch World’s Adventure? Monday and Wednesdayat 15.00 p.m.

5. You can watch Game Show at 16 .00 p.m.

66 Kunci Jawaban

B. Write T (True) or F (False).

1. ( T ) The girl is watching TV.

2. ( F ) There is news program on TV.

3. ( T ) Mother is reading the TV schedule.

4. ( T ) Father likes to watch news program.

5. ( T ) There is a reality show on TV.

5. Language activities

A. These are the steps to operate a computer. Write the correct words. (50marks)

1. Plug in the cord.2. Switch on the computer.3. Switch on the monitor.4. Log in.5. Operate the computer.

B. Do this cross word puzzle. (50 marks)

Across: Down:

1. Children show. 1. Comedy.2. Game. 2. News.3. Cartoon. 3. Horror.4. Drama.


SECTION A (50 marks)

1. ( 3 ) 6. ( 4 ) 11. ( 2 ) 16. ( 4 ) 21. ( 2 )2. ( 4 ) 7. ( 3 ) 12. ( 3 ) 17. ( 4 ) 22. ( 3 )3. ( 1 ) 8. ( 3 ) 13. ( 1 ) 18. ( 4 ) 23. ( 1 )4. ( 3 ) 9. ( 1 ) 14. ( 4 ) 19. ( 4 ) 24. ( 3 )5. ( 2 ) 10. ( 4 ) 15. ( 4 ) 20. ( 3 ) 25. ( 1 )

SECTION B1. classmate 4. carry2. wheelchair 5. cheerful.3. kinder

67Panduan Guru


1. What is the boy’s name?The boy’s name is Dalton.

2. How did he get the stationery?At school he borrowed the stationery from his friends.

3. What did he forget?His pencil case.

4. Why did he forget it?He forgot it because he woke up late and because of that, he rushed to school.

5. How many friends did he borrow from?Four.

Unit 11 My New Class

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape. Write T for true and F for false for the followingsentences.

1. ( T ) You write with a pencil.2. ( T ) The students are learning a lesson in the canteen.3. ( T ) The students are wearing pajamas.4. ( T ) The teacher is wearing short and sandals.5. ( T ) The students are sitting on the blackboard.6. ( T ) We are reading a map to know the weather.7. ( T ) Amelia is cooking in English class.

2. Say it!

A. Match with the words in the box.

1. e 2. a 3. d 4. g 5. b 6. c 7. f

C. Now make your own dialog. Act it out in front of the class.

• Answers may vary.

3. Read it!

B. Answer the questions.1. How many chairs are there in Amelia’s classroom?2. There are a lot of desks and chairs.

68 Kunci Jawaban

3. Where is the clock?4. The clock is on the wall above the blackboard.5. How many blackboards are there in Amelia’s classroom?6. There is only one blackboard in Amelia’s classroom.7. How many boys and girls are there in Amelia’s classroom?8. There are thirteen boys and seventeen girls.9. How many books are there in the teacher’s desk?10. There are some books on the teacher’s table.

C. Choose the right answer based on the pictures.

1. You can see [a map, a book] to know the location of Indonesia.2. The teacher writes in the blackboard with a [paintbrush, chalk].3. I write a letter on a [paper, map].4. I cut paper with a [calculator, scissors].5. Put the book on the [bookshelf, bin], please.6. It’s getting dark in the classroom. Please, turn on the [lamp,

computer].7. This [computer, calculator] is broken. It needs to be repaired.8. Put your book on the drawer in your [chair, desk], please.9. Miss Alia, our English teacher, is writing on the [paper, blackboard].10. Every student has a [desk, chair].

4. Write it!

A. Fill in the blanks.

• Answers may vary.

B. Choose and write.

1. There were many chairs in the classroom.2. There was a chalk on the teacher’s desk.3. Were there many paperclips in the drawer? 3. Read it!

4 There is a new bag on the table.5. There are a lot of paintings on the walls.6. Is there a student in the classroom?

69Panduan Guru

5. Language activities

A. Count and write. (30 marks)

1. There is one desk.

2. There are three chairs.

3. There are five glues.

4. There are two staplers.

5. There are four teachers.

6. There are six lamps.

B. Complete the chart. Ask a classmate. (40 marks)

• Answers may vary.

C. Compare yourself with a friend. (30 marks)

• Answers may vary.

Unit 12 School Subject

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen to the following schedule. Fill in the blanks.

B. Let’s choose some books. Listen to each question. Write YES or NO.

• Answers may vary.


Lesson time subject

1.9.00 Physical Education B R E A K

2.10. 30 English L U N C H3.12.30 Science

70 Kunci Jawaban

2. Say it!

A. Now choose the following activities to demonstrate. Give instructionto your friends how to do it. Add other activities that you like todemonstrate.

• Answer(s) may vary.

B. Say the names of the things below. Then, color the odd one out.

C. Fariz is going to have Physical Education lesson. He and his friendsare now on the poolside. Help him to decide what he needs forswimming. Give check [ √ ].

1. swim cap [ √ ] 5. goggles [ √ ]2. binoculars [ ] 6. armbands [ ]3. swim trunk [ √ ] 7. notepad [ ]4. towel [ √ ] 8. present [ ]

3. Read it!

B. Answer the questions.

1. When does Amelia have English lessons?2. On Tuesday at 09.00-10.00, on Thursday at 10.30-12.00, and on Saturday

at 12.30-2.00.3. When does Amelia have Indonesian lessons?4. On Tuesday at 12.30-2.00 and on Friday at 12.30-2.00.5. When does Amelia have Science lessons?6. On Monday at 12.30-2.00 and on Wednesday at 9.00-10.00.7. How many times in a week does Amelia have music lesson?8. Once a week.9. Who does teach the arts lesson?10. The teacher of the art lesson is Mr. Ferry.11. When does Amelia have lunch break?12. From 12. 00 to 12.30 p.m.13. When does Amelia have morning break?14. From 10.00 to 10.30 p.m.

71Panduan Guru

4. Write it!

A. Do you have books in your home? Write the names of people whoread these:Answers may vary.

B. Write the names of people who write these:

Answers may vary.

5. Language activities

A. Find 4 differences in these pictures. Circle and write. Use the wordsfrom the box. (25 marks)


boy girl

map globe

computer chair

english class math class

B. What are they saying? Complete each of these sentences with a fullstop or a question mark. (25 marks)

1. How old are you? 4. My favorite subject is science.2. I like chocolate cookies 5. I want to join the english club.3. What is this ? 6. Can I borrow it?

C. Let’s learn about some teachers. Fill in the chart. (50 marks)

• Answers may vary.

Unit 13 Daily Routines

1. Listen to it!

C. Ask your friends what schedule they have is the same.

• Answers may vary.

2. Say it!

A. Ask four classmates. Tell the class.

• Answers may vary.

72 Kunci Jawaban

B. Where’s your favorite place to do your homework? Ask your friendsabout it. Write down the answers.

• Answers may vary.

3. Read it!

A. Read the chart. Answer the questions.

1. How often does Dinda make her bed?2. Dinda makes her bed everyday.3. How often does Jeff wash the car?4. He washes the car twice a week.5. How often does Reno take the garbage?6. He takes the garbage once in two days.7. How often does Leo shop for food?8. He shops for food once in three days.9. How often does Tasya sweep the floor?10. She sweeps the floor once in two days

4. Write it!

A. Fill in the following daily schedule of your family.• Answers may vary.

B. Mention your extra-activities after school.

• Answers may vary.

C. Plan your holidays. Fill in the activities and the people you like to gowith.• Answers may vary.

5. Language activities

A. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. (50 marks)

1. Nanda plays football on Sunday afternoons.2. Chika takes English course twice a week.3. Reno washes his father’s motorcycle on weekends.4. Bima rides his bike in the afternoons.5. Dea makes her bed every mornings.

73Panduan Guru

B. Read. Answer the questions. (50 marks)

1. How often does Nanda feed her fish?2. Nanda feeds her fish everyday.

3. How often does Dea shop for food?4. Twice a week, every Monday and Thursday.

5. How often does Bima sweep the floor?6. Five times a week, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

and Friday.

7. How often does Reno take English course?8. Twice a week, every Sunday and Wednesday.

9. How often does Tasya stay with her grandmother?10. Three times a week, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Unit 14 Sports

1. Listen to it!

B. Listen carefully. Circle first letter of the word from the pictures below.

(a) c (b) g (c) s (d) r (e) b (f) f

C. Sometimes sports are written in symbols. Can you guess what kindof sports the symbols below? Match and write.

1 swimming 5. fenching2. fishing 6. archery3. rowing 7. boxing4. ice skating 8. badminton

2. Say it!

A. Let’s find out. Ask your friends to complete the chart.

• Answers may vary.

C. Make your own dialog. Use “Would you please....” and “May I....”

• Answers may vary.

3. Read it!

B. Answer the questions.

74 Kunci Jawaban

1. What is a field?A field is a large area of ground usually covered with grass, whereteam sports are played. There are football field, baseball field, soccerfield and athletic fields.

2. What is a diamond?A diamond is the area in a baseball field that is within the shape formedby the four bases, also used to refer to the whole field.

3. What the difference between a gym and a health club?A gym is a large room with machines which you can use to do exercises,while health club is a building where you can do various differentsports.

4. Where can you practice baseball?In a diamond.

5. How do you call a large sport place with seat all around it?A stadium.

4. Write it!

A. Give a tick ( √ ) to the right answer.

No. Name of sports Individual Group

1. Skiing √ -

2. Football - √3. Baseball - √4. Golf √ -

5. Tennis √ √6. Pole vault √ -

7. Karate √ -

8. Ice hockey - √9. Volleyball - √10. Motor racing √ -

11. Basketball - √12. Weight lifting √ -

13. Car racing √ √14. Surfing √ -

15. Bungy jumping √ -

75Panduan Guru

B. How often do you play? Ask your friends the following questions.Write down their names.• Answers may vary.

5. Language activities

A. Look and write. Make simple sentence. (30 marks)

• Answers may vary.

B. Look and write. Here are kinds of balls. Can you mention what sportsthey belong to? Use the words in the box to help you. (10 marks)

1. baseball2. volleyball3. rugby4. basketball5. bowling

C. In which sports do you use these things? Write. (60 marks)

1. fencing 7. bowling2. baseball 8. badminton3. hockey 9. archery4. cricket 10. cycling5. volleyball 11. rugby6. basketball 12. billiard

Unit 15 Let’s See the Doctor

1. Listen to it!

C. Listen carefully to the clues. Decide which sign to follow.

1. gift shop

2. cafeteria

3. maternity

4. waiting room

5. laboratory

2. Say it!

C. Complete the sentences. Use should or shouldn’t.

1 You should drink 8 glass of water everyday.

76 Kunci Jawaban

2. You should use helmet when riding a motorcycle.3. You shouldn’t use soap and water to clean the cut.4. You shouldn’t forget to put on sunscreen when you go to swim.5. You shouldn’t eat too many sweets.6. You should wash your hands before eating.7. You shouldn’t forget to visit the dentist twice a year.8. You should exercise everyday.

3. Read it!

B. Answer the questions.

1. What should you do when you have a headache?

Apply an ice pack or cold cloth to your head, or splash your face withcold water. It’s also a good idea to put hands into hot wate and leavethem there for several minutes.

2. What shouldn’t you do when you have a headache?

Read or watch TV.

3. What can you eat when you have a cold?

Hot chicken soup.

4. How does hot chicken soup help people who catch a cold?

They find it clears the head and the nose.

5. Mention other remedies for cold.

Some people rub oil in their chest for a cold. Other people drink a mixtureof red pepper, hot water, sugar, lemon juice, and milk or vinegar.

4. Write it!

A. In your group, discuss these questions.

• Answers may vary.

D. Write a get well soon card of your own.

• Answers may vary.

5. Language activities

A. Complete the sentences. Use should or shouldn’t. (30 marks)

1. You should drink a lot of water for your cold.

77Panduan Guru

2. Reno and Bima shouldn’t playing outside. They have cold.3. Galuh should see the doctor for her broken leg.4. Sari shouldn’t stay up late.5. Fariz should brush his teeth three times a day.

B. Look at these health problems. Match the problem with the advice.(40 marks)

1. d 5. a2. c 6. h3. b 7. e4. f 8. i

C. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. (30 marks) a package of bandages

1. a box of tissues2. a bottle of foot spray3. a tube of ointment4. a can of aspirin

Mid-Semester Test 2


1.( 2 ) 6. ( 1 ) 11. ( 2 ) 16. ( 1 )

2. ( 2 ) 7. ( 2 ) 12. ( 1 ) 17. ( 3 )

3. ( 1 ) 8. ( 2 ) 13. ( 4 ) 18. ( 4 )

4. ( 3 ) 9. ( 2 ) 14. ( 1 ) 19. ( 3 )

5. ( 3 ) 10. ( 3 ) 15. ( 2 ) 20. ( 3 )


1 invented2. lived3. Yang4. illness5. balance

78 Kunci Jawaban


1. Who did study behavior of electricity in a vacuum tube?2. The German scientist Wilhelm van Roentgen.3. What was the finding in the first experiment?

4. He found that a nearby photographic plate looked as if it had been exposed-even though it was covered.

5. What was Roentgen concluded then?

6. Van roentgen concluded that some form of ‘invisible rays’ had come frothe tube and affected the plate.

7. Mention the materials that can be passed through by the X-ray.Cardboard and wood.

8. What did the scientists realize after knowing the rays stopped by mate-rials like bone?

9. That X-rays would have great medical use.

Unit 16 Supermarket and Traditional Market

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen and practice. Can you find prepositions that show position orplace in the dialog below? Underline the prepositions that you find.

1. Girl : Excuse me, where’s the supermarket?2. Boy : Go to the right, go straight on and left. There’s a supermarket

on the left?3. Girl : Go to the right, straight and left. The supermarket is on the

left. OK. Thanks.4. Boy : You’re welcome.

B. Listen and mark the places.

• Here is our neighborhood. It’s crowd in the morning. There are a lotof shops and public places. You can find a supermarket at the palmstreet. The clothes store is between a shoe store and the supermarket.The beauty salon is at the main street in front of the post office. Nextto the dry clean there is a gas station. Now, can you find the bank?

C. Answer the questions based on the map above.

1. Is there a supermarket in the neighborhood?

79Panduan Guru

2. Yes, there is.3. Where is the gas station?4. It is on the main street, next to the dryclean.5. Where is the dry clean?6. It is on the main street between the post office and the gas station.7. Where is the beauty salon?8. It is on the main street in front of the post office.9. Is there a bakery in the neighborhood?10. No, there is not.

2. Read it!

B. Answer the questions.

1. What is a store?A store is a place where goods are sold to the public.

2. Where can you buy foods and other things used in the home?Grocery store.

3. Where do bread, cakes and cookies made?Bakery.

4. Where can you get cheese, cooked meat and bread?Delicatessen/delli.

5. What is a cashier?A cashier is someone whose job is to receive and pay out money in a store.

C. Write (T) for true or (F) for false for the following sentences.

1. ( T ) You can buy fresh fruits, vegetables and fish at the grocery.2. ( F ) You can buy the mangoes by the litters.3. ( T ) You can grill the meat.4. ( T ) She can buy cooked oranges at the market.5. ( T ) Chocolate pudding is bitter.6. ( T ) Strawberry pudding is very tasty.7. ( T ) Eating too many sour mangos is not good for your stomach.

3. Write it!

A. Write about your neighborhood. Describe the persons, place or things

80 Kunci Jawaban

that you like most about your neighborhood. The headings on the rightcolumn will help you.

• Answers may vary.

B. You are going to have a rujak party at your house. Write the fruits andthe vegetables that you like to buy at the market.

• Answers may vary.

4. Language activities

A. Read and write. Put the things in the correct section. Use the words inthe box. (50 marks)

1. Personal care shampoo, toothbrush, soap2. Food chocolate, candies3. Beverage juice drink4. Bakery bread, butter, donut5. Meat, poultry & seafood meatballs, lobster, canned tuna6. Vegetable cucumber7. Fruit pear, apple, banana8. Clothing socks9. Electronic radio10. Toys phone cell11. Dairy cheese12. Stationary notebooks

B. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Use next to, between,and in front of. (50 marks)

1. Where is the fruit section? It’s next to the toys section.2. Where is the clothing section? It’s in front of the electronic section.3. Where is the toys section? It’s between the electronic section and

the fruit section.4. Where is the electronic section? It’s behind the clothing section.

5. Where is the seafood section? It’s between the fruit section and themeat section.

6. Where is the food and beverage section? It,s next to the meat section.

81Panduan Guru

Unit 17 Toy Store

1. Listen to it!

B. Draw a line. Match each toy with the correct label.

1. stuffed toys2. games

3. toys on wheels

C. Listen carefully. Put a tick [√] into the correct group. Toys stuffed toysgames toys on wheels

1. board game2. teddy bear3. monopoly4. hand puppet5. truck6. Barbie7. letters8. PS29. rabbit doll

10. bricks

2. Read it!

B. Write (T) for true or (F) for false for the following sentences.

1. ( F ) Amelia is riding a motorcycle to her school in Pelangi elemen-tary School.

2. ( F ) You can sleep in a doll’s house.3. ( F ) The robot can drink tea.4. ( T ) Teddy bears are soft cuddly toys.5. ( T ) Jeff uses computer to play games such as Ragnarok.6. ( F ) It is fun to fly the kites at the roof.7. ( F ) You can use the paint set to paint the walls in your room.8. ( F ) You can only play the board game by yourself.

C. Read the text. Answer the questions.

1 What do you need when you build a model plane?

82 Kunci Jawaban

We need a lot of patience.2. What do you have to make sure?

We have to make sure that we put little piece in the right place.3. What is the worst thing in putting a model plane?

The worst thing is when we broke or lose a piece.4. What’s the best thing?

The best part is when you finished the model plane, and sees that itlooks exactly as the real plane.

5. What other building models do you know?• Answers may vary.

3. Write it!

A. Let’s make bottle people. Put the things into the correct group.

Bottle People

• You Will Need1 Plastic bottle2. Glue or paste or brush3. Tape and rubber bands4. Scissors5. Crayons6. Paper7. Junk materials

• What to Do

1. Use materials or color the clothes.

2. Draw faces on the bottle, or stick on the faces you have drawn.

3. Add wool hair, paper clothes, and paper hat.

B. Group survey. Ask everyone in your group these questions. Check YESor NO. Count the answers. Report to the class. Write the class resulton the board.

• Answers may vary.

4. Language activities

A. What’s different? Circle. (25 marks)

83Panduan Guru

1. baby walker train set party hat

2. doll’s pram balloon tricycle

3. bricks doll’s house present

4. candle toy farm racing car

5. skateboard cookie hand puppet

B. Look at the picture. Write a sentence. (50 marks)

• Answers may vary.

C. What do you need? Use the words below. Draw in the box. Color.Write. (25 marks)

1. coloring crayons2. play basketball basket ball3. play marbles marbels4. play on-line games in the internet computer5. collecting dolls teddy bear

Unit 18 Shopping for Clothes

1. Listen to it!

A. Listen carefully. Look at the picture. Color the picture.

1 Find number three. Color number three orange.2 Find number seven. Color number seven purple.

3 Find number ten. Color number ten brown.4 Find number eight. Color number eight white.

5 Find number five. Color number five green.6 Find number four. Color number four black.7 Find number two. Color number two red.8 Find number six. Color number six pink.

9 Find number one. Color number one blue.10 Find number nine. Color number nine yellow.

B. Listen carefully. Choose some clothes as you heard. Copy them to theperson.

1. It’s cold outside. I need my sweater, my trousers and my shoes.

84 Kunci Jawaban

2. Let’s go to the beach. I’ll wear my T-shirt, shorts and shoes.3. It’s raining outside. Don’t forget to wear your raincoat.

2. Say it!

B. Now, make your own dialog. Practice it with your friend.

• Answers may vary.

3. Read it!

B. Answer the questions.

1. What did Old John Muddlecombe lose?

2. Old John Muddlecombe lose his cap.

3. Can John find his cap?4. No, he can’t.5. Where did John go to find his cap?6. He went everywhere.7. Where did John finally find his cap?8. He found it on his head.

4. Write it!

A. Check with your friends.

• Answers may vary.

B. Clean environment starts from your own environment. Write whatyou can do for the environment.

• Answers may vary.

5. Language activities

A. Write. (50 marks)

1. a pink shirt2. a green hat/cap3. a blue jacket4. a red dress5. a brown trouser

B. Write. Find the items and circle. (50 marks)

1. Where are my glasses?

85Panduan Guru

2. Where are my earrings?3. Where are my gloves?4. Where are my caps?5. Where are my coats?

Unit 19 Grandma’s Birthday

1. Listen to it!

A. Sometimes people celebrate their birthday with a barbeque. Whatdo we need for barbequing? Let’s check! Listen and say.

1 grill beef crisp2 burger hot dogs sandwich3 plates toast salt and pepper4 glasses ice cream honey

C. Listen to the following words. Memorize them. Close the book andcheck the spelling of each word with your friend.

1. honey = h-o-n-e-y2. potatoes = p-o-t-a-t-o-e-s3. grill = g-r-i-l-l4. hamburger = h-a-m-b-u-r-g-e-r5. spoon = s-p-o-o-n5. cups = c-u-p-s6. saucers = s-a-u-c-e-r-s7. forks = f-o-r-k8. knives = k-n-i-v-e-s9. plates = p-l-a-t-e-s10. oven = o-v-e-n11. beef = b-e-e-f12. lamb = l-a-m-b13. butter = b-u-t-t-e-r14. bread = b-r-e-a-d

2. Read it!

B. Answer the questions.

86 Kunci Jawaban

1. How does Brazilian celebrate their birthday?People pull on your earlobe, one pull for each year.

2. How does Mexican celebrate their birthday?You are blindfolded and have to break a pinata. Everyone sharesthe treats.

3. What will Mexican do with the pinata?They will try to break the pinata.

4. In which country you will get a pie instead of a birthday cake?In Russia.

5. How does Israelis celebrate their birthday?Little ones sit on a chair and grown-ups lift them up, once for eachyear and once more time for good luck.

6. What will happen if you blow out all the candles in one try?If you blow out all of the candles in one try, your wish will all come true.How do you celebrate your birthday?• Answers may vary.

3. Write it!

A. What the story? Work in groups of four. Write a story about the birth-day party. Everyone in the group should make at least one sentence.Read the story in class.

• Answers may vary.

B. Write down the activities that you have for your grandma’s birthday.

• Answers may vary.C. When is your grandma’s birthday? Write a birthday car for your

grandma. Sign the birthday car. Give it to your grandma.

• Answers may vary.

4. Language activities

A. What’s different? Circle. (25 marks)

1. onion ring crisps balloon2. punch decoration lemonade3. party hat sofa present4. paper plate fork spoon

87Panduan Guru

5. present cookie birthday card6. grill beef chair7. salt sandwich pepper8. ice cream glasses plates

B. Write about your family member’s birthday party. (30 marks)• Answers may vary.

D. Now, change the text above into a recipe.


1. 6 cups watermelon cubes (with seeds removed)

2. 1/6 cup fresh raspberries

3. 1 cup water4. 1/3 cup sugar5. 3/4cup lemon juice6. blender7. strainer with small holes8. pitcher9. makes 4 servings:

• What to do:

1 blend watermelon, raspberries and water on a high speed untilsmooth.

2. Next, strain the mixture and collect the juice in the pitcher.3. Finally, stir in the sugar and lemon juice until the sugar dissolves.4. Refrigerate for about an hour.

Semester Test 2


1. ( 1 ) 6. ( 1 ) 11. ( 1 ) 16. ( 4 ) 21. ( 2 )

2. ( 3 ) 7. ( 1 ) 12. ( 1 ) 17. ( 3 ) 22. ( 1 )

3. ( 4 ) 8. ( 2 ) 13. ( 2 ) 18. ( 1 ) 23. ( 4 )

4. ( 1 ) 9. ( 1 ) 14. ( 1 ) 19. ( 1 ) 24. ( 1 )

5. ( 2 ) 10. ( 3 ) 15. ( 1 ) 20. ( 4 ) 25. ( 4 )

88 Kunci Jawaban


1. important2. expensive3. teeth4. needed5. vitamin


1. Mention three North American parties which aren’t called “parties”.

“Housewarming,” “potluck” and “baby shower”.2. What is a housewarming party?

A housewarming is a party that you give to celebrate moving into anew house.

3. What should you bring to “warm” the new house?The friends “warm” the house with their good wishes. They often bringgifts-things to decorate the new home and things to use in the new home.

4. Why can potluck meals be so strange?Because everyone who is invited brings something to eat.

5. Who will be given the gifts at the baby shower?The baby.

89Listening Script

Listening Script

90 Panduan Guru

Listening Script of


Grade 6

Theme 1 : House

Unit 1

Traditional and Modern Houses

Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape and circle the right object.

• Thing in the bathroom.• Thing in the bedroom.• Thing in the kitchen.• Thing in the living room.• Thing in the dining room.

B. These are the things you find in the bathroom. Listen and write.

1. shower 6. towel2. soap 7. toothpaste3. tap 8. wash basin4. toilet 9. mirror5. toothbrush 10. bathrobe

Theme 2 : Hobbies

Unit 2


Listen to it!

A. Listen to the cassette and fill in the blanks.

1. Lisa is skating.2. Rob is flying a kite.3. Kate is swimming.

91Listening Script

4. Melissa is reading a comic.5. Jim and Carla are playing cards.

B. Listen and find which one is different.1. These are the things for swimming.2. You need these things to play basketball.3. You need these for skating.4. These are the things for cycling.5. These are the equipment for playing bowling.

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Boy : My name is Adam. I like playing soccer.Girl : Hi. I am Silvia. I like jumping rope.Girl : I am Susan. My hobby is kayakking.Girl : Hi. My name is Garcia. I like playing hide and seek.Boy : We are Tony and Brian. We like talking.

Theme 2: Hobbies

Unit 3

Going Camping

Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

1. John wants to go hiking on the mountain.2. Sam likes fishing in the lake.3. Karel and Brian often go swimming on the river.4. The students like going camping in summers.5. Ann likes kayaking when she is on vacation.

B. Listen to the cassette and fill in the blanks.

Boy : My name is Josh. My father and I like going camping.Girl : I am Jessie. My hobby is hiking.Boy : My name is Jeremy. My brother and I like fishing on the river.Girl : My name is Linda. My hobby is diving, especially at the sea.Boy : I am Thomas. I like swimming during the summer.

92 Panduan Guru

Theme 2 : Hobbies

Unit 4

Making Things

Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape. It is about the steps to make a evergreen paper tree.Write the steps that you hear.

• How to Make an Evergreen Paper Tree

1. Fold a piece of green construction paper in half, then cut it in half.2. Put the two pieces together, and fold them in half again.3. Draw half an evergreen tree opposite the fold.4. Cut along the line-you should get two identical trees.5. Fold the trees in half, just barely creasing the center line (this is

to mark the center of the tree).6. Cut a slit along the bottom hal of the center of one tree and along

the top half of the center of the other tree.7. Slip the two trees together along the slits.8. Using clear tape, tape the bottoms and tops together (pieces of

tape on the bottom and at the top make the tress stand up welland stop the slit ends from flopping over).

B. Listen to the cassette. Rearrange these steps into the correct one.

• How to Make Spider Web Card Craft

1. Fold a piece of dark construction paper in half.Working on old newspaper, draw a spider web with glue on thefront of the card. Start by drawing a series of intersecting lines.

2. After drawing the intersecting lines, draw the curved linesbetween them.

3. Sprinkle glitter on the glue web. Let the excess glitter side of thespider web (onto the newspaper).

4. Let the glue dry over (at least overnight).5. Draw a spider on the inside of the card and a spooky Halloween


93Listening Script

Theme 3: Holidays

Unit 5

Public Holidays

Listen to it!

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.1. Eid Mubarak2. Thanksgiving3. Independence Day4. Halloween5. New Year

B. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

1. My sister and I like to find Easter eggs.2. My family always decorate the Christmas tree during Christmas.3. People celebrate Thanksgiving by eating turkey.4. My brother and I will give our father a tie for Father’s Day.5. I usually give a bouquet of flowers to my mother.

Theme 4: Jobs

Unit 6

Kinds Of Jobs

Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1. a fireman 6. a postman2. a scientist 7. a dentist3. a policewoman 8. a tennis player4. a teacher 9. a mechanic5. a waiter 10. a florist

B. Where do they work? Listen and fill in the blanks.1. Mr Adam is a postman. He works in the post office.2. Mr Brendan is a policeman. He works in the police station.

94 Panduan Guru

3. Miss Annette is a historian. She works in the museum.4. Mr Johnson works in the hospital as a doctor.5. Miss Juliet works in the library as a librarion.

Theme 4: Jobs

Unit 7

When I Grow Up

Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

1. a plumber2. a bank clerk3. an actor4. a chef5. a pilot

B. What do they do? Listen and complete the sentences.

1. Mrs Julia is a secretary. She types letters.2. Mr Arnold is an electrician. He repairs electricity.3. Mrs Annabel is an artist. She likes to paint.4. Mr Dick takes care of people’s hair as a hair dresser.5. Mr Davis builds houses as a builder.

Theme 5 : Transportation

Unit 8

Transportation and Directions

Listen to it!

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

1 straight or right 5. winding road2. no passing 6. no parking3. bumps on the road 7. no stopping4. freeway

95Listening Script

B. What are they? Listen and write.

1. a yahct 6. a car2. a tram 7. a bus3. a train 8. a bicycle4. a rocket 9. an ambulance5. a ferry 10. a skateboard

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.

1. Jack always wears his pajamas when he goes to bed.2. Sam has a blue shirt.3. In summer, I prefer wearing shorts.4. Father uses pants to go to work.5. Julie wears a sweatshirt when she exercises.6. It’s a beautiful pink skirt.7.. You should wear your jacket when it’s cold.8. Get your swimsuit and let’s go swimming.9. Students wear uniform at school.10. Amanda wears nightie every time she goes to bed.

Theme 6: Means of Communication

Unit 9

Means of Communication

Listen to it!

A. Listen to the cassette and fill in the blanks.1. John likes to open websites on the Internet.2. Amy sends a letter to her friends once a month.3. Andy likes to talk to his friends by telephone.4. Father often sends and receives faxes.5. Martha always checks her e-mail every day.

B. Which one is right? Listen and write.

1. William often sends e-mail to his friends.2. Sally is calling her friend now.

96 Panduan Guru

3. Sarah likes listening to the radio.4. James likes watching TV better than going out.5. My mother received a fax this morning.

C. What do you like? Listen and complete.

1. Boy: I like chocolate.Girl: I dislike it. I like cheese.

2. Girl: I like tea.Boy: I don’t like tea. I prefer coffee

3. Boy: I like burger.Girl: I dislike it. I like steak.

4. Girl: I like watching TV.Boy: I don’t like it. I like listening to the radio.

Theme 6: Means of Communication

Unit 10

Watching TV

Listen to it!

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

1. children show 4. drama2. horror 5. news program3. comedy 6. thriller

B. Listen and place the pictures in the correct order.1. plug in the cable2. turn on the TV3. look at the TV schedule4. choose the program5. watch the TV

97Listening Script

Theme 7: School

Unit 11

My New Class

Listen to it!

A. Listen to the tape. Write T for true and F for false for the followingsentences.1. You write with a pencil.2. The students are learning a lesson in the canteen.3. The students are wearing pajamas.4. The teacher is wearing short and sandals.5. The students are sitting on the blackboard.6. We are reading a map to know the weather.7. Amelia is cooking in English class.

Theme 7: School

Unit 12

School Subject

Listen to it!

A. Listen to the following schedule. Fill in the blanks.

On Wednesday, Julia has 3 lessons to study at school. The first lesson isPhysical Education which starts at 9.00 and ends at 10.00. After a 30 minutesbreak she will have the second lesson, English, at 10.30 to 12.00. The lunchbreak is at 12.00 to 12.30. The last lesson will be science at 12.30 to 2.00.

B. Let’s choose some books. Listen to each question. Write YES or NO.

1. Do you like books?2. Do you like stories?3. Do you like non-fiction books?4. Do you like books with pictures in them?5. Do you like poems and rhymes?6. Do you like comics?

98 Panduan Guru

Theme 7: School

Unit 13

Daily Routines

Listen to it!

A. Listen to the dialog. Then, practice it with a friend.

Boy: So, Farah, what are you doing in this afternoon?Girl: I have to do my chores.Boy: So do I. what are you doing?

Girl: First, I have to take out the garbage, next baby sit my little brother.Then go to the store to shop for dinner. And finally, I help my mothercook the dinner.

Boy: Wow. That’s a lot.Girl: And what are you doing?Boy: I’m washing the car for my dad, and taking the family dog for a walk.

Theme 8: Health

Unit 14


Listen to it!

B. Listen carefully. Circle (like) or (dislike).

1. Girl: Do you like playing hokey?Boy: Yes, I like it very much.

2. Girl: Do you like water-skiing?Boy: No, I don’t like it. I can’t swim.

3. Girl: What’s your favorite sport?Boy: It’s football.

4. Girl: What do you think of Mike Schumacher?Boy: I like him. He’s my favorite racer.

5. Girl: Do you like wearing a helmet when riding your bike?Boy: No, I don’t like it.

99Listening Script

6. Girl: Does Amelia likes wearing goggles when swimming?Boy: Yes, she does. She always wears goggles when swimming.

C. Listen carefully. Circle the first letter of the word from the picturesbelow.

a. cycling d. runningb. golf e. badmintonc. swimming f. fencing

Theme 8: Health

Unit 15

Let’s See the Doctor

Listen to it!

B. Listen to the dialog. Then practice it with your friend.

Girl : Good afternoon. J-Tech Computer Services. Dinda’s speaking.How can I help you?

Man : My name is Bima. I live at Jl. Mawar 17, Malang. My contactnumber is 567 798.

Girl : How can I help you, sir?

Man : I have a serious problem with my computer. It keeps restartingevery time I turn it on. Please send someone to fix my computer.

Girl : At what time, sir?Man : Right away if possible. I need to work with my computer as soon

as possible. And I need the technicianÕs mobile phone, please,in case I need to contact him.

Girl : Right away, sir. IÕll send Aris to your house. His contact numberis 081 567 777 798.

Man : Thank you.Girl : You’re welcome.

D. Listen carefully to the clues. Decide which sign to follow.

1. You want to but a gift for your friend.

100 Panduan Guru

2. You are hungry and want to get some food after your visit.3. Your sister is having a baby.4. You go to the dentist, and you need a place to wait.5. You have to have a blood test.

Theme 9: Shopping

Unit 16

Supermarket and Traditional Market

Listen to it!

A. Listen and practice. Can you find prepositions that show position orplace in the dialog below? Underline the prepositions that you find.

Girl : Excuse me, where’s the supermarket?Boy : Go to the right, go straight on and left. There’s a supermarket on

the left?Girl : Go to the right, straight and left. The supermarket is on the left.

OK. Thanks.Boy : You’re welcome.

B. Listen and mark the places.

Here is our neighborhood. It’s crowd in the morning. There are a lot ofshops and public places. You can find a supermarket at the palm street.The clothes store is between a shoe store and the supermarket. The beautysalon is at the main street in front of the post office. Next to the dry cleanthere is a gas station. Now, can you find the bank?

Theme 9: Shopping

Unit 17

Toy Store

Listen to it!

B. Look at the toys below. Listen carefully.1. stuffed toys2. games3. toys on wheels

101Listening Script

D. Listen carefully. Put a tick [√] into the correct group.

1 board game games2. teddy bear stuffed toys3. monopoly games4. hand puppet stuffed toys5. truck toys on wheels6. Barbie stuffed toys7. letters games8. PS2 games9. rabbit doll stuffed toys10. bricks games

Theme 9: ShoppingUnit 18

Shopping for Clothes

Listen to it!

B. Listen carefully. Look at the picture. Color the picture.

1. Find number three. Color number three orange.2. Find number seven. Color number seven purple.3. Find number ten. Color number ten brown.4. Find number eight. Color number eight white.5. Find number five. Color number five green.6. Find number four. Color number four black.7. Find number two. Color number two red.8. Find number six. Color number six pink.9. Find number one. Color number one blue.10. Find number nine. Color number nine yellow.

C. Listen carefully. Choose some clothes as you heard. Copy them to theperson.

1. It’s cold outside. I need my sweater, my trousers and my shoes.2. Let’s go to the beach. I’ll wear my T-shirt, shorts and shoes.

3. It’s raining outside. Don’t forget to wear your raincoat.

102 Panduan Guru

Theme 10: Family Gathering

Unit 19

Grandma’s Birthday

Listen to it!B. Sometimes people celebrate their birthday with a barbeque. What do

we need for barbequing? Let’s check! Listen and Say.

1. Grill beef crisp2. Burger hot dogs sandwich3. Plates toast salt and pepper4. Glasses ice cream honey

D. Listen and read. Let’s surprise Grandma on her birthday. Make her somegingerbread men.

GINGERBREAD MEN• You will need:

1. 125 g butter, softened2. 1 cup (220 g) sugar3. 1 egg4. 1 cup (185 g) plain flour, sifted5. 1 teaspoon baking powder6. 1 teaspoon ginger7. sultanas, currant and crystallized orange rind

• What to do:

1. Preheat oven to 1800C.2. Mix butter and sugar in a bowl. Add egg.3. Mix in flour, baking powder and ginger.4. Make gingerbread men shapes on greased baking tray.5. add dried fruit for the eyes, nose, mouth and buttons.6. bake until brown.

E. Listen to the following words. Memorize them. Close the book andcheck the spelling of each word with your friend.

1. honey = h-o-n-e-y2. potatoes = p-o-t-a-t-o-e-s

103Listening Script

3. grill = g-r-i-l-l4. hamburger = h-a-m-b-u-r-g-e-r5. spoon = s-p-o-o-n6. cups = c-u-p-s7. saucers = s-a-u-c-e-r-s8. forks = f-o-r-k9. knives = k-n-i-v-e-s10. plates = p-l-a-t-e-s11. oven = o-v-e-n12. beef = b-e-e-f13. lamb = l-a-m-b14. butter = b-u-t-t-e-r15. bread = b-r-e-a-d

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