awal bayi paparan kelebihan multivitamin

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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Awal Bayi Paparan Kelebihan Multivitamin: A Faktor Risiko Autisme?


Autisme, gangguan perkembangan saraf yang mempengaruhi anak laki-laki lebih dari perempuan, sering dikaitkan dengan perubahan tingkat monoamina (serotonin dan katekolamin), kadar serotonin terutama tinggi. Monoamina bertindak sebagai neurotransmitter dan molekul sinyal dalam sistem pencernaan dan kekebalan tubuh. Bukti yang berhubungan dengan metabolisme monoamin dapat diringkas sebagai berikut: (i) monoamine neurotransmiter enzimatis terdegradasi / tidak aktif oleh tiga mekanisme: deaminasi oksidatif, metilasi, dan sulfasi. Dua terakhir dibatasi oleh pasokan kelompok metil dan sulfat, masing-masing. (Ii) Penurunan metilasi-dan sulfasi-dimediasi inaktivasi monoamina dapat dikompensasi oleh peningkatan deaminasi oksidatif dikatalisasi oleh monoamine oxidase, enzim X-linked menunjukkan aktivitas yang lebih tinggi pada wanita dibandingkan pada pria. (Iii) Vitamin dapat, di satu sisi, memfasilitasi sintesis neurotransmiter monoamin dan, di sisi lain, menghambat inaktivasi mereka dengan bersaing untuk metilasi dan sulfasi. Oleh karena itu, kita mendalilkan bahwa pemberian multivitamin berlebih pada awal masa bayi, yang telah menjadi sangat populer selama beberapa dekade terakhir, dapat menjadi faktor risiko potensial untuk metabolisme monoamine terganggu. Dalam tulisan ini, kita akan fokus pada hubungan antara paparan multivitamin kelebihan dan inaktivasi / degradasi neurotransmiter monoamin dan kemungkinan perannya dalam perkembangan autisme.Pergi ke:1. Pengantar

Autisme adalah gangguan perkembangan saraf yang muncul dalam tiga tahun pertama kehidupan, yang mempengaruhi anak laki-laki lebih dari perempuan dalam rasio sekitar 4: 1 [1]. Salah satu kelainan yang paling konsisten dalam autisme dalam literatur yang diterbitkan sejak tahun 1961 adalah serotonin darah (lihat [2] untuk review). Autisme juga dapat dikaitkan dengan perubahan metabolisme katekolamin (dopamin, norepinefrin, dan epinefrin), misalnya, kadar plasma meningkat dopamin dan epinefrin [3]. Monoamina (serotonin dan katekolamin) dikenal untuk bertindak tidak hanya sebagai neurotransmitter, tetapi juga sebagai molekul sinyal dalam saluran pencernaan dan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Selain itu, neurotransmiter mungkin memainkan peran dalam neurogenesis selama perkembangan otak [4]. Dengan demikian, metabolisme monoamin abnormal dapat memiliki dampak yang mendalam pada respon imun dan kegiatan gastrointestinal [5-7] serta pada neurodevelopment [8, 9]. Dari sudut pandang ini, tampaknya bahwa metabolisme monoamin terganggu, yang diketahui disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor (misalnya, obat-obatan [9] dan diet [10]), dapat memainkan peran penting dalam perkembangan autisme. Dengan demikian, pemahaman yang lebih baik dari mekanisme metabolisme monoamin terganggu dapat memberikan wawasan ke dalam etiologi autisme.

Bukti menunjukkan bahwa etiologi autisme dapat melibatkan kedua faktor genetik dan lingkungan [11, 12]. Namun, apa faktor-faktor lingkungan yang masih harus ditentukan. Khususnya, tidak ada kejadian polusi yang signifikan di Amerika Serikat dari tahun 1980-an dan hingga 1990, tapi mengapa ada peningkatan mendadak dalam kejadian autisme antara kelompok kelahiran 1987-1992 [13, 14]? Jika metabolisme terganggu monoamin-neurotransmiter berperan dalam perkembangan autisme, faktor akuntansi untuk peningkatan prevalensi autisme bisa

menjadi orang yang dapat secara langsung atau tidak langsung mempengaruhi metabolisme monoamina-neurotransmitter. Beberapa vitamin yang dikenal untuk meningkatkan kadar neurotransmiter monoamin (lihat di bawah). Kelebihan vitamin juga diketahui memiliki efek samping seperti neurotoksisitas [15]. Paling signifikan, selama beberapa dekade terakhir, telah terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan dalam paparan multivitamin pada bayi karena makan vitamin dan suplemen tinggi [16, 17]. Dengan demikian, ada kemungkinan bahwa peningkatan kejadian autisme mungkin berhubungan dengan paparan multivitamin berlebih. Dalam tulisan ini, kita akan fokus pada hubungan antara paparan multivitamin kelebihan dan inaktivasi / degradasi neurotransmiter monoamin dan kemungkinan perannya dalam perkembangan autisme.Pergi ke:2. Monoamina-Neurotransmitter Inaktivasi

Hal ini diketahui bahwa untuk memastikan fungsi normal dari sistem saraf, kekebalan tubuh, dan pencernaan, monoamina dilepaskan dari sistem saraf dan saluran pencernaan harus dilemahkan / terdegradasi dan dihilangkan dalam waktu. Monoamin-neurotransmiter, seperti xenobiotik (zat asing bagi tubuh, seperti polusi, bahan tambahan makanan, pestisida, dan obat-obatan), dimetabolisme melalui fase enzimatik I (oksidasi, reduksi, dan hidrolisis) dan reaksi fase II (konjugasi, misalnya, metilasi , sulfasi, asetilasi, glucuronidation, dan glutation konjugasi) [18]. Karakteristik degradasi monoamine adalah sebagai berikut: (1) degradasi enzimatik: degradasi semua monoamina dan asam amino prekursor mereka multipathway enzimatik dan proses tahapan (Gambar 1). Enzim utama yang terlibat dalam degradasi monoamine neurotransmiter monoamine oxidase (MAO), katekol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase, dan sulfotransferases, yang bertanggung jawab untuk deaminasi oksidatif, metilasi, dan sulfasi dari neurotransmitter, masing-masing. Polimorfisme genetik dari enzim telah ditunjukkan untuk berkontribusi perbedaan antarindividu dalam metabolisme keseluruhan monoamina [19, 20]. Dalam degradasi monoamina dan prekursor mereka, ketika salah satu jalur terputus, jalur lain dapat mengkompensasi sebagian. Misalnya, ketika jalur-fenilalanin tirosin diblokir oleh kekurangan hidroksilase fenilalanin, fenilalanin diubah menjadi phenylpyruvate, sehingga fenilketonuria [21].Gambar 1Gambar 1Sintesis dan degradasi serotonin dan katekolamin. Deaminasi oksidatif dan metilasi dua mekanisme utama untuk menonaktifkan neurotransmiter monoamin. Perhatikan bahwa tanpa kelompok metil labil, degradasi metilasi-dimediasi serotonin ...

(2) Perlu untuk kelompok metil dan sulfat: seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2, kelompok metil dan asam amino sulfur (misalnya, metionin dan sistein) yang diperlukan untuk detoksifikasi tubuh dan aktivitas antioksidan (Gambar 2). Pasokan yang cukup dari kelompok metil dan sulfat merupakan prasyarat untuk metilasi-dan sulfasi-dimediasi monoamina-neurotransmitter inaktivasi. Karena kedua biotransformasi bahan kimia eksogen dan degradasi neurotransmiter monoamin berbagi kolam yang sama kelompok metil [22] dan sulfat [23], dalam teori, bahan kimia (seperti vitamin, lihat berikut) yang mengkonsumsi kelompok metil dan / atau belerang asam amino dalam biotransformasi mereka kompetitif dapat menghambat metilasi dan sulfasi dari neurotransmiter monoamin.Gambar 2Gambar 2

Peran kelompok metil dan asam amino sulfur dalam sistem detoksifikasi. Metilasi, sulfation, glutation konjugasi, dan pertahanan antioksidan glutathione-dimediasi merupakan komponen utama dari sistem detoksifikasi. Pasokan yang cukup dari metil donor, ...

(3) Perbedaan gender dalam monoamin-neurotransmiter inaktivasi: seperti yang disebutkan di atas, neurotransmiter monoamin dapat aktif baik oleh deaminasi, oleh metilasi, atau sulfasi. The berlebihan sifat metabolisme monoamin-neurotransmiter memungkinkan satu jalur untuk mengkompensasi blokade yang lain. Misalnya, berkurang atau tidak ada aktivitas MAO menyebabkan penurunan dalam produksi metabolit deaminasi dan peningkatan yang metabolit O-alkohol amina [24, 25], sedangkan penghambatan COMT meningkatkan produksi asam 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic [25], suatu metabolit deaminasi dopamin (Gambar 1). Jadi, jika metilasi dan sulfasi tidak dapat berlangsung (misalnya, karena habis metil-kelompok dan sulfat kolam oleh bahan kimia eksogen) [22, 23], inaktivasi neurotransmiter monoamin akan tergantung terutama pada aktivitas MAO. Yang penting, pengkodean gen dua isoform dari MAO adalah X-linked [26], dan aktivitas mereka lebih rendah pada laki-laki daripada perempuan [27, 28], menunjukkan dasar biologis dari perbedaan jenis kelamin dalam degradasi monoamina. Seperti perbedaan jenis kelamin dalam kegiatan MAO juga menunjukkan bahwa laki-laki mungkin kurang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengimbangi blokade metilasi-dan sulfasi-dimediasi inaktivasi monoamina daripada perempuan. Oleh karena itu, dapat dibayangkan bahwa tingkat yang sama paparan kimia eksogen dapat mengganggu inaktivasi neurotransmiter monoamin pada laki-laki lebih dari pada wanita.Pergi ke:3. Pengaruh Vitamin pada Metabolisme monoamine-Neurotransmitter

Kelebihan vitamin, seperti xenobiotik dan neurotransmiter monoamin, juga terdegradasi melalui tahap I dan tahap II reaksi dan dengan demikian dapat meningkatkan konsumsi labil metil-kelompok dan sulfat. Selain itu, beberapa vitamin diketahui berperan dalam sintesis neurotransmitter monoamine. Misalnya, vitamin B6 adalah kofaktor untuk aromatik dekarboksilase asam L-amino yang mengkatalisis pembentukan serotonin dan dopamin (Gambar 1), sementara 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, bentuk aktif asam folat, juga merangsang sintesis neurotransmiter monoamin [29]. Oleh karena itu, kelebihan vitamin bisa meningkatkan kadar neurotransmiter monoamin baik dengan bersaing untuk sistem biotransformasi sama atau dengan memfasilitasi sintesis, atau keduanya. Memang, bukti menunjukkan bahwa dosis tinggi vitamin C penurunan dopamin plasma-terkonjugasi dan tingkat norepinefrin oleh bersaing untuk sulfasi [30], sedangkan nicotinamide meningkatkan kadar plasma norepinefrin [31], serotonin, dan histamin [32], mungkin karena penurunan degradasi metilasi-dimediasi monoamina. Suplemen vitamin B6 dapat meningkatkan kadar serotonin darah bayi yang baru lahir [33]. Menariknya, Berman dan rekan [34] menemukan bahwa suplemen ibu dengan vitamin B6 selama terakhir 3 sampai 5 minggu kehamilan meningkatkan kadar darah ibu serotonin saat kelahiran tetapi tidak meningkatkan tingkat serotonin darah tali atau kencing keluaran asam 5-hydroxyindoleacetic di bayi baru lahir, menunjukkan bahwa plasenta dapat melindungi janin dari risiko paparan vitamin berlebih. Meskipun sedikit yang diketahui tentang efek paparan vitamin berlebih pada metabolisme neurotransmitter di otak bayi manusia, bukti dari studi hewan telah menunjukkan bahwa beberapa vitamin dapat mempengaruhi metabolisme pusat neurotransmiter monoamin. Sebagai contoh, vitamin C [35] dan vitamin B6 [36, 37] meningkatkan kadar serotonin dalam otak tikus. Baru-baru ini, tekes dan rekan [38] menemukan bahwa neonatal vitamin A atau

pengobatan vitamin D memiliki pengaruh signifikan pada metabolisme neurotransmiter monoamin di otak tikus dewasa. Oleh karena itu, paparan vitamin berlebih dapat menjadi faktor risiko potensial untuk gangguan metabolisme neurotransmitter.Pergi ke:4. Toksisitas Vitamin Kelebihan

Telah diketahui selama lebih dari satu abad bahwa kurva dosis-respons bagi banyak mikronutrien adalah nonmonotonic, memiliki tahap awal peningkatan manfaat dengan peningkatan asupan, diikuti oleh peningkatan biaya sebagai ekses menjadi beracun [39]. Kedua kekurangan vitamin dan kelebihan vitamin diketahui menyebabkan toksisitas, termasuk neurotoksisitas [15, 40]. Sebuah meta-analisis dari percobaan acak suplemen antioksidan untuk pencegahan primer dan sekunder menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi vitamin A dan E dapat meningkatkan angka kematian [41]. Tambahan asam folat (bentuk sintetis dari folat) juga ditemukan terkait dengan peningkatan mortalitas [42, 43]. Davis dan rekan [44] menemukan hubungan antara kadar tiamin serum yang tinggi dan sindrom kematian bayi mendadak (SIDS, kematian bayi mendadak dan tidak dapat dijelaskan paling mungkin terjadi antara 2 dan 4 bulan), dan mereka lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa dosis tinggi tiamin bisa menyebabkan kematian pada kelinci dan tikus karena kegagalan pernapasan. Selain itu, ada bukti yang menunjukkan hubungan antara suplemen vitamin bayi secara dini dan peningkatan risiko penyakit alergi di kemudian hari [45, 46]. Meskipun data ini tidak meyakinkan, mereka setidaknya menunjukkan kemungkinan bahwa paparan vitamin berlebih dapat menyebabkan hasil kesehatan yang serius.

Sampai saat ini, sedikit yang diketahui tentang hubungan antara paparan bayi secara dini kelebihan vitamin dan autisme, kecuali hipotesis baru yang menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi asam folat berlebihan dapat menjadi faktor risiko autisme [47]. Ada dua studi yang meneliti hubungan antara paparan vitamin awal dan pengembangan pembelajaran pada tikus. Satu menemukan bahwa vitamin neonatal paparan A dapat menyebabkan cacat jangka panjang dalam belajar [48], dan yang lainnya menunjukkan bahwa niacin diinduksi gangguan belajar spasial pada tikus [49]. Pengamatan ini menunjukkan bahwa paparan vitamin kelebihan dini dapat memiliki efek buruk pada perkembangan saraf. Perlu dicatat bahwa efek neurologis kekurangan vitamin dan kelebihan vitamin mungkin mirip [15]. Kesamaan semacam itu bisa menjadi penyebab umum untuk diagnosis yang salah. Misalnya, SIDS awalnya disarankan untuk berhubungan dengan kekurangan tiamin. Untuk menguji hipotesis ini, Davis dan rekan [44] membandingkan tingkat tiamin serum antara 233 SIDS bayi dan 46 bayi dalam kelompok kontrol meninggal karena penyebab lain. Tanpa diduga, mereka menemukan bahwa sebagian besar bayi SIDS memiliki kadar tiamin signifikan serum yang lebih tinggi. Oleh karena itu, untuk menghindari membuat diagnosis yang salah, tingkat vitamin dan metabolitnya harus dipantau.

Ini harus menunjukkan bahwa beberapa kofaktor, meskipun tidak termasuk vitamin, juga memainkan peran penting dalam sintesis neurotransmitter monoamine. Seperti ditunjukkan dalam Gambar 1, tetrahydrobiopterin, yang disintesis dari guanosin trifosfat, merupakan kofaktor penting untuk dopamin dan serotonin biosintesis. Dengan demikian, dapat dibayangkan bahwa kelebihan tetrahydrobiopterin dapat meningkatkan kadar neurotransmitter monoamin-dan dapat berkontribusi untuk gangguan mental monoamine terkait. Memang, bukti menunjukkan bahwa tetrahydrobiopterin dapat menyebabkan kematian preferensial sel catecholaminergic, mungkin

karena peningkatan kadar dopamin [50]. Namun, tidak mungkin bahwa tetrahydrobiopterin mungkin memainkan peran dalam meningkat pesat prevalensi autisme dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, karena tidak ada bukti yang menunjukkan peningkatan sintesis tetrahydrobiopterin di masa awal pasien autis, atau isi tetrahydrobiopterin dalam makanan bayi.Pergi ke:5. Tinggi Multivitamin Exposure dan Peningkatan Prevalensi Autisme

Selama beberapa dekade, sejak pertama kali digambarkan oleh Kanner pada tahun 1943 [52], prevalensi autisme di Amerika Serikat adalah rendah. Studi prevalensi autisme diterbitkan sebelum 1985 menunjukkan prevalensi dari 4 sampai 5 per 10.000 anak untuk lebih luas spektrum autisme dan sekitar 2 per 10.000 untuk definisi autisme klasik [53]. Sejak tahun 1985, telah ada tingkat yang lebih tinggi autisme, dengan peningkatan tahunan terbesar terjadi antara kelompok kelahiran 1987 dan 1992 [14]. Selama periode ini, tidak ada kejadian lingkungan yang signifikan nasional tetapi peristiwa penting yang berkaitan dengan pemberian makan bayi. Pada tahun 1988, perusahaan susu formula AS dihapus ranah pemberian makan bayi dari pengawasan eksklusif dari profesi medis dan ditargetkan kampanye iklan untuk produk susu formula mereka di masyarakat umum [51]. Jika formula memainkan peran dalam peningkatan prevalensi autisme, kampanye seharusnya diikuti oleh beberapa tahun berturut-turut dari peningkatan pesat dalam kasus autisme. Bahkan, peningkatan tajam dalam prevalensi autisme pada kohort tahunan lahir 1987-1992 di California (Gambar 3) dan seluruh Amerika Serikat [14] terjadi bersamaan dengan dimulainya iklan langsung susu formula bayi. Prevalensi autisme antara anak-anak 6-tahun meningkat dari 4,6 per 10.000 di kelompok kelahiran 1986-19,1 per 10.000 di kelompok kelahiran 1992 di Amerika Serikat [14]. Selain itu, ada penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa penyapihan dini dan praktek menyusui suboptimal dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko autisme [54, 55]. Dengan demikian, tampak bahwa faktor risiko (s) untuk autisme mungkin ada dalam makanan bayi.Gambar 3Gambar 3Acara yang berkaitan dengan pemberian makan bayi dan prevalensi autisme. Data tentang jumlah kasus anak autis di kelompok kelahiran 1980-1994 di California diambil dari [13]. Perhatikan bahwa pelaksanaan Susu Formula Act of 1980 ...

Diantara faktor-faktor risiko yang mungkin dalam makanan bayi, seperti ketidakseimbangan nutrisi (defisiensi dan ekses) dan aditif makanan dan mencemari, paparan multivitamin kelebihan mungkin yang paling umum dan penting. Dalam rangka untuk menjamin keamanan formula, Amerika Serikat menerapkan Susu Formula Undang-Undang 1980, yang menetapkan batas bawah vitamin dalam susu formula tetapi tidak menetapkan batas atas bagi kebanyakan vitamin [56]. Ini telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran bahwa, tanpa batas atas, rumus super diperkaya dapat diproduksi [57] dan mungkin memiliki efek toksik langsung [58]. Bahkan, susu formula, terutama untuk bayi prematur, umumnya mengandung tingkat jauh lebih tinggi dari vitamin. Misalnya, kandungan niacin, asam folat, vitamin B6, tiamin, dan vitamin C dalam susu formula bayi prematur (lihat, adalah sekitar 20 (5.000 vs 250 μg/100 kkal), 9 (37 vs 4 μg/100 kkal), 7 (250 vs 35 μg/100 kkal), 6 (250 vs 40 μg/100 kkal), dan 4 (37 vs 8 mg/100 kkal) kali lebih rendah nilai batas masing-masing. Tingkat tiamin dalam beberapa formula berbasis susu diproduksi (2160 mg / L) ditemukan menjadi sekitar 20 kali dari ASI manusia (rata-rata 178 mg / L) [44]. Selain suplemen

vitamin susu formula, penggunaan multivitamin pada bayi dan balita sangat umum [16]. Jadi, makan tinggi vitamin dapat meningkatkan risiko vitamin berlebihan. Memang, banyak penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa susu formula bayi memiliki tingkat yang lebih tinggi plasma / serum vitamin dari manusia susu bayi yang diberi susu [59-62]. Unmetabolized asam folat, tanda kelebihan asam folat, yang diamati dalam serum bayi 4-hari-tua makan dengan rumus [63]. Porcelli dan rekan [62] menemukan beberapa kali peningkatan kadar plasma riboflavin dan piridoksin dan lebih dari 10 kali peningkatan riboflavin urin dan konsentrasi piridoksin di sangat neonatus berat lahir rendah setelah diberi makan dengan susu formula prematur. Baeckert dan rekan [64] menunjukkan bahwa bayi sangat berat lahir rendah yang menerima suplemen vitamin parenteral direkomendasikan sebagai bagian dari nutrisi parenteral total mereka mengembangkan konsentrasi riboflavin plasma meningkat selama bulan pascakelahiran pertama mereka dengan konsentrasi puncak plasma dasar tali pusat 100 kali lipat di atas konsentrasi vitamin. Selain itu, ada dua studi menemukan kadar plasma tinggi dan ekskresi metabolit alkohol niacin pada pasien autis [65, 66], yang menunjukkan kelebihan niacin, karena kelebihan niasin terdegradasi setelah konsumsi, namun metabolit alkohol yang tinggal lebih lama di sirkulasi [31, 67]. Mengingat bahwa kelebihan vitamin dapat menyebabkan neurotoksisitas dan gangguan dalam metabolisme neurotransmitter monoamin, seperti yang disebutkan sebelumnya, adalah mungkin bahwa paparan multivitamin tinggi dapat berperan dalam peningkatan prevalensi autisme.Pergi ke:6. Jendela Kritis Kerentanan untuk Autisme

Pertumbuhan berlebih otak telah dicatat antara anak-anak dengan autisme [68]. Pemahaman tentang waktu pembesaran otak pada autisme mungkin sangat membantu dalam mengidentifikasi jendela kerentanan untuk autisme. Hazlett dan rekan [69] mengamati umum pembesaran korteks serebral pada individu dengan autisme pada 2 dan 4 sampai 5 tahun, tetapi mereka menemukan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari kontrol pada tingkat pertumbuhan otak untuk interval usia, menunjukkan bahwa pembesaran otak pada hasil autisme dari peningkatan laju pertumbuhan otak sebelum usia 2 tahun. Sebuah studi baru-baru ini menggunakan difusi tensor imaging menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi perbedaan otak signifikan pada usia 6 bulan antara bayi berisiko tinggi yang kemudian mengembangkan autisme dan mereka yang tidak [70], jelas menunjukkan autisme yang berkembang dari waktu ke waktu selama masa bayi. Selain itu, studi menemukan bahwa dini penyapihan dan praktek menyusui suboptimal dapat meningkatkan risiko autisme [54, 55]. Di atas dua baris bukti menunjukkan bahwa beberapa bulan pertama setelah kelahiran bisa menjadi jendela kritis kerentanan untuk autisme.

Pemahaman saat tingkat pematangan kemampuan metabolik menunjukkan bahwa bayi manusia sampai sekitar usia 6 bulan biasanya lebih sensitif terhadap racun kimia daripada orang dewasa karena sistem detoksifikasi dewasa mereka [71]. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa bayi baru lahir, khususnya bayi prematur, mungkin memiliki toleransi rendah untuk kelebihan vitamin. Memang, bukti yang tersedia, meskipun terbatas, telah menunjukkan hubungan antara tingkat tinggi beberapa vitamin (tiamin [44] dan vitamin C [72]) dan jelas peristiwa yang mengancam jiwa dan SIDS pada bayi. Sebuah uji coba terkontrol secara acak pada suplemen vitamin C pada bayi sangat prematur juga menunjukkan bahwa bayi yang meninggal selama persidangan adalah mereka yang memiliki konsentrasi vitamin C secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada sebelum pengacakan bayi yang hidup [73]. Bukti dari studi hewan menunjukkan bahwa paparan tinggi vitamin A [48] dan niasin [49] pada awal kehidupan memiliki efek buruk pada perilaku tikus

dewasa. Dengan demikian, tampak bahwa pemberian multivitamin tinggi dalam beberapa bulan pertama kehidupan mungkin sangat berbahaya. Meskipun ada sedikit informasi tentang peran kelebihan vitamin dalam cedera otak bayi, sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa paparan-akibat cedera neurologis kimia dapat memiliki berbagai manifestasi, tergantung pada panjang dan tingkat paparan [74]. Khususnya, kelahiran prematur dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko untuk kedua autisme dan kondisi neurologis lainnya, seperti kognitif, visual, dan gangguan pendengaran, dan ada cooccurrence cukup autisme dengan gangguan neurologis dan kognitif lainnya [75]. Oleh karena itu kita mendalilkan bahwa autisme mungkin menjadi salah satu bahan kimia / kelebihan-vitamin eksposur yang disebabkan gejala sisa neurologis (yang dapat berkisar dari defisit neurologis sampai mati) pada awal masa bayi. Apa yang patut dicatat adalah bahwa dengan pematangan fungsi metabolisme dan perubahan yang berkaitan dengan usia dalam makanan makan, yang kausal paparan hadir pada masa bayi dan resultan metabolik dan manifestasi neurologis mungkin tidak ada lagi. Hal ini mungkin menjelaskan mengapa ada kurangnya tanda-tanda biologis konsisten dalam autisme. Bahkan serotonin darah tinggi, yang paling konsisten serotonin terkait temuan dalam autisme, mungkin tidak diamati pada pasien autis remaja [76].Pergi ke:7. Kesimpulan

Mengingat bahwa (1) makan multivitamin tinggi sangat umum pada awal masa bayi, (2) kelebihan vitamin dapat menyebabkan neurotoksisitas dan mengganggu metabolisme monoamin-neurotransmiter, dan (3) autisme sering dikaitkan dengan tingkat abnormal neurotransmiter monoamin, tampaknya bahwa kelebihan multivitamin paparan pada awal masa bayi mungkin menjadi faktor risiko potensial untuk autisme. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengkonfirmasi hipotesis ini.Pergi ke:Pengakuan

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Early Infant Exposure to Excess Multivitamin: A Risk Factor for Autism?


Autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects boys more than girls, is often associated with altered levels of monoamines (serotonin and catecholamines), especially elevated serotonin levels. The monoamines act as both neurotransmitters and signaling molecules in the gastrointestinal and immune

systems. The evidence related to monoamine metabolism may be summarized as follows: (i) monoamine neurotransmitters are enzymatically degraded/inactivated by three mechanisms: oxidative deamination, methylation, and sulfation. The latter two are limited by the supply of methyl groups and sulfate, respectively. (ii) A decrease in methylation- and sulfation-mediated monoamine inactivation can be compensated by an increase in the oxidative deamination catalyzed by monoamine oxidase, an X-linked enzyme exhibiting higher activity in females than in males. (iii) Vitamins can, on one hand, facilitate the synthesis of monoamine neurotransmitters and, on the other hand, inhibit their inactivation by competing for methylation and sulfation. Therefore, we postulate that excess multivitamin feeding in early infancy, which has become very popular over the past few decades, may be a potential risk factor for disturbed monoamine metabolism. In this paper, we will focus on the relationship between excess multivitamin exposure and the inactivation/degradation of monoamine neurotransmitters and its possible role in the development of autism.

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1. Introduction

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that appears in the first three years of life, affecting boys more than girls in a ratio of approximately 4 : 1 [1]. One of the most consistent abnormalities in autism in the published literature since 1961 is elevated blood serotonin (see [2] for review). Autism may also be associated with altered metabolism of catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine), for example, elevated plasma levels of dopamine and epinephrine [3]. The monoamines (serotonin and catecholamines) are known to act not only as neurotransmitters, but also as signaling molecules in the gastrointestinal tract and immune system. Moreover, neurotransmitters may play a role in neurogenesis during brain development [4]. Thus, abnormal monoamine metabolism may have a profound impact on immune responses and gastrointestinal activities [5–7] as well as on neurodevelopment [8, 9]. From this point of view, it seems that disturbed monoamine metabolism, which is known to be caused by a variety of factors (e.g., drugs [9] and diet [10]), may play a crucial role in the development of autism. Thus, a better understanding of the mechanism of disturbed monoamine metabolism may provide insights into the etiology of autism.

Evidence suggests that the etiology of autism may involve both genetic and environmental factors [11, 12]. However, exactly what those environmental factors are remains to be determined. Notably, there were no significant pollution events in the United States from the 1980s and through the 1990s, but why was there a sudden increase in the incidence of autism among the 1987–1992 birth cohorts [13, 14]? If disturbed monoamine-neurotransmitter metabolism plays a role in the development of autism, factors accounting for the increased prevalence of autism could be those that can directly or indirectly affect monoamine-neurotransmitter metabolism. Some vitamins are known to increase the levels of monoamine neurotransmitters (see below). Excess vitamins are also known to have side effects like neurotoxicity [15]. Most significantly, over the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in

multivitamin exposure in infancy due to high vitamin feeding and supplementation [16, 17]. Thus, the possibility exists that the increased incidence of autism may be related to excess multivitamin exposure. In this paper, we will focus on the relationship between excess multivitamin exposure and the inactivation/degradation of monoamine neurotransmitters and its possible role in the development of autism.

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2. Monoamine-Neurotransmitter Inactivation

It is known that to ensure normal functioning of the nervous, immune, and digestive systems, the monoamines released from the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract must be inactivated/degraded and eliminated in time. Monoamine-neurotransmitters, like xenobiotics (substances foreign to the body, such as pollutants, food additives, pesticides, and drugs), are metabolized through enzymatic phase I (oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis) and phase II reactions (conjugation, e.g., methylation, sulfation, acetylation, glucuronidation, and glutathione conjugation) [18]. The characteristics of monoamine degradation are as follows: (1) enzymatic degradation: the degradation of all the monoamines and their precursor amino acids is enzymatic multipathway and multistep processes (Figure 1). The major enzymes involved in the degradation of monoamine neurotransmitters are monoamine oxidase (MAO), catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase, and sulfotransferases, which are responsible for the oxidative deamination, methylation, and sulfation of the neurotransmitters, respectively. Genetic polymorphism of the enzymes has been demonstrated to contribute to interindividual differences in the overall metabolism of monoamines [19, 20]. In the degradation of monoamines and their precursors, when one pathway is interrupted, another pathway can partially compensate. For example, when the phenylalanine-tyrosine pathway is blocked by phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency, phenylalanine is converted to phenylpyruvate, resulting in phenylketonuria [21].

Figure 1

Figure 1

The synthesis and degradation of serotonin and catecholamines. Oxidative deamination and methylation are two key mechanisms for inactivating monoamine neurotransmitters. Note that without labile methyl groups, methylation-mediated degradation of serotonin ...

(2) Need for methyl groups and sulfate: as shown in Figure 2, methyl groups and sulfur amino acids (e.g., methionine and cysteine) are required for the body's detoxification and antioxidant activities (Figure 2). An adequate supply of methyl groups and sulfate is prerequisite for methylation- and sulfation-mediated monoamine-neurotransmitter inactivation. Since both the biotransformation of exogenous chemicals and the degradation of monoamine neurotransmitters share the same pool of methyl groups

[22] and sulfate [23], in theory, any chemicals (such as vitamins, see the following) that consume methyl groups and/or sulfur amino acids in their biotransformation may competitively inhibit the methylation and sulfation of monoamine neurotransmitters.

Figure 2

Figure 2

Role of methyl groups and sulfur amino acids in the detoxification system. Methylation, sulfation, glutathione conjugation, and glutathione-mediated antioxidant defense are major components of the detoxification system. An adequate supply of methyl donors, ...

(3) Gender differences in monoamine-neurotransmitter inactivation: as mentioned above, monoamine neurotransmitters can be inactivated either by deamination, by methylation, or by sulfation. The redundant nature of monoamine-neurotransmitter metabolism enables one pathway to compensate for blockade of the other. For example, reduced or absent activity of MAO leads to a decrease in the production of deaminated metabolites and an increase in that of O-methylated amine metabolites [24, 25], while inhibition of COMT increases the production of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid [25], a deaminated metabolite of dopamine (Figure 1). Thus, if methylation and sulfation cannot take place (e.g., due to depleted methyl-group and sulfate pools by exogenous chemicals) [22, 23], the inactivation of monoamine neurotransmitters will depend mainly on the activity of MAO. Importantly, the genes encoding the two isoforms of MAO are X-linked [26], and their activity is lower in males than in females [27, 28], suggesting a biological basis of sex differences in monoamine degradation. Such a sex difference in MAO activity also suggests that males might have less ability to compensate for blockade of methylation- and sulfation-mediated monoamine inactivation than females. Therefore, it is conceivable that similar levels of exogenous chemical exposure may disturb the inactivation of monoamine neurotransmitters in males more than in females.

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3. Effect of Vitamins on Monoamine-Neurotransmitter Metabolism

Excess vitamins, like xenobiotics and monoamine neurotransmitters, are also degraded through phase I and phase II reactions and thus may increase the consumption of labile methyl-groups and sulfate. Moreover, some vitamins are known to play a role in the synthesis of monoamine neurotransmitters. For example, vitamin B6 is a cofactor for aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase that catalyzes the formation of serotonin and dopamine (Figure 1), while 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, the active form of folate, also stimulates the synthesis of monoamine neurotransmitters [29]. Therefore, excess vitamins can increase the levels of monoamine neurotransmitters either by competing for the same biotransformation system or by facilitating the synthesis, or by both. Indeed, evidence shows that high doses of vitamin C decrease plasma-conjugated dopamine and norepinephrine levels by competing for

sulfation [30], whereas nicotinamide increases the levels of plasma of norepinephrine [31], serotonin, and histamine [32], presumably due to a decrease in methylation-mediated degradation of the monoamines. Vitamin B6 supplementation can increase the blood serotonin levels of newborn babies [33]. Interestingly, Berman and colleagues [34] found that maternal supplementation with vitamin B6 during the last 3 to 5 weeks of pregnancy increased the maternal blood levels of serotonin at parturition but did not increase the cord blood serotonin level or urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid output in the newborn infants, suggesting that the placenta may protect the fetus from the risk of excess vitamin exposure. Although little is known about the effect of excess vitamin exposure on the neurotransmitter metabolism in the human infant brain, evidence from animal studies has shown that some vitamins can affect the metabolism of central monoamine neurotransmitters. For example, vitamin C [35] and vitamin B6 [36, 37] increase the levels of serotonin in the brain of rats. Recently, Tekes and colleagues [38] found that neonatal vitamin A or vitamin D treatment has significant influence on the metabolism of monoamine neurotransmitters in the adult rat brain. Therefore, excess vitamin exposure may be a potential risk factor for neurotransmitter metabolism disorders.

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4. Toxicity of Excess Vitamins

It has been known for over a century that the dose-response curve for many micronutrients is nonmonotonic, having an initial stage of increasing benefits with increased intake, followed by increasing costs as excesses become toxic [39]. Both vitamin deficiency and vitamin excess are known to cause toxicity, including neurotoxicity [15, 40]. A meta-analysis of randomized trials of antioxidant supplements for primary and secondary prevention suggests that supplementation of vitamin A and E may increase mortality [41]. Supplemental folic acid (the synthetic form of folate) was also found to be associated with increased mortality [42, 43]. Davis and colleagues [44] found an association between high serum thiamine levels and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS, a sudden and unexplained infant death most likely to occur between 2 and 4 months of age), and they further demonstrated that high doses of thiamine could cause death in rabbits and mice due to respiratory failure. Moreover, there is evidence suggesting an association between early infant vitamin supplementation and an increased risk of allergic diseases later in life [45, 46]. Although these data are not conclusive, they at least suggest the possibility that excess vitamin exposure may lead to serious health outcomes.

To date, little is known about the relationship between early infant exposure to excess vitamins and autism, except a recent hypothesis that suggests that excess folic acid supplementation may be a risk factor for autism [47]. There are two studies that examine the relationship between early vitamin exposure and learning development in rats. One found that neonatal vitamin A exposure may induce a long-lasting defect in learning [48], and the other showed that niacin supplementation induced spatial learning impairment in rats [49]. These observations suggest that early excess vitamin exposure may have adverse effects on neurodevelopment. It should be noted that the neurological effects of vitamin

deficiency and vitamin excess may be similar [15]. Such a similarity could be a common cause for a wrong diagnosis. For example, SIDS was initially suggested to be related to a thiamine deficiency. To test this hypothesis, Davis and colleagues [44] compared serum thiamine levels between 233 SIDS infants and 46 control infants dying from other causes. Unexpectedly, they found that most of the SIDS infants had significantly higher serum thiamine levels. Therefore, to avoid making a wrong diagnosis, the levels of vitamins and their metabolites should be monitored.

It should be pointed out that some cofactors, although not belonging to vitamins, may also play an important role in the synthesis of monoamine neurotransmitters. As shown in Figure 1, tetrahydrobiopterin, which is synthesized from guanosine triphosphate, is an essential cofactor for dopamine and serotonin biosynthesis. Thus, it is conceivable that excess tetrahydrobiopterin can increase monoamine-neurotransmitter levels and may contribute to monoamine-related mental disorders. Indeed, evidence has shown that tetrahydrobiopterin may cause preferential death of catecholaminergic cells, presumably due to increased dopamine levels [50]. However, it is unlikely that tetrahydrobiopterin may play a role in the rapidly increased prevalence of autism in the past few decades, since there is no evidence suggesting an increase in the synthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin in the early infancy of autistic patients, or in the content of tetrahydrobiopterin in infant foods.

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5. High Multivitamin Exposure and Increased Autism Prevalence

For decades, since it was first described by Kanner in 1943 [52], the prevalence of autism in the United States was low. Autism prevalence studies published before 1985 showed prevalence rates of 4 to 5 per 10,000 children for the broader autism spectrum and about 2 per 10,000 for the classic autism definition [53]. Since 1985, there have been higher rates of autism, with the greatest annual increases occurring between the 1987 and 1992 birth cohorts [14]. During this period, there were no significant national environmental events but a significant event related to infant feeding. In 1988, US formula companies removed the realm of infant feeding from the exclusive supervision of the medical profession and targeted an advertising campaign for their formula products at the general public [51]. If formulas played a role in increased autism prevalence, the campaign should have been followed by several consecutive years of rapid increase in autism cases. In fact, the sharp increase in autism prevalence in annual cohorts born from 1987 to 1992 in California (Figure 3) and the whole of the United States [14] occurred simultaneously with the initiation of the direct advertising of infant formula. The prevalence of autism among 6-year-old children increased from 4.6 per 10,000 in the 1986 birth cohort to 19.1 per 10,000 in the 1992 birth cohort in the United States [14]. Moreover, there are studies showing that premature weaning and suboptimal breast-feeding practices are associated with increased risk of autism [54, 55]. Thus, it appears that the risk factor(s) for autism may be present in infant foods.

Figure 3

Figure 3

Events related to infant feeding and the prevalence of autism. The data on the number of cases of children with autism in the 1980–1994 birth cohorts in California are taken from [13]. Note that the implementation the Infant Formula Act of 1980 ...

Among the possible risk factors in infant foods, such as nutritional imbalances (deficiencies and excesses) and food additives and contaminates, excess multivitamin exposure may be the most common and important. In order to insure the safety of formulas, the United States implemented the Infant Formula Act of 1980, which sets a lower limit of vitamins in infant formulas but does not set an upper limit for most vitamins [56]. This has caused concern that, without upper limits, super-fortified formula could be produced [57] and may have a direct toxic effect [58]. In fact, infant formulas, especially those for premature infants, generally contain much higher levels of vitamins. For example, the content of niacin, folic acid, vitamin B6, thiamine, and vitamin C in a premature infant formula (see, is about 20 (5,000 versus 250 μg/100 kcal), 9 (37 versus 4 μg/100 kcal), 7 (250 versus 35 μg/100 kcal), 6 (250 versus 40 μg/100 kcal), and 4 (37 versus 8 mg/100 kcal) times the lower limit value, respectively. The level of thiamine in some manufactured milk-based formulae (2160 μg/L) was found to be about 20 times that of human breast milk (mean 178 μg/L) [44]. In addition to the vitamin supplementation of infant formula, multivitamin use in infants and toddlers is very common [16]. Thus, high-vitamin feeding may increase the risk of vitamin overload. Indeed, many studies have shown that formula-fed infants have higher levels plasma/serum of vitamins than human milk-fed infants [59–62]. Unmetabolized folic acid, a sign of folic acid overload, is observed in the serum of 4-day-old infants fed with formula [63]. Porcelli and colleagues [62] found a several times increase in the plasma levels of riboflavin and pyridoxine and a more than 10 times increase in the urine riboflavin and pyridoxine concentrations in very low-birth-weight neonates after being fed with preterm infant formula. Baeckert and colleagues [64] showed that very low-birth-weight infants who received the recommended parenteral vitamin supplement as part of their total parenteral nutrition developed elevated plasma riboflavin concentrations during their first postnatal month with peak concentrations 100-fold above baseline umbilical cord plasma vitamin concentrations. Moreover, there are two studies finding high plasma levels and urinary excretion of methylated metabolites of niacin in autistic patients [65, 66], which suggests a niacin overload, because excess niacin is rapidly degraded after ingestion, but its methylated metabolites remain longer in the circulation [31, 67]. Given that excess vitamins may lead to neurotoxicity and disturbances in monoamine neurotransmitter metabolism, as mentioned earlier, it is possible that high multivitamin exposure may play a role in the increased prevalence of autism.

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6. Critical Window of Vulnerability for Autism

Brain overgrowth has been noted among children with autism [68]. An understanding of the timing of brain enlargement in autism may be particularly helpful in identifying the window of vulnerability for autism. Hazlett and colleagues [69] observed generalized cerebral cortical enlargement in individuals with autism at both 2 and 4 to 5 years of age, but they found that there was no significant difference from controls in the rate of brain growth for this age interval, indicating that brain enlargement in autism results from an increased rate of brain growth before age of 2 years. A recent study using diffusion tensor imaging showed that there have been significant brain differences at age of 6 months between high-risk infants who later develop autism and those who did not [70], clearly indicating that autism develops over time during infancy. Moreover, studies found that premature weaning and suboptimal breast-feeding practices may increase the risk of autism [54, 55]. The above two lines of evidence suggest that the first few months after birth could be a critical window of vulnerability for autism.

Current understanding of the rates of maturation of metabolic capability indicates that human infants up to approximately 6 months of age are typically more sensitive to chemical toxicity than adults due to their immature detoxification systems [71]. This suggests that newborn infants, especially premature infants, may have a low tolerance to excess vitamins. Indeed, available evidence, although limited, has shown an association between high levels of some vitamins (thiamine [44] and vitamin C [72]) and apparent life-threatening events and SIDS in infancy. A randomized controlled trial on vitamin C supplementation in very preterm infants also showed that infants who died during the trial were those who had significantly higher vitamin C concentrations before randomization than surviving infants [73]. Evidence from animal studies suggests that high exposure to vitamin A [48] and niacin [49] in the early life has adverse effects on the behaviors of adult rats. Thus, it appears that high multivitamin feeding in the first few months of life may be particularly harmful. Although there is little information on the role of excess vitamins in infant brain injuries, it is common knowledge that chemical exposure-induced neurological injury may have a variety of manifestations, depending on the length and degree of exposure [74]. Notably, preterm birth is associated with increased risk for both autism and other neurological conditions, such as cognitive, visual, and hearing impairments; and there is considerable cooccurrence of autism with other neurological and cognitive disorders [75]. We therefore postulate that autism might be one of chemical/excess-vitamin exposure-induced neurological sequelae (which may range from neurological deficits to death) in early infancy. What is worthy of note is that with the maturation of metabolic function and age-related changes in feeding foods, the causal exposure present in infancy and resultant metabolic and neurological manifestations may no longer exist. This may account for why there is lack of consistent biological markers in autism. Even elevated blood serotonin, the most consistent serotonin-related finding in autism, may not be observed in adolescent autistic patients [76].

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7. Conclusion

Given that (1) high multivitamin feeding is very common in early infancy, (2) excess vitamins may cause neurotoxicity and disturb monoamine-neurotransmitter metabolism, and (3) autism is often associated with abnormal levels of monoamine neurotransmitters, it seems that excess multivitamin exposure in early infancy may be a potential risk factor for autism. Further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.

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This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundations of China (nos. 31140036 and 81000575).



Diagnostic criteria of Alzheimer's disease (AD) emphasize the integration of clinical data and biomarkers. In practice, collection and analysis of patient data vary greatly across different countries and clinics. Objective: The goal was to develop a versatile and objective clinical decision support system that could reduce diagnostic errors and highlight early predictors of AD.


Novel data analysis methods were developed to derive composite disease indicators from heterogeneous patient data. Visualizations that communicate these findings were designed to help the interpretation. The methods were implemented with a software tool that is aimed for daily clinical practice.


With the tool, clinicians can analyze available patients as a whole, study them statistically against previously diagnosed cases, and characterize the patients with respect to having AD. The tool is able to work with virtually any patient measurement data, as long as they are stored in electronic format or manually entered into the system. For a subset of patients from the test cohort, the tool was able to predict conversion to AD at an accuracy of 93.6%.


The software tool developed in this study provides objective information for early detection and prediction of AD based on interpretable visualizations of patient data.

Key Words: Alzheimer's disease, Biomarker, Decision support, Mild cognitive impairment, MemoryGo to:


Knowledge of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is increasing at a rate never seen before, with medical data acquisition methods and diagnostic procedures both driving and being evolved by the change. This is a blessing and a curse on clinicians, who now have an ever-increasing body of knowledge available on which to base diagnostic decisions. People can cognitively handle only few pieces of evidence at any single time [1], with information shown last influencing the decisions more [2]. Making an AD diagnosis is also a complex task, where interruptions can affect the quality of decisions [3].

Diagnostic decision support systems (DDSSs) have the potential to help manage large volumes of data. Traditionally, DDSSs have employed natural language processing, case-based reasoning, and rule-based expert systems to suggest potential diagnoses [4]. They have rarely used measurement data for the analyses, and the ones that do usually require a predefined set of measurements to be available.

The main contributions of this paper are the visualizations of patient data that have been generated with a novel DDSS, whose goal is to alleviate data-related issues in complex diagnostic decisions.

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Materials and Methods

Data used in the preparation of this article were obtained from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database ( ADNI recruited approximately 400 people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to be followed for 4 years, with the primary goal to test multiple biological markers concerning progression of MCI and early AD.

A statistical decision support system, developed for early prediction of AD and described in detail in Mattila et al. [5], was used to evaluate patients' disease progression at baseline. The system compares each patient measure to the corresponding measure acquired from healthy and AD cases available in large databases, and computes an index reflecting the patient's match to these two populations. The index is computed for each measure, for each modality (e.g. MRI, cerebrospinal fluid, Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale) and finally for all data measured. The indices are visualized both numerically and graphically making fast interpretation of all heterogeneous patient data possible based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. The system is currently implemented as proprietary PC software running on a regular laptop

computer. It is not restricted to ADNI and can be extended to work with any electronic datasets, consisting of textual, categorical, and scalar patient measurement values. A web-based version of the system is also in consideration.

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Using baseline data from all MCI cases in ADNI, the DDSS tool was able to discriminate stable MCI patients from those who converted to AD (average conversion time 19 months) at an accuracy of 68.6% representing the level reported typically for ADNI. However, if a reliability estimate is available, it becomes possible to identify a subset of patients for whom the diagnosis is possible with a much higher accuracy. By thresholding the index values given to patients by the DDSS tool, patients were automatically assigned to subgroups which attained considerably improved prediction of conversion to AD and also of non-conversion (table (table11).

Table 1Prediction accuracy for several subgroups of patients

Figure Figure11 shows the disease indices and graphical fingerprint visualization computed from baseline measurements for 4 MCI cases of whom 2 converted to AD later (progressive MCI) and 2 remained stable.

Fig. 1Disease state fingerprint and background information for 4 MCI cases at baseline: 2 cases converted later to AD and 2 remained stable. The size of the box indicates the relevance/importance of the parameter in separating healthy controls and AD cases, ...Go to:


Most publications reporting on the performance of certain patient measures in diagnostics do not estimate the reliability of classification for each individual but report only classification accuracy, sensitivity, specificity or ROC curves for the whole population. This may be one reason for the low adaptation of these modern and objective techniques into clinical practice; the classification accuracy is just too low. We have developed a DDSS which allows clinicians to

make observations from all available data simultaneously, and provides evidence-based and objective information about the status of the patient for improving the diagnostic accuracy and confidence. We reported prediction accuracies of 93.7% (for 9.2% of cases) and 84.4% (for 30.1% of cases). Whether 93.6 or 84.0% are acceptable accuracies for making the diagnosis earlier is difficult to define, especially when the ground truth diagnoses from ADNI are clinical, not pathologically confirmed diagnoses. Nevertheless, the diagnosis is not based on data alone but requires interviewing the patient and relatives. Knowing that the prediction accuracy, based only on data, is 93.6 or 84.0% rather than 68.6% can give more confidence for making the diagnosis earlier.

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This work was partially funded under the 7th Framework Program by the European Commission (http.//; EU-Grant-224328-PredictAD; Name: From Patient Data to Personalized Healthcare in Alzheimer's Disease). Data collection and sharing for this project was funded by the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) (National Institutes of Health Grant U01 AG024904). ADNI is funded by the National Institute on Aging, the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, and through generous contributions from the private sector as well as non-profit partners. This research was also supported by NIH grants P30 AG010129, K01 AG030514, and the Dana Foundation.

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