1pe4652 intro

PE4652 Teknologi Manufaktur PE4652 Teknologi Manufaktur (Manufacturing Technology) Bab : Pendahuluan Setelah menyelesaikan mata kuliah ini mahasiswa akan dapat: TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL UMUM : akan dapat: o Merencanakan dan mengelola suatu pembuatan produk komponen mesin melalui pendekatan near net shape. o Mengerti topik-topik mengenai pembuatan produk melalui proses pengecoran dan pembentukan t il l d l material logam dan non logam o Mengerti pembuatan komponen inti cetakan dengan menggunakan strategi proses pemesinan modern

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Page 1: 1PE4652 Intro



PE4652 Teknologi ManufakturPE4652 Teknologi Manufaktur(Manufacturing Technology)

Bab : Pendahuluan

Setelah menyelesaikan mata kuliah ini mahasiswaakan dapat:


akan dapat:

o Merencanakan dan mengelola suatu pembuatanproduk komponen mesin melalui pendekatan near net shape.

o Mengerti topik-topik mengenai pembuatan produkmelalui proses pengecoran dan pembentukan

t i l l d lmaterial logam dan non logamo Mengerti pembuatan komponen inti cetakan dengan

menggunakan strategi proses pemesinan modern

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Secara Teknologi

Secara Ekonomi


Manufaktur melibatkan proses mekanis yang a u a u e ba a p oses e a s ya gmengubah bentuk material melalui proses pemisahan, pembentukan, penggabungan, dan pengkondisian nya.

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Manufacturing definition


Tujuan :

1. Mengetahui keterkaitan alat potong dan produk2. Mengetahui gaya potong yang terjadi saat

pemotongan3. Mengetahui energi pemotongan yang terkait

dengan kemampuan mesin4. Mengetahui karakterisasi umur pahat5. Mengetahui pemilihan alat potong carbide

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Klasifikasi Proses Manufaktur

Selecting Manufacturing Processes

• Casting

• Forming and Shaping (rolling, forging, extrusion, drawing, g p g ( g g g gsheetforming, powder metalurgy, molding)

• Machining (turning, drilling, milling, planning, shaping, broaching, grinding, ultrasonic machining; chemical, electrical, and electrochemical machining; and high‐energy beam machining)

• Joining (welding, brazing, soldering, diffusion bonding, adhesive bonding and mechanical joining)

• Finishing operations (honing, lapping, polishing, burnishing, deburring, surface treating, coating and plating)

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Developing a Manufacturing Process

1 Understand Function/Geometry1. / y

2. Properties Identify candidate Material(s)

Properties: mechanical, electrical, thermal,magnetic, optical, deteriorative.

Material: structure, composition.

3. Material Identify required Processing

• Processing: changes structure and overall shape• Material and Geometry compatibility• Other considerations

Operasi Pemrosesan

Tiga kategori operasi pemrosesan:

1. Shaping operations ‐ mengubah geometri bahan kerjaawal

2. Property‐enhancing operations ‐ memperbaiki sifatfisik materi tanpa mengubah bentuk

3. Surface processing operations ‐ membersihkan, perlakuan, melapisi, atau menambah materi kepermukaan luar benda kerja

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1. Shaping ‐ Empat Kategori Utama

• Solidification Processes ‐ bahan awal adalah cairan di k k d b t k b idipanaskan yang akan mengeras dan membentuk bagian geometri

• Deformation Processes ‐ bahan awal adalah ulet padatyang dibentuk

M t i l R l P t ti t i l i• Material Removal Processes ‐ starting material is a ductile/brittle solid, from which material is removed

• Assembly Processes ‐ dua atau lebih bagian yang terpisahyang digabungkan untuk membentuk sebuah produk baru

Solidification Processes

• Bahan awal dipanaskan cukup untuk mengubahnya• Bahan awal dipanaskan cukup untuk mengubahnyamenjadi keadaan cair atau sangat plastis

• Contoh: casting untuk metals, molding untuk plastics

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Deformation Processes

• Benda kerja awal dibentuk oleh suatu kekuatan yang• Benda kerja awal dibentuk oleh suatu kekuatan yang melebihi kekuatan yield materialnya

• Contoh: (a) forging, (b) extrusion


Material Removal Processes

• Excess material removed from the starting workpiece so• Excess material removed from the starting workpiece so what remains is the desired geometry

• Contoh: proses pemesinan seperti turning, drilling, danmilling; juga gerinda and proses nontraditional


Turning Drilling Milling

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Assembly Operations

• dua atau lebih bagian yang terpisah yang digabungkan untuk membentuk sebuahproduk baru

• Tipe operasi assembly / perakitan:1. Joining processes – create a permanent joint.

• Contoh : welding, brazing, soldering dan adhesive bonding



2. Mechanical assembly – fastening by mechanical methods

• Contoh : ulir, baut, mur, dan pengencangan ulirlainnya; press fitting, expansion fits

2. Property‐Enhancing Processes

• Dilakukan untuk memperbaiki sifat mekanikt fi ik d i b d k jatau fisik dari benda kerja

• Bagian bentuk tidak berubah, kecuali tidaksengaja

• Contoh: Heat treatment bahan metal dan glass– Heat treatment bahan metal dan glass

– Sintering dari bahan serbuk metal dan ceramic

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3.Surface Processing

1 Membersihkan proses kimia dan mekanik untuk1. Membersihkan ‐ proses kimia dan mekanik untukmenghilangkan kotoran, minyak, dan kontaminanlainnya dari permukaan

2. Perawatan permukaan – kerja mekanik seperti sand blasting, dan proses fisik seperti difusi

3. Pelapisan dan deposisi film tipis ‐ pelapisan bagiank k t i b d k jpermukaan eksterior benda kerja

• Beberapa operasi pengolahan permukaan digunakanuntuk membuat integrated circuits

Pembuatan Mur‐Baut

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How do we characterize processes?

• Quality– Dimensional – bulk and surfaceDimensional bulk and surface

– Properties – bulk and surface

• Economics– Cycle time

– Materials utilization

• FlexibilityTooling development– Tooling development

– Setup time

– Cycle time

Material dalam proses manufaktur

• Material teknik dapat diklasifikasikankedalam empat kategori dasar :

1. Metals

2. Ceramics

l3. Polymers

4. Composites

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Waste in Shaping Processes

• Keinginan untuk meminimalkan limbah dan scrap padapembentukan produk agar utilisasi material tinggi

– Proses pemotongan material cenderung boros per unit operasinya– Casting and molding mengurangi limbah pemotongan

• Terminologi:– Net shape processes ‐ ketika sebagian besar

material awal digunakan dan tidak ada prosesb k d b hk kpemesinan berikutnya yang dibutuhkan untuk

mencapai geometri akhir– Near net shape processes – pembuatan produk

diinginakan mendekati ukuran geometri akhir.


Proses manufaktur Near Net Shape menjadi penting :Proses manufaktur Near Net Shape menjadi penting :o Reduksi ongkos proseso Peningkatan fleksibilitas operasio Mempersingkat waktu kirim ke pasar

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Comparing Processes

Proses – proses yang mendukung pembuatanproduk near net shape

o Casting

o Hot Working Process

o Metal Forming

o Powder Metalurgi

o Rapid Prototyping

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Process in which molten metal flows by gravity or other force into a mold where it solidifies in the h f th ld itshape of the mold cavity

Steps in casting seem simple:

Melt the metal

P i i ldPour it into a mold

Let it freeze

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Advantages of Casting:Can create complex part geometriesCan create both external and internal shapesSome casting processes are net shape; others are near net shapepCan produce very large partsSome casting methods are suited to mass production

Disadvantages of CastingLimitations on mechanical propertiesPoor dimensional accuracy and surface finish yfor some processes; e.g., sand castingSafety hazards to workers due to hot molten metalsEnvironmental problems

Overview of Casting Technology

• Casting is usually performed in a foundry

Foundry = factory equipped for making molds, melting and handling molten metal, performing the casting process, and cleaning the finished casting

• Workers who perform casting are called foundrymen

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Hot Working Process :

o Rolling,

o Forging,

o Extrusion

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Open Die Drop Hammer ForgingOpen Die Drop Hammer Forging

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Powder Metallurgy (PM)Usual PM production sequence:

1. Mixing – powders (alloys, lubricants, sizes, etc)

2. Pressing – powders are compressed into desired

shape to produce green compact

• Accomplished in press using punch‐and‐die tooling

designed for the part

3 Sintering – green compacts are heated to bond the3. Sintering green compacts are heated to bond the

particles into a hard, rigid mass

• Performed at temperatures below the melting point of

the metal

Why Powder Metallurgy is Important

• Main advantage: PM parts are produced to net

shape or near net shape, eliminating or reducing the

need for subsequent machining

– PM process wastes very little material ‐ ~ 97% of starting

powders are converted to product

• Distinct characteristic: PM parts can be made with a

specified level of porosity, to produce porous metalspecified level of porosity, to produce porous metal


– Examples: filters, oil‐impregnated bearings and gears

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Limitations and Disadvantages

• High tooling and equipment costs for die

• Some metallic powders are expensive and slowly

oxidize (degrade) over time

• Limitations on part geometry because metal powders

do not readily flow laterally in the die during pressing

• Variations in density throughout part may be a

problem, especially for complex geometries

• Used typically only for small sized parts

PM Work Materials

• Pure metals and alloys of iron, steel, aluminum, copper, nickel, molybdenum and tungsten

Al t lli bid h t t bid• Also metallic carbides such as tungsten carbide

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Rapid Prototyping

The key concept is RAPID ‐ generally this is an all‐in‐t d ti f t tone‐step production of a part geometry.

Parts are used for‐ Prototypes to allow fast review of part shape,

simple assembly, aesthetics, manufacturability, etc. L l d ti ll b f‐ Low volume production ‐ very small numbers of parts can be made using this technology.

1 V i it l t

General Disadvantages :

1. Very expensive capital costs

2. Tolerances are generally > 0,13 mm

3. Primary materials are specialized, and other steps are required to produce metal partsare required to produce metal parts

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RP Types :

Fused Deposition ModelingFused Deposition Modeling

The concept is that material is heated and then in controlledquantities deposited directly on previous layers. Eventually layers are built up to complete the entire part.

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Electron Beam Melting‐EB


• Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is a type of rapid prototyping for metal parts.

• It is often classified as a rapid manufacturing method.• The technology manufactures parts by melting metal powder layer

per layer with an electron beam in a high vacuum. • Electron Beam Melting is also referred to as Electron Beam

Machining (Thermoelectric machining)

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Minggu Pokok Bahasan Materi Referensi1 Pendahuluan dan

pengenalan :

• Gambaran tentang Tool Design

dan Produk near net shape

• Penjelasan materi kuliah dan



Rencana Pengajaran


2 Proses pengecoran logam Dasar-dasar pengecoran logam

• Tinjauan serta definisi dalamteknologi pengecoran logam

• Penamaan dalam pengecoranlogam

• Pemanasan dan penuangan

1/ch 10 ; 2/ch 1

• Pemadatan dan pendinginan

3 Proses pengecoran logam • Jenis cetakan permanen

• Rancangan untuk cetakan


1/ch 11

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4 Merancang cetakan • Permanent Mould casting

5 Proses pembentukan • Tinjauan proses pembentukan 1/ch 18

logam logam

• Proses perubahan bentuk


2/ ch 21

6 Proses pembentukan


• Dasar – dasar Proses Forging 1/ch18


7 Cetakan pada proses forging

8 Proses pembentukan


Proses Ekstrusi

• Wire drawing

1/ ch 18

9 Ujian Tengah Semester

10 1/ h 2610 Proses pemesinan non


Proses pemesinan non tradisional:

• Mekanik

• Kimia

• Thermo electric

1/ ch 26;

2/ ch 27

11 Proses pemesinan non


Electric discharge machining (EDM) 1/ ch 26;

2/ ch 2712 1/ h 2612 Proses pemesinan non


Wire electric discharge machining


1/ ch 26;

2/ ch 27

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13 Abrasive Machining and Finishing

• Abrasive and bonded abrasives

• Proses gerinda

• Operasi penggerindaan

1/ch 25;

2/ ch 26

14 Abrasive Machining and Finishing

• Honing

• lapping

P li hi

1/ch 25;

2/ ch 26

• Polishing

• Surface roughness

15 Proses pemesinan lanjut • Konsep dan karakter proses

pemesinan dengan machining

dan turning centers

2/ ch25

16 High Performance

M hi i

Pemanfaatan strategi high feed

hi i d hi h d

3 ; 4

Machining machining dan high speed


17 Design for Cost • Economics of near net shape

products18 Ujian Akhir Semester

Metoda Evaluasi Tugas-tugas : 30 %; Praktikum : %; Ujian tengah semester: 30 %

Ujian akhir semester : 40 %Ujian akhir semester : 40 % Diktat / ModulReferensi 1. Mikell P. Groover,Fundamental of Modern Manufacturing, Material,

Processes and Systems,3rd , 2007, John Wiley

2. Serope Kalpakijan, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 5th

Ed., ,2006, Addison-Wesley

3. Sandvik e-catalogue 2009 dari www.coromant.sandvik.com

4. Coromant Sandvik, Die & Mould Making, application guide